#def some of the scariest shit I’ve ever seen
Big fan of Billy being super strong. Like, stronger than he looks, and he looks strong.
Headcanons and au’s where he’s disabled in some aspect after s3 are so near and dear to my heart, but I also take guilty pleasure in making him an unstoppable force sometimes. Just. Billy being built like a fucking bear, but also having learned to embrace his softer side again through his partner, because he is soft somewhere in there. Always has been.
Not to say that he doesn’t still get angry.
Maybe a few years later after he graduates and is settled into an apartment with Steve (or Eddie, Jonathan, Argyle, etc.), he has more of a rapport with the party. He’s not necessarily ruffling Dustin’s hair or giving Will the gay talk, but he’s around them and they don’t mind each other. He has playful banter with Max and maybe he even finds himself shooting hoops with Lucas every now and again.
He’s friendly with these kids, long story short. So when something happens like Troy Walsh and James follow Dustin on his way over to meet up at the apartment for D&D, because Steve and Billy let the party host there sometimes, Billy gets rightfully pissed.
Catches the kids out on his lawn, Dustin pinned on his back as Troy hovers over him and all of the other kids are screaming. He yells, sharp and quick and stomps over, just in time to startle Troy back before he’s able to land even a single punch. Steve is in the background trying to help Dustin to his feet and check for any injuries while Billy just fucking glares at this kid.
“Get lost,” Billy says.
Squares his shoulders and stands his ground, firmly placed between Troy and Dustin.
The kid looks scared. He swallows, takes a careful step back after he seems to assess that Billy is less of an angry parent and more of an impatient (and reckless) older brother. But then he smirks and reaches over to smack James’ arm.
“Sorry,” he muses. “Didn’t realize the fag brigade were official nerd protectors.”
Somewhere behind Billy, Steve drops Dustin as he’s attempting to help him to his feet, quickly scrambling to grab his hand again and hoist him up. Because he knows something that even Billy himself apparently doesn’t.
The blond is nice now. Downright pleasant to be around, even. He’s worked like hell to get here and he prides himself on being reformed. On being better than he used to be.
Something in his brain switches off. Steve sets a hand on his shoulder and Billy shrugs it off, taking a large stride forward and snatching the collar of Troy’s shirt. He doesn’t really think as he does it. Yanks him forward and grabs his thigh, and hoists him up into the air, kicking and screaming to no avail.
Like this kid weighs nothing at all.
James has retreated to the curb, yelling to put him down, put him down!
But Billy doesn’t budge. He merely bends his elbows and lowers Troy just enough to get their faces close.
In this blinding, white hot rage as brilliant as the glare off of a windshield in summer, Billy can’t even get the words out. Clenches his jaw. Unclenches. Fights the urge to throw this kid straight into the fucking sun.
Then he hears Steve behind him again, ushering the kids back and towards the house.
As silly as it is, that’s what breaks him. Hearing Steve’s voice, the man he loves, simply talking. Being naturally good as Steve always has been without trying — he can put on a show of playing the supreme bitch, but it falls flat somewhere in the delivery. Always.
Because he’s sweet and kind and he cares so much and he doesn’t deserve to be called that word. That horrible, horrible word that Billy has come to hate.
But he’s never hated it like he does right now. Not when it was hurled at him in school, or at home by his own flesh and blood.
But when it was casually directed at Steve. His Steve.
That lets the words flow easy.
“Don’t come around here again,” he hisses. “Don’t talk to or so much as even look at these kids or I’ll find out about it and I will hunt you down, you little shit.” Billy’s knuckles are white and his arms are shaking, but he doesn’t relax his grip for even a second. Troy whimpers, tears streaming down his face. “Am I clear?”
“Yes sir,” Troy manages between sniffles.
Billy finally lowers him back to the earth. The kid’s legs wobble when his shoes meet the ground, and the blond is half convinced that he only stays standing because Billy keeps his fist tangled in the front of his shirt. Stares at him with stern eyes for a moment longer before he shoves him towards his friend, still standing at the curb, and sends him tumbling down on the grass.
“Get the fuck off my lawn.”
The two boys scramble to their bikes and take off down the street without their asses so much as touching their seats.
A moment of silence persists after that. Billy pushes both hands into his hair and sighs, long and frustrated, and just… stands there. The kids are all still checking on Dustin, but Steve carefully approaches his partner from behind.
He knows that Billy gets skittish sometimes when he’s angry. That he sometimes doesn’t appreciate being touched. So he carefully sets a hand on his shoulder and squeezes when he doesn’t shrug him off.
“Bill?” Steve tries. “You okay?”
Of course Steve would ask him if he’s okay. Billy says nothing for half of a beat, and when Steve gently turns him around, he’s met with two huge eyes filled to the brim with with water. Billy blinks and it all comes crashing down in under a second.
