#differing opinions on jon archivist
gammija · 4 months
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turtlemurmurs · 9 months
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Tiny Archivist losing his tiny mind (and a Martin!) <3
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esamastation · 20 days
Some Magnus Archives fanfic ideas....
1, The Archivist was never a Beholding adjacent position - there's nothing about the Eye that demands it's servants to record their knowledge. Instead, the Archivist was an ancient, general purpose collector of fears, always meant to gather and immortalise them in stories. Jonah Magnus (like many avatars of many different Powers before him) just hijacked the concept for his own uses and now everyone assumes it's how things are supposed to be.
1.2, All Leitners are written by Archivists. After consuming enough stories about specific Fears, an Archivist has to get them out, expelling all the gathered fear and coagulating it into single point - traditionally, in books. Aka, unbeknownst to him, Jon's recordings work a little like Leitners.
1.3, Simon Fairchild is the only one old enough to remember a time when an Archivist had no special connecting to the Beholding.
1.4, A time travelling Jon resorts to drastic measures to make sure he can't be used for the Watcher's Crown again, and permanently mutes himself - and gains for his troubles an obsessive compulsion to write eldritch books.
2, Post ep. 200 Jon and Martin end up somewhere else - back in time, alternate reality, in another fandom, whatever. Jon is still the Archivist and he still has the urge to archive, to listen and to record. But knowing what they do now, both are of the opinion that using tape recorders is a Big No. Aka, Jon ends up using vinyl records instead (and thus courting the Spiral instead of the Web??)
3, Jon asks a very important question I really wished he had: why does Gerry, with all the experience and knowledge he has, get eye tattoos on all his joints? Do they do something? What do they do?? Which then leads Jon down a very different sort of path of Being Marked By Horrors. Aka, Jon starts getting magical tattoos to balance and counteract the various Dread Influences on his life. Aka, Tattooed Jon Being A Distraction To Everyone and Also Mucking Up Elias' Plans By Having A Closed Eye Tattooed On His Forehead Maybe???
3.2 Better yet, this becomes a Trend in the Archives and everyone outside the Archives comes to the conclusion that the place is ran by some sort of delinquent gang of tattooed hooligans. Tattooed Martin for the soul, anyone?
4, Jonah/Elias Sees everything there is to see and figures it all out long before Jon and Martin make it back to London. Total extinction of human race looms not in unfathomable distance but less than hundred years in the future, and it turns out that in absence of human free will, the Fears grow... quite boring and repetitive, really. Jonah wanted Immortality to See It All, and this... isn't it. So, time for a retry. Aka, Jonah time travel.
4.2, Jon, Martin and Jonah all end up back in time after episode 200, and immediately Jon and Martin scramble to stop Jonah - not realising that he's already changed his mind about the Watcher's Crown, and is, in his own way, on their side.
5, Mr. Spider's door is flung open and the Archivist stumbles out, right in front of traumatised little Jon Sims. Aka, Eldritch Eye Monster tries to raise his own younger self to make better decisions than he did and probably only makes things worse.
6. All the above.
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For Mod Hajime, i hope this doesnt sound weird but could you do a platonic fatherly yandere imagine post with Elias Bouchard? I like to imagine he fixates on a new Institute hire who doesnt know the fears are real and just decides "Its Child time. There is nothing I wont do to make my new child happy." But he also has to work around Jon and them getting in his way because they just dont GET that he's a Father now.
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"surely you'd choose your father over your friends, wouldn't you?"
summary. getting a job at a spooky academic institute offers toms of spooky outcomes. you just didn't expect to get a father figure and a overlyprotective friend group.
contents. platonic yandere! elias; elias is a wet cat grandpa; the archivist gang are slightly yandere; happens right after season 1
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✦ It was difficult. Getting by in the big London city and rent to your flat was quite ridiculously high, even for usual london rent standard. But thankfully, a position in The Magnus Institute had opened and you managed to get the spot after wrangling out your best qualities to the HR like you're trading them.
✦ Now, you were aware of what you were getting into. I mean, an institute that's notorious for having many people going MIA or dying, but this was the only job that accepted you out of the millions you applied for and frankly, it pays better than most of them.
✦ So, you worked as the institute's librarian. It shocked you to know that they have their own personal library but at the same time, you kind of expected it. After all, it is an academic institute and there's bounds to be numerous books and soucres to cite for every statement given, regardless of how strange there are.
✦ You've met a couple on the job. Some were nice and often has small talks with you while some simply comes and goes, not even bothering to talk to you unless they're checking a book out. It was fine, of course, you can't help but feel disheartened. After all, all you do is stand by, organize the library and do nothing. It gets a bit lonely sometimes.
✦ And then, one day, a certain someone came to the library and it was no one other than big boss himself— Elias Bouchard. You never met the man before, only hearing him from Rosie and the others, but he is generally well-disliked by his own staff. You had nothing to complain about him and honestly, you find his company nice.
✦ He comes to the library whenever he has free time and then would talk to you. It wasn't just small talk, not just noise coming out of his mouth to fill in the silence, but he talked to you. He told you so many things— his opinions, his likes and dislikes —and even asked you about yours.
✦ Elias would listen intently, taking in every information about yourself in a manner so ... different from how he usually carried himself. Elias Bouchard was a prideful asshole and you knew that obviously well from just his body language, and yet when it comes to you, he is oddly soft. He reminds you almost like a dad for some reasons.
✦ And your relationship with your boss became like that. You didn't mind, you understand to some degree but even still you couldn't wrap your mind around why he chose specifically you. Maybe he didn't choose or maybe he did, but either way, this outcome was better than him hating you.
✦ But then, only a few months into your job, you suddenly got promoted to assistant archivist, joining the very few others in the archives in their day-to-day life.
✦ It was ... suffocating at first. The institute did suffer damage from the Prentiss Attack as you heard from the other employees and with the archives being the main target for the worms, it was not surprise that the Archivist and his team suffered greatly. Though injured, all of them still came back in one piece so that was a good thing.
