#dojoon fanfic
exouniverse · 1 month
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Happy Mistake - Moodboard • Dojoon x gn!reader
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saturnnelahy · 5 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒓
𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴: 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘵4 𝘹 𝘺𝘰𝘶
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(Masterlist here)
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shykpop · 5 months
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The rose icons
Like or reblog, If you/use
Credits always welcome
Ask is open
psd: @colour-source
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tafeekafee · 2 months
🌹🤍 I got you, you got me, nothin' in the way (Part 2/2)
Title from You're beautiful (The Rose)
Part 1: I got you, you got me, nothin' in the way I
Summary: Woosung falls during the preparation for their tour and injures his foot badly. Waiting at the hospital takes much longer than he can endure.
CW: emeto, hospitals, injuries, IVs
Whumpee: Woosung Caretakers: Dojoon + Hajoon + Jaehyeong
Jaehyeong couldn’t take the pain in Woosung’s eyes anymore. The leader’s face was pinched, whole complexion washed out. They all pretended not to hear the pain-filled exhales whenever Woosung accidentally brushed his foot against Dojoon or moved any way. The shivering hadn’t stopped and he knew it was not only the cold but also shock that had Woosung so out of sorts. Holding his hand, Jaehyeong had felt the rapid heartbeat and the clammy, cold skin. The leader kept rejecting any offers of drinks, admitting to still feeling nauseous.
“That’s it”, Jaehyeong said after another painfilled breath, letting go of Woosung’s hand and getting up, “I’ll go see if I find somebody who can give him some pain medication.”
The others looked up at him. Hajoon nodded, looking relieved. Jaehyeong knew that while he was hiding his anxiety well enough, Hajoon was deeply worried. Inside his sometimes scary resting face and broad built there was an incredibly soft person. Dojoon reached out to rest a hand on Jaehyeong’s arm.
“Be safe.”
Woosung kept quiet, his face buried against Hajoon’s stomach.
Outside of the room, Jaehyeong made his way to the entrance area. The ER was full to the brim and his heart sank. Surely this meant a lot of waiting for them. He approached the line to the front desk and prayed they would soon move forward. Despite his hopes it took nearly twenty minutes until he was able to speak to the stressed nurse.
“I wanted to ask for my friend, you know the guy with the injured ankle”, Jaehyeong said and gestured into the direction of where the room was. “I know there is a lot going on here but is it possible for him to at least receive pain medication?”
“I’m very sorry, I really am. But no doctor’s are available and we can’t just give him meds.”
Jaehyeong sighed, having feared that. “Can we at least have a blanket? He is shivering. He might be experiencing shock.”
The nurse nodded. “That is possible. Hold on, we have blankets in the back.” She disappeared into the room behind her and came back with one of the typical, thin hospital blankets. It would have to be enough.
“Thank you”, he said gratefully.
“If you want to, follow that hallway and you will find the cafeteria. You could buy him some warm tea if you want. Remember to keep his feet elevated.”
“Yes, thank you.”
He hurried down the way she had pointed and indeed there was a small bistro. He stepped up and ordered three coffees and a green tea. The three of them would need all the energy they could get and maybe tea was a bit more desirable than the overly sweet sprite to Woosung’s queasy stomach. He received a tray and quickly made his way back, carefully balancing everything.
Pushing open the door to the waiting room was a bit difficult but he managed. Jaehyeong placed the tray on the small shelf, hoping it would not tip over, and handed Hajoon the blanket. The older spread it over Woosung’s body with Dojoon’s help.
“Thank you”, Woosung whispered.
“Don’t worry about it”, Jaehyeong said, “I brought some tea. You can try some if you like, when it’s drinking temperature.” Woosung shrugged.
After passing around the cups to the others and grabbing his own, Jaehyeong sank down into his original position on the chair. This time, instead of holding Woosung’s hand, he sneaked his hand under the blanket and rested his hand against Woosung’s stomach, hoping the warmth would help the nausea.
He knew it stemmed from pain, shock and anxiety not sickness but maybe it would bring comfort anyhow.
“Ah-hah!”, Dojoon exclaimed, holding up his phone. He had luckily taken his phone charger with him and had let it charge the past hour so they could watch movies or whatever when it was full. His screen that he turned to show them now displayed sixty-two percent, enough to not die while watching something.
“What are we watching?”, Hajoon asked.
“What about Idol Radio?”, Dojoon suggested, “then anybody who can’t see the screen can still listen. Here you go.” He handed the phone over to Jaehyeong who tried to position himself in a way that they all could see.
“Oh, it’s ATEEZ”, Hajoon said happily, peering at the screen. Even Woosung had perked up a bit, shifting so he could see the screen. Nothing like a show to distract yourself. “You can turn it to the others”, Dojoon said, absently rubbing Woosung’s leg, “I’m content to just listen.”
They were nearing the end of the show and Woosung had nearly fallen asleep, when there was a knock on the door and a young doctor entered. Jaehyeong sighed in relief. Finally.
“Good afternoon”, she greeted, very straight-forward, “my name is Kim Ha Rin, I am your doctor today. I heard you injured your foot?”
Woosung blinked, dazed, and nodded, shifting upright to look up at her with Hajoon’s help. Jaehyeong stood up to offer the doctor the chair and moved to stand beside Hajoon.
“How did that happen?”, she asked. Hajoon retold the story while the doctor grabbed some gloves and moved to sit by Woosung’s foot. Dojoon got up carefully and gently placed Woosung’s foot into her waiting hands.
“Alright, that foot does not look good at all, Woosung-ssi”, the doctor said. Jaehyeong internally rolled his eyes. He knew it wasn’t her fault that the ER was swamped and they were bored and annoyed but anybody could have told them that.
“I’m going to feel around and try to move your ankle to see how much range of motion is left. It will help me determine what may be wrong. Tell me to stop if it gets too bad.”
Woosung nodded, face paling, and reached out to take Hajoon’s hand again. The drummer was sitting behind him, holding him tightly. Looking at them, Jaehyeong couldn’t help but feel a bit … superfluous? He didn’t want to crowd Woosung but just standing there felt even worse. As if he sensed his inner struggle, Dojoon wrapped an arm around him.
Woosung looked at the doctor holding his foot. It hurt, badly. Not even Hajoon’s warm embrace or the feeling of his rough hand in his soothed the pain. He hadn’t known it was possible but the swelling and bruising was even worse than it had been all those hours ago in the training room.
Rationally Woosung knew that the doctor was being careful, he really knew that. But they way she moved it around was excruciating. Seeing the injured limb being moved around and combined with the pain made the previous queasiness turn into full-blown nausea.
“I don’t feel good”, he panted, in what seemed to be a repeat of earlier that day.
“No, Woosung, don’t look”, Hajoon said behind him, gripping his hand tighter “you know better, we don’t need you to faint again.”
Maybe it was morbid fascination, maybe something else, but Woosung couldn’t tear his gaze away from the injury.
“I’m going to be sick”, Woosung whispered, gagging against the hand he managed to place against his mouth just in time. Not caring that he was in the danger zone, Jaehyeong reached across them to grab the forgotten emesis basis and held it under Woosung’s chin.
“It’s okay, hyung”, the maknae comforted, “if you need to throw up, let it happen. You’ll feel better after.”
Woosung gagged again, this time feeling bile rise in his throat. Jaehyeong held the kidney dish with one hand and used the other to brush Woosung’s hair away from his face. “It’s okay”, he repeated.
With a weak retch Woosung leaned forward and opened his lips. The few sips of tea that Dojoon had made him drink came up, bitterly burning against his throat. He gasped for breath, choking a bit. Hajoon patted his back prompting a cough and Woosung gagged up a mouthful of sick before it turned into unpleasant dry-heaving. Nothing else beside the bit of liquid came up though Woosung kept leaning over the kidney dish just in case.
“Deep breath, Sammy”, Dojoon comforted from somewhere behind him.
“Can I take this away?”, the doctor asked sympathetically, gesturing at the cardboard. Apathetically, Woosung nodded. He was so exhausted, his vision swimming slightly. He leaned his head back against Hajoon’s shoulder, closing his eyes.
The doctor addressed them. “Woosung-ssi, I believe you likely tore a ligament in your ankle. However, just to be sure, we need to take an MRI so we can rule out anything else. Are you okay with that?”
Woosung felt like he was going to cry. He just wanted medication and go home and sleep in his bed. For at least twelve hours straight. Waiting any longer sounded like torture.
