No Escape (1)
Been working on this for months, was a one shot but now it's not. Lol. As usual hope you enjoy.
All characters depicted are over the age of 18.
Summary: You grow tired of Bakugo's bad behavior and after 4 years as a couple, you make a run for it.
Katsuki Bakugo x Black!Reader
Darkfic. Stalking, humiliation, dub-con, mild Daddy!kink. Potentially some untagged triggers.
@palettesofrenaissance as requested I am tagging you on my first part!
The stars had abandoned the sky, leaving the night black as pitch. The bladed edge of the cold air sliced at your ashen skin as you shuffled through woods. Here amongst the silent, barren trees, you were safe-- Far from the disaster of turbulence that was your relationship.
Katsuki was not right for you, a fact that you realized all too late after you were already involved. He didn't come on super strong when he first asked you out; He honestly had behaved as if he could've cared less if you were interested. However, within weeks of that first date, he was blowing up your phone with calls and texts every second of the day. It was cute-- even endearing at first, but as the honeymoon phase ceased, it was beyond overbearing.
With no regard for when you were at work, he was ceaseless in his seemingly sudden obsession. When you finally did hang out, he was all over you in near desperation, yearning for your completely undivided attention. It felt like you were suffocating as he consistently crowded your space and cut out all of the people in your life that mattered. You're not even entirely sure when you moved in with him. More and more of your stuff just kept turning up at his house, until he 'convinced' you not to go back to your apartment.
The clingy attachment got worse after you yielded to the pressure of living with him. You weren't allowed to keep a code on your phone anymore and only hung out with people he knew personally (most of which looked as if they wanted to go into a rut when they saw you). These things weren't something you took quietly though. There were countless screaming matches and arguments, all of which ended with him taking advantage of your heightened emotions and fucking you stupid across the nearest surface or piece of furniture after you had given up and started crying (you weren't exactly proud of that fact).
The highest point of contention after you'd yielded everywhere else, had been your job. His parents died and left an unspeakable amount of trust-fund money, so he didn't work which (to him) meant you shouldn't either. Plus, with you being in real estate, he outright said that he didn't want you, "Dressing up to be surrounded by a bunch of low-life bastards." There was also, the fact that you could ride around sometimes one or two towns over for hours ignoring him-- which especially caused him grief.
His solution was to track your car, stalking your every move when you left the house and actively attempting to make you quit. At one point he'd slashed all four tires of your car while you showed a house so that of course, you had to call him to pick you up. A different time, you took a (male) client and his son out to lunch to show him what the local attractions were like, and you went outside to a kicked in windshield, as well as all 4 windows busted out. Not even the sideview mirrors were spared.
Your management team was able to turn a blind eye those times and let you lie and claim random acts of vandalism or mistaken identity, especially with all the love you got from clients and other customers alike. However, not to be defeated, Bakugo upped the ante and had his buddy from the police force send SWAT to a house that you were doing a walkthrough on. They kicked in the doors and windows with guns and helicopters claiming that they received an active shooter notice for the address. You had been scared shitless, that is until the SWAT team carried you out and you saw Iida suited up, looking completely unbothered despite the 'severity' of the situation. He actually lit a cigarette and subjected you to an entirely unnecessary, way-too-thorough body search behind one of the police cruisers. Seconds later a familiar orange mustang with orange rims drove by and you knew what was going on. Luckily, the police presence spared you from being fired, as management had believed there was real danger. (The event was breaking news and blocked traffic for hours).
With that one having backfired and you crying and throwing a fit, he bought you a dog to 'apologize' though he never actually said the words. He later proceeded to double down on arguments about you quitting your job and broke your phone. Of course he ended up replacing it with a fancier more expensive one-- But you soon realized that it had only the contacts of people that had earned his approval and a monitoring software.
It was never ending with him, but trying to leave or break up face to face only made him hold you hostage until you promised not to leave. After waking up handcuffed to the headboard the last time you tried that, you chose not to try it again.
Meanwhile, hard work and dedication (and screaming matches with your boyfriend) afforded you the senior salesperson promotion, meaning you were one step from a sales management position. With this title under your belt, you could step into a leadership role with more freedom than before.
To build reputation and show management potential, you were given the chance to sell a house of your choice and then would go through a shadowing and training process, meaning you were about 6-8 months shy of your dream position if everything worked out okay.
You'd spotted the perfect property and bought it on behalf of the company. There hadn't been too much confidence in it due to its age compared to other homes in the area, but with the right renovations and staging, and a well advertised open house, buyers would flock; that much was certain.
Late nights, early mornings, a dozen gallons of coffee. There was nothing your heart desired more than for the success of this house-- the success of you. It would be perfect and even set a new standard for open house events within the company.
There were unfortunately several out of budget expenses, like hiring a caterer and setting up before and after photoshoots for the property. The cost of landscaping had gone over due to several rotted tree removals, and sod placement for quite a bit of the back and side yards. There was also no way you were going to fill in the inground pool, which would become a major selling point after fixing it's disgusting condition. Repiping, rewiring, new insulation, trash removal (it was previously a hoarder's house), and a pool remodel... Everyone warned you about taking on a foreclosure sight-unseen for your first solo reno, but in your excitement, you tended to be exceedingly ambitious and with no HOA there were no limits.
At this point your job was the only thing you had control over, the only thing that gave you relief. And as you nitpicked yourself to a perfectionist's standard, your boyfriend remained oddly quiet. He actually volunteered his own money so it didn't look to anyone that you had technically far exceeded the company budget. The words of encouragement he offered while you worked were foreign, but you appreciated not having to fight when you were so tired. He was acting all warm and supportive like everything mattered to him so much..
The house had turned out incredibly. Inside and out, there was no sign of the safety hazard that it had been, only an amazing dwelling that would belong to a happy family, hopefully in the near future. Before leaving home, you checked that all of your equipment was fully charged and ready to go: Laptop, tablet, phone, and USB that contained all the photographers pictures and video edits of the newly revived property.
Bakugo had a prior engagement and would be at the grand opening of his friend Midoriya's gym (a timing overlap that was very intentional on your part), though he would be dropping you off to the open house. The ride was silent, but not due to the aftermath of a huge argument; it was because something was up with Bakugo. All of his body language read that he was on edge, frequently tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. He only behaved this way when there was something on his mind.
"You good, Kats? You look really tense."
He smiled gleefully before glancing your way with sharp red eyes. "I'm alright."
"Aight then." You shrugged. "Make the next right and the place is at the other end of the street, on the cor-"
"I know where it is."
"Of course you do." You sighed, throwing your hands up.
Pulling up to your destination a few minutes later, you got out of the car and Bakugo followed suit. Grabbing your bag for you, he stood on the sidewalk for a moment.
"Wow." He commented, admiring the property. "Way to turn this shithole around. Nice job."
"Uh, Thank you." You smirked, heat creeping up your cheeks. "You look surprised."
"Well, I haven't followed you in like a month. Been busy helping Deku with his shitty new hires."
You sighed, rolling your eyes. It wasn't like you didn't know that he did it, but you preferred he not mention the stalking.
Showing Bakugo around the inside, you wanted to make sure that everything was in place for guests. Design wise, it was perfect; Every accent wall on the first level of the house had the same pattern which became the theme for the furniture colors and pillows. The upstairs followed the same trend, just with a different color/pattern combination. The curtains for each level were in the respective opposite color of the accent walls-- But it was the little details that mattered, so you went from room to room spraying air freshener and placing a scented candle in each; it combatted the smell of recently dried paint. You also needed to sit out the gift bags that had your business card and number tucked within and set up the projector so that it linked to your laptop.