✦ It took a while getting to know the others: Martin was the quickest to befriend and he'd bring you your favourite cup of tea whenever he can. Tim was the second, jokingly flirting with you at first but he was comfortable to be around and somehow both of your intensive knowledge on memes made the two of you friends. Sasha, on the other hand, took a bit more effort but in the end, she was just as fun and cheery as the other two outside work.
✦ Jon, on the other hand... He was wary, of course, a bit of an asshole too but you were determined to let his walls down, and so was the team. He gradually came to accept (aka get comfortable with) your existence and doesn't glare you like a cat you just rudely woke up.
✦ Elias... Elias isn't too pleased with this development though as you come find. He finds every excuse in the book to have you in office, stalling you just so he could spend more time with you. He had moved to the archives for one very specific reason and that was so he can watch you carefully.
✦ I mean, how couldn't he? You were so nice to him, oblivious to the concept of the entities and you didn't even care if he gets a bit 'spooky' (as Tim puts it) at times. In fact, he claimed you as his kid the moment you seem to play along with his 'little cryptid act'.
✦ But The Archival team... Oh, did they get on his nerves. But he couldn't do anything, no, he was sure you'll know and they'll tell you about what he truly is and he couldn't risk that. He couldn't lose you to them, so he'll have to just slightly abuse his power a bit. Just to have you be by his side a bit longer.
✦ Of course, Archivist and Co. can't stand by idly and watch him take their friend! And so, everytime Elias and one of them come to your desk at the same time, it's practically a tug of war for your affection and attention.
✦ It makes you laugh honestly, seeing them fight like this. Reminds you so much like a father trying to shoo away any his kid's admirers.... Only if you knew though, then you wouldn't be laughing.
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notes. hi hii!!! tysm for requesting this!! i always wanted to write for tma but couldn't. ik this is a pretty old req (i think like .... from june i think?) and i wrote this months ago but forgot to finish
reqs are alwyas open!! and dont forget to reblog any of our works here on this blog, it help us a lot!!! ty again for requesting!
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persephone-tim · 9 months
Martin as The Archivist? MARTIN? tell me more please
I do have a post about this already, however, sure! Martin is technically the most likely archivist ever after the events of season five. He has been marked by the eye, the lonely, the spiral, the web, the corruption and the stranger all before season five! Not to mention the fact that he walked through many different domains during the eyepocalypse, making up for the fears he had not necessarily seen up close. And therefore, he does QUALIFY for an Archivist. But why not Jon? Well in my opinion i think the fears would choose and archivist less experienced in being just that when trying again, especially if they have new avatars in the magnus protocol, or even a new fear all together! Obviously without jonah magnus, this would be difficult, so i think that is where Gwendolyn comes in. However she doesn't, in this universe, have any reason to be a villain due to there being no fears and no institute. So I'm thinking she will be manipulated by the eye or another of the fears to guide martin into starting the end of the world. As much as i am hoping jonmartin will be in tmp i think that they will be separated, jon taking on martins usual role of running around and helping everyone out with what little information he could gather about whatever happens and martin would be promoted from the antichrist's plus one to the antichrist part 2! So yeah, that's my take on martin archivist (pretty sure it's the only take as of now)
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zekeyboy · 5 months
hi i am here to inquire about your jontim au??
HI. i am SO glad you asked anon thank you youve made my day.
in short? the au is pretty simple. jontim replaces jmart in s4&5. tim survives the unknowing, and we get the ultimate friends to enemies to lovers arc that the world has ever seen and that jonny sims and mr newall were too pussy to give us.
maybe some desolation tim? it’s not entirely fleshed out. but im a sucker for the idea of tim, after getting his revenge, and the world continuing to spin - which was not what he expected it to do, he wanted to feel more fulfilled. more impactful. it happened, and he nearly died, and now it’s over, and he’s.. aimless, almost - he’s more or less defeated. still angry, still hostile, but he’s run out of a lot of the fight he used to have.
i think he and jon wouldn’t find solace in each other immediately in s4. he would still not trust jon (he finds it hard, even after some reconciliation- been burned too many times.) but after awhile, tim would really just end up taking pity on jon. he can’t fight him off forever. he loved jon, in research, and back when they first moved to the archives, and that kind of love never goes away, not really. you can’t hate a man that much if you don’t still love them. and it comes to a point where tim becomes more willing to try and understand. try and be there, even if he doesn’t forgive jon.
don’t ask me about what happens with the end of s4. that’s still in progress. this au was made hastily.
safehouse with jontim. falling back into the motions, growing more comfortable. less horrified of the chance of things going wrong, and then things go wrong!
eyepocalypse would be different. tim would definitely keep jon in check with the weird archivist stuff he tends to say. he wouldn’t really tolerate it - he loves jon, and can accept that he didn’t choose it, and this is who he is now, but he isn’t the happiest. he’d keep jon more grounded.
i also think that 200 wouldve gone a lot more differently. if jon went behind tim’s back like that, if he betrayed tim AGAIN, made tim drive the knife into his heart? that’s awful. fucking horrible. tim would never talk to him ever again in somewhere else.
in short? it’s very undeveloped. im open to suggestions and opinions. i love jontim and you should too. there’s so many plotholes but i dont care because this is real to me
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 177 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the French tamarisk in my garden.
MARTIN: "Look, this is ridiculous, Basira. Can we please just talk?" BASIRA: "No." MARTIN: "Why not?" This perfectly shows that people deal differently with what they've been through. Martin is the talkative one, while Basira is rather be left alone.
