#deano bingo
laurfilijames · 1 year
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Gilded In Gold
Pairing: Fili x female reader
Words: 1,327
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Post-sex body worship of the crown prince. Nudity. Slight masturbation (M), touching ones-self. Brief oral (M receiving)
Summary: In the blissful moments following your love-making, you admire your One as he relaxes in the early morning sun.
A/N: A little The Belly and chest fur worship because how can you not? @deanobingo
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Fili sauntered almost lazily over to the bed, allowing you a long look at the body that had just finished pleasuring you beyond the point of exhaustion, your head resting heavily on a pillow that shielded you from the cold, stone floor while your eyes followed him effortlessly from where you lay. 
His chest still heaved as he worked to catch his breath, and you smiled to yourself in appreciation of his vigorousness in the sport of love-making. 
The toned muscles in his back flexed wildly when he lifted a bulging arm up to run his fingers through his hair that stuck to his face from sweat saturating the edges, turning the wheat-coloured tresses a deeper hue than normal. He sighed as he collapsed against the mattress, the wooden headboard supporting his upper half while his legs were cradled by the furs beneath them. One bent to rest at an angle, the other remaining against the bed; the full spread of his legs displaying his manhood in too-enticing of a way. 
His torso contracted when he twisted toward the side table to retrieve his pipe, the purse of his lips something to be admired as he placed the intricately carved piece between them and worked at igniting the pipeweed. His brows knitted together when he inhaled deeply, all of his features relaxing upon his exhale, and when the plume of smoke faded away, it revealed his icy gaze at you from across the room. 
You propped yourself up on an elbow, desperate to get a better look at the glory of your One who sprawled upon your bed as though he was an ornament amongst the furs. 
His skin was tinted pink, his chest and cheeks flushed with heat and reminders of where your hands had been, and a thin sheen of sweat made him glow in the growing morning light. The soft orange beams highlighted him like the treasure he was, making the amber curls that covered his skin look as though they were plated in gold; suiting him like gleaming armor.
Taking another drag from his pipe, he rested the hand that held it on top of his raised knee, tilting his head curiously to the side as he continued to peer at you through heavy lids adorned with long, flaxen lashes. 
You couldn't help but let your eyes follow his movements, traveling down from his eyes to his hand that had held you against him firmly mere moments ago, and then further to where his flaccid cock leaned heavily against his vast inner thigh. The coarser hairs that decorated his member appeared darker; sodden and untidy from a combination of sweat, spend and slick, making your core clench in knowing he was sticky and smelling of you. 
You swallowed thickly, returning your gaze up to meet his, and like he knew what was on your mind and seeing how your body was already responding to wanting him again, Fili hooked an eyebrow high on his head. 
Licking your lips, you shifted where you lay, purposefully adjusting in order to better display yourself to him; the art of seduction quickly flourishing into a subtle competition between you. 
His belly jumped slightly as he let out a noise that was somewhere between a hum and a chuckle, giving a faint shake of his head in amusement, his wild hair gleaming like gold as the sunlight shined on it. The day-old braids were now almost unrecognizable and completely unruly from how much your fingers had torn through them, the quickly approaching day revealing how many hours of the night were dedicated to ruining his previously-neat strands. 
Dust danced in the light that beamed in through the window, spreading a warmth across his relaxed form that accentuated the dense spans of curls on his chest, and in wanting to card your hands through it, you mimicked the action on your own skin, rubbing your breasts in slow, languid strokes. 
The heat of the intense morning sun set you aflame as much as Fili's stare did, feeling his hungry eyes cast upon you, watching you like a beast about to devour their prey. 
Trying to hold his look but failing, your eyes flitted down to the apex of his spread legs, the flex of his hardening cock distracting you and making your hands grope yourself more desperately. 
Your eyelids fell closed as you proceeded to roam your body in hopes of it being him, only to cease when he spoke with a quiet surety that seemed to echo through your chambers. 
"Are you going to leave me sitting here all alone, Amrâlimê?" he asked, his voice as sultry as the look he gave you when your eyes flashed open again, a hint of mischief playing at the corners of his mouth while a blush rose up on his cheeks that matched the rise of his shaft. 
"My apologies," you purred, sitting upright. "I was simply trying to spare you from my wandering hands and salacious ideas. It seems I cannot control myself when you look the way you do right now."
His chest and belly shook with a hearty laugh, his dimples appearing in his cheeks and the lines around his eyes spreading a warmth through you that mirrored the fiery heat showing in his blue irises. 
Rising from the piles of blankets and pillows arranged in front of the hearth that had been your make-shift bed for the night, you walked slowly over to the bed, smiling when Fili nodded his head to the vacant space beside him and patted the furs to coax you more. 
You knelt on the bed, one knee at a time, your arms slowly alternating with the movement of your legs as you crawled toward him; the hunger held in his eyes as he watched you approach making you shiver with anticipation. 
Fili parted his legs further, his offering making your mouth water, and taking himself in a firm hold, he stroked up and down on his length a few times as he waited for you to settle up to him. 
You stopped just at his legs, letting a hand trail up the back of his thigh of the one that was bent, your lips gingerly kissing the top of his knee. Fili let go of his shaft, sighing as your fingers wandered down to his center and tickled near his taught sack, his head leaning back against the headboard, belly quivering to your touch. You cupped his ballocks in your palm, gently massaging them until he growled with approval, tugging on them ever so slightly until his chest rose and fell sharply. Lowering your head, you captured his cock that wagged from his squirming motions in your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip, earning a sharp hiss from between his gritted teeth as he bucked up slightly off the bed. 
Releasing him and hovering over his impatient member, you grinned at him, flashing a devious look through your lashes. 
Before you could make any further acts of provocation, Fili grabbed onto your arms and hauled you against his front, and in one fluid motion, flipped you onto your back where you were pinned under his weight.
"It's unfair to tease me like that," he muttered, his lips ghosting on yours while his hands carded through your hair, pulling on it so you tipped your head back and exposed your neck to him. 
"Is it?" you spoke nervously, but sanguinely, anxious to see what power he would unleash on you. 
"Mhmm," he purred, licking a path up your throat before burying his face to rub his beard on your delicate skin. 
The fur on his chest brushed your sensitive nipples in the most alluring way, making you arch up off the bed to press yourself more against the silky curls, his belly laying heavily on your middle to push you back down into the furs. 
"You're in a world of trouble, Ghivashel."
@guardianofrivendell @midearthwritings @cassiabaggins @lilith15000 @trishthedishofreis @linasofia @unbeatablecurlgirl @the-poldarkian @lathalea @enchantzz @blairsanne @legolaslovely @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @sketch-and-write-lover @jotink78 @medusas-hairband @feeweeeee @missihart23 @fortheloveofdurin @i-am-still-bb @roobear68 @ichoosechoasandbeingqueer @legolasbadass @spngingerbread21
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blairsanne · 2 months
Pretend to Be Nice - 5 - Nothing Will Come of That
The Almighty Johnsons - Anders & female Reader 5,098 words
Summary: Anders realizes he's not getting what he wants, and decides to take matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, you've gone home with someone else. When Anders shows up at your door, things escalate until you both cross lines you hadn't expected to.
CW: 18+ Casual sex (discussed/attempted), Bragi powers, unprotected sex.
Series masterlist here
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Anders rubbed his eyes aggressively, then leaned against the wall outside the bog.
Horny and confused, he let out a frustrated sigh.
This is ridiculous.
He had taken that blonde chick to the men’s room, but hadn’t been able to follow through. Every touch was a poor imitation of the lust he’d felt when dancing with you. Every kiss and moan had come from the wrong lips. Instead of losing himself in the comfort of getting his end away, he’d grown increasingly irritated by the encounter, until finally he’d Bragi’d the woman into leaving him alone.
He sprayed some breath freshener into his mouth to get rid of the taste of her lip gloss, then shifted uncomfortably, glancing down the dim hallway toward the lights and slightly-muffled music of the dance floor.
Were you still dancing with that stupid mortal, or had you left with him to have a better time elsewhere?
The god inside him was telling him to find you, order whatever guy you were with to piss off, and then claim you as his own.
Would that even work?
He was no longer sure if he had ever interpreted your reactions properly, the whole time he’d known you. He hadn’t known you were in love with him before you’d said so; he’d had to ask you if you were friends; and he’d thought you were hot for him right before you’d walked off to pash some stranger.
He sucked in a sharp breath, nostrils flaring as he started marching back out to find you.
You chewed your lower lip as you stared out the passenger window.
Stacey waited a minute before breaking the silence, glancing over at you from the driver’s seat. “So what happened?”
Your voice was strained and low.
“I don’t think I can do this, Stace.”
She frowned. “Do what?”
“Be friends with him. I thought…”
You groaned, pressing your forehead against the cool glass of the window, hoping to ground yourself after a confusing series of events.
“I thought I’d miss him too much if I cut him out entirely, but watching him take some strange woman aside after having his hands on me all night… I feel like I’m gonna chunder.” “Well, chunder out the window. Olaf doesn’t know I took his car.”
Distracted from your own misery, you raised your brows as you watched the city lights go by. “You stole his car?”
“Borrowed! I would have asked him, but once he’s asleep for the night it’s impossible to wake him, so… What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
You let out a laugh, which made her do the same.
You looked over at her, hoping your expression conveyed the deep gratitude you felt for her friendship. “Thanks for picking me up.”
Stacey reached out to squeeze your forearm. “Anything for you, babe.” “Ta.”
“I dunno if it helps, but- I’m sure he doesn’t mean to be a prick. To you, anyway.”
You frowned, instantly defensive on his behalf despite knowing what he was like. “What d’you mean?”
“Just that- well- It’s Anders. He roots around. It doesn’t mean anything to him. And it’s not like he knows how you feel.”
You hummed, feeling another bout of nausea. But he does know how I feel.
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Talks about you? He’s always searching you out at parties, following you around like a puppy… So, I don’t think he’d want to push you away, that’s all.”
“Yeah, I know.” You sighed heavily. 
You recalled the way he’d gone after you that one night at Michele’s, to sort things out when he’d thought he’d upset you. Him taking you home when you’d been drugged at Axl’s party shortly after. The way he’d sought you out over and over since, never pushing you away.
“He wants to be friends. But I…”
“You want to be more.”
“I’m not being fair to him… Acting like I’m his friend, when that’s not what I want.”
“Well, there is an alternative…” Stacey teased.
You shook your head. “Anders doesn’t have partners.”
“Neither did Olaf. Maybe he just needs the right woman? Or goddess?”
You grunted non-commitally. Clearly that’s not me, since I already told him how I felt.
“I think you’d be good for him.”
“Yeah right.” You shut your eyes, wincing as you pictured him again, stomach churning. “Let’s just drop it, eh?”
After having no luck finding you anywhere in the crowded club, Anders spotted Axl leaning against the bar.
He nodded as he got Axl’s attention. “Hey.”
Axl grinned. “Hey!”
