#croix meredis
warm-like-autumn · 2 years
The Lwa fandom hoping for a new season announcement at Anime Expo today.
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Rgb team cuties!!!
+2 beloved teachers!!!
Maybe 1 day I will turn them into stickers
Will you want some?
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Croix Meredies and Shiny Chariot from Little Witch Academia! ✨
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Croix Meredies and Shiny Chariot from Little Witch Academia killed the Queen  — together!
Did your fave play a part in Queen Elizabeth the Second’s death? Submit them here!
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sloaaaa · 4 years
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LWA doodles for @watermelon-778
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dailydianakko · 4 years
Diana: [crying in the corner] Please love me.
Croix: [points at Chariot] There’s an open mom right there.
Chariot: Actually I’m taken?
Croix: Like you’d even notice one more.
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elska-elu · 5 years
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Carroc and their child tAkko Crocgari
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dveraart · 5 years
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germanpillow · 6 years
Chariot: Oh stop it Croix, Akko isn't horrible.
Croix: She's a teenager. They're all horrible.
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troubletimestwo · 4 years
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
I’m a multi-shipper with a writing degree. If you can convince me that the dynamic between any two characters is legitimate enough for them to be in love, and it does not go against any morals I hold, I will ship it. However, lately, I have a few ships, in particular, I’ve been obsessed with. (In no particular order)
She-Ra ships:
1. Glitra - First off, the trope of Enemies to lovers? THAT’S MY SHIT. And honestly? The thought of Glimmer and Catra putting aside their differences long enough to realize how much they have in common? Ugh. Sign me the FUCK up!!
2. Catrouble - Look- I’m not saying there aren’t any problems with this ship, but it’s very clear that DT is not going to put up with Catra’s BS and is willing to tell her how it is because they care. And that is something Catra values.
3. Double Scorpia - Look- I’m a slut for Rare Pairs. This ship is as rare as they come. But let’s be real, DT may be an asshole, but even they know that Scorpia is babie and they could NEVER do anything to hurt that precious, gorgeous woman.
4. Merfuma - They compliment each other in a lot of ways and I just honestly think they’re really cute. Plus the way they have little spats in the show is cute af
5. Glimmadora - Um. Service Top meets Power Bottom. Plus they’re literally so many different ship tropes. Like Royal/Protector, Best friends to lovers, Queen/knight, etc etc. THAT’S ALSO MY SHIT
Other fandom ships I like:
1. Mozaleri (MOR) I used to be really into the music of Mozart l’Opera Rock (y’know... the french equivalent to Hamilton only it was actually done before Hamilton and the gay undertones are even stronger) but it wasn’t until I watched the entire play that I saw Mozaleri for what it truly is and now I cannot stop thinking about these two fucking long-dead musicians and how much they clearly admired each other.
2.AmberPrice (LIS) I used to be really big into Life is Strange and I even ran a multi-muse blog for the game back when it first started coming out. I didn’t realize how much I related to Chloe until my mom died a few years after the first game. Really helped me get through some things and playing Before the Storm was so important to me. LiS is one of the reasons I pursued a writing degree.
3. Lapidot (SU) I’ve never really been a part of the Steven Universe Fandom but I enjoy Lapis and Peridot’s dynamic and they’re my two favorite characters
4. Nuts n Dolts (RWBY) so when RWBY first came out, I was an OG tumblr blog for it ( @this-will-be-the-gay ) and I roleplayed as Ruby. My two fave ships of the time were whiterose and this one. I never once believed Penny was dead and I was RIGHT FUCK YEAH.
5. Charoix (LWA) I did run a cosplay ask blog for Croix Meredies but it barely got any asks so I didn’t continue but again, one of my fave ship tropes is enemies to lovers and this one is friends to exes/enemies to lovers and that shit? mmmmm delicious.
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kayr0ss · 6 years
Oh, Kids
Anime: Little Witch Academia Pairing: Chariot dun Nord x Croix Meredies Genre: Fluff, Subtle Romance, Parenthood... I think?
Chariot raised an eyebrow. “I’m not saying I definitely don’t want kids, I’m just—wait. Why do you care?”
“They aren’t our children, Croix.” Chariot facepalmed, torn between amazement, disbelief, and a little bit of embarrassment.
