#drawing on what he learned from max and helen and his friends
cryptocism · 1 month
love that Thad interprets inertia to mean continuing at all costs and Three takes it to mean stagnancy, bc theyre both right!! objects in motion saty in motion objects at rest stay at rest just like newton said
exactly yeah! because i knew i wanted Thad to reclaim the name for himself (with the whole "it means what i say it means" mantra) it needed to mean more to him than just a representation of Thawne Legacy Kill The Allens etc.
a reoccurring thing in Frequency that i liked to lean into was this idea of Good Inertia and Bad Impulses (bc Bart and Thad as narrative foils continues to rotate in my brain forever). i think Bart's solo does a cool exploration of both good and bad impulses throughout the run, it's kind of the central conflict of the whole thing, but it's usually in regards to Bart either unwittingly getting himself into trouble or accidentally solving problems by just leaping into everything without thinking twice. but the concept of inertia is pretty exclusively portrayed as negative. which is fair, the phrase "coasting on inertia" is in the lexicon for a reason. but i think it deserved a fair shot - the concept of continuing in spite of everything can actually be a really good instinct when you're in a bad situation. keeping up that momentum, moving forward no matter what, there's definitely something inspirational there that appeals to me.
and an aspect of impulses that didnt get as much spotlight in Bart's solo was the kinds of impulses that recoil at the thought of unpleasantness. the impulse to hide from responsibility, the impulse to distract from pain, to avoid discomfort, etc. (big part of that is because in Bart's solo, most of the worst moments of his life hadn't happened to him yet) so i wanted to explore it a little in Frequency
anyway yeah, Bad Impulses and Good Inertia. which was kinda in conversation with Bart and Thad's dispositions, and how they run counter to typical hero/villain narratives. (Bart doesn't really get people, goes his own way, has pretty emotionally selfish and sometimes violent tendencies when he's pissed off. Thad's much more of a people person, lives for praise and pleasing others, seems to forget to do violence when he's supposed to i.e. that time he put Bart in VR jail even though Bart was completely incapacitated and by Thawne logic Thad should've just killed him. it just... doesn't occur to him as a thing he should do lmao)
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I have no friends to share my headcanons w, so I Used Piccrew to create my Lost Boys OC.
She goes by the name Malice, Mal for short.
Her Sire is thee Helen of Troy, Mal is 359 years old and still remains loyal to the female who turned her.
Upon arriving to Santa Carla, Helen uses one of her Human Thralls to burn Max's house down in the daytime. Thus allowing her to take control of the territory.
Upon meeting the boys she makes it clear that the only rule is no turning kids. With Max gone now Laddie and Star are clear of the half-breed state. With how much Laddie knows, Helen makes it clear that one he is of age... they are to turn him.
Lastly she requires Laddie to be given a proper education, and suggests Malice take that role. Mal has a soft spot for kids and helps him learn how to read/write under Dwayne's careful eye.
The boys are very cynical about the new big man on campus, yet Mal grows on them.
H: "How has it been with the tyke?"
M: "He's talented to be sure. A quick learner."
H: "And his Guard?"
M: "He's sweet, treats Laddie as if he's his own."
H: "Sweet?"
M: "Oh no, don't give me that smile?
H: "What smile?"
M: "The same smile that led to The Great San Francisco Fire. Whatever you're thinking, don't"
H: "How was I to know the blasted cow would kick the lantern over!?"
M: "Just leave it alone."
The first person to show interest is Marko, then Paul, Dwayne (slow burn for sure), lastly boss man David. David is cautious given the first action Helen took was to murc Max.
Ultimately Helen proves to be a far better 'Alpha' of the territory, the boys enjoy a greater sense of freedom without fear. Within the 5 years of developing a mutual respect, Helen smoked out and slaughtered 3 Hunters that wandered into town. Malice scares the Frog boys straight, making it clear she has her eye on them so long as they draw breath.
I want to try and write out scenes from this. Any request for scenes? This is ultimately gonna be a Poly Boys X Malice.
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shannendoherty-fans · 3 years
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TV Guide, February 13, 1988
No Sassing Grandpa!
Our House's Shannen Doherty, 16, is concerned about her character's behaviour–and its impact on viewers.
By Helen Newton.
Shannen Doherty hunches over her high-school algebra textbook, reluctantly penciling problems in her least-favorite subject. Her teacher hovers over her. The two are alone in a small, dingy trailer that, despite a tacked-up poster and a forlorn bit of artwork, lloks nothing like school. This is the location classroom for NBC's Our House, whose three child stars (Shannen, 16, Chad Allen, 13, and Keri Houlihan, 12) are legally bound to squeeze three hours of daily lessons between scenes.
"It must be difficult," comments a visitor to the teacher, "going to school like this, all alone,no friends, no football games . . . ."
"Are you kidding?" interrupts the teacher. "They love it. What kid in his right mind wouldn't trade six hours in school day after day for this?" She gestures broadly at the controlledhubbub that fills the city park around her.
Just then an assistant director knocks on the door. "Time to get ready, hannen," he calls, and the actress, saved from solving for "x," bounces happily down the steps of the schoolroom, up the steps of her dressing room and into a costumer's impossibly conservative version of a punker's get-up.
Shannen's character, Kris Witherspoon, normally tends toward preppier attire–she does have her heart set on attending the Air Force Academy–but in this episode, she's trying to teach her crusty grandfather, Gus (played by Wilford Brimley), not to judge people ony by appearance. In Our House, one resident or another learns something uplifting every week.
"With our audience [young teens and families], I think we have a responsibility to set good examples," Shannen says earnestly. "There are drugs and so many other things that kids can get into trouble with that Ithink, if we can help, we should." But then good examples seem to come as naturally to Shannen as they do to Kris. Earlier this season, for example, she confronted a script that had Kris casually mentioning condoms. "It wasn't important to the plot. It was just a casual thing," says Shannen, her cheeks hinting at a blush. "I was uncomfortable with it and I thought Kris would be too, so I asked if they would take it out." They did. And Shannen tells of a scene in the episode being shot today that called for her to scream angrily at her grandfather. "I don't think Kris would sass her grandfather. She's let him know she was angry, but she'd be more respectful." Out came the sass.
Shannen doesn't believe in sassing her mother either, though she has ample opportunity: Rosa Doherty is with Shannen every day, all day, beginning with the hour's drive from their San Fernando Valley home. California law requires the presence of a parent or guardian until a child actor reaches 16, but Shannen, who will turn 17 in April, has asked her mother to stay on for at least another two years.
They're close, these two. "My mom's my friend," says Shannen unaffectedly, and you believe her. The two share a lot–beyond a mutual enthusiasm for Laura Ashley wallpaper, animals and their Baptist church, there's obviously their dedication to Shannen's career.
Rosa watches over Shannen carefully–what ordinary mother can confer with her child's teacher several times a day?–and she adamantly opposes allowing her daughter to work longer than the 10 1/2 hours required daily. But when Shannen is busy, Rosa finds plenty to occupy herself. Everyone on the set knows her: she joshes with the costumer, the hairdresser, the other children's mothers. She lays plans with Shannen's publicist and manager. And she readies Shannen's fan mail so Shannen can answe ir. ("A lot of kids ask me for advice," Shannen says. "Kris is so together that naturally she'd know what to do. Meanwhile, I look at the mail and think, 'Oh, no, what do I say?´")
But Shannen does know what to say–like the time two years ago at the beginning of ninth grade when she announced to her mother that she wanted to go to school like a regular kid. "It was the beginning of high school, and I wanted to get situated," she says. One semester was enough, however. "There are plenty of kids around work for me to be friends with," she says, when asked whether she misses the social experiences of high school. "There are Chad and Keri, and on the Lorimar lot there are the kids from Valerie's Family. And I met my boy friend"–she says this slihtly shyly, as if unaccustomed to the term–"on the set of Max Headroom." (Since then, Shannen has decided to attend school in her senior year. She plans to fit her TV work around her academic schedule.)
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The next week, the next episode, the next location–this time 40 miles north of Los Angeles on the woodsy shores of a lake. It's lunch time; long tables are set up above the lake and Keri trails Shannen around and between them as they play with the two assistant directors' walkie-talkies. Shannen's handle in this game is "Sugarplum," a nickname some of the truckers who worked for her grandfather in Memphis called her when she was little. The assistant directors look benignly, almost paternally, on.
