#Darryl my beloved <3
c0baltcat · 6 months
DoL PADORU vol.2!
=Townie Collection=
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Bailey is well paid for this
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kaseyskat · 11 months
okay in honor of the little snippet i posted of this au yesterday, here is a little guide to the parent trap au! i don't plan on doing much else with it so i wanted to share in case y'all are interested hehe
-no faerun/magic, mercedes is on a longform journey of self discovery when she meets hen- the child of an infamous politican, who has spent his entire life stuck under said father's thumb. they connect pretty instantly!
-(also, they are both trans <3 and while mercedes has already socially transitioned, henry has not </3 it's one of the things they connect about)
-after a couple years of mercedes sticking around LA and dating henry in secret, the twins are born! unfortunately, this is also when barry discovers the relationship and. very much disapproves. his kid having even ONE child out of wedlock (let alone two!) is something he does NOT want for his reputation, and since henry hasn't left the house (not by his own volition), he's forced to reluctantly end the relationship with mercedes.
-mercedes leaves to go back to her brother's place in colorado, but not before her and henry agree to each take one of the twins- a reminder of their relationship. mercedes takes sparrow, henry keeps lark
-after a few years of raising lark quietly under his father's thumb, henry finally gets a job outside of his father's influence and is able to escape- mostly because he feared for lark's wellbeing. he gets his own place, cuts ties with his family, and strives to ensure that lark grows up happy and free.
-meanwhile, with the help from her brother, mercedes opens a witchery! she sells crystals and does tarot readings, and when sparrow's old enough, he starts helping.
-growing up separated means the twins are not nearly as similar as they are in canon. lark is quieter and more withdrawn while sparrow is cheery and affectionate. both of them make friends pretty easily though, and sparrow takes after mercedes in more ways than one- it wouldn't be a nyx au if sparrow weren't some flavor of trans and in here, where sparrow grows up with mercedes alone? yeah.
-when the twins are both thirteen, henry and mercedes send them to the same summer camp! it was something they had talked about when the twins were born, though neither one of them realized the other would REMEMBER.
-at the camp is when the twins really grow into the mischievous gremlins we know them as in canon. when they meet, they bounce off of each other's energy, causing mayhem and destruction wherever they go <3 my beloveds, truly
-towards the end of the camp is when they actually talk about how much they look alike, and their respective upbringings. lark complains about how his father's been flirting with a coworker and bringing him and his annoying son over for dinners, how henry is annoyingly overbearing and a pushover. sparrow, meanwhile, loves her mother so dearly! but she's always wanted to meet her father. it would be solving two birds with one stone to reconnect them, they both realize: sparrow would get the father she wants, and lark wouldn't have to deal with darryl and grant OR be the sole recipient of henry's affections!
-so naturally, they decide to switch places.
-lark cuts sparrow's hair to match his, sparrow teaches lark enough spanish to be passable with mercedes. they exchange tips for how to be each other- mostly for funsies, though, since the plan to get henry and mercedes back together doesn't really require them being each other, it's just part of the fun!
-the camp ends, they go back to the other's place with henry and mercedes both none the wiser. lark finds himself a little overwhelmed with how much mercedes immediately loves him and respects when he wants to be left alone, and though the witchery isn't his style, he finds his uncle fun to be around, and it's a little embarrassing, how easily he fits right in.
-sparrow, on the other hand, has such a hard time pretending to be lark. she finds henry's jokes to be a genuine delight - to the point that she has to hide her face in her sleeves to stop herself from smiling - and thrives under the affection he lavishes onto her.
-so naturally, she cracks first, spilling to henry after a few weeks that she's actually sparrow and that lark is with mercedes. as my little snippet shows: it's a very teary confession.
-the only way to switch back now is for henry and mercedes to meet up! with sparrow and lark negotiating with their respective parents, henry and sparrow end up going to the witchery themselves- mostly because at this point, mercedes still doesn't know about the swap (lark thought it would be a nice surprise for her, having henry and sparrow show up on her doorstep)
-and what a surprise it is! sparrow's happy to be home, lark is surprisingly happy to see his father, and henry and mercedes - now both in a position where they can actually rekindle their relationship and be with each other without fear of outsiders - instantly reconnect.
-plus, lark and sparrow make a strong case for how they're better off together and really shouldn't henry and mercedes try to do SOMETHING to ensure they can see each other?
-(and, as a bonus: lark and sparrow DO TRY to ward off darryl once henry and mercedes are back together in the form of what happens in the movie! but. well. polyamory exists <333)
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officialgleamstar · 11 months
May I please get some more info about Odyssey-san’s role in MnMoms? ❤️❤️❤️🚙
thank you dora for sending me asks about info you know so i have an excuse to post it on tumblr HFKJDGHDFJKGHJKDF kisses you MWAH
odyssey-san my beloved <3 she has the same role as she does in canon: she's darryl's beloved beast. carol does not particularly like driving her because carol prefers sedans, but in this au, darryl was sick the day of the soccer trip so carol took the day off work so she could drive the kids instead! and so, naturally, carol's sedan was not big enough for five kids and four adults lol so they took the odyssey
in mnmoms, the one who talks to odyssey-san is samantha! samantha is quietly reeeally into magical girls and anime in general, she loves pokemon, and so she knows some basic japanese and mostly goes "arigato!!!" to odyssey-san whenever she steps out of the vehicle. odyssey-san absolutely adores her, theyre besties, no morgan isnt jealous of a car that would be insane (yes she is.)
and obviously, isadora, you came up with this XD but samantha tries sooo so hard to teach odyssey-san english, but samantha. is not a language teacher. really just has no comprehension on how to teach anyone a language, much less a car that speaks a language she barely understands. samantha gets way too technical and specific, and mercedes stands in the background going "hey, sammy, maybe instead of teaching the car in-depth grammar, we should start with hello or maybe mom?" carol just thinks odyssey-san needs to know "go" and "stop". morgan is actively ignoring everything going on and is lacing her arrows with poison in the backseat in case someone approaches them while they're confusing the car with three different moms talking over each other
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abeinginsand · 1 year
you're THE sparrow blog so him, but I'm also rly curious what you think of lark and normal?
