#dani poole
forestwaterfalls · 5 months
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forallmankindverse · 1 year
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FOR ALL MANKIND ↳ Episodes: Into the Abyss (1x05) “I say here’s to the selfish pricks, cause we move the ball forward for mankind."
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philippageorgiou · 2 years
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And there it is, our first images from the surface of Mars. It looks like… a cosmonaut and astronaut. Which one will take the— Wait. They’re going together! How inspiring!
FOR ALL MANKIND — 3x05 ‘Seven Minutes of Terror’
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lacontroller1991 · 7 months
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Gordo Stevens x GN!Reader)
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Main Master List || For All Mankind Master List
Anon Request: Could you do the dream soulmate prompt w/ Gordo? Thank you sm if you do!
Warnings: Nightmares, Isolation, Ant infestation (body), PTSD, language
Word Count: 1.5k
It’s cold as you wake up. The room is dark aside from the small lights from the machines that beep through the night. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, your legs swing out of the bunk and land on the floor with a soft thump, but something is out of place. In confusion, you walk around the finite space, looking at the various equipment before spotting a window. You hastily move to the window and let out a gasp when you see nothing but empty space. You back up and bump against a computer in disbelief. Why are you on the moon?
Despite being lost in your thoughts, you feel something crawling on and around you. Looking down you see swarms of ants crawling up your body in hoards as if you stepped in 10 ant mounds at the same time. You’re stuck in place in fear, your heart pounding as the ants get closer and closer to your face. You can feel their legs all over your body. You can feel their mandibles biting into your skin and you’re stuck. You can’t move anything as the ants begin taking over your face, swarming into your mouth until you can’t breathe.
You wake up with a gasp, shooting out of the bed with sweat dripping down your forehead. You suck in air as much as possible before calming down and looking around you. Good, you’re in bed, on Earth, with no ants in your immediate vicinity. You place your hand against your forehead and groan. You have been having similar nightmares for the past few weeks and they don’t seem to be progressing at all.
Tossing back your blanket, your mind tries to track who could be having these dreams. It’s obviously someone you’ve worked with due to the fact that not alot of people know what the inside of Jamestown looks like. You’ve never been there yourself, but being in the NASA program, you get pretty good floor layouts.
Looking over at the clock you groan when you see the time. “Guess I’ll get ready for work.”
“You look like you slept like crap.” The comment startles you, causing you to spill your coffee as you snap back to reality, looking to your side and seeing Gordo standing there, empty cup of coffee in his hands. “Mind if I-?” He gestures to the coffee pot as you scoot out of the way, downing the remnants of your coffee as he eyes you in concern. “You good?”
“No.” It’s a short reply and you can tell he is trying his best not to ask for details. On the other hand though, you could use someone to talk to. Sighing, you set down your coffee mug and turn to properly face him. “My soulmate has been having the same recurring nightmare for weeks now. They’re always on the moon, alone in the base and then swarms of ants crawling up their body. My body. Swarming on and in me and then I wake up gasping for air.” During your rant, you don’t notice the way Gordo’s face falls and pales as if he’s seen a ghost. His grip on the coffee cup loosens and it slips out of his hands, crashing to the floor in pieces, causing you to zone back in and notice Gordo. “Gordo? Why did you do that?” You immediately bend over to pick up some pieces but he just stands there, a zoned out look in his eyes. 
“I- I need to go.” He rushes out of the room, aware of the way other astronauts stare at him in confusion. You internally cuss out the eccentric astronaut for leaving you to deal with his mess. Dani walks over with a frown on her face before lowering her body down to help pick up some pieces, despite her arm being in a cast.
“Dani, you don’t have to help.”
“No, no. What did you say to him?”
“He asked why I didn’t sleep and I told him that my soulmate has been having recurrent nightmares about ants on the moon,” your comment has Dani’s face falling before she’s standing back up to her height and grabbing your arm, dragging you out of the room and down several halls. “Dani, stop it. Let me go.” You try to fight back but she’s stronger than she looks. She pushes you against the wall and peeks around the corners, making sure there’s no one in the area. “Dani, what the hell is your problem?”