“How goes the hunt?”
Axl shrugged. “Got a chick’s number, but I don’t reckon she’s the Frigg.”
“And our resident goddess?” “She left.” “With that bloke she was dancing with?” “Nah.” Axl laughed, shaking his head.
Anders tried not to emote the relief he felt. It would be out of character for him to wish you poor luck getting your end away.
“She felt unwell.” Axl’s smile faded. “Probably the shots, now I think of it.”
Anders nodded, brows raised, then looked around. “Well, I’ve had my fun. Think I’ll call it a night then, if it’s all the same.”
“Yeah!” Axl patted Anders’s shoulder. “All good bro. Think I’ll head out in a bit too.”
“Night.” “Night.”
You poured hot water into a large mug, watching as your teabag floated to the top, leeching color into the liquid.
You had already cleaned up, washing off your makeup and changing into soft pajamas to get ready for what you hoped would be a restful sleep; you sorely needed one given the chaos of thoughts and emotions you were still dealing with.
You ran through various hypothetical conversations in your mind, wondering how best to broach the topic of not going on any more of these Frigg hunts with the boys. Anders would understand contextually, even if he didn’t agree with your decision, but Axl was another matter. You didn’t want him thinking you were rejecting him in any way.
As you debated the ethics of lying to Odin, you were startled by a knock at your door. You couldn’t imagine who would be calling so late at night as you tentatively approached.
The urgent knock repeated, louder this time, and you flinched before looking through the peephole.
You opened your apartment door to reveal him standing tensely before it. You weren’t sure what to make of his serious expression as he stared you down.
“Uh- Hi?” “You don’t answer my calls?” “Oh, I-” You gestured vaguely behind you. “Left my phone on silent in the bedroom.”
He narrowed his eyes, unsure if he should believe you, given how you’d avoided him before.
Your confusion gave way to genuine concern. “Is something wrong? Is Axl okay?”
“No- Yeah- He’s fine.” He was both touched and slightly put-out that you were worried over Axl at that moment. 
He gave you an obvious look-over, then pinched at the loose fabric of your pj top. “Cute look,” he remarked casually. “Can I come in?”
“Oh- Of course. How rude of me.” You felt your shoulders raising in embarrassment as you stepped aside to let him in.
He strode in, pausing in your kitchen to look around.
The place was small, as you’d said, but seemed to suit you. It suddenly felt wrong to him that he’d never seen it; that you’d never invited him over after you’d been to his place so many times.
You locked up and joined him, still confused about his presence.
“Can I get you anything?” you offered.
He shook his head, settling against the island counter, still looking around the space and not at you.
You hugged yourself, wishing he’d explain why he was there or else leave you in peace. “Okay, well, it’s late, so-”
“It’s a nice place,” he sniped, still avoiding your gaze.
You frowned at the biting tone in his words, unsure what his problem was given that he had shown up uninvited in the middle of the night and still been let in.
You’d left the club to get away from him and the way he made your heart ache, but you weren’t even safe in your own home now. Why are you still doing this to me?
“Ta,” you replied, matching his terse tone. “Do you need something, or…?”
He tucked his lower lip under his teeth briefly, his blue eyes piercing as they met yours.
He didn’t feel like beating around the bush, so he simply didn’t.
“You said before you were in love with me?”
“Er-” You felt the heat in your cheeks and a pit in your stomach as he continued to stare you down. 
He read as agitated, wringing his thick hands together to keep them busy, and you noted the way his cheek rippled when he clenched his jaw.
“You in love with me now?”
You felt your eyes prickle with the threat of tears, sure he was about to mock or admonish you based on his combative tone. Your guilt about trying to be friends with him while feeling this way fought with the hurt you felt at his insensitivity.
Still, it didn’t seem like the kind of thing you should lie about. The cat was out of the bag, and trying to stuff it back down was even more pathetic than having let it out to start with.
You nodded defeatedly.
You caught the way his nostrils flared, and you backed up against the counter as he stepped toward you.
Your hands moved up instinctively toward his chest as his own found your waist. You tensed up, caught between wanting to push him off and pull him closer, your fingers hovering just over his shirt.
He stared down at you intensely, each of you meeting the other’s gaze with a confused and vulnerable anticipation.
With his hands on you again, it felt like the gods inside of you were magnetically linked, refusing to let you stop what had felt inevitable all night.
Your lips parted slightly, but you weren’t sure what to say or ask.
Instead, Anders spoke first.
“And why is it nothing will come of that?”
You struggled to formulate a response, so after a beat he took his chances, leaning in to press his lips to yours.
You shut your eyes to meet him in kind. The soft, slow kiss swiftly deepened, encouraged by the divine lust you’d barely been keeping at bay.
You whined against his lips as he pulled you closer, your fingers gripping where they met his collared shirt. For a moment, you were lost in the bliss of finally having his hands on you, his tongue meeting yours. It was everything you’d needed for ages, head empty of anything else.
When he broke for air, your brain started to work again and your hands pushed against him in weak protest.
“Anders, please,” you whispered, your voice tinted with heartbreak. “Don’t do this to me.”
He didn’t push it, meeting your gaze with a serious expression even as his body coursed with lust.
“Do what?”
“Use me. I’m not like you; I can’t do this and then go back to being friends. It would hurt too much.”
Despite knowing that, you also knew the line had already been crossed. You’d just finished telling Stacey how you couldn’t keep being just a friend to him.
If he kept on, could you really bring yourself to stop him? You’d wanted him for so long, and his touch woke something inside of you that felt undeniable; bigger than you.
He frowned. “I’m not trying to hurt you.”
He cupped your cheek and pulled you close again, but pressed his nose to yours, lips hovering achingly close to your own. 
He could sense your hesitation and your desire in equal measure, knowing that if he pushed for it, you’d let him take whatever he wanted from you; but that you didn’t actually trust him with your heart.
That’s smart.
He closed his eyes. “How’s this meant to go?” he whispered.
“What?” You didn’t understand what he was asking you.
“If I was someone else. What steps do we take to get here?”
You were flustered, and you squirmed out of his grip. You backed against the other counter as he stared at you with a pleading, lusty look that made your chest ache.
“Well I- usually I would date someone? Get to know them-” “You know me.”
You nodded, feeling your pulse in your throat. “And,” you hedged. “I’d want to know that we- er, wanted the same thing?”
“What do you want?”
You shrugged, looking away. It was awful, being asked to put your heart out to get stepped on like this.
His hands met your shoulders as he stepped forward. “Be honest with me. What. Do you. Want?”
You blinked at the potency of his words, realizing that he’d used his Bragi tones despite you being a goddess.
“I want… you.” “I’m right here.”
You felt your eyes sting with tears, and looked up, frustrated by being put in this position again. You know what I mean.
“I don’t want a root. I want to be your partner. And- like- monogamous, and- for you to love me, and-”
He let go to gesture at himself in protest. “I am actually quite loyal to people who matter to me,” he insisted.
“Anders, what are you-”
“If you want to go on some dates first, we can, but why? You know me; I know you. We’ve shared meals, and watched movies, and gotten munted together before. Can’t we skip all that crap and get to the-”
“You love me?”
He paused and took a step back, licking his lips as fear played on his features, eyes shining in the glow of the pot lights above you as he averted his gaze.
“I reckon? I mean, I think that’s what this is? I’ve never really- I don’t know how it’s supposed to go, but I-” He made eye contact again, raising his brows hopefully. “I like being around you, and I want you to be happy. You’re-” He shifted his weight, fighting the urge to look away.
“You’re important to me. And you’re the most gorgeous woman in Auckland, and yeah- okay?” He shrugged defensively. “I wanna fuck you. But I also wanna just shoot the shit, like we always do, and-”
He winced and groaned, rubbing his nose in frustration with himself, then placed his hands on his hips. 
You stared back at him in surprise, unable to reply as your mind processed what he was saying, simultaneously reminded of the only other time you’d seen him tear up like that, or heard the same vulnerable nerves in his voice. 
It was ages ago, both a bit drunk, alone in a dark corner of Michele’s yard trading a joint back and forth while he’d told you about how crap his parents had been. That conversation had forever changed your perception of him, and you wondered if that wasn’t when you’d started wanting to show him the love he desperately needed.
Your stunned silence was unnerving, and he couldn’t stop himself from trying to fill it.
“And I want you to tell me you love me again. I just- want you to feel the same way I do, so… I reckon that’s being in love. Right?”
His eyes searched yours. 
Say something, won’t you?
“Or, some step along the way to it? Maybe?”
He doesn’t know? You wondered then if Anders had ever been in love before.
He was so unsure, and whether or not he was in love with you, he was clearly baring his soul; putting it all out there for your judgment. Hearing him earnestly say that he wanted you to tell him you loved him again, looking at you like a nervous child, it was more than you could take.
You stepped forward and kissed him reassuringly, your hands cupping his cheeks like a delicate treasure.
His kiss in reply was ardent, his hands gripping at you tightly, desperate for purchase despite your tenderness.
This, he could do. Pouring all his need and desire into his actions, he prayed it conveyed what he feared his words hadn’t gotten right.
He wanted you. He needed you. He hoped desperately that it was enough. That he was enough.
When you broke the kiss, he stared back at you, his cerulean eyes still full of uncertainty, chest heaving as he fought the potent lust he was feeling to make sure that he didn’t do something more than what you wanted.
“I love you, Anders,” you reconfirmed. “I’m completely in love with you.”
You saw a flood of emotion wash over his face and he blinked, trying to fight the wetness in his eyes.
“Then- Can I have you? Can I-” He pursed his lips, trying to stop them from trembling.
You’d never seen him so unsure, the insecurity in his voice breaking your heart. Maybe it wouldn’t last, or he’d change his mind about it, but in that moment you couldn’t reject his earnest pleading.
You nodded. “Yes.”
As though a dam had burst, he claimed your lips once more, pressing against you to pin you against the counter, his hands already moving up your skin beneath your shirt.
You whined and moved to break the kiss, worried he was about to have his way with you in the kitchen. “Bedroom?”
“Sure, whatever,” he agreed hastily, making no move to relocate there as his lips pressed hot kisses up your neck.
A laugh died in your throat as another spike of arousal shot through you at the feel of his warm hand gripping your breast.
“Anders- it’s- this way…”
Slowly you were able to direct him there even as his hands and mouth tried to make purchase wherever they could.
Once you were standing beside your bed, he helped you out of your pajamas with an ease and speed that, in retrospect, you should have predicted.
You worked together to undress him, your fingers carefully opening the buttons of his shirt as he whipped his belt off one-handed.
Soon you were under him on your bed.
He could finally explore your form without barrier, every lewd thought you’d caused in him resurfacing in his mind in a cacophony. His kisses moved down your neck to one of your breasts as he pressed his interest against your inner thigh.
You let out a laugh under your breath at his desperation. “You really get horny again this fast?”
Just what were you getting yourself into with this man?