Smiling at that compliment, thank you for thinking so!! Makes me very happy hehe!! :D Sparrow, my beloved <3 [was surprised by this] [<--same person drawing/talking about sparrow every other day asdksadssea ] Also thank you for the Sparrow ask as well @lex-the-lesbiann :) I'm back from work so here's the bingos! I rambled mostly about Lark and Sparrow but do mention Normal a bit more in the last two paragraphs. Sorry this took so long! Sparrow:
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I liked how energetic and bold Sparrow and Lark were in season one (and silly haha). Took me a bit to understand what the parenting issue was (or atleast part of the issue) at first? But eventually I got the vibe of not knowing how to deal with anger part as well as that the twins may benefit from a different style of parenting in general. One that Henry struggles to do (as shown with how Darryl and Glenn do manage to connect with the twins a bit by being somewhat playful/competitive).
We are missing a lot of Mercedes point of view on stuff and I wonder if maybe she has an easier time being playful/competitive? I like to think they get some of their mischievousness from her. Both parents did work together to set up a chore based dnd campaign for their kids to play for example. Its brought up in detail in the season 1 patreon newsletter...think its very cute and proves that they are definitely trying to better engage with the twins interests.
I felt for them all as they got tossed into the adventure and the family bond was put to test. I think the reason I'm more attached to Sparrow is due to his interest in drawing, fascination with wolves (and power), and especially his struggles with having to be a mediator between his loved ones. While I do not know much about wolves, I did love cats SO much as a kid that I wanted to be one as a job. I did not understand jobs as a concept yet haha. I'm sure if I was offered some way to be a "love" cat for greater good when I was a pre-teen...I would have said yes before Henry even finished talking lol. Wild shape is such a fun spell (and shapeshifting magic in general).
About the "so mean" square, I have seen a few harsh takes about adult Sparrow. I think a part of why Sparrow gets scrutinized so much is because we get most of the scenes from Normal's view (since he's one of the main characters). And for some reason, (maybe they were both super close in between seasons growing up?)--Normal seems to focus on his father's reactions much more heavily than his mom or uncle. Even though both Rebecca and Lark have also shown to either not like the mascot interest that much ("let me teach you something more useful" -Lark ep 1) or Rebecca being concerned (like his dad) about how Normal's going about it. Both his parents are concerned about the poor hygenie especially because it could make him sick after all.
And even in the calzone conversation, Sparrow explains that a lot of his reasoning comes from worry (and his own past). He doesn't want Normal to get hurt, physically or mentally...and especially doesn't want him to be hurt in the same ways he was before. Were his words harsh? Yeah, he was also drunk and being influenced by a eldritch god too. He wouldn't have said that out loud otherwise and clearly he has never said that before otherwise Normal would not have been that shocked. Sparrow does love both his kids and he's trying really hard (in my mind at least). I think it'd be great if they could all talk again at some point. It would be a nice start to understanding each other better. :[
This isn't explicitly stated but I imagine both the twins were bullied in the various schools they went to. As a unit, they were comforted with each other and quickly felt like others weren't worth there time. They'd rule the world someday, get strong enough so others would not dare to bother them! Which leads to the fires and fights and I think the rumors probably stuck from back then too. Sure, Sparrow comes back vowing to be a lovewolf and actively tried to be nicer (while still mischievous)...but I doubt their classmates would be accepting of the change. Not instantly anyway, but Sparrow is stubborn and keeps on trying for better or for worse which...takes a big hit to his self-confidence, self-love too.
And in contrast, I think Lark stops caring all together about outsider opinions. He cares about his family and friends and anyone else can either get out of the way or put their fists up if they have an issue. He's got an apocalypse reversal to work on! I think...both are angry at the world but Lark embraces the anger--hides behind it while Sparrow feels like he must pretend his anger doesn't exist at all. Unless he is masquerading as Lark...then well suddenly its easier to express it, to not be so scared of it--because he isn't scared of Lark ya know? No matter what, they have each other's backs.
Anyways, I will get to the point haha. The oak-garcia-swallows family is precious to me and I'm often thinking about their relationships with each other or to themselves. I focus most on Sparrow yeah but I do love Lark and Normal too! Specifically for Normal, don't have much else to add but I love his little facts a lot-- marching band cover enthusiast, the mens wear, the fanfic writing etc.
I liked Taylor and Normal right away when I started s2 while both Link and Scary took me more eps to warm up too. Its fun to see them all bouncing off each other when things are silly but pretty compelling in the tough times too (in recent eps). Speaking of Taylor and Normal--they don't get along that well, but I like to write scenarios where they are close friends! They are a very silly and creative duo to me.
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iersei · 4 months
marshall lee guy dndads update: dreamt about dndads last night akgjsh
current episode: flight risk
loving this arc with the anchors, was wondering where they were going with the plot after ravenloft. the oaklore stuff is interesting, i noticed henry was the only one really using magic, glenn's spells were always explained away (eg finger tutting) i mean i guess there's darryl's ancestral spirits? idk
hi this has been sitting in my inbox for far too long because i'm really bad about getting to these messages, but i am beyond delighted that you were having fun listening <3 !!!
the anchor arcs are very beloved to me; i hope you're still having fun!!
and oh yeah!! one of my favorite things about the way spells were used was freddie's insistence that glenn's spells were not actually magic because glenn does not use magic and that's important was (1) a really interesting way to play with the character and (2) made the henry oaklore reveal all the more impactful!! the heavy use of actual magic on henry's part, even when placed alongside what should be another spellcaster, was a really fun set up for the reveal :D
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nutria--oscura · 8 months
Atonement- Anointment- an ointment? Atonyment (tony peperoni?)
