#dol darryl
propertyofwhitney67 · 5 months
Found some things on blogspot
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More lore
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savepc2023 · 1 year
kuhdkuhkhad Hi, welcome back, love! I got a hc ask for the school LIs. What do you think their favorite types of kisses are? Like cheek kiss, butterfly kiss, forehead, hand, French-
Kisses can be cute, kisses can be hot, I wanna smooch my beloved-
me asking chatgpt what types of kisses there are at 5:00 a.m: 💻🗿
Robin: Ohh they wanna attempt a spiderman kiss so badddd.....But till they eventually find a way to surprise you while hanging upside down, their current favorite is kissing the corners of your mouth. It's so sweet and chaste, yet so intimate. One lil peck and it makes way for a smile to come on your face. C'mon nowwww, how can they not like it when you ask for an actual kiss on the lips huh? And how can they not like it when they sassily respond back that they're technically kissing your lips, aren't they? UGH. I WANNA VFRHEF8RIDKJOI💥💥💥💥
Whitney: Contrary to popular belief, it isn't actually french kisses. It'sssss neck kisses babey. And unlike Robin there's no cutesy romantic reason for it, no. Most people just have sensitive necks and basically crumple to the floor when they're kissed there. Gives Whitney a huge ego boost, yk? Probably leaves some hickeys on exposed areas too, that bastard.
Pure Sydney and Corrupted Sydney: Both love cheek kisses. Sure, the bolder they get, the more lip action takes place but there's just something so.....breathtaking about cheek kisses for them. Like it's just on the move, yk? They're mostly given when there's a rush, like when you have to go somewhere real quick but you also wanna give them one little display of affection before you leave and that just has a really special place in their heart.
Kylar: Mouth to mouth, tongue in your throat. Bro is moaning into you and when you pull away for air they are babbling about how much they love you and how much you love them and how everyone should see how much you love eachother before they go in for ANOTHA one that leaves you even MORE breathless. They just loves showing the other students at school that yes, you are their partner and yes you love them very much, thank you.
Bonus because I couldn't help but think of him:
Darryl: Hand kisses. Because you take it slow, just as he asked you to. Because you don't get mad when he says he doesn't think he's ready for an actual kiss yet. Because your lips are so gentle on his calloused hands, so much so that he feels his heart melt. Because after he drops you off at Domus Street, and the door of the orphanage closes as you give him one last quick smile, he exhales shakily and stares at his fingers, slowly pressing them against his lips.
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potatowinedol · 4 months
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Impressions of River be like : bonk!
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The long-haired girl.
A very sadly story of her in psychiatric hospital…😭
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Impressions of npcs.
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degrees-of-lili · 6 months
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You now see why I felt the need to make this a side blog...because most of the NPCs are women lmao
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riwooga · 1 year
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DOL npcs part 5, townspeople! ✨
Finally finished with the human npcs I had on my list 👀✨
next up will be monsters, but those will probably take a while! 🥲💕
Close ups:
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c0baltcat · 6 months
Student Briar & Darryl (I have complex feelings)
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sp4rrowdoll · 1 year
Ooh what are your general HCs on what Robin and Darryl look like :0000
Ooh! Thank you for the ask! I perhaps got a little bit overexcited, here's a lot more detail than you asked for. Tldr: Both of them are very hot and sexy and I love them so much!!
Robin is slender. Tall, but in the way where his slight frame disguises it enough that most people register the two of you as around the same height, even when standing next to each other. There was a period of time growing up when his knees and elbows were always skinned from tripping and falling—he’s a lot less clumsy by the time the game begins, but you still have a half-empty box of bandaids in your medicine drawer with his favorite video game characters on them. His hands are delicate, with long fingers that give him an advantage when the two of you compete in a game.
He has a thick head of auburn hair—in the winter, when it gets less sun, you’d be forgiven for assuming it’s brown—but in the summer the sun bleaches it into a true dark red. His skin is pale, nearly paper-white when he doesn’t get enough sun (you have to be careful to cover him in sunscreen when you go outside together, because he burns more easily than anyone you’ve ever met). If he’s actually gone outside, and it’s been sunny enough, his freckles show up in full force—he’s absolutely covered in them. You’ve tried to steal Robin’s shampoo and conditioner multiple times because his hair is always illegally soft, but aside from making you smell like him, it doesn’t really do anything for you.