“What?” He looked up at you, shaking his head to clear his head. “What d’you mean?”
You shrugged slightly. “Just- You took that girl to the bog, so-”
“No, we-” He let out a short huff. “I didn’t root her.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, whatever.”
“No, I’m serious.” “I don’t believe you.” “Why would I lie about that?” “So I’ll sleep with you.”
He pulled a face. It hadn’t occurred to him that you would care either way about who had come before you.
Wife type. Right.
“Look at me. You know what I’m like with mortal women. Those roots don’t mean anything.”
You swallowed. “Yeah, I know.”
“So why would I lie to you about whether or not I shagged some chick?”
“Because you… think that’s what I want to hear?”
“Is it?”
“Well I…”
While it was true that you didn’t like thinking of him with other women, it wasn’t like you wanted him to lie to you about it, either.
“I reckon I just want you to be honest with me.”
“I honestly didn’t go there.”
“Why not?”
“Because I wanted you.”
“Oh.” You felt your cheeks heat up, feeling foolish for having challenged him.
“Now may I continue?” he asked, a glint of mischief in his eyes as his smile brought out his dimples.
He pressed a tender kiss to your lips, which you then deepened. You ran your fingers up the base of his skull and up into his short hair, relishing having him to yourself.
He proved his vast experience, playing your body like a fiddle until you were practically begging for him to get on with it, arching your body up against his.
Finally, he pressed his tip to your entrance, then slowly eased inside while watching your face. Hovering over (and fully within) you, he searched your eyes.
“You love me?”
Encouraged, he started up a steady rhythm, closing his eyes briefly as he enjoyed the relief the sensation brought.
You reached up to grip at his strong back, wanting to be closer even as you felt yourself creeping closer to your release.
“Tell me again,” he panted, his hand moving down to hook under your thigh, pulling your leg up into a position he preferred.
“I love you, Anders.”
He met your swollen lips with his own, replaying your - now several - admissions of love in his mind as he continued to lose himself in you.
He felt your walls tighten around him, your breath hitching as you broke the kiss. “Again.”
“I- love- you,” you managed, letting out a desperate sound as you reached your climax beneath him.
“Aw, fuck…”
It was more than he could take then, finally spilling his hot seed inside you.
He held himself above you as he caught his breath, then after a moment pulled out and opened his eyes.
You met his gaze, feeling suddenly vulnerable again. Your body was heavy and warm, and pleasantly exhausted, but you didn’t want the moment to end just yet.
“Will you stay?”
He grinned, something devious sparkling in his eyes. “Not satisfied?”
You glanced to the side, feeling your shoulders tense. “I’ve just… missed you lately,” you admitted softly.
When you met his gaze again, his grin had been replaced by a contemplative look, his furrowed brow making you feel guilty for having said so.
He struggled with the swirl of feelings your admission had caused in him.
Missed me?
People didn’t say things like that to him. Not gods and goddesses, anyway. Not his own family, or even Dawn.
“Well. Can’t have that,” he said at last, pressing a kiss to your lips before getting off the bed. “Be right back.”
He shut the door to your ensuite and got himself cleaned up, trying to swallow down the sentimentality he was experiencing.
He rubbed roughly at his eyes, taking a steadying breath.
He didn’t know how to do this. You were so earnest, handing him your heart like this when neither of you knew if he could handle it.
When he came back, you had cleaned up as well. Now you were laying under the covers in the din, and when you smiled as he made eye contact, he couldn’t help but do the same.
He slipped into the bed and laid facing you. You searched each other’s eyes briefly until he reached out to hold you loosely. You ran your hand up his warm arm to grip his shoulder.
“How’ve you been, lately?” you asked softly.
He raised his brows, and you watched several expressions battle it out on his face before he shook his head.
“Uh- Horny? Confused?” He let out a self-deprecating laugh.
You averted your gaze. “Because of me?”
“Not every day a goddess says she loves me.”
You met his gaze again, reading the question in his eyes.
“I do, you know?” you reassured him. “I just want the best for you. I never meant to complicate things between us, or… cause you trouble.”
His face quirked dismissively. “Nah.”
Before you could argue, he leaned in to kiss you, sure and slow.
Maybe it had been a bit troublesome to him, but since it had led you to sharing a bed, he could put that behind him.
His blue eyes met yours unguardedly.
“From the moment I met you, I thought you were the most gorgeous thing I’d ever laid eyes on,” he admitted quietly.
You snorted, flattered but somewhat doubtful.
“Really? So why didn’t you try it on?”
“I did, actually,” he argued defensively. “But you were dating that dipshit at the time. And then eventually…” He trailed off, glancing to the side to avoid eye contact. He let out a short sigh, forcing himself to be honest. “You were too close.”
“Too close?”
“We were… Friends. That makes you crew. You don’t screw the crew.”
“Ah. So… What changed, then?”
He knit his brows. “Well you… told me that, and… it made me question some things. Made me realize… it’s different.”
His voice raised slightly as he tried to play off his defensiveness.
“Y’know, it’s different. Than say, Dawn. Or… a root.”
You nodded slowly, trying to fight your amused smile. “Different.”
He huffed and rolled his eyes. “Is that good enough?”
“Yes, I’m quite chuffed.” You moved to kiss him and felt him smile against your lips as you did so, relaxing.
You settled again beside him, studying his face in the din.
“It’s different for me, too.”
“Oh? I dimly recall you being rather smitten with your past beau.”
“Mm. But he wasn’t you.”
He smirked. “Bragi.”
“Yes. Bragi.” You smiled. “But more importantly, Anders.”
He winced at your saccharine tone.
“I think I may vomit,” he teased, the amusement in his voice betraying his appreciation of the flattery.
You laughed in surprise, making him do the same. “You’re such a dick.”
You scooched closer to kiss him again, and he let out a happy hum against your lips as he pulled you against himself.
You settled in his hold, relieved and content in a way you hadn’t been since your original confession to him.
“I missed you too,” he admitted quietly.
The next morning you woke to the sound of Anders’s phone ringing.
You blinked blearily as you watched him dig it out of his pants that were heaped on the floor.
“This better be a fucking emergency,” he greeted whoever it was.
You glanced at your clock to see that you’d slept in later than usual - though no surprise after a night of drinking and other activities.
“What? No- Yeah- No, just-” Anders sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ll be there in an hour, Dawn… No, because I’ll need to get home to shower first- Look, it’s- Right, but I don’t think our clients want me showing up smelling like the club, so- Shower first, and then I’ll be there… Okay. In an hour, then.”
He let out a big sigh as he tossed his phone unceremoniously back on his discarded clothing.
“Crisis at JPR?”
He groaned, but rolled over to hold himself above you. “As usual. Nothing that can’t be handled.”
“Good thing I live so close by, eh?”
“Mm, even if you didn’t. They can wait.” He leaned down to kiss your neck.
You smiled at the affection, then laughed at yourself for being so easily manipulated by him. “Oh my god.”
“That’s me.”
“My Bragi.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, expression growing serious. “Are we ‘dating’ now?”
Your shoulder raised defensively.
“...Yes? If you- still- want to? After-”
He kissed you, interrupting your awkward answer. “I want to.”
“So you’re my girl?”
Your cheeks burned at the blunt question. He sounded so possessive already; something you hadn’t expected from him given his usual promiscuity.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
He grinned. “Good.”
“And you won’t- er… root around?”
His expression soured. “I would never do that to you.”
“Oh.” You were a bit shocked to hear the offense in his voice. You’d certainly never had examples of him being loyal to other women to give you the impression that it was a given.
“I meant what I said before. I’m not trying to hurt you.”
“Okay.” You nodded, trying not to seem surprised to hear it. “Good.”
He let out a small huff, breaking eye contact for a moment before meeting your still-confused expression with a suspicious one of his own.
“You still in love with me?”
His body language softened at the way you affirmed it without hesitation.
“I…” He pursed his lips and looked away, not quite able to say it; not sure if it was true or not.
You reached a hand up to cup his scruffy cheek.
“You don’t have to say it. Don’t. Unless it’s true, and you want to. Most people aren’t already in love when they start dating. It’s enough that we’re together.”
“Is it?”
You nodded again. “It means heaps to me. You mean heaps to me.”
“Same to you.” He forced a brief smile and pressed a kiss to your forehead in reply.
He shut his eyes and rested his head against yours. “If I fuck anything up, tell me, alright? I’ll sort it.”
You wrapped your arms around him reassuringly.
“Just be yourself, Anders.”
“Myself is usually rooting around Auckland.”
You snorted. “I just mean- Be honest. You don’t have to force this, or pretend to want something you don’t.”
He hummed, then kissed you slowly and sweetly.
When he broke the kiss, he stared down at you, his usual confidence somewhat restored. “I wanna be with you.”
You smiled, feeling your cheeks warm. “That’s what I want too, so that works out nicely.”
“Do me a favour?”
“Can we keep this… just between us for now?”
He watched your smile fade in confusion, and he winced.
“Just- Y’know, everyone will- give us a hard time, and-”
“Ah.” You nodded, understanding what he meant.
The Johnsons were always teasing each other, and if Anders was already going out of his comfort zone, then getting harassed about it probably wouldn’t help the situation.
Plus, if you were honest, you weren’t quite ready to defend yourself to Michele and Stacey either, especially after having lied by omission.
“Understood. Just between us.”
You read the relief on his face as he smiled down at you.
“Ta.” He clucked and glanced away. “I should likely get going.”
“I suppose,” you lamented playfully.
He grinned. “Call me later.”
You smiled. “Sure.”
He licked his lips, unconvinced by your casual answer.
If you were mortal, he’d use his powers to make sure you did. He already felt a bit on the back foot with how this was meant to go, and he didn’t want to look clingy.
“Or- Can I call you later?” he suggested.
“You can call me any time.”
Taglist: @leonxrdosreign @i-did-not-mean-to @the-butterfly-blues @fortheloveofdurin @ichoosechoasandbeingqueer @missihart23 @gayles55 @spngingerbread21 @ourlonelymountain Not on taglist but commented on prev chapters: @metztlilua @anglophiletraveler @i-am-pinkie @crossingbaranduin @roobear68 @spencer-van-sunshine @emrfangirl @shiinata-library
As always, if you'd like me to tag (or not tag!) you on anything please just let me know ♥
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Part 6 (finale) is in progress.
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2shuang · 1 year
[Dean] [Fili/Anders] 1874
relationship: Anders/Fili
BGM: 1874
The song tells a story about someone who falls in love with a person lived in another century. His lover dead before he was born. So they never met each other and no one knew if it’s true or only a dream.
It’s a Cantonese song and I added an English subtitle. (But I’m not the translator.)
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I may make it more complete later, maybe not...It’s up to my homework...