“How long have you been having these nightmares?”
“I asked, how long have you been having these nightmares?” The question is urgent and hushed. 
“I don’t know, a few weeks?”
“Around the time Gordo and I got back from Jamestown?” You try to think back to when the nightmares first started and realize that they did start when they got back from the moon. 
“Yeah, now that I think about it.”
“Mind telling me what’s going on?” You look over at her as she bites her lip, the gears turning in her head. 
“Ok. You need to talk to Gordo.”
“Just trust me.”
After much convincing, Dani had managed to slip you Gordo’s apartment address and told you to visit him much to your confusion. Smoothing out your clothes you let out a shaky breath. You really don’t know what to expect. Why on earth would Dani insinuate that you have to talk to Gordo about your dreams. Surely they can’t be his. Right? He has a wife. He has Tracy. There’s no way he can be your soulmate.
Raising your hand, you knock against the door, waiting for a brief second before it’s being swung open, revealing a semi drunk Gordo.
“What are you doing here?”
“Dani told me we need to talk.” He moves to the side and allows you to step in. Looking around, you note that the apartment is relatively bare save for the exception of two picture frames of his kids and furniture. “Do you have those dreams?”
“Straight to the point I see,” he tries to jest, offering you a drink but you remove the bottle out of his hand and set it to the side. 
“Gordo. Have you been having those dreams? You and Dani are the only ones who have actually lived on the moon except for Ed but he’s still on there and you’re the only one who’s come back… different.” He hangs his head, plopping down on the couch while you stand awkwardly, not really sure what to say or do. Sure you’ve always found him attractive, and you guess he’s probably seen his fair share of your rather dirty dreams with him as the main star, but what is that going to do to the dynamic of your work relationship and his relationship? 
“Promise you won’t say anything to anybody?” He looks up at you, tears threatening to spill and it breaks your heart. You know the dreams have been bad, but it’s clearly just the outskirts of his breaking mental health. Sinking down to his side, you place a hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles against his shirt.
“I won’t say anything.” Your confirmation seems to alleviate a little tension as he sniffles.
“Something happened up there, I don’t know what, but ever since then I’ve been having these nightmares and I’m so sorry that you’ve been suffering because of them.” 
“It’s okay. You’re okay. If anything, I’m glad I got them because now I can help you in anyway you need. Plus, if I’m having your dreams, then you’ve probably had mine?”
“You seem to be really fond of hair pulling,” he smirks, leaning back against the couch and stares up at the ceiling as if he was banishing away any tears while heat blooms underneath your cheeks. 
“Yeah. Among other things.” Silence falls over the two of you as you bite your lip. The conversation solved one thing, but what about his wife? “What about Tracy?”
“We’re filing for a divorce. I’ve told her about my dreams and she doesn’t have them and she tells me about hers and I don’t have them so we’ve put two and two together.”
“I’m sorry.” He shakes his head in denial, trying to smile but you can see through it.
“Don’t be. It’s better that way.” Nodding your head, you look around the apartment a little more in depth. It’s dirty. Beer cans everywhere and random wrappers for stuff. It looks more like a child lives here than a grown man and that hurts your heart.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep?” “I’m afraid to go to sleep. I don’t want the same nightmare again.” Sighing, you sit back down, thinking of a solution.
“I have heard that sleeping next to your soulmate might help alleviate any nightmares. Would you be willing to try that?” 
“You would be willing to do that?” His eyes are big and blue, bluer than you remember and they draw you in. Without thinking, you nod your head.
“Yeah. I mean I don’t want nightmares either, so maybe it’ll help the both of us. Why don’t you come with me to my place?” For the first time in a while he smiles, a hint of his former playfulness returning. 
“Sex off the table?”
“Sleep Stevens. Sleep.”
