#dealer!remus x you
fuckmymunson · 2 years
yesyesyesyesyes. Yes, Remus pls make me ur ashtray!:D been thinking about making a multichapter fic about thissssss dynamic!!! Perhaps later...
"So, um." You speak, softly, hands fidgeting in your lap. "That's a very interesting way to... work."
Dealer!Remus chuckles at the sentence. "Darling." The pet name rolls off his tongue as elegant as the way his fingers are rolling the cigarette. "I know what you think, and s'okay. I'm not proud of it either. It's natural for you to be disappointed."
"I'm not... disappointed." You object, carefully choosing your words. "I'm just, surprised. Yeah, that's the word. You know, I've never met a—" Pause. A what? "Uh..."
"A drug dealer?" Remus presses the joint against his lips. "Sweetheart, if you want to break up with me, s'fine. I won't force you to be with someone like me."
"Remus." You call him, snatching the lighter from his hand. "I love you for who you are, I don't care what you do to survive, I guess. Economy is shitty enough as it is."
Lightning up the cigarette for him, you watch in awe how he takes a long drag, how his body relaxes, and how he never breaks eye contact.
"It's rather ironic that a daddy's princess that is spoiled rotten like you, is dating the guy who sells drugs to pay for his scholarship like me." As he speaks, the smoke escapes from his lips and nose, making him look like a scarred freckled dragon.
"Shut up." You giggle, shaking your head when he offers you the joint. "I'm not spoiled rotten."
Remus scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Sure, and when I took you on our first date, you didn't threw a tantrum when the restaurant didn't had your «favorite salad dressing»."
"Don't remind me that, idiot." You punch his shoulder gently. "That's besides the point, Remmy. I love you, you, you."
"Love you too, princess." And you know it's true.
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zvdvdlvr · 1 month
fuckin need dealer remus or i’ll die
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“rem you know i have a high tolerance,” you mused, resting your head against the headboard of your shared bed.
“I know, dove, but this is strong.” You just sighed in response and closed your eyes. It was about 11 at night last you’d checked, and you were fighting sleep. Normally you try to stay away from smoking this late at night because you had work in the morning, but lately sleep had been evading you.
“Please, baby,” you asked, knowing he’d still probably say no.
That’s why you were surprised to hear your boyfriend groan. “Merlin dove,” he mumbled, fumbling for the lighter in his jacket pocket. He tossed you the lighter and finished wrapping a blunt. Remus’s lanky form moved quickly in the dark room, approaching your open arms. “I need to get better at saying no to you,” he murmured as he softly placed the joint between your lips. “Breathe, pretty,” he whispered, lighting up.
Your eyes closed as you inhaled. Smoke filled your lungs and you held it there for a moment. Then you took the blunt put of your mouth and moved your lips to Remus’s and blew into his mouth.
Remus groaned at your action, pressing his lips to yours as he seemed to devour you whole. His hands fell onto your hips as he guided you into his lap. Your lips wrapped around the blunt once more again, feeling a proverbial weight being lifted off your shoulders as Remus stared at you, in a trance as you blew smoke into his mouth.
He wondered why he ever thought saying no to you was such a bad idea.
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 months
Dealer!remus tucking your hair behind your ear while you're sparking up so you don't burn it.
(Dealer!remus is so important to me)
Not me blushing reading this!!!
Your hands are shaking as you place the blunt between your lips and hold the torch lighter in your hands.
This isn’t the first time you’ve smoked either Remus, it’s not even the second, but you can smell his cologne and his laundry detergent and it’s messing with your head.
Remus chuckles as you click the lighter and it flickers out, making you groan and lean forward over it a little more.
Remus is in a pair of sweatpants and a tight fitting shirt and you’re in a pretty orange dress that hits about mid thigh.
The expanse of your thigh exposed, shiny skin on full display makes Remus want to lay his hand on it and squeeze it but he figures that might make you light your hair on fire.
Speaking of that, when you finally get the torch to remain lit, there’s a strand of hair that curls towards it and Remus moves fast.
“Shit,” he mumbles, his hand reaching up to tuck it behind your ear. “Atta girl.” He coos as you inhale and smoke billows out with your exhale.
“Remus,” you whine his name as you take another hit and the man knows exactly what you mean to say by it because all he does is give you a little smile.
“What, dove?” He says it so smoothly, his voice a little rough and husky from his own blunt and it makes you shut your eyes to escape his soft gaze.
“You’re very mean to me.” You say as you sigh, smoke fogging your porch.
“Mean to you? I wouldn’t dream of it, pretty girl.” His hand drops to your thigh then, squeezing a little a smiling impishly when your breath hitches. “Be careful you choke, dove.”