"We feel lucky," says Rosa. "This show is like family. The crew is great. And Wilford really cares about people." Although Brimley refused to talk about his young colleague, citing a dislike of publicity, Shannen and Rosa say the show's star is generous in other ways. They've been guests at his Utah ranch. Shannen, sharing Brimley's interest in horses, bought one from him two years ago, though she's since sold it back to him. "It was a quarter horse,and I'm more interested in Thorough-breds," she says. And Brimley takes a deep interest in the health of Shannen's father, Tom, who, like Brimley, is a diabetic.
The week before, at the city-park location, Tom had shown up, clearly almost as at home on the set as Rosa. "Everyone loves my dad," says Shannen. "He likes to cook, and sometimes he brings food for the crew."
Belying his hearty appearance now, Tom Doherty suffered a stroke in 1983. Although Tom says it was the best thing that ever happened to him because it forced him to slow down, Rosa says, "It was very hard on the famiy, but we got through it as a family. the children came to occupational theraphy with us so they could understand and support the process." Shannen adds, "I used to draw him a picture every day and hang them all around. It cheered him up. It was pretty scary, seeing him not able to do a child's sorting game." Now almost completely recovered, Tom says, "I have an easy job that allows me to do things like stop by the set occasionally and spend more time with our son, Sean." Sean, 20, is ambitious, too,but his area is politics. A conservative, he's actively involved in his local Youth Republicans group. In 1986, he was elected a GOP official in Los Angeles. "Our son needs attention, too," Tom says, 2and sometimes his mother doesn't have time."
Rosa's timefirst became a rare commodity when Shannen was 10 years old. Over her mother's initial objections, Shannen became active in a children's theater company, where she was spotted by an agent. He arranged an autition for the role of Drucilla Shannon in Father Murphy. "It was like fate, because I have this lucky doll named Drucilla and my name is Shannen and I was determined to work with Michael Landon [creator of Father Murphy]," Shannen recalls. Drucilla the doll went along on the audition, though she stayed in the car, and sure enough, Shannen got the part. She also won the continuing interest of Michael Landon, who cast her in Little House: A New Beginning and in an epiode of Highway to Heaven.
"I'd like to work with her again sometime if she's available," comments Landon. "She's got a good head on her shoulders. She's very conscientious and determined." Those qualities were, in fact, what drew him to her when Shannen was a 10-year-old. "Even then you could see that she treated this as a business. She really wanted the job for herself. It was not a case of a parent wanting a show-business career fora child, which is often the case. I'm very proud of her."
William Blinn, co-executive producer of Our House, echoes Landon's thoughts. "Shannen is like her character. She's a very dedicated kid." With the show now in its second season, Blinn hopes the work will continue to be there for her. Our House has the unenviable task of taking on CBS's warhorse 60 Minutes. "It's counter-programming to the max," says Blinn of his show's effort to attract a young audience. And so, while the ratings have not been spectacular (the highest so far this season was 14.5), Blinn says NBC is pleased to be a solid second in its time period.
Whether the show has a long run or not, Shannen intends to. Like Kris, she has goals in mind, and if co-star Deidre Hall (Shannen's TV mom, Jessie) is right, "she'll get anything she sets her mind on." With her manager and her mother, she's looking into various film and TV projects. "I plan to get into feature films and eventually to direct," Shannen says confidently.
A visitor asks her what sort of actress she sees herself becoming in the future–the next Ally Sheedy, perhaps, or Molly Ringwald?
"The next Shannen Doherty! I'm one of a kind," she declares boldly, then lapses into a self-conscious giggle. "Really," she says, more seriously, "the person I try to model myself on is Katharine Hepburn. She's really into her work."
But before stardom, there's college. A California university makes the most sense if she wants to work at the same time, Shannen says, but there's still something about the sound of Harvard, Princeton or Yale. . . .
"Really?" says her teacher later. "That's ambitious. She'd better get to work on that math."
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Shadowhunters Short 43 Story #
Just want to quickly say, the start of this story is inspired by a post by @justkillthetitan!
It is a bitterly cold January day in 2016 when Kit Herondale steps out of the portal and into the LA Institute, with his youngest sister Charlotte in his arms. Charlotte is 10 months old now and loves spending time with her big brother, just as Mina does. Kit has agreed to watch Charlotte for the day while his parents go up to London for a day trip. Kit offered to watch Mina too but she wanted to go to Magnus and Alec’s and play with Rafael and Max. This morning Kit decided to take Charlotte to the LA Institute so he could spend time with Ty and she could play with Mark, Kieran and Cristina’s daughter Amelia, as well as Helen and Aline’s daughter Rosie, who is just a few months younger than Charlotte. 
When Kit steps out of the portal and into the foyer of The Institute, he takes a minute to catch his breath and make sure that Charlotte is alright, before heading off to the drawing room where Ty usually is. When he steps into the drawing room, he sees Mark sitting on the sofa, holding baby Rosie over his head and laughing as she giggles and squeals with delight. 
“Hey Mark, where’s Millie?” Kit asks, shutting the door behind him and adjusting Charlotte in his arms. 
“Napping upstairs, what are you doing here?” Mark asks, lowering Rosie into his lap.
“I came to see Ty and Dru, are they here?” Kit asks, looking around for his boyfriend and best friend. 
“No I’m afraid not, they all got called out on a mission, I volunteered to stay and watch the kids, Tavvy is meant to be helping me but I’m not sure where he went.” Mark replies in an amused tone, looking around for his little brother. 
“Oh, do you know if they’ll be back soon?” Kit asks. 
“They should be, it wasn’t anything serious, just a couple of lesser demons, really only a few of them had to go but Ty insisted on going because he’s a Centurion, Dru goes wherever Ty goes, Emma and Julian were the ones initially called out and then Cristina wanted to go with them to be extra back up and Aline and Helen wanted to make sure Ty and Dru didn’t do anything stupid.” Mark explains. Kit grins, that certainly sounds like The Blackthorns.
“Is it alright if I stay and wait for Ty and Dru?” Kit asks, hoping Mark wouldn’t mind the company. 
“Of course, where are Tessa and Jem, and little Mina”? Mark asks as Kit takes a seat next to him on the sofa.
“Mum and dad went up to London for the day and Mina’s with Magnus and Alec, she wanted to play with Rafe and Max, so it’s just me and Charlotte today, I thought it would be nice for her to play with Amelia and Rosie and I could see Ty and Dru.” Kit says, smiling down at his baby sister in his lap, who is now watching him with her big grey eyes, full of curiosity. 
“Has Charlotte said her first words yet, or started walking?” Mark asks, secretly wanting to brag about how Rosie said her first words yesterday and seems to be well on her way to walking. 
“Not yet but she’s crawling like hell, she’s the fastest little thing I’ve ever seen.” Kit says, kissing Charlotte’s cheek, causing her to laugh in delight. 
“My Amelia is walking no problem now and little miss Rosie here probably won’t be too far behind her, she’s probably going to get fed up of crawling soon.” Mark says, smiling proudly at his little niece, who he adores as much as he adores his own daughter. Helen and Aline are wonderful mothers and it makes him so happy to see Helen so happy after all she went through. 
“Is that so?” Kit quietly says, an idea springing to mind. “Hey do you think it would be kind of terrible and exploitative to have them have a crawling race?” Kit cautiously asks. When Mina had been learning to crawl he always set up obstacles for her to get through, Tessa once joked that she wasn’t a show pony but she knew that Kit was just trying to entertain his sister and get her to do the best she can. 
“Yeah kind of.” Mark quietly replies. 
“Oh okay.” Kit says in a defeated tone. There is a brief pause before he grins and says “Let’s do it anyway!” Mark grins at him and nods. 
“Alright, but you can’t tell Helen and Aline, Aline will murder me.” Mark says in a joking tone. 
“I won’t tell but I can’t promise they won’t.” Kit lightly says, nodding to the other end of the room where the ghosts of Livvy and Will have appeared. Will winks at him and holds a finger to his lips, as if telling him to be quiet. 
“Who?” Mark asks in a confused tone, looking to where Kit is indicating but seeing nothing. 
