#driving growth.
sooriya10 · 2 months
Unleashing Growth with Numerix's AI Solutions
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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead requires more than just keeping pace – it demands innovation, efficiency, and strategic insights. At Numerix, we understand the importance of leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to drive growth and success. With our specialized AI solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses across diverse industries, we're empowering organizations to unlock the full potential of their data and propel them towards their goals.
Unlocking Potential with AI
In a world inundated with data, the ability to extract meaningful insights is paramount. This is where AI shines. By harnessing the power of machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics, Numerix enables businesses to sift through vast amounts of data with unparalleled speed and accuracy. Whether it's identifying market trends, optimizing operations, or anticipating customer needs, our AI solutions provide the competitive edge businesses need to thrive.
Tailored Solutions for Diverse Industries
We recognize that every industry has its own unique challenges and opportunities. That's why our AI solutions are meticulously tailored to address the specific needs of each sector. From finance and healthcare to retail and manufacturing, Numerix has the expertise and experience to deliver customized AI solutions that drive tangible results. By understanding the intricacies of each industry, we're able to develop innovative AI applications that solve complex problems and unlock new opportunities for growth.
Driving Innovation and Streamlining Processes
Innovation is the lifeblood of any successful organization. With Numerix's AI solutions, businesses can foster a culture of innovation by automating repetitive tasks, uncovering hidden patterns, and generating actionable insights. By streamlining processes and eliminating inefficiencies, our AI solutions free up valuable time and resources, allowing businesses to focus on what they do best – innovating and creating value for their customers.
Gaining Actionable Insights
In today's data-driven world, the ability to turn raw data into actionable insights is crucial for success. Numerix's AI solutions empower businesses to do just that. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, we help organizations extract valuable insights from their data, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive business growth. Whether it's optimizing marketing campaigns, identifying potential risks, or predicting future trends, our AI solutions provide the actionable insights businesses need to stay ahead of the curve.
The Numerix Difference
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What sets Numerix apart is our unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. Our team of AI experts brings together a wealth of experience and expertise in machine learning, data science, and software engineering to deliver best-in-class solutions that exceed our clients' expectations. From initial consultation to ongoing support, we work closely with our clients every step of the way to ensure our AI solutions are fully aligned with their business objectives and deliver maximum value.
In today's fast-paced business environment, leveraging the power of AI is no longer a luxury – it's a necessity. With Numerix's cutting-edge AI solutions, businesses can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, streamline processes, and gain actionable insights from their data. Empower your organization to thrive in the digital age with Numerix – your trusted partner for AI excellence.
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temeyes · 4 months
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anatomy of Annie Riley a.k.a Ghost's little Bub (a somewhat continuation of [this] lol)
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suntails · 11 months
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maggiesawyer · 2 months
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3x06 | 7x05
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inkkaycee · 1 month
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Happy Mayternity everyone! We’re off to the races as Devi looks to you, yes you! To give her what she needs to grow not only her power but her womb! With that in mind the rules are simple! Until the end of May any and all interaction with THIS POST and any donations on Kofi add to the total! Likes are worth two points, Reblogs are worth six points, and donations are worth a whopping 20 points for every dollar of USD donated. That’s only five dollars to jump straight to the next image!
In addition, the top three donators will get a free colored commission showing exactly how a character of their choice decided to lend a hand towards Devi’s goal of an infinite brood!
I can’t promise I’ll get all of the images owed out during May but I’ll do my best to get them out in a timely manner!
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cloudcrimeart · 4 months
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bronwyn is giving her fans a special gift this valentines- with all the love and donations she receives, she'll be trying to shred this new dress! the fabric is pretty stretchy, but how much cow can it take…
[wg drive im running on twitter, hop over there to participate!!]