It made sense—Chariot had to admit—but the setup had ‘Akko’ written all over it.
“Regardless, we need to chaperone their playdate.” Croix drawled with a lazy look on her face, adjusting her glasses. She’d only begun using them again lately and they still tickled the bridge of her nose sometimes.
Chariot would always laugh whenever that happened; Croix was adorable when she scrunched up her face.
“Playdate!” The redhead threw her arms up. Why did Croix have to be so into whatever it was she was doing?! “They’re fifteen.”
The inventor held up three fingers. “Which is three years below legal age.”
Chariot sighed in exasperation, “they can manage to walk around town on their own.”
“Akko? And Constanze? Without supervision or disaster?”
A squeal from Akko only proved her point. “Don’t shoot!”
“C—Constanze! Put that gun away! Croix, do someth—stop looking so impressed!”
“I see your wand powers it,” she bent down, cogs turning behind her eyes while Constanze held a thumbs up. “Maybe if you put the power output down to a quarter it would only stun Kagari.”
“CROIX! Don’t encourage her! Akko—no, stop running!”
“We’re a bit sorry, Professor.” Akko grinned, smothering her beloved teacher in a hug before running up to the dormitories.
The redhead’s robes were singed and her hair was disheveled, but she was too exhausted to bother with a lecture. She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Constanze—no semi-automatics.”
“Don’t listen to her,” Croix pat Constanze on the head. “You did well, child.”
The small witch made a little grunt.
“And yes, maybe try using a different tube for cooling.”
Chariot groaned, “I swear, you need to stop encou—hold on. You understood her?”
“She couldn’t have meant anything else,” Croix shrugged, watching the little trot away after giving her one last pat on the head.
She…? Chariot wasn’t even going to ask.
Taking in a deep breath in and out, Chariot stretched. “Children are a handful,” she chuckled, “I might have to rethink wanting any in the future.”
Croix shot her a look. “You don’t want any?”
“I don’t know. I mean teenagers already drive me crazy,” Chariot smiled.
Croix crossed her arms, giving the redhead a pointed look. “You were insufferable as a teenager.”
“And you weren’t any better!”
“Regardless. I just…” Croix looked to the side. “Thought you’d be the family-type.”
Chariot raised an eyebrow. “I’m not saying I definitely don’t want kids, I’m just—wait. Why do you care?”
“I don’t.”
“Are you blushing?”
Chariot grinned. “So, do you want kids?”
Croix had comically turned on her heel, striding away with conviction. “We’re not having this conversation.”
“Come on!” Chariot teased, chasing after her.
She would have reached out to hold her hand, but they were in a school corridor, so she would settle for smiling.
A/N: This little thing was inspired by this post by @ilee-font. :)
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turbolesbo · 6 years
hello everyone i finally finished watching little witch academia after i put off watching the last 5 episodes cause i didnt want it to be over, and i just want everyone to know, im kin with croix meredies
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warm-like-autumn · 2 years
Paul Hanbridge: The reason Lwa is an ALMOST perfect anime
I'm a huge fan of the anime "Little witch academia" if it wasn't obvious enough, but there is this one character whom I think is a combination of shitty and wasted potential. That character is none other than Paul Hanbridge.
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I remember when I first watched Lwa and he appeared, I was like "he seems familar" and then I remembered 💀. What is worse, is that resemblance made me quite excited for where his character would go.
I'm so dissapointed that they based his design off of Harry Hart from the Kingsman franchise. It could have worked as a quick cameo or a short joke. (But I can understand where they came from this this refrence, since Lwa shares a lot of similarities with Kingsman , even in Croix's villan plan)Harry Hart is such a good mentor figure in Kingsman:The Secret Service, and Paul is the exact opposite of that, he's an unsupportive father to Andrew and thinks magic is obsolete.But at least Paul isn't the only kingsman easter egg in the show.
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THIS SCENE. THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE. The perfect setup for a villan. I'm forever dissapointed that they gave him a rushed development in episode 25, when he became all of a sudden supportive.And this villan setup didn't receive a satisfying payoff.Insted of developing Paul as a threat to the story, they made him a generic shitty father character.I feel like he could've been an even bigger threat than Croix, given his political power. Speaking of that, it would've been cool to dive deeper into the conflict of magic and politics and how the two affect each other.