“Can he at least have pain medication and maybe something for the nausea now?”, Dojoon asked, to the untrained ear probably sounding polite but Woosung could hear the irritation in his voice.
“Yes, of course. I’ll put in a line and he can have fluids, pain medication and an anti-emetic as soon as it’s secure.”
“Thank you”, Jaehyeong said, placing a calming hand on Dojoon’s arm.
“Okay, let’s see”, the doctor said and sprayed disinfectant on Woosung’s hand, manipulating it to get a view of his veins. “You’re really dehydrated but I think I feel a vein. I can’t see it but it’s there. Alright, small pinch.”
Woosung gripped Dojoon’s hand tightly, panting in pain. He had closed his hand the moment the doctor had arrived with the set. He hated needles and a small needle should not hurt like this. Still, it did. At least it momentarily overruled the pain in his ankle.
“I’m sorry, but the vein seems to be too small”, the doctor apologized. “I will have to try again.”
Hajoon huffed and Woosung understood the sentiment. He was annoyed too, deep down, but mostly he was just tired. He nodded at her.
“Pump your fist, exactly like that”, she advised. Moving his hand from flat to a fist was not nice, the torn skin in his arms pulling.
Yet he knew if she succeeded the pain would finally get better.
“Okay, second try”, the doctor warned. Woosung hissed but then the needle was in. “Let’s see. It’s in but the blood is not flowing. Let me move it around a bit.” Fuck, that hurt.
And for nothing.
“I’m sorry, Woosung-ssi. You’re really dehydrated. That makes my job really hard right now.”
Woosung just nodded, ignoring the tears behind his eyes. “I always had bad veins”, he choked out. Damn, the tears started falling in earnest then. Gently somebody wiped them off with their thumb. Woosung opened his eyes to look at Dojoon, who smiled softly.
“You got this, Sung-ah”, he promised. Woosung did not want to have it. He wanted to be pain free. Pronto. Without a needle or a torn ligament or whatever.
“Let’s try again. And, yes. I got it! I’ll connect the fluids and the medication now. Tell somebody if you feel weird or anything. I’m very sorry, again. See you for the MRI.”
Without further ado the doctor left.
They had to wait for the MRI for nearly another two hours. Dojoon felt really bad for poor Woosung. He knew the leader had been under a lot of stress and his resources had nearly been used up before today. Now, after hours of pain it wasn’t hard to tell that Woosung was emotionally and physically done for. At least the meds helped.
Dojoon had traded places with Jaehyeong (Hajoon unwilling to give up being the pillow) and if he hadn’t felt his heartbeat pulsing in his wrist and heard his unregular breathing he would have assumed Woosung was deeply asleep. The leader’s head was turned against Hajoon’s stomach again, basically hiding from the world. He seemed painfully young like this.
Occasionally it seemed like Woosung fell asleep but he was never able to rest for long. The IV with the pain medication and the anti-emetic were irritating him, Dojoon could tell from the way he held his hand very stiffly and tried not to move it. The leader really wasn’t good at being sick.
Jaehyeong, meanwhile, was playing on his phone, seeking distraction. Hajoon was still holding onto Woosung, trying to comfort him by rubbing circles on his back. There was a guilty look on his face that Dojoon didn’t like at all.
“What’s up with you?”, Dojoon finally asked when Hajoon kept looking up at the ceiling as if trying not to cry. The second oldest was astonished that Woosung hadn’t cried more than he already head but he couldn’t figure out why Hajoon looked like he might.
“Huh?”, Jaehyeong asked, his gaze never moving from his screen.
“Not you”, Dojoon said, “I was asking Dylan.”
“It’s nothing, Leo”, Hajoon replied, though his voice quivered.
“Yeah, sure”, Dojoon said, his tone slightly mocking. He hoped that teasing would make Hajoon a bit more comfortable than the weird tenseness that was in the air. “Spill, kiddo.”
“I’m not a kid”, Hajoon complained, “Jaehyeong is.”
“It’s three months”, Jaehyeong whined.
“You’re kiddo”, Dojoon decided, “Jeff is baby.”
“Hey!” The baby finally looked up from his phone to glare at Dojoon, who grinned at him. Already it felt a bit more light-hearted in the room.
“Well, what are you then?”, Hajoon asked, “what is Sammy?”
“Don’t you dare”, Woosung muttered, apparently not as asleep as they had assumed.
“I’m normal. Sammy is a fossil”, Dojoon announced after a second of thought.
“I hate you, Leo”, Woosung grumbled.
“Yeah, I love you too, old man. But now that we got this out of the way, I want to repeat myself: ‘What’s up with you, Joon-ah?’”, Dojoon asked, his voice turning concerned. “And don’t deflect.”
Woosung turned a bit to look up at Hajoon, his eyes wide and adorable and his hair completely messed up from laying down. Jaehyeong put his phone away, watching with interest.
“It’s …”, Hajoon started and sighed. “I was watching you dance from behind earlier, right? If I had seen that the cable had wrapped itself around hyung’s foot just a second earlier, all of this could have been avoided. I’m very sorry, Woosung-ssi.” He looked back up at the ceiling, blinking away tears.
“This is the stupidest thing I have heard today and I have not forgotten the train jokes”, Dojoon replied, shocked by the revelation but knowing that Hajoon would appreciate a more teasing approach to the conversation instead of raw emotion. Jaehyeong nodded, reaching over to pat Hajoon’s arm. “If we went with this logic, shouldn’t Woosung have not danced today? It’s his fault for moving around, isn’t it? Or maybe, I am to blame too, after all I brought the microphone?”
“What? No!”, Hajoon countered, staring at Dojoon with wide eyes, “that’s not what I was trying to imply at all!”
“We know that”, Jaehyeong comforted, “but Dojoon-hyung is right. It was a stupid accident, nobody was at fault.”
Woosung lifted his hand to tenderly brush away the desperate tears that fell down Hajoon’s face. “Joon-ah, hyung isn’t mad at you”, he said quietly, his voice a bit husky, “things like that happen. It’s probably just a torn ligament, you heard the doctor. Nothing really bad happened and you are not at fault for anything.”
Hajoon nodded jerkily, wiping at his eyes with his sleeves, looking adorable in Dojoon’s personal opinion.
Just as they had settled back down, a nurse entered the room, pushing a wheelchair. “The MRI is ready for you. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait much longer. Once the results are in, you can go home.” 
She disconnected the IV bags that had been empty for some time. Nobody had come to disconnect them even after Dojoon had gone to ask. They were too busy.
“Thank you”, Woosung said and transferred to the wheelchair with Hajoon’s and Dojoon’s help, while Jaehyeong stabilised his foot.
“You can wait here”, the nurse addressed them and then vanished with Woosung.
Woosung was returned to them forty-five minutes later, looking completely knocked out. He was accompanied by the doctor from before who directly announced: “As I already guessed, Woosung-ssi tore a ligament in his ankle. It’s a grade 3 tear, so it will take some time to heal, however. You can bring him to the car using the wheelchair and we’ll give you some crutches to use at home. For the first days he should use an elastic bandage until the swelling is a bit better and once he is able to put some weight on the foot you should go to a orthopaedic doctor and get a walking brace fitted. It will take a few months until you are truly able to walk again on that foot, Woosung-ssi. In the mean time avoid walking, keep your foot elevated as much as possible and stay away from cables. You can take over the counter medication to help with the pain.”
“Thank you, seonsaeng-nim”, Dojoon said, grateful the waiting had an end. The doctor left with a wave and Dojoon knelt down so he could look up at the leader.
“Let’s get you home, Sammy.”
Notes: I once had doctors try fifteen times to get blood drawn - fifteen fucking times and nobody was there to hold my hand:( Not fun times... but yeah, just getting an IV line can suck when you are dehydrated. I just had to add a scene about that:)
Masterlist links: Tafee - Full Masterlist Tafee's Masterlist - The Rose
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shibuinni3 · 8 months
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Almas Gêmeas Platônicas
10/10/23; Capa para uso pessoal.
Kim Woosung e Park Dojoon, The Rose.
