mirafur · 1 year
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Syntax: — Do you believe me?
Huntsman: — Of course not!
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vegalocity · 6 months
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I've gotta draw/write this ship more if i want anyone to take it seriously
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firekitten830 · 3 months
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this is their dynamic to me
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twinklecupcake · 3 months
Huntsman: “I had a crush on Syntax and didn’t know how to handle it, so I just gave him a note that said ‘Get out of my caves’ and left.”
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Top Ten favorite ships! GO!!!! - Pixel Anon
Pffft. Looks at rarepairs which is mostly what my head is full of also these are the ships I can think of the top of my head
Peachpig/peachbun - Peachpig is a comfort ship and I am a massive Zhuhou shipper. It has my favorite tropes like bickering old married couple and enemies to lovers (I like being a content maker of this ship). It also a lot of longing in it if we go with the idea that Pigsy is Zhu Bajie’s reincarnation and I’m a sucker for pining. I like the idea of them gradually beginning to trust each other and be a sweet couple.
FreeNoodles - This is also a ship I really like because I’m a fan of bickering married couples. Also a lot of pining
MKsdadshipping is really cute because it’s three of my favorite characters in one big ship
Jasminetea - someone said it’s the underrated dynamic of feral small and calm tall and I completely agree with it. And I like the idea that if Sandy is Sha Wujing that he’s getting the love he deserves from someone.
Spicynoodles - enemies to lovers is one of my jams
Chimerashipping - I like the idea of Red being comfortable with how MK and Mei are a package deal and loving them both for it along with their many other traits. Also MK and Mei agreeing to share one guy with each other and being completely okay with it.
Cyberhunt - It’s like a jock x nerd trope. It’s just a shame we didn’t get to see more of the spider’s dynamics.
Peachtea - Tang would be that nerd who got with their celebrity crush. Ship also has pining in it. (Technically all the ships do in some form or another)
Silktea - I don’t actively think of this ship a lot but I do think the idea of Sandy helping Huntsman and helping him grow into a better person is nice. This is also feral small and calm tall.
For the last one, I guess Demon Bull King x Princess Iron Fan. I think it’s cute that they love each other and I like how PIF nuzzles her husband at the end of the S1 finale says smth along the lines of “You’ve come back to me.”
There are a lot of cute ships out there though.
Send me a ship question
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i-creatied-au · 3 years
Biker AU (all humans) in which the Spider Queen adopted MK and is his third guardian, like Pigsy and Tang.
(In any case, English is not my first language, so I apologize for the silly mistakes in the text)
"Here's your order! Thank you for ordering at "Pigsy's Noodle"! Have a good day!"
A teenage boy in an orange jacket and a red bandage holding his hair handed the last order in his bag and walked down the front porch of the customer's house. Only when he heard the door close behind him, he exhaled and squeezed his stomach with his hands.
Pigsy, his adoptive father, always gave him a hearty breakfast and tried to make sure that the teenager dined, but sometimes there were so many orders that he himself might not have time to eat. So today MK ran away with orders, forgetting to grab his lunch box with a small snack, for which now his stomach was punishing him with loud rumblings and pains.
The boy exhaled through his teeth and, squeezing his stomach with one hand, went back to his father's restaurant.
Probably Tang has already returned from university and they can all have lunch together. Carried away by bright thoughts about delicious food and funny conversations, he did not notice how the rustle of wheels on the asphalt and the roar of engines were heard from behind.
"Hey, baby monkey!"
MK slowly turned around, perfectly recognizing this mocking voice. Behind him, on bikes, were two men, both of whom had dark skin and jackets with the same emblem on their backs. The emblem of the Spider Gang, a small biker club whose influence nevertheless spread throughout the city.
"Hi, Huntsman. Goliath". - the boy took turns nodding to the men, calling their nicknames. Hunter, a middle-aged man with a braid of gray hair and shaved temples, chuckled and turned to retrieve something from his bike bag.
“You are damn polite. Did you learn from one of the dads?" - the man laughed hoarsely, forcing MK to squeeze his head into his shoulders, and Goliath, a tall and broad-shouldered man from behind, shake his head.
"Huntsman, give the boy the package and let's go to Syntax".
"Fuck that nerd ... '' - the biker grumbled with a displeased face, which made the teenager for a second think that the two had a falling out. This would not have come as a surprise, given that "character clashes" occur almost every other day, but this time Huntsman looked more ... tense.
