#don't think he wouldn't be able to either Louis said about his louies 'they never see us coming' and how right he is
a-libra-writes · 1 year
Lol I love your Lackadaisy reader insert 😩
I'm actually glad they animated it ..so can you write a romantic headcanon for Victor I love big beefy men ..👁️👄👁️
I kidda like if the reader is like a famous model and him a over protective male wife
I hope this make sense thou tell me what you think..
I love your works and have a good day/or night (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
lol so i really cant see viktor as like, a "malewife" as hes p traditional and rough around the edges but this made me think of some HCs with him and a married reader so here ya go!! It kinda got away from me.
Femme reader ahead!
Regardless of how you met Viktor -- perhaps you were both from the old country and came to America together, or you're a fellow immigrant he found common ground with once he arrived, or an American girl who actually bothered to talk to him -- eventually, you two married. You were a pretty girl and he actually had trouble talking to you the first few times. Viktor was quiet, but sweet, honest and reliable.
You and him only got a few years of married life before the draft came.
He wanted to do it, hoping it would bring some kind of opportunity for you both. At least the pay was better, as most employers felt a Slav was only good for dumb labor and low wages.
When he came back, he was Viktor, but not the one you married. Not quite.
The job at the docks was one he'd been able to stick to for some time, though you know he disliked it. He worked for your sake, so you wouldn't have to pull such long hours yourself. He did many things for your sake, silently and without complaint. He didn't used to be this quiet.
You didn't hear about the terrible riot, or his involvement. You just knew he never came home, and then some neighbor said he was arrested. Then - there was some lawyer? Some man named Atlas May? It happened so quickly. No one at the police station would help, as expected. But then that man, that Atlas May, drove up to your modest little apartment and explained in his polite, calm voice. There was no need to worry. He has a new job, and you'll be much provided for. He wouldn't tell you why Viktor was in jail or what this new job was.
Viktor had to move to a different part of St. Louis for this job. He didn't even tell you in person, he wrote about it, saying he'll send money and you shouldn't worry about him. If anything, you should move somewhere nicer and not think of him.
Obviously you crumpled that letter up and figured out where the hell he's gone off to. Once you find the Little Daisy, you look around and see your big husband in the garage. You immediately rattle off at him. WHAT does he mean by this and what happened to his eye and WHO is this man who paid for the lawyer and if Viktor thinks he can just upend your lives and not TALK to you--
Your language or his, he gets the point. The whole building probably heard you.
So, you find employment in the Little Daisy. The pay is generous; you wonder if Atlas is either placating you or feels bad for the whole mess. Maybe both, but it's much easier than the work you did before. And his wife Mitzi is friendly - you think she likes having female company for once. In spite of her fancy clothes and talk, she's quite down to earth.
Even if you don't mind working the cafe, Viktor feels a great deal of guilt for "involving" you in the business. Well, it is what it is. It's not so bad, on the quiet days. Sometimes he's home in the evening with you, sometimes he's out all night and gets in as you're getting ready for work. You'll share a kiss and give him a long, long hug before sending him to bed with no questions.
If he's wounded, Viktor doesn't like coming home. He'll stay at the speakeasy and get it fixed there, and recover there if need be, until you drag him back home. You are not above cornering Mordecai, dangling a rat by the tail and making him spill what Viktor got into.
"You wouldn't - I just cleaned this room, do you realize how quickly those vermin breed--" "Ohh, I would, and I'll get more until you tell me where he's laid up!"
Actually, you have kind of a weird friendship with Mordecai, like Viktor does. You know the surly cat keeps your husband safe and has saved his life before. When you tuck away some sandwiches and a thermos of coffee for your husband, you start adding some extra food and a thermos of tea for Mordecai, too. He doesn't say anything to you directly, but returns the clean thermoses and cups to Viktor. And comments it's nice to know someone around here can make a proper cup of tea.
If you know Slovak, that tends to be what you and Viktor speak to each other, even in front of others. Otherwise you two have a weird half-English half-Slovak and whatever else that most people only get every other word of. He finds your accent very charming, and kinda prefers that people don't know what you two are saying. It's more private that way.
If he's around, he likes to join you on your lunch break and yall get a nice moment alone. You snuggle up and lean on him and he quietly enjoys the affection. He growls at anyone who comes in and tries to interrupt Wife Time (tm). If he doesn't have something to do immediately, Viktor likes keeping you company while you cook up the food and work the register though he kinda scares the customers.
He REALLY doesn't like the idea of you working down in the Speakeasy, you're a pretty girl, and that's a rowdy crowd. Even with all their money, the men are the same. The few times you've had to go down for something or to help out, it only takes ten minutes before some Mister Whoever stops you and says you ought to be in magazines and the pictures. If Mordecai spots the altercation early, he beelines over to deal with it - because otherwise Viktor will come by, and his way of dealing with it is picking men up by their necks and all but full-body throwing them up the stairs. Atlas doesn't complain - it keeps the other patrons in line. Mordecai just doesn't want to deal with the mess.
(Sometimes it's just some harmless drunk whose clearly confused you for a different girl and you still have to pull Viktor away. "Dear, please, no one should get their teeth knocked out for a misunderstanding ...")
