#did you see the way he looked at him (reciprocatory)???
theinfinitedivides · 2 years
Tanhaji and Udaybhan were flirting with each other during Shankara Re Shankara and that's canon
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mingos · 3 months
   【 h.c. 】 ー love as a transaction, not reciprocation.
 been thinking a lot recently how this fandom discusses whether or not doflamingo can 'love' the people in his life he considers valuable (ie. his brother, his crime family, etc.) in a pretty black-and-white way. it usually comes down to "he does love" or "he doesn't love". but, honestly, it's both.
neither of those answers really take his quite obvious mental illnesses (narcissistic tendencies, antisocial personality tendencies, etc.) into account. neither of those answers really take into account that a person with those illnesses can love and even believe themselves capable to, just... they're missing pieces. something is off. really, really off. he does, but he doesn't. it's complicated.
 doflamingo doesn’t love like a normal person. he quite literally can’t; his base capacity for empathy is too low, and his sense of self-importance is too high. in his eyes, no one is his equal and very few people even come close (and you need to be of comparable value to him for him to take interest or you're a waste of his time) which means for the majority of his 'loved ones':
he attaches, but doesn't connect.
his love is transactional, not reciprocatory.
he can experience strong attachments to people he values, we even see it happen. law attacks trebol in ep. 799 and he stops his fight with luffy to intercept him. he gives that mini speech in ep. 683 after pica gets made fun of for his voice. he had a whole rule in place specifically so that no one would harm rosinante (you could argue that he did this because he needed him alive for the whole op op fruit thing and couldn't take any risksーbut i'll make another post eventually about how his attachment to rosinante was actually the strongest. the closest to real 'love', even.)
but he also... very conspicuously doesn't correct law in ep. 724 when he's trying to rile trebol up by saying doflamingo really doesn't give a shit about him at the end of the day. because law's right. he he doesn't. kind of.
 he cares, but only because he realized, when he does nice things for people, they praise him.
 he cares, but only because having people who love him around makes him feel good about himself.
 he cares, but only because he realizes if he doesn't do favors for you sometimes, or offer you things of value in exchange for your value, like protection or status, you'll leave.
his capacity for empathy is so low that, really, the only time he can empathize is if thing he's supposed to be empathizing with physically happened to him (but, even then, you could argue it's not really empathy, it's projection). hence, his closeness with the top executivesーbut, even then, his 'love' is more akin to love for an object than love for a person.
we all have favorite things that we get attached to that we are very possessive & protective over:
you store it in a safe place
you're gentle when you clean it
you look to take it out & just admire it sometimes
you might even brag about it or show it off to people
you don't lend it out to just anybody, if you lend it out at all
if it gets broken or damaged, you get upset.
you attach memories to it (ex. the day you got it, the person who gave it to you, an event you wore it to, etc.) that make it even more valuable to you.
but, at the end of the day, it's just an object; if you lose it one day or it breaks, you'll be sad for a while (depending on how much it cost, or the memories attached) but... you get over it. it's only a thing, what's got you so upset? just buy another one, or at least a close substitute. in a couple months, you won't think about it and cry like you might if an actual person you loved died. because it's an object.
 so, to answer the question: does he love?  
  yes, and no. it's complicated.
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gongmunhums · 11 months
Noir x Miles would be the most wholesome proship for ITSV & ATSV because I do not see Noir at all being cruel to Miles or even any sprouts in the world. He would help every single person he could even if he has a harsh exterior that he maintains for his enemies. He has to have his foes closer in order to protect his loved ones.
I see Miles feeling so delighted whenever his man Noir is around with so much love and charismatic game, he’s Noir’s number 1 fan. Noir even if he does not try very hard at it, he’s a hard cushion for Miles to stand on. Especially if Miles feels insecure about their relationship.
Sometimes Miles thinks too much whenever he feels he’s not providing much into the relationship, that he’s just being an admirer or riding on his cool as hell coattails. Noir would offer his lap to pet his lil kitten, maybe even allow his hat to be worn to show that his love for Miles is an offer that he does not want to take back.
“Hey kid… Are ya, feelin under the water?”
“Mmm.. Yeah, everything’s cool”
“No kidding, you’re laying on bed here without a blanket”
“Sorry man, I just have to go… refresh myself you know?”
“Hmm, Miles sonny, you’re doing it again”
“D-Doing what?”
“Being pouty”
“H-Hey I’m not pouty!”
“See my cheeks are smiling!”
