foxglovesound · 3 years
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Lupine of Thornwood Sound
Name: Lupine Past Names: N/A Age: 36 months (3 years) Rank: Seer Identity & Pronouns: Nonbinary, he/they  Orientation: Undisclosed 
Bream || mother, Thornwood Sound fellow
Sturgeon || mother, Thornwood Sound fellow
Mint || sister, Thornwood Sound fellow
Vervain || brother, Thornwood Sound fellow
Residency: Seer’s den
Fellow Seers: Hazel (formerly, tutor), Skipper (Oldstone Bluff tutor) Student: Weasel
Accessories: Moss collar, standard seer accessory, with a shell and two river rocks placed within it
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spacecadetcity · 5 years
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season change belongs to @roseface. warning below for past abuse.
otterkit had dreaded the day he was to become an apprentice. despite his desires to be a caretakers apprentice, his father- elmfoot- had made it clear to every cat that otterkit couldn’t wait to be a warrior apprentice, and otterkit had been too scared to correct him. not after the way elmfoot had stared at him the first time, and when plumstar assigned him his warrior mentor, otterpaw was frightened by the way elmfoot’s face had a sort of smug satisfaction.
 every day, elmfoot would take him out for extra training, no matter what otterpaw and his mentor had practiced. at first, otterpaw held a flicker of hope that perhaps a tiny bit of bonding time would close the chasm between them, but that flicker faded with the breath from otterpaws’ lungs each time elmfoot forced his head below the water and held it there. when elmfoot sunk his teeth into otterpaws soft ear, and otterpaw told cuckoochirp with chattering teeth that he had slipped on slick rocks and fallen into the river and that’s how his ear had torn, otterpaw could feel elmfoot staring as if to make certain he wasn’t sharing details.
when even the dripping of rain would send tears into otterpaws eyes, and yet elmfoot still made him fight for his breath in the river, otterpaw had begun to fear it. he cried in fear when his mentor tried to convice him to cross the river on patrol, and that night elmfoot held him down until otterpaw was certain he could taste stars.
and yet even after riverclan chased elmfoot out, otterpaw still feared the horrible tom. every burble of the river was another terrifying reminder- when shrewpaw and harrierpaw would go too far in their sibling fights, otterpaw was filled with horror that maybe he hadn’t truly escaped elmfoot. harrierpaw would get frustrated and stare at otterpaw, and it was as if he was being held under the rushing water again. otterpaw took cuckoochirp up on the poppy seeds for sleep after the fourth night with nothing but wet, suffocating nightmares.
and as otterpaw sat trembling, the fresh cut on his nose stinging in the leafbare air, he felt that same suffocating fear. would he ever be safe? would there ever be a day that didn’t revolve around how horrible his life had started? 
scarier yet- would there be a day when he was no different?
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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Click here to read from the beginning!
KoFi | 18+ Official Discord Server | Minor Exclusive Discord Fanserver
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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KoFi | 18+ Official Discord Server | Minor Exclusive Discord Fanserver
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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KoFi | 18+ Official Discord Server | Minor Exclusive Discord Fanserver
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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KoFi | 18+ Official Discord Server | Minor Exclusive Discord Fanserver
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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KoFi | 18+ Official Discord Server | Minor Exclusive Discord Fanserver
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foxglovesound · 4 years
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KoFi | 18+ Official Discord Server | Minor Exclusive Discord Fanserver
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foxglovesound · 5 years
uh for the expression meme!! you don't have to do all of these, I just had ideas,, but! b3 acornbee, c2 gorsefang, b2 nightthroat, b1 cuckoochirp, nd c4 honeystream!!!
the most inch resting part abt the requests u left: all of these expressions can either be applied to an event that has already happened or WILL happen in each characters life
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(also i did cuckoo and honey last which is why theyre a little messier my hand was starting to cramp sowwy ;;;___;;; )
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foxglovesound · 5 years
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A friend of mine commissioned for custom hypokit designs of his wcsona + Cuckoochirp n im posting them here bg hypo cuckoo kibbens B))
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foxglovesound · 5 years
please mr worm may i have one cuckoochirp with a4
he goes..nyeh.....