His most notable facial features are his long doe-like eyelashes, and soft, full, feminine lips.
Darryl is not tall—that’s how most people would describe him. Not short, just…not tall, like it’s more important to note his lack than his actual features. He’s well built, strong in a lithe and graceful way that reminds you of Charlie. You’d thought he was a dancer when you first met, but when he’d stood up to shake your hand, and given you a tour of the club, you understood why he isn’t anymore. Darryl walks with a limp, favoring his right side, and later you’d heard some of the other employees gossiping about it. Old injury, they said. Tore his ACL and didn’t notice until the damage had been irreversible, some of them say. Others mutter something about him taking a gig and then disappearing for months. When he reappeared he couldn’t dance anymore.
You keep your thoughts and questions to yourself, and don’t bother Darryl about it. 
He has pretty eyes, a dark color midway between blue and brown, with gold fleck splashed across the iris, like a tiny galaxy of stars. They’re framed well by his dark framed glasses, when he remembers where they are long enough to have them on. His skin is mostly unmarred by freckles or marks, save for a very identifiable beauty mark next to his lips on the left side. Along the collar of his shirt are the faint and delicate off-color lines of a badly removed tattoo. If you were pressed to say what it looked like, it seems like the outline of a name.
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jazira06s · 2 years
Am I the only one who ships DoL characters randomly? I can't help it😩 They all look shippable and many times when I get bored I always sit down to write ship headcanons(?) For example, Always pair Darryl with Briar only reason that they both own a club or brothel.
Please tell me I'm not the only one because otherwise I'm going to look like a fool :c
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dollya-robinprotector · 11 months
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bound-tosydney · 11 days
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@c0baltcat and I did dol duo form!!
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alienkitty259 · 3 months
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savepc2023 · 1 year
Darryl, Sydney, Mason, Landry and Mickey have slutty waists
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potatowinedol · 5 months
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When I know that QA said there have a possibility of Darryl and Briar getting married.
and Leighton.
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digenerate-trash · 7 months
Yan dol master list.
this shows who has been done and who hasn't been done yet. if you want more from a specific character or group of characters in Dol (or if you have a prompt for anything just send an ask!!! I love asks!!!)
Head cannon list (and bonus stuff):
School crew: 
Whitney - HeadCannons YanWhitneyFicList
Robin - HeadCannons YanRobinFicList
Kylar - HeadCannons YanKylarFicList
Sydney - HeadCannons YanSydneyFicList
Inner city freaks: 
Bailey - HeadCannons BaileyFicList
Leighton - HeadCannons
Avery - HeadCannons YanAveryFicList
Quinn - HeadCannons
Harper - Harper YanHarperFicList
Shady edge of towners:
Briar - Headcannons Jealous Bailey VS briar Bailey and Brair VS Valentines
Mickey - Headcannons YanMickeyFicList
Landry - Headcannons
False safety: 
Jordan - Headcanons Jordan ask
Charlie - Headcanons
Darryl - Headcanons
Sam - Headcanons
Morgan -
Niki - Headcanons
Farm boys:
Remy - HeadCannons Remy VS Brair
Wren - Headcannons
Alex - HeadCannons
Sirris - HeadCannons YanSirrisFicList
River - HeadCannons
Doren - HeadCannons
Winter - HeadCannons
Mason - HeadCannons
Gwylan - HeadCannons
Ivory Wraith - HeadCannons IvoryFicList
Eden - HeadCannons
Black Wolf - HeadCannons
Great Hawk - HeadCannons
The archetypes im using as a lose guide
writing prompt polls: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -
Headcanon lists
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c0baltcat · 6 months
DoL PADORU vol.2!
=Townie Collection=
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Bailey is well paid for this
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user16121215 · 2 months
Guilty Wank - DoL
With all my DoL stories, I will be changing school to university, and the orphanage will just be an apartment complex with Bailey being your landlord instead of caretaker.
