#cuz he keep trippin
opikiquu · 1 month
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
Of course I have more to say about this resident 8 Au!
First I love the idea you have for the family it honestly all seems really cool. Though I do think for Julieta instead of her hand spontaneously combusting, little cuts appear and the black mold starts leaking out from it and wrapping around her hands at random making it hard to do whatever it is that you was doing and if she's making food/touches food it completely infects the food in mold. I think for Alma it was an experiment on her throat because she likes to argue so much You can see the incision marks and sometimes The incision marks will open up and leak black she can still can talk but her voice is a little bit more grainy and sometimes it's hard for her to talk so she has to drink water more and will sometimes not talk to try and save her voice.
The Dimitrescu family is painfully aware of the fact that Mirabel likes her family more than them. Which is why I feel like they had the first response that they did because in all I feel like that family is a very territorial and aggressive even when they try not to be. so when they first meet something that they view as a threat which was unfortunately the rest of mirabel's family (they are a threat to their relationship to Maribel) their instincts take over and make them act a little bit more aggressive but the more time that they spend with the family the less aggressive they are it took them a while (bela and Isabela did bond over the fact that they had similar names) but they eventually were fairly friendly with most of them (they tolerate the men.)
When it comes to Ethan maribel's entire house obviously is a safe area except for maybe one moment when Miranda shows up at random to "check in" on Mirable. I 100% believe that Maribel or maybe even some of her family members helped him in the final fight against Miranda and he lives! and Mirabel not trusting Chris or blue umbrella pulled him, Mia (I'm pretty sure she was also kidnapped again) and Rose into hiding with her and her family because I do not want them in umbrella custody or anywhere near that facility! only bad things happen I want them all to be happy in the end and away from all of that horribleness!
As for art! I would love to see the family fussing over Mirabel maybe when they had first gotten there or just in general how they act with her? and maybe a couple of Antonio following her around? And possibly the family and the Dimitrescu family interacting? Anything really you want to draw for it I would love to see it! I really enjoy your art style and know just how time consuming it can be!
No but uh. I'm glad you agree, and the Julieta one is so much better <333 ALSO THE ALMA ONE WORKS❗❗ That was actually similar to what I was thinking, so incision, maybe a failed attempt at trying to remove her vocal chords?? L Miranda but W Mirabel for letting her keep them ig 😭😭
Also Alcina and her daughters are just gonna have to tough it out cuz with the way they act??? Listen, Mirabel is optimistic, but not that optimistic 💀💀 and the fact that they were passive-agressive to her family (straight up aggressive to the men), doesn't help that 🗿 but at least they somewhatade up and even if they don't like each other, they tolerate each other for Mirabel's sake <\\3
ALAO ETHAN LETS GOOOOO I know he was scared out of his mind when Mirabel shoved him to a cupboard and he heard Miranda's voice the next second. He also learned that Mirabel is Mirands's favorite in that moment 🤧 maybe he uses that to an advantage?? I mean sure the Duke is there, but Mirabel or her family might be able to get rarer items, for cheaper too 💀 plus they might be more helpful in finding Rose. You know how frustrating it was to hear "Look a little closer 🤓☝"
HE LIVES AND GETS TO RAISE ROSE LETS GOOOO 🦅🦅🦅 ALSO I AGREE WITH NO UMBRELLA BUT...I thought the B.S.A.A was good??? But maybe I'm trippin', I mean it is RE, and Mia is sorta the problem to all this. Like if she just told Ethan the truth a lot of things could've been avoided 🥸 anyway, I think Ethan staying with the Madrigals (maybe permanently or just near wherever they were relocated in Colombia) is a cool idea, they can help him with Rose <333
AND ART YEAHHHGG OF COURSE I CAN I LOVE THIS AU <33 I really appreciate the ideas and??? I'm glad you love it 🤭🤭 I originally was working on it but got busy hence why it took me. A week to past this rather than a few days BUT HOPEFULLY IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN 🤓☝
Anyway art <333 Antonio's clothes (that Miravel made obvi) are based off of a lady bug so. Ladybug and Mantis. Lil bro is still happy to be around Mirabel even AFTER the experiment, its wild 🏃‍♀️ she tries to distance herself after the experiments on the family, thinking they'd hate her and never forgive her, but Antonio just refuses to leave her and she slowly gets closer again.
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lokiina · 5 months
WIP whenever~
Tagged by both @therealnightcity and @dreamskug
What am I doin? I'm finally actually doing things, which is the important thing. Cuz Christmas is done and stress at work has finally dropped off significantly.
Mod stuffssss: I'm almost done a super fun mod that was mostly self indulgent but I know there's a small handful of peeps out there who enjoy this band as well. An Electric Callboy vest~
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It was a vanilla mesh, I added extra submeshes too and made custom decal images for. I based the design choices off their Tekkno tour gear the guys wore with the paint splatters in their colours.
I'm trying to see if I can get an emissive piece of it working and once I'm content enough I'll snap the icon pic and get it out there.
Writing stuffssss: Also forever snail pace plugging away at some writing but like def don't expect that any time soon cuz I keep going back and rewriting things over and over again. Which means this lil excerpt might be entirely different when I finally post the whole thing one day. dfkjghdfkjgh but a smol piece? okeey.
"Jus’- slow down. Please. I dunno what the fuck is goin’ on. My head’s on fire, I just woke up from the world's shortest sleep and my face was in a pile of actual fur. I panicked. Fuckin’…. Start over." Dino sighed, briefly pinching the bridge of his nose, "What the hell’s goin on? Am I trippin’?" "Me…" Zayn’s eyes scanned over the man watching for his reaction, "That was me…" There was a moment of silence as Dino tried to process that. Him. He was pretty sure that it was a huge ass animal but okay. The man let out a snort and half chuckle, "What l-like a werewolf?"  Zayn stared at Dino, looking more annoyed now that it felt like he was making fun of him. "...You're shittin’ me." Dino put a hand on his forehead still processing everything. He blinked at Zayn who was unmoving realizing he was completely serious, “You’re not shittin’ me…”
I wanna go back and also properly write out all the old VP stories I did on insta too. Flesh em out more. Am I gonna be at this for like ever because I write like a snail? Probably. dkjfghkdjf
ANYWAY I'm sure almost everyone at this point has been tagged I'll slap some more anyway. Feel free to ignore if you don't feel like sharing or already did it. It's all for fun, no pressure.
@pinkyjulien @chooh2 @sammysilverdyne @elvenbeard @afterdark-vp @wraithsoutlaws
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verdantcrimson · 9 months
Lotus and Vows - 2
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Autumn
TL: verdantcrimson
1 | 2
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Kuro: —Well, she knew she was comin’ to the temple. As expected of the little miss, she didn’t bring her worldly desires here with her ♪
Keito: Kiryu. You- When did you- Anzu, don’t you start nodding your head in agreement over there either. What are you trying to accomplish by admitting to the fact that you’re harboring worldly desires?
Souma: Anzu-dono is quite earnest ♪ Even so, thinking of the ‘Quarrel Festival’ makes me quite nostalgic. That time, with the second half of the-
Keito: Kanzaki, don’t bring that ordeal up again. That one isn’t a flowery memory to be reminiscing about.
Keito: More importantly, now that both of you have returned, I’d like to hear what you two have to say about my ‘Special Outfit.’
Keito: Anzu has provided me with many designs… Honestly, many of them seem appealing, so I’m finding it difficult to settle on just one.
Kuro: Hm, just one… Just one? All of this, from here to here are all costume ideas. Little miss sure wrote down a whole bunch.
Souma: U~umu. All of these costume designs are wonderful indeed, so it is quite troublesome to decide, but if I had to choose just one…
Souma: Judging by Hasumi-dono’s expression, I think that this ‘peiji’ is good.
Kuro: I’m with Kanzaki here. I know ya said you’d listen to our opinion, but ya really like the design on this page the best, don’tcha, danna?
Keito: … How could you tell?
Kuro: Cause, Hasumi, you’re the type to let it show on your face. I could tell you’d pick it by the way you were lookin’ at the sketchbook.
Keito: … Haah. You saw right through me with ease. Clearly, I haven't been training myself enough.
Keito: Both of them were right. I'd like to use this particular design, Anzu.
Keito: Then let's proceed with this, that's right... Anzu, is it alright if I add a few more things to the design I requested?
Keito: That being said, it's difficult to act when being watched so expectantly. Incorrigible...
Souma: Though he says such, Hasumi-dono continues to write with fluid and clean strokes. Such impressive skill is difficult not to admire.
Kuro: Ya did it, little miss. Ya got a note from the 'sensei' you're a big fan of…. ♪
Keito: ... Hm, that's pretty much it. I know I said I'd only add a few more things, but I'm sorry, I ended up asking for a lot more than I had anticipated.
Keito: You say you'll do your best—
Keito: Well, that's a good answer. If you insist that you'll be able to do it all, I'll keep my mouth shut and let you work.
Keito: ... You've always been like that, I think. No matter what I do or say to you, you still maintain the same positive attitude.
