#drops this at your feet and scurries and runs away
ozzgin · 2 days
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I saw these photos on TikTok (Credited from Doyuin with the ID:981642684) and my oh my, it sent me straight to this scenario. Content: female reader, female yandere, religious themes, horror
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Yan! Mother Superior who welcomes all lost souls with open arms. Her kindness and benevolence are known by locals and foreigners alike, her reputation even reaching your ears. Overwhelmed by a longing you've never felt before, you packed your suitcase and left your home.
Once you reached the monastery, the nuns rushed you in without a word. You were taken aback by their swift compliance, despite the fact you never introduced yourself, nor your intentions. "I am no mere guest", you wanted to tell them, "I've come to take my vows, and become one of you." But no one listened.
"Mother had been expecting you", one of them finally confessed piously.
That's when you saw her for the first time. A smile radiating warmth, and a pair of bright, all-seeing eyes. You felt like a child soothed by a Mother's embrace, all worries and anxieties seeping away from your body. You were safe.
Days at the monastery are slow and peaceful. You've become indifferent to the world outside, focusing on prayer, and the wisdom taught by Mother Superior. Despite your newfound faith, however, something tugs at your heart insidiously.
Something isn't right with Mother.
What a blasphemous thought, to doubt her saintliness! Yet you cannot seem to put your suspicions at rest. The other nuns are fearful, the priest becomes pale whenever Mother is present. People seeking refuge between the walls of this sanctuary vanish without a trace. You do your best to hide it, but she knows. Her ardent stare strips you of any secrecy.
One night, when you'd been plagued by nightmares in your small chamber, you dropped your rosary. The beads scattered across the polished floor, and you lowered yourself to gather the pieces. That's when you found it: underneath your bed, deep scratches were clawed over the wooden tiles. Do not look into the eyes.
The recollection creeps into your mind now, as you glance at the priest finishing up the Sunday liturgy. Mother Superior observes the ritual with boredom. The church sinks into silence, and she stands up. The other nuns throw their hands in prayer. With calculated nonchalance, she grasps onto the crozier and plunges it directly into the man's chest.
You throw yourself out of your seat, bewildered, speechless. The chanting continues, blocking out the bubbling heave of the dying man. Mother Superior smiles, satisfied. Thick, warm blood slithers all the way to your feet. You want to crawl, to run, to hide, but your body is stiff.
"For the mountains may depart       and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,       and my covenant of peace shall not be removed"
You mustn't fear her. For no one will love you with the same devotion, no one will offer you such unadulterated veneration. The nuns abruptly stop their prayer, and scurry outside.
Yan! Mother Superior who ceremoniously lowers the sharp, bloodied end of the crozier over your head. You hold your breath, petrified.
"No man stands above me", she concludes. Her voice is carried by the pillars, echoing across the empty church, shattering against your eardrums in a most unholy coalescence. A shiver cold as death envelops your being, and you're struck by a revelation:
It was not God's hand that led you to her.
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cr-arnival · 4 months
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a really high-effort thing that i made a while ago but never got around to posting. happy yaoi day
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close-ups of the faces because im fairly happy with them actually
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 3 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!reader
Part 3 to Truth or Dare and Truth or Dare Part 2
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader, Soap
Summary: After being so rudely interrupted in the middle of you and your lieutenant's tryst, but he made a promise. "This isn't over." You hope that he plans to keep it, but when? Things might have to wait as you are assigned to a mission with him. But when being close proves to much, will both of you be able to hold off on your lust or will you succumb to all that tension?
Word Count: 8.2k
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Lt. Riley storms out of the munitions depot seething with frustration as he searches for the private waiting to relay Price’s message to him. Of all the fucking times to be interrupted, why in the hell did it have to be this one time when he was so close to exploring the depths of what the connection sparked between you could bring. Now he is left with nothing but anger and a sizeable bulge in his pants that he has to discreetly readjust before anyone can catch him hard as a fucking rock.
That piercing brown gaze locates the private standing against the side of the building a few feet from the door, his face red, his jaw tense, brow wrinkled up as if he is deep in thought about his predicament at having seen something he shouldn’t. The poor boy has no time to react as heavy-booted steps quickly approach before the lieutenant grabs him by the shoulders and pins him to the wall, glaring at him intimidatingly down through the holes of his mask. 
“Let’s get one thing fuckin’ straight, yeah? ‘Fore I let ya go ‘bout your business,” he says, his tone firm and menacing. “I’m only gonna say this once, so ya best listen up. Ya didn’t see a damn thing back there, nothin’ at all, got it private? It’s in your best interest to rid your mind of anything ya think ya might have misunderstood or there will be consequences that ya may not like. Is that clear?”
The private is visibly shaken by his threatening warning and struggles to speak. 
Dropping his voice, the lieutenant leans in. “Is. That. Clear?”
Quickly the private collects himself so that he can answer, if only to be released from the lieutenant’s fury. “Y-yes, s-sir,” he confirms. 
