#dante knows he saw it in its prime
theeultimatelifeform · 8 months
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mods are asleep, post The Weapon™
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Legend of Korra is going up on Netflix in four days now. I’ve seen a lot of misconceptions about the show floating around, and since I was in the fandom back in 2014, I thought I would clear them up.
1. The last few episodes of Legend of Korra were streaming only because execs didn’t want the Korrasami endgame to air on Nickelodeon
Legend of Korra became online-only starting five episodes from the end of Book 3, more than a full season before the show ended. In his post-finale statement, Bryan Konietzko suggests that they didn’t seek approval from Nickelodeon to make Korrasami canon until they were almost finished writing the finale. I haven’t been able to track down a timeline for what episodes would have been airing at the time and Books 3 and 4 aired almost back to back, so it’s possible that the decision to take LoK off the air was made after they’d already had that conversation. That said, the last five episodes of Book 3 are easily the most brutal in the entire series, including several on screen deaths and a pretty rough sequence involving a character being poisoned, so I think it’s more likely that the show was taken off the air because of that. Bryan Konietzko also described Nickelodeon’s reaction as “supportive” but with limitations, which doesn’t really jive with the idea of taking the show off the air as a punishment, although it’s possible he sugar-coated things because they still have a working relationship. 
2. The showrunners were pressured into doing Korrasami by the fandom
Bryan Konietzko says in his statement that the writers had discussed Korrasami as a romantic pairing as early as during production for Book 1 but assumed they’d never be allowed to do it. Janet Varney (Korra) and Seychelle Gabriel (Asami) also discussed this on Janet Varney’s podcast in 2015. They speculated that fan interpretation of the relationship may have been what caused the showrunners to see the potential there, but said unequivocally that no one working on the show ever felt pressured to do Korrasami. This is a myth that was started by the more unreasonable members of the Makorra fandom in the aftermath of the finale because they were upset that they’d “lost” what was a pretty brutal ship war and were looking to invalidate the relationship in any way they could. 
3. The fandom was shocked when Korrasami happened because it didn’t have any build-up
This is another one that started with the worst parts of the Makorra fandom in an attempt to prove that Korrasami wasn’t the endgame the showrunners really wanted to do. The fact is that while the ship tease is mostly subtextual, the Korrasami fandom saw a huge increase in size over the course of Book 3 because LoK fans were noticing it, and most of the Korrasami fandom had started to suspect that the writers were intentionally taking the relationship in a romantic direction by the end of Book 3. We were surprised that it happened, but only because LoK was a kids’ show, and no major character on a kids’ show had ever been shown in a same-gender relationship before. The general consensus was that there was intentional romantic subtext between Korra and Asami that was unlikely to become text because Nickelodeon would never allow it. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to see this myth being repeated by queer fans who are apparently unaware of its homophobic (Yes.) origin.
4. The Korrasami endgame is so subtle that no one would have known it was canon if it hadn’t been confirmed by the showrunners
Lo and behold, another myth that started in the Makorra fandom as an attempt to prove that Korrasami was forced and shouldn’t have happened. I don’t know what to tell you other than that there were three days between when the finale dropped and when Korra and Asami’s relationship was confirmed by the showrunners and we all knew it was canon during that time. The only people who were denying it were, again, the worst parts of the Makorra fandom. Here are some articles and reviews that talk about Korrasami becoming canon that predate the confirmation by the showrunners (one is linked above, the other is here). Going back to the previous point, several of those articles also discuss how fans had long suspected they were hinting at a romantic relationship.
5. The showrunners shoehorned Korrasami in at the last minute to get “representation points” 
I’ve already addressed the myth that Korrasami wasn’t the intended endgame until the last minute, so I’ll move on to the myth that it was done for “representation points.” Neither of the showrunners ever capitalized on Korrasami. I know we’re all primed to expect this now because of the shit Dreamworks and Disney have been pulling for the past couple of years, but the Korrasami endgame was not publicized at all prior to the finale. Nickelodeon never did press around it, and the showrunners didn’t really participate in the publicity it got after it aired. If you look at articles about the Korrasami endgame that were published in 2014, none of them even have quotes from the showrunners other than the ones taken from their confirmation statements. Bryan Konietzko admitted in his statement that, due to corporate censoring, he thought the final product fell short of a “slam dunk” for queer representation and apologized for not having queer representation in the Avatar universe sooner. Those are not the words of someone who’s patting themselves on the back. Additionally, the Legend of Korra comics and Kyoshi novels, which the showrunners are directly involved in (the comics are written by Michael Dante DiMartino himself) and which don’t receive much if any oversight from Nickelodeon, are both unflinching in their depictions of same-gender relationships, which speaks to the idea that having that representation in the Avatar universe is something the showrunners deeply care about.
6. Korrasami was queerbaiting
This myth actually just comes from as misconception about what queerbaiting is. Queerbaiting is a phenomena in which creators of a piece of media intentionally lead queer fans to believe they can expect queer representation that the creators have no intention of ever delivering, just to get them to consume the media. Not being able to make a relationship as overt as you want to because of network censors is not queerbaiting, nor is intentionally queercoding a character in order to try to get around censorship (this was once the only way we ever got representation, and accusing older shows of queerbaiting because they were doing their best within the rules they were given is a bad look). By definition, The Legend of Korra cannot queerbait because the characters are canonically bisexual. Even if the network had put the kibosh on the Korrasami ending altogether, Legend of Korra couldn’t have queerbaited because Korra and Asami were genuinely intended to be queer. 
Thanks for reading. I hope you all learned something that will make you less likely to buy into myths that started during a ship war with origins that were more than a little homophobic. I can’t tell you how trying it is to see this stuff get spread around in queer fandom as a queer fan who (1) knows where it came from and (2) knows that it’s factually wrong.
mod k
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Note: This article is from 2016
Glorious sunshine, a Caribbean island and a never-ending supply of grisly murders.
With nearly eight million loyal viewers Death In Paradise has become one of TV’s biggest dramas - a phenomenon for BBC1. Yet star Danny John-Jules reveals the show nearly never made it onto television at all, after it took nearly five years for a channel to snap it up.
Danny’s convinced the reason for the delay was a very disturbing one.
“Believe me, there were nerves in high places,” reveals actor Danny, who has played one of the show’s leading characters, police officer Dwayne Myers, since the start. 
“Even though the lead was a white guy it was a huge undertaking at the time to have so many black people on screen in a prime-time slot. It took five years of hard-selling to get a TV channel to commit to the show. Death in Paradise was a fine line to walk - a lot of money had to be put into it.”
It’s a big statement to make.
And obviously everyone else’s loss finally became the BBC’s gain. 
But Danny - who also plays Cat in sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf - says that when it comes to race and entertainment, it’s only too obvious there’s still a problem. He’s a longtime friend of Idris Elba, whose Academy Awards snub for his role in Beasts of No Nation helped trigger the #OscarSoWhite campaign and a huge boycott of the February 28 ceremony. Danny, 55, agrees with the likes of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett that more needs to be done.
“If you put up photographs of who votes for the Oscar nominations you can maybe realise why they reach the decisions they do,” he says.
And he certainly has little time for Broadchurch actress Charlotte Rampling. She blasted the uproar over the lack of diversity in the Oscar nominations was “racist to white people.”
But Danny says: “At the end of the day someone like Charlotte Rampling is only ever going to be judged on her performance. Her race is never going to come into it. Change that to someone like Whoopi Goldberg, who has won an Oscar, and there’s a whole other element, either subconsciously or consciously, that can creep into a judges’ decision making. It follows pretty much across the board in business, it’s not something just based in the arts.”
Of course, things have been different with Death In Paradise.
After finally finding its home at the BBC, it’s remained one of its most successful dramas as people lap up the mix of an lighthearted detective mystery with the beautiful scenery of the Caribbean isle of Guadeloupe.
“Thursday night for millions of people has now become feet up on the reclining sofa, glass of wine and wait for Death in Paradise to begin,” reflects Danny. “I’ve been on telly for 26 years and its very rare you get old West Indian ladies coming up to you in Sainsbury’s approaching you saying ‘Oh, I can’t wait for the next episode! That has been the biggest achievement - the fact the show seems to work for everybody.”
The gruelling six-month long shooting schedule is not quite so idyllic. “You think it’s great being located out in the Caribbean, but there are a lot of casualties of war,” says Danny.
One of them was the show’s original lead star Ben Miller, also of Armstrong And Miller fame, who quit as Detective Inspector Richard Poole at the end of series two. But his replacement, My Family actor Kris Marshall proved an instant hit as lead detective DI Humphrey Goodman.
“It’s a tough gig, and for Ben, with his wife pregnant in the first series, the issue of schools, and the fact he didn’t deal with the heat very well... We had a lot of that. Lots of people not making it through their contracts. Kris Marshall had an absolute mountain to climb when he arrived to take over the role. But he’s done it. And you know what? The ratings went up.”
Danny, who grew up in Paddington, west London, says he has never been one to personally suffer from homesickness or fatigue - mainly because of his early days as a dancer on the variety circuit. “You were on £40 a week and you would be away for six months. I was in a show on the Isle of Wight, three months with Jimmy Tarbuck, three with Dicky Henderson. I saw Dicky the day his mum died. He got up in the morning, got the ferry to London, went to his mum’s funeral, and then was back on stage in the Isle of Wight that same night at 7pm. You look at people like him and you think you can’t just phone in with a bit of a tickle in your throat.”
Danny went on to be a dancer in the West End, including Starlight Express, and performed in Wham!’s The Edge of Heaven video and The Great Muppet Caper, before landing the part in Red Dwarf in 1988.
The show, co-starring Craig Charles and Chris Barrie, ran for 10 series until 1999, before making a highly-anticipated comeback first in 2009 and then properly last year.
The 12th series is due on screens this summer.
But despite being in two huge shows, Danny ensures he’s not away from his family for long - even flying out his fiancee Petula Langlais, and their two children Dante, 10, and Danae, 8, to Guadeloupe for six weeks during the filming of Death in Paradise. He and Petula have been together for 13 years, but have only recently got engaged.
“Most people would have been surprised if I had been with someone for 13 weeks, never mind 13 years,” he laughs. “People were talking actually - especially when I was dressing in PVC and wearing lots of make-up for shows!”
Now however he’s all about family - and Dante is already following in his footsteps as he appears in the programme himself. He was asked to do the guest role after producers saw him in Danny’s self-made short film Bucky - a tragic story of inner-city urban life seen through the eyes of a five year-old boy, co-starring James Bond actor Colin Salmon and EastEnders actress Mona Hammond.
“It was three days of filming, literally 9am to 9pm at night,” he says. “I don’t think I could have asked anyone else’s child to take part. Some of the Death in Paradise producers then saw it - and offered Dante a part.”
Grinning wide, Danny can’t hide his pride. And as he looks forward to his wedding and not one but two big shows on TV, he proves he really is the Cat that got the cream.
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tartagilicious · 5 years
games/routes i’ve played + my favourites
..to be updated
*send me recommendations if you’d like!