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foxglovesound · 5 years
cuckoochirp? (marge simpson voice) i just think hes neat
1: sexuality headcanon - honestly cuckoos character is one of those characters who i never rlly focused on/decided what his orientation was eep tho i do lean towards bi for him i think !!! besides that tho he is nonbinary + uses he/him!
2: otp- CuckooNight is p cute !!! also for a little while i shipped CuckooBat but i never rlly did anything with that sooo o-|--
3: brotp - CuckooNight again bc of events that i cannot reveal yet but theyll happen on later down the comic :3c 
4: notp - hmnrmmmmm... CuckooSnow bc hough yikes!!!! yikes!
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - he’s one of the smallest adult cats in riverclan (the smallest is his mom eveningscale...she tiny)!!
6: one way in which I relate to this character- ALSO just trying his best to be polite and kind + a source of comedy for everyone...
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- DON’T KNOW HONESTLY UHHH the fact that he is so Damn Dramatic but never follows anything up (like the begonia incident..after he gave it to snowstar he just didnt do anything else...sir)8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?- cinnamon roll!
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foxglovesound · 5 years
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tfw ur bff is in on a secret w 2 ppl who arent u
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foxglovesound · 5 years
8 and 2?? I love your art, your comic and your characters!!! Your shades and colors are beautiful!! And Cuckoochirp is my new drug dealer now!!
SKADDSJDSF THANK U SO MUCH !!!!! im rlly flattered aaaaaaaa omg thank u so so much !!!! and im glad u like cuckoochirp !!!!! and since u mentioned him why dont i toss him in for these prompts B3c 
2. this was a mistake8. sunbathing
“This was a mistake,” Cuckoochirp whines out pathetically as he hovers, crouched within the ShadowClan seer’s den, his head hung low between his shoulders as Appleleaf’s head pokes out of the shadows of the dead log that connects the seer’s den to the leader’s den. Their eyes narrow in the dim light, “What’s a mistake?”
“Me - this job,” Cuckoochirp begins, “I can’t even cure my own mentor’s illness. How can I take care of RiverClan?”
“Cats die, Cuckoochirp,” Appleleaf points out bluntly, ignoring how Cuckoochirp flinches, “You can’t ward off the inevitable. Hazelnose was as old as Plumstar’s lot, they were going to pass on eventually.” 
“But -,”
“No buts!” Appleleaf snaps, lashing their skinny tail as they slink about their den, “You’re good at your job, Cuckoochirp. Don’t let the passing of someone ready to move on get you down like this.”
Cuckoochirp’s eyes flicker down and he falls silent, unsure of how to respond; Appleleaf pauses, not turning from their herb assortment as they comment, “If there’s nothing else you need to address, then you better get back to RiverClan. Sulking in a dark den isn’t going to help you. Brownwhisker will be happy to escort you back to your territory.”
And so Cuckoochirp leaves without another word; he returns to RiverClan camp, spots Eaglepelt sunbathing on the elder’s den stones with his sister Robinstream, watches Plumstar rasp her tongue over Antfoot’s ear, snorts when he sees Chubstream cuff Minkclaw’s ear for whatever stupid joke she just made.
Hazelnose has been dead for three days, but life moves on - so must Cuckoochirp.
So he moves on.
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foxglovesound · 5 years
(feel free to mix the questions and the cats btw!) cuckoochirp, nightthroat, rosepaw, otterpaw, chubstream and 14, 18, 28, 50, 66, and legally i have to say 69 cos im gay
“69 cos im gay”
im doing all bc i AM bastard and love to chatter abt my bastard ocs
14. Do they have someone that they consider to be a family member, even if they’re not related to your character by blood? What was one of your character’s favourite moments with them, and what makes them so special to them?