Keito: I know it sounds strange hearing it from me, but because I'm such a nag and I drone on and on... To be perceived so positively, it feels odd.
Souma: ? But I feel similarly. I do not dislike Hasumi-dono's lectures.
Souma: To preach is to teach. To a boorish and inexperienced person such as myself, the words of Hasumi-dono, which provide guidance, are nothing but kindness to me.
Souma: Fufu. I am certain Anzu-dono shares the sentiment, correct? Because Hasumi-dono is a kind person.
Keito: .... Is- Is that so...
Kuro: Haha, you feelin' embarrassed cuz of 'em? You're trippin over your words, Danna ♪
Keito: Oh, so you think this is funny, Kiryu? Then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I gave you a long lecture.
Kuro: Whoops, spare me.
Keito: Seriously...
Keito: We've decided on which design proposal to use as a base. Kiryu and Kanzaki are back from their walk too, so they're probably hungry.
Keito: Let's have lunch. I'll prepare it, all of you come help me.
[After lunch]
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Keito: —Anzu, a moment please.
Keito: I was telling my parents about why you, the 'Producer' had come to visit. While explaining, I also told them about the 'Special Outfit'.
Keito: They didn't seem to take issue with it, but my parents are allergic to minding their own business, apparently.
Keito: They told me that they had some Kimono lying around that may be of some use. If it interests you, would you like to take a look?
Keito: ... Got it, I'll show you them later. Though you'll likely be receiving more help from my mother than from me, It might be good to have some company.
Keito: …Hm. What, why are you smiling?
Keito: We get along well with eachother...? Well, yes we do. My family is very supportive of my decision to leave the mountain and work on my idol activities.
Keito: Had I remained in the temple, I would have just been a nuisance... I'm grateful to my parents for being understanding of the profession that their child chose.
Keito: I mustn't forget to be thankful to the people in my life that understood and supported me no matter what.
Keito: ... Not just my family, but Kiryu and Kanzaki as well. Being an idol, there have been numerous moments that have made me think to perservere.
Keito: Because the two of them follow me, because they both walk alongside me. I can continue to exist as the leader of 'Akatsuki' without faltering.
Keito: When I look at both of their faces on the stage... When I go home and see the faces of my family...
Keito: I haven't reached this stage by myself. In order to repay the support and encouragement I've received, I must reach higher. Those are my feelings.
Keito: ... Did I catch you off guard by talking like this?
Keito: Anzu, you'll be making my 'Special outfit'. I thought it might be possible to incorporate my personal feelings as an idol into this costume, so I made an attempt to tell them to you.
Keito: When I put my arms through the sleeves of the finished costume... I'd like to reciprocate your support for the same reasons I just mentioned.
Keito: ... Hm? Why are you nervously holding out your sketchbook towards me?
Keito: You came up with a new drawing based on my requests? Fufu, you work quickly.
Keito: (... Hm. This new design proposal is drawn well. It has everything I asked for.)
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Keito: ( —And these, Lotus flowers)
Keito: (To be like a lotus that blooms beautifully, even in muddied waters... I know it's ridiculous of me to wish for such a thing.)
Keito: (In this world of showbiz, swirling with conspiracy, I won't be stained. While remaining true to myself, I shall bloom like a flower. As an idol, I shall continue to grow.)
Keito: (Just as I had vowed to Anzu.. For the sake of other people, and by extension, for my own sake. This flower is proof of my wish.)
Keito: ... Ah, sorry. I was just admiring the quality of the work you produced in such a short time.
Keito: Anzu. I look forward to the completion of the 'Special Outfit' that you've created.
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imher84 · 10 months
Ok I’m new to tumblr y’all but I have to give my opinion on joe and Olivia if this is a made up story it’s not gonna affect joe nothing seems to affect joe like unbothered is so much his tag line BUT this poor girl who gets harassed on the daily isn’t coming back from this like it’s gone to far if it’s not true 1 of her girlies as they go by at every game should have said early on this is not true and helped her be like omg people be crazy making shit up lol and like can’t wait for the season lol 😆 but homegirl has been at this 6 years been put through hell for 3 of them watched most the girlies and bengals ladies get married have babies etc and this MF is creepin Livvy dunne on the gram I don’t give a rats F....- how good looking he is now cuz she was with his baby face ass when he came walking out of Appalachia with messed up teeth and a huge ego YALL C MON nope nope this ain’t right y’all it ain’t right and now he sitting there talking bout don’t wear your ring in public for security reasons don’t confirm our engagement please no pictures WTF YOU THINKS GONNA HAPPEN ALL YOUR LITTLE BITTY TITTY COMITY GONE THINK YOUR GETTING MARRIED AND NOT DM YOU WITH THERE SELFIES nah she’s a better woman than me cuz I’d have done broke his legs idc about no contract that you tryna keep secret so on Tuesday when 1 of your boys gets cut from the roster you don’t wannabe blamed cuz they gotta pay you WHATS THE BIG SECRET if Mahommes can parade Britney around like a prize and give her children to cuz she stuck with him IM SERIOUS YALL LIKE this man haha 😆 this man must be trippin y’all it’s for her safety NO JOE. ITS NOT its so your tall handsome ass can still get side bitches speaking of safety are the bengals gonna get you some safety cuz you been sacked like a million times that’s the only safety you should be worried about nah y’all i gotta get off here cuz this mans making me angry 😠 y’all
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pyrochickenpollo · 11 months
On a unrelated note I always wondered something, how come Beezulbub never knew how Loona really felt about being at that party?
Even when she got comfy even when she started making friends brug She Never drank so Bee couldn't really tell what she was feeling at the party but didn't really see anything wrong or at the very least alarming about Loona and by the way she talked and dressed she was chill [maybe some insight from tex] and that's loafly that even if someone doesn't indulge at her parties she can sense or at least feel that they are still having a great time
Like she just thought Blitz was going crazy just to be crazy and have fun But after she saw him drink and saw him keep drinking and making a fool of himself she felt that he was doing it for a destructive purpose
So why does this matter? Well it doesn't it just kept bothering me that Bee didn't know that Loona didn't want to be at the party at first but knew that Blitz was trippin for a little
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jassygay · 1 year
Chapter 2 scene but not truly a scene.
Horton: *eating someone*
Ian: *slap Horton in the face really hard* Like yo cut g >:)
Billy: YOU CAN TALK?!?!
Shaic: wtf😬😬😬😬😬😬
Emily: bruh is Horton a zombie like us now?
Horton: bruh are you lil sh!ts are stupid I a demon, I got possessed
Ian: •________• yo mom
Jackson: how the fu¢k is he a demon…?
Horton: that fu¢king demon killed me and now she possessed me
Billy: liar, our creator never do that, you are her fav character idiot —___—
Horton: Wha- BRO SH-
Horton: ok if she died and why she possessed me?
Minto: she kept dying but revived but she never revived if DARKER KILL HER!
Horton: uhhhhh ok… now I gonna possessed all of you!
Chaotic Club: *grabs the kids club and run* RUN B!T¢H RUNNNNNNNNN
Captain Barnacles and the whole group are in the security cameras
Captain Barnacles: •_____• how did our kids died?
Kit: •______• alright I gonna died
Dashi: FU¢K NO SHORT@$$!
Dashi: yea cuz you short like yo mom >:>
Jane Kangaroo: wtf is going and how did Jassy died and how did Horton been possessed????
Martin: Naw💀 Shawty trippin
Captain Barnacles: alright can you b!t¢hes shit the fu¢k up I just trying to keep the eye on-
Peso: the Chaotic Club ran
Captain Barnacles: how did you know?
Peso: cuz Horton gonna possess them
Keith: WE ARE!!!!!!
The Chaotic Club are in the security cameras room.
Captain Barnacles: oh wait everyone there is some cameras in the vents- OH MY GOD! NOOOOOOOOO
Kwazii: OH MY LORD
Pannii: Ahhhhhhhhhh•_____•
Horton: looks like I got a lot paid tonight boss :D
Shadow Purple Leader: —_____— a bunch of b!t¢hes
Jez: hey Horton fu¢k you
Payton: she died-?!
Annie: OUR CREATOR!!!!
Captain Barnacles: wait what- she not dead guys she moving- now the fu¢k wait…. If she is not a human that means…. *remembers that she was the 13-year-old girl turn into a doll but a demon, Happy had the same cross earrings and cross necklace as Jassy, she was in the vents the whole time* a demon…
Pannii: we’re alone….
Koshi: we all gonna died are we?
Captain Barnacles: no no we not we need to stop the zombie apocalypse, turn the chaotic club back to normal, turn Martin, stinkwells, Sam, Mike, and every our friends back to normal, help Dory remember us, Tell Jassy the truth, Capture Jez and take off her mask, find the missing girl one more time, defeat Darker, stop the army, defeat the Shadow Purple Leader, sent the legends back to where they belong, and turn everything back to normal the way it was use.
Peso: how? We try everything in years.