“Livvy and Uncle Will, Livvy is like Rosie’s ghostly nanny and Uncle Will is always checking in on me and the girls.” Kit explains. Since getting to know Will and hearing more stories about him from Jem and Tessa, Kit has taken to calling him ‘Uncle Will’ which Will loves and so do Tessa and Jem.
“Livvy’s here?” Mark softly asks, wishing he could see his sister.
“Yeah she is, I talk to her all the time Mark, she’s okay, she’s happy, have you ever seen Amelia laughing and talking to what seems to be thin air?” Kit asks in a gentle tone. Mark nods and says
“Yeah but Cristina, Kier and I always thought she was just talking and laughing to herself, the twins did that a lot when they were babies.”
“Well Amelia is seeing her Aunty Livvy, Livvy loves her nieces so much and is always looking out for them.” Kit gently explains. 
“I’m glad she’s happy.” Mark quietly says. 
“Anyway enough talk about ghosts, let’s start this race!” Kit exclaims, placing Charlotte on the floor at his feet. “Whoever reaches the other side of the room first wins, deal?” Kit asks, keeping a hold on Charlotte so she doesn’t go racing off before the race actually starts. 
“Deal.” Mark says, setting Rosie down beside Charlotte. A few seconds later both boys let go of the babies who start rapidly crawling toward the other side of the room, where Livvy and Will are each coaxing their niece.
“Come on Lottie, come to Uncle Will, come here my sweet girl!” Will coos to his niece, crouching down and holding his arms out for her. 
“Rosie come on, come to Aunty Livvy sweetheart, come on!” Livvy coos to Rosie, beckoning her toward her. 
“Hey Kit, why is Rosie's’ rattle floating all of a sudden?” Mark asks in a confused tone, as he notices the toy start to levitate in mid air. Kit looks to where Mark is pointing and gasps.
“Hey Livvy that’s not fair! That’s cheating!” Kit exclaims. 
“Told you they’d notice.” Will says to Livvy in an amused tone. Livvy grins and shrugs. 
“It was worth a try!”
Just as little Charlotte has almost reached her Uncle Will, something else catches her attention and instead of crawling straight ahead, she turns and starts crawling left.
“No!” Kit exclaims. Charlotte had been so close, what could have distracted her? 
Suddenly a small woman with flowing light brown hair and serious brown eyes appears, dressed in a long flowing yellow gown. Charlotte grins up at her and reaches for her. The woman smiles softly at Kit’s little sister and picks her up, settling her in her arms with a kiss to her cheek. 
“William Herondale, Livia Blackthorn, are you really racing your baby nieces against each other?” The woman asks in a firm voice with a hint of amusement. 
“No! It wasn’t our idea Charlotte, it was Kit’s!” Will exclaims, pointing to his young nephew. 
“Betrayed by my own Uncle! You tell-tale Uncle Will!” Kit exclaims. 
“What is going on?” Mark ask in a tone of confusion. 
“Can you see her?” Kit asks, turning to look at Mark, who has gone pale with shock. 
“Yeah I can, who is she?” Mark asks. The woman smiles softly at Mark and Kit and says
“I am Charlotte Fairchild, this little ones namesake. I practically raised your father, Kit and your Uncle Will.” 
“Charlotte Fairchild? The first female Consul?” Mark asks in a tone of awe. Charlotte smiles at him and nods. 
“That’s right, heard about me in your history lessons have you?” She says. Mark nods, at loss for words. He and Helen and always admired Charlotte Fairchild when they were growing up, they thought she was so amazing and strong and both wanted to be just like her. 
“So did you just come here to tell off Uncle Will and Livvy?” Kit asks in an amused tone. 
“Mostly, but I wanted to see my beautiful little niece too.” Charlotte says, smiling brightly at the baby in her arms. 
“Do I have to call you Aunty Lottie?” Kit asks. He wouldn’t mind having an Aunt, even if she is a ghost. 
“You don’t have to, but you can if you like. Now Christopher come take your sister, I have to go.” Charlotte gently says. 
“Will you be back? Will you come see us at home?” Kit asks, taking his little sister into his own arms and running a hand over her messy dark hair. 
“I will try, I promise.” Charlotte softly says, and with that she disappears into nothing.
“You have a weird family.” Mark says to Kit, picking Rosie up and kissing her little cheek. Kit sighs lightly and nods.
“Tell me about it.” 
________________________________________________________________ *LATER THAT EVENING, DEVON*
It is almost 6 o’clock in the evening, the sky is pitch dark and it has begun to rain outside. Tessa, Jem, Kit, Mina and Charlotte are sitting in the living room with the fire lit and the t.v. on in the background. Kit and Jem are sitting next to each other on the smaller couch, heads bent together as they examine a picture of Lucie, James, Cordelia and Matthew. Tesas’s heart flutters at the sight of her two boys, and subconsciously her hand comes to rest on her stomach. 
“Kit?” Tessa quietly says, making a split second decision. 
“Yeah mum?” Kit asks, looking up from the picture and smiling at her. 
“Do you like being the only boy in the family?” Tessa softly asks. Kit shrugs and says
“I don’t mind it, why?” Tessa laughs lightly to herself and says
“Well it’s just... you won’t be the only boy soon.” Kit furrows his brow and gives her a quizzical look, while Jem grins, knowing exactly what is going on.
“Huh?” Kit asks in a tone of confusion. 
“You’re going to have a brother soon baby, I’m pregnant.” Tessa says in a joyful tone. She and Jem had known about the baby for a few weeks now but had decided to keep it to themselves until 12 weeks, in case anything happened. They had learned from Brother Enoch that they are expecting a boy in July, just 3 months after Mina’s 4th birthday. 
“Oh my god, really?” Kit asks in a tone of joy and disbelief.
“Yes, I’m about three months along so the baby will be here in July, we couldn’t believe it when Brother Enoch told us it’s a boy.” Tessa lightly says, her hand still resting on her stomach, which had popped just a few days ago, she showed earlier and earlier with each pregnancy, with Jamie she didn’t show until almost 5 months, it was around the same with Lucie, but then with Mina and Charlotte she had started showing at 3 months and this time she had started showing almost straight away.
“I really thought we were only going to have girls, Tessa’s last three babies have all been girls.” Jem lightly says. He is thrilled that he and Tessa are expecting again, he would have been delighted to have another daughter and he is delighted they’re having a son, he didn’t care either way, as long as the baby is healthy and happy.
“Oh that’s amazing! Are you going to do a pregnancy reveal on YouTube?” Kit asks, remembering back to when he had been roped into their pregnancy announcement with Charlotte. 
“No we’re going to do it on Instagram, I don’t think Charlotte would sit still long enough for us to shoot a video with her, but we can get her to sit along enough to have her picture taken, and yes you have to be involved in this one too.” Tessa says. She is planning to take a picture of Kit and Jem, Kit holding a scan picture and Jem holding the positive pregnancy test and then uploading it to Instagram along with a picture of the girls wearing t-shirts that read ‘Worlds best big sister’ alongside a picture of her bump, and then uploading it to Instagram. 
“I don’t mind, when are you going to take the pictures?” Kit asks. He had been extremely embarrassed to be a part of the last pregnancy reveal, but he doesn’t mind one bit this time
“Tomorrow if that suits you.” Tessa says. 
“Yeah sounds good to me! Are you to going to tell the girls today?” 
“Yes though I’m not sure Charlotte will understand what’s going on, she’s only a few months older than Jamie was when I got pregnant with Lucie and he wasn’t exactly sure what was going on.” Tessa explains. She and Jem hadn’t planned for there to be such a small age gap between Charlotte and her brother, just as she and Will hadn’t planned for their to be just a year between Lucie and Jamie, Lucie and this little boy were both a surprise, and though Tessa knew having three kids under 5 would be difficult, it would be more than worth it. 
“What won’t Lottie understand?” Mina asks in a quizzical tone, setting her toy down and climbing up beside Jem and Kit.  
“Well... she might not understand that you’re going to have a baby brother soon.” Jem softly tells his eldest daughter, brushing her hair back from her face as her brown eyes widen in amazement. 
“Really? We are?” Mina asks in a tone of awe. 
“Yeah when you were with your Uncle Magnus and Alec today, mama and I went to the hospital to check on your brother in mama’s tummy, he’s going to be here just a few months after your birthday.” Jem explains. 
