descendingfish · 6 years
I was tagged by @diothesuccbrando
Thanks for the tag! I’ve always thought that you were pretty cool, I don’t do these a lot but since you tagged me I may as well!
1st rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better: I’m just gonna tag some of my mutuals that I’ve never really talked to, no pressure or anything! @shelltheworldsdestroyer @thunderthighz @toro-y-toi @ewme @thatghoulinthebowtie @communistslugs @surreal-queer @gayexpresso @babymoonbee 
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true.
appearance - i am 5'7 or taller - i wear glasses - i have at least one tattoo - i have at least one piercing - i have blonde hair- i have brown eyes - i have short hair - my abs are at least somewhat defined - i have or had braces
personality - i love meeting new people - helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - i enjoy physical challenges - i enjoy mental challenges - i am an asshole playfully rude to people i know - i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - there is something i would change about my personality
ability - i can sing well (very subjective lmao but I don’t think I’m that bad) - i can play an instrument (I play 3!) - i can do over 30 pushups without stopping - i am a fast runner - i can draw well - i have a good memory- i am good at doing math in my head - i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - i have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - i can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies - i enjoy sports - i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (I used to be.. does that count?)- i have learned a new song in the past week - i exercise at least once a week - i have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - i have drawn something in the past month - i enjoy writing - i do some form of martial arts - i enjoy knitting and embroidery and no that doesn’t sound lame
experiences - i have had my first kiss - i have had alcohol - i have scored a winning point in a sport - i have watched an entire tv series in one sitting - i have been at an overnight event (what does this mean lol, I’m counting a con as this) - i have been in a taxi - i have been in the hospital or er in the past year (I assume you mean admitted by this and no I haven’t been admitted) - i have beaten a video game in one day - i have visited another country - i have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
my life - i have one person that i consider to be my Best Friend™ - i live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - i have at least 1 sibling (I have 5 lol) - i live in the united states – i have hung out with a friend in the past month - i have a smart phone - i own at least 15 cds - I share my room with someone
relationships - i am in a relationship - i have a crush on a celebrity - i have a crush on someone i know - i’ve been in at least 3 relationships - i have never been in a relationship - i have admitted my feelings to a crush - i get crushes easily - i have had a crush for over a year - i have been in a relationship for over a year - i have had feelings for a friend
random - i have break-danced - i know a person named Jamie - i have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - i have dyed my hair - i’m listening to a song on repeat right now - i have punched someone in the past week - i know someone who has gone to jail - i have broken a bone - i have eaten a waffle today - i know what i want to do in life - i speak at least two languages - i have made a new friend in the past year
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gunnerkriggs · 6 years
36, 39, 1, 19
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
i buy those packs of tiny bags of chips, and i snack on them like every day. i know theyre supposed to be for kids but idc
also bionicles
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.
i wish id known that i would barely play most of the expensive games i bought lol
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
im not rly sure what my favourite movie is? the movie ive seen the most is probably the incredibles, i first watched that in cinemas when i was too little to rly remember it. i also like the room a lot, i first watched that with a small group of friends at someones house, we watched it in the dark and spent the whole time shit talking it, it was amazing
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
lol in middle school i went through a brief phase of being obsessed with bonsai. i didnt end up growing any but i rly wanted to. maybe one day i will
ty sho
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chrystastrophy · 7 years
my whole life is bi
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akrystalkupcake · 7 years
I just want to thank @diothesuccbrando for all the Castlevania on my dash rn. Bless.
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turnways · 6 years
diothesuccbrando replied to your post:  I was tagged by @imaginedsoldier 1st rule: tag 9...
Omg Tumblr didn’t notify me u tagged me in this so I tagged u in mine lmao
0 notes
delphicsacrifice · 7 years
Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
I gave up on her in the hospital. It smelled like disinfectant and shampoo - our mom was washing her hair while she sat up in the bed. I’d spent the night before choking on worry bile and watching her thrash and thrash without waking up. Listening to the doctors trying to figure out what she’d managed to ingest; it had to be more than the vodka. When my mother asked, tentative, what the difference between this and a coma was, the nurse had looked apologetic. “There isn’t one.”
Now she looked over at me, then up at our mom, lovingly washing each lock of her orangered hair.“[Boyfriend] and I feel like you two aren’t doing enough to take care of me. I’m having a very hard time. He can’t do it all himself.”  It was so matter-of-fact. So utterly absent of any ounce of culpability. It was the same tone she’d used months earlier to explain why AA wasn’t good enough for her.
I got up and walked out. I didn’t go back.
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bukbot · 7 years
Tujhe dekha to ye jaana sanaam Pyaar hota hai dewaana sanaam
What about it, it’s like to pick up the gates there'll be light for the warning but do you l-love me back,,,, I-I'm glad if u don’t know who she is not the one who has ever cut.