He can feel his eyes already burning. Can feel the sobs begin to stir in his chest where he tries to keep them buried unsuccessfully.
Steve just guides him forward and wraps his arms around him protectively. Cradles him close with a one hand cupped over the back of his head and the other rubbing circles into his back.
“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” Steve croons. “You’re alright.”
Billy’s breath stutters as he slumps into Steve, thankful that the brunet is able to take his weight. He doesn’t feel like standing himself right now but he really doesn’t feel like trying to clean grass blood out of his jeans.
He isn’t sure how long they stand there, but he moans feebly when his eyes run dry. Let’s Steve push him back enough to cup his face in his hands.
Billy knows he must look ridiculous. His face always blotches his horrible red and his eyes get puffy when he cries, but Steve still smiles at him nonetheless. Brushes his thumbs over his cheekbones and admires him closely.
“I’m sorry,” Billy says hoarsely. Bites his lip to keep it from quivering. “I didn’t mean to get mad.”
“No one means to get mad, it’s just something that happens sometimes.” Steve presses their foreheads together and breathes in deep, guiding Billy’s breaths. “You can’t expect to not get mad ever, okay? The most you can do is learn how to control your reactions when you do.”
“I can’t.”
“You can, baby, we’ll work on it. For now, let’s just focus on making you feel better.”
A kiss gets pressed to his nose and Billy nods. Sniffles when Steve leans away and takes hold of his hand so he can guide him up the walkway to their porch.
Inside, the kids settle around the coffee table, still shaken up but calming down once they tap into the pantry for snacks. Steve sits Billy down on the couch and treats him like a damn princess, bringing him food and swaddling him in blankets and kissing his face until he’s sufficiently simmered down. Until his eyelids are heavy and he’s slouching into the sofa cushions.
Crying always takes it out of him. Steve seems to delight at his sleepy posture, plopping down on the couch next to him and setting his chin on his shoulder.
The kids have started working to set up their game. Dustin throws on a tape with strange medieval music that Billy would normally tease him for, but right now he can’t bring himself to care about anything other than the warm body pressing against his side.
“How’re you feeling, my boy?” Steve whispers.
Smooths a hand over the top of Billy’s blanket right over his chest and earns a little smile.
“Good, I really hate it when you cry. Makes me wanna fight god.” The two of them share a chuckle and Steve brushes his lips against the corner of Billy’s jaw. “I do like seeing you use your muscles, though.”
For emphasis, he finds Billy’s bicep under the blanket and squeezes it. The blond’s smile fades momentarily.
“I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Dude, you bench pressed a whole teenager. That was the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” Steve lilts, leaning closer into his side. “And I’ve seen some pretty cool shit.”
Billy snorts. Can’t help that he’s grinning from ear to ear when Steve starts kissing him again.
“You’re crazy.”
“If by crazy you mean super smart and handsome, then yeah, consider me batshit.”
“Dork,” Billy teases. Stretches an arm around Steve’s shoulders and envelops him in the warmth of the blanket. “I bet Walsh is gonna be scared of heights now, though.”
Steve snickers.
“And fags.”
They both start giggling hysterically, only stopping when Steve sees fit to turn Billy’s face towards him and mash their lips together.
So, Billy might not be as mellowed out as he previously thought, but he’s working on it.
They’re working on it. Together.
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spacemancharisma · 1 year
Need some horror movie recs for my next two months in hell (Louisiana)
oh I fucking got you I’m gonna give you my shortlist
so first- by Benson and Moorhead (some favorite directors), watch first Resolution, then the followup The Endless. also, Spring isn’t quite a horror, but is is one of the best movies i’ve ever seen.
for jumpscares/just generally fucking scary- It Follows and The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Videodrome, Scanners, The Fly, and The Thing all have stellar practical gore effects, and also I have Thoughts about The Fly and it’s commentary on disability
The Shining obvs is one of the best horror movies of all time. any number of Steven King movie adaptations are great and I recommend
Spree is hilarious and gory and incredibly well-written
The Invitation (2015) I don’t have anything super specific about it to say it was just good lol (The Invitation (2022) is entirely unrelated, also good but not as good)
Raw, similarly, I don’t have anything specific to say but it’s about cannibalism and also womanhood so hell yeah it just kicks ass
The Invisible Man is about an abusive relationship so major tw for that but holy shit it was one of the scariest movies i’ve ever seen and it was so good
In the Mouth of Madness is the best and truest adaptation of lovecraftian horror i know of (but isn’t a lovecraft story)
Infinity Chamber is another one that’s not really horror but is one of my favorite movies
also rn Wes and I are watching black mirror episodes in place of movies and I can send you some good horror ones
also, if you wanna watch Twin Peaks, now’s as good a time as any (the first two seasons are pretty evenly absurdist horror and comedy, but the 2017 season is all horror lol. there’s an absolutely wild amount of straight people having affairs in the original seasons which is lame but the show is amazing. heavy tw for themes of csa and like. how it affects a person)
wes can def help think of more later but this is the list of favorites I have available
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sicklovesongff · 4 years
Chapter. 2
Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Guns ‘n Roses, Kiss, Poison, Van Halen, Def Leppard, Warrant, Motley Crue e and of course, Skid Row. All those bands were rock 'n roll monsters. They were all reunited in a single world tour. The most expected tour of the century. The tour that would knock out more than eighty countries.