Bakugo was actually impressed and would've stayed to watch you all day (his own words) but he had to leave for Izuku's event. Meanwhile, the caterers had arrived and were putting together shrimp cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, in time for the early bird guests showing up.
It didn't take long before a steady stream of potential buyers filled the property. They were encouraged to mingle and look around on their own or join in as you gave a tour with details about the artwork on the walls, insulation, and the re-pipe/rewire. One of your assistants also helped you to do a live stream showing each room, while another managed the gift card raffle, and the third made sure that every single guest left with a gift bag.
The event went on for roughly 2.5 to 3 hours, which you were on your feet networking for the duration of. You'd picked up 4 more potential buyers for a few different properties after chatting up countless people, as well as several who wanted this one. A bidding war was most certainly on the horizon.
For everyone that stayed to the end, a film reel of before and after shots was assembled. You and your co-workers had the remaining people gather in the media room of the home, where the projector had been set up at. "Alrighty ladies and gentlemen! This will be the final act of our showing. We will put on display what each room looked like before the transformation, with side-by-side images recapping the final product you've seen here today-- The point of which is to highlight just how hard earned the beauty of this house is, and why it would be perfect to live and raise your beloved family in."
The video came on in clear, perfect hi-resolution, starting with a series of credits for all the companies involved in the renovation of the property (clean up, photography, landscaping, pool fix etc). In the meantime you slipped out of the room and down the hallway, heading to the mother-in-law suite on the front side of the house and closing the door. You wanted a hair and makeup touch-up before it was time to shake hands and say goodbye.
Pushing your blazer off and stepping out of your heels you went and opened the chest of drawers to pull out your tote bag. Out of habit, the first thing you did was grab your phone but strangely enough, there was only one text message from Katsuki awaiting you from about half an hour after the open house had started. "Made it."Was all it said. You hummed curiously, tossing it on the bed in favor of your makeup bag, flats, and spray bottle. It was severely, out of character for him, but you had to worry about closing out the evening.
The audience sat politely through the first minute or two of the presentation. It consisted of the credentials and numbers for the separate business entities that collaborated on the house. Completely normal.
Things took a turn for the worst just moments later after you stepped out.
The screen went black for about 5-10 seconds and the gruff voice of a male could be heard in the background. When the image on the screen resumed, it was of a man in peak physical condition from the chin down, proud erection sitting between toned thighs as he stroked it rapidly. There was a plain black band on his left ring finger with a diamond studded behemoth on the middle one. He had a sleeve of colorful tattoos and spider bite piercings under the right corner of his mouth ."I love these little tantrums you throw, Baby." He grunted through his teeth. "Gets me so fucken hard when you act like a spoiled brat..." He stopped stroking with his hand and began to thrust fiercely into it instead. "But no matter how mad you get..." He said, breathing ragged and labored, "You'll always belong to Daddy." He moaned, shooting his load straight up, allowing it to land on his incredible abs.
It felt like an eternity for those watching, but the clip was less than 20 seconds long. Some astounded viewers quickly vacated, while others lingered feigning disgust, gasps and whispers.
But not one of your coworkers-- the so-called 'work family' moved to stop it, even as the next clip started immediately.
This one was of the same man, face still obscured, but from the point of view of the woman he was on top of; you. The camera seemed to have been recording from just above your head and tilted downward, so your face wasn't showing either. It was likely placed in the headboard.
Length buried fully into you, with your legs wrapped around his waist, his usual tone was down to a gritty pur. "Shit girl... I fucking love when you act like this...You want Daddy to make you cum?"
Your hands ran up his arms as you pulled him down flush against you. "Yes please.." you whimpered from beneath him.
"Louder." He hissed biting your neck.
"--Yes, please Daddy! Make me cum!"
"Hehehe...Of course.." He pulled completely out for a moment and you began to protest.
"Wait, please, I--" you whined, before he soothed you:
"It's alright Baby Girl, just hold on."
Pushing your knees up to your chest so that your ankles were on his shoulders and getting into a kneeling position, he sunk into your tight pussy from a new angle-- both of you groaning unified bliss. Suddenly, his pace was fast, breathing labored as he fucked into your wet hole.
That's what you saw when you were finally coming back from your bathroom break-- just in time to look down the corridor that opened up into the media room and see yourself squealing in delight as you squirted all over your boyfriend.
It was so astonishing you stopped dead in your tracks, staring confusedly down the hallway for a minute as you tried to figure out what you were seeing and why. A vicious pang of sadness struck your heart as tears began to ruin your freshly redone make-up.
Meanwhile, a third clip started-- This one with you standing, facing the camera from the neck down, with Bakugo sitting behind you on the edge of the bed. There could've been plausible deniability that this wasn't you, that this was a data breach of some sort and the computer had been hacked-- but right there, dangling between your gorgeous bouncing titties-- was the necklace that currently adorned you. It was too distinctive, (a diamond studded hand-grenade with a flash behind it, engraved with the date you and Bakugo met) and you wore it every day.
Less than 2 minutes of footage, had effectively ruined your entire professional life.
Had you not been afraid of someone keeping or distributing this imagery, you would've marched right out of the front door and never looked back. Instead, you dragged your feet the rest of the way down the hall into a room full of scornful sneers from colleagues, and horny perverts that didn't care to avert their eyes from the video of you getting fucked.
It looked too good; with him having pulled you back on to his lap and lifted your legs up. The view of how accepting your tight cunt was of such a big dick would live forever with these people, partnered with the sound of your moans as your pussy was filled with cum.
You slammed the laptop shut and snatched it free from the cords of the projector, numbly walking out of the room to get your bag and go. After all of the measures that were taken to keep something like this from happening, it still ended up being a disaster. The laptop that you were using was at least 6 years old. You kept it as messy as possible, with file folders saved across the home screen and the taskbar full of miscellaneous interests. It wasn't synced to any accounts, all apps that weren't games were deactivated for the most part. No Docs, no Cloud, no Adobe suite. Just plain PowerPoint, which was over a decade old at this point. You wracked your brain, trying to figure it out; Where had you gone wrong? How did Katsuki even manage this!?
Heading down the walkway, the orange monstrosity that he drove was parked on the sidewalk waiting for you. The negative emotions within you undulated like snakes in a pit. You slammed the car door as you got in and didn't spare him a glance.
He didn't react, other than the smirk that he forced himself to suppress, expecting a blow-up any minute but it never came. Instead, you cried silently. The tears just started pouring down your face as you stared straight ahead. Immediately he felt a wash of guilt. He hated when you cried but you really forced his hand; You liked to go to work and pretend he didn't exist, like you were single and work was your everything. So it was your own fault. Still, he would forgive you with no hesitation as soon as you shed a tear.
"How?" You asked, voice low, still not looking at him.
"I switched the videos when you dozed off last night...You left everything open."
You didn't bother to respond, a massive sob coming from you instead as tears kept coming.
Bakugo was certain that he had never seen anyone cry like that; almost completely silently with no noise other than the occasional sniff and nose wipe with a handkerchief. Definitely a far departure from your usual. You winced when he rested his hand on your thigh but otherwise did not protest.
"Kats, I'm tired. Please head home, I've been on my feet all day."
"Uh, yeah." He didn't know how to respond.
"Thank you."
The rest of the ride was silent. You had screamed, shouted, and broken things more times than you could count and at this point, you just didn't have the energy to do that. Tired and angry for sure, but at the core of it all you were sad. That he could do such hateful things. That he could care less about what you wanted for yourself. That he would be so unnecessarily cruel, while still claiming to love you.