His answer seems satisfactory enough; Lt. Riley is sure his intimidation has done the trick to keep the boy quiet and he gives him a nod of approval. “Now,” the lieutenant says as he releases the scared private and sets him up straight before stepping back, “ya said Price is lookin’ for me? Did he mention what for?” 
“Y-yes sir,” he nods, his voice still shaky, but slowly calming down. “It’s about mission a-assignments.”
“Good man, you’re dismissed.”
With that the private scurries away as fast as he can to leave the lieutenant alone, ready to head towards Price’s office to see what this is all about. He gives one last, lingering glance back at the building, wishing he could just run back inside and pick up where he left off, but he steps off back across base back to where he had just been a little while before. 
As he walks he can’t help but wonder how much time is going to pass before he will get the chance to see you again. Who knows what this round of missions will hold; it could be weeks or months of being separated before you both get another opportunity like this.
With a sigh he heads into Captain Price’s office with no expectations other than the same routine that he is accustomed to: get in, get out, job well done. Yet as the lieutenant sits there listening to Price go into detail about the plans for what will be expected on this mission, he catches something that he thinks he’s misheard.
“Sir,” Lt. Riley cuts Price off in the middle of his thought, “can you repeat that last bit.”
Price raises an eyebrow; it isn’t like his lieutenant to interject like this. “Said since I’m wantin’ ya to take a group of the recruits out, I am sendin’ two sergeants with ya: Mactavish and our esteemed female sergeant that you just presumably saw. Help keep ‘em in line to make sure this isn’t a bust.”
The lieutenant’s heart skips a beat as the captain continues on with the brief synopsis of things that will get hashed out over the next days until departure, but Lt. Riley hears very little. Fuck, this is somehow both better and worse than being apart for any length of time. How the hell is he  supposed to stay sane when in such close proximity to you?
It’s a couple of hours before he is able to get away from under the discerning eyes of the captain, tasked with telling you about this new development in the morning. The thought alone of seeing you again keeps him up for most of the night as he runs over scenarios in his mind. You’re both soldiers highly trained in what you do, taught how to put things aside to focus on the task at hand; it should be fine, right? And yet… his skin still burns to feel yours against it.  
That doesn’t sound like he’ll be fine. He wonders if you’ll be just as miserable too?
The lieutenant decides that it is best to talk to you during your time training the recruits, hopeful that with so many people present it will keep you both tame. He makes his way to the range about midday and as he approaches he catches you in the middle of giving orders to a couple of recruits at the end of the range. Instead of announcing his presence immediately, he allows himself a few seconds just to watch you, his eyes following every curve of your body that he can catch even through your clothes. 
There’s no sign anything is amiss until you notice a few recruits are now distracted and no longer participating in the current activity and you follow their eyeline to see the lieutenant standing not far from the group. He nods his head to you in beckoning to come to him and immediately you can feel the heat in your cheeks blossoming until they are glowing warm. 
What could he want? you wonder to yourself.
Turning back to your bunch of recruits, you give your order so that you won’t be disturbed while you go see what’s up. “Continue on for a few rounds, switching partners every empty clip while I speak with Lt. Riley,” you bark and they immediately fall into line. “And I have my eyes on you so don’t fuck anything up. Got it?” 
A round of yes ma’ams trail behind you as you make your anxious way over to the lieutenant, the rapidly thudding beat of your heart making your steps brisk. Even from here you can see his hands gripping onto the straps of his tactical vest, knuckles almost white, as if he is struggling to stay composed. Your eyes meet as you near and all that intensity comes flooding right back into your body to leave you aching with a need to get closer, though you force yourself to stop with a bit of distance still between you. 
“Yes, sir?” you ask, pausing to swallow to keep your voice steady. “How can I help you?”
“Word from Price,” he answers as his eyes inadvertently begin to gravitate to your mouth before he forcefully guides them away. “Mission assignment for next week. You, Soap, and several of the more seasoned recruits will be with me on recon for a few weeks. Nothin’ too intense, should be an easy enough job.”
“Oh?” you say in stunned surprise as your breath hitches. This is the one thing you hadn’t accounted for being a problem so soon, being stuck together on a mission with all this built-up attraction still so hot and heavy between you. 
Things are about to get a lot harder and you hope you can make it through without incident.
You must be blushing something fierce now as you can feel it burning in your face the more you contemplate your predicament. In the middle of your thought you notice the lieutenant quickly glance at the group of recruits to your back to be sure they are occupied completely as he steps in towards you and reaches up to swiftly stroke his gloved fingers against the side of your cheek before anyone sees him do it. It takes everything in you not to turn into a puddle at his feet from the contact.
As he brings his hand away from your face, he steps in even more and leans his head down until his mouth is near your ear. “I swear I’m gonna remedy this fuckin’ thing between us soon as I can,” he says in a guttural, breathy whisper as he places a quick kiss to your face with his mask-covered lips. “Just hang on a bit longer. You can do that for me, yeah? Just a couple weeks and then you’re mine.”