You open only one eye to glare at him, finding a huge smile on his face which only makes you bite back your own and shove his hand off you playfully.
“Here have the rest of it, my head’s all cloudy already.” Remus doesn’t finish it off, he lets the paper burn till the heat dissipates and sets it in the ashtray.
“I don’t think it’s the smoke that’s got your head all foggy,” he says, tucking another strand behind your ear making your cheeks blaze.
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reysdriver · 1 year
thinkin about how stoner!remus would def keep his pod warmed up by putting it under your boob
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Remus can't keep his hands out of your shirt while you're smoking together — dealer!remus x fem!reader
warnings: weed smoking, kind of sexual teasing
words: 0.3k
a/n: omg hannah I'm back and writing again I needed a lil drabble like this so thank youu <3
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Your eyes were trained on the swirling cloud of smoke you just exhaled. This was your first time using a pen; before this, Remus had only given you joints or edibles. You had to admit that the unique smoke patterns that came with using a pen were fascinating you right now. 
Then Remus blew out a cloud of smoke towards yours so you could be entertained by it for even longer. 
You were sitting next to him wearing your own shorts but his oversized jumper, practically melting into Remus' side before you even got high. He pulled you closer to him, his hands holding your sides. You didn’t think anything of his actions—he always wanted you as close as can be when you got high together—until his hands started sneaking under the fabric and onto your chest. 
Something other than his fingers touched you just below your breast and you flinched lightly. He pulled his hand away to show that it was just his weed pen in his hand. 
“I need to keep it warm, love.” He explained mischievously. 
“Put it in your pants, then.” You suggested while snuggling back against his torso. 
“But I just need to keep it against your tits.” He whined jokingly. “Look, they’re like magnets! How could you deny this poor pen from a power like that?”
He kept trying to worm his hands under the hoodie, and you kept slapping them away—even though you secretly wanted his hands on your chest. 
“Remmy, it’s just an excuse to get your hands on my tits!”
“I’m not denying that.” Remus was now desperate, making the cutest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen on him. “Please, let me keep it warm against your chest?”
And who were you to deny him when he was like this? You lifted your arms, taking away the barrier you had made. “As long as keeping your pen warm is all you have in mind.”
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remusslove · 1 year
“Just take it slow darling, there ya go” remus said holding the blunt for you. His cock stirred in his pants seeing you suck on the blunt he just rolled.
You exhaled the smoke you inhaled slowly, your dazed eyes becoming hooded. “Like that remmy?” You asked him seeking for his approval.
“Mhm good job baby” he muttered leaning down and placing a kiss on your forehead. “Finally let her smoke?” Sirius asked with a mockingly grin.
Remus shot him a glare causing him to put his hands up jokingly before grabbing his bong. “Whatever lovebirds” he teased before placing his lips on the bong.
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look after each other
dealer!remus lupin x baker!reader
words: 1.8k
cw: pining, idiots in love, drug use, tension
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remus always knows when you're upset.
remus watched as you were finishing the strawberry tarts. he was not so sneakily stealing strawberries as you hummed along to the soft music pouring out of the speakers. it was friday night but you wanted to drop them off to mrs silvia tonight so you could sleep in tomorrow. mrs silvia was a kind older woman who lived alone and spoke with an accent neither of you could place - though you did enjoy speculating about it - and every week she would order some kind of baked good from you. 
you put them all neatly in a box and said you'd be quick even though both of you knew that wasn't true. she only lived two floors below you but mrs silvia always chatted for just a tad too long whenever she saw either of you.
so, seventeen minutes later and counting he was browsing through netflix waiting for your return. it was his pick tonight and he knew no matter what he chose you'd tease him about it, but he didn't mind. just as he was starting to get restless you return. you smile softly at him as you lean on the doorframe for stability while you tug your shoes off.  
remus returns your smile and stares at you intently. his gaze feels sharp on you, you always feel exposed under his stare, like he can see all of your secrets. 
you start walking to the couch and flop down on the side closest to the door and run a hand over your face, feeling exhausted. remus cocks his head as his eyes follow you, squinting slightly as he continues study you.
“what’s wrong, angel?”
you met his gaze and glared playfully “nothin’. what's wrong with you remmy?”
he glares back and scrunches his nose up “don't lie, sweetheart it’s not a good habit.”
“says the drug dealer.”
“bunny” you hate that tone. it makes you want to tell him every little thought going through your brain. 