This was the last straw.
For a few months, you plotted and played your role. If you wanted to go somewhere, you asked him to bring you. You wore overly revealing clothes and climbed all over him in public. You stopped using his name, referring to him exclusively as Daddy no matter who was around. You would initiate sex, begging him to fuck you; beg to fuck him. You even took to sending him video and pictures of you playing with yourself when he left you at home, sometimes in his oversized clothes, other times nothing at all-- (which would make him come back much faster, if he could help it). You really made him feel his victory.
Kats was too busy loving that you didn't resist him anymore and was all too eager to have you all to himself; You, he, and the dog had been to 5 countries in the three months since. It was easy to get swept up in the gifts and vacations (and mind-blowing orgasms) and forget he was something that you needed to get away from, since he had been absolutely perfect since you started acting the way he wanted. You almost felt bad about your brewing plot to leave.
Well, it actually wasn't much of a plot, you were you going to take a few thousand out of his home safe, get the dog, and ghost. He was just too unstable and insecure, and at this point it was clear that he could only behave properly when you were 'obedient'.
The sole opportunity to leave came with the passing of another month. When he wasn't traveling, Bakugo habitually visited his parents' headstones on the Saturday of every third weekend, at sunset. It was the absolute only time that he left you devoid of incessant phone calls, messages, and his suffocating presence. A cloud of guilt shrouded the decision to leave at such a time... But you'd never know peace if you didn't. What other choice did you have? You had learned from the last several times you attempted to break up with him that it would only intensify his crazy.
When he left that evening, you waited until receiving the text that he was there to make your move. You left absolutely everything behind other than Thunder with his dogfood and cash from Bakugo's safe-- On foot, hence lurking through the woods that started on the edge of the property instead of taking a main road. The location of motion cameras on the edge of the acreage that surrounded the house were something that you had carefully mapped out the boundaries of-- And after almost 4 years, you knew where they were by heart.
There was also a small plan that was put into play as a distraction; He always took the smaller, more low key of the cars when visiting the cemetery. In turn, you sent his chef to a store over an hour in the opposite direction of where you were going, in his easy to spot orange car.
It would be hours before he knew you were gone...
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dragonmaiden79 · 2 months
You say you're willing to write for a variety of fandoms and material, one being Greek mythology. Do you have any ideas you don't mind sharing?
@palettesofrenaissance I had to dig up this relic to respond to you. I had done a short writing in the past that was a bit of a crossover between Nigerian mythology and Greek mythology, wherein the Igbo Supreme Creator Goddess would be minding her business and Zeus would try... Well we all know how Zeus is, but yeah it backfired on him immensely. I've never posted or shared it anywhere and it's unedited (and Idk how old) so please disregard the typos, but here it is.
Zeus, Olisabuluwa
How The Heavens Split
It was a fatal mistake. One that the pantheon could only sit by and watch helplessly. Zeus was the God of Gods, champion of all... Yet and still wasn't prepared for her. Maybe it was his brashness or his ego and certainly his extreme lust and lack of self control that destroyed everything. Zeus just absolutely had to have her, but this time, it proved to be his downfall.
"Olisabuluwa". That was one of the names that they called her in her home world. She was ancient and all powerful, having birthed the Sun, the Moon, and the Universe that she came from. Having retired, she merely traveled and observed those in different universes for leisure now. It's a shame that the narcissistic hunger that composed Zeus's personality resulted in such raw nympholepsy that he didn't even note the power of what he thought was a normal woman.
She was beautiful and dark skinned, long, high-end fabrics conservatively shielding her body, and himation covering her head, her soft figure easily desirable by anyone's standards. She lived modestly in a small home made of brick far out in the countryside, with a pond and under an acre of farmland, just enough to sustain herself. She was ever reclusive, coming out only on the morning of the full moons to give away free goods to peasants and helots.
Zeus had spotted her beauty while disguised, in the midst of one of his other... Conquests. The woman whose home he was leaving was near to where merchants gathered to peddle their wares. On this day, Olisabuluwa had a 4 wheeled cart loaded with various food items and crops from her farm, pulled by a pair of oxen. As if her beauty and sun-loved skin wasn't enough to grab his attention, Zeus realized that she was from a foreign land by virtue of the small clay pots that she was giving away. They certainly weren't Greek and neither were most of the dishes contained within them. He should have been intrigued by that, if not alarmed as a God, that a foreigner of this nature had materialized seemingly over night and had been there for a few years without any of the Gods or Demigods knowing. But he wasn't.
He saw her then and approached, using his best, most handsome human form, introducing himself as Zeus. He complemented her gorgeous eyes-- the color of healthy earth and her hair-- appearing plush as a cloud, but to no avail. She firmly, but respectfully declined until she was forced to harshly demand that he leave her space.
It infuriated him to no end, not that she said no (He would have her regardless so that didn't matter), but that she was in his opinion, stupid enough to decline an immaculate and well-spoken God.
Zeus went on then, to disguise himself as a poor child, gathering information on the mysterious woman. He waited for the next full moon, disguising himself as an owl-- an animal considered to have her favor, and followed her out to her home amidst the plains of blue and white flowers of the open countryside. Were he not so ignorant and trapped in his own megalomania he would have noticed the blue flowers and recognized the symbolism of them and the wisdom of the owls to Olisabuluwa. Common knowledge across the different pantheons.
As she lit the flames of her outdoor lanterns for the night he attempted to attack her, swooping down from high in the sky in owl form and landing on top of her in the form of a man. She didn't scream or struggle, instead posing a question, "Are you certain of your choice?" He responded with using his mighty strength to tear away some of her clothing. He should have been concerned about her non-reaction, but he was too drunken on his own arousal.
Zeus motioned to violate her body and penetrate her, but it never came to fruition. Suddenly her eyes became like mirrors that reflected her own universe and the world shook on Atlas' back. Olisabuluwa's body dissolved into the form of this Universe and Zeus was swarmed by the energy of the cosmos themselves as reality fell away from him. He found the world shrinking in his view as she carried him faster than light further and further away from the human world. The pantheon watched in horror as Olisabuluwa crashed Zeus back into his place on his throne in the Heavens, releasing his God power into the mortal realm, before using her power as a Supreme Being to rend them apart.
The Heavens tore, completely apart from the human world and then again and again it was shredded into shards, tattering and dissolving into the rest of the Universe. The Greek gods were now separated from each other and their subjects. And one thing that was common knowledge about the Greek gods, was that they needed access to the worship of their mortals to survive.
Technically, the Heavens and such could be restored. But Olisabuluwa certainly would not be the one to do it. And as for Zeus. Zeus was dead. His power released upon his mortals that they may all wake up and be gods themselves. They soon will cease to rely on their pantheon.
If only Zeus were not so foolhardy. He would have known better than to execute his usual pattern of behavior and minded his targets. Instead, all of his home dimension must live with the folly of his ways.
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palettesofrenaissance · 4 months
@dragonmaiden79 @dragonmaiden39point5
It could be just my interpretation so correct me if I read it wrong, but your most recent ask sent to me read like there was more you probably wanted to say, or more on your mind, or even more you wanted to headcanon. All are completely welcome!