He doesn’t know why he just did that, it’s too risky to pull off such a stunt in the open like this, but it seems to be an automatic reaction the way any part of his body simply wants to get closer to you. Though he enjoys it, it is a bit unnerving that he can’t seem to control himself when you are around. Clearing his throat, he shifts back into that detached facade to hide behind until he can put some distance between you.
“We will be ready to deploy Tuesday, 1300 hours. Price will send for you to brief on all necessaries,” he says as he stands back upright. “We’ll just have ta fuckin’ try and keep this under control, yeah?”
You nod silently.
Having finished relaying the information he hurriedly exits, leaving you alone to collect yourself so that you can get through the rest of your day, but that is a monumental task in itself now. If this is the reaction you both have whenever you’re near, what will the weeks you’ll be stuck together bring? You hope you can deflect your thoughts away from all this by staying even busier than usual.   
The days leading up to departure are a haze as you try to reconcile that you are going to have to share space with Simon. You fill every single second with any task you can pull, just trying to keep your mind away from the inevitable for as long as possible. Maybe if you never stop, you’ll never have the chance to pine for him; it’s not your best plan, but it works for a few days.
Departure day finally arrives and you immediately are put to the test. As the team loads onto the transport plane meant to take you most of the way, you find yourself the last to board and wouldn’t you know that the only seat available to you is right next to the lieutenant himself. Those brown eyes deep set into that skull mask lock on to you the minute you set foot on board and don’t leave until you take the spot next to him. His body stiffens against you as you get situated in the tight space, matching your body’s reaction. 
God, he wants to touch you so bad it physically hurts, but there isn’t a chance that someone wouldn’t see and so he grits his teeth to try and bear it until you land. Next to him, your heart is fluttering a mile a minute, though you aren’t handling it as well as he is. It is the longest flight you both have ever experienced and it cannot end fast enough. By the time you both exit, you feel like you’ve run a marathon just with how much you had been holding your breath through the whole thing.   
It is a short trek to the safehouse designated for your stay and the team reaches it a few hours before nightfall. A small, rundown house waits for you and that means you’ll be on top of each other, though there’s a shack out back that must have been a tool shed at some point now long since abandoned. Good, maybe you can hide away in there at points when things get too much. 
It’s routine at this point how things go in the field: clearing the area, setting up, breaking down rolls for who does what, which is lucky because your mind is not clear enough to focus on more detailed tasks. How can it be when you’ve spent the last several hours sitting beside the one man in the whole fucking taskforce that you want to screw until neither of you can move? 
You need to put some space between you and soon just to get him out of your head for a while to calm down. Even with how tight you’ll be packed together, it will still be farther than you want to be from him. But thoughts like this are dangerous, so when the time comes to discuss watch duty assignments for the night, you spring at the chance to get outside and speak up before anyone else can take that away from you.
“I’ll take the first watch,” you say just as Johnny poses the question. “I’m still wide awake, so I might as well get it out of the way.”
“Damn, ye sure did answer fast; wanna get away from us that bad, lass?” Johnny jokes, elbowing you in the side. 
You scrunch your nose and bob your head at him, the typical interaction helping you to get out of your thoughts. “Well, yeah, there’s enough b.o. to suffocate someone in here already,” you pick back, “gotta get some fresh air when I can. Now, fucking can it. Anyway, is that all good, sir?”
Turning your attention to your superior, you wait for his reply and see a strange spark flash through the pupils of his eyes. It’s almost too subtle to tell properly whether or not it’s something more than just the shadows cast by his mask playing tricks on your vision, but does it really matter? As much as you want something to happen between you, you are here to do a job and that is top priority for everyone, including and most of all Lt. Riley. 
“That’s fine,” he agrees while diverting his gaze even as he speaks to address the group about setting up for the night, though you can’t help feeling like that is not the real reason he can’t look at you. 
Making sure your area is set up how you want it, you double-check your vest and weapon to be sure you will have everything you need for your watch. You set a timer for the clock on your wrist so you’ll know when you should be relieved and then you decide to get a preliminary sweep of the area to be sure of the lay of the land before it gets completely dark. As you head outside, a flash of lightning ripples through the clouds approaching from the distance; it’s going to be an interesting night, that’s a given.
Lt. Riley secretly follows you with his eyes until he can see you move out of earshot and out the front door, only then does he make his way over to the young Scottish sergeant currently setting up his cot in the corner of the room. This is a fucking terrible idea that the lieutenant should immediately reconsider, but he cannot let this go. Bad idea or not, he is in it now no matter what.
Standing at his back until Soap turns around, the lieutenant doesn’t hesitate to speak up the moment the sergeant faces him. “Informin’ ya now, I’ll be the one takin’ second watch,” he says as flatly as he can, even though there is a pronounced pounding in his chest as he says it.
Soap raises an eyebrow before he crosses his arms with a smirk at the corner of his mouth. “Is that so? Hmm…right after sergeant sass?” he questions curiously as his gaze drifts to the door.
