#does Dasani even use tumblr
dr-senpai13 · 1 month
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guys do you think Dasani will sponsor me
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chewyjellycable · 4 months
oooo you want to talk about dele on tumblr soo bad ooooooo
I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEVER ACTUALLY RAMBLED ABOUT THEM ON HERE OH MY GOOOD I NEED TO FIX THIS. (Edit: This is a lie I did it once and entirely forgot about it. There's a lot more info in this one, though feel free to check the other one even if there's repeat information!!)
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Anyways here's a list of things about Bredele de Cassonade I think y'all should know (with many accompanying links):
Bredele is intersex (designated AFAB though), and (kind of) identifies as Agender! They use They/He/Zem, but are fine with any other pronouns. It doesn't matter if you use masc, fem, or androgenous terms for them!!
Unlike Langue, they found their identity very easily since they really didn't care what they aligned with. It all felt silly to them. Langue would dog on them about not being "girly enough", but even then they didn't feel like a ""real girl"" (their body always functioned oddly due to being intersex), so! They're not!
They like growing their hair out and letting their facial hair grow in, but they rarely get to do that because of work. They did have longer hair in their school years before they chopped it off for the sake of their job. They let their stubble grow in when they're on vacation, though!!
Though when it comes to relationship, they CANNOT for the life of them figure out what they like. They last assigned themself to be asexual and androromantic, but even they're not sure. It's hard for them to decipher a lot of things emotionally, especially relationships with others.
They currently hold ""possible relationship interest"" in Milk, Espresso, and Cream Cheese Tea.
Their pet is called Ditzboard, who's a ditzy little thing who trip and falls and does all manner of clumsy things but never drops its documents!!
Autism. They bit things as a child and still do sometimes when under stress. They get overstimulated, they hate the sound of their own heartbeat, they have specific tastes in food and textures, they have shutdowns (and meltdowns), they don't understand social cues very well outside of what they've had to teach themself... They also do a lot to themself to make themself feel ALIVE, though I won't specify what here.
They've held an interest in doctors since they were a kid. Hell, as a kid their favorite game series was Trauma Center. Much like how Langue played Ace Attorney when they were younger. :] Both DS games!! I like to think they shared a DS as kids.
Dele also has a keen interest in blood. It may be morbid, but they love thinking about it. It's not that they'd harm anyone for it, absolutely not, but the red fluid is something they think about and it fascinated them endlessly. They'll be bleeding and think of the blood and how it will clot and what it looks like on his skin whilst treating the injury. (They also don't have many to talk about this interest in for obvious reasons.)
Despite their visual differences, Langue and Bredele do get mistaken for each other sometimes!! Dele gets flattered, Langue gets offended.
Dele is ONE inch taller than Langue, and was born moments after Langue was. The lawyer SEETHES at the fact that Dele is better in ANY capacity. Langue will take anything they can get to prove they're better than him.
Langue's jealousy runs deep. Being the louder and more emotional of the two, they're one of Dele's worst critics. They'll lie to zem, bicker with zem, but at the end of the day they're siblings and Dele wouldn't give that up for the world. Langue, however... It's hard to say if they'd truly give up much for zem.
Bredele has learned mending magic from the spare few times they've visited Parfaedia. He's not very magically gifted, so he'll take what he can get!! Besides, it's very useful for equipment (and Langue's glasses when those crack and break too much to reform quickly).
They think Dasani Bottled Water is very unhealthy compared to other types of water bottles due to the lies Langue has told him.
BACK ON THE EMOTIONAL PROCESSING. Dele cannot cry. Well, they CAN, but it's very hard for them to. They can go through the world ending and there's only a chance that they could. A lot of negative emotion just gets numbed out and they can't express it unless it just gets to be Too Much, and even then it's just. So. Difficult. At a younger age, they were called a monster for being so "emotionless".
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txdoroki · 3 years
random todo hcs
cuz i- i love todoroki oKAY i feel like i haven’t written for him (and posted it) in forever sOOOO here is todo bae headcanons that i have :)
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-he likes the type of hugs where he puts his head over yours and you kinda snuggle into him yk
-hates mcdonalds AS HE SHOULD
-probably was the papermate pens kid. always had those damn papermate pens and took the coolest notes with them
-actually. he’d also give you a side eye whenever you’d ask to borrow a pencil, but still give you one nonetheless
-had a my little pony and fnaf phase
-bonnie was his fav animatronic and fluttershy was his favorite pony
-when he cries he’s the silent scream type. his throat makes noise that’s like a plea but it’s just a painful noise instead (i have that kinda cry too)
-likes mint choc chip icecream and birthday cake icecream
-in middle school he played the trUMPET. THE TRUMPET
-rlly likes chocolate bars. get him one and he’ll love you forever and be like “thank you, y/n. much appreciated”
-thinks that the math notebook should be blue (same tho)
-used to try and sew things, but then get frustrated because he’s bad at threading needles and would freeze it
-he was the kinda kid that’d only talk to one kid and everyone thought he had “murderer vibes”
-he likes dasani brand water bottles
-his favorite animal to see at the zoo was the zebra because he’d think they were graceful
-so. fucking. touch starved. someone give this man a hug. ACTUALLY NO IM GIVING HIM A HUG NOT YOU
-hates stickers. no reason why just does
-i feel like if he was on 2012 tumblr, he’d be the kinda “i’m a derpy potato. have no fear🐙” kinda person- yk what i mean?
-likes seeing you in his clothes. finds it even cuter when you hold your sleeve up to your face because it smells like him
-ceo of forehead kisses
-i feel like he’d collect rocks growing up
-favorite subject- history because he likes hearing about how society was before quirks were regulated and such
-whenever you’re sick, he lowkey wears a mask, but still cuddles with you cause he isnt letting a COLD stop him from giving his partner some love
-eats croutons out of the bag (nah cuz same)
-wanted to do ice hockey for a while, but never got the chance. takes you on dates to watch hockey games tho :)
-scared of paranormal stuff but pretends it doesnt exist because he’s so freaked out by it
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