Link; ☁️
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key201303 · 4 months
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Welcome to this year's Saint Valentine's special series. It will contain 4 different scenarios where The Rose members will ask you to marry them 💕
Also if you want you can request your short scenario with your favorite idol/actor from my MASTERLIST. You're free to request any scenario that comes up to your mind 💕 You'll be able to request from today until Feb 14th
Happy Valentine's day! 💕 And if you don't have anybody that gift you chocolates, gift them yourself and show some love to your self, you deserve it 💕
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Luck transfer - drabbles
Park Dojoon X reader (The Rose)
You can imagine any other idol too, its very generic to idols. Also, Hes so cute, look! Im in love. (Masterlist pinned)
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You had just woken up from sleep, but you chose to keep your eyes closed and try to go back to bed. You turn to get a little more comfortable to go back to bed. You pat the bed next to you and confusion takes over. Dojoon is supposed to be there. You open your eyes to an empty bed.
It had become habitual to stay over at his in the weekends. You liked having him around all the time, it was less lonely than going back to an empty house.
“Where’d he go?” You mutter to yourself.
You sit up looking at the time and yawn. It was 4:37AM. You groan. Why’d you wake up so early? You end up wandering into the living room and hear a soft tune of the keyboard.
You see his back towards you playing the keyboard in his sleeveless white tank he usually wears to bed. He had a concert tomorrow and you recall him saying it was important and he was a little nervous about messing up this new song they recently released.
You walk over to his keyboard bench to sit next to him. You end up straddling the bench and sitting facing his side. You leave a soft trail of kisses on his shoulder and rest your head there, hugging his torso.
“Why are you up?” He asks and tilts his head to rest on yours while his fingers still play.
“You weren’t there when I turned” you pout a little without realising.
He chuckles and you could feel his body moving under you. He stops playing and uses one of his hands to cup your face. “Why are you this cute, since when?”
This pasted a big smile on your face. “Since forever” you respond looking up at him from his shoulder. You snuggle closer.
“Are you nervous about the concert?”
“A little bit, I keep messing up the chorus” he says as his hands go back to his keyboard.
“You’ll be fine, I’ll transfer some of my luck to you”, you say and move your body upward to reach his cheek to kiss it. “Here” you giggle sitting back down.
He takes his hands completely off the keyboard and turns to you.
“I think I need a lot more luck than that” demanding more kisses.
You blush. Its been 2 years and he still makes you blush like you’ve held hands for the first time. You’re so head over heels for him.
His hands had already sneaked by your waist by the time you finished the thought. He had pulled you a lot closer if that was even a possibility. His one hand on your cheek that covered your whole face. You held that hand of his before you feel his lips on yours.
Your other hand snaked up his neck to play with the back of his head and to pull his face more closer. He was so soft and gentle with you, you could melt. He made you go all jelly without the work out.
He slowly pulled away and you take a breath resting his forehead on yours.
“Move in with me” you heard him say softly.
“Lets live together, here, so I can come home to you” he almost whispers, that was enough because he was that close to you. You heard him loud and clear.
You were flustered because you wanted to for a while now. Thats why you’d come over every weekend because you hated going back to an empty apartment, it made you feel so alone.
He notices the small smile that creeps up your face realising its a yes.
You nod smiling brightly at him. “I’d love that”
He kisses you with a lot more force this time. He was happy you said yes. You were happy he asked.
You stand up the second you pull away. “Let’s go sleep a little more please?” You hold out your hand for him to take it. You glance the clock in his living room - in YOUR living room. You smile at the thought.
He takes your hand but suddenly you’re upside down. He had put you over his shoulder, you held on to his torso for dear life, you know he won’t drop you.
“This luck transfer you speak of, I definitely need more of it” he says walking towards the bedroom with you over his shoulder.
You blush, you know exactly what he means.
“Its 5am in the morning!” you squeal giggling, blood had all rushed to your face not sure if it was what he said or this upside down position you were in.
“Its a Saturday”
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producerguk · 11 months
hiii. i used to post some of my writing here, but i had to take a long break for study related reasons. now, i finally have the chance to come back as a writer and i couldn’t be more excited.
i'm currently working on a the rose fanfic, with the main pairing being woosung and dojoon. I'll drop some spoiler soon, hopefully.
i just want to say that requests are currently open. i'll write for any k-idols or k-actors/k-actresses you may like. khh too (i have a long list of dpr plot bunnies, beware). self insert reader or pairing, feel free to contact me if you have any request <3
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tafeekafee · 2 months
🌹🤍 I got you, you got me, nothin' in the way (Part 1/2)
Title from You're beautiful (The Rose)
Summary: Woosung falls during the preparation for their tour and injures his foot badly. Waiting at the hospital takes much longer than he can endure. Link to Part 2 below.
CW: injury, fainting, hospitals, nausea
Whumpee: Woosung Caretakers: Dojoon + Hajoon + Jaehyeong
„Why the fuck aren’t you fucking working?“, Woosung grumbled, staring down at the microphone in his hand as if it personally had offended him. Well, it might as well have, Hajoon mused. The leader had no patience for haywire technology.
Their band practice was supposed to have started ten minutes ago but since the microphone wasn’t working and none of them had a degree in electronics they were stumped.
“Did you check the batteries?”, Jaehyeong asked cheekily. The maknae in him loved teasing his hyung.
“No, I’ve just been looking at it for the past … yes, I have checked the fucking batteries. I’m not an idiot, Jeff”, Woosung replied, annoyed.
Safe behind his drums, Hajoon watched as Jaehyeong approached Woosung to “help”. Dojoon had disappeared a few minutes ago in search of somebody who actually knew what they were doing.
“Did you try turning it off and on again?”, Hajoon asked, knowing very well that Woosung had done so. Twice. But riling Woosung up was fun, he had to agree with Jaehyeong.
“I’ll fucking turn you off and on again”, Woosung threatened, eyes glistening with mild anger. Hajoon knew he was just frustrated, so he just stuck his tongue out at him. Four fucks in three sentences – respect. Woosung really was not having it.
“Maknaes”, Woosung muttered under his breath just as Dojoon entered the room again, carrying a new mic in his hand. Well, a mic that they would have to connect via cable to the speakers. Woosung would not be happy.
Hajoon was right. Bingo.
“Today is just getting better and better”, Woosung commented but he knew there was no other option if they actually wanted to practice today.
“The mighty Woosung defeated by a microphone. Sad”, Jaehyeong grinned and ducked as the leader threw his guitar pick at him.
Hajoon and Jaehyeong burst out laughing at the face of realization and regret that Woosung sported right away. Finding a guitar pick was not the easiest task.
“Ah fuck”, Woosung just said and resigned himself to the search. Five – wow. In the meantime Dojoon had connected the microphone to the speakers and now looked up at the snickering youngers and the annoyed leader.
“Well, if you are done squabbling, kids, we can start”, the second oldest suggested.
Calm overcame the group as they took a minute to adjust themselves, then they started with their first song. Practice went well and Hajoon was glad to see Woosung relax a bit. He knew the leader was stressed by the upcoming tour preparations, a reason why he got so frustrated by the minor inconvenience.
In their preparations for the shows Woosung and Dojoon walked, jumped and danced around the room, wanting to build up enough stamina again to entertain and not get out of breath at the same time.
In retrospect, they probably shouldn’t have tried that today. They were in the middle of playing ‘RED’ when Hajoon noticed it. Woosung was not used to using a microphone with a cable and it had created a treacherous loop around the leader’s right foot.
Immediately stopping his playing, Hajoon yelled out: “Woosung, watch out!”
But it was too a second too late. Woosung made to jump again and the cable wrapped itself tighter around his ankle.
Everything happened too fast to stop it. The microphone was ripped out of Woosung’s hand, the last note it transmitted being a confused yelp by the leader. Then he came crashing down on the floor and stayed there. The microphone connected with the ground and the sound was nearly deafening.
Nevertheless, Hajoon wasted no time. He dropped his drumsticks, not caring that they clattered to the ground as well. He was the first one by Woosung’s side, Jaehyeong and Dojoon still frozen in confusion.
The drummer knelt down next to the leader and placed a gentle hand on his back. “Hyung?”, he asked, not masking the fear and panic in his voice. Woosung might have really injured himself by the fall though Hajoon wasn’t sure if he had hit his head or had other bad injuries. Maybe he was just winded.
At least he hadn’t been using his guitar at the time. Falling onto the instrument would have hurt a lot and they all knew how much Woosung loved his instrument. He would have hated accidentally breaking it. Small mercies.
Woosung groaned and turned onto his back, eyes watering as he stared up at Hajoon. “What happened?”, he asked, voice tight. There were lines of pain etched onto his face.