Jon was familiar with the work of almost all of those bands, some of them he even had the albuns like: Kiss, Warrant, Poison and Motley Creu. Others he started to know little by little. Some of them, really good bands and some of them, like Skid Row  and Van Halen, he had personal relations.
Van Halen he knew even before he had his own band. He was a crazy Van Halen fan and met David Lee Roth on a bar, after talking to him for five minutes, David became one of his best friends and one of his most estimated fans. David was one of the craziest guys Jon ever met. He really likes that stupid moron.
Skid Row was another story. His best friend used to date the vocalist Sebastian Bach during some years and Jon could say, without any fears of being wrong, that the time they were together was one of the scariest moments of his life.
He had no idea how Lizzy or Sebastian were still alive. The truth was, by the things he saw when they were together he kinda expected one of them to be dead and the other one in jail before the relationship was over.
Sebastian was possessive, controller, jealous and suspicious all the time. Lizzy always had a free spirit, at the moment they started to date, Jon knew everything would end up really ugly.
Sebastian never tried to physically hurt her, not that Jon had noticed. On the other hand, Lizzy had already thrown so many things at her ex that it was more than usual for Sebastian to go on stage with his head bandaged and a black eye. To say the least.
Explosive was the right adjective for that relationship and Jon really felt at least apprehensive every time Lizzy said she was going to sleep at her boyfriend's house. She almost always showed up at dawn at his house, her eyes stained with tears of hate and the news on tip of the tongue, Sebastian was in jail.
The day Lizzy finally decided to put an end to that relationship was one of the happiest days in Jon's life, after all he really feared for his friend, but finally she was free from her ex.
But being on the road with Skid Row was making him nervous. What if everything went back to how it was before? What if for some reason Lizzy changed her mind and wanted to go back to Sebastian? Well that was her call, right?
-Ready to go? - he looked up and saw her standing at the door looking at him with a smile. She was wearing a short denim skirt, a black blouse with white letters written “Bon Jovi” falling out from her shoulders and tied at the navel, she too was wearing a pair of black leather boots that went to the knee leaving her legs that were already quite thick, even thicker.
-Of course I am. You ?
-Sure. Let’s go already. I’m getting uneasy.
The two picked up their bags and got on the tour bus, it was time to leave.
When we arrived at the hotel where we were staying, I went to my room, threw my bags there and ran straight to Jon's room, when I pushed the door I saw that he was already ready to leave.
- I was going to your room. - He said with a shrug. - ask you to have dinner with me, shall we?
I nodded, Jon ran a hand over my shoulders and we headed for the restaurant.
The hotel was huge, certainly the most luxurious I had ever seen. When I looked around I saw that we were not the only band that was already there, I saw people with Kiss, Def Leppard and Van Halen t-shirts, good, David was already there.
I kept looking around and noticed something, Skid Row, yes there was a person from the band's staff and something inside me jumped, so Sebastian was already there too.
-Jon and my favorite babe. – I looked up to see David Lee Roth, yeah, I knew he was already there.
David was somehow discreet for his standards, he was wearing tiger-print pants and a flourishing green T-shirt.
-David, it’s really nice to see you. – I said with a smile. – are you alone?
- I arranged to have dinner with a friend, but that son of a bitch hasn't arrive yet, so…
-Ah, ok.
- And then? How are you? I haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?
-Japan. –Jon said quickly, gesturing with his hand for David to sit next to him, but instead he came around the table and sat next to me. - we were on tour there.
-I see. Hey babe, I’ve heard something hot. Is it true?
-If you tell me what you’ve heard, maybe I can say if it’s true or not.
-Bach is in the past? I mean, you really dumped the guy?
I took a deep breath before making a positive nod.
-Yes, he is. We broke up.
David couldn't help laughing out loud.
-I’m sorry. - He said lowering his head to face me more closely. - but, babe was about time, wasn't it? I thought you two were going to kill yourselves, you know?
-You and me both. – Jon said and I raised my middle finger and showed them both.
-Why don't both of you go fuck yourselves?
-I love when she talks dirty. – David said with a smile, Jon joined him.
- You know what? I'm tired of both of you, I'm going for a walk around the hotel
.-Skid Row is here alredy! – David said and I turned around to face him.