“‘m just tired rem. and my feet hurt those shoes are cute, but fuck do they hurt”
he smiles slightly before he furrows his brows. he noticed your absence over the past few weeks, spending less time with him and working more. he pulls your feet onto his lap and starts massaging them. you sigh contently shuffle around getting comfortable and mumble out a small “thank you” he only hums in response “what movie did you pick?” you ask.
“a new hope”
“again?” you ask in a teasing tone.
“yeah. whatchu got against episode 4?”
“nothin’ just the prequels are better."
“you only say that cause you think hayden christiensen is hot." he rolls his eyes.
“well yeah and ewan mcgregor but carrie fisher is gorgeous so that's not my reasoning. i like the storyline of the prequels better that’s all.”
“you kiddin’ me love? nothing beats watchin’ luke destroy the death star."
“nope wrong anakin and obi wans fight is the best. episode 3 is superior.” you yawn starting to feel the exhaustion catching up to you. 
remus gently smiles and rubs small circles on your ankle “how ‘bout we compromise, bunny? we’ll watch revenge of the sith then new hope. that way we both get our favourites." 
you pretend to consider this and over exaggeratedly tap your chin in thought “m’kay remmy you got yourself a deal.” you hold your hand out to shake. he takes it and squeezes gently. 
“go get changed baby i’ll make the popcorn.” he taps your foot to signal them to move so you slide them to the floor.
“can i borrow one of your sweaters?”
“i left one on your bed angel.”
“you’re the best remsy.”
he scrunches his nose up at the nickname and watches you disappear into your bedroom. you smile as you enter your room upon the sight of one of remus’ brown sweaters folded on your bed. you undress before pulling on the sweater, a pair of comfy boxer briefs and some fluffy socks.
once you’re done you go back into the living room to see remus with a bowl of popcorn and and two cups of tea on the coffee table. he’d taken off his own sweater and was now just relaxing on your couch in his faded graphic tee and grey sweatpants. he’s fiddling with the remote loading up revenge of the sith. 
“hey pretty boy.” you give him a tired smile.
“hey bunny. c’mere.” you fall onto the couch and remus pulls you into him, loving his arms around you and letting your head loll onto his chest. you lean back and look up to him grinning at him. “y’ready for a subpar star wars movie?" 
“if by subpar you mean the bestest most awesomest star wars movie then yes.”
“whatever you wanna believe, love.”
he only half watches the movie. you’d watched them together plenty of time before anyway, he was more interested in watching you. he saw you grow slowly more and more tired.
just as padme gives birth, you start snoring lightly against his chest. he pushes some stray hairs out of your face and kisses your forehead. “g’night bunny.”
and you always take care of remus.
the upbeat knocks on his door jolts remus out of his half asleep state sprawled out on his worn out couch. he sighs as he rises and cracks his back on the short walk to the door.
he swings it open to reveal a familiar smiling face holding a loaf of some kind of bread. he can't help but mirror your smile as he steps aside to invite you in.
“i heard you arrive home 20 minutes ago but i wanted to finish making my banana bread first so i could bring you some” you ramble on while heading towards the kitchen and placing it down on the small breakfast bar, then turning to face him again “mrs. silvia gave me some bananas yesterday apparently her son-” you’re cut off by remus’ arms wrapping around you and his head burying itself in your neck.
you softly start to run your hands through his hair while your other arm returns his impromptu hug. “you doin’ okay remmy?” you question softly but instead of responding his arms just tighten around you.
you furrow your brows and lean back slightly to grab his jaw and look into his eyes. “you high rem?”
“wanna go to bed?”
a beat passes before he slowly nods into your neck. you slowly untangle yourself from him and pull him into his bedroom. you face him and reach up to run your hands through his hair and down his face. he leans into your touch and closes his eyes. you move your hands lower and reach for the bottom of his sweater and slowly pull it over his head and onto the floor. he pulls you into a hug again and your arms go around your waist and lean into him. 
“remus dear?”
“yeah love?”
“please don’t take this the wrong way but when was the last time you showered?”
“um… maybe 4 days ago?”
“can i run you a bath?”
“please angel.”
you giggle as you pull away and walk into his bathroom to start drawing a bath. there were plenty of bath products there already you had gifted him after you taught him how to use them properly. remus lingers in the doorway watching you intently. 
you can feel him lingering “strip, lupin.”
“if you wanted to see me naked pet you could've just asked.” he pulls his shirt off before fumbling with his jeans. he struggles a lot with the button before huffing and leaning against the wall. “babyyyy i need help.”
you sigh softly and move closer to him and undo his jeans “you got it from here pretty boy?” you tease lightly.
“you think i’m pretty?”