More than once Mitzi has taken you shopping and dressed you up. If it's a special occassion - New Year's is a big one for Lackdaisy - you should go all out! She makes sure your hair is done and lends you some jewelry, and floats the idea of you getting Viktor in a tuxedo. It would never happen, of course, but she'll try.
Yes, it isn't so bad to be here - the violence is frightening, but Viktor always makes it home back to you. Maybe just another year or two of saving and you both can find a nice house in the country.
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alarrytale · 1 month
I'm really glad that Billie talked about her queercoding. She did queercode lots and queer fans picked up on it but her straight fans, of course, dismissed queer fans of reading too much into things. The same happens in Shawn's fandom and even in Louis' despite most of Louis' fans thinking he's queer. Queer coding will be pointed out by queer fans and the straight fans throw tantrums over it. They're so vocal and toxic and they're bullies, and so dismissive of queer fans. They're probably teenage girls and they're angry because it threatens their fantasies. Queercoding is directed at queer fans anyway, it's not for the straight fans but I wish straight fans weren't so dismissive and always thinking that they know better. The vast majority of times they turn out to be wrong! When will they learn. More and more people will CO and say that they were pressured to hide their sexuality but straight fans will continue to believe that closeted people don't exist. More people will say that they lied about being straight, and straight people will continue to believe that if someone says they're straight then they are. It's strange but that's heteronormativity lol. A few times I've questioned myself if I'm reading too much into things and picking up on things that aren't there, or if I'm a bad person for pointing out queercoding. But I realize that celebrities want us to pick up on their queercoding or else they wouldn't do it. They know we follow their every move and they're relying on their queer fans to pick up on queercoding. That's essentially what Billie said, she wanted fans to pick up on it. She was disappointed when people didn't. By ignoring queercoding it is letting these straight fans win. They're trying to gaslight us into thinking we're misreading things when it's them. I agree with you that willingly closeted celebrities don't queercode. I've fallen out with people over this because they defend the closet. I try and put myself in the perspective of a closeted celebrity who wants to come out. Of course they're going to queercode, they want their community to recognize them as one of them. They engage in queer culture because they are queer and they want other queer people to know that. They will allude to being queer in many ways, as they're closeted and it's all they can do other than come out, which they may not be able to do yet because of label contracts. Then I put myself in the perspective of a willingly closeted celebrity. They want people to think they're straight and so why would they queercode and engage in queer culture? They will be doing the opposite, they will be doing everything to come across as straight and they won't do anything to draw speculation about their sexuality. They will probably get married to a woman to put an end to speculation about their sexuality. That would do it. Sorry this is so long! I have lots of thoughts on this
Hi, anon!
It's okay lol. I think picking up on queercoding is important and i don't think it's wrong to point it our for the reasons you mentioned. The only thing we need to be careful of is projecting our own wants onto them (we want them to be queer) and creating confirmation bias. There is nothing wrong in believing someone is queer, because there is nothing wrong with being queer.
About the willingly closeted. You don’t see Tom C*uise queercode. You see him fake marry, have a kid he never sees, jump on couches, act in hyper-masculine action movies and attending F1 races. He's doing everything he can to be seen as the ultimate straight male tm. Haven't seen much queercoding from Leo or Brad*ey either.
I think it's harder for the unwillingly closeted who wants to show they're a part of the community because being queer is a significant part of their identity and how they wish to express themselves. They're supressing themselves and holding back. They so badly want to embrace their culture and be a part of the community.
For Harry it's so bad he begged for the role of a closeted gay police officer to be able to live out his real sexuality for all to see on film. Louis is standing on stage night after night singing "i love him, i hate it" while having to repeatedly deny larry. They've both worn shirts in support of other celebrities coming out right after it happened. They so wish it was them. It must be so incredibly hard for them to be closeted.
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Daniel's been clean nearly twenty years now, if you don't count the occasional cigarette and drink. He's got both now as he stands out on the small balcony of his room. It's night and he should be sleeping, but interviewing a vampire has his sleep schedule all fucked up. Besides, he has things to think about.
Namely, the vampire down in the courtyard below.
Almost like he can read his thoughts—and he can, Daniel remembers—Armand looks up at him and meets his eyes. A moment later he's floating up to land next to him on the balcony. He plucks the cigarette from his hand and takes a long draw. “A man of your health should really avoid these.”
“Why? I'm dying either way.”
Armand smiles slightly and passes it back. “Yes, I can smell the sickness in your blood.”
Daniel vaguely wonders if he'd be able to taste it. Armand must catch the thought, because he says “Would you like me to taste you?”
It isn't an offer, it's just a curiosity. Daniel raises a hand to the old scar on his neck. “I wouldn't let you near my neck either.”
Armand's eyes flick to the scar. “Hm. Messy, my Louis. I never leave marks.”
Probably never leaves them alive.
“You think so little of me.”
Right. Mind reading. “Stay out of my head.”
“Ah, but I didn't need in your head. That one was all over your face.”
Daniel takes a drag and looks him over. “I remember you, you know.”
Armand's face is impenetrable. “Do you?”
“You were there, the night I interviewed 'the love of your life.'” He can't help the sarcasm dripping from the words.
Armand frowns. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“That Louis went from one monster to another,” Daniel says. He steps a bit closer to Armand. “Why are the bookshelves so high? Louis doesn't have the flying gift.”