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whatbigotspost · 6 years
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diothesuccbrando said:
Its the year of out our lord 2018 I shouldn’t have to see this on my Facebook feed
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imaginedsoldier · 6 years
Hey y’all, finally answering those voice memes. Doing it in chunks so. You know. Chunk 1. (Answering 1, 5, 6, 14, 16) @diothesuccbrando, @luzviminda, assorted anons
[Make Me Record Stuff]
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I was tagged by @diothesuccbrando
i fucking love doing these
1st rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i suck at this but bc i always feel like im being like presumptuous by asking ppl to do it but if we’re mutuals then assume im tagging u, if we’ve ever messaged each other than I AM tagging u, and if i know u in real life than im in ur house rn shoving this post in ur face
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true.
appearance - i am 5'7 or taller - i wear glasses - i have at least one tattoo - i have at least one piercing - i have blonde hair- i have brown eyes - i have short hair - my abs are at least somewhat defined - i have or had braces
personality - i love meeting new people - helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - i enjoy physical challenges - i enjoy mental challenges - i am an asshole playfully rude to people i know - i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - there is something i would change about my personality
ability - i can sing well (I used to sing well) - i can play an instrument - i can do over 30 pushups without stopping - i am a fast runner - i can draw well - i have a good memory- i am good at doing math in my head - i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - i have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - i can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies - i enjoy sports - i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - i have learned a new song in the past week - i exercise at least once a week - i have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - i have drawn something in the past month - i enjoy writing - i do some form of martial arts - i enjoy knitting and embroidery and no that doesn’t sound lame
experiences - i have had my first kiss - i have had alcohol - i have scored a winning point in a sport - i have watched an entire tv series in one sitting - i have been at an overnight event - i have been in a taxi - i have been in the hospital or er in the past year - i have beaten a video game in one day - i have visited another country - i have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
my life - i have one person that i consider to be my Best Friend™ - i live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - i have at least one sibling - i live in the united states – i have hung out with a friend in the past month - i have a smart phone - i own at least 15 cds - I share my room with someone
relationships - i am in a relationship - i have a crush on a celebrity - i have a crush on someone i know - i’ve been in at least 3 relationships - i have never been in a relationship - i have admitted my feelings to a crush - i get crushes easily - i have had a crush for over a year - i have been in a relationship for over a year - i have had feelings for a friend
random - i have break-danced - i know a person named Jamie - i have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - i have dyed my hair - i’m listening to a song on repeat right now - i have punched someone in the past week - i know someone who has gone to jail - i have broken a bone - i have eaten a waffle today - i know what i want to do in life - i speak at least two languages - i have made a new friend in the past year
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greenbabyofficial · 6 years
I love this url but I miss diothesuccbrando. I still have it hoarded but Idk if I want to change it back
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jojo-appreciator · 6 years
tagged by @jootjogurt thanks for taggin me friendo
Rules: answer these 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better! (Oof that's a lot. I'll try)
Name: names are fake. Some people on the internet call me hearth tho
Nicknames: I used to be called Sandwhich boobs in high school but no one calls me that now. I sometimes use grossboy or bad taxidermy in some accounts. I think bad taxidermy might be my steam name
Zodiac sign: I'm an Aries bitch but I don't know much about astrology.
Height: 5'5" 165 cm
Orientation: bisexual
Nationality: american
Favorite fruit: how to chose just one um I love cherries and peaches. Clementines are a big fave too.
Favorite season: Autumn all the way. Beautiful trees. The cold feels new and exciting and you haven't had time to get tired of it. Hot cocoa. Apple cider. Scarves.
Favorite book: Good Omens had a really big effect on me as a child so it might be that. Coralline too is one of my favorites. I love Neil Garman.
Favorite scent: Baking bread or fresh cut lemon
Favorite color: warm greys are very nice. They make everything feel very soft.
Favorite animal: My dogs specifically! I love them so much
Coffee/tea/hot cocoa: All of them but coffee is a favorite. Especially if it's not too sweet but has chocolate or mint in it
Average hours of sleep: lately a whole lot. Like 9. It's been lovely. When I'm at school it's like 7 I hate it.
Cat or dog person: oh I love them both but I have the tiniest preference for cats. I just think they're so beautiful. But dogs are so fun and I enjoy training them!
Favorite fictional characters: 
In jjba Pucci obvs, Jolyne she's so determined, Hermes, weather report, Dio, Johnny, Gyro, Hot Pants, Yasuho!!, Liza Liza, Trish, Giorno, Bruno, Kira, Kakyoin, Rohan, vanilla Ice, oh Diego n his lil raptor hands. 
Other: I've been replaying Fallout NV and I remember how much I love Arcade and Veronica and Christine. I also really love Hancock Piper and Preston from Fo 4.