But if you were and you purposely left me on a cliffhanger like this, with your assumption without further elaborating whether you want it to happen some type of way or not -- because this is a prompt-driven story and I don't know if you intended that to be a prompt -- or if if there like I said there was more juicy ideas dancing in your mind or questions that could turn into prompts
So if I was correct in my interpretation and assumptions and if you were holding off from opening up that treasure trove brain of yours (I'm still testing this genre territory 🤧), then we're going to have some problems. (Affectionately!) Come here
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How you gonna drop this ask on me on a Thursday night and expect me to NOT be thinking about it now??? jesus almighty that's evil 🤧
No, that wasn't my original thought for several reasons including I feared it would be too out of character
But shiiiit
You better come back!! 😭
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(But wait Sapph wouldn't take it well
Would she...??)
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fairstival · 3 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~!
You do never know! And this really helped me. We still got no power because of Ida and it's stressing me lol. So thanks to whoever sent this.
1. A good dinner
2. A silent study night
3. A long talk with a good friend
4. An afternoon nap
5. Seeing all the great creators on Tumblr!
Im tagging some artists I like from a few fandoms I'm in. Thank you for putting a smile on my face 💕
@ttvck @dragonmaiden39point5 @mulikulidraws @0-western-0 @moriendel @vhvrs @kuragelia @kamebee @uesugi-ibu @saterise @silhouette-of-a-dream @boozye
I would tag more, but then I'd be here all day going through my 500+ follow list lmao
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 4 months
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No Escape (3)
Aight l waited long enough, here take this.
All characters depicted are over the age of 18
Summary: You grow tired of Bakugo's bad behavior and after 4 years as a couple, you make a run for it.
Katsuki Bakugo x Black!Reader
❗Ft. Dark!Deku❗
Darkfic. Stalking, humiliation, non-con, mild Daddy!kink. Potentially some untagged triggers.
Torino was very happy after the visit with his loved ones. He didn't say anything specific (he wasn't a particularly chatty old man) just that Toshinori-- the man who hired and paid you-- and his stepkid always knew how to put a smile on his face.
You did your standard routine of arranging his meals for the day which was made easier by he and his guests having harvested; Then you were on your way to work via your 18 speed bike.
Even though everything was following your new normal, you couldn't help but get this prickly feeling, like you were being watched. Just like before you left *him*. Customers were unusually scarce and there were dense rain clouds in the sky. As time dragged on during the uneventful shift your stomach began to tighten; It felt like the same one or two black SUVs with limo tinted windows were the only cars you'd seen driving by all day. It couldn't be who you'd thought it was-- Not this far away. Not here where you were safe and self-sufficient...It was certainly your imagination running wild. Just a bit of nerves, like when you first ran. Nevertheless, by the time you got off around 5pm you felt sick. That foreboding, doomlike feeling hung over you even after the clouds had burst and a downpour soaked you all the way through to your underwear as you rode your bike home.
When you got home, it was dark and you were supremely exhausted from riding around with such low visibility. Your clothes sagged off of you, oversaturated with the water that had just bombarded you. Entering through the front door, the cold air from the A/C made goosebumps rise across your skin. You stood there in the entryway for a moment, dripping a puddle onto the rug... "Thunder?" You called out, he didn't come.
You felt a wave of nausea and swallowed dryly; Torino hadn't answered either.
Without hesitation you sprinted upstairs, heading straight for the old man's room. He was fast asleep, under his reading light, radio very low playing on some golden oldies station. You sighed backing away as you closed his door.
Turning around you nearly leapt through the ceiling, covering your mouth in a silent scream. Toshinori's hulking frame stood behind you inquisitively, if not a bit surprised.
"Oh, Hey! You're finally home." He said with a smile, "You, look like you've seen a ghost."
"Ha-ha, hi-- Toshinori. I didn't know you'd be here today is all... I was just.. You startled me."
Toshinori eyed your soaked, trembling body briefly before he responded. "I wasn't supposed to stay, but the news said there'd be some flooding tonight and tomorrow so I decided to stick around instead of heading to my apartment... You know, you should really warm up." He said, careful not to stare and how the drenched fabric clung to your shivering form, how goosebumps were spread across your skin, and how your hardened nipples pushed up against your shirt.
"Oh, I uh, yeah-- Just... Where is Thunder?"
"In my room sleeping. Do you want to check? You seem pretty on edge."
"Yeah..." you nodded, walking carefully down the hallway to the room that Toshinori kept as his own. The door was already cracked, with Thunder laying across the foot of the large bed. As you pushed the door further open, he sat up and looked at you before lazily flopping down in place.
"See? Everything is fine." Toshinori said, from the hallway.
You sighed with some relief, but still a sick, sinking feeling in your stomach.
Maybe it was something you ate.
"I'm sorry. I just... It was a weird day." You lied; Other than a gut feeling it was pretty uniform that there were no customers before a major weather event.
"I'll go get cleaned up... Thunder can stay here since apparently he's so comfy." You forced a chuckle.
"Alrighty." He said eyes locked on you, shrugging. "Have a good night, then."
"Yeah, y-you too." You swallowed thickly, hurrying away, back downstairs.
You scurried through the first floor of the house in a blur hurrying all the way to the basement. Gripping the railing for support, you dragged your feet down to the last stair and sat on it, covering your eyes.
Near tears, you hadn't felt this way in so long. That feeling of being watched, like there were eyes on you all day made you sick. You would've thought that it was just paranoia-- An onset of your anxiety creeping up from back when you first moved, until you heard the rapidly approaching footsteps.
Your blood ran cold as you came face to face with Izuku Midoriya. As you attempted to stand on wobbly legs, he swiftly reached out to firmly grasp your arm. "Hey." He says, "It's been a while."
You couldn't find the words to respond, gulping in air like a fish out of water. Kacchan's best friend. A different brand of the same type of degenerate. He snatched you close, coiling one arm around your waist and using the other to stroke the damp skin on your cheeks. He didn't seem to care that the wetness from your clothes was seeping into his.
He looked at your face with great scrutiny, before moving his lips in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "Wow. You are so beautiful up close... I can see how Kacchan got obsessed." He said, sticking his tongue out to lick the side of your face.
Heated tears began to cloud your vision as he started to kiss you. You struggled against his hold, but he owned a gym after all-- You were only tiring yourself out. "Come on now." He chuckled, lifting you up with ease and carrying over your couch, upon which you were dropped upon without care.
"H-how did you find me?" You sputtered.
He lifted an eyebrow, starting to pace; one of his excited ticks. "Funny you should ask. Toshinori is my stepdad. He married my mom before you and Kacchan started dating."
You tried to clear your mind enough to speak but couldn't, instead settling for shakily forcing yourself to stand.
He continued. "I was just coming for a visit now that I have the time but, boy I sure got lucky. Thunder recognized me immediately. I can't believe you moved into a house that my family owns!"
He laughed, almost giddy at the idea of your misfortune, before slowly falling silent and eyeing you up and down. You were trembling violently in the cold air, but you likely wouldn't have fared any better regardless of the air's temperature. He stopped pacing and turned to face you completely, harshly shoving backwards onto the couch and climbing on top of you before forcing himself between your legs. Caressing your cheeks he pressed an excited kiss to your lips, forcing his tongue into your mouth.
You tried not to react, but he was very persistent, holding you in place to let his tongue fully explore your mouth. It had been ages since you were touched in such a way, yet still the tiniest wick of fire began to slightly simmer within you.
You didn't like it.
His hasty, intense approach reminded you of Kacchan and then suddenly you felt the anchor of guilt comfortably settling in with the hyper-alert anxiety that plagued you... And that tiny ping of arousal. His intensity lessened and he pulled back a bit, gazing into your eyes as he pecked and licked at your lips.