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I think about shortsgate 1.0 (unshaved edition) all the time
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collectorcookie · 3 months
If Nobody Will Talk About Shiawase No Uta Lyrics, I Will
Here are my fave parts:
1. Makoto and Mao giving it their all to catch up to Subaru and Hokke and to live up to Trickstars Name
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2. Subaru and Hokuto being bound by a similar fate and holding onto eachother
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3. Subaru suffering through darkness and then finding light within trickstar
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daebelly · 6 months
GROWTH DRIVE: Late Allagan Armor of Repopulating
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To be fair, this isn't the weirdest thing the Allagans made…
To help pay for gifts, upcoming life expenses and make use of an idea I've had in my head for weeks at this point, I'm doing a growth drive! This time, the top donor gets a free request with no limit on number of characters, quality, et cetera!
$1 puts 1 kit in my womb! My pregnancy will progress throughout the drive, with updates--barring a crisis--beginning on the 23rd and happening every two days after that. Growth is guaranteed each update due to the gradual progression of the pregnancy! And if we clear $1000, I'll draw a birth pic!
You can pay me via cashapp, at $daebelly, with the text "Contact at (Username) on (Website)", filling in the parentheses, if you'd like a shot at being the top donor so I can contact you for that request! If you can't do cashapp, you can send me a message asking for my paypal.me address!
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musclesaber · 2 months
Growth Drive: Week 2
[Story Gallery] [Week 0] [Week 1] [Rob's 1st Report] [Rob's 2nd Report] [Linktree] [Ko-Fi]
The growth continues.
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“Now, why did I stop growing?” asked Jared as he looked down at the entire city. He could see the citizens as small as ants crawling up onto his massive purple bulge. 
“Jaren, if I might interject, you are already bigger than almost any building in the entire city with a cock bigger than a stadium. You don’t need to grow any bigger,” said Rob as he laid down on Jared’s pecs. 
“When are you gonna get it through your robotic brain that I’m never gonna stop growing. I’m going to grow as much as I can for as long as I can,” bellowed Jared as his cock twitched a bit. Some of his followers were giving his giant bulge a massage. “Besides, that guy said this speedo would be able to stretch to infinity and I wanna test its limits.”
“Yeah but most people only grow to about 500 feet tall. You’ve already surpassed what I thought was possible for someone to grow to.” Jared smirked at hearing those words and chuckled a little bit. 
“I have, have I? Well what’s stopping me from blowing past that record even more?” Jared brought up his bicep the size of a house and flexed. 
Rob had stood up and was floating in front of Jared’s face. “Your growth could become unstable and you could explode! This isn’t a joking matter. You must stop!” Jared furrowed his brows and frowned. 
“Last time I checked, I was your master!” roared Jared. “I am going to continue to grow! I don’t care if I’ll “explode”, it’ll be a great way to go if it means I can grow bigger!” Jared looked over at the swarm of helicopters that had amassed around his head. “Did you hear that world? I am your new growing god! If you wish to be spared from this giant’s expansion, donate to my growth and you’ll be allowed to live on your growing god’s body and watch his ascension!” Rob looked at Jared and shook his head. 
“Fine. I can see there’s no stopping you, but if I could make a suggestion?” Jared moved his gaze down to Rob as he spoke and nodded. “Get out of the city. Your wrecking ball fat ass has already demolished a building and I’m sure if you grow more, New York City will be a crater under your growing body in no time.” Jared purred and his giant bulge bucked and landed back on the ground with an earth shaking tremor. 
“As hot as that sounds, you’re right. What’s a growing god without his devoted worshippers? I’ll get out of town to save them.” Jared stood up and looked down at the city below. He was surrounded by buildings, but the only safe way out was going to the harbor. 
“Now get to the sea before you cause anymore destruction,” said Rob floating back to Jared’s pecs. Turning their attention to the screen floating next to Jared, the numbers had started going up again. “And hurry.”
Jared felt the flow of energy return to his body and he looked down and saw the ground getting further and further away. Looking out at the horizon, Jared could see the harbor. At his size he could get there in a few steps, but his giant body would be hard to move. 
Jared tried to pick up his feet to move, but they were trapped under his giant bulge. “Is there any way for you to make it easier for me to move?” asked Jared. Rob poofed the remote into his hands and tapped some buttons. 