Azulin: we need to figure out cousin
Kwazii: uhhhh you guys want to see this…
Tweak: Jassy is letting all the zombies in! And where is Horton?
Jake: if he not there and where….
Horton: *staring them and smile in the eerie way*
Gordi: H-Horton…. Plz don’t kill us…
Someone: well guys you gonna leave here it not safe everybody in this country and every country are heading to Asia and Europe where is less zombies and why is that guy creeping you guys?
The random person is just trying not to bug Horton just checking on him if he not a zombie
Someone: you guys gonna kill him he look like a zombie
Horton: I a demon b!t¢h! *attacks random person and eat them alive*
Captain Barnacles: EVERYONE RUNNNNNNN!!!!
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this-b1tch-is-shiney · 2 months
If you ever think I'm trippin or lying I'll tell you right now it's very hard for me to lie I cannot lie not really usually only if im like scared. Then I'll lie. Like let's see example okay I want to get accused of cheating if I take a shower, so I would never tell my ex when I did or when I would have yeast infections during pregnancy cuz he would accuse me of cheating so I would lie to him or keep him from knowing things but I was scared though. Also I didn't tell my diet the truth about losing my virginity either. I think I put it on my grandparents' grave that I didn't lose my virginity but I really did but I don't know I was scared of being judged but I really don't lie like literally that's the handful of times that I can remember that I lied about shit. I'm not a good liar, I don't like to do it.
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leagueofleaguesff · 2 years
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Laura 8-3 1st Place
Laura is the best team in the league thus far. Staying on top, she has a two game lead over the rest of the league. She hasn't clinched because to many 5-6 teams have a chance at an upset to tie her current record. On the flip side of that...if she wins, she's in. A 9-win record is what it will take for her to keep safe and keep sipping her green tea Frappuccino.
Stephen A Smith: Keep sippin yo tea gurl! You got this (says emphatically)
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Demetri 6-5 2nd Place
Demetri is dancing atop of a 4way tie of 6-5 teams that make up the majority of the playoff teams. He has the advantage in the PF column AND has a bye week seeding as of now. Things are looking good for Demetri. Of course with all the 5-6 teams, he'll look to avoid the flip flop of records and rankings with that group. Even if that occurred, his points for keeps him in good standings should he keep it up.
Stephen A Smith: You're damn right I'm dancing and do you know wwwhhhyyy? Huh? Do you wanna know wwwhhhhyyyy? Look at my boys PF mmhmmm. I'm dancing cuz I know he sitting good yall. He's a baaaaaaad maaaaaan!
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Professor 6-5 3rd Place
Professor low key has come up the ranks. At 6-5 he is in prime position to take a late season surge to the top. He has done this before. He is relying on wins not points. Sure he could drop all the way to 9th...but he doesn't seem worried.
Stephen A Smith: *Smells his coffee ☕* You read the recap. Been there done that (sassy). Yall can sweat it out....he good though. He got a quite confidence about himself. I like that. Look it ol Professor showing off his skills swag aha!
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Johnny 6-5 4th Place
Johnny has success in this league, seems this year is no different. Still, the learing 5-6 group is in the wings ready to pounce. Nothing more than a win or two will satisfy his mind to secure a playoff appearance. His PF is comparable to the rest of the league. Not the best case scenario to be in.
Stephen A Smith: You see my dawg Johnny. Whats new? Nothing. I'm ready while yall deliberate. My boy got this. This ...is....what...he...do.
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Matt 6-5 5th Place
Matt has come roaring back after hovering the lower ranks...unusual for his stature. He has the wildcard but is the most at risk in losing seeing he is on the bottom of that winning group with only a win or two separating him from contention.
Stephen A Smith: *Laughing* I mean come on. You mean to tell me...yall let this guy come in this league too and one up yall?! Come on. You gotta give him all the Core 4 leagues? Yall trippin. Keep messing around and see what Matt gon do.
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Carla 5-6 6th Place
Carla is in wildcard contention at a sub .500 record. She is on top of the other 4way tie. She is a win away from jumping all the way to 2nd place. How? She has the 2nd most PF in the league!
Stephen A Smith: ✋ Wait. A wildcard team is under .500 And....AND has the 2nd most PF in the league?! What are we doing. We have this much parity that a wildcard, barely that can jump to 2nd with a bye? Ah...I mean...(throws hands up).
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Oliver is in the outside looking in. His points for has concern for those teams above (well not Carla) as he too could jump those teams with one win. Similar to his counterpart, Oliver needs to get the majority of wins out of these next 3 games to really secure a spot in the postseason.
Stephen A Smith: I'm mad. This man already eliminated in one league, near the bottom in another, and is barely in a playoff in another Core 4 league (yells) AND YET he got a shot at overtaking bout 4 or 5 of ya? Tell me you're not serious.
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Jermaine 8th Place 5-6
Jermaine is in the hunt but has a difficult road ahead. Is PF is the middle of the road so wins are the most crucial commodity to have. It can be done but it will be a brutal battle to get through.
Stephen A Smith: I had to take my glasses off for this one. This is blasphemous! Another 5-6 team? Really? Yall messing with me now.
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Ricky 5-6 9th Place
Slick has a chance to be the Darkhorse if all the planets align and God's shine down on him. Even at 5-6 like his fellow league mates, the PF is all the more precious in securing a seed. Not impossible. If anyone could do it, Rick could.
Stephen A Smith: Whaaat?! No now I know yall playin wit me. The league....its gotta be the most competitive just for the pure fact that average record best out the other leagues on a per record basis. But still tho...5-6 9th place you only got one more team....I mean
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Taurean 3-8 10th Place
Taurean at 3-8 has a lotto chance at sneaking into the playoffs. At 3-8 he needs all of the 5-6 group to lose out, he has to win the next 3 games, and hope the tie break points go his way. His PF is not that off where it couldn't be done. Hanging on by a string.
Stephen A Smith: We don't care. I mean is it possible sure. But really? Come on. There is no way in hell he gonna make it. No way. No way!
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I saw one of my ex-boyfriend’s in Holden a cple months ago, he looks so fucking old like he could be my fucking dad and he’s only four years older than me. Honestly my dad..my birth father could pass for being the same age as him. they’re both bald as fuck. lol. He looked at me and he looked like he was trippin balls and he’s like Courtney? I turn around and I’m like oh my God , heeeeeeey Tim…🤭because I was obsessed with him, esp in freshman year in high school he was such a cutie he looked like a fucking God he was like the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life when he was 18. Now? Holy shit girl, good gawd.
He was like you haven’t aged a day. I was thinking to myself “Good thing you got a lot of sleep last night.” Otherwise I wouldn’t be lookin go wonderful. Me and Jesse watched exotica together a couple nights ago because we both are obsessed with mia whatever I forget her last name but anyway…I was like “when I start to really age and get wrinkles I’m just gonna look like a wrinkly old child and it’s gonna be weird.”He was like “that’s funny because one of my friends came in the other day and I told him that he looked like “a wrinkly old man-child and he got mad at me.” 😂
I love Jesse he’s like a man version of me so we get each other and I think he like Fuckin loves me but like not love love🤷🏻‍♀️ like loves me as a home dog probz because we talk about everything. I’ve told him some shit that I’ve not even told you. Like some real fucked up type shit. Cuz he told me some fucked up shit then I raised him and told him MY fucked up shit. It was a good bonding ritual to share sexual deviant child stories. I also told him about even more shit that you don’t know about yet. I probably won’t ever say it or type it on here cause I mean you know God knows who’s fucking looking at this shit. There’s more than that but yeah I’m a good girl, I’m a good girl.
Speaking of sexual deviancy what TWAS that “fairies come first” …,You stealing my jokes over there and trying to use them against me? Lol guuuurl, you fuckin crazy. That’s why I love you though.
Was that actually a dare, a request ?
Or just a statement to bore me to death?
You wouldn’t be daring ME now would you? Only psychotic people dare me. You know you could never be able to mentally deal with the aftermath of having that many INTENSE O’s inna row …miss thang.
Cuz after I was done you body would be Jell-O for the straight 7 day week, you’d be keeping me chained up somewhere and would pay watchers to watch me so I wouldn’t slip my foldable hands out of cuffs. You’d have to use a thick rope. I know how to get out of any handcuffs and even zip ties. Even if I am not wearing sneakers I can still get out of zip ties. You wouldn’t want me to ever leave your sight. You wouldn’t know your name, you wouldn’t know where you were, you wouldn’t know where you came from, you’d forget about anyone you’ve ever met, you wouldn’t know who your brothers are, your family would become strangers, you’d have to buy a walker or a wheelchair to wheel around like you were fkn Gumby in the special Olympics. You wouldn’t who the president is . Well, the president doesn’ know who the president is, soI dunno. But yea. All you would be thinking of is me, where I was, n when the next time would be.
I dare you to dare me, but I know you won’t. You don’t have the BAWLZ to dare me that, my cute widduw doebean.
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kaminocasey · 2 years
Summary: Reader has a giant crush on Tech and can barely keep her balance around him.