CUCKOOCHIRP || hmmm let’s see….excluding his family (breamcloud, eveningscale, mintcloud, vervainstripe), then that would have to be Appleleaf, the ShadowClan seer! I’ve mentioned before that hazelnose was suffering from memory loss/degradation towards the mid/end of cuckoothroat’s apprenticeship and appleleaf was the one who stepped up and helped him with his training. Cuckoochirp came to both care about and admire appleleaf and they are always the first cat that cuckoochirp turns to when he needs advice or tips. They’re a very talented medicine cat and clever/crafty, which cuckoochirp also looks up to a lot; the duo developed a mentor-apprentice like relationship from early on and they’re both always excited to see each other. Cuckoochirps favorite moments with appleleaf were probably general training times! Appleleaf naturally couldnt just up and leave shadowclan for days, so theyd come by and visit or cuckoo would scamper on off to shadowclan for seer advice and lessons!  Cuckoochirp thinks of the times when they’d both walk around the territories and examine herbs and their uses very fondly! 
NIGHTTHROAT || OUGH OBVIOUS ANSWER BUT vervainstripe! Vervainstripe was the first friend nightthroat ever made in riverclan and i just dropped a little fic that touched up on their kind of dynamic just now but!!! Theyre very close and best friends, and nightthroats pretty much been absorbed into vervainstripes family because of how vervain as an apprentice would basically drag/invite night onto every endeavor or task at any opportunity he could!!!! Nightthroats favorite moments with vervainstripe would be their time alone when he and vervain would/do go out on walks. Vervain tends to ramble about a lot of things all at once and night might not believe in everything vervain chatters about he still listens fondly and endearingly bc he just loves it when his little buddy talks!Hes also pretty close with his apprentice shrewpaw! Theyre both rather mellow/logical cats and shrew actually went to night first about his gender issues and once he worked through it with nightthroat he went on to tell his family and the rest of his clan!
ROSEPAW || rosepaws got quite the growing amount of friends HA…besides his blood family in riverclan (hornetflower, beestorm and lightningface, honeystream), rosepaws closest to sootpaw, rookpaw and minkclaw! He used to be really close to swallowfang (his old windclan mentor) but after swallowfang helped orchestrate rosepaws escape from winclan (in secret) she had to drop contact with him in case yellow or gray go too suspicious. Besides that, rookpaw was one of rosepaws only friend in windclan (sycamorepaw/smokepaw/willowpaw were/are his friends but they were usually bustled away from contact with rosepaw bc the adults just. Wanted the kids to stay out of the drama). Rookpaw had been rosepaw’s best friend since their nursery days and when rosepaw was confined to the seer’s den, rookpaw would often worm his way into the den despite the disapproval of others and care for/curl around rosepaw (he’d bring him food and groom him as well). Rookpaw took a lot of care of rosepaw when he was still in windclan and he still keeps a good ear out for him now that rose is in riverclan!Now onto SOOTSY ROLL and MINKSTER….sootpaw was rosepaws first friend when he joined riverclan and as ive mentioned before they hit it off real quick due to their feelings of not having enough ties within riverclan! They quickly became best friends and, thanks to the fact that their mentors are also best friends, the duo practically do everything together in riverclan! Rose often drags soot along for things and soot makes sure that his dumb ass doesnt like, slam face first into a hive of bees (they have a very hornet-mink kind of friendship except soot can also be pretty reckless, but she’s grown a bit more hesitant/careful since the event with ashpaw happened). And mink/rose are obviously close because mink helped with rose’s rescue mission and now, as his mentor, the two spend a lot of time together. Rose has come to view mink in a very comforting position - almost like a better older sister or maybe even a mother figure (though he typically jokingly refers to hornetflower as mom). Theyre very attached to each other and care abt each other a lot!!!