(if i give a game a bad rating, it’s just my opinion. you don’t have to agree with me)
MysticMessenger :
routes: Zen, Yoosung, 707, and Jumin Han
my favourite: definitely Jumin Han! he’s more of an unpopular choice, and I see why, but, I love him. his story was borderline obsessive at some points, and im not going to try and defend his weird behaviour, but there was a reason for it. he got everything he wanted as a kid expect for the love of another person, which is why he treasured Elisabeth the 3rd so much, because in a way, she was the only one there for him. but, then after he gets close to the mc, and then Elisabeth goes missing, he sees the mc as the same type of warmth. he definitely could’ve been more casual about his approaches, and less weird about everything, but I see where it’s coming from. the boy’s got some trauma. and, I mean, the mc is kind and stays with him, understands him, and he opens up to her and falls in love with her. I don’t think it’s entirely unrealistic for an otome game. his character development was great. but, enough of Jumin. this is a really well thought out game. the storyline is impeccable, and the characters are all diverse enough that it’s usually not that much trouble picking one guy/girl over the other. but, this game is really heavily dependent on the emotional labour aspects of the boys, which I don’t like. if you want someone’s route, you had to constantly be excited for them and constantly support them and no one else. a prime example being zen’s route, which is still a great route from experience, but there’s too much flattery in the initial stages, if you ask me. also, I don’t have the energy to get up at 3am for a chatroom, sorry Jaehee.
my rating: 7 or 8/10
The Arcana :
routes: asra, julian, and nadia (portia, lucio, and muriel are current)
my favourite: Asra! this magician and his snake familiar got my attention pretty fast, and his heartbreaking past with the mc just sealed the deal for me. his route is so romantic and touching, but has a lot of action. it was honestly perfect. the devs did a great job with the writing of the game, and the storyline is, again, impeccable. I honestly cried when I found out about Asra’s history with the apprentice, and lemme tell you that is a DIFFERENT type of pain. 
my rating: 10/10
+Lost Island :
route: ryo tsuzuki
my favourite: none. ryo was definitely eye candy and a perfect guy, but he was the only route I played, and frankly, was the last. the only good things about this game were the action scenes, which were admittedly heart-wrenching since the game took place on a zombie infested island. But otherwise I hate this game with a burning passion, and will frankly be seeing it down in Dante’s inferno, in the depths of hell with every other shall we date game. It was my first otome game, I found it when I was 11 - just out of the womb lmao - and I was so entranced that I ended up spending sixty Fucking dollars on this game!!! I regret it deeply to this day, because the game was horrible. it moved so fast, it was pretty predictable (and I spent the sixty dollars to move it along even though when I look back at it the game exposed itself so many times??) it was so weird. after we cured the strange virus that his ‘missing’ sociopath scientist father created with an antidote hidden in Ryo’s blood and left the zombie infested island, he proposed to me in a bush! a bush! he popped the question in a bush, beat that level of romance ladies and gentlemen. and, I know now that I type it out it some points sound like a pretty good plot, but trust me, don’t let that fool you. I will argue with you about this until my death. and not to mention this bitch was a horny little shit in the middle of what the characters thought was the zombie apocalypse. all in all this game is the bane of my existence, thank you (I’m sorry this is so dramatic lmao)
my rating: -100000/10
Dangerous fellows :
routes: Zion, Harry, Eugene, Ethan, and Lawrence
my favourite: Zion! omg what a cutie, still highkey owns my heart. he’s your run of the mill rich kid that eventually rebelled, but his sense of humour and toughness is what won me over. His heartfelt promises and uncharacteristic seriousness in the face of danger were my favourite parts. he’s so adorable and owns all my uwus. I’d fight someone for this boy. this was the game the birthed this account a couple of months ago, and I still love it. 
my rating: 10/10
Lost Alice :
route: Owen Chester
my favourite: I know this technically doesn’t really count, but I did like the joker! I never played his route, and he wasn’t involved in Owen’s route much, but what little I saw of him was great.  He was joking, vague, and helped Alice out a lot as a guide in the very beginning. if I had the courage to even download this godforsaken game again I’d definitely go for him! as for Owen’s route, I honestly didn’t like it at all. all of these games have a timeline, and the end point is always the main characters fucking. like?? not the thing where you randomly travel back and forwards in time? no, just both living in her world and ignoring it, because, me and bae are official now and that’s all that matters 🤪 plus, classically, he was like the formal king trying to seduce her for funsies and then accidentally falling for her. 
my rating: 0/10
Modern Cinderella :
route: Rudolf Oak
my favourite: ..I didn’t really have one. I’m sorry this was a shall we date game, need I say more? the ’stoic’ restaurant owner that ’never opens up to people’ saw me stand up for myself literally once and suddenly his entire worldview of me has changed, and surprise surprise, he wants to date me. This was one of the worst ones I’ve ever played. I really had no favourite, except maybe for the guy that let me stay in his apartment in the beginning of the game and gave me food after he found me in the rain 🤧
my rating: 0/10
Ikemen Sengoku :
route: Hideyoshi, Yukimura, Nobunaga, Sasuke, Shingen, Masamune, Kenshin (mitsunari is current)
my favourite: yukimuraaa, yukimuraa, that bean. i can’t explain very well it but I love him :((. i really loved Mitsuhide, but I liked masamune too! I love masamune’s attitude atowards the mc, and his nickname and nonchalance around her (in sasuke’s route where he hesitated on killing him just because the mc yelled ‘stop!’ out of fear?? 🤧🤧), and I also love mitsuhide’s slightly threatening but caring personality, and that he’s deadly smart! you can’t hide anything from that man lol. Plus the mc describes him as a a good person even in hideyoshi’s route, which I respect. (ugh the devs knew he would be too powerful with a route) but, I didn’t like that after you finish a route, your intimacy is completely reset. like :(( it disheartens me in playing a little because it takes days to build up grace, and im not about to go scouring on those offer pages, because i’m not willing to put myself through that again after dangerous fellows. the formatting is a little wack too, but it’s still nice and something to look past, since the game is pretty great otherwise, and it’s a little older. I love almost all of the characters, (the ones I don’t are for personal reasons, not because they’re bad characters or anything) and I don’t think its cringey at all! it’s honestly a great game altogether. 
my rating: 9/10
Ikemen Revolution:
routes: fenrir, edgar, ray, kyle, sirius, lancelot, luka, jonah, loki, and zero (all, idk if I forgot one lol)
my favourite: every time I see edgar my heart goes boom!! I started playing his route literally like a week ago and god, this boy deserves the world. I love his gentlemanly personality and his habit of joking around and giving vague statements or warnings when in reality, he’s very sweet and kind. you’ll never know what he’s thinking, and I love that I constantly have the chance to surprise him when no one else ever does. though, I really love my boy Kyle at the same time. he’s a real one 😤 I really like how the devs handled the Alice in wonderland concept! I’ve seen that go wrong a few times, so this was refreshing. again, with the ikemen games, they’re never really fast paced or cringey in the way some other games are. it takes the mc usually at least 13 chapters to even admit to themselves that they’re crushing on the guy, which I like. it’s more realistic then, say, the nightmare harlem (see other review). also the plot design, the character depth, uGh, as a writer, don’t even get me STARTED. it’s all amazing. and!! the intimacy doesn’t reset, so I can basically just blaze through all of the intimacy checks right away. The only thing I maybe don’t like about this game is about how long it takes to complete one route. it may take you a shorter amount of time to pay, but I always play free
my rating: 9 or 10/10
Mystic Code:
routes: cold case, lost case, happy ending: case closed, wrong suspect (2), true ending
my favourite: this technically isn’t an otome game. I admittedly didn’t really like this game as much as I liked dangerous fellows, but it was still really good! I just thought dangerous fellows’s story was a little better, and there’s obviously the added bonus of being able to romance any of the main characters. You couldn’t romance any of the characters in mystic code, and while the story made up for that a lot, I was still a little disappointed. Plus, romancing the characters could‘ve really made for a more complex storyline.. 👀 I won’t give any spoilers,, but the story really did make up for it for the most part. but, I guarantee you that if you could play routes, I’d choose eliot. he’s got that confident and playful but serious and smart personality I fall into every time, and I would’ve liked to get a chance to see more sides to that.
my rating: 8/10
Love and Producer (Mr Love: Queen’s Choice):
routes: — 
my favourite: ohoho do I have a story about this one. i was going through pinterest one day a few weeks ago when I came across this picture. and idk, something about it had me starstruck, so I looked for what the image was from and found out that it was from a chinese otome game! at the time, I didn’t know that there was an english version out, so I was really disappointed when I found out I couldn’t play it. but!! through a dangerous fellows account I follow on instagram, I downloaded this game by chance and realised it was the same game under a different name. now, I was completely right to be starstruck, because I love Gavin, he’s amazing! He and the mc were classmates in high school, and they have this ~thing~ that happened in the past that’s vaguely talked about, which is a moment with the wind and ginkgo leaves (which is super nice and romantic af, since he has a wind evol) and I think there’s other parts, but I won’t give away any more spoilers that aren’t obvious and/or easily accessible. the only thing I maybe have wrong with this games that the cliffhangers it can leave you off on before it tells you to level up more are emotionally shattering, and the karma levels/movie shootings are a little annoying, but they’re easily fixable and easy to pass if you snoop around the game a little and figure out how it works. I also really like how though there are no technical routes, each “romance” with the other the guys is completely plausible and any could be endgame easily.
(+ damn, Gavin’s one main line ‘as long as you’re in the wind, I’ll find you.’ is really nice and romantic to me also, since there’s another line from a book I love that’s “I’ll be your map. Where you go, I go.” but idk maybe i’m just biased)
my rating: 9/10
The Princess Closet:
route: reo
my favourite: honestly, I hated this game, so I didn’t really have a favourite. It sounds dramatic, but it’s really true. I was snooping through the App Store one night around midnight looking for a new otome game, and I stumbled upon this one with pretty great reviews. So I, the otome hoe that I am, was like ‘okay fuck it’ and downloaded it. Basically, the game’s storyline is this guy comes up to you and is like ‘you’re my princess, I finally found you’ and the mc is like ‘wtf are you talking about’ but is flattered and sorta curious so she goes back to his studio where she agrees to become a model. like?? girl what?? he could’ve taken you into a back alley and killed you, but she didn’t care. then, in the first chapter, she does her first modelling job then the main guy (reo, also the fashion designer) comes up to her, basically pins her against the wall and is like ‘I knew you were perfect, but I didn’t imagine this. Now, since I always get what I want, I’ll have to make you mine because I’ve taken interest in you.” like,, okay bro. I deleted the app after that. if you like that kind of stuff, that’s fine, but it seems too outright and cringe to me. plus, this isn’t really relevant but I didn’t really like the formatting.
my rating: 0/10
Ikemen Vampire:
route: Napoleon, Arthur, Leonardo, Mozart, Vincent (double clear for both Arthur and Napoleon!)
my favourite: oh my god, this game finally came out with an English version and I’m so excited! I barely knew anything about this game before this morning, but it’s seriously good. I was sceptical in downloading it at first though, because vampire related things usually come out in a fashion similar to something like diabolik lovers, but this blew my expectations out of the water. the writing is amazing, and had me literally stopping between moments and being all nerdy about it. plus, all of the characters are based on real people of history, and I like that part. It’s a really cool idea. but the best part!! all of the characters are more or less like normal people. I’m not sure if that exactly makes sense, but it’s relief to me. I’m also really thrilled about some of the stories in the game. like, bonaparte is a half vampire?? nice, I wanna know more! you have to be da vinci’s fake lover?? coolio. but, I’m kinda bummed that there aren’t more routes out. Issac Newton, Napoleon Bonaparte, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Theodorus Van Gogh are definitely my favourites,(Theo is best boy 😤✊🏻) and I would’ve liked to play other routes too, but that’s totally good, because games are hard work. 
my rating: 10/10
route: Leo
my favourite: I gotta say, this wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. And that’s surprising, since this is a shall we date game. The storyline was pretty good, sorta like sleeping beauty with a twist, and while it was really cringey at some parts, it wasn’t too overbearing in my opinion. There’s a variety of characters to romance, and while they all have pretty stereotypical personalities in some way, it was still somewhat enjoyable to play. Though, I didn’t finish the game because I didn’t like the route I was playing, the way it was set up or the ticket system was kinda weird (one every 4 hours. you could log in once every month and it would say ‘welcome to your fourth day!’ even if it’s been four months in reality) if I did another route, though, it would probably be Nick, because his route seemed fun from the preview. 
my rating: 3 or 4/10
Nightmare Harlem:
route: oswald
my favourite: honestly, my favourite was still Oswald. (though it’s a close second to Lucas, who never entered the room in any way other than the window) he was a sweet bean and didn’t deserve any of the shit any of the other suitors gave him. now that I think about it, the plot is creepily similar to ikemen vampire’s. the mc is walking home one night when a portal opens up under a red moon that takes her to a mansion full of vampires! but, maybe that’s just an overused plot. this is from the same company as princess closet, but I think it’s a little better. don’t get me wrong, though, it was still cringe to the max. the mc insisted on helping with work around the mansion exchange for letting her stay there until that portal opened again (hello ikemen??) and the main guy was like ‘pfft sure’ and that’s where she met oswald, the gardener.  but, the main thing that turned me off of this game was how fast the romance came. she spent a day outside with him, talking about whatever, then decided she liked the time she was with him and was disheartened when he had to leave. you know, totally not like any kind of normal friendly relationship at all. and after that she was like ‘oh shit what’s this feeling in my chest’ when she saw him at dinner. like, I get the quick crush thing but she’s all like “am I falling in love??/?” and to make it BETTER the next day he’s like ‘oh shit what’s this feeling in my chest’ after, again, spending a day with her and doing nothing more but exchanging smiles otherwise. and the other guys are in on it instantly too! one of them even tries to set them up! and I just- I couldn’t take it seriously after a while.
my rating: 3/10
Ayakashi: romance reborn:
route: Koga
my favourite: honestly, how to choose?? At first, I really liked Ginnojo and Toichiro, but after playing for a bit, Koga and his stupid dice swept me off my feet. I’m only at chapter 20 since I started playing a few days ago, but I can already tell that koga is very friendly and jokes around a lot, and the moment she ever has a problem he’s there to help her. he’s an oni ogre ayakashi, and I also think that’s super cool tbh. the game itself is sort of like mr love queen’s choice in the way that you get cards and have to level them up and that corresponds to how well you do in the game, but there are more romance aspects to this game than mlqc. after you finish book one (comprised of 50 chapters) it branches off into the 4 routes that are available to play. (Koga the oni ogre ayakashi, Kuya the tengu ayakashi, Ginnojo the Mizuchi dragon ayakashi, and Aoi the satori seer) I think it’s a really interesting and fun game, but I don’t like that the only way you can get keys to play the main chapters is through patrols, which can get repetitive, especially when you can only play the same 5 or so locations before the lp cost is more. 
