#countdown to trey day
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New Years Collages 🌟💍🥰✨
Bonus: I added a few of my other collages under the cut, since a few of you expressed interest in them last time 🥰
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18 notes · View notes
chenyann · 1 year
Kiss me like you mean it!!
All NRC Boys♡
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|°Rumor:Seems like you're stuck under the mistletoe with some certain boys~ let's see how this goes shall we? |°Rumor warning:gn!reader, cussing, kissing,suggestive(?) But still sfw,ooc(?),Spelling error and othro is platonic as always. |°Ads:I know I havent done half of the list of the count down! But things down go as planned sometimes. I hope yall enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it! [Countdown list here!] (Also if I hear about how this is one day late I'm gonna steal ur fridge)
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He wouldn't be the one to point it out so if you want to kiss him you will have to tell him what yall  are standing under.
Once you do tell him, he just blinks.
You're just standing there like a fool. 
“Riddle, you don't need to” you muttered as you waited, there is a giant elephant in the room and its that mistletoe. If that mistletoe wasn't there you wouldn't have asked and embarrassed yourself. “Riddle….?”
you were embarrassed okay, I would be embarrassed too if I told someone there was a mistletoe, implying that I wanna kiss them and they just stay quiet. Making me look stupid while I wait for a reply.
Don't think he won't, because after you told him he didn't need to, made it a challenge. He is swallowing his pride and he is gonna kiss you gosh-darn-it!
He is giving the quickest peck on the corner of your lips and bolting away with the excuse that he saw  ace breaking rule 147.
(Ace didn't do anything plz go help him)
Oh he noticed it
He just stands there not knowing what to do.
Should he give you a kiss???  Should he ask you??? Should he just not?? Guys, is he panicking???
Cater is in the corner just giving him a thumbs up-
Cater isn't helpful at all during this situation-
Then you make the situation worse by pointing it out
Should he just???? 
He asks if he can kiss you [“omg but i hate tr*y, I would never”  I don't wanna hear this grinch haired man slander again]
Once you give him consent he will give you an alright kiss-
It's kinda messy and quick, he kind of kissed more of your cheek than your lips but hey it's a start.
Would 100% move his glasses as a way to play it off. Lucky for him Cater comes by and saves the day before trey embarrasses himself-
“Seems like Cater needs me for something. I'll talk to you later.”
The most smug grin is on his face when he noticed the mistletoe.
“Oh, y/n~” Ace teased while pointing up towards the mistletoe. He kept eye contact while he kept joking about his cheek kiss. 
He has zero shame.
That is until you actually give him a cheek kiss, how he is as silent as a mouse after you made the move. Until he realized he could have actually gotten a kiss on the lips.
Before you walk away he grabs your hand, omg this is ur main character moment!!
He doesn't say anything.
He just stands there like a little goober^^ (plz have someone help him) 
After standing there for five minutes he finally says something,“Another…….” you're there  just processing it. Did he really just ask- no…demand another kiss???
Yes. Yes he did. When you comply and give him another kiss he is happy as a claim!
He will tease you ALOT though-
“wow y/n, YOU wanted to kiss me that badly huh” he teased with a giant smile, pink tinted his ears and cheeks but it seemed like he hasn't noticed it yet.
But if you love him enough try not to mind it, it's out of love promise<3
he won't notice? I think ??? It's half-half I'm sure he would but another part of me thinks so-
So for the sake of the headcanon I will say that you noticed before he did! 
Once you point it out he is like: Oh! Oh……
That's the best way I can explain it-
If YOU give him a kiss (which you should bc I don't think he will be able to give you one) he will be very happy! He will also say you didn't need to, but deep down he was hoping to kiss you one way or another.
Tells his mom about it, his mom is delighted to hear about how his love life is going!!! Suddenly he has to go bc his mum is calling him.
“Oh, thank you y/n but my mom is calling bye!”
Cater will pretend not to notice it.
But if you do ask him first he will pretend that he just saw it.
“Oh! Y/nnie I didn't even notice it!”
I think he would ask you where you want to be kissed and if you wanna be kissed because he is very supportive of consent! (Consent is cool guys)
Makes it the most hallmark type of kiss he can. He will hold your cheek with his hand, maybe even brush some hair away from your face, even go as far to hold your waist???
 All I'm saying is he will make you feel like you are the center of the universe. That you are the most special person in this domain.
“Well did you enjoy cay cay's little treat?” Cater teased with his signature smile, he grabbed your hand and gave it a quick kiss before running off. “I HOPE YOU DID, BUT CAY CAY JUST SAW A PERFECT PHOTO OPPORTUNITY BYE BYE!”
He actually fell asleep under it. But he still points it out while you're under it- “herbivore, look up.” oh he enjoyed how the expression of your face changed so quickly.
I honestly think he doesn't really care about these things, he just wants to toy with you. So if you were to give him a kiss, he wouldn't care that much about it.
But if you demand a kiss that's when he is a bit cocky and much more awake. “The herbivore is finally getting bold huh?” he teased, with half lidded eyes as if he was falling asleep. Oh he will make you work for that kiss y/n, he will tell you to bring him a drink and maybe some food, trying turning the music down ect ect. 
But after all that work he will give you a kiss, but not on the lips tho…
He will kiss the corner of your lips just to play with ya!
If you want a more proper kiss be ready to do more chores though, but hey ruggie seems to like that idea he is already hitting the buffet table!!
Once you do those chores (again) He will give you a kiss on the lips, not too quick but not too long. It wasn't enjoyable when Leona started to pinch you though-
After all of that Leona just goes to his room to sleep because the party is too loud.
He is doing things for Leona, getting some random loose change that fell off the floor and checking out the buffet– so to put it in simple terms he is busy, but that doesn't mean he isn't observant. Oh he noticed that mistletoe, yes and he has a great plan. *add grinch smile here*
“Y/n! There is a spot right here” ruggie shouts as he sees you wandering around like a headless chicken. “Thanks ruggie” you said as you sat down with him. 
He is gonna play off that he didn't just trick you to sit under the mistletoe with him, after sometime of silence he speaks up about the mistletoe.
You're just looking up thinking about how you didn't notice it-
If you give him a cheek kiss he would be okay with it, he won't pester you into giving him a kiss on the lips but he really wished you did.
BUT IF YOU GAVE HIM A KISS ON THE LIPS HOOT DOGGY, he is very happy about it!!! His ears are perked up while he mutters incoherent words. 
Then the moment gets ruined by Leona texting him, you can hear a faint “really now Leona” from ruggie yet in the end he complies, but not before giving you another sweet peck on the lips!
I don't think he will really notice-
But he does notice it when you walk under it and comment on the decor. 
He will actually comment on it now. Like oh! A mistletoe- 
After getting some courage he will ask if you want to be kissed but it's somewhat shy, like there will be moments where he goes silent because he doesn’t know how to explain properly.
His kisses are actually very sweet, it's quick yet filled to the brim with love. Jack will also scowl at anyone who makes jokes about you.
I feel like he would want to keep that moment to himself, that is until he heard the not so hushed whispers of a group of first years.
“see, he did it pay up ace” “Epel you cheated!” Ace mumbled by the booth, Deuce looked at those two and back at yall hoping yall won't hear them. “I DONT GET THE PLEASURE PEOPLE GET BY THIS” you heard sebeks booming voice say, Jack sighed as he walked off rubbing the back of his neck.
This party is at the monstro lounge. He knows every little thing that was set up here and- WHY IS THERE A MISTLETOE IN HERE!?
Azul avoids it like the plague, he won't take it off mid party because people seem to enjoy it (pretend they're females there too)  but it doesn't help when the Leech twins start pestering him about it-
“Azul did you put that up..?” one asked while the other butted in “You should go under it with shrimpy!” Azul felt years fly off his life trying to explain to those two– well, mainly just floyd. But jade wasn't any better!
