#david darlington
downthetubes · 1 year
New Spaceship Away is a treat for 2000AD and EAGLE artist John M. Burn fans
Fans of 2000AD artist John M. Burns are in for a treat with the release of the latest issue of the Dan Dare-inspired anthology magazine, Spaceship Away
Fans of 2000AD artist John M. Burns are in for a treat with the release of the latest issue of the Dan Dare-inspired anthology magazine, Spaceship Away. Not only has he provided both front and back cover for Issue 59, but there’s a short, classic “Dare” sample strip commanding its centre pages, too – and he’s also interviewed this issue. Originally created by Rod Barzilay, Spaceship Away is now…
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exlibra · 1 year
“I’ll go with him. To New York.”
“Are you sure that’s a good -” Dawes started, and Alex immediately waved her off.
“Of course not, but maybe it’s the best out of a number of terrible ones. We know I can…” she almost said lasso him like a cowboy, thinking of the whip of blue hellfire that had wrapped itself around his neck on the street just outside the house, before she stopped herself. There were some absurdities that even Alex wasn’t willing to utter.
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theroyalsandi · 3 months
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British Royal Family - The Prince of Wales meets with Ruby McBurney, a surviving child of a Gresford Disaster victim, during a visit to the Gresford Colliery Disaster memorial as he marks St. David's Day in Wrexham, Wales. (Photo by Molly Darlington) | March 01, 2024
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Franklin's lost expedition crew
I was looking at posts about AMC's The Terror and I kept getting confused by the use of first names, so I wanted to see how many of the characters had the same names. Arranging the crew in alphabetical order, I got:
1 x Abraham (Seeley)
4 x Alexander (Berry, McDonald, Paterson, Wilson)
5 x Charles (Best, Coombs, Des Voeux, Johnson, Osmer)
1 x Cornelius (Hickey)
2 x Daniel (Arthur, Bryant)
3 x David (Leys, Macdonald, Young) + Bonus: Bryant in the show but most historical sources I found list him as Daniel
1 x Edmund (Hoar)
3 x Edward (Couch, Genge, Little)
2 x Edwin (Helpman, Lawrence)
3 x Francis (Crozier, Dunn, Pocock)
1 x Frederick (Hornby) + Bonus: Des Voeux, whom I have seen referred to as Frederick rather than Charles on occasion
6 x George (Cann, Chambers, Hodgson, Kinnaird, Thompson, Williams)
1 x Gillies (MacBean)
1 x Graham (Gore)
7 x Henry/Harry (Collins, Goodsir, Le Vesconte, Lloyd, Peglar, Sait, Wilkes)
10 x James (Brown, Daly, Elliot, Fairholme, Fitzjames, Hart, Reid, Ridgen, Thompson, Walker) + Bonus: Ross, who was not part of the expedition but appears in the show
23 x John (Bailey, Bates, Bridgens, Brown, Cowie, Diggle, Downing, Franklin, Gregory, Hammond, Handford, Hartnell, Irving, Kenley, Lane, Morfin, Murray, Peddie, Strickland, Sullivan, Torrington, Weekes, Wilson)
2 x Joseph (Andrews, Healey)
1 x Josephus (Geater)
1 x Luke (Smith)
1 x Magnus (Manson)
1 x Philip (Reddington)
1 x Reuben (Male)
2 x Richard (Aylmore, Wall)
8 x Robert (Carr, Ferrier, Golding, Hopcraft, Johns, Sargent, Sinclair, Thomas)
3 x Samuel (Brown, Crispe, Honey)
1 x Solomon (Tozer)
16 x Thomas (Armitage, Blanky, Burt, Darlington, Evans, Farr, Hartnell, Honey, Johnson, Jopson, McConvey, Plater, Tadman, Terry, Watson, Work)
22 x William (Aitken, Bell, Braine, Clossan, Fowler, Gibson, Goddard, Heather, Hedges, Jerry, Johnson, Mark, Orren, Pilkington, Read, Rhodes, Shanks, Sims, Sinclair, Smith, Strong, Wentzall)
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chaezaqueue · 1 month
I was tagged by @victoriouscabaret to list ten songs from my playlist. I'll be using my Spotify Likes so it is a vast pool. :)
Here is the link to their post, and thank you for tagging me! <3
1.) Lazarus - Bellarive 2.) We Won't Waltz Together - Piotr Wiese 3.) Rivers - S.J Morgan 4.) If You Can't Hang - Sleeping with Sirens 5.) god save me, but don't drown me out - YUNGBLUD 6.) Breathe, Desperately - From Indian Lakes 7.) Annabelle - Creeper 8.) FREAK (feat. YUNGBLUD) - Demi Lovato, YUNGBLUD 9.) Let's Dance - David Bowie 10.) Sea of Tranquility - Evan Michael Brown
This being said I haven't listened to these songs in forever LMAO.