He stroked one of the stray curls near your ear that had escaped your high puff. "Gotta get you out of these wet clothes." He said, just above a whisper. That was all the warning you got before he leaned back and snatched his own shirt off, before pulling your own above your head along with your sports bra. With tremors still running through your body, your hands flew to your bare breast to cover them but he snatched them away with a petrifying amount of force.
"Don't be shy now," he chuckled, "With all the pictures and videos of you that Kacchan has shared, I know what you're *really* like." Undoing his pants, he thick erection sprung free and he pinned your wrists, squeezing them with an excess of force until you whimpered. "Play nice." He hissed, grinding against you.
You could feel all of him, the full girth of his dick as he fucked against the outer layer of your thin workshorts. He rubbed insistently over where your clit was, precum leaking from the tip and smearing all over the black fabric, effectively soiling them. You felt the betrayal of your body as your pussy throbbed from the continuous nudging and he began to kiss you, sealing his mouth over your own.
Maybe you should've bit him, screamed, knocked something over-- anything at all-- But your brain stalled out and blanked, leaving you frozen in apparent surrender. His hands released your wrists and moved to your tits, exploring the soft mounds nearly frantically. He squeezed and pinched, teasing your dark nipples as he molded and pushed the supple flesh.
Throat tightening and eyes stinging, you moaned underneath him. Your body was not your own and moved without thought as you subtly wiggled your hips.
"That's right." He huffed, "I know you like it..."
Suddenly gripping your shoulders, Midoriya jostled you around until you were laying flat on your back and he was shoving his pants the rest of the way off. He moved to sit on your chest, dick resting right between your tits. He gripped them firmly and pushed them together as he thrusted in earnest, more of his pre leaking out to defile the tender flesh.
Your eyes burned with tears, shame flowing through your veins that you could actually feel that excited wetness building up between your thighs. You had to resist the urge to reach down your pants and pursue rubbing that nagging feeling of need until you soaked yourself with release.
Midoriya's dick was swollen to full size, ready to burst and empty on you. He grabbed you by the hair and scooted up your body a bit further, now overly urgent to chase his orgasm in your mouth. To him you were so pretty when you cried, he wasn't like Kacchan who didn't care for tears. The big sad droplets pouring off of your face only motivated him to further fuck down into your intake. He loved the way your lips strained around his girth and how you gagged miserably as your already tight throat attempted to squeeze him out. He didn't stop as you sputtered and drooled around him-- that was a part of the excitement. A woman's throat constricted on its own when she cried-- as well as her mouth being hotter and more full of drool... He took one more glance at you pinned between his legs and finally came. You choked harshly but he held your head still until he had emptied every drop of the warm semen into your mouth.
You still throbbed with unspoken pleasure, even as Midoriya pulled away his fully spent cock and collapsed into the other corner of the couch with a happy sigh and left you coughing with a mouth full of his load.
You sat up slowly, cum dripping down your front and all over your hands. A small sob came from your chest and you sniffled your runny nose.
"You know, you're never gonna get away again right?" Midoriya snarked, "What do you think, Kacchan?"
You startled, wiping the tears that blurred your vision and looked across the room. Sure enough, there was the only person who had gone out of their way tomake your life a living hell, right there on the love seat.
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No Escape (2)
Probably one or two more parts for this? Idk if I can get up five parts just yet. Appreciate the amazing response! Thank you so much to everyone who read, y'all are the best❤️💕🥰
All characters depicted are over the age of 18
Summary: You grow tired of Bakugo's bad behavior and after 4 years as a couple, you make a run for it.
Katsuki Bakugo x Black!Reader
Darkfic. Stalking, humiliation, dub-con, mild Daddy!kink. Potentially some untagged triggers.
For a few months, you plotted and played your role. If you wanted to go somewhere, you asked him to bring you. You wore overly revealing clothes and climbed all over him in public. You stopped using his name, referring to him exclusively as Daddy no matter who was around. You would initiate sex, begging him to fuck you; beg to fuck him. You even took to sending him video and pictures of you playing with yourself when he left you at home, sometimes in his oversized clothes, other times nothing at all-- (which would make him come back much faster, if he could help it). You really made him feel his victory; it was the only way to disarm him.
Kats was too busy loving that you didn't resist him anymore and was all too eager to have you all to himself; You, he, and the dog had been to 5 countries in the three months since. It was easy to get swept up in the gifts and vacations (and mind-blowing orgasms) and forget he was something that you needed to get away from, since he had been absolutely perfect since you started acting the way he wanted. You almost felt bad about your brewing plot to leave.
Well, it actually wasn't much of a plot, you were you going to take a few thousand out of his home safe, get the dog, and ghost. He was just too unstable and insecure, and at this point it was clear that he could only behave properly when you were 'obedient'.
The sole opportunity to leave came with the passing of another month. When he wasn't traveling, Bakugo habitually visited his parents' headstones on the Saturday of every third weekend, at sunset. It was the absolute only time that he left you devoid of incessant phone calls, messages, and his suffocating presence. A cloud of guilt shrouded the decision to leave at such a time... But you'd never know peace if you didn't. What other choice did you have? You had learned from the last several times you attempted to break up with him that it would only intensify his crazy.
When he left that evening, you waited until receiving the text that he was there to make your move. You left absolutely everything behind other than Thunder with his dogfood and cash from Bakugo's safe-- On foot, hence lurking through the woods that started on the edge of the property instead of taking a main road. The location of motion cameras on the edge of the acreage that surrounded the house were something that you had carefully mapped out the boundaries of-- And after almost 4 years, you knew where they were by heart.
There was also a small plan that was put into play as a distraction; He always took the smaller, more low key of the cars when visiting the cemetery. In turn, you sent his chef to a store over an hour in the opposite direction of where you were going, in his easy to spot orange car.
It would be hours before he knew you were gone.
Bakugo entered the house, flopping down on a couch in the den. Immediately a frisson ran through his body and he looked around as anxiety sunk its icy claws into his stomach . Something was *off*. The pitter-patter of Thunder's feet as he ran through the house to greet him was completely absent. He rose from the couch and called your name in confusion.
No answer.
"This again?" He huffed, going upstairs.
A pit formed in his stomach as blood and adrenaline began to course through his veins when he didn't see you or the dog in any of the rooms.
He tried to calm himself, shuffling through his pants pockets with shaking hands to check the surveillance. Other than seeing you go in through the front door and out through the back, they barely caught you and Thunder in range, before going completely out of view. Running sweaty palms through his hair he fumbled through his contacts until he found Midoriya and Iida's names name in the group chat.
He couldn't think straight, barely able to get his words out, typing with fidgeting hands, "She's gone!"
A few months went by and you were living it up. You had moved 3 times since ghosting Bakugo and never looked back. The night you left, you walked through the woods until you reached a back road, and then continued until you reached a bus stop. Because you couldn't risk using a phone or GPS, you went off of memory to figure out how to get there.
You rode the bus to its farthest stop, and then another to Central Downtown, where you were able to catch the Megabus out of town. Of course you expected to be seen on the cameras on the streets and at intersections, but you did not care. It certainly helped that no one made an issue of Thunder joining you on each bus. Perhaps it was his service vest, or maybe there just weren't enough people around to care, either way it made your escape much easier.
Your life, now 8 hours and hundreds of miles away, consisted of a job doing live-in care for an elderly man named Torino. He still had his mobility, but no longer had the energy to stay on his feet long enough complete tasks such as cleaning or cooking and the person who usually took care of him was currently traveling for work.
In the meantime, you were able to live in the massive basement of the home rent free. It was basically a 'modern' renovated studio apartment, while the first and second floor of the house remained mostly in its outdated state.