Now here he is under the mistletoe with you, like he is feeling like he is the center of attention and that there are eyes staring holes through him. When in reality he is just very nervous.
You just point out the mistletoe and then he starts panicking. 
(Side note if you want someone to leave you alone just start acting crazy. "THERE'RE IN THE WALLS, CHECK THE WALLS!" They are going to leave you alone, or call the police but at least you're not with them anymore) 
You will have to be the one to kiss him. But first, consent- listen this man is literally having a panic attack, calm him down, inform him that nobody is judging him and then ask for consent. Your first priority is to calm him down and your last one is that kiss.
“ummmmmmm……..” Azul said after you asked him, his eyes dart around making sure that nobody is watching him- he kept silent until he slowly nodded.
When you kiss him he kisses back, azul is no longer tense and he is mainly just sinking into the kiss. That was until yall heard a certain pair of eels snickering to themselves and whispering (very loud) to each other. 
Azul adjusts his glasses before stomping to them and dragging those two in the vip room. Likely to try to lecture them (he fails)
Azul kissing you was actually quite soft and cute, he was a little timid at first but then got more bold with time.
Don't kiss him. Just don't. He will point out the mistletoe but just run away.
“Oh look, it seems we are under a mistletoe” he teased you with a sharp tooth grin, a grin that said he was up to something. 
You're just looking around confused.
He would make you kiss him, or maybe he would kiss you if he was feeling nice-
(the short y/ns)
Of course you would give him a little kiss kiss, but he doesn't help one bit. You are trying to kiss him but he doesn't lean down, he doesn't offer you a boost. He won't help you one bit, he just looks down at your suffering with a grin. HE THINKS ITS FUNNY!? 
You were just there hopping until you finally gave up, but no. Jade will finally give you a kiss and it's a good one too trust me. He may just nibble your lip to keep you on your toes, he will pull back slightly so you can feel his breath on your lips. Was it worth it though???
(For the tall y/ns)
He will just swoop down and kiss you, again another hallmark kisser. But of course he will tease you, before actually kissing you. When he does kiss you, he will kiss your hand and try to walk away. But if you really want a proper kiss you will have to stop him and demand a kiss, because he won't do it unless you stop him. When he swoops down and kisses you he will also nibble your lip and maybe even hold your wrist for a good measure. 
He then walks away before you can say anything, walks away to his little gossip group (Azul and floyd).
But nonetheless that kiss was honestly very nice, short yet nice, perfect but not robotic. Honestly it felt quite amazing.
“jade where were you?” Azul asked with his eyebrow raised, jade puts on his usual business smile while looking back at you still under that mistletoe. “I have no idea what you mean Azul, I was with you this whole time.”
He is definitely the one that points it out.
Another one with no shame.
He is very much demanding a kiss, his mood will change quickly once you say yes-
“Awww koebi-chan you're so sweeettttt!” Floyd said as he slicked his arm around your shoulders from behind, “floyd if you keep standing behind me I can't kiss you” you muttered as you squirmed around in his hold. 
(For the short y/ns)
He will be kind and lean down for you, unlike another eel we know. But he will actually pick you up because he was quote-on-quote tired of leaning down.
So now you're just being held, the kiss had ended three minutes ago but floyd just slung you over his shoulder and now you're stuck there.
(For the tall y/ns)
He will look at you waiting for you kiss him and when you do he is enjoying it! His kiss is very greedy and sloppy. He also bit your lip multiple times-
But not when you go and pull away, now that's no fun.  He would grab your hand so quickly and pull you back to him, then he hears Azul call for him. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder and now yall are off to find his boss.
“ah there you are floyd– why is y/n on your shoulder?” Azul asked, “Oh hey Azul, can you tell floyd to put me down” you felt floyd's grip tighten as you asked Azul that. Floyd huffed and sat you down “you're no fun shrimpy”. 
Promise to make it up to him later okay!
Oh kalim
The boy that is literally like the sun<3
He didn't notice because he was way too busy buzzing around going place to place greeting everyone! (Actually kalim is the host and he hosted it at the lounge-)
Jamil is somewhere we don't know where tho-
But as soon as kalim sees you minding your own business he goes straight to you, apologizing to everyone he bumped into while running towards your direction. 
Oh he just loves seeing you at the parties he throws!
Seeing you at his events gives him such joy that nobody can compare too♡
“y/n! You made it!” kalim said, still quite far away from you. He is practically yelling across the room over everyone but nobody seems to have minded it. “Oh, hey kalim!” you said, watching him run towards you with a big smile. That was until he got hit in the face by a random plant-
You're silent. He's silent…
“Oh y/n it's a mistletoe!” kalim beamed at the small plant. “Would you like your kiss?” you asked. Kalim of course said yes bc like??? Who wouldn't say yes???
He will giggle during the whole process because he is so happy! Once you get close enough he will hold your face in his hands. His kiss is very very sweet. It's like finding a warm sunny spot on a cold day. It's filled with happiness and lots of energy, he still has your face in his hold while yall pull away. But instead of letting go he showers you with little kisses across your face with a big smile on his.
That moment lasts a while until jamil comes out of nowhere-
“kalim I was looking for you” Jamil said after a long sigh, “Jamil guess what! There was a mistletoe and- ” kalim started but before he could finish Jamil cut him off. “We can talk about that later just hurry up and come with me”
He waves bye to you and everything<33
But someone help Jamil tho, he has had to listen to kalim go on and on about you for the past few hours-
Jamil is too busy getting gray hairs to notice a small plant hanging from who knows where.
So you will have to point it out y/nnie<3
If you do catching him on his break of babysitting kalim and just so happens he is under the mistletoe with you then you better speak up fast-
When you tell him he is a mix of embarrassed that he didn't notice it and like what do you mean by kiss?
“jamil look what we are standing under. '' You teased, he looked up and saw a small plant above yall that looked a little too similar to a mistletoe. “is that a mistletoe..?” he muttered to himself as he looked back at you patiently waiting for your little kiss kiss.
He complies after some convincing, his kisses are quite indescribable. It's soft yet quick, cool yet it has a venomous bite to it. There is no telling what he really is trying to convey with that kiss, at first. 
After a few moments goes by and he gets out of his shell, his kiss becomes more tender and warm. To the point it felt scalding, not in a bad way, oh no. It felt like the warm sun had blessed you with its touch. You felt him get more bold in the kiss as he grabbed your hand.
That was until his perfect moment got crushed by kalim, he goes on auto pilot and tries to find him before he does something dumb-
I think he would notice it, would he go and point it out tho? No, I didn't think so.
But when you somehow teleport near him and point it out that's when he shows interest.
Is this planned..?? Is it that you wanted to kiss him this while time and now was the prefect moment…?? Oh he is very smug now, you just unknowingly gave him an ego boost..
“Vil look we are under a mistletoe” you exclaimed with a smile, he looks back at you with a bit of suspension before looking up at the small plant. Could you have really planned all of this out….yes– just look at you being with joy about getting to kiss vil
“Y/n did you plan this” vil said with a smirk, amused at your attempt to get his attention. (Even tho you didn't even do anything and that you in fact didn't plan this) “no?” you said feeling a bit on the spot, “nonetheless ill play along” he says before gently grabbing your jaw.
He is a great kisser- 
Guys we all know it, he is an actor and he sure as hell knows how to kiss someone and make it feel amazing.
He has grabbed your chin, looked deep into your eyes and gave you the most toe curling kiss ever. It made you feel like you are on cloud 9 with the most precious things in life! His kiss felt like the spring of life and you were in full bloom, it was soft and elegant, slow and passionate. It was certainly amazing.
He will tell you to run along after the kiss, it's not that he didn't like kissing you. He enjoyed it alot but what he isn't gonna enjoy are those rumors about him dating you but then again, he doesn't think they're half bad.
He noticed it too, he was actually eyeing it for the past 10 minutes.
He is another one to have no shame-
He will see you by that mistletoe and he is sprinting to it just to get your kiss, he didn't want anyone else stealing that kiss. 