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silvermoon-scrolls · 2 years
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Happy hero - Iolaus (Young Hercules) Depressed hero - Will (Wanted) Smug hero - Fíli (The Hobbit)
Happy himbo - Andrew (Serial Killers) Depressed himbo - Jon (Pork Pie) Smug himbo - Griffin (Under the Vines)
Happy bastard - Evan (Westside) Depressed bastard - Ford (The Bad Seed) Smug bastard - Anders (The Almighty Johnsons)
Note: I'm calling Anders a bastard in the most affectionate way possible 💛
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Deano Bingo Time!
This is my second entry to the deano bingo event. 
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Another drawing this time and a sneak peek at my burlesque!fili au.
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Fili didn’t know if it was the beat of the music through the bar or the pounding of his heart in his chest that made his body sing, but he grinned from beneath his mask. Refi struck a pose out the corner of his eye and he twisted his body towards her, pulling her close and centering her on the stage. He sent her a questioning glace to make sure she was still comfortable, and with a nod of confirmation he continued without missing a beat in the song.  The spotlight hit them, his blond hair glowing in the light and he sent a despite look to the audience, pulling his coworker closer and grinding his hips against hers with a groan.
The crowds erupted around them as they continued, Rensi’s hand coming up to wrap around his throat, pulling his chest back and his hips forwards to deepen the staged thrust.  
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nerdlingmerchling · 1 year
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I did a thing for the Deano-Bingo . I chose 5 of the prompts, associated a character with each of them and made a moodboard accordingly.
1. In Vino Veritas: Griff from Under the Vines, coming out of the closet with the help of some liquid courage.
2. "Come with me" : Will from Wanted s2, inviting you on a hiking adventure
3.A Beach Day with Jim from Return to Treasure Island 1996
4. "Can I borrow that?" : featuring Anders' quest for Iggdrasil in The Almighty Johnson season 2
5. Waiting : like Ford does for his vengeance in The Bad Seed
That's my meager contribution to the event. Wanted to do much more and sooner, but life and health got in the way. :(
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gayles55 · 1 month
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DeanO through the years in honor of the wrap-up of DeanO Bingo. Such a talented performer. Such memorable roles! Thanks to Blairsanne for this great event!
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gatheringfiki · 2 months
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AUpocalypse 2024 - Start
Apologies, I have slightly missed my cue with this event, my own cue, but there was Easter and life ran away with me, as it has a habit of doing! So we're doing slightly amended dates of 06 - 30 April!
Calling all fans of AUs big and small! We would like to invite you to take part in our brand new event, which will hopefully whip up lots of wonderful new content featuring our two favourite rascals, but dumped into somebody else's shoes! Mayhem ensues, hopefully!
We are super-hyped for this one!
The ask:
Based on your favourite films/TV series/books/media, write (or draw/edit) at least 1 story (artwork/photoset) per week within each genre.
Post it on a Sat/Sun of that week, move onto the next one.
No sign ups necessary.
No word limits, minimal or maximum.
Usual pairings apply: any ficional characters portrayed by Dean or Aidan.
You can do more than one if you wish, but please stick to the allocated weeks.
If certain ideas spawn certain other ideas, as they do (I saw this edit that someone else made and now I wanna write it!) please feel free to collab, or just grab it and run with it, we're not precious
Tag #GF AUpocalypse 2024 for a reblog
If using AO3, post into this Collection.
The genres:
The Warmup Weekend: 6-7 April: Anything goes! (I'm so on fire, I just wanna braindump this idea!)
Week 1: 08 - 14 April: Drama, Action or Adventure
Week 2: 15 - 21 April: Historical, Fantasy or Sci-Fi
Week 3: 22 - 28 April: Comedy, Romance or Fairytale
The Late Bloomer Days: 29 - 30 April: Anything goes! (Whoops, I missed my cue, I'm just gonna post it now...)
Summary post will go up on the 4th of May!
Please reblog to help us spread the word - thank you :)
Any questions - please give us a shout! Otherwise, enjoy!
PSSSSST! Please also remember that there's a Deano Bingo going on throughout the month of April, so be sure to bag yourself a 2-for-1 event participation, stat! It's like a buy-one-get-one-free, but you do all the hard work ;) We've just re-blogged their event post.
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anglophiletraveler · 1 month
And Baby Makes...Eight?
This little fic was written for the Deano Bingo, unfortunately, I didn’t get it done by the end of April, but I’m putting it out there anyway.  For clarification, I refer to Mitchell in this story most of the time as John, because Anders calls him John, but the rest of the family still call him Mitchell.  I hope you like this little fic that turned out way longer than I first anticipated it would be, and has not been seen by a beta.  
The scene looked like it was something from a Lucille Ball movie - a waiting room in a maternity ward of a nondescript hospital with the typical baby colours and decorations and signs giving advice to new parents.  Various chairs are arranged along the walls of the room with white cubes in the middle of the room holding various magazines such as ‘Parent Life,’ ‘First Time Parents,’ ‘Working Mother,’ ‘Autism Parenting,’ and ‘Green Parenting’.  Along one wall was a large coffee maker to assist in those long nights of labour.  
On this particular day, the waiting room started out quiet and empty. The nursing staff was enjoying a slow day. But soon the Johnson family would be descending upon the room like a battalion storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. There were going to be various uncles pacing the waiting room like the expectant fathers they weren’t.  
Ty and Dawn had waited to start a family until the Norse gods had ascended from their human vessels, leaving them behind to lead normal human lives, whatever that may be. To Mitchell’s surprise, Bragi had granted Anders' wish of John becoming a mortal once again.  The former vampire could now see his reflection in mirrors, and his eyes no longer turned black and he could now have a normal toothache without fangs!  So the Kiwi and the Irishman had taken the plunge and married in a nice civil ceremony at the courthouse.  After John had graduated from nursing school and was now working as an RN at the hospital, the couple had finally left Anders’s bachelor flat and bought a home with a large back garden where their two rescue dogs ran around.  They weren’t sure of their breeds but the small grey one looked like the combination of a weiner dog and a poodle, so of course they named him Tank, and the larger brown and black dog could have been a mix between a great dane and a labrador retriever. So his name had to be Tiny. 
Throughout Dawn’s pregnancy, Anders always put on the cocky front that this was going to be an ugly baby just like the billion other babies out in the world.  But of course when nobody was watching, he doted on Dawn in the office whenever he could.  He often made her recline on the sofa and put her feet up on pillows.  
John was thrilled about Dawn’s pregnancy.  He had always wanted to be a father, but his previous circumstance of being a vampire had snuffed out that dream.  For the most part, Anders had gone along with John’s constant talk about babies, but occasionally felt he had to reign John in a wee bit.  He really didn’t want to hear about his sister-in-law’s birth canal and the stages that it went through, sore nipples, nor did he care to hear about something called a placenta.  John started reading baby books and whenever he found something that he thought Ty and Dawn should know, he immediately called them or went over to their home to tell them about it.  It really was quite sweet, and secretly Dawn enjoyed all of the attention.  Ty hadn’t minded it until the day after Mitchell had read the chapter on breastfeeding.   It was on that day that Anders and Mitchell had actually showed up at their house with multiple nursing bras, nursing nightgowns, a breast pump and various essentials including breast pump wipes, hot and cold breast pads, nipple shields, and of course nipple cream.  At first Ty thought they had brought all of this over as a joke, until Dawn pulled him aside and explained to him that it was done out of love.
So it was no surprise that Anders and John had been the first uncles to show up at the waiting room after Ty called them at 8 o’clock in the evening with the news that Dawn was having contractions and they were on their way!  The couple had tried to wait at home for news from Ty, but after they had both bitten off all their fingernails, they grabbed the hospital bag that they had packed for themselves (uncles need their own hospital bag?) and headed to the hospital.  Once they had arrived at the waiting room, they had set up camp in the corner of the waiting room closest to the coffee maker.  For a while they kept their wits about them, watching the staff go about their duties.  Every once in a while a nurse that John knew, would stop and chat with him.  
One nurse that John had gotten to know from his clinicals in the labour and delivery unit tried to talk him into coming to work for the labour and delivery department, “John, I was really surprised that you didn’t try for a position here.  You were such a natural during your clinicals, and worked really well with the moms.”  Anders watched John closely when she mentioned this.
John shook his head, “Aw, Julie you’re sweet.  Have you met my husband Anders?  Anders this is Julie, she’s the charge nurse for labour and delivery.”  Julie and Anders exchanged pleasantries.  Anders was impressed that this nurse was so impressed by John’s skills and spoke so highly of him.  He hadn’t met very many of John’s coworkers so he enjoyed this exchange.  John had his trademark smile on his face, “I did enjoy working here, but I think that it would be really hard working here and not being able to have one of my own.”
“I get it.  Well you and Anders could always hire a surrogate or adopt!  Where there’s a will there’s a way!  Well, I better get going.  It was nice seeing you again.”
Anders noticed the large sigh that John let out as Julie walked away, and the smile disappeared.  “Um, I’ll be right back, going to the loo,” Mitchell mumbled as he left Anders behind.  It broke Anders’ heart a little to see John's gorgeous smile disappear.  He knew how much he wanted children.  Anders had always discouraged the idea because he knew he would be a shit dad. As much as they loved their dogs, sometimes it didn’t seem like quite enough for John.
At one point Ty took a break from the birthing room and came out for a cup of coffee and some reassurance from his brother and brother-in-law.  
Anders noticed that his brother looked worn out, “Ty, are you alright?  Would you like one of us to go in with Dawn for a while?”
Mitchell and Ty both looked shocked at what Anders was offering.  
“I appreciate that Anders, but I don’t think you realise what goes on in that room.  And I don’t know if Dawn would want you in there, no offence.”
“None taken.  Well, if you change your mind, the offer still stands.”
Mitchell was interested in how the new mother was doing, “So Ty, how’s Dawn doing?  How far is she dilated?”
Ty sighed, “She’s tired, but she’s doing really well.  I’m so amazed by her strength.  She’s still dilated at six, so hopefully she starts progressing soon.”
Mitchell was shaking his head in agreement, “She will mate, don’t worry.  Don’t forget that since this is her first bairn, the labour can take longer.”
Ty finished his coffee, “I’ll keep that in mind.  I better get back in there.  Thanks for being here guys.”
Anders and John got up to give Ty a big hug.  With tears in his eyes, Anders clasped Ty’s face, “We’re here for you baby brother.”  
After Ty left the waiting room, Mitchell looked at Anders, “You know, I’m totally shocked that you offered to go into the birthing room to help Dawn out.  I’m actually pretty impressed, Anders.”
“Nah, I care about Dawn.  I’ve seen her at her worst, and she’s seen me at mine.  What’s a few contractions between friends?  People forget that I’ve known Dawn longer than Ty has.”
Mitchell smiled at Anders and gave him a quick kiss.
Later on, Mike, Michelle and Axl carrying an extremely large teddy bear, came strolling in at just about the time Dawn’s screams went up a decibel or two.
Axl was standing around with his hands in his pockets while the rest of the Johnsons were chatting.  Finally he asks, “Who is that screaming?”  They all stop talking and turn around and look at Axl in disbelief and yell, “Dawn!”