“The cloud gift,” Armand corrects. “Louis likes to linger in the past. It's-”
“For his own good?” Daniel finishes. “Says every controlling boyfriend ever.”
Why is he so angry? He doesn't even particularly like Louis. But he recognizes a pattern when he sees one. “Poor smuck never learns. Goes from one abuser to the next. But hey, maybe he likes getting to play the victim.”
It happens so quickly Daniel doesn't see it occur. One moment he's speaking, the next he's hanging over the railing, held up only by Armand's hand around his throat. “Watch your tongue, or I'll remove it.”
Looks like he hit a nerve. Part of him wants to laugh, but the bigger part is terrified Armand is going to drop him. And how would he explain that to Louis?
Armand swears under his breath, and pulls Daniel back in. He drops him to his feet. Daniel's hands come to his throat and he takes lungfuls of air. Then he slaps Armand across the face.
It feels like slapping a stone wall. He may have broke his hand. And Armand looks furious.
“Don't hit me back. You may kill me. Louis wouldn't like that.”
Armand presses closer, until Daniel's back is to the balcony and their bodies are nearly touching. Armand's arms are on either side of his waist, closing him in. And sure, Daniel is afraid, but he isn't about to show it. “You think you matter that much?”
“I think you'd have killed me already if I didn't.”
“You're mistaken.”
Daniel's never been a betting man, but fuck it. “Then do it. Go ahead.” He tilts his head back and exposes his neck. “Kill me.”
And suddenly, there's a flash of memory. Of years ago, in a luxurious hotel room with Armand standing in front of him. Himself angry and defiant, yelling at Armand. “If you won't give it to me, then just kill me! Go ahead and get it over with!” Armand yelling back at him that he doesn't know what he's asking for. Of him storming out. Then there's Daniel in the room alone crying, because Armand left him, and Armand never leaves, he's always the one that leaves, but it never matters because he always comes back. Because when Armand said “you're mine” he meant for always.
“What the fuck?”
“You remember,” Armand says. “You were obsessed, I had to make you forget for-”
“For my own good? Fuck you.”
Armand pushes off the railing and turns his back to him. “I did it to save your life.”
“You did it because you were tired of me. Just another pet you got bored of. But hey, at least I didn't die like the others.”
Armand spins back around. “You're nothing like the others. I loved you.”
“You have a twisted idea of love.”
Armand shakes his head. “You can't imagine what it's like to love as what we are.”
“Yeah, I heard that before. Still don't buy it.”
He supposes it doesn't matter now. Some fling he only half remembers from fifty years ago is hardly worth arguing about.
“Fling? Is that what you remember? I adored you.”
Daniel crosses his arms. “Like you adore Louis?”
There's a bitterness there he didn't expect. And some lingering dark feeling he can't place.
“Jealous, Daniel?”
Ah, that's what it is. Jealousy.
“Over you? No fucking way.”
Armand sweeps back in front of him. “You only say that because you can't remember it clearly.”
“Gee, I wonder why.”
He's angry, he realizes. Beyond angry, he's furious. Armand had no right. No right to take his memories from him, for whatever reason. He wants to hit him, he wants to scream. He hates him. Hates him, hates him, hates him.
Armand grabs him and kisses him full on the mouth. Daniel tries to push him off, but he won't be moved. But he refuses to kiss him back.
“Hate, is that what you think you feel?” Armand murmurs against his mouth. “No, you still feel it, the same as I.”
“You have Louis-”
“Louis is my eternal companion. You are my mortal love.”
As if the two could be separate things. But then, maybe they could. People these days did it all the time. Polyamory, he thinks it's called. Not that it matters. He's too old to be anything to anybody now.
“You think age would lessen my affection? No, you are mine.”
Daniel shakes his head. “Not anymore.”
Armand almost looks wounded. Daniel almost feels guilty.
“Get out.”
Armand blinks. “What?”
“Get. Out.” He'll throw him over this balcony if he has to. He doesn't want to look at him anymore.
“You're upset. I understand-”
“Do you?” Daniel cuts in. “Leave, or I'm leaving.”
Armand laughs slightly. “Daniel, do you think you could go anywhere I couldn't find you?”
He could blow his brains out. He considered it when he first got the diagnosis. Decided against it because he wanted the insurance money to go to his kids. “So me and Louis are both prisoners then?”
Armand sighs as if put upon. “Very well, if you refuse to behave like an adult, I'll go.”
“You do that.”
Daniel waits until he can hear Armand's footsteps echoing down the hall before he sinks to the floor. He remembers. He remembers.
And he wishes he could forget.
also read it here on ao3
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twopoppies · 1 year
"There’s just too much that’s too similar between the two of them to believe that they haven’t been in contact over the last 7 years. And if they have been, why pretend they haven’t? Unless it’s something more than just “contact”. Hi Gina. Sorry English isn't my first language. I hope you don't mind me pointing out but before you said Harry could never come out as it will be linked to Louis too much but this can be said for friendship too. If they had broken up (not saying they have) but remained friends they still wouldn't be able to express their friendship publicly as the moment they interact it will send Larries into a wind frenzy and it will be called 'the friendship narrative' and there will be so many expectations placed on them. So they really can't come out as friends either. For the most part I think they're still together but I have a horrible gut feeling that I can't shake that they broke up some when close to the pandemic. Harry went to Italy and Louis stayed in London. Their albums don't seem like they're about each other to me but previous ones did. Even when they have time free now they don't spend it together. But like I said I do think they're still together, just have a weird gut feeling that says different.