-I’m not afraid of Sebastian.
I followed my way looking around, I didn't want to meet him, but I wasn't afraid either, if we bump into each other great, it was good to put an end to this stupid apprehension right away.
Motley Crue and Warrant were the two entourages I saw arriving as I passed through the lobby, I really liked both bands, but Warrant in particular had something that fascinated me, their sound and lyrics were just perfect, I had all the CDs that they have released so far.
I walked a little further and went to the terrace, the night was quiet and when I saw how dark it was I remembered that I had promised to have dinner with Jon and decided to go back.
As I walked down one of the corridors, I ended up bumping into someone, my first reaction was to apologize, but then I noticed who it was.
-Ah, hi Sebastian.
He was there staring at me like I was a haunt. Sebastian was more charming than normally if that was possible. Black trousers and a white Skid Row tank top, his long straight blond hair was in disarray and he was sweaty, he seemed to have made a big effort recently.
-I didn't know Bon Jovi had arrived. - he said simply throwing his hair aside in a carefree gesture, I kept watching him, I was always fascinated by the way he did that.
-Yeah, I think we were the first to arrive, you know how I…
-Yeah, how you are with being late. - he said simply. - I remember that well.
I stared at the floor, that conversation was getting a little uncomfortable.
-Well I have to go, I arranged to have dinner with Jon and I think I left him alone with David, so ...
When I turned to leave I felt Sebastian hold my arm tightly, I turned quickly to face him. Hadn't he really changed? During those months that we were apart nothing, exactly nothing had changed in his head? In mine I knew it had.
-Sebastian, let me go. – I said.
-I just want to talk.
-We don’t have anything to talk about. Just let me go.
-There's nothing here that you can throw on me. - he said smiling, was it supposed to be funny?
-I'll count to three.
I knew my meeting with Sebastian was going to suck, I just didn't know it was going to be this early.
-One two Three. - He told me, but he didn't move, he stayed there still holding me and looking at me closely.
-Sebastian I’m serious, please let me go.
He didn't move, he seemed to want to react, but he just didn't have the strength. I knew what was going on inside his head, Sebastian and I didn't have a normal relationship, it was like we needed each other to breathe and that was hard to overcome. Sebastian had always been more in love with me than I was with him, so he was more reluctant to leave everything behind, it was as if I was a necessary evil in his life, I was not.
-Sebastian if you don’t let me go, I’ll start screaming.
-People here are used to screams, so I don’t think they will care.
Shit. How about now? I didn’t want to make a scene, but he was asking for it.
-As I said, nothing here to throw at me.
As soon as he said that I saw a bottle coming, flying from nowhere. It almost got his head. A centimeter closer, Sebastian would be on the floor right now.
-What the fuck…?- he started looking around.
I took the opportunity to set myself free and looked around. As soon as I saw the bottle I noticed it was a Jack Daniel’s one, the official drink of the fucked up stupid rockstars.
-Weren’t you asking someone to throw something on you? – the voice made me look up and as I did that I saw, not just one person, but four.
They were together, aligned as they were some kind of gang or something like that. All of them were wearing black clothes and their faces were swollen, like they didn’t sleep in ages. I knew those guys, actually the whole world and the whole industry knew them.
They were the infamous...
Motley Crue.
As I looked at them closely I noticed that three of them were caring bottles of Jack, except one, the bass player, Nikki Sixx.
-Did you throw the bottle at me, Sixx? – Sebastian asked looking at him.
Nikki Sixx shrugged.
-Weren’t you asking for that? Or did I get wrong?
I looked at him and saw something I’ve never seen in my entire life. His eyes. Something in his eyes scared the hell out of me.
-I Wasn’t even talking to you. – Sebastian said, his eyes staring at Nikki Sixx like he was about to kill him.
-No? I’m sorry, I just heard you saying that you had nothing to throw in your direction and I thought I could help you out.
-I was talking to her, and said SHE didn’t have anything to throw at me.
In a very fast gesture, Nikki Sixx turned to Tommy Lee and took his bottle of Jack, throwing it again in Sebastian’s direction.
-WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM, MAN? – Sebastian screamed, the whole Motley Crue started to laugh.
-Sorry, I heard the word throw, I thought you were asking again.
Sebastian just stared at me again before going on his way. I followed him with my eyes. Shit, shit, shit!
When he disappeared I looked at the four guys in front of me. The older one, the guitarist Mick Mars just took a breath and passed by me as I was invisible. The blonde one, the lead singer Vince Neil, winked at me as he passed.
-Are you ok? – Tommy Lee, the drummer and one of the terror twins asked when he got closer.
-Yeah. – that’s what I had the strength to say.
-Nice. See you around babe.
When Tommy Lee left Nikki Sixx got closer to me.
-Whatever. – he said bumping into me before leaving.