“The cable had wrapped itself around your ankle. I’m sorry I noticed too late, hyung”, Hajoon said quickly, taking his hyung’s hand in his, “are you injured? Did you hit your head? No, stay down for a moment.”
Jaehyeong and Dojoon had unfrozen and quickly put their own guitars away. Jaehyeong knelt down on Woosung’s other side while Dojoon was at his head.
“I don’t think I hit my head”, Woosung said quietly, biting his lip and taking a deep breath, “but my ankle hurts. My arms, too.”
“Can we look them over?”, Jaehyeong asked gently and Woosung nodded, still a bit dazed. Dojoon adjusted himself so he was able to lift Woosung’s head in his lap, stroking his hair.
Jaehyeong scooted down to Woosung’s feet, carefully untangling the cable. None of them missed the hiss of pain Woosung didn’t even try to stop. Hajoon pulled up the leaders sleeves, wincing at the already bruising skin and the few patches of open and slightly bleeding skin on his forearms. So Woosung probably really hadn’t hit his head, having caught himself on his arms. Though Hajoon didn’t doubt that the pain in his arms and ankle was bad, combined with the shock of suddenly falling. After all, one minute he had been singing and the next he was hurt on the ground.
Woosung winced as Jaehyeong took his foot in his hands, lifting it carefully to unwrap the cable. Why did he have to jump around? This accident was so stupid. He should have known better, been more careful. As Hajoon lifted his shirt sleeves he inhaled sharply as the open skin was exposed to the air. He looked up at Dojoon, who was smiling down at him with a compassionate expression.
“We got you, Woosung, don’t worry”, he said, rubbing his shoulder.
The comfort he felt by the simple gesture was drowned out by the pain in his foot as soon as Jaehyeong even touched the shoe. He lifted his head to look at the maknae who was sporting a sorry expression.
“I’m so sorry, hyung, but we need to look at your ankle to see how bad it is”, he said apologetically. Woosung nodded and let his head fall back onto Dojoon’s lap. The keyboardist ran his fingers through Woosung’s hair, the gesture distracting him a bit from the pain.
Yet, as Jaehyeong tried to take off his shoe Woosung couldn’t help the whimper that escaped as pain exploded in his foot. “Stop”, he gasped, “stop.”
Immediately Jaehyeong froze in his movements, just holding onto Woosung’s calf with a soft grip. “I’m sorry, hyung”, he repeated apologetically.
Woosung tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down. But he couldn’t deny how badly his ankle was throbbing. He didn’t know if it was just bruised or maybe broken, maybe a torn ligament. No matter what, shortly before a tour it was bad no matter what.
Hajoon suddenly leaned into his field of vision. “Let me bandage your arms, hyung. Then we’ll take your shoe off to hopefully help the pain a bit and then I think a trip to the hospital is in order”, he said. Woosung felt Dojoon nod behind him.
“Okay”, he whispered and tried to keep the tears in. Dojoon kept stroking his hair, whispering calm reassurance into his ear as Hajoon, who he apparently hadn’t notice leave before, sprayed disinfectant on the wounds and wrapped his arms.
“Do you want to sit up?”, Dojoon asked once Hajoon was done and Woosung nodded. Lying down was disorienting. But he couldn’t push himself up with his injured arms, especially since the leg Jaehyeong was still holding up forced his balance backwards. Hajoon and Dojoon helped him sit up and as soon as he was upright, Dojoon wrapped his arms around Woosung’s chest, hugging him from behind.
“I’ll be as careful as I can be”, Jaehyeong assured him. Woosung nodded.
Hajoon took one of Woosung’s hand in his own. “Squeeze as tightly as you need to, hyung. I’m far stronger than you, you won’t hurt me.”
On any other occasion Woosung would have argued just on principle but right now he was glad for his dongsaeng’s grip strength that came from years of playing drums. Hajoon didn’t seem to care at all, no matter how hard Woosung pressed as he tried to fight the pain. Sweat was pouring down his face and he had closed his eyes to focus on breathing.
Finally, Jaehyeong had gotten the sock off and slowly the nauseating pain ebbed away until it was just a steady throb. Dojoon still held him tightly and Hajoon had not yet let go of his hand.
Slowly Woosung blinked his eyes open and followed the others’ line of sight. His foot was already bruised badly, the skin turning a deep purple. The ankle had swollen so much it barely looked like a foot anymore.
Woosung felt sick, staring at the injury. His vision started to turn black as his throat went dry. He had never been good with seeing injuries, something about the alien look grossing him out. No wonder his stomach and head felt weird. Woosung wasn’t sure if he was about to faint or throw up.
“I don’t feel good”, he whispered, voice barely a whisper. Hajoon’s and Jaehyeong’s head jerked up from staring down at the injury to his face. They wavered in his line of sight and were there two Jaehyeongs?
He gagged slightly.
“He’s going to faint, get him down”, Jaehyeong called and but Woosung already felt himself sink against Dojoon shoulder’s. Then everything was black.
“Hyung? Hyung?” An annoying voice woke Woosung and he slowly blinked his eyes open to stare right at a terrified-looking Hajoon. “Thank God, hyung, you scared us. Don’t pass out again!”
“What?”, Woosung asked, his head too fuzzy to make sense of the words. He lifted his head to look at his surroundings but was urgently pushed back into Dojoon’s arms.
“We are not trying that again, Woosung-ah”, Hajoon said sternly, “passing out once is bad enough.”
“I didn’t pass out”, Woosung replied petulantly, still not sure what was going on. There was a cold sensation on his foot that he couldn’t place.
“Yeah, sure”, Hajoon snorted. “Take a few sips of water.”
The younger held out a bottle and Woosung managed to drink a few sips lying down. The pounding in his head reduced but it was quickly replaced by the pain in his ankle.
Right. Practice. Falling. Pain. Injury.
Maybe he had really passed out, not that he would ever admit that. He pushed the bottle away, his arm stiff from the bandage and the pain flaring up with the movement. But he was still nauseous and he wasn’t sure if any more water would stay down. Hajoon took the bottle away, apparently satisfied with the amount he had drunk.
“We didn’t call the manager yet, we thought you might want a bit privacy at the moment. We can tell him later. For now let’s get you checked out”, Dojoon explained.
“I don’t want Black Rose to see me like this”, Woosung said, only half-joking. He really didn’t want any fans to see him right now, helpless and depending on his members.
“Checked out by a doctor. A doctor!”, Dojoon replied, exasperated, “Oh my God, get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Let us be happy he can still twist our words into dirty puns”, Jaehyeong added with a laugh.
“If this was the worst thing I heard him say today, I would be happy”, Hajoon said, “come on up, Hajoon-train on your beck and call.”
“Shouldn’t it be Ha-choo-n-train?”, Jaehyeong mused. Hajoon raised his eyebrows. “You know, choo-choo, the sound a train makes?”, the maknae added weakly.
“Oh, Jaehyeong, that is the worst pun I’ve heard in my life”, Dojoon groaned, “and I live with Hajoon.”
“Oh, shut up, Do-choo-n”, Hajoon said, his eyes glistening with mirth, ignoring the small “we all do” from Jaehyeong. Woosung couldn’t suppress a chuckle. While Hajoon’s jokes often were really bad Woosung did enjoy seeing the younger member enjoy them. Besides, at the moment it distracted him from the pain, so win-win.
Woosung couldn’t help but add onto the joke: “Shouldn’t it be back and call?”
They all burst into laughter again. Dojoon whined: “Why? Why are the three worst puns of today not from Hajoon? I thought better of you two!”
“I hate you all”, Hajoon groaned, not happy anymore to be the butt of the joke, “can we go now, please?”
All the happiness and laughter vanished the moment Hajoon and Jaehyeong tried to lift Woosung to his feet – or foot. Due to the injuries on his arms he couldn’t help but yelp when he moved to wrap his arms around their necks. The two had crouched down on either side of him but they quickly realized that this was not the way they would get the leader up.
In the end he had to hold onto Hajoon’s shoulder tightly while the younger held onto his knees. It was beyond embarrassing how Jaehyeong and Dojoon practically had to lift his weight onto Hajoon’s back and then had to help the drummer up from his kneeling position.
“Are you good to go?”, Dojoon asked, resting a hand on Woosung’s waist for added stability and pressing an ice pack against his ankle at the same time, while Jaehyeong quickly gathered their bags and Woosung’s discarded sock and shoe.
