redheadspark · 19 days
Here (Part Two)
Summary - Azriel stays by his mate's side, not knowing his family is rallying behind him to find out who attempting to kill his mate
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Warnings - Mostly Angst
A/N - Part of the Ocean Eyes Series. I posted this as a sequel of Part One, which got insanely reactions! I am so glad you guys liked Part One and I hope you like Part Two!
Part Three Found Here
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"What's the plan, Rhys?"
"I'm focusing more on my cousin's health and her life in the balance than dealing with her attacker."
"That's not where my head is,"
"Enlighten me then, Cassian,"
Cassian rolled his shoulders and eyed his High Lord as Rhysand was perched at his desk in his office, the sun setting over the rolling hills outside the River House, and the cooler air was blown onto the office with ease. Cassian leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and his head reeling with questions and scenarios that he wanted to figure out immediately. But Rhysand was remaining calm, too calm for the Illyrian Army Commander's liking. He considered the wounded Illryian who was asleep upstairs, his friend's mate, his family. Someone tried to hurt his family and take away his family, and Cassian was fuming from the inside out.
But he was also a changed Illyrian, just as Rhysand and Azriel were. They were all fathers now: Rhysand with Nyx, Azriel with Alec, and Cassian with his daughter Rose. His daughter, sweet and yet fiery Rose was a splitting image of his mother but had his infectious and playful heart. They all had offspring to protect and think about, no more rash decisions and acting out on a limb. The children had to come first, and Cassian was not willing to do anything that would bring his family harm. Azriel never did that himself, yet that led to Alec almost being killed as a toddler and Azriel's mate now in a bed upstairs hanging between life and death. Nesta would never let Cassian do anything like that, not just for Rose but for Nesta too.
Cassian was the one who found you first, sprawled on the forest floor bleeding from your wing and the arrow still hanging out of your wing. You both were out in the outline border of Velaris, Cassian getting a hunch that there were rogue beings there making their way across the border into Velaris territory. You on the other hand were meeting with some of the farmers and shopkeepers that lived in the cottages there to check on them and talk business in contributing to the Community Center.
Maybe it was fate that he was there and come enough to hear your scream out, but he knew your scream far too well from knowing you since you both were younglings. He flew towards the wail you let out, his heart hitting against his chest far too hard and thinking it was a trick of the mind.
Everything slowed down for him as he gathered you in his arms, you were out cold and the poison already working in your blood. He had to act quickly, time was of the essence, and your time was about to be snuffed out if he didn't get you help in time. 
"The marks on the arrow," Cassian stated, reflecting on the arrow that was piercing your wing and sicking out so harshly that it sickened him to rethink it again, "We need to know where they came from so we get a hunch as to who did this,"
"I already have a big hunch, and I got in contact with the very High Lord that I'm thinking," Rhysand hummed, his cooldemeanor was hiding the anger he had. Cassian raised a brow at him as Rhysand rang his thumb over his fingers back and forth, a tactic he would use when he was thinking deeply, "High Lord Beron has been notified and is coming tonight,"
"What?" Cassian asked in shock, standing up stiffly and no longer leaning against the wall. 
"He knows the utmost importance of this since it does involve my cousin…my fucking family," Rhysand said the last part in a low tone, not a growl but close enough, "We are going to meet at the Townhouse since I know both yourself and Nesta would rather not have the High Lord of Autumn Court in your home,"
Cassian snorted, then gave him a questioning look, "Does Elaine and Lucien know what happened?"
"Feyre reached out and told them to stay at their home here in Velaris for the time being. In fact, I don't want any of the Inner Circle going anywhere outside of Velaris until this is resolved once and for all. We either stay in our homes or at The House of Wind until I say so," Rhysand explained as his violet eyes looked out the window to see the last images of the sun still in the sky before it hid into the horizon.
"Is that an order?" Cassian asked, Rhysand’s eyes shot back to his Commander.  Cassian, though tamer than he used to be when he was younger, was still reckless at heart at times. Something inside of him wanted him to find whoever did this and bring them pain. You were family to him, meeting him through Rhysand when he was a boy and considered him a brother of yours. His rational side was teetering to be pushed aside, and he was fine with it.
"I don't want another member of my family hurt, Cass. I consider you family, long before you became my brother-in-law. You need to think of your wife and daughter and that they need you," Rhysand explained to Cassian, seeing Cassian's eyes soften from the mention of Nesta and Rose, "We need to be smart about this, not reckless. I want you with me when we meet with High Lord Beron,"
Cassian hummed, knowing that Rhysand was right when it came to being reckless. He then gestured his head over to the doors that lead out of the office, "What about Azriel?"
"I don't want him anywhere else but with his wife, she's his priority now. And besides, I would rather not leave Azriel alone in the room with High Lord Beron. That's if Beron, or Autumn Court for that matter, did have something to do with this. He is not in the right frame of mind to be anywhere else," 
Cassian knew he was right about that too. The rage Azriel must be feeling at this moment, not knowing who in factharmed and attempted to kill his mate, must have been explosive. Cassian himself has been Azriel in such a way before, the anger that would fester deep down and be unlashed by either his shadows or his Truth Tellers. Cassian and strength behind him, but Azriel had something deeper.
Something more menacing.
"Alec is also staying here until his mother is well again, though he still doesn't know what precisely happened," Rhysand explained as he got up from his chair and walked around the desk to stand near Cassian with his arms folded in front of him, "I don't want Alec anywhere else but here, he's my nephew and he needs to be protected now more than ever. We all do, but epically him: someone is hunting his mother and father, and I won't let him become an orphan under my roof,"
"None of us want that, Rhys," Cassian reasoned with Rhysand, "He's secure and protected here with you and Feyre, and he's safe with his father, the safest he’ll ever be,”
"Which is why we need to be smart. For now, let's just focus on this meeting with Beron and making sure my cousin is comfortable and safe while she heals and come back to full health," Rhysand stated, then pausing as he gave Cassian a more cornered look, "How is Alec and Azriel now?"
"Alec's okay, he just misses his mother. As for Azriel…it's hard for him," Cassian confessed. Rhysand hummed and rubbed his eyes, already thinking of the next steps that were to come. The meeting tonight would be far too important, life-changing, and yet his cousin was still in the back of his mind and her health was his main concern. 
All he could do now was hold onto his Inner Circle, his family, so close in hopes they wouldn't slip away.
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"Alright, buddy. Time for bed, okay?"
"Ok, daddy,"
Azriel softly smiled as he watched his son hop into the massive bed he was going to sleep in, the guest room that wasacross from where you were still sleeping and still healing. He left the door slightly open, being able to see you from where he was in Alec's guest room as Alec was settling into his bed. 
Alec was only told that his mother was sick, severely sick, and he was not able to see her.  Of course, it confused him at first, not understanding that he wasn't able to see his own mother since he had seen her sick before, but he knew better than to question his father.  Seeing Azriel looking worn down and defeated made Alec worry all the more. 
But Feyre was a step ahead, making sure he was well fed at dinnertime and kept him busy with his cousin Nyx until it was time for him to go to bed. Still, his mother was in the back of his mind, wondering what was it that made his mother so sick. He missed his mother, hugging her and hearing her voice telling him goodnight. Azriel tried his best to be present with Alec, but his son caught onto something that was hidden from him. 
Perhaps a trait he inherited from his father.
"Alec, I know this is different from what we're used to," Azriel explained to Alec, who was watching his father with his wide blue eyes as he was snuggled under the soft sheets of the bed, "But you are being such a trooper for going with the flow of it all.  I promise you that things are going to go back to normal soon, okay? As soon as momma is all better, we'll go back to our house and things will be back to the way they were,"
"Is it going to be forever?" Alec asked tentatively as he searched his father's tired eyes. Azriel felt a twinge of pain that his son was still kept in the dark, so speak, when it came to what truly happened to his mother. The last thing Azriel ever wanted to do was to lie to his son like this, to have that trust broken at any moment. 
"No, not forever, baby," He reassured Alec as he pushed the inky black hair out of his son's blue eyes, "This is not forever, I swear to you. You believe me?"
"Yes, Daddy," Alec replied, Azriel smiled at his son and leaned over to kiss the top of his head. He was about to leave his son to sleep, and as Azriel eased himself up from the bed, Alec spoke up again in a gentler tone. So gentle, that it sounded like the curtains were swaying in his room from the night breeze.
"Daddy, is momma gonna be okay?"
Azriel could have cried then, seeing his son watch him for an answer. Azriel never wanted this for his family, the fear of losing someone he loved and another person he loved was filled with fear and worry. Alec was only four years old, far too young for something like this to happen in his life. Nothing could prepare him for this: consoling his son and hoping that his wife would pull through. 
Alec needed his mother, Azriel knew that deep down. There was no greater bond than Alec's bond with his mother, it was thick and filled with so much happiness and love. Inwardly, Azriel wanted that himself with his mother, and he did have that in the blink of a moment when he was young.  To see his mate give that same love to his son was beyond rewarding.
Now his son, looking at his father with worry in his young eyes, was asking about his mother.
"Yeah…yeah she's gonna be okay," he reassured Alec. He had to give Alec hope, the hope that his mother would be herself again. Although he had very little hope, he would at least give some of that hope to his son. He leaned down and kissed his son one more time, "Get some sleep, okay? I'm gonna check on momma and come back to you, I love you,"
"I love you too, Daddy," Alec replied, then curled into the bed under the sheets as Azriel moved away. He felt like he needed to be in two places at once: with Alec and with you. Although you were sleeping and till healing, Alec needed you and needed your warmth. Azriel wished he could change it all, make you all better so you can hold your son. Yet as he watched Alec fall asleep, facing the window with a look of peace on his face, Azriel could breathe a bit easier. 
He kept the door into the guest room open slightly, mostly in case Alec needed him as he walked silently across the hall into the room where you were in. Still asleep, facing the empty chair where Azriel was perched for the past few hours, the moon shining into your room to cast a bluish light along your still wounded wings. Azriel could even see the moonlight shine through the thin membrane of your wings, showing the veins and the damage from the Ash Arrow.
But the way you were snuggled against the body pillow, head against the soft pillow, and your long hair draped over your shoulder, you looked more peaceful than you did earlier when Azriel found you. Azriel sat down on the chair, taking in a long breath as he held his hands together in his lap and watched you. Your deep breathing, the softness that was now slowly coming back along your skin and your cheeks thanks to the medicine from Madja. 
"I might be talking to myself here, but I hope you can hear me," Azriel said aloud in the room, his voice sounding a bit raw as he watched you in earnest, "But I need you to pull through and get better. I….I don't think I can do this without you. I won't have the strength to, no matter how hard I'll have to try. I need you, our son needs you. He needs his momma, and I…I don't wanna do this alone and without you."
He might have sounded silly since he was talking alone in the room, but then again he needed to get it off his chest. Bottling up all his fear that he's had for the past few hours, would have suffocated him. The only person he was ever safe to unload his feelings, to be open and exposed therapeutically, was the one who was asleep in front of him and unable to be fully present with him.
"I'm sorry I failed you and couldn't protect you," Azriel admitted, sinking a bit in his chair as he was fiddling with his fingers, Clutching them together tightly and refusing to let them go, "I promised you when we were mated that I would protect you, keep you safe and never let anything happen to you. I broke that promise, and I know I can never repair that,"
He thought that if you were awake, you would reprimand him for being hard on himself. Azriel could even hear it clearly in his mind, your kind voice scolding him for being immensely harsh towards himself. You've always helped him out of his moods and insecurities, including what he does and how he takes care of others around him. Azriel thought back to a talk that he had with you when Alec was still a young infant, he was voicing his worry about taking care of his family and if he was doing enough. 
He needed you to bring him back to the light, and not have him hide in the darkness.
Azriel reached out and took your hands in his own, feeling the coolness of your skin and yet how soft they were. Healways loved your soft hands, a soothing balm against his calloused and scarred skin. He leaned down and kissed the back of your hand, his lips along your skin had you shift in your sleep and hum.
"Sleep and come back to me, come back to us. Your son and I need you more than anything, so I need you to get your strength and open those eyes for me when you're ready. I'm here when you wake up, I promise.  I love you more than life itself, more than my own life, and if I could trade mine for yours then I would in a heartbeat. Just gather your strength, we'll be here waiting for you," Azriel proclaimed to you and your sleeping form.  He did speak the truth: he would trade his life for yours since at times he felt you had more good for the world than he ever did.
Azriel cannot picture a world without you, without any of your beautiful traits or your tender heart. 
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Azriel heard it, almost like a whisper, as he was dead asleep with Alec cradled in his arms in the spare guest room.  His arms were tucked around his son, who was snuggled against his father and snoring softly. It was so soft, like a breeze, which didn't disturb the Spymaster at first.
But it was also distinct, not the sound of the curtains fluttering next to the bed or the very soft ticking of the clock on the fireplace mantle.  This was a shutter of a whisper, and it was calling his name.
His shadows hummed, licking along Azriel's arms as he stirred a bit in his sleep. Alec was thankfully a deep sleeper and stayed in slumber, even though his father was feeling the sensation not just with his shadows but in his mind. It was a familiar voice, so familiar that maybe it was a trick of the mind as Azriel took in a long breath. But he heard it again, a pinch louder and his name being called out as if the source was so far away.  Fighting through a fog that was thick and almost recognizable.
Azriel was still asleep, but it was becoming more alert as the voice was getting a bit louder now in his mind. It was no longer a dream, it was something else, something familiar to him.  So familiar like coming through the front door of the small little cottage where he lived, or flying amongst the cloud with his wings stretched. Even the familiar touch of your lips against his own made him feel safe.
But he finally heard it, and his eyes shot open on high alert.
Azriel….I'm here…
It was you, your voice, speaking through the bond.
You were awake.
To Be Continued….
A/N - Part three?!?! Let me know if you want a part three!
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Tagging - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup @sizzlingstarlightsky @iluvyewman-blog @masbt1218 @a-courtof-azriel @homeslices @zanzie @topaz125
506 notes · View notes
idiocracy-42 · 2 years
I love the Acotar series and I love how damaged Rhysand is but I wish that Sarah J. Maas went more in depth into Rhys’s character. I read books for the Hero. I wish that Rhys was more damaged. Or that the book had included the months when Rhys had just gotten back from Under the Mountain. He was literally a sex slave for fifty years and all we really hear about his trauma is like that one nightmare? Don’t get me wrong I loved that scene so much but after fifty years of being abused you get conditioned to a certain kind of behaviour, immortal or not. Rhys would expect that behaviour from Feyre. Like if they had an argument they would have sex but Rhys would feel like he was being punished for talking back or if he disagreed with Feyre he would just expect her to slap him. I also feel like Feyre would know that and be extra careful to never order him and to always ask him if he actually wants to have sex not that he just thinks that’s what she wants. I love Sarah J. Maas’s books but she definitely underplays the Hero’s trauma and it always disappoints me.
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redheadspark · 21 days
Here (Part One)
Summary - Azriel's worst nightmare has come true: his mate is nearly killed.
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Warnings - Mostly Angst in this one
A/N - This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series.
I wanted to write a two-part, or possibly a three-part of this idea I had in my head. I promise it won't be all angst, more like a hurt/comfort if you will! Please let me know in the comments if you wish to be tagged in the second and possibly third part of this piece :).
Part Two can be found Here
Part Three can be found Here
I hope you enjoy it.
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Rage. All Azriel could think was rage. 
He pushed his way into the front doors of the River House, his mind reeling and his thoughts were focused on one being. Everything on his body was stiff, from the top of his neck down his backside to his feet that were pushing him to the main sitting room to the right.  Voices were heard, worried and angered voices that were mixed and the tension felt along the Shadowsinger. He was moving so fast that his own shadows were trying to catch up to him, warning him and coaxing him to be calm. But he was not calm. 
You were nearly killed.  His mate and wife were almost killed. He was seeing red.
He abruptly threw open the doors, seeing all who were present stop in their conversation and look at him as his wide eyes were filled with anger. Rhysand, Feyre, Nesta, and Cassian were all there in a semi-circle, horror was on their faces alongwith anger and festering wrath and outrage. But Azriel was not thinking about them, he was thinking about you and what happened.
What he felt in the bond.
"Where is she?" He asked in a low tone, not caring that the tone was a bite and his eyes were glaring at the Inner Circle. Each of them, directly in the eye, knowing fully well they wouldn't lie to them since it was Rhsyand who contacted him.Feyre, looking rather remorseful and on the verge of tears seeing Azriel like this, walks over to him with hesitance. His eyes locked with hers.
"Azriel.." She started, but Azriel's eyes snapped to her in such a way that it made Freyre freeze.
"Feyre," he said her name with such a bite that it seemed not himself, but he was not himself. Feyre's eyes widened in shock, the sound of his voice saying her name seemed lethal in a sense, he'd never spoken to her like that before. If it was any other circumstances, Azriel would have been chewed out by Rhsyand for the way he spoke to his High Lady. But Rhysand stayed quiet, inwardly knowing not to step on the Spymaster's toes at the moment. 
Feyre glided over to Azriel and took his fist in her hands, coaxing him to at least open his hand up to allow her to lace her fingers in his. Her bright eyes searched his, determination on her face, "Come with me, I'll take you to her."
Azriel followed willingly, knowing Feyre would guide him now as she led him out of the sitting room and up the stairs. All Azriel could think about was you, the pain he felt deep in the bond, and how that alone almost made him fall to his knees. He heard your scream, the piercing scream that sounded like your own soul was being sucked away from you. Azriel knew you could handle pain, he knew you weren't a pushover. You were tough as nails, one of the toughest Illryians Azriel has ever known. Not just tough in strength, but tough in spirit and in your soul. 
To feel that pain and hear it, Azriel had never been this scared in his long life.
Feyre ushered Azriel to one of the guest rooms, pushing the door open. Azriel froze at the sight in front of him, his heart plummeting in his chest and his blood going cold. There you were, passed out cold on your side in the middle of the massive bed that was right in the middle of the room.  You were stripped down to your undergarments, a thin sheen of sweat along your skin as you were clutching a massive body pillow in your arms and legs and your wings were sprawled out behind you. A massive red slash into your left wing, right along the bone from top to bottom, was seen and so visible to Azriel that he was fuming. Madja was perched on the bed, ointment was pressed into your wing and herbs were in vials next to her on the nightstand. 
Azriel saw your unconscious body, the pale skin tone that was clear evidence of blood loss, and even the shine in your hair was gone, it was like he was seeing a ghost. You seemed more like a shell, a hollowed shell of the being that Azriel knew and loved. After Feyre released Azriel's hand, Azriel walked over to kneel next to you to be nose-to-nose with you. He searched your face, the coolness in your cheeks, and the dark circles under your eyes.  Even the way you breathed while sleeping sounded uneasy, laboring really as Azriel tried to hold back his own tears.
His own worst nightmare came true right in front of his eyes: his mate being harmed and Azriel having no way of stopping or preventing it. He feared this for as long as you two were together, that something could happen to you because of who he was and what role he played for Night Court. But of course, you told him that nothing would happen to you, that he was too worried or paranoid. 
It was now a sick reality.
Azriel felt his heart breaking as he tentatively reached out and touched your bare arm that was on top of the body pillow, feeling how cold you were and the sweat still evident. You whimpered, still asleep and sounding like you were in insane pain as Azriel felt tears in his eyes. Tears for seeing his mate in such pain, tears for the rage he was trying to bury deep down.
Tears for the regret of not killing the very fae he had a hunch did this to his mate.
"She'll survive," Azriel's head snapped up at Madja, who was ringing out a blood-stained washcloth into a basin. Her face was solemn, but still calm as she took some more ointment along her fingers and reached over to place a generous coat of it along the open wound on your wings. You whimpered in pain, your face contorted as Azriel immediately rubbed your arms and nosed your hair lovingly. 
I'm here, baby. I'm right here, I got you with me. Stay with me, baby. Please, stay with me. I need you, I need you here with me.
Azriel was saying so many things through the bond, hoping and praying to The Cauldron that you could hear his voice as he kept talking to you inwardly. He wanted you to open your eyes and show you the brilliant blue orbs that he loved, he wanted to hear your laughter and voice to know that you were still breathing. 
You were there, but you seemed so far away.
"What happened?" Azriel finally asked, his voice raw from the tears as his fingers were still massaging your arms soothingly. His eyes went to Madja, who was giving him a serious look.  The stare-down was enough to have Feyre feel as though she was interrupting something, but Madja then jerked her head to the left. Azriel's eyes followed in that direction, seeing what she was he was directing him to stare at. His eyes went wide.
A singular Ash Arrow.
"The arrow sliced along her bone," Madja explained, getting up from the bed and walking over to the bowl where the arrow was sticking out. Water was inside stained red in blood and something darker, almost black. Azriel watched in silent anger as Madja took a spare cloth in her fingers to lift the arrow without her fingers touching the actual arrow itself. It was long, stained in your blood, and looked precise in design.
"It was an inch away from being fatal," Madja explained as she showed the arrow to Azriel, "Your mate was lucky to have been fast enough to not have it be fatal to her. But the poison in the arrow is doubled compared to other ash arrows I've dealt with in the past."
Azriel felt his shadows flicker against his sides in anger from what he heard as he spoke low, "Doubled?"
"Whoever shot this arrow, had all the intentions in killing your mate, and making it painful," Madja explained, Azriel's eyes darting to her as well as Feyre's. Though she was still at the doorway into the guest room, she could see all that Azriel was reacting to. She felt it in the air and sensed it, she too also hated seeing you nearly on death's door and so close to leaving this world.  Azriel was happy with you, immensely happy, and to think of you leaving him and your son in this world without you there would break her heart.
"I spoke to your High Lord and High Lady about her condition and what needs to be done for her to recover back to full health," Madja explained thoroughly as she dropped the arrow back into the bowl with a splash, making her way back to her work station, "Your mate needs to stay here to fully heal. Her wings are tender and delicate now, any movement will make the poison spread,"
"It's still in her?" Azriel asked hoarsely, almost in pain himself. Feyre moved then, no longer being able to stay in her spot away from her friend as he was grieving for his wife. Standing behind him, she placed a hand on his shoulder, his shadows licking her fingers and palm as a silent way to thank her. Somehow, Feyre felt it too, watching Madja as she was packing some of her things.
"The poison is minimal and tolerable for now, I took most of it out. It's up to your mate and her willpower for the poison to evaporate within the next day or two, in fact, it's critical. Which is why she needs to stay here and let the medicine and her Illryian strength do the work to get herself back on her feet," Madja informed Azriel and Feyre, clutching her bag as she stood by the bed. 