I stayed there. Looking at him as he walked away. What the fuck is wrong with that guy?
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welcome to another foolish episode of “Kristian watches something and talks to herself the whole time in written format” this time it’s a cult classic 80′s flick about vampires and so-bad-its-good fashion
i got a box full of honey buns and i'm ready to rock out with my cock out
this is the first liveblog i've done in like two years
i rly love this intro song a lot, it's like the prime 80's sound synth christ this style is so cgood BILL S PRESTON ESQUIRE every single person on this carousel is yelling "come on man come on COME ON MAN" mullets for fucking days omg so  they're not gonna stop the ride adn le thtem off?? JUST UNLOCK THE DOOR MAN also can these fucking vampires fly?? "smells like someone died" you mean smells like florida i gotta say tho this soundtrack is on point she really moved her family to a shithole LMAO WHY is dad playing dead on the front porch also this kid is bitchinga bout this house when it's the nicest gotdamn house in the whole area product placement "U-haul" these brothers are super touchy lmao i could never this movie loves using helicopter shots sexy saxophone oiled up man honestly this looks like the dream AHHH YOUTFUL CHILDHOOD IGNORANCE this fuckin boy has got big big big lips TTHIS BITCH MOVED TO THE MURDER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD AND SHE'S JUST LETTING HER KIDS RUN AROUND THE BOARDWALK UNSUPERVISED IT'S MOUTHHHH look at that fucking hair omg these nerds are so serious this is ridiculous i love how extra this is, THEY'RE JUST COMICS BOYS WUDDUFUC LMAO THEY RIPPED THE TOP OFF THE CAR aww man corey feldman was such a cute kid i'm so bummed he had a rough time smh yo this scene is fucking lit every night are all these vampire boys cucks guess not, def thought they were about to watch this bitch star ride off with this dude this is makin me so nervous oml why were kids so reckless in the 80's like riding dirtbikes on a sandy beach at night??? who are you??? THIS LITERALLY LOOKS LIEK THEY'RE TAKIGN HIM OUT INTO THE WOODS TO MURDER HIM??? HOW CAN HE NOT GUESS SOMETHING BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN alex winter's jacket is everything to me "i brought you this taxidermied rat, kid, enjoy having it stare at you" why are they eating maggots?????? oh well i guess not did alex winter have a contract that every movie he's in he has to wear a crop top??? because i'm honestly feeling this look so much like dudes in crop tops is my fave style ever and the 80's liked it too so is this michael gonna turn into a vamp just from drinking blood???? IS THAT HOW THINGS WORK HERE HES JUST FOLLOWING THESE RUFFIANS OUT TO AN ABANDONED BRIDGE ???????? IN THE MURDER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD??????????????? THEY'RE GOING TO THROW YOU OFF?????? if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you jump too OH SHIT IT'S NOT ABANDONED GOD WHAT A NIGHTMARELMAO ALL OF THIS JUST TO GET SOME PUSSY??????????? HIS FALLING AND YELLING IS SO DRAMATIC LMFAO GETCHO MOTHERFUCKING SHOES OFF THE BED YOU NASTY BITCH "are you freebasing? inquiring minds want to know" so becoming a vampire just kinds of turns you into a cocksucker lMAO THIS KID IN THE BATH IS MEEEEE how do i still not know this main character kids name "you wait till mom finds out you're a vampire" uhhhhhh i feel like u have bigger problems and should tell the cops instead of ur mom this phone call sceen is the best scene so far holy fuck "EVERYTHING'S FINE MAAAAA" GOD their mom is the nicest lady ever omg LMFAO he unraps his robe and puts it back on that shit's funny as fuck "you're turning into a vampire............. better fuck" god their mom is so fucking ncie i can't even deal with it lordt this mike guy is getting greasier every day. is it against vampire law to take a shower?? OH SHIT MAX REALLY IS THE HEAD VAMPIRE OMG HE COULDN'T COME IN UNTIL INVITED WTF MAX SEEMS SO NICE THE FROG BROTHERS?????????? WHAT IN THE HELL LMFAO oh shit maybe max isn't the head vampire smh FUCK that noise michael!!! it's just one bitch!!! ur like 16 probably!!!!!! let them kill her or whatever!! honestly the soundtrack for this movie is tighter than dick skin this is the scariest scene from a movie i've ever seen holy fuck i hate the prosthetics they used on the faces omg that's terrifying "that wasn't wine they gave me, it was blood" YAH NO SHIT SHE TOLD YOU IT WAS BLOOD IN THE BEGINNING DUMBASS i literally love their nerd geek squad omg they take everything so fucking seriously "flies and the undead go together like bullets and......... guns" well goodbye alex winter rip in rip this vampre just shed a single tear "they pulled a mind scramble on us they opened their eyes and talked!" LMFAOOOOO mouth holy shit in the middle of fucking church these hoodlums just barge in and steal holy water oh shit IS MAX THE HEAD VAMPIRE?????? MAYBE HEAD VAMPIRE IS LIKE INVINCIBLE TO USUAL VAMPIRE TRICKS OMG OF COURSE THEY TRIP AND FALL this is tense smh this is anarchy omg this dog is the real hero of the story damn that's fucking gross as fuck??????? ew ??????