Pairing: Tech x f!reader
Word count: 900
Warnings: None
A/N: I heard the song “Clumsy” by Ferguson and thought of Tech.
“You got me trippin, stumbling, flippin, fumbling
Clumsy cuz I'm fallin in love
You got me slippin, tumbling, sinking, fumbling
Clumsy cuz I'm fallin in love
So in love with you”
You can find it on AO3 Here!
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The Marauder always felt quiet when you were traveling in hyperspace. Wrecker was usually lifting Gonky. Crosshair was usually cleaning his rifle. Hunter was usually searching safe places to land during jobs. And Echo and Tech were always piloting the ship. That just left you. You were usually sitting next to or near Crosshair, reading some thrifted novel you managed to find in your downtime on Ord Mantell.
“When are you going to tell him?” Crosshair asks you.
You look up from your book. He was talking about your feelings for Tech. Which was something you had only discussed with Crosshair. You look around to make sure Wrecker wasn’t listening. You didn’t care if Hunter could hear because you knew he wouldn’t care. Wrecker was absolutely terrible with secrets.
“Why do you care so much about my love life?” You question him with a quirked eyebrow.
He rolls his eyes and takes his signature toothpick out of his mouth, leaning in close.
“Yesterday, you tripped over your medical bag when he told you ‘good job’. You fell over earlier when he just said your name. It’s not that I care about your love life per se, but I do think it would make you look silly if you, our medic, got yourself hurt over something as dumb as tripping over your bag because of a crush.” He shrugs as if he’s made a point.
Maybe he has made a point.
“Coming out of hyperspace in 10 seconds.” You hear Tech call back to you guys.
Just thinking about telling Tech how you felt made your stomach turn into knots. You had tried to get over your crush on the genius clone. But it seemed like everything he said or did just reminded you of why you felt that way about him.
Like when he would info dump about things that mattered to him. Or when he would push up his glasses on his face 100 times a day. Or the way he would look up from his holopad, so innocently, when someone would talk to him. Or even the way he flew the ship. When you would be sitting in the copilot chair, your stomach would be in knots just from him talking to you. It seemed like a lost cause to try to get over him.
“Hey Tech, want to walk with me to the thrift store?” You ask him once you land back on Ord Mantell.
“I can’t see anything of importance to me being in a thrift store.” He says, not looking up from his holopad.
You know he wasn’t being rude, but it still stung a bit.
“Oh. Alright.” You say, looking pointedly at Crosshair, who rolls his eyes.
“Tech, maybe you should walk with her and make sure she stays safe?” Crosshair suggests.
“Wouldn’t Wrecker be better suited for that?” Tech looks up.
The disappointment must be clear on your face because Tech sets his holopad down with his helmet and walks over to you.
“Alright. I suppose I have some time before it gets too dark out to work on the ship.” He smiles.
A few blocks into your walk, as Tech is talking to you about something he found that would help with the darkness in the bunk room on the ship, you manage to trip over your own foot, distracted by the way Tech looks in the sunlight. Thankfully, Tech catches you before you hit the pavement.
Before you can apologize, Tech speaks up.
“Are you aware that you do that a lot when I talk to you? You don’t do that with the others.” Tech notices.
You feel yourself redden. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize. I just find it peculiar.” He makes sure you’re standing upright before letting go of you.
You really wish he wouldn’t, though.
“Is it something I do or say that offsets you? Do you get upset when I say certain things?” He questions you.
You can feel how warm you are in the ears, wanting desperately to drop the subject. “No. Nothing like that.”
“Then… what is it?” He looks at you.
“It’s just… you.” You struggle for words.
He looks like he’s at a loss for words, trying to think. You decide to be brave. You decide to step out of your comfort zone. If it doesn’t work, you can just apologize profusely and transfer to a different squad, right? And you’ll have to find a therapist if you don’t die of embarrassment.
You take his hand, which is unusually soft for someone who messes with stuff all day long, and place a soft kiss on his lips. He goes completely still, which kind of makes you afraid to pull back and see the rejection on his face. When you do pull away though, he slowly opens his eyes, looking down into yours.
“Did Echo put you up to this?” He asks, suddenly, red in the face.
“Echo?” You ask, confused.
“He’s the only one who knows how I feel about you. Is he the one who put you up to this as a joke perhaps?” He questions you, looking around.
This poor man thinks the only reason someone would kiss him would be for a joke? And did you hear that correctly? Tech has feelings for you?
“Tech.” You pull his face to look at you. “I did that because I have feelings for you too.”
“You… you do?” He asks, completely surprised.
“Yeah. I thought it was obvious by the way I can barely walk around you without almost breaking a bone. You call yourself a genius.” You tease him.
He chuckles. “Well, I guess it looks like you’ve quite literally fallen for me.”
“Oh, he’s got jokes now.” You laugh.
He smirks, pulling you into his arms to kiss you again. You could definitely get used to this.
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“bad influence”  platonic ashtray oneshot(Euphoria)
Tw: Drugs,Peer pressure 
 You jogged quickly down the Jacobs’s porch and tied your box braids back with two side braids and started your journey to fez’s place on your skateboard.
 You Were Martha’s New Charity case, A 14 year old Black Girl With ‘no light ahead of her’, that’s what Martha said when Cal started up an argument and throwing your bookbag all around his living room. you stared silently at the scene in front of you and leaned your back against the wall. Martha was a good woman and you knew so did everyone else. but they didnt know she was Kind of a Helicopter, watching your every move, checking you for marks every night, surveilling your social media, and giving you a weekly drug test.
And you’d always come out clean. you had boundaries, kne what you wanted and didnt want, needed and didnt need. Drugs were never you cup of tea. you’d tried once and puked all your guts out, you decided then that you wouldnt do it again. 
So when you headed Over to Troy and Roy’s place with Gia for a sleepover, you’d only planned on playing Fortnite and Stuffing yourself with Oreos and Sprite. The guys had a different idea.  
“Here, try this” Roy said  “Naw im a’ight” you barely managed to breathe out between your oreo-stuffed mouth. just  when you finished chewing Gia walked in With her eyes read and her head hanging low. “yo! Are you Cool?” you asked jumping from the bean bag and disregarding the boys’s PS4 Controller. “Yeah she cool” both the boys moaned out in the same tired manner as Gia.
“listen, we came here for a sleepover and to play some games. this is a mess! and i cant believe yall got my friend into this, yall are a bad influence and all this time i been  thinkin ‘Rue trippin, Rue wrong  cuz Troy and Roy are cool. they aint anything like their brothers friends, we aint gonna end up like that’ but here we are!!” you ranted, flailing your arms to signal the position everyone was in. them stinkin up their daddy’s house and you havin to be the only responsible one. “im out” you grabbed your sneaker and closed their bedroom door and headed out. you walked throught the hall and into the living room catching Cassie and Chris cuddling up on the sofa. you snuck by quietly not wanting to ruin their moment and ran all the way to  Martha.
You were at the Store now. you rolled in and left your board by the entrance. “hey hey” you passed Fezco quicly before he could Respond and ran to the back and bumped right into Ash. “wassup Yn, You Good.” he didnt dare offer you any drugs, he knew what was up and he respected your boundaries. “Not really, Gia got caught up with the twins.” you looked at him from the side all worried and feeling sick to your stomach. “and i feel like its my fault cuz i was too into the game. and if i woulda watched Gia and maybe even, The Twins they wouldnt’a been in all of that and we coulda just played fortnite or some other dumb game that woulda kept them distracted and to keep them from doing drugs.” you pace and gag as the smell refils your nose and clouds your lungs. Ash comes up and grabs your hand to lead you to their couch. “aint nobody fault but theirs that they got into that mess i aint even sell ‘em that tho i gotta feelin they stole that fro mckay so if its any body’s fault its def theirs. They all got good people to look up to. and people who are good. And YOU dont.  you still do good and be responsible. Its good that you didnt follow no bad influence thats the kinda thing that shows what typa person you are”
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sucuretcannelle · 3 years
Hi! I sent the necromancer request. I was going to let you decide whether S/O met Garcello before or after death, but if you need a better prompt maybe it could be both? Like, "Aw man, I wonder what happened to that cute guy I sometimes talked to behind 7/11. I was gonna confess to him soon. Maybe I can take my mind off him by practicing the dark arts. Lemme check the obituaries to see who's new in the graveyar- OH SHIT!" (Is that better? Take your time BTW, you seem busy, but I'm patient. :3c)
I'M SO SORRY In fact, lemme do both but separate cuz I feel bad for taking so long
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Version 1:
-So you were making your way around town, as any normal person does
-And you had a random thought
-"Hey, why don't I go talk to Garcello today" like any normal person does
-Well are you really normal if you chose to befriend a random smoker you found outside?
-Who knows
-And frankly, who cares? Go get the hot smoker man
-For some odd reason, he isn't there
-So what? Who said he was on a schedule?
-You may or may not be overthinking it but, what if he's dead?