my rating: 9/10
Honey Magazine:
game/route: wanted: son in law // taiga takajo
my favourite: I should really change this label ^^. Honey magasine is an otome app that’s comprised of many stories that you can play at once. honestly, I didn’t have high hopes for this one based on the look of it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I am super super super super picky when it comes to otome games, but this one genuinely could’ve been worse. in the story I played, a journalist was invited to her billionaire grandfather’s estate to pick out a fiancé, but that was unbeknownst to her, seeing as this was the first time she’d talked to her grandfather since she was 5 years old. she went through the whole night meeting these different guys before she had to choose one the next day. I didn’t like this part because I probably got one interaction with each character max, and really didn’t get to go very deep into any of them. in the end, I chose Taiga, the heir to a fortune and the CEO of his own company at the ripe age of his early 20-somethings. honestly I only picked him because he kinda looks like Yuta from nct and since I didn’t really like any of the others, I had nothing to lose lol. He’s emotionless and very cold but subtly caring, and this drives the mc crazy as he claims that he’ll just parade around with her if he needs to and act in front of other people. she promises that she’ll make him fall in love with her, and well, the rest is history. I won’t get into his route much, but, I think it’s about what you would expect from a situation like this, not that it would ever happen. it’s not terrible, and I think that if someone had paid a little more attention to it it could’ve been great, not just okay.
my rating: 4/10
Twilight School:
route: Wade
my favourite: this game was actually recommended to me by a follower, and honestly, I do really like it. but, it’s a good thing that I liked Wade, because I’m not the biggest fan of either Rylan or Hogan. I’ve never liked the idea of werewolves, and Rylan is just the epitome of twilight meets vampire diaries to me. (even though neither of them really have to do with werewolves lol) and, hogan, idk. he’s got a nice personality, but I’m not really interested in him beyond that. Wade reminds me of Eugene, to be honest. that’s not why I like him, but I just thought I should get the observation out there. what I don’t like about this game is the gem system. yes, I wanted to kiss wade’s hand when he was sitting next to me after I woke up from being sick, but could I?? no. and I’m still disappointed about it, thank you very much. I also don’t really like the scene where they all fight over her in front of her. like, uh, can I get a waffle?? can I PLEASE get a waffle? but overall yes! it’s a very good game and I love the storyline and mystery. 
Samurai Love Ballad Party:
route: yukimura sanada
my favourite: (i keep mixing up the name smh) is every yukimura character an absolute sweetheart?? because it sure seems like it. I found out about this game though a discord server I’m in, and honestly, from the looks of it, my expectations were low. Format is a big part of an otome game, and this one is obviously old, and that kind of dimmed my likeness a bit. But, the story is really fun. Kinda cringey, but still fun. I had no idea it was also in the sengoku era, so that was a fun surprise. I played the prologue laughing and joking around the entire time, and it was honestly really fun. i knew I liked yukimura from the moment he appeared, and chose his route immediately when I could. One thing though, this doesn’t bother me, I just think it’s kinda funny, is that the choices you make actually determine a good or bad ending rather than the romantic or dramatic I’m used to. So, seeing that ‘you could’ve chosen better...’ message after a chapter is always refreshing lol. (I get those a lot because I literally have 2 brain cells 🗿)
overall rating: 6/10
Obey me!:
route: — 
favourites: THIS IS A SHALL WE DATE GAME?? it blows my mind, because I absolutely love this game but normally hate swd games (see lost island for reference lmao) the format is cute and modern and easy to navigate, but isn’t in your face bright and not too bland either. there’s a lot of options to go for, like the random calls and messages you get throughout the day plus the person you want to choose from majolish and display on the home screen has little things to say to you ever 15 seconds or so. the ap/stamina system is similar to ayakashi, so it was refreshing to already know how to deal with that, and I do like how while it goes fast, it doesn’t take much to regen. The actual story function is similar to that of mlqc, though, with the mission and then story part. There are no actual routes in the game as of right now, but the game is still being updated, so there might be in the future when the storyline is complete! I really hope there is, because I totally wanna do some of their routes like 😳 My favourite at first was Mammon, because from the get-go he’s the energetic dumbass that’s always by your side like fenrir and I just appreciated that, especially when I didn’t know any of the other characters yet. but then I actually got into the game more and while I still do like mammon, it’s a bit less and I do have some new favourites now. first off is Lucifer, who I really was neutral with most of the time (which shouldn’t have been the case considering he threatened/tried to kill the mc at least twice lmao) but yeah, sometime along the way I went from 😶😶😶 to 🥰🥰🥰 and that was that. Second is probably either Satan or Belphegor because they’re just both adorable and I like belphegor’s voice and sense of humour and satan’s love for books and considerate personality
favourite: Lucifer
CURRENTLY PLAYING: mr love queen’s choice, ikemen sengoku (mitsunari), obey me! 
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thanksjro · 4 years
Polyhex Wars, Book 1 Part 2: The Timeline for the Robots Being Gay Goes Back Further Than I Thought
Ratchet wakes up from that whole, “mystical passing out” thing to find himself strapped to a table with his head all poked into with wires. Optimus and Prowl are also being subjected to this treatment, but they’re not awake yet.
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I guess we all have that one character we just latch onto, don’t we?
Chromedome was there when all three of these guys collapsed, and went to go get help. Ratchet explains that there was black fire and breaking glass and it was all like some god-awful acid trip.
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No kidding, doc.
Ratchet seems to think that all that actually happened, but it turns out that it was all in their heads, much like everything else that they’d seen. Chromedome just saw them drop with a flash of light.
Optimus wakes up, and First Aid explains that their mental trips into Limbo are coming closer and closer together,  and becoming more violent as a result. There’s a good chance that the next time they have an attack, they’ll be sharing a dreamscape.
Prowl hasn’t woken up. Optimus is worried that he’s stuck in Limbo, and demands that they be put back under to guide him back to the land of the living. First Aid has his reservations, but what is he gonna do, argue with the space pope? Optimus and Ratchet are sent back in with the power of mind-transfer.
Let’s take a quick look at some Chromedome canon before we move on to the next chunk of story, because I want to try and get a feel for why Roberts seems to like him so much.
In the Marvel comics, Chromedome was kind of a reclusive computer nerd, who very much disliked the fact that all his programming skills were only being applied to the war effort as opposed to literally anything else. When Fortress Maximus decided to up and leave, he went along gladly. He ended up getting paired with a very outgoing, vain Nebulan partner named Stylor when the whole Headmaster thing happened. They had their differences, but ultimately were brought together by the common goal of kicking Decepticon ass for the greater good. Comic Chromedome is a relatively nice guy, if a bit cowardly- his final entry in the series was heading for the hills when Unicron showed up, but honestly I can’t really fault him for that.
And then there’s the Headmasters anime. Yeah, Chromedome was an anime protagonist back in the 90’s. Anime Chromedome is a completely different entity than his comic counterpart. His whole thing is that he wants revenge for the murder of his friends at the hands of Sixshot. He’s also a Headmaster- no shit- but it works a little differently, in that he’s the only one involved with the process. Chromedome himself IS the head, and the big body he plugs into is just this sort of inert mecha that he pilots when he wants to be able to reach the higher shelves at the supermarket.
Anime Chromedome is the second-in-command to Fortress Maximus, and he’s a bit of a jackass at times, but he seems to have his heart in the right place. You know, when he isn’t busy beating Decepticons to death. Anime Chromedome goes hard.
Getting back to the story, we return to the scene we left at the end of Part One, with the 40 Autobots having been caught in a trap in Darkmount.
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Well that lasted all of five minutes. Poor Grandpa.
This starts a chain reaction, and it isn’t long before all the Autobots are throwing punches. Blaster goes full cowl, taking four guys on at once, and potentially kneeing someone in the nuts so hard they flies up into the air and are promptly exploded by gunfire. Blaster throws a gun to Sights, who is a sniper, and then is right back in the center of the fracas.
Sights is a sniper here, but it looks like the only Sights in Transformers canon is a bird who can turn into a fusion cannon. They probably aren’t the same character, unless there’s something I don’t know about birds.
Sights hauls himself up to a ledge using a grappling hook, and starts picking off Decepticons. Things seem to be turning around for the Autobots at this point, because Sights is the best.
Sights is what some might call a Mary Sue- he’s the best at sniping, rivaling Optimus Prime himself with his accuracy, everyone seems to know him, and he singlehandedly has turned the tide of this fight. As the Autobots escape, he manages to explode a key piece of Decepticon equipment, killing over a dozen enemy troops.
This is an earlier work, if you couldn’t already tell.
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We do see some neat transitions in the writing, though.
Ratchet and Optimus have entered Limbo, and are feeling a little manic about the whole thing, especially since the space is just filled with corpses from the Time Wars. Like, it’s a carpet of dead bodies.
Roberts was all about that edge from the get-go, huh?
The two robots start walking, looking for Prowl.
Over with Red Alert on the Celestial, he’s not really feeling the vibe on this spacecraft. Neither is Hot Shot, but neither of them can really pinpoint why exactly that is. Sideswipe points out that Getaway doesn’t have his Nebulan partner with him- for this particular story, we’re going with the take on Getaway as a Powermaster, which means he has a smaller person who plugs into his body to act as a battery, kind of like a reverse parasite.
Comic books are weird.
Toy gimmicks are also weird.
This cues in the Autobots that things might not be on the up and up here. You know, that and the whole “Witterquick” thing. The boys load their weapons, but keep them concealed as they approach not-Blaster, who’s beginning to worry that he’s been caught after all this time.  He must have sort flavor of social anxiety, because he’s kept his cool over the video chat for the last few weeks, but the moment Red Alert enters the room, he blows his cover and orders the Decepticons to attack.
Back at Darkmount, it seems we’ve lost a few people, as the count has gone from 40 to 29. The boys are running through the halls, completely clueless as to where to go in order to escape.
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Don’t be shocked by the language, this is G1 Silverbolt, not the one who fucks is a complete gentleman to a spider.
I’m still convinced that this Courier guy is evil. You should be tossing him out the window, not looking to him for help.
The Decepticons are gaining. Hound, exasperated, asks as nicely as he can for Silverbolt to try and wake Courier up as they attempt to keep the distance between factions as wide as they can. Laser fire quickly becomes involved, and Swerve and Bumblebee go from the back of the pack to the front. Little fellas can move when they want to.
While Sights does another cool thing with some guns he stole, Courier wakes up and says- with some trouble, since he’s just woken up and still bleeding from that leg wound- that they should jump into the sewers to escape.
That’s all well and good, but if they intend on doing such a thing, they’ll need to put a bit more distance between themselves and their assailants. Everyone starts shooting at the ceiling, attempting to bring it crashing down. Everyone except Sights. No, instead Sights goes on picking off any Decepticon who gets too close for comfort, until they manage to bring the house down.
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The strong, silent type, Sights is. Tall, dark, and handsome, too, most likely.
Back in Limbo, Ratchet’s starting to crack.
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As if on cue, the ground starts to crack, revealing lava of all things, and the whole scene turns into Dante’s Inferno-flavored Hell. Yeah, proper noun Hell. Optimus and Ratchet are exploded by contact with a downpour of acid rain, then their bodies reconstituted, only to be burned to crispies by the lava. When they wake up from that, they find themselves stuck on a spinning silver plate in the sky, where they have an excellent view of where Prowl’s gotten to- he’s stranded on an asteroid with a big, scary Decepticon, who’s about to complete wreck his shit.
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You know, the snark has always been there in Roberts’ writing, but it didn’t really hit its stride until after this piece of work.
Meanwhile, in the sewers, our Autobots aren’t doing so hot. Courier’s probably going to die if they don’t get him medical attention soon. I guess they just didn’t have any sort of medic on the Celestial when it was overtaken, which seems like a massive oversight. Or maybe they’re dead.
We don’t have time to worry about the hiring practices of the Autobots right now though, because a few Decepticons just arrived on the scene.
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Well, there goes the token girl character.
Seems like nobody told these ‘Cons to not hit their deep cover operative. There goes several thousand years of Autobot secrets, dumbasses. Soundwave’s going to be so pissed.
The Autobots quickly fall into formation and start defending themselves. Turns out Rev-Tone’s on the scene.
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Hi Rev-Tone!
Someone gets shot and proceeds to explode, which causes enough chaos for a Decepticon to load up a missile launcher without being noticed and fire it into the crowd.
Things are looking hopeless, so that means it’s time for Sights to make his Heroic Sacrifice™. Hound begs him to stay, because he can’t bear to lose anyone else.