“Oh hey epel-” you said as you saw him, okay epel act cool like you didn't notice it so y/n can kiss you.“We are under a mistletoe.” FUCK! 
You look at him, he looks at you. It's awkward. 
“Did you want a kiss?” you asked, epel just nodded and you took it as a yes. You give him a kiss on the cheek and-HOLD IT! don't act like you're about to get away with giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He is grabbing your wrist and demanding an actual kiss. 
If you do give him a kiss on the lips he is very very happy
He also brags about it to the other first years but we won't get into all of that now ^^;
He will now ask for another kiss at the most random times just to show off to everyone.
Definitely tells and tries to get advice from his lovely granny<333
He sees it, I actually think he was the first one to ever notice it being there. Now he has made it his mission to find out something he has been wondering for a long time.
Are your lips soft?
Listen it's not in a weird way okay, normally he can tell every little thing about everyone just by watching them but you, he just can't for some reason the only thing he can focus on is your lips. 
He is like the human version of Pepé Le Pew with that mistletoe around.
So naturally he sets a trap for you like the amazing hunter he is!
“salut trickster! ” Rook says from right behind you, “Oh hey rook” you said as you finally noticed that he was behind you, you turned to look at him only to be met with a cheeky grin. “rook…? What are you up to? `` you asked, “non non mon ami, you wound me because I'm up to nothing!” Rook exclaimed with a fake pout, “mais.. (but) while I have you, I need your assistance with something.”
You knew Rook was up to no good when he asked that, but you agreed. Now here you are standing by a wall while Rook talks to vil about something.
Vil has no idea why rook is suddenly talking about how he reminds him of a peacock but he listens-
After rook is done with his little "chat" with vil he walks back to you but, oh my! Is that a mistletoe!
“Oh mon! It seems like we are under a mistletoe trickster!” Rook gasped, as he put his hand to his mouth. Acting as if he was in shock, he stared at you dramatically.
He feels so excited getting a kiss from you!!!! He is practically buzzing with excitement, his eyes are watching your every movement. 
When you kiss him he is very happy. 
He will be someone who makes the kiss special, it would be a little long so he can feel the softness of your lips a little longer, he will be the type to hold your chin. 
Once yall pull away he is showering you with praise about how soft your lips are. 
Then swoops away because he saw epel damaging his beauty-
He didn't even come- so there is no headcanons
Well in some reality Ortho pulls out a giant beam and threatened idia to go to the party in person. This is how it would be like!
That mistletoe has to be in a corner because that's where idia has been this whole time. You walk up to him being the kind soul you are<3
He stinks of hot cheetos and energy drinks. I'm sorry yall didn't need to know that-
But nonetheless you wander up to him, that's when you notice it– the mistletoe. 
“isn't that a mistletoe” you asked yourself, idia looks up at the plant as his eyes grew wide. “do you know what that means idia?” you teased, but when you looked back at him he was even more pressed on the corner. You noticed how it looks like he was shaking.
“Idia don't worry I was just joking with you ” you tried to calm him down the best you could, but his hair kept on flaming one-hundred shades. 
It was tense as you sat in silence in that corner.
He looks at you and you look at him, like does he think you're about to do something to him???😭
Yall just stare at each other.
“Idia…?” you asked as he started mumbling nonsense like “this so isn't a pro gamer move-” “I'm acting alot like Kari from Kairi won't speak because he is shy, yet gets a harem for some reason now someone tells how he did it ” “please I probably look so cringe..” He then went silent for a moment before hardly saying “...but this is my chance to be harmi from romantic hot boys academy club for the rich.”
Does he want the kiss or not???? He is sending mixed signals!!!!
“idia do want me to kiss you or not” Listen, you are getting fed up with waiting, does he want to smooch you or not!? 
He just looks around. Is he ignoring you? Kinda. He is just check if everyone is judging him or not, he then speaks: “yeah sure whatever”
That was a quick mood change. You suddenly get close and whoop his hair is now pink again.
You give him a peck and his head just flings away as soon as yall touch lips. “you must have low standards to kiss me lol”
Did he just insult you….?
“So I have low standards for liking you? I have low standards by wanting to kiss you”
He is now just a bubbling mess, his hair is wild pink and it almost feels scalding. He didn't expect you to answer like that. He is muttering incoherent things under his breath as he walked away-
he does notice it and he will tell you.
You give him a little smooch on the forehead and next thing you know he is gone. He is just with idia trying to get him to stand under the mistletoe so he can have a forehead kiss too<3
Actually his battery went up by 13 percent when you gave him that forehead kiss.
[Cue idia being dragged across the room by a small robot boy “Nii Chan, you are going under that mistletoe.”]
Oh he saw it, but he doesn't really know what it's used for? You being the kind soul you are, you explained to him that he has to kiss you.
He isn't saying no 
In Fact he will kiss you with no shame.
Another hallmark kisser, but this one brings off more of a black and white 1900s drama kisser. He is holding your chin, looking into your eyes and smiling down at you.
Will kiss you in the most gentle yet greedy way he could, he will pull away once you are out of breath. 
“Did I do it correctly, child of a man?” he mumbled not too far from your lips, his eyes had a certain glint watching your every move as you felt your face get hot. “yeah…” you muttered.
Now everyone is looking at yall bc you just kissed THE MALLEUS DRACONIA, *cue a crying screaming sebek*.
He will just be on his way acting like it wasn't a big deal, he doesn't understand why everyone is looking at you and him strange because he thinks that kissing under that plant was normal.
“child of a man, why is everyone staring at us like that?” Malleus asks with a hint of sadness in his voice, “Maybe because you kissed me?” he sat there and thought about what you said for a moment then spoke again: “So I did it wrong.” There was a small frown present on his face, “no Malleus, you didn't do it wrong.. it's just that you're a prince so you can do limited things in public.” you said, Malleus sat there for a moment before speaking “public, so I'll have to kiss you in private?......then meet me in my room in an hour, I'll be waiting for you.”
Would tell Lilia about it even though he was not too far away watching yall-
He knew it was there, because he was the one to put it up there-
Actually he even lead you under it and pretended not to know it was there😭
“Oh my, y/n look at what we're standing under! Fufufu, you know what that means right~” 
He gives you the most toe curling kiss, I swear those 100+ years of life gave him some kissing skills.
He will grab your jaw, maybe even play with your hair, he will also  let his hand trace your torso to tease you. But not once will he pull away from that kiss, he will likely pull away when you squirm abit too much.
You're just gasping for air-
“fufufu, y/n~! You didn't inform me you can kiss quite good”
He then went off somewhere when you weren't looking, but don't worry he will come back to tease you later.
He accidentally fell asleep under it, bless his heart. He was trying to stay up so badly too<33
Lilia had you look for silver because he didn't want him getting trampled-
“ah there you are, sliver- sliver wake up…?” you said as you patted him awake, his eyes softly opened as he looked up at you. “Are you alright?” Silver nodded in response to your question, he sat up and whiped the tiredness from his eyes as he observed his surroundings. 
He then finds the mistletoe, I think he is the type to point it out nonchalantly-
Then you noticed it, if he asks you if you wanted to kiss him nod yes trust me you won't be disappointed! 
If you do say yes, he will hold you ever so slightly and kiss you. The kiss is long but light, sloppy yet sweet. He will place his hand over yours for a sweet moment. 
He then hears sebek yelling for him so he has to go. 
“Bye y/n, we will talk later” he said as he kissed your hand and disappeared in the crowd.
He is one to notice it but act like it isn't there. I also think he wouldn't really care about human traditions unless Malleus is actually very fond of them, that's when he showed interest and his surprising vast knowledge of human traditions that his father likely showed him. 
But then Lilia points it out (and has to explain the concept to sebek) 
He is very loud about the whole thing. "I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO KISS YOU HUMAN" He yelled, making half of the room stare at yall like you're some weirdos for announcing it.
