lemon-slushie · 3 months
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I wanted to do an evil darkeleine au where madeleine is the counterpart of sovereign of darkness
The republic falls, family probably dies or something, madeleine learns the divine isn’t real and his whole existence had no worth he wonders around mindlessly and is found by DE and meets dark choco blah blah basic angsty backstory whatever
Basically dark choco has won and takes over the dark cacao kingdom and madeleine gets to follow him around and bask in the glory of having his own subjects, he’s basically using it build back up his false ego and give himself worth again
Doodle of the burn undercut
CW: non-graphic gore, blood and slight skin peeling, this is all cartoony I didn’t use references or add a lot of detail
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quibbs126 · 1 year
How about a Madeleine cookie and Dark choco fan kid?
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Alright, here you go, this girl is Choco Madeleine Cookie
So for her name, I just looked up “are there chocolate flavored madeleines” and yeah, they’re just called chocolate madeleines. It’s pretty simple.
That’s the thing with Dark Choco, he’s the main representative of chocolate, meaning that when making a fankid with him, you can just go “just add chocolate” with a lot of these. I feel like it’s too easy. I mean I probably shouldn’t complain, I’m not spending ages looking for potential names, but still
I was considering changing it to a different food, but then I remembered that the Madeleine family tends to have Madeleine in their names, with Grand Madeleine Cookie and Madeleine Cookie, so it works
Chocolate madeleines:
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I’ll be honest, I’m really proud of her design. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull off Madeleine’s relatively more complex costume and combine it with Dark Choco, but I think I did good. Her design is mainly based of Grand Madeleine and Dark Choco’s new costume, with some of the armor inspiration coming from Madeleine
I knew before making her that I wanted to make her hair dark brown. I chose to make her madeleines chocolate flavored since that’s what she is, but I have the normal flavored madeleines so that it all doesn’t blend together. I made her eyes and gems red because I thought it fit better with her browns than the blue
Also I saw a bunch of chocolate madeleines have powdered sugar on them, and I wanted to incorporate that. I was gonna put it on the madeleines, but it looked too crowded. Then I decided to put it on the cape, and I think it looks good. Also a little call back to her grandfather
I was also considering giving her long hair, given everyone else in her family, but I thought she looked good with short hair
So on to Choco Madeleine herself, so she’s a warrior, just like her parents. She’s from the Crème Republic (since Dark Choco’s whole status is uncertain at best. Though that’s not to say she doesn’t visit her grandfather’s kingdom), and is heir of House Madeleine. She’s a good fighter and is seen as a vigilant warrior. In reality though, she’s an absolute ball of anxiety, and has a difficult time interacting in social situations. Internally she’s a nervous wreck, but somehow her words filter out to make her seem like a functional, if not constantly serious, person
I also drew her as a small. It was a quick sketch, so I’ll probably refine it if I draw her later, which I do want to
I feel bad that I have so much to say about her (as well as Mallomar), when I have little to say about Biscotti. Like I swear, I don’t want to seem biased because Dark Choco is a hyperfixation character of mine, and make it seem like the only ones I care about are those with him in it, and that I’m putting less effort into the other ones, it’s just that I end up making up more stuff with them. Granted, it’s probably a mixture of “it’s easy to come up with foods for them because you just need to add chocolate/I already have ideas for them before drawing” and “I already know the character and what they’re all about so I know where to go when it comes to making their fankid”, but still. I don’t want to seem unfair with it, but that’s just how it seems to pan out
Though perhaps another reason is the fact that in both scenarios, Choco Madeleine and Mallomar were the second ones I drew that day, so maybe it’s that my creative juices were already flowing and I could make stuff easier
But yeah, tangent aside, here she is, I hope you like her
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cessmaga · 1 year
dark choco cookie but he didn't find the cursed sword or something
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and also him and maddie are dating
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torrentice · 2 years
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blessedshortcake · 1 year
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When in doubt just make all of them date
(Pic explanation under the cut)
The colors are pretty self explanatory but why i made multiple people connect with multiple colors is probably not
I think Red Velvet and Espresso may have potential to be friends but I personally cannot see them as a couple. If you can, good for you! /gen
Dark Choco and Red Velvet feel more like a platonic or friendly pairing to me but I can see the romantic potential, alas the 3 colors.
Espresseleine has always been a fave for me but I also like them as a platonic or a friendly pairing so that's why they also have all colors
Dark Choco and Madeleine has been growing on me, I just love their pairing. I think they could work as platonic or friends too of course but I prefer them as romantic so they get the pink!
Dark Choco and Espresso is also a very cute couple but I think I like them more on the platonic side a little bit rather than overly romantic. Like, neither of them is all that romantic, they are both more on the introverted side but they both still love each other so they get 2 colors.
Red Velvet x Madeleine is kind of just a joke between my beta and me because she asked me to pick between the 2 of them so I went "fuck it why not make them date instead?" - which is why this exists now lmao
Anyway if you have any thoughts feel free to share them in the comments or the tags i would love to discusd this mess xd
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bellatheinkdemon · 5 months
Finally I make a fankid that ain't a redesign
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(If it wasn't obvious by the name, Chocolate Madeleine is a Dark Choco x Madeleine kid)
So if you noticed their design, you might notice that Chocolate Madeleine is missing their right (Their right, not ours) arm. They actually lost it in a accident they do not like talking about.
Chocolate Madeleine wants to help protect people when they're older, but the lost of their arm made them believe that'll they will only be a burden to others.
Thankfully they get comfort from their dads who constantly tell them that they won't be a burden, but that thought is still in their mind.
