leftbystarlight · 2 years
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STORMCLAN - Dandelionbreeze Dandelionbreeze: On the surface, this newly named StormClan warrior is little more than a pretty face. After spending his apprentice days being the oblivious heartthrob of his age group, nearly every cat in the clan expects for him to go on to become someone's mate, and live his life as an average warrior. Despite his seemingly airheaded personality, there's much more to him. Selected specifically by his mentor for his flame-like orange pelt, from an early age he was told the tales of Firestar, and brought into the underground resistance against Cedarshade and the Starless Place. A firm believer in StarClan, Dandelionbreeze, named for the deputy of legend, Breezepelt, is a good secret keeper, would never sell out a friend, and is firm in his principles. Yet, he's... admittedly, easily distracted, constantly wavering from crush-to-crush, maybe everyone's expectation that he'll become a mate and father isn't so far off, but deep down, he knows he's going to be much more.
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bonefall · 3 months
Reading your post about the DOTC leaders made me wonder - in BB, when does the DOTC naming style shift into the modern naming style? If they're already using modern-style names by the time Windstar's (possible) grandson is leader, that seems pretty quick - unless Cloudberry and Ryewhisker had DOTC-style names originally, and just got called modern-style names later on.
They did originally have DOTC style names! There's going to be more shuffles soon as I move to expand the Forest Cats into a third major cultural group, but I'm planning for all three of these groups to contribute to the naming system.
The older story, which I'm going to be shuffling now, is that two-part names came from Mountain Cats, but the name changes come from Park Cats.
Mountain Cats have a given prefix, and a familial suffix.
Whichever familial suffix the kittens receive is "political." Usually the names are split evenly, so as an example, Jackdaw Cry and Hawk Swoop named one twin Lightning Cry, and the other twin Acorn Swoop, but Clear Sky insisted that ALL of his kittens receive Sky as their familial suffix. Except Thunder Storm, of course, who he disowned.
This stops being used after the collapse of the River Kingdom and the massive conflict that came from the succession crisis. After that, Byyrkabraw, directly translated as "scab-forming" and roughly translated as "nepotism," becomes a taboo to be avoided. Sharing last names with your parents and family took on a bad, biased connotation for several generations.
Thus, the system dies in Clan Culture. However, it persists and evolves in Tribe Culture! Brook's name in BB is Brook Where-It-Swirls, and she shares the last name with her two brothers. They've kept last names, but the last names have gotten longer.
What DOES remain in Clan Culture is that Mountain-descendant cats 'prefer' 2-part names, and like to say the entire thing. It's Mountain culture that creates Clanmew's preference for contractions rather than syllable-shortening.
As an example, for a long name like... Dandelionbreeze, send her back in time to talk to a Park or Forest cat and they'll shorten her name to "Dan" or "Lion" or "Bree." It's the Mountain cat who would call her "Danzy," which becomes part of being 'polite' in Clanmew name shortenings.
Park Cats are born "nameless," and earn names as they grow.
It's PARK culture that was so centralized and ceremonial, with kings and a clearer hierarchy. As kits, they're just called by a characteristic trait. The Biggest One, Little Ears, Ginger. Their first real name is given when they're assigned as an apprentice, and they become [Mentor's Nickname] [Dominant Paw].
So as an example, because the prince is always mentored by their father and the king at the time was Arc-of-Park, Riverstar's very first name was Arc's Paw.
Once they're fully trained, they can earn titles. On average, a cat will earn two or three of these in their lifetime, discounting outliers like Titles Georg. These are three words or less, and usually reference strengths and achievements. Willow Flayed Bare, Slate Keeper, The Wind Runner.
These titles are made official by the King, which is where Warrior Name changes originally stem from.
In a situation where Park Cats have left their kingdom, they will turn towards the cat they recognize as an authority to make these name changes. In WindCo, either the "parriarch" of a homestead would bestow these names, or The Wind Runner herself. Thunder Storm began doing it on request, as the Park Cats who joined his cause wanted their names to come from him.
It's not seen as "appropriate" for a cat to name themself... but there are rebellious cats, who may forge their own titles, if they're willing to eat the social implications.