JON: [Softly] "Martin, leave it. Trust me. She’s been through a lot more than we have." MARTIN: "I-It’s not a competition! Christ! I just wanted to talk. That’s all." Yeah, there will never be winners when misery is turned into a competition. We can still be considerate of others who have also been suffering. So both are right here in my opinion. Not to be dismissive of Martin saying "Haven't we all had a hard time" and Jon answering "no, we haven't" in MAG 176 . It’s a bit more of an answer with the subtext of "be considerate of Basira. Check where you might have not had that much experience with and don’t dismiss that."
MARTIN: "You might not care but it is good to see you Basira. It has been a long time since we saw a friendly face." BASIRA: "Friendly wasn’t what I was going for." I do understand Basira to be bitter after everything. But it's still super hurtful.
BASIRA: "You caused this, didn’t you? Don’t give me that look, you know what I mean. Did you mess up the world? Yes or no. JON: "… Yes." So Jon still kind of thinks it's his fault? He could have said no, explain that Elias "possessed" him (I mean, he did?)
JON: "I didn’t mean to. Elias was… We were all playing out this big ritual for him. With me as the lynchpin, the gate. BASIRA: "Oh you didn’t mean to! Oh that’s all right then." Well Basira, you also didn't mean to help Elias to cause all this? Is that all right then? Basira went to Elias, she believed his half-truths, she got the idea to go to Norway from him...
BASIRA: "I should’ve just let Daisy take you out at the start." MARTIN: "You don’t mean that." BASIRA: "No? [Exhales] I don’t know. Maybe. If I had… it would have stopped all this, wouldn’t it?" JON: "Perhaps. Perhaps not." Probably not, Elias would have had everyone of the old Archives crew killed and just moved to a new Archivist. The Web would have probably also approved because it wanted the Eyepocalypse... Also huh, Basira faltering there for a moment...
MARTIN: "He can’t do hypotheticals." BASIRA: "And if I killed you now?" MARTIN: "What did I just say?" Martin's priority are a bit... ehhhhh? xD (I know it's comedic relief)
JON: "You couldn’t. And even if you could, it wouldn’t be enough to undo what’s happened to the world." BASIRA: "So… what? You’re the immortal god of this messed up little hellscape now?" JON: "‘God’ might be stretching it. [Deep breath] But I am more powerful now, yes." It is so good to hear Jon confident. 
BASIRA: "I was still in the Institute when everything went to hell outside, so I guess that protected me from the first wave." Oh, a tiny bit of information what it was like when the Eyepocalypse hit. So it rolled out in waves.
JON: "I’m, I’m sorry. I was going to tell you, but then I-I got distracted and… then we were within earshot of him, and I couldn’t say anything and… I-I mean, you would have agreed, right?" MARTIN: "That’s not the point, Jon." JON: "I’m sorry." MARTIN: "… It’s okay. I understand." [FABRIC RUSTLES] [BASIRA'S EXHALE MAKES IT CLEAR SHE'S ROLLING HER EYES] BASIRA: "You done?" JON: "Can we not have a moment?" So wholesome and funny XD
BASIRA: "What’s it like? Being with someone who can see the inside of your head?" MARTIN: "Hm? Oh. Oh no, he doesn’t. I told him not to, and so he tries to… look away." BASIRA: "And you trust him to do that." MARTIN: [Certain] "Yes. I do." Thank you, Martin! And in your face, Basira! It's actually not that difficult of a concept. It's like, don't look into another person's screen. Don't go through your partner's phone. Those things would be very easy to do, but just because you could doesn't mean it's a okay thing to do.
MARTIN: "It’s, it… he needs to make a statement." It actually sounds super funny if you put it that way XD
"Hi. How are we doing? You can call me Doctor David. I’ll be here to help you out for the duration of your stay with us. Do you have a name? Hm. Hm. Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with you there. That’s not your name at all." That was a low blow. It reminds me of what my first ever contact with a mental health professional looked like. In the first five minutes so many red flags (which I know can identify, I’m still afraid I encounter them because they do upset me, big surprise).  So when I was on my first listen of TMA and this statement started like this I was like "Oh no, this is going to hurt me on so many levels..."
"We’re a small residential mental health facility here to help people like you come to their senses. And to protect the world from all your self-indulgent nonsense in the meantime." Holy fuck...
"I’m here to help you, to treat you, to make it so you’re less of a… burden to everyone." Holy fucking fuck...
"You’re the biggest victim of… whatever little game you’re playing here." Holy fucking fucking fuck...
"I understand, it’s a distressing time, but there’s really nothing to be gained from… acting out." Right... Acting out... Just get it together, right?
That statement does luckily have section where you very well notice it's dialed up by 10. Calling names, saying "I wonder what it was" to the meds he just gave the patient (I mean, I had doctors not being able answer my question regarding meds. So that could be referencing something like this). Or that absolutely cruel but cheery little laugh. (Not to forget Dr. David literally tearing his face off in the end.)
"You made it all up, didn’t you? What was it? A plea for attention, trying so desperately to make the world notice you? Some childish attempt to feel special? Or were you just looking for an excuse for the fact that you’re a lazy, unlikeable waste of air?" At every doctor's appointment I am stressed to hell they’ll think I'm making it up to get some kind of personal gain... Or that they think, that I shouldn't be here and that there are patients with far more serious problems and I'm taking their spot which they need so desperately more than I do and I should just get it together.  
"Because here’s the interesting thing: you are completely sane and rational. Everyone legitimately does hate you. It’s not your brain making up lies, don’t be stupid. No, you’re just a horribly unpleasant person to be around." Really cramming every possible horrible thing in this statement... I am very lucky to have found a handful of very sweet people and everyone else can fuck right off (it gets complicated when such a person is in a position of power though. A boss at work for example. *inhale* Capitalism!!!)
"No wonder people talk about you behind your back." Yeah thanks, I still hate that. Mostly because it’s lies. If people hate me, I want them to hate me for facts about me. Does that make sense? xD
"That chemical safety blanket whispering to you ‘Oh don’t worry you’re just mad. You don’t need to take responsibility for anything.’" I think it's time to go back to holy fucking fuck!