Woosung nodded at the question. He was nauseous again from the pain, his ankle throbbing in beat with his heart. He didn’t feel ready, knowing no matter how careful Hajoon was it would hurt. But a hospital with medication sounded better and better.
Sadly, Woosung was right. The short walk to Jaehyeong’s car was torture. Each step send of jolt of pain up from his ankle to his whole leg. Woosung pressed his forehead against the younger’s shoulder and just tried to breathe.
Woosung was set down in the backseat, his leg stretched out and foot resting in Dojoon’s lap. Jaehyeong drove and Hajoon was in front of Woosung in the passenger seat. At least they had barely met any staff so the humiliation of being seen like this was not as bad as it could have been.
Once at the hospital Woosung was lifted onto Jaehyeong’s back and he held onto him for dear life. Why was the maknae so tall? Dojoon walked beside them and pulled the hood of Hajoon’s hoodie over his face. The younger had lend it to him the moment he started shivering from the cold of the ice pack.
Hajoon held open the door for them as Jaehyeong carried Woosung inside but stayed behind them, letting Dojoon take the lead. None of them really had hospital experience, especially not at the one they were at, but they were surprised by the sheer amount of people sitting in the waiting area.
Dojoon, looking more confident than Woosung assumed he felt, approached the stressed looking nurse at the front desk, Jaehyeong with Woosung and Hajoon waiting a few steps back.
“My friend injured his foot during a fall”, Dojoon explained, gesturing at Woosung.
The nurse looked up at Woosung and he felt himself flush under the scrutinising gaze. He waved awkwardly and winced the next second. Urgh.
“Is he hurt somewhere else?”, she asked.
“His arms are a bit bruised and were bleeding but we got that fixed. We’re just worried he broke his ankle”, Dojoon replied.
“You’ll have to wait”, the nurse said, her tone sorry, “there was just a big car crash, most of the victims are being transferred here. He really isn’t a priority for us at the moment, I’m sorry. One of you can stay here and wait with him but expect something around five hours at least.”
Woosung looked around, feeling uneasy. There were a lot of people and he really didn’t want a picture of himself like this land on the internet. As their popularity grew the chance of getting recognized also grew. Anybody could be waiting for the right time for a picture to get a moment of fame on the internet.
“Would you recommend going to a different hospital?”, Dojoon asked, just as unhappy with the information as Woosung was. Hajoon placed a comforting hand on Woosung’s back, probably as anxious as Woosung felt. Jaehyeong shifted uncomfortably, causing Woosung to groan. “Sorry, hyung”, he whispered. Woosung just patted the younger’s shoulder.
The nurse shook her head. “No, the closer hospitals will be as swarmed as us and further away you will probably have problems as the highway is closed in both directions.”
Dojoon nodded thoughtfully then leaned closer and whispered to the nurse, who looked between him and Woosung.
“I’ll have somebody bring you to an empty waiting room immediately”, she said, “you’ll still have to wait but you’ll be alone in there.” Ah, so Dojoon had pulled the ‘K-Pop idol card’. Woosung could kiss him right about now though he normally disliked using it as a way to get better service.
The woman handed Dojoon a stack of papers, then she flagged down a different nurse and whispered with her for a few minutes. The other nurse seemed less than pleased but waved at them to follow her. They were led into a small room which barely fit the gurney-bed and the lone chair it held.
“You can wait here”, she said and turned to leave.
“Wait”, Hajoon spoke up, obviously struggling against his dislike to talk to strangers, “isn’t there anything you can do to help his pain at least?”
“No”, the nurse replied shortly, the door falling shut in her leave.
“Wow”, Dojoon mumbled and pulled Hajoon into a comforting side-hug as the younger looked a mix of confused and hurt. “That was … rude.”
“Can I just lay down?”, Woosung asked quietly, trying to brush away the dark cloud that hung over their heads but also really wanting to be horizontal again. The ice pack was slowly turning warm and useless, the pain unfreezing along with it.
“Yes, of course”, Jaehyeong said. They had to manoeuvre a bit in the small space but soon Woosung was set down on the edge of the gurney and Dojoon helped him lean back so he was lying on his back. Woosung exhaled deeply, happy to not having to told himself up anymore.
Hajoon sat down at the headrest of the bed and Woosung placed his head in his lap, enjoying the way the younger started playing with his hair. Dojoon lifted his feet into his lap, plopping himself down at the footrest, feeling the ice pack and discarding it.
“I’ll go see if I can find a new one”, Jaehyeong said and left the room.
“How are you feeling now, Sammy?”, Dojoon asked gently.
“Bad. My ankle really hurts. I’m kinda nauseous from the pain and I’m so exhausted”, Woosung admitted, “what about the tour?”
“Do you think you might need to be sick?”, Hajoon questioned, already reaching out for a kidney dishes that was lying on a small shelf.
“I dunno”, Woosung mumbled. Hajoon shrugged and put the emergency cardboard next to Woosung’s shoulder onto the gurney.
“Don’t worry about work”, Dojoon said, now that the situation was resolved – at least for the moment. “Maybe it’s not as bad as it looks and even if it is, we’ll find a way to work around it.”
Woosung gave a thumbs-up, not convinced but also not wanting to talk about work any further. Dojoon turned his attention to the check-in papers he was handed by the nurse.
They stayed in silence until Jaehyeong came back, holding two bottles of sprite in one hand and Woosung’s phone in his other. He was sporting a sheepish expression.
“Uh, manager-nim wasn’t happy about our disappearance. He really didn’t appreciate finding the room empty except for the first-aid kit and Hajoon-hyung’s abandoned drumsticks. I explained the situation and he agrees that it’s good that we are here but he would have liked a call. He checked Naver and said he won’t be able to come, the roads are completely blocked”, the youngest explained, “also they don’t have any ice packs to spare but the vending machine is cooled.”
He tossed one of the bottles at Dojoon who placed it against Woosung’s ankle. It didn’t help as much as the ice pack had but it did help. Still Woosung shivered at the cold, despite Hajoon’s hoodie.
As soon as they noticed, Dojoon and Jaehyeong looked at each other and threw their own jackets on top of Woosung. “Aren’t you cold?”, he asked, astonished.
“Don’t worry about us, Sung-ah”, Dojoon said and spread the jackets over Woosung’s body. Sadly, they didn’t help as much as Woosung had hoped.
“Would you like to drink something?”, Jaehyeong offered but Woosung shook his head. His stomach didn’t feel like he would puke, yet he didn’t feel like testing his luck. Jaehyeong sighed and sat down on the chair, taking one of Woosung’s hands in his.
Time passed aggravatingly slow. It had barely been an hour and Woosung was really uncomfortable. While he was glad for his members’ presences he wished he could just lay down under his warm blankets in his room and sleep. The maknae had brought the paper work to the front desk but had been told that they really had chosen a really bad day to come in. Dojoon, Hajoon and Jaehyeong were talking in quiet voices but it was clear that the conversation was forced. Normally words flowed quickly between them and it was hard to stop any chaos but right now none of them knew what to talk about.
Part 2: I got you, you got me, nothin' in the way II
Masterlist links: Tafee - Full Masterlist Tafee's Masterlist - The Rose
13 notes · View notes
key201303 · 4 months
🐥 -> ONESHOT        
® -> REQUESTED        
🌸 -> FLUFF   
 🤧 -> ANGST              
💀 -> CREEPY        
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You can call me lazy 🏵️🌸
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'Cause we'll make it better 걱정하지 마 🐥🌸
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6 notes · View notes
saturnnelahy · 6 months
I'm in love
Oh my God, I think I'm starting to get obsessed with TXT and The Rose ='( Yeonjun and Kai are so beautiful and perfect and wonderful… and Woo-sung and Dojoon from The Rose are so cute and beautiful...
I'm thinking of maybe starting to write something about them too
6 notes · View notes
exouniverse · 7 months
Band’s Cut
Pairing: jaehyeong x gn reader
Genre: fluff, birthday fic
Warnings: none, but if any please tell me and I’ll add it.
Summary: The Rose members have seen the subtle sparks flying between Jaehyeong and his acting classmate, but their slow-burn romance only drives them to meddle further and play matchmaker. Will a chance for a confession finally arise at the surprise birthday party that they’ve planned?
Word count: 5.1K+
A/N: I haven’t seen much of The Rose fanfic around, so I hope this reaches as many Black Roses as it can. Also, I have come to accept that the birthday fics will no longer have a limit of words… they simply flow so easily each time that they become longer and longer. Perhaps some will be short, but that will depend on the premise. So, I hope you like this! Happy birthday Jaehyeong!