Hi love. I know what you're saying, but the quote above was from a post answering someone's question of "how can we be 100% sure" about whether H/L have struggled/had time apart etc. I wasn't talking about them coming out.
I don't know that I agree that they couldn't be seen as friends. Yes, at first, larries would probably be crazy about seeing them together. And yes, I'm sure some would start with the "friendship narrative". I think that would all fade with time if they were just interacting the way Louis interacts with Niall and Liam. It's the complete lack of interaction that makes it look suspicious.
I'm sorry you're feeling like they've broken up. For me, I don't think their albums are "about each other". But I do think there are songs within the albums that reference their relationship or things they've been through. I don't think we know where they spend their free time as 99% of the photos we have of them are from when they're working (and I don't know if any of us can imagine how busy their schedules actually are). But, for example, if you look at timelines from October and November of this year (god bless @louisshomesharry), we had no idea where Louis was for 18 days in a row before he showed up in NY. He could have been doing anything. It obviously doesn't mean he was definitely with Harry, but it also means that it's possible he was. There are so many examples of that. So, for me, the not spending time together thing isn't really true.
Anyway, however you feel, you feel. I'm not trying to change your mind. Just talking about my thoughts.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
🚨Thurs 17 Dec ‘20🚨
No one will argue, this year has been the worst and I'm not really into that whole 'silver linings to bad things' bit, but... BUT! If the demise of live shows and rise of livestreams meant Zayn deciding to perform for us?! Well. I would be willing to reconsider my whole ass philosophy on life! Unfortunately, despite the excitement (or was it hysteria?) he inspired last night by getting all our hopes up, it might just be a music video? We'll see though. He definitely did register a new song, UNFXWITABLE (!), and then, and THEN: slid a single photo into his instagram story, a truly beautiful old baroque theater stage, fitted with live show speakers and a tantalizingly closed red curtain. The stage lights are on, the seats are empty... prepping for zomething?? It was discovered to be the St George Theater in Staten Island, very exciting, but today more video of them working on whatever they're working on surfaced (a snippet at the theater with a bit of an unknown song audible) that makes it seem more likely they're working on a music video than a livestream set up. Still, we can DREAM. At the very least we're getting a new song any minute now and at best-- Z3 and a video AND a liveztream?? (or prerecorded, that's FINE.) The pap pics the other day were him leaving a menswear boutique (sorry I said home, my bad, it was the usual 'front door to car' walk though) leading to speculation he was getting fitted for zomething zpecial... maybe we'll get to see it soon!
Likely on account of the added European show tickets going on sale today, Louis came online to check in, and also to laugh at old videos of himself, send larries into a tailspin, and best of all, weigh in on and shut down discourse left and right THANK YOU SIR! Louis is happy to walk us all through how not to get Live In London video taken down (“do it on a burner account haha?” tips from the master truly, no one would know better so listen to him); he denies having such an account himself (“maybe I should”) though unlike Liam (see below) HE doesn't go that extra step into obvious lie territory and say he's NEVER had one. On how he deals with comments about his height (which are up again these last few days due to a video circulating that uses math to conclude once again that he is in fact, as documented, 5'9”), “I rise above them,” he zings back, and in appreciation of someone who actually got the joke, “you're on my level,” DOUBLE PUNNING, BOOM but that's not all: he finishes off with the comment that finished ME off, “such a peculiar debate.” REALLY. Peculiar specifically, not like strange or weird or annoying you just... went right in for the Eroda copyrighted word huh. OKAY. Also: no, probably no collabs on LT2 (“doubt it”), yes he loves twitter “in doses, no better way to talk to you lot” (you mean even better than via t shirts?? sounds fake but okay), tells us he is “100% for sure” is gonna get the vaccine, and that “cucumber is shit” which isn't really a discourse we needed him to solve that I knew of but like, okay! Sorted! Antis seethed about him talking to larries and larry UAs and picking a video of him and H singing You and I to reply to, and probably cucumber enthusiasts and anti-vaxxers were unhappy too, but the rest of us? WINNING.
Liam is all over, first appearing in a fisherman's cap that nicely sets of his full and fluffy beard, then demonstrating answering questions for the Naughty List insta filter. He says he has never made a fake social media account, so I guess he's not lurking here reading these or I would guess that if I believed THAT for one second, he also says yes I have lied to my best friend so I'll just chose to believe he means us by 'best friend' since here he is, lying away. Dixie is absent from the recent promo, which is a blessing not just because they don't mesh particularly well but also because she's gotten even more terrible on main, moving from simply allying herself with racists to producing her own racist content- if we're lucky she'll simply fade away along with xmas and we can move on without any of that thank you very much. Liam is still a good BFF to us though: today he's offering himself up as prize in a raffle, you can enter to win a 'once in a lifetime VIP Experience in 2021 with Liam' for a low low £5, funds going to Stagehand's #ILoveLive campaign to support industry workers. And on the 17th day of christmas, my LP Advent Alarm woke me up with... Roman Kemp leading us through a weirdly peppy breathing exercise, backed with both soothing spa music and a sample of Liam's voice taken from the sleep story played over and over at near random intervals! I said it before and I'll say it again, they REALLY should have recorded all the material at once last month, but tbh I am enjoying the chaotic daily scramble to find something to put on the thing that's come of them being caught short maybe even more than I would normal content, it's getting downright experimental and I'm fully here for it. It's got that classic janky af for no reason 1D feel you know!