"She'll be safe here, Az," Feyre softly said to Azriel behind him, Azriel heard the softness in her tone as she spoke again, "She'll stay here at River House for as long as she needs to."
"I'll come by tonight and check on her, and from then on I'll come daily. For now, she needs rest, peace, and quiet," Madja explained, taking in a long breath as she gave Azriel a soft bow, "I'm sorry for this, Shadowsinger.  This is no easy thing to conquer. But I stand by what I said when she brought your son into the world: your mate is strong. One of the strongest female Illryians I have ever met in my life. You must have faith that she'll make it out alive, it is vital not just for her, but for you."
Azriel drank in all she said as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her to leave Azriel and Feyre in the room. There was silence for a moment or two, the only sound that was heard was Azriel's labored breathing and the slightly opened window near the bed. He looked at you again, feeling his world falling apart all over as he attempted to hide his tears. But Feyre caught on and wrapped an arm around his shoulders to hug him from behind. The tears fell, and Azriel squinted in pain as he rested his head on the mattress, though still asleep and not realizing that your mate was breaking.
"She's right here, Az. She's right here alive with us okay?" Feyre said to him as she hugged him tight.
"I failed her," He moaned into the mattress, Feyre shaking her head as he sobbed, "I swore to protect her and keep her safe when we got together. It's my fault—"
"Don't do that! Don't say that Azriel.  This was not your fault, do you hear me?" Feyre reassured Azriel. Azriel clung onto Feyre, still crying into the sheets and feeling as though you were slipping away without him being able to cling to you. But the fact that Feyre was there, holding him close and telling him that you were alive, it was a small sliver of hope for him to hold onto. So many things were flooding in his mind: Who shot the arrow? Who was in charge of this attack? Why would you be the target? 
Who did Azriel need to hunt down and kill?
"She's going to stay here, perfectly safe, and I will make sure she is comfortable, Azriel. You have my word," Feyre promised Azriel as he lifted his head from the mattress, shoving his tears away aggressively with his fingers.
"Are you saying that as my High Lady?" Azriel asked, not meaning to sound bitter about it but his voice sounded it. Feyre hummed, moving to kneel next to Azriel so he could see the love in her eyes and sincerity. He adored that about Feyre, how kind she was even after all she went through as a human, and how she saved Prythian from Kind Hybern. She was still kind, still gentle in her heart though fierce when she needed to be. But the one thing that made her strong was her fierce friendships, how she held her friends close and would never let them go.
Like now.
"I'm saying that as your friend and someone who loves you," She replied softly, trying not to cry herself as she gave Azriel a soft smile, "Nothing is going to happen to her here, and you are more than welcome to be here with her while she gets better. Your family is our family too Az,"
Azriel panicked, thinking about the one member of the family who would be affected. 
"But what about Alec? Oh, Alec," Azriel panicked again, his son was now on his mind. What was his son going to think when he heard about his mother? What was Azriel going to say? His son was far too young for this chaotic world that was filled with hate and pain. Being only 4 years old, Alec was still so innocent and so kind, just like his mother.
"He's at school with Nyx right now, and he can stay here with you too," Feyre said to him calmly, seeing his panic, "I'll make up the guest room across the way for you two to sleep in while—"
"I'm staying in here with her," Azriel said to Feyre as he looked back at you, seeing you shift slightly and cling onto the pillow some more, the pain was less evident on your face as Azriel spoke again, "Alec can use the spare room, he can sleep with Nyx if he wants. But I'm not leaving her side, Feyre. Never again,"
Feyre must have sensed it would be a losing argument on her end when it came to trying to persuade Azriel into anything else.  But she would have done the same if it was Rhsyand there on the bed, even knowing fully well Rhsyand would do the same if Feyre was the one wounded and near death.
With a singular kiss to the top of his head, Feyre squeezed his arm a pinch, "I'm going to make you some food so you can eat in here. We're all downstairs if you need anything, but just stay here and be with her. Nesta will pick up Alec from school and bring him here, don't worry about him right now, we'll take care of him. You focus on your mate,"
Azriel gave her a soft nod, feeling the love she had and the warmth that Feyre could only produce sink into him. Although he felt like he was alone on an island, he wasn't truly alone. Not with the Inner Circle behind his family to care for them and to rally around him in this time.
"Thank you, Feyre," He thanked her, and as she walked out of the room to give him time with you, Azriel felt defeated. He took a chair to bring over to be at your side, then opened a window or two to bring in the fresh air, and then sat in the chair to watch you sleep. Not just sleep, but heal.
Even after hearing from both Madja and Feyre that you were strong enough to make it, Azriel couldn't just rely on hope. He felt hopeless in not being able to do anything, be anything, to bring you back. To wake you up and shine your blue eyes on him, to laugh again and fill the air with your bell of a laugh, and for you to smile and outshine any gem imaginable. 
Rhysand needed his cousin, Alec needed his mother, but Azriel most of all needed his mate. 
As you slept, Azriel was thinking over all the pieces of this complicated puzzle that needed to be placed together. He wanted to search every inch of every Court to find the very being that nearly killed you and almost took you away from him. He wished to find whoever was responsible and inflict so much pain in their life that they would beg for mercy. Any torture he inflicted in the past, he would surpass it. 
But for now, for now he simply wished for you to wake up again.
To Be Continued….
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A/N -Once again, let me know in the comments if you wish to be tagged for Part Two and Possibly Part Three!
Thanks for reading!
Tagging - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup
736 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 2 months
Never Ever
Summary - Azriel consols his son after a nightmare.
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A/N - This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series
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Azriel has gown accustom to the quiet in Velaris.
The little home out in the countryside was especially quiet, with the moon hanging high in the sky amongst the clouds and the grass softly swaying in the wind, Azriel loved this kind of quiet.  He was accustomed to frogs bellowing from the river not too far away, or the faint hum of fireflies that were dancing along the tops of the herbs in the garden behind the cottage.  He was used to it now, and he would prefer this over the sterile silence of the Illyrian camps or even in the city of Velaris. 
This was one of the very few nights he was home.  Most of the time he would work late or until around dinner time, Rhysand needing his Spymaster duties more frequently than ever before.  With the improved relationship with Autumn Court getting better by the day, Eris was still a targeting threat to Night Court.  He knew that threats he had two times against Azriel and his family, so The Autumn Prince has been quiet for the last few months or so.  Azriel still kept his shadows busy with intel from Eris.
He had no trust in Eris, and he wouldn’t anytime soon.
You were helping Nesta and Cassian at the House of Wind, Nesta being so close to her due date that she was restricted to her bed until it was time to give birth.  Madja had to be stern with her, knowing Nesta was a stubborn fae.  She was convinced though, Cassian staying by her side to give her plenty of rest and preparation for their new title bundle of joy.  You were more than willing to help, making plenty of herbs for her and prepping plenty of great meals for herself and Cassian to enjoy.  It meant that you were the one staying out a bit later in the night, and Azriel would be on cottage duty.
Of course, Alec missed his mother being around.  When he wasn’t attending school in the mornings in Velaris, he would be at home or on a playdate with Nyx.  Azriel could tell he was missing you from time to time when you’d be helping his Aunt Nesta.  He was good at hiding his feelings, even with the faint signs of his shadows humming against his small backside, Alec never wanted to show that he wanted his mother.  It pained Azriel to see his son trying to hide his feelings, but then again he had to do the same when he was young.
Azriel made it a point to change that with Alec.
He had finished the last of the dishes to let them air dry when he first felt it along his shadows.  Movement, very close by, making him pause from his actions.  It wasn’t a negative sense so to speak, but something familiar.  Something warm, not a threat, and nothing dangerous.  He knew that feeling, and the next thing he heard was one of the floorboards creaking from very little weight.  
Lastly, he heard a sniffle.  Instantly he turned, knowing who it was within an instant.
Alec, in his pajamas, and massive tears on his cheeks.
“D-d-daddy,” He hiccuped.
Azriel was gliding over within an instant and scooping him up within his arms.  Alec clung to him, his face digging into his father’s neck so his father could feel the tears hitting his shirt.  It broke his heart to see Alec in tears, a sweet young boy who would never hurt fly and would light up his tiresome day.  Azriel also knew his heart was tender, so tender and consumed with love, so there would be times when it would break or shatter.  
All Azriel could do was pick up those pieces and mend his heart.
“What’s wrong, Alec?  You wanna tell me?” Azriel asked him in a soothing tone, rubbing his back with his knuckles as he walked them over to the couch to sit.  Alec was hiccuping in his lap, his fingers clinging to Azriel’s shirt too tight as Azriel kept cooing at him, “I got you, okay?  You’re safe with me,”
“I-I had a b-b-bad dream,” Alec mumbled into his shirt, sniffling a bit.
“I’m sorry, buddy.  Nightmares are simply scary dreams.  But that’s all they are: dreams.  Nothing real, okay?” Azriel reminded his son, who nodded his head rapidly as he moved his head to look up at his other.  His bright eyes were almost illuminated, and the tears on his cheeks were evident.
“I didn’t l-l-like the dream though, Daddy,” he explained, Azriel hummed and pushed his tears away gently with his thumbs.
“I know you didn’t, buddy.  You wanna tell me about it?” He asked his son, he bit his lower lip for a brief moment as his father waited patiently.  It was one of the traits Ariel loved about his son: always in deep thought.
“You and momma weren’t there,” Alec explained, Azriel watching his son’s piercing blue eyes start to mist again as he was looking at his fingers that were fiddling in his lap, “I was lost and I tried to find you, and momma.  But I couldn’t find you, and I..I g-g-ot—“
Azriel tucked him into a hug again as Alec sniffled and blinked out a few more tears.  Azriel knew his son loved being around his parents, he had a sense of safety with you and Azriel.  It was one of the main goals Azriel had: to make his son feel loved and safe.  It wasn’t that Alec was insanely introverted, he had friends at his school and a wonderful relationship with his cousin Nyx.  Alec would rather be around his big loving family than anywhere else. The last thing Azriel would ever want is for his son to not feel safe at any time.  
“My sweet boy,” Azriel hummed into his son’s hair while he rubbed Alec’s back soothingly with the tips of his fingers, “You should never be afraid of being alone.  You will never be alone, okay?  Your momma and I will never ever leave you alone,”
Azriel heard his son sniffle a bit, then pausing before speaking in a mere murmur, “Never?”
He had to smile against his son’s black locks, hearing the small inkling of hope in his son’s tone, “Never ever.  You’re our son, Alec Rhysand, and we love and adore you too much to leave you alone,”
It seemed to do the trick since Azriel could no longer hear Alec crying or sniffling too much.  But he was still holding onto his father, not as tightly but possessively.  He finally sat back up, Azriel seeing how he was a bit calmer and sleep was evident on his face and under his eyes.  He grinned, “How about I tuck you back into bed, okay?”
“Mmkay, and daddy?” Alec asked tentatively.
“Yeah, Alec?”
“I miss momma,”  
Azriel heard the pain in his voice from those three words, which broke his heart a bit.  He knew Alec loved his mother and wanted to be around her constantly.  You were an exceptional mother to Alec, you knew just how to shower him with love and still be firm at the same time when it was needed.  But the best thing that you did, in Azriel’s opinion at least, was make Alec feel like the most important Illryian throughout the land.  
It was as if you were born to be a mother.  Azriel firmly believed that.
“I know, buddy. I miss her too,” Azriel agreed, standing up with Alec in his arms as Alec’s head was snuggled on his shoulder with his eyes blinking slowly and a yawn on his lips, “However, if I know your momma, she should be back very soon.  But right now she’s helping Aunt Nesta, remember?”
“Helping her before she has the baby?” Alec asked as Azriel walked down the hallway back to Alec’s little bedroom.
“That’s right. Your momma wants to help her before the baby comes, and that means she has to be away for a bit.  But not forever,” Azriel reassured his son as he made it to the door that was left ajar that led into Alec’s room.  
“I hope not forever,” Alec mumbled, yawning again as Azriel chuckled and poked his head into the small room.  Alec’s bed was tucked against the wall and by a window that looked out into the open meadow, Velaris not too far away along with the massive mountains.  His dresser was in the closet that had his clothes and small trinkets sitting on the top.  The walls were painted in tints of purple and blue to reflect the night sky, all thanks to Aunt Feyre, and plenty of toys that were tucked into a beautiful wooden toy chest with his name engraved on the top, a generous gift from his Uncle Rhysand.  
Azriel walked his son across the room, dodging the wooden sword that Alec got as a Winter Solstice gift from Cassian last year and then placing his son back in bed.  Alec snuggled into the bed as Azriel tucked the blanket up and around his arms.  Azriel could see that he was beyond sleepy, rubbing his eyes with his fingers and trying to stay awake as his head was sinking into the plush pillow, “Tomorrow we can go to the harbor. You, me, and momma. How does that sound?”
Alec lit up a bit from the suggestion, his smile infectious as he nodded his head, “Mmkay, Daddy.  I wanna get a present for Nesta’s baby too,” 
“You want to get a gift?” Azriel asked, almost in a bit of shock as Alec nodded his head again.
“Mmhmm.  Maybe a stuffy like my owl, so that if the baby gets sad, the stuffy will help,” He suggested, his voice showing signs of slumber and his eyes starting to drift close with ease.  Azriel was immensely proud of his son, seeing how big his heart was even when he was missing his mother and experiencing a nightmare.  
“That sounds like a great idea, Alec.  Now, let’s get some sleep, okay?  I’ll make sure momma comes in to give you a kiss when she gets home, okay?”  Azriel asked him as Alec held his stuffed owl in his tiny arms.
“Okay, Daddy.  Night night,” Alec replied, letting out one more big yawn before his eyes drifted closed.
“Goodnight, buddy.  I love you,” Azriel hummed against his head, pressing one more kiss against his dark locks.  He then got up from the bed, about to walk out of the bedroom and close the door behind him when he heard a soft sound from the bed.
“Love you too, daddy,”
Azriel turned back and looked, seeing Alec drifting back to sleep with a soft smile.  Once again, Azriel had to pause and drink in his life: to anyone else, it would be seen as mundane or ordinary.  Not to him, not to the Spymaster who went through torment and pain as a youngster and always had to have people arm's length away.  He saw death head-on and fought back, he’s seen fae and other beings die around him as he went on, and he always assumed he wouldn’t have a simple life or that the simple life would fulfill him.
He was wrong.  This life was the only life he would ever want and need. 
As he turned off the light and closed the door, with the moonlight dancing along his son’s sleeping face, Azriel considered himself a lucky Illryian for this life.  He no longer had to rely on fear or brutality as other Illryians did, nor did he have to be uncertain if he would ever be happy.  He was beyond happy, happy with a mate who loved him with all his flaws, happy that he had a found family who brought him out of darkness and doubt, and most importantly, happy with his son who saw Azriel as his world and more.  
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The next morning Azriel noticed that your side of the bed was still untouched, which made him slightly panic.  But your jacket was hung on the back of a chair, as well as your messenger bag you would take.  That made him confused as he got up from bed and ruffled his hair.  Anytime either one of you would come in late, you would notify each other.  Azriel couldn’t recall hearing you whisper to him last night or getting a kiss on the cheek, yet your things were in the room.  
He poked his head into Alec’s room, seeing an adorable and loving sight as you cradled your son in your arms and the pair of you sleeping in Alec’s bed.  Your wings drooped over the side of the small bed, Alec snoring away as his head was on your chest fast asleep while you too were in deep sleep with your arms tucked around him.  With the early morning sun rays dancing in the room to brighten the space, it felt peaceful and almost tranquil in a way.  
Azriel had to grin: the two most important beings in his life were sleeping together.  
The End.
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tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup
348 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 4 months
This Little Life
Summary - You are settling into your new life as a new mother to Alec, and Azriel helps you along the way
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Warnings - some angst but mostly fluff
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“Ah, let’s take a look at these wings, shall we?”
You and Azriel watched Madja examine your 2-month-old son, who was wiggling in her hold as she chuckled and looked at the small pair of bat wings against his backside.  He was too occupied with the small toy he was gumming in his mouth to feel Madja run her fingers along the delicate wings for a reflex test.  Although you knew he was healthy, you were still on edge with him as Azriel's eyes were trained on his son at every moment.
The first two months with Alec in your life were filled with bliss and milestones.  You never knew you could be this happy, not until Alec came into your life and turned it upside down in the best way.  He was an easy babe to handle, from nursing to sleeping Alec never once gave you trouble.  He adored being held by either you or Azriel, finding peace in the arms of his parents when he was fussy or when he couldn’t sleep.  Especially with his father, who would always rock him to sleep when he could.  Alec was the blessing you both needed, and you both cherished every single moment you had with him.
But you still had moments of not doing a good enough job, which perhaps was a normal feeling for new mothers to endure.  No matter that Alec was an easy baby to care for, that he lit up your day with his smile or his bright eyes.  Those small flickers of doubt crept in when you eat expected it, nestled in the back of your mind to take over for a few solid moments.  Wondering if he was eating or sleeping enough, pondering if you were holding him to touch or not enough.  
Azriel, sensing it and feeling it through the bond, would pull you out of the darkness with a pull of his hands and a hush of his voice.  He saw it in your eyes as you were zoned out for a long moment, reassuring you with his words and in his gentle touches.  You loved him for that, knowing that your mate was devoted to you and your well-being.  Especially since It involved you being the best mother to his son.
“Those doubts in your mind are lies, my love,” he hummed against your forehead as you cried into his chest one night, your son sleeping in his bassinet not too far away and you were telling Azriel all that was festering in your mind.  He knew you never had to say it or tell him, he felt it through the bond and how you were feeling lower than low.  Yet Azriel simply held you, his embrace was both possessive and gentle while you were crying and molding yourself against him.
“You are an exceptional mother, our son is lucky to have you as his mom, and I am lucky to have you as my mate and share our son with you.  Alec knows you would move the moon for him, as do I,” he said into your skin like a seal as you were clinging onto him, “Lean on me when it’s heavy and I will carry you, tell me when those lies come back again and I will snuff them out with my shadows.  I will always, always, keep you on your feet and bring you happiness and love, always,” 
Since then, Azriel always kept an extra eye on you and made sure you felt extra loved and adored.  Not that he didn’t do that before, but he was always attentive to you and made you feel like the luckiest being in all of Night Court and beyond.  But now it magnified, fresh flowers in a vase by your bedside, making you dinners that were both hearty and delicious, taking you on walks when you two had downtime.  When it came to Alec, Azriel did not mind taking the helm in some of the busy work.  Changing Alec, rocking him to sleep when he was fussy, even helping bathe Alec and his wings which made his day and brought some joy to the pair of you.  
But no matter the sleepless nights, the constant fatigue, and never-ending worries, Alec was the light of your life.  You loved hearing his laugh, anything and everything amused Alec and made him giggle or shriek.  He also was ever curious about everything around him, his eyes were a rare blue scanning everything in his sight and you knew he got that from his father.  He even almost had the same scowl as his father, which was amusing, to say the least.  
Alec was equally loved by the Inner Circle, especially by Nesta and Cassian.  You knew they were thinking about having children of their own, though they were willing to wait a bit more because of Nesta’s hesitance on Motherhood.  But you knew Cassian would wait for however long it took since he loved his mate so deeply.  Yet when they would hold Alec, seeing his face light up as he would babble at Nesta or attempt to grab Cassian’s hair, it was evident in their smiles and eyes.
They were ready for their own little family.  
“His wings are coming along,” Madja explained as her trained eyes were looking along each wing, touching the delicate bones that were under the membrane skin and Alec squirming in her hold, “When he gets bigger you should start stretching his wings out to be strong enough to fly.”
“Fly?” You asked tentatively, Azriel squeezing your shoulder in reassurance.  You couldn’t wrap your head around the notion of your son flying, and although he was still a newborn, the day he would fly was not too far away.  Flying was an Illryian right of passage so to speak, an ancient and important passage that every Illyrian being would have to partake in for the first time in one’s life.  It was mostly meant for the male though, female Illryians had their wings clipped instantly when they were of age.  You, of course, were able to dodge that burden thanks to Rhysand and his mother.  The horror stories you heard about females and their wings being stripped from them in such a brutal way, it made you paranoid for yourself when you grew up.
Luckily for you, Azriel swore to you that he would never let anyone strip your wings, seeing you as his equal in every way.  
“I wouldn’t worry now,” Madja hummed as you, then grinning as she propped Alec on her hip as he was still gnawing at the small toy in his mouth with ease.  She walked him over to you, Alec gaining at the sight of you and he reached out with grabby hands and a shriek on his lips, “He’s in good health and one of the happiest babes I’ve ever worked with.  You should be proud,”
You nuzzled your son in his arms, breathing in his baby scent with ease as Azriel pressed a kiss into Alec’s raven hair.  You smiled at Madja as she was packing up her bag, “Thank you, Madja.”
“Pleasure is mine, and I enjoy your little one compared to the other Illryain babes I’ve handled in the past.  He’s an easy one, must have gotten it from his father,” Madja joked, you snorted from her comment of Azriel while he felt a bit flushed.  
Madja walked out of the house, leaving the three of you together in your cramped but cozy living room.  Although your little cottage was well put away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Velaris, the soft sounds of the city being lively floated into your open front door to hover over the soft silence of the meadow. 
Your little house was the perfect mixture of yourself and Azriel that you added over the centuries.  It used to belong to a farmer, who went to Rhysand for assistance some time ago in need of finding new land for his crops.  He mentioned to Rhysand that he was selling the home, to which Rhysand mentioned it to Azriel since Rhysand knew Azriel was looking for a home for you two to settle in as new Mates.   
So Azriel bought the home and gifted you as a Mating gift. 
“Look at you being a healthy little one,” Azriel cooed at Alec, who was smiling widely with a toothless grin.  Azriel chuckled at the sight, “I think we should celebrate,”
“What do you have in mind?” You asked him, seeing him look out the small windows for a brief moment.  Your eyes went in the same direction, seeing the large view of the mountain range that was tucked away behind Velaris.  
“How about we go to the mountains?” He suggested to you, you keeping your eyes on the massive mountain peaks as he spoke again, “It’s perfect weather for some time in the mountain, especially near the lake by Rhysand’s family cabin.”
