#dream Vaschete sightings
canisalbus · 4 days
I just dreamed I was working as a dog walker for Katya Zamolodchikova, and one of her dogs was Machete. He was very anxious about going out but I managed to get him to walk around a bit
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canisalbus · 5 months
I'm sorry but I just need to tell you I had a dream about ur little guys where they lived on the same street as me and one of them ended up feeling obligated to become my partner in crime bcus I was "too young" and the other got dragged in almost immediately to stealing shit and helping me drive to regular work and also killing people???? they were so dog people despite me being human ???? thanks for letting my dream borrow them can you please take them back
So the things the dogs deemed you too young for:
1. Stealing shit
2. Driving to regular work
3. Killing people
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canisalbus · 6 months
i had a dream last night that i was playing nintendogs and vasco was one of the puppies i could choose
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canisalbus · 4 months
I had this really weird dream last night, where we were sitting next to each other and you were drawing something. I had this odd awareness that you didn't actually look like how my dream showed you, but that it was the only way that I could perceive you. (I don't know what 'be not afraid' shit my brain was on ok I was unconscious)
You turned to me and asked if I had a recent stab wound, as you were drawing one. I pulled my shirt down a bit at the shoulder, and showed a very recent stab wound (I did not get a backstory for it) and you looked horrified.
My first thought upon waking was 'well, you asked??'
- Looks another person straight in the eye and asks to see any recent stab wounds
- Is shown a recent stab wound
- Gets upset
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canisalbus · 4 months
i had a strange dream in which Vasco and Machete were both a) in a modern day gang and b) were based on real people that you, the artist, personally knew. Someone made a trivia post about your blog saying “Y’know how all 12 of the high ranking gang members in that canis albus webcomic wear necklaces with a die hanging from them? (Both Vasco and Machete had four sided dice btw) This is actually based on a real thing that the real people who are in the gang it’s based on wear.”
then someone reblogged it with “I didn’t believe this until I learned that Machete’s real life counterpart is the one that designed all of them, and has spares of them all for safe keeping. Supposedly, his most unique password is the one that protects the safe that the spares are in, which, in turn, is based on the canis albus blog!”
idk if or how you’d even interpret this as a drawing, but i kinda just wanted to let you know that i dreamt about your pups
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canisalbus · 5 months
I had a dream with Machete in it, and while I forgot the details the one thing I remember is that Machete was a huge socialite who was hosting a big party and even in the dream I was like "hold on this doesn't make much sense" so I'm convinced he was plotting something.
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canisalbus · 3 months
I had a dream with your dog boys but it didn't make much sense. (Mine never really do)
I was in this sort of ancient dark overgrown looking temple room with lots of grass and water, and Vasco was there. We conversed, I don't remember what about, but I remember that he was canonically my lover in the dream (I think I kissed his cheek).
I left him and walked through a large golden sunlit ancient greek looking hall and met with another dog (who looked exactly like Machete but wasn't Machete in the dream?) Who was upset at me for being with Vasco, not because he wanted Vasco, but because he wanted me. don't remember much else.
Ohohoh, a love triangle!
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canisalbus · 3 months
Hello CanisAlbus ♥️ I love your work so much, and I wanted to bug you about a Machete dream appearance I had ✨
He was like, a modern progressive Christian “I’m absolutely not gay but god loves gay people in a “you should stop being gay” kind of way :))” having a raised voice argument about homosexuality with Vasco, a gay atheist who he just met at like,,, idk maybe a church fundraising event? It seemed like Machete was taking it very personally and it was pretty intense. But my like,,, narrative dream brain definitely meant it as a meet cute 💕 ty for your time :)
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canisalbus · 4 months
I had a dream that your Dog Fellas were on TV as a cartoon. But my alarm woke up right as The Boys appeared on screen. I was vaguely aware I was dreaming.
That's usually what happens when I dream of them as well. I know they're about to show up somewhere, in a piece of media or in person, but just before it happens I wake up. Frustrating :'>
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canisalbus · 3 months
Had a dream last night that I was at some sort of theme park or fair and the boys were a featured like … exhibit? You could drive down a street that was somehow themed after their story and buy merch and zines with them in it. I got some little machete and vasco pins that had magnetic noses so they’d smooch. Good time
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canisalbus · 4 months
I got hit with the Vasco & Machete dreams last night! It was very long and epic with lots of details that are now lost, but it was a harrowing tale of trying and succeeding to escape some kind of facility. Machete could teleport them moderate distances for some reason, but he was still figuring out his limits, it wore him out horribly & they had to rest a lot to recharge. They also took sea kayaks part of the way? The last phase of the dream was six months later, planning for an upcoming holiday in their new home, still processing the trauma of it all but feeling hopeful ❤️
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canisalbus · 3 months
i had a really weird dream last night where i was Adam Sandler and i was caring for a robot elderly lady, and Machete randomly showed up and was getting his picture taken. im so confused. in the same dream i also killed like 6 people in a row on fortnite
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canisalbus · 5 months
So this will sound strange considering I have never met you in my life and I am American where you are very decidedly not located, but I dreamed Id met you haha. It was weird as dreams often are, but it was a New Years celebration where we were welcomed into others' homes to share food and drink and Id lamented being full and tired because you'd made a nice looking stew and you invited me to come back another day lol. You also had a few dogs, but like.... They were all corgi mutts. Very sweet ones and no none of them looked like Vasco or Machete which was strange. I only knew it was you because Dream Me knew it inherently, the way we just Do in dreams. Anyway, as bizarre as it was, I thought I'd let you know! It was a nice dream and nice interaction that my brain cooked up hahaha
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canisalbus · 2 months
Well, now I can say I have dreamt about the gay Cstholic dogs as well!
I was writing a story, but the dream’s perspective switched to me watching the story like a movie at some point. It was the modern AU, and Vasco and Machete were travelling to what I think was supposed to be some important landmark in Italy, most likely the Vatican. What was going to happen was that there was going to be a portrait of Vasco and Machete from their canon time period (even though I know this wouldn’t happen at the Vatican), and their friend would point out that it looked an awful lot like them and how strange that was and have the boys react to that, but I woke up before that could happen.
This is the first time I’ve dreamt about them, so I felt compelled to let you know!
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canisalbus · 6 months
I went to take a nap and I had a dream about some sort of Paleolithic universe where Vasco was a hunter and Machete was some sort of spiritual guide or chaman? They had this ceremony, Machete absolutely tripped balls after drinking some sort of decoction...... I'm not sure of what he saw but he looked really scared. Or maybe that was just his usual face
In the dream they looked like how you draw them, but I imagine that if this was an actual AU, their features would be far less pronounced and they'd be a bit more wolf-like? Since they'd still have the need for summer and winter coats, very big ears would freeze, super floppy ears could prove to be cumbersome by getting in the way and being prone to getting snagged by the environment, other animals or even their own species (I'm a biology nerd)
I don't remember much of their outfits except for Machete having red ochre accents, and having the sole of his foot painted with it for some reason? Earliest Louboutins. Slay.
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