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And the fact that Andrew and Diana are cousins but Paul obviously doesn't come from a witch family, yet hates magic leaves room for exploring the reason to Paul's hatred for magic, as it feels more personal than political.
Here are some parallels I found to back up the theory I made a a year and a few months ago:
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This is one of the reasons I think Little witch academia still has a lot of stories left to tell.
And think I wouldn't have been half as angry about Paul Hanbridge if he still kept this design:
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(I have an entire theory to how this character we prototype Paul Hanbridge, but that would make this analysis/rant too long)
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Charoix edit!!!
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loud-watch-blog · 7 years
Concoction: A Sucy Fanfiction
     “Where is that Akko!” shouted Professor Finneran as she gave a menacing glare towards Lotte and Sucy. Lotte shuddered while sucy seemed to be unphased by the serious aura given off by the strict magic teacher. Lottte tries to explain the situation to Finneran. “She woke up with a serious fever this morning, so she’s resting back in our room”. Finneran scoffed before  swiftly turning back to the chalkboard to continue the lesson. Lotte let ou a sigh of relief before turning her head towards Sucy who, despite the scolding, had not batted an eye throughout the whole situation. “You seem more unconcerned than usual today. Are you sick? Did you catch something from Akko?” She asked her gothic friend. Sucy turned her attention from Lotte, looking her usual self. “It’s nothing. I feel fine”, she said. She gave Lotte a small, reassuring grin before turning her attention back to Finneran’s lesson. Lotte followed, convinced that Sucy was fine.
    Meanwhile, back at the dorm, Akko was laying in her bed, shaking from the chills caused by her fever. She huddles her nearest blanket and curls up in a ball. “Just go away already!” Akko shouted to herself in anger. “For once, I’d rather be at a boring lecture. This is agonizing”. She continued her outbursts for the minutes following. A thought then came to Akko. “Maybe there’s a magic potion that’ll cure my ailment. WAIT! Sucy makes potions all the time. She’s bound to have at least one that can cure a simple fever!” she thought to herself. She then proceeded to jump out of bed in typical Akko fashion, bumping her head on the bottom of Lotte’s bunk then falling face first onto the floor. She quickly got up after laying on the floor for about five minutes after falling.
    She began rummaging through Sucy’s belongings, but only found clothes and other little magic knick-knacks. She was about to give up and accept defeat when it came to her. All of Sucy’s potions were on the shelf above her bed. “Aw man, this fever is making me go crazy”.
    Each potion on the shelf was labeled with the name and effect of each respective bottle. “ Let’s see… Frog potion that turns you into a frog? Nope. Instant cook potion that instantly cooks food on contact? Neat, but not what I’m looking for. Love potion? The heck would she even… Nevermind”. Akko read the bottles out loud to herself. She found many potions (some questionable ones too) but nothing that could cure a simple fever. Akko threw herself on the floor and started to pout. “AHHHH. I’M NEVER GOING TO FIND A CURE”, SHE SHOUTED. She lay face up on the floor in the middle of the dorm. “Ugh, kill me”. Her eyes started to wander around the room. She was convinced that there was no cure.. Then, she noticed a small box under Sucy’s bed.
    She reached under and pulled the box out. Akko analyzed the box when she noticed it was locked. “ There has to be a key around here somewhere”, she thought. She then remembered seeing a small key with a skeleton on it while digging through one of Sucy’s drawers. She retraced her steps before finding the key. Akko was curious, but also felt a little guilty. While she really wanted to cure her annoying fever, she also kept Sucy in mind and how she would feel about this. “What kind of friend am I? digging through her stuff. This is wrong…. I need to put everything back the way it was as soon as possible”, she thought to herself. She quickly gathered all of Sucy’s belongings she had gone through and fixed up the dorm room. Everything was back to normal. All except…. the box and its key. Akko looked around the room, then put her ear up to the door to try and see if she could hear anyone coming. The coast seemed clear. “A quick peak wouldn’t hurt…”, Akko thought as she used the key to open up the box as carefully as she could. Inside she found a bottle of potion and a piece of paper.