/ blood coming from all over???? shit looks likea  got damn stall in the starbucks restroom at disney this gore porn is KILLIN ME IT'S GRODY why didn't they just say death by rock and roll instead of death by stereo o shit now it's about to be fampire showdown oh shit so this main guy is dead, i feel like he's not the main vamp since everything seems to be the same YO IT TOTALLY IS MAX OMG the mom is honestly the only sane person in the state HOLY FUCK GRANDPA LA CUCARACHA GOODBYYYEEEEE "how much u think we should charge em for this" corey feldmans voice omg YO GRANDPA KNEW LMAOOOO ooo this ending song HEY THIS MOVIE WAS PRETTY FUCKING TIGHT HONESTLY JUST A REALLY GOOD TIME i was so in love with markos jacket/crop top combo, that was the real star of the show. also seeing corey feldman as a cute little kid actor again was dope lmao what a dweeby kid, also sammy was fucking funny as hellllll i'd probably rate this a like 7/10 just because it was a really good time all around and was a mindless good 80 flick with wild style and teenage drama.
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Tagged by @saxrohmerwon ages ago on my brief other blog and just noticed it, thanks bruh ily <3
Rules:  Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag some friends!
1. Favorite city (or town/small island/et cetera) in the world and why?
I guess it’d be Avalon. I basically spent every summer of my life there with family and it’s really small (only seven miles long) so you wind up going to the same few ice cream places or antique stores or pizza shops all the time but you never really get bored of it. The whole place has a quiet, old-timey shore town nostalgia to it too that’s super sweet. And like some of my all time favorite memories were staying on the beach until sunset when the lifeguards were gone so we could swim wherever we wanted, or climbing on the outfall pipe and walking to see how far out I was brave enough to go (it got “higher” ((read: the sand started to disappear)) the further out over the water you went), or walking on the beach at night. That was my favorite part, the nighttime. It’s weird how quiet but how alive everything got after dark, and I could hunt for ghost crabs or watch fireworks and the lights from town on the water, and the sand never bothered me as much when it was cool from the dark.
2. Describe your favorite scent/s.
Autumn, if that counts as a smell. But the combined scent of really brisk air and smoky burning leaves and fresh damp ones and hay and I guess plant life generally decaying, but in a sweet way? I also like flower smells obviously, and food smells, but those are boring to talk about. Gasoline, the specific kind of fake (cotton) paper money is printed on. Coffee. I’ve learned to kind of like the smell of cigarettes on clothes, because my boyfriend smokes and I like waking up in the sweater I wore the night before with that smell still on it. People have smells too. Like my mom smells like perfume even when she isn’t wearing any, and it’s nice. And babies smell rad and trigger ALL of my maternal impulses (cannot wait to reproduce, it’s gonna be gr8). And the boy smells really nice... Not even in like a what-deodorant-are-you-wearing kind of way but like skin and sweat and waking up warm in a cold house on Wednesday mornings. And when he comes home from work smelling like fresh cut grass and wet dirt it’s v nice.
3. Who is/was your favorite teacher and why?
My Romantic Lit professor currently, because he teaches exactly what I want to teach and I have a career crush on him. He’s also just super excitable and enthusiastic (let’s talk about that WEIRD weekend in Geneva the Shelleys took guys! Blake was an EDGELORD!) which I love.
I also had a professor at my old school who was super cool and helped me through a lot of shit? I took her personal essay class right as I was sort of in recovery for depression following a terrible, low key emotionally unhealthy (abusive? I still don’t know if I can use that word? Either way, OVER-SHARING YAY) romantic relationship and I explored that and a lot of other stuff pertaining to my childhood and relationships and discovering my queerness in my work for her class, and she was super supportive and involved in helping me experiment with new formats and really use writing as a therapeutic tool and it helped me heal a lot. She was also just a super cool lady (lots of tattoos and wispy blonde hair and a quiet voice, kind of a hipster fairy) who hung out with me at a local music festival in town when I was like fresh out of the hospital and having trouble being around my normal friends. She just always made sure her door was open and went out of her way to make me feel better, and to this day I appreciate that.
4. What is your favorite poem?  (Substitute with “song” if you don’t have a favorite poem.)
Oh my GOD, don’t make me choose. I’m obsessed with the Romantics and a few contemporaries have my heart, but I guess I’d have to say “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. It’s just beautiful and hopeful and simple enough that tiny me could fall in love with it and appreciate it almost in its fullness when I was too young to grasp other works.