You grinned at the thought of being able to get out of the city for a few hours.  The mountains were a good safe haven for the pair of you, plenty of weekends together when either one of you were too stressed or too wound tight.  The crisp air in the morning, the calming sounds of the riverbanks and lake, even the distinct scent of the high pines and the fresh dirt.  You knew it brought Azriel some peace compared to being in the craziness of Velaris, and you loved it just the same.  Now that you had Alec, it would be the perfect time to take your son to the mountains and to have that family time with both your mate and son.
“I think that’s perfect,” You hummed, seeing Azriel grin widely at you since you were willing to take a few hours away with himself and Alec.
“I’ll let Rhysand know that we’ll use his second cabin for the day, and maybe for the night too,” Azriel said to you as you raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re not going to ask?” You questioned him, though he simply smirked at you as he shrugged.
“If I mention Alec, he won’t mind,” he smoothly answered.  You had to give it to him, he knew that Rhysand was a sucker for your son.  
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“You wanna feel the water?  It’s so nice,” You said to Alec as he was eyeing the lake in front of him with wide eyes.  He was perched in your lap, the pair of you at the end of the small pier with your legs already in the water.  Alec huffed, kicking his legs in your lap as you reached down to gather some water in your hand to have Alec splat his fingers in.  You had to laugh, seeing Alec’s bright blue eyes go big from the touch of cool water.  
“Should have known you would be a water babe,” You joked as you scooped some more water, Alec once again splashing the water in your palm and laughing as he did.  You never minded that you were getting water droplets on your shorts, or even in your hair that was in two Dutch braids down your back, all you were thinking about was how happy Alec was.
True to Azriel’s assumption, Rhysand let you use his cabin.  This was not his first cabin, which was in the middle of the Illyrian mountains.  This newer cabin with modern finishes was a gift from Feyre to Rhysand, an anniversary present that was a bit bigger to hold more than two beings in the home.  It had amazing view of the surrounding mountains and a massive lake in the front of the cabin that was enchanted to only be seen by those staying at the cabin.  Magic was laced in the cabin itself, almost like the magic of the townhouse transferred into the cabin itself.  
Rhysand was more than willing when Azriel contacted him and told him about wanting to have time with you and Alec away from Velaris.  Rhysand understood, he too knew what it was like to want more family time when Nyx was younger and his family was freshly formed.  You were grateful that Rhsyand and Feyre knew what it was like to have the newborn, both the blessings and hardships that came with it.  Feyre was beyond helpful when you were feeling uneasy and insecure about being a mother, letting you know that it was beyond normal to feel such a way and that you were doing an amazing job.  
You were grateful to have the High Lord and High Lady in your corner.  
The cabin was in great shape when you two arrived, bringing along some snacks to munch on throughout the day and perhaps staying for the night.  Opening the large windows to let the mountain breeze come in, the lake was rippling and inviting.  So you decided to take Alec onto the little pier while Azriel went to unpack your bags.  
“What are you two up to?” You heard behind you, a pair of feet walking up the pair in your direction as you looked over your shoulder.  Azriel, wearing his own pair of shorts and a midnight blue tank top was grinning at the sight.  
“Showing your son the lake, and I think he’s a fan,” You explained, Azriel chuckled as he sat down next to you, reaching over to Alec who was attempting to reach down to the water and wiggle out of your hold, “Come here, bub.  No need to get too wet,”
Alec was happily perched in his father’s lap, looking at the rippling water below with the reflection dancing along his face.  You leaned back on your hands, soaking in the warmth of the sun along your skin and the cool breeze soaring in.  It was nice to not hear about the constantly busy city, and although you loved Velaris and all the blessings it gave you over the years, being out in nature was another element that was therapeutic for you.  
“What did Rhysand say?” You asked Azriel as you had your eyes closed, soaking in the sun on your skin.
“He told us to stay for however long we wanted, or for however long Alec wanted,” He informed you, to which you cracked a grin, “I told you Rhysand would do anything for him,”
“Our son has the High Lord of Night Court wrapped around his finger,” You teased, “I’m not surprised when it comes to my Cousin.”
The soft sound of splashing was heard, making you open your eyes to look over at the source of the sound.  Azriel’s feet were kicking in the water, though Alec was nestled in his arms and slowly fell asleep from the small rocking from Azriel.  His eyes were getting droopy, his hands opening and closing absentmindedly, yet he looked comfortable in his father’s arms.  It instantly warmed your heart, tilting your head as Azriel watched the lake.  
“How is it that he can fall asleep in your arms?” You asked him, Azriel looking down at Alec, seeing how his eyes were lazily blinking and looking up at the sky while trying to stay awake.  
“I don’t know,” He answered with a small shrug, not wishing to jostle Alec who was losing the will to stay awake as his eyes were now drifting closed faintly, “He was always this way since he was born.  Though I don’t mind,”
Leaning your arm against his own, you perched your head on his shoulder and watched your son who was now fast asleep, seeing his hair flowing a bit in the wind while his head was perched right on Azriel’s chest.  Azriel’s fingers lightly rubbed Alec’s arms, a soothing rhythm back and forth along his son’s soft skin.
“How are you, my love?” Azriel asked you gently, his voice so soft and yet hinted with some concern as you grinned, pressing a kiss against his shoulder.
“I’m well,” You answered, “Better these days thanks to you.”
“You look well,” He hummed, you blushing as he kept his hazel eyes on you, “And I can feel it in our bond too.  I feel bad that I’ve been away more than I should be when I should be here with you and Alec—“
“No no,” You gently interrupted, looking at Azriel with love in your eyes as you wrapped your arm around his lower waist, your other hand moving his inky black hair from his eyes, “You are taking care of us and doing an amazing job at being his father,”
Azriel grinned, looking back at your sleeping son who curled into Azriel’s hold and was softly snoring.  Azriel was also a person of doubt from time to time, wondering if he was providing enough for his little family or not enough.  He loved you and Alec, far more than he loved himself, and he would be devastated if his world was rocked.  He hated leaving for missions, not that he loved doing missions before.  But now he would rather stay at home with you and Alec, even doing pain-staking paperwork if it meant he was there with you both.
“I don’t want any other life, Az.” You reassured him, seeing him look back at you with new warmth in his eyes, “This life is what I want and one I’ll ever need.  I’ll take the good and the bad days because I know you’ll be with me every step of the way,”
No matter how many centuries came and went being together, you always had an intense love for Azriel like you did when you two first fell for each other.  From being young teenagers with baggage and burden, to now new parents with a bright future ahead, you would take Azriel and Alec over anything else in this world.  
Azriel kissed you under the sun, Alec nestled between you two as you framed his face and kissed him back just as sweetly.
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams
413 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 10 days
Summary - Azriel and his mate find each other again during alone time
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Warnings - SMUT! SMUT SMUT SMUT!! Although a bit mild, there is smut in this, no minors allowed from here on out!
A/N - This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series. A little smut piece for Azriel and the Reader to enjoy together! I hope you like it!
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"I don't like how quiet it is,"
"I knew you were going to miss him as soon as we dropped him off with Cassian and Nesta,"
"I wasn't going to say anything and ruin the mood,"
Azriel barked a laugh, walking over to the fireplace to feed fresh logs into the fire, across from the loveseat where you were already sitting. Watching Azriel feed the fire and let the flame rise a bit, bringing warmth into your little home, made you relax all the more as the early evening was getting darker outside. 
Both you and Azriel had the evening to yourself, Alec having a sleepover at The House of Wind with his Uncle Cassian, Aunt Nesta, and Cousin Rose. Rose was big enough for Alec to play with her, thinking she was so fun to run around with and play with for hours on end. Cassian reassured you and Azriel that Alec would have the best time with his relatives, promising to teach him how to sword fight and do flips in the air with his wings.
The latter Azriel shot down real quick, but he was happy to let his son go for the night,
Plus, you can tell Azriel wanted to have some time with you and only you. Since you finally healed all the way through from being near close to death, you were simply trying to go back to a normal life. Though normalcy was not going to be in your life anytime soon because of recent events: Eris was still on the run with no leads as to where he was, Autumn Court's alliance with Night Court was shaky because of Eris. 
With all of this happening, you were worried about Azriel. No one told you, but you caught onto the fact that Azriel had a personal target on Eris. He was too strung out, too tight in his backside and his stance, and there was no sign of him being relaxed anytime soon. You understood why, but you also didn't wish for him to be wound tight like a tot.  Even feeling the bond and how he was not even relaxed for one moment. Stiff, a bit rigid, and you hoped you could find a way to get him to relax and unwind. 
Maybe it was perfect timing that you two were alone at your home.
Azriel stood back up, looking at his handiwork in the fireplace and the roaring fire that was now active. You stayed in your spot on the loveseat, your head slightly cocked to the side as you were looking at your mate with adoration and love in your eyes. For the last week and a few days, Azriel nursed you back to health and made sure all of your needs were met. Applying the ointment to your wound, delivering your food to the bed you were resting in, traveling back and forth between the River House and your cottage to get you books and some of your cross stitching when he noticed you were getting bored. Mor joked that he was becoming more of a wet nurse than a Spymaster. Azriel never cared, he was more focused on helping you get back to health and making sure you were 100% better. 
With a nasty sliver of a scare along your wing, you finally were able to leave River House behind and head home. But even when you did make it home and were given permission to be mobile, thanks to Madja, Azriel still was on edge. Rightfully so, you couldn't tell him to calm down because the threat that almost killed you was still out there somewhere in Prythian.  You weren't simply wanting Azriel to go back to the leisurely being he was before, but you wanted that light back in him.
"You're quite good at that, my love," You teased, seeing that smile on his face and the reflection of the fire dancing along his cheeks and nose. He looked back at you, his silhouette against the orange tint of the fire would look daunting to others. But not to you, not when he was walking back over to you and lowered himself on the loveseat to be shoulder to shoulder with you. His wings touched yours, making him look over at your wigs that were tucked against your backside.  Reachingup, he grazed his finger along the scar that was still fresh. You shivered from the touch, your wing was a pinch more sensitive thanks to the scar.
"It's healing well," Azriel stated, his voice calm as he was looking at the wing with intrigue. You weren't paying attention to your wing and its sensitivity, you were focusing on your mate. Watching his hazel eyes dancing along your wing, the smoothness of his cheeks after a recent shave, even the soft smile he had made you feel at peace. 
"Thanks to Madja, and you," You replied, Azriel's fingers that were hovering over your scars moved away from your wing swiftly. He moved his hand over to rest in his lap, though you were faster, and took his hand in yours to cradle it. Azrielwatched, you simply lacing the fingers together and smiling at him. Maybe it moved him a bit, seeing how relaxed and calm you were with him since you both were alone. You had plenty of things to say to him but had no idea where to start. Azriel must have sensed your quietness, he looked at you in concern as he squeezed your fingers together.
"Sweetheart?" He asked tentatively, he was searching your face as you were looking down at your joined hands. You are overwhelmed in that moment, being able to be back home at your home, healthy, and able to share this moment with your husband and mate. It made you want to cry, but something was holding you back from bringing on tears. Azriel reached over with his spare hand, placing a finger under your chin to gently raise your gaze to him. All you could do was smile, Azriel was about to say something else when you finally spoke.
"I'm happy," You explained to him as he was searching your eyes. You might have sounded odd to say that since you were on the verge of crying, but Azriel said nothing and simply watched you as you kept talking, "I'm happy that I'm here, and I have you to thank,"
Your voice sounded broken, yet you were smiling as if nothing was wrong. Nothing was wrong, you were in good health and you had your family with you. Maybe you were thinking back to that moment when you woke up in River House, in insane pain, and Azriel perched over you like a guardian angel of sorts. 
Even with the pain, the near close to death, seeing Azriel gaze at you with so much devotion and love in his eyes was enough to bring you back again. You thought for a split second in the bed that you were in a dream, or that you died and were now in some kind of afterlife with Azriel waiting for you. 
But he did more than that, he brought you back to reality. 
Azriel gently grazed your cheek with a singular finger, catching the one tear that was about to spill over, and smiled lovingly at you, "You never have to thank me for loving you with all of me,"
He made it seem so light, so simple, even freeing. He rarely expressed his feelings to others, even with you though you two have been together for centuries. It was the very simple moments that were sprinkled with love and gentleness, youloved those moments since they showed an intimate side of Azriel that he rarely brought into light. 
"There was nothing in all of Prythian that would stop me from having you in my life, sweetheart," He explained, thefinger that traced your cheek was now curling around your jaw, his palm against your jawline and the touch alone was a shocking sensation to you as he searched your eyes with his soft smile and his bright eyes, "I've told you this before and I mean it when I say it: You make my life so much better. I can't picture going on in this life without you in it,"
It moved you to hear that from him, even though you've heard it say many times from him during your long span of a relationship and courtship. Even back when you two met so long ago as teenagers, fresh in your adoration and love for one another, Azriel poured out his love for you and was willing to give you his heart. He did, to which you took it delicately in your own hands and swore to never break.
You haven't broken it yet, hundreds of years and a son later.
You leaned up and kissed him, starting it soft and sweet as he leaned into your touch. His fingers still against your jawwere delicate for you to feel while he kissed you back and snuggled a bit closer to him.  Something about kissing Azriel in that moment, alone in your small living room away from the rest of the world, made you feel a like of fire in your belly.You knew this feeling, you've felt it so many times before in the throws of intimacy and passion. 
But this time, it felt so slow and like a crawling passion.  Nothing rushed the pair of you as the kisses continued, your fingers both digging into his hair and the soft shirt that he decided to wear that night. His own hands and fingers were moving as well, the hand along your jaw was still gentle but was holding you in a possessive manner.  His other hand was slowly inching up along your arm, sending you shivers and chills that you felt all along your skin and even under it as well.
It felt like you were young again, young and pent up with these losing feelings for one another as the kisses were slowly evolving and growing. Azriel never strayed in his affection towards you, his body curled over to you while you two were getting impossibly close and still kissing one another. Now it was passionate, that fire in your belly was only growing stronger as you felt Azriel trace your lower lip with his tongue.  Barely a graze along your lip with the very tip of his tongue.
You whimpered, moving without realizing it and you were now straddling him.
Something inside the both of you clicked open, like a tight chest that was locked down for so long and now finally free. Azriel tilts his head up to kiss you soundly and wrap his arms around you softly. Your fingers were in his hair, tugging at him slightly as your head tilted to the side to feel him kiss you deeply. Nothing else was in your mind as Azriel was touching you, kissing you, making you feel so whole and alive again. Even after being with him for centuries and with a very healthy sex life, this time it felt different. It felt deep, It felt complete.
It felt alive. 
His fingers were now under your shirt, pushing up your shirt to be under your armpits to give you a chill along your soft stomach and backside.  You huffed, throwing it off within a second and diving back to kiss Azriel and framing his face in your hands. He smiled against your lips, you feeling his skin skim along your stomach and hips while your fingers were not moving down to the collar of his shirt to give it a gentle tug. Azriel laughed against your mouth as you tugged it again.
"Impatient little thing, are you?" He teased against your lips, though you silenced him with one massive kiss, your own tongue then licking into his mouth. He groaned, you having a small smirk as you were needing to lean back but Azriel was chasing after your lips. But you placed space between yourself and him, a hand on his chest and seeing his dilated eyes watching you like you were prey to him, His chest heaving, his lips plump and dark, and the flushness in his cheeks. He might have looked like a wreck to anyone else.
But to you, he was angelic.
"Who's impatient now?" You challenged back to him.  He grinned, a predatory-like grin etched on his gorgeous face as he then grabbed the collar of his own shirt and yanked it off. You watched as it fell to the ground, Azriel seeing it too as he broke out into a laugh.
"Thank The Cauldron these shirts are Illyrian friendly," He said in a snort, you giggling as well as you saw your shirt crumbled next to his.  Having this small moment to laugh, even when you both were shirtless and in a compromising position, was a sweet reminder of how you two were so in love with one another. The centuries of having one another,and learning from one another, all lead to a fulfilling life. Nothing felt bland or out of place, you still had those butterflies in your chest when you had these moments with him. 
You both took in a breath together, looking at one another with big grins on your faces as Azriel finally dived back in to kiss you. The heat was still there, no throes of passion but still active enough to have Azriel place his hands along your backside to touch your bra and the latches behind it. You were feeling so good all over, the heat was getting bigger in your stomach as you nodded against his lips.
"Please," You said along his lips, Azriel groaning in approval as his fingers were skillfully taking off the bra straps and letting your bra slip to the ground. His hands immediately moved, cupped your breasts as you moaned against his lips and curled into him more. The feel of his calloused palms against your soft skin, you feeling your nipples hardening immediately from his touch, it was a weakness for you that your mate knew far too well.
You could even feel your core reacting to this, shockwaves under your skin were felt like Azriel moved his lips along your lips and then to your jawline and then your neck. You clung onto him with one hand, your other moving down to undo the buttons of his pants. 
"Let's go to our bed…" You felt Azriel hum against your neck, making you shiver from his lips along your sensitive skin. But you shook your head rapidly, not wishing to lose this momentum or this drive that was building.  You popped the one button open skillfully with your fingers, and the sound alone was heard by both of you.
"No," you said hotly, feeling him lean back and look up at you while his hands were still cupping your breasts delicately. You saw that fire in his eyes alone just in the way he was watching you with desire etched all over his face. You took in a long inhale, almost feeling powerful to have the Spymaster himself bend to your will.
So you leaned down, nuzzling his nose against your own and looking at him directly in the eyes.
"I want you, here and now, on this couch," You instructed him.
You've never seen him cave so fast and so willingly.
You both moved elegantly, knowing this dance far too well as you both helped strip each other's clothes off while remaining close to one another. Like magnets, unwilling to be too far apart as you both were now bare and holding onto each other.  In this little home that was your safe space, a space you two built up and kept strong for years on end, your love was blossoming all over again. Feeling his lips descending to your breast, kissing one breast with delicacy and yet with fire while his other hand took care of the other breast with ease. You were too far gone in the lust and sensations of his mouth and hands on you to notice Azriel's own shadows licking along your skin, making the lust come out all the more. You had to give him credit, he knew how to use all his tools to his advantage. 
Moans and sounds of passion filled your little home as Azriel sunk into you, you both holding onto each other so closely as he finally sunk into you.  It always took your breath away, how he both stretched you to your limit and yet made it feel so perfect and so right. So many times in the past you thought how perfect he felt inside of you, snug against your walls and hitting the right spots within you that made you see and feel stars. You felt it again that moment, his cock fitting you so perfectly that you felt like you two were made for one another. It made you speechless for a moment, frozen in his lap as he was watching your reaction. No matter that you couldn't find the words or put together a sentence, you were feeling everything and everywhere. 
You had no idea what Azriel was thinking at that moment, watching up be speechless as he was buried deep inside of you. He was feeling that sensation as well, pure lust and euphoria rolled into one. Nothing else could feel this amazing, this close to heaven or any kind of heaven, and it all came from you.  Your shining eyes, your tender heart, and yourwillingness to love him for all he was and for all his flaws. But the physical love he felt for you heightened all the more.
But seeing you bare, eyes lusted over in bliss and love with your head tilted back and looking up at the ceiling, chest heaving, and your hair cascading down your back, Azriel was in love all over again.
"Mother Above," He said in a breath, almost sounding winded himself from the sight of you. If he were to die in that moment, he would die a happy being and have no shame in it. You opened your eyes, hearing him and looking at you with your breath barely on your lips. He smiled the rare smile that made you think he hung the moon. He uttered one word, a word that he would use to always describe you and his love for you:
From that moment on, you both moved so softly and carefully yet filled with passion and possession simultaneously. Youwere inwardly thankful that your home was tucked away from anyone else, giving you all the privacy to fully enjoy this moment with your mate as he rolled his hips deeply and almost in a feral manner. You were letting him, having the experience know that this wasn't going to be anything typical. Your sex life with Azriel was never typical: it was always driven to ecstasy. Somehow, this time seemed deeper.  Being on the couch in front of a roaring fire, the sounds of bothyourself and Azriel enjoying one another as you rode him carefully with his arms around you, it all felt like an out-of-body experience.
As you were getting close and closer to your peak, you were closing your eyes and leaning against Azriel as you were feeling every sensation: his cock hitting your sweet spot inside of you with every roll of his hips, his hands roaming along your sweaty skin, his lips brushing along your neck. Even hearing him moan and grunt, the pure love and lust he was feeling too while he pleasing you, was making you get closer to the edge as well.  You both were feeding off each other, a tactic you both have done for years and years.
I love you, Cauldron I love you so much. I can feel you….mph….everywhere! You hear in your mind through the bond,that his voice was sounding raw and emotional as you were moving hotly in his ear. You felt wrecked, emotionally and lustfully as you were attempting to connect words to make a thought or two. But he was fucking you so good, drilling into you to the point that you were losing your breath once or twice. 
Right there Az….fuck…right there! Please…please fill me up. You moaned through the bond to him, the rational side was slipping away and something else was taking over. Something that you could only show to your mate when you were in the throws of pleasure. Perhaps you weren't thinking about it too much, but Azriel let out a gutted moan. Something you never heard in a long time, such a long time. It made you open your eyes briefly, looking down at your mate and seeing the wrecked look on his face.  So disheveled, and yet beyond gorgeous to you as he kept rolling his hips over and over to not stop the momentum. 
You knew then that a new side of Azriel took over. 
Say that again! He pleaded in the bond, his eyes slammed shut as you heard his pleading tone in your mind. You were confused at first, not knowing what he was talking about while you were petting his hair and still staying so close to him. He said nothing at first, just grunting with every thrust he was giving, but you were moving your fingers then from your face over to the top of his wings, being dangerously close to running your fingers along the membrane to throw him off.
Say what, baby? You asked him, almost sounding a bit smug about it while you tried to hold back from touching his wing. Just seeing his face alone was enough to make you want to crumble and fall to pieces, your pleasure getting at an all-time high and about to tumble over. But you still had the one last piece of resistance, of control, to hold back until you knew Azriel was going to tumble over with you. 
To…oh fuck….to fill….fill you up. He confessed, having you smile widely in pleasure flowing through you so quickly to take over your entire body. Hearing that from your mate, from a Shadowsinger and feared Illyrian throughout all of Prythian and even beyond, stunned you.  He was putty in your hands, and the way he was shaking and whimpering against your skin, you knew he was close. Beyond close, and all he needed was a push.
With a brush of your fingers along his wing, you whispered against his ear, "Make me fucking full,"
He roared, orgasming and emptying himself into you in such a force that it made you cry out and orgasm as well.