A little fun fact, “Band’s Cut” refers to the “Director’s Cut” version of a film, but in this case is the members version of how the romance happened (or more like how they “made it happen.”)
Banner template by @kithsune/@cafekitsune
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The members gathered around Woosung's laptop with coffee and water in hand, about to embark on hours of reviewing audition tapes after their casting director's preliminary cuts.
As Woosung hit play on the first file, they settled in for a video marathon. Dojoon diligently took notes on the potential candidates, carefully analyzing their skills and talents. Meanwhile, Hajoon closely observed the performance nuances, paying attention to the finer details.
The casting director did an excellent job selecting the finest dancers, evident from their clean lines and exceptional technique. The actors showcased remarkable skills in delivering emotions and portraying mannerisms. Some triple-threat performers showed great promise and made it onto the list. However, none of them had managed to captivate all the members with an overwhelming sense of fascination.
Jaehyeong doodled absently, almost lost in the poodle dog playing with a ball that he drew in the corner of his notes. It was the first word you spoke that made him look back up at the laptop, the words melting in his ears.
The members were deeply moved by every gesture and glance throughout your audition. Every minute of your performance left a lasting impact, and even after it was over, the essence of your talent lingered in their minds, preventing them from even moving on to the next audition tape.
"Y/N, was it? Really connects to the heart of the song," Hajoon remarked in awe. Murmurs of agreement echoed among the members, making it clear that, despite having some more entries left to review, Y/N must be considered for the lead. But little did they know this match-up held promise beyond just professional prospects.
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The dialogue was almost turning into doodles on the pages. Jaehyeong was having a hard time deciphering his lines for the scene they were studying in his acting class.
He sighed, putting his script down. The line caught in an endless loop within his mind, making him feel dizzy. Suddenly, a voice brought him down to earth. "Need any help with your lines?" you offered.
Jaehyeong looked at you, contemplating and mirroring your kind smile. "This part," he said, and pointed at Captain Wentworth's line, "‘half agony, half hope'...what do you think it means?"
You grabbed the script from his hand to analyze the dialogue. "For Wentworth, I think it's the fear of getting rejected once again after what happened with them in the past, but he's still holding onto a little hope in his momentary jump of faith to confess his feelings to Anne. It's all of the excitement and uncertainty tangled up."
When you looked up at him, he somehow looked even more confused. His eyes were locked on yours as if looking for a deeper answer, so you said, "in a more general sense... it's just how complex and contradictory love is. Like when your emotions for another person change from friendship to love. The agony will be in the fear of your feelings not being returned, while the hope will be in the possibility that that love will be reciprocated."
As Jaehyeong assimilated your perspective on Wentworth's complex emotions, your explanation resonated with him on a deeper level. A clarity emerged through your guidance, breaking the haze around the lines that now reflected his own awakening feelings. Up until now, he had thought his admiration for you was only due to your artistic abilities, but now he could understand Wentworth's words towards Anne.
Words were hard to find, so he hoped his gaze spoke for him, and he offered a complimentary smile as a thank you for your thorough description that shaped his performance as well as his newfound emotions.
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Dojoon walked with Jaehyeong towards the dressing rooms to get ready for the music video shoot. They were just chatting about the last TikTok they posted when Dojoon noticed Jaehyeong was a little distracted. Following his gaze, Dojoon spotted you entering the hall accompanied by a group of staff members.
Smirking knowingly, Dojoon was aware of Jaehyeong's fondness for you. He had seen it ever since the call-back auditions, when the selection process for the lead and the ensemble dancers began. Among the three actors being considered, it was evident that Jaehyeong had a stronger bias towards you compared to the rest of the members. His smile would widen every time your name was mentioned. When the decision was made to cast you as the lead in their music video, Jaehyeong passionately advocated for you, leaving the rest of the team exchanging meaningful glances.
Dojoon nudged Jaehyeong playfully. "Look who can't take his eyes off our new lead."
Jaehyeong looked back at Dojoon as he smiled nervously. "What? Was I that obvious?"
The members, as it was too obvious, had managed to get a confession out of him that day after the selection was made. He told them all about you and how much he admired your talent. He truly enjoyed working with you on the class assignments.
Dojoon chuckled and whispered, "only if anyone was paying close attention, like me."
Both of them entered their dressing room. It was just the two of them, so Dojoon dared to say, "you should tell Y/N, about how you feel." He stopped as he checked his wardrobe, making Jaehyeong linger on his words.
"No pressure though," he offered with a kind smile. Dojoon suspected that you also had feelings for their maknae. You had been smiling too wide and giggling so much around Jaehyeong after the call-back auditions. Even more so when you two got some time to catch up and Jaehyeong introduced you to the band.
Hajoon entered before Jaehyeong could say anything, his cheeky smile giving away his thoughts. "Jeff, Jeff!" Hajoon shouted.
"Know who is here?" Woosung whispered excitedly as he came in behind Hajoon.
Dojoon smiled at them knowingly. Jaehyeong seemed like a mouse caught in a trap; his sweat around his eyebrows was evident. "Hajoon and Woosung!" Dojoon replied to Woosung's question as he gave them a warning look.
Woosung looked back at their lovely maknae and nodded. Hajoon mouthed an "oh" in understanding, acknowledging the unspoken sentiment.
Jaehyeong was pensive throughout their glam session for the shooting. He appreciated Dojoon's encouragement; he really could've said something long ago, but the moment he found out about his feelings slipped away too quickly, and his hectic schedule distracted him too much. It also felt too weird to say it during class or now at the shooting of their music video since they haven't had much time out of those restricted spaces.
The whole crew planned to gather after everyone was ready for the first scenes to start off the shoot with the best energy. As soon as you saw Jaehyeong coming out of his dressing room, you approached to greet him, "Jaehyeong-ah! Thought I missed you, but it's nice to see you before we start."
Jaehyeong eased up into a bright smile when he saw you. "Y/N! I'm so glad to have you around for this music video; you're the best."
You could've missed it, but you caught a glimpse of the rest of the band rushing to get back inside their dressing room. You were a little confused but decided to ignore it and continue to chat with Jaehyeong. "You are great yourself. Wanna go to set together? Are you waiting for the members?"
Jaehyeong clearly heard Woosung's giggle and Hajoon whispering "go." He smiled at you, trying to contain his own laugh at his hyung's antics. "We can go together; they are too slow, too slow," he joked, scrunching his nose, and walked along with you as you two chuckled.
The members giggled silently once the two of you had left. Dojoon looked at his friends, already plotting something cheeky in his mind.
"Do you guys think he will say something today or tomorrow?" Dojoon asked them.
"I hope so! They're so cute and so into each other," Woosung expressed.
"Jaehyeong has been overthinking this too much; he must," Hajoon agreed. "However, he's always moving at the beat of his own drum, so perhaps he will take some more time."
"Okay, drummer cliché, don't turn the mood down," Dojoon joked. "But you're right..." he admitted.
Woosung nodded and shared, "I heard Jaehyeong say he wishes he could hang out with Y/N more. That they have barely seen each other outside of class."
They took a moment to consider a way to help their maknae, but their manager came looking for them as they were supposed to be at the set long ago.
The three of them arrived fashionably late, thankfully while some staff crew were still settling equipment for the scenes, so they were not noticed by everyone. Especially Jaehyeong and you, who were caught up in a seemingly smooth conversation as you laughed at whatever Jaehyeong was saying.
"Oh oh oh, look at Y/N's hand!" Dojoon emphasized as you placed your hand on Jaehyeong's while laughing with him.
"Jaehyeongie!" Woosung exclaimed.
"He probably doesn't need much of our help," Hajoon commented.
The music video shoot went incredibly well, with everything flowing smoothly. As the day came to a close, Woosung extended an invitation for the cast to join the band for some drinks. Everyone appreciated the opportunity to unwind and cherish the quality time spent together, further strengthening their bonds.
The following day of shooting unfolded much like the previous one, with Jaehyeong still hesitant to confess his feelings. The other members opted not to intervene too much, instead choosing to support Jaehyeong whenever possible. They offered advice and encouragement whenever they sensed the need. Jaehyeong's hyung cheering crew discreetly arranged situations for the two of them to spend more time together. Nevertheless, it seemed that Jaehyeong was taking his time quite slowly.