“I’m going to direct all your growth to your height until you get somewhere safe for you to grow.” Rob dramatically pounded one of the buttons and Jared moaned in response. His body swelled taller and taller by the second. The energy flowing through his body was intoxicating as he surged past the 2,000 mark. 
“This doesn’t feel like it’s helping!” moaned Jared as another droplet of pre escaped the speedo and fell to the ground, flooding the street below. 
“Give it a second.” Jared took a deep breath and finally felt his feet being freed from under his bulge. With his increase in height, Jared’s body had gotten tall enough so that his bulge wasn’t permanently dragging on the ground. Or at least his balls weren’t. His dick however extended for over the length of multiple football fields and still barely hovered over the ground. “There’s your opening. Take it before you become a weapon of ass destruction.”
Jared slowly picked up one of his giant feet and started walking towards the sea. The ground shook like an earthquake every time he took a step. He could feel his bulge slamming into the buildings beside it with each sway of his hips. From the back, the giant’s ass wobbled hypnotically back and forth as Jared maneuvered his way towards the harbor. 
As Jared trudged forward, his body still swelled from all the donations. The numbers blinked and flashed as he reached 3,000 already and he was barely halfway to the harbor His legs were becoming too wide to fit on the street and were swelling out into neighboring buildings. “Fuck, it’s still too soon,” said Jared. 
Looking down, his cock was now much smaller compared to the rest of him with the same little worshippers crawling all over it. Jared reached down with his big arms and heaved his giant bulge up. He hugged the massive bulge and nuzzled it between his pecs. Eliciting more moans of pleasure as he pec fucked himself with each step. Lucky his balls had already grown off the ground because had they not, them swelling with cum could’ve demolished an entire city block. 
Now with his cock in hand, Jared lifted one of his legs and sidestepped it over to the street on the other side of the block. Straddling the buildings in between. With more room to move, Jared resumed his waddle towards the ocean. And with each growth spurt he felt, his strides getting larger and larger. 
With a better view of his cock, he could see hundreds of little worshippers perched on the tip. Squinting his eyes, Jared saw all of them massaging and kissing his dick. “No wonder I feel like I could cum at any second. You guys really know how to treat a growing god!” boomed Jared. Jared hugged his cock tighter to his torso and pushed another droplet of pre out of the speedo. Craning his neck down as best he could, Jared licked up his own pre and rumbled with satisfaction. “Mmm, I taste delicious!” 
Jared hit the 5,000 mark as he neared the harbor. Waddling as fast as he could as he felt more energy coursing through him. Taking one last step, Jared pushed his weight up and jumped into the water below. Sending a massive tidal wave in every direction. “Woo, that was a close one. Didn’t know if I’d make it there with all this bulk to move!” said Jared as he dropped his package into the water with a loud splash. 
“Considering you’ve reached the mile high club, I’d say you could stand to move a bit more out to sea before I unleash all this growth onto you,” said Rob. 
“How much have I racked up since you stopped the cock and muscles from growing?” asked Jared. 
“Let’s just say you should walk out a lot more into the ocean. And aim your cock away from the city when I activate this thing,” said Rob. Jared waded through the water seeing many boats around him zoom away from him as waves taller than buildings emitted from his ankles. The water barely covered his toes as he got deeper and deeper into the ocean. 
Looking up, Jared’s vision became foggy. Not because he was feeling dizzy from the ecstasy of growing, but because his head was in the clouds. Jared had grown so tall that he was growing into the stratosphere. “Is this far enough away for you?” asked Jared looking back at the small city behind him. 
“It should be. Get ready big guy. This’ll be a lot of stimulation.” Rob pressed a few buttons and Jared felt an immediate burning sensation in his crotch. His bulge started swelling at an alarming rate. His balls fell into the water and swelled with gallons upon gallons of cum. His dick hit the water and shot through it like a torpedo. Growing over a mile long in a few seconds. 