“course darlin’” 
he smiles and feels his face heat up. your comments always affect him more when he’s high. 
you watch him shyly turn his head away and smile fondly “the baths ready hon’ do ya need anythin’ else?”
he shakes his head, and you leave the room. once you hear the small click of the door closing you turn and head towards the kitchen. you cut up some of the banana bread and get two glasses of water. you take them to his bedroom and place them on his bedside table. you move around the room, lighting the few candles you had bought for him and grabbing some clean clothes for him. 
you knock on the bathroom door “rem, can i come in?”
“yeah, love.” his muffled voice replies.
you walk in and smile down at him. there were enough bubbles in the bath to preserve his modesty (not that he would have cared anyway) so you could only really see his shoulder and above. “i brought you some clean clothes babe for whenever you’re ready.”
“thanks angel.” he smiles, and you leave again.
you grab some painkillers for his unavoidable hangover in the morning. you decide to change into one of remus’ t-shirts and a spare pair of sleep bottoms you left there. you go back into the kitchen and start making two cups of tea. you set out two mugs and chose the tea bags but just as you start adding the sugar you hear a groan coming from the bathroom. you abandoned the tea and rushed to the bathroom.
as you walk in you seem remus on the floor, shirtless, with one leg inside his pyjama pants.
you can’t help the small giggle that escaped at the sight. “need help sugar?” 
“pleaseeee.” he gives you those stupid puppy dog eyes.
you help him to his feet and hold him to stabilise him while he puts his other leg into his pants. once his pants are securely on his hips you reach for his shirt and bunch it up to help him put his head through the hole. then, helping his arm goes into each sleeve. you smile and pat his chest.
you return to the kitchen and finish making the tea. you move to the sink to wash the teaspoon you used and the other few stray dishes when you feel his arms wrap around your waist. he snuggles into you and smells your hair. he starts slowly kissing your neck and rubbing small circles onto your hip bone with his hand.
“you’re being very affectionate,” you comment trying to come off as nonchalant despite leaning into his touch.
“i missed you.” he mumbled into your neck.
“you saw me this morning.”
“i know but it’s not enough.” he whines slightly in a way that is somehow endearing.
“seeing me every day isn’t enough? what did you take?” you snicker slightly.
“pads had some mushrooms. we’re not the right kind of close we need to be closer. i love you bunny.”
“i love you too remmy.”
“no not in the right way. not in the way i do.”
your breathe hitches. he was high. you force an insincere giggle “you’re so high baby. you ready for bed?”
“can you stay? please stay the night with me?”
“yeah, rem. i’ll stay.”
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dreamsofjanuary · 1 year
‘love’ | r.l
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notes: inspired by everyone under the dealer!remus hashtag, i love everything there 🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings: dealer!remus, reader is high (weed), slightly anxious!reader, pet names (love, baby), fluffy
the knock on the door made you jump. blinking slowly, you got up off of the sofa and made your way towards the door. you felt as though you were walking through cobwebs. a pleasant surprise - remus was at the door.
“hi, rem.” you said softly, wrapping your lazy arms around his torso before you could let him in the door.
“hi, baby. you alright?” he pulled away, holding you by the shoulders so he could get a good look at you. you didn’t look upset. in fact, he knew all too well what your heavy lidded eyes meant.
“‘m a bit high.” you confessed, playing with your jumper.
“i can see that.” he paused, waiting for you to speak, but you didn’t. “want to let me in?”
you nodded, stepping aside so that he could walk in and close the door behind him. wordlessly, he took your hand and led you to the sofa, plopping down with a sigh. immediately, you crawled into his lap, curling up with your head on his shoulder.
“‘m sorry.” you mumbled, playing with his fingers gently.
“why are you sorry?” he moved his head to look down at you.
“took your weed without asking.”
“i left some here for you, remember?” he was referring to the time he came over last week, and left some weed for you. “i just need you to tell me if you have some. but i’m not mad at you, love.”
“it’s okay, love. i promise.” he craned his neck downwards so that he could kiss your forehead gently. his baby always worried too much.
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yellowroseswrites · 1 year
mini blurbs to make up for having to wait till I get back home to post full fics-
dealer/stoner!Remus Lupin x Reader -
"Breathe Dove"
[reader wants to smoke to avoid her own mind, Remus doesn't like that idea. TW- overthinking, mentions of drvgs, allusion to panic attack. Reader has enough hair for a ponytail.]
You were stressed. You were always stressed, but today was especially bad. You weren't even quite sure why. The only thing you wanted was to lay in your boyfriends arms, and well, maybe smoke a little. He would let you, of course. He loves you, he wouldn't tell you no, would he?