Rob Sheffield found better things to say about Watermelon Sugar, naming it his number one song of 2020 and calling it “a lost Stevie Nicks/ Stevie Wonder duet” plus gifting us a Harry quote: “that one we reworked a bunch of times, and it died a couple times, then it just kept coming back. We fully killed it a few times, but it kept coming back in. So I thought, There’s a reason it’s surviving.” And Chris Pine- who also says that he's all done shooting his part of Don't Worry Darling- said, “Harry Styles is an absolute delight. He's one of the most professional people I've ever met. Couldn't be kinder, more gracious, I mean, really, I was stunned by this kid. He's off-the-charts cool.”
And finally, as 2020 draws to a close we are being flooded with a barrage of our guys being declared winners of incredibly narrow categories (Harry on a list of 'groundbreaking magazine covers' for example), but I think the winner of MY list of 'Highly Specific Accolades' is sewn up for the year already; Heartbreak Weather is officially “the first [advertising] campaign to utilize weather-tracking technology to target content to users”! I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for competitors but beating that for reaching for a category will be TOUGH.
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alltheselights · 2 years
Louis going among the crowd in the barricade has been one of the highlights of his tour and even he has talked about how special that moment is for him. Charlie previously posted a photo from a fan of Louis with the crowd and has continued to post photos like that, and even his crew members posted about how special those moments are of louis among the fans. It's no surprise that Louis posted that photo with a heartfelt caption and even posted it as his Twitter bio which had been unchanged for years. It's obviously a special moment for him and a testament to how he has persevered despite the hardships that had come against his career. To make this special moment about larry or that Louis did it to signal/soothe larries just because one random person had a larry phonecase is so dismissive and disrespectful to Louis' feelings and emotions. There's a simple explanation to his action which is that Louis loved the photo and posted it to remember it forever instead of the back bending explanations of it being motivated by a blurry phonecase.
The idea that Louis wouldn't have posted it if he wanted to avoid larry/larries which means he did it to signal larries is very illogical and delves into the confirmation bias fallacy. Why should Louis avoid a beautiful picture just because it has blurry larry phonecase (there's also so many other phonecases in that picture)? That's such a big expectation out of something so trivial that he probably didn't even notice. That photo celebrates Louis, his strength, his perseverance, his fans, his determination to keep going no matter what, the love he has for louies and him being loved back in the same way. It's not about a ship. This constant disrespect to Louis is really tiring and larries need to stop doing this.
You're absolutely right. It does bother me that important aspects of Louis' career and feelings get overshadowed by people focusing on even the most obscure connections to Louis and Harry's relationship. Not everything they do is about each other, and I think that's especially true when it comes to their respective careers.
Louis deserves to be able to have his tour just be about HIM and him alone. He's waited so long for this and he's said so many times how happy and grateful he is for it. I've been to three Harry shows and one Louis show and I've never seen the same level of disrespect for Harry that I see with Louis - constant Larry fan signs, the singing of other peoples' songs, and so on. I don't have a problem with people noticing the phone case even if I think it's silly, but when people start reducing Louis' happiness and pride about touring to a signal about Larry, that's when it becomes really disrespectful.
It's not a popular thing to say, but if the most important thing to you about Louis' OR Harry's solo careers or lives more generally is what you can interpret as a signal to fans about their relationship, you're in this fandom for the wrong reasons and might not care as much about either of them as you claim to.
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spacebarnes · 3 years
we we're too young ✧ t.holland
summary: when the pressure of the age ends a relationship, a song comes.
warnings: swearing, fluff at the end
a/n: i really love Louis and the lyrics of this songs are painful, so why not? requests are open! english it's not my first language so i'm so sorry about any mistake, take care of yourself pls! <3 (not my gif)
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When you broke up with Tom, you promised yourself that you would never speed things up in a relationship again.
And maybe that's what ruined everything. Moving in together in your early 20s and starting a new life just the two of you was either the best or the worst relationship decision. But, you were two teenagers in love, sure that you were each other's soul mate, who would dare break your illusion?
It had been almost three years since you left the apartment, ending it all there. You knew you couldn't keep Tom's name from being all over Hollywood, or even coming up as a topic of conversation with your friends, but you could avoid seeing him at events. And that's exactly what you did over the years.
Right now you were getting ready for a performance with Louis Tomlinson and other singers that all of you were giving at a community event for a foundation.
"Hey," you spoke as Lana, your makeup artist, finished applying some blush to your cheeks. "You're already here?"
"I'm in the parking lot," Sebastian replied and you could hear the sound of a car door closing. "Dua is already singing?"
"I think so, why?" you asked as you grimaced so Lana could apply more product to your face.
"Cause i don't wanna look like i only care about you." his voice sounded somewhat agitated, indicating that he was walking towards the door of the building.
"But you only care about me." you replied with a giggle, listening as he also laughed lightly.
"I know but, sounds rude," Lana put her things away and left you alone, not before you thanked her for the amazing job she had done on your face. "And what are you singing besides Too Young?"