When you weren't at home, you worked part time for a juice truck that drove around town. Thunder had to stay at the house for that, but he was a good boy and even knew how to get things for Torino.
Life had become so peaceful..
Per your new routine, you cooked for Torino early on the weekends and then headed out by bike to your job on the juice truck. This day in particular, he asked if you could cook a bit more than usual because his former caretaker would be stopping over for a visit since he was back in town. You were more than happy to do so, proceeding as normal without a second thought.
When Toshinori arrived at his former teacher's home, he was stunned to say the least. The trimmed front yard's garden beds were in bloom and the porch was clear of all debris and trash, instead having cute decorative tables and chairs. There were also a few hanging plants that there was certainly no way that Torino could've put up, let alone water every few days.
The inside of the house was now immaculately kept, with scented candles, incense, and more plants. All of the clutter had been thrown out, the dishes cleaned, and the floor shined. "I am Here!!" He called out to Torino and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with the sound of paws clattering on the polished floors. "Hello there, Thunder!"
"I'm back here!" Torino called out from the kitchen.
Toshinori was beyond impressed. Everything was clean and smelled nice; You'd certainly exceeded expectations. He hired you on Torino's behalf since Midoriya had moved to open his second gym location and would not be able to make the journey regularly to care for the old man.
"Where's the boy?" Torino asked as soon as Toshinori entered the kitchen.
"Way to get to the point." He chuckled in response. "He's running a few minutes behind; I think he stopped by his dad's house first. But, wow everything sure looks nice in here!"
"Yes, indeed! That girl that you hired is very sweet. I asked her to cook some extra food so that you and Midoriya could have some when you got here. She even made tea." He said with a smile.
"It's great to see you in good spirits." Toshinori replied, "It seems like you're feeling better too."
"Yes. Remember that garden I mentioned her planting in the backyard? Turns out it's fruits and veggies instead of flowers! I've actually been feeling well enough to walk down the street and back."
"Wonderful!" Said Toshinori, "Here, let me help you with that." He carefully grabbed 2 of the covered plates from the counter and followed Torino to the living room couch, where folding table stands were waiting. Just as they sat down, Thunder took off towards the front door.
The lock clicked and Midoriya stepped inside, greeted by a perfectly seated gray pooch wagging his tail in the entryway. He stared in confusion for a moment. The dog had blue eyes and only the front paws were white, 'Thunder? I thought Kacchan's girlfriend ran off with him?', he thought to himself.
Of course other dogs could look like that, but a sharp shiver hit him and his heart skipped as alarm bells went off in his head.
"Midoriya, my boy? Is that you?" Toshinori called out.
"It is! Here I come!" He answered back, rushing to the living room to properly greet them.
"Did you get lost on the way in?" Torino joked.
"Oh, no. Sorry about that. This place looks so different than it did a few months ago." Midoriya remarked, sitting on the loveseat, "And the dog surprised me. When did you get it?"
"Oh, he came with the new caretaker." Toshinori interjected.
Midoriya hummed in response, as the cute animal came and placed its muzzle on his knee, looking into his eyes. Thunder would always do exactly this when he went to Kacchan's house and didn't give out pets as soon as he walked in. 'Yeah, this is definitely Kacchan's dog.' he thought to himself, as he finally reached down to give the dog the attention he was asking for. He gave the dog scratches under the chin as it panted happily, now putting both white paws on his leg-- the gesture that he used to beg for treats. Midoriya licked his lips as he thought of all the possibilities. 'She could've sold the dog to hurt Kacchan. Or maybe he got away from her when she was somewhere nearby. Because if he got lost or abandoned before they left town, Thunder probably would've just wandered back home. Or maybe--"
"Young man! Did you hear me?" Torino asked sharply, somewhat annoyed.
"S-Sorry Torino. No, I didn't hear you."
"I asked if you could put the dog bowl out. It's in the kitchen." Torino huffed.
"Sure." Midoriya got up, chuckling to himself. A perfect opportunity to be nosey.
"Where's it at?" He called out, after getting to the kitchen.
"You'd know if you'd been listening!" He heard Torino shout, followed by Toshinori's voice saying; "Bottom cabinet by the fridge!"
He went to the cabinet, pulling out the food bowl and removing the lid, revealing portions of lightly cooked steak (amongst other meats), fish, eggs, and fruit, in some sort of broth, all cold as if it had just finished defrosting.
"Goodness." He remarked, rolling his eyes. There wasn't even a need to snoop around-- this was too obviously Bakugo's dog, and based off of its diet being maintained most certainly you were here...
"Hey Torino, what's the dog's name?" Midoriya yelled to the next room.
"Thunder!" Came the reply
"Come here, Thunder!" Midoriya said, with a smug smile barely able to contain his glee. He sat the bowl down and washed his hands, quickly drying them on his pants to take out his phone and snap a picture of the dog eating. Then, he headed to a hallway in the back of the house where a lone door awaited him. Toshinori had mentioned a renovation overhaul for the basement so that a caretaker could move in right away and he wanted to see the space now that it was yours.
Kacchan had bragged on you for years, promising to share you with him and Iida as they had done all the girls before, but talked about how difficult you were being and how you weren't ready, or wouldn't go for it. He sighed as he walked down the stairs into the massive area of the basement. He'd had the biggest crush on you and was now presented with an incredible opportunity, if he was impetuous enough to take it.
Eyes scanning the room, he spotted a quaint full sized bed that was perfectly made, save for a set of pajamas that was tossed onto it. You were only using maybe 1/4 of the oversized basement, with a few colorful rugs, dog bed in the sleeping area, miscellaneous books and trinkets filling 2 sets of built-in shelves and 3 armoires full of clothes. There was also a couch and a loveseat around a large area rug facing a T.V. mounted on the wall. The kitchen was clean but mostly untouched, likely due to you doing most of your cooking upstairs. Aside from the one room on the opposite side of the basement that was fully closed off with its own door (the bathroom), you hadn't filled any of the other space.
Midoriya skulked over to your bed, flopping down backwards and covering his face with your pillow. He took a deep breath, inhaling the light shea butter and argan oil scent that lingered there from your hair products. "Mmmm..." He hummed, undoing his belt. He was already half hard rubbing the outside of his jeans when he got an idea. Sitting up, he smoothed your sheets over, putting the pillows back in place. He looked straight to the opposite wall of the basement where the washing machine and dryer were, heading over with a spring in his step.
The laundry bin beside it was less than half full, but he rummaged anyway. Amongst the handful of T-shirts and shorts he dug out a pair of your underwear, burying his nose into the crotch area. There was only the faintest hint of pussy, yet his mouth still watered to taste it.
Finally, he undid and dropped his pants with haste, groaning as his erection sprung free. His hand wrapped around it, stroking as he took deep whiffs to inhale the scent of your cunt. There was so much he wanted to do to you and now you were right here in his reach, a sitting duck who didn't know that a she was about to be pounced on. "Oooh, shit..." He moaned, fucking his hand, precum beginning to dribble from the tip. You only got away because Bakugo didn't know what he was doing; Midoriya would've never would've let you escape. He put your panties in the hand that he was stroking himself with, loving the feeling of thrusting his dick across the soft fabric, before tightening his grip. His now free hand went to caress his balls, as his eyes shut tight so that he could picture you. The last time he saw you, you were in a slingshot bikini and playing with yourself on that beach vacation with Bakugo. He'd longed to fuck you so bad then, stuff your pussy while Kacchan fucked your drooling mouth. Aside from Thunder, you two had gone alone that time, but Kacchan certainly took plenty of pics and videos; He was ready to burst just thinking about it. "Such a slut.." growled to himself as he stroked as fast as he could. He wished he could cuff your wrists to the headboard and tie your ankles to them, so that he could devour your pussy until you were overstimulated and incoherent, while Bakugo stroked himself over your tits.