~s2 ep 44 spoilers below~
ron and beth business idea? ron and beth business idea
"in fact, the only hard part my be finding someone to share it with" "oh" "..." "..." "ron... what are we?" "I dont know beth... i dont know."
"about 4 teens that got married" "4 teens?" im just gonna pretent anthony is saying it like that cause of hermie and dood
honestly, taylor as a barbarian would have been funny
goofy minmax? fuck yea
NORMAL AND LINK IN THE INTRO (sorry i loved when will and matt did that with henry and darryl)
stimming so hard cause of will
... i take it back- normal i love you but what the f-
time to update your normal designs yall
"scary doesn't run errands. she walks them... bitch"
what the fuck-
"hes[darryl] like a real zaddy" "no hes a daddy, you gotta be realistic here"
so the teens cant go to heaven, cant go to hell, where they gonna go when they die-
scary gets taken "no! my scene partner!" hermie gets taken "no! my future life partner!"
anthonys exhasparated "okay" when beth said scarys gonna look like a meatball is honestly a constant mood-
now being a ranger is useful- bhahah
"you know its not gonna be the time out room and its not gonna be good"
"no pwobwem fowwow meee"
"i wanna see if there's anyone who isn't supposed to be in heaven so i can tattle on them" "i feel like tattling as an act immediately drops you into hell" "they love tattling in hell though" "wasn't the bibles most famous snitch, like, kinda vilified for that?" "who?" "judas dude?" "judas my man. my man judas" "wait well, judas wasn't a snitch per se" "yea he was just bad" "he was a betrayer" "he was a betrayer" "he was a business man" "he snitched-" "30 pieces of silver in that economy can go a long way" "no no no no, they're-they're right Freddie. what did he snitch? like 'hey, that's Jesus' like they knew-" "YEA" "like they knew who Jesus was" "do you think the last supper was Jesus being like 'guys alright don't tell anybody don't tell anybody'" "'but we- we've gotta fucking move 10kilos of this, ok? just don't tell the authorities'" "'this is my body, let me see your body- you wearing a wire?'" "oh my god- like the last supper was like a table for 13 but then more people found out about it and they were like 'yea, i had a birthday party, the sweet 33 but you weren't invited' and Judas was like do not-" "'are you Roman? cause if you're Roman you have to tell me'"
yes, i did just sped 15 minutes to copy that section of the podcast on my first listen. yes, i do in fact now know it by heart
anthonys "yea" like "yea, no fucking shit" and then its a mens rights activist who podcasts about spaghetti who is in front of his setup eating spaghetti at the mic and only got into heaven cause he was an organ donor and all his organs saved the lives of great people who were from minorities that the guy did not like, each of which discovered the cure for a different type of cancer
im 23 mins in and ive been sat here listening for an HOUR
"taylor walks by and looks at him asianly"
"so you know how in a chirstmas story they have them say fudge so you don't have to hear the f-word?" "uh-huh" "yeaaa-" "uhhhhhhh-" "where are you going with this bro?" "careful my friend" "hes gonna say: *slowmode* 'oh darn, it's a pppppeeeeeeerrrrrrrsssoooonnnn' and hes going to say a slur, a horrible slur"
new narc type - narc on someone to their conscience
"do you[normal] really want to give me positivity? or do you want me to say thank you so you feel good about yourself?" "get him get him get him"
"im glad you got into heaven despite everything"
ooooo, new item! potentially!
love taylor asking how lincoln is doing cause of his thing with authority when he himself wont process his shit-
normal needs to go feral <3 please <3
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thefandom-casserole · 8 months
Episode Five- The Lord of Chaos pt. 3
My relisten notes
- I was doing a rp for the first part of this so I don’t really have many notes for their opening ehehe
- DadFact: Grant thought that Darryl was Santa when Darryl got caught
- DadFact: Ron knows every Eminem song ever
- DadFact: Henry has a specific CD “stuck” in his car, but he really just likes listening to those songs
- DadFact: Glenn doesn’t believe in the moonlanding
- DaddyFact: Don’t get into dnd because Anthony has and it’s not cool apparently
- Chechovs snake!!!!!!
- “Are you proud of me dad!?” If only Sparrow and Normal…
- DadFact: Glenn is really into mall ninja shit
- I still don’t understand the skipit aside from the joke 😭
- Everything you ruin their lives… unintentionally…
- Here comes the most important scene in the entire series omg omg
- Lark is down at the bottom in the dungeon oh god oh god
- ✨trauma✨
- Ron’s frogs 😭
- “Hey. Help that kid frog” Ron. Ron you’re hilarious
- “We killed a lot of people…” DONT YOU KNOW IT
- “Oh lark, we’re gonna have a real bonding moment too” ☹️ seaweed-
- Ooh I forgot about the eggs. I wonder what they do
- “I now owe a Wookiee life death” oh no. oh boy. The foreshadowing 💔
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justablah56 · 8 months
life happened and i quit my job and almost lost my car so i took a break from online activities bUT I’M BACK BABY
also thinking of remaking my entire tumblr blog and system so. possibly coming off anon soon if i work up the nerve. big changes to come
anyways. the real reason we are all here. gothweebcleats.