-He's always there when you go, and you always go at the same time as usual
-Meh, who cares
-So as you leave the alleyway, you headed to the graveyard, for 2 reasons
-What if he did die? It might be a stretch but it was still something worth finding out
-And you were heading there anyway so why not go now?
-So you walked, and walked
-And then you got there
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-Guess someones gonna rise from the dead today
-But hey you did your thing, and now his ghost is with you!
-Thats cool as shit!
-He was so confused tbh, poor dude thought he was finally gonna rest
-But he's with you so he doesn't mind
-He had to calm you down cuz you thought he got murdered or something
-Which is valid, cuz you remember him having some type of beef with daddy dearest
-He finds it endearing that you care about him so much, even though he's like
-a few things you noticed is that he smiles a lot more
-Did I mention he has dimples? He has a very nice smile
-He's also very obedient, he doesn't mind keeping you company or just helping you out if he can
-See now, confessing wasn't as hard as you thought it was gonna be! 
-It's not like he had a reason to reject you, he has no one else to talk to
-At least you get to find out that you can actually smooch a ghost
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Version 2:
-So you were practicing le dark arts one day
-And you summoned a dude made out of cigarette smoke!
-Heh, you could say he was smokin hot 
-Ok I'll be taking my leave now
-To compare both situations, he wasn't as nice as he was in version one
-You can't tell me he wouldn't be a little confused
-Like, if a random person summoned you out of nowhere, you'd be trippin too.
-Oh dear, its very awkward
-Small talk is so normal at first
-You better be talkative, its the easiest way to get him to open up
-But if not, you'll make it work. It'll just take some time
-In this version, vibing with him is very common
-But him talking about his life isnt
-It'll take some time for him to open up, but it will happen after a while
-and then the bond between you two got real close
-His personality didn't completely change, but he was much more talkative and nice
-Perfect time to confess 
-So many emotions hit him at once
-Like, mental recap: You summoned this dude out of nowhere, stayed by his side, and now you wanna date him?
-He finds that shit so crazy
-But hey, its not like he doesn't like you either
-In conclusion, fuck life, kiss ghosts
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lifewithsyfe · 3 years
Not quite sure how to put this into words, but someone else needs to know what I know. This story can save so many people and I won’t feel right until it’s consumed by as many as possible. I can’t express how many times I’ve tried to get this out. I almost even gave up on it, but God wouldn’t let me. So, let me make another attempt at it - this is how I escaped the devil: 
It was a Friday night, April 5th, 2019. 
I’m at El Rey on U street, having a few cold ones by myself. Just got off work, taking it easy...
Then, I end up running into and old “friend” I used to hangout with. Known him for about 7 years at the time: (Dave) - tall, black, dreads, above average build.
After a couple of drinks, he asks if I want to hangout at one of his friends house. Said we can smoke there and that she has a lot of drugs. 
So I accepted cuz I was originally going to let the night unravel on it’s own and it didn’t sound like such a bad idea at the time.
It was a habitual routine I developed during my heartache…
I’d go out alone, run into a group of people I knew, bar hop ‘til we ended up at an after hours spot (or someone’s place) and shamelessly sleep my next day away.
So we get to the front of his friend’s building and it’s like a 60sumn-year-old lady: 
(Robin) - fat, white, short, blue hair, top row gold grill and “ride or die bitch” tattooed on the back of her neck (amongst a couple others, but that one stood out most cuz it was in my face, while she was unlocking her apartment door).
At first, I thought it was a descriptive-type of tattoo. Like, she was saying that that’s what she was.
But in retrospect, it was almost like it was something she was saying to me - you’ll see what I mean later, if you don’t get it now.
Oblivious to what was about to happen next, I continued to walk through that door...
Something felt off, but I just figured it would be something low-level weird. 
I’m always seeing signs that show somebody dabbles in magic or the dark arts, but I figured “if I’m not actively practicing divinity or doing weird rituals, it won’t personally affect me…if I don’t create a ceremonial invitation, then I’ll be okay.”
Now, I’ve already had a good amount of spiritual experiences at this point (good and bad), but for some reason I just didn’t think anything like this would happen…at least not to me. 
I thought I had it all figured out, cuz I thought I’d seen it all - or at least enough. 
I should’ve known though…I was just so emotionally numb at the time, I was doing anything to feel anything.
I mean aesthetically, she looked like she’d have a few good stories or something. Needless to say by now, but I ignored the red flags. 
So, moving forward...
We walk in, sit on the couch, watch skate videos and start breaking down.
After a few minutes of small talk, they offer me some acid from a vile. Emphasizing how it was very high grade stuff - but I didn’t need much convincing anyway. 
I was very into psychedelics and considered myself extremely experienced in that realm. 
But just because I did it a lot, didn’t mean I was. You couldn’t tell me I wasn’t though.
It was usually my go-to for when I needed that unrivaled escape from reality. 
So yeah, I took the witch’s brew thinking it was something I considered fun.
Once it starts to kick in, I can feel her beginning to stare at me from the end of the room - with a big grin on her face.
She then suggested that I take my jacket off cuz I’m going to end up getting really hot, and cackled like it was the funniest thing the world to say.
It was something she said a couple of times too. At first I didn’t know exactly what she meant, I just thought she was a basket case - but she was implying that I was going to end up in Hell…you’ll see what I mean.
A few moments go by and they suggest we move the party to the rooftop cuz her place was limiting and we could see more from up there. 
Plus, she wanted to blow bubbles…and I figured “tripping indoors is boring anyway, why not?”
Now because I took my jacket off and left it in her apartment, I began shivering after a while. 
I didn’t expect for it to be that windy, I wanted a nice little breeze.
So she says she’ll get me one, cuz she had to go in for more soap anyway - comes back and asks to put this fur coat on me. 
It was a nice coat, so I let her.
So I’m cozy now and she gives me a tour, showing me the cool visible parts of the city.
Telling me not to be afraid of my true potential and that I can obtain everything I want. 
I was feeling pretty good about those words, until I thought “that sounds familiar…what if she isn’t speaking in general?” - but I just chalked it up to her being an old hippy. 
She then grabs my arm and tells me to look at this red wall, as we walk to the other side of the building. I figured it’d be something visually enticing she was trying to share, but this was going to be her first attempt at hypnosis.
She asked if it felt like my soul was being massaged - encouraging me to ride it out. Essentially, trying to get me to put my guard down, saying “this is where dreams become reality.” 
Then, I began seeing holographic outlines of people in the wall. The traces reminded me of a glowing snail trail.
Right after, I saw myself turn into a block of flesh and almost being slid into the wall if I stared any longer. 
But like I woke up in one of those falling dreams, I snapped out of it.
With a laugh attached, she says “damn, almost!” 
And that’s when I stopped letting myself be completely naive. The veil was clearly being lifted before me and I needed to be alert. It’s just, I had this slight muffle surrounding my common sense. 
Now I knew hallucinogens were considered sorcery in the Bible, but I figured - one more time won’t hurt. It’s not like I wasn’t still smoking and drinking. 
It’s just crazy, cuz it was after learning about what the fallen angels taught us, is when I decide trip again. 
I blatantly chose to play with fire and defy God that night.  
See, these hypnotic spells are telepathic contracts. Once the manipulator is installing a vision, it’s at the last second where it becomes your choice to see what happens next.  
It nudges at your curiosity, feeling like it’s a part of the trip you’re supposed to let ride out.
But every time I almost did, my heart wasn’t having it and I’d snap out of it again.
Every time she would cast a spell, I could feel my soul almost getting pulled out - with a malicious presence surrounding me. 
The goosebumps I got from this thing, felt like it was ready to defile me in every way possible.
In disbelief that what I thought might be happening, wasn’t - I tell myself “let me not cause a ruckus for no reason, I am trippin’ after all. Think of something positive.”
But now my eyes are shifting everywhere, cuz I keep getting a glimpse of whatever’s approaching. 
Even with that many peculiarities, something kept me in denial.
Still though, she tries another set-up and tells me to look at how high up we are, as she gestured for me to look down from the rail. As if I didn’t already know, but I go cuz I also didn’t want to be rude.
So I grab the rail and lean over…
(Dave) says “don’t let go,” giving me this wide-eyed look with a smile and said “you feel it, don’t you?”
Then just like that, my heart jumped and my mind began getting flashes of demonic symbols and images like subliminal messages. 
My vision was about to go black, like the circle closing at the end of a cartoon…until I snapped out of it and backed up with my head on a swivel, angrily questioning them. 
That’s when I caught (Dave) behind me, quickly hiding his hands. 
Now I’m on survival mode and it feels like I can’t even make a step without risking my soul. I can feel that I’m being made a fool out of, but of course they gaslight me and try to calm me down…
I still didn’t want to believe I was in this kind of mess, but I’d be naive to let all that slide so easily.
So with caution, I’m trying to plan my escape - playing it as cool as I can, but my body is getting heavier by the second.
She then lifts her speaker and says “listen to these different frequencies, it can change your mood.”