The orgasm alone was enough to make your head swim and your skin crawl in the best way possible. The pleasure alone, mixed in with the lust and love that you had for one another was now filling the room as your body was riding through each moment that felt like a lifetime. Azriel clung onto you as he was shaking, still riding his own high as you felt like you were going through it in slow motion.  From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, it was all there. You felt out of your body for a split second, floating in the air right above your home and embracing the air.
You were floating back down to the ground again, back onto that couch where you felt boneless in the arms of your mate, who was still shaking himself and feeling just as exhausted as you were. Both of your shared labored breaths, you blinking slowly as the white-hot pleasure that once soared through you was now a Luke warm, a soothing warm. Azriel'sscarred but beautiful fingers were dancing along your bare back, his face dug into your neck and sounding breathless and exhausted. Yet you felt a smile along your skin, you grinning as your face was against his head.
"That's….that's a first," You commented in a gasp. Azriel laughed, sounding so light after giving you an earth-shattering orgasm, "Never took you to like something like that, sweetheart,"
"You bring out the side of me that I never knew I had," Azriel confessed, having you giggle in a shy manner as you finally pulled back a bit to look at a blissed-out Azriel. You loved this look, the look of bliss and pure happiness that could only come from something like this. You were feeling it too, the sense of being the only two beings in the world and everything else ceasing to exist. And having Azriel cradle you close in his embrace, almost shielding you from the outside world and keeping this small bubble of bliss intact.
"You know, the last time we were in a position like this….I got pregnant with Alec," You explained to him as you reached down and ruffled his sweaty hair. He lit up a bit from the memory, you thinking about it too that fateful night when you two were in the deep throws of pleasure together in your bed. It was in the same manner too, you being in his lap and cock buried so deep side of it that you felt every moment and the insane pleasure that he experienced. That memory alone was vibrant in your mind, Azriel leaning up and perhaps reading your mind through the bond, you feeling his flicker of joy over and over as he spoke up again.
"Are you suggesting that we have had a repeat of that fateful night?" He asked, almost in a tease as he saw you blush. Youwere about to hide your face from him, moving your eyes away from him. However, he was faster in catching your jaw with his fingers and making sure you were facing him again. You felt the butterflies in your stomach as he kissed you sweetly. This kind of intimacy, this kind of love, it was something others around dream to at least experience once. Youhad it for centuries, years of building it up together and making it as strong as it was. 
As Azriel pulled away from your lips, he still kept his smile and his loving gaze on you as he searched your eyes.
"If we did, then I am all the more happy for It," You whispered, your heart beating out of your chest. You were thinking in the back of your mind that maybe down the road, sooner or later, another little one would be in your family. It was never a topic you or Azriel spoke about, but then again it wasn't closed either. Life with Alec was beyond a blessing, unlocking a part of your heart and soul you never thought you would have in this lifetime. A child that was the perfect mix of you and your mate, was all you've ever wanted and more.  And thinking of another child, another perfect child that you and Azriel would guide in the world.
It was so tempting.
"I think a shower is in order," Azriel hummed, carefully slipping out of you and you shifting a bit uncomfortably. But he moved swiftly, he picked you up bridal style, you laughing as your arms were around his neck and he stood up. You both were naked and yet ecstatic, Azriel carrying you over to the bathroom that was attached to the bedroom as you leaned your head on his shoulder. 
The flickering dream of perhaps another child in your family was still in the back of your mind. 
The End.
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup @alwayshave-faith
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redheadspark · 17 days
Here (Part Three and Final Part)
Summary - Azriel's mate pulls through, but Azriel sets a new target on the one who almost took his mate.
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Warnings - Angst with a hint of fluff mixed in
A/N - Part of the Ocean Eyes Series. Here is the last part of this small three-part series, by popular demand. I hope you like it!
Part One
Part Two
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Azriel felt himself flying out of the guest room, thankfully moving his son safely to the side of the bed to let him sleep. But you were in his mind, hearing your voice calling out to him so gently and yet strained simultaneously. He was beyond fast, going across the hallway in a mili-second and bursting into your room. He stood still at the doorway, seeing the blue tint of the room thanks to the moonlight and how you were squirming a bit in your position on the bed. Almost as if you were waking up from an unpleasant dream. You squinted, your nose twitching a bit as you took in a sharp inhale. 
Azriel…what happened…
"Honey, hey," Azriel said in such a rush and trembled as he made his way over to him, pushing the chair to the side abruptly to be kneeling and in front of your face. He reached up to touch your cheek, his palm against your cheek lovingly as you took in another breath that sounded a bit uncomfortable. Finally, he saw you open your eyes right at him and he finally smiled, tears in his eyes as your gorgeous blue eyes were looking back at his hazel ones. Azriel only said three words, there words that were simple but moved your heart:
"There's my girl,"
All the worry he had, the fears of you dying in front of him and leaving him this world, they no longer existed. You were there, safe and alive, watching him with weary but comforting eyes. Azriel felt like he could breathe again, finally taking in a long breath since it felt like he was holding it in for so long. The last several hours were filled with worry, despair, rage, and devastation at the notion of Azriel watching you slip away from him. He was already thinking over every scenario that could happen to him, but now he simply wished to fall to his knees in both happiness and exhaustion from being on edge for far too long. 
"Az?" You finally voice, your voice so raw and yet still gentle. Azriel beamed, tears down his face from hearing your voice finally. How he missed your voice, the warmth it brought like the sun rays on a summer day. Hearing it in the bond was one thing, but to finally hear It with his ears, made the tension that he carried fly away and out the window.
He took out a long breath, attempting to remain composed in front of you as you were searching his eyes, but it was all too much for him. He hid his face for a brief moment into his arm, the last thing he wanted to do was to show his tears to do since you were the one who was hurting and near death. Although you were still in the same pain and drowsy, you were concerned seeing your mate in such a way in front of you, 
"Azriel, what.." You were about to ask, not understanding what was going on, but Azriel inhaled sharply and looked back at you. You saw the pain in his eyes, pain that was mixed relief and grief as he scanned your eyes.
"I'm just fucking glad you're okay," He hummed, his voice sounding so broken but also ecstatic at the same time. He leaned forward, kissing your cheeks and forehead over and over while his hands cradled your face and stayed so close to you.  You heard it and saw it, how he was so worried and now relived that you were there and breathing.
"Cauldron, don't you dare scare me like that again," he said against your hair as he cradled your face in his palms, you feeling some of his tears hit your cheeks and nose. You carefully reached up to touch his wrists, holding him there like an anchor as you were letting him kiss you all over and touch you. 
The last thing you remembered was trying to fly into the sky, masked men chasing after you and attempting to ambush you, and then the searing pain that blossomed throughout your entire body. The scream from your lips was almost animalistic as your vision went cold and you fell from the sky, limp and cold.
But now you were there, warm in a bed and Azriel in front of you with fresh tears.
"Where am I?" You asked, looking around at the room you were in. Azriel moving the hair from your eyes and rubbing your arms soothingly.
"River House," Azriel explained, "Cassian found you out cold and brought you here. You've been asleep for a good 9 hours, baby,"
You attempted to sit up a bit, in hopes to maybe gather your bearings, but you froze and gasped out in pain. The entirety of your back had a spasm from the shocking pain and you whimper. Your wings felt so stiff and painful, especially your left wing, almost like it was on fire as Azriel wrapped you in his arms and helped you go back to your side.
"Your wings are still healing, rest for me," He urged you as you sighed and took in a few long breaths, "Madja got most of the poison out from your wing but there's still some left,"
It made you look at him in shock from the news that there's poison in your wing. No wonder you were feeling insane pain, to the point that moving your wing would be almost like torture so to speak. You recalled that searing white pain when you were flying up in the sky, the pain was large enough to have you lose your breath and then pass out cold, paralyzing you within seconds. 
You shot an alarmed look at Azriel, "Where's Alec? Is he safe? Is he—" You were about to ramble several questions all at once about your son, who was now in your mind at the forefront of your worries. 
"He's okay, sweetheart. Alec's safe and okay. Look, he's asleep right across the hall, see?" Azriel said to you, you looking out the door that was left abruptly open. Even from your spot on the bed, you could see Alec, tucked away in bed amongst the messy sheet and snoring away with his head on the pillow.  Watching your son shift in his sleep, his black hair was that was growing out a bit too long against the dark blue satin pillows, you smiled at the view. There was your son, safe and sound, sleeping as if nothing was going to harm him. 
Just the way you both wanted.
"He's worried about his momma, just like I am," Azriel explained, his voice solemn as you looked from your sleeping son to your mate, watching him scan your body up and down with his wide eyes. Although you knew his worry was valid from what happened to you, you also wanted to bring Azriel would have the current headspace he was in, which was dark and almost sickening. So you moved your own hands up to cup his cheeks and face, feeling how flushed he was along his skin and almost clammy. 
You leaned up and kissed him, his lips were soothing to you since it felt like years since you kissed him last. Azriel instantly caved and melted into your touch as he cupped your jaw with one hand and the other moving down along your waist to tuck you in close without harming your damaged wings. You both needed this kiss, not in a lustful manner but in such a way like lovers who have been separated for some time. It felt like it, you missing his warmth and his soothing touch for however long you were unconscious and slipping in and out of reality. It felt like you were in some deep sleep that had no dreams or nightmares, but almost like you were walking in the form of direction. 
Kissing Azriel was your direction, your guided path, and it felt like you were found again.
You barely pulled away from him, breathing in the scent that only Azriel would carry while you were still caressing his face with your fingers and watching him with love in your eyes, "I'm right here, Azriel. I'm right here and breathing and I'm not going anywhere,"
"You better not," He hummed, almost in a light joke but the emotion was still there in his voice, "You're not allowed to leave me In this world,"
"Never," You vowed, that single word rang in the air between you two in the small room. You still had plenty of questions about what happened, from what you remembered last and what occurred in between. Did Azriel know what happened to you? Did the others know and find out through him? 
Who was it that did this to you?
Perhaps your husband and mate knew you were thinking deeply, from the look on your face made him stare at you lovingly," You don't need to worry about it, my love,"
Of course, you were going to worry, waking up in a foreign bed and insane pain from almost being poisoned to death. Youknew you were in no unmarked territory or area that you shouldn't be in.  In actuality, you knew the woods for centuries and were familiar with the layout. So you weren't lost, nor were you in a nasty situation. Which only left…
"Who was it?" You croaked out, Azriel's eyes going a bit big from the sudden question from you. But you were alert and watching him intently, to which he was shocked by what you meant. 
Azriel shook his head, "No, no. Don't worry about it right now, okay?"
"Az—" You were about to argue, but he interrupted you.
"That's for me to deal with, not you," he stated to you, you searching his eyes and seeing something a pinch darker. Hetook in a long inhale, "I'm going to take care of it, I need to. Someone tried to take you from me, and I can't let that go,"
He sounded so broken in that moment with what he said to you, the protective side of Azriel was visible over his eyes and in how he was even kneeling next to the bed. Stiff, on alert, and almost mechanical.  This side of Azriel was more prone to inflict fears onto others, to bring even the strongest of men to their knees. You have only seen it a few times in all the life you had with him, and it felt like you were seeing it all over again.
"Stay with me, tonight. Stay Azriel, please," you pleaded with him, thinking having him with you would be the safer option than for him to go out on a rampage. Even with the several questions ringing in your mind, somehow you were willing to just be with your mate. You are also trying to distract him from doing something he would regret in the end, and Azriel reluctantly takes the bait. He sighed, inhaling deeply and then nodding.
"Okay," He hummed, the anger that was threatening to overcome him was now diminishing and evaporating into the air. Maybe he sensed your worry over him, the panic that he may do something that would make him be filled with regret. Carefully, but with swift movement that seemed so fluid, he scooped you in his arms. You clung to him, feeling a bit of the pain as he kissed your forehead and knelt on the bed. He gently got you back on the bed, though he was now on his back and having your head tucked into his neck.  Your arms around him, being able to use his body now instead of a body pillow that you were attached to for several hours, and breathing in his musky and yet gentle scent.
Azriel cradled you close in his arms, finding that love again as your body was against his, your hair against his cheek and nose, and feeling your heartbeat against his own.  This was his center again, the fact that you were awake and there with Azriel made him feel safe all over again. The last 9 hours were hell, torture upon himself since he had no way to help you or make you wake up for him. But not anymore, and the happiness he thought he lost was slowly coming again in wave after wave.
"I love you," You hummed, your energy was dropping as sleep was about to overcome you. Azriel held you a pinchtighter as you felt his fingers in your long hair.
"I love you more than the stars in all of Prythian," He vowed against your head, you feeling his fingers move along your hair and his lips along your forehead, "I got you right here, get some sleep,"
While you were holding him gently and falling back asleep, a smile was now etched on your lips with the sense of security in your mind that your husband and mate were both holding and protecting you, Azriel was already thinking of what he was going to do with your attacker and whoever else was behind this. Even while you were alive and well, he still had the protective streak about him and that side that was locked away. 
It's been some time since he let his Spymaster side come out full throttle, maybe it was time for it to happen again. 
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"High Lord Beron informed me that Eris went rogue,"
Azriel rubbed his face in his hand, both in frustration and with the anger festering under his skin as he was sitting across from Rhysand in his office. Cassian was chatting with you in the room where you are recovering, Nesta and little Rose accompanying him as they were giving you some company.  Alec too was with you, not once leaving your side when he woke up and found you awake in your bed and happy to see him. Azriel knew then that he needed to talk to Rhysand and Cassian about the meeting they had with High Lord Beron the night before while he was with you. Though he was furious that they both conducted with him present, he also knew why: he would have torn the room to pieces in anger beyond reason.
"We showed him the arrow, and he recognized it from Eris's security and their stash of arrows. Not to mention the poison that the arrow was drenched in. He found out Eris left Autumn Court an hour before the attack happened, and hasn't returned since," Rhysand explained to Azriel, seeing how his shadows were fuming from near this news. Cassian side-eyed Azriel, feeling the tension himself as he cleared his throat. 
"Beron doesn't condone what he did, and he claims that it's not a representation of Autumn Court," He said halfheartedly.
"Cassian," Rhysand said in a warning tone, but Cassian simply glared back at him.
"I'm not gonna sugar coat it, Rhys. I don't buy what Beron said: it came from his Court and that makes me suspicious of him," Cassian explained in a shrug.
"I agree, but I also need to take into account that Beron would not place his own Court in the line of fire. He hasn't since the war, why would he do that now?" Rhysand countered back, Cassian huffed silently as he leaned back in his chair. Rhysand focused back on Azriel, who was still quiet throughout the exchange and looking down at his scarred hand that clutched the arm of his chair. Rhysand could talk to him through his bond with him, he's done it in the past. But something about this moment, seeing his Spymaster and his brother, trying to hold it together, he didn't want to pry his mind. It felt too emotional for him, too raw even, to even tap into his mind.
"Beron has soldiers looking for him, and he had made it his personal mission to search for Eris. We also have permission to find him with our men since this happened in our Court," Rhysand explained to Azriel, motioning his head over to Cassian, "Cassian volunteered Illyrians to comb the sky and the woodlands as we speak. If he is found in our territory, we can punish him as we see fit."
Once again, Azriel said nothing, to which both Rhysand and Cassian gave him uneasy looks since the calm demeanor that Azriel was giving off was unsettling. Neither one of them seen him so calm, so collected almost, especially considering his mate nearly died hours before. 
"I've already warned the other High Lords in case he does hide out in the other Courts, though I did not close the details and what precisely happened. All of them agreed to notify us if he does show up in their territories, and if he is found—"
"He's mine," Azriel finally spoke, his voice low and raw. Both Cassian and Rhysand shot a look at him, seeing him slowly uncurling his fingers from the arm of the chair. Marks were seen in the wood from his nails, to which his palm was facing up and he made a small fist.
"Azriel, you need to focus on your mate and your son, not Eris," Rhysand gently reminded him, but Azriel shook his head once.
"He's mine," He repeated, his eyes not swaying from looking at his scarred hand. Cassian was looking at him in concern now as Azriel was sitting so still, not blinking once.
"Az," Cassian was about to chime in, but Azriel jumped up abruptly for the chair with such force the chair fell back behind him and bounced off the floor.  The fury in his stance, the heated stare that illuminated his hazel eyes, even his shadows were radiating off his body as he glared at Rhsyand in front of him.
"HE WENT AFTER MY WIFE!" He bellowed, his voice booming off the walls with such a force that it was almost deafening.  Both the High Lord of Night Court and the Illyrian Army Commander were silent, almost afraid themselves as Azriel was still glaring at Rhysand.
"My…fucking…wife. He wanted her dead….and he went after Alec when he was a babe. I'm done with him and with this," Azriel growled, his scarred hands clenched so tight Rhysand saw the veins pop out in contrast to his scars, "I am done letting him sliding through my fingers. I watched my own wife nearly die in my arms Rhys, enough is enough. Don't you fucking dare tell me you wouldn't feel the same if it was Feyre who was nearly killed,”
Azriel was heated, he might have crossed a line mentioning his High Lady, but he was agitated and no longer wished to be composed. Rhysand felt the pain, and deep down he was right: Rhysand would feel the same if Feyre was the one who was hurt. He would have reprimanded Azriel for mentioning Feyre, but he wasn't going to. Not when Azriel was right. Azriel looked over at Cassian.
"Or you with Nesta," he said, Cassian inwardly growled from the thought of Nesta being in that position. 
"I want his head on a spike," Azriel stated as he looked back at his High Lord, "He needs to pay from these past years breathing fear down my family's back for his amusement.  I need to know, here and now, that he is mine when he is caught. DoI have your word?"
He was asking Rhsyand, both as his High Lord and also as his brother and friend. He could go against Rhysand if he needed to, his mind was simply on ending Eris and eliminating the threat against his family.  No matter what it took, the length and the commitment, he would. But this was one last ditch effort for Azriel to get his High Lord's permission, the last inch of sanity he had.
Rhsyand, giving him a solemn look knowing that Azriel was driven in this, took in a long inhale.
"You have my word," He replied, sealing Eris's hate.
The End.
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Tagging - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup @sizzlingstarlightsky @iluvyewman-blog @masbt1218 @a-courtof-azriel @homeslices @zanzie @topaz125 @saltedcoffeescotch @he6rtshaker @tenshis-cake @pruvii
331 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 5 months
Ocean Eyes
After the great feedback I got from writing Trust, I decided to make a page for this story that will evolve over time! I hope you guys like it, and I'll add more stories to this page as I write them! let me know if you wish to be tag in future works for this series!
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This list is in chronological order and is as follows:
Lullaby - The Birth of Alec Rhysand
This Little Life - Azriel and Reader Enjoying New Parent Life
Vow - Azriel stops a potential threat against his family
Universe - A few of Alec's first.
Enough - Azriel has doubts if he's doing a good enough job in protecting his family
Getaway - Azriel takes the Reader on a Getaway (18+)
Split - Cassian stops a threat against Alec
Never Let You Go - You and Azriel take Alec on a night flight
Trust - Azriel takes his son flying for the first time
Never Ever - Azriel consoles Alec after a nightmare
Here - (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) - Azriel's Mate becomes a target and is injured because of it
Divine - Azriel and the Reader share a intimate night together (18+)
Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup @alwayshave-faith
394 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 2 months
Summary - Azriel thinks he's not doing a good enough job in protecting his family. His Mate thinks otherwise
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Warnings - Mostly angst, but it's mixed in fluff :)
A/N - This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series
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"And, he's down for the night,"
"You're a natural at putting our son down with ease, you know,"
You chuckled as you finally plopped down on the loveseat, you feeling a sense of relief being off your feet and feeling the warmth of the crackling fire in the fireplace along your skin.  Azriel sat across from you, smiling at the sight of his mate leaning back against the cushions and his fingers were now reaching over to massage your scalp to ease some more tension that he knew you had.  With the moon inching its way up to the sky amongst the scattered clouds and the fireflies dancing right outside your open window, there was calm again in your small home.  
Although life was peaceful for your small family, Alec a rambunctious yet easygoing toddler who was now walking around with ease, tension was still in the air and hovering over your home, particularly over your minds.  As hard as you tried to keep it normal in your home, to make your home filled with love and comfort for the sake of your young son and the Inner Circle, you still knew there was a target on your backs and it was growing by the day.  You hated thinking about it, about Eris and how he made those threats towards your family, and the last thing you wanted to do was to bring worry to the others.  
Especially to Azriel.  
You could tell he too was thinking about it, but he never spoke about it.  He was hiding it from you, all of his worries and fears of what could happen to either you or Alec.  There was no doubt that you trusted Azriel with your life, you've always trusted him for centuries and you always will.  But you also knew he would keep his true feelings inside when he needed to, almost like a tightly shut oyster that would not be pried.  Recently, he was in his shell and showing no signs of opening.  Not even for you. 
It was making you worry. 
"Hmmm, your hands are magic," You said in an approved hum as his fingers were still moving along your scalp.  Azriel chuckled, you curling into him a bit while he was watching you with love in his eyes.  You grinned at him, seeing how the light of the fireplace was dancing along his cheeks and in his black hair.  Having this time with him, no distractions and nothing to have the two of you occupied, was rare.  It was much needed from time to time, being next to each other and drinking in each other's company and peace.  You both stayed busy throughout the day, so finding time together after Alec was down for the night was much needed and craved.  
Seeing him there, across from you on the same loveseat as you, made you finally wish to pry him a bit more to see if he would open up to you.  It's happened in the past, Azriel was not one to be cruel to you when you would attempt to have him open up to you.  But there were times when he would keep you in the dark, and rightfully so.  His duties as a spymaster were dangerous, and the last thing he would ever want is for you to be in the crossfire.  But with Eris in the picture, knowing about you and your son, Azriel was now more paranoid than ever.  He hid it in the dark, in his work at the Spymaster, even hiding it from Cassian and Rhysand if he could.  
You had to get to the bottom of it.
"Az?" You asked his name, seeing him cock his head at you as his fingers were still mixing into your locks that were now loose from its braid.  He gave you a small smile.
"What is it, baby?" He asked you, cocked his head to you softly and having a gentle smile at you.  But you peered into his orbs, those light hazel eyes that you loved for hundreds and hundreds of years, and you knew deep down that he didn't have the same light that he had before.  It was almost dimmed, slightly but still evident, and you would have to find a way to bring that brightness back again.
Whatever it took. 