i started season 2 again recently bc i got my partner into it (!!!!! its fave is taylor :3) and we got to the beginning of the fbi arc
beth rolling a natty 1 on the roll to have scary hold on to link is so </////////////3 even tho it gave us great great swiftli content
recently i have been thinking abt car rides and like. obviously taylor’s the first to get a car (rich mom life) but i think scary is the first to be seriously Attached to her car. it’s a home away from home yk? when she’s upset she can go to her car and either let it out or see her friends and i think that is so unbelievably important for a teenage girl. also just first space that is Her’s fully and truly (hc that she bought it herself) and she can decorate it however she wants. she keeps markers in the glove compartment so people can doodle on her ceiling and she lets taylor put his anime girl stickers on the dashboard and there’s a dent in the side of the rear passenger door from a rouge soccer ball and a little teen high bumper sticker next to a joker bumper sticker DO U SEE MY VISION. (she is just like me fr.)
linc never gets their license imo (passenger princess 4ever) and normal does not get a car until he Absolutely Has To (he’s like 32. darryl wilson energy)
back to taylor. taylor got his car detailed so it has anime girls on the sides and back. this is a non-negotiable headcanon. BUT outside of that i think his car is super clean and fairly organized, a couple stray monster cans maybe but he cleans his car on the weekends. can and will yell at people for putting their feet on the dash. always has a full tank and complete first aid kid kinda guy. i love him your honor
no one knows if hermie has a car. they kinda just appear
okay ta-ta for now see u later <3 peace and love
GOTHWEEBCLEATS ANON YOU ARE BACK !!! YIPPEE !!!!!!! actively celebrating your return I am so happy !! welcome back !!!!
anyways , hngnngng scary being attached to her car 🥺🥺 ough so important to me !! it's a space that is fully and 100% hers !!!! sobs !!!!! AND ALL THE LITTLE PERMANENT PARTS OF HER FRIENDS INCLUDED ON IT IS SO IMPORTANT EXPLODES EXPLODES EXPLODES it's her space to decorate how she wants and she wants to decorate it with the people she loves !!!!!!! literally everything to me !!!!!!!!!!!!
and ough yeah <3333 passenger princess Lincoln <33333 beloved <333333 so real and true <3 and normal <333 they are both just like me fr <3 scary is driving everyone everywhere <333333 and everything about Taylor's car is so !! him having the most absurd and extra car imaginable and then you go in and it is So Clean and he Will yell at you if you put your feet on the dash <3 beloved <3 and hermie sbdnwkkdksd that's so in character for them i love that
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beerecordings · 3 years
ah yes the holidays are approaching, how lovely. i'm looking forward to many fond family traditions such as:
cousins and siblings bet on which of our enormous farmboy uncles can hold the most booze this year and keep tally of which of them drinks the most beer. uncles do not know about this
my male cousins going out with my grandfather early in the morning to pretend any of them are useful around the farm while I am left to babysit all the kids and get lunch ready for when they return, thus proving that I am in fact the only one of them with any real skills
my older brother and I surprising our grandpa by going to daily Mass with him and thus destroying all our cousins in Win Grandpa's Favoritism yet again. look upon us and despair amen
my younger cousins get their sleds, take them to the snow-covered hills... and then use them to scare mice out of the snow and whack the mice to death with the sleds. winner gets a sip of beer
We All Mock the President (non-partisan)
everyone shoving me and my dumb cousin Louis together because we were best friends when we were kids but he's an idiot now and I have to keep it secret from everyone that that "tragic concussion" he got wasn't part of an army field drill but instead him getting drunk off his ass with his frat brothers and falling out of the back of a truck and directly onto his head (chronicled on Snapchat)
my brother-in-law taking all the young adults out for Taco Bell at like two in the morning and then the next day my little brother asking us when we're going to go to Taco Bell this year because we never bring him..... whoops
our annual family football game, which my uncles Bret and Darryl will get way too emotionally invested in, causing my little cousins and nephews to be continuously trampled. also we all make it a point to smash into grandpa as hard as we can
my siblings and i rank all of our cousins by likelihood to succeed in life and assign our attention accordingly
we play "find the anti-vaxxer" since there's a new one annually. this year it is my mom! (she does not know my dad got vaccinated on a business trip last month)
my mom and aunts all compete to make the best dish but we are all losing to the Patriarchy (TM)
everyone hides money in grandma's microwave if she buys us too much stuff because we know she won't accept it directly
Group of Women Pretend to Give a Fuck about the Thanksgiving Football Game. professional acting level edition
grandpa hands out packets of ground beef and steaks from his ranch and everybody has brought along their own cooler to take the beef home because we know this will be our Christmas present
someone in town recognizes me as a member of my family even though I have never lived in that town and my cousins and I all look radically different (?) rural town powers activate
grandpa's dog tries to eat my smallest nephew <3 i must carry the child at all times when the dog is inside the house <33 why <333
And other beloved family activities!!!!
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[requested by anon]
~Badboyhalo x Streamer!Reader~
Summary: BadBoyHalo and Y/NsLuvBug are the cutest couple in the Dream SMP and they're even cuter off camera.
Genre: Fluff that go floof.
Pronouns: They/Them (Gender-neutral)
Warnings: none. Seriously. Not even cursing since this is a BBH fic.
[a/n: oOoooO, my first BadBoyHalo fic. Thank you for requesting. I hope you enjoy this <3]
"Okay, chat. It's time for me to go, so bye bye!", Darryl ended the stream and made his way to the living room where (Y/N) was playing tug of war with a chew toy with Rat. (Y/N) loosened their grip, giving Rat her beloved chew toy. After giving it a hard chew and a shake, Rat dropped the now slobbery chew toy and jumped into (Y/N)‘s arms for pats. Darryl’s heart practically melts at the sight.