“He my present?” Mina asks hopefully. Jem laughs lightly and pulls her in for a hug, she certainly has a good sense of humor. 
“Yes I suppose he is love, I bought you and Charlotte t-shirts that say ‘Best big sister in the world’ and tomorrow we’re going to take pictures of you in the shirt so everyone can know about the baby.” Tessa softly explains. 
“Does Kitty get a shirt?” Mina curiously asks. 
“No love, just you and Lottie.” Tessa says. 
“Cordy can you help us tell Lottie that you’re going to be big sisters?” Kit gently asks. Before Mina can agree, Charlotte crawls over and reaches up to Tessa who immediately scoops her up and settles her in her lap. 
“Lottie.” Tessa softly says. “You’re going to be a big sister soon, mama’s going to have a baby.” Charlotte looks at her mother curiously and then tentatively places her hand on Tessa’s belly. 
“Baby?” She curiously asks. 
“That’s right, your brother is in there.” Tessa softly says, covering Charlotte’s hand with her own, remembering back to when she was pregnant with Lucie and she would wear a pair of Will’s old pajamas as they were much comfier than a nightgown, in the early hours of the morning when she was heavily pregnant, Jamie would come sit on her lap, she would push her top up and they would both wait to feel the baby kicking, sometimes Jamie liked to poke her stomach to make his sister kick or move, he didn’t grow out of the habit when Lucie was born, Tessa had often caught him poking her when she was sleeping in her bassinet, it took all her strength not to laugh so she could explain to James why he couldn’t poke his sister.
“Ove baby.” Charlotte says in a loving tone, lowering her head and resting it on Tessa’s stomach. 
“Hey Ty look at this.” Dru says, turning her attention from her phone to her brother. She and Ty are currently the only ones home, the’re both in the living room waiting for everyone to get back. Dru is lying on the sofa, her legs thrown over the back of it, scrolling through social media on her phone, while Ty sits on the floor, leaning against the couch, reading. 
“What is it?” Ty asks, turning around to face his sister. 
“Look what Tessa just posted on Instagram.” Dru says, handing him the phone. Ty looks at the picture of Jem and Kit sitting on the sofa in their home in Devon, Kit holding a blurry black and white picture of something and Jem holding a blue and white stick that has a little clear window in the middle with a plus sign on it. Next to it, is a picture of Kit’s sisters Mina and Charlotte, standing by the front door wearing matching t-shirts with black writing that read ‘Best big sisters in the world!’ and next to that is a picture of Tessa standing sideways against a white wall in a black crop-top and black leggings, cradling her stomach which is big and swollen. The caption reads ‘Soon my two boys will be my three boys and my girls will be getting a little brother, baby William Carstairs, coming July 2016.’. 
“Did you know Tessa’s pregnant?” Dru asks. Ty shakes his head, his black curls falling into his eyes. 
“No she never said anything about it last time I went to visit, non of them did. They must have just found out.” Ty calmly says, handing the phone back to his sister. 
“I’m going to call Kit, he knows I hate secrets!” Dru exclaims. 
“Maybe Tessa and Jem asked him not to tell anyone though, mom and dad didn’t tell anyone of us about you until mom was about 3 months pregnant, Helen says it’s because the chance of miscarriage is lower in the second trimester.” Ty explains. He’s not the biggest fan of secrets either, and he would normally be hurt if Kit kept something from him, but this he understands, Tessa and Jem wouldn’t want to have to tell everyone if they lost the baby, it’s totally understandable. 
“Hmm maybe.” Dru says, as she waits for Kit to answer his phone. 
“Hello?” Kit’s voice comes down the line a few seconds later.
“Christopher! Why didn't’ you tell me your mom’s pregnant? You know I hate secrets!” Dru exclaims loudly.
“I didn’t keep it a secret, mum and dad only told me yesterday, I promise I had no idea up until then.” Kit calmly replies, use to Dru’s dramatics by now. It is one of the many reasons he loves her. 
“Alright I believe you, when are you coming to visit us again?” Dru asks in a more calm voice.
“Why don’t you come visit me?” Kit asks in an amused tone. 
“We’re babysitting.” Dru lies. She hates using portals, it would be better if Kit could come here. 
“So am I, mum’s really tired and sick because of the baby and dad’s looking after her so I’m looking after the girls.” Kit explains. 
“Well bring them with you, they can play with Millie and Rosie!” Dru says, even though Cristina, Mark, Kieran and Amelia are in Faerie at the minute and Helen, Aline and Rosie are in Idris staying with Aline’s parents for a few days. 
“I’m not going through a portal with two toddlers, are you mad?! I miss you guys too but even if you came here we couldn’t do much when I have my sisters.” Kit gently explains. 
“Dru stop harassing my boyfriend will you?” Ty lightly says, smiling at his sister who stick her tongue out at him and then smiles at him.
“Promise you’ll come visit again soon?” Dru asks. She misses her best friend desperately and really wants to see him again soon. 
“Promise. Look I have to go but I promise I’ll come see you soon, love you.” Kit hurriedly says, before hanging up and rushing off to see what Lottie is crying over now.
The rest of Tessa’s pregnancy goes by in a blur, her sickness clears up at around 5 months and she doesn’t experience any of the aches and pains she had the other four times. Little Will is a lot more active than his sisters and older brother, his kicks often keep Tessa awake at night, sometimes it feels like he’s doing acrobats in there, and nothing will calm him down. When Mina or Charlotte kicked too hard, Jem’s voice was able to calm them down, but every time little Will hears his dad’s voice he seems to freak out and start kicking even more. There are times when Tessa forbids Jem from talking so that the baby won’t kick too much. 
Right now Tessa is 9 months pregnant and absolutely exhausted after agreeing to watch Max and Rafe for a few hours. She had plenty of help from Jem and Kit but looking after 4 energetic children was tough work, especially  when pregnant. Magnus and Alec had arrived to pick the boys up about ten minutes ago, and are just getting ready to leave.  
“Hey Tessa are you okay?” She hears Alec ask. She opens her eyes to see him sitting beside her on the sofa, concern written all over his face. He is such a sweet and gentle young boy, just like Gideon had been. 
“Oh yes I’m fine, just absolutely shattered, growing a baby is hard work.” She says in a tired tone, rubbing her swollen stomach. 
“I’m sure it is, I’m really sorry about dumping the boys on you last minute, when Ragnor bailed we had no one else to ask, everyone was busy.” Alec explains, guilt seeping into his tone.
“Oh don’t be ridiculous Alec, they were no trouble, I’m just always tired at this point.” Tessa explains. However just then she is hit with a sharp pain in her lower abdomen and can’t help but gasp in pain and clutch at her stomach. 
“Tessa! What’s wrong?” Alec asks in a tone of urgency. 
“Tess?” Comes Jem’s worried voice from behind her. He quickly hurries to her side and grasps her hand in his. “Tess, is it time?” He softly asks. Tessa nods, squeezing his hand tightly. 
“Yes... you need to get the midwife quickly.... he’s not waiting around.” Tessa grits out through the pain.
Approximately 10 minutes later when Jem has helped Tessa up to their room, the midwife arrives, barely on time. By the time she checks Tessa the baby’s head is already showing. After a very brief but painful labor, Tessa leans back into Jem as she listens to her little boy crying. 
“Oh Tess you did it, you’re so brave, I’m so proud of you.” Jem quietly says, rubbing her back and squeezing her hand. Things had gone from 0 to 100 in a  matter of minutes, yet Tessa kept her calm and did what she had to do, and now their son is here. 
“Is he okay Jem?” Tessa asks, trying to regain her breath. 
“Yeah he is, he’s perfect.” Jem softly tells her. Just then, the midwife places the baby on Tessa’s chest before stepping back to allow she and Jem to bond with the baby. 
Tessa carefully peals back the blankets from her son’s face and her heart swells with love and joy as tears of joy prick her eyes. 
“Oh Jem look how perfect he is.” Tessa says in a teary tone, as little Will grasps her finger in his small hand. He is his father’s twin, with a few wisps of thick black hair, his pallor, eye shape and bone structure. 
“William Fa Ke Carstairs, now how did I get so lucky as to have the two most perfect boys in the world, as my sons?” Jem lightly says, stroking his baby son’s cheek. 