"Moonlight, Dangerous Woman, Positions and Nasty." Sebastian couldn't see you, but you had a smirk in your face.
"So you're getting nasty, huh?" you laughed at the comment you knew he would make about the song. "Oh, and by the way. Tom is-" he couldn't finish the sentence because you interrupted him.
"Ugh," you rolled your eyes without him being able to see you. "Can we just not talk about him? It's been like three years, c'mon. Everybody needs to get over it."
"Alright big girl, see you over here. Bye."
The call ended and the sentence that your friend didn't finish started to haunt your head. Why did he name your ex? Sebastian wasn't usually one of those people who always named him, he only did it when it was something important or very urgent, what would have happened?
Your thoughts faded when three knocks sounded at your door.
"Love, you're ready? We gotta go!" the accent of Louis reached your ears and you just tried to hide the smile that formed on your face knowing that you were already going on stage.
"Coming!" you shouted back and gave yourself one last look in the mirror before dropping your cell phone on the little red couch. You saw the screen light up, indicating that you had gotten a notification but you didn't take any notice, it was surely from a fan.
You're gonna die.
I just saw Harry, Sam and Tom in like four tables behind us.
He's here for you.
"I have to say you look very pretty." the boy next to you complimented you as the both of you walked down the big hallway to get to the stage.
"Thanks, Tommo," you thanked him with a big smile. "You look great too, and i'm sure that you are gonna do a show out there."
"Bullshit," he shook his head, hiding the smile that had formed on his face. "But we are gonna rock the stage, and then you will do it by yourself." he said with a big smile, causing one on you and hugging you around your waist.
"Y/N, put this on." the sound guy handed you a yellow headset with your initial engraved on it as you arrived on stage, a big red cloth covering both of you.
"I saw some of your cast friends out there." this made your eyes sparkle a little, you were excited to know that they actually did come.
"Oh yeah, I invited some of them. I'm happy they came to support the event."
"Yeah, but there was this guy," he grimaced trying to remember and bit his lower lip. "I don't remember his name, but he was with two other people."
"Are you sure that he was from Marvel?" you asked with furrowed brows and he nodded immediately.
"Yeah, i've seen his face in the movies before."
"Maybe it was Hemsworth with Liam and Elsa, i dunno." you shrugged and Louis just nodded, trusting you.
The two of you turned on your microphones so you could start talking as you had previously rehearsed.
"So yeah, I hear Louis Tomlinson can't sing at all." you spoke into the mic, causing several of the fans who bought a ticket to scream.
"Well, I hear Y/N Y/L doesn't sing that well. She can't even get to the high notes!" his voice echoed throughout the venue as you two laughed quietly behind the curtain. This was all based on the many criticisms the two of you were receiving.
"Ugh, yeah. And that two assholes have a show tonight." you spoke as you watched the canvas begin to open, making the screams grow louder.
"I bet that they won't even be able to fill half the forum." Louis and you take a step out of the shadows.
"Oh shit!" you exclaimed when you saw how many people were there. You and Louis had sent out a large number of invitations to various artists, but you didn't expect everyone to go. Your eyes quickly visualized Sebastian next to Elizabeth. In one corner was Ryan Reynolds and in the other Lily Collins, there really were a lot of stars in the place. Finally, some fans were right in front of the stage, separated from everyone else.
"They really made it," your friend said between a chuckle before speaking again. "How is it going?" he openly asked all the people, earning several shouts of excitement.
"Alright, so, first of all," you looked to your left for Tomlinson's approval before continuing to speak, he just closed his eyes and nodded. "Thanks to everybody for coming tonight. It really means a lot to Louis and I that you could donate a little money for the kids that belong to this foundation. I didn't thought that so many of you would come today, I honestly just thought Sebastian and my mom would come," you admitted with a nervous laugh, eliciting one from the listeners and earning an on-air kiss from Sebastian "But yeah, again, thanks to all of you for showing up today. I'm sure that all of these kids thank you with all their hearts."
"So many boring things but no action, let's hear it!" Louis said and he walked back a bit so he could sit on the small wooden benches that were on the stage. Unlike the other artists, the two of you wouldn't be doing a big performance for Too Young.
And that's because Too Young is not a very happy song. You and Louis wrote it when you were just coming out of your relationship and feelings were running high. It was a special and painful song.
The melody started to play and you shared a big smile with the guy to your right before you started singing.
we were too young
to know we had everything
too young, I wish I could've seen it all along
i'm sorry that i hurt you, darling, no, oh
we were too young
Emotions and memories began to fill your mind. It was hard to sing this song without feeling a sense of guilt at all.
i've been looking back a lot lately
me and you is all I've ever known
it's hard to think you could ever hate me
but everything's feeling different now
Your eyes were focused on Jake Gyllehaal and Blake Lively talking about your presentation. You had met Jake through Tom and had formed a great friendship, but you were curious to know what Blake thought.
oh, I can't believe I gave in to the pressure
when they said a love like this would never last
so I cut you off 'cause I didn't know no better
now I realise, yeah, I realise
Your eyes searched for Cindy and a couple of friends you knew were here just as you were singing the chorus. You noticed they were making some strange signs and pointing behind them, not understanding, you just furrowed your brows and finished your part of the song just for now Louis to start singing.