“Hey Cupcake!”, Darryl got (Y/N)’s attention with the endearing nickname he gave them, “It’s almost time for Lucy’s walk. Wanna take a nice stroll in the park together?”, Darryl proposed to which (Y/N) happily got up with Rat in her arms with a “Yup! Sounds like a good idea.” With Rat’s collar on and the leash attached, they went out and walked to a nearby park. 
It was a pretty spring day with the breeze whistling a pretty tune, leaving a cold touches on their ears. The sun’s rays spill from the green foliage above them as they walked, Rat happily walking about. 
“Look, she’s sniffing a flower.”, (Y/N) cooed at the pup poking a daisy with her nose, poised with front paw in the air. “Oh my gosh she looks absolutely adorable!”, Darryl awed and promptly took a picture to post later. Soon, Rat lost interest and walked away sniffing for a good patch of grass to do her business.
When she was done, the couple continued their walk. Darryl holding onto the leash and (Y/N) on his arm. They took a moment to sit at a bench overlooking the lake and taking in the scenery. With Darryl’s head resting on (Y/N)‘s shoulder and their cheek resting on his head, they talked about anything and everything. How their day went, groceries, antics going on with the SMP and exchanged sweet nothings. They didn’t even notice how long they were out there until the lake turned tangerine and the sun was saying it’s goodbyes and greeting the night. 
“This was a lovely idea.”, (Y/N) smiled down at the resting pup in their lover’s lap. “And you’re even lovelier, cupcake.”, Darryl pecked their temple before meeting his lips with theirs.
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Bastard my beloved
Darryl: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Arthur: Those are wanted posters!
Arthur: Are you sure Darryl's even gay? They barely even looked at me.
Arthur: I think I need a hug...
Darryl: Good thing I'm hug shaped!
*45 minutes later*
Arthur: You... you can let go now.
Darryl: No, I absolutely cannot.
Darryl, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks.
Arthur: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.
Arthur: Are you drinking enough water?
Darryl: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth.
Darryl: Why are you on fire?
Arthur: This is just how my day is going.
Darryl: The risk I took was calculated but, man, am I bad at math.
Darryl: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Darryl: Am I right, Arthur?
Arthur: I’m almost certain you’re not, but to be fair, I wasn’t listening.
Arthur: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Darryl: You and me!
Arthur: *tearing up* Ok.
Darryl: What is the one thing I told you not to do?
Arthur: Burn the house down.
Darryl: And what did you do?
Arthur: I made dinner.
Arthur: And burnt the house down.
Darryl: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Arthur: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Darryl: What is wrong with you?
Arthur: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Arthur: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Darryl: ...We're on the ground floor.
Arthur: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Darryl: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Arthur: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Darryl: Arthur, you risked your life to save me!
Arthur: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
Arthur: I’m going to hell.
Darryl: Probably.
Arthur: I'll pick you up?
Darryl, nodding: Carpool.
Darryl: What are you drinking?
Arthur: Vodka.
Darryl: Straight?
Arthur: No, gay. Why?
Darryl: How would you like your coffee?
Arthur: As dark as my soul.
Darryl: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
Kidnapper: We have your child
Darryl: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Darryl: Oh god, you have Arthur
Darryl: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Arthur: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Darryl: But you’re always acting stupid?
Arthur: ...
Arthur: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Arthur: What's this?
Darryl, hugging Arthur: Affection!
Arthur: Disgusting.
Arthur: ...Do it again.
Arthur: I am in charge of this disaster!
Darryl: I have a name, you know.
Arthur: Are you a cuddler?
Darryl: I'm a machine of death and destruction.
Darryl: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Teacher: Your child got in a fight.
Arthur: Did they win?
Darryl: Damn, the power went out.
Arthur: Don’t worry, I got this.
Arthur: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Darryl: What-?
Arthur: I swallowed a glow stick!
Darryl, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Darryl: Life could be worse, Arthur.
Arthur: Life could be a lot better too!
Darryl: Oh, fiddlesticks.
Arthur: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let's watch the fucking language.
Darryl: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
Arthur: Darryl, it's four o'clock in the morning.
Darryl: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Darryl: Arthur taught me to think before I act.
Darryl: ...So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Arthur: Are you mad?
Darryl: No.
Arthur: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Arthur, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea?
Darryl: Tea.
Arthur: Wrong. It's coffee.
Darryl: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you.
Darryl: Ask me to kill for you.
Arthur: ...First of all, calm down-
Arthur: You disgust me.
Darryl: *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.
Darryl: Arthur likes to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
Arthur: We either die free, or die trying!
Darryl: Are those the only choices?
Darryl: Tell me a little about yourself.
Arthur: I'd rather not, I really like this group.
Arthur: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Darryl: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Darryl: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Arthur: We could attack them with hummus.
Darryl: I stand corrected.
Arthur: Just keeping things in perspective.
Arthur: Someone care to explain why we have 6 dogs in our apartment?
Darryl: They're golden retrievers, dude. They retrieve gold. I did this for us.
Darryl: What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a child?
Arthur: That naptime was a punishment.
Arthur: Darryl, I screwed up, big time.
Darryl: Arthur, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Arthur: If I may interject...