The lieutenant’s eyes narrow into a glare behind the mask. “Ya got a fuckin’ problem with that, Mactavish?” he challenges. “Do I need ta make it more clear who’s in charge here?”
“No, no,” Soap says as he shakes his head, “but… ye know ye don’t have ta go to all this trouble; if ye want some alone time, all ye got ta do is say so.”
A distant rumble of thunder sounds from outside the house to add atmosphere to the death glare that Soap is currently receiving after just having said what he did. “Careful,” the lieutenant warns. Guess any picking is off the table for right now, at least if the sergeant doesn’t want to end up in his superior’s bad graces. 
“Alright, I hear ye. You’re on second watch, sir,” he agrees with a chuckle as another crack of thunder echoes through the darkening sky that can just barely be spotted through the window from where they are standing. Soap draws attention to it with his head and Lt. Riley’s eyeline follows. “Though ye might wanna bring an umbrella later, ye know on account a things possibly gettin’...wet.”
There is something in that last bit that doesn’t sound like Soap’s usual witty remarks, something about the emphasis he puts on the last word is a bit more on the nose, as if he wants to say something about things he shouldn’t, but the moment is gone as Soap continues with setting up his cot and Lt. Riley dismisses it as coincidence. Nothing has happened this far that would give anything away… right?
A few hours pass and everyone has finally hunkered down for the night… Well, everyone except the lieutenant. Try as he might, he cannot relax. His limbs feel jittery as he lays stirring in his cot, staring into the dark as distracting thoughts race through his mind. The more he focuses on them the warmer he gets until he has to roll up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows just to get some relief from it clinging stiflingly around his body. 
It’s still too early for the next watch change, but he can’t just lay here, not when he knows you are right outside the door all alone as everyone is asleep inside. What his plan is he doesn’t fully understand yet, all he can think about right at this moment is just to be near you again. And these types of moments might be the only small chances he will get to even just spend a minute in your company while you’re here.
He gets up and cautiously makes his way through the scattered sleeping team, quiet and careful with his movements until he can make it out the house and into the cooler weather of a gathering storm about to break. The rolls of quiet, distant thunder are more frequent now as he shuts the door behind him, the first drops of precipitation starting to sprinkle over the skin of his bare forearms as he goes in search of you.
Barely getting far, the crunching sound of boot steps are headed his way and he waits on baited breath as you round the corner from the back of the house to return to the spot that you’ve designated at the front for you to sit until your watch ends. Your sight catches a figure standing there in the darkness as you approach, silhouetted by the dim moonlight; by the size of the shadow you instantly know who it is and your heart leaps into your throat. 
“All clear?” he asks as you come to stop before him.
“Si..sir,” you go to address him, but a momentary lapse makes you stumble over his title as you almost say his name, though you quickly recover. 
Simon chuckles; by your reaction it seems like you’ve been thinking of distracting things as well. Guess that means he isn’t the only one suffering. “We’re alone,” he reassures. “Everyone else’s asleep.”
You nod in acknowledgement. “I was just checking the perimeter and the shed,” you say as you point to the small shack out back behind the house. “Still empty. I have a clear view of it from here so I’d know if anything got in there, but I like to be thorough. Everything else is all clear, though.” 
It feels like you are rambling just to stall asking the question you desperately want to ask: why is he out here right now. It couldn’t be that he wants…? No, it is already understood that anything between you is put on hold until later; this must be something else and you chastise yourself internally for getting so worked up over nothing. 
As nonchalantly as possible, you bring up your curiosity. “So, what’re you doing up right now? It’s not time for anyone to relieve me yet.”
His stance shifts. “I know,” he says plainly.
“I-is something wrong?” you continue your line of questions. “I haven’t heard anything inside or out.”
Simon pauses as another rumble of thunder fills the background through the light percussive sound of raindrops trickling around you. “Ya know why I’m out here,” he says quieter, unsure if he even should admit it. “I had ta see ya.” 
An ache slowly spreads through your chest at his words, your heartbeat pounding, the air not filling up your lungs as you watch him take a few steps so that he can reach out to you and take your hand in his gloved one. He leads you both back around the corner of the house a little further from the entrance to conceal you against the side and out away from any prying eyes. 
The light sprinkling picks up as a ripple of lightning flashes across the sky so that the shadows it causes dance across your features. Water begins to stream down over your bodies, coating you in a layer of dampness that soaks through your clothes, your hair, over your skin until everything is moist. It doesn’t take much for Simon’s balaclava to quickly collect too much water for him to stay comfortably underneath it and so without hesitation he takes it off to tuck it into the back pocket of his pants.
He doesn’t mind keeping it off, not around you.
There it is, that face that you have been longing to get a better look at: those beautifully distinct chiseled features with their slight imperfections caused from injuries past. He truly is a fantastic sight, though you may very well be biased now as it wouldn’t have mattered what he had hidden under there, the way you feel around him is attractive enough; this is only a bonus. 
