#dopey ass
jonesyjonesyjonesy · 6 months
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
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oh yeah red envelope WIP btw
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zeravmeta · 4 months
an underrated aspect of one piece's storytelling is how luffy has zero internal monologue as a protagonist (which is actually pretty unique) so a lot of the time it forces the writing/narrative to judge him by his actions first and foremost and thus any words he Does say are all the more important and this is partly why i rec the manga over the anime (not that the anime is bad per se bc animation is pretty with colors and sounds even though the op anime itself is notoriously badly paced in some areas) because it just inherently conveys this concept better and more than anything it shows how economic of a writer oda actually is despite being a 25+ years long running manga with 1000k+ chapters because if oda had like at least 5% more flowery language in him he would then spontaneously transmogrifying into nasu and would drop so many fateisms and massive monologue/speeches for each and every one of one piece's themes, leaving one piece an unfinished magnum opus because its next projected end date would be 2100 ad
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sherbet-demo · 7 months
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Okay so remember that Disney Descendants AU? This one?
“Evil Dwarfs” by Bashful-Perry-Sprouse
Well I rewatched the Descendants Movie (couldn’t even finish the second movie without cringing, me and my friend were giggling about how cringe it was despite it being nostalgic.)
So I was going to redo the whole story of Descendants (the OG, not the AU) but then I was like—What if I had my own inspired version Descendants x The 7D AU but it has it’s own story going on.
So including that, since the author completely hasn’t updated the fanfic since around 2017 ish, (dunno their tumblr, if someone can find it that would be great) I made the AU with my own twists and turns to the story! (I am in NO WAY saying that I’m making it “better” this is just something I want to get out of my head as a stress reliever from midterms)
The art of the previous drawings of the Descendants 7D (The drawings in the top left corner of the first image) is made by the author on their deviantart, their username is: CeCelahermosa
(If anyone can find their tumblr that would be great please!)
Also drew my own versions of the royals! Tried to go off on how the author described Delightful in the story and mainly drew out my own ideas for the dress! Starchy and Humidor was completely different and I have a lot of fun making their outfits!
If you have comments or want to reblog don’t be afraid to share and comment! (It fuels my serotonin 💕💞💕💞)
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rainbabbles · 4 months
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shocking realization
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its-raining-here · 1 year
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quatre-vingts blaze it 🔥🔥
full glenn drawing under cut
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eddiemunsn · 1 year
eddie would be the biggest snuggle bug when you’re not feeling well!!
he’d curl around or against you like a cat, draping his long limbs over your body as he just melts into your warmth and presses lazy kisses to whatever skin he can find. if it’s a distraction you need, he can ramble on about his newest campaign and the stupid things he and the boys do at school and in the club just to make you laugh. he’d make sure you have everything you need to feel better, doting on you until he is pleased and gets to wrap himself around you and nuzzle into your neck so he can smell the detergent you used on your clothes and the perfume that still lingers
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goblinbugthing · 3 months
Hello everyone!! I’m making a lil announcement!!!
So, I haven’t told this to many people, but my name (Koko) comes from… a fictional character that I refuse to name, because trauma. I’d named myself after him because i had, admittedly, become absolutely completely obsessed with him and wanted to be like him in every way possible. Which was a very bad thing, especially considering he was 1) dying, and 2) literally completely fucking insane.
I’ve since fallen out of the fandom for the series he’s from, and have lost interest in him as a character as well, and in all honesty I’ve developed a hatred for him and the series. I want to fully disconnect myself from that old hyperfixation, not just because of how awful I was as a person when I was into it, but also because it holds a lot of not fun memories that I’ve much prefer forgetting.
So, I’m changing my name!
From now on and into the foreseeable future, please call me Bug or Bugthing!
Mutuals can call me Buggie :)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be updating all my tags… oof.
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bird-inacage · 2 years
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Prapai: I can’t wait to speak to my sweetheart, it’s been an entire week, can you believe it?? God I miss him, I mean my office. He probably won’t answer, but its worth a try on 1 of my 86 new sim cards.
Give the PA a raise. Lady knows what’s up. She pretty much juggles being Prapai’s dating advisor and babysitter, whilst dealing with his normal day-to-day antics. 
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PA: I do not get paid enough for this shit.