River's Ripple was quite independent. He came up with his own name, and then asked his papa to make the name official. King Arc of Park argued with him a lot about this, especially because the name he chose sounded a lot like an apprentice's title, and only caved in when he realizes there would be a MASSIVE scandal if it looked like his prince would willingly bypass the will of his father entirely.
(The Wind Runner's name was "crowdsourced." She didn't give it to herself; that's what WindCo calls her.)
Forest Cat names...
So there's the two-parts from the Mountain cats, and the name changes from the Park cats... and now I'm trying to work in a third element here, which I'm still trying to figure out.
I'm thinking of putting ranks into their names, since I'm starting with a given that Slash/Shai/Silverpelt is their leader. Maybe have it so that the name the Park/Mountain cats call him is "Slashes" in reference to his leg markings, but his real name is Silver-Star, with all of his cats just referring to him as his rank, Silver (formally) or his given name, Star (informally)
(Over time his name is going to become Silverpelt. They believe that he became heaven itself. Ssoen becomes Clanmew's opening particle for omnipotent knowledge, Star becoming the leader suffix.)
Then make it so that his followers follow the Rank-Given name system. So there's Claw-Milkweed, her daughter Kit-Bramble, a good hunter might be Whisker-Violet. So, over a very short number of generations, both the Forest Cat and Park Cat naming systems start to meld, since it's not all that different.
ALSO NOTEWORTHY: The Wind Coalition was more mixed with Forest Cats than the River Kingdom was. So the Park/Forest name schemes beginning to mix together would be beginning up on the Moor, while there would be more Mountain/Forest mixing happening in Thunder's Clan.
This is a WIP section btw, these guys are still extremely new.
Anyway, skip forward a few generations
Cloudberry's and Ryewhisker's names aren't the ones they had in life. The were active 25-ish years after DOTC, after the collapse of the River Kingdom when things had begun to "settle down."
With the Law of the Deputy, Commandment 3, WindCo and River Kingdom are now Clans. They operate with a Leader and a Deputy.
In-canon, Cloudberry is the daughter of the RiverClan leader, Emberstar. I'm not sure if that's going to remain; because I still haven't chosen who Riverstar's successor is. The Law of Loyalty is Commandment 4 and I'm committed to Duststar of WindClan being alive and in a position of power during the succession crisis.
It could be that Cloudberry's father is Riverstar's successor, OR I swap Ryewhisker to be Duststar's son/grandson instead and include a small detail that Duststar feels a need to prove he's NOT being biased in favor of his dead descendant by forcing this commandment through.
Maybe both, that could be fun. Romeow and Mewliet type thing. Two Clans, alike in their digkitty.
Anyway, point being, Cloudberry is from Park Cat culture as a member of RiverClan, which was heavily influenced by some pretty open travel between the groups under Riverstar's rule. The modern naming system was coming together, as cats of these three cultures mixed, but it wasn't quite there yet. So Cloudberry probably had a full title, while Ryewhisker had a title and a rank.
It might even be a translation quirk. Cloudberry is also called "knout," and it's a red-orange fruit that comes to be heavily valued in the Clans. Knout Berry Keeper, which is only remembered as Knout-Berry, written as Cloudberry.
(It would be cute if the direct translation was Cloudberry Cloud.)
For Ryewhisker, the most I know with him is that he's somehow related to the guy who invents Tunnelbuns, or at LEAST some kind of inventive contributor (such as a person who invents bread). He gets his name from that-- Rye is one of the most easily accessible grains.
I haven't nailed their names down yet, since by the modern era, they're known as Cloudberry and Ryewhisker. But they did actually have different names, which have changed over the years.
They also didn't speak Modern Clanmew, their native tongue was actually the border between the Mountain/Park/Forest pidgin and the creole language that would soon be born! A linguist might describe it as Ancient Clanmew.
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
What would you name this kit
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First off, saw this and cackled - that’s the Roundest Animal! If you stick your arm in the correct place you can come out the other side! Either no thoughts empty head or full of wisdom, only options. Thanks for the laugh, I had a rough day at work <3
As for names, mmmm I’d say Lion, Golden, Sun, Fluff, Dandelion, Cloud, Sunflower, Rose, Dawn, Tumbleweed, or Morning for the preffix…so a warrior name for each of those!