You want to reach out and run your fingers along his cheek, but you know it’s risky. It’s been hard enough being here with him already without making contact; you know if you’re not careful with yourself you might not be able to stop and that could risk putting him in a position he doesn’t want to be in yet. 
But as you both stand there in the silent company of the other trying to find the words, he moves first.
His gloved fingers travel across the skin of your forearm, stroking it up and down as he holds your gaze captive. “Ya know, every single fuckin’ time someone’s said your name on the way out ‘ere, all I can think ‘bout is how I wanna feel ya against me again,” he confesses in hushed murmurs. “Been strugglin’ like hell to hold it all together for the sake of tha mission, but it’s only gettin’ worse. I can’t do it tonight.”
You swallow to coat your dry throat as his lustful words nearly choke you. “Simon,” you whisper in a dreamlike stupor. “What are you doing?”
The pads of his fingers glide determinedly across your palm and down to the sensitive tips of your own fingers.“I need ya,” he says through a heavy sigh. “I need ya so fuckin’ bad, luv.”
What’s breathing and how do you do it again? How in the hell are you meant to hold it together and do your job with desperate words like those being spoken to you in such an aching way? Is this all some sort of punishment? If Simon meant to come out here to torture you, then he has succeeded perfectly.  
“I need ya however I can get ya; I’ll fuck ya in the goddamn dirt if ya want,” he continues as his touch leaves your hand and moves to tease around the top edge of your belt situated between your vest and your shirt. “Just can’t stay away from ya a fuckin’ second more. Gotta make good on my promise ‘fore it eats me alive.”
Your eyes turn to the front of the safehouse as if expecting someone to come popping out at any moment to interrupt this clandestine meeting. “What about the others?” you question as your attention is turned back to him. “We could get caught. You know our track record.”
“I don’t care,” he says firmly as he leans in until his face is inches from your own. “We’ve fuckin’ waited long enough for this. I need ta be inside ya, sweetheart.” 
Being this close with all this moisture coating you both head to toe, blood pressure rising with the agony of his words, skin aching from the proximity of your bodies, it’s too much. You are burrowed into his mind completely now and try as he might to keep sane, your venom is already flowing through his veins. He cannot stand here and simply take it anymore. Those full lips that are so tempting from afar, are unbearable when within range; if you want this to stop you are going to have to be the one to leave because he won’t.
“But if ya don’t wanna do this, you’re gonna have ta walk right back inside that fuckin’ house this second ‘cause I’m not gonna be able to control myself for much longer,” he says, that gravelly voice overflowing with need. “Not with how your lips are callin’ my name.”
The overwhelming tension radiating between your bodies, that steamy, sticky, air that clings to you even through the rain suffocates your every sense until you can’t see straight. The darkness surrounds you like a curtain, concealing you from the world in its protective barrier that is only cut through by the pale moonlight drifting through the clouds to make the rain shimmer like 
crystals as it falls. 
At the back of the safehouse, there is only you and him. Everything else ceases to exist. 
You stare back up into his face, watching as droplets of rain cascade down one by one off the tips of his long eyelashes and the ends of his short, pale hair to fall onto his cheeks and through the dark stubble covering his jawline. The tension is so stifling that it feels like it will suffocate you under the pressure. You don’t want him to remove his fingertips from your frame; he knows just how to embrace your body in a way you have never felt before and you’ve never been more alive than you are under his touch.
With a little hesitation your subconscious makes the choice for you about what to do next and you lower your gaze as the overwhelming need to reach out to him causes you to extend your arm without thinking. Your fingers make contact with his damp clothes and run the lines along his hip bones as they explore the curvature of his body where the wet fabric clings to his form. 
A sharp, sudden exhale out of his nose is followed by a deep, bassy groan. Even over his clothes the electricity of your touch sends him into a tailspin. Your movements betray your innermost thoughts to him, but still he needs you to use your words and say it aloud. He watches as your eyes follow the path of your fingers over him and uses the opportunity to take off his gloves and stuff them away in his vest so that he can feel you as he goes in.
Your gaze drifts back up his body to look into his eyes as his balmy, moist palm is placed at the base of the back of your head, his thumb resting against your cheek. “Tell me what ya want,” he says.
Melting into his touch, your lips form the words effortlessly before you can even stop yourself. “Kiss me.” 
Oxygen disappears as he leans in so that there is barely any space left between you, his mouth so close you can feel the warmth of his breath make the skin of your lips tingle and suddenly every thought outside of the ecstasy of this moment evaporates. There is no mission, there are no other soldiers here mere feet from you, there are only the two of you in a world of your own. With a few deep, jagged breaths his gaze locks to your lips and you feel him hesitantly go in and pull back before his mouth closes the distance to overtake yours in a fierce kiss.
And your fate is sealed.
The cool precipitation runs down between your faces to make your mouths slick, causing your lips to glide across one another as Simon desperately overpowers your mouth. He is relentless in the way he consumes your kiss; no sooner has he broken the connection to quickly swallow down air then in the next second he is already back in as if he needs to feel you more than he needs to breathe. 