    The potion was labeled only with a skull and crossbones, indicating that it was poisonous. Akko gave a confusing stare to the bottle. She then took a look at the paper she found alongside the poison. The paper appeared to be aged, having a yellow tint to it. The ink was smudged but still legible. “Do what you must”, the paper read. There was a signature, M. Manbavaran. Akko turned the paper over only to discover a blank side. Before she could make heads or tails of what she had just found, Sucy and Lotte had entered the room.
     Akko was so confused that she had failed to check and see if Sucy and Lotte were coming. Sucy stared at Akko with shock and and anger. Lote was looking back and forth at the two. “Put it back… CAREFULLY!” Sucy shouted. Akko did as Sucy said and began to sob afterward. “Sucy…. I-I’m so sorry. My curiosity was killing me. I was just looking for a fever curing potion, then I found the box, then the key, and-” before she could continue, Sucy turned to Akko, still looking frustrated, but willing to talk to Akko instead of blowing up on her. “Akko, you can be a real idiot sometimes, but you’re still my friend” she said. Look, that box is the world to me, and if something were to happen to it, I’d be losing a part of myself”. This side of Sucy had never been seen much by anyone, even Akko and Lotte. Lotte was on the verge of tears and Akko was already upset after being caught with the box.
“Sucy…”, Lotte softly called out. Are you ok? I know I asked this morning, but-”. “I’m just a little distraught is all”, Sucy interrupted. The room was then silent. No one knew what to say. A depressing aura filled the room. Akko, With her curiosity still piquing, broke the silence. “If you don’t mind me asking, Whats with the box? What’s it for?”, Lotte turned to akko with an angered stare. “Akko, don’t be rude. I’m sure she doesn’t want to talk about it”. Sucy walked up to her two friends, grabbed them, and pulled them in for a hug. This was unlike Sucy, so Akko and Lotte were pretty shocked. Usually Akko was the hugger.
    Sucy started to sob. She could no longer hold back her tears. “You two are the closest thing I have to a family. Promise you wont ever leave me! I know I act like I never care, but I do. You’re my sisters”. Sucy said as tears rolled down her face. Akko and Lotte started to do the same. “we love you, Sucy’, they said to their upset friend.
    After all was said and done and the tears were almost dried up, Sucy grabbed the box. “I trust you girls enough to tell you about this, I guess. She opened the box and pulled out its contents, the poison and the paper. “Are you sure about this? Lotte asked. “Yeah, you dint have to if you don’t want to” said Akko, Sucy smiled and nodded assuring that she was ready.
    “I grew up in an orphanage somewhere in the Philippines”, she told Akko and Lotte. “I was abandoned on the there right after I was born. It was tough. The caretakers were always cruel to me because I was always seen as the freak amongst everyone, so I never really had friends or family growing up. Everyone would just…. avoid me. Calling me things like “toxic” and “creature”. There was only one instance where kindness was given to me. One of the caretakers, Ms.Fern, told me about how I ended up at the orphanage. She knew as much as me,but she did give me this bottle of poison and note. These were found alongside me in the basket I was left in. She kept this to herself as witchcraft was not widely accepted among the other caretakers at the orphanage. When I turned 13, I left the orphanage to travel and study potions. The poison I was found with was specially made, so I’ve been trying to copy its formula for years now, but I still haven’t even come close to figuring it out. This is why I make and test out so many potions and poisons. I figure if I can replicate this formula, I might be able to figure out where my parents are. I’ll at least be one step closer”.
    Akko and Lotte were shocked to find so much depth to their friend. Lotte started to tear up again while Akko just sat there with a look of sadness on her face. She was curious as to how she could help Sucy. Immediately Akko thought about Professor Chariot, someone she had always looked up to. Chariot was all about bringing happiness to people whenever she could. Akko wanted to be just like her. She wanted to help Sucy, She wanted to make her happy. Then, Akko came up with an idea of how she could bring a smile to Sucy. “Come on, girls, Lets go see Professor Chariot!”
    Chariot was in her study in the observatory when she received a call on her magic tablet from her long-time friend, Croix Meredies. “Chariot. I’m calling to le ou know that we have hit a breakthrough in finding a cure for the Wagenda curse. We should have it ready soon”. Croix exclaimed to Chariot who, months prior, was exposed to the pollen of the Wagenda tree, restricting her ability to fly.