Very bold until he actually has to kiss you. When the time comes he is kinda a mess, but being a knight (in training) of lord Malleus he has to do it (he doesn't) He is under the thought of 'Lilia told me about it so he obviously wants me to kiss this human and follow the tradition.' And he isn't really the wrong, Lilia just wants some drama tonight and what better cup of tea is sebek having is first kiss with the magicless ramshackle prefect<3
Gives you a quite nice kiss on the corner of your lips and bolts away.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Ramadan Headcanons with the First Years
MC is fasting for Ramadan and the first years make a whole event out of it. On Friday and Saturday nights (and honestly whenever they could get away with it), with the permission of their respective dorm heads, they will stay over at the Prefect’s Dorm.
They would stay awake until it is time to eat for Suhur. They would build a blanket fort, play games, watch movies, and snack throughout the night.
Ace and Deuce would bring treats that Trey provided. They also got you the newest snacks from Sam’s shop.
Jack would bring protein filled snacks that would keep you full. He would bring plants to help freshen the area.
Epel would make refreshing apple juice that would keep you hydrated.
Ortho brought over games and movies that Idia recommended watching.
Sebek would bring books and teas that everyone could drink. He would bring ones that he had done research for, that would boost your immunity and let you rest easier.
Grim is on your lap providing warmth for you.
When it is time for you to eat, everyone would work together to make breakfast. Your favorite foods will be made. They will bug you to eat and stay hydrated until the very last minute before fasting starts.
If you are sleepy, well, with people like Ace and Epel around, let’s say they’ll find ways to keep you awake.
While you are praying Fajr, the first years are washing the dishes and tidying up. Making sure everything is clean and where it should be so you have less to worry about the next day.
Jack, Deuce, and Sebek are noting if you are low in stock in anything so they can get it for you.
After prayer is over, everything calms down. Food coma and the late night is hitting you all, but you all try to stay up and talk. One by one, you all fall asleep in the comfort of the blanket fort.
Needless to say, you all will be sleeping in tomorrow.
[More Ramadan and Eid stories can be found in my Masterlist]
(I really wanted to make more Ramadan one-shots this year but was very busy, so take these mini headcanons I had 🌺🌸 Countdown to Eid let’s go 🥳🧁)
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snakegorl212006 · 3 months
Safe House
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‘There going to kill me….There going to kill me!’ Thoughts ran in my mind as i sprinted down hallways seemingly running in circles as these maniacs hunted me down. Ace and deuce stalked me down these halls with euphoric joy it’s twisted. ‘Why me…why me’ i cried in my head as i hid in a room underneath a desk, waiting for the muffled voices to pass “why did you let her go Ace, i thought we agreed we do this quickly” Deuce laughed “But we haven't had this much fun in ages. Surely riddle wouldn't mind if we drag this out just a little more” Ace replied just as happy. I could throw up if it wouldn't reveal my location. Then a knock was heard “we know you're in there, rose” Riddle spoke “how about you come out. It’s cowardly to run away from your problems” Riddle adds as Deuce and ace snickered in the back. “I’ll give to to the count of-” “10” Ace interjects “20” Deuce adds “3. To the count of 3” Riddle sighed. I looked above me to see a window. I swiftly opened the window as the countdown begins
“1” Crack. I jumped from the noise and when I turned, an axe was split in between the door. I ignored it as i looked down to see another open window i can hop down to
“2” riddle huffs as he swings the axe again, cutting more of the door. “3” he adds, swinging again. I swiftly yet carefully climbed down the ledge and landed on the counter tops only to to slip on some cloth as I entered.”Happy you made it in alright” a voice spoke. I wiped my head to see Trey who’s making some dessert. Is that cake? “You can have some if you like. You need some energy after all.” Trey suggested “why so you can poison me” I scoffed, which made Trey laugh “no sweetheart, you’re in a safe room. If i wanted to harm you i would’ve done so already” he adds with a sicking smile “so…fill free to eat” trey states “why…why are you all trying to kill me…what did I do” i asked “you were apart of the group of troublemakers and escape punishment. That’s why” trey smiled a reply “oh i forgot to add, you have 20 minutes before this becomes a part of the killzone. We can’t have you hiding in a rabbit hole until sunrise oh that’s no fun.~”Trey adds,sending shivers up my spine “how do I leave” I asked, which made him think “hmm~ now why would I tell you that” Trey chuckles “10 minutes” he hums as he picks up his knife. You gulped “is there a way I can convince you not to end my life” I asked. Trey looks at me , pitiful “aww you really want to live another day. I almost feel bad. How about you have some cake. Perhaps it’ll make this interaction a little sweeter.” Trey offered as he uses the knife to cut off a slice of vanilla cake. He puts the slice on a plate with a fork,walks over, and holds the cake out to me.
“Well do you want it”
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Topsy Turvy Days Masterlist
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This is a collection of headcanons for the Topsy Turvy Days blog event (written in honor of TWST's third year anniversary). In each boy's Union Birthday/Jacket vignettes, they stated which dorm they would want to be in if not their current one; these headcanons explore what it would be like for the boys to spend a day in their dorm of choice.
These were not request-based prompts; it was a countdown style writing prompt challenge for myself.
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cvlutos · 1 year
"Heartslabyul's Annual Valentine's Day Tea Party"
Trey Clover X GN!Reader
| 02.13.23 | 0.7K | Rated PG |
| Characters 18+ | Fluff | Soulmates | OOC!Trey | Proceed with Caution, Beloved. |
T.Manor.Notes: Like i like it. Yet i fucking hate it. Like Trey is so hard to write, but so simple. I didnt know what i was doing. I’m so disappointed in myself, i find it so cute. But ugh, Trey seems like such a subtle playful lover to me.
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The taste of strawberries is heavy on your tongue, having taste-tested 15 of the baker’s valentine’s treats. Your hands are pressed against the cold countertop, humming under your breath, kicking your legs as you watch him move and dart around the kitchen. Wearing a white apron with ‘Kiss the Baker’, though ‘chef’ was visibly crossed out horribly in sharpie and replaced with horribly written ‘baker’, with instead of ‘K’ there was ‘C’ that was horribly written over to cover up their mistake. Yet he loves it and wears it every time he bakes, which is all the time. Practically a second skin.
The green-haired man moves around the baking area, having sworn you off from helping due to you accidentally tripping and hurting your knee, your knee that no longer hurt, but he refused, not wanting to risk a “fatal” injury. So to compromise, he instead dubbed you with ‘Trey’s Personal Taste Tester’ which he said with too much of a guileful grin while waiting for you to praise the title, that he worked so hard to make sound good.
Still, he remained good on his word; you were his taste tester, but he’s also a very distracted baker when you’re in the kitchen, stealing a kiss after every taste test, swearing that you had jam residue, or that he had to make sure it was extra sweet. And only laughed when you gently shoved him back to work, before he’d do it all over.
After every timer beeps, after every little ding, a kiss on the cheek, a peck on the forehead.
He’s quite fond of clocks, of different cute timers with unique rings. Yet his favorite. Your fingers graze over the spot on your wrist, the timer at zero and slowly fading, you met your soulmate. You watch him push up his glass, leaning forward to get a closer glance at the recipe book, before sighing and deciding to wing it. Which, for anyone else saying that, you’d partially be worried. Yet Trey’s winging it has never once gone wrong. So you aren’t troubled.
“And what’s on your mind?” He leans against the counter across from you, holding a large mixing bowl and stirring. “Your timer—Well, our timers are fading.” The large black letter tattooed to his skin fades slowly, with large zeroes. He hums in thought, before shrugging as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“They will... I’d be more worried if they didn’t. They’re supposed to fade.” He turns to move around the kitchen, continuing the baking steps to the tarts.
“I thought you’d be more,” concerned. You trail off, breathing through your nose as he places the mixing bowl down, moving to stand before you. His fingers graze over your arm and placed a gentle kiss upon your wrist. It sends a hot tingle down your spine and your lips curl in a small smile.