5. Weirdest thing you’ve ever heard out-of-context?
Ever? I don’t tend to remember stuff like that for a long time unless I’d like hypothetically overheard a murder or something, but last night some girl was walking back from our student center with her friends and angrily shouted that she wanted to “put her dong through a snare drum” which made me laugh.
6. Best concert experience?  (If you have never been to a concert, what do you hope your first concert will be?)
Still gotta say Green Day after just turning 15 years old. I’d never been to a concert before and they were my favorite band at the time. I was so proud to be there because I had 0 dollars to my name and no one would hire me because I was underage, so I had to earn every penny for those tickets doing gross menial work like removing and scrubbing window frames that hadn’t seen soap in maybe a decade (SO MANY SPIDERS), and teeny bopper me thought that was 'punk.’ And at one point Billie Joe Armstrong, who my pathetic little emo self wanted to MARRY told the audience he was proud of everyone who’d worked their ass off to afford to come see them play and I remember turning to my dad and screaming “HE MEANS ME!” It was so wholesome.
7. Favorite holiday (or other special occasion) and why?
Christmas! My house was THE Christmas house growing up. My parents put so much effort into it and it was the cutest thing. Besides the outrageous amount of decorations and the amazing food that takes all week to make and the cute tradition of having my grandparents spend the night to watch us open presents first thing in the morning, the best part of Christmas growing up was definitely the effort my family put into making us kids believe Santa was real for way longer than necessary. One year my uncle got a flashlight and a red solo up and climbed trees in our yard so we’d see “Rudolph’s nose” if we looked out the window. We put out reindeer food every year. My dad would stomp around shaking jingle bells and someone always climbed on the roof making noise, and my mom knew calligraphy, so she’d write us scrolls from Santa on legit parchment and toast it in the oven so it would curl. One year we had an old, old family friend who was a Santa impersonator show up with a legit sleigh and a giant book with all the family member’s names and the years they were naughty and nice in it and stories about why and it was so cute. So whereas most kids found out around like 8 my parents went to extreme lengths so that I believed it until I was like 11 and honestly, I’m really glad they did, because it was a kick ass childhood. I definitely want to be that level of extra when I become a parent.
8. Did you ever play an instrument growing up?  If so, how did it go for you?
Guitar, bass, after I learned guitar I could play pretty much anything pluckable with strings, so I had a Romanian lap harp (I was such a cool kid) and I would sometimes play my sister’s viola (often incorrectly and like a guitar, but it was fun to sample when I recorded stuff). I haven’t sang or touched an instrument in like seven years though. I kind of gave up after sad life stuff happened but I want to pick it back up again. I really miss music.
9. If you were given $100 today, what would you do with the money?
Use it toward Christmas presents for loved ones. Since I’m basically not allowed out of the house after I go home for break I have to do Christmas early with the friends and boyfriend.
10. What’s the scariest movie you have ever seen?  (Define scary however you like.)
I love scary movies so this is hard, but I guess anything in which children are genuinely evil? Like not even in a supernatural way; it’s not horror but watching We Need To Talk About Kevin fucked me up. I guess being a mom is like so much something that I want, and imagining that happening would def keep me up at night. Especially because I would not know what to do.
Now, for questions:
1. What’s your favorite article of clothing?
Dresses but also plain black leggings. And I have very soft sweatpants that fit just right.
2. Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?
Nope. I can’t sleep with the live one either lol, Bynx likes to sleep RIGHT where I want to roll over and screams and puts his paws in my mouth when he wants attention.
3. Do you believe in heaven? Hell?
Both, Catholic.
4. Do you listen to podcasts? What are your favorite ones?
Not really, but I’d like to, in theory. It just seems like more effort somehow than watching TV and I am always tired.
5. What was your go-to game during recess?
Four square.
6. Where do you see yourself in the next ten years– not in a job interview kind of way, but actually?
Awwww this is cute to think about. I guess I’d like to be living in like a really woodland but not isolating place, somewhere where my house can be on a lake or by woods or mountains but if I drive ten minutes there’s a cozy-sized town with all I need. Maybe in like Virginia or Vermont. I’m a professor of Gothic Literature at the local college, and my students are engaged and inspiring and call me by my first name. I’m in a pretty and not-too-big house, but it’s warm and smells like our fireplace. I’m married to my lovely guy, and both our jobs are flexible enough that we can have dinner as a family and spend time with our brood of kids. And they pay well enough that we might not be wealthy but we never have to worry. The cat’s still with us and we’ve got a dog, too. We go on camping trips and The Lumberjack teaches the kids how to build fires and tie knots and dad stuff like that. One of the kids at least loves reading and the house is full of books - I’ve got a home office full of bookshelves and a reading nook. We’ve got a porch where we can bundle up and drink wine in the evening after the kids are in bed. We’re not rich but not poor, and our families get along and come to visit. My parents still ask us over for Christmas every year. Wherever I teach, my kids can go there for free.