“Don’t let Kit hear you say that or he’ll die of embarrassment.” Tessa jokingly says.
“He secretly loves it when I tease him, doesn’t he Will?” Jem coos to the baby. He is so utterly in love with his baby boy, with all his children. 
About half an hour later, Kit, Mina and Charlotte come up to meet their baby brother. They all absolutely adore him and are so sweet and gentle with him.
“So do you mind giving up the title of only boy, for him?” Tessa jokingly asks Kit, who looks up from his brother’s face and smiles widely at her. 
“Not at all, after all I still have the title of best looking in the family!” Tessa laughs and says
“Oh do you now? Because I think that title belongs to your father.” Jem smiles softly at his wife and presses a kiss to her head.
“No my love, that’s you.” He softly says. 
“Ew you’re so in love it’s gross.” Kit teases, wrinkling his nose up at the sight of his parents kissing. 
“And you and Ty aren’t ‘so in love?’” Jem asks. 
“We are but we’re not gross about it like you guys.” Kit teasingly says. 
“Oh so that’s a bruise on your neck is it?” Tessa says, raising an eyebrow at Kit, who flushes furiously and pulls his jumper up to try and cover his neck.
“Well at least we don’t have to worry about you making us grandparents anytime soon.” Jem teases, causing Kit to blush even more. 
“Oh my god dad no!” Kit says in a tone of embarrassment, covering his face with his hands.
“Don’t be silly Jem, he knows how to use protection.” Tessa says, grinning as Kit turns even more red. The poor kid is so easy to embarrass and tease. 
“I’m gonna run away from home.” Kit says in a muffled voice, his hands still covering his face. 
“You wouldn’t break our hearts like that.” Jem says. Kit lifts his face from his hands and looks at them with a look of shock on his face.
“You’d be heartbroken if I left home?” He asks in a high pitched tone of surprise. 
“Of course we would, you’re our baby, our son, we know you’ll probably move out and go live with Ty at some point, but if you left now we’d be heartbroken, our family wouldn’t be complete without you.” Tessa softly says. 
“I love you guys.” Kit quietly says, looking form his sisters who are fussing over their baby brother in his bassinet, to his mother and father who are looking at him with nothing but love and pride.
“We love you too, and we are so proud of you.” Jem says, hugging his eldest son tightly. Kit hugs him back and buries his face in his shoulder, trying to hide his tears of joy.
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shioritsumi · 2 years
Henry Berrycloth in Devildom things!
- The moment he sees Levi’s shelves and shelves of LoS he gets super excited, there’s SO MANY he only has a couple dozen but there’s so many more? MORE to come? He’s so excited!
- Celebrating the birthdays of the average person didn’t become common even among the middle class in America until the 1880s. The only birthdays celebrated were those of celebrities, political figures, and like...war heroes and junk. Everyone celebrated George Washington’s birthday, but Joe down on the corner gets nothing. Henry knows his birthday but it’s never been a big deal so the first time he’s showered with things on his birthday he spends a lot of the initial part being confused. Why do they have a cake? Why do they have several cakes? Why are they GIVING HIM things? What are the flags for? His birthday? They want to CELEBRATE THAT?! But why?
- The telephone was invented in 1882. Henry is from 1858. The first time someone calls him he panics and hangs up twice. Barbatos has to walk him through making calls on his DDD very carefully. 
- Remember how poorly Simeon types at the beginning? That’s...NOT Henry bc he obsesses for too long over typing everything correctly. It takes him FOREVER to respond to chat messages. He still thinks he’s doing really well given his absolute lack of technological history. 
- He’s asked about his classic style when he’s initially introduced to everyone, because he’s pretty sure his homewear is just....modern??? Then he’s given modern laze around clothes and he’s ENAMORED. He’s asked why he no longer wears his classy clothes and he’s like “but my original clothes are so tight and stiff and this is NICE and SOFT”
- he secretly wishes his brothers were more like the demon bros. His relationship with his brothers is....well, he doesn’t have one. They bully him and call him names and he’s “an embarrassment to the family”. The demon bros throw a few insults here and there but definitely love each other. Meanwhile Henry’s like...his brothers are war heroes, and medics, and politicians, and he’s...a lawyer who likes fantasy novels and can’t stand up to anyone to save his life. 
- “You’re so kind, I wonder if perhaps it’s because of the angel blood in your veins” was an absolute shock to Henry. In general, being seen as strong in the Devildom is a shock to him. He couldn’t stand up to anyone before, but he repeatedly stands up to the demon bros in full demon form without a second thought. He can’t figure out why he would do that, it’s out of character for him? He just...moved, automatically. 
- He views Luke as his own little brother, and can’t help but draw comparisons between Luke and his little sister Lily. He’d love for the two to meet and hopes they can be friends. If given the opportunity, he would grab Lily and run back to the Devildom in a heartbeat. 
- His little sister Lily is mixed, and it’s unfortunately really obvious to virtually anyone who looks at her. Their older siblings aren’t exactly nice about it, and the only other sister, Helen, likes to make snide remarks about how Lily wears the clothes of a lady but doesn’t look like one. Henry is almost violently protective of her and can only seem to grow a spine when it concerns her. He channels this energy when it concerns Luke, and he sympathizes when Lilith is mentioned. 
- Max intelligence, minimum wisdom. 
- TECHNOLOGY. He LOVES it. Heated showers and baths? Glorious. Air conditioning? AMAZING. Cell phones? Perfection? MICROWAVES? What will they think of next? He’s slow to figure out how to use it, but he loves to learn. 
- He has no idea how to feel when people compare him to a sheep. Do they mean he’s....sheepish?
- Everyone talks about demonus, and the demon bros seem to get really drunk off of it. He’s actually kind of disappointed to learn it has no effect on humans bc if there’s anything he misses from the human world, it’s going to the tavern and grabbing a pint at the end of the day. 
0 notes
ketzwrites · 7 years
Review for 2.13: Those of Demon Blood
Let me start this review by saying this is in my honest opinion the best episode Shadowhunters has presented us so far. It has the strongest narrative and it has the best distribution of screen time between the main seven characters and the supporting cast. The episode is all about racial discrimination and it does not shy away from talking about real world issues like police brutality, anti-semitism, and corruption. This is the kind of quality content I want from my teen fantasy show.
We get back to the Inquisitor’s promise of showing Jace what it means to be a Herondale as she makes him Head of the Institute, despite Jace himself appointing Alec as the best suited for the position. There is not much time for discussion, however, when shadowhunters are being killed by downworlders and having their runes taken away. The first victim was attacked by a werewolf, which prompts the Inquisitor into calling Luke in for questioning.
Meanwhile, Max Lightwood makes a comeback now that he has graduated Shadowhunter School and Izzy is the one in charge of training him. Lightwood siblings scenes are always a highlight of the show and the exchanges between Izzy and Max are no exception. Unfortunately for Max, though, Izzy tells him to stay at the Institute as she investigates the murders.
Upon being flat out accused, Luke suggests a DNA test to prove his innocence and is unsurprisingly cleared of all charges. The shadowhunters, then, decide to go to their downworlder friends and ask them for DNA samples with the intent of clearing them from the murders. This decision sets up three different dynamics: Alec and Magnus; Clary and Simon; and later on, Izzy and Raphael.
Alec and Magnus: Alec goes to Magnus’ loft, just to find Magnus wearing his most daring look yet. He claims the extravagance comes from boredom and is especially affectionate towards Alec, which raises some red flags after the last events. Magnus assures Alec he is fine and thus starts a masterfully acted scene where Alec asks for Magnus’ hair. If it is uncomfortable for Alec to ask, it is even more so for the viewer to see to see how rightfully angry Magnus gets, claiming he wasn’t aware there was anything he had to be cleared of. Magnus asks Alec why he was back to following orders instead of his gut, to which Alec responds that all he is asking is for a strand of hair and not something dramatic. Magnus ultimately complies, but then tells Alec to get out of the apartment. Both of them are visibly upset.
