ofwhammyshouse · 4 years
“—No one man 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 can change the world. 𝐇𝐞 can only sow the seeds for the 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞 and nurture it.”
18+ Alive AU. Ships with chem. Rated #R for #Redmun.
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jxmpforce · 5 years
"Is that an apple in your pocket? No this isn't a cheesy human pick up line I genuinely want to know if that is a delicious apple."
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octoravia · 4 years
She gave a tap to her headset. Verifying that her lifeline was attached to her cranium. She had many doors to pass. Calm, the essence of perfection oozed from her. She froze and looked up from her thoughts at the door to her left. In the common ornate scrawl throughout Wammy House read...B
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svnsetcovington · 6 years
Ahhhh Does anyone want to roleplay?
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beyondbirthday · 7 years
Hi I'm Dena do u know any blogs that do character rps
hmm, not really.. i’m sure you can easily find them if you search through the #dnrp or #deathnoterp tags.. i know there’s a lot of active ones out there !
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miss-murder-can-i · 10 years
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                                   I S W E A R I'll do productive things on here tomorrow. But I've                                    been awake for soooooo long-- If I don't sleep now, I'm gonna                                    regret it. 
                                                             -- Annnnnnyyyywhoooooo!
                                    Like *this* for a random starter when I wake up!
                                                                                                                    Oooooooo!                                                                                                                           Ahhhhh!
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detective-nate-river · 10 years
A Kuroshitsuji AU where after near's parents die instead of him going to Wammy's house he makes a deal with Sebastian (Who probably won't be named sebastian because that is ciel's name for him) and they solve mysteries and junk 
death note and kuro are just a heavenly crossover waiting to happen
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deathnoterp · 10 years
♠ Answer from my Kira ♠
Uh-oh... Two Kira's challeging? This promisses to be pretty interesting! Of course, my Kira is not going to bak away!
“Hello Kira #1. An interesting challenge, especially interesting that you imply your kills will be more creative than mine. Of course I accept your challenge, but don’t underestimate me. Show me what you’re made of, Kira #1.”
What more to say? Let the show begin!
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hcxuramasaerikaxcity · 10 years
♣ My Kira chose YOU! ♣
"It hurts me to do this, really." The Shinigami floats above, you, a black book in hand. "But you’ll have to die, and you know why." Sighing, he reads out the words written.
“Seimyoji Uramasa will die from a heart attack in five minutes.” 
Smiling weakly, the Shinigami waves a short farewell. “It was fun while it lasted.”
He looked at the dark figure that read those words at him. He was sure that playing with fire was dangerous and now he sees the results of it. “A heart attck? how clever is Kira!” he thought to himself. And in five minutes? When the dark figure dissapeared he went to where his cat was. He pet him. “Xixing I’m going to miss you a lot. Take care of the family!!” He still kept a smile on his face. He walked towards his room and got a notebook that had and wrote. ” I love you, and i hope you will still love me…even if i did endangered my life.  __ Uramasa” And now he was sure that one minute was left and so he got up and saw the shining light of the sun. He smiled and said, ” I know one day Kira will be capture…I know…”  He felt a extreme pain on his left side and his heart wasn’t beating right. It was time to dissapear.
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helloxkananan · 10 years
♣ My Kira chose YOU! ♣
"Good afternoon." A voice calls out from behind you, a Shinigami hovering with a smile too sweet to match his ‘job’. "I’ve got some good news- and some bad news. The bad news is that you’re dying today, but the good news is that you’re going to be tiger feed, and keep this tiger and her cubs full for a couple days." The Shinigami smiles, taking out the black book to show what was written. 
"Nakanishi Kana will die in one hour after being attacked and eaten by a tiger at a zoo." 
Closing the book, he bows in a manner that is partly charming and partly cheeky. “Kira’s choice, not mine. Jaa.” Tipping his non-existent hat, the Shinigami disappears.
Kana ran up to the cashier, jumping a bit as she did so. Her grandmother gave her tickets to the Zoo, so on such a beautiful day she decided it was time to utilize them, despite the scary man that appeared before her earlier. The idol never really took these things seriously, she decided to ignore the warning, plus she was only gonna be there for a few minutes. The one attraction she wanted to see specifically was the new baby Gorillas, naturally. Once she was in she plugged in her earbuds and hummed along to eighteen emotion, unaware of the announcement coming over the speakers. When the girl had a task she was on a mission to complete it. Once she made it she realized that the zoo had suddenly become eerily quiet and empty. Looking around she froze in place as she came face to face with a very pissed off  tiger. 
"Shit.." Kana looked around and then back at the tiger. Not really knowing what to do she bolted as fast as she could. the minutes she thought she had lost it, she felt something sink its claws into her back. The last thing she remembered was seeing a shadow, watching, before she was dead to the world.