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doodle17 · 6 months
Guess who's wondering if she's on the ace spectrum
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theflyingfeeling · 5 months
hi hi hellooo! Aleksi's remix of Let Me Down Slowly came up on my youtube recs and it instantly reminded me of your amazing fic and I knoooooooooow I said it a million times but thank you so much for writing it and sharing it, it's so fucking good!!!!!!! 💖💘💖💕💖💖💘
now imagine, pining-idiots-that-haven't-realized-they-are-in-love Allu and Olli are probably enjoying their well deserved breaks from all the stuff they did in 2023 (and most likely with their partners by their side), but I like to imagine that they still make some time for at least one video call once a week, or that they exchange dumb texts daily because they miss each other so much 🥺💕
maybe Olli grabs his guitar one night and comes up with some beautiful riff that he sends to Allu, but this time Aleksi decides that they have to finish it together side by side (clearly an excuse to see Olli again because oooops, he realized he has Feelings™ for his friend and bandmate) and well, Olli had to travel to Helsinki anyway (to make sure the new posters were shipped correctly, or to sign a legal document or some made up bullshit), soooo why not stay at his just-a-friend-i-swear's place for a few days?
they would have the Moment Of Realization late at night, around 2AM when Allu is finally done with the remix and Olli is already asleep on the couch (is he really asleep, though? or just enjoying the moment with his eyes closed?). Allu would not resist the temptation of brushing a curl off Olli's beautiful face, and maybe caressing one of his cheeks while he can, not forseeing that Olli would be very much awake, so now they're both holding their breaths and staring at each other with so much love 💖💕💘
maybe they finally dare to get closer and share a shy little kiss after all those years of pining, or maybe they feel like they can't do it, not while they still have a significant other, and leave the studio confused and unsure of what to do next 🥰
anyways, it's already late over here and I used my last braincell to daydream about this 😅 have a lovely lovely day 💖💕💘💖💕💘
OH MY GOD???!!?!?!??!?! 😭😭😭😭😭
this made my stomach do the thing because akdjshfksjfdkf I've honestly spent the entire Christmas break thinking about the two of them constantly checking their phones and not really understanding why they feel so disappointed when there's no new text from the other or why they feel a pang of jealousy when the other posts a holiday greeting in the group chat (=a selfie with their gf with a cheesy Christmassy/NYE edit and a text "Happy Holidays from us!")
amd aaaahhhh imagine soft Olli playing softly on his soft guitar AND THINKING OF ALLU THE WHOLE TIME DJDHFGFFJFF I meaaaaan may I remind y'all that yet again this is not just something the delulu made up but instead it's something that actually for real happened with the Let Me Down remix 😭 obviously we don't know if Olli had the riff ready and Allu just happened to need one and it came up in a conversation, or if Allu asked him to make him one, or if Olli just sent the riff to Allu who was so inspired (and in love (with the riff! or at least that's what he convinced himself then)) that he made an entire remix based off it 🥺 my point here is that it's TOO EASY to imagine them doing exactly what you just derscribed 🤧💕
and yeah, I have also been imagining their first kiss and how terrifying it would be for the both of them 😭 I mean, I want to assume that the "deep talks" they've had over a glass of wine or a bottle of Mountain Dew (again, something we know for certain they done, not just something the delulu has decided is canon!!) they have also discussed sex and/or sexuality and came out as bi to each other, so it's not the fact they're both dudes and about to kiss each other that's messing with their heads rather than the fact they're both in relationships skgjdjfksjfsjfjdjf fuck why am I so invested in this 😩
bonus points indeed if they only ALMOST kiss before they snap out of it and aaaaaaaaaa poor confused boys!! because this whole time they've been like "I don't actually like him that way, and even if I did nothing could ever happen because we're friends and co-workers and he's taken" but then they realise they were having an undeniable Moment(tm) and the other was actually about to kiss them back too so they're like ???????????????? oh god 😭
thanks for this, I feel so validated once again 🙈
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schasekk · 2 months
ohhh your icon is like a little cat figurine i thought for the longest time that it was some sort of fucked up homunculus
now how could you say such a thing about my boy FIGURINE #343 CLAY 8CM, look how upset he is now
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daredussy · 19 days
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Was drawing the 141 in their football teams jerseys last year (literally last may) before we had to move and havent rly drawn shit since 😭
anyways my coworker convinced me soap would be a partick thistles fan and simon's a man city lad to me
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asexual-spongebob · 22 days
the siren dib and siren gaz brain rot is consuming me. my beloved goofy ass fish.
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chrishemsworthsbitch · 9 months
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I do not nor will I ever give a single fuck about organized sports of any kind, especially football (blame being forced to watch it every time my cousins were over 🙄) but when i teLL YOU THAT HE IS POOKIE
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Incorrect Quote
*Slashers Playing Family Feuds. Freddy is the host, and he's ready to ask a question. Chucky and Spaulding are up to answer and they are READY. They are RARIN'. Words are at the tips of their tongus. So here we go- *
Freddy, smug and knowing damn well he's about to cause a bloody homicide: ... *Deep breath* Which of the seven dwarves best describes your wife in bed?
Chucky and Spaulding: A- ... hm...
Tiffany and Mama Firefly: *Standing to the side... waiting... *
Freddy waiting excitedly for the violence: Hm?~
Chucky and Spaulding: ... *Just thinking oh no over and over again*
Tiffany and Mama Firefly: ... =_= Hmm???...
Chucky and Spaulding: ... *Looking dumb*
Freddy: -Alright folks! This might take a while so get comfy! There are no other questions so we're just playin' the waiting game!~ However long it takes~
Jason, to the side: *Thinking oh my fucking god these people.*
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