"I hope nothing super-serious has happened ..." - thought the boy excitedly. - "The last time they fought, they broke the counter and the window in the Spider Queen's store ... She was furious ..."
"Anyway!" - Huntsman turned to MK again in a loud voice, attracting the boy's attention and pulling him out of his thoughts. When the child looked up, he realized that he was being handed a bag and, judging by the smell, a bag with food. - “The queen asked me to give it to you.
"Oh, thanks..." - he thanked a little surprised, taking the package and looking inside. In a small transparent container with sections, he could make out fried noodles with vegetables and pieces of meat. Nearby lay three rolls, and in the third section the Queen put some of his favorite sweets. MK could not help smiling.
This woman, who at first terribly frightened him, eventually began to take care of him, even became his third guardian. Of course, this was unexpected and Pigsy argued with her for a long time, but in the end they decided to give the choice to MK, yet this important decision concerned him directly. After a little thought, he nevertheless agreed. The queen saved his life, nearly sacrificing hers, when the White Bone mercenaries tried to capture him. After they fled from the mercenaries, MK began to visit the woman in the hospital, and there he met her gang. They all looked like rebels and bandits, but deep down they cared for each other and treated like family.
And here he is. MK. Became part of the family of the Spider Gang. Sits on Goliath's bike and eats his lunch prepared by his adoptive mother (he still can't address the Queen like that, but he tries). Huntsman sits on his vehicle and smokes a cigarette, from the smell of which MK periodically wrinkles his nose. Finally Goliath breaks down and turns to a friend:
"Stop smoking. You know SHE will be unhappy when she finds out that you smoked next to the child." - the teenager wanted to clarify that he was no longer a child, but then he remembered that from the height of Goliath, almost everyone looked like children.
"And who said that she would know? You won't tell her anything, MK?" - the man winked at the guy and he shook his head negatively, as his mouth was busy with the second roll. - "See?" - Hunter turned to his friend again. - "Everything is okay..."
He broke off when he noticed another bike with two riders turned in their direction from the intersection. The gray-haired man, barely noticing them, threw the cigarette as far as he could and got into his most relaxed position. MK, finishing his rolls, watched the bike stop and first Syntax, and then the Queen of "Spiders" came down from it.
Although the teenager liked boys, even he could appreciate that the tall woman was beautiful. Dark skin, black hair below the shoulders, bright green eyes with sharp arrows and figure-hugging clothes in black and purple tones. The Queen took off her helmet (which MK had painted) and glanced at her foster child's empty plate.
"Well, how do you like the food?" - she asked in a patronizing tone from which MK would have wanted to hide before, but not now. Now he could make out the notes of excitement and concern in this voice, so he answered with a smile.
"Yes, I liked it very much! Especially the rolls." - judging by the warm smile, the woman was pleased with the answer and came closer to ruffle the teenager's hair.
"Okay, then finish your meal and I'll take you to your fathers."
MK nodded and, having finished with lunch, packed everything back into a bag so that he could wash it later and return it to mother clean. He gave each member of the gang a piece of candy (although it seemed only Goliath was really happy to receive the treat, while Syntax and the Huntsman thanked him dryly and hid the candy in their pockets). The queen put a helmet on the teenager and, making sure that he was tight on his head, got behind the wheel.
"Ahem, Queen, if MK is going with you, then where should I sit?" - Syntax, a pale man with glasses with green hair, asked cautiously.
"Ride with the Huntsman." - when the men exchanged displeased glances, the woman raised an eyebrow. - "I do not see this as a problem. You hug each other every day anyway ..." - Goliath and MK laughed at her trick in the direction of the couple, who were now both hiding their eyes, hoping that no one would notice their blush.
When everyone was finally seated, the gang drove out and headed to the restaurant of MK's father, Pigsy. When the bike stopped, MK got down and, taking off his helmet, took the package from his mother.
"Thanks for the food, Queen. Thanks for coming, Huntsman and Goliath." - he waved goodbye to everyone and was already approaching the door of the restaurant when the Queen shouted after him.
"Do not forget that tomorrow you are spending time at my house! Oh, and take that movie you wanted to show me."
"Sure! Bye, mom!" - shouted the teenager in response and disappeared behind the doors of the restaurant.
It took the Queen a few seconds to recover from what she had heard, and when she woke up, she realized that the Huntsman and Syntax were giggling behind her. The woman gave them such a glance that both instantly fell silent, and Syntax tried to hide behind the back of the biker. They made their way home in silence.