“My love isn’t determined only upon a countdown—Even when it fades,” his nails graze along your skin, “you, being my soulmate, won’t.” There’s a quick kiss to your lips, and he says nothing more.
Your lips taste like strawberries, heavy upon your tongue, and sweet within your senses. Watching the green-haired baker move and dart around the kitchen. Wearing a white apron with ‘Kiss the Baker’, though ‘chef’ was visibly crossed out horribly in sharpie and replaced with horribly written ‘baker’, with instead of ‘K’ there was once a ‘C’ that was horribly written over. With his sleeves rolled up and a timer fading, for you and him have met your soulmates. Thus, forever before time truly comes to an end.
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cookiesandbiscuits · 9 months
Cookie's Writing Challenge Day One: Sweets
Prompt of the day: Sweets
Pairing: Riddle Rosehearts x Elyssabeth Alcyone (OC)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Riddle tries to make a strawberry cheesecake for the prefect after learning that it's her favorite.
Warning: Might be a little OOC; the writer's craving fluff again. Also a bit rusty in writing so maybe a few grammatical errors here and there. I got carried away so it's kinda lengthy ^^;
Cookie's 18th Birthday Bash Countdown Event
Cookie's Writing Challenge Prompts
Day Two: Sunflowers >
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"Nothing compares with a sweet treat after studying..." Elyssabeth sighed in delight as she savored the sweetness of the strawberry tart.
It was an ordinary day, and as usual, the Ramshackle Dorm prefect spent her afternoon in Heartslabyul's rose garden studying with its housewarden.
She wouldn't admit it loudly, but this is her favorite part of the day. There is nothing else but her, him, the garden, and sweets.
"I'm delighted to see you enjoying yourself, Prefect... Hm?"
"What's wrong?" Elyssabeth eyed Riddle curiously.
"Oh. Nothing. It's just–" Riddle looked down at the plate of strawberry tart in front of him. "the strawberry tart tastes a little different than usual."
Elyssabeth tilted her head. "Different...? Oh! You must've gotten the tart I made."
"You made this?" Riddle blinked in surprise.
"Yes. Does it taste bad...?"
"No, no! It's delicious–!" The redhead cleared his throat to compose himself. "I was simply caught off-guard because it tastes a little different from Trey's."
"I see..." Elyssabeth let out the breath she was unconsciously holding and beamed at him. "I'm glad you liked it."
"...I never knew you could bake," Riddle says as he cuts a piece of his tart.
"I'm not surprised," Elyssabeth hums. "Most people have the same reaction as yours when I say I like and bake sweets. They say I don't look like someone who likes sweet things."
"They're quite wrong with that assumption."
"Oh my, how perceptive of you, Mr. Housewarden. Have I gotten your attention so much that you notice even the smallest details about me?" The girl chuckled when her teasing made Riddle's cheeks red.
"Who wouldn't notice your fondness for sweet food when they see how many plates of pastries you can gobble up in one sitting?!" Riddle huffs.
"Aww, and here I thought I finally managed to steal your heart," Elyssabeth sighs dramatically. She let out another chuckle when the redhead glared at her.
"Changing the subject, how did you learn how to make sweets?" Riddle took a sip from his teacup to hide his still-red cheeks.
"My mother is a pastry chef and owns a café specializing in desserts. We used to make my favorite strawberry cheesecake together when I was a kid, and then it progressed to me learning different recipes from her and two of my uncles. The rest is history."
Riddle felt a pang of sadness in his chest when he noticed a gleam of loneliness and homesickness in Elyssabeth's eyes.
She likes to tease him and is constantly smiling whenever she's with the friends she made in NRC, so it seems like she is doing alright, but this moment of vulnerability made him wonder if all of that was just an act to get herself through the day.
"...You must miss your family, huh?"
"You're suddenly thrown into a different world and separated from your family with no sure chance of returning, so it's understandable for you to feel homesick. I admit I don't have a close relationship with my parents unlike other students, so I cannot say I can relate to what you're experiencing."
Riddle put his teacup down to its saucer. There was a thick silence between them for a moment, and only then did he realize that he had spoken his thoughts out loud.
"Forgive me, I've spoken out of line."
Elyssabeth raised her hand. "Don't apologize. You... have a point. I cannot deny that I am homesick. However..." she smiled at him tenderly. "Nothing will come out of me moping in a corner. If I want to get back home, I need to find a way, no matter how impossible it may seem. I appreciate your concern, though."
"...If you say so."
A grin made its way to her face once again.
"Alright, that's enough talking about heavy topics. As much as I'd like to extend our time together, I must excuse myself since I need to check on Grim to see if he's doing his homework or not."
Riddle chuckled. "It must be hard looking after a troublemaker like him. If you need some help with disciplining him, just say the word."
"He's a headache, sure, but he's not that bad. He has a way to make things brighter in Ramshackle. Anyways, I must thank you for the lovely time I had, Mr. Housewarden. Until next time."
After seeing her out, Riddle went back to the conversation they had earlier.
"...A strawberry cheesecake, huh?"
"Trey, are you in here?"
"...Riddle? Do you need something?"
Another ordinary day. As usual, Trey Clover was working in the kitchen when Riddle peeked from the kitchen door.
"Not exactly. I was just wondering if we have the ingredients to make a strawberry cheesecake."
"Strawberry cheesecake? We do, although not much. If you want strawberry cheesecakes for the next Unbirthday party, then we need to stock on–"
"No, no, that's not what I meant."
Trey blinked when Riddle cut him off.
"You don't need to make strawberry cheesecakes for the Unbirthday party. I'm just... in the mood for one right now. And I was hoping you could help me make one."
The vice-housewarden raised an eyebrow at his friend's strange behavior before an idea came to his mind that made him smile.
"Ah, I see. So you finally knew what the prefect's favorite food was."
His smile became a teasing grin when Riddle flinched at what he said. Bingo.
"It's to console a homesick friend."
"Right. Of course."
He laughed when the redhead frowned at him.
"It's a nice idea to make her favorite food," Trey says as he puts the ingredients and utensils on the kitchen counter.
"...You think so?" Riddle looked at the third year with uncharacteristic nervousness in his eyes.
"Mmhm. And I'm sure she'll appreciate it." Trey gave his housewarden an assuring smile.
"So, shall we begin making a strawberry cheesecake?"
"Finished at last!"
Riddle smiled as he watched Elyssabeth stretch her arms upward after finishing the last of her assignments. He put two plates in front of them.
"Good job. Take a break."
"Thank you."
The girl paused when she saw what was on her plate.
"This is..."
"It's a strawberry cheesecake. It's been weighing on my mind since our last conversation. You've always been going out of your way to help Heartslabyul, and I realized that I've never properly given my thanks to you."
Riddle took a deep breath before continuing.
"I know it's not the same as the way your mother made it for you, and I know it's not enough to quell your homesickness, but I hope you know that your friends are here for you. We're here for you. And you can talk to us anytime you want."
He winced when he heard her say his name.
"That's– that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. And..."
Elyssabeth held her fork and took a piece of the cheesecake and smiled.
"The cheesecake's delicious. Thank you."
Riddle smiled back at her after a few moments.
He wouldn't admit it, but she may have succeeded a bit in stealing his heart.
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Tag list: @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @officialdaydreamer00 @amberheavendremurr
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Halfway to Halloween Countdown (feat. The South Park Specter) Day 29
Day 29 of the Halfway to Halloween Countdown, where we'll be counting down until Halfway to Halloween (April 30 - May 1st). And I'm mixing South Park with Halloween Horror Nights too. And now, our ghost host for the Halfway to Halloween Countdown, the South Park Specter (the Halloween Horror Nights version/ghostly horror alter ego of Eric Cartman).