I really wasn’t trying to listen, because I needed to leave and I didn’t trust her at all now. Especially not with anything sound related.
But then out of nowhere, I hear a distorted garble come out of the speaker and hit my ear.
I said “huh!?”
Then (Dave) was like “oh, you heard that...?”
I looked away and acted oblivious, cuz I felt that if they knew I could hear that, they’d bring out the big guns.
(Dave) laughed, saying to Robin “wait, he still don’t know what this is yet?”
Unintentionally, or intentionally letting me know. 
So I tried to leave and they started laughing. Trying so hard to keep me there…
(Dave) said “you already ‘bouta do it, it’s better this way anyway.”
Then he was like “look at my hands, this shit trippy, right?”
Followed by him creating an infinity symbol with his waving hands. 
Now this infinity symbol was made of light and floating in mid-air in front of him after he did it. 
Right after that, he did the hermaphrodite/goat-headed deity’s pose, flipping his hands and head perfectly in a stiff dance.
Which then caused me to see it’s true form in my minds eye. I snap out of it once again, trying to get a hold of my reality.
Once I can see them again, it’s like time stood still and only I could move. 
I’d look around and they’d be frozen. 
At this time, I can hear them having two conversations, simultaneously. 
All I caught was (Dave) say “he can’t hear us in this plane.”
Then as he slowly got up - like I was tuning through a radio, I hear a screeching static clear up. The sound then becomes like an electronic bleating and bellowing from a goat, in-sync, surrounding him.
At this moment, I’m a part of their their collective conscious conversation - essentially telepathy.
Then they began letting me know who they were. 
Saying that they were angels, that they were around before us and that I can be like them.
The whole time they were talking to me, they were trying to weaken and hypnotize me with hand signs - trying to convince me. Thing is, when they did try to convince me, they’d always talk around the subject at hand - but once you know what the subject is, the situation becomes clear. 
A lot of people might think they’d get physical and get out of there. I just don’t think they’d understand how it is fighting sleep paralysis, awake. 
I also knew that one false move would take me to the ‘sunken place.’
I knew I couldn’t just stand there though, but right before I grab the door to get to the elevator, (Dave) says “okay, you gon’ be waiting on that elevator forever; this is a REAL trip…c’mon, I thought you liked this shit.” 
Mockingly he asked “yeah, I guess you gon’ think twice about taking LSD again huh?”
I was thinking in my head “fuck, did I really just lose my soul? Is this how it happens? Is this where it all ends?”
I thought that was it, so I was about to give in and accept the offer - see what benefits I could get, if any.
Then from there, every time we almost sealed the deal, I would feel a hungry fire approach me from behind.
The one time I decided to look for where it was coming from, I got a vision with an orange blur in it - slowly materializing, until I could make something out of it. With the bit that I saw, I knew it was me being swallowed by fire and not dying. 
Immediately after, almost as if I had touched the flames themselves, I yelled in confusion “wait, what? No! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior!”
To which (Dave) nonchalantly responds “okay, you do that...that [N-word] died a long time ago.” 
I look at him with disgust and continued to pray.
Telling God that He would never abandon His children if they encountered evil and that if there was a way for Him to save me to do it.
(Dave) says that I’m blowing his trip and leaves to the gas station.
At this time I could’ve left, but I still didn’t want to be alone in an elevator with him.
So as I’m praying, I begin to feel the dark grip they had on my heart loosen up. It was like my heart was pumping electricity throughout my body, then all around it. I could feel the forcefield - Christ had arrived and I could move my body freely. No more fear in taking the wrong step.
So on (Dave’s) way back, (Robin) announces it and says let’s go downstairs and get him. That’s when I hear (Dave) say - not yell, “open up” from all the way downstairs and I was amazed...I was like “wait, can he still hear me?” 
With him responding “DUH! Damn, you some shit!” and continued on his way.
So if I was to leave, this was going to be my chance.
In the elevator she tries enchanting me again, but I rebuked every attempt. 
I’m trying to maintain focus the best that I can, so I don’t slip - which made this elevator ride unnecessarily more intense than it needed to be.  
Once the elevator door finally opens, I see (Dave’s) silhouette behind a thick glass rail, carrying an ominous slouch. 
Walking towards me, he notices that I’ve calmed down. So when he sees my face, he smiles and asks “oh, you’re good now?”
I replied “I am and I’m not with the goofy shit y’all up to - I’m gettin’ the fuck outta here.” 
So as I’m walking towards the exit, he yells “that’s not the way out!”
To where I respond “fuck y’all!”
You would’ve thought I opened the door before touching it, the way I left out so fast. 
As that door closed, I did a little jog to get across the street. 
But a few seconds later, I feel this tingle in the back of my brain, as though it had neck hairs that stood up. 
I look over my shoulder and noticed he decided to follow me…of course. Shortly after I noticed him - with that bull-like slouch, he started running. 
Now I was a little ahead of him, so I didn’t start running yet. I had to make sure I knew where I was going before exerting my energy.
Every time I moved my head, I could feel the tingle coming from his direction. 
So there was no losing him - but I am fast.
I couldn’t call a ride because my phone was dead and I couldn’t go to anyone’s house at the time, cuz it was around 5am now.
As (Dave) got closer, I felt my vision going black and my body getting heavy again. A lot stronger this time…time to kick it into high gear.
Once it clicks into my head that the easiest place to catch a taxi in such a heated moment would be in Adams Morgan, an opportunity presented itself.
Ahead of me was a crosswalk and the orange hand was counting down it’s last seconds. Everything I ever learned told me I wasn’t going to make it, but I wasn’t going to stop running either.
So when my foot lands off the sidewalk, is when the cars to my left and right begin to move. 
That’s when everything moved in-slow-motion…and a burst of energy launched me across the street.
I’ll remember that moment as my own Air Jordan.
That moment bought me time, but he kept going too. This is when I start hearing echoed garbles crawl off buildings and jump into my ear “you acting like a bitch - come back!”
Perfectly as if he was next to me…I look behind me and it’s like he hasn’t broke a sweat. Completely focused.
From the gas station diagonal to the 9:30 Club, to the McDonald’s in Adam’s Morgan.
My body wanted to give out most of the way, but soul wouldn’t allow it.
I just had to keep running until I found a taxi - which I did.
That’s when (Dave) caught up, yelling “you look like an unk right now!” cuz 4 taxis stopped for me in that intersection.
To where I respond “I don’t give a fuck, I made it out alive!” 
I get in the car and tell the taxi driver to drive towards Maryland, that I’ll give him the address on the highway.
Finally, after surviving a living nightmare, I made it home. 
I went to my room, played some worship music, got on my knees and wrung myself out of tears to Christ.
Afraid to sleep because I knew they could contact me in my dreams.
So I didn’t until the drug wore off in the afternoon the next day…
I even felt that burn on my back as if it was sunburn for the next couple of weeks.
I’m so grateful to still be alive, because I’m 100% positive I’d be in Hell (with something else in my vessel) if I didn’t call on God that night.
It was like I was tiptoeing on a needlepoint to keep my soul.
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duvayknox · 3 years
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Mah job was to watch JAMES BOND: NO TIME TO DIE.
I didden really have da time to watch the move.
Butt I also didden have time 2 Die wich I was threatened wit if I did not watch this movie.
So I made arrangements to katch the late show when none of mah enemies wood B there.
I took a seat in the very BACK of the theater as is mah stile (da better to see hoo cums and goes and tries to make me keep mah mask on.... seems there is a pandemic of sorts by the SUPER SPY THREAT known as CODENAME: COVID).
I had already been warned that COVID had alretty brainwashed a number Black Citizens to name they Children CORONA.
So I was in extreme alert mode as the movie came on.
I had 1 hand on mah popcorn and the otha hand on mah GLOCK in case sum shit Popped Off.
I drank a COKE and SNORTED a smaller amount of COKE for extra ADHD (it helps).
The plot finds our hero JAMES BOND a reluctant one as we find him mourning the love of a Bitch he had lost--or perhaps given up to SAVE HER.
Butt apparently-JAMES wit all his training has never been made aware that U caint SAVE-A-BITCH or HELP-A-HOE where ever she may be. 
Nor shood one try unda ANY CirCUMstances. As THIS is always bound 2 Fail--and DOOM da FOOL hoo tries.
Yet BOND tries to doo JES this thang: SAVE HER.
Despite the Warnings of The great rapper/prophet PROJECT PAT hoo crooned in a 90s anthem: DONT SAVE HER CUZ SHE DONT WANNABE SAVED!!!!
So BOND goes afta this E-Vil muthafucka named Lyutsifer Safin aka LUCIFER SATAN hoo wants to CLONE DNA so he kan use it to KILL high level muthafuckaz he hates--and to DEPOPULATE all da rest of US chumps he feels dont have da rite 2 to breeve da same AIR as him.
Da LUCIFER cat snatches up his BOO and den shit really gits heated cuz Bond decides he aint having dat shit.