A shiver ran through his body and he moaned as he came hard, shooting his warm load into your panties. He braced himself against the washing machine panting as the last waves of orgasm rolled through his body.
He looked into his palm to see the underwear completely ruined. Taking a deep breath, he buried them back in the dirty clothes hamper and collected himself, stepping into the bathroom to wash his hands and splash cool water over his face.
When he was done cleaning himself up, he went back upstairs to find Toshinori and Torino out in the backyard amidst the flourishing garden that you'd planted.
"...What were you doing?" Toshinori asked suspiciously.
Midoriya cleared his throat, hoping his eyes weren't too glazed over from his massive release. "Well--"
"There you are!" Torino's voice cut through the air from across the yard, "Come! Make yourself useful." He said, gesturing to the wagon he was pulling full of harvested vegetables and fruit.
"Oh--I just,,, used the bathroom." He chuckled nervously in response, quickly shuffling away to help the old man.
Toshinori wasn't buying it, but he would let it got. For now.
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 4 months
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Ikemen Prince Yves x Black MC!!!
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It's been a minute since I've posted🥲 But I promise I haven't given up on my list! I'm working through it bit by bit. I've just had so little time for hobbies since I got a job. I'm just now working on getting a balance so I can keep creating. Anyways, here you go! I hope you enjoy ❤️
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IKEMEN SENGOKU Shingen Takeda x Black MC
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 3 months
Baby, this sketch that I'm working on right now muthafucken eats ya dig? I can't wait to show yall. Clavis is something else😈
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Hiii! I love your edits! Pls do some for Ikeprince leon too! Thank you 💕
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My pleasure, love. Thanks for asking.
Ikemen Prince Leon x Black MC
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 7 months
You don't have to read this to enjoy the story, but here is some background about the set up of my world and the rules that I've set for myself to (try to) abide by as I write. This is for my Professor Shang Tsung story idk if it's written anywhere in here.
💚🐍💀🔥 Locations.
The idea is that magic coexists with the science of this world but, science is more accessible because not everyone has great magical ability. (Reader) is a part of the generation of youth that's been making the two worlds intermingle.
The continents of this world are:
The Netherrealm ☠️is replaced by Otherrealm which is the place that most people go when they die.
Elderrealm/Alterrealm☁️ will stand in place of The Heavens as the place where all deities and pantheons reside. People who abide by their god's rules are allowed into their 'alter-pockets' instead of the standard afterlife in Otherrealm. These are the pocket dimensions owned by the individual deities that have enough power to make them.
Dreamrealm 💤is a plane of the mind.
💚🐍💀🔥 Geography.
Outworld👑 and Earthrealm are connected in a similar fashion like Europe and Asia are, with Earthrealm being the smaller part and connected to Outworld but divided by mountain ranges.
Earthrealm🌍 is like a pangea version of our modern map, Outworld is the map from Deception with the land masses combined.
Sea Realm🌊 is like the Polynesian islands, except the volcanoes from which their islands spawn tend to be massive shield volcanoes.
LightRealm's☄️ continent floats mostly in the sky over open water. There is a mountain range out north west of Earthrealm that you have to climb to reach its lowest floating isles. As the isles get higher up, they get further out, and bigger, until you reach the actual LightRealm mainland/continent. There are 4-7 smaller isles that lead up to it.
ChaosRealm⚔️, also known as the Anarchy Region, is distant from the Earthrealm/Outworld landmass and stationed right on the curve of the globe. Before the times of anarchy, the lands were referred to as Ra's Eye, because its position leaves it in near permanent sunlight. Its shape is as depicted by the Deception map.
Seido ⚙️is a broad flat slab, of raised land in the middle of the ocean, located right on the equator. It always has exactly 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. It also maintains its Deception map format.
Otherrealm, Alterrealm, and Dreamrealm hold no specific physical location or landscape.
💚🐍💀🔥 History.
🌍Earthrealm's history is a very prosperous, well-rounded one. All the continents as we know them are much closer together. There have been many civil wars etc, with everything being so close but it has settled nicely. A multitude of different cultural provinces sprung up according to magical specialties, as with everywhere else. They are home to the Technomagical convergence. Quite a few of the people who wanted to create Seido came from here.
☄️Lightrealm was connected to Earthrealm ages ago, but through some unknown force either natural or magical, the connecting land was destroyed. It is well known that they prefer their privacy and the magic that keeps it in the sky is completely undisclosed and hidden to the masses. Maintained by their oligarchy, the magicians there are bred to live posh, soft lives so that their magic can flourish without any one class of people becoming overwhelmed. They are vacation and relaxation capital of the world and their floating isles have untold luxuries.
☄️Generations ago, Arnyek was located atop the plateau where Seido currently is. The landmass was even bigger, having rolling hills with impressive Kytinn hives. However, after becoming over-populated and attempting to wage war with the Dragon Kingdom of Outworld, the wrath of Great Dragon King Onaga I was provoked. In his fury and a final hail mary to end a war that spanned 3 decades, he summoned all the strength of his life force and struck the landmass with a meteor. Due to the sheer size and power of the meteor Arnyek was leveled and over half was sunken and swallowed by the sea. The Kytinn as a whole were eradicated with the exception of the few who escaped scattering across the globe. All that was left of Arnyek was a barren crescent shape on the ocean. The leading practical magicians and tech moguls of the world came together to use the 'Sea Crescent' as a jumping off point to build the man-made Gear of Seido.
🌊SeaRealm's people are known as some of the oldest living species other than the Dragons and the Edenians. They also have the most vast population. No republic, political entity, or warmonger in any recently recorded history has ever attempted to wage war with or steal their resources. Not only do they keep all water sources across the world in balance, but they also do not sink any sailing or submerged vessels *by choice*. They've always lived a pacifist lifestyle, though there was a single ambiguous incident in the past; An ancient Outworld leader that predates even the first Dragon King took a fleet of 1,000 of his largest vessels with the hopes of plundering the treasures known to be hidden in SeaRealm. Every single one vanished without a trace. The name of the King and his vessels was lost to history, but his stupidity was not. SeaRealm didn't even acknowledge *whatever* happened and never discontinued trade or penalized anyone Outworld. That perhaps, told the world all they needed to know.
⚔️The Anarchy Region, aka ChaosRealm is in a permanent power struggle and civil war. The original Sun Kingdom once lived peacefully and was home to the Osh-Tekk, the Centaurians, the Tarkatans, and the Shokan. Things were thrown into turmoil when insurgents between the four groups began levying for power. As the war worsened, those residents who weren't willing to die for a cause that they had no say in, relocated to Outworld as refugees.
👑Outworld Republic is run by the monarchs of several royal families. They have had a peace covenant that served to keep up the highly lucrative trading agreements in place. They were once similar to ChaosRealm in that their nations lived in permanent turmoil, but due to the rise and reign of Great Dragon King Onaga I, a campaign for peace was enforced instead. Dragon King Onaga I is referred to as 'The Great', because he is the diplomat who spoke to all of Outworld's leaders to initiate peace. His generations have since continued to help maintain peace as respected leaders of the Dragon Nation.
💚🐍💀🔥 Demographics.