All characters in this one have he/him pronouns and male genitalia.
Reader characteristics not specified
TW - I mean, you read the title what do you expect?
Bailey The Landlord:
God fucking damnit how dare you try that shit again! It's not the first time you'd come into his office in the early hours of the morning asking for an extension on your rent. He couldn't tell if you were faking your innocence as part of an act to get him to lower his guard or if you really were that fucking naïve. whatever it was, it was really pissing him off. Especially that little sway of your hips as you left, and just how well your outfit clung to you showing off your body just right. Yeah.. it was on purpose he decided, and he wasn't going to let you get the better of him. He wouldn't succumb to your little tricks. At least not sober anyway.. Bailey wasn't one to lose himself under the influence but it had been a long and tiresome day, and after a few shots of whiskey he found himself pulling his cock out with thoughts of you on his mind.
God he felt just awful about the thoughts invading his mind. He wanted to stop, he really did, but the relief that came from his groin after releasing it told him he was much too far gone now. Darryl thought he'd never feel this way given his experiences and that the feelings he had for you were only temporary, but seeing you all dressed up in your work gear had him crumbling. He knew you had to wear what you did to make a living in this line of work but part of him hoped you wore what you did just for him. He finished up rather quickly once his mind turned to how you would look at him when he was having trouble. Full of care and sympathy he'd never seen from anyone in this hellhole of a town. Ironic that the one person who didn't seem to want to cause him any harm was the one he wanted to hurt him the most.
Eden The Hunter
Eden didn't really jack off anymore after he kidnapped/ found you, and if he did, he certainly didn't feel guilty about it. You were his after all. But there was one memory he had of you that made his whole body shiver whenever it popped into his mind.
He'd found you one day lying almost cold out in the woods, your clothes had all been torn up and you were in such a horrendous state, unable to move or even speak.
He loved it.
He loved the vulnerability, how pathetic you looked and how you were at his complete mercy. It took him months to nurse you back to full health and you were never quite the same after.
You never told him what happened to you, just saying it was one of the worst experiences you've ever had to live through, and that is saying something. That's where the guilt came in. He loved you so much that it hurt him, and knowing that you had suffered at the mercy of this city set him ablaze, but deep down, a horrid little part of him couldn't deny how much he enjoyed it and almost hoped it would happen again.
Kylar The Loner
On some level he knew he was in the wrong but on the other he couldn't bring himself to care enough to stop. With one hand grasped around his cock, your panties providing a delightful friction, and the other holding your sheets to his nose, Kylar was lost to the world and could only focus on how perfect you'd look on his cock instead of your used underwear.
Sydney The Faithful
Darn you. Hand holding? In public!? And you did it so casually too. Like you had no shame, unlike him who refused to even acknowledge the growing strain between his legs. He was grateful the library was so quiet and no one was around to hear his soft moans and whimpers every time he moved and readjusted his increasingly tight pants. Every so often he'd rock back and forth to provide some relief but evidently that only made it worse given how good it felt. Poor Sydney just has to deal with it trying to think of anything else besides how soft your hands felt and how perfectly they fit into his own… hopefully class won't start anytime soon and he can calm himself down before he has to go anywhere..
Whitney The Bully
Whitney didn't feel guilty for anything so he sure as shit won't feel guilty when you come to mind as he's taking care of himself.
No it's not guilt he feels when he thinks of how perfect your face scrunches up at his rude comments, or how pathetic you look groveling at his heels.
It's not guilt he feels when he thinks of how cute you look standing under his umbrella shivering from the cold rain that sticks to your clothes.
It's not guilt he feels when he thinks how nice it would be to see you again.
It's not guilt.. but he does feel something.. he just doesn't know what it is.
The wank session comes to a stop as he realizes he's not in the mood anymore and he just lays there thinking of you. That makes him angry. Angry at you for having interrupted his personal time and leaving him frustrated. A crime that he will not allow to go unpunished. Next time he sees you he's going to make you suffer and take out all his pent up frustration.
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