You didn't take your eyes off your friends, still trying to decipher what they wanted you to see or something that was bothering them. That's when you looked up a bit at the tables behind them and your eyes met with a curly-haired boy you instantly recognized.
Harry Holland.
You blinked several times to double check if it was him and not an illusion of your mind, but it was. He was wearing a black suit and next to him was Sam, who was wearing a white dress shirt and a brown jacket.
And then there was him.
Tom looked radiant as always. He was wearing an olive green suit with a gray shirt underneath and you looked away quickly when you saw that you two connected eyes for a second, as he had the same lost and in love look that he looked at you with a few years ago.
You felt a squeeze on your leg and quickly turned your gaze to see Louis, who asked you with his eyebrows and gaze if you were okay, to which you just nodded and swallowed dryly before moving your mouth back to the microphone.
it's been three years since I've seen your face
i'm trying to find some better words to say
before I let this moment slip away
'cause now I realise
Some had noticed that you had changed a part of the lyrics and others just kept smiling at the beautiful melody. You turned to look at Louis and just shrugged your shoulders with a small smile.
we were too young to know we had everything
too young, I wish I could've seen it all along
i'm sorry that I hurt you, darling, no, oh
we were too young
we were too young
we were too young
we were too young
we were too young
The song ended and your friend took your hand to move a little closer to the edge of the stage and take a bow for the whole audience, receiving applause for all of them.
"Good luck, love," the Brit hugged you and gave you a little kiss on the cheek, rubbing your shoulder one last time before taking the mic again. "Let's hear it for Y/N Y/L!"
The time progressed and you finished singing your songs as did Louis, thus ending the event and letting the guests leave the place freely.
"So we came here for nothing?" Harry asked before gluing his lips to the glass bottle, causing Tom to look away from you for a moment to look at his brother.
"Oh, shut up."
"He's got a point," Sam joined the conversation, setting the empty bottle down on the table. "I mean, you canceled today's work just to come see her and you're not going to talk to her. Really?"
Tom gave one last glance at his two brothers before returning his eyes to you, biting his bottom lip from nerves and the indecision he felt.
You looked as pretty as ever. You waved goodbye, hugged and made small talk with each departing guest, thanking them for attending.
"Alright, this is what is gonna happen," the older of the twins caught the attention of his two brothers again. He grabbed his satchel from the table and straightened his jacket. "You are gonna talk to her, and Harry and I are going to wait for you in the car." Sam winked at him before motioning to his twin to signal for them to leave the place.
"Don't be a movie star and talk to her." that was the last thing Harry said, patting Tom's shoulder and calling him by the nickname that so annoyed him.
The brown-haired man sat there for a moment with his eyes down, not knowing what to do. And to his bad luck, when he raised his eyes to look for you, you were gone.
Not knowing what to do, he quickly found Sebastian with Anthony and Chris, so he decided to send him a message.
hey, mate.
Sebastian connected glances with Tom and grimaced that he didn't understand why he was texting him instead of approaching him. The Brit just pointed to his cell phone, implying to text him back.
I know what you're going to ask me
She's in her dresser
Don't be a dick, please, and if she doesn't want to talk to you, don't push her.
I won't
thanks x
He didn't wait a second longer and got up from his place, heading quickly to the back stage area and crossing the long hallway to get to your dressing room.
He took a breath of air in front of the red door that had a small sign with your name on it. After a few seconds, he knocked four times.
"Come in!" you said, thinking it was Sebastian and when you heard the door open you spoke again. A cotton circle with makeup remover rubbing against your eye. "Are we leaving now, Seb? I thought that you wanted to talk to Anthony and Chris-" you spoke without paying much attention, until you turned your chair around and met brown eyes and not blue.
"Hey." Tom spoke timidly and raised his left hand to greet you. His lips formed a line.
"Tom, hey," you greeted him so as not to look rude. "What are you doing here?" you asked somewhat nervously, as you knew perfectly well why he was standing in front of you.
'"I just wanted to see you. Your show out there was amazing."
"Thank you." you thanked him with a forced smile and the room filled with silence for a moment.
"Do you think that we had everything back then, but we were too young?" your ex's question broke the silence. And it also broke the barrier of the past, letting all the memories come back.
"Tom, i-"
"Just say it." he said and knelt before you, taking your hands in his and connecting gazes.
His eyes were the same as always. The same ones full of love, and the same ones that shed tears the day you left London to start over in Boston.
"I do."
"And do you think that now we are old enough to make things right?" that question fell like a bucket of cold water, you didn't expect it at all and you didn't want to answer it.
You didn't want to because the answer was yes.
"I think so too," you closed your eyes and just let your feelings speak for you. "I think about it everyday. I think that if maybe if we had been mature enough back then, everything would have worked out correctly."
This was an intimate moment between the two of you, and you didn't need to be unclothed to see each other's nakedness. The two of you were baring your souls completely.
"But now we are old enough-"
"But it's not the same, Tom." a bittersweet smile formed on your face. You really wanted to try again, but you couldn't.
"It is the same, and i know it because," he paused and squeezed your right hand even tighter than before. "In the deep of my heart, i still know that you still drink ice coffee in the morning with exactly eight ice cubes. I still know that you always watch the same series because trying to watch new ones never works. I still know that after a concert you take two bottles of water for your throat and take a long nap for five or six hours. I still know that it bothers you that the sunlight comes through the window and hits you directly in the eyes, but still, your dream apartment has big windows."