Jared’s cock wasn’t the only thing growing. His muscles expanded into each other with his traps crushing his ears. His pecs pressed into his chin again, and his biceps making it so his arms were unbendable. Jared’s already bodybuilder waddle became impossible as his skyscraper sized thighs rubbed together. 
But Jared didn’t need to worry about walking anymore. His cock and balls were growing so big that they were lifting him off the ground. His bulge was growing bigger than the entire city and a state wasn’t that far behind. 
“Fuuuuuck Rob, this is fucking incredible! I can’t believe you wanted me to stop this! I’m never gonna stop growing!” roared Jared. He bucked his hips and made tsunamis emit from his bulge. Pre spurted out of his cock and Jared could feel hundreds of little mouths licking up the pre in his speedo. 
Rob floated down to Jared’s pecs and got a good view of some worshippers. As Jared had grown, Rob had teleported thousands of little worshippers onto Jared’s body. Each one kissing and licking up the pre on his body. “What’s this?” Rob hovered down to some of the worshippers on Jared’s pecs and examined them. They were bigger. Rob could see tatters of clothes all over Jared’s pecs. The men licking up his pre had grown from normal sized men into mini hulks. “Interesting.”
“What’s that little guy?” asked Jared. 
“Oh nothing big guy. Just admiring how much you have been able to grow,” said Rob. He turned and saw the number on the screen. He’d grown to a staggering 8,000 feet tall and could still feel the energy flowing through him.
“This is the life. Growing bigger, getting worshiped by thousands of tinies all over my body, soon I bet I’ll get my own gravitational field and you’ll be able to call me planet Jared.” Jared laughed as his body grew through the clouds and through the stratosphere. 
“And it seems like you have another super fan. Someone just donated over $10,000 to your growth,” said Rob tapping the remote. 
“Good boy. Where does he want the excess size going?” asked Jared as he massaged his pecs with his big hands. 
“He says he wants it all going to your thighs and ass,” said Rob as he pressed a button and Jared felt that same burning sensation return to his ass. Jared cried out in pain and pleasure and he rolled his body forward so he was lying down on his giant cock. 
“Fuuuuuuuck! These little guys really wanna see my ass grow!” Jared moaned as his ass ballooned bigger behind him. With him lying down on his cock, Jared’s ass was up in the air. Stretching the fabric of the speedo tightly around its two massive spheres. Each of Jared’s cheeks expanded like two blimps. And on Jared’s multiple miles tall body, his ass cheeks could be compared in size to two mountains rising out of the sea. 
While his ass inflated bigger than his own head, Jared’s thunder thighs that were straddling his dick started thickening around it. Squeezing his cock in between them and sending even more pleasure through Jared’s body. Each of his thighs were so big, they could crush entire towns in them if Jared so pleased. But his cock was receiving the full force of Jared’s thighs choke hold.
“Fuuuuuuuck! Get him here. Let me thank the little guy that blessed me with all this incredible size!” screamed Jared. His voice echoing out over the entire Earth now. 
“He’s already here.” Rob floated to the side to reveal a muscular man standing on Jared’s pecs. No bigger than a grain of sand to him. 
“Ah, I’m happy to see one of my best worshippers and I might add one of my bigger worshippers,” said Jared with a smile on his big face. “Thank you for your contribution to your growing god.”
“Of course sir. My master. I want nothing more than to see you bigger,” said the man as he kneeled before Jared on his pecs. 
“Good boy. And as a reward for your contributions, Rob, please teleport this man to the area on my body of his choosing.” Rob bowed his head and the two of them poofed to the top of Jared’s ass crack between the two massive moons growing in front of them. 
“It is done,” said Rob as he poofed back to Jared’s nose. He looked at the screen and it read 11,816. “Congratulations Jaren, you’ve reached the two mile high club. And it’s review time again. I’m giving you a 5-star rating this time. Despite my protests on growing bigger, you were a much more merciful giant this time around.”
“Hey, as long as people don’t try to stop me from growing as big as I can, there’s never any problem,” said Jared with a chuckle. “So I get a 50% increase to my size?”