You got home to a lovely Remus sitting on the couch waiting patiently for you. You quickly made your way over to him, your body finding its way to his as you wrapped your arms around him.
"Remy," You whined, "Can you roll me one of those things." You couldn't even think of the terminology, you just knew that you needed something to distract yourself with.
Remus looked down at you and sat you down on the couch that he was on. He turned his head slightly, "And why do you need that dove?" He was genuinely confused, you never had much interest in smoking before.
"I dont know," you admitted, "I just need something."
Remus started to get concerned, "How about we get you something to eat instead?"
Your faced scrunched up as you shook your head, "Please?"
"No," Remus said, "Not tonight okay?"
You knew he was doing the right thing. You knew you shouldn't, but man, his no made you mad. It was too much, you had a long day and now your boyfriend wants to control you. He wants to make decisions for you. He can't do that. He can't tell you what not to do, he isn't the boss of you. You can do whatever you want, you can make your own decisions.
"Hey, hey, hey," Remus' hand was on your shoulder, "Breathe Dove"
You blinked once, twice, three times and looked into his eyes.
"It's okay love just breathe. How about we get some rest yea?"
You didn't even answer before he grabbed your hand and led you to his bed. He grabbed a ponytail from the nightstand and gently tied your hair up. He pulled the blankets over you after you made yourself comfortable. He turned the lights off and laid down, placing a quick kiss on your cheek before finally relaxing next to you.
-short and rushed, if you want a super short blurb within the next 3 days, feel free to send an ask, just specify its for this and not a full request. Love you all, stay safe :) -
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ddejavvu · 1 year
For mvm!! Grumpy dealer Remus x sunshine r !!!!! Remus is being the biggest softie when r is over and the boys are so confused like “where is the real Remus???’ But he’s still super pissy with them telling Sirius to shut up but then turning around and showering your face in kisses :( I love him
"Remus," You whimper, clutching at the part of his shirt that lays over his chest, bunching the fabric up in your fists.
"Yes, dove?" He hums, eyes instantly off of the television screen and on you, "What's the matter, darling?"
"My feet are cold," You complain, wriggling them where they've slipped out from under the blanket Remus covered you both with, "I can't reach."
Remus can't either. You're sitting against his chest, you're actually closer than he is, but he holds a hand against your back to keep you up, careful of the lit joint he's pinched between two fingers, and bends forward to fix it anyways.
He fluffs the blanket back over your toes, straining to reach as he tucks it beneath your heels. Then he glances back up at you, still stretched, "Good?"
"Good," You give your feet an experimental wiggle, and the blanket stays put, "Thanks, Rem."
"Fucking ridiculous," A scoff cuts through your couple's reverie, and Remus's jaw goes stiff as he straightens back up to settle against the cushions.
"Oh, really, Sirius?" He brings the joint to his lips, making a show of blowing smoke in Sirius's direction, "Do tell." Remus wraps an arm protectively around your front, staring the man down.
"Remmy," James croons, leaning into Sirius's side with shiny, pleading eyes, "My toesie-woesies are cold."
"Oh, my darling," Sirius gushes, throwing a hand over his forehead in typical dramatic fashion, "That simply won't do. Allow me, princess."
"Ah, thank you!" James breathes again in that airy, ditzy voice he's put on, clutching tight at Sirius's chest, "Whatever would I do without you?"
"Keep talking," Remus drawls, lips morphing once more around the end of his joint, "But remember, you're smoking my weed, on my couch, that my girlfriend and I just had sex on."
Their faces drop, and Sirius points warily to a cushion, "Like, you had sex- here?"
"Twenty minutes ago," Remus shrugs, blowing smoke away from you and leaning in to kiss your temple as you try disappearing from his friends' incredulous gazes, "And last I checked, you fuckers didn't."
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vxntagedior · 1 year
if i ever talk to you that way
summary | remus is concerned about the reaction you gave to him after he pulled a prank on you, based on this tiktok
pairing | dealer!remus lupin x fem!reader
warning | angst, fluff, grumpy/sunshine, mentions of slapping
word count | 1.0k
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Profanities weren’t anything new to Remus, they had been integrated into his vocabulary since he could remember. Along with that, hearing him swear wasn’t anything new to you, you heard it constantly when he talked to people who came to buy from him. 
But that tough personal, would wash away whenever he was around you. The brute dealer who turns into mush when he’s around you. Remus liked to keep you and the rest of his world separate, he didn’t want you around all the stuff he did, and made a promise to himself that he would never talk to you the way he would talk to the deadbeats who came to buy. 
James and Sirius made fun of him constantly, saying that he was just puddy whenever you were around. And each time, he’d curse them out saying they would be the same if they had someone like you in their life.