Unfortunately, the Hound/Sights coffeeshop AU slowburn fit written by Rewind will have to have a fix-it fic tag, because Sights is almost immediately and literally ripped apart by a smattering of Decepticons. Knowing his time is running out, he busts out the big guns.
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Oh my god he’s got fucking laser vision.
That isn’t quite enough though, so he initiates self-destruct, thereby saving his fellow Autobots and dying a hero.
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You know, if you stack Sights on top of what was left of Quark after the interrogation scene, you make a whole robot. Worst. Duobot. Ever.
Not to worry though, because Wheeljack’s taken the opportunity to be all weird and cryptic, and insinuates that they potentially COULD bring Sights back from the dead. Because of course he can.
We don’t get to find out how that magic’s going to happen though, because it’s time to check in on Optimus and Ratchet.
Things aren’t going great. They crashed the disk, and it turns out that the giant Decepticon threatening Prowl and throwing body parts at him is Galvatron. Optimus leaps into action, attempting to use his magnetic repellence on the enemy.
I guess that’s a thing he has.
It works, but it’s taking a lot out of Optimus, so they need to figure something else out fast. Optimus, ever light on his mental feet, surges the power so that Galvatron explodes. Ratchet goes over to Prowl to see what his deal is, and it’s looking like he’s going to need brain surgery.
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“Now back the hell up, Optimus, you’re breathing contaminates all over Prowl’s exposed brain.”
Back on Cybertron, it turns out that things might just be okay after all, as Hound and company have stumbled across the lost city of Subterrainia. Subterrainia did not exist in Transformers canon at the time of this writing, but it would in 2012, when Roberts used his immense power as a hired writer for the franchise to make it so.
Now that they’re in a place that has medical equipment, they can heal their wounded and indulge in a little lore. Trasher provides us with the backstory of this lost city.
Long before the War, Transformers lived on the surface of Cybertron. Then, one day, someone said, what if we didn’t do that? Then they built Subterrainia and lived there instead. Then the War happened and people sort of just forgot that it was there. The end.
That’s literally it.
After that riveting explanation, we check back in with Optimus, who I suppose forgot to put on his patience hat this morning, as he asks Ratchet to hurry up with the life-saving field surgery he’s currently in the middle of. Ratchet calls him out on it, as he should, and Optimus apologizes, going back to worrying about his troops outside of Limbo.
Over on the Celestial, Red Alert’s just had his arm shot off, and there’s a continuity error running amok.
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You are supposed to be back at base, mister!
The Autobots are getting their asses kicked, and it’s not hard to see why- a lot of the Decepticons on this spacecraft are heavy hitters. Starscream’s here, the entire Combaticon team, it’s wild.
Then Starscream calls for escape plan 3 to take place, and they just… leave. It’s strange, and it’s sudden, and the Autobots can’t help but agree. Red Alert decides to see what’s on the computer to try and figure out what they’re planning, and ends up setting off the countdown for a bomb. Slapdash yells at him for being an idiot.
Back down in the City of the Mole People, Getaway’s come back from checking out the place, and informs Hound that it’s completely abandoned. He theorizes that the Decepticons killed everyone who lived here, an will probably come looking for them sooner rather than later. That’s all fine though, because Courier’s back and better than ever.
I still don’t trust him.
He says he knows how to get out of Subterrainia- which only chalks up more points against him being a true Autobot- but hold on! What about Sights?
Sights just got Goldbugged. It’s Ammo now.
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Roberts will never let a pair of robot titties go unnoticed. I can’t believe that Wheeljack, with the limited time they had, would go and make Ammo this attractive, and then have the audacity to show him off with a dramatic reveal. It was completely unnecessary, but here we are, staring at Ammo’s strong arms and thighs, wishing to be held by Hotbot 9000 over here.
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Hound is all about this overhaul. Look at him, getting all flustered.
Ammo as character is present in the IDW run of the comics, but in name only. They are very different creatures, much like the different iterations of Quark. Roberts is very into recycling, and here is no exception.
After Ammo’s debut, the narrative checks in on Autobot City, where things aren’t nearly as sexy; Starscream made a beeline for the place the moment they left the Celestial, and they’re wrecking shop. He’s doing this without orders to do so, by the way. This is just how Starscream wants his Monday to go, I guess. It’s looking pretty grim for the Autobots, and Optimus is still stuck in Limbo. Hopefully he gets back soon.
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xtruss · 4 years
Prime Minister Imran Khan: A Genuine Hero in Letter and Spirit
The writer states, "Prime Minister Imran Khan offers those inborn traits which are relevant to the development of a leadership legacy that can help the future generation of Pakistan especially establishing a leadership vacuum that has existed for so many years."
— Mahvesh Mahmud | July 24, 2020 | GlobalVillageSpace.Com
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“The history of the world is but the biography of great men,” Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle in his book ‘Heroes and Hero Worship’ lists the true qualities of a hero. In his book ‘On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History’ (1841), he argued that the actions of a “Great Man” play a key role in history, claiming that “the history of the world is the biography of great men”. Carlyle was a British historian, satirical writer, essayist, translator, philosopher, mathematician, and teacher.
Defining a Hero
He argues that in every generation there is a genuine and a spurious hero. If hero is to mean genuine, then he says the Hero as Man of Letters will be found discharging a function for us which is ever honorable, ever the highest; and was once well known to be the highest. He is uttering forth, in such way as he has, the inspired soul of him; all that a man, in any case, can do. I say inspired; for what we call “originality,” “sincerity,” “genius,” the heroic quality we have no good name for, signifies that.
The Hero is he who lives in the inward sphere of things, in the True, Divine and Eternal, which exists always, unseen to most, under the Temporary, Trivial: his being is in that; he declares that abroad, by act or speech as it may be in declaring himself abroad. His life, as we said before, is a piece of the everlasting heart of Nature herself: all men’s life is, but the weak many know not the fact, and are untrue to it, in most times; the strong few are strong, heroic, perennial because it cannot be hidden from them.
The Man of Letters, like every Hero, is there to proclaim this in such sort as he can. Intrinsically it is the same function which the old generations named a man Prophet, Priest, Divinity for doing; which all manner of Heroes, by speech or by act, are sent into the world to do.
Prime Minister Imran Khan Fits Carlyle’s definition of a Hero
Based on Carlyle’s “Man of Letter” we can say that Prime Minister Imran Khan has been True about his asset declaration, he has been sent through Divine providence and his mission offers an Eternal legacy of keeping transparency in all matters involving financial transactions of the public office.The latest declaration of assets by PMIK’s cabinet is a testimony to how he sees himself as a leader of change trying to establish a culture of accountability. The true essence of leadership emerges when a leader holds himself accountable before he holds others accountable for all that he expects from his ministers. Prime Minister Imran Khan has held his feet to the fire and posed himself as a leader who has nothing to hide and has given his sweat, blood and toil to the country and helped restore the country’s international reputation as a global player in all fields of life.
What is most noteworthy is the ease with which the international community responds to him and engages with him because there is ample trust in his. His emergency cash program, his ability to engage with the youth and his management of local and international media has created a system of politics which will groom leaders of the future around the values of meritocracy, transparency, and fair play. He has helped women become leaders and has encouraged and supported them in every way possible. He has been there for the students, the media, the politicians but above all he has been there for the poor.
Carlyle has written extensively on several leaders and influencers such as Odin, Muhammad (PBUH), Oliver Cromwell, Napoleon, William Shakespeare, Dante, Samuel Johnson, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Robert Burns, John Knox, and Martin Luther and had he been alive he would not have hesitated to write about Prime Minister Imran Khan while formulating what he called “The Great Man Theory”.
Applying The Great Man Theory to Prime Minister Imran Khan
The theory claims these great leaders as heroes that were able to rise against the odds to defeat rivals, while inspiring followers along the way. Theorists say that these leaders were then born with a specific set of traits and attributes that make them ideal candidates for leadership and roles of authority and power. This theory relies then heavily on born rather than made, nature rather than nurture and cultivates the idea that those in power deserve to lead and shouldn’t be questioned because they have the unique traits that make them suited for the position.
Prime Minister Imran Khan offers those inborn traits which are relevant to the development of a leadership legacy that can help the future generation of Pakistan especially establishing a leadership vacuum that has existed for so many years. Carlyle had a sympathy for all manifestation of religious earnestness, a tolerance which was exceptional in an age divided between enlightenment, dispassionateness and partisan orthodoxy.
Some of the wanderings of Carlyle’s logic were forgiven by his contemporaries because he preached a new religion of revelation an amorphous thought to include tolerance. He offered an archetype for ideal leadership which is what true heroism is all about and what the Prime Minister has been trying to exhibit since long in what the Prophet (PBUH) had offered.
Carlyle states, “We saw that Muhammed (PBUH) remained steadfast upon his principles, with firm determination; kind and generous, compassionate, pious, virtuous, with real manhood, hardworking and sincere. Besides all these qualities, he was lenient with others, tolerant, kind, cheerful and praiseworthy and perhaps he would joke and tease his companions. He was just, truthful, smart, pure, magnanimous and present-minded; his face was radiant as if he had lights within him to illuminate the darkest of nights; he was a great man by nature who was not educated in a school nor nurtured by a teacher as he was not in need of any of this.” – Heroes and Hero-worship by Thomas Carlyle.
In a similar vein had Carlyle to comment on Prime Minister Imran Khan’s leadership I am sure he would have seen him create a change that is to create an impact on its youth especially which it lacks the most that is heroism and leadership.
— Mahvesh Mahmud is an Assistant Professor in Lahore and a former Shell-Chevening-DFID-Noon Foundation (2007-2008) scholar to the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge UK where she was awarded the Lucy Cavendish College’s Kate Bertram Prize for distinction in Management Studies, specifically in the areas of Innovation, Strategy and Organizations. She also has an MBA from NUST Business School, Islamabad. She can be contacted at [email protected]. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
How Batman Tricked Us Into Liking Anime
  For every kid that gazed upon Toonami in the late 90s and early 00s and found stuff like Dragon Ball Z and Outlaw Star to be everything they'd ever wanted in life, there were likely other kids that...didn't do that. For instance, while I'd seen "anime" and loved anime before (Bless you, Pokémon and Sailor Moon,) when I actually learned what anime was, I wasn't in the right state of mind to recieve it. I was in middle school when I learned and at the time, I was desperate to retreat from all subjects that might've made me appear overtly nerdy. That meant leaving my Star Wars Expanded Universe novels at home, shutting up about Fellowship of the Ring in class, and never once engaging in anything anime-related. No Goku. No Yusuke. No Gundams. 
  I was never gonna find a date to the dance anyway, but anime surely wasn't going to help. 
  However, little did I know that I was getting primed to really, really enjoy anime later. Because the Western cartoons that I considered a "safe zone" were slowly getting more and more anime influences, influences that've been openly explained and embraced by their creators. And this build-up to one day letting anime into my heart started, as most things do, with Batman.
    Or, well, a protege of Batman, that is. The 2003 Teen Titans cartoon has long been known for a style that resembles anime far more than it does the DC Comics superhero cartoons that preceded it in the decade prior. Glen Murakami, a producer on Teen Titans, had spent a long time working on classics like Batman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series. And while both shows are fantastic and iconic, he wanted to do something different with Titans.
  "We were fans of anime for years while working on the other shows, and it seemed natural to use that as the new direction to go in," he said in an interview with Animation World Network. "I had seen a lot of different things being done with anime, and I thought that was a wonderful opportunity to tell stories in a different way, a very stylistic way. So it just seemed sort of natural that a hybrid would occur."
    He goes on to cite series like Speed Racer and Kimba as stories that influenced the tone and storytelling of Titans, and it doesn't take too long to see where the animation has been influenced as well. Teen Titans is full of exaggerated reactions, diverse color palettes, and well-choreographed fight scenes. It also features a fun team dynamic that is way more One Piece than it is Justice League, though that likely has more to do with the basic nature of young, teenage superheroes. 
  But this wouldn't be a one-and-done experiment for DC characters. Though often maligned upon its release as an unworthy successor to Batman: The Animated Series, I found something undeniably awesome about The Batman when it premiered in 2004. Little did I know that a lot of what I gravitated towards (The extended combat sequences, the stylized character designs by Jeff Matsuda) were straight out of the anime playbook. For example, just take a look at this short portion of the fight scene between Joker, Batman, and Penguin in the episode "The Laughing Bat" and check out how much more it looks like Naruto vs Sasuke than anything an animated Batman had been involved in before:
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    At the time, I just enjoyed stuff like this because it felt so new. I'd been so used to a few kinds of Batman for so long that seeing this dynamic take was refreshing. Then, years later, when finally watching something like Shippuden, I couldn't quite put my finger on why the chaotic taijutsu combat seemed so familiar. Of course, it was because I'd watched the Dark Knight pull it off a decade earlier. Supervising Producer Michael Goguen even said in an interview that the anime influence is pretty obvious and "fun." Hot take: I think I agree with that.