In this pic, Josie Sakura, Josie Kitty and the Multiverse Five (Cragsters Max, Werner Werman, Nightmare Fredbear, Usagi Tsukino/Salilor Moon and Madoka Kaname) are wandering in the Backrooms when they've encountered the South Park Specter, scaring all but one: Nightmare Fredbear, who is rather annoyed. This is for the 1st anniversary of the day I decided to like South Park again and the first time I did something involving The Backrooms.
Only 2 days left until Halfway to Halloween.
Made with Microsoft Paint and Photopea.
Halloween Horror Nights (c) Universal Studios South Park (c) Trey Parker, Matt Stone, South Park Studios, MTV Entertainment Studios and Comedy Partners (Comedy Central) Mixels (c) John Fang, David P. Smtih, Lego and Cartoon Network Cuphead (c) Chad and Jared Moldenhauer and StudioMDHR Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (c) Scott Cawthon and Steel Woll Studios Sailor Moon (c) Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha and Toei Animation Puella Magi Madoka Magica (c) Magica Quartet, Shaft and Aniplex The Backrooms (c) 4chan The South Park Specter, Multiverse Girl, Josie Sakura and Josie Kitty, idea and artwork (c) me
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safflowerseason · 1 year
Ted Lasso, the OC!
Favourite character:
Funniest character:
Best-looking character:
3 favourite ships:
Least favourite character:
Least favourite ship: 
Reason why I watch it:
Why I started watching it:
Thanks so much for the ask!! This is a fun game!!
Ted Lasso
Favourite character: In season one it was Rebecca, but S2-3 Jamie Tartt (unexpectedly!) has earned the top-spot in my character ranking.
Funniest character: oh god, how can I choose...a tie between Roy and Jamie?? Although Higgins is also extra-delightful, and I love Kitman Will Kitman's little bits. OH WAIT NEVER MIND my answer is ISAAC.
Best-looking character: Jamie Tartt. Phil Dunster is...whew.
3 favourite ships: hmmmm!! this is hard, Ted Lasso is the rare show where I don't find myself super invested in one particular ship. Higgins/his wife are probably my Ted Lasso OTP to be honest. I do like Roy/Keeley although I think the writer bungled their break-up pretty badly this season.
Least favourite character: Besides Rupert who I feel is everybody's automatic least favorite, probably Nate, just because I think the show ultimately ruined all the interesting potential for his storyline.
Least favourite ship: idk, Nate/Jade, probably? Also Coach Beard/Jane never made much sense to me either. Give Beard a more compelling love interest!
Reason why I watch it: To see how it ends!! (Assuming S3 is the final season, which it may not be...increasingly it feels like they are going to continue just without Jason Sudeikis/Ted).
Why I started watching it: I started watching Ted Lasso in late December 2020...I had seen some chatter about it online, and I had an AppleTv+ subscription earlier than most of my friends/family because I got a new iPad at the time when Apple was giving out subscriptions for free ☠️ It was such an intense time...I spent most of that month just lying around and feeling sad about the state of the world, and the show's focus on kindness felt really revelatory in a time of such political turmoil, but also in general a really tightly written, well constructed show (I do not feel that way now, necessarily). I remember sobbing my eyes out at the end of "Tan Lines" where Ted says goodbye to Michelle and my dad was like "...what are you watching???"
The OC
Favourite character: Oh god, probably a tie between Marissa and Kirsten...two characters who I feel got screwed by Josh Schwartz (albeit to very different degrees).
Funniest character: Unfortunately because the character has aged so poorly, it is indeed Seth Cohen, although I think Sandy is a close second.
Best-looking character: MARISSA. S1 Marissa is just the EPITOME of California beauty to me.
3 favourite ships: Ryan x Marissa, Sandy x Kirsten, um...I *guess* Seth and Summer, their S1 story anyway. My favorite trash!ship is Jimmy x Julie. Smarter writers could have done something with their chemistry!
Least favourite character: Hmmm...of the main ensemble I have to say Jimmy, although among the rotating supporting cast I really don't like Rachel in S1. Trey, of course, for what he did to Marissa. Also Rebecca and Carter in S2. Basically everyone the writers invented in S2 and S3 for "drama" purposes, because they were all so poorly written!! (with the exception of Alex).
Least favourite ship: Ryan x Sadie and Marissa x Volchok. I only saw S3 once and I found both of those relationships offensive.
Reason why I watch it: S1 is prestige television!!! Especially through "The Best Chrismukkah Ever." Teen drama at its best!! The pilot is one of the best episodes of American network television ever produced, and I will go die on this hill.
Why I started watching it: The OC was so omnipresent in the early-mid 00's I honestly don't remember where I first heard about it. I do remember seeing a youtube clip (in youtube's earliest days when it was just fanvids and bootlegged movies) of the ending of The Countdown and Ryan and Marissa's iconic kiss and thinking "wow, I have to watch this show."
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petnews2day · 2 years
Sunday Bird Droppings: Trey Mancini is a World Series champion
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/bird-news/sunday-bird-droppings-trey-mancini-is-a-world-series-champion/
Sunday Bird Droppings: Trey Mancini is a World Series champion
Hello, friends.
Seven months later, that’s a wrap on the 2022 MLB season. The Astros are the champions, having knocked off the Phillies in six games with a win last night. I guess we’ll see if within three years there are revelations about some new kind of cheating scandal like ended up putting a blot on their last title. Until then, a second title in five years for Houston feels like this for me: At least it means the Orioles are following a good plan. And I’m glad that Trey Mancini is officially a champion.
As has been written before, this was a year of fun in Birdland that exceeded anything that any of us – even the most optimistic of us – could have expected for 2022. That’s especially true when you consider the spring training injury to Adley Rutschman, the very early season injury to John Means, and the early June injury to Grayson Rodriguez. Rutschman, at least, became a major contributor. Hopefully we’ll see those other guys make their mark in 2023.
Now, we start the countdown for when things will start to happen. By week’s end, the Orioles will have to decide what to do with their team option for Jordan Lyles. Other teams will also have to make such decisions. Players will be exercising opt-outs, or not, and teams will extend qualifying offers that will be accepted or not, setting the free agent market. Then we’ve got three months where things could happen between now and the start of spring training.
Today, of course, there’s not much to do. As the great Rogers Hornsby once said of what he does in winter, “I stare out the window and wait for spring.” A person in the Baltimore area might have felt a touch of spring this weekend, but with baseball over, it’s a little colder and winter will be upon us soon enough. In four months and 24 days, a new season will dawn, with pitch clocks, no more infield shifts, and more.
Around the blogO’sphere
A look at O’s pitch usage/mix from 2022 (Steve Melewski) The Orioles threw fewer fastballs this year, and the team’s average fastball velocity increased. This is generally a good formula for today’s game – and for the O’s, it was!
Heston Kjerstad finally starts Orioles career after dealing with a heart problem (The Athletic) It’s been nothing short of delightful to see how Kjerstad has performed out in the Arizona Fall League. He even continued that a bit last night, finishing as the runner-up among eight participants in the league’s Home Run Derby, one homer behind the champion. I hope that he can carry that over into the next minor league season.
What to know ahead of the Orioles offseason (Orioles.com) Perhaps your question is on the frequently asked question list.
Birthdays and Orioles anniversaries
Today in 1969, the Orioles had their first Cy Young Award winner in team history as Mike Cuellar was named the co-winner alongside of Detroit’s Denny McLain. Cuellar posted a 2.38 ERA while pitching 290.2 innings. In those days, that counted for a 149 ERA+, which led all AL pitchers who threw at least 200 innings.
In 2011, the Orioles officially hired Dan Duquette to become the new general manager, although that wasn’t his formal title. There were some good times for a while.
There are a pair of former Orioles with birthdays today. They are: 2003 shortstop Deivi Cruz, and 1982-83/85 infielder Leo Hernández. Today is Hernández’s 63rd birthday, so an extra happy birthday to him.