"You seem fine, though, so I’m sure whatever that silly little imagination of yours concocted, it can’t have been all that bad." Masking is a thing and it’s not fun...
JON: "Satisfied?" BASIRA: "Fuck." Yeah, that sums it up quite well.
BASIRA: [Angry] "I told you not to look in my head!" JON: "I didn’t. And I won’t. But you can’t hunt a monster that you refuse to see." It's a brief one, but I like Basira and Daisy last arc.
Of course Helen wants to help Basira killing someone, even if it's a promise made to that person. And Helen promotes it in a way so Basira cannot properly deal with her own demons.
JON: "You just heard what The Spiral does to people. You can’t trust her." HELEN: "Nonsense! Martin can vouch for me. You and.. what’s-his-name went through Michael’s door, right? And he was rubbish compared to me." Speaking for others so they can't tell their experience because it wouldn’t be that positive. Helen's character really is all about twisting words.
MARTIN: "We were in there for two weeks." HELEN: "Exactly! And you’re just fine! Better than fine! Flourishing!" Oh, also very typical Spiral-shit. Being dismissive of what others went through. That’s literally the same thing as the “it can’t have been all that bad” in the statement. (Or Basira at the beginning to Martin...)
Hm, don't know what I find more dangerous about Helen. Her deal's now a lot more in a way where we can definitely see the antagonistic side, so it's more misunderstandably direct blows. But there is something very sinister to those attacks that made me also laugh. When the damage it's doing is more easily missed.
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the-teezone · 2 months
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Hi! I'm trin. she/her. 25. Black. cheerleader for Teezo Touchdown!
To get to know a little bit about my hopes for this blog, be sure to check out this post, where I go into more detail about the reason for creating this blog, my goals, and upcoming content!
The short of it is: to serve as an archive, to connect with other fans, to have a place where I, too, can rant and rave about Teezo.
With that being said, here's a directory/tag list for the blog!
#COVERBOY, where you can find him covering magazines like Rolling Stone, Wonderland., and more!
#ImJustAFan, where you can find some of his interactions with fans, sticky note conversations, etc.
#ShoutstoJonJon, where you can find any content that was sourced from the Youtube channel Jon Jon. They are like the OG Teezo archivist so thank you so much if you ever see this!
#TeezosMixtape, where you can find music by other artists that he loves and has co-signed.
#TZOFeatures, where you can find music that he is featured on.
#TeezosMusic!, where you can find his own music.
#TZOMashups, where you can find mashups that incorporate Teezo's music. Usually done by myself unless stated otherwise!
#TZOShorts, where you can find short songs that he released for campaigns, to celebrate making #coverboy status, etc.
#TZOSingles, where you can find singles/loosies that he released but aren't a part of a specific project.
#HDYSAN, where you can find songs and content specifically related to his debut album, How Do You Sleep At Night?
#TZOComedyHour, where you can find tweets, videos, and other posts of him just being funny, bc he's a funny guy idk.
#TZOFashionArchive, where you can find media of him for different fashion houses.
#TZOInterviewArchive, where you can find clips, excerpts, and links to his interviews, both print and video.
#TZOLore, which will be tagged for media that specifically speaks to the origin of himself, his upbringing, something he does, etc.
#TZOPhotoArchive, where you can find just cool pictures of him, in general, bc we could always use more pictures of him fr (and the occasional sticky note).
#TZOTours, where you can find tour content such as promotional content, concert footage from fans, videos while he's on the go, etc.
#SpendTheNight, where you can find content specifically from his first headlining tour, the Spend the Night Tour.
#SpotDates, where you can find content from spot shows and festivals that aren't necessarily part of a tour.
#TZOVideoBox, where you can find video media such as music videos, live performances, skits, film credits, appearances, etc.
#VintageTeezo, where you can find content of him pre-2020, before he evolved into the Teezo Touchdown we know him as today.
#TrinSpeaks!, where I rant and rave about Teezo myself! These are my own thoughts, opinions, and delusions lol.
Finally, we have year tags, which indicates what year the content is originally from! These tags begin in the year of our Lord 2020 and go on from there!
#2020 | #2021 | #2022 | #2023 | #2024
I also hope to have a fan content tag as well for when the fandom starts to grow on here, so when the fanfics and fan art really start to flourish on here, I would love to feature that somehow with a tag as well! So, send submissions if you want! Okay, that's all!
[cue opening guitar power chords from "OK" by Teezo Touchdown]
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nightshadow1607 · 4 months
(I should warn that I just finished TMAG but I have a bad memory, if I say something wrong, I'm sorry
Also, this is just my thoughts, you don't have to agree with them)
warning: spoilers for TMAG seasons
I think Jon/The Archivist has Lonely tendencies.
Many things Jon did and felt showed a drive to isolation.
During the first season, there was a natural distance between him and his co-workers, but he forced this distance too. His attitude and rudeness showed he wasn't easy to deal with and I ask myself if, because of it, people tried to stay away. He stayed in his office most of the time (to record statements) and wasn't close to any of his assistents.
In season 2, I believe his paranoia was crucial to drive Jon away from Tim, Martin and (not!)Sasha. He thought he could trust no one, he held secrets and broke people's trust (especially Tim's, in my opinion). From my standpoint, he did the things he did by himself because he felt alone. He felt like there was no one he could ask for help, and he didn't want to envolve people more than they needed to.
I believe the time he spent out of the Institute (in season 3) -- wanted by the police, kidnapped, traveling to china and usa, in coma -- is something that could be counted. He was mostly alone when he did those things, either by choice or because he was forced to.
I mean, the guy was kidnapped, for A MONTH, and no one knew where he was (Elias' fault) -- we know probably Elias would've saved Jon at one point because of his plan, but Jon didn't know this. Do you think he thought no one would save him?