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inairbinad · 11 months
you're hot
written for @steddiemicrofic prompt: pool 442 words | rated T (out of an abundance of caution for Steve's vaguely impure thoughts) | cw: none
A bead of sweat trickled down Eddie’s neck, eventually settling in the dip of his collarbone.
Steve watched its journey and licked his lips, imagining diving into the shallow pool with his tongue and reckless abandon— salty yet sweet.
Eddie was rambling on about something that seemed very important to him as they drove around in the van, just having dropped the last of the kids off for the evening. The air conditioner was busted, and Eddie was talking about dragons again. So Steve was left to his own devices in watching the effect of the heat on his friend’s perfectly bitable neck.
It didn’t help that Eddie was wearing a tank top, or that his hair was pulled up into a bun.
“Stevie,” Eddie waved a hand in front of his face, snapping Steve back to the present. “You get heat stroke on me?”
“Something like that,” Steve mumbled. He wished he could blame the heat for way he'd been daydreaming about sucking the taste of Eddie's skin into his mouth, but that particular thought never seemed to leave Steve's mind these days.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asked, always too attuned to whatever Steve was thinking (or sulking) about.
“Nothing,” Steve tried. Eddie leveled him with a look that would have melted stone. “You’re hot, is all.”
“Well I know that, Steve,” Eddie huffed. “It’s eleventy one degrees out and the A/C is broken.”
“What—?” Steve began to ask, but he didn’t actually think he wanted to divert the conversation that far. “Not literally, Eddie. I mean you’re attractive, and it’s driving me crazy.”
Eddie’s eyebrows pinched together in confusion, and Steve wondered how on earth he could be more clear. Until out of nowhere Eddie steered off the main road and into a small copse of trees just off the shoulder.
“What the hell, dude—”
“Don’t dude me,” Eddie chastised as he scrambled out of his seat and into Steve’s lap. Steve hurried to settle his hands on Eddie’s hips without much thought, and Eddie looked down at him with a wolfish grin. “You just told me I’m driving you crazy. I think that deserves a baby, or a sweetheart, or even a honey bunch.”
Steve was stunned at this turn of events, but bantering with Eddie was always the easy part.
“I’ve always kinda liked schnookums, if we’re being honest,” Steve said with a lazy shrug.
“Of course you would,” Eddie rolled his eyes with such affection it made Steve’s heart clench. “Can I kiss you now, schnookums?”
“Thought you’d never ask, baby.”
Eddie kissed the wry smile right off of his mouth.
He tasted even sweeter than Steve imagined.
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little-pondhead · 3 months
Nature vs. Nurture vs. Whatever the Hell This Is
Vlad fucked up.
To be fair, just because he was smart enough to figure out how to make a clone, didn’t mean he was good at it. That became very obvious when the first few clones of Danny melted. Then Danielle destabilized, and Danny had to save her.
By the time the events of AGIT came about, Vlad thought he’d perfected the practice. Dan had a new body and a second chance at life, and Vlad now had a son like he always wanted. They both gained a family, and Danny was happy for them.
However, after a few years, Dan was the first to realize that he and Dani weren’t aging. Danny was.
Through panicked calls and the digging of old files, Vlad discovered that while he’d forcefully grown both Danielle and Dan’s human bodies to what they were now, he’d somehow frozen the intrinsic and extrinsic aging processes.
Both Danielle and Dan were more ghost than human, and with Danny finally bringing peace to Amity Park, their bodies simply did not react to any of the normal stressors in the human world. They didn’t breathe oxygen, they didn’t have to fight off world ending threats every week, and they just simply didn’t expose themselves to enough ectoplasm to continue new cell production. (They even tested this theory by cutting off a lock of Dani’s hair and waiting a few months. It didn’t grow at all!)
Their bodies were just…frozen in time.
Well, damn.
Both Dan and Dani wanted to be on their own by now, but their eternal baby faces were making it impossible. Danny was well off into college at this point, having grown into the Fenton genes quite well, and looked like their older brother or dad rather than Dan’s twin.