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aibaxmasaki · 10 years
♠ My Kira chose YOU! ♠
A dark figure appears in front of you at the same moment a girly laughter sounds. “Helloooo!” The Shinigami smiles brightly. “Ah, I’ve been pretty bored recently, but right now I have awesome news: You’re going to die tonight!” She takes out her black note book and browses until the right page. “Here..” With her finger pointing on it, she starts reading out loud: “Aiba Masaki will die after he is violently assaulted in the street, and gets stabbed through the chest multiple times.” C looks up to him again and closes the book. “Uuuuh, I’m sure this will be fun! Too bad, I can’t stay to watch it…” She waves slightly, the big smile still on her face. “Ja ne!” Then she disappears again. ____________________________ Aiba walked through the crowded streets of Tokyo after work. Even though it was really late already there were still many people out there. Suddenly someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a empty side street. He couldnt see anything, it was dark, but he could feel a heavy punch in his face. After a few kicks and punches he layed on the ground, not able to move anymore, but felt a sharp object piercing through his chest multiple times. He whimpered in pain until his vision in the dark blurred and he died. The black notebook he carried with him in his backpack, burned together with his original owner Shinigami K.
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disappearedxleehayi · 10 years
♣ My Kira chose YOU!
Landing on your car, the Shinigami grins widely. "Guess what? My Kira has made you their victim today! And you're right, it's right here in this cozy little car." Smiling, he takes a bite from his apple. "Here it says," he takes out the black book, "Lee Hayi will die instantly in a car crash." Closing his book, the Shinigami smiles and tips his hat. "See you on the other side," he teases before dissipating into thin air.
Hayi looked up at the creature landing in front of her and tilted her head. She knew what it was, she had seen a creature like it before not too long ago. In fact she was in possession of a Death Note herself, so the news wasn't really so surprising. She knew there was a possibility and she definitely wasn't going to fight it. Maybe it was the right time to die, before she became obsessed with killing people herself. 
She tried to focus on the road, squinting her eyes as heavy rain started to pour down from the sky. In the proces not noticing the red light at a cross road. She just wanted to get it over with and decided to speed up. The little girl was about half way the road when a truck came at her from her left side, hitting her car at a deadly speed. Her head bumped against the glass window. Pretty hard. The car tumbled over a few times, but the girl wasn't aware of it anymore, she had already drifted off into uncounsciousness. She didn't feel a thing anymore, not even when the car exploded into flames, wiping her excistence off the Earth.
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satoxmipho · 10 years
✜ My Kira chose YOU! ✜
Satomi looked speechless at the creature in front of her. So her time was already here. 15 minutes is all she had left and she was all alone at home with her kids only. After the Shinigami disappeared she used the last minutes of her life to bid farewell to her children. "I'm really sad that i can't see you grow up, but i promise that i will watch over you from heaven." The woman tried to hide her tears and gave her children a warm smile. "I love you." She left their room and bursted out in tears, there wasnt much time left and there was still one person she had to tell goodbye. Knowing that her husband was still at work and wouldnt answer his phone while recording she decided to leave him a text message. She got out her mobile and started to write a text with a blurry vision. repeatedly she wiped her tears as she typed. "Baby, my time has come. Thank you for making my life so happy and being such a wonderful husband to me. I love you. " She pressed the "send" button, and right after she heard loud cracking noises followed by running steps. There he was, the masked man with a gun who would end her life with a shot. She closed her eyes and he pulled the trigger. Her lifeless body sank to the ground, covered by her own blood. dead.
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nakaxmaru · 10 years
♠ My Kira chose YOU! ♠
You can hear a laughter, when a dark figure suddenly appears in front of you. "Congratulations! You're one of today's lucky winners!" She smiles brightly. "My Kira thought about your death pretty carefully, you know!" She grabs her death note and starts reading out, what's written into it: "Yuichi Nakamaru shall get struck by a lightning and die painfully in 2 minutes." with a giggle, she closes the book again. "Isn't this pretty special? It's like God in person chose you to die! Eventhough, this time it's more like a God of death!" This bright smile runs over her face again, as she stares at him for a little longer. "Have fun with it! Bling-bling~" And with a wink, she disappears again.
It was bound to happen, and he knew it. But why so soon? Nakamaru let out a low groan, unable to help but feel bitter. He had never really even had a chance. 
"It's pointless," he muttered, stopping in his pacing and shaking his head, taking a deep breath. Was this really how he was meant to die?
'Why me?'
The thought continued running through his head as he bit the inside of his cheek, looking up at the sky, the storm clouds rolling in. He wasn't sure if he was afraid to die, but the current situation left him with no chance to think about it as moments later, there was a deafening crack and he was in the ground, screaming in pain and wishing everything was just over already. This went on endlessly, and he could feel his insides frying until the electricity caused his heart to stop.
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deathnoterp · 10 years
♣ Message from my Kira... ♣
Things are starting to pick up again, aren't you all excited? I'm here to keep you all on your toes, because the two Kiras are starting something quite interesting...
"Hello Kira #2! Do you want to play a game? Good. These are the rules: We will compete in killing the detectives. The Kira with the most creative killings wins. That's it! I will show you how it's done if you feel insecure. Will you accept my challenge?"
Doesn't that sound fun? I'll keep you all updated on their battle. Jaa.
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