Wet strands of hair around your face stick to your cheeks as he presses his features into yours so hard that you can’t catch your breath and the skin around your jaw stings from the abrasion of his stubble. Yet all that moisture is doing nothing to dampen the way you are burning for him; you need to see what happens if given the chance to go all the way. 
“Say ya need me too,” he groans against your lips and into your open mouth. “I have ta hear it. Say ya need me ta fuck ya good, that you’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout me all this time. Goddammit, say it.”
“I need you so fucking bad, Simon,” you whimper. “So bad it hurts. I can’t take it anymore.”
Your desperate words make him ache with an overwhelming ferocity that causes him to lose control. He shoves your back into the wall behind you and pins you to it as he bombards your mouth with his unrelenting passion, open-mouthed kisses overtaking your lips until you can feel them swell and burn from the pressure.
“Christ, I wanna make ya come so fuckin’ bad,” he growls. 
“Please,” you beg, giving into him completely. “I can’t wait. Not again.” 
You’re right, no waiting, not this time; he is not giving anything or anyone the chance to ruin this. The beast of his desire has him in a chokehold so agonizing that it will not let him go until he gets exactly what he needs, what you both need, until he completely loses himself in you. Some place hidden is what he desperately has to find now.
The shed is only a few yards away and his kiss-drunk mind makes the instant decision that it will have to do. At least you will have some privacy out of the rain; that is enough. As long as he gets inside you that is all he can ask for. 
“Come on,” Simon is able to get out as he grabs your hand tightly in his grip and starts to walk in long strides straight for the tiny shack just off the main house. You reach it in no time and he doesn’t stop as he flings open the door and pulls you inside behind him, leaving you to stand in the middle of the small space as he scrambles to block the door; there isn’t a chance in hell anyone is going to get to you both now.  
Not until he has had his way with you.
It physically pains him to be away from your lips for this long as he makes sure everything is secure, but it’s gotta be done. Once satisfied and not wanting to waste any more time away from your body, he moves right back into you and his mouth is crashing onto yours before you can blink. Its inherent, primal, a reaction as innate as breathing the way his lips know the exact way to embrace yours in that dance of back and forth as if you’ve done it for years.
To think he would have never gotten the chance to experience them had it not been for Mactavish’s idiotic game. Fuck, how could something so inconsequential lead to something so explosive that it is the only thing he craves above anything else?
Those determined hands of his paw blindly between your bodies, searching for the tabs at the sides of your tactical vest so that he can pull them to release it; there are more layers he has to get through this time. He breaks away from you so that he can flip the front of your vest over your head and throw it off your torso. Before it even hits the wooden floorboards he is hurriedly doing the same to himself, taking his shirt with it, before capturing your lips all over again; he will not stay away if he can help it and those pauses as he undresses you will be filled with him devouring your kiss.     
His fingers fill themselves with your shirt, clawing at it desperately trying to rip the wet fabric from your form without a care if he tears it to fucking shreds. The rough calluses on his hands create delicious friction along all that soft skin of your stomach as he goes up and under to rip both it and your bra off your head, making you gasp mutedly into his mouth. 
Pausing he can’t help staring at all this new, warm skin at his disposal. The nipples on your breasts are already hardening as they hit the cool atmosphere outside your clothes and he runs a greedy finger over the tiny rosebuds to feel them stiffen more from his touch. You are absolute in your perfection, a sight of sinfully decadent flesh that his mouth wants to get a hold of.
Strong arms wrap around your lower back to keep you locked to him as he bends his head down until his face reaches your breasts and he can bury himself against them so his lips can suck your nipple into his mouth. The moment his lips touch skin you arch your back with a shocked moan at how the suction sends waves of euphoria flooding through your limbs that only builds the longer he sucks. 
“Don’t stop,” you plead. 
Under his touch it feels just like heaven; there cannot be anything better than this. 
“Not this time, not till I fuckin’ make ya come,” he reassures in a husky, muted growl with his mouth full of you before he switches to the other breast, leaving neither out of their overdue pleasure. “You’re mine tonight. Ya hear me: mine.” 
The stubble on his chin pricks against the delicate skin of your breasts as he devours them, taking as much of the tissue into his mouth as he can hold as his tongue skillfully strokes around the areolas. All those contradicting sensations only add to the stimulation until your hips grind into him for the friction to relieve the pulsing in your clit. 
Heavy rain pelts down against the roof over your heads to drown out the sounds of your arousal; he needs to experience them all and so he has to get you closer. There are things he wants to say, dirty things he has fantasized about growling into your ear since that night when this whole fucking thing started and as his fingers itch to play with your pussy, he knows the way to make it all happen exactly as he wants.
Pulling his mouth from your chest, he moves from against you to situate himself sitting on the ground. Quickly he grabs onto your hips to spin you around so that he can promptly pull you down to sit in the middle of his lap. That throbbing bulge barely being contained by his pants is straining even harder now that there is pressure over it and you can feel it pulse into the muscle of your ass as your back molds into the contours of his broad chest and sparsely hair-covered abdomen.