“Look at that, not all your smarts got absorbed by your muscles. Good job big guy. Yes, you’ll grow 50% bigger. Now hold on while I plug in some numbers.” Rob continued to poke at the remote and Jared happily waited.
“Hey Rob, when you said I might blow up if  I get too big, what exactly did you mean by that?” asked Jared.
“Now you have concerns?” asked Rob glaring up at Jared. “There have been times where users have outgrown their size limitations that their body could handle and they ended up as a giant pile of cum. But you’ve already outgrown many of those people.”
“But not all of them?” asked Jared. Rob’s eyes darted open as he realized the idea he just put into the giant’s head.
“No, not all of them,” said Rob as he slammed his hand down onto the device. “But this will get you closer to that size.”
Jared roared again as his body swelled at an alarming rate. It was a good idea going out to the sea where he could grow because his cock alone would have demolished the city at the rate it was growing. Jared’s feet returned to the water as he grew taller and higher up out of the clouds. Looking down, he could no longer see his body. Just a thick layer of clouds he was quickly growing out of. 
His muscles swelled and thickened denser with each passing moment as Jared became bigger and bigger. There was nothing to compare Jared to, he was getting so big. His muscles were fighting for space on his body and he was quickly becoming near immobilized because of them. 
After an eternity of growing, Jared’s body seemed to relax and his growth halted. Panting out of exhaustion, Jared looked down and could see how truly massive he’d become. He could probably topple the Empire State building with just his big toe. 
“Fuck I’ll never get tired of that,” boomed Jared as he watched a plane buzz by his face no bigger than a gnat. Looking to the side, he saw the floating jumbotron reading 17,730. “I love being big, so let’s keep the growth coming!”
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(Jared continues to grow bigger and bigger and it doesn’t look like anything is stopping him from growing. Thank you again for participating in my growth drive. I can’t tell y’all how much it means to me that y’all wanna grow him bigger. And as always a big thanks to those who donated towards growing Jared even bigger. This next part will go from March 22nd to March 31st. It’s the last part of the Growth Drive so get all your size in for Jared. Now on with the growth! Happy Macro March!)
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queencaramilflinda · 9 months
Listen I understand why some people disagree bc I love them as characters but personally I don’t particularly want another full season with the Bad Kids. I will watch it if they do one, but I feel like not only have the characters reached the natural conclusions of their arcs, the Intrepid Heroes have all grown so much as players from when Fantasy High came out like 5 years ago that I think it would feel a bit disingenuous. Like Ally had never played D&D before Fantasy High, and Kristen was played accordingly. Ally even said in Starstruck “no more bumbling Kristen shit”
All that being said I wouldn’t mind a short season (up to 10 eps) for junior/senior year or for the IH to do live shows of the characters. I would love a cross over season between Fantasy High and the Seven or even PirOL, I think that could be fun.
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i know i haven't said anything on this blog for years but. one of my friends sent me this tweet like a week ago and i haven't stopped thinking about it since
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fortune-maiden · 6 months
The more I work on my long fic the more work I’m realizing it needs…
Maybe I should just take it down for now and repost it when it’s actually ready
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inkkaycee · 30 days
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I knew the first 24 hours would be a huge turnout, so I already had this one started. Here’s part two to this year’s inkKayC Mayternity Growth Drive! Seems Devi’s taken a liking to your… “assistance” in work. I don’t think she’s too likely to let you go anytime soon. I’d also say she’s only going to grow more intense, after all that mark doesn’t seem to be letting up. Remember to stay hydrated!
Already 3/4 of the way to the next page, we should hit that in no time, but remember it’s only the interaction on the starting page this time around that counts, that and Kofi donations! I hope we get to see her grow because I’m sure we’re all interested in seeing just how big Devi’s willing to get to achieve her goals…
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donttouchmylasagna · 2 months
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And now those annoying flying levels are so much easier!
Thank you so everyone for participating!
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softpaints · 7 months
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Here is the full of Libby's first growth drive~!
[do not repost - reblogs appreciated tho!]
My website (+ where else to find me!)
Plus a bonus lol
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