Once again tagging @covfefeships , @darlington-v , @stargatenovus , @reddest-x , and @sweetlywingedcreation
Y'all let me know if you don't want to be tagged!!!
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes of Fear Her - Part Seven 
Excerpt from David Darlington's interview with writer Matthew Graham for Doctor Who Magazine:
David Darlington [with a question about Life on Mars, which Matthew Graham co-created]: Sam Tyler. Rose Tyler. Coincidence... or something more sinister? Matthew Graham: Oh, God. [Sighs]. Originally Sam was called "Williams". And with respect to all the Williamses out there, it's a pretty boring name for your hero. And we were about to start filming when Kudos phoned up and said "We've just suddenly thought – 'Gene Hunt' is great, it's an iconic name. 'Sam Williams' just doesn't feel very punchy.". So I came up with a list of names and they didn't like any of them. So I said to Daisy, my daughter, what could his second name be? Not realising that Daisy had just watched Doctor Who on video... and she said "Tyler". Great! Tyler! Phoned up Kudos and they agreed. 'Sam Tyler'. Brilliant. And then I went back to Daisy and said "Where did you get that name from?" "Oh – Rose is called Rose Tyler...". Aaaargh! Everyone's going to think that we haven't got an original idea! So, er, yes. He is named after Rose Tyler. David Darlington: I really wasn't expecting a 'yes' to that question! Matthew Graham: No, you weren't, were you? But it wasn't coincidence – it was my daughter's fault! David Darlington: So that was her input to the show – given that your son gave Sam his first name...? Matthew Graham: I did have Sam's name in my Doctor Who episode, as well, and ruthless Russell has cut it out! He said, "I think we could lose this character of Sam Graham"... David Darlington: Aww... Matthew Graham: But Sam has been up and had his photo taken with David. It was the sweetest thing – he stood next to me in awe until David walked over. "Hello! I'm the Doctor! Nice to meet you!". And it was just wonderful to see it... David Darlington: Did he put his 'Doctor Who' voice on for it? Matthew Graham: He did! He put his 'Doctor Who' voice on and when I asked if there was any chance of a photo with him and Sam, he said "Yeah – I'll get my costume back on!" He'd just been in a puffer jacket, and he put his long coat on and put his arm round Sam. Sam couldn't believe it. David is just the nicest man in the world...
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sophie-e-b · 5 months
Sophie Darlington is a wildlife cinematographer for shows such as David Attenborough's 'Planet Earth'. She regularly gets up way before dawn in places such as Sri Lanka or East Africa, and sits for over 12 hours a day watching the animal she’s filming, often for weeks at a time. She says it’s the best job in the world but you come back 'rinsed'.
When her son Louis came along 23 years ago, Sophie had to take a break from her cinematography work for several years, but she returned when Louis was 4 and a half and even took him to live with her in the Serengeti for a year, while she worked.  She also has an 11 year old step daughter now, who she says is 'so cool'.
She is passionate about nature, and she is worried about the effect of climate change on the natural world, having observed worrying trends over the past decades during her cinematography projects.
Sophie says it takes a certain mindset to want to sit for 10 hours in 36 degree heat in a metre by metre hide, or 30 metres up a tree.  She also says that when she comes back from filming she can't cross a road for a while as she's so unused to city life.  
Sophie says her purpose is to 'make people give a damn' - it's definitely worked on me! X
Listen now: https://sophieellisbextor.komi.io 
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oatbrew · 2 months
scream era melissa barrera as alex, david corenswet specifically from the politician as darlington is this anything send post
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manyfandomocs · 9 months
WBW for my girl Leila?
