#dbs maron
sleeppyreader · 1 year
17 is the best uncle, but Piccolo is the best dad.
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miss-plum · 7 months
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Pinch 🦀
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upgradewater · 1 month
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db dots - 🟠 - page 47
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dragon-ball-meta · 1 month
I can't help but notice that the fandom has sort of collectively gaslit itself into thinking that Krillin broke up with Maron because he realized the relationship was toxic and wanted out, but in reality, his analogy was Maron as that Pearl, and seeing how badly all those animals wanted to keep that pearl away from him, and choosing to break up with her after that. Krillin didn't realize she was toxic and leave her, he actually felt like HE was the undeserving one in the relationship. That he didn't deserve HER. It's why he was almost willing to take her back when she implied she may have married him. Sadly, it's just used to underline and highlight how little Krillin thinks he's worth and how he feels even a cheating thot like her deserves happiness more than he does. It's actually kind of heartbreaking, but gets played for laughs.
That's... actually an interesting bit of perspective. And I think it has some validity, for sure. Krillin did tend to see himself as incredibly expendible compared to literally almost anyone else for the longest time, so the idea that he'd still think himself unworthy of someone who treated him like that makes some sense. Though I still refuse to accept that he actually would have wound up staying long-term. They'd still have broken up eventually, if only because he knew she'd never really be happy with just him. But yeah, the whole subplot is just really depressing, and the fact that there were clear attempts to play it up for comedy (even contrasting her flirting with other men while Krillin was out there almost dying to try to save everyone) never sat well with me. Really dragged down an otherwise genuinely cool arc. Ah well. At least we can just ignore it.
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hozonkai1 · 11 months
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
Hello friend, hope your weekened's going well!
Here's a question for you. I know you've told me you have a different interpretation about Maron (Or rather Malon according to your spelling). Care to share what your thoughts are on Maron, why she went out with Krillin, and what happened to her after their breakup?
Thanks in advance bud!
Hey! I'm doing okay. And my weekend went kinda well. Or at least what I can remember of it. 😅 (Me answering this after like... 2 weeks. Sorry. 😓) I hope you've been doing well!
(Also, I its been years since I watched episodes that Malon was in. So, I may get some things about Malon wrong.)
Tbh, Malon is not a character I like. That's due to her personality & how she treated Krillin. She's similar to Bulma in appearance, but less attractive personality wise. (Yes... I am one of those guys who will find a physically attractive woman to be unattractive if I don't like her personality.)
Malon comes across as a girl who got whatever she wanted from her parents from fake crying. As she got older, her parents continued to give her whatever she wanted while she also got lots of gifts from guys due to her looks. Malon's maturity process was greatly limited because she never needed nor desired to "grow up" mentally. But at some point, her folks probably got tired of it and put her out.
Malon had no skills (that we know of) due to everyone doing everything for her & her parents always providing. Nor did Malon want to work for anything since most things were always given to her. But now that she was on her own, Malon knew there was one thing she could always rely on; her appearance. That never failed her.
So, Malon dated a lot of guys, but she never had a good idea of what a real relationship was like. The guys she dated would use her for her looks, she would use them for their money. That's all she knew for year. She probably felt neglected by her family and she craved attention as well as material possessions to make her feel important. Then, when she met Krillin, she figured it would be the same as the other guys, but it wasn't. Malon actually began to care about Krillin because he genuinely cared for her. Something new to her. She noticed more and more how she felt she might not need all of that attention to make her "happy." Krillin was enough for her & actually made her happy. However, Krillin was developing in his own way, so he ended up dumping her (which was a good call). Then Malon confesses that she would had married him right after. Krillin's dream was to get married so this made him want her back. But as soon as he broke up with her, Malon already found another guy.
Why did Malon immediately get with another guy seconds later? Because Malon depended on constant attention in order to feel "happiness." And when Krillin dumped her, she felt sad so that she relapsed back into her attention craving habit to give her the "high" she craved. Malon has been looking for love, but settles for fake love. And no matter how much fake love you gather, it never amounts to the real thing.
Then later during filler sections of the Cell Saga, Malon returns to Kame House in search of Krillin. She wanted to get back with him because she was realizing more and more how much she likes him and how well he treated her. And if my memory is correct, Malon says she called all of her old "boyfriends" to cheer her up after she couldn't find Krillin A.K.A. the one guy who actually made her feel happy A.K.A. the only guy she would be willing to marry. So, Malon returned to fake love. This further reveals that sadly, Malon is an attention addict. Then, we dont see her again...