"I know something's haunting you," you said softly, the cackling of the fire mixing in with the tone of your voice as Azriel paused with his fingers in your hair.  Yet you kept your gaze on him, not wishing to look away from him for one moment since you knew this was going to be important.  You wished to crack that wall he would put up from time to time, even against his own mate. 
"Your mind's been occupied recently and you're not yourself.  I know because I know you, I've known you since we were children, and the last thing I want is for you to shut me out and not tell me what's going on," You explained, trying to sound calm without sounding desperate in wishing him to confess what was going on in his mind.  Perhaps Azriel could hear it in your voice, or even see it in your gaze on him.  He was used to interrogations and acts of persuasion, but the way you were talking to him was soft and gentle.  
Azriel said nothing, and maybe you were waiting for him to brush it off or even find an excuse.  But he didn't do either of those, his eyes softened more and he took in a long inhale and looked down at his lap.  You could see it and sense it, the energy in the air was almost tightening as his eyes moved from his lap over to the roaring fire.  With the flames dancing along his hazel eyes, he took in a shuttering breath.
You heard it in the breath, he was struggling.
"Azriel," You said his name soothingly, hearing another breath in his lungs as he finally blinked slowly.  His eyes closed, his fingers in your hair slipped from your locks, and was about to fall into his lap when you trapped his hand in your fingers and palms.  You felt it in his hand, slightly shaking and almost a bit clammy.  
"Please talk to me," You pleaded with him, feeling his fingers that were cradled in your hands now clutching you like a lifeline, to almost stop himself from drowning underwater.  Finally, his voice was evident and almost sounded like the shadows that were hovering over his own wings trying to protect him.
"What if I'm not doing it right?" He asked coarsely, you hearing the uncertainty in his voice and seeing it in his body language.  You sat up a bit, still holding his hand tightly as your mind was now reeling with those six words he uttered.
"What do you mean?" You asked him, not wanting to sound panicked or worried.  But he opened his eyes and looked at the flames, pain was evident on his face.  
"Protecting our family, keeping our family safe, what if it's not enough?" He asked, sounding so defeated and unlike himself.  He was always so strong when it came to conflict, but you saw the change in him.  From the moment you told him you were pregnant, that shifted and changed everything inside of him.  His mindset was now about his family, keeping them close within his reach and not letting it go for one second.  
Ever since Eris came into the picture, you knew Azriel was shaking.
"Look at me, sweetheart," You said to him calmly, seeing his eyes tear away from the fire to you.  The wide eyes, almost misting with tears and defeat.  You pulled his hand up to kiss the back of it, keeping your blue eyes on his while your lips stayed along his scars near his knuckles and thumb.  
"You have done more than enough, beyond enough, okay?" You reassured him to comply as he was searching your eyes, "I have never seen an Illryian work as hard as you to keep his loved ones safe.  I feel like the safest Illryian in all of Prythian, not to mention the luckiest.  Your son, our baby, is the luckiest babe in all of Night Court to have a father like you,"
Azriel stayed quiet, absorbing all you shared with him as your thumb was rubbing against his hand along his skin.  It was hard for you to see him like this, doubting his strength and diligence in his family and for his loved ones.  
"I have never, ever, known another being who loves his family as fiercely as you," You continued, shifting your seat some more to face him as you reached over to cup his jaw in your hands.  You could have sworn you felt him slightly shake and the mist in his orbs was about to pour over into tears, "Ever since we met as children, you took to Cassian and Rhysand so quickly as if they were your brothers since birth.  You loved them from the moment Cassian found you covered in mud and grime, and that's one of the greatest things I adore about you.  Please don't doubt your love for—"
"I don't doubt that," He interrupted you, making you go quiet suddenly as he took in a long inhale, blinking a few times and then pressing a singular kiss against your palm, "I don't my love for them, not at all.  Not even my love for you, I would be an idiot to doubt what I feel for you and how I felt for you when we met,"
"Az," You said his name, but he shook his head fiercely as he locked his eyes with you.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," He swore to you, taking your hand that was against his cheek and now being the one cradling your hands in his own, "From the moment I met you, all that time ago when we were children, I knew I was a goner and no one else would come close to making me feel whole and complete."
Now it was your turn to attempt to keep your tears from falling, You've heard the soothing words before from Azriel, he had no hesitation in telling you how in love with you he was.  He would spew his adoration and devotion constantly daily if he could, and you would drink it all in. But something about this hit differently inwardly, like a soothing balm or an ongoing ache again your skin.  Seeing Azriel in such a state, vulnerable and yet driven, made you feel warmth from the inside out. 
"I've never wanted or needed anyone else in my life but you," He said to you, holding your hands so gently like they were made of glass, "I knew it then when you first said my name and looked at me with your blue eyes, I knew it when I kissed you that night under the stars.  You're part of me, the best part of me, and I can't picture my life without you in it.  That's why I'm doubting myself when it comes to keeping you safe, if I'm doing a good enough job,"  
You heard the pain in his voice, the emotion there in his tone he was spilling out to you what was harboring him and giving him doubt.  He loved fiercely, with every single ounce inside of him to the point of him being on empty.  And because he loved to that caliber, he would be beyond nervous or scared that someone he loved would be taken from him.  No matter whether he was a Spymaster with deadly hands, or a strong Illyrian who knew how to fight, he held his loved ones dear.
You both could hear Alec crying from your room, you got up from the loveseat immediately and slipped your hands from Azriel's hold.  He watched as you walked down the hallway, Alec's whimper and cries were echoing in the room as Azriel looked back at the fireplace.  He never wished to unload all that tension to you, even when he knew you would want to hear it.  He still wished to keep it to himself since it felt like his own burden to take.  Perhaps he was used to needing to be on his own with his line of work, but then again he couldn't picture a life without you or Alec in it. 
You walked back out to the living room, a sleepy Alec in your arms who was still whimpering with fat tears on his cheeks and his eyes glistening.  He was swaddled in his quilt, Azriel seeing how you were snuggling your son close while you sat down on the couch next to him.  Before Azriel could say anything, maybe to apologize for saying those things earlier to make you cry, You gently placed Alec in his arms.  
To Azriel, it was a familiar weight to hold his son in his embrace.  He knew how to cradle Alec's head, how he preferred to be tucked into Azriel's elbow in a way, and even how to sway side to side instead of bounce.  So as soon as Azriel had Alec, his son was instantly calm and fell back asleep.  It was such a unique trick that Azriel picked up from the moment Alec was born, something you were inwardly jealous of since you couldn't do that within a second or two.  But you were smiling at the sight of Azriel holding his son, who was already falling asleep with ease with a small smile on his lips.  Even Azriel was grinning, no longer looking miserable or having fallen tears in his eyes, but was happy.  Happy from simply holding his son in his arms and watching him sleep.
Happy that his world was in his arms.
"If you ever think you're not doing a good enough job, just look at your son," you reminded him, seeing Azriel's eyes look over your infant son as he slept away, lightly snoring and making tiny fists with his hands, "He's the evidence of how good you are, how loving you are, and how powerful you are.  It's more than enough, sweetheart.  I promise you on the life of our son,"
You watched with a soft smile as Azriel's walls that he was attempting to stack back up crumbled back down with your words and the sight of your son.  It was hard to watch at times when he would hide in his shell or behind his shadows, because you knew deep down he felt more than he ever would expose.  He inhaled sharply, almost trying not to cry in front of you and his sleeping son as he leaned down to kiss the top of Alec's dark mop of hair. It made you move and hum, cradle his jaw again in your hand while you pressed your head against his own to breathe him in.  
The three of you cuddled on the couch as the night rolled on, the only sounds that were evident were the calling fire in the fireplace, Alec's light snoring, the soft wind blowing in the tall grass outside the window, and Azriel quietly crying.
"My sweet boys," You cooed, stroking Azriel's hair lovingly as you kept your head against his and felt him tremble, feeling some of his tears hit your fingers as you smiled gently at him, "You are beyond strong, Azriel.  It takes strength to want to protect those you love, and I adore that about you.  Alec and I are the luckiest Illryians because we can call you ours,"
Azriel sniffled, looking up at you, and instantly kissed you, you leaning into him and kissing him back just as carefully.  You felt it in the kiss, how he needed to hear those words from you and know deep down he's done more than enough.  He will always worry, thinking of the worst and making sure that both you and Alec are safe and secure in his little world.  However, Azriel also knew that he had done enough.  More than enough.  
You would remind him when he would be lost, and further down the road, his son would remind him too.
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup
379 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 3 months
Summary - Azriel decides to take you on a getaway
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Warnings - SMUT in this oneshot, NO MINORS ALLOWED! You have been warned!
A/N - This is part of my Ocean Eyes Series, but no Alec in this one. Just some cute and spice between Azriel and the Reader
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Your POV
"Cousin, may I have a word?"
"You can always have a word with me, Rhys,"
Your Cousin, High Lord Rhysand, chuckled as he walked over to where you were perched in your chair, outside in the garden at the Townhouse.  The sun was shining down, not blazing hot but still brought some warmth with the first signs of spring around the corner in Velaris.  You wanted to have some time out of the cottage, it felt like you were cooped up there for days on end with the constant rain and cold winds from the mountains.  But with the first signs of warmth and the sun peeking through the dark clouds, you flew to the Townhouse to get some fresh air and help tend to the garden since Elain was too busy planning her wedding and finding a second residential home in Autumn Court.  
Alec was with his father for the day, Azriel knowing you needed some solo time and he wished to have some father-son time.  You were glad to see the pair of them off, Azriel taking him to the beach and along the bay, Mor tagging along as an excuse to buy Alec presents and spend time with him.  
"Are you well?" He asked you, almost nonchalantly as you eyed him from your chair. He sat opposite of you, across from the small patio table while you folded your hands in your lap.
"As well as I should be," You answered, then eyeing him with a hint of suspicion as he merely smiled, "Something you wish to ask me, Rhys?"
"Only if you're well," he replied in a shrug, then pausing for a moment as you saw some softness in his eyes and in how he shifted in his chair, "You've been through plenty these past months: tending to Alec, dealing with Eris in Autumn Court—"
"Rhysand," You gently said his name, wanting to reach over and take his hand in yours own to give him a sense of comfort, "Everything is okay, alright?  I promise you, I am well."
You adored Rhysand tending to you to make sure you were well and safe, long before Alec came around.  Rhysand took you under his wing when you two were young, learning well from his mother and sister, and was the first real "family" member you ever had.  No matter if you ran Night Court without him for those 50 years he was held Under the Mountain, he still wished to protect you.  And now that you had your own family, you had your own little life that was growing by the day, Rhysand never once forgot his promise to his mother, your aunt, to keep you safe.  
"You may be well, but I still worry for you because I love you," he reminded you, making you grin as he shrugged, "You're my blood, and because of that I want you to be more than well.  As a father and as someone who knows how exhausting it is with a little one, I have a proposition for you,"
You raised an eyebrow at him as he rubbed his fingers together on the table, "For me?"
Rhysand rolled his eyes, "For you and your lovely Spymaster of a mate.  You two are incredible parents, and your son is an exceptional boy because of you two…but when was the last time you and Azriel had time together,"
"Time together?" You questioned him again, hearing him clear his throat a bit uncomfortably.
"…Alone time?" He asked, then ducking suddenly as you threw your gardening gloves right at him. He laughed and saw you were blushing like mad.
"Rhysand, if you even think about talking to me about my personal and intimate life with Azriel, I swear to The Cauldron—" You were about to scold him when he threw up his hands in surrender.
"Believe me, I know for a fact you two are healthy in that department," He replied cooly, you then threw a towel which landed right on his head.  He tossed the towel down as he spoke again, "I am simply saying, and suggesting that you two go away for the weekend."
Though you were still blushing, you were then eyeing him in suspicion again as he simply smiled and folded his hands in his lap again, his ink hair almost highlighted in the sunlight as you cocked your head at him.
"Are You suggesting Azriel and I go away for a weekend?" You asked, almost in disbelief yourself since this would be the last thing Rhysand would ever ask of the pair of you.  Not that he kept you from having your own family time when you needed it, but that was when Alec was involved.  Azriel would still be on call if Rhysand needed him, so to hear this from your cousin, you were a bit surprised and almost challenged.
"I only say this from experience: when Nyx was born, Feyre and I hardly had any time to ourselves.  As much I loved, and still do, having my son with us…I missed that time with Feyre."
"With all due respect for you and my High Lady, I would rather not hear the details," You teased, seeing a flash of blush on your cousin's cheeks.  You had to giggle, seeing the High Lord of Night Court and one of the most powerful beings blush like mad at the thought of his mate made your own heart tug a little bit.
"You should have that time again with Azriel," Rhysand urged you, his voice sounded calm and sincere as you thought about it.  You knew he made a good point: your personal time with Azriel has been severely limited.  Although you both loved being parents and tending to Alec, you did miss having that solo time with your mate.  No matter if you two have been together for centuries since you were teenagers, having time with only Azriel was something you craved.  He was your better half, not because you two were mates, but because of how long you two have known and grown to love one another.  
So maybe…maybe it wasn't a bad idea.
"As it happens, I know the perfect place for you two to have your weekend together,"  Rhsyand hummed, sounding like his causal self once again as he flicked off some of the petals that were falling from the cherry blossom tree looming over the pair of you.
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The front door opened into the cabin, and the swift scent of pine and open mountain air filled your lungs as you both walked into the foyer and drank in the silence.  You could faintly hear the water on the lakeshore, along with the swaying of the trees that were towering high above and the winds echoing along the mountain walls.  It was a contrast to the bustling city, but you didn't mind it one bit.
This modern cabin you have used in the past with Azriel and Alec, perhaps a handful of times when the three of you wanted to get away from Velaris for a night or two.  You knew the layout of this cabin well by now: the foyer that was made of magnificent wood and pine with stairs on the right hadn't side leading to the second floor that held the master's suite and bathroom.  In front of you past the foyer was the living room, one massive plush couch with two armchairs in front of a massive fireplace made of stone and marble, and a gorgeous view of the lake and mountain range beyond.  
To the left of the foyer was a guest room attached to a powder room, and a sunroom tucked next to the kitchen and dining room that was towards the back of the cabin.  Although it was cozy and rustic in aesthetic, it had all the modern finishes that made it desirable all the more. Some of Feyre's paintings were hung on the wall, along with wall decor and pictures of the Inner Circle.  Feyre’s eye for interior design made the cabin look enchanting for any of its inhabitants or guests.  
After handing Alec off to Feyre and Rhysand earlier that afternoon at the River House, you watched with wide eyes and a hint of worry as Feyre took your son inside to find Nyx waiting for him.  Feyre and Rhysand has watched Alec over a dozen times, mostly to have Nyx and Alec play together and to spend time with their nephew.  Deep down you knew your son was safe with them, he would be safe with anyone in the Inner Circle for that matter.  But it was still hard not to have Alec on your hip or strapped to you, to not hear his babbling constantly throughout the day or see his smile.  But Azriel simply took your hand, you both taking to the sky together with the bag Azriel packed for the pair of you, and you finally made it to the cabin.
"I already have a dinner planned for tonight," Azriel said to you as he held your bag in his hand, you looked over at him as he smiled warmly at you.  His smile, no matter how many years and moments you've seen it, always gave you butterflies like the first time you saw his smile.  It brightened his face, his mood, and even his soul too, making you smile in return as he leaned over to kiss your cheek to let the kiss linger, "Why don't you get settled, my love,"
You felt the kiss like liquid fire along your cheek as you smiled at your mate, feeling him nuzzle his nose against yours before swirly moving away and over to the kitchen area, leaving you out of breath from the small gesture.  Azriel had that kind of power over you, from a simple smile to a kiss on your cheek.  You would still find yourself out of breath with him, and it was something you never wanted to lose.  
Making it to the Master Bedroom, you saw the massive windows that were showing the breathtaking views of the mountains.  The tint of orange and purple from the setting sun made it seem like a painting that Feyre would make instead of the real thing, you touching the top of the lush covers of the bed. You loved your little cottage that was a bit too cramped, it was your home and the first home you built with Azriel.  
But you were beyond excited to sleep in this lush and comfortable bed.  
Something moved in your vision, outside the cabin and over by the little pier of the lake.  You walked over to the big window that was above the bed, looking out to see your mate walking along the dirt path and onto the pier.  His wings were relaxed against his back, and his hair that has grown a bit was flowing in the wind as he approached the end of the pier.  As he walked, you saw him strip his shirt, tossing it on the pier, and then toeing off his boots.  His tan skin glistened in the sunlight, his muscles were evident along his backside and arms as he stood at the end of the pier, looking out at the water in his jeans.  
What you didn't expect to see was your mate, stripping down naked, and dipping into the lake.  
Your heart was pounding in your chest, your breath lost on your lips from seeing Azriel duck his head under the water and then back out again.  The water rolled down his muscular backside and off his wings, his hair stuck against his neck and glistening in the sun with shine.  He seemed so free out in the lake, away from prying eyes and judgment that you knew he had to endure for years on end.  Always under the microscope, always needing to look over his shoulder or for others.  Yet there, out in the lake bare for all to see, he seemed free.
Or perhaps, only for you to see, which made your heart quicken all the more. 
Still to this day he made your heart race and gave you butterflies from his unique and rare beauty.  You saw him as beautiful, from his tan skin and his ink hair to his bright hazel eyes and sensational smile.  But beyond the persona that he had to show in front of others, Azriel was so calm and kind.  You saw the softer side of him, a side he never showed to others and wouldn't dare to expose to anyone but you.  His heart was always tender, even beyond the scars and callouses that were there from past tragedies and heartbreaks.  With you, Azriel was willing to give you his heart, his tender and fragile heart that he's protected all of his life and with all his energy.
You took it, knowing it was the most precious thing he could ever give you. 
Your feet took you out of the cabin, across the small garden that was already growing thanks to Elain, and onto the little pier that was leading you to your mate.  The warm air hit your skin as you stripped off your sweater, letting it hit the floor and then towing off your shoes.  Azriel heard your feet, turning around and looking at you slowly stripping off your clothes.  His eyes were on yours, a smile on his face while you were taking off each piece of clothing.  Not in an alluring way, though it felt like it because of how he was gazing at you.  He stared at you as if you were the only being that would catch his eye, that would distract him, and that would bring him joy.
You were all of those things to your mate, and he was those things to you.
Finally, being bare in front of him and almost shivering from the wind, you watched in anticipation as his smile never faltered.  He drank in the sight of you, the curves along your hips and thighs, the freckles etched along your arms and cheeks from being in the sun.  In any other circumstance, you would wish to shield yourself and hide away. But not with Azriel, the love of your life.
He held out a hand to you, the scars along his skin and knuckles shined in the sun as he finally spoke with one single word on his lips:
You took his hand willingly, Azriel's voice was a siren call for you as walked to the edge of the pier.  His fingers laced with yours, his eyes never leaving your own while he helped you into the water with ease.  The water was cool to the touch, far too inviting thanks to the sun beating down on the water as Azriel wrapped you in his arms and kissed your soundly.  You hummed, your fingers sinking into his ink-black hair while his fingers were pressing into your waist and hips.  Being bare in the water, pressed up against Azriel, and feeling him hold you against him in such an intimate manner, you could have sworn you had tears in your eyes.  
Your emotions got the best of you, all from being in this space with him and the rest of the world melting away.  At the core of it all, you've missed this: having Azriel to yourself and pouring your love into him.  With every kiss he gave you, his fingers brushing against your skin and one hand curving up to cup one of your breasts in his calloused palm to make you moan against his mouth, you were tumbling for him.
It was not a rushed process, it flowed naturally and organically as Azriel's lips moved to trace your jawline and then to your neck, hitting your pulse point since he knew it was a sensitive spot for you.  Recently you two would have to improvise, so to speak, when it came to being intimate together and having time together alone.  You both were busy with his Spymaster duties and your duties to Rhysand, along with having an infant to look after, it barely left any time to be intimate in the way you wanted.  With quick kisses and lingering touches, Azriel quickly fucking you in the shower after Alec was put down for a nap for the night, even the heavy petting in bed together seemed to work at the time.
But this, this was the slow build-up you both craved and ached for. 
His hands were roaming all over you, making your inside feel so warm and your mind going blank.  You loved it when his hands were on your skin, almost like he was mapping your body to memory.  Azriel knew your body so well: every dip and curve, every freckle and mole, he knew where to touch and kiss, where to trace his tongue and fingers.  You were putty to him when you two were like this, even in that lake and Azriel lightly pressing you against the pier and you molding into him as he kissed and touched.
"Mother I missed this," He said with a groan, his fingers under the water were now touching your folds and making you whimper as he ran his fingers along your folds slowly and with precision.  You felt him tremble while you clung onto him with your back against the wood of the pier, "I missed being able to do this with you."
"Me too," You said as you kissed him hard while he slipped a finger inside of you, you moaning against his mouth as he slowly started pumping his finger in and out of you in a steady rhythm, "It's been too..too long—fuck Az!"
He curled his finger, hitting that spot deep inside of you that made you see stars as he mouth against your neck and his other hand reached behind you to brace the pair, gripping it tightly and in a death grip as a second finger slipped inside of you and made your head fall back against the wood.  He took that as a sign for him to leave love bites on your neck, your pulse quickening and your pleasure was getting higher by the second.  
"You look gorgeous like this," He hummed against your skin, his fingers still going in and out of you but going a pinch faster as he watched you come undone.  You had no care that you both were out in the open for anyone to see, but that would be nearly impossible since both and cabin and the lake were enchanted to be undetected by anyone or any being.  Knowing it was just the two of you, your guards were down and that sensation alone was memorable as Azriel gulped and spoke again in a growl, "Nothing else will satisfy me more than doing this to you,"
"Az…don't stop please," You moaned as his finger that were still moving inside your aching pussy were going faster now under the water, your pleasure is getting higher and more recent by the second.  You were thinking of nothing else but him making you reach your peak, his hard body in front of you, and how you could feel his cock harden and be pressed against your thigh, his breath along your neck and his teeth nipping at you to bring you closer to the edge.  But it was when you hooked your arms around his neck just as his hand on the wood by your head moved to run his finger along one of your wings to bring you white-binding pleasure.
Your moan was so loud it echoed off the top of the lake.  
"Let go for me, sweetheart," he begged, his fingers tracing your wing again to make you shutter and let out another gut-wrenching moan from the tingling sensation of your wing being caressed, one of the most sensitive parts of your body.  Azriel was clearly using it against you and for himself, you've done it to him in the past as well since it was such a pleasure point for Illryians.  Now you were literally melting in his hold, about to fall over the edge into pure bliss.