OTTERPAW || once again excluding his blood relatives (lampreyface, shrewpaw, harrierpaw and cricketkit!), otterpaw is closest to hollypaw and chubstream! Ur gonna see a lot of really close-knit mentor/apprentice relationships in this story FHBDSHFD its rare to find a set who didnt like each other (i mean it happens but its just unusual)Hollypaw is otterpaws best friend since the nursery days as well, and although otterpaw is skilled at caring for kits and nursery issues, hollypaw is the one who steps up and takes care of otterpaw. Otter tends to be reckless when paired up with cats his age, and with his history with his father elmfoot, holly is quick to jump to otters defense in any time of need. In fact, it was hollypaw and sootpaw who were the ones who rescued otterpaw from his dad one day and holly literally fought elmfoot for otterpaw while soot ran off to get help. Theyre still super close and because of how close they are gorsefang is also on relatively good terms with otterpaw - they can be rather brunt and emotionally distant but theyve accepted otterpaw into their family as hollypaw’s best friend and gorse will get involved in trouble if it means protecting their son and his best friend from danger!Chubstream is also naturally close to otterpaw because chub is his mentor! Chub was ecstatic when otterpaw came to caretaking and was assigned as his apprentice and chub is a very encouraging and sweet figure in otterpaws life!Also of course rosepaw and otterpaw are growing closer but theyre not like family close lol theyre just good fwiends
CHUBSTREAM || CHUBBY BUBBY… i mentioned earlier that otterpaw/chubstream are close of course so besides that and his blood relatives (briarflower, minkclaw), chubstream is particularly tight with craneheart and even gorsefang, surprisingly! I mentioned earlier (again audhfusidf) that gorsefang had good terms with otterpaw, and as both chub + gorse are caretakers they found themselves hanging out more and more as otterpaws training went on. Chub however has always been pretty close with craneheart, and he was particularly involved in sootkit’s (and ashkit’s) nursery days when they were brought to riverclan. The three are good friends and although gorsefang comes off a little distant, they all care abt each other nonetheless
18.  Does your character believe the ends justify the means? No matter who they have to step on to reach their goals?
CUCKOOCHIRP || nnnnnnnnno honestly. Cuckoo is very empathetic and the idea of hurting others or stepping on others reaaaally doesnt sit right with him. He doesnt agree that the ends justify the means especially if youre hurting, damaging or even killing someone in the process and this is one of the few things that can land you in permanent hot water with mr cuckoochirp 
NIGHTTHROAT || hmm this one i gotta think about. I think nightthroat would agree with this but there’d have to be a limit? Of course he doesnt agree with getting others hurt bc huoy but he also doesn’t like the idea of being stagnant just because ur afraid of confrontation. Hes good at speech and talking and if theres something that needs to get done he’d rather talk it out or talk out a way that doesn’t end up hurting anyone emotionally/mentally or physically - but he does understand the idea in the most extreme circumstances.
ROSEPAW || another toughy! Rose doesnt agree with hurting others but hes okay with playing with peoples feelings and hes known to flirt and be cutesy/pretty when he wants something (hornetflower has given a lecture or too bc sometimes rose will try to flirt with an apprentice in another clan to will them to give him their most recent fresh catch lmao) but he doesnt agree with it if its like. Physically or extremely damaging, you know? In minor cases hes okay with it and even does it but in the grand scheme hes not fond of it lol
OTTERPAW || also a BIG no like cuckoochirp! Otter dealt with a lot of horrible shit from his father that could be boiled down to “the end (making otterpaw stronger for survival) justified the means (abusing him)” so he doesnt agree with it at all. However hes not exactly the most caring of others? He cares a lot about kits in the nursery and works well with them, but cats his age and older he can come off as kinda stand-offish and when it comes to drama like someone getting hurt by another persons path, he tends to stay out of it
CHUBSTREAM || another no! Chubs empathetic like cuckoo and he actively will get pissed at you if you hurt someone just because they were in the way of what you wanted. Hes not easy to anger but this will be something that really pisses him off
28.  When your character was younger, how did they picture themselves growing up? Does it differ from how they really turned out?Leaving otter and rose outta this one bc they are still….relatively young lol theyre only about 10 - 11 moons currently
CUCKOOCHIRP || cuckoo had a lot of self esteem issues growing up. He wasnt bad at training as a warrior, but he wasnt happy and it wasnt sitting with him so around them he probably pictured his grown up self as just. Another face in the crowd? Nothing special or important - when he went into seer training, his mood brightened a lot but his moods take major dips after losses, especially after the loss of robinstream and hazelnose. then , his future self would switch based on his mood: sometimes he pictured himself as well liked and a crafty seer who went down in history with a positive note, or on bad days he imagined he’d end up as a disaster seer that ran riverclan into the ground. Nowadays hes a good seer - he’s good at his job and he’s great at making friends and alliances, and pretty popular amongst the population of the season change setting!