Of course of course
full name: Leila Adrianne Becker (Storybrooke) / Princess Leila Adrianne Darlington (Enchanted Forest)
gender: Cisgender Female
sexuality: Pansexual
pronouns: She/Her
family: Eliana Becker/Darlington (younger sister), 5 unnamed sisters (younger sisters), Cyrus Darlington (father), Margaret Sterling (aunt)
birthplace: Darlington Castle, Enchanted Forest
job: Elementary School Principal
phobias: Dogs and sharks
guilty pleasures: Her midnight brownie obsession and R&B music
morality alignment?: chaotic neutral to lawful evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: Leila/Regina
ot3: Hmmm Leila/Regina/Robin Hood?
brotp: Leila/Mary Margaret
notp: Leila/Emma or Leila/David
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pammydawes · 1 year
Alrighty folks we are at 8.5 hours left of hell bent and BOY HOWDY do I have some thoughts!!
🛑!!Spoilers below!!🛑
BWAHAHAHA I am being so fulfilled and validated!! Im glad it worked out so that this check in is right before they descend into hell and everything
All my mercy and pammie nerd bonding dreams are coming true. Leigh idk what I did to personally deserve this but ty
TRIPPPPP he’s back my golden retriever is back!!! Not doing so hot but he’s had it p good in life so far. Can’t wait to see how he does in literal hell!
Abel turner continues to be the mvp!! Also just realized he’s Christian and Abel is a biblical name…..as in ‘Cain and’. I’m worried and pretending not to think abt it!! Hope he doesn’t have any older siblings!! “Your demonic boyfriend” on the floor. I Gagged. when I heard that. turner stop giving the people what we want idk if we can handle it
I’m deeply concerned about the status of darlingdemon’s physical body?? Is that what’s at black elm or not?? If they’re only bringing his soul back what are they planning on putting it in???
While I am a little overwhelmed by the addition of yet more seemingly unrelated plot intrigue, linus rider has been an absolute blast so far!! The whole time Alex was comparing Ariel and eitan and Len and drug dealers generally to vampires she was on the nose!!! I kinda wonder how eitan is gonna play into the more supernatural plot lines now. Could he be a vampire??
ALSO, odds that Linus is the terrible new Lethe supervisor whose name I can’t remember’s long lost lover??? Any takers?? Speaking of whom, wow! I have never well and truly disliked a character so quickly! I feel like Leigh made him so intentionally dislikeable right off the bat that something is gonna happen later to turn that on its head, idk what yet. It’s never what you see is what you get with miss Bardugo…….
Speaking of dislikeable, anselm’s cool card is revoked for being a creep! Drain him dry Alex!!! Although that whole convo was pretty enjoyable I will admit. I like the juxtaposition of him with darlington, anselm being the sort of jaded realist darlington might have grown into if he weren’t…darlington
Speaking of vampires and dislikeable, huge fan of the scene where Alex tells darlington’s parents to eat shit and die!!! And Alex seeing DTA3’s memories, that was sooooo good. Also COSMO……my funky little guy….what are Bowie cat’s secrets I am dying to know!!! What if he really is David Bowie, and David Bowie was a demon the arlingtons made a deal with way back in the day. (Minus the David Bowie part that is an actual theory)
The part where pammie and Alex fought…… :(. Shit hurted pretty good I must say
Just WHAT is going on with Michelle???? I literally have no ideas do we really think she might be linked to the murders?? Is SHE a demon?? I take back everything I said abt her being meh I am deeply intrigued
Sexy gardener lauren ahahaha. When it was mentioned that the ritual is supposed to have a whole bunch of people all together keeping time on the surface while ppl are going to hell my immediate thought was that they were somehow gonna bring their liquor treat party to the ritual site and blast music. Still think that would be fun but idk if it would make sense. Does feel like some mercy type innovation though, and it would rope Lauren into the plot a lil more
Because I’m a hornball thirstgremlin with repressed anger issues I am DESPERATE for a scene with demon Danny threatening someone who’s been giving alex shit. My top picks are eitan and Linus, anselm is also a candidate. lord imagine demon darlington policing the houses of the veil, that would serve them goddamn right
I’m wondering if we’re going to get any more answers about Alex’s nature any time soon? What tf is a wheelwalker? What was her grandma’s deal? (Cool lady all the memories of her are so compelling) what was her DAD’s deal? Is her mom really that spacey or is there something more to all of her flakiness? I am SO curious!!!! What if her dad was connected to Lethe somehow!!
I’m also enjoying the further intrigue abt lethe’s origins and the gauntlet. Never trust an organization that’s main purpose is to uphold the greater broken institution yall
And still we don’t know wtf is going to be the deal in november!!!!!