🌍Earthrealm: 60% Human, 40% Other. Species come from across the globe to learn about Technology. They have more Kytinn refugees than any other location. Fluctuating population, favoring slow increase.
👑Outworld Republic: Is just a blanket term for the multiple harmonious societies that reside there.
Edenians, Vampires, Naknadan, Osh-Tekk, Tarkatan, Shokan, Dragons, Centaurians, and Saurians all live in multi-cultural regions. Since peace has been in effect, so has open travel. The amount of each group is hard to ascertain. There are also many mixed sub groups; Shaurkan, NaknaVamp, Tark-Oshtekk etc. They are all classed as Outworlder. Like Earthrealm, fluctuating population.
☄️LightRealm: Marriage to a native LightRealmer is mandatory for non-tourist, non-restrictive, residence here, hence the lowered percent of other. The residents of LightRealm refer to LightRealm as Apollus and themselves as Apollites (think Apollo from Greek mythology). 70% Apollite, 20% Oni, Edenian, Human, Geo-Elementals specifically, 10% Other. Stable population.
🌊SeaRealm: They are perhaps the most biodiverse group, but refer to themselves as only one name: the Amanzi. All who go with peace and love in their hearts to live and work there are considered Amanzi as well. Their actual total population is unknown, but they receive anywhere from a quarter to half a million emigrants per year. Increasing population.
⚔️ChaosRealm: Another region that has no confirmed headcount. An estimated 65% percent of the population has either left or died trying. The remaining stubborn warriors and officials are of course Centaurians, Shokan, Osh-Tekk, and Tarkatan. Declining population.
⚙️Seido: Many people work and live here, but it's more of an organized invention and manufacturing haven. Population exactly 1,000,000.
💚🐍💀🔥 Culture.
🌍🌍Earthrealm produces the least amount of magically inclined people and as a result invented technology to grow alongside magic. They have long had inventions of pure technology that leveled the playing field for non-magicals. In the last hundred years or so, people have been advancing in both and making technology that runs off of magic or combination magic and standard supplies (oil, gas, electric etc.) Moving here to learn technology as a skill or trade is gradually becoming more common place. Magical and Non-magicals alike place high value on their lineage and skills. Extremely low divorce rate, and not getting married is in general not ideal unless you are in a *Non-Marital Union. Crime is low because if you commit one, your family as a whole will bear the costs. Every single income within the immediate bloodline will be garnished. Immediate bloodline is considered parents (and their siblings, plus your own brothers and sisters. Too many crimes or too severe a crime and your family will be presented with the option to legally disassociate/disown you. If this happens, they don't have to keep paying but they will be unable to visit you in jail or prison custody once sentencing hearings are over.
👑👑Outworld is the largest and most diverse of all the continents on the planet. Its people live in an ever growing era of prosperity, maintained by the royal families that reside there. House of Dragon, House of Eden, House of Blood, and House of Saurus are the four major royal houses in their part of the world. Their capitals are named Draconus, Edenia, Vaeternus, and Zaterra. Draconus, also known as "Fruit of the Dragon" is home to Onaga X, a descendant and successor of the original Outworld ruler. Edenia is run by Argus, a deity who gave up his godhood to live among mortals and lead the people, and his wife Fire Prophetess Delia the most talented clairvoyant currently living. Vaeternus is matrilineal and run by not one queen but a unit of about 2 dozen. They communicate telepathically and run a tight ship, with the best schools for blood magic being there. Zaterra is run by a sole Queen, but she is very reclusive and only interacts through her trusted proxies. There are several other species that are governed by lower chiefs and leaders. Across Outworld, intermarrying and international travel and schooling are all greatly encouraged. Art, metal work, and craftsmanship are the most valued type of work here. Growth and prosperity, without war means that there is no poverty, low disease, and no homelessness. Wealth is pretty common, but classism and caste systems can definitely cause social conflict.
☄️☄️LightRealm, (known to inhabitants as Apollus) is very different from the other realms due to its geographic anomalies. There are hanging gardens and reverse waterfalls that are controlled by dark magic. Although, known as LightRealm to non-natives, the people of Apollus teach the importance of balance through light and dark magic. It got its name because light magic is its most visible trait, but the mechanics of dark magics such as gravity and atmospheric magic makes it possible for them to live their lives. They prioritize decadence and encourage community sharing responsibilities. That's how everything is maintained; they all live in clusters of farms and clean up together, which makes it easier. Food, water, clothing, and shelter are all free for natives but the tourist locations are extremely costly. They want to keep war and conflict out of their lifestyle, which means to them, limiting how many non-natives can come and live and make decisions as part of their community units. Leisure, such as massages, bath houses, and fine dining are a norm and are the highest paying professions when performed for those foreign to the land. Communal though they may be, when it comes to outsiders they are very guarded. It's not easy to marry into a LightRealm family, which is required for citizenship. It's not frowned upon, but there will be a lot of people to answer to; As they are community driven they don't take kindly to outsiders trying to push into their lifestyles and governing body, especially when marriage is used to do so. If you should violate a LightRealm marriage covenant you could full well be exiled and denied further access to the entire land. With that said, they have no such involvement in the affairs of long-term residents and expats who are from elsewhere.
🌊🌊Most pure-blood SeaRealmers are semi-aquatic and spend a great deal of time under the water, whereas those who are mixed with land faring species populate the coasts and low-lying lands only. Should a volcanic eruption begin to pose a threat, the demi-god Blaze can quell the volcano and keep the people safe. They revere him there, for both the life giving essence and destructive power of the volcano. Any and everyone is welcome and as a result they have the fast growing population anywhere. Because of their peaceful stance on all issues and their water cleaning and waste management initiatives, they are allowed free residence in all parts of the world, even ChaoRealm before it plunged into perpetual war.
⚔️⚔️The Anarchy Region has no culture. A bloody war of who is the strongest of the four legendary warrior species (and a few forgotten sub-species) is all that takes place. Before, When it was the Sun Kingdom, they all grew and ate drought tolerant plants, hunted in the wastelands, and worshipped in the mountains. The presence of a tropical jungles around the coasts provided biodiversity in fruit, veggies, and a fast-multiplying invasive hog species that served as an excellent protein source that prevented over-fishing. The only thing known about the insurgent groups that sprung up, is that they feel that only the strong deserve to rule and hosted/encouraged underground tournaments in which people fought to the death like in the Old Days.
⚙️⚙️The Gear of Seido, aka Orderrealm is a giant techlab that hosts engineers and mathematicians who are dedicated to solving major world mysteries and creating products that enhance people's lives. The finest minds in the world both live and work here, and it is NOT easy to get in. Certain colleges pay for tours and internships here year round but even that doesn't guarantee entry. The entire population is split evenly for each demographic; sex, species, age group, and education level etc. Everyone literally gets the exact same housing and access to resources.
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 7 months
I reblogged those Professor Tsung chapters because I made a worldbuilding sheet for it. Even though it's a smut series. Yeah, I'm queen of the useless-lore-and-information club.
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 5 months
POV: You're trying to write smut w/o plot, but you're well over 3.2k in and the characters haven't so much as kissed.😅😂🤷🏾
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 2 months
Aight. It's time for color and shadow on my picture. My grandma's health has been up and down (she's in the ICU currently). I also unexpectedly did lose one of my cousins a week after her birthday on the 8th of this month. So it's been hard. Really hard. Really really emotionally difficult. Anyways, my mind is in a decent spot for right now, I'm stable, and I will be finishing my artwork. I haven't forgotten, I just haven't made time for it. Special thanks to anyone who is still excited about anything I'm doing ❤️
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