"And I still know because over the years I never stopped loving you, and I am convinced that I never will." your heart twisted a little when you heard that he remembered every little detail of your life, and how true everything he had said about you was. Tom just remained silent, waiting for an answer from you.
"You know what?" you asked and a smirk formed on your face as you helped Tom up and you did the same. "My grandmother used to tell me the story of the red thread. The red thread binds two people together, and this can stretch, contract or tangle. But it's impossible for it to break."
"So, that means that you would try it again with me?" he asked with his voice full of illusion and put his hands on your waist, desperate to have contact with you.
"I will, yes. And better work this time, Holland." you teased him, running your hands around his neck so you could hug him properly.
"It will, i promise."
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hannahsmusings · 3 years
*Louis’ eyebrows just furrow as you reprimand him the way you did, most doctors either ignoring him or giving into him since they knew who he was, often getting admitted and released into the hospital within an hour of each other, but he noticed that you played by the books, you weren’t going to let him get one over on you like the other idiot doctors here* *he just huffs at you, rolling his eyes, trying to keep them straight ahead but he can’t help that they flicker over to your face every now and then* *you had such delicate features, you being so pretty, especially this up close personal, admiring your gorgeous eyes, the color really standing out against your darker hair* *he chuckles dryly* I don’t vomit. I haven’t puked in years so, sorry doc, but you’re wrong about that. I’m not concussed, I’m fine. *he winces suddenly as you prod at his cut and use the alcohol on it, moving away from you a few times, thinking to himself that you may have looked delicate but you definitely were anything but that* Bloody hell, that hurts, you know? *he moves his head a bit too fast, the room suddenly becoming a giant blur and his eyes not able to focus on anything, feeling so outrageously dizzy all of a sudden* *he feels a bin come onto his lap and before he could even register your actions or tell you off, he was throwing up right into it, not having been sick like this in years, most of his head injuries never making him this nauseous and dizzy*
*sees you didn't like what I said but I didn't have the effort to care, not prepared to let you walk all over me as I was here to do a job and I planned to do it the best of my ability* *can't help but smile to myself as you say you don't vomit, knowing there was no way you wouldn't with how concussed you were* We'll see. *murmurs quietly to myself as I continue pressing on the wound before sighing as you complain* Keep still and it'll be over faster. *glances down at your face and sees you go white as a sheet all of a sudden, immediately grabbing the sick bucket and placing it in your lap, helping you sit up a little as you throw up in it and can't help it when I place my hand on your back to support you in sitting up right as I didn't want you to choke on it* That's it, get it all out you'll feel better. *murmurs quietly, it not bothering me in the slightest as I was used to this so once you were one I hand you a damp face cloth and take the bucket away, disposing of it in hazardous waste before looking at you, not going to say 'I told you so' because I genuinely was concerned about you* You okay? *murmurs as I help you lie back down, using a damp cloth to gently wipe at your sweaty brow and brushing your hair back a little so it didn't get into your clean wound*
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hobisexually · 7 years
can i just ask you, why do you still think that every woman in harry's life is a stunt? there is literally no sign that harry is gay and in love with louis. does it ever cross your mind that you and other larries would be less miserable and wouldn't have to leave your dash because you don't want to see the truth if you just accepted reality?
first of all, I’m really not miserable. I am annoyed with people in general, larries and non larries alike, and that is starting to bother me, yes. Because people don’t have it in them to not be fucking gross, apparently, and I’ll speak out about that when I feel the need to.
Now for what you’re trying to accuse me of - let me clear something up once and for all. I have said time and time again that it is none of my business whether Harry and Louis are together or not. it won’t make me love either of them less.
do I think there was something there at some point? Absolutely. do I think they still are a thing? I don’t know, because in the end we don’t know shit about their lives, they’ve proven that time and time again, but do I hope they are? sure. but in the end I just want them to be happy and I want to make sure that no matter what is the truth here, whether Louis has a child and Harry did ‘date’ all these models or not, I never crossed any boundaries that will make me look back at myself and think 'what the fuck were you doing’ in disgust. That’s my personal stance in this and that’s also why I feel people need to fucking chill.
As to why I look at these women as stunts - because the timing is too convenient every time. Every time this kid has something to promote music wise, whether it’s his album or a tour, a new girl pops up and disappears after it’s dying down. That’s not a pattern I can dismiss. If he’s really dating her, great on his part, but she’s being used in promo either way and I can’t ignore that so I’ll call it a stunt.
Now, stunt or no stunt, it’s no excuse to be vile to these women at all when they’ve done nothing to deserve it (yet) except for involving themselves with a member of One Direction. I can’t call myself a feminist and say I stand for equality if I let that slide. I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the eye if I did. If they’re being gross, say something about it, sure. But I’m beyond done with this trashing of women who haven’t done anything wrong just because they happen to walk into the picture.
You really picked the wrong blog to send this to because there’s nothing to convince me of. I don’t do the analyzing part, I’m here for the fics and my friends and five boys I care about. I’m staying no matter what the truth is here. I really don’t care as much about HL as a concept as I care about their happiness, whether that’s them together or apart.
If that hasn’t been clear before, I hope it is now.
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