He lost six months of his life on a coma and people were losing faith he was going to wake up. He missed things, conversations, connection with people, plans, events, and all of that stuff, stuck in his own head before Oliver showed up.
Maybe, for me, the start of season 4 was when he would feel more lonely. Tim was dead (and they didn't part in good terms), Melanie and him had a complicated relationship and it has heavily severed after he did the surgery without her consent, Basira didn't trust him, Daisy was missing, Georgie didn't want to get involved, Martin was isolating himself and Jon wasn't in a good headapace. I wonder if he felt lonely or if he was used to it (maybe both).
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When Daisy was rescued, Jon had someone who understood what he was going through, but at the same time, it wasn't the same.
The development of his powers could be another thing on the iceberg because before, Jon was more human (in the literal sense) at least, he was like the others but when he became an avatar, he became one of them, one of the ""monsters"". His (dubious) actions made the difference very clear for the girls -- and Martin.
His guilty, for everything but especially for The Change, probably helped. He felt responsible for what happened. No one else truly understood (on a personal level) how deeply his guilt reached and there was no one else to share the burden, not that he would want this for anyone else.
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In my vision, this culminated for his decision in the end. He went after Jonah alone and chose the alternative that would disconnect him from everyone else, trapping him in solitude.
Maybe there are more things, but I think that's the gist of it.
It was the small and big choices he made, unconsciously or not, and his position in everything showed he could've been more aligned to The Lonely as much as he was to The Eye.
If you have things to add to this, or even to counter my thoughts, I would be very happy to hear :D
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understandsnone · 2 years
👀 as a fan of archivist!sasha, Please do tell what you think about Tim in the role!
THIS IS INCREDIBLY STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, and half written at four in the morning so take this with a grain of salt BUT;
in my opinion tim would make for an interesting archivist in a different way than say, sasha who i believe would follow in the footsteps of gertrude, or jon who needs to know for the sake of understanding.
the thing about tim is, he was, originally, very drawn to the idea of figuring out the how and the why of danny's death. this need to know, coupled with the guilt (in his words) just letting himself watch his brother die could lead to an interesting dynamic for a version of tim who was put into the position of archivist: hes protective.
tim never lets himself freeze up in the face of danger ever since danny's death, and the people he holds close are like family. 
these things can add up to a nifty little combo of being marked during times of crisis as he willingly throws himself into danger to protect the others (jon during prentiss in s1, martin when he was going back to stop jon in s2 + the encounter with the distortion, both times notably, should logically be a mark), 
and later, the lives of his loved one's being used as wager when he comes too close to the truth and elias thinks he needs to stay in his lane. 
a lot of tim's character comes from his compassion and love of others + a deep fear of the stranger being twisted into anger and grief, and while jons attachments to other people were seen as a detriment by elias, jon was also never the type to become deeply, intrinsically attached to people in the same way as tim. yes yes yes jon loves and he cares but its not the same fierce devotion that boils into betrayal the same way that tim becomes attached. 
jon cares and he loves but tim has this fierce loyalty to people that can be broken on a whim and the death or the metaphorical loss of another person is enough to break him. 
the gist is  .
tim's biggest fear besides the stranger, the unknown, is being trapped, unable to do anything to protect the ones around him which manifested into anger born of his grief and fear. hes afraid of letting other people die on his watch, afraid of being unable to fix it, metaphorical death and loss. afraid of doing nothing but watching others die.
tim as the archivist would lay on the foundation of how he interacts with others, how he protects others, and how he searches for answers for the sake of others. 
putting tim into a position of power and responsibility over others would be a massive game changer for his character arc. hes in charge of three people, three people who are now in danger because of him, and he let that happen. 
there could even be the level of paranoia that comes with being marked by the eye + that comes with the feeling of the eye watching during reading statements, that he believes that he'll only be able to watch the same people he put into this situation die, or worse. 
sasha would become the archivist for the sake of doing something right after digging into any mystery given to her and becoming another gertrude while still being as brash, foolish and yes, a little stupid, like jon. shes not perfect, but i see her motivations falling under the greater-good, rather than knowledge for the sake of knowledge.
sasha would do it for everyone, jon for himself (even if he worked to stop rituals, his path to becoming archivist for the most part fell on his own misgivings) and tim would become archivist for a select few people he believes he needs to protect, and be strong enough to protect.
i dont think sashas some unbreakable girlboss or that jon didnt do things for the sake of the people around him because he did, he absolutely did, i just think tim's character as archivist would solely be connected to keeping others safe, and his trust (and lack thereof) in others
given the ability to become stronger, to keep others safe, i could see him succumbing to the one thing he fears more than watching others die, and thats becoming something inhuman. i could see him leaning into his powers to become stronger, letting that fear drive him further into the paranoid spiral of he's going to watch them all die, if he doesn't do something
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askivyalexandria · 1 year
Log Entry Earth Date 28/12/2022:
When asked for an opinion on Jonny and Ivy, Tim said, “Theyre the best.”
Tim is shaky.
Ivy was sleepy posting. Loki, Tim and Lyfrassir told her to go to sleep. She refused until Jonny told her to. Tim ended up coming over to cuddle with them both too.
“You’re in her DMs? I’m in my fucking PJs.”
If given the opportunity, Ivy would hunt Jurgen Leitner for sport,
Mono explained how the crawlspace and the vents are different.
"I think that perhaps a few of us have evil monster bosses too.” “...how many of you guys have evil eldritch bosses? There's three so far.”
Loki is going to post their drawings, since it’ll be awhile til they reach Aurora.
“What the fuck does "rainbow bigboy sucks ass mean?"”
Loki was magic anon-ed a small spaceship.
Someone is sending in “Kiss, marry, kill” asks again.
Jonny and Tim are watching some Studio Ghibli movies.
Jonny and Tim’s date, from a few days ago went very well.
New Texas is similar to Earth Texas but not.
Nastya got stuck exploring Völuspá. Lyfrassir had to help her.