"I wanna see you cum on my fingers," he whispered against your cheek as his fingers were now pumping rapidly, his other hand moving from your wing to sink into your hair and kept you in one spot, "Watching you cum is one of the most…fuck…most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.  Please, baby.  Please cum for me—"
You screamed, your orgasm washing over you like a massive title wave. 
 The rest of your senses were white hot, nothing else was running through your brain but pleasure that was going on for what seemed like long minutes, not seconds.  All you could do was feel, from the top of your head to your toes and even along the membrane in your wings.  It even felt like you were flying, soaring over the clouds and amongst the stars.  
You wanted and chased that feeling, and now feeling again thanks to Azriel.
Azriel watched you unravel, his eyes wide in amazement and filled with pure genuine love as he watched you ride out the pleasure that was now seeping into your bones.  To him, you were the true rare form of beauty that brightened his darkest days and warmed the coldest of nights he would have.  He would give you any treasure or trinket that would bring you joy, move mountains for you if you asked him to, and kill any being that would threaten your life.  You were everything to him, from the moment you two met in your youth with no hope for a bright future.  
You were in fact a shooting star that soared into his vision.
After you finally calmed down, you slowly blinked at Azriel as he reached to cup your face cradling you close in his hold.  Although you were barely shaking, you hummed as your forehead touched and Azriel softly smiled while you were nestled against him.  
"Hi," You breathed, a grin on your blissed-out face as Azriel chuckled and nuzzled your nose against his.
"Hi," He repeated, then pressing a soothing kiss against your lips.  
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"We should do this more,"
"What?  Have a proper getaway just the two of us?"
"Why not?"
You giggled, the fingers that were in Azriel's hair still making a soothing rhythm against his scalp as his head was on your bare belly, his fingers tracing along your hips and the soft skin near your bellybutton while the rest of his body was nestled between your parted legs.  The soft sounds of the nightlife in the mountains came through the open window of the master bedroom, both you and Azriel were simply drinking in the silence while tangled in each other arms.  
Morning was not too far away, the twilight stars were especially bright in the mountains as some birds were starting to sing.  You looked out at the dark blue sky, the smallest hints of the morning coming over the mountaintops as your fingers were still raking Azriel's locks with ease.  
The last several hours were filled with pleasurable bliss, starting of course in the lake against the pier and then ending up tangled in the master suite on the king-sized bed.  Every moment you shared was spell-bounding, Azriel taking you on the couch as he ate you out to make you see stars, then carrying you bridal style into the master tub amongst the warm water doused in oils and scented bubbles as you rode him and made him come apart.  In the end, he held you in his arms as he pounded into you repeatedly to cum at least two more times.  
Although you both had a healthy sex life, it felt ten times better. Almost like you two were truthfully reuniting as lovers again after being away in such an intimate way for so long.  You loved your life, you lived in the small little cottage you had and the two-year-old son that you both were parenting together.  
This life you had was a pure blessing, but you did miss this.  Having your mate all yourself at this level and this deeply.  It wasn't just about sex with Azriel, it was sharing your body and your life with him and having no walls up because of that.  You both worked hard on each other to break down those walls you had around one another, through plenty of fights and arguments along with long talks and confessions.  In the end, this beautiful relationship you two had nurtured and helped flourish over centuries was better than ever.  
"I've missed this," Azriel hummed, his head along your belly as his fingers were running up and down your thighs as you watched him with a smile, "Just having this time with you and not worrying about anything else.  This just feels..."
"Happy?" You suggested, your fingers massaging his scalp as he grinned.
"Feels like home." He mumbled, you paused with your fingers as he wrapped his arms around your hips and snuck a kiss along your belly, "You were always home to me: no matter how far I went, I always would come back to you."
"You're my home too," you replied softly, Azriel blinking slowly as he held you a pinch tighter and you grinned, "You and Alec are my home, and even before we had him you were my home and center."
"But still….I have missed this," Azriel confessed, then looked up at you with his hazel eyes making your heart skip a beat.  His ruffled hair from your fingers, the flushness in his cheeks that made his eyes bright, even the way he parted his lips and his skin was glowing from the soft light that was lit in the bedroom.  
He looked beyond heavenly, he always did.
"Me too," You admitted, Azriel cracking a smile as he then moved up the bed to be face to face with you, almost nose to nose as his arms and fingers were around your bare back.  His body heat made you barely shiver as he searched your eyes.
"Maybe we can try this again every once in a while," Azriel suggested while he pushed some of your hair out of your eyes, "Have it be something we can look forward to: A mini honeymoon,"
"You can't call it a honeymoon if we're already married, baby," You reminded him as he chuckled.
"I think we can, and if I could I would marry you as many times as I could," He admitted to you, having you look at him with a hint of shock.  Perhaps it was the post-coital bliss and high you were feeling, or how Azriel was looking at you with so much love in his eyes, but you were speechless.  
"You would?" You asked sheepishly, seeing his smile widened slightly as he nodded his head.
"I would marry you every day," He vowed, you taking in a short breath as he reached up to cup your jaw lovingly with one hand, "I know I have told you this thousands of times, but I do mean it: You have changed me in the best way and I don't ever wish to not have you in my life.  I consider you my better half, and I will do anything, be anything, to keep what we have for the rest of my life,"
"Az," You cooed, leaning in to nuzzle his nose and feel some tears escaping your eyes.  You loved and craved it when Azriel was soft and soothing in both his tone and in his gestures, no need to be harsh and hard when he was the Spymaster.  This side of him, the side he only wants to show to you behind closed doors, was the side you would take for the rest of your life.  
He loved you, cherished you, and made you his priority before anything and anyone else.  
"Let me marry you again," He said almost in a plea, tracing the tears away with his thumb, "One time Is not enough for us, I think.  At least not for me,"
"Just to keep me to yourself?" You teased wetly as you cried some more, grinning like mad as Azriel's smile never wavered, "What a selfish fool you must be,"
"I've been called worse," he replied smoothly and with no hesitation, "But I'm willing to be a fool for you.  As long as I can marry you again and call you mine," 
"I am yours, Azriel," You reassured him, "And you are mine. And if you want to marry me again, then let's do it,"
Azriel peppered you with kisses as you giggled and squealed, yet when you tried to push him away he held you close with an arm around you and his hand still tracing your jaw.  It was still fresh and new with him as if you two fell into bed for the first time so long ago.  Back then, it felt like the future was bright and thriving in front of both of you as your paths were now molding into one amazing path.  That path never broke apart, it moved and swerved as time went on, maybe a crack or two here and there along with hills and valleys to conquer.  
But the path was still there and still moving forward, a pinch bigger thanks to the birth of Alec.
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup
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redheadspark · 3 months
Never Let You Go
Summary - It was tradition in your family: to go on a night flight
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Warnings - Just some good ol' fluff :)
A/N - Part of my Ocean Eyes Series, this is where Alec is 3 years old!
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As soon as Azriel opened the door gently, toeing off his boots to put along the shoe rack that was against the wall, he heard the soft pattering of feet running his way, having him break into a smile so wide.
He looked just in time as his legs were locked together by tiny arms, chuckling as a tiny body was against his legs and a pair of bright blue eyes looking right at him in excitement.  He beamed, seeing the tiny Illyrian boy peer up at him as if he hung the moon.  It was the same boy that he would work long hours for, go on treacherous missions with his life on the line, merely to give him a bright and safe future.  
His 3 year old, Alec Rhysand.
"I've missed you, daddy!" He said in his tiny but mighty voice.  Azriel's smile was massive now as he scooped up his son in his arms, tickling his side to hear Alec giggle while he held him close.
"I've missed you more, Alec.  Were you good for your momma?"Azriel asked him as his son nodded.
"Uh-huh!  I got to help her plant some flowers from Aunty Elaine today!" He said in excitement, "They're called sunflowers, they're Aunty Elaine's favorite!"
"That's nice of you!" Azriel said in a hum, placing his son back on the floor, "Where is your momma?"
"She's working on your birthday present!" He said excitedly, but he then slammed his mouth shut and covered his mouth with his fingers "I wasn't supposed to tell you!  It's a surprise!" He said in a muffle behind his fingers.
Azriel kissed the top of his head, "Your secret's safe with me, buddy.  Promise.  You wanna go tell momma I'm home so I don't peak?"
Alec nodded excitedly, rushing off with his little feet down the small hallway to the shared bedroom as Azriel shrugged off his leathers.  There was something about this little life, coming home after being away for hours on end to see his mate and son, having a small little home to hide away in from the chaos around him, he never thought he would ever want this.  Truthfully, he never thought he could have this life, it seemed like a fever dream to him for centuries.  To watch his loved ones have their families, to have their fairytale lives, Azriel coveted them at times.
Not anymore, not with this life he had now.
He inhaled your sweet scent as you walked into the living room, seeing you brought another wave of happiness as you grinned widely at him.  He pulled you in his arms, breathing you in to breathe in the scent of soil and lavender along your skin, along with the coffee you recently had.  You hummed, kissing his cheek as he peered at you lovingly.
"I've missed you today," he hummed.
"As did I," You replied, then pausing as you searched his eyes, "Feyre told me you were doing some recon today?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary, trust me" He reassured you, seeing the small hint of concern as he squeezed your hand in his, "Just whispers that Rhysand wanted to confirm were true,"
You knew he would never lie to you when it came to his Spymaster duties and what he had to do, but you also knew that he could only tell you so much before the rest was confidential.  Azriel was more than capable of taking care of himself when it came to spying or going on missions, he's done far too many for you to keep track.  Then again, knowing him for so long and seeing him become the Spymaster of Night Court, you have also seen him get into way too close calls.  Even coming home shaken to his core or a bit bloody from a mission going wrong, you still trusted him.  There was no other being in any court that you trust more than your mate.
"Whispers?" You repeated, Azriel smiling and leaning in to kiss you sweetly.  You hummed against his lips, feeling him pull you in a pinch closer to take your breath away. You had to give him credit, he knew how to distract you, which was a good tactic for a Spymaster to use to get what he wanted.  
He barely pulled away, his lips brushing against your own as he grinned, "Whispers.  I promise you,"
Though you eyed him you finally grinned and playfully pushed him away, hearing him laugh as you placed your hands on your hips, "I have dinner nearly done in the oven, and Nesta wants us to join her and Cassian at the House of Wind for dinner tomorrow night,"
"That should be fine," Azriel hummed as he ruffled his hair and followed you into the kitchen, seeing you poke your head in the oven to check on the chicken that was roasting and shift around the vegetables with a spoon, "Nesta's far along with her pregnancy isn't she?"
"She's due very soon," You explained, "I'm going to get some herbs together for her and cook her some meals too since I know it'll be harder for her to do it herself,"
"My wife, the saint," Azriel joked with you, though he ducked his head just in time as you threw a hand towel in his direction.  He admired you wanting to help Nesta with her pregnancy, the news was a shock in all of the Inner Circle when Nesta made the announcement.  After the shock diminished within a second, it was replaced with pure joy and happiness for her and Cassian, who was beaming with pride and giddiness.   Nesta had plenty of questions and concerns about being a new mother, even with you and Feyre giving her plenty of advice and wisdom to soothe her worries.  In the end, as her belly grew, so did her love for her unborn child.  
She was determined she was having a boy, but Cassian shook his head at that theory, "It's a girl, I just know it,"
After Azriel and Alec washed up and helped set the table, the three of you were sitting around your cramped table and enjoying the dinner you made as the moon was slowly rising over the mountaintop, the stars finally making their appearance while the sun was now set over the bay.  You watched Alec attempt to take a massive bite from the chicken, giving him a stern look as he was about to tear it with his teeth.
"Remember to use your fork, okay?" You reminded him calmly, seeing him nod as he grabbed his utensil.
"Sorry, momma," He replied, you then ruffling his hair as Azriel cleared his throat.
"Alec, Aunt Nesta, and Uncle Cassian invited us to dinner at their house tomorrow night," he informed your son, who perked up at the mention of his Aunt and Uncle, "You think we can bring them some food too?"
"Sure!  I can make them the stew Aunty Nesta likes!" He said with a smile, "Is Aunty Nesta gonna have her baby soon?"
"It's almost time for that, buddy," You explained to him carefully, "But it's getting harder for her to do things now, so we're going to help her out as much as we can before the baby comes,"
"Oh, I can lift things for her since I'm strong!  See?" Alec asked, flexing his tiny muscles in his arms.  You giggled as Azriel smiled widely.
"You're quite strong, Alec. " Azriel hummed, reaching over to touch his arm and looking at his son in shock, "I think you're stronger than your Uncles!"
Alec laughed and hid his smile behind his tiny hands, you watching your mate and son having their interaction together with love in your eyes.  Your meals together were always like this: light and filled with laughter of some sort.  It was on purpose, of course, both you and Azriel loved making your meals with your son joyful.  No matter how crazy your days were and how cramped your schedules were, dinner time was sacred for the three of you.  A time to reconnect and to catch up on each other's days, a time to lean on each other when times were a little together.
But most of all, it was a time to simply fill each other up again.
"Daddy, can we go flying tonight?" Alec asked as he took a smaller bite from his chicken, Azriel eyeing him first before he looked over at you.  You smiled, taking a bit from your plate as your son was waiting for an answer from his father.  You felt it in the bond, the feeling of excitement and joy your mate was feeling with the thought of flying with his son in his arms.  It was one of his new favorite things to do with Alec, almost a tradition of sorts.  Once Alec was big enough to not be in a sling or strapped against you, either you or Azriel would hold him close and fly with him amongst the stars along the countryside.  He was far too small to be taken high in the sky, but you both would take him high enough to see the city below and to look at the sea.  
"Are you sure you wanna go fly?" Azriel asked, almost in a teasing tone since he knew the answer right away while Alec nodded his head rapidly and you hummed fondly.
"Remember what we talked about, Alec.  It's up to your dad and if he wants to fly since he's been working all day today," You reminded your son, who looked at you earnestly and then back at Azriel.  You could see from your spot at the table that Alec's eyes were shining in hope, a small little tactic that he would use on either one of you to get his way.  Although he wasn't a spoiled child, nor was he rude, he was cute and would use that to his advantage from time to time.
"Please, daddy?  Please?"  Alec asked him, his blue eyes shining under the dining room light and the look of pure innocence on his face as Azriel smiled from ear to ear.  If he could, he would give his son the world and then some, simply because he loved his son far too much.  Far more than himself.  To see his son grow every day, to watch him develop and make his path with the guidance of his mother and father, Azriel could not be more proud of Alec.  
"As long as you help clear the table, then we can fly," Azriel said to him with a nod, Alec nearly jumped straight up in the air in glee as he fell out of his chair and rushed to Azriel.  He hugged him close, Azriel chuckled as tiny arms were around him.
"Thank you, Daddy!" He said against Azriel's shirt, then grabbed Azriel's finished plate and walked a bit too briskly to the kitchen sink.  You eyed your mate, seeing him slightly shrug from the stare you were giving him.  
"You can't say no to him, can you?" You asked him in a teasing manner, though Azriel knew you meant well with your words.
"I don't have the heart to," Azriel confessed, you two gazing at each other as if you were young lovers all over again.  However, the moment was short-lived as the sound of clattering dishes in the sink was heard.  
"Sorry, Momma!" You heard.  Both you and Azriel trying to contain your laughter.
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"Alright, you got your jacket on?"
"Yes, daddy."
"Remember, what are my rules about flying with me?"
"I can't let go of you, I can't wiggle too much, and….and…". Alec paused, concentrating a bit too hard while he stood right in front of your cottage.  You were shrugging on your jacket as Azriel knelt to tuck in the jacket Alec was wearing a bit more.  He smiled at his son, who was now looking at his father for the last rule.
"Have fun, remember?" Azriel asked him, Alec giggling as he nodded his head, "And remember what I tell you every time we fly?"
"That you won't let me go!" Alec replied with no hesitation.  Azriel felt his heart swell from hearing his son say that, ruffling his hair as he peered into his son's eyes.
"I will never let you go,"  He reassured Alec. 
It was the first thing Azriel ever said to Alec when he took him flying for the first time.  When Alec was a small babe, swaddled in his arms and looked up at his father in wonder as Azriel peered down at his infant child.  He loved holding Alec when he was younger, finding every excuse to keep his child tucked close to him and feel his heartbeat and warmth.  You remembered the very first time, Alec was a few months old and was acting rather fussy for you since you were trying to put him down for the night.  It was his suggestion to hold him while flying, though he saw you were petrified at the thought of your son being so high up.  So he opted to simply hover over the ground, the soft rhythm was making Alec beyond sleepy as he fought to stay awake and watch his father with immense love in his eyes. 
Azriel kissed the top of his infant son's head as Alec fell asleep, whispering against his head, "I'll never let you go,"
Azriel picked up Alec, his hands under his armpits as Alec already shot out his hands in preparation.  Azriel's wings were out and stretched at the ready, Alec already kicking in excitement while you were standing near the small garden that was to the side of the house.  
"You ready?" Azriel asked, Alec giggled and nodded his head.  Azriel then took to the air with one swoop of his wings, Alec laughing as he was now soaring by the tops of the trees and dipping downwards to catch some speed.  Azriel made it look so easy, the way he would glide in the air with swift movements and precise turns, yet at the same time he wasn't going too fast for his son who was laughing and screeching.  
"Go Daddy!" You could hear Alec yelling in delight as Azriel was getting a bit higher now, right over the cottage as he was making massive circles around the clearing and grassland where your home was.  Alec had no sense of fear, not when he was protected by his father and flying with him.  Though you loved flying with your son just as much, you knew deep down Alec would pick his dad over anybody else.  
Perhaps you were taking a bit too long watching them in the air, or you were lost in your train of thought, but Azriel flew back down to hover in front of you, Alec sporting the biggest smile on his face as he gestured at you.
"Come on, momma!  Come fly with me and Daddy!" He said to you, almost in a plead as you stretched out your wings. Azriel held his son a pinch tighter against his chest as you were getting your wings ready.  You finally felt yourself lift off the ground, the crisp air against your skin and within your hair, the shining moon that was now hovering right over Velaris, it all felt perfect as you were now joining your mate and son in the air.
You too loved to fly, not being able to as much since you were tending to your son. But still, flying was second nature to you, a soothing sensation felt all over your body as you would take to the sky and let your wings carry you.  Before Alec came into your life, you loved flying with Azriel side by side amongst the stars and on the darkest nights.  It was a sacred time for you two to share and unwind together after a long hard day or a day filled with grief. 
To share it with your son, was memorable.
As you held a sleeping Alec in your arms, taking him into his bedroom to change him into his pajamas and tuck him into his bed, Azriel was right behind you to watch with love in his hazel eyes.  Seeing his son asleep and content in his mother's hold, being nestled into his blankets and already snoring away as you kissed his raven hair.  Azriel wanted this for the rest of his days, a simple moment of seeing his son safe in his bed and already dreaming of new adventures. Then he pulled you in his arms, and you both walked across the hall to your bedroom to undress each other into your own pajamas and hold each other close in your bed. 
Azriel watched you asleep, head on his shoulder and your lips slightly pursed as your light hair shined from the moonlight.  He counted his lucky stars daily, more than once a day, that you were there with him and loving him through the good and the bad.  There were plenty of times in the past when he thought you would indeed walk away, a bad choice on his part of a too-close call with a mission he was on.  Azriel knew the sacrifice you made, and he wondered from time to time if being with him was the right choice.  
He could only lean over to kiss your head, you humming and wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him in closer as you whispered with your eyes closed, "Sleep, my love.  All is well,"
Azriel fell asleep to those three words, knowing they were true. 
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams @prettylittlewrites @fxckmiup
235 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 3 months
Hiiii can I request an az x reader or cassian whichever u want, they have a baby like 5 months old baby and they live in a cabin in the mountains by the lake and one day as yn and the bby are outside in nature a threat appears and there is a bit angst but ends up happy??? Thank u so much❤️
A/N - I LOVE this for my Alec series! Sorry, it took some time to write, but I hope you like it :D. This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series
Summary - Cassian stops a potential threat against Alec.
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Warnings - Angst with a slight mixture of fluff
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"I'll be right inside if something happens or if he needs anything or wants—"
"You go, babe.  Alec and I are fine.  Right, kid?"
Alec giggled as Cassian tickled his side, Nesta saw how comfortable Cassian was with Alec as they were perched on a large blanket right next to the lake.  With a kiss on Alec's head and a light kiss on her mate's lips, Nesta walked back to the cabin to get to work, leaving Cassian and Alec out by the lake to enjoy the sunshine.  
Although you were more than capable of having your son with you, you know Cassian wanted to give you and Azriel some time alone and a mini break.  Not that Alec was a time-consuming toddler, he was rather easy.  Rhysand has even joked with you and Azriel that Alec was easier to handle than Nyx was as a toddler, but he meant well.  
It was a warm day, quite warmer than usual in Velaris since the warm winds were now in Night Court.  Tension between Night and Autumn Court was only a pinch better.  Ever since Elaine and Lucien got married in a beautiful wedding in Night Court and held its reception in Autumn Court, both Rhysand and Beron were trying to make amends and head in the right direction. However, the main snag in that relationship was Eris, still in hot water since the comment about Azriel and his family.  His duties with his father and as the Prince of Autumn Court diminished as punishment, commanded to be in stone silence during Elaine and Lucien's Mating Ceremony reception.
You and Alec stayed in Night Court during the reception that was in Autumn Court, a compromise you and Azriel made together since Elaine and Lucien wished for your family to be at the Mating Ceremony.  Tension was still high for the Spymaster, and his son would not be caught in the crossfire when it came to Eris and his threats.  It was a good enough plan, both yourself and Azriel didn't wish to make waves or cause chaos showing up in another Court with Alec exposed to others.  When Azriel showed up to the Reception with Cassian and Nesta, Eris seemed rather peeved at the absence of yourself and your son.
Much to his dismay, but much to the amusement and satisfaction of Azriel.
Since then, you and Azriel made your lives normal for Alec.  He was talking wildly now, though it was a few words here and there but willing to learn more.  Cassian has offered to babysit him more and more since there was less of a need for him at the Illyrian camps.  His soldiers were getting along quite well and thriving without him, his captains were exceptional leaders and the arguments were now at a minimum.  It left Cassian to have more time with his family, particularly with his nephews Nyx and Alec.  Both boys loved and adored being with their Uncle Cassian, the fun and lively Uncle who would play with them for hours on end and never get tired.  It paired well with Aunt Nesta, who would read them bedtime stories and give them lots of snuggles when they were sad. 