Lionshade (for their large shadow and caring heart), Goldenbelly (for their sense of humor and good “gut” instincts), Sunstalker (for their hunting prowess and ability to locate The Best Sunbathing Spots), Fluffdawn (suggested by my mother, for their thick fur and shining optimism), Dandelionbreeze (for their gentle words and swift actions), Cloudear (for both the size of the ear and excellent hearing), Sunflowerface (for their bright smile and happy demeanor), Rosebloom (for their growth as a warrior/medicine cat), Dawntooth (for their fierce bite and sharp wit), Tumbleweedclaw (for their battle prowess and defensive nature), and Morningfall (for their ability to be sensible and down-to-earth)!
I loved doing this, and am absolutely open to doing it again! Go for it people this was fun!
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poshkauai · 7 years
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My newest masterpiece, thanks again @paradisepalette and happiest of birthdays to my friend Kris! #dandelionbreeze #paintnight #imadethat (at Ha Coffee Bar)
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newspecies · 3 years
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Dandelionbreeze! Wheatstar's deputy who later became Dandelionstar
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weeping willow - allegiances
SNOWCLAN Leader: Cloudstar-white tom with blue eyes; deaf.
Deputy: Patchedpelt-speckled tortoiseshell tom with orange eyes Apprentice, Spotpaw
Medicine Cat: Snowsky-old white molly with blue eyes (adoptive mother to Willowkit, a lavender gray-and-white molly-kit, Dawnkit, an orange molly-kit with white spotting and a darker stripe down her back, Spotkit, a calico molly-kit, and Snowkit, a white tom-kit with faint spots) Apprentice, Bushpaw
Warriors: Lilystorm-pale gray-and-white tom with bushy fur and green eyes
Iceberry-pale blue tom with icy blue eyes
Mistleclaw-black molly with heavy white spotting and green eyes
Tansyfeather-yellow-eyed cream-and-white tom
Dandelionbreeze-yellow-and-white molly with yellow eyes
Marigoldheart-golden molly
Fleckcloud-white tom with black flecks and dark eyes
Palefang-pale cream molly Apprentice, Daypaw
Daisystream-white molly with cream splotches
Duckfeather-yellow tom
Darkflower-dark-furred molly with splotches
Apprentices: Bushpaw-bushy-furred white tom with a greenish-gray tail
Spotpaw-tortoiseshell molly with a pink ribbon around her neck; former kittypet
Daypaw-amber molly with a darker stripe down her back
Nursers: Sunheart-dilute tortoiseshell-and-white molly (has two kits: Spiritkit, a white tom-kit with pale, blind blue eyes, and Brownkit, a mainly white molly-kit with a brown stripe down her back and sparse brown spotting; nursed Snowsky's adopted kits, and is currently nursing Tigerkit, an orange molly-kit with dark stripes)
STREAMCLAN Leader: Lakestar-blue-gray tom with yellow eyes
Deputy: Doveblossom-fluffy gray molly with one blue-green eye and one golden eye
Medicine Cat: Swiftstrike-white tom with black splotches and yellow eyes Apprentice, Dockpaw
Apprentices: Dockpaw-gray molly with leaf-green eyes
Sootpaw-very dark gray tom
Graypaw-light gray molly
Slippaw-white tom
Fogpaw-blue-and-cream tortoiseshell molly with white markings and gold eyes
SPARKCLAN Leader: Bravestar-orange tom with a white muzzle and amber eyes
Deputy: Lightningthorn-yellow molly with a spiky pelt and amber eyes
Medicine Cat: Firefoot-fiery-orange tom with yellow eyes
Apprentices: Pheasantpaw-red tom
Sootpaw-dark gray molly
Ashpaw-light gray tom
Cinderpaw-dilute calico molly
SHADECLAN Leader: Blossomstar-calico molly with green eyes
Deputy: Rushblaze-brown molly with a fire-colored "blaze" marking and dark brown eyes
Medicine Cats: Lightpool-young gray molly with eyes the same color as the Moonpool Apprentice, Daisypaw
Warriors: Brokenflight-brown spotted tabby molly whose stripes look broken (Blossomstar's mate)
Apprentice: Daisypaw-cream tabby-and-white molly with green eyes
Peacepaw-white molly
Mothpaw-white tom
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oddeyedraven · 7 years
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Dandelionpaw:  "Well... I kinda like you, Jaypaw." Jaypaw: O_O wat Just a sketch I decided do line art for and color in. That i drew while at my boyfriends place. I think I screwed up Dandelionbreeze a bit here but oh well. I'm so proud of how i did the background though <3 As some of you may know Dandelionbreeze had a crush on Jaypool while they were still apprentices.  This is a sort of 'what if' sketch you could say. A what if  Dandelionbreeze had confessed her feelings for Jaypool when they were young. I would assume he'd be surprised lol. XD And quite speechless.  