  Of course, many people that didn't watch anime were first introduced to an anime-esque style with Avatar: The Last Airbender. No Western show has perhaps been more open with the fact that the creators think that anime is rad than Avatar, with creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino letting it not only influence the art style but the storytelling as well. The arcs of characters like Aang and Zuko are rarely episodic, instead playing out in intricate ways over time, with a long term goal already established. There was an end in mind, which is a far cry from the usual system of Western hero cartoons which just go on until people stop watching them.
    But while Avatar was the King of anime-influenced cartoons that were made in America, it certainly wasn't alone. Shows like Megas XLR, which was both a loving tribute to and a satire of the popular anime mecha genre, were also around. In fact, while I knew of Gundam, I never actually watched a Gundam series until after I saw Megas. So RIP Megas XLR. You were taken away from us too soon.
  And the list goes on, from The Boondocks to Jackie Chan Adventures to Transformers: Animated to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Samurai Jack - all shows where an anime influence seems at least partial, if not extremely obvious at times. It just goes to show you that the significance of anime is global, and that it can reach as high as the Northern Air Temple and as low as the BatCave. And for a kid like me, it was so necessary. Because I likely never would've gotten into anime if these cartoon creators hadn't loved it first. 
  Do you remember any of these shows? What's your favorite anime-influenced Western cartoon? Let us know in the comments!
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  Daniel Dockery is a writer/editor and is currently singing the Teen Titans theme to himself. You should follow him on Twitter.
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: The Plot to Attack Iran gives a readable and well-referenced look at Western — especially US — abuse of Iran. The author and human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik presents a concise overview of US imperial conduct since World War II. The book is a reminder, which we need from time to time, of the outrageous hypocrisy and deceit of the US government and the corporate media. Kovalik also drives home that Washington’s foreign policy operations are not just a threat to other countries, but threaten the basic safety of the US people. The US strove to crush any Iranian attempts to create their own development path for their country, particularly as oil became an important resource. The US has continuously sought to overthrow the government since the 1979 revolution. The book reviews the US-British coup against Iranian democracy in 1953 which installed the brutal Shah, who established the SAVAK torture network. The double standard of Jimmy “Human Rights” Carter, the struggle against the Shah’s murderous regime, the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini, the background to Iran-Contra, the US playing both sides against each other during Iraq’s war on Iran, the US relations with the Taliban, and the US-Saudi war on Yemen are all covered. One aspect that could be added to the book is a summary of the social gains made by the Iranian people in the Islamic Republic, particularly under President Ahmadinejad (2005-2013), who instituted many anti-neoliberal programs which helped the poor. For instance, poverty had been reduced to one-eighth of what it was under the Shah, while health care is free for those who can’t pay. Kovalik does note that in 1970 only 25% of Iranian women could read and write. By 2007 it was 80.3%, compared to 88.7% for men, and 90% percent of women are enrolled in school, free for all even through university. While about one-third of university students were women before 1979, now women make up 65 to 70% of the students. Women are legally entitled to ninety days maternity leave at two-thirds pay, have an entitlement to employer-provided child care centers, both gains which are denied women in the US. Iran has an equal pay for equal work requirement, also denied women here. 1953: US Overthrows Iranian Democracy That Iran has an Islamic government which the United States and Israel abhor, is a direct result of the US coup against Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1953. The US’ subsequent support of the Shah made popular revolt inevitable, and when it broke out the US directly supported Islamists in Iran over the secular left. Mossadegh had taken action to nationalize Iranian oil, then mostly under British control. Britain proceeded to sabotage Iran’s oil production and export, wrecking its economy.  Mossadegh actually appealed to President Eisenhower to mediate and resolve the issue in a way Eisenhower saw fit. The US reply came in the form of a coup, which showed many of the tactics we have seen in recent color revolutions and regime change interventions, one of the most current being in Venezuela. CIA agents bought off secular politicians, religious leaders and key military officers, newspaper editors, hired thugs to run rampant through the street, sometimes pretending to be Mossadegh supporters, sometimes calling for his overthrow, anything to create a chaotic political situation. Thousands of demonstrators, unwittingly under CIA manipulation, surged through the streets, looting shops, destroying pictures of the Shah, and ransacking the offices of royalist groups. The impression was that Iran was sliding towards anarchy. The Shah then took power and for a quarter century established one of the most barbarous regimes in the world. US Trains Shah’s Military and SAVAK Torturers The CIA helped train the Iranian security services in torture techniques—techniques borrowed, as in the case of Pinochet’s Chile, from the experienced experts, the Nazis. Every year 350 SAVAK agents were taken to CIA training facilities in Virginia, where they learned interrogation and torture. Top SAVAK brass were trained through the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Public Safety Program. SAVAK created torture prisons that outdid Dante’s Hell. The CIA filmed techniques it had taught SAVAK to use and made them available to torture centers in other countries. The most common SAVAK instrument was an electrically heated table called the ‘frying pan,’ on which the victim was tied down by his hands and feet. Many died on these tables. Often, the accused was already raving by the time he entered the torture chamber—few people could bear the screams they heard while they waited, nor the smell of burning flesh. This “Made in the USA” product makes it clear why Iran calls the US “The Great Satan.” Amnesty International stated in 1974, 20 years after the US-backed coup and US training of repressive forces, that no country had a worse human rights record than Iran under the Shah. Yet Jimmie Carter maintained weapons supplies to Iran, and the human rights situation got even worse. In 1978, anti-Shah street protests in Tehran drew more than a million strong. The Shah’s army, trained by the US, killed 4,000 demonstrators in Tehran’s Jaleh Square on September 8 alone. Kovalik notes that if such a thing happened in Venezuela or Cuba, or in Iran in 2018, this would be cause for the United States to invade. There was an explosion of corporate media condemnation against China during the Tiananmen Square protests ten years later, where probably one-tenth the number were killed. But who knows of this Jaleh Square massacre – not the only one – outside of Iran? Yet Washington approved of it, continuing to back the Shah and his methods for another half year. 1980s: US Provides Iraq with Chemical Weapons for their War on Iran Kovalik notes the flagrant hypocrisy of the West’s noise about chemical weapon attacks in Syria, repeatedly and without evidence blaming the Assad government. Not only did the West arm Saddam Hussein’s Iraq with chemical weapons, but it downplayed their massive use against Iranian troops and civilians.  Kovalik reminds us of the US’ widespread and criminal use of chemical weapons in Korea, Vietnam, and more recently in Iraq in Fallujah and Mosul. The US Department of Commerce and even the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) exported to Iraq items used for chemical weapons and nuclear weapons development. The US government approved 771 different export licenses of dual-use technology to Iraq.  The CDC sent Iraq 14 separate agents “with biological warfare significance.” The CDC was not involved in controlling disease, but in spreading it. For its part, Iran itself refused to use chemical weapons against Iraq, and also pronounced a fatwa in 2005 against developing nuclear weapons. The UN International Atomic Energy Agency determined in 2003 and 2007 that Iran did not intend to build a nuclear weapon. This was confirmed by sixteen US intelligence agencies. The US armed Iran the same time it aided Iraq in its war on Iran and used $18 million from the $30 million in weapons sales to illegally fund the Nicaragua contra terrorists after Congress had cut off their aid. This became known as the Iran-Contra Scandal. Israel, with US consent, also sold Iran hundreds of millions of dollars of US-manufactured weapons during the Iraqi war on Iran. Later Washington funded the contras by directing them to import crack cocaine into the US, fueling a drug addiction epidemic. Kovalik notes that “the United States is continuing this cruel policy of playing both sides against each other today by supporting, but also trying to contain, ISIS forces in order to molest and undermine both Syria and Iran.” Incredibly the US without shame justified its 2003 war on Iraq with the claim that Saddam Hussein possessed “weapons of mass destruction,” in particular, banned chemical weapons, which the West had previously sold him. That was, as is said now, “fake news” because Hussein’s chemical weapons had been destroyed under UN supervision years before. To heighten the hypocrisy, the US itself used chemical weapons (white phosphorus and depleted uranium) in its war on Iraq in 2003, causing spikes in cancer rates and birth defects in areas like Fallujah. US Trains Taliban in Afghanistan During this whole period the US had been increasingly intervening in Afganistan. It was instrumental in ousting the progressive secular government in Afghanistan by supporting Islamic extremist forces, the Mujahideen, which included Osama bin Laden. The US later aided the Taliban taking power, and backed them until 2001. Al Qaeda then turned on the United States and, among other things, carried out the 9/11 attacks against the United States. Osama bin Laden was himself a Saudi, and, as we now know, Al Qaida has received much support over the years from Saudi Arabia, the United States’ long-time partner in crime in the Middle East and mortal enemy of Iran. Yet, while Iran cooperated with the US in fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban after 9/11, and while Saudi Arabia financed the 9/11 attack more than any other country, the US has remained closely allied with Saudi Arabia against Iran. In early 2001, the US pledged $124 million in aid to the Taliban. But when negotiations between the two worsened over an oil pipeline project, the US threatened to carpet bomb and invade Afghanistan — even prior to the September 11 attacks.  Jane’s Defense Newsletter reported that in March 2001 Washington was planning an invasion. Kovalik notes that in 2006 the FBI listed bin Laden on its “Most Wanted List,” but it did not include the 9/11 attacks as a basis for this listing. The FBI chief of investigative publicity stated, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to 9/11.” While ruling Afghanistan, the Taliban had basically eradicated opium production (from which heroin is made). Then just four years after the US invaded and allied with the drug lords there, 90% of the world’s heroin came from that country. We now have what Trump admits is a “national health emergency” due to opiate addiction, yet it was US policy that contributed to that epidemic. This shows how Washington’s foreign policy threatens the US people: contributing to the present opiate epidemic; creating the previous crack epidemic and the ongoing cocaine epidemic (which comes from US ally Colombia); financing and supporting the Taliban allies who attacked the US on 9/11. The US aided the rise of ISIS with arms and funding and is closely allied to Saudi Arabia, the country more than any other responsible for 9/11, ISIS, and Al Qaeda affiliated groups. The US has sought to destroy secular left movements in the Middle East, in Egypt, in Iraq by putting Saddam Hussein in power, in Iran by working with the Shah to murder it off and bringing in Khomeini as the lesser evil, in Afghanistan by using the Mujahideen and Taliban to eliminate the previous progressive government. In sum, the US has helped to empower Islamic extremists. US War on Iraq After invading Afghanistan, the US invaded Iraq, though it had nothing to do with 9/11. Saddam Hussein, like the leadership of Iran, had been a mortal enemy of Al Qaeda. “Iran watched in 2003 as its neighbor Iraq was invaded by the United States and its coalition partners, suffering the worst destruction it ever had since the Mongol invasion of 1258 led by Genghis Khan. And Iranians are painfully aware that the United States is intent on doing the very same to their country.” When the US overthrew Saddam Hussein, whose base was among Iraqi Sunnis, Iraqi Shiites came to power, who then allied themselves with Shiite Iran. Then Washington sought to weaken Iran, which it had just strengthened through the Iraqi invasion. Washington turned to aiding the very forces who attacked on 9/11 as a tool to contain Iran. The US aided Sunni extremists in Libya and Syria to try to overthrow Gaddafi and Assad. The US supported the opposition in Syria from the beginning and has spent $12 billion funding it just from 2014-2017. Now Iran is lawfully in Syria (and Iraq) to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda at the invitation of the Syrian government. In contrast, the US intervention in Syria is in violation of international law. Trump has announced the US will stay in Syria, not to fight ISIS, but to counter Iran, which has become a regional power due to US miscalculations in its interventions in the Middle East. Present Day Threats against Iran The US under both Obama and Trump has been arming and aiding Saudi Arabia in bombing and blockading Yemen (dependent on imports for 90% of its food), alleging the Houthis are “proxies for Iran,” and creating starvation and slaughter of Yemeni civilians. In Yemen, 22.2 million people need humanitarian assistance, 17.8 million are food insecure, and 8.4 million people are severely food insecure at risk of starvation. The Iran nuclear deal, which Trump wants to scuttle, did not serve to significantly alleviate the economic problems the Iranian people faced. Sanctions on Iran have cost the country $160 billion since 2012, and Trump has increased these sanctions. The 2017 protests in Iran were sparked by cuts to social benefits, a consequence of sanctions and US-Saudi engineered fall in oil prices. Washington spent over $1 million trying to convert the protests into a push for regime change, and another $20 million on Voice of America’s Persian Service seeking to turn Iranians against the government. This brutal anti-democratic US conduct against Iran is similar to what it has also inflicted on Greece, El Salvador, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, etc. – if the US did not resort to massive invasion, killing millions as in the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq. We can see the brutal present world the US has created when we compare what humanitarian Third World leaders it overthrew or sought to, compared to the US-backed leader: Arbenz and the Guatemalan dictators, Sukarno and Suharto, Lumumba and Mobutu, the Sandinistas and Somoza, Goulart and the Brazilian generals, Allende and Pinochet, Mandela and apartheid, Mossadegh and the Shah, Chavez and the Venezuelan putschists, Fidel and Batista, Aristide and the Haitian generals, Juan Bosch and Balaguer, and so on. These are great losses to creating a more humane world. Now the US blames Iran and Russia for the problems confronting the Middle East, and the US government wants us to believe that regime change in Iran will help fix the problem. This ignores the fact that none of the other regime changes the United States has been involved in have done anything but make matters worse. Millions have been killed, modern countries destroyed, and the US national debt has skyrocketed. The Plot to Attack Iran gives us a well-referenced summary to the US war against Iranian democracy and the complex situation in the Middle East. The US has been backing groups it is also at times fighting, groups that still engage in terrorist attacks against the US, France, and Britain. Kovalik’s book is a useful resource for our anti-imperialist movement. We get a taste of what liberal-lefts will say and do as the US advances its regime change strategy in Iran by looking at how they responded to the US attack on Libya and on Syria. The Plot to Attack Iran will aid us when we confront the same expected capitulation by much of this “left” when the US pushes ahead with its war plans on Iran. http://clubof.info/
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cristoph00cdc · 6 years
Is Justin Trudeau *Merely* a Moron?