You lean your head back against his shoulder as you enjoy the feeling of being wrapped up in him and he takes that as an invitation to lay more of his claim to your skin. All that gorgeous flesh of your neck is ready to be sucked and bitten till he has branded it with his mark. Taking your chin in his hand, he moves your head out of the way and immediately pounces on it. 
“Goddammit sweetheart, I’ve been in fuckin’ hell since even before we got ‘ere,” he murmurs in anguish into your throat, his heat-filled words warming your skin as his breath drifts down your exposed chest. “Thought I was gonna rip myself apart bein’ forced to only look and not touch. I’ve never wanted to feel someone more in my whole goddamn life than I do ya.”
His hands slip down your chest, drawing goosebumps from your bare body everywhere his fingertips grace until your mind is so numb you can’t feel your limbs; your body only exists in the places where he decides to touch. The poetry of his fingers leaves all those unspoken desires he has yet to fully acknowledge across your skin, searing the flesh until it is branded for him and him alone. His roughness makes you whimper open-mouthed into the air. Down the sides of your waist his hands travel, over your hips to cross in front of your belly button and finally his hand reaches your pants. 
“Been thinkin’ ‘bout your body in the worst fuckin’ ways,” he says with a growl. “You’ve been in my goddamn head since that first kiss. Never thought I could crave somethin’ so fuckin’ bad that I can’t let it go and I want to make ya to feel the same. I want ya so out of your fuckin’ mind from me that ya can’t function.” 
Undoing the belt buckle and button, he pulls down the zipper of your pants with feverish speed until he creates an opening that he can slip his hand into. Once inside he keeps going all the way down to the elastic that he has to fiddle with to get inside your panties. You let your knees fall open to give him more access as he finally reaches that sensitive mound between your thighs. He can feel just how warm you are, the damp heat radiating off your cunt and into his palm as he cups his hand up against your sex.
Your back jolts into his chest at the intense pressure. “Fuck,” he gasps into the crook of your neck. “There ya are, pretty girl. Goddammit, your pussy feels so fuckin’ good.”
His chest is tightening with his rapid breathing as he takes his middle finger to heavily drag over the slit of your cunt until he pushes through and it slips in between your silky petals right to your core. Again your body jolts into him as those thick fingers rub through the sensitive slit and then up so he can find what he is searching for: that small bundle he wants to stroke until you are dripping and grinding on his fingers. 
He can’t help himself once he gets his first real feel of how slick you are down there; it’s more beautiful than he could have ever imagined and brutishly he draws out concise circles with the pad of his finger on your clit. The heightened tension of this finally being the moment you have waited for, being with the man that has made you a mess without even trying, and the way his fingers work that tiny pleasure center like he owns it only makes the euphoria more intense. 
You are drowning in him.  
Your body writhes and squirms as his thick finger suddenly collects a friend to join it and they both travel together to your entrance to spread you open so they can slide up inside and stretch you out. Your hips start to roll over his hand in direct response to his stimulation, grinding so he has to keep an arm around your waist to keep you from bucking off his lap, but it is worth it just to feel the way your body moves against him.
“That’s it, ride ‘em, pretty thing,” he groans at the side of your head. You could almost hear it in his voice how much he is enjoying the sounds of you falling apart because of him.
That deep, permeating warmth gathering in your abdomen begins to spread throughout your entire form, its mind-numbing effects making it hard to speak, yet it isn’t enough. His fingers have taken you almost all the way, but you need him, need his cock filling you up and you need it now.
“Simon, fuck… please put it in,” you say breathlessly. “I want you in me. Now. God, I need it so fucking bad.”
Fucking hell, the desperate whine in your voice is enough to make him come. The moment is here and there is no chance that he is going to be able to do anything other than immediately grant your request after all the pining, all the tension you’ve had to struggle through. All of it comes to a head here and now.
“I’ve been fuckin’ dreamin’ of doin’ this,” he says as he helps you slip out of your boots and pants so that you sit there naked as you wait for him to do the same. “If we would’ve been alone in the rec that night… goddammit, your pussy would already know the way my cock feels, sweetheart.”
As soon as he’s done he pulls you back, turns you to face him, and helps you up onto your knees so you can straddle over his lap. Even through the haze of ecstasy, your sight catches the first glimpse of his body and you can’t stop the way your hands immediately splay over the sparse bit of hair covering his broad chest and stocky abdomen, trailing down towards his V line. Then you see it, what’s been prodding against you all this time; fuck, he’s big.
As your fingers run between the pectorals on his stomach, you can feel the moment his breath hitches. You will be the death of him and him you.
Your eyes meet again and he secures his hands around the curves of your hips. Here it is, the moment of no return. Time seems to stand still as you feel him position the fat tip of his cock at your entrance. 
“Breathe for me,” he says and with that he slowly shoves your hips down until the head is able to slip inside.