Darryl: Oh, awesome, Arthur was eavesdropping.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
could I just ask you ALL the questions? (minus any you've already answered of course)
lksdajglaks hell yeah bro (i'll also be skipping the ones require like fill in the blanks)
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
no again like the charmed fandom isn't really like hella active so there's no like mass swarming 2 drive u mad which is nice
Have you received anon hate? What about?
like i'm sure i have but like idk about what prolly just like what i said was wrong or incorrect or something idk i usually just delete
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
i mean i never really liked cole :/ like he was fine in the beginning but i was never big on phole which was his big thing and then of course they tanked him so :|. like whatcha gonna do. i can respect the concept tho n julian does have some really good moments. i also don't like kyle bc he bugs the shit outta me but also i find him like So Fascinating like. like he's so interesting just the way he interacts with people like it's so. i personally have a headcanon that he really has trouble like connecting with people / like reading emotions or social cues which is why you know like he dropped that magic bomb with darryl and sheridan and had like no qualms about it and he has like this. it's not quite charm but he has like this. god i can't describe it but you know this kind of light playful tone with an underlying malice that he tends to present with most people upon first meeting but in like relationships he has skin in he's just like a lot more stiff i personally think there's not the same swagger that we see initially Which I Think is because again i don't think he can read people well and his early attitude is actually his impression of like. the leader of the evil kid gang he fell in when he was younger. someone who was a cool sauve leader who was afraid of nothing but people were afraid of him something that a young kyle who was like still like really afraid reeling from the trauma of the death of him parents really kind of worshipped as the perfect mask of strength and masculinity that then proceeded to really sail him through law enforcement you know so it is like his most comfortable mask but it is at the end of the day just some impression of a school bully. but of course this is just my own lil brain in canon kyle's like a bitch
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
jack sheridan my beloved <3 also richard montana. i literally see a lame ass male character go is anyone gonna project onto that guy n then i don't wait for an answer. but like fr. he is literally me <3
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
um continuing in the same vein calling it an arc might be generous but i fucking Love prue/jack so unreasonably much like. they're so fascinating. like. but beyond that i also liked paige's temp jobs which i think were kinda unpopular
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
i mean again n/a bc this fandom's just so like chill. because the shows been off air. for like. 15 years. that being said. i do hate when people like. maliciously hate any the sisters. like you can just leave if ur having a bad time??
Unpopular opinion about the show?
i mean like. i don't think this is like. Unpopular per se. but like. it's gotta be said. like this wasn't really like a ""good"" show. like obvi we all love it but like some of it was like. really bad (lookin at u l8r season phoebe arcs 😡😡) idc tho bc i still fucking love this show. so much. but like. has 2 b said.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
ah jesus like just one thing? hmm. i guess if i get only one move it'd probably be to save prue idk how that would work per se because i love paige and piper's arc in s4 but killing off prue was just So Cruel it breaks my heart.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
i'm gonna level w u i think the phrasing of this q is so funny bc hell yeah ur biased it's called like having an opinion lol. but again in regards to charmed specifically it's So Fuckin Old that being in denial really no longer applies just because. like what's done is done and cannot be undone. that being said bianca didn't die lmao she n chris r fine
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
😐. idk. some people read the text different then me & i'm all like no!! u don't see it the way i see it!! what the fuck!!!! but like. at the end of the day. i really don't fuckin care?? like u can be wrong and that's fine it doesn't affect me. & ik a lot of people probably feel the same way about me like you know i'm out here like pruejack <3 piperkyle <3 paigeleo <3 pruecole <3 like. i've got bad opinions. so at the end of the day it's really whatever. i'm really grateful that this fandom is like p quite and you know not insane and vicious and cutthroat bc liek bro calm down it's literally just pictures on a screen? but yes. some people have like. Wrong Opinions. but i let it go. zen.
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
that's a good fuckin question. paigeleo? lol. in canon and ik a lot of people probz won't like this but phoebecoop.
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
depends on how u define like crackship because like i get none of them are going to happen but if a crackship is defined as something i think is funny but i would never wanna actually see happen then i have like zero of them bc i am like dead serious about like damn near all my ships idc how stupid i'm like hell yeah i wish this would have happened in canon. piperkyle my beloved <3 that would have been so fuckin funny to go canon. like. like. so fuckin funny. would have loved it lol
Popular character you hate?
prolly cole bc he is popular and i just never loved him as much as everyone else i just never really liked what they did with him there are some episodes where i'm like hell yeah (see: the good the bad and the cursed) but for the most part i really don't care that much about him and the narrative Really Wants Me To Care
Unpopular character you love?
once again. richard & jack. <3
most shippable character?
tbh i feel like piper. just because we get so many sides of her in the show like she has a lot of character growth and that's really fun to work with that. beyond that i do love paige and she's usually my go-to for gay pairing bc look at her. she's gay.
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waritawrites · 3 years
Elitism's destruction of Civilization
Whether its called progressivism, liberalism, new order, new world order, racism, classism,etc., it's all ELITISM. Elitism is hypocritically, unjustiably advocating for the dominance of one individual or group over another. Often implemented in society by the use of Hegelian strategies, the goal is to divide and conquer.
The groups who have been most abused and neglected by the elitists are most frequently used to attack the group who is said to have benefitted the most from their suffering. At the same time, those behaviors of the oppressed are or have been presented in such a way to appear counterproductive to the survival of the dominant group. These are given as reasons to justify the terrorization of the oppressed group. This is done wide scale as well as person - to - person. Individually, people justify their mistreatment of others using elitist reasoning. Examples:
-Connor was more qualified for the job, but he didn't look as attractive as Victor that was hired
-Eric loved Marissa more, but Marissa married Victor because he was rich
- Marissa sees that her little cousin just started college. Marissa knows that her cousin does not know which teachers classes in which to enroll. Marissa looks at her cousins class schedule and sees that her cousin has chosen good teacher. Yet instead of recommending the best teachers, Marissa insists that she switch to teachers who happen to be her lazy, power drunk, manipulative, self-entitled sorrors that purposely setup as many of their students for failure to:
*Insure that they have a class the next semester
*Make certain that those who are viewed as lesser due to economic class won't successfully complete college
*Who aren't willing to bootlick to the elitists
As the overseers and taskmasters that they are, their job is to make sure that the disenfranchised remain disenfranchised
-Darryl cheats his way through school from 1st grade to grad school, yet he feels that he's entitled to have whatever he wants even if it means taking that which doesn't belong to him as well as damaging the lives of others
-Sonya dates several guys with potential, repeatedly gets pregnant in hopes of trapping one of them into marrying her, the guys reject her, she has several abortions
- Alysah is lazy and manipulative. She always pretends that she doesn't understand how to do something or can't until someone else does it for her.