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souredvalentine · 2 years
dark choco ships r so silly to me because in my mind this is a 40 year old man. what is he doing
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langostasockloss · 26 days
RAAAAHHH *slaps u with old arts 😇*
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dark cacao is so hard to draw i canOT decide what face shape for 2 have
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sorta settled w this oene ☺️ (his eyebrows… too thin…..) anyway dark choco and dark cacao reunion when i am o insane about them half my sketchbook was just the ancients and choco (w a surprising amount of darklico) (damn you darkeleine and darklico fanfic writers) (sobs)
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timpocalypse · 2 years
hey speaking of darkeleine does anyone know that they actually interact in game like literally
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lesbian-roguefort · 2 years
darkeleine fans stay winning
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isoldio · 2 years
10, possibly with 20 as a dialogue?
OFC !! i was so tempted to do darkeleine but,,, i cant write dc to save my life (also italian eclair because i say so. they/them for eclair, hc heavy but its fine- also cotton isnt a kid anymore)
"Il mio tesoro," Eclair asked the mage next to him, "how long ago did you get this?" They ask, pointing under the table. Said mage looks to the swollen red wound on his leg, recognizing its origin quickly. "Must've been on the expedition I went on a day or two ago. No matter." Espresso answers, completely ignoring how it ached- as per usual -and returned to his writing. "Espresso. I am getting tired of you consistently putting off yourself for the sake of your magic. We're going to Cotton." They sigh to nobody but themself and get up, removing the pen from his loves hand. "No wonder you've wanted to hold me so much, you cant walk without me!"
Espresso takes just a moment to respond before scoffing. "Please. I can walk just fine." "Oh? Then walk to me. You can do it, because you can 'walk so well,' cant you miele?" They step back from the table, lifting up their dress just slightly. The professor sighs, knowing he as no choice, and gets up from the chair, using the table to help him stand, and barely took a step forward. Before falling flat on his face. Or at least that's what he expected.
A large familiar book broke his fall, emitting a soft glow. He groaned as the book lifted him off the ground. "You know I can fly on my own. That would be far faster and easier, yes?" He adjusts his glasses, looking to the historian for answers. "In that condition, you aren't going anywhere. I'm bringing you." They respond, their pen emitting the same glow as they began walking to the door. The book, and consequently Espresso, trailed behind them.
Not long later they arrived near a snow-covered cabin with frost on the windows, covered in lights. They knocked, while Espresso only looked down at the floor, the snow suddenly very interesting to him. Cotton, holding her cane, opened the door, not entirely surprised to see the two. "Professor Eclair, Professor Espresso! What are you both doing here, the snow is rather heavy today." She questions, smiling just a little.
"Cotton Cookie, thank divines you're home today! Espresso has been injured for almost two days on his leg and he hasn't informed me nor anyone else. We- Well, I- Were wondering if you could do anything?" Said professor asked, slightly nudging to Espresso. "Of course. Come inside, you must be freezing." She offers, leaving the doorway for them to come in. They enter the cabin, picking up the injured from the book and desummoning it.
They put him down gently onto a chair and rolls up his pant leg and robe, revealing the huge gash. "Oh no... Professor Espresso, you have to be more careful!" She begins healing it after wrapping it in gauze. The mage closed his eyes and smiles just faintly as he's enveloped with warmth, the injury closing up slowly. "Thank you, Cotton. I'll make it up to you, prometto." They smile. "Oh, no, you don't have to! I just want him to be more careful this time." She replies, finishing her healing after a few seconds.
"He should be okay, just be gentle on it. Just make sure he stays warm and doesn't walk on it." Eclair gently picks him up, uncaring to summon the book again. "Of course, he wont be working until he heals. Right, amore mio?" They look to Espresso just slightly, making sure he heard that. He only looks away, sour his work would have to wait. "Good! Do you need anything else?" The shepherd asks them, happy he would be taking it easy. "Not that I'm aware of. Thank you again," They kiss Espresso's forehead, "I believe we should take our leave." He chuckles at Espresso's reaction.
"Alright. Safe travels!" She opens the door again, and Eclair leaves the cozy cabin, using light magic to guide them home. Happy Espresso would be eased of his pain again.
il mio tesoro - my treasure
prometto - promise
amore mio - my love
miele - honey
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lemon-slushie · 4 months
Darkeleine fan kids!
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Choco dip is the eldest daughter and has followed greatly in madeleines footsteps
She’s absolutely adored at the Paladin academy for her remarkable skills and charming attitude
In training to be the next knight commander
She’s upbeat and willing to help any cookie or creature in need, her long ventures worry dark choco
“Do NOT pick up any strange or unknown swords..” “yes dad..”
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Light choco is the younger sister
She wants to be a hero but couldn’t seem to build any muscle or properly wield a sword, though her light magic was strong
Inspired by espresso cookie, she puts all of her effort into perfecting and finding ways to strengthen her magic further
Madeleine keeps a close eye on her to make sure she doesn’t overwork herself
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quibbs126 · 1 year
your crk fankids are so cool! do you have any rules to your requests?
Uh, not really, other than the obvious “don’t request incest pairings” and “don’t request ships between children and adults”. I mean there’s some ships I’m a little iffy on because to me there seems to be a sizeable age gap, but in terms of canon there probably isn’t that much canon evidence for an issue and it’s just a personal thing
But yeah, other than that I’m game for most anything. It’s just that at this point, it might be a while before I get to it, because my backlog is currently around 15 last I checked, and I tend to get anywhere between 1-3 done in a day
Edit: oh yeah, and you can submit multiple if you want, I don’t mind. Just maybe not in the same ask, since that’s where I put the finished art
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cessmaga · 1 year
they're dating
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i like to think that dark choco is the only one who understands madeleine completely, some people say is a boisterous and arrogant narsicist but for dc he's really not
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torrentice · 2 years
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boyfriends :]
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puppycharmz · 2 years
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omg :)
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