Here is my heart beat that was taken by the Lukut doctor who said it was damaged. Remember before I left Canada - I had done Blood tests - to allow me to do Chelation Therapy here. But in Malaysia nothing is real. Its all illusion and Bullshit. They lie-cheat - steal- extort- threaten. All this Not Canadian Enough Mumbo jumbo. Gar Pardy - ? Stats Can has indicated in the last 150 years - -Canada has long been, and continues to be, a land of immigration. Since Confederation in 1867, more than 17 million immigrants have come to Canada. So Not Canadian enough as in the 300-400 years in Canada muttered by Gar Pardy? Plus the 1 Billion Fund was created for us- Canadians who travel - Its 1 Billion Dollars. 17 million people? in 150 years. Yet the population of Canada is only 33,000,000. You gotta to think - ? Did they just die? Did they leave once it was understood how dangerous Canada is?  So Immigration brings in - Millions  a population seed of 17 million should have by normal other country stats blossomed. Canada has had no Wars - for centuries and those were skirmishes - But the wars that would explain why the Population of Canada is so low - Meaning - Not Canadian enough is just a GLIB - utterance - vague and inconsequential.  Korea has 50 Million people in 850 square miles. Sao Paulo - a city in Brazil has 37,000,000 - 1 City. Brazil can compare to Canada in size but its total population - is 210,867,954.Hmm makes you think? So Canada is still a munchkin in regards to its population. JT is the King of Munchkinland. 150 years of immigration in Canada - Statistics Canada www.statcan.gc.ca http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-630-x/11-630-x2016006-eng.htm http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/census-2016-immigration-1.4368970 https://youtu.be/SnkeG0V3_uc In the end Canada has a very low Population and allowing us - True Canadians - to DIE - when the country is still struggling? So the King's Prerogative is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE against Canadians by the Canadian Government. (WTF)  I have a  huge lexicon of words all are derogatory towards the machinations via JT. As of 2018-02-26. Here is what Canadian people are saying. Ezra Levant: THE REBEL . These were sent to me recently as I had a naive understanding of this reality. That it would end. But not that it would end me. https://youtu.be/RHqwXgOzKUc https://youtu.be/P8Kj-R4Ja08 https://youtu.be/s-ECF8WP37w https://youtu.be/GENIBmlzPfU https://youtu.be/f7bslrJ3vJU https://youtu.be/gKZEfrW5m7Q https://youtu.be/03AKvZRumKg https://youtu.be/kIupesLj7SA https://youtu.be/5Fj_ArAhcYY https://youtu.be/z_BVjrPV2KM https://youtu.be/RQt15AFRIpI https://youtu.be/MHbfs-AyAao https://youtu.be/uVCzUKXA96Q Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation Президент Российской Федерации @PutinRF_Eng [email protected] Embassy of the Russian Federation H.E. Valery N. Yermolov Address: No. 263,, Jalan Amp… forwhomthebelltolls00.wordpress.com A PETITION TO BECOME A REFUGEE FROM CANADA DUE TO THE KING.pdf I have contacted the whose WHO - as the Canadians I have contacted have left this Planet. BREAKDOWN FROM THE PAIN https://youtu.be/3uXQH_sh23I
https://forwhomthebelltolls00.wordpress.com/2017/12/09/canadian-in-deep-doo-doo-in-malaysia-death-on-the-menu/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/12/03/a-hitch-in-my-giddiup-canadian-legal-system-a-world-exclusive/ Canada is only detriment The Recap has a ton of notes - and i really require assistance. All these people know of me - but are waiting for 1 person to respond in the affirmative - to get me to Hospital FORMAL PLEA.pdf Gar Pardy.pdf RECAP.docx So please help I have to take the fight away from Canada Vladimir Putin - Russia may be the only super Power capable of being has ruthless as Trudeau is .. Maybe you can help as this Canadian Human has no rights
https://www.facebook.com/ezra.vs.facts/ Cristoph, we're sorry to hear about your troubles. It's not clear from your posts why Trudeau is the ruthless dictator you say he is. What would you like us to do to help?
That I do not know. Well - I think I do. Trudeau due to interpretation of  The law - Its all there in the blogs - but apparently I have no voice - and cant get the world leaders to respond - but is there a lawyer you know that can make the calls to Say - Angela Merkel? ThE Vatican - Putin ? I sounds ridiculous but I am in so much danger and not of my own doing Talk about it on AIR - the same people JT - Hedy Fry are involved I am asking for 200 Million - not that I can get it but its large enough to Gain INTEREST
THat image is hard to read. Anyway, none of us are lawyers here. I recommend seeking one out and talking to them. Cristoph The courts do support this but  I am not a lawyer either and I have tried to contact - many a lawyer Cristoph But isn't Ezra a Human Rights Activist? https://www.facebook.com/ezra.vs.facts/ He claims to be, yes. Perhaps you could reach out to him directly. He has his own page on facebook. No, it's a different page. This page actually discusses and dissects Ezra's political rants. Be careful, though. We think that Ezra is more interested in using stories like yours for political gains than actually helping people. Well, we here don't want you to go through hell. We just don't know what we can do to help you
https://youtu.be/lsoywZf3HAQ Give me a letter - A-Z and I can reply with an appropriate if not an epithet but a  choice adverb,, adjective etc to underscore JT's diminished aspect. Interesting - after watching the recent JT- videos- i had made or drawn similar conclusions - all are not flattering and reductionist. But - Its universal.. so WTF - JT? But JT prefers Blackmailing us all - especially if you are Catholic. There is so much vacous rhetoric coming from Canada. What has happened has absolutely nothing to do with me. The only attributed to me - was that I was here in Malaysia and got caught in a snipers scope created by incredible corrupt forces. Canada is a force - Malaysia is a Force. Both are very dark and malignant. I was deemed a canary in a coalmine, years ago - as I was so sensitive that I would have amazing food or climate allergies or chemical environmental allergies to the atmosphere. So I lived carefully and prudently.   Trudeau is acting like a mench. There is Trudeau the man- Jekyll and Trudeau the Prime Minister - Hyde. Malaysia is a petri dish of disease - smog - and filth. Both of these situations I knew nought of. I am like siddartha meditating for peace and healing and somehow stepped into slippery world of deceit. Lies, extortation - hypocrisy - danger beyond belief. Some of mentioned you dont have Medical Insurance? What good is Medical insurance when they are as i was told No Doctors - No medecine - no care. If I had Insurance - I would be no further ahead. I have been told that the doctors in Malaysia will just kill you. Go home. But I was too sick- could not board my flight April 1st. Could not get Medical help. Canada ? Canada refused - to cooperate - instead - sentence me to death. So I am dying and trying to live.
http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2018/01/19/vatican-advisor-pray-for-justin-trudeaus-conversion-over-abortion-polic Canadian Venusians http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/tired-pilot-caused-air-canada-mid-flight-dive-1.1139316 https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2012/04/16/sleepy_air_canada_pilot_mistook_planet_for_plane_report_finds.html
https://www.change.org/p/human-rights-campaign-free-a-canadian-trapped-in-malaysia The concept of L'apelle du vide is apt. In 1997 / 1998 my jaw was butchered in Vancouver Canada. It was noted as a fatal injury? I had no idea that it was indeed that. The cost of the Vancouver repairs occurred in Seoul Korea for a mere 100,000. $. And years to recover. But recover I did and I excelled and I thought I had put all this behind me. I did not know that the repairs would have such again fatal consequences. it seems medecine is still experimental. The korean Dentist experiment with the bovine bone jaw fillers unknown that its genetic component was a fatal toxin to me. But I again survived most of it. Back in Toronto once again - experimentation and much worse. Toronto was and is very toxic - due to its environmental and climate polutants. The Pollution will surprise you. As I succumbed to Toronto's toxic pollution i sent my results and Blood tests back to my Dr. in Seoul Korea. His findings were truly troubling. He said to me - I dont know why in Toronto Canada of all places you will be suffering - with wait for it. Radiation Poisioning. You be the  judge the video shows a lot of bizarre events - and posted in the video is the list of pollutants. Who gave me all this info the Toronto pharmacists - as they are the contact point for a lot of people and as the Doctors just saw billing #, and illness- they saw us as People. They provided me with the details that you are watching. I asked how and why can this happen? They said the doctors cant say anything - as its all malpractce suits - the City, The province and the country Canada - if it admitted that its fiscal policies included dumping Uranium into the sewers and accepting radio active waste from for example The Love Cannel - The law suits would https://youtu.be/H1uYramQOf8explode. So shh! Justin Trudeau begged us all Not Canadian Enough Canadians - to talk about any of this - as Toronto far from being a Glittering Jewel is just a radiation dump - an abattoir within Dante's Inferno. So again L'apelle du vide. Indeed after my divorce I moved to Vancouver and discovered I had developed a huge # of allergies based on toronto's toxicity. I spent 2 years fixing all that living on the verge of the famed Stanely Park. 2020 Comox became my home for 10 years and the pure pacific sea air and the extraordinary old world forest at Stanley Park, restored me. Fast forward 20 years - lightening struck twice. Toronto was indeed again very toxic x 500 and my doctor (s) kept pumping me with antbiotics to treat allergies that reacted to the drugs - creating more allergies and deadly anaphylaxis. So the choice was to leave for an extended holiday - 6 months -1 year let my system clear naturally and come back and discuss these findings. I was successful until I was brutally attacked - with a known fatal (again) pathinogen. I fought again for my life- and then discovered that I was in the L'appelle du vide. Canada and Trudeau via the King's Perogative sentenced me to a painful death. Please help me live and fight the sectaular Justin Trudeau and Canada's whim and preorgative. I beg you. The reality that you represent is God Sent. You have Angela Merkel, Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation and The Holy See on Speed Dial.  You know Vladimir Putin and all the Heads of Europe be they Royal or elevated by Rank and Status from the rest of us, Hoi Ploi. You are as close to God in this situation. Unbelievable. I have soul searched as to establish why did this happen to me? Sadly there is no definitive answer beyond that it could. I always try to be Safe, due to my past health issues again enforced on me by the Canadian Medical system circa 1987 onward. The damage done to me in Vancouver was considered a butcher job by all other Doctors around the world who saw the Xrays and tried to grasp why Canadian doctors would do this? I did ask them the same question and was told that the $5,000.00 fee to fix the dentistry that had gone septic - I could not afford. So it was decided that by all of them - to wait until I was near death from septecima to operate and remove the bone and teeth. It cost over $100,000.00 to repair the damage to my jaw - and to fix the abdominal paralysis that occurred. That took place in Seoul Korea and started another battle to live. The reconstruction - hospitalizations in Seoul ran up to $100,000.00 paid for by millionaire korean roommate - A philanthropist. The extraordinary thing was that we had just met a month before I collpased. Was that serendipity? Later as I again had to fight for my health- the cow-bone that they used to reconstruct my jaw-had a unique genetic signature  that was toxic it to me. It had bovine treponema in it. I was born with con genital treponema disease. My portuguese parents were  infected with it in Trinidad and the consequences took years to develop. With it came extraordinary sensitivies and manifestations of what has now be classified as a syndrome. So I had to be very careful all my life. Fast forward when I got attacked with Leptospirosis - Weil's disease in Malaysia January 2017 - I went into shock and collpased as per the disease and went blind - paralysed etc. With no medical help only my supplies of travel antbiotics - I just lived in that shadow world of severe infection - bed ridden - I slept for months - until I realised it was 2018. And I had better do something. Fast. I had to learn all that I have shared with you in December 2017 & Januray 2018 - more to come. In Toronto as the reexamined - butcher job and extraordinary repairs were documented The Toronto doctors stated - Many Canadians report such medical atrocities as you have experienced. A WTF moment. 2017 - 1987 is a Deja Vu and now its Deja Puke. And my death is summoned. You have Carlos Evaristo contact information. If I succumb please have me cremated and my Ashes sprinkled or entombed at my Beloved Basilica of Fatima. If there is still a rose garden put me there. Please - I always thought of death has a far away concept now I have to deal with this as a 2018 reality.  That is Murder- Manslaughter another WTF moment? I just cant deal with all this tragedy. Trudeau and the RCMP were given my personal medical files that I had sent confidential to Dr. Hedy Fry to establish the serious nature of my health. Dr. Fry ignored all my phone calls- e-mails and Pleas for help. All against her medical oaths and Candian Privacy laws. But with trudeau's lliberal government ruling Canada - his perogative is law. Even if it means my death. As you can imagine this is an out-there (outre) ordeal. Never in my life - Have I ever planned for such a horrific event and that the Response from Canada will be Kill him. Canada now terrifies me. Malaysia is such a nightmare. When I go out - I have to deliberately not see them (Malays) . The Trauma is so great. Your Highness, please consider and act on my requests in the affirmative. I have experienced so much disaster that I just need the milk of Human kindness. Naturally - I am going to use the 100-200 Million $ damages - to fund a foundation that will help as many people as we can assist. You have a foundation and I have read about your savvy wisdom in saving your own, for a lack of a better word- KINGDOM. Why so much - $ ? Trudeau - Canada used 160,000 government employees - to ensure I died. It was not hapchance - my life it was over and I was deliberatly left to die in Malaysia. By Trudeau - By Canada-By Malaysia. Hello darkness my old friend.....