    The two exchanged small talk and caught up with each other before knocking was heard from the door. It was Akko, Sucy, and Lotte. Chariot swiftly ended the call with croix to answer the door for them. “Hello girls”, Chariot said as she happily welcomed the girls into her study. There was still a melancholy mood amongst the trio. Chariot knew there was a problem She knew that if the normally cheerful Akko was feeling aloof, then something was definitely wrong. “If there’s anything you girls need help with, I’m here to help”. She assured the girls that no matter the situation, She’d be willing to be there for them. This gave Sucy a sense of confidence. She felt she could share her story with Professor Chariot as she did with Akko and Lotte..
Chariot, distraught by Sucy’s story, fought hard to hold back her tears. After pulling herself together, Chariot suggested seeking the help of the new potions teacher, Chastity Demisé, as she was gifted with almost all kinds of exotic potions. Chariot assured the girls that this was the best way they could replicate the poison, but sucy was still uncertain. She started to question if this is truly what she wanted. Her thoughts then turned to the many adventures she has had at Luna Nova up to this point and Her friendship with Lotte and Akko. “Come on Sucy, you’ve worked too hard to quit this now”, Akko encouraged Scuy to continue the search. Lotte then looked at Sucy and smiled. “Just think, if you had never tried to experiment with that one bottle, you wouldn’t be the potion genius you are now. You can’t give up”.Sucy was now more determined than ever, so the group proceeded onward to meet with Professor Demisé.
When the trio, accompanied by Chariot arrived at the classroom, They were greeted by a young witch with messy black hair and glowing red eyes. “I-I’m p-professor Demisé. I-is there anything I can A-assist you all with?”. Chastity was extremely shy. Sucy opened her box and proceeded to let Chariot do the talking. “We have this poison here and-”. Chastity exploded with excitement over the bottle and mention of poison. “Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever seen any brew like this in my entire life! How did you acquire such a rare specimen?”. She closely examined the bottle, fascinated with what appeared to be an entirely new type of potion to her. “I have traveled all throughout the world and I have never seen anything quite like this”. Sucy noticed that Chastity had completely ignored the note, so she grabbed it and hid it in her pocket. “I was hoping we could recreate this so I could find someone”. Sucy cryptically told Chastity. She was willing to help and examined it by trying out several different recipes based on the aroma the poison gave off.
“This scent…. its so familiar. It’s definitely made of some rare fungi”, Chastity exclaimed. She then scanned through several books on fungi. Everyone looked in shock as Chastity was reading through entire potion books within mere seconds. After about ten books, Chastity caught something. “YES! This has to be the fungus”. She was overjoyed with the discovery. Chariot and the girls gathered around chastity to read about the fungus that made up the poison. Chastity read the excerpt aloud. “Xemnite, an extremely rare and extremely poisonous fungus that is said to have the ability to leave anything that comes into physical contact with it in a state of decay. It is only known to grow in one location in the entire world: a small village in the Philippines named Venobra”.
Sucy was in a state of shock after hearing this information. It all seemed so overwhelming to her. She had just found the answer to a question she had been asking her whole life. Akko rushed to comfort Sucy. “We did it Sucy. We found it”. Sucy wanted to cry, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. She then grabbed her friends once again for a group hug. Chariot looked on in joy and thanked Chastity for her help. “I’m sure we can use a leyline to get there”, Chariot said. The group was reluctant to finally give Sucy her closure she had worked so hard for her entire life.
The group along with Chariot then left Chastity’s classroom after placing the poison back in its box. Chastity waved to the girls and wished them luck on their journey. Just as she was about to go back to her work, she noticed something on the ground: a piece of paper. It was the note Sucy hid in the pocket. It had fallen out. Chastity picked up the paper and read the note left on it. Her eyes widened and she gave a shocked gasp. With her attention drawn to the signature, she muttered. “M-M-Marleen?”
                                             To be continued…
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kiojion · 7 years
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Croix Meredies 
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dailydianakko · 5 years
chariot: Croix and i are having a baby
Akko & Diana: congratulations!
Croix: *slams adoption papers on table*
Chariot:it’s you two. sign here.
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