After the celebration with the entire crew, the members gathered to discuss their observations and analyze if there was anything else they could do to support Jaehyeong. They contemplated whether it was best to continue their efforts or step away completely, respecting Jaehyeong's pace.
"Guys, I think we've done enough," Hajoon remarked.
"Yeah, I think they're okay," Woosung echoed Hajoon's opinion.
Dojoon took a deep breath and dramatically set his coffee on the table. "No, they're not," he looked back at his friends and continued, "Jaehyeong said he wanted to spend more time out of work with Y/N. So far, everything has been about work—the music video, lunchtime, the after-work celebrations included. I don't think he's saying anything any time soon."
"Dojoon-ah, it's still not our place to meddle too much, though," Woosung pointed out.
"I know, I know..." he said, taking another sip of his coffee. "But, should we try one more thing?"
Woosung and Hajoon looked at him almost uninterested, only to entertain him a little bit more since it had been mostly him orchestrating the moments for Jaehyeong to confess his feelings. They wanted to help too; they had been excited to take part in the scheme, but seeing how Jaehyeong was taking his time made them think it was better to step away for a while. Contrary to Dojoon, who seemed even more committed to the cause, "one last try," Dojoon restated.
"Okay, what do you suggest?"
"Nothing too crazy, please!" Hajoon stepped in, limiting Woosung's encouragement.
"Let's invite Y/N to Jaehyeong's surprise birthday party next week!" He exclaimed, "that would be completely out of work. We give Jaehyeong a week to try to make a move if he wants to, but we still secure another moment together for them no matter if they end up coming as a couple or singles ready to mingle...between them, I—"
"Okay, we got it!" Hajoon interrupted.
"That's genius!" Woosung regained his enthusiasm. "I'm in! One more nosy try won't hurt."
"I knew you were going to agree!" Dojoon looked back at Hajoon, "Joon-ah! C'mon, get in, please," he begged.
Hajoon rolled his eyes before he said, "alright, one more try."
The final day of shooting was with a reduced cast since it was mostly the band and the lead who were supposed to film. The perfect setting for a little surprise invitation to a surprise birthday party.
Woosung managed to grab a moment with Jaehyeong gone from your side; it seemed almost impossible with time to separate the both of you. He casually made conversation about the music video and how incredible it was to have found you for it. He needed to be fast, though, before Jaehyeong came and heard about what they had been planning for his birthday for a month already.
"What's best is that you were already familiarized with our band, especially Jaehyeong, at your acting classes," Woosung said.
"That helped a lot!" You exclaimed, smiling widely. "When I saw the casting call, I immediately thought of Jaehyeong and did my best to get it since working with him is super fun. He's a great friend, so I knew it was definitely going to be so easy to navigate."
"Right, you're super close. You've been glued to each other this whole time," he threw in a little tease, "but it's cool to see our maknae happy having friends around that share such cool creative drives between them," he smoothly added.
You nodded. Woosung caught a little shyness in your gesture, so he continued, "hey! Actually, it's awesome that we got to know you properly. Jaehyeong talks about you a lot, and we wanted to contact you for a little surprise we're throwing for him for his birthday."
"Oh, really? I was actually thinking of calling him and inviting him for some treat or something, but that is even better."
Woosung had to contain his excitement hearing you talk so enthusiastically, confirming even more how into each other the two of you were. He succeeded; Dojoon's plan was taking off steadily.
"Awesome! I'll tell Dojoon to send you all of the details."
“Hey, Y/N!”
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"Hey, Y/N!" You heard Jaehyeong call you from inside the class.
It took you a second to realize he had been calling you, but as you turned around, a smile graced your lips. You watched as he maneuvered through the small crowd that had formed around your classmates near the entrance, causing you to giggle. After apologizing to Haeyoung, the class assistant, for accidentally bumping into her, he finally reached you.
"I thought I missed you," he blurted, a little out of breath. "So, I was thinking, do you wanna go grab a coffee?"
His smile was contagious. "Sure! Coffee would be nice," you agreed as enthusiastically as you could.
"It seems it might rain; we could go to your favorite just a couple of blocks away from here."
You simply nodded in response and followed him. Jaehyeong was undoubtedly the top highlight of acting classes. When you first saw him in that initial class, you couldn't help but feel a bit starstruck. However, he quickly showed how down-to-earth and kind he was, quickly erasing any notion of him being a celebrity from your mind. If you were to describe him in a single word, it would be "comfort." Whenever your best friend was absent from class, it was Jaehyeong that you would always gravitate towards, or sometimes the both of you if Hanna was also present.
"Are you in the mood for something sweeter today? Or just your regular Americano?" Jaehyeong asked once you entered the coffee shop.
"Oh, uh..." he caught you a little off guard. "Something sweeter sounds good today," you agreed.
"Find us a spot; I'll go and order," he suggested, anticipating your protest as he often did when he planned to pay for everything. "Please, just let me," he quickly interjected, flashing a genuine smile, hoping you would agree and allow him to treat you to coffee.
"Okay, but you will let me pay next time."
"Yeah, maybe," he joked, effortlessly bringing out a small laugh from you.
You went to look for a good spot so you could enjoy your coffee calmly. There was a corner near the window where not many people were around, so you sat there to wait for Jaehyeong. He had been right. As you stared outside the window, you noticed the raindrops starting to fall. You contemplated the weather, trying not to think about anything.
"Nice spot!" You heard him say as he sat down in front of you. "It did rain! Am I a psychic?" he joked, looking at the rain and giving you your drink.
"That is sweet," you said, and suddenly realized you might not have just meant it to describe the drink he chose for you. His eyes were so sparkly and full of joy, making you laugh again. "Seems you know me quite well; this seems delicious, or you really are a psychic," you said as you raised your eyebrows playfully.
"I will look into auditions for psychics; it might just come natural."
You were not surprised at how easily he could make you laugh, but the blossoming affection within you piqued your curiosity once again. All of your emotions collapsing caused you to retreat inward, contemplating and reflecting on them more deeply.
You would normally be aware of your surroundings, as you swear by the "here and now" perspective, but it was becoming more evident that something was on your mind.
Jaehyeong tried to study your expression. "So you got an interesting scene for the assignment?" he asked casually.
It was only natural for him to ask such a question, but what he understandably failed to anticipate was the extent of your concern since you first read it. He did notice the way you sighed and gazed at your coffee, absentmindedly playing with the whipped cream on top.
"Is everything okay?"
You looked up at him; his eyes expressed so much concern, and you felt so comfortable that you even managed to pull off a small smile. "It's a tough one," you admitted. "I read it, and it just feels so real. I'm concerned about not being able to even start with it; I think I—I, uh..."
Jaehyeong allowed the silence to linger, giving you the space and time you needed. Finally, you spoke up again, expressing your worries, "I don't know how I will manage to separate my own feelings from the character's." You glanced back at your coffee. "Actor's problems, huh?" you added, trying to lighten the mood with your self-deprecating comment.
Jaehyeong chuckled softly and met your eyes. "No need for jokes; your feelings are valid." He considered his words, "that is definitely a challenge, but you have a gift for channeling emotions authentically while keeping yourself protected."
He pondered for a moment. "You can perhaps resort to a simple technique...breath in and out, stay calm so the tears flow naturally once you relax," he suggested, offering a potential solution for the challenging assignment you had to prepare for next class, where you had to cry on cue. "But you can always talk to the professor and see if he can change your scene. I'm sure he will understand. Your learning process doesn't have to come at the expense of your suffering."
You finally smiled truthfully; his understanding and advice moved you deeply. He really saw through you and realized how deeply it was affecting you.
"And you're not alone," he added, smiling back. "I'm here if you need someone to talk to; I'll listen and provide my psychic powers, no charge."
The way he brought out your most genuine laugh of the day spoke volumes. He was a special one, no doubt. You felt so grateful towards him, and just having him around felt like a blessing. The emotions were finally clear as you saw into his eyes, expressing your heartfelt gratitude. There was a deep care for him that made you feel excited and frightened all at the same time.
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“Oh, hi Y/N!” Dojoon exclaimed with a smile as he saw you entering the venue. He walked over to greet you properly and led you to where Woosung and Hajoon were busy setting up some fairy lights. They greeted you as warmly as Dojoon had and happily welcomed your offer to help with the preparations for Jaehyeong’s surprise.