Clary and Simon: Clary explains to Simon that the DNA sample was Luke’s idea as Simon seems reluctant. The vampire then tells Clary about his grandmother Helen, who was the sole survivor of his family after the nazis invaded Polony. Simon draws a comparison between what Clary is asking and what it was inflicted on the Jews and says this is why he refuses to comply. Clary, who had no idea, apologizes and seems to reconsider the entire situation. When she is on her way back to the Institute, Clary is attacked by whoever is killing the shadowhunters but Simon saves her.
At this point, the Clave is pulling out the big guns. Inquisitor Herondale informs Jace he is to put a tracking device on all downworlders, saying that, just like shadowhunter can be tracked by their runes, so should the downworlder’s whereabouts be known at all times. The scene is played in the classic angel and devil on Jace’s shoulders, with Alec being immediately and vocally against the order and highlighting how wrong it is. He is following Magnus’ advice to trust his gut and he firmly draws the line there. The Inquisitor, however, wins when Jace decides to go with her plan. He is visibly torn between what he thinks is right and pleasing his new found family. As Maia explains in a later scene, that is making him lose his way.
Jace then goes back to the Hunter’s Moon and tells Maia about the GPS implants. She is not amused, especially when Jace reproduces the Inquisitor’s justification. The confrontation quickly escalates to a fight, in which Maia ends up with a chip at the back of her neck. Luke stops the fights and tells Jace that his actions will only start a war between the shadowhunters and the downworlders.
Both Simon and Maia end up arrested, the first for refusing to leave while Clary recovered from being attacked and the second for being accused of killing a shadowhunter after being found walking near his place of death. Clary confronts Jace on his passiveness and she is not having his lame excuse of “there are no easy choices”. She also does not stand for Maia’s arrest and we are graced with yet another iconic line from Maia: “I’ve been stopped by cops for no other reason than being black, but I thought the shadowhunters were more evolved than that.”
It is only after the Inquisitor is gone that Jace starts to listen to reason. He and Clary release Maia and Simon, and Jace uses his Herondale privileges to give his position to Alec. As the official Head of the Institute, Alec’s first order is to cease the chipping of downworlders immediately.
As we reach the last third of the episode, the last of the three shadowhunter-downworlder dynamic previously mentioned takes place:
Izzy and Raphael: Izzy meets with Raphael outside of the Hotel DuMort and starts out by assuring him neither her nor Simon would ever hurt Rosa. Raphael has no time for apologies (which is the very first he ever got in the show, not that anyone is counting) and cuts to the chase: his clan is not following the Clave’s discriminatory policies. Izzy immediately agrees and asks for his help to find the murderer. Raphael says it is not a vampire and tells Izzy about a time before the Accords when shadowhunters would hunt down downworlders and keep their body parts as trophies after killing them. He also tells Izzy there was a Seelie Knight that wanted to do the same to shadowhunters a few decades ago. Meliorn.
They join forces and go after Meliorn, only to find out Max has been following them. Izzy tells Max to hide and when Raphael and she find another body and Meliorn, they are ready to attack. Meliorn tells them he is not the killer and Izzy believes him (“Seelies can’t lie and I believe you”). The three go back for Max, but he is gone, taken by the killer.
We find Max being dragged through the killer lair and find out it was Kaelie who has been behind the murders, as a retribution for losing her brother on the night of Valentine’s massacre. It is somewhat an underwhelming revelation because, you know, in the immortal words of Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine): “Cool motive, still murder.” Raphael and Meliorn fight Kaelie and Izzy kills her, but there is some indication that there is more to this story than meets the eyes when the Lightwood trio discusses Kaelie’s methods.
Aside from the main plotline, we got to see individual character arcs developing. After Alec’s visit, Magnus calls Dot and they discuss the new shadowhunter policy and warlock love over some drinks. We find out that not only Magnus and Dot have known each other for quite some time, they were together for a while at some point (more importantly, we find out Magnus is just like everyone else and had a crush on Freddie Mercury). It has been some time since we last saw Magnus with a friend of his own and it is great to be privy to his personal life outside of the shadowhunter extravaganza. The warlocks also perform a lively and literally magical dancing number (choreographed by Harry Shum Jr.) that ends up with Dot making a move and Magnus refusing her, saying he is in love with Alec and that he “has always been a one soul at a time kind of guy”.
One minute of silence for the cheating biphobic stereotype murdered by this scene. You won’t be missed.
Simon is still struggling with being a Daylighter and he finds himself in an even more complicated situation: vampires from Raphael’s clan want to follow him. Apparently, there has been prophesied that a great leader would show up and they think Simon is the guy. He refuses them, preferring to focus on his somewhat normal life as a music major in a relationship. At the end of the episode, Simon performs a sweet number with the support of Clary to a full house and the scene sets a hopeful tone to an otherwise heavy episode.
Lastly, Jace and Maia, who had a rocky start and have since been developing a snarky kind of friendship, share a few charming scenes throughout the episode. With the exception of the scene where Jace comes into her bar to chip every downworlder present, that is. Aside from that little number, we see their increasing chemistry spiral up when they presumably hook up at the very last scene of the episode, after Jace takes the chip off of Maia’s neck. It means nothing, according to Maia, but that is the second WOC in charge of her own sexuality on my screen under forty minutes, so it certainly means the world.
Personal Notes
Luke and Simon’s talk was awkward to witness and not in a fun way. There is a little hint there about Simon possibly losing control over his bloodlust while being intimate with Clary, so I hope that pays off. I usually love their interactions but something about this one didn’t quite sell it for me.
I may not like the Inquisitor but her scene talking about the Herondales was very touching. It is nice to get to know more about Jace’s real parents and see him learning about his heritage under a positive light for a change.
Alec pointing out that the Clave wouldn’t give him the position of Head was the perfect way to showcase how the Clave’s bigotry doesn’t only affect downworlders in a vacuum: Alec is in a m|m relationship with a downworlder, which makes him twice as undeserving. It is not only a matter of homophobia, it is also racism playing in the mix.
Clary: “So the Herondales are what? Like the Kennedys of the Shadow World?” Alec: “They are an old shadowhunter family, like the Lightwoods.” Izzy: “But we are the Kennedys.” Izzy, please never change.
“I’m not alone, I’m here with you. The High Warlock of Brooklyn.”