NIGHTTHROAT || nightthroat when he was a kid probably didnt see his future self as..even existing. His mother constantly told him how hard life was and he trained under her strictly learning how to survive - his mother had lost litters before due to inexperience and by the time she had night, her biggest focus was making sure he had learned enough to survive. Any idea of his future self that night had wouldve boiled down to either being dead due to external forces or a hardened rogue living on his own, and rather lonely. However he joined riverclan and now he’s got friends that he loves and cares for deeply and his life isnt nearly as hardened or lonely as he initially imagined it would be
CHUBSTREAM || pretty cut and dry! He imagined he’d live a long happy life with his mother and sister in riverclan, and he’s growing up that path right now! He’s very content in life and with the place he’s at right now
50.  What’s their earliest memory?
CUCKOOCHIRP || goofing off with his siblings in the nursery den as his mothers watched on fondly 
NIGHTTHROAT || hiding out with his mom underneath a man-made object from the rain, seeking shelter until the storm passed and his mom would take him out onto a hunting trip
ROSEPAW || wrestling or playing a game with rook while his older siblings campionfang and thriftfoot watched on, occasionally dipping in with their own game for the two kits - he’d rarely see his father or yellowtail, but at least he had those three.
OTTERPAW || squashed beneath harrierkit as he tried to get away from a bath session lampreyface demanded, before wriggling out from underneath his older brother and shuffling next to shrewkit, safely wrapped up in lampreyface’s thick-furred, warm tail
CHUBSTREAM || minkkit nibbling on his ear in the middle of the night, only to get shushed in frustration by his very-tired mother because dammit minkkit stop trying to wrestle chubkit and go to sleep!
66.  If they were free to do anything, be it cruel, kind, or otherwise, without fear of repercussions, what is it that your character would do?
CUCKOOCHIRP || wander freely between other clan territory! He may be allowed to venture into shadowclan’s territory since shadowclan and riverclan are on good terms (and b/c apple and cuckoo are close), but windclan and thunderclan warriors wouldnt take kindly to cuckoochirp stepping over their border boundaries willy-nilly 
NIGHTTHROAT || talk about his own emotions without fear of how others would reject or react to him - maybe even ask someone specific out on a date. He’s a good mediator and he’s great at debating + speech but he rarely opens up about his own feelings
ROSEPAW || meet up with his friends whenever he pleased. He doesnt really care about borders as much, and he’d love to be able to cross and visit his friends in their camps whenever he wanted to!
OTTERPAW || word………………..probably just have a night to himself away from the camp? Or maybe just him and the cats close to him? Sometimes being in a large group gets overwhelming and he just wants to take it slow for a day
CHUBSTREAM || this isnt really a whole “fear of repercussions” thing but chub would love to raise a kitten/litter of kittens who viewed him as his dad one day but the opportunity hasn’t showed up yet. He wants 2 be a dad yo
69.  Do they enjoy facing their fears? CAN they face their fears? If not, what do they do in a situation where they’re forced to face them?
CUCKOOCHIRP || huoy……cuckoo definitely doesn’t enjoy facing his fears but he can do it. He can even stand up to someone who’s terrified him - and he will which you guys will see happen in action eventually on. He has his own ways of standing up for himself/for others and being defiant against what he’s scared of
NIGHTTHROAT || :)………………he deals with a great big fear in the comic and you’ll just have to wait and see how he handles that huh ;)))
ROSEPAW || nooOOOoooo he won’t even go near windclan territory because he’s scared of it. He’d rather chase his own thrills or what he’s comfortable with rather than deal with whatever petrifies him the most. He’d probably lash out and grow aggressive if placed into a situation where he had to face those kind of fears/trauma
OTTERPAW || another great big no to both! Otter has developed a severe fear of water/being in water due to his father, so he stays away from venturing into water. He grows sick/queasy when he’s so much as paw deep in water and often crosses the territory via dry spots. He relies on hollypaw heavily when he’s scared and he would panic and flounder if dropped into the water randomly 
CHUBSTREAM || i think chub could face his fears - he’s deeply worried about losing those he loves, especially with how close he came to losing minkclaw when she was injured by that fox as an apprentice. However if he ever did lose someone he was close to, he’d grieve but he would move on, eventually. Life goes on
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foxglovesound · 5 years
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@crlven you made this choice now live with it
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