He follows DA PUSSY to sum old as castle-lookin place outta da 50s to confront da Foo.
See this was sposed 2 B Bond last time dooing dis shit for da QUEEN-rite?
And it dont help dat da Queen n nem brang in a SISTA to replace him as da NEW 007.
Bitch looked like a BIG BLACK THUGS BUNNY wit dem big ole 2 FRONT TEEFESS (and short afro).
They clap on each otha when they first meet/then wind up kinda having nuff respeck for each otha later on tho.
Imma tell U strate off dat if U a true JAMES BOND LOVER like I Am dats dis flick was full of da worst type ov 80s bullshit dey useta make movies like. Allat sappy ass music for one.
Den U had da 1-eyed Villain hoo cood not see strate.
And RAMI MALEK hoo was da E-vil muthafucka dey had him wit a bad case of wut looked like sum ECZEMA like he aint neva heard of NOXZEMA.
Even had 1 muthafucka hoo was sposed 2 B sum kinda RUSSIAN and da foo lost his ACCENT half-way thru da movie.
And u had BABY GIRL trippin ova her lil rabbit named DOO-DOO.
And dat shit fit da movie cuz it was a BOO-BOO to make this DOO-DOO.
I filed mah notes to mah digital recorder dat I keep hidden on mee in case da COPS try 2 check mee knowing as how I realize dat Im ALWAYS beehind enemy lines so I have 2 have sum kinda evidence on me recorded case I dont make it out ov deez theaters alive.
I watched da movie alla way thru down to da crediks cuz deez prices for deez sorry as joints are so high I have becum determined to watch ERRY THANG including down 2 da ROMAN NUMERALS on deez shits.
Then I left quietly thru da a back door.
Without mah MASK ON.
Mah MISSION had been accomplished like-a-muthafucka.
He tried to SAVE DA PUSSY.
Not mee cuz I have always known dat U CAINT SAVE-A-BITCH no matter how hard U TRY--and WERSE: u mite jes git Yo self OBLITERATED in da process of tryna do so.
--the end--
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One Night Only 2, Part 7
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But what DMs? Who's talking shit about me," you hiss mid-stair. He's halfway down the hall.
"Bring ya ass on," he whisper-yells and you jog over to grab his wrist demanding his focus.
"Tell me."
"I hear you," he says a little forcefully, unzipping the fly to his black Levi's and walking sock-footed into the main bathroom on the way to the toilet.
"Okay so? Why have you never brought any of this up to me? And how many of these messages you been getting?"
"Hella. Bae, get out I gotta piss."
"I need to see these messages."
"You finna see more than that."
"I don't care, I've seen your dick before.. Erik!.."
"Out," he points to the door. 
Closing it behind you, you wait in the hall while he does his business. When he opens the door he double-blinks shocked to see you standing so close, glaring up at him.
"You never mentioned it... Don't you think that's something important to tell me?"
"For what," he deadpans. "What would you do with that information?"
"Tell you I'm not cheating!"
"I know you not cheating." He says it so matter-of-factly that it catches you off guard.
"It's just odd. Someone sends you pictures and you aren't the least bit curious?"
"Should I suspect you?"
"Hell nah! I'm very loyal," you scoff. "But with all these seeds being planted in your mind, you never had any doubts about me?"
"Once or twice," he admits, his forearm now resting on the wall over your head.
"WHEN?" Your eyes are wide.
"You remember when I hit you up and you said you was at the studio, but my producer ain't see you?"
Of course I remember that.
"I couldn't figure out why you'd lie to me about something that small."
"Erik, that was the night I wanted to surprise you by having your favorite cheesecake from Sugar's because I was excited you were coming home!"
"I know that now," he smirks sarcastically. It was also the first night we played with food and sex. The cake was a mess, we had to buy new sheets. "Only reason I was trippin then was cuz three niggas DM'd me the same video saying you was in the clubs with 6lack and that I'm a simp cuz the nigga was kissing all down your neck." He rubs down his own thick neck in distaste for the mental image. "I zoomed," he pinched the air, "She looked like you, her skin and her hair. Side profile. The fucked up part was I knew through the business 6lack was tryna collab and you were on to collab with a rapper. Plus I was away for a lil bit. But I looked at that picture real close and I saw she had green polish. Last I'd seen, you were wearing white."
"I've never even- ...what? Erik! You should've told me!"
"No need. Even if the rumors were true, I wouldn't leave you.. Not immediately."
"Not immediately, but you'd dip on my ass and I wouldn't know why." That actually kind of hurts. "I mean, I do get it. Cheating is definitely my dealbreaker."
"Oh for sure. Disloyalty is mine and I hate liars."
"Wow," I mouth just staring at him. "You really never hit me with the questions.."
"I checked up on you to make sure you were straight," he straightens defensively.
"No, I know. I mean clocking my moves. You never did that."
"I'm not your last nigga," his brow raises indignantly. "You know where home is just like I know what I deserve."
"You're right, you deserve the best. You deserve me," you smile, the smile drooping seconds later. "Erik, those messages.. all these lies about me. They really bother me and I know they shouldn't and that I should get used to it but I don't like having my integrity on trial like this. I don't get why people would say so much about someone they've never met, like I'm not a person with emotions."
He unlocks his phone and taps a few times and when he shows you the screen it's his Twitter account. His DM's are packed full of people, just like yours. It suddenly hits you how you never check each others' phones. You never felt a need to check his. He puts his phone in your hand and you scroll opening a random message.  It's a nude of a blonde white woman sent with no other information. She's showing pale pink nipples and barbie proportions but he hadn't responded. The next message is one from one of his fan accounts sending him a bunch of hearteyes. He takes over the phone exiting out of that and scrolling. The next message he shows, they'd forwarded a post about you fucking 6lack with a sad face emoji.  You open it and have to admit there's a strong resemblance, but you've never, ever cheated on him.
"What the hell? That's not even me, I swear!"
"I know."
"This is raising my blood pressure."
"It goes with the fame. They always talk shit about me being a fuckboy even though I been with you all this time. It just means you're relevant."
"There's gotta be other ways to stay relevant- Shh. Wait... You hear that?"
You listen to the air. It's silent, you just noticed. You decide to peep in on the baby. He's still knocked out. Though it's quiet now, he'd slept through another World War and it makes you wonder how bad Nay and Corey have been cuttin up in that apartment for this kid to be that used to the noise. Nay probably underplayed the severity of the situation.
Erik cracks the door again concealing the baby from your sight to direct you to the stairs with a nod. Leading the way, you head down silently
in search of Anaya. She's not in the living room where you'd left her with Corey and they're not in the kitchen, his favorite place.
"Where did she go," you mouth watching Erik peep through a window and cross the room. You look through the same window, see nothing, and follow Erik as he heads to the hot tub. As you approach, you can hear noises. Splashing, plopping, moaning, and..
"Shit, y'all getting it in ain't you," Erik grins. Anaya's body melts into the water as she grips the edge of the hot tub to hide. Corey hits one more pump and she hits him, not wanting to moan.
"GET OUT," Corey yells sending a splash out of the tub in Erik's direction. It sprinkles you both, but most of the water falls back down as you hop back.
"This my house," Eriks grins.
"And I like to watch,"  you add, humored by the fact that they can't find it within themselves to stop fuckin.
"Y/N get out!" Anaya splashes, water bouncing from her arch as Corey's hips clap against her ass underwater. You laugh holding your knees so not to fall.
"Get it Nay! That's how you get baby number 2!"
"GET OUT," they both yell in unison.
Back in the house, Erik's eyes are crinkled and he's trying to contain himself like you but you're both actually children and can't stop giggling. In any case, the two seem to be alright now.
"Baby. I wanna finish this conversation." You wait beside the sink looking at his eyes. "As you know, Anaya and I made a fake page and found some of the people who be spreading shit about me. Hate pages and they're mostly mad because I'm with you."
"I saw that shit. Sent them to Quentin and he said he traced the IP addresses of the two Twitter accounts we sent him, but something ain't sit right with me." He pours himself a bowl of Cap'n Crunch and leans against the counter to eat it, smacking loudly. "Who been watching us to know my schedule.. They said some bout me leaving the house and us barely being together. My tour schedule is public but other than that don't nobody but you and my team really know where I be."
"You think it's somebody on your team doing this?"
"Nah, everybody on my team love you and glad you're here to make me more manageable. They feel like they can snitch to you to keep me in line."
That one makes you giggle.
"I think it could be someone on your team. Someone you hired." He stares through you as he chews and you wait for him to finish his theory, on edge. It's all got you paranoid especially when he sits the bowl down unfinished. "Gimme your phone." He looks serious and confused, you hand it over.
"I'll be back," he says zipping up the stairs. Within minutes he's back with shoes on fully dressed grabbing his keys. He kisses you on the cheek and you jog after him to the door.
"TELL COREY DON'T NUT IN MY TUB," he yells back as you watch him leave.
With nothing to do and no one to do it with you decide working on your music is the best use of your time and return to the home studio to work on track six of your album. Last you were there, you couldn't get quite right. Erik could hear it and so could you.