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Leo Quotes
Official Website: Leo Quotes
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Every drama requires a cast. The cast may be so huge, as in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina,’ that the author or editor provides a list of characters to keep them straight. Or it may be an intimate cast of two. – Nancy Kress
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Give like the sun, and the whole world grows tall. – Atticus
Funny People is my favorite performance of myself to date. Even though it’s a comedy and there are serious moments, I really felt like Leo felt like a real person. It didn’t feel like I was playing myself. Whether it’s a comedy or drama, I just try to make it as realistic as possible. – Jonah Hill
Here comes the sun. – The Beatles, Here Comes The Sun
I am a Leo, and I love to be active and creative. – Howie Dorough
I carry around this little lion named Leo, which I’ve had for as long as I can remember. – Shawn Mendes
I did imitations of anyone who came to my parents’ house, and that was my identity at school – if there were ten minutes to lunch, and the teacher was done with the lesson, he’d say, ‘Okay, Leo, get up there and do something.’ – Leonardo DiCaprio
I do wish everyone would call me Leo. It’s not that I don’t like Melissa. But the more I hear it called out, the worse it sounds. – Melissa Leo
I don’t believe that my first name is Leo or that my last name is Tolstoy. I’m a storyteller. – Robert Ludlum
I had a bulletin board in my bedroom with every picture of Leo ever taken – keep in mind, this was pre-‘Titanic’ and pre-Us Weekly, practically pre-Internet. I had to buy ‘The Leonardo DiCaprio Album’ and cut out my favorite pics. – Jenny Han
I have such an ego ’cause I’m a double Leo. I can’t let go of me, you know, so it’s very difficult for me to be somebody else and not me. I’m so into me. – Paul Mooney
I like art history and art criticism. Leo Steinberg has always been my favorite. He’s very original, very accurate and acute. – Helen Vendler
I listened to the veteran wrestlers that had tons of experience, like Leo Burke. I was never really alone. – Robert Maillet
I met Leo Fender, who is the guru of all amplifiers, and he gave me a Stratocaster. He became a second father to me. – Dick Dale
I read a book called ‘Transatlantic’, which is a history of the great shipping lines. Also, of course, I had read about the Titanic and saw Leo drowning at the end of the ‘Titanic’ movie and all that stuff. – Erik Larson
I really do not care that Messi isn’t scoring every match. Leo always produces match-changing moments. – Gerardo Martino
I thought back to my middle-school experience of having slumber parties and watching Romeo + Juliet and staring at Leo and thinking about my first kiss and what I wanted it to be like. And when you have your first real love, it’s an epiphany, you know? It’s like a whole new world. – Bonnie McKee
I would like to have an assortment of words, but what can I say about Leo? He is breaking all the records, and those he will still beat. He makes the public always expect something special from him, and he delivers it. – Ernesto Valverde
If Leo is at his level, it’s going to be very difficult to find a solution to stop him. – Luis Enrique
I’m a huge fan of Don Leo Jonathan. I love that era of wrestling. – Cesaro
I’m a leo, and damn proud of it. – Unknown
I’m a middle child, so I have middle-child syndrome. With a middle child, you always have to take in everything and adjust and maybe compromise a little bit so you’re able to see both sides of an issue. I’m also a Leo – I love astrology – so that affected me, just being a lion. – Jessica Williams
I’m Pisces with Leo rising. The Pisces part is the dreamer. The Leo says, ‘Let’s execute.’ – Quincy Jones
In the summer of 1866, as Leo Tolstoy prepared for his serialized novel ‘War and Peace’ to be published as a single volume, he wrote to illustrator Mikhail Bashilov, hoping to commission drawings for the new edition of the novel, which he referred to by its original title,1805.- Alexander Chee
It is a pleasure to see Leo, an Argentine, as the top scorer in the Champions League. – Gerardo Martino
It is an honour and a pleasure to be able to play with Leo Messi. I want to learn. He is the best player in the world and in history. I am delighted to be able to share costumes. I want to learn a lot from him on and off the field. – Ousmane Dembele
It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving Sun is in its exaltation sign Aries or Leo, its home, for then we enter the sea of life on the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of existence by an abundant fund of vim and energy. – Max Heindel
It would not be honest if I did a review, because I’ve worked with Leo Messi, whom I consider the best player I’ve seen. I cannot comment or compare with Cristiano Ronaldo because I have not worked with him. That is not to say that I do not have as much respect for Cristiano as a footballer. – Frank Rijkaard
It’s an incredible feeling when you look across the dressing room and see Andres, Leo, Luis and Sergio Busquets, and everyone else. They are players I used to watch on TV or play with on PlayStation, and now I am sharing the same dressing room. It’s incredible for me. – Philippe Coutinho
I’ve always heard Leo saying he is happy at Barcelona. I’ll take the message that he is very comfortable here. – Luis Enrique
I’ve never met a player like Leo Messi. Julen Lopetegui
Lauv comes from the Latvian word for lion, and my mom’s side of the family is from Latvia – it’s a place I’ve been probably 15 times or more. I’m also a Leo, and my real name, Ari, means lion. – Lauv
Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. – Linda Goodman
Leo Burke was an unbelievable trainer. Him and Tom Prichard. Tom Prichard was not a big guy. And I learned a lot from him. – Mark Henry
Leo couldn’t deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with ‘The Aviator’, but I will go on record to say I will do so in ‘The Departed’. – Anthony Anderson
Leo Durocher was our manager and he brought Willie up to me and said, ‘This is Willie Mays and he’s your new roommate.’ You could see right away that this young man was a natural. He had those real big hands, great power and speed and would catch everything hit in his direction. He’s the best center fielder that ever lived, no question. – Monte Irvin
Leo Hurwicz is the father of mechanism design theory and has inspired much of my work, and Roger Myerson is an old friend and collaborator and a tremendous economist. – Eric Maskin
Leo is the best player in the world; that is very clear. – Thiago Alcantara
Leo Messi is a little football God. I love playing alongside him. We understand each other without needing to talk. – Dani Alves
Leo would also be unstoppable if I played him at full-back. Messi is simply the best there is. – Luis Enrique
Leo, sadly, has Parkinson’s, but he used to cook all sorts of dazzling things. – Jilly Cooper
My father, Leo Henry Brown, really was talented – he could write. He had a gift, and he had a great, sly humor. – Angie Dickinson
My kids and I make pasta three days a week now. It’s not even so much about the eating of it; they just like the process. Benno is the stuffer, and Leo is the catcher. They’ve got their jobs down. – Mario Batali
My life as Mrs. Leo Durocher and baseball come first. – Laraine Day
My sign is Leo. A Leo has to walk with pride. When he takes a step, he has to put his foot down. You walk into a room and you want people to know your presence, without you doing anything. – Wesley Snipes
Norbert Leo Butz is a master class in energy. – Lauren Ambrose
Of course there is ‘Messidependence.’ It would exist in any team in the world, but when he is not there, we also have to play and try to win. Leo is fundamental for us and marks the style; it is well known that he is the best in the world for something. – Ernesto Valverde
One might say Leos possess a kind of instant passion. – Linda Goodman
Ronaldo leaving would seem to have ended the competition between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo because people rarely mention one without mentioning the other. A lot of people are interested – me, too – to see how it will affect Real Madrid’s football and what they might do in the transfer market. – Ernesto Valverde
So I think it was a good thing It was a little surreal watching Leo scream ‘I’m not going to die today!’ with our music playing – that was the last thing on my mind when I wrote the song. – Jon Crosby
The first time I met Leo Messi, I didn’t know who he was, only that I couldn’t believe the boots he was wearing. But he is like a brother to me. It was at the start of 2005, when I was with the Argentine under-17 squad and I saw him chatting with Ezequiel Garay and some other players about the boots he’d brought back from the U.S.A. – Sergio Aguero
The Kate Winslet thing has been a shocker. I was like, that is the most ridiculous claim. Amazing, obviously. She’s been my idol since I re-enacted ‘Titanic’ and fell in love with Leo. And it’s a privilege to be called the next anything. But I suppose to be the next you is all you can do. – Florence Pugh
The Leo contains the essence of royalty. – Linda Goodman
The vibration of Leo, ruled by the Sun itself, is almost tangible, a thing you can actually feel throughout your whole being in the presence of a Lion or Lioness. — Linda Goodman
There are no words to describe Leo. He continues to break records every time one is put in front of him. – Gerardo Martino
There is something fundamental about Leo in terms of what he transmits to the supporters and what he transmits to the opposition when he starts to run at you. And I speak from experience. – Ernesto Valverde
There’s no really signature Leo DiCaprio role, like Jack Nicholson is Jack Nicholson no matter what movie he’s in. – Dennis Christopher
What I’d most highlight about Leo Messi is his huge sense of responsibility for the team. It shows in every game in every competition. – Ernesto Valverde
When I played Leonardo DiCaprio’s mother, they liked that Leo had very hooded eyes and a rounded nose with a ball. They said, They look like they could be mother and son. – Ellen Barkin
When Leo takes the record from me, it will hurt a little. But it’s not just anyone taking it away. It’s not a normal person. A Martian is taking it from me. That makes me feel a little better. – Gabriel Batistuta
You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me. – Patrick Swayze
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equitiesstocks · 4 years
Leo Quotes