People who value others based on that which others can do for them. I know that many of you know people who are supposedly your friends and even relatives who will let you know that the other person is much more important to them than you because that person does more for them. They don't care if you aren't in a position to help them in the same way. Some never ask for your help, they expect you to automatically know what is happening with them.
Individual elitism becomes collective elitism. Collective elitism spreads totalitarianism in any form - socialism, communism, liberalism, conservatism, progressivism, capitalism,fascism,etc.- to create a false illusion of freedom and self-sufficiency at someone else's expense. Thus, strife, competition, covetousness, strife, emulations, jealous, hatred - and many more socially counterproductive behaviors will be accepted as normal and encouraged which will lead to the destruction of behaviors that promote growth and survival of mankind such as unconditionally caring for one another, selflessness, charity, love, faith, good self-governance, and many more. We this occur in caste systems.
GOD teaches us not to have Respect of Persons. Biblically, the term Having Respect of Persons is what we know by the more commonly known term elitism:
James 2:1-10
1 My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
2 For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
6 But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?
7 Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
Leviticus 19:15
Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.
2 Samuel 14:14
For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again; neither doth God respect any person: yet doth he devise means, that his banished be not expelled from him.
Romans 2:11
For there is no respect of persons with God
Proverbs 28:21
To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress.
Proverbs 24:23
These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.
Ephesians 6:9
And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.
Job 32:21
Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man
Galatians 2:6
But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:
2 Chronicles 19:7
Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts
Colossians 3:25
But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.
Deuteronomy 1:17
Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it.
Deuteronomy 16:19
Thou shalt not wrest judgment; thou shalt not respect persons, neither take a gift: for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise, and pervert the words of the righteous.
#elitism #HegelianDialectic #progressivism #liberalism #NewOrder, #NewWorldOrder #racism #classism
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
For the character asks, maybe Jodie or Carol? :D
hooooo my beloved divorce machines
character headcanons! under the cut because i opted to do both LOL
Jodie Foster (no not that one)
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, baby! I think that's like? Canon? Basically canon?
Gender Headcanon: Jodie is cis. There's no question about this
A ship I have with said character: Is there any question about this. RODIE YOU ARE SO REAL TO ME!!!
A BROTP I have with said character: Very fond of Jodie and Henry being friends hehehe they would argue <3
A NOTP I have with said character: Hmmm. I know that Glenn and Jodie being brothers is like... one of those debatable bits of canon - one that I don't particularly pay attention to, actually, LOL - but I just am very uncomfortable with them shipped together since they are referred to as related sometimes :P Genuinely one of the few DnDads ships I actively dislike
A random headcanon: Jodie purrs like a cat, all demons do. He only does it around very specific people though :] Also, if he likes someone, he wraps his tail around people's legs without thinking about it when he's standing next to them hehe
General Opinion over said character: I don't need to answer this one. Everyone knows I love Jodie. I am the Jodie mutual.
Carol Wilson
Gender Headcanon: I think Carol is cis but that she's very distant from her identity as a woman? Like. She isn't trans, but will kind of accept any pronouns with a shrug, etc. It starts as an internalized misogyny thing but even once she gets past that hurdle, she realizes that she just doesn't actually care LOL
A ship I have with said character: CAROL/MERCEDES <333 MERCAROL I LOVE YOU.
A BROTP I have with said character: Carol and Darryl are codependent best friends forever.
A NOTP I have with said character: Don't particularly have one! Carol isn't shipped with enough characters for there to be a disliked ship LOL
A random headcanon: Carol's favorite color is indigo, she exclusively wears silver jewelry, and she doesn't use nicknames or pet names unless it's Darryl or Grant :] What? Huh? Only one headcanon? No, no. Take all three, please, it's on me.
General Opinion over said character: EVERYBODY KNOWS I LOVE CAROL!!! Making a heart with my hands at my screen GIRL I WANNA BE YOUR SUGAR BABY. sorry. shes really cool i like her a lot <3
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Crazy Ex Girlfriend 4x06 I See You
Stray thoughts
1) Okay, I’m definitely warming up to the new theme song. And Other Rebecca definitely needs help.
2) I’m glad the show answered my question about Heather’s and Valencia’s role right away. They still have a big presence in Rebecca’s life, and I’m grateful for it.
3) How dare they criticize Daryl? He’s a beautiful perfect mustached bisexual puppy, and I love him, okay?
4) I’m sorry, Darryl is extra? I don’t think they get what “extra” means. Darryl is not extra!
5) This guy is pretty much Darryl without the mustache, isn’t he?
BERT: Hey, Nathaniel. I went to your house but you weren't there, so I called all of the dining establishments in the city until I found you.
BERT: Oh, some mail came for you at the office yesterday, so I thought I'd bring it to you the way, you know, coworkers with a good rapport bring things to each other on Saturdays.