7. Do you have a favorite visual artist? Who are they?
Oh lord, I don’t know. I mean I like art but I hate the process of liking art. It’s so much more involved than “I like how this piece makes me feel” and I don’t enjoy that. I like individual pieces and I don’t know enough about art to really speak on it.
I guess, though, I like Dali and Khalo as people. They seem unpretentious and fun. Which is surprising because I guess the way their work is talked about you’d think the opposite.
8. Do you really like a food that most people think is disgusting? Or, do you like a popular food to a disgusting degree?
Not really but like I put too much hot sauce / jalapenos on everything and it disgusts people. And I put way too much sugar in coffee, and creamer too.
9. What music did your parents play in the house/car?
My mom is a New Wave junkie like me and my dad had more complicated taste. He was never big into music, so he only really likes a few artists for their voices and some songs for nostalgia. So we listened to a lot of oldies and swing and Judy Garland, but he also loved Blondie and Boston.
10. What would you tell your 15-year-old self?
I’d tell her she’s a lot stronger than she’s going to think she is one day and to tough it out. That people love her and will love her. That when you get older, family is hard, but it’s worth it to work on things. That she’s smarter than she thinks she is and should try harder in school, because when she finally does have faith in herself, it’ll pay off. 
Tagging whoever else wants to do this - it’s cold and rainy (here at least) and we could all use a day of warm socks and procrastinating with asks, honestly.
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“I went on a date with a literal shithead”
Living in NYC, you’ll hear the craziest dating stories. This by far it the weirdest and scariest dating story I’ve ever heard. This week’s story is from my roommate’s coworker. She told this story to her coworker, and I was going to tell my friend this story, and she knew someone who knew someone who knew someone where this happened to them as well. Okay get ready, this story is 100% real I literally couldn’t make any of this up nor did I exaggerate any part of this story. Okay so get ready for this one...
So my roommate’s coworker, we’ll call her Alyssa* (name has been changed), matched with this cute, charismatic athletic guy on Bumble. The conversations were good, he was funny and seemed really nice. He asked her out to dinner. They met at a restaurant and had dinner. The food was good, and she was having such a good time. And then out of nowhere... she literally shits herself. As in full blown diarrhea in her dress. She panics, she can’t excuse herself from the table because it’s def all over her ass and he’d see it if she gets up. She’s a physical therapist and works at a hospital, so pooping doesn’t disgust her.  So she tells him. “Hey listen, I don’t know what happened but someone upset my stomach and i just pooped myself. This is extremely embarrassing to admit”. The guy doesn’t laugh, or show he’s disgusted. Instead he tells her that his apartment is only 3 blocks away and that she can shower at his place and she can borrow some clothes. She’s absolutely mortified at this point, but she just wants to leave the restaurant and change out of her clothes. So she leaves the restaurant and follows him to his apartment. I mean what a sweet guy?! Most guys would laugh or just be disgusted. 
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So she gets to his apartment she takes off her dress and jumps in the shower. When she gets out of the shower and walks back to his room, this is when the weird shit happens. (Haha pun intended!) She finds him in his room, butt ass naked masturbating and smelling her pooped stained dress. At this point, she freaks the fuck out and runs back to the bathroom, locks herself and calls the cops. Let’s take a step back for a moment. If you were in this position what would you do/think? Let me tell you something, this girl is smart. Because she realizes that he slipped something in her drink which then made her shit herself, because this sick m*therf*cker has some weird poop fetish. What’s super weird about this story is the cops tell her on the phone, that this isn’t the first time he’s been reported doing this. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this sick asshole, brings girls on dates to this restaurant slips a laxative in his date’s drink when they go to the bathroom, and then proceeds to tell them his apartment is only 3 blocks away when they shit themselves. My friend’s friend of a friend also went out with this guy, and he had the nerve to tell her that no cab would pick her up and drive her so she had to shower at his apartment. I honestly hope that these girls reported this guy’s profile to bumble and that he was taken down, because he honestly can hurt someone. 
So what did I learn from this? You should seriously never leave your drink unattended. I know this is something girls really don’t think about but finish your drink before you leave to go to the bathroom. On a serious note, date rape really does happen and you need to protect yourself. Second, you truly don’t know someone. Even if you’re having a good first date, and you think everything is going well, this guy/girl is still a complete stranger. Three, honestly if this shit (ha another pun) happens to you, fuck it. Walk out of the restaurant and call and uber. Or excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and try to salvage your clothes and then call and uber. NYC has seen weirder things. 
Respectfully yours,
MIM <3 
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