Axl came to the realization, “Are you fucking kidding me?  That’s Dawn screaming?  Holy shit!”
“Axl! If you get us kicked out of here, I’m going to shove that bear up your arse!” Anders threatened his brother.  John put his hand on Anders’s shoulder to try to calm him down, “C’mon love, lets go sit down.”  The other three followed suit and sat down.
Mike looked at his watch, “So Anders, how long has Dawn been screaming like that?”
Anders looked at John, “I don’t know, what do you think John? About a half hour?”
“Yeah, her contractions have really started getting closer and harder.  I’m sure that Ty’s losing the feeling in his hands by now,” John replied.
“Better him than me!” Michelle was her typical supportive self.  
Axl was holding the teddy bear looking pale, “I thought that was only in the movies that women screamed like that when having babies.”
Mitchell smiled at his young brother-in-law, “Every mum is different, Axl. And it also depends on if it’s the mum’s first bairn or not.”  
Axl nodded his head like he understood what Mitchell just said.  
There were the typical overhead pages for a hospital going off.  Mitchell and Michelle listened to them instinctually but didn’t react to them since they weren’t working.  At one point there was a Code Blue called that raised Mitchell’s attention.  Anders looked at Mitchell, “Isn’t that where you work, babe?”  Mitchell nodded his head, “Yep, sure is.  I don’t know who it would be though, there wasn’t a patient in that bed yesterday when I worked.”
“Well, do we know if this new Johnson is a boy or a girl?” Michelle asked.  
Anders chuckled at Michelle’s coldness when asking about the baby, “No we don’t know.  Ty and Dawn decided not to tell anyone the sex of the baby.  Michelle, weren’t you there at the baby shower?”
“God no.  I can’t stand those things and all of those stupid games they play.  And then some mother starts talking about how long her contractions were when they were in labour and where she was when her waters broke.”
Some more screaming came from the birthing room, which made Michelle clinch her legs together.  
Axl stood up all of a sudden, “Oh shit, more screaming!”
Michelle stood up now, “Of course she’s screaming Axl, she’s pushing a watermelon through her vagina!”
Anders huffed at Michelle, “Well Michelle, nobody can accuse you of being overly maternal.”
Mike stood up and steered Axl away from Michelle, “Why don’t you just have a seat Axl, this could take a long time.”
The main doors to the unit opened and everyone looked to see who it was.  It turned out to be someone from environmental services riding the floor cleaner that looked like a little zamboni.  
“Jeezus, the fumes that thing leaves behind is almost as bad as a real zamboni,” Mike observed.
John looked at his watch and got up and made more coffee for everyone since it seemed like it could be a long night ahead.  He was starting to feel a little nervous on the inside but he didn’t let anyone else know how he was feeling.  It had been five hours since he and Anders had arrived at the hospital, and another six or seven hours that Dawn had contractions while at home, and while 10-12 hours wasn’t a horribly long time for labour, it was enough that it was making him nervous.  The nurse in him wished that he was in the birthing room and knew how dilated Dawn was and what the baby’s heart rate was.  He found himself staring out a window at the dark night and the street lights lighting the way for those drivers who happened to be out at this time of night.  He heard a voice beside him, “She’s going to be fine.” John turned his head to find Michelle standing next to him.  “Sometimes being a nurse or a doctor is harder when you know what can go wrong in a situation.  But she’ll be fine,” John was surprised by Michelle’s soothing voice.
He let out a big sigh, “Yeah, I just wish that I was in there and knew what was going on.  I don’t like being on this side of the waiting room.”  John turned around and noticed that Mike and Anders were pacing, and Axl was pouting in the corner holding on to the large bear with a face like a little boy. The scene made Mitchell smile.  
The double doors to the birthing rooms opened causing everyone to turn and see Ty come through wearing scrubs.  He sat down exhausted rubbing his face with his hands, “The nurses are changing Dawn’s bed so I came out here for a break.”
Everyone spoke at once asking for the latest news on Baby Johnson.  Ty raised his hands to get them to quiet down, “The nurses say they don’t think it will be much longer, maybe another hour or so.  I feel so bad for her.  She’s getting tired.  I wish that I could take the pain away from her.”
John sat down next to Ty and put his hand on his shoulder, “Aw, it’ll be over soon, mate.  Just keep rubbin’ her back for her.”
“I feel so helpless, like I’m not doing enough for her…”
Michelle interjected, “I’m sure you’re doing everything you can Ty.  Mitchell’s right, just keep rubbing her back.  Fall back on what you learned in the birthing classes.”
One of the ward nurses came back out to get Ty, so he went back in with Dawn.  
Michelle’s personality changed as soon as he walked out of the room.  She turned and looked at Mike, “Don’t ever think of getting me pregnant!”  Mike’s eyes got big as saucers and raised his hands to let her pass through.
Two pots of coffee and two hours later, the Johnson brigade was back to pacing in the waiting room, although Axl had managed to fall asleep in his chair still holding the gargantuan teddy bear.  Throughout the night the brothers had managed to move the teddy bear in different poses and took several pictures of Axl holding it!  
Mitchell suddenly noticed the nurses in the nursing station got busier and left the station to go back towards the birthing rooms. Then the scream from Dawn got lower. John turned to look at Michelle but she was already looking at him.  
Then there was silence and everyone stopped in their tracks.
Then there was a tiny cry!  Everyone let out a sigh of relief and laughter.  One of the nurses that Mitchell knew came back out quickly and gave a thumbs up to the family and went back in. That was a huge relief to everyone, in particular to John.  Anders looked for his husband and finally found him sitting on a chair with his face in his hands crying.  Anders kneeled in front of him and put his hands on John’s, “Hey Babe, it’s okay.  It’s over… Love?” He moved to sit in the chair next to him and started running his hand through John’s hair to try and comfort him.  Anders let John take a moment to get himself together.  When John dried his eyes he raised his head and Anders gave him a big hug and kiss.  He placed his hands on Mitchell’s face, “I’ve been watching you all night.  You’ve been worried about Dawn this whole time, haven’t ya?”
John had a few tears roll down his face  and nodded his head, “Yes, I have to admit it.  I’ve been worried off and on.  I’ve been going nutter not being in there to make sure Dawn was alright.”  Anders gave John another hug.  
“What the hell is going on?” Axl’s voice coming from the corner.  Everyone looked at him and laughed.
As soon as Dawn was cleaned up and moved to her room, and all of the measurements of the newborn were done, four uncles, one aunt and one bear were gowned and allowed to go meet the newest Johnson.  The door slowly opened and three heads stuck through the door to find a pink cheeked Dawn sitting up in bed holding a bundle of joy with Ty standing next to her with the biggest smile anyone has ever seen on his face!
A smiling Ty waved everyone in, “Come on in, come in!” And they all pushed through, including the giant bear.
Dawn was laughing at all of the family, and everyone was asking “What is it!  Is it a boy or a girl” 
Dawn couldn’t stop smiling, “Look what we made!  This is Miss Johnson!”
Everyone was oohing and aahing at finally having a baby girl in the family to spoil!  Even Mike was smiling at the baby.
“Dawn, you look amazing!  How do you feel?” Michelle asked the new mother.
“I feel great! Kind of numb, but very happy!  Mike, would you like to hold her first?” Dawn asked the eldest brother.
Mike looked shocked, “Me! Why me?”
Anders laughed at his brother, “Because you’re the old man, bro!”
Ty gingerly handed the baby to Mike, “It’s been a long time since anyone in this family has held a baby.”  Mike started cooing at her and looking at her tiny hand.  “She’s so tiny! Aren’t you a beauty!  You like your mum, thank goodness!”  Everyone chuckled at that.  Mike looked up at Axl, “Axl do you want to hold her?”
Axl looked pensive at the thought and rubbed his hands on his pants.  He looked at Dawn, “I don’t know how, I don’t want to drop her.”
Ty looked at his baby brother, “Go ahead Axl, you’ll be fine.”  Mike carefully handed her to Axl and showed him how to support her head.  Axl got a grin on his face and just stared at her for a moment, and then she fussed a bit, “Here you better take her back Mike.”
“Hang on you egg, it’s my turn,” Anders walked over to Axl and took the baby from him like an old pro.  “I used to hold you when you were this young Axl.  Look at you gorgeous!  Look at that beautiful blonde hair just like your favourite uncle’s.  You are certainly a beauty, and we are going to beat off any man that looks at you twice.”
Mitchell stood behind Anders with his hands on his arms while he held their new niece.  He had tears in his eyes watching Anders hold their new niece.  He was definitely a natural at it.  Anders looked up at Michell, “Are you crying again?  You are such a sap!”
Mitchell shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t help it!  I love babies, especially this one.  Here, hand her over to me now.”  Mitchell took her from Anders.  Instead of holding her in his arms like everyone else did, he held her up close to his shoulder so he could smell her.  “I love that new baby smell.  Dawn and Ty looked at each other briefly and then smiled at Mitchell.  He lowered her to his arms so that he could stare at her some more.
Michelle spoke up, “So you never said…what did you name her?”
“Well, it was a hard decision.  We couldn’t agree on a name that we both liked,” Dawn said.
“So then we thought of family names…” Ty said with an unsure voice.
Mike cringed, “Oh don’t tell me that you named her Agnetha.”
Dawn was still smiling, “No of course not.  Well none of us have mothers that we loved enough that we would want to name her after except… Mitchell!”  Mitchell was still in awe of the baby and didn’t catch on to what was being said around him.  “Mitchell loved his mother very much, so we named her Mary Elizabeth.”   Finally Mitchell heard something to make him pay attention, “What?  You named her after… my mum?!”
Dawn looked at Mitchell a little more seriously, “Is that alright?  I know we didn’t ask you.  If you don’t want us to, we can always change it.”
Anders was watching the shocked look on John’s face, “Oh fuck he’s going to start crying again!”
“I can’t believe that you… what an honour.  Thank you so much!  That means the world to me!”  Mitchell leaned down to kiss Mary Elizabeth on the head.  Anders wrapped an arm around John’s waist and leaned in to his husband, and smiled.
Anders cleared his throat and looked at the new parents, “That’s really lovely.  Thank you.”
The door opened and a nurse stepped in the room, “Alright everyone.  It’s late and this new mum and babe need their rest.  You can visit them tomorrow.”
Mike spoke up, “Alright guys, you all heard the lovely lady, time to go.  Congratulations Ty and Dawn, you have a beautiful daughter.”  They all said their goodbyes to the baby still in Mitchell’s arms on their way out the door.  Anders and John were still standing, staring at Mary Elizabeth.  
“Babe, I think it’s time to go,” Anders patted John on the shoulder.
“I guess,” John walked over to give the baby back to Dawn, “Here ya go all safe and sound.  Thank you so much for naming her for my mum.  It’s really special for me.”
“You’re welcome, Mitchell,” Dawn said.