Today was Cassian and Nesta's day to watch Alec.  Rhysand working at the River House with Azriel on spy information he received from Spring Court.  Feyre, with Nyx in tow, asked for your assistance at the Community Center back in Velaris since you loved working alongside the locals and the needy.  With Elaine and Lucien enjoying their newlywed life in their little cottage along the Night Court countryside, Cassian and Nesta were on babysitting duty.  
Neither Nesta nor Cassian said anything, but they looked forward to watching Alec, as they did with Nyx.  To them, it was almost a practice for them when they wished to expand their family.  Nesta was not ready for a babe just yet, but she told Cassian she was open to the possibility of the future, which made Cassian's heart soar. He would wait years, long years, however long it took for her to be ready for motherhood.  Even if maybe down the road she didn't want that life anymore, Cassian didn't mind at all.  Her happiness, for all she endured, was his priority now.
"Alright, you wanna watch your uncle organize his blades?" Cassian asked playfully, Alec grasping the stuffed owl that his Aunt Nesta gave him and watching Cassian with wide eyes while Cassian rolled out his blades carefully on the blanket, "Don't worry, kid. You'll hold one of these in no time, but maybe not for a hundred years or two if I know your dad,"
"Dada!" Alec shrieked at the mention of his father, and Cassian laughed.
"Never thought I would live to see the day that the Shadowsinger fathered a child…no offense," He said to Alec, who was snuggling with his owl and watching a bumble bee hover by on a massive flower, "You know I love your dad like a brother…well, he is my brother.  But he's still a mystery, even to your Uncle Cassian,"
He went to work on his blade, getting out each one to inspect them and see which one needed maintenance,  He could hear Netsa working inside the Cabin, looking over some ancient books that Rhysand gave her to other information to use for their security in Night Court.  Nesta and Rhysand's relationship was better than ever, both having respect for one another and love for one another as in-laws.  Rhysand enlists Nesta to help in research since she traded most of her powers to the Cauldron to save Feyre and Nyx from death.  Nesta admired Rhysand for being a great mate and father, no longer having that grudge or chip on her shoulder.  
Cassian could see and feel high hopes for his mate.
Minutes went by as Cassian was going over every weapon, seeing his nephew out of the corner of his eyes walking around on his wobbly legs and exploring the shore of the lake.  His wings were growing inch by inch,  still against his backside while his raven black hair was a bit longer with thick waves and half in his face to cover his bright blue eyes. Things felt calm in the area, almost a bit too calm. Although there was magic instilled around the cabin and the area, Cassian knew better than to not have his guard up.  No matter if there hasn't been a breach of security or a threat against Night Court, there could still be a looming threat that can start small and then explode.  
He heard Alec walking along the grass, pausing in his weaponry inspection to watch his young nephew tread his way over to the end of the grass that led to the tall trees and the dense forest behind them.  Cassian never once had to fear or worry over a certain area in Night Court, not even close to the Mountains and near the Illyrian Camp.
But something crawled under his skin, almost licking at his spine and sending almost a warning signal to him
He paused, placing his daggers on the quilt again as his eyes moved to Alec.  His nephew was babbling to himself, reaching out to grab tuffs of grass in his fingers as the wind was picking up.  He could pick up a few familiar scents: the crisp pines from the forest, the sweet grass, Alec's scent on the lotion Nesta put on his skin, and even Nesta's scent that was laced in pomegranate.  
But there was something else…something bitter and crisp.
A flicker of movement in front of Alec, almost too quick amongst the dark trees that were swaying in the wind.  Cassian's eyes saw it though, a snap of a twig and another flicker that was over to the left. It was no animal, not even deer were that fast or slick.  Cassian's intuition and his Commander side were activated now as he was still watching his nephew look at the grass between his finger and attempt to nibble at it.  But then the soft sound of something brushing a tree alerted Alec, making him stand up straight and look in that direction.  Cassian saw how alert he was, even as a babe he stood still like a grown Illyrian.
His wings, though tucked in tight, showed some flickerings of…..shadows.  Cassian then knew that Alec's own shadows he got from his father were alerting him.
Something's wrong
"Cass?  Babe, how's going out there?" Nesta asked as she was coming out from the cabin with a washcloth between her fingers.  But she saw her mate crouched down a bit, reaching for one of his daggers, and his eyes trained on the forest in front of Alec, who was whimpering a bit from his mini set of shadows that were now along his backside.  Her eyes were on alert now, staring still in worry as Cassian gripped a dagger tightly in his hold.
Don't move. Cassian said in the bond to Nesta, sensing her fear and concern as his eyes were on the forest again.  He was looking for the slightest movement amongst the dark branches and trees, knowing fully well that someone or something was there and so close to Alec, let alone the three of them in a secluded cabin.
When I tell you to, get Alec and get inside. Lock the door and do not open it unless it's me.  Cassian commanded Nesta in his mind as his dagger was gripped hard in his grip.  He was still searching, looking through every leaf and pine needle for a sign that his instincts were not wrong, that he was in fear of something that was indeed there and in front of his nephew in plain sight. 
He then heard it, a low growl of sorts that seemed animalistic.  Cassian threw the dagger instantly.  The dagger flew past Alec's head, not close to hitting him but enough to leave him shaken as it launched into the pit of the forest.  Cassian heard a yelp and a thud.  He hit the target.
"NOW!" He yelled, grabbed another dagger, and started running towards the threat.  He ran past Alec, who was whimpering in fear as Cassian knew Nesta was bolting towards Alec and scooping him up in her arms.  Cassian didn't even have to look to know that Nesta was sprinting to the cabin with her nephew tight against her chest and locking the door behind her as he made it into the forest.
He could smell the blood as soon as he went past the first line of trees, and then he saw a body hunched over in the dirt and gasping for air as the dagger he had thrown seconds beforehand was sticking out of his chest.  Cassian felt anger boil in him as he saw that this was no Night Court citizen, nor was it an Illryian Solider.  He could see light hair, dark clothing the fae was wearing, even the weaponry strapped to his hip as Cassian grabbed the back of his head.  He yanked his head back, eyes going wide in anger and rage seeing the auburn hair and the bright eyes.
Autumn Court.
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"Where is he?"
"The master bedroom,"
Rhysand and Azriel entered the cabin in haste, Azriel leading the way as he was looking for his son with worry his shadows flicking in anger and Rhysand looking over at Cassian.  Cassian was remaining calm, sitting at the dining room table with his hands laced together and brows knitted together.  Nesta had Alec in the master bedroom, calming down with ease for the past few minutes while Cassian got in contact with Rhysand and Azriel about the close attack.  He knew Azriel was not going to be calm when it came to his child, let alone Rhysand.  Even Cassian was trying to calm himself down from going out to the fae who almost killed Alec and strangled him to death.
Instead, he tied him to a tree out near the lake, keeping the dagger in his chest for him to bleed out slowly.
A bundle was wrapped and in front of Cassian, his eyes drilled on the bundle while Rhysand walked over to him with his wing ready on high alert.  Cassian could hear Azriel cooing and calming his son down, he knew Azriel was going to think twice about doing something to the fae with Alec in his arms.  It was a safer bet for Azriel to hold his baby than to go out and kill the fae slowly and with pain.
"Rhys," Cassian said in a warning, Rhysand walking over to him and standing next to him in front of the table as Nesta walked out of the bedroom now, looking more somber and a bit relaxed now that her nephew had her father, "He had this,"
He gestured to the bundle, both Nesta and Rhysand looked in confusion as Cassian then reached for the top of the bundle to remove the fabric.  Once he did, Rhysand's eyes went wide, and almost looked disgusted as the sight of a dagger was seen.  Laced in orange and red gems along the hilt and handle, the steel did look rather too pristine and delicate.  Cassian's eyes looked over at his High Lord, his face filled with anger and rage as he spoke.  
"An Autumn Court Blade," Rhysand grimaced.  
"You smell it too don't you?" Cassian asked in a low tone, Rhysand bitterly nodding his head as Nesta looked at her mate in confusion.
"Smell what?" She asked, her voice low and almost quivering.  Rhysand and Cassian locked eyes, both of them remaining far too calm for the situation but they too were beyond angry.  
"It's poisoned," Rhysand hummed, Nesta gasping and covering her mouth in shock.  Cassian was shaking his head slowly, closing his eyes, and feeling bitterness deep inside of him that was also laced with guilt.
"I didn't know he was there, I didn't realize…" Cassian was muttering feeling like he was spiraling downwards since he was only thinking of how close Alec was to being hurt, let alone killed.  If he was a second late, or a pinch too slow…
"You saved your nephew," Rhysand said to him immediately, placing his hand on Cassian's shoulder as he gave him a hard look, "You saved his life and you went with your gut.  Alec is safe, you three are safe, and that's because of you, Cassian.  Don't you fucking dare think less than that, understand?"
Cassian looked up at Rhysand, knowing that he was telling him the truth.  Cassian always hated putting himself down and thinking he should have done better, he's done it in the past so many times.  He would hide it with his jokes and banter, but he wanted to be perfect at times and prove himself.  To hear from Rhysand that he succeeded, to know that he saved the life of his brother's son, was worthwhile.  
"What about his mother and Feyre?" Nesta asked the pair of them, to which the front door opened again.  You came running through, eyes wide and frantic as Feyre was right on your heels. You slid to a halt, seeing the scene in front of you: Rhysand, Cassian, and Nesta sporting looks that were mixed in shock and anger, a dagger sitting on top of a bundle of rags.  Your heart was beating rapidly and your mind was spinning over time.
"Where?!" You asked in a breath, Nesta knowing full well you were talking about Alec. She took your hand and led you to the bedroom, Feyre gliding over to her mate and Cassian as Rhysand took in a long breath to mostly control his own emotions.  
"High Lord Beron needs to know this," Rhysand said aloud in the room, though Cassian shot him a look, "Those daggers belong to his high fae security and high ranking personal.  It's not an Illyrian blade, and if he did this...."
"You think it was him…or a certain Prince with a Vendetta?" Cassian asked in a lower tone, Rhysand's let eyes darted to him immediately as Feryre looked worried.
"Eris wouldn't!  To kill a child, a baby?!  That's a death sentence, going against his father and this Court!  He would be a fool to be behind it—"  Feyre started to explain as Cassian gently interrupted her.
"Respectfully, Feyre, he's always been a fool.  And if it's him behind this after all…nothing is going to hold back Azriel from tearing him limb to limb, or his mother.  I won't hold either of them back, nor will your mate,"  Feyre's eyes shot to Rhysand, who was looking at the dagger again with a new heat of anger and rage in his eyes.  Rhysand knew Cassian was right in that statement.  If Eris was behind this attempt to harm or kill Alec, there was no force in Night Court, or beyond that, that would stop Azriel from killing Eris immediately.  
"There's something else too, with Alec," Cassian explained, gaining the attention of the High Lord and Lady, "I saw shadows on Alec, along his wings just like Azriel.  Small, but they were there.  He's a Shadowsinger, like his father,"
"That makes him a bigger target now," Rhysand said in a tremor, the mood once again looking and feeling a bit grim with this new information.  Azriel was the only Shadowwinger known, no other Court had one or knew of one except for him.  He was coveted by other Courts and their High Lords for centuries to work for them, yet he remained with Night Court and his family.  But now to know his son had his gift, it made his safety far more imperative.  
Once word got out, the Courts will come for him.
Azriel came out of the bedroom, Cassian shooting up from his spot in the dining room and looking rather concerned at Azriel as he was approached by the Spymaster.  Was Azriel going to hate him for almost having Alec in danger?  Would he be angry at Cassian for the close call?  How was he going to react as he stood in front of Cassian with a stone face?  Cassian was about to say something to him, almost trying to explain it himself what happened. 
But Azriel hugged him tightly, fiercely, as a brother would for another brother.
Cassian was in shock, but he hugged him back as Azriel was clinging to him and not letting him go for a long moment.  Azriel was never one to be a hugger unless he was deeply and intensely moved by something.  Cassian felt almost like collapsing, feeling that hug to his core as Azriel pulled away and stared at him with his hazel eyes. 
Cassian knew that look on him since he had seen it.  He saw it the first time they met as children and he took Azriel to meet Rhysand, he saw it when he taught Azriel how to fly to get strength in his wings.
A look of gratefulness and love.  
"You saved my son," Azriel said calmly, though there were tears in his eyes as he stared into Cassian's soul, "Cass…I can't thank you enough for saving my boy.  My world—"
"Hey, It's okay," Cassian urged him as he clasped Azriel on the back of his neck, feeling Azriel trembling as he gave him a nervous smile, "Az, I would do anything for him, for any of us.  You guys are my family, okay?"
Azriel nodded, and although he seemed calm in front of Cassian, he knew the wheels turning in Azriel's mind.  He remained calm in the moment, but deep down he was in a rage.  The kind of anger that seeps in the pours and is almost like a poison to snuff out.  Alec's life was almost taken in a split second, and there was no way and no force that was going to stop Azriel, or his mother for that matter, from inflicting harm on those who tried to take their son.  
Azriel moved away from Cassian, walking back to the master bedroom with Rhysand and Freyre in tow.  Cassie stayed behind, grasping the back of the chair and letting out a massive sigh of relief as Nesta left the room.  Cassian could hear the group chatting together about what happened as she closed the door and walked to Cassian with worry in her eyes at her mate and his condition.  Cassian's shoulders felt heavy and his mind felt like it was in a fog, all that adrenaline was gone and he could collapse at any moment.  
So Nesta hugged her mate tightly, Cassian digging his face in her hair to inhale her scent and be centered again.  There was peace again, his heart slowed down and his mind was back to being at ease with the calm words from Azriel and his mate holding him close.  In his mind, he was thinking of what he did wrong and how he should have stopped the threat sooner.  But to the others, he saved a little boy's life.  
His eyes looked back to the dagger that was still on the table, and he felt his heart falling to his stomach at the sight.
It was a sign of conflict that had just begun.
The End. 
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams
251 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 4 months
Summary - Azriel does not take threats lightly, especially when it comes to his family.
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Warnings - Some angst and a hint of fluff in the end
A/N - This is part of the Ocean Eyes Series
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There was one thing that Azriel would never compromise in his life, it was the safety of his family.
Long before Alec was born, Azriel made sure the safety of his Inner Circle, especially his mate and the love of his life, would never be in jeopardy.  He already lost so much in his younger years, including his own mother.  Now that he had a new fond family, he would fight tooth and nail to keep them in his life.  He felt that more when you came along, though he knew you could handle yourself as a fellow Illyrian.  Still, you were his priority for centuries as you two were together, and being a Spymaster for Night Court and a Shadowsinger, it made the target on his back and on his family all the more tempting for enemies to attempt to strike.  Azriel knew better, he was always a step ahead and had plenty of connections in most of the other Courts, so there was never a time he was sidetracked for taken by surprise.  
There were times in the past when someone would threaten his family, whether it was under their breath or using it as a scare tactic against Azriel.  Of course, it was a low blow for them to do against the only Shadowsinger in all of Prythian, and it was a colossal mistake on their part.  Azriel would snuff out those whispers and comment instantly with a flick of his shadows or a cool look from his hazel eyes.  Of course, he knew threats would come after Night Court and Velaris, especially against High Lord Rhysand and High Lady Freya.  He would protect them, his chosen and found family, he was embedded in his bones to protect and serve them since he loved them dearly.  
It took one afternoon and one comment to make the rational side of Azriel disappear, and the Shadowsinger side of Azriel taking over
Once again, he went with Rhysand to a meeting, out in Autumn Court with High Lord Beron Vanserra.  Although the relationship between the two High Lords was still on shaky ground, it was on the mend.  Lucien and Elaine’s upcoming wedding and mating ceremony was one of the main reasons for the mending relationship between the two Courts, with Beron wishing to help in the planning with his stepson and future daughter-in-law. 
There was still one being that was making ripples of uneasiness and aches: Eris.
No matter that the war was over, or that peace was seeping through all the courts and beyond. No matter that his own father was gaining more of a better reputation with his own Court and others, Eris was still holding a bitter chip on his shoulder. Whether it was because of his broken history with Mor and what he did to her, or the severe ties he snapped from the war, he was digging himself deeper and deeper in his grave.  
Of course, he would make it worse when Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel arrived, Rhysand needing a meeting with Beron with the upcoming traveling documents with some citizens and new soldiers that were being placed under his command from the Illyrian camps.  He was now open to having Illyrian soldiers come to work for him at his Court, which was a huge step in the right direction.  Cassian handpicked the soldiers that would migrate to Autumn Court, knowing which ones would be better for Beron.   
The meeting was going quite well, much to the dismay of Eris who was sitting in on the meeting with a scowled look on his face.  Rhysand and Beron were chatting together on the formalities, Cassian and Azriel watching on behind Rhysand along the back wall.  Azriel could see it on Eris’s face, the look of disdain on his face and almost a scowl that was permanently etched within his eyes and along his mouth. Of course, Azriel was never a fan of the prince, mostly because of how he treated Mor so long ago and he made it nonchalant.  Mor was his family, a huge support for his mate and now his son.  Mor was named Alec’s Godmother, Azriel not being able to think of anyone else to hold such an honor.
So it was safe to say that Eris was not on his nice list.
“Well, I think that settles that,” Rhysand said with a smile, Beron nodding in agreement as they both looked over the documents that were drawn out in their respected courts, “Thank you for taking the time to meet and go over the last of this tedious work,”
“It’s no trouble,” Beron replied as he gestured to the documents, “This will be a new step in the right direction.  I know I have no been the best High Lord of any means, but I wish to make things right.  Not just for the sake of Autumn Court and it’s citizens, but for Lucien and his betrothed,”
Eris shifted a bit from the mention of his stepbrother, Azriel making a note of it as his eyes slightly narrowed.  Beron saw it too, giving his son a side eyes quick to almost tell him to control himself.
“Lucien and Elaine are a solid match,” Rhysand hummed in agreement, “I know my sister-in-law is looking forward to a wedding there within a month, which in return will bring a strong alliance between our Courts.  If there is anything that needs assistance, please let us know,”
“Miss Archeron has planned everything out accordingly,” Beron explained with a softer smile, “I know she will bring nothing but great happiness to Lucien.  I know he needs too, especially after all he has been through,”
“I beg to differ,” Eris replied in a snarl, all of the attention now went from the two High Lords to the Prince who had a sour look on his face.  Azriel held his composure behind Rhysand, who was eyeing Eris suspiciously with his violet orbs.  Azriel was never a huge fan of Lucien at the very beginning, though he changed that opinion over time thanks to his friendship with Elaine and how he admired her.  Now that he was considered family to Azriel, he felt his shadows lick against him as the first sign of a warning.  
“Eris,” Beron said in a low tone, though Eric shook his head and leaned back in his chair.
“Have we forgotten what Lucien has done to this court?” Eris bitterly asked his father, almost forgetting that Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel were on the other side of the table, “The pain and betrayal he has caused?  Our reputation?”
“The only being that is causing dismay with our reputation now is you,” Beron reminded him calmly, though there was clear evidence of tension with the High Lord and how he was holding back what he wished to say to his son.  Eris, though still scowling and looking as if he would rather be anywhere else, stayed quiet as Beron looked back at Rhysand, “Apologies for my son’s outburst, Rhysand.  How about you and I finish this in my private study?”
Rhysand simply smiled, not trying to show the giddiness that he was feeling seeing the High Lord and his Prince squabble with each other in front of him since it was so amusing, “I don’t see why not.  Please, show the way,”
Beron smiled, both himself and Rhysand getting up from their chairs.  Beron gave his son one last look, it was a very quick look that would have been overlooked by the common viewer but Azriel saw it with his trained orbs.  
Behave yourself.
As Rhysand and Beron walked out of the room, still chatting with one another and things were settled again with the known tension in the room, Azriel and Cassian were still standing side by side as Eris finally set his eyes on the Illryians who were on the other side of the room.  
“Must be nice to be on Rhysand’s beck and call 24 hours a day,” Eris commented lightly, a small chuckle on his lips as he reached over to one of the pitchers that was filled with wine to fill his glass.  
“That’s High Lord to you,” Cassian reminded him with a slight warning to his tone, “Prince,”
Eris laughed, taking a long sip from his wine as he then looked between Azriel and Cassian,  Azriel good and well that Eris loved talking, making his words get under the skin of his target so easily and seeming innocent about it.  It was almost like a game to him, a sinister game that would always bring him happiness when others around him would be in torment.  It was a good thing that both Cassian and Azriel knew of his game, which was a huge advantage for them.  He knew how to fight with words.
Cassian and Azriel knew how to fight with their fists.
“I’ve heard great whispers of news coming from your Court,” Eris said casually, pouring his glass again since he downed the wine swiftly, almost too pompous and full of himself, “Whispers of new changes, marriages,”
“Never took you to be one for gossip, you must be bored around here with nothing to do,” Cassian hummed as he strolled over to take the spare glass, then reaching across the table to the pitcher of wine to pour as Eris eyed him with a hint of disgust of the Commander touching his glass.  Though Cassian never cared, Azriel noted that he was even showing traits of his mate in that moment as he glared at Eris while taking a soothing drink of the wine.  Azriel had to smile, inwardly thanking the Mother that Nesta rubbed off on Cassian in the best way,
“Ah, I’m not,” Eris hummed as he traced the win of his glass with his nimble fingers, “But these whispers are the kind that do catch my attention since it involves the Illyrian Army Commander….and the Spymaster,”
Cassian paused, remaining calm and holding the glass gently in his hands as Azriel’s eyes snapped over to the Autumn Court Prince he was slowly looking over at you with that glint in his bright eyes and along his sinister smile.  Now that Azriel was mentioned, his shadows were hovering against his skin and wings, wanting him that something was going to be said.  He relied upon his shadows, more than he relied on his gut.  His shadows had protected him in plenty of close calls and have kept him alive, not to mention gave him sound advice and valuable information that he would use to protect Night Court.
“I would watch very…very…carefully before you say something that would end badly for you,” Cassian said to him in a slight warning as Eris’s eyes were still on Azriel, almost in a way that made Azriel think that he was about to piss him off.  Azriel knew how to maintain his composure, to remain calm in stressful situations.  But his shadows were still active and warning him.
Stay on your guard.
“Is that a threat, in my own Court?” Eris asked in a coy tone, yet Cassian merely raised a brow at him.