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bonefall · 1 year
Tumble- as a prefix was woefully unused with the twittypet thing. Give me Tumblefur or give me death
I saw ONE person use Tumble as part of the TumblrClan OC craze and I still can't believe no one else hopped on Tumbleclaw. That was unironically a cool warrior name for the eventual Tumblestar.
I also have such a softness for Tumble and Rumble. I have an OC called Rumblerock (fathers another character called Dandelionbreeze, or Dandy for short). Other great suffixes to go with them are Tumbletail, Tumblethorn, Rumbleroar, Tumblestone, Rumbleblaze...
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oddeyedraven · 7 years
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So this is probably my favorite character from my comic! Dandelionbreeze! The daughter of Bramblestar and Squirrelflight! As I said before, in my comic its an au where Dandelionkit and Juniperkit survive while Alderheart and Sparkpelt don't.  Poor Dandelionbreeze, such a sweet cat but never gets a brake. :/ Dandelionbreeze was born after her brother Junipertail, and was born a very sickly kit. Many times Jayfeather thought the kit wouldn't survive, with being sick so often as a kit. Dandelionbreeze was also born with Glaucoma, and she would slowly loose sight from the moment she opened her eyes. Her parents didn't realize this until she couldn't figure out where the opening was to the nursery when she was 4 moons old. Thanks to this, Dandelionbreeze has a hard time seeing her surroundings sometimes. Especially at night, were everything looks black to her if it isn't a full moon. Dandelionbreeze is far sighted. She can see things far away, but not so much close up. So hunting and fighting can be difficult for this cat sometimes.  When Dandelionbreeze became an apprentice with her brother Juniperpaw, they found a new friend in Jaypaw. They were inseparable after meeting, of course when Dandelionbreeze wasn't in the med. cat den being sick, or hurting herself because she couldn't see her footing. At one point she had slipped down the ravine while coming back from training and had twisted her paw. She was stuck in camp for a week after that. As an apprentice she had a small crush on Jaypaw. But she soon grew out of it when she became a warrior. But though it all, she pushed though and became a warrior. The three of them all became warrior's on the same day. It almost didn't happen because she had become sick again. And Juniperpaw and Jaypaw asked if they're ceremonies could wait until she got well again. As a warrior, Dandelionbreeze's eyesight has gotten worse but not too much worse. She just needs to be lead around sometimes to make sure she doesn't trip. Junipertail has become incredibly protective of her sister over the moons. And refuses to let her leave camp if it gets particularly cold or stormy, knowing she could easily get sick from being out in the rain. Despite her hardships Dandelionbreeze will joke about her eyesight and play it off as if it isn't a big deal. Same with her getting sick. But deep down it does bother her alot. When Jaypool becomes deputy, unlike her pouty brother she's incredibly proud of her best friend. While Junipertail drifts away from Jaypool over envy, Dandelionbreeze still keeps close ties with Jaypool and they go hunting often. Dandelionbreeze is a pretty small she cat. With short fluffy fur, with a long fluffy tail much like her mother before her Dandelionbreeze isn't a fan of flowers, dandelions in particular. They make her sneeze. Dandelionbreeze is also very good friends with Jayfeather, even though he's not fond of how much she ends up in his den.   Dandelionkit and Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter
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