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autumn2art · 3 years
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vegalocity · 11 months
we're back on the cyberhunt soulmate au
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vegalocity · 5 months
I've become deranged to the point where i no longer give a shit about timing, y'all get these fic updates when i'm done writing them
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vegalocity · 2 years
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So @monkiekid-shipweeks's Pride Week Day 4 had Parents as an option and like...
Here have some fluff to both coutneract the pain from yesterday and also more cyberhunt propaganda
Stepdad and Munchkin partnering up to make sure Dad gets some sleep
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vegalocity · 2 years
It's early November and Wong Zhihao has long gotten used to the idea that he'll never see the world in anything but shades of grey It's late January and Syntax's earliest memories are awakening to a world of color
So I'm making a Cyberhunt Soulmate AU because this ship deserves it
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vegalocity · 2 years
So while i wrote this for @monkiekid-shipweeks' Pride event, i actually came up with the AU idea a little bit ago, i saw that Soulmate AUs were one of the prompts and I was like 'perfect timing' and whipped this up real quick
Why yes this entire Pride Week is me just throwing my rarepairs in your guys' faces mwah ha ha ha ha
Wong Zhihao was terrified, he was suspended what felt like at least a full story in the air, tied up with spider webbing far stronger than his wiry muscles could pull at and unable to do much more than wriggle as he desparately tried to get some traction.
Damn that woman- that 'Spider Queen'. He'd thought she was just a lost stranger looking for a certain shop in the marketplace, they'd small talked as he lead her to the stand and he had to curse his own obliviousness because he hadn't realized until it was far too late that she had a million questions about his profession and his general thoughts on the work he did, and he'd known nothing about her.
Bare minimum that had been rude, but that didn't even matter now because he was HUNG UP IN A SPIDER WEB because the lost woman had been the FUCKING SPIDER QUEEN.
“-Honestly I don't know why she's even keeping him alive, it's been so long since we've had fresh human in the stew. The stuff from the Night Deli just doesn't taste as good...”
“You know how the Queen is Hunts, she probably has a plan of some kind and Mister Scientist up there is some part of it.”
He staunchly looked away from the two spider demons. Staring up into the darkness of the greyscale world that had been his only real basis for observance for the past thirty four years and trying to not panic too hard.
He knew demons liked their prey afraid and Zhihao wasn't going to indulge that.
“You're right Goliath!” the fake cheer in the Queen's voice was somehow MORE chilling than the fact that she had seemingly appeared from thin air behind him and Zhihao startled, yelped, and on reflex tried to squirm away. The web bounced him back and forth with his motions leaving him inable to actually do anything else, and much to his humiliation he could hear the two spiders below begin to laugh.
There was a slicing noice and Zhihao let out another small yelp when he fell a few feet. The silk of the web being slowly undone to lower him to the ground.
“Everyone say hello to our New Employee!” the Queen eventually snatched him by his scruff before he could fall the rest of the way down and with a lurch of his gut and a light thump, Zhihao found himself being thrown to the ground and mostly undone from his cocoon like prison.
Not fully, his arms were still strapped to his sides, but he could at least move a little more than just wiggle about. Zhihao was terrified. The black and white world around him glowed strangely with lights from places he didn't think lights would be-
“Say 'Hi' Scientist~” he felt a hand grip into his hair and force his head upwards as the Queen bade him to look at the two other spiders.
The big guy drew his eye first.
“In a weird way he's kinda cute! Look at that messy hair! He's like a puppy!” the big guy cooed.
“Pssh, yeah if you think wiry nerds are 'cute'...” the smaller one scoffed, and Zhihao's eyes drifted to him-
Zhihao's gut froze, and he watched as the smaller spider's expression dropped as they met gaze.
His eyes were green. All four of them. He didn't know how he'd known the specific word but it had sprung into his mind immediately when he'd-
when he'd seen the color.
And starting from that met gaze the world hazed into much the same.
Green eyes. Purple skin.
Silver hair.
The different minutia of shades and hues would need more practice, but the basic idea of color so seamlessly slid into place now that-
now that he could SEE color.
The Big Guy and the Queen continued the conversation, seemingly not aware of the change in captive and hunter both. And Zhihao felt his gut clench in dispair.
One of his captors was his soulmate.
That was just his luck.
Huntsman had stormed off the second he possibly could get away with so he could be alone.
And you know... have a breakdown in peace. A Human. Not just any human, but their captive. Someone he had just been wondering aloud why they weren't just DEVOURING.