See y’all in another four hours ig 👀
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downthetubes · 11 months
Spaceship Away, the Dan Dare-inspired SF comic anthology, celebrates landmark sixtieth issue
A landmark issue for the long-running independently-published SF comic magazine, Spaceship Away
The team behind the Dan Dare and Eagle-inspired comics anthology Spaceship Away are celebrating this month, as the long-running title clocks up its sixtieth issue – and on fine form. The cover of Spaceship Away Part 60 represents Keith Watson’s cover art for Part One, published in 2003 First announced at an Eagle Society Annual Dinner back in 1992 by its original editor, Rod Barzilay, Spaceship…
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
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“Brick Train” (1997) in Darlington. All images © David Mach
Industrial Materials Reconstruct Local History on a Monumental Scale in Public Sculptures by David Mach
All images © David Mach
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“Out of Order” (1989) in Kingston-upon-Thames. Photograph by Mike Longhurst
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Render for Mach1, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh
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“The Temple at Tyre”
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Born: April 22, 1892, Darlington Heights, VA 
Died: June 11, 1965, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Vernon Johns was an American minister based in the South and a pioneer in the civil rights movement. He is best known as the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Father of six children
Education: The University of Chicago, Oberlin College, Boydton Academic and Bible Institute
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12 Things about Vernon Johns, a Devoted Preacher, and Pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement;
The Man Who Laid the GroundWork 
 Martin Luther King Jr.
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Johns was born in Darlington Heights, Prince Edward County, Virginia. Three of his grandparents had been enslaved. His paternal grandfather was hanged for killing his master.
In 1915, Johns graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary and College.
While at Oberlin, Johns was highly respected by both his classmates and the faculty; he was chosen to give the annual student oration. After graduating from Oberlin in 1918, he attended the University of Chicago’s graduate school of theology.
In 1926, he was the first African American to have his work published in Best Sermons of the Year.
In 1929–33 Johns served as president of Lynchburg’s Virginia Theological Seminary and College. He was unable to stabilize the school’s finances and was forced to resign. He returned to his family farm for several years.
On one occasion, he paid his fare on a bus in Montgomery, and was directed to the back in the custom of segregated seating. He refused to sit there and demanded, and got, his money back.
He persuaded black women to bring charges in court against their white rapists, and he helped the women with their cases. No one was convicted, but just getting the white men into court was an achievement.
In 1947 Johns found his way to the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. In spite of his eccentricities, its black-elite congregation liked his preaching and his leadership. Within two years, however, he started to speak out about racial issues and to castigate his congregation for ignoring them.
He sometimes ruffled feathers among his upper- and middle-class congregation by selling his farm produce outside the church building.
Following his departure from Dexter, Johns continued to speak at churches and colleges throughout the United States. At King’s request, he returned to Dexter as guest preacher for its 79th anniversary service.
A television film, Road to Freedom: The Vernon Johns Story (1994), written by Leslie Lee and Kevin Arkadie, was based on an unpublished biography by Henry W. Powell of The Vernon Johns Society.
David Anderson Elementary School in Petersburg, Virginia, was renamed as Vernon Johns Middle School. In 2009 was adapted as the junior high school for the city school system
SOURCE BY: Carla D. Wilson Laskey -  Using words to inspire, motivate, and encourage us all to positively impact the world for the greater good of all! https://linktr.ee/CarlaDee
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Mylène Brodeur and John Mattatall’s short program costumes at the 2011 Canadian Championships and 2010 Trophée Eric Bompard.
(Sources: David W. Carmichael and Andrea Darlington)
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes of Fear Her - Part Six 
Excerpt from David Darlington's interview with writer Matthew Graham for Doctor Who Magazine:
David Darlington: Talking of the Doctor – how early in the process did you become involved? Were you, at any stage, writing for the ninth Doctor rather than the tenth?