Is today your birthday? Happy birthday to you as well! Your birthday buddies for today include: Ottoman sultan Suleiman “the Magnificent” (1494), saxophone inventor Adolphe Sax (1814), composer John Philip Sousa (1854), basketball inventor James Naismith (1861), baseball Hall of Famer Walter “The Big Train” Johnson (1887), Academy and Primetime Emmy Award- winning actress Sally Field (1946), The Eagles rocker Glenn Frey (1948), and Academy Award-winning actress Emma Stone (1988).
On this day in history…
In 1860, President Abraham Lincoln was elected to his first term of office, receiving 180 out of a needed 152 electoral votes in a four-way race. Lincoln won a plurality of the popular vote at 40%, with Stephen Douglas at 30%.
In 1995, Cleveland Browns owner Art Modell announced that he would be moving the team to Baltimore. Neither the franchise name Browns nor its history ever left Cleveland, which had a team returned to it after only a three-season absence.
And that’s the way it is in Birdland on November 6. Have a safe Sunday.
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pbear · 2 years
Day 6 - Fairy Tail: Lily
“The next fight will be between Fairy Tail Team C and Sabertooth!” Mato announced. Lily took a deep breath from the tunnel that led out into the arena. She didn’t know who she’d be facing but so far Sabertooth had been nothing but trouble. They had become Fiore’s top guild while she and many of her guildmates had been trapped on Tenrou Island. It should be interesting to see their strength up close.
The moment had come for her match to begin so Lily walked out into the bright light of the arena. She looked up to see David, Armando, Trey, and Bella, her four other teammates cheering for her as well as the rest of the guild. Her eyes turned towards the tunnel opposite hers to see a black haired man walking towards her. Rogue Cheney, one of Sabertooth’s Twin Dragon Slayers. She’d caught his eye a couple times since the Games started like the first time Fairy Tail had stepped foot in Crocus to find him and Sting caught in a fight or when she had to go retrieve Natsu when he went on a rampage after hearing they’d kicked out their celestial mage.
As much as Lily didn’t like Sabertooth, Rogue felt different for some reason. While the rest of the guild was openly condescending, he just sat there quietly, neither adding to it nor trying to stop it. Still, this was her moment to put Sabertooth in its place and snag a win for Fairy Tail. Lily readied herself as the countdown began, her silver moon staff in hand, its purple moonstone glowing as she stored up magic energy. The gong sounded.
“Aquila the Eagle!” Lily shouted once she saw Rogue turn into a shadow and dart towards her. Her gem magic let her harness the abilities of certain constellations in addition to her normal moon magic. If she could get in the air with the wings of the eagle, she might be able to get out of Rogue’s reach. Black wings spread from her back and she launched into the air only to feel a grip on her foot bring her back down, slamming her into the ground. Shoot, he was fast.
“Twilight Sword!” Her staff shifted shape into a glowing purple blade and she swung it behind her, causing Rogue to jump back.
“You’re not half bad,” she commented before striking again. After him dodging two of her attacks, she hit him on the third. A wound opened on his shoulder, tainted slightly with the same purple of her weapon.
“What kind of magic is this?” Rogue hissed, “I thought my shadows blocked you.”
“Moon magic.” Lily smiled, casually swinging her sword in circles, “Moonlight is a kind of energy that can cut through any kind of magic. Doesn’t matter how strong it is, I can pierce it. That combined with my gem magic puts me as one of Fairy Tail’s top wizards.”
“Jupiter’s Storm!” By channeling the power of cosmic entities, stars and planets, Lily could gain certain abilities. This one sent bolts of lightning down to electrocute her opponent. Rogue shifted into a shadow once again to evade it.
“Shadow Dragon’s Roar!” A swirl of black magic came from his mouth, but Lily used her sword to part the cyclone. When it dissipated from her sight, Rogue had disappeared. She was too late to realize where he’d gone.
“Shadow Dragon’s Slash!” He hit her directly in the back.
“Saturn’s Scythe!” Her sword morphed into a scythe with a blade as long as she was tall. It swept behind her and she kept spinning it to create a shield against Rogue’s shadows.
“It’s so fast,” Armando observed from his team’s area.
“Lily has powerful magic but she's not as fast as this guy,” David noted, “If he catches her openings, he can take advantage of that.” The flurry of blade and shadow stopped as both fighters caught their breath.
“Even with your moon magic, you can’t take down a dragon,” Rogue said. Lily could feel her legs shake as she tried to keep herself up. She had to do this for Fairy Tail. She had to win.
“Don’t worry. I have a special ace up my sleeve for slaying dragons.” A dark turquoise aura surrounded her. The crowd were on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what would happen.
“I call on Draco, Dragon of the Stars!” Dragon scales began forming on her arms, neck, and face, the new power she’d obtained on Tenrou Island flowing through her body.. “Midnight Dragon Slayer Form!” She let out a roar just like Rogue had before. He’d let his guard down from shock so the blast slammed him into the side of the arena.
“That’s that I guess.” But the fight wasn’t over. Rogue emerged from the cloud of dust, black scales matching Lily’s now formed on his skin. Dragon Force. Since Lily wasn’t a true Dragon Slayer there was no way for her to reach the levels of power he had.
“Midnight Dragon Talon!” She lashed out with a swing of her arm, but Rogue jumped and then came down on her from above.
“Shadow Dragon’s Haste!” Shadows flooded from his hand to push her further into the ground. Lily receded from her Dragon Slayer form. There was no way she could match him in that area. The scales disappeared from her body, although the attacks hit harder without them.
“Ready to give up yet?” Rogue asked, a brief moment of reprieve in his attacks while he still pinned her down.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked. Her body felt like it was on fire as she looked up at him. Her eyelids fluttered as her body tried telling her to rest. After this, she was sure to take a long nap. “Why is your guild like this?” She could see the pause in his eyes yet he had no answer.
“Twilight Whip.” A flick of her wrist and a glowing whip wrapped itself around Rogue’s torso. Another flick and she flung him off of her. She pulled herself to her feet again, more determined than ever filling her brown eyes. The dance began again as the two fought. Neither one was about to back down. That was until the gong sounded. They’d used up all the time they’d had to force defeat from the opponent.
“And it’s a tie!” Mato announced. Lily’s chest heaved as she tried catching her breath while staggering back to the tunnel on her side of the arena. She hated to admit that the fight had done a real number on her. She’d have a couple new scars after this. Every part of her stung, black hair stuck out from her braid, and her face was flushed red. Once she reached the tunnel, she gripped the walls for support. Still, the exhaustion only let her take about five steps before dragging her down and she collapsed.
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rizavi-m · 2 years
New Year's Kiss
There is no better way to celebrate the passing of year than to be in the warm embrace of your beloved.
Characters: Trey, Jade, Rook
Yes I'm trying a new format because I'm lazy and I am speedrunning-
Trey Clover
Trey invited you to celebrate the holidays with him and his family. Of course, he told you that they'd be busy since there would be an influx of customers, but you told him that you're more than happy to offer some help.
He already loves you so much, but hearing that you're delighted to help him made him fall in love even more. And soon enough, his family grew to like you too.
It didn't take long for his siblings to grow closer than you, and it was easy to get along with his parents too. You got along with all of them as you helped them bake and sell treats. Of course, there were tons of teasing remarks but they were still so supportive of your relationship with their son.
You spent your Christmas with them and you had the time of your life, and you were excited to celebrate New Year's with them as well.
Trey was excited too, but he was getting anxious as the days go by. You see, the both of you are still on your early phases in the relationship. In fact, you two hadn't have your first kiss with each other yet. Which is exactly why he was planning to take advantage of the New Year's kiss tradition and shoot his shot.
His parents manages to find out about his plan and teases him light-heartedly before telling him that he has their support, and that they'd help in any way possible.
So the plan is set on motion.