Which… makes sense? Since episode 1 this season I’ve been getting the feeling they’re trying to parallel Nathaniel’s journey with Rebecca’s. And I guess this guy is acting the way Darryl did towards Rebecca in season 1.
If you think about it, does it mean that Rebecca is Nathaniel’s Josh? And who would be his Greg?
6) OMG.
BRET: When my seven sisters died in that tragic tandem bike accident, it took me 14 years to deal with it, to even cry.
This show is so ridiculous!
7) Yep, this would also be my face if I opened the door and Josh was there…
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8) “I am, as always, amazed at your utter… Joshness!” What a polite way to sum it up.
9) So, this episode is going in the “unlikely pairings” direction, and I’m loving it.
10) It’s kind of uncanny how much I relate to Paula.
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I can’t imagine how these two will find some common ground and bond, though.
11) I am loving the Nathaniel/Heather interactions! They are complete opposites in almost every respect, so again, I can’t wait to see how exactly they will bond? And Heather truly is a nice person, I would’ve kicked him out of the car three ironic “pleases” earlier.
12) I was smiling all the way through this song!
I loved the lyrics, and I loved the references to the genre.
And this was my favorite shot, for some reason…
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I also loved the fact that when the song is over we cut to Rebecca mumbling the lyrics, which implies that the whole thing happened in her head.
13) This fucking show…
PAULA: There's a scratch here.
WOMAN: Really? I-I don't see how. I stored it away from my leopard and my anteaters.
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14) Oh, Darryl, why would you tell a total stranger about Rebecca’s mental disorder? I was trying to defend you so hard this episode, but that’s a big no-no!
15) But he was right, though…
You know, sometimes I think we're close, like when you give me parts of your genetic code to make a person, but sometimes it feels like you just don't like me. And I look past it because I like the good parts of you, and I know you have some challenges, but that is no excuse for you to be unkind.
16) I loved this bit…
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17) Hahaha!
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18) Of all the things Heather said…
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…this is the one that got to him…
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19) Well, that happened…
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These are the ashes of Heidi, my beloved, dead Au pair.
20) Oh, Nathaniel, you broke my heart…
She took care of me from the day I was born until I was 17. She passed away this year, and her family they gave me a portion of her ashes to scatter in the ocean, because that's where we went to a lot together. That's what she wanted. (…) I was close to her. I loved her. And she loved me. She practically raised me. If I needed somebody, she was there. Then she went back to Austria. And the very next person to love me like that was Rebecca. And now they're gone. They're both gone. The people I cared about most in my life are gone.
It was all very sweet until he compared his au pair to Rebecca, though. Then it got weird.
JOSH: That's it, Paula! Enough! I can't stay here all night enabling your procrastination caused by an inner fear of success that's making you put off studying for your finals.
PAULA: Wow. Josh.
JOSH: Did I get that right?
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Paula’s reaction is priceless.
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I can’t. words. what. They…
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Oh, thank god, this didn’t almost happen. But… Rebecca and Darryl… that did almost happen…
25) But this was hella sweet…
REBECCA: You know, I was thinking, the fact that I was attracted to you it gives me hope.
REBECCA: I mean, I was attracted to someone nice. I mean, if that can happen, maybe I can be attracted to a different type of guy.You know? Guys who aren't withholding or cold or jerks or unavailable or dating other people or immoral or married or Nathaniel or Greg or Josh. I hope one day to find someone who is as kind and as loving as you are.
DARRYL: That is so sweet of you to say.
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But I think it was really sweet of Nathaniel to apologize and open up to one of the few people who is showing him they care about him.
27) He’s singing the lullaby to his mustache, isn’t he?
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28) Okay, so this episode brought back the crazy but in a very fun and sweet kind of way? I really enjoyed the interactions of the different pairings, but I think all of those almost-kisses are going to give me nightmares. Eek! Sorry!
29) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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Thanks, Dad for being a part of this great warrior tradition of the United States Marine Corps. And for teaching me Honor, Courage and Commitment. I will continue to use the LETTERMEN of the USA to HONOR those who have sacrificed and served this great REPUBLIC! Happy 246th Birthday to your beloved United States Marine Corps... RIP my Brave Marine… With that written, tomorrow the Lettermen of the USA will give 17 -20 veterans and wounded veterans autographed footballs from their favorite head coach of their favorite college football team in Huntsville, AL. These autographed footballs to be given tomorrow were autographed by Kirby Smart head coach of the University Georgia football, Nick Saban head coach of the University of Alabama, Kalani Sitake head coach BYU, Mark Stoops, University of Kentucky, Dave Doeren head coach North Carolina State football, Josh Heupel University of Tennessee, and Jimbo Fisher head coach Texas A&M, and Troy Calhoun Air Force Falcons football. Since Dec. 2011 Lettermen of the USA, through its 100% volunteer team, has been providing help and support to those they serve. LotUSA.org has partnered with such prestigious organizations as Semper Fi Community Task Force of North Alabama, A Soldiers Journey Home, as well as Alabama Veterans, and Fire House Shelter. Proving that rival teams and rival fan bases can work together to achieve a common goal, Lettermen of the USA (LotUSA) is a national 501 (c) (3) charitable organization of former college athletes, as well as active and former coaches who have teamed up to help serve honorably discharged veterans, wounded veterans of military actions following September 11, 2001, disaster victims, and former college players in need. The mission of LotUSA is to impact those we serve by offering the motivation, guidance, and support necessary to pursue success in life, school, and work, One Yard At A Time. Happy 246th Birthday United States Marine Corp. On behalf of my deceased Marine Corp father, Semper Fidelis, Darryl Fuhrman Founder and President Lettermen of the USA 🇺🇸 www.lotUSA.org (at Southside, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWH6zgGLZnA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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