Matthew Graham: No, it was always... when I started, I don't think David Tennant was officially attached. It was the worst kept secret in television, everyone knew about it, but no-one was officially acknowledging it. And there were rumours going round about Alan Davies, Stephen Fry, Bill Nighy, Richard E. Grant – but everyone knew it was going to be David Tennant. So right from the start I was writing with David in mind, and fairly soon after that it was confirmed. And that made it so much easier – watching Casanova, you just thought "Yeah, yeah, yeah! This is going to be great!" He is so good... and of course he's a fan, as well. He grew up with Doctor Who. I was talking to him the other day, and he said "When I was a kid I used to play at Doctor Who – I used to play at being the Doctor and now I am the Doctor!". What are the chances? That's another reason why I enjoyed the process – how could you possibly want to sully this experience? Why would I ever want to look back and think, "Doctor Who – that was the programme where I had all the rows with people"? The only thing I did, was when I started I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to do it and that Russell would have to rewrite it. And I didn't know how I would handle that, and I was very concerned. I was so concerned I phoned Russell and said "I'm really worried I'm going to mess this up, and you're not going to be able to tell me how I'm messing up, and you're going to have to rewrite it." And he was great - he said, "It's not going to happen on this show because you love it and you're coming at it with enthusiasm - that's the best weapon you've got." And he was right, because it was never a painful process...
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Credits and Information
If you would like to contribute please reply to this post. All contributions will be credited below.
1. Katherine Yarrow
2. Daryl Gillam
3. Andy Simms
4. Tom Cook
5. Winsy
6. Grace’s
7. Billy Bog Weed
8. Winsy
9. Steetley Dan
10. Muse : The 2nd Law: Isolated System
11. Winsy
12. Jez Lowe : Wagga Moon
13. Edward Clarke
14. Grace’s
15. Winsy
16. Michael Holt / John Dawson
17. Ridley & Tony Scott : Boy & Bicycle
18. Yorkshire Film Archive
19. Winsy
20. Tube Alloys
21. “If I tell you I’ll have to kill you” 🤷‍♂️
22. Maxy Neil Bianco : Pig The Dog
23. Seaton Snooks Tea Room : Twitter @seatonsnookstea
24. PJandOddam
25. History of Hartlepool in Images
26. 500 Club
27. History of Hartlepool in Images
28. Winsy
29. Stuart Drummond
30. Simone Jones Higgins
31. Grace’s
32. Unknown
33. Institute of Civil Engineers
34. Pete Cholmondeley
35. History of Hartlepool in Images
36. History of Hartlepool in Images
37. Harry Harland
38. Mike O’Hare
39. The Lake Poets : Shipyards
40. The Northern Echo
41. Jeff Stelling / Hartlepool United TV
42. Northern Daily Mail
43. Winsy
44. Katherine Yarrow
45. History of Hartlepool in Images
46. The Fettlers : The Hartlepool Monkey
47. Peter Vicente
48. Chris Downey
49. Winsy
50. Katherine Yarrow
51. www.Seatonsnook.com
52. Anth Frain
53. Our Newcastle
54. Winsy
55. History of Hartlepool in Images
56. Dave Harrison/HOHII
57. Peter Vicente
58. History of Hartlepool in Images
59. History of Hartlepool in Images
60. Maxy Neil Bianco : Can House
61. Katherine Yarrow
62. History of Hartlepool In Images
63. Winsy
64. Carl Richardson
65. DNR Zero
66. Peter Vicente
67. The Naughty Boys
68. Katherine Yarrow
69. Harry Proctor
70. Winsy
71. Jez Lowe
72. Jan Proctor
73. Boothby Graffoe
74. Harry Proctor
75. Teesside Development Corporation
76. The Skapones
77. Caroline Brown
78. Tony Readman
79. Reg Smyth : Andy Capp & Flo
80. Phil Reay
81. Bob Fox
82. Comrade Ramirez McHaggis
83. Debbie Carter
84. Hartlepool Fash Watch
85. Peter Vicente
86. Uncle George
87. Northern Daily Mail/Press Association
88. Town Of Hartlepool Challenge [THREAD CLOSED BY ORDER OF DPRK!]
89. Maxy Neil Bianco
90. Winsy
91. Dave Spencer
92. Jan Proctor
93. BBC News
94. Wildcats of Middleton
95. Winsy
96. Maxy Neil Bianco
97. Winsy
98. Harry Blackwood
99. The Woven Project : Quiet Girl
100. Phil Reay / Balotelli
101. Brian Clough
102. Graeme Oxby / Angel Brothers
103. Lewis Longwill
104. Strava
105. Paul Davis
106. The Young ‘uns : Cable Street
107. The Other Record Shop
108. 883 Postal and Courier Squadron, Hartlepool TA Centre
109. David Icke
110. Classified. D-Notice
111. NHS Darlington, Durham Dales PCT @ Henson Close & Darlington Borough Council Joint Commissioning Team on behalf of Easington PCT
112. Winsy & Coalfields Regeneration Trust
113. Only Fans
114. Average Joe’s
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