New Year's Eve finally arrives and it's time to have another awesome dinner yet again. No matter how many times you've tasted their family recipes, you still gawk at how delicious the foods are. No wonder why Trey stares at you with such love and fondness in his eyes and you enjoy his cooking.
" His stare is far too familiar, don't you think? Our son is far too in love, isn't he?" " Just like us when we were younger, my love" His parents would whisper to each other.
His parents both usher his younger sister and brother away from you, giving Trey the chance to spend some time with you and build up a romantic atmosphere.
So when the countdown finally starts...
" (Name)..." Your name slides off his tongue oh so sweetly. His hand starts to caress your cheeks as the countdown reaches to five.
And just when it comes down to one...
Trey's lips presses against yours gently. Your eyes widen in surprise as his arm snakes around your waist. Your gaze softens, and then you close your eyes to return the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. You can feel Trey smile as he pulls you in closer.
" Happy New Year, my love..." He whispers as soon as he pulls away, a joyous smile now decorating his lips as a blush blossoms on his cheeks.
And yes, his parents were definitely cheering quietly for their son in the other room.
Jade Leech
To say that Jade Leech was looking forward to the New Year's Eve celebration was an understatement.
He was excited, and it was obvious with the way how he checks the calendar every so often.
You assumed that it was because of the fireworks display that would happen during the celebration. And your assumption is partially right. He is looking forward to see the fireworks light up the night sky once more. The male really can't deny the beauty of the magnificent lights and the overall joyous atmosphere of the festivities.
But there was another reason for his excitement. You see, he'd read in a book about this interesting tradition that most land folk practice. Lovers would exchange passionate kisses for good luck and apparently for strengthening the bond that they have. So of course, the curious eel decides that he wants to take part of this tradition as well.
You wouldn't even know that he's planning such a romantic gesture. After all, it's not that often that Jade would be so touchy with you. And as much as he sneakily initiates hugs and kisses, he'd never be too bold and confident as to show affection in public. But with the new year drawing near, the male thinks that it may be a good time to try something new.
So while you cuddle him under a blanket to stay warm, Jade thinks of ways on how he could make it as romantic as possible. Not only does he want to fluster you, but he wants to spoil you with the affection you deserve as well.
Of course, Jade told Azul about his plan and relied on him for help. And as much as he loves his dear brother, he just knows that Floyd would spoil the surprise.
Then the night of New Year's Eve finally came, and all those who stayed in Octavinelle for the holidays had their own little celebration. You of course join the celebration, unaware of what Jade has planned for you.
So when Jade pulls you to a separate room and away from the crowd, you're surprised. Even more so when he pulls you close to him.
" Clingy today, aren't we?" You tease him as he rocks you back and forth and side to side, almost like dancing. Jade only chuckles, his smile growing brighter as the countdown starts.
" With you by my side, I now have a reason to look forward to the next year with joy"
Midnight strikes and his lips presses against yours. He tries to be as soft and gentle as he could, to give nothing but love in the passionate kiss he initiated. You deserve this, and he wants this, so he deepens the kiss.
Jade's smile turns into a smirk as he pulls away from you, delighted with the way how your cheeks turn red.
Rook Hunt
Rook takes full advantage of the holiday season to spoil you with love and affection more.
He's over the top and he is not ashamed of it. He loves you after all. In his eyes, you're a deity that he could worship to earth's end.
That's why for Christmas, you found yourself drowning in gifts. It didn't surprise you that the gifts are the items you've been wanting and/or needing, your boyfriend is quite the observant person after all. You even joked how you could've splurged and gotten him more gifts too, but he told you that you alone are enough to make his Christmas complete.
And he's not lying. If anything else, he loves how you took the time to actually get him a gift, and that's all that matters to him.
Now if you think that he's done spoiling you then you're wrong. Rook has another plan and he will go all out once again.
Since he'll be celebrating the passing of the year for you, he wants it to be special. So he thought that he should go lowkey for New Year's, opting to plan for something simple but still so memorable, hopefully.
So he goes out for a quick trip to the woods to find a scenic clearing. After a bit of planning, he now has an idea on how to decorate the area. He wants you to feel loved, but he wants you to feel comfortable as well.
And with a little help from Vil, he had managed to make the clearing look more presentable. The spot now looks perfect for an amazing date, and all that's left to settle is the beauty that he'll be loving this New Year's Eve.
Rook takes you out on a date in the mall first. He tells you to choose whatever snacks you want to eat for your outdoor date later, but he doesn't tell you where exactly you'll be having a date later.
So you settle for some chips and some baked treats, he also gets you some drinks and even pays for a bottle of wine. You tell him it's a bit too much, but he just smiles and tells you it's alright.
Then he takes you to the woods and leads you to the clearing, and he smiles as he sees your surprised expression. It's a cute look on you and he would definitely want to see more of it soon.
He had prepared a tent big enough for the two of you and a bonfire, as well as a comfortable picnic mat. There's fairy lights around you two and lanterns as well, giving off a magical aesthetic.
As you two wait for the countdown to start, Rook reads poems to you as you lunch on your snacks, laughing at his antics as he keeps you entertained.
Then when there's only ten seconds left until the clock strikes midnight...
" Mon amour, come here!" Rook says with a bright smile, pulling you closer to him before he lifts you up with no effort whatsoever.
" You wouldn't mind if we follow the tradition, correct?" " Nope, not at all"
A smile settles on his face upon hearing your answer.
" Merveilleux!" He exclaims, and then he leans in to press a kiss against your lips.
Your hands settle on his shoulders as he continues to hold you up, humming into the kiss as you run your fingers through his hair. The fireworks set off and the two of you pull away from each other, smiling brightly as you two bask in each other's warmth.
Happy New Year you guys! I know 2021 has been rough for all of us, but look at us, we're still standing strong. I know you can be happy and I know you will be happy this 2022. You guys deserve all the good things in life, remember that.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Ramadan Headcanons with the Third Years
Trey was always busy as Vice Dorm leader for Heartslabyul. He would always make you baked goods or send you any leftover treats for you to eat. You would visit him when he would bake, waving away any concerns about you being around food. In fact, his calm demeanor and the smell of fresh baked goods relaxed you enough to want to take a nap.
Cater started a countdown calendar again this year on Magicam. You and him would make little challenges to compete each day. One day, you both spent time decorating each other’s nails. He had found a water permeable nail polish that you both used on each other.
Leona would make comments how your stomach growling could compare to a small lion cub. You would glare at him and he would laugh. He would pat your head before dragging you back to his dorm. At least there, you will be safe and it will quiet enough for you to relax. No headmaster would dare annoy you in his dorm.
Vil knew how hard it was for you during this time of the month, but he also emphasized that you need to take extra care of yourself. He would provide skin care products that would revitalize you. Don’t be surprised, if on days you are especially tired, you are invited over and he would be applying a face mask on you.
Rook loved to trail after you…no, he wasn’t hunting you per se. But there was beauty in how you would change as the month went on. Seeing the struggle and determination was a sight all on its own. Plus, anyone who would dare harm you would have to go through him.
Idia was a night owl that you could always depend on. He would have snacks you were free to have whenever you came to his room. If you needed any distractions, well, he had the power of the internet at his fingertips.
Malleus and you would continue your midnight walks. Though it wouldn’t be as long, him wanting to make sure you were well rested. You would invite him over to make ice cream sandwiches. He loved the Kulfi you made last year, and this year you two decided to try out different combinations, hopefully this never reaches Lilia’s ears. Malleus would also offer to take you to his home. If he understood it correctly, you only had to fast during sunrise. Well, Briar Valley has short days, surely it would be easier for you to fast at his homeland?
Lilia would show up and listen to your prayers. He would take the time to learn everything you knew. He loved learning and traveling. Won’t you honor him by learning yours? After all, a old man can learn new tricks. On days you can rest well, he would sing you softly to sleep.
[Masterlist for more Ramadan and Eid stories]
One more day until Eid 🥳🌺 (depending where you live). We are almost there everyone. 🌸💕
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