“Thank you for lending us a hand; Jaehyeong would love to know that,” Woosung said, winking playfully. It seemed he had caught you off guard; your nervous smile was the giveaway. He let it rest but exchanged a look with Hajoon, who was trying to hide a knowing smile from you.
It was getting more obvious as time went by just how much you were into each other. The members didn’t want to meddle much anymore, but they still had some tricks up their sleeves if they didn’t see much interaction. Just one final push.
More guests began to arrive once the early crew finished decorating, filling the venue with an air of excitement and joy as the hour drew near. Smiles adorned everyone's faces as they eagerly anticipated Jaehyeong's arrival, but it was a certain starry-eyed face that kept the members eager to witness their youngest member's reaction.
The plan was set in motion. Hajoon received Jaehyeong's message, expressing concern as he found no one around in the building. Hajoon quickly reassured him that he was in no trouble but urged him to hurry since the crew needed to begin filming the promotional video for the tour earlier than planned, mentioning a logistical issue with the venue—all of this a white lie concocted to ensure Jaehyeong arrived alone at his surprise birthday party.
Jaehyeong's face showed a whirlwind of emotions as he stepped through the door. The lights out momentarily masked his concern, but it flickered across his face for a brief moment before he comprehended the situation. The sudden burst of lights, music, and chants of birthday wishes took him completely by surprise.
A particular someone captured his gaze, and all that his face revealed was enchantment. The members nudged each other, beaming at Jaehyeong‘s perfect reaction to realizing you were here. The birthday party be damned—almost—this is what they lived for, just witnessing their maknae being truthfully happy.
The band energetically embraced Jaehyeong in a group hug, messing with his neatly styled hair that his style crew had meticulously managed to tame. He had already thought that his sort of laid-back outfit didn’t match the tidy hairstyle much, so he felt more comfortable as he let them ruffle his hair. If only he could have guessed it was just to make him think he had to be at least half ready to only change his outfit once he arrived at the promotional video set.
Jaehyeong’s smile remained on his lips as the members pulled back, filled with gratitude for his friends. But his eyes suddenly searched past them, landing on yours across the room as he heard the beats of his yearning heart echo inside his ears.
There you stood, smiling shyly. The party buzz faded into background noise as your gazes met and held. Before he could second-guess himself, Jaehyeong started walking towards you. His heart pounded faster as your smile grew, mirroring the hope in his own eyes.
Time seemed to pass slower than it really was, but as Jaehyeong reached you under the colorful lights, he softly spoke your name, bringing you back from your slow-motion imagination.
“Y/N, I’m so happy you’re here.”
You shook your head slightly as you scrunched your nose. “It’s not hard to show up for you. Your hair...” you said, noticing the disheveled locks that his friends had left. Gently giggling, you ran your fingers through his hair, fixing it back into place. Jaehyeong didn’t have much time to react since the crowd approached to congratulate him. You stayed behind, trying to slow your heartbeat as you greeted a couple of acquaintances.
The party started right away, with people taking Jaehyeong from one place to another. Dojoon kept an eye out between mingling, ensuring everyone felt included in the revelry. He noticed you and Jaehyeong gravitating naturally together amidst chaos, even stealing shy glances when thinking no one saw while you were not within the same group of people. Trusting the magic of moments, Dojoon gave you space, engaging others enthusiastically.
In a brief moment, he found Woosung awaiting karaoke's start. Woosung nodded discreetly towards the balcony as he drew Hajoon in, who was busy setting the microphones. They watched in awe as Jaehyeong led you outside while holding your hand.
Woosung smiled knowingly. "Our work here is done. All that's left is for them to follow their hearts."
As you walked out onto the balcony, the sounds of the party gradually faded into the background, merging with the bustling city below like distant background music. You both took in the view, and for a moment, nothing was said.
You took the opportunity to reach for the small birthday present you brought. You were not planning anything specific to gift him, but when you saw it, you immediately thought of Jaehyeong, and you bought it right away.
“I got you something,” you announced.
Jaehyeong looked at you, surprised. “What? You didn’t have to,” he chuckled nervously.
“How could I not? It’s small, but I really hope you like it.” You took a deep breath and handed him the small box.
The gentle touch of his fingers sent thrills down your arm, so you tried to hide the sudden nervous smile that grew on your face. You stared as he opened his present and were moved by his growing smile.
“I’m a psychic… this is so cool. Where did you get it?”
He discovered the reason why, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “I was just window shopping and saw it; it was meant to be yours.”
“You…” he searched for your eyes. “I love it. Could you?” he asked you, offering to put the subtle crystal ball necklace around his neck.
There was no possible way to hide your smile anymore; he had you hooked. You stepped close enough to grab the necklace and softly rested your arms on his shoulders to fasten it. Once the necklace was secured around his neck, you took a second to admire it on him. It was perfect; it wasn’t extravagant, and it fit so well with him. Before he could read the emotions that your eyes expressed, you looked back at the city.
“Thank you,” he simply said.
Jaehyeong's heart raced with anticipation, but he took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He reminded himself that there was nothing to worry about when he was with you. Being around you brought him a sense of tranquility that he had never experienced elsewhere. Just by gazing at you and witnessing how your smile mirrored the radiance of the moon in the night sky, he felt at ease.
“Thank you for coming; seeing you made this surprise even better,” Jaehyeong softly said. You turned to face him, and the full sight of your smile melted his worries away.
“There was no reason not to be here.” Something in your voice gave him courage.
“I’ve loved to have you around the past week; we hadn’t seen each other in so long since I was too busy to attend classes.” Jaehyeong stepped closer, slowly, almost without being noticed. “I’ve missed asking you for help; I’ve missed our talks—“
“I’ve missed you too,” you interrupted, summarizing what you’d both felt before you could see each other again.
A fondness entered his eyes, and he nodded. “Y/N,” he started and gently reached for your hand, brushing his thumb over your skin. Your fingers curled around his, igniting sparks in both of your hearts. “I’ve been wanting to tell you something,” he paused for a second. “I’ve felt the agony for so long, but now I’m taking my leap of faith, letting hope lead me. What I’m trying to say is... I like you, Y/N. Not just as a friend. Every time we’re together, you become the highlight of my day.”
A tender smile broke across your face, accompanied by sparkling eyes that searched for his, easing the last of his nerves. “Jaehyeong, I like you too. I have for a while.”
It was your heart´s turn to settle into joy and calmness. You also lived through the agony and hope that Jaehyeong mentioned, making you remember about that small moment you shared in class once. It was almost poetic how he brought it up. He eased you up in ways you hadn’t known before, and that is why you stepped even closer and lifted your free hand to cradle his cheek. Jaehyeong’s eyes fluttered shut at your warm touch, savoring it.
Slowly, you leaned in, giving him every opportunity to pull back if unwanted. But all he wanted was you. He searched for you with his eyes still shut, until both of your lips met in a tender, lingering kiss. His lips were impossibly sweet and soft against yours, weakening your knees, but you stayed strong and continued to kiss him.
You both pulled away, driven by a gentle laugh that started without even thinking much about it all. You rested your forehead on his, keeping your eyes closed as you kept your hand on his cheek. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” you whispered, your thumb stroking his cheek soothingly.
Jaehyeong smiled with ease when your eyes met, both sharing radiant gazes equally filled with care and desire. “You make me so happy,” he shared while his cheeks heated up.
You giggled softly and pulled back to appreciate his face. “I am the lucky one,” you admitted.
“Should we stay out here for the rest of the night?” Jaehyeong asked, almost suggesting.
“You are the star of the party; it’s your birthday.” You giggled even more. “Even though, that sounds nice. No matter how cold it is out here, I feel warm being this close to you,” you confessed.
Jaehyeong’s protectiveness heightened and embraced you, drawing you even closer. “Then let’s get inside. The guys would also probably want to know what happened,” he chuckled. “Did you catch up on their meddling?” he asked, amused.
“I did!” you exclaimed. “I admit they helped quite a bit, though.”
“Yeah, they did.” Jaehyeong searched for your hand and tilted his head towards the door. You squeezed his hand and followed him inside.
You stepped in even closer than you had been when you went out to the balcony. Hajoon noticed the smiles on your faces and whispered at Dojoon to look back, and in a chain reaction, he pulled Woosung from where he was talking to a couple of their friends. They looked at you both in awe, full of joy for what seemed to have been a successful confession. No matter who initiated it or what was said and done, they were just happy for the both of you and how easily everything fell into place.
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