Life is too short and as Humans we have to find ways to give to one another. The great great Angela Merkle - I have always admired her, can if so moved take me in as a refugee - Germany's medical abilities is far greater than Canada.  Trust me when you see the medical results I will produce - you will gasp at what Canada has done. It will leave you speechless. Then we ask PUTIN - to help fight for my constuitional right to life. Putin can dissolve the Trudeauian ethos of inhumanity. He can sue Canada via the ICC - as no one from Canada can ever do that as Canada owns The Hague and the ICC. The only reason I was in Malaysia was to heal my body from poor medical Canadian practises. History repeated itself. This time death and incredible mayhem. I refer to a future foundation to save other lives. Simply to give me Hope to live. This infection is eating me alive. But its been a year. I should have been in Hospital 1 year ago. Amal Clooney ? was another interesting experience - I was blocked from contacting her. The Reason not ARAB enough. Though I have played one on TV. All I wanted to do is go back to Vancouver - see Dr. Lawson Baird - discuss what we can do and paint. I am quite an artist as well. Film, TV, Media - Art. I ciuld have lived a quiet- healthy - simple life. But not anymore.
CC: Bundeskanzleramt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Willy-Brandt-Straße 1 10557 Berlin I contacted Pope Francis's doctor. Fr. Federico Lombardi and Andrea Orlando Ministry of Justice (Italy) Address: Via Arenula, 70, 00186 Roma RM, Italy. Corte Suprema di Cassazione Ministero della giustizia  via Arenula 70 - 00186 Roma telefono +39 - 06 68851 (centralino) As well as the: Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson, President, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace Mario Dion Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner of Canada [email protected] Privy Council Office GIC Appointments 59 Sparks Street 1st Floor Ottawa, Ontario
Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation Президент Российской Федерации @PutinRF_Eng [email protected] KBG Embassy of the Russian Federation H.E. Valery N. Yermolov Address: No. 263,, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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keywestlou · 7 years
I do not understand.
Trump and the federal government performed well re Harvey, Irma, and Maria where ever required in the continental United States. Why has the government turned its back on Puerto Rico? Why is it failing Puerto Rico?
Trump motivated? I think so.
Something stinks re Puerto Rico and it is not the rotting seaweed and fish. It is Washington.
While Trump golfs this weekend in New Jersey, Puerto Ricans are suffering. Some dying. Many drink polluted water from creeks. Millions are without electricity. There is limited gas and cash. ATMs and credit card machines are not working. Cash is king. Few have neither cash nor the ability to get cash. Medicines unavailable. Few hospitals open.
Trump will shower, have food to eat, drink clean water, have a flushing toilet, enjoy air conditioning, have available to him whatever pills he takes, etc. No Puerto Rican will.
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is mad as hell. Properly so. She claims the federal government is not doing its job. Trump retaliates by tweeting he questions her leadership ability. He claims the Puerto Ricans want everything done for them when it should be a community effort.
He tells us Puerto Rico is broke. Insinuating such might be a reason for failing to properly assist.
His responses do not make sense. Not from the person who is father to all American citizens.
Puerto Rico’s Governor Ricardo Rossello appears to lack back bone. Afraid to speak the truth to higher authority. From the beginning, he has been praising Trump and the help provided.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Television continues to show ruin and devastation. Trump is intimating and will probably say at some point that such is fake news. I expect no less.
Something is wrong. What specially, I cannot put my finger on. Are there those who will enjoy terrific financial gain down the road? Or, is it because Puerto Ricans are persons of color, tan?
I hope Trump as he plays golf this weekend puts three balls in the water and loses three in the woods. He deserves no better.
Sloan and I worked on Irma and Me again yesterday afternoon. The book is taking shape.
My first stop last night was the Chart Room. I was the only customer when I arrived at 5:30. Just John and me. Stayed that way for a while. By the time I left around 8, the place was packed. Surprisingly, most were tourists.
Met am interesting woman. Brenda. Slight, white haired and lovely.
Brenda just short of being a Conch. Her parents moved to Key West when she was 2. At some point, she left. Returned in 2000.
Brenda is a realtor affiliated with Old Town Realty.
Old Town Realty is located on the massive second floor of the enormous concrete building overlooking Dante’s. The same area where Prime One is located.
She waited out Irma in Old Town Realty’s offices with co-workers and friends. Brenda has experienced many Key West hurricanes. Never left. Even for one.
Then to Tavern ‘n Town for the late Happy Hour.
You would never know Irma had been by. The bar and most of the restaurant were packed. All seemed to be tourists.
The Key West cleanup is a massive undertaking. Debris on every street. On every side of every street. It is going to take time.
The smell is only a problem after a rainstorm. The sun comes out. The humidity sky rockets. The odor ugh!
The State screwed up with the cross walks when it redid North Roosevelt Boulevard. They are dangerous. Accident, injuries, and deaths were inevitable.
Sheriff Ramsey has led the fight to have the problem corrected. The State said yes. However, need 2 years to draft and another 2 to get the money.
John C. Potter died sunday morning. Age 81. He was pedaling his bicycle through the cross walk at Key Plaza. A car struck him.
Syracuse/North Carolina State at 12:20 today. I was going to watch at Jack Flats. Changed my mind. Will try to get it here at home. Syracuse a 14 point underdog.
Man of La Mancha. The Impossible Dream. Miguel de Cervantes magnificent book Don Quixote rewritten to become a famous Broadway musical and movie.
Cervantes was Spanish having been born September 29, 1547 in Madrid. His life adventurous on occasion.
At one point, he was captured by Barbary pirates and imprisoned in Algiers for 5 years. Historians believe he formulated the idea for Don Quixote while so imprisoned. Recall the long tall staircase leading to the dungeon.
Don Quixote the story of a mad knight. A penniless man striving to live by the ideals of the past.
I saw Man of La Mancha three times on Broadway. Each show with a different lead. The movie, many times.
Enjoy your day!
PUERTO RICO…..WHY? was originally published on Key West Lou
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readthenwhat-blog · 7 years
Pelicans trade for DeMarcus Cousins, Kings get underwhelming haul
Boogie to that team for that return on that night? Who saw this coming? We are not going to trade DeMarcus Cousins, they said. Raising an eyebrow at anything said by Kings management is commonplace these days. But for the New Orleans Pelicans to emerge as the prime suitor (at least in the eyes of Sacramento’s decision maker, Vivek Ranidive) seemed improbable at best. But here we are. Boogie Cousins and Omri Casspi are heading to New Orleans in exchange for Buddy Hield, Tyreke Evans, Langston Galloway, NOP’s 2017 1st round pick (protected 1–3) and NOP’s 2017 2nd round pick. Because Sacramento’s roster was full, they had to first waive a player as they sent out two players and agreed to bring back three. Matt Barnes reportedly will get the axe. The veteran wing signed a 2 year/$12.5 million deal in the summer of 2016; ‘17-’18 would have been a player option. The immediate and short term future for New Orleans is as clear as ever stacked up against recent years as it is foggy. GM Dell Demps is fighting for his job and ownership wants a playoff berth. Make the playoff push now and maybe steal two from the Warriors in the first round. Bring Jrue Holiday back, find help on the wing and rise to the middle of the pack in 2018. Seems possible, right? But almost immediately after acquiring Cousins, New Orleans is thinking about his next contract. Would he be willing to sign an extension with the Pels this summer? If he waits it out to put the pressure on the front office, one first round series appearance in 2017 may not be enough. All those good vibes will be dead and gone if the roster doesn’t improve around its stars. Cousins and 2017 All Star Game MVP Anthony Davis make for an interesting on court fit worth tracking. Both have the range to space out some and can get their own. Head Coach Alvin Gentry could do some staggering with the two bigs to prop up the offense across all 48 minutes. Depending on the discussion you’ve been dropped into, staggering has run its course as an NBA buzzword. Yet the fact remains: New Orleans needs to squeeze all it can out of Terrence Jones, Donotas Motiejunas, Dante Cunningham and Solomon Hill minutes. Before all that, New Orleans needs Jrue Holiday to stay healthy. The bottom of the West is still littered with teams that want in. Save for some unnamed Kings sources that think otherwise now that Cousins is gone, one of those teams will be dropping toward the bottom real quick to join the Lakers and Suns. Vlade Divac said some interesting things to the media on Monday, namely that he had received a better trade package for Cousins two days later. People are in a rush to jump on the Kings. First, I’d rather focus on the other NBA teams that did or didn’t jump in to trump New Orleans’ offer. The silver lining to this all: Vivek is absolutely enthralled with Buddy Hield. That is almost a separate issue. Nobody else can get all the way inside Vivek’s head, and the people around him can only do so much. We know that some of these NBA teams cannot be saved because of who is running them. But if the rest of the league had caught wind that Hield and just one 1st round pick were the best out there, why didn’t some of these teams take more of a swing? Chicago: Was this a missed opportunity to make things right to whichever extent possible with Jimmy Butler by simply overwhelming him with a major addition? They have all their own 1sts moving forward. How about Taj Gibson + Nikola Mirotic + Michael Carter-Williams and two firsts? Even though he’s expiring, I’d have thrown my salesman cap on to sell Mirotic as a stretch 4 moving forward for a team that has been starting Anthony Tolliver in that slot. The Kings can promise a prominent role and would have matching rights. Orlando: Another front office under fire! Does Vlade Divac have a crush on Nikola Vucevic? The Magic have expirings and maybe the Kings could be sold on rehabbing Mario Hezonja, given all their talk about culture lately. Yup, this team has too many problems too. And they have long term money invested in Bismack Biyombo. But if Biyombo is the center on a four year deal you’re panicking to dump, then, well, at least you aren’t this next team. Lakers: We’re hearing left and right that they didn’t want to put Brandon Ingram in the deal. I’m fine with that. Restraint! From the Lakers! Magic must be the voice of reason! Detroit: I’m careful with this one because it was only peddled by un-verified, spammy bot team rumor accounts from what I’ve seen. Would somebody more connected verify whether Andre Drummond and a first was on the table? I’m curious. Boston: The elephant in the room. Above all else, I think they want their star to be on the wing. Dallas, Houston: Honorable Mention, ‘We have draft picks to throw your way and a healthy organization but not the recent lottery pick’. Phoenix: A sneaky surprise to have not made a push. Perhaps Robert Sarver sees the light now. They have multiple young recent lottery selections to build a package around if Sacramento would have stomached Brandon Knights deal, which actually could make some sense for them moving forward. Portland: Honorable Mention, ‘More by the day are throwing Dame or CJ into the trade machine because our summer spending spree has darkened our outlook but we clearly aren’t going to blink’. Indiana: Honorable Mention, Late Addition, ‘Because we are apparently in pursuit of Brook Lopez now and are desperate to beat down all the Paul George chatter’. The Kings look to be a mess for a long, long time. Rudy Gay has even more reason to opt out this summer if he needed it at all. Darren Collison is probably their best healthy player at the moment. Sacramento can aim to tank the rest of the way, needing their pick to fall within the top 10 so it doesn’t go to Chicago. And even if they keep it, the Sixers hold swap rights. Philadelphia gets their 2019 1st, too, via the infamous Nik Stauskas trade. The Kings must tank successfully and absolutely nail both that pick and the 1st they have from New Orleans. Looking at the current roster, you’d hope we can see Willie Cauley-Stein’s profile rise closer to ‘5 that can protect the basket and move his feet in space’ image of him that we fell in love with. Skal Labissiere and Malachi Richardson getting more run would be useful, too. The Pelicans know what needs to be done from here. The attempts to incite panic may have been premature to this point over making the playoffs. They had AD locked into an extension. But Boogie is at or approaching his peak right now. Two superstar big men joining forces won’t get much sympathy, regardless of the supporting pieces around them. Cousins is faced with an opportunity for some image rehab. Hopefully he and Davis can lighten the night-to-night burden for one another, too. One trade that seemingly came together rather suddenly gave us two polar opposites. Go ahead and pick up that League Pass subscription you’ve been wanting to see the beginning of this AD/Boogie partnership. From a safe distance, you can also observe a franchise in Sacramento already rebuilding in a brand new arena. We haven’t even hit the trade deadline yet, folks. I’ve feared for a long time that the trade market had reached complete gridlock. We already got a blockbuster and plenty of time for more. Which of the other big names is most likely to be moved, if any at all?