Cue a coming-of-age story featuring Dan and Dani as they, quite literally, try to force themselves to grow up and match their mental ages.
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amoratearte · 1 month
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decided to do something different, so a little modern AU pool family day with baby Dany and baby Jon ☀️
Rhaella is fine, she took the picture 📸
anyways, drawing four characters is a hassle 😅 my god, the amount of layers lmao (also who are the babies? it’s me, im the babies)
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ichorai · 2 months
i think i finally finished planning out the next part of i'm not made by design ... and i'm mostly (kinda) satisfied with it ... it's literally like five full pages of planning and i haven't even gotten to the night king bit yet x_x anyways i'm excited to start writing the next part out!
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some asoiaf ladies (and Jon!) being my glamorous models for some period drama costumes <3
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Margaery (AFFC)
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Jeyne (ADWD)
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Sansa (ASOS)
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forestwaterfalls · 5 months
dani girl u better make it home to be a grandma so help me god.
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famsource · 8 months
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This is what decades of being the voice of reason looks like.
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lacontroller1991 · 1 year
Birthday Surprises (Gordo Stevens x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || For All Mankind Master List
Author’s Note: HAPPY MOFO BIRTHDAY TO LITERALLY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE I just had to write something for the mustached chubby bunny and because I refuse to accept the fact that he is dead, he is very much alive and will stay alive.
Warnings: Gaslighting Gordo into making him think that everyone forgot, sexual implications (18+), beer, nothing besides that
Word Count: 1.8k
Perhaps for the first time in a while, Gordo wakes before anyone, a smile on his face before he looks over to you sleeping soundly by his side. Reaching over, he gently shakes your shoulder, softly chuckling when you groan in protest, swatting away his hand. “Come on honey, get up.”
“Because…. I want you to join me for a shower.”
“Not right now Gordo, I want to sleep.” You roll back over and curl into a ball, the blankets covering most of your body except your eyes and forehead and Gordo can’t help but to feel a bit hurt. Normally, you’re quick to jolt out of bed towards the shower but you don’t, and what makes it even odder is the fact that you haven’t commented on the fact that it’s his birthday today. Shrugging his shoulders he walks to the bathroom and turns on the water, stripping and looking at himself in the mirror. He’s only just turned 49 and he doesn’t look his age. His hair is still a vibrant brown and his mustache has no traces of gray. The only thing that shows his age is maybe the creases in his forehead but past that, on a clean shaven day he could probably pass as a 39 year old. Lathering his face with shave cream, he picks up a razor and shaves his mustache. You’re probably going to miss it but it’ll grow back.
The minute the faucet turns on you’re wide awake. Normally you would’ve loved to join him for a shower, especially given the fact that today is his birthday, but for your plan to work you have to make him believe that you forgot about his birthday. Slipping out of bed, you fix the sheets and lay on top, opening a book and reading the contents, or rather trying to. The minute Gordo steps out the door you have a million things to do for his surprise party. You have to bake a cake, buy some food, prepare the patio for the party, decorate the house, shower and shave every part of your body, and then you can get Ed to grill up the steaks that you need to get.
Dragging yourself into the kitchen, you start a pot of coffee as you look around the room, trying to decide where everything is going to go. Fortunately for you, you have two helpers who are going to help you whether they like it or not.
“Morning baby. How was your shower?”
Gordo smirks a little as he pours himself some coffee while you admire him. You don’t mind when he has facial hair, but boy do you love it when he’s clean shaven spritzed with cologne. “It was good. Woulda been better with you.”
“I know, but I had to get your coffee ready before you left. Speaking of, what’s up with dressing up? Do you have a meeting today?” You can see the visible fall of Gordo’s smirk as his gears turn in his head.
“Don’t you know what today is?” Playing naive, you shake your head, turning back to the book in your hand as you take a sip of coffee.
“Should I?” You can hear Gordo’s huff of annoyance and even though you want to comfort him, you know it will ruin the surprise.