Ivy was gifted a dagger with both their initials and Raphaella’s engraved on it.
“gay” “Fuck you.” “love you too, sweetheart <3”
“You’re the reason I have to deal with the horrors, aren’t you?”- There’s a Jon Sims running around here now. Gods.
“how are the horrors treating you?” “Badly.”
Jonny now is having trouble avoiding the gay allegations. Good thing she is in fact, gay. Or something like that.
Brian is now going to watch Bee and Puppycat. He also watches Moomin Valley.
Brian’s stuffed toys are named Arnold, Sasha, Petya, and Cheesecake.
Michael Wave strikes again.
Raphaella has a new icon now.
Marius and Raphaella cuddled and watched a documentary together.
Stowaways keep pressuring Nastya to talk about Jonny’s bad hair phases.
“Is anyone straight? As far as I'm aware, none of us are straight.”- Marius
Nyarlathotep, somehow? Made a blog.
Cat grief counseling.
Ivy is Jon Sim’s favorite archivist.
Nyarlathotep asked Toy Soldier if it wants some teeth.
Other octokittens self-portrait.
Nyarlathotep is, “here because I want to be!”
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thezolblade · 1 year
Bit of a dark question but what would happen if Jon seriously hurt Martin? I'm thinking either by accident or just far more than he intended. For example how would Jon react if Martin had passed out when he was choking him? Or something like that
Hm, I hope this isn't too boring an answer, but he'd call an ambulance if he had to. There is some analysis to go with this, under the cut!
(Martin would've only passed out if he'd misjudged his own limits - he was getting badly lightheaded, but he'd still have planned to shove Jon away if it got urgent. Which maybe he could've failed to do in time, if he held out until he couldn't process the need to do that. And Jon would've absolutely panicked about why Martin hadn't done anything at his limit.)
If Martin was hurt to the point of needing to visit an ER but insisting he didn't need an ambulance, Jon would go with him, and he wouldn't be up to talking about it in a way that acknowledged he'd done something wrong (so he wouldn't ask Martin to give people an excuse instead of the truth - after all, the truth was just that something went wrong accidentally, right? Or if it was a fight, well, of course that looks bad, but it's Martin's choice to stay even if they fight, and getting medical help doesn't change the fact that only Martin's opinion matters, the same as always, so he doesn't need to think about talking to anyone else about anything too personal.) But he'd hover and fuss and turn affectionate in a way that'd partly be about convincing both of them that it wasn't really his fault, at least not in a way that would have consequences.
Still, Jon's first impulse would be to get help before he'd think it through enough to worry about how he'd spin it. Sometimes, being impulsive without thinking it through leads him to bad behaviour, but it'd be for the best in that one particular scenario.
The catalyst for Jon's feelings, in this series, was when he started fearing for Martin's sake. During Martin's statement about Prentiss, Jon felt Martin's fear as if it was his own, the way Archivists always do; iirc Gerry said that statements worked that way even for Gertrude. So Jon 100% believed him, and tried to come up with rational reasons for believing him, and got protective, and started spending every day worrying about him. And then he got fond of certain things about him, and started wanting to process his own fear and stress over Martin's situation by punishing him for his frustrations and teaching him better, finding a cathartic release and keeping him close where monsters couldn't touch him. So however much fun he has when that goes his way, there's a lot of genuine terror underpinning it all, and anything that ripped away Jon's control over Martin's safety would submerge him right back in that fear. Plus, Jon's more the sort to rush into action than to freeze up when he's scared.
(And he'd want medical professionals involved, unless he was dealing with something like a ghost bullet that hadn't shown up on the doctor's xrays. He had so many reservations about that amateur surgery on Melanie... This version of Jon doesn't really trust himself much more than in canon. More insecurity, more denial, more bravado, more panic of the sort that has him latching onto a way to fix things.)
Once Martin was on the way to healing up, Jon could go either way in terms of doubling down on trying to insist that it wasn't his fault, or being shaken into re-examining his behaviour to some degree. (Maybe only by making a concession about one specific thing, if broader changes are too difficult.) If he got mean about it once the danger had passed, he may or may not be able to get Martin feeling guilty about it somehow, depending on how much Martin had cooperated in something that had gone wrong / picked an argument that had provoked him. But even if Martin partly blamed himself, his survival instincts would kick in and have him strategizing about what he could do differently, if anything. (Trying to put his foot down about the most dangerous activities, if he'd been passive? Trying to coax Jon into good ideas over bad ones, if he'd been argumentative? Trying to run, if he'd already tried everything else?)
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haledamage · 3 years
Also the Speaker ROs for TMA Entities? ^_^
(potentially some vague spoilers 😉)
Affinity: The Lonely. Her home is safe and comfortable. She never really thought she needed anyone else, beyond her tree and her garden.
Weakness: The Vast. The world is too big and too open. Why is the horizon always so far away?
Affinity: The Web. He likes to know how the pieces fit together, and if they don’t fit, he’ll find where they do. (He’s also probably touched by The Eye. If I were to vote someone “Most Likely To Have A Weirdly Codependent Relationship With Tape Recorders”, it would be Sebastian, and the tapes were part-Eye, part-Web. Really, he’d make an excellent Archivist)
Weakness: The Desolation. Iron will and self-control serve him well, but all it takes is one bad day.
Affinity: The Eye. They’re always hungry for knowledge, driven by the need to know and see and understand more.
Weakness: The End. As a Healer, they pour everything they have into pulling people back from the precipice.
Affinity: The Hunt. Once prey, now predator, Rory is excited to put their new abilities to the test.
Weakness: The Corruption. Disease and rot and slowly wasting away. Better to go out with a bang than a whimper.
Affinity: The Stranger. Clever smiles and whispered words from a stranger in a dimly lit bar, never to be seen again.
Weakness: The Eye. Always looking over their shoulder, always with the feeling of being watched, followed, found.