The bad patterns she developed throughout the years hindered her ability to comit to one person. She's knows on a subconscious oevel that that 99.9% of the guys she dated don't care about her.
I believe that Malon is a very lonely person who thinks she needs a lot of constant attention in order to feel important. Reality hit when she discovered she actually liked Krillin, but then denail resurfaced when she realized she couldn't have Krillin back. She needed to find a way to cope with the denial and sadness, so she returns to delusion; chasing a high that she can't get again by dating tons of guys who buy her things to make her feel important & special like how 1 single person made her feel.
I'd say its similar to Instagram models who date high profile guys, the guys give them expensive gifts and take them to places around the world, then the women end up doing stuff that they don't want to do but do so for money and attention so that they can live that lavish fantasy lifestyle for attention. I won't say what those Instagram models do for money cause its pretty disturbing. Meanwhile, those women attempt to ignore the trauma they let themselves go through just for attention. But, I don't think Malon goes that far. She appears to just use guys to buy her things then goes on her way. However, like those women, Malon is a woman who doesn't understand her value and doesn't know how to treat someone who actually cares about her.
Part of me feels sorry for Malon, but the other part of me doesn't care because she's choosing to stay in denial. There's no growth when a person does that. You just gotta leave them be & hope for the best for them. I know ppl like that who don't want to grow. And those people will end up like the old folks I talk with who say "Don't do what I did. I missed out on good people and spending time with my kids because I was chasing the wrong women/men." That's a life with a lot of regret. And Malon seems to be going down that road.
This one is a simple and to the point answer.
Malon would date most guys if they looked nice & could buy her nice things. She saw Kriilin, thought he was cute, found out if he had money, she dated him. She would call many guys her "boyfriend" without really caring what that meant. Because to her, having a "boyfriend" just meant she had a guy who would buy her fancy gifts. Krillin was one of those guys, but Malon ended up actually liking him & how he treated her more than his money & what he could buy for her.
For most women who behave like Malon, they end up maturing at some point after their 20's (this applies for men too, but we're talking about Malon so...). Bulma is an example of an immature woman that matures when she is in her 30's. For Bulma, being a mother is what mostly helped her mature. She had to be serious and take care of someone other than herself. She couldn't be selfish like she was before & taking care of a child helped her appreciate others more.
Also, I'm sure that Bulma stupidity bringing her baby to a battlefield & nearly dying made her wisen up and mature real quick. Seriously... who takes an infant to a war zone? An immature & selfish person, that's who. Glad Bulma got better tho.
As for Malon, she may have had a child at some point and realized she needed to grow up mentally for her child's sake. But, I've seen people remain immature even after having a child, so she may or may not have matured after becoming a mother. Depends on the individual & their circumstances.
Another option is that she just came to the realization that she needed to change herself for the better. That she needed to break her bad habits & build self-confidence instead of arrogance. Perhaps she found someone who would treat her like Krillin treated her & this time she actually appreciated them. Or maybe not. Who knows. I just hope she changed for the best.
I have too much on my mind & I can't help but add an extra toughts section. 😅 Y'all can skip over this if you'd like.
In case for others reading this, I just want to make it clear that Malon is not canon to the Main continuity. And how I organize continuity is that certain Z Filler like the Garlic Jr. saga is connected to the DBZ movies like Dead Zone & Fusion Reborn.
Malon missed out on a life of happiness. This is due to her not having much self worth. Malon never took relationships seriously & it was normal to her to flirt with guys in order to recieve material possessions to give her a sense of happiness. (This bad habit is why she flirted with Yamcha.)
Many in the fandom only look at Krillin & take away the wrong message because they dislike him. Krillin breaking up with Malon was one of the best things he could have done for himself. But, the other side that the fandom ignores is the fact that Malon is a very sad person who is addicted to fake happiness and attention. Malon developed habits that ended sabotaging her own happiness. Krillin x Malon is a story about valuing yourself. In the end, Krillin did. Malon didn't value herself nor Krillin when she had him.