He couldn’t taint someone like you when his profession, constantly Remus thought if you were truly right in the mind being with him, and though hearing you reassure him endlessly, making sure you told him ‘I love you’ at least once a day, Remus still couldn’t believe what he ever did to deserve you. 
Remus lavished you, made sure you had everything you wanted and more, because he was happy when you were happy. 
“Fuck off!” Remus swore at his best friend (even though you were his actual best friend). “I’m not doing that to her.”
James and Sirius had met you a handful of times and they could tell how sweet Remus was on you, and after seeing how Remus acts around everyone else, they wanted to do a little test. 
Sirius was the first to think of it. He remembered how you liked making dinner for Remus when he came home. Remus never asked, never requested anything, just eating whatever you made because he hadn't had a home cooked meal in a long time. 
James had practically set up the whole situation, when he came home, calling you a bitch, while asking you what's for dinner. Remus stared in horror at his friends, he couldn’t do that to you, he couldn’t call any bad name. Both boys were even shocked when Remus agreed, though they now owe Remus something in the future. 
Driving home that night, Remus contemplated actually going through with it. He loved you and could never do that to you, but he truly wanted to see how you would react to him. 
Pulling into the driveway, turning the engine off, Remus’s hands were still on the steering wheel. Seeing the curtains open, letting him look through the window, seeing you in the kitchen, moving around the kitchen, prepping for dinner. 
“She’s tough.” He muttered to himself, Remus taught you to make sure to stand up for yourself, making sure you don’t take shit from anyone. “She’ll put me in my place.”
Hearing the door open, and the footsteps coming closer and closer, just as you were about to speak, Remus beat you to it.
“Bitch, what’s for dinner?” Remus was already wincing at his tone. 
Your eyes widened, turning away from the stove to face him. Remus watched the hopeful glimmer in your eye fade away, your entire face fallen. Composing yourself together, not wanting to cry in front of him, you answered meekly. 
“Grilled cheese.” It came out as a whisper, letting the air travel your words. 
Just for a split second, Remus looked at you before his eyes softened. You had looked scared of him, your body was shielding itself from him. 
“If I ever.” Remus started, trying not to have his voice waver, he felt terrible in that moment, not being the person he promised you would be, because right now, you looked scared of him. “Ever, talk to you that way, you smack me right across the face.”
Your eyes finally shifted to his, hearing the sincere voice in his voice, the pleading look in his eyes, just wanting to say something to him. 
“Okay?” He finished, still not hearing a word from you, scared to death that you’d just leave him in the kitchen alone. 
“Okay.” You answered, still in that soft voice, like you were scared to raise your voice any louder. 
Remus strided across the kitchen, coming up to you, pulling you into him. Tightly wrapping his arms around you, your face pressed against his chest. Finally feeling you wrap your arms around him, he let out a deep breath, one that he didn’t know what he was holding. 
Pulling away from you, bringing his hand up to your face, thumb tucked under your jaw, the rest of his hand resting against your cheek, caressing your skin softly. 
“Do it.” He whispered. You looked back up at him confused, “Smack me.”
“Rem I can’t do that.” You shook your head rapidly, “It’s okay, I understand but-”
“Please.” He closed his eyes, “For a split second, you looked scare of me, I never want to make you scared of me again.”
You never answered, Remus closing his eyes awaiting his fate. Feeling a small brush against his cheek, he peeked open his eyes, “You practicing?”
He tried to lighten up the situation.
“I did it, I slapped you.” You answered. 
“Love, you brushed your fingers against my cheek.” He closed his eyes, a grin forming on his lips. 
“That was.” You protested, not wanting to argue, he just agreed, finally unwrapping his around you. 
“You okay dove?” He asked, not wanting to leave the situation with unanswered questions, “You know I’d never intentionally wanted to do that to you, James and Sirius thought of the idea.”
“Seems like them.” You hummed, turning back flipping your grilled cheese, smiling at the little charred pieces. 
Coming up behind you, Remus rested his chin on your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“Do I still get dinner?” 
Twisting your head to the side, he looked like a puppy who had been caught clawing at the couch. 
“Of course.” You pressed a kiss to his chin, “Can never stay mad at you.”
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whorediaries-09 · 8 months
kinkotober masterlist
serving my whores with kinkotber. check out rules and regulations here.
