romeliies · 7 years
{When you're on next, a prompt for you} "Just what happened last night?"
For a moment she acted as if she simply hadn’t heard Tomas’ question and ignored his question in favour of tending to her grazed knuckles. After so many years of boxing and, quite frankly, punching anyone and anything that looked at her funny she’d hoped the skin on her knuckles would be too tough to be damaged anymore, but no such luck. At least the amount of scars on her knuckles made her look tough. Eventually she sighed, glanced up at him over the fire with tired eyes. There was no point in ignoring him, he’d just end up cornering her about it later, or acting all concerned and wounded like some kind of kicked puppy and dammit, why did he have to care so much? Wouldn’t it be better for them both if he just did a runner like the rest of the people who were meant to look out for her? She felt guilty for thinking it, but not nearly as guilty as she felt for hoping he would never stop caring. 
“You know that bar, the one by the hairdressers with the creepy, weird mascot? It’s like, scissors with boobs or something, you know the one. Anyway, there’s a bar next to that, it’s pretty decent if you don’t mind your shoes sticking to everything. I was meant to be meeting this girl, just for a bit of fun, y’know, nothing serious,” 
Thom waggled his eyebrows in the way he always thought was suave and she laughed and settled into her chair and her story.  
“Well yeah, anyway, there I was just drinking, waiting for her to show, but there’s this dude there and he’s like, a total creep. I’m talking leery face, looking at everyone’s tits, probably has a dead body in the boot of his car creepy. And he uh, he keeps hitting on this girl at the other end of the bar, to be honest I think she’d sneaked in with a fake ID, but he keeps hitting on her even though she’s like, obviously uncomfortable. So I go over and I’m like dude, she’s said no, and then he called the two of us sluts and I obviously wasn’t about to let that go.” 
A hesitation, she watched his features darken and offered across her following words carefully. 
“And well uh yeah, long story short I may have hit him, and uh, got into a bit of a bar fight. Well, I dunno if I’d call it a bar fight so much as a bar, I dunno, disagreement. The point is he came out of it worse than me, and I text the girl I was waiting for and walked this teenage girl to the taxi rank because she was crying a lot and that’s uh, that’s pretty much that.” 
When she finished her tale, Thom at least looked torn before he started grilling her for getting into fights and putting herself in danger, and even then she could tell he was, under all of the concern, proud of her, kind of, because alright it was a stupid thing to do, but the guy had it coming anyway. At least it didn’t look like he’d bee angry for too long. 
Which was kind of the point, actually, because that wasn’t what had happened last night at all. 
What had happened was this: it had been one of those days that was just too much, where it felt like her skin wasn’t sitting right and her hands wouldn’t stop shaking no matter what she did. And she’d tried, she really had, she’d gone for a run, and when that hadn’t worked she’d tried praying and art and-well none of that had worked so in a last ditch effort to not feel so terrible she’d gone to the cheap gym in the town to work it out with one of the punching bags. Except, on the way back from the gym, there had been a guy, and he had been a creep, that much was true at least. He’d catcalled her (kat-called, there was a pun there, for a better day) when she’d been walked back in her shorts and she’d just…snapped. 
Two punches, she reckoned the guy managed to get in two punches before she’d floored him. Poor bastard had never stood a chance. When the fog had finally lifted she’d checked to see if her was still breathing (he was, and groaning, thank God, thank God, oh God what had she done?) before calling an ambulance and running. 
She couldn’t tell him that. Better to sit there and listen to Thom’s lectures about looking after herself than admitting to him, to anyone, what had happened. It sat in her stomach and twisted it though, and crushed down on her chest till she could barely breathe. Once, when she was little, she’d beat up a boy from school who’d called her a freak. It was one of the only times she saw her mum really angry (an anger that turned to concern eventually, and Kat was sorry, she was so sorry). “You can’t beat up everyone who does something mean, Katherine,” she’d said, “or you’ll become just as bad as them. You need to learn to think with something other than your fists or I don’t know what’ll happen to you.” Well, that question had been answered when she’d ended up in a cell at 17 for half killing a guy on the streets of North Cana, hadn’t it? 