And she’s not an RO, but bonus:
Affinity: The Spiral. Years of dealing with visions has given her a singular ability to dance around the truth while never actually speaking it.
Weakness: The Eye. Knowing the future is a heavy burden and she wouldn’t wish it on her worst enemy.
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g1ngerbeer · 3 years
ok so i’m genuinely confused as to why a significant chunk of the fanbase on here keeps calling jon an idiot for mag 89
as in “lmaooooaoao he’s so stupid why would he shake the hand of someone who is literally made of boiling wax what did he think would happen”
because i’ve listened to that episode like three times and that isn’t what happened??
she got angry at the start because he refused to shake her hand
You wouldn’t shake my hand.
Well, no, I’m not stupid! Whatever the Lightless Flame is –
and then forced him to do it at the end of the episode for information
That’s him. I know where you can find him.
Not for free.
Okay. What do you want?
Oh, nothing much. Just shake my hand.
there’s a possibility i’ve been reading the general fan consensus wrong, but in what possible way does this translate to “jon is stupid and shook jude perry’s hand lmao what a loser” when he clearly only did it to get information about mike crew (information that he doesn’t see another way he’ll be able to get)? he knew exactly what he was getting into (his reluctance at the beginning of the episode) but as far as he knows this is the only viable lead he has. and, as his thought process has been the entire show, if he has to get hurt to follow it, then so be it
also there was every possibility jude wouldn’t have let him walk away without at least burning him: she hates the eye in general and the archivist in particular because of what happened with agnes
so jon isn’t stupid, he’s just constantly being put in a position where circumstances have been literally manipulated to give him no other possible options
this goes for the table-smashing too: it’s actually a surprisingly logical move for someone who’s just discovered that their friend has been dead for an entire year and they didn’t even notice. as multiple people have pointed out, in fantasy, destroying the vessel holding a malevolent entity usually destroys or at least weakens the entity (didn’t they also say this in a q&a?) and jon’s only other real point of reference is gerry burning leitners, which usually works. also it was an incredibly stressful situation where he didn’t know any of the crucial information (eg that the table and the notthem were of different entities because at this point he doesn’t know that the entities EXIST) and wanted some form of revenge for sasha
the lack of knowledge isn’t his fault either; jonah and the web set this entire situation and hid information from jon, and it worked because they are master manipulators who hold every possible string, not because jon is stupid (he... isn’t, that’s the point of this entire, increasingly long post). one of the main problems might be that people are judging his decisions in hindsight, with knowledge of the lore and the consequences that ensued, without taking into account that jon had no way of knowing any of this
and then people turn around and compare him to sasha who “wouldn’t have made so many stupid mistakes and gotten marked so quickly because she’s smart and jon is not”??? in her statement she followed the distortion (who is, in my opinion, far more threatening at first glance than jude perry or mike crew due to knife finger and generally messed up proportions) without any apparent hesitation at all, and was marked by the corruption and the spiral in quick succession, to get information. but people hold her up as this flat paragon of perfection who would have solved all the problems if she were archivist??
jonah and the web would still be manipulating her, and sure they might have to use different methods, but she would charge into danger just as readily than jon (the aforementioned distortion encounter and mag 39)
guys it’s a cosmic horror tragedy, it’s deliberately written so that there’s no good or easy solution to the conflict and no one gets what they “deserve” (jon didn’t “deserve” everything that happened to him by making some decisions that in hindsight weren’t well thought out; sasha didn’t “deserve” to become archivist by merit of getting less screentime and therefore less scrutiny than jon). if we were in the same position, would we honestly say we would have done anything different?
wow this is a long post and i didn’t even talk about the coffin thing (he made a choice to come back but it seems like no one wants him back, so he feels like he needs to justify his continued existence by saving daisy)
so anyway tldr: jon is impulsive and self-sacrificial but he isn’t stupid, the just world fallacy is bs, the web and jonah both suck, and if sasha was archivist things would have gone very similarly because they are very similar characters, stop reducing her to this perfect archetypal hero when she had flaws that are evident even when she only appeared for like five episodes
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Controversial opinions warning lol
A list of reasons as to why martin was a bad boyfriend (sure they had their moments but i feel like more ppl should be talking about these??? Lol)
Martin treated Jon like his own personal weapon and jist expected to him to kill all these avatars without ever actually asking him if he wanted to
Jon said that they could skip out on Jude Perry cause Martin was uncomfortable but when Jon was uncomfortable with killing Simon Fairchild, Martin behaved like he owed it to him and that it was selfish
He picked at Jon for not being open about his emotions but when Jon expressed he was uncomfortable with something, Martin literally made fun of him and said "god forbid the archivist is uncomfortable"
He said stuff like "your not a burden" but complained every single time Jon had to do one even after he should have been well aware it wasnt something Jon could control so it didn't actually do ahything but make Jon feel more like a burden
He hits Jon instead of trying to shake him or something else and it was bad enough that Jon called him out for it once and even the fanbase made a headcanon that he used a spray bottle because HITTING YOUR BF ISNT OKAY BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Martin was the one who pushed Jon to start killing and cheered him on and apologized but when (as he always does) Jon took the fall for it, Martin REVOKED HIS APOLOGY... CAN YOU EVEN DO THAT???
He basically said stuff like "tough" or "suck it up" to Jon whenever he was uncomfortable with something but the ONE TIME Jon says something like that back to Martin HES the one to steps back and says "hmmm, maybe that wasnt a good thing to say to my bf"
Even they admited that the only reason they where compatible was because of a tone of shared trauma so of course they dont have a healthy relationship
Martin kinda talked shit about Jon behind his back once and complained about how communication wasnt wast easy with Jon yet he never even tried to communicate that he wanted space to Jon
Oh and lets not forget that either way, Jon never owed Martin anything. Martin was the one who pushed the idea of killing, cheered jon on, and he never actually had to do anything himself. Itd be different if Martin killed someone for Jon but Jon wouldn't kill someone for Martin. No, Jon did all of it himself so he had every right to put his foot down when he wanted to
In conclusion: jon deserved better
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fakecrfan · 3 years
could i prevail upon you to analyse Basira’s short-tempered paranoid phase ?