Official Website: Leo Quotes
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Every drama requires a cast. The cast may be so huge, as in Leo Tolstoy’s ‘Anna Karenina,’ that the author or editor provides a list of characters to keep them straight. Or it may be an intimate cast of two. – Nancy Kress
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Give like the sun, and the whole world grows tall. – Atticus
Funny People is my favorite performance of myself to date. Even though it’s a comedy and there are serious moments, I really felt like Leo felt like a real person. It didn’t feel like I was playing myself. Whether it’s a comedy or drama, I just try to make it as realistic as possible. – Jonah Hill
Here comes the sun. – The Beatles, Here Comes The Sun
I am a Leo, and I love to be active and creative. – Howie Dorough
I carry around this little lion named Leo, which I’ve had for as long as I can remember. – Shawn Mendes
I did imitations of anyone who came to my parents’ house, and that was my identity at school – if there were ten minutes to lunch, and the teacher was done with the lesson, he’d say, ‘Okay, Leo, get up there and do something.’ – Leonardo DiCaprio
I do wish everyone would call me Leo. It’s not that I don’t like Melissa. But the more I hear it called out, the worse it sounds. – Melissa Leo
I don’t believe that my first name is Leo or that my last name is Tolstoy. I’m a storyteller. – Robert Ludlum
I had a bulletin board in my bedroom with every picture of Leo ever taken – keep in mind, this was pre-‘Titanic’ and pre-Us Weekly, practically pre-Internet. I had to buy ‘The Leonardo DiCaprio Album’ and cut out my favorite pics. – Jenny Han
I have such an ego ’cause I’m a double Leo. I can’t let go of me, you know, so it’s very difficult for me to be somebody else and not me. I’m so into me. – Paul Mooney
I like art history and art criticism. Leo Steinberg has always been my favorite. He’s very original, very accurate and acute. – Helen Vendler
I listened to the veteran wrestlers that had tons of experience, like Leo Burke. I was never really alone. – Robert Maillet
I met Leo Fender, who is the guru of all amplifiers, and he gave me a Stratocaster. He became a second father to me. – Dick Dale
I read a book called ‘Transatlantic’, which is a history of the great shipping lines. Also, of course, I had read about the Titanic and saw Leo drowning at the end of the ‘Titanic’ movie and all that stuff. – Erik Larson
I really do not care that Messi isn’t scoring every match. Leo always produces match-changing moments. – Gerardo Martino
I thought back to my middle-school experience of having slumber parties and watching Romeo + Juliet and staring at Leo and thinking about my first kiss and what I wanted it to be like. And when you have your first real love, it’s an epiphany, you know? It’s like a whole new world. – Bonnie McKee
I would like to have an assortment of words, but what can I say about Leo? He is breaking all the records, and those he will still beat. He makes the public always expect something special from him, and he delivers it. – Ernesto Valverde
If Leo is at his level, it’s going to be very difficult to find a solution to stop him. – Luis Enrique
I’m a huge fan of Don Leo Jonathan. I love that era of wrestling. – Cesaro
I’m a leo, and damn proud of it. – Unknown
I’m a middle child, so I have middle-child syndrome. With a middle child, you always have to take in everything and adjust and maybe compromise a little bit so you’re able to see both sides of an issue. I’m also a Leo – I love astrology – so that affected me, just being a lion. – Jessica Williams
I’m Pisces with Leo rising. The Pisces part is the dreamer. The Leo says, ‘Let’s execute.’ – Quincy Jones
In the summer of 1866, as Leo Tolstoy prepared for his serialized novel ‘War and Peace’ to be published as a single volume, he wrote to illustrator Mikhail Bashilov, hoping to commission drawings for the new edition of the novel, which he referred to by its original title,1805.- Alexander Chee
It is a pleasure to see Leo, an Argentine, as the top scorer in the Champions League. – Gerardo Martino
It is an honour and a pleasure to be able to play with Leo Messi. I want to learn. He is the best player in the world and in history. I am delighted to be able to share costumes. I want to learn a lot from him on and off the field. – Ousmane Dembele
It is best to be born in April or August when the life-giving Sun is in its exaltation sign Aries or Leo, its home, for then we enter the sea of life on the crest-wave and are backed in the battle of existence by an abundant fund of vim and energy. – Max Heindel
It would not be honest if I did a review, because I’ve worked with Leo Messi, whom I consider the best player I’ve seen. I cannot comment or compare with Cristiano Ronaldo because I have not worked with him. That is not to say that I do not have as much respect for Cristiano as a footballer. – Frank Rijkaard
It’s an incredible feeling when you look across the dressing room and see Andres, Leo, Luis and Sergio Busquets, and everyone else. They are players I used to watch on TV or play with on PlayStation, and now I am sharing the same dressing room. It’s incredible for me. – Philippe Coutinho
I’ve always heard Leo saying he is happy at Barcelona. I’ll take the message that he is very comfortable here. – Luis Enrique
I’ve never met a player like Leo Messi. Julen Lopetegui
Lauv comes from the Latvian word for lion, and my mom’s side of the family is from Latvia – it’s a place I’ve been probably 15 times or more. I’m also a Leo, and my real name, Ari, means lion. – Lauv
Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. – Linda Goodman
Leo Burke was an unbelievable trainer. Him and Tom Prichard. Tom Prichard was not a big guy. And I learned a lot from him. – Mark Henry
Leo couldn’t deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with ‘The Aviator’, but I will go on record to say I will do so in ‘The Departed’. – Anthony Anderson
Leo Durocher was our manager and he brought Willie up to me and said, ‘This is Willie Mays and he’s your new roommate.’ You could see right away that this young man was a natural. He had those real big hands, great power and speed and would catch everything hit in his direction. He’s the best center fielder that ever lived, no question. – Monte Irvin
Leo Hurwicz is the father of mechanism design theory and has inspired much of my work, and Roger Myerson is an old friend and collaborator and a tremendous economist. – Eric Maskin
Leo is the best player in the world; that is very clear. – Thiago Alcantara
Leo Messi is a little football God. I love playing alongside him. We understand each other without needing to talk. – Dani Alves
Leo would also be unstoppable if I played him at full-back. Messi is simply the best there is. – Luis Enrique
Leo, sadly, has Parkinson’s, but he used to cook all sorts of dazzling things. – Jilly Cooper
My father, Leo Henry Brown, really was talented – he could write. He had a gift, and he had a great, sly humor. – Angie Dickinson
My kids and I make pasta three days a week now. It’s not even so much about the eating of it; they just like the process. Benno is the stuffer, and Leo is the catcher. They’ve got their jobs down. – Mario Batali
My life as Mrs. Leo Durocher and baseball come first. – Laraine Day
My sign is Leo. A Leo has to walk with pride. When he takes a step, he has to put his foot down. You walk into a room and you want people to know your presence, without you doing anything. – Wesley Snipes
Norbert Leo Butz is a master class in energy. – Lauren Ambrose
Of course there is ‘Messidependence.’ It would exist in any team in the world, but when he is not there, we also have to play and try to win. Leo is fundamental for us and marks the style; it is well known that he is the best in the world for something. – Ernesto Valverde
One might say Leos possess a kind of instant passion. – Linda Goodman
Ronaldo leaving would seem to have ended the competition between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo because people rarely mention one without mentioning the other. A lot of people are interested – me, too – to see how it will affect Real Madrid’s football and what they might do in the transfer market. – Ernesto Valverde
So I think it was a good thing It was a little surreal watching Leo scream ‘I’m not going to die today!’ with our music playing – that was the last thing on my mind when I wrote the song. – Jon Crosby
The first time I met Leo Messi, I didn’t know who he was, only that I couldn’t believe the boots he was wearing. But he is like a brother to me. It was at the start of 2005, when I was with the Argentine under-17 squad and I saw him chatting with Ezequiel Garay and some other players about the boots he’d brought back from the U.S.A. – Sergio Aguero
The Kate Winslet thing has been a shocker. I was like, that is the most ridiculous claim. Amazing, obviously. She’s been my idol since I re-enacted ‘Titanic’ and fell in love with Leo. And it’s a privilege to be called the next anything. But I suppose to be the next you is all you can do. – Florence Pugh
The Leo contains the essence of royalty. – Linda Goodman
The vibration of Leo, ruled by the Sun itself, is almost tangible, a thing you can actually feel throughout your whole being in the presence of a Lion or Lioness. — Linda Goodman
There are no words to describe Leo. He continues to break records every time one is put in front of him. – Gerardo Martino
There is something fundamental about Leo in terms of what he transmits to the supporters and what he transmits to the opposition when he starts to run at you. And I speak from experience. – Ernesto Valverde
There’s no really signature Leo DiCaprio role, like Jack Nicholson is Jack Nicholson no matter what movie he’s in. – Dennis Christopher
What I’d most highlight about Leo Messi is his huge sense of responsibility for the team. It shows in every game in every competition. – Ernesto Valverde
When I played Leonardo DiCaprio’s mother, they liked that Leo had very hooded eyes and a rounded nose with a ball. They said, They look like they could be mother and son. – Ellen Barkin
When Leo takes the record from me, it will hurt a little. But it’s not just anyone taking it away. It’s not a normal person. A Martian is taking it from me. That makes me feel a little better. – Gabriel Batistuta
You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me. – Patrick Swayze
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rheadoak4625-blog · 7 years
Why Black Rice Is Taken into consideration A Super Food?
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