“You’re alright though, yeah?” 
Thom’s voice cut though through her thoughts. She nearly told him. God, she nearly told him, but she stopped herself last second because she was selfish, she was selfish and she couldn’t bare to see disgust in his eyes when he looked at her, so she lied, again. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” 
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leavethehxrtbehind · 7 years
"I heard you were doing good." {from your short stories prompt a few pages back}
“I’m always doing good.” Her answer was accompanied by a smile, but the sweat on her forehead and the trembling of her hands contradicted everything she had just said. 
It wasn’t just Meg’s fault; she had been encouraged, and none other than by one Thomas’ closest friends. It had started off innocently—a little weed here and there, something to unwind with.
Besides, it wasn’t necessarily a lie. Meg had been through it all before, she’d come out the other side again. ‘Good’ had always been this for her. Maybe it was partly to blame on the fact she was terrified of the unknown of feeling. It was always such dangerous territory.
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fatherforgive · 9 years
"I can't /not/ care about you."
Concerned Meme
As calmly and softly as he could, Jesus replied: “but I wasn’t suggesting that you don’t.” He sighed after a moment, very slowly moving his hand to touch the the back of Thom’s fingers. “What’s this really about?” He asked, looking the apostle in the face. “Is everything okay? Are you worried about something?”
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curiousphilip-blog · 9 years
Rambling On
He was sipping on an appletini - not exactly the kind of drink a big, strong protector of the word of God would drink but, hey, it was early days, and he was still trying to find his stride in this Apostle business. Besides, master Jesus had kept telling him to be himself and, well, that was kind of the point of being with Thom at this bar. Being himself. It was a small, dusty place, which reminded Phee of an old western saloon; all they needed were cowboy boots and guns. Only a handful of people sat there, and they talked quietly amongst themselves. It wasn’t so late in the day that it would be booming, but it wasn’t so early that it would be empty, either. And, to be honest, it was kind of nice to just...be there...without the craziness of their work. 
He grinned a boyish grin, nudging the other apostle. “So, um,” he began, not quite knowing where his hesitation was leading him. “So,” he repeated, with more emphasis this time. Come on, there must be something you wanted to say, otherwise you wouldn’t have started saying it. He cleared his throat, and looked at Thom’s almost-full drink. “Another?” He sheepishly asked, sipping from his own drink in defeat.
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The ship is my: JAM. THIS IS MY JAM.
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other
I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
General Opinion: I think this all started because I sent Thom-mun a thing when she was doing a meme about our muses being married or something and I literally loved what she wrote so much and I thought about that meme a lot... Like it’s never going to be a real and proper relationship but at the same time I love the weird dynamic of it. Pretty sure this was almost a thing at one point wait hold on didn’t we headcanon that they actually fucked at one point after everything goes to shit? Also I remember I answered a turn-on meme and mentioned that Tabs is into spanking and Thom was just like I’ll be over here if you need me. Let’s be real, Simon ain’t doing it for you. So yeah. Kinky.
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rome-liesarchive-blog · 10 years
((You do not speak shit about Tomas Didymus in front of Kat okay you just don't because it will not end well for you they should make a sign about this and stick it somewhere in camp because hot damn is she defensive about that man))
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forgettheexcuses · 11 years
doubting-tomas replied to your post: Out of Order
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leavethehxrtbehind · 7 years
“Can’t you tell they love you?”
Meg snorted and her eyes rolled, although she wasn't aware of the latter. Instead she busied herself with paperwork which she estimated would take her all evening and into the early hours of the morning. Meg didn’t understand what Jesus had found so appealing about charity work; it left Meg feeling exhausted. Then again, the women’s faces when she greeted them in the morning, when she helped them find work that wasn’t sex work, when they had a warm meal and a bed and their children were safe, it gave Meg a sense of purpose.
Since losing her family, it had at least given her peace.
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“Love is a strong word,” Meg mumbled in reply, busy with signing her name across dotted lines. This wasn’t the only centre she planned to have, at the moment she was preparing to open another one in a town just north of here. “They’re desperate women, they’ll do anything to get off those streets.” Meg loved them, but she expected nothing in return. This was born of selfish reason—well, maybe not entirely—but at least here is where she felt needed and by god, she had missed that feeling.