Anders and John shuffled into their house dead tired.  It had been a long night at the hospital and they were just ready to go to bed but Tank and Tiny came running over to greet their parents with a high pitch, yappy bark and a deep ferocious bark.  If one didn’t really know Tiny’s personality, you would think he was going to swallow you whole, but he was just a teddy bear.
"Oh fuck I forgot about you two,” Mitchell’s voice was tired and a little hoarse.  “Come on you two wankers, I’ll let you outside.”  This was one of the times that he was very grateful that the back garden was fenced in and all they had to do was open the back door to let the beasts out.
Anders had already started to strip, “John do you want anything to drink or eat?”
John sat at the kitchen table waiting for the dogs to come back inside, “Something cold.  Do we have any bottled water in the icebox?”
Anders smiled at John calling it an icebox, a reference to his childhood days in Ireland.  He opened the fridge door, “Uh yes, yes we do.  You want that?”
“Yes please.  I can’t believe how exhausted I am.  I’m more tired than if I had worked a normal 12 hour shift,” John saw that the dogs were just playing around now so he whistled for them to come inside.  He followed Anders’s lead and started taking his clothes off. He chugged one bottle of water down right away and grabbed another to take upstairs.  
Anders wrapped his arm around John’s naked waist and kissed his neck, “C’mon babe, let’s go to bed.”  He locked the back door and turned off the kitchen light and pulled John to go upstairs with him, the dogs following right behind them.
Tank and Tiny jumped up on the king-size bed and took their place waiting for their masters.  Anders had tried to train them to not sleep on the bed, but eventually gave up when he caught John several times allowing the dogs on the bed.
“Are you going into the office tomorrow?” 
Anders sighed, “Fuck no, at least not right away.  I do have some afternoon appointments that I have to attend to.  What about you?”  Anders finished stripping and climbed into bed.
“Umm what’s today?”
Anders looked at his phone, “It is now officially Thursday the 10th.”
John looked at his work scheduled on his phone, “I guess I’m off today.  Well, Miss Mary Elizabeth has great timing!” The smile had returned to John’s face as he crawled into Anders’s arms.
“Yes, I guess she does!  She’s such a beautiful baby isn’t she?”
John raised up, “Wait a minute, I thought you said that all babies are ugly?”
“Well, all babies are ugly except for Mary Elizabeth.  No other baby can compare to her.” 
John gave Anders a long kiss, “Mmm I agree, love.  I still can’t get over that they named her after my mum.  I didn’t want to give her back to Dawn.  And YOU mister ‘I don’t want to have any kids’… YOU were a natural when you were holding her!”
“Hold on, hold on, you’re forgetting that I helped raise Ty and Axl from when they were born.  Holding a baby doesn’t scare me, being a father scares me.  And can we please stop talking so you can start kissing me!”
Mitchell’s laugh lit up his face, “I love you Anders Mitchell-Johnson.”
“I love you too John Mitchell-Johnson.”
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laurfilijames · 2 years
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Pairing: Fili x female reader
Words: 2,181
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Smut. Dry humping.
Summary: You set out alone at night in search of water, straying far from where the company has set up camp. Fili follows you and you're forced to hide from a group of orcs, the fear and adrenaline sparking something else in both of you.
A/N: It's day one of Deano Bingo, baby!!! This little fic was inspired by a scene in Rings of Power that I loved and couldn't resist! Prompts used were Fili, Accidental Kiss and Dry Humping.
He was cunning, you thought, knowing Fili was following you deep into the quickly darkening forest, thinking he was sly and quiet but really neither of the two. You could easily hear branches and dried leaves that had fallen and been forgotten about crunching beneath his heavy boots, blanketing the ground from an autumn that had long since passed. You smiled as you continued, your own footsteps careful and calculated, aware that many unwanted creatures could greet you at any moment.
It was a risk, setting out in search of fresh water at such an hour, not to mention by yourself, but there hadn't been any orc sightings in days and in all honesty you were in need of a break from the company if even for a few brief moments.
It was evident that Fili was tracking you simply for your protection; constantly concerning himself over you and making sure you were safe in as many ways as he could control, but part of you hoped another reason had sent the heir out to scout you as well.
Tension had grown between you since day one of the journey, and you were happy to steal little moments away with him whenever you could, even if the threat of danger lurked ahead.
The creek that the company had passed a day earlier was not far off from what you could recall and with what little light the moon offered you, and you focused hard to pick up on familiar landmarks you had noted as you passed, your hands touching the rough bark on trees as you skimmed past them.
Unexpectedly, a hand grabbed your arm and easily turned you around, your free hand instinctively clutching the hilt of your dagger that was strapped to your waist, freeing it from its sheath to land on the throat of the smiling dwarf now in front of you.
"Did I not tell you to be careful out here?" Fili chuckled, not moving away from your blade but instead leaning slightly into it, the sound of the stubble on his neck scratching against it mixing with your breaths as you tried to calm your racing heart and burning lungs.
His blue eyes twinkled; glowing from the silvery light shining into them from above as well as what seemed to be his amusement of your knife pressed on his pulse, the addition of his crooked grin not helping to lower the combined fury of nerves and arousal that was stirred up in you in a mere matter of seconds.
"Fili, you can't scare me like that! I'll have your head!" you whispered in a tone so laced with anger that if you had not needed to keep quiet, your voice would have chased the birds from the trees.
He dared to chuckle as you finally brought the glimmering blade away from his thick neck; the urge to press your lips to it and suck and nip until he growled with pleasure raging through you even more so than the adrenaline from him surprising you.
"Don't pretend like you didn't know I was following you," he said confidently. "I could tell by your gait you were fully aware of my presence."
Giving him a sideways glance, you tucked your dagger back into its holder and began marching forward again, partially hating how obvious your want for him was, the other half of you flattered he paid close enough attention to know your desires.
"I think we're far enough out," he stated, the sound of his steps halting behind you, making you stop as well and turn around to face him.
"Far enough for what?" you quipped, watching his inviting lips curl into a devious smile once more, his dimples becoming hollow shadows on each side of his cheeks. "I came out here for water."
He hummed as you turned back and continued walking forward, and with a few long strides you felt him directly behind you, his pace prideful as he kept up, an occasional brush of his arm against your side filling you with excitement. Maybe the opportunity for a dip in the creek would present itself…
"Hey, wait." Fili spoke, his voice dropping to be low and serious.
Matching him, you paused on the spot, listening intently for what he might have heard. Footsteps that appeared to be made by numerous sets of feet echoed in the distance, and your heart leapt in your throat when Fili took your hand and quickly and quietly led you to a dense thicket of trees. He squatted and tucked himself against a fallen trunk; the circumference of the log large enough to shelter you both, and pulled you down beside him. Slowly, he rose up on his heels, carefully peering over the top of the dead wood whose only sign of life was borrowed from the moss that grew on its shell, and then quickly sat back down.
A distressed look drew across the parts of his features you were able to see, making worry and fear that had started out small explode within you, and you had to clench your teeth to stop them from chattering together.
Orcs marched not one hundred paces from where you sat barely hidden, the pummeling of their feet making the ground shake beneath them, their calls and grunts so clear it seemed like they were creeping up directly behind you. You jumped slightly when Fili's hand reached for yours, the warmth from it and his thumb running over the back of your hand helping to calm you, and you did your best to focus on his face as he kept his eyes fixed on the area above your head.
His chest heaved and his nostrils flared as he tried hard to keep his breathing as quiet as he could, his own fear evident as a bead of sweat trailed slowly down his brow and threatened to fall in his eye.
It seemed like forever that you sat there, and still more and more orcs trudged by, their numbers not appearing to fade. Your leg began to fall asleep; tingling with pins and needles and completely numb from your knee down, and you adjusted slightly to relieve the painful ache, only to have a small branch slip out from under your boot and roll down the hill you sat on. You made to speak; to apologize or gasp, you weren't even sure, but before you could, Fili's hand flew to cover your mouth, his eyes wide and staring at you pleadingly.
You breathed in his scent, watching as he brought his index finger to his lips to encourage more silence from you before you closed your eyes and a paralyzing fear began to take over.
Two orcs heard your disruption and moved to investigate closer, the light from their torches spreading out over your surroundings as they came nearer. Tears stung at your eyes and one fell to slide between your cheek and Fili's palm that remained securely over your face as you squeezed them shut tightly, not daring to reach out to clasp your shaking hands onto him no matter how badly you wanted to.
One orc lingered, hovering over the very spot you were sure you were no longer concealed by, each sniff he made to track a scent teasing you into thinking you were discovered. Bravely, you opened your eyes and held your breath, watching as the foul creature swept the arm holding his torch back and forth above your heads, somehow oblivious to your presence. You glanced back at Fili, watching him watch the orc, and for a moment you worried his blue eyes would reach out like a beacon and reveal you.
The orc turned and quickly scampered off, his companion following him closely, and you could visibly see Fili relax, letting out a quiet, but long sigh as he slowly withdrew his hand from your mouth.
"I'm sorry, I just tried t-" you started in a desperate whisper, shifting yourself fully to get into the more desired position you had intended to before, right at the same time Fili leaned forward to move off the stick that was digging into the back of his leg. You couldn't have been closer to each other before, and now as you moved simultaneously your faces met, noses brushing as the corners of your lips grazed, the braid on the left side of his moustache dangling to hit your chin.
Flinching as if you'd touched fire, you retreated back slightly, but not before Fili could grip the back of your head and pull you against him again, his lips crashing against yours with purpose.
You whined as his tongue prodded for access to your mouth, and you happily granted his wish without hesitation, the taste and scent of him overwhelming and immediately drowning out the fear you'd felt just moments ago. You leaned into him, wiggling ever-closer to achieve contact with his body that yours had longed for for too long a time, his warmth and buzzing charge from the thrilling experience radiating onto you.
His hand fell from your head and carded down your waist, gripping at your hips and finally your thigh where he gave a squeeze to encourage your own thought of swinging it over his lap to straddle him.
A whimper left you as you settled onto the hard bulge in his trousers, forcing him to kiss you harder in order to keep you quiet; the threat of being found not eliminated quite yet.
Your hands wandered into the opening of his fur-lined jacket, finding the neckline of his tunic where his chest hair always peeked out to tease you, and you squeezed at his flaming skin as a dizzying yearning washed over you like never before.
"Fili…" you whispered as your lips briefly parted, wanting to praise him and tell him how long and how furiously you had longed for him.
His lips turned up into a sated smile, looking at you briefly with a burning need that seemed to match yours.
"We still need to keep quiet, amralime," he murmured, his eyes flickering from yours down to your lips, and even further to your breasts that heaved in his sightline.
You couldn't risk undressing, needing to be ready to flee or fight at any given moment, so as much as both of you were crazed in the desire to feel your bare bodies against each other, you settled with what you could do.
The friction of his hardness was boundless as you steadily began to rock on him; the slow, rolling motion satisfying your need to feel him on your most delicate parts, his cock straining against the leather as it pressed up against you.