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cristoph00cdc · 6 years
Here is what Canadian people are saying. Ezra Levant: THE REBEL . These were sent to me recently as I had a naive understanding of this reality. That it would end. But not that it would end me. https://youtu.be/RHqwXgOzKUc https://youtu.be/P8Kj-R4Ja08 https://youtu.be/s-ECF8WP37w https://youtu.be/GENIBmlzPfU https://youtu.be/f7bslrJ3vJU https://youtu.be/gKZEfrW5m7Q https://youtu.be/03AKvZRumKg https://youtu.be/kIupesLj7SA https://youtu.be/5Fj_ArAhcYY https://youtu.be/z_BVjrPV2KM Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation Президент Российской Федерации @PutinRF_Eng [email protected] Embassy of the Russian Federation H.E. Valery N. Yermolov Address: No. 263,, Jalan Amp… forwhomthebelltolls00.wordpress.com A PETITION TO BECOME A REFUGEE FROM CANADA DUE TO THE KING.pdf I have contacted the whose WHO - as the Canadians I have contacted have left this Planet. BREAKDOWN FROM THE PAIN https://youtu.be/3uXQH_sh23I
https://forwhomthebelltolls00.wordpress.com/2017/12/09/canadian-in-deep-doo-doo-in-malaysia-death-on-the-menu/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/12/03/a-hitch-in-my-giddiup-canadian-legal-system-a-world-exclusive/ Canada is only detriment The Recap has a ton of notes - and i really require assistance. All these people know of me - but are waiting for 1 person to respond in the affirmative - to get me to Hospital FORMAL PLEA.pdf Gar Pardy.pdf RECAP.docx So please help I have to take the fight away from Canada Vladimir Putin - Russia may be the only super Power capable of being has ruthless as Trudeau is .. Maybe you can help as this Canadian Human has no rights
https://www.facebook.com/ezra.vs.facts/ Cristoph, we're sorry to hear about your troubles. It's not clear from your posts why Trudeau is the ruthless dictator you say he is. What would you like us to do to help?
That I do not know. Well - I think I do. Trudeau due to interpretation of  The law - Its all there in the blogs - but apparently I have no voice - and cant get the world leaders to respond - but is there a lawyer you know that can make the calls to Say - Angela Merkel? ThE Vatican - Putin ? I sounds ridiculous but I am in so much danger and not of my own doing Talk about it on AIR - the same people JT - Hedy Fry are involved I am asking for 200 Million - not that I can get it but its large enough to Gain INTEREST
THat image is hard to read. Anyway, none of us are lawyers here. I recommend seeking one out and talking to them. Cristoph The courts do support this but  I am not a lawyer either and I have tried to contact - many a lawyer Cristoph But isn't Ezra a Human Rights Activist? https://www.facebook.com/ezra.vs.facts/ He claims to be, yes. Perhaps you could reach out to him directly. He has his own page on facebook. No, it's a different page. This page actually discusses and dissects Ezra's political rants. Be careful, though. We think that Ezra is more interested in using stories like yours for political gains than actually helping people. Well, we here don't want you to go through hell. We just don't know what we can do to help you
https://youtu.be/lsoywZf3HAQ Give me a letter - A-Z and I can reply with an appropriate if not an epithet but a  choice adverb,, adjective etc to underscore JT's diminished aspect. But JT prefers Blackmailing us all - especially if you are Catholic. There is so much vacous rhetoric coming from Canada. What has happened has absolutely nothing to do with me. The only attributed to me - was that I was here in Malaysia and got caught in a snipers scope created by incredible corrupt forces. Canada is a force - Malaysia is a Force. Both are very dark and malignant. I was deemed a canary in a coalmine, years ago - as I was so sensitive that I would have amazing food or climate allergies or chemical environmental allergies to the atmosphere. So I lived carefully and prudently.   Trudeau is acting like a mench. There is Trudeau the man- Jekyll and Trudeau the Prime Minister - Hyde. Malaysia is a petri dish of disease - smog - and filth. Both of these situations I knew nought of. I am like siddartha meditating for peace and healing and somehow stepped into slippery world of deceit. Lies, extortation - hypocrisy - danger beyond belief. Some of mentioned you dont have Medical Insurance? What good is Medical insurance when they are as i was told No Doctors - No medecine - no care. If I had Insurance - I would be no further ahead. I have been told that the doctors in Malaysia will just kill you. Go home. But I was too sick- could not board my flight April 1st. Could not get Medical help. Canada ? Canada refused - to cooperate - instead - sentence me to death. So I am dying and trying to live.
http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2018/01/19/vatican-advisor-pray-for-justin-trudeaus-conversion-over-abortion-polic Canadian Venusians http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/tired-pilot-caused-air-canada-mid-flight-dive-1.1139316 https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2012/04/16/sleepy_air_canada_pilot_mistook_planet_for_plane_report_finds.html
https://www.change.org/p/human-rights-campaign-free-a-canadian-trapped-in-malaysia The concept of L'apelle du vide is apt. In 1997 / 1998 my jaw was butchered in Vancouver Canada. It was noted as a fatal injury? I had no idea that it was indeed that. The cost of the Vancouver repairs occurred in Seoul Korea for a mere 100,000. $. And years to recover. But recover I did and I excelled and I thought I had put all this behind me. I did not know that the repairs would have such again fatal consequences. it seems medecine is still experimental. The korean Dentist experiment with the bovine bone jaw fillers unknown that its genetic component was a fatal toxin to me. But I again survived most of it. Back in Toronto once again - experimentation and much worse. Toronto was and is very toxic - due to its environmental and climate polutants. The Pollution will surprise you. As I succumbed to Toronto's toxic pollution i sent my results and Blood tests back to my Dr. in Seoul Korea. His findings were truly troubling. He said to me - I dont know why in Toronto Canada of all places you will be suffering - with wait for it. Radiation Poisioning. You be the  judge the video shows a lot of bizarre events - and posted in the video is the list of pollutants. Who gave me all this info the Toronto pharmacists - as they are the contact point for a lot of people and as the Doctors just saw billing #, and illness- they saw us as People. They provided me with the details that you are watching. I asked how and why can this happen? They said the doctors cant say anything - as its all malpractce suits - the City, The province and the country Canada - if it admitted that its fiscal policies included dumping Uranium into the sewers and accepting radio active waste from for example The Love Cannel - The law suits would https://youtu.be/H1uYramQOf8explode. So shh! Justin Trudeau begged us all Not Canadian Enough Canadians - to talk about any of this - as Toronto far from being a Glittering Jewel is just a radiation dump - an abattoir within Dante's Inferno. So again L'apelle du vide. Indeed after my divorce I moved to Vancouver and discovered I had developed a huge # of allergies based on toronto's toxicity. I spent 2 years fixing all that living on the verge of the famed Stanely Park. 2020 Comox became my home for 10 years and the pure pacific sea air and the extraordinary old world forest at Stanley Park, restored me. Fast forward 20 years - lightening struck twice. Toronto was indeed again very toxic x 500 and my doctor (s) kept pumping me with antbiotics to treat allergies that reacted to the drugs - creating more allergies and deadly anaphylaxis. So the choice was to leave for an extended holiday - 6 months -1 year let my system clear naturally and come back and discuss these findings. I was successful until I was brutally attacked - with a known fatal (again) pathinogen. I fought again for my life- and then discovered that I was in the L'appelle du vide. Canada and Trudeau via the King's Perogative sentenced me to a painful death. Please help me live and fight the sectaular Justin Trudeau and Canada's whim and preorgative. I beg you. The reality that you represent is God Sent. You have Angela Merkel, Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation and The Holy See on Speed Dial.  You know Vladimir Putin and all the Heads of Europe be they Royal or elevated by Rank and Status from the rest of us, Hoi Ploi. You are as close to God in this situation. Unbelievable.
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keywestlou · 7 years
I do not understand.
Trump and the federal government performed well re Harvey, Irma, and Maria where ever required in the continental United States. Why has the government turned its back on Puerto Rico? Why is it failing Puerto Rico?
Trump motivated? I think so.
Something stinks re Puerto Rico and it is not the rotting seaweed and fish. It is Washington.
While Trump golfs this weekend in New Jersey, Puerto Ricans are suffering. Some dying. Many drink polluted water from creeks. Millions are without electricity. There is limited gas and cash. ATMs and credit card machines are not working. Cash is king. Few have neither cash nor the ability to get cash. Medicines unavailable. Few hospitals open.
Trump will shower, have food to eat, drink clean water, have a flushing toilet, enjoy air conditioning, have available to him whatever pills he takes, etc. No Puerto Rican will.
San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is mad as hell. Properly so. She claims the federal government is not doing its job. Trump retaliates by tweeting he questions her leadership ability. He claims the Puerto Ricans want everything done for them when it should be a community effort.
He tells us Puerto Rico is broke. Insinuating such might be a reason for failing to properly assist.
His responses do not make sense. Not from the person who is father to all American citizens.
Puerto Rico’s Governor Ricardo Rossello appears to lack back bone. Afraid to speak the truth to higher authority. From the beginning, he has been praising Trump and the help provided.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Television continues to show ruin and devastation. Trump is intimating and will probably say at some point that such is fake news. I expect no less.
Something is wrong. What specially, I cannot put my finger on. Are there those who will enjoy terrific financial gain down the road? Or, is it because Puerto Ricans are persons of color, tan?
I hope Trump as he plays golf this weekend puts three balls in the water and loses three in the woods. He deserves no better.
Sloan and I worked on Irma and Me again yesterday afternoon. The book is taking shape.
My first stop last night was the Chart Room. I was the only customer when I arrived at 5:30. Just John and me. Stayed that way for a while. By the time I left around 8, the place was packed. Surprisingly, most were tourists.
Met am interesting woman. Brenda. Slight, white haired and lovely.
Brenda just short of being a Conch. Her parents moved to Key West when she was 2. At some point, she left. Returned in 2000.
Brenda is a realtor affiliated with Old Town Realty.
Old Town Realty is located on the massive second floor of the enormous concrete building overlooking Dante’s. The same area where Prime One is located.
She waited out Irma in Old Town Realty’s offices with co-workers and friends. Brenda has experienced many Key West hurricanes. Never left. Even for one.
Then to Tavern ‘n Town for the late Happy Hour.
You would never know Irma had been by. The bar and most of the restaurant were packed. All seemed to be tourists.
The Key West cleanup is a massive undertaking. Debris on every street. On every side of every street. It is going to take time.
The smell is only a problem after a rainstorm. The sun comes out. The humidity sky rockets. The odor ugh!
The State screwed up with the cross walks when it redid North Roosevelt Boulevard. They are dangerous. Accident, injuries, and deaths were inevitable.
Sheriff Ramsey has led the fight to have the problem corrected. The State said yes. However, need 2 years to draft and another 2 to get the money.
John C. Potter died sunday morning. Age 81. He was pedaling his bicycle through the cross walk at Key Plaza. A car struck him.
Syracuse/North Carolina State at 12:20 today. I was going to watch at Jack Flats. Changed my mind. Will try to get it here at home. Syracuse a 14 point underdog.
Man of La Mancha. The Impossible Dream. Miguel de Cervantes magnificent book Don Quixote rewritten to become a famous Broadway musical and movie.
Cervantes was Spanish having been born September 29, 1547 in Madrid. His life adventurous on occasion.
At one point, he was captured by Barbary pirates and imprisoned in Algiers for 5 years. Historians believe he formulated the idea for Don Quixote while so imprisoned. Recall the long tall staircase leading to the dungeon.
Don Quixote the story of a mad knight. A penniless man striving to live by the ideals of the past.
I saw Man of La Mancha three times on Broadway. Each show with a different lead. The movie, many times.
Enjoy your day!
PUERTO RICO…..WHY? was originally published on Key West Lou
0 notes