Pursing your lips you slide back up to the computer, put your Drop headphones back on, and play it back. Then you add the rap from earlier and play it back wishing the team was still in the house to give some advise. Hell at this point you'd listen to Courtney, the new and improved nanny. 
Before another thought can cross your mind, you're tossing your headphones back on the table and running down the stairs out to the hot tub where Anaya and Corey are in their underwear slow dancing to Marvin Gaye. Rushing in, you immediately start looking for their phones in their pile of clothes.
"Sis. Whatcha doin," Corey asks still looking at Anaya but he can hear me ruffling through their things.
"Looking for a phone, Erik has mine."
"Under y'all coffee table," he says finally making eye contact to see your face twisted in mock disgust. "What.. don't act like y'all niggas don't fuck everywhere in this house."
"It's our house! That's okay though y'all just roll in where we nutted at, it's fine," you wave dismissively.
"Y'all can soak in where we nutted at! Have fun cuh' I skeeted all in this bih-"
"BYE COREY. Stupid ass," I mumble so he hears. I don't have time to play with him I need to call Erik.
"What bitch," he answers and you almost fire off, feathers ruffled and taken aback until you remember you're calling from Corey's number.
"Y/N," his tone changes. "Sup baby, you okay?"
"Yeah I thought about what you said and the NANNY.. what if it was her? Not Courtney but the one I caught in my stuff.. Raven. She freaked me out."
"I think you might be right, I got her info from your phone. I'm headed to her now."
"You're going to her apartment?"
"Yeah, trust me okay?"
"Okay but I've got a bone to pick with her, I would've went just so I could beat her ass one time."
He snorts. "You're staying out of it. As far as anyone knows, you aren't the one who deals with this shit. You have an image to protect.. unless you wanna be painted as aggressive and reckless like me." 
"I don't care."
"Yes. You do."
"And anyway you're not as reckless as they paint it and when you are I like it," you shrug resting your hand on your hip. "You've got character.. and so do I."
"Okay well keep your character over there, you got enough drama on your name."
Hanging up with him, you realize you can't call the bitch either because her contact was in your phone, but that can't be the end of it. It's not that you don't trust Erik, you just want your one hit in. Heading to the hot tub again, you catch Anaya and Corey as they're coming back toward the kitchen.
"YES? WHAT," she asks wide-eyed like I'm blowing her high.
"You won't believe this. I think that old nanny, the one who neglected my godson to play dressup in my closet, might be the one who leaked my number."
Immediately she freezes in place. "You know you did contact her before it happened," she points at me connecting dots in her head. "She was probably the type. No, definitely. It was her ass," she nods swinging hands like she's ready to fight.
"Godson?... My son?" Corey looks interested now, chin angled down like it better be a lie.
"Anthony, nigga. I hired her to give Anaya a mental break and the trifling hoe did nothing all day but walk around my house and go through my stuff."
"She ain't even feed or change my son," Anaya adds tapping Corey on his chest. He's pissed all over again, his lip curled in disgust.
"Hell nah where she at," he frowns.
"Erik went to find her and took my phone since he figured it out first. I don't have her information."
"Hell, I do." Anaya jogged up the stairs and returned holding the sleeping Anthony and a slip of paper. "I wrote it down after what she did cause I was ready to find her ass myself but didn't wanna do it here and drag you in it, you got enough problems. Sorry for unlocking your phone, but hmm," she hums as Corey takes the slip scanning it.
"I'm glad you did it," you assure glad to have the information now. Corey's already gone and when he returns he's got your car keys in hand, storming out the front door and you jog after him with your hand out. "Uh uh! Bring my keys back!" He looks at you like you've got to be kidding but when he comes back, you snatch the house key to lock up and toss them back to him. "Now we can go!" This time you don't stop him as he jogs off. You, Anthony, and Anaya are right behind him. It's the fastest Anaya has ever put Anthony in that carseat with him waking up only to look around and out the car windows, touch his shoes, and go back to sleep.
Pulling up to the address you see Erik's car and hop out the passenger side of your car as Corey leaves the car running for sake of the A/C. "Stay here with my son," he orders to Anaya, slamming the door.
"Easy. On. My. Car," you fuss rolling your eyes. The both of you jog ahead to the apartment building and there's no elevator in sight. Without a second thought, he jogs up the stairs and you follow, walking up.
By the time you get there, your legs hurt but you make it to the apartment not sure of whose ass you can beat until your legs recover. You try the door and it's unlocked so you walk in, stopping short before you turn the corner. When you peep around...  There standing with his arms folded is Erik in front of Corey who's threatening to kill someone. Never have you ever seen Corey this angry to threaten to kill someone but he's serious. Briefly you wonder why Erik's standing there in front of him like that and not brawling then you peep a little further. There's a gun pointed at them but you can't see who's holding it without exposing that you're there and coming in further. It looks like it's Raven's arm.
"You better pray you don't miss," Corey laughs behind Erik as he moves to block Corey's vital points.
"Say that to my face.. step around," the girl's voice taunts. "Scared?"
Corey is losing control and it finally hits you that Erik's using himself as a shield because the girl won't shoot him.
"COME ON," she challenges. "I don't want you here, I just want HIM," she chuckles.
"Fuck that," Erik retorts. "Never again."
Again?? You almost walk in there but stop yourself. It had to be before you. Yeah, that has to be the case.
"If you strip for me... right... now," she giggles, "I'll let your friend go. Simple.  Whaddya say Erik? I promise. Baby, I promise."
Oh hell nah.
"He ain't doing shit bitch, shoot me. I dare you," Corey jumps causing Erik to shift again.
You can't leave and you don't have a phone to tell Anaya to call 911. Besides, neither of you would respect calling 911 anyway it was already out of the question.
But you also know if the bitch is this crazy and Corey is this mad, she will shoot him dead and Erik can't move because he knows she'll shoot Corey. They're stuck and she's taking advantage. There's only one thing left to do.
"BOO BITCH," you yell running around the corner praying you don't die tonight. You anticipate her firing her gun at you and slide as she shoots.. like a boss until she fires down. You try to dodge and get hit in the shoulder before Erik tackles her to the ground almost breaking her hand to seize the gun, snatching it.
"Corey, take Y/N and go," he orders.
"Hell nah! I ain't get shot to leave I'm in this," you fuss.
"She said she ain't leaving till this bitch dead," Corey points to the woman who's pinned to the ground.
"If it's by your hand, I'll accept it," the woman on the ground laughs like a psycho.
"Harpo who this woman?" You stare at Erik's head and he looks back at you briefly, sighing in irritation.
"You wanna talk about this now??"
"Did you put your dick in that bitch? When?"
"When we separated. It was one time."
You gasp. "You was fuckin groupies while we were apart?!"
"Baby.. yes, okay. Damn."
"So what was the difference between me and them? You were really fucking random bitches!!"
"You're not special," the woman he's sitting on teases and you finally get a good look at her to realize it's not Raven at all...
"Who is this bitch," you squint looking down at her.
"SOME BITCH," he yells.
"Psycho bitch," Corey adds. "Slice her fuckin titties off yo."
"Corey... Who's this bitch," you ask.
"Superfan. Stalker ass.."
"What?" Now you're really confused.
"This was never about you. She was tryna get to me," Erik reveals.
"Cuz you fucked her," you blurt.
"What you expect," Corey interjects. "I told your ass to go get him, how long you expect him to hold out. Two years? Cut him some slack. Man was going through it."
"Don't worry, I took care of him then, he'll be okay if you walk out again," the girl under Erik giggles pissing you off for the last time.
"Uh uh, Erik get up," you command and initially he ignores you, but you tap his shoulder and gesture for him to stand up.
Groaning, he gestures to your injured shoulder but steps back and the woman chuckles standing up from the floor.
"I'm a beat your ass myself. Woman to woman," you nod feeling her out to see how she'll move. You haven't been in many fights in your life, but win or lose this is one you feel like you need.
"You can try, " she shrugs and you both move trying to find that in. She raises her hands like she's finding a time to swing and you wait doing the same.
"Hit me bitch," she laughs.
"I will," you chuckle ready to boo her.
She jabs and you dodge but her follow-up hits you in the nose knocking you back and you can see Corey in the background balling his lips like a mother saying you better not lose.
She hits you again and you miss her when you swing giving her the chance to grab your injured shoulder. Yelling out in pain, you grab her and scuffle knocking her backward where gravity does the work. She hits her head on the floor and straddle her to return the hits she gave you to her face with interest until Erik pulls you off by your waist holding you back.
"Put me down, I'm a drown her in her own blood!"
"Chill bae, I called my bodyguards. They'll handle her and her funky ass cousin. We need to leave though. Let's just go home.."
You still, calming yourself and smoothing out your hair before scooting to kick her one time in the ribs, "For Anaya," and once more "for Anthony. Now I'm done."
Spinning on your heels and walking out, you head down the stairs where Corey and Erik come down right behind you.
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