Soulmates they were- they were SPECIAL. They were said to be the person whom understood you the easiest and the best out of anyone. They were- they were supposed to be a person's true love.
Goliath was still in search of his, he was sure they were out there somewhere, and Huntsman had always tried to put his out of his mind. They weren't exactly hatchlings anymore. Fantasizing about true love and all that that entailed would get in the way of work. And besides, when the city was theirs all three of them would have suitors lining up to cozy into the Spider Clan one way or another.
But now there was this.
Now Huntsman could look at his hand in the dim glow of the caves, and his first thought was 'so this is purple' and know the experience was because of some- some human.
The human his Queen delivered to them and said that he was only NOT dinner because he was important, though Huntsman wasn't actually paying attention to whatever she was saying.
There had been shocked cedar brown eyes peering up at him and they'd had all of his own utterly spellbound.
But he had to convince the Queen to not do away with him once his usefulness ran out. He- He'd tell her if he had to but-
But you don't just ignore true love when its hand delivered to you.
He didn't even know his name...
But he wanted to find out.
Syntax could always see in color.
For as long as he could remember, at least.
He knew the stories, intellectually at least. That all children are born to a world of black and white; that only when they lock eyes with their Soulmate for the first time, did the world fade to color. He knew them. And apparently he was an exception.
It wasn't like a person's Soulmate was their True Love or anything, the world was a bit more complicated than that, but it meant that- it meant that that person was the one whom would understand you the best. And by that metric most people did see Soulmate in a romantic context, as 'most people would want to be with the person that understands them best' or something.
Not like he had to care. Because he always COULD see in color. The green glow of the monitors, the purple of his skin, the eerie blue glow of the Lady Bone Demon when she'd just been 'the Mystery Girl'... Colors. Every single one of them. So obviously, Syntax didn't HAVE a Soulmate. Which was fine. Such things would be getting in the way of his work anyway.
He didn't mind.
He didn't.
He'd mentioned it offhandedly a little after they'd been saved, they'd been camped out in an abandoned warehouse and Syntax had been scavenging to try and set up a proper temporary security system for them. Goliath had brought up the whole idea, and he'd mentioned it when his opinion was asked on that matter. Not going into the specifics, per se, but that he didn't have a soulmate, and he was fine. He had work to do, no use paying too much thought into something that he'd never have.
Not that he was being rude, but he WAS busy, and didn't super have the brainpower to spare paying too much attention to this whole thing. So he said it and didn't think much about it. Goliath looked sad when he looked up at him, the Queen was looking away, and Huntsman had his back to him, but he saw him go rigid. So he assured Goliath that he wasn't sad about it or anything. He'd come to terms with it. Some people were just... born to be bachelors.
He'd turned back to his work and heard Huntsman stalk off, and, after a moment's pause, the Queen follow after him.
Goliath's gaze was drilling a hole into his back.
“Something wrong?”
“No uh- I was just... I was just wondering..” his large friend(? Coworker?) fidgeted around and rubbed the back of his head. “Are you Sure? How do- How do you know? I mean... You've said yourself you don't remember most of your life when you were human...” The topic grated on him far more than any talk of Soulmates did. That WAS something that bothered him quite a lot about himself actually, that he knew close to nothing about himself before that time. He tried to tell himself it didn't matter, The others tried to assure him it didn't matter. He was theirs now so what did it matter who he was before. So it was actually a little weird now that he thought about it, that Goliath was suddenly asking him over something like that. He raised a brow at the big guy.
“I mean I suppose it's POSSIBLE that I had one while I was still human and lost that memory when I became a spider...” he huffed, and... honestly the idea hadn't ocurred to him. “I mean... it feels a little far fetched though, doesn't it? It's not THAT weird for someone to not have a soulmate, and if I had one...”
If he'd had someone whom could be so close to him, know him as well as they knew themselves... If he didn't have to put everything through a filter of 'sounding normal' and just... being understood...
“I don't think that's something that can be forgotten... right? Once you know who your soulmate is that's not something you can un-know...”
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vegalocity · 2 years
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Happy Pride Week for the @monkiekid-shipweeks! and I honesly couldn't think of anything to do for Day 7 Free Day
so i thought just some good ol' fashion smoochin
This entire week was Vega going 'Jock/Nerd propaganda time' and i refuse to be ashamed of that
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vegalocity · 2 years
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vegalocity · 1 year
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does this count as a breakup?
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vegalocity · 2 years
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the first real chapter y'all
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