The boys from FMA have captured my heart. I love them.
Anthy and Utena I would die for them.

Number of blankets you sleep with: 3. I like to be warm.
Dream trip: I go to Joshua Tree with my sister, set up at a camp site, and stay there for a week, hiking and relaxing and rock climbing with my elegant and well trained Saluki.
Blog created: this one I made in like uh early 2017 Januaryish. To have a place to put all my Jojo stuff. My main blog I made in 2012 but wasn't active on for years.
Number of followers: oh hmm no idea. I'll check? It's 139 on this blog and my main is so old that the count is probably very wrong so it's useless really to check. Like 189 or so it says.
Random fact: my dog Jojo only has one testicle.
Alright now to tag uh I tag
@avialae @geeneelee @badcoin @glamstructed @thatdamnpipsqueak @fallen-scientist oops these are almost all people I know irl. Uh @diothesuccbrando I think we've talked some @kefnut-the-threski
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gunnerkriggs · 6 years
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here’s my ranking of a bunch of my mutuals.... i accept constructive criticism
thanks lacey for the idea
@diothesuccbrando @ysera @quow @notyourusualblog @sumetal @taptrial2 @widowgaycer
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kumiko4 · 7 years
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @michelaalu
a - age: 18 (in December I turn 19)
b - birthplace: Bucharest, Romania
c - current time: 13:33 pm
d - drink you last had: orange juice
e - easiest person to talk to: My best friend Ada; persons who are good at maintaining conversations since I’m not very good at it
f - favorite song: Sentient by Perturbator or The Wolf by SIAMÉS  \(-.-)/
g - grossest memory: I don’t recall anything atm
h - horror yes or horror no: YEEES!
i - in love? nope
j - jealous of people?: rarely, it mostly depends on my mood
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: who even believes in love at first sight???
m - middle name: Andreea 
n - number of siblings: 1, a little brother
o - one wish: to have the power to manipulate time and space
p - person you called last: my best friend
q - question you are always asked: “Why are you small?” Idk -_-
r - reason to smile: when it’s raining and everything feels more alive
s - song you sang last: Everything Now by Arcade Fire
t - time you woke up: 10 am
u - underwear colour: black
v - vacation destination: I would to go to Japan or Holland
w - worst habit: procrastinating
x - x-rays: when i broke my foot
y - your favorite food: spaghetti carbonara~
Z - zodiac sign: Sagittarius
tagging: Oh God...  @vlr0 @cherry-glitter @mouse-battery @beeknights @queenmabonthefinalizer @aleks94r @diothesuccbrando @persistentplutonium @call-me-daisy
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witchloved · 7 years
@diothesuccbrando yes
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turnways · 6 years
 I was tagged by @imaginedsoldier
1st rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better: @diothesuccbrando @gayfunghoul @unicornkin @hiboudeluxe @ousamapudding @8lackrom @lovebord @chikkou @sarcasticlesbian
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true.
appearance - i am 5'7 or taller - i wear glasses - i have at least one tattoo - i have at least one piercing - i have blonde hair- i have brown eyes - i have short hair - my abs are at least somewhat defined - i have or had braces
personality -i love meeting new people - helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - i enjoy physical challenges - i enjoy mental challenges - i am an asshole playfully rude to people i know - i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - there is something i would change about my personality
ability - i can sing well (I sing ok?) - i can play an instrument - i can do over 30 pushups without stopping - i am a fast runner - i can draw well - i have a good memory- i am good at doing math in my head - i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - i have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - i can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies - i enjoy sports - i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - i have learned a new song in the past week - i exercise at least once a week - i have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - i have drawn something in the past month - i enjoy writing - i do some form of martial arts - i enjoy knitting and embroidery and no that doesn’t sound lame
experiences - i have had my first kiss - i have had alcohol - i have scored a winning point in a sport - i have watched an entire tv series in one sitting - i have been at an overnight event - i have been in a taxi - i have been in the hospital or er in the past year - i have beaten a video game in one day - i have visited another country - i have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
my life - i have one person that i consider to be my Best Friend™ - i live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - i have at least one sibling - i live in the united states – i have hung out with a friend in the past month - i have a smart phone - i own at least 15 cds - I share my room with someone
relationships - i am in a relationship - i have a crush on a celebrity - i have a crush on someone i know - i’ve been in at least 3 relationships - i have never been in a relationship - i have admitted my feelings to a crush - i get crushes easily - i have had a crush for over a year - i have been in a relationship for over a year - i have had feelings for a friend
random - i have break-danced - i know a person named Jamie - i have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - i have dyed my hair - i’m listening to a song on repeat right now - i have punched someone in the past week - i know someone who has gone to jail - i have broken a bone - i have eaten a waffle today - i know what i want to do in life - i speak at least two languages - i have made a new friend in the past year
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