“And your cheeks must weigh 12 tons the way I see you today”
“Hey hey doll… my lil kitten. What’s the matter…?” Noir says more gently “…If you want to just relax, that’s alright too kid…”
“Tch, … Ahh… I don’t really know….” Miles hugs a nearby pillow. “Sometimes I… I don’t feel like I really do enough for you… A-And I know that you deserve so much, I know that I have a lot on my plate, but I-I still like you, you are my…”
Miles blushes but struggles to say the last important word
“Husband. You are my husband Miles”
“….W-WAIT A MINUTE! W-What are you talking about?! Uh-Uhh-ummm oh lord…! Did I miss the or”
“Hahaha! No silly. You want us to be like a married couple right? Sorry for the heart attack there”
“No- I mean yes! I mean…! I love you so much alright?! I-I admire you so much.. The way the wind blows everywhere you go. Your cool awesome clothes making you look like a Spider-Man that gets down to business, of protecting people. From kids, adults, parents, employees, friends, family, uh and… loved ones~ y-yeah!”
Miles faces down twiddling his hands on his warm pillow. Noir puts a hand on Miles’s shoulder, gesturing him to lay on his lap. His hands moves around to pet Miles’s hair
“I know sweetheart~ And… sorry that I’m not really one of the the most… reciprocatory guys in the world” Noir takes off his mask and leaves a small smooch on Miles’s head, “You deserve a much better lover boy than me kid”
“No no please don’t say that. I deserve you alright? Because…..?”
Noir grumbles knowing that Miles is egging his ego on. But looking at Miles’s hopeful plea for his husbands self worth sparks a glee within Noir’s gray beating heart.
“Heheh stop smiling like that kid…It’s becauseeeee… my sweetheart deserves the best, alright you rascal!” Noir growls playfully as he messes with Miles’s hair
“Hahaha! Come on stop that dude!”
Noir then removes his hat and promptly plops it onto his lovers head.
“Alright dudee,” he remarks slightly mockingly as Noir takes off his trench coat “Just make sure to always treat yourself. It was raining today for darns sake!”
“I got it, ..love you Peter~”
“I love you too Miles” he wraps his trench coat & himself over Miles, snuggling the whole night away looking towards each other like a star that made each other’s wishes come true.
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kariachi · 3 years
Some more Kaivin fic, in the same au, because I figured there should probably be at least some of them interacting.
“Okay, before anything else I wanted to say- I told you so.” Across space, on a different planet, Kai looked up at the ceiling beseechingly. She’d hoped an impromptu called from her boyfriend would be a good thing, but no. She knew exactly what he was talking about.
“What happened,” she asked, for the sake of having exact information. That way she knew how apologetic to be and whether she was going to have to talk to Ben about grounding Kenny. On the other side of the screen Kevin appeared incredibly amused at her response.
“Your son, the menace, and my son, the menace, woke up this morning and chose chaos.”
“So, any other Saturday.”
“They caught the house on fire.” Face twisting, Kai blinked rapidly. This was not any of the things she had expected. Maybe a ‘they went missing for a few hours and freaked everybody out’ or ‘they got up to some mischief and broke bones’, not ‘they set the Levin household on fire’. And she knew it was the Levin one because Ben would’ve given the boys a talking to and then never seen a reason to tell anybody about the matter since it was ‘already handled’.
“How?” The only saving grace was that Kevin clearly wasn’t upset, so presumably things weren’t too bad.
“They’re both shapeshifters now,” he chuckled, “at least one of which has always had a form involving fire, how of you think? Don’t worry, nobody got hurt and the damage wasn’t too bad. This is the fifth time Devlin’s accidentally set shit on fire and I’ve got the systems in place to handle it.” Kai breathed a sigh of relief. Thank fuck. As the resulting tension left her, a teasing smile came to her face.
“Great, I’ll blame yours then.” Kevin mirrored it.
“And since he hasn’t done this in nearly four years, I’ll blame yours.”
“As long as we’re evil stepparenting evenly,” she said, smile mellowing as she relaxed against her seat. “I’ll have a talk with Kenny.”
“If you want to,” Kevin replied, “but I already talked to him and Devlin about being careful with their powers, and gave Ben a heads up to talk to him himself. It’ll probably stick better from him.” Alright then. She still wanted to talk to him about how he was holding up with having all that power now, but it was nice to know the men had a handle on things in her absence.
“I’m sorry,” she said, sincerely. They’d only been together ten months and Kai was pretty sure your kids weren’t supposed to be causing that sort’ve chaos until at least a year in. Not if they liked the guy at least, and Kenny- if somewhat begrudgingly at times- did like Kevin.
“Don’t be,” he said, waving the apology off. “He’s only had the watch a few weeks, it’s gonna take time for him to get the hang of having powers. I’ve raised five mutants passed their ‘can’t fully control their primary powers’ stages, trust me, this is nothing.” ‘Why are you dating Kevin 11, Kai? What could you see in him?’ Her son was involved in setting his house on fire and he was just chill with it. If you found a man like that you kept him.
“Thank you.” Content the men had everything under control, she let the matter go and sank back into teasing. “So, aside from your son’s setting things alight, how are things going out there?” She relished Kevin’s reciprocatory grin.
“Well, even with Kenny’s foray into arson, Argit’s hoping to take the whole lot out for a day, though who knows if we’d ever get them back-”
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