“No, never mind. Guess I gotta go.”
“Alright honey, you have a good day at work.” You press a kiss to his cheek before stalking away, leaving Gordo confused and hurt in the kitchen.
Shaking his head, he moves to the phone, calling the one person he knows will know today.
“Hey. Ed. How’s it going?”
“Gordo Stevens? Calling me? You in trouble or something?”
“No, no. I was just wondering if maybe afterwork would you and Dani wanna go grab a beer.”
“Ah sorry buddy boy, Dani and I have a conference outta town. We won’t get back until tomorrow. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah I guess. I’ll talk to you later.” Gordo doesn’t wait for Ed to reply before he hangs up the phone in frustration. How has everyone forgotten his birthday? Unless today isn’t his birthday. Looking over to the clock on the counter he definitely sees March 26 on the clock so why is no one remembering? He supposes it’s not that big of a deal, given how he’s had 49 of them, but he did expect at least you and Ed to say something. Letting out a sigh, he grabs his keys and heads out the door, spirits disheartened.
“Did he leave yet?” Jimmy appears in your doorway as you tidy up around the room, a smile on your face.
“Yep! Just left. That gives us plenty of time to get the house ready. Go wake your brother, he’s not going to be sleeping all day.” Even though you’re not their mom, they still have respect for you. Maybe it’s because you don’t try to act like you’re their mother or maybe it’s because you make Gordo the happiest he’s ever been, but Jimmy and Danny do respect you, much to Gordo’s (and Tracy’s) surprise.
“Alright guys I brought the steak-”
“And I brought the pie, where do you want us to set them?” Dani and Ed ask from the kitchen as you whip your head to where they stand, a case of beer in your hands.
“Just set them… somewhere. Ed, the grill is out back, there should be some charcoal already.” Ed nods his head and heads for the grill, setting the steaks to the side as Dani, Tracy and Karen fixate different plates on the counters as you straighten out your dress, anxious for his reaction. Seeming to notice your anxiety, Tracy looks over at you and chuckles briefly, wiping her hands on a towel and walking over to you.
“Why are you nervous?”
You look at Tracy with brows knotted. “I’m just worried he’s going to be mad. I mean I told everyone to practically ignore him for the entire day and so I’m worried that he’s gonna get mad.”
“Dad? Mad at you? Yeah right,” Danny moves to pick some of the food off of one of the plates but Jimmy smacks his hand away, causing you and Tracy to laugh at their antics.
“Danny’s right. Gordo wouldn’t be mad at you. In fact, I think he’ll love the surprise.” Tracy lightly jousts you with her elbow before walking back over to Karen and Dani as you smile softly. When you had first started dating Gordo, you were nervous about how things would be between you and his ex, but in all honesty, you and her have become good friends, occasionally teaming up and tormenting Gordo who only groans in protest. Suddenly, Ed barges through the door, gaining the attention of everyone in the living room.
“He’s almost here, I can hear his corvette.” You turn around and gesture for everyone to hide while you grab a cold beer from the fridge and head toward the door, trying not to bite your painted lip as you wait patiently for him to walk through the door.
Gordo unlocks the door with a frown. Out of everybody he knows, his flight student is the only one to wish him a happy birthday, and Gordo attributes that to the fact that the student more than likely has a crush on him. Walking through the door, he lets out a sigh of relief when he sees you standing there, cold beer in your hand, wearing his favorite dress.
“Welcome home honey.” Gordo instantly drops his briefcase and keys before he pulls you into him, pressing a kiss to your lips and peeling the beer out of your hand.
“You sure know how to please a man.”
“I figured you’d have a long day of teaching, so I thought it would be best to be prepared.” And yet nothing about my birthday, Gordo thinks to himself bitterly as he takes a swing of the beer while you grab his hand. Leading him through the hall.
“So what’s the occasion? Why are you dressed up?” You don’t answer him as you guide him into the living room.