Krillin originally dated Malon because she reminded him of someone he had a crush on; Bulma, the woman he also spent many days with traveling to Namek while she walked around in her underwear. So of course he developed more attraction to Bulma. Then comes Malon who was essentially an exaggerated Bulma; a shapelier figure with bigger "melons" (hence the name & why I call her "Malon"), a more cutesy voice & refers to herself in the 3rd person, more conceded than Bulma was, used her looks to get what she wanted more than Bulma did, and Malon was more boy crazy than Bulma. But Malon mainly used the guys for money unlike Bulma. However, Malon was an airhead while Bulma was a genius. And I find it funny that Bulma really hated her when Malon was a slightly different reflection of herself. Bulma didn't realize her own flaws not even when a reflection of herself was right in front of her. But back to Krillin, he felt like Malon didn't actually love him. And she didn't. Malon simply liked Krillin more than the other guys. Fortunately, Krillin realized the relationship wasn't good for him, but he didn't want to place blame on Malon. Due to being beaten up and bullied by older monks for 9 years, he felt he wasn't good enough for Malon & blamed himself. In reality, Krillin lucked out and dodge a toxic relationship that was extremely frustrating. Even though he didn't think too highly of himself, he knew to make a decision that would benefit him in the long run. Which is one reason why 18 is so good for him, because she helps build his confidence while he reassures her of her worth as a person.
After Krillin went back at Kame House, Bulma says Krillin is better off without Malon. Then Yamcha who is in a similar relationship seems happy for Krillin. This could be implying that the way Bulma treated Yamcha is a bit similar Malon's treatment of Krillin. Both Malon & Bulma craved a lot of attention (possibly due to some neglect from their respective parents) & they behaved very selfish in their relationships. And coincidentally, Krillin's relationship with Malon reflects what happend to Yamcha and Bulma later. Guy wanted to marry girl • girl was immature & selfish • they break-up • girl gets with a bad boy/evil guy immediately after because she was addicted to the wrong kind of attention • first guy is saddened, but has to get over it & moves on • girl quickly realizes her mistake and regrets it • first guy & girl don't get back together.
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defrain · 6 months
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piccoku · 1 year
currently i'm watching dbs via watching only the filler in not the right order. honestly just for shits and giggles. But god wow when goku isn't fighting he's about the damn cutest thing ever. he loves his friends and family and is kind of a silly dork and is so overpowered he doesn't even get it. i think i would kill for more farmer goku
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duhragonball · 1 year
Will apocryphal cover db abridged?
Nah. I'm not doing fanworks.
That might be something for another time, though. Sometimes I'll find Dragon Ball Multiverse in my old bookmarks, and I've never gotten around to starting it, much less catching up. And there's probably other fanworks that might be worth going over.
On the other hand, I don't know that fanworks really warrant that kind of scrutiny. It's one thing to roast Kozo Morishita and Toei, or even Akira Toriyama. Fans are just doing this stuff for fun. At the same time, I'd be hamstrung if I couldn't point out glaring problems.
Of course, Team Four Star has kind of evolved beyond a fan group into a business, but DBZA is in a grey area where they made it as a non-profit thing, then turned it into an attraction for all their for-profit ventures. Also, they're just doing DBZ with more jokes. There's some original story woven in to the parody, like the whole thing with Maron going undercover to expose "Jaun Sanchez" in Episode 31. But most of it is just stuff I've already gone over before in the source material, but with jokes.
"HFIL" would be a different story, but I'd want to wait for them to get more episodes out before tackling that. Also, it seems kind of pointless, since the whole thing is on YouTube for free. I mean, so is Super Dragon Ball Heroes, and I'm planning to cover that later this year, but that's because I want to understand the plot. Also, I keep losing track of where I left off from watching it before.
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laladbzland · 3 years
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lightningz7 · 3 years
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sleeppyreader · 1 year
Uncle 17, we need to see more of this honestly
🥺 ❤️
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patchworkghost · 3 years
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Bro I hate Dragon Ball so much one of these girls is just a rando Krillin dated and the other is actually Bulmas sister who appears for the first time 30 years into the franchise
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upgradewater · 15 days
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dragonball dots
🟠 ch1, pg 48~49
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dragon-ball-meta · 2 years
What do you think about Maron, Krilin's ex-girlfriend?
She's awful. She's manipulative, she's uncaring, she's a liar and emotionally abusive, there's literally ZERO redeeming qualities about her, and she doesn't even really bring anything to the table but fanservice and sheer annoyance. Genuinely feel she's the worst character in the franchise.
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hozonkai1 · 11 months
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