It was quiet now; the orcs having made their way through without noticing the needy, panting breaths shared between you and Fili or the noise of the material that kept you separated shifting and rustling as your actions became faster and more feverous.
It felt divine, and even though you would have preferred to have the silky, veiny flesh of his member sliding between your folds, soaking him until he pushed inside, you knew he would help find many other opportunities to allow for it.
The thought of having to sneak and steal away moments with Fili helped spike your arousal, your slick lubricating your clit enough to make you shudder as your climax bellowed deep within your core.
Holding tightly onto your hips, Fili aided your rocking as he bucked up into you, lifting his hips while forcing you down hard onto his barriered cock. A feral need overcame him; crazed in his desire to feel your wet flesh encase him so much that the earlier danger vanished from his mind completely, and he dug his face into your flushed neck to stifle his groans as his engorged and heavily leaking head fell victim to the persistence of your body. There was no way to hold back, and knowing you were at the peak of ecstasy with him, he came with an unforgiving force that left him clawing at you in an attempt to bring him back to reality.
Your fingers weaved in his tresses and pulled, signaling your arrival to your end, your mewling becoming uncontrollable and slightly louder despite your efforts to muffle them. Fili slotted his lips with yours again, swallowing your moans, feeling you explode over him as your body shook and quivered and crashed against him.
He held you as close as he could, your kissing becoming more languid and sweeter as time passed, and finally you convinced yourself to break away from him enough to look at his contented face.
"Should we head back to camp?" you asked, quietly still, pressing your forehead against his while praying to Mahal he would disagree with your suggestion.
"Hmm, no, not yet," he said somewhat cheekily, tilting his head to the side to catch your gaze before brushing his nose back and forth on yours. "We should stay a while yet, just to be sure."
Everything: @guardianofrivendell @midearthwritings @cassiabaggins @lilith15000 @trishthedishofreis @linasofia @unbeatablecurlgirl @the-poldarkian @lathalea @enchantzz @blairsanne @legolaslovely @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @sketch-and-write-lover @jotink78 @medusas-hairband @feeweeeee @missihart23 @fortheloveofdurin @i-am-still-bb @roobear68
@shethereadinghobbit @ragsweas @faeriefics
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blairsanne · 1 year
Horses in my Dreams - Barnaby Buchanan
My first entry for this year's @deanobingo is a fanvid for my bb Barnaby (from Brokenwood Mysteries), for the prompt "scars". Maybe this one has a bit of a weird vibe, sorry, haha.
CW: Motor vehicle accident, blood, torture, asylum, medical abuse, trauma, ptsd, etc.
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2shuang · 1 year
【Dean】 【Mark】 off to the races
Happy deanobingo!!!
BGM: off to the races
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silvermoon-scrolls · 1 year
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ID that dimple!
For the prompt "Dimples" for @deanobingo, let's see how good all the Deano simps are at identifying the man. 😁
Don't be shy, share your guesses (or absolute certainties) in reblogs or comments or however you like - and I'll reveal the correct characters towards the end of the Bingo event.
Have fun and good luck!
Edit: the reveal
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Nights Like This Fanart!
This is my first contribution for the Deano Bingo event!
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I tried my hand at some art rather than writing for this one!
Now @laurfilijames wrote an amazing Will Johnson fic not to long ago (here it is, go check it out) and I absolutely loved it! This is inspired by that fic!
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And I did attempt to make a gif of it but it didn’t come out so great 😅
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i-am-still-bb · 2 years
Deano Bingo 2022 - General Prompts Card - “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
DarkHawk, T
Despite the Winter Winds series (Tumblr / Ao3)
Length: 3,803
A/N: The series itself has some inconsistencies and repetitions. I have not been keeping good notes on it. I should fix those one of these days.
There is a planned second part to this that will be rated E if I can get my brain and fingers to write some sexiness.
Read on Ao3
New York, 1966
The hotel for the UN’s peace dinner was over the top. Ross had never seen anything like it. He could see almost all of New York City from his bedroom window. There were lights as far as the eye could see, and the snow twinkled as it fell. He could not remember the last time that he had thought of Russian snow as twinkling. Usually it just gleamed dully and piled up in corners only to melt, refreeze, and make you slip when you were least expecting it. Or it would simply melt and get your socks wet. It would also build up on the bottoms of your shoes until you had to stop and scrape it off or risk falling flat on your face.
Ross had been downstairs earlier to see everything. The floors were polished within an inch of their lives, Ross could easily see his reflection in them, and there was a massive American and a gargantuan Soviet flag framing the entrance into the ballroom. Soon it would be filled with men in tuxedos and women in evening gowns. Then they would eat and make small talk all while pretending like their countries were not trying to steal each other’s secrets while preparing for mutually assured destruction with hydrogen bombs should one of them look at the other funny.
But right now Ross was struggling to tie his bow tie.
The room that he was sharing with Oleg had two beds. It smelled strongly of oranges and spice. A member of the American delegation that he had spoken to yesterday had said that it was for the Christmas season, so that everyone would feel festive. It was nice, but not particularly festive for Ross since he did not associate it with Christmas. Not that he associated anything with Christmas. Yes. They put up trees in December, but the tree was for the New Year, not any sort of religious festival.
Oleg was presently sitting on one of the beds and making impatient noises while Ross continued to pretend to struggle with his bowtie. He just needed Oleg to leave, to leave him alone for a few minutes.
“They're all downstairs by now, Ross. If we don’t hurry up there will be no champagne or caviar left for us.”
“Sorry,” Ross apologized. “My sister always does this for me.” He tugged the sides of the bow to make them as even as possible.
“Of course she does,” Oleg said, pushing himself to his feet. “Let me see.”
Ross turned and let Oleg tug at the sides of the bow for a moment.
“There,” Oleg said with satisfaction. “You’re ready.” He clapped Ross on the shoulders. Then he strode purposefully towards the door.
“I have to use the restroom,” Ross said, halting Oleg, “I’ll meet you downstairs.” He turned to look at Oleg and gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
Oleg sighed and dropped back down onto one of the beds. “Directive Twelve,” he said, as if that explained everything.
“What?” Ross asked with a frown.
“Directive Twelve,” Oleg quoted. “No member of the Soviet delegation is to be left alone on American soil.”
“Can I at least shut the door?” Ross joked, trying to hide his growing unease.
Oleg nodded with an amused snort. “Of course.”
Ross closed the bathroom door firmly. He leaned heavily on the sink, hands braced on either side. And he looked at himself. He thought he looked normal, and that was the point, he wanted to look like everything was fine, not like he was going to defect or die trying tonight.
He took a deep breath and then turned the faucet on. He splashed his face with some of the cold water and then patted his face dry. He grabbed his comb and roughly combed his hair again before tugging his tuxedo back into place.
Now or never.
The rest of the Soviet delegation was already in the foyer. Ross’ boss Dmitri Annishin was mingling and talking with a member of the British delegation.
“Hopefully we’ll see you in two years in Moscow,” he was saying as Ross and Oleg approached. “Ah, there you are. I think someones going to give a speech of some sort soon. You might want some champagne for that,” he lifted his own glass.
Shortly, someone clinked silverware on a glass. And the general murmur and hum of the room grew quiet.
One of the Americans mounted the dais. “I’d like to extend a heartfelt welcome to our Soviet guests. What I’ve seen here so far tonight gives me hope for the future. So here’s to peace and warmth between our two great nations.” He lifted his glass in a toast and everyone else followed.
“To peace.”
And then the music resumed, something classical that Ross did not recognize, not that that was surprising, and people began talking amongst themselves again. Oleg and Dmitri drifted off and left Ross alone in the crowd.
He took a sip of his champagne and considered his options. Someone was supposed to make contact with him, but that could only happen if he was alone. He watched Oleg and Dmitri on the other side of the room and positioned himself on the edge of a cluster of individuals so that he would look like he was engaged rather than just looking and watching.
Someone cleared their throat just behind him and Ross turned. A woman in a blue dress and fur stole was standing there. The woman looked at him expectantly.
“Ross Poldark, Department of Foreign Affairs.”
“Jackie Nathan, State Department,” she said with a smile.
And then Oleg was standing at her elbow.
Ross must have looked surprised because she added with a laugh, “I do more than just make coffee.”
She turned suddenly and spilled her champagne all down the front of Oleg’s tuxedo. She gasped. Oleg jumped back and brushed at the spreading liquid.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Can I—”
“Go and change,” Ross told Oleg.
Jackie turned back to him. “I can’t believe I did that!”
Maybe this was not his contact after all.
Then she looked briefly to either side. “I have instructions for you.”
Ross gave the smallest of nods.
“After the first course, get to the kitchen. It’s at the end of the main corridor on the first floor.”
Ross’ breath accelerated as she spoke. He looked nervously around them checking for Dmitri, Oleg, or anyone else from their delegation.
“Take a breath. Relax,” Jackie said, resting a hand on Ross’ forearm. “This is what you wanted.”
Ross opened his mouth to speak.
“Just keep your head,” Jackie said in a low tone, before returning to the slightly too loud and cheerful voice. “So nice to meet you. Roger, was it?”
And then she was gone.
“Who was that?” Dmitri asked when he found Ross a few moments later.
“Some secretary from the Americans’ State Department,” Ross said.
Dmitri snorted. “And they let her come to this? She must be friendly with someone high up.”
Ross nodded and turned his attention to his drink.
“Champagne?” A waiter asked, holding out a silver tray.
“Yes. Thank you.” Ross took one of the flutes and put his empty one in its place.
The banquet room was adorned with red and white poinsettias and ivy was twined about the columns that frame the doors. They all had assigned seats with their names. Someone from their own delegation on one side and someone from another UN member nation on their other side. Ross talked with Oleg and a representative of the GDR. He talked. Even as he was talking he could not have told you what he was saying. It was just the standard pleasantries, families, children, hobbies, and the weather.
But Ross was too busy waiting for that first course, and terrified of it at the same time. He was tense. The left side of his neck ached, his arm felt a bit numb and stiff. His hands shook just a little bit. He hoped that it was not noticeable or that it would be dismissed as jitters since this was his first significant international event.
The first course was a salad with onions and walnuts and an oil based dressing. Ross cut up the lettuce and pushed it around the place. He was too keyed up to eat.
Oleg leaned over. “Are you feeling alright?”
Ross nodded tightly. “I’ve just never been one for salads.”
Oleg laughed. “And you can save room for the meat in the next course. You have the right idea.”
Oleg positioned his silverware to indicate that he was finished and was ready for the next course.
Ross did the same. He saw many people were done with the first course and were waiting for the fish. Did Jackie mean right after the first course? Or did she mean while the second course was benign served?
It did not matter. Ross could not stand sitting there for a moment longer with tension zipping down his nerves. He pushed his chair back and left the table without excusing himself. He buttoned his jacket out of habit when he stood. He was several steps away from the table when Dmitri and Oleg exchanged a look and Oleg rose to follow Ross. “I’ll just be a moment,” he said, excusing himself.