“Surprise!” Everybody suddenly shouts out, jumping up from their hiding spots causing Gordo to jump as well, looking at you.
“Honey, what is this?”
“It’s your surprise Birthday Party!” You drag him down for a kiss as he eagerly kisses back, heart swelling at seeing his friends and family in his living room for him. Pulling away from you, he looks down into your (E/C) eyes while trying to hold tears back. How foolish of him to think that everyone had actually forgotten.
“Did you plan all this?”
“Well, I had some help.” You gesture to everybody as Gordo looks around the room. Of course Danny and Jimmy are there, as well as Ed, Dani, Karen and Tracy. “It was hard to keep everything so secretive.”
“She had to practically bribe us,” Ed comments, slapping a hand on Gordo’s shoulder with a smile on his face. “Happy birthday buddy.”
“Happy birthday Gordo.”
“Happy birthday dad.” Everyone around him wishes him a happy birthday and Gordo hates the guilt eating inside of him. Seeming to sense his thoughts, you turn into him, placing a hand on his chest as the other wraps around his waist.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah. Yeah. I just thought you guys forgot,” he replies sheepishly, looking down at the beer with newfound fascination.
“(Y/N) wouldn’t let us forget.” Tracy states as Karen and Danny nod their heads in agreement causing you to blush slightly.
“Well, there’s food, drinks, you guys help yourself. I also made some cake and we do have some presents for you to open, Gordo. Ed is gonna grill up some steaks so yeah, surprise!” Gordo swears he could not feel any more love for you than he does at the moment as he watches his family grab finger foods and talk amongst themselves while you stand at his side. “I’m sorry if I led you to believe that I had forgotten about your birthday. That was definitely not what I wanted to do.”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. This is the kindest thing someone has done for me. I definitely think it makes up for the secrecy,” Gordo comments, taking a swig from his beer as he watches you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, a mischievous glint in your eye. “What?”
Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, you reach up to him and press a kiss to the outer shell of his ear. “Once everyone is gone, I have your real present in the bedroom and believe me, you won’t forget it.” You pull away, pressing your body against his and a kiss to his lips, “Happy birthday, Gordo.”
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid​ @himbovillain-anon​ @babblydrabbly​ @a-reader-and-a-writer​ @fairchildflag​ @infatuatedjanes
MCB Tag List:  @tavners​ @reveluving​ @violetmuses​ @lafemmeahem​ @xoxabs88xox​ @waywardlavender​ (I tagged you since I know you like Gordo, hope you don’t mind)
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moocowmoocow · 4 months
Femslash February 07 - Dahlia
Dani x Tracy
Dani knew she made the right decision to get Gordo home from the moon. Her arm would mend; Gordo’s soul would not if he was permanently grounded. It’s what she reminded herself when she saw the stares at JSC and heard the questions about whether women and though it was never spoken aloud, the underlying question of whether Black people were fit for space exploration.
She found a quiet spot away from the prying eyes of others. A disused corner of JSC that she and her fellow women astronauts had found during training, away from the jokes and jeers of the men.
When she heard steps, she almost groaned aloud, but refrained when saw Tracy carrying a bouquet of dahlias. “Hey, Dani.”
“Those are pretty.”
“I know what you did for Gordo - “
“I didn’t do anything. Just had an accident.”
Tracy rolled her eyes. “You were the most careful of the four of us. I’m not stupid, Dani. So, I got you these, as a thank you.”
Dani took the flowers. They really were quite lovely. “Thanks, Tracy. They’re beautiful.”
Tracy leaned in and kissed Dani’s cheek. “Just like you.”
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stormborns · 1 year
the way d&d literally threw affc and adwd into the fire
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forestwaterfalls · 5 months
me screaming “NOT DANI” at my TV ed baldwin i will fucking kill you myself
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whatelsecanwedonow · 2 years
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Sojourner has begun direct descent, Flight.
FOR ALL MANKIND S03E05 | Seven Minutes of Terror
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