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i think you make me a maniac kink- angry sex (number 30 on the event chart) prompt- 'you want gentle? wrong fucking address.' (number 28 on the event chart) request by anon. sirius black x reader.
take another drag; kink- choking (number 12 on the event chart) prompt- n/a dealer!sirius black x reader
keep your body open, kink- breeding (number 6 on the event chart) prompt- 'let me cum in you. please, let me fuck my babies in you.' (number 7 on the event chart) request by anon. harry potter x reader
art deco kink- edging (number 5 on the event chart) prompt- 'keep your hands where they are. or do i need to tie them up?' (number 16 on the event chart) request by anon. sirius black x reader
slow down; kink- overstimulation (number 4 on the event chart) prompt - 'sorry what was that? i can't hear you over all the noises your pretty mouth is making.' (number 8 on the event chart) request by @eternallybipanicking rockstar!sirius black x reader.
too many nights; kink- toys (number 16 on the event chart) prompt- ' love it when you act all controlling like that knowing damn well I can leave you shaking under me.' (number 17 on the event chart) request by anon. james potter x reader.
the hills; kink- phone sex (number 32 on the event chart) prompt- use your words (number 12 on the event chart) request by anon. rockstar!sirius black x reader.
mount everest; kink- knifeplay (number 11 on the event chart) prompt- n/a dark!sirius black x reader
new romantics; kink- praise (number 8 on the event chart) prompt- 'you're so fucking hot.' (number 25 on the event chart) remus lupin x reader
oxytocin (series) prologue chapter one; wanna see what you can take chapter two; if you find it hard to swallow, i can loosen up your collar kinks- dubcon, bondage, corruption kink, breeding, oral, degradation. prompts- dark themes, religious imagery. (a few kinks and prompts haven't been listed on the event chart.) dark!sirius black x virgin!reader
love's full of fire kink- dacryphilia (number 3 on the event chart) prompt- n/a sirius black x reader
fall from grace; kink- voyeurism (number 2 on the event chart) prompt- n/a groupie!sirius black x rockstar!reader
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 months
sensitive!reader who's used to being talked over in conversations, and finally doesn't feel like that with remus? but one day they're all out with their friends and she just feels ignored :( like they aren't doing it on purpose of course, they just all haven't seen each other for a while? and then she's all quiet on the ride home and remus is just trying to coax it out of her :(
The amount of you at the table after four months of not seeing each other makes it hard to even get a word in edgewise.
“Yeah and then I got those new-“
You’re talked over and after months and months of Remus not doing it to you, it’s strange.
He notices though, because of course he notices everything you do, the way you slump and lean your head on his shoulder- not offering much in the way of conversation besides shrugs and hums.
“Baby,” he coos as your friends begin to get ready to leave, Remus’ hand massaging the small of your back. “Ready to go?”
You sigh, “Yeah,” Remus doesn’t like the tone of your words and even when he’s pulling out of the parking lot you’re silent and sulking.
“Dove?” He says, stealing a glance at you when he can, finding you just staring off into space. “What were you saying about the new stuff you got?”
You don’t even perk up like you usually would. Instead you just wave your hand, “Doesn’t matter Rem.”
Remus drops it for a couple minutes and you don’t even notice that he’s pulled over till he’s pulling up the handbrakes.
“Dove,” he’s got at sweet talking, always has been so he knows exactly what to say and do to get you melting like putty.
Remus’ thumb strokes your cheek and then your chin, turning your face towards him. “Talk to me, sweetheart. What were you saying about your new stuff?”
He gives you a soft smile when you nibble on your lip. “C’mon pretty girl, y’know they just get excited. Talk to me though, yeah?”
His thumb strokes down the column of your neck and then back up to your cheek. A motion that feels way more intimate than just a tender touch.
That and the earnestness in his voice has you blowing out a big breath, “I got new yarn to start a blanket for when I’m reading. It’s really soft and super colourful and if it turns out well, I wanted to know if Lily wanted one.”
Remus kisses your forehead, “You’re so thoughtful baby, I’m sure she’d love one.” He puts the car back in drive and merges back onto the road. “Thank you for telling me, sweet girl. Don’t like it when you get quiet like that.”
“Doesn’t feel good to be talked over like that; even if it isn’t purposeful.”
Remus nods, a hand reaching over to your thigh as he cruises the road. “You know I hang on to your every word, baby. You can talk to me till you run out of words, I’ll listen to every fucking one of them.”
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reysdriver · 1 year
dealer!remus taking care of r who has never smoked before.
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Remus makes sure your first time smoking weed is as perfect as he can make it — dealer!remus x reader fluff
warnings: weed, it's reader's first time smoking
words: 0.4k
a/n: I hope you like it, I haven't done a lot of requests but I like this one :)
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You reached up to sneak the blunt from Remus' hand, kissing his shoulder just before to hide what you were really sitting up for. Though you could have sworn you were being completely inconspicuous, Remus stretched his arm to keep it out of your reach. 