It was torture not to run, but Ross’ heart was already beating like he had been running a marathon. He saw a waiter enter the main corridor from a side hall. Ross turned abruptly and jogged down that hall. He sped up when he reached the steps.
He was brought up short when he saw a man in a black suit standing near the base of the stairs. Ross slowed, he forced himself to take normal steps at a normal speed, a pace that felt abominably slow. He straightened his jacket. He felt stiff and conspicuous. Surely the man would notice his nerves.
“Toilet, Comrade?” the man asked.
Ross was entirely certain at that moment that the man was KGB there to keep all members of the Soviet delegation in check. Ross nodded.
The man gestured to his left.
Ross was past the man. He could see the kitchen doors. And he was silently praying to any god that might exist that the man was looking in another direction.
“Ross, wait for me!” Oleg called.
Ross looked over his shoulder to see Oleg bounding down the stairs.
Ross did not even think about it then.
He ran.
His dress shoes did not have the greatest traction. And he could hear two sets of footsteps behind him. Oleg and the KGB officer.
Ross launched himself through the kitchen’s swinging doors. The organized chaos was disrupted by the running men.
“What are you doing?”
“What the fuck!”
Ross did not look at any of the staff. He shoved them out of his way. He yanked whatever looked easily throwable off the counters; bowls, vegetables, stacks of crockery. He even pulled one of the workers into Oleg’s path.
Exit? Where was the exit? Ross felt like his lungs were about to burst.
He yanked a kitchen cart out. It spun and fell on its side. It took Oleg down.
Only the KGB man left.
Ross seized a pan from the stove as he ran past. He turned and swung the heavy skillet. He caught the KGB man across the face. He didn’t even take a second to hope that he had not killed the man.
And then he was through the door.
Hands were grabbing him.
“Get off! Let me go!” he struggled with the man.
“Get in the car!”
Ross was shoved into the backseat of a waiting sedan. The door slammed shut. Tires screeched as the car took off.
Ross looked behind him. Whoever had shoved him into the car was already gone. Oleg and the KGB man, blood trickling down his face, were running after the car and shouting.
But the driver kept accelerating. The driver did not brake as he took the turn onto a main street from the alley. The back end swayed hard from side to side..
Ross’ chest heaved. Those lights he had been admiring earlier were too much now. They blinded him. They made him dizzy and sick.
“Take a deep breath.”
Only then did Ross notice that he was not alone in the back seat. Jackie in her blue dress and fur stole was seated by the other door.
“It’s over. You’re free.”
Ross looked at her.
His chest squeezed in apprehension.
“What happens now?”
“Tonight we’re taking you to a safe house that we have. You’ll stay there a few days. You’ll be debriefed and then we’ll start ironing out the rest of the details.”
Ross nodded and looked ahead at the streaming headlights and receding tail lights. He tried to calm his heart rate.
“And I believe a friend of yours will be waiting for you at the safe house.”
Ross snapped his head back to look at her. He did not dare ask who the friend might be.
The car drove for several hours. It looped back and took many detours to confuse and loose anyone who might be following them.
By the time the driver put the car in park and turned off the engine Ross was drained, but his body was still wired with tension.
“We’re here,” Jackie said.
Ross nodded and looked out the window.
They were in a suburban neighborhood. The streets were quiet, tree lined with neatly maintained sidewalks. The houses were set back from the roads. Many of them had neat white fences. “
It looked like a movie set.
“Do people really live here?” he asked in a daze.
“Of course?” Jackie said. “Come on. Let’s get you settled in.”
The house they were parked in front  of was white with black shutters, a cheerful green front door, and a light to one side. Ross could only see this because of the warm glow of the streetlights and the porch light. He looked up and down the street, not a single light was out.
Jackie knocked on the front door.
It opened and they were greeted by an older man wearing a shoulder holster.
“Is it safe here?” Ross asked, looking pointedly at the man’s weapons.
“Of course,” Jackie assured him. “Rob is just here to make sure of that. He’ll switch out with Steven in a few hours, but there will always be someone here with you.”
Ross nodded. “Nice to meet you, Rob,” Ross extended a hand.
Ross looked around the foyer that opened onto a living room. It was sparsely furnished, but everything was neat and clean. It still felt surreal. He was sure that  it would take a while for it to feel real.
Then Jackie spoke, “There you are, Jim. I was wondering where you had gotten to.”
Ross turned then to see Jim standing in the doorway.
Two years was a long time.
Two years felt like eternity.
“It’s been a while,” Jim said with a good-natured smile.
“It has,” Ross replied.
Yes. He was free. But in this they were still hiding, still being watched.
Ross offered a hand, Aching for Jim’s touch, but more than willing to settle for a slide of palms after two years of nothing. No contact at all.
“You look good.” Jim took Ross’ proffered hand, but pulled him into a rough hug. Friendly, but it lasted a heartbeat too long.
“You, too,” Ross said softly. He hoped that it was too quiet to be overheard, or could be dismissed as a reciprocal compliment. Then louder, and more light-hearted “I’m sure that’s not true.”
Jim clapped a hand on Ross’ shoulder. “Well, things seem to have improved for you. I didn’t know that you even knew how to put on a tux,” he teased.
“I’ll have you know that Oleg did the bowtie.”
Jim laughed.
Ross had missed that sound for so long. He was sure that he was going to wake up from this dream any moment and find himself back in his gray Moscow apartment with the cracks extending from the ceiling corners and the damp on the window ledges and nothing but his memories for company, if you did not count the family of 5 that he shared the a common room with, which he did not.
“It is late. Jim here will get you settled. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about,” Jackie interrupted Ross’ thoughts. “You should be debriefed in a few days.”
“How long will that take?” Ross asked.
“That depends on how much you have to tell us, Mr. Poldark.”
Jackie returned to the car to be driven to home, the office, wherever it was that she was going.
Jim led Ross to an upstairs bedroom that looked out over a spacious backyard. There was a patio with a grill, a porch swing hanging from a metal stand in the far corner. The house behind them could barely be seen for the trees and the distance in the dark.
Jim shut the door quietly behind them. “So this is where you’ll sleep. I’m across the hall and Rob insists on staying in the living room, first point of contact. Steven will do the same I expect.”
“Will you be staying here as long as I am here?”
“Only if you want me too.” Jim’s words were shy. He lingered by the door with his hands stuffed in his pants’ pockets.
“I would like that.” Ross sat down on the narrow bed. The only other bits of furniture were a bedside table, a chest, and a secretary desk with a chair. “I was not expecting you to be here.”
“I wanted to be the one to go to the UN dinner, but I was voted down. Something about possibly being recognized and not being able to keep it together under the pressure.”
Ross scooted over on the bed to make room for Jim.
“But I would have fought them to be here if they had said no. “I wanted to make sure that you were okay. You are okay, aren’t you?”
“I am,” Ross nodded, “It is likely best that you were not there. I may have been too distracted to do what I needed to do.” Ross smiled. He placed a hand on top of Jim’s and wound his fingers between Jim’s.
“I think they were more concerned with me shooting somebody if something went wrong.”
“What would have happened if things had gone wrong.”
Jim squeezed Ross’ fingers. “Since this never officially happened the Americans wouldn’t be able to extract you by force. You could have fought, but nobody from our side would have been able to assist.”
“I did hit someone with a frying pan,” Ross grinned.
“Did he deserve it?”
“Most certainly.”
“Then that is completely understandable and excusable,” Jim said confidently with a hint of amusement.
“Completely excusable then,” the amusement was gone and Jim’s face had turned serious. “They’ll look for you, you know.”
“I know.”
“You’ll probably be given a new identity and set up somewhere in the Midwest as soon as they feel like they can move you.”
“Can’t I stay here?”
“Here? No,” Jim stood and started to pace. “This is just a temporary safe house, one of many that they have around the city.”
“That’s not what I… Can’t I stay with you?”
Jim stopped pacing to look at Ross.
“A new identity would be far safer.”
“I don’t want to be safe. I want to be with you.”
Jim sucked in a sharp breath. “Ross…”
“That’s why I’m doing this. I don’t like the Soviet government, but I would have never thought of spying and selling secrets if it weren’t for you. I would not have defected if it weren’t for you.”
“But you didn’t know if I’d even be here. I was stationed in Shanghai for 15 months after I left Moscow, and…”
“I would have waited. Insisted. Refused to tell them anything until I saw you.”
“That would have been a very dangerous game.”
“Yes. But one that  was willing to play. But I don’t have to.” Ross stood. “You’re here.”
“I am,” Jim said quietly, eyes fixed on Ross.
Ross lifted a hand to cup Jim’s cheek. Jim leaned into the touch and Ross stroked Jim’s cheekbone with his thumb.
Ross lowered his lips to Jim’s. Jim stretched to meet Ross. He made a soft noise. His hand automatically found Ross’ hip. Ross brought his other hand up to cup the other side of Jim’s face, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. Ross traced Jim’s lower lip with his tongue. Jim gasped and then he was tasting the remnants of champagne on Ross’ tongue. Jim’s fingers tightened on Ross’ hip and he groaned.
Their breath was the only sound in the small room and it felt like it was as loud as a plan coming in for a landing.
Jim abruptly broke the kiss. His chest heaving, eyes wide, pupils dilated. “We can’t. There’s… We… I…”
“I know,” Ross said quietly. “I just… I’ve dreamed of doing that again. I never really thought I would get to.”
Jim licked his lips and it took all of Ross’ willpower not to push Jim against the wall and kiss him again. Damn Rob, Steven, whoever was on guard duty downstairs.
Jim looked at his feet. “I… I felt the same. Just, we can’t. Not here. It’s safer than—”
Ross lifted Jim’s face so that their eyes met, “But still not safe.”
Jim nodded.
“I know.”
Jim took a deep shuddering breath. He rose up to press a soft kiss to Ross’ lips. “Soon. I’ll see what I can do. It’ll take some doing, my job… This was all a bit last minute.”
“I wasn’t even supposed to be on the delegation, but George got sick.”
“Poor George.”
“Fuck him,” Ross said passionately.
Jim laughed. “Is that the same George—?”
“Fuck him is right.”
Ross nodded firmly and pressed his forehead to Jim’s. “So what do I do here if I can’t have you?”
“There’s plenty of books. And I’m sure you could use some sleep after tonight. There’s some pajamas in the chest. I guessed at your size, so I hope they fit.”
“If they don’t then I’ll just sleep naked.”
“Are you trying to torture me?”
“Maybe.” Ross suppressed a yawn.
“You should sleep,” Jim stepped away from Ross. “I’ll see you in the morning?”
Ross nodded.
Neither of them had to say that they wished they could share the bed together, to draw comfort from each other.
Not now.
Soon they’d be free.
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DEANO!!!! LOML!!!!!
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Insane about him 💚💚💚💚
Character opinion bingo! (Already asked: Jo, Dean, Sam, Cas)
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