Finally, she looked up. “What I want to know is what brings you back to a place like this,” she commented, an eyebrow raising in curiosity. “There’s nothing here for you any more and I definitely was of no use to use, still am.” What she did want to say never left her mouth. She itched to ask him why he came back when she had just settled into her life once more.
It wasn’t fair. She had already grown accustom to loss so many times.
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Thief | Closed RP w/ doubting-tomas
It was late, and the band of morons Joker liked to call his 'minions' had finally delivered the package. Oh, but it wasn't an ordinary one. No, it was a person. Then again, that was pretty ordinary for the clown. He rolled his eyes and sighed to himself upon their entry; since when was he so fucking predictable? Still, his current not-so-humble abode seemed adequate enough for the job.
It was a warehouse. It was always a warehouse. But this one wasn't downtown. No, this one was in the public eye - central city - which made things very interesting indeed - exhilarating, even. Why? Because he would always come here to make a bit of...fun.
Inside, there wasn't much, but concrete flooring, a hideous chill through the broken windows, an old, previously-disposed green sofa and, near it, an old television box. Home sweet home.
Then there were a few emptied cans of beer, traces of blood still on the floor near that old wooden chair, which was strangely positioned - in the centre of the large room.
Joker, who was laying on the couch with his feet dangling off the side of the sofa, moved to his feet when the person was dragged to sit on the chair. The man struggled, and probably cursed something along the lines of 'you've got the wrong man!' but Joker didn't listen. He merely hummed to himself as the man was tied to the chair.
He chuckled to himself - a high-pitched, shrill chuckle - and moved towards the man with his trusty crowbar in hand.  "So," he began, "you're the one who messed up that cocaine deal, huh?" He grabbed at the canvas back that had been over the man's head, and flung it to the side, taking a look at the pitiful creature.
He pouted, thing red lips hardly seeming to fill at all. "Are you sure this is him?" He commanded of one of the men by the door, frowning. The minion shrugged, and he waved him - all of them away. They did. They knew better than to disobey. "Alright, moustache," he began, pulling up a chair opposite to the man - and the chair was backwards so that he could seat himself and rest his arms on the backrest. "Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck have you done?"
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fatherforgive · 10 years
Mary/Jesus, Meg/Jesus, Thom/Jesus
Name: Judas/Jude [because OT3..I mean, WHO SAID THAT]Gender: MaleGeneral Appearance: He has his parent’s dark hair, but goes through phases of both wearing it long and short. When it’s long, he likes to play around with Mary’s feathers when she’s not looking. One time, she caught him doing this, and he got really embarrassed, but she ended up helping him with them, and he proudly walked up to his daddy saying “Look! I’m like mom!”
He has hazel eyes, wears an innocent smile, and is small for his age. He resembles Jesus a lot, but his eyes seem to really be Mary’s. His voice is also as soft as Mary’s.Personality: Not shy nor outspoken - neutral. Creative. He’s a good student, he’s really honest and open to his family. However, he’s also burdened with the desire to make his parents proud, which can sometimes distress him. He doesn’t know that they’re proud of him no matter what.Special Talents: He writes well. Poetry, especially. Who they like better: He loves his parents equally - just for different reasons. Mary for how motherly and caring she is, Jesus for how inspiring and almost childlike he is.Who they take after more: He seems to have inherited half-and-half features.Personal Headcanon: He actually grows up to be gay, and gets depressed over being a failure to his parents. He eventually confesses to Mary, who merely smiles and tells him that he’s made a big fuss out of nothing.
Name: Jane (and i have no idea where this came from!)Gender: FemaleGeneral Appearance: Lighter hair than Jesus’, but not as light as Meg’s. Meg’s face shape. Jesus’ eyes. Delicate features.Personality: Flamboyant, really creative and energeticSpecial Talents: She’s a highly skilled dancer and, more importantly, she just loves to dance! Though, Meg worries about this, since her dancing career wasn’t as glamourous as it was supposed to be…Who they like better: She’s a daddy’s girl - despite sharing a profound love for dance and the arts with her mother. This is because Jesus does things like picking her up from school and giving her ice cream.Who they take after more: MegPersonal Headcanon: She’s not as academically good as she is in the arts of dance and acting. But neither was JC! Her parents support her through this and make her realise that there is more to life than grades; her health and happiness is most important!