Okay I put off answering this for a while because I wanted to make it Super Well Researched and perfect and everything like that. But it seems my perfectionism has stopped me from like, actually making significant progress so!! Instead I am just going Blab all of my Basira thoughts in a disorganized manner without worrying about being perfectly insightful. 
Most of the criticism I see of Basira is around her Being Mean To Jon in season 4, of her being too Cold. Like this comment on the wiki.
Tumblr media
Anyway, this is really frustrating to me because in my humble opinion:
1: Basira’s flaw is not “too mean, too cold, and too practical.” It’s passivity and numbing down her own reactions to things. Therefore,
2: Her expressing anger and coming down hard on Jon is actually a positive development in her arc, even if not everything she does during this phase is the greatest. 
To elaborate on Basira��s flaw being passivity: When we are introduced to her, one of the things that came up in her statement is that another officer was racist to her, and she let it slide.
Basira is later revealed to--not have direct confirmation of Daisy killing, exactly. But she has a pretty good idea of what’s happening and she doesn’t rock the boat by trying to find out more. But I think the biggest glaring sign of her passivity is the fact that she gets basically forced to join the Institute on the threat of death and she just… goes with it?
MAG 102
Basira’s the only one doing – well, she seems weirdly calm about the whole thing. Like it’s… like she’s on a vacation or something.
Maybe she just suits the academic life.
Basira, when threatened and forced to work for an obviously evil institute just… rolls over and shows her belly. Immediately starts to just sit in the library and read so quietly that Martin completely misses that she’s there. Passivity. Acceptance. Her philosophy, as she tells Martin, is that if you can’t change it you just hunker down and make the best of it.
Of course, the problem with this is… she hasn’t tried to change things very hard before shifting into Acceptance mode, has she? In her statement before the season three finale, we get her briefly talking about why she behaves like this.
MAG 116
My dad would hate me talking like this. He couldn’t stand people who just passively moaned about their problems. He always said, if you don’t like something, you accept it and you adapt, or you fight and you change it. Whining doesn’t help. I always tried to live like that. But I think sometimes you feel like you’re adapting, but it’s just denial.
But not anymore. I’m going to fight, and change it.
Regardless of Basira’s dad’s intentions, he raised her in a way where expressing discomfort is not allowed. You either change things, but if you can’t change them then you shut up. Which of course, if you are powerless and disenfranchised that’s just setting you up for a life of biting your tongue at every injustice that you face, every police officer who sneers “diversity” while giving you a significant look--because you don’t have the power to change it, do you?
But right after that acknowledgement, we get her resolution for moving forward: She’s not going to shut up anymore. She’s going to fight.
I think we really need to keep this resolution of hers in mind when we analyze her season 4 behavior. Yes, her s4 behavior is influenced by other factors: grief at losing Daisy, paranoia after getting attacked by monsters who are after the Institute, guilt at not being able to stop Martin from going with Peter Lukas. 
But more than anything, I think her fierceness in this season is fueled by this rock hard resolution to stop rolling over and fight back. 
If you’re someone who is passive and enabling in this way, and you’ve worked to change yourself, you might be aware of how easy it is to either fall back into old habits or overcorrect. Sometimes it feels like you have to be as direct and harsh as possible because you’re scared that it’s only option besides falling back into passivity. I think that’s what a lot of Basira’s aggression comes from. She wants to be someone who fights but she’s still figuring out how.
So she overcompensates, and she scrambles for how to accomplish this, and she sort of falls back to the example set for her--the one person she saw as resolute.
MAG 116
At least Daisy’s coming. I mean, I know she’s… difficult. Everything they say about her, it’s true, it’s fair. But, she’s solid. She’s a… a fixed point, and if she’s there, I know exactly where I stand, exactly what I’m doing, relative to her. She has no doubts.
Basira wants to be someone who fights. So in season 4, as she’s trying to reconstruct her whole ethos, she latches onto Daisy’s example. But so much of it is a facade, so much of it is her trying to… not be someone she can’t be, exactly, but to become something that she doesn’t know the shape of, yet. 
It’s difficult for her to sustain because it’s so different from her usual mode of interacting with the world. For example, people make a big deal of her threatening to kill Jon if he feeds on people again but… remember her first reaction when she directly saw Jon doing it right in front of her the first time?
MAG 141:
Floyd Matharu. Served on the Dorian from 2011 to 2014. With Salesa.
John, I’m not sure about this.
I am.
Tell me what happened.
Basira gets passive again. Politely indicates to Jon he should stop without raising much of a fuss. And how does Jon respond to Basira when she taks this passive, polite route to trying to stop him?
It wasn’t right.
You could have stopped me.
But you wanted to know as well, didn’t you?.
Jon tells her that she could have stopped him. Implies that she’s just as much to blame as he is for what he did, because she didn’t try harder to stop him. And, well. The thing is? Basira believes him. Agrees with him. She’s clearly already trying to become someone who fights and she just rolled right over when an ally did something wrong. So the next time Jon does this she sort of rises to his challenge here.
MAG 148
Yeah. John, We’ve been over this. the key is to not force people to feed you their trauma. You know – just don’t do it?
It’s not that simple.
No. It is. Or I put you down.
She fights him. Pushes back instead of rolling over and being nice and polite. And of course, the blueprint she has for this is Daisy. Using threats and blatant intimidation. 
But you know? Even though she’s not doing things entirely right here, I actually think this is still better than where she was in season 3. She’s seen where she has gone wrong in the past, and she’s struggling to turn herself into a different, better person who actually fights back against wrongness in the world instead of passively accepting it. She’s not there yet, but this? This is still progress.
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