“Merely a warning,” Cassian replied as Eris took another drink from his glass and leaned back a bit more in his chair, “As you know, from your own past experiences, whispers and gossip can lead to bad reproductions and mass chaos,”
Azriel had to smirk as Eris paused in his drink, Cassian keeping his stare on him as he too was trying so hard not to smile from his own comment at him.  This was now treading dangerous water with the three of them alone in a room, though Rhysand knew that Cassian and Azriel always represented Night Court in the best manner possible.  Most of the time.  
But Rhysand also knew his brothers and when the line would be taken too far.  When that happened, all bets were off. 
“I have to wonder if the rumors that I heard are in fact true,” Eris said, still going down the road that seemed far too dangerous for anyone else to tread.  But not Eris, who was now once again looking at Azriel was now sealing his fate with the next sentence out of his mouth.
“The rumors of the Spymaster and his little family,”
Within moments, the room was filled to the brim with shadows and darkness.  Azriel’s entire demeanor shifted from cool and calm to angry.  Pure unfiltered anger, mixed in with the rage that was pitted in his belly.  Eris crossed the line with that one sentence, showing no shaming in saying it and keeping his composure.  His shadows reacted before he did, stepping out into the entire room and filling in every single space in that room.  No light was seen, not even a single drop.
If there was nothing that Azriel would ever compromise with, it was his family.  His mate and his son were now his whole world, the two beings that he would go through fire for and go through torture for.  Anyone in Prythian who would even think about bringing harm to his family, to the lights of his world, they would be dead within a millisecond.  
Eris dropped his glass, which shattered on the floor as Azriel took a second to stand in front of Eris, Truth Teller in hand and pointing right at his throat with a look of death in his eyes. Cassian stayed still, his fingers touching the glass to the point of leaving cracks along the glassware as he too glared at Eris who was now looking in shock at the Shadowsinger who had the tip of his weapon against his throat. 
“I’ll say this now, and I will only say this once: If I hear a single whisper about my family from this Court, from you, I will come back and make sure you will never say anything against them again,” Azriel growled, his voice so low to the point it was almost lethal.  But he didn’t care, not when Eris was looking at him in both fear and shock at the same time. 
He was only thinking of his mate, his son, and the new life he was building for them to simply be safe and happy.
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Azriel abruptly pushed the front door open, the familiar scents of his home was filling his nostrils he could smell something roasting in the kitchen.  The soft looks of the walls, the quilt that Elaine made thrown over the couch, and the lavender garden going outside the back window brought Azriel peace again as he heard the pots in the kitchen abruptly clatter and then footsteps were heard coming his way.  
You were there, wearing Alec against your chest in a wrap and a surprised look on your face as Azriel’s face looked relieved and almost to the point of tears as you grinned.  Azriel’s heart was happy again, still beating out of his chest but he was beyond happy.  Seeing you there, seeing Alec safe in their little home, brought the Shadowsinger peace again. 
“Hey,” You said to him as he glided over to you so quickly his shadows were once again catching up to him, “You’re back a bit early, what’s wrong—“
Azriel engulfed you in his arms, carefully avoiding Alec who was fast asleep against your chest as he hugged you close and tightly.  You were shocked, hugging him back after a second of feeling like a statue.  This was not like him, Azriel would simply come through the door with a big grin on his face and take his time un-dressing his leathers and toeing off his boots.  But feeling him cling to you, almost like he thought of you as a mirage that he was afraid would disappear, scared you.
“Az, what’s going on?” You asked him carefully as he pulled away and his eyes shot down to your sleeping son, his hazel eyes looking at Alec and scanning him over.  He sighed, leaning down to kiss the top of your son’s head lovingly and breathing him in.  This was his center, this was his home base, a little being snuggled against his mate and the pair of them tucked away safely in their little home that he would take over any palace.  
“Az, look at me, sweetheart,” You said to him coaxing him to look at you with a finger under his chin.  His eyes looked at you and it was then that you saw pain there on his face, pain and almost worry.  This was not like him, not one bit, “What happened?”
Azriel just inhaled and leaned forward to touch your forehead with his, you remaining calm since you knew it would take his time for him to finally open up and tell you what was on his mind. He finally found his words, feeling you trace his cheeks and jaw with your fingers to almost coax him open for you and let those walls down that he would always have up when he was being the Spymaster.
After confronting Eris and giving him the singular warning, he backed off when Cassian placed a hand on his shoulder.  Rhysand after Cassian explained what happened to him, sent him back to Night Court before he would do anything that would be damaging.  Although Azriel knew that he did cross a line, Rhysand understood.  He ensured Azriel would get home to be centered and collected again, keeping himself and Cassian behind to watch Beron berate Eris and profusely apologize to them.  It was surprising to hear that from High Lord Beron, but then again he too was trying to turn over a new leaf.
Eris made his stance known: he was now a new threat to Night Court and specifically to the Shadowsinger.
After Azriel explained all that happened, you were simply holding his hand and then hugging him close as the sun the setting over little home. It made you scared, the realization that your family was known in other Courts.  You already knew the risk of dating the Spymaster and being connected to him, but now that you had a child with him, the target only got bigger on your back.  You knew why Azriel acted the way he did, how could you stop him?
“Nothing will happen to our family,” Azriel promised you as you held him, you nodding in agreement as he held you a pinch tighter, “I promise you on my life, you and Alec will never be in danger,”
“I know,” You replied, kissing the side of his head over and over, “I know that, baby.  We’re okay, we’re okay now,”
No matter that you three had your own little bubble in Velaris, filled with happiness and joy that every new family had.  The danger was lurking around every corner because of who your family was, and it would stay that way for some time.  All you could do was simply take it daily, moment by moment, knowing that although there was danger, you had safety.  The safety of Rhysand as the High Lord who would move mountains for his family and their well-being.  The safety of the Inner Circle would keep Velaris and Night Court peaceful and filled with joy. 
Most importantly, the safety of your mate that would do anything, be anything, to keep you and your son safe. 
As Azriel tucked Alec into his bassinet that night, kissing his head and watching his son softly snore, Azriel made a vow then and there.  His family would never be in danger.  Not by a pompous Prince from another Court, not by any being filled to the brim with magic.  And while he held you close in your bed, watching the stars twinkle high above the mountaintops that were towering over Velaris, he kept that vow close to his heart.  
Nothing will tear his family away from him.
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams
324 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 4 months
Summary - a few of Alec Rhysand's firsts. Part of the Ocean Eyes Series
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Warnings - just fluff :)
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Alec was always a babe of observation, ever since he came into the world screaming and making his presence known in Velaris.  He loved knowing what was happening around him, his bright blue eyes always moving and gazing around.  You knew he inherited it from his father: always watching with silence.  It made you laugh to see almost the same look on your son’s face as his father’s own face when they were side by side, even giggling at one point as Azirel was holding Alec and they were watching Cassian and Rhysand banter with one another during one of your Inner Circle dinners that was held once a month.  You were hiding your laugh behind your smile, not wishing to ruin the moment of your mate and son showing the same judgemental face towards Cassian as he was trying to make the table laugh with an Illyrian camp story.  The only other person who caught on was Feyre, who was hiding her smile behind her wine glass.  
You were not even surprised when it came to Alec wishing to crawl.  When he wasn’t being held by Azriel or when he wasn’t on your hip, he was sitting upright and looking at everything around him in earnest.  Although you were never too far away from him while he was perched on a quilt that was a gift from Elaine, he was always observing everything.  Perhaps you could tell he wanted to be able to move around and be closer to you and Azriel, or he simply never wanted to miss out on what was happening with his family during gatherings, Alec was ready to move.
It finally happened one afternoon, you were gathering some lavender from the garden outside your house since it was now overgrowing.  Azriel was inside the house, going over last-minute spy information he got from Dawn Court.  He wanted to make the proper paperwork before giving it to Rhysand and Feyre, then making sure to devote the rest of his time to both yourself and Alec.  
You were humming, enjoying the small amount of sun you’d had for the first time in a week since it was still technically the rainy season in Night Court.  Clipping a few tall strands of lavender that were full and ready for use, you paused to look over at Alec who was only a foot or two way on his quilt, seeing him play with the wooden blocks that were his favorite toys.  You admired him, seeing how he was growing day by day before you could simply stop time itself.  One minute he was an infant swaddled in your arms, and now he was on his way to the toddler years.  Time was now a thief to you, a thief that you hated but at the same time, you savored the small moments. Like now, playing with the wooden blocks in his chubby fingers and babbling to himself to keep himself occupied while his mother was not too far away. 
“Honey, I’ll be ready to head out to the River House in about 10 minutes,” Azriel called out from inside the house, “Feyre wants to have you and Alec come along too.  Apparently, Nyx wants to see his cousin,” 
You had to laugh as you grabbed the clippers again and snipped a few more lavender strands to place in the basket.  You of course weren’t paying attention to your son, though you knew that he was alright in his spot and with his favorite blocks.  But you heard a new sound, apart from the soft breeze in the high trees behind your house and the bumble bee that was hovering near the lavender garden. It sounded like movement in the grass to which you paused to look.
Your eyes went wide at the sight: of Alec crawling over to you.
His eyes were on you, big and shining blue in the sun as his dark hair was pushed out of his sight, a gleeful grin on his face while his hands and knees were working overtime.  It was almost like a dream seeing him crawl to you, determination on his face as his eyes were zoned in on you.  A smile appeared on your face, an overwhelming sense of joy while you finally found your voice.
“Azriel!” You called, not wanting to sound concerned or panicked but wishing to get his attention.  You knelt down, placing the clippers down as you held out your hands for Alec, hearing him giggle as he was still crawling over towards you.  Although he wasn’t fast, you knew he was determined, and you were patient as you heard the back door open abruptly.
“What is it—“ Azriel fell silent after he saw Alec crawling toward you, a smile was now on his face too as Alec was so close to getting to you.  The determination on Alec’s face, let alone a hint of stubbornness that he got from his father, made your heart beyond full as he finally made it into your arms.  You Immediately engulfed him close, peppering his face with kisses as Alec squealed in delight.  Azriel’s own arms were around you from behind, the three of you enjoying this small moment together as a family.  
You hated time, but not in this moment with your son.
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First Words
“Come on, Alec.  I know you wanna say your first words, come on!” Azriel urged his son, who simply grinned with a hint of saliva on his chin.  You had to laugh from your spot on the couch, thumbing through another page in the book you were currently reading thanks to Nesta.  Azriel was on the floor, back against the couch near your leg as Alec was perched in his lap.  With the rain coming through Velaris and making all of its residents stay inside, you and Azriel did not mind one bit.  With a roaring fire in the fireplace and a roast already cooking in the oven, it was the perfect day to have family time together.
Azriel made it his mission to make Alec say his first words, which amused you since you weren’t too worried about it yourself.  Alec would squeal, shriek, and babble to his heart’s desire when something amused or intrigued him.  He was no quiet babe, nor was he screaming constantly either.  But Alec made his voice heard constantly, a pleasant sound to your ears from morning to night.  Azriel could tell it was on the tip of his tongue that his son wanted to say his first word, and he would try and coax it out of him whenever he could.  Yet  Alec was still shy and reserved, an evident trait he inherited, and you knew he would talk when he was ready. 
“You can do it, buddy!” Azriel tried again, only seeing Alec smile at him with a gummy grin and giggle as his father rolled his eyes.  You had to swat his shoulder with your book as he looked at you.
“He’ll speak when he’s ready,” you reminded your mate, though Alec was still staring at you lovingly with his bright eyes while your mate was glaring at you, “No need to pressure him, sweetheart,”
“He’s so close to talking though,” Azriel commented as you giggled, leaning down to kiss Azriel’s forehead lovingly as he shoved your leg with his shoulder, “He’s a smart boy and I know he wishes to talk,”
“And he will, when he’s ready too.  I think he’s inherited his stubbornness from you,” you joked with him as you got up from the couch. Azriel rolled his eyes at you as you leaned down to kiss Alec on the head.  As you were moving away from the pair of them to head to the kitchen, a clap of thunder was heard near the mountain range.  The rain got louder, but it would never mask the soft sound heard from Azriel’s lap.
You froze in your spot, hearing that singular word sound so light like a cloud, and cheerful, almost like bells.  Was it a trick that was playing in your mind?  Were you hallucinating? You had to turn around to the source of the voice, seeing Azriel too was frozen as Alec was still in his lap, but his gorgeous eyes were on you and you only.  He grinned, the spitting image of his father from the hair to his nose and cheeks, his hands were clasped together.
Alec said his first word.  He called out to you.  
“Did he….” You trailed off as Azriel was now smiling from ear to ear, laughing as Alec was reaching for you with his little fingers.  Your mind was reeling and your heart was about to burst out of your chest from the simple sound of your son calling your name, saying your name so easily as if it was natural to him.  
“That’s my boy,” Azriel breathed, trying to hold back his own tears as you finally rushed over to fall to your knees in front of your son.  He giggled as you held your hands to your son, almost like an offering of sorts as you found your voice.
“Say it again, baby.  Say it again, for me!” You urged him as Alec simply grinned.
“Momma!  Momma Momma!” He repeated it, you finally laughed with small tears in your eyes as you scooped up your son in your arms, swinging him around in your arms as he laughed and clung to you.  Your world seemed brighter and fuller, all simply from hearing your son call you “Momma”.  
Even before this moment, you knew you were his Momma, it was one of the best titles you would ever have and hold close to your heart.  But to hear him call you that, with his own unique voice that you would never forget for as long as you lived, it was another wave of love that seemed to overflow within you.
Once you finally stopped twirling your son, you saw the wave of happiness on his own face as you were kissing his cheeks and snuggling him close.  A new milestone was made, tucked away in your little home on a rainy day, with the two most important beings in your life, and you couldn’t be happier.  Nothing else could replace this feeling, this new core memory. 
This small bubble of happiness was suddenly destroyed by another clap of thunder that was closer now, making Alec lose his smile and shake in fear.   He hid in your neck, whimpering from the sudden sound as you held him close and rocked him.  He was no fan of thunder or loud noises, rightfully so, and to feel him press against you so close to feel safe made your heart break. 
“It’s okay, baby,” You cooed as he clung to your shirt and whimpered against your skin.  You rubbed his back with your knuckles, kissing his hair over and over while you were swaying in your spot and grinning against his hair, “It’s just noise, little one.  Nothing will hurt you, I promise.  Momma’s got you, I always got you,”
Azriel got up from his spot on the ground, holding both you and Alec close as you were still consoling your son in your arms.  You felt so much pride in your son, though he was still so new to the world and has yet to make his mark.  Not to you, he made a place in your heart with no sign of being moved out.  Not just from holding your son, but being held by your mate who was just as moved in the small moment in our little home.
You heard Alec once more, whimpering, “Momma,” against your neck as you sighed and grinned at the same time.  Looking away from Alec, your gaze went to Azriel who was smiling at you with tears in his eyes.  You both shared this small moment as Alec was feeling safe in your hold, Azriel kissing your cheeks with affection while his arms around you felt secure and intimate at the same time.    
You were Alec’s Momma, and you will always be his Momma until your last dying breath.
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First Steps
“Any word from Spring Court?” Cassian asked as Azriel watched Rhysand roll his eyes and huff with a hint of annoyance. 
“You mean from Tamlin?” Rhysand countered back, to which Azriel and Cassian chuckled from their spots around the study at River House.  It was a warm summer day, Rhysand wishing to discuss some formalities with both Cassian and Azriel while their mates were catching up with one another out in the back garden.  All six of you were a tight-knit unit at this point, loving to enjoy each other’s company as much as you could when you had the time.  That also included Alec and Nyx, who formed a tight bond as cousins and loved having playdates together.  
So as you, Nesta, and Feyre were chatting outside in the garden and discussing future birthday plans for Nyx, the males were going over their own mundane topics while watching Nyx and Alec.  Both of them were playing in the study on a large rug, Alec watching his cousin walking back and forth with toys to share with him as Alec crawled after him in earnest.  
“He’s gotten smart with my advice and has stayed quiet.  As for Eris in Autumn Court, that joke of a Prince doesn’t know when to stay quiet and save his own face and reputation.  At least his father is gaining his reputation back amongst the other High Lords,” Rhysand explained.  
Azriel’s shadows flickered at the mention of Eris, Rhysand seeing the reaction and giving Azriel a knowing look as Azriel’s hazel eyes drifted out to the window, “The man is all talk and no bite, Azriel.”
“Not to me when he mentioned my mate and son,” Azriel replied in a cool tone, Cassian clasping his shoulder as Azriel kept his stare on the flowing river just outside the window.  He could still remember that meeting, hearing the sarcastic and sadistic tone in that fae’s voice.  He felt his whole demeanor shake and almost crumble into a thousand pieces once Eris mentioned his family, making it seem like it was some game to him.  Azriel never saw it as a game, not when the life of his family was now exposed and out in the world.
“Azriel,” Rhysand said his name, making the Shawdowsinger shift his eyes back to the High Lord, “Eris has enough common sense to understand the danger he is putting himself in when he said that.  He would have to not only go against the High Lord of Night Court but the only Shadowsinger in all of Pythian.  Eris is a fool, nothing more than that,”  
Azriel looked from him over to Nyx and Alec, who were chattering with each other and mostly making noises at each other with big smiles and laughter.  Ever since Eris mentioned his family, Azriel thought about the safety of his home and what he could do to make it better.  Night Court was already tightly secured and hadn’t had a breach of security for some time, not since before the war against Hybern.  The other Courts never dared to try anything against their home, and no humans even came close either.  
But still, the lingering thought of his family, his whole world, being taken from him or losing their lives because of him.  He made sure there was heightened security around their little home, always knew where you and Alec were at all times thanks to your connection through the bond and made his spy missions and jobs short to stay close by.  You knew that he was simply keeping his family close and safe, you weren’t going to argue with him when it came to that.  But you also knew that he would be consumed by the paranoia if it got too far.  Luckily you confided in your cousin, who made sure Azriel stayed sane. 
“Our sons are well protected,” Rhysand reassured Azriel as Alec was giggling at Nyx, “Their fathers and mothers are too powerful to let any harm come to them,”
“Along with their Aunt and Uncle,” Cassian hummed in agreement, Azriel looked at him and saw Cassian give him a short nod, “I’ll handle Eris on my own if he tries anything against our family,”
“Let’s leave him be for now, we have other things to talk about anyways,” Rhysand calmly steered the conversation out of bleakness and weary to a higher topic, “Your mate, my cousin, is due for a birthday pretty soon if I remembered correctly.  Around the same time as Summer Solstice, do you have any ideas?”
“A trip to the mountains,” Azriel explained, rolling his shoulders and letting the bitterness of Eris be released from his tension as he smiled at the mention of his mate, “I can tell taking her to the mountains brings her peace and quiet.  Thanks for letting us use your cabin, by the way,”
“Anytime you want to use it, you don’t have to ask,” Rhysand said with a softer smile, “And I think my cousin will like a birthday getaway.”
“Why don’t you let Nesta and I use your cabin again?” Cassian asked, almost in amusement but in curiosity as Rhysand threw a playful glare at the Commander.
“Because the last time I did that, I had to replace the furniture in the master bedroom, along with the tub that happened to be my favorite,” he cooly replied, though he chuckled as Cassian scoffed. Azriel still saw an underlying smirk on Cassian's face when Rhysand looked away.
“I'm also told to give you a subtle hint to not take your mate to the mountains until after her birthday,” Rhysand explained to Azriel as he gestured his head over to the door leading out of the room, “Apparently, Feyre and the girls are planning a surprise party for her at Rita’s, reserving the entire restaurant for the Inner Circle just for the occasion and for several hours that night,”  
“That’s mighty nice of them, I’ll be sure to remember that,” Azriel commented, then walking over to see Alec standing on his feet and holding himself up against the windowsill.  The sun shone through to lighten his face and his eyes, almost giving them the same shade of sapphires while he saw Azriel approach him.
“Dada!  Dada!” He called out, reaching out with one hand in his father’s direction as Azriel grinned.  Azriel loved hearing his son call out to him, babbling to him about his day when he would come home, or laughing when Azriel would tickle his sides or blow raspberries on his stomach. He was barely talking, saying a few words here and there but he mostly called for his mother and father. 
Azriel could tell in the way his son would hold himself up that he was ready to walk, finding his balance quickly and getting strong In his stance. Just like when Alec was learning to talk, you reminded Azriel to let your son take his time, even when Azriel was once again impatient and wished for his son to take the plunge and walk already.  He was already a speed crawler, amazing Azriel in how fast he would crawl all around the house, and Azriel would try and catch up with him every once in a while.  
If he was fast crawling, Azriel knew Alec was going to be a runner.
“Here, Uncle Az!  He likes this toy!” Nyx said to Azriel, walking over to hand him one of the stuffed toys.  Alec watched his three year old cousin give a toy to his father, his eyes wide as Azriel smiled at Nyxx.
“Thank you buddy,” Azriel said to Nyx, then he heard the small paddling of feet on the hardwood floor.  He looked, his eyes going wide and his mouth open in shock as Alec was walking, carefully and on wobbly feet, over to him.  His hands out to balance, yet his eyes were on Azriel as Rhysand and Cassian were watching as well.  No one wanted to move or break the tension that was there, but Alec was determined to get to his father, or perhaps to the toy in his hands as Azriel was watching in stunned silence.  
“Look at that…” Cassian said in a hum and a soft smile as Alec was now in front of his father, falling into his hold to grab the toy in his fingers.  Azriel hugged him tight, his stomach dropping at the sight of his son walking on his own.  More importantly, his son walking to him.  It felt like an out-of-body experience, Azriel scooping Alec to stand up and hug him close in his arms while Nyx clapped.
“He walked, see daddy?!  Alec can walk now!” Nyx asked Rhysand as Rhysand walked over to clasp Azriel on the shoulder. 
“It goes by fast, Az.  Before you know it, he’ll be flying with you in the sky,” Rhsyand informed him.  Azriel smiled, not realizing that he was on the verge of crying from seeing his son take his first steps.  No longer was he thinking about Eris, or of the potential target on the back of his family.  None of that was an issue at the moment, he only focused on the boy who was shoving the toy in his face and giggling at him.  This little being that had him wrapped around his lethal finger, that made him believe in an organic love just like his mother did, he was Azriel’s universe now.  
Azriel will protect his universe with everything in him.  
The End
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Tagged - @valeridarkness @impossibelle @acourtofbatboydreams
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