Gender:  Appearance: Dark scraggy hair, piercing eyes (much like Thom’s), average in sizePersonality: Outspoken, honest (which…Gets him into a lot of trouble), rebellious, mischievous.Special Talents: If getting into trouble is a talent, then that’s it!!Who they like better: Thom, ‘cause he’s awesomeWho they take after more: Thom. No doubt about it.Personal Headcanon: He’s a trouble child, so his parents are constantly worrying for his wellbeing! 
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curiousphilip-blog · 10 years
The packs of paracetamol weren't really an issue, although Judas had been branding him a swine for using the budget on unneeded pills. At least the Judean understood, though; some people needed to do what they had to do - what got them through the day made the pills an important means, and an important part of the recovery process. He knew this because he had seen it - they all had - through the broken people who traveled far and wide just for the chance to talk to them. That's why he had to get over this now - because he was important, even if he was the useless apostle. He had to focus on himself. Besides, once facing up to what happened, he  would be fine. Phil could smile, and he could even feel the smile warm him up, but it just wasn't the same smile he had been smiling with all of his life and, for that reason, the jew needed closure.
Thom wasn't going to give him that. As much as Kat would dislike him for it...perhaps, logically, the wisest thing to do was to end things. 
There was a pain in his gut where a blade had once been. It was just nerves, but he could feel a swarm of butterflies - a throb of pain becoming more and more noticable. He had to look down at himself just in case there was a monster trying to break it's way out of his skin. "I don't know if I can be with you anymore." The steward quietly mumbled to the man he had pretended wasn't there. 
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Thom, Philip, Jesus
Husband: Thom
Brother: Jesus
Best Friend: Philip
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yellingtheirdevotion · 10 years
Thom, Rossi, Philip
Fuck, Marry, Get Drunk With. Send -
Wait, hang on here just a second. Okay, for the record, Like, I’m not touching any of these people. With a barge-pole. Because that would be gross. Hell, thinking about it rhetorically is kind of gross. But, you know, like, I’m a team player. It’s part of the game, so, I’m doing it. Just don’t get any weird ideas.
-me 3 names.
Fuck: …Rossi. But only on the grounds that he’d maybe ask me to tie him to something. Then I could leave the room and get a fruit bar or something. That could work. Maybe if he asked really nicely I’d whip him or something. That could be sort of therapeutic.
Marry: Phil. Uh, he seems like he’d be alright at doing traditionally wifey stuff. I mean, he’s sort of girlish anyway. Beard notwithstanding. I’m not sure, but he already might own an apron.
Get Drunk With: Thom. He’s pretty fun to get drunk with. And even like, if I’m a mess by the end of the night, he always makes sure I get back alright. So, uh, yeah. Oh, and, uh, there were a bunch of times where I would be like, picking a fight in the queue for the bar and he’d like, well. Either smooth it down or just back me up and throw the second hit. That was cool. Heh.
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rome-liesarchive-blog · 10 years
Simon, Tabatha, Thom
Fuck, Marry, Get Drunk With. Send me 3 names.
Fuck- Tabs, like seriously, we had this conversation the other night and all I’m saying is if she was single I would be so in there
Marry- Uh, I think probably Thom, we get on really well anyway and I know all of his little “quirks” that make me want to beat him with a spoon already so there’d be no unexpected arguments or anything which is a plus. And I totally have him wrapped around my little finger, y’know, just saying.
Get drunk with- Si, we get drunk together anyway and he’s actually pretty fun when he’s drunk, and a lot more chill than usual too so it’d have to be him.
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Also, really sorry I haven't done the responding ;A; I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOOOOIIINNGG butI'm getting there (I think)
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doubting-tomas replied to your post:Sally peered out from around the wings of the...
{DO IT REPLY. :D <3 }
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