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "No more, love. That's enough for your first time." 
"No, please, Remmy." You whined, languidly reaching for the blunt, even though you knew you weren't getting it. "I can barely feel it." 
“You will. And I don’t want to overdo it.” 
“I won’t. Just one more puff.”
“Not right now. If you really can’t feel any effects in a few more minutes, then you can have more.” 
His words were firm and final, but Remus knew it was for your own good. The way you reached for the joint showed that it was already working and you should wait before having any more. He didn’t want to ruin your first time smoking by letting you do too much and having any sort of bad experience. 
You were feeling the effects in just a few minutes—just like Remus had said. Your limbs felt heavy, which was unfortunate since you were also overtaken by hunger. But luckily, Remus had anticipated this and went out earlier to buy you all your favourite snacks. 
“Rem, cookie please.” You asked, tossing all unnecessary words aside to get your snack as quickly as possible. 
He pulled the package of chocolate chip cookies out of the grocery bag and held one out for you. You brought your arm up and took it from him, biting half of the cookie in one try. 
As you chewed, Remus placed the whole box in front of you and pressed a chaste kiss on your temple. 
“How are you feeling, dove?” He asked. 
You thought for a second before answering. “Hungry. And tired.” 
“But not in a bad way, right?” 
You shook your head as much as you could while you were nuzzled in between the couch cushions behind you. “No, I wanna do this more.” 
He let out the subtlest of relieved sighs. “Good. It’s all on the house for you.” 
He moved over to cuddle up next to you. You snuggled into his chest, lightly kissing him in your hazy admiration. 
You looked up at your boyfriend, calling his name at a volume barely above a whisper. “You just took my weed virginity.”
He let out a chuckle, kissing you once more. “I guess I did, dove.”
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remusslove · 1 year
Grgrgrrgr can I get drug dealer bf rem and gf lily who are supplying for reader for the first time but end up staying the night because they really like her and she’s only rlly trying them for the adrenaline and to sleep?
“So I just eat it?” You asked with uncertainty. “Uh huh. And depending on how well your body takes it, you’ll be about in minutes.” Lily said putting the other unknown substances to your mind back in her bag.
Minutes later your laying down on the couch with slightly red eyes and fluttering eyelashes. “Need a blanket love?” Remus teased before inhaling the fumes of his cigarette.
“Don’t leave please. Want you here.” You mumbled, eyes suddenly glossed over as you made eye contact with them. “Alright. Whatever you wish for princess” lily smirked tossing you the blanket next to her leg.
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moonstruckme · 5 months
i love your remus fics so much aaaaaaaaaaaa i’m not new to harry potter but i’m coming back from a long break and i was wondering if you had any remus x reader fic recs or anything??
Hi gorgeous, I'm really glad you enjoy them, thanks for reading! Some of my fav accounts for Rem (and others) are @upsidedownwithsteve, @inkdrinkerworld (I'm esp soft for her dealer!remus), @bruisedboys, @ddejavvu, @cosmal, and @luveline
Some particular fav blurbs of mine atm are this blossoming friends-to-lovers, this fight-turned-smut, this, which melts me into an embarrassing little puddle every time, and this one with (debatably) softdom!remus, but I really recommend checking out their masterlists because I couldn't possibly expose myself by revealing how much of their Remus stuff is in my likes lmao
Happy reading babe :)
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Regulus x Peter in modern au where Peter is his weed dealer who never makes him pay and Regulus who always tries to pay.
regulus who only smokes around Peter and becomes a chatterbox while Peter goes silent around him and it’s their way for recharging. one day Remus finds out Peter isn’t making regulus pay and starts asking why. Peter just shrugs and mumbles “idk”
but then at a party Peter shotguns smoke into Regulus’s mouth and every is shocked by the pairing. Overly jolly prep boy dealer Peter with his angry little goth boyfriend who only talks to him
it’s so gooood lol
love your account 💕 I giggle and kick my feet eveeytimw i see a new post!
I love this. I can totally see it happen
peter get's paid by regulus's existence. that's enough payment for him (boy has a crushhhhh)
regulus who really wants to pay bc he feels bad if he doesn't. he doesn't get why peter won't let him pay. it's not like reg lacks money???? and peter makes all of his other clients pay????
remus knows what's going on before peter himself knows, and peter knows his feelings really well
sirius get's upset that they're bc peter "sells" his brother drugs ("it's okay if I take them, but you can't give them to my baby brother, you rat!!")
urghhhh i LOVE them sm <3333
thank you <3333 I'm glad you like my blog (giggling, kicking my feet)
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