The girth of his phallus stretches you out as it fills you and the world falls away into nothingness as you cry out with the pleasure of his body as he keeps pressing down on your hips until the entirety of him rests inside you. It is overwhelming, the sensation that takes a hold of your soul and doesn’t let go, the one of finally having him. Try as you might to not let this get out of hand, you know it is already too late. Nothing, absolutely nothing in this whole fucking world can ever compare to the way your body feels wrapped around his cock: the glorious stretch, the fullness, the throbing that you can feel pulse inside you. 
And from the sounds Simon is now making, you know he feels the same.
“Oh fuck…oh fuck,” that deep agonized whimper echoes through the shed as Simon’s hands bear down hard into your hips so he can keep you still until he can steady himself. His head falls against your forehead where it rests. “…s-shit…so fuckin’ good, luv.”
As he moves your body slowly up and down over his lap, making you bounce on his cock, he realizes that he will not be the same after this. Christ, you are the worst type of addiction; no matter how much he gets he only wants more. Simon is inside of you and yet even that isn’t enough. He wants to fuck you to the point of ruin, so that you will be his and only his from this day forward because there is no coming out of this unscathed.
Even within the first few minutes of being inside you he is already pussy drunk off how beautifully your walls contour to his shape, holding him fixed in all that warmth and wetness, and that leaves him unable to take things slow. Without warning Simon tilts you both back slightly so that he can take over and fuck you even rougher now. 
His fingers grip into the muscles of your hips hard enough to leave purple fingerprints as he pounds up into you furiously. Your body shakes with each snap of his hips as he slams into you with a feral roughness that his brain forces on him as he can only think of one objective: for you both to come.
“Look at me,” he demands through ragged breaths as he grabs at your face with those large hands; he’s falling apart so fast now, “keep those pretty eyes on me. I need… shit…I need ta see what they look like the moment ya come. My fuckin’ pretty girl.”
The rain that had coated your bodies moments before almost turns into steam as the passion of his movements fill the air with so much heat. You are completely at his mercy, his hulking size overwhelming you so that he can do with you as he pleases, but the way he thrusts deeper and deeper only draws you closer to that razor’s edge; it’s approaching fast.
“Fuck, don’t stop Simon, please, I’m so close,” you plead through your panting, your toes curling into the floor as the stimulation makes your brain blank. It’s there, right there; just a bit more and you will fall over the precipice.
He pumps with everything in him and that is it; with a shudder your orgasm rockets through you fiery hot, making your body writhe in his grasp as you cry out and a loud clap of thunder rings through the heavens to drown out the sound. You try to fall against him, but he won’t let you. That firm grip keeps your head up so that his eyes can take in everything about the moment as it crosses your face and fuck is it beautiful.
God, it won’t stop, second after second your orgasm just keeps pulsing with relentless intensity and Simon isn’t letting up. He can’t, he’s so fucking close he can taste it. Shit, the way your engorged walls are fluttering something fierce he just needs a little more friction and he’ll come too.
Bringing your face in he takes your mouth with all the roughness he has left as he allows himself to let go and with a few more thrusts, that is it. At the last second he rips his cock out of you and nestles it between your bodies as he milks out all that warm cum along your stomach, coating you with all that pent up tension he has been holding on to all this time. His abdominal muscles contract hard, heart pounding out of his chest, body writhing as a shiver runs up his spine until his movements finally slow and he stops, completely spent. 
Rain slacks off as you both just sit there a moment, panting to catch your breath as he holds you securely wrapped in his arms, face still close as if he only ever wants to breathe the same air you breathe, his nose nuzzling against yours as his lips fight to stay off of you long enough that you can both settle. It takes a few minutes, but finally he can feel his limbs again.
Just then the alarm on your watch begins its high-pitched beeping to signal that your relief is meant to take your place on guard duty. You laugh under your breath as it seems it’s now your opportunity to say those fucking words that seem to be the signal of the end of your time together. 
“Times up,” you say quietly, but he just shakes his head.  
“You’re not goin’ anywhere, sweetheart,” he replies firmly as his arms tighten around your form, “not yet. You’re still mine for now, I’ll deal with tha rest ‘a the shit later. I’m not lettin’ ya leave me.”
There’s no way you are going to fight him on it; you want to stay here with him a little while longer as well. Leaning in, you rest your head against his chest to listen to the beat of his heart as it continues to slow with each deep breath. As he sits there bundled up with you in that glowing euphoria as you both come down from the high, he knows this is only the beginning of something that he cannot stop. 
And maybe for the first time in his life, he doesn’t want it to.
Tagging: @kirewinter @spooky-pomegranate @heliumshorns @mudisgranapat @konigs-left-pec @dragonstoneshortcake @cum-tea-and-towels @scaleniusrm @cod-z @shadowydestinylover
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pucksandpower · 4 months
Never Have I Ever
Charles Leclerc x Sainz!Reader
Summary: a game of Never Have I Ever leads to revelations your brother wishes he could forget (and half the grid running for their lives)
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“Alright Y/N, it’s your turn!” Lando says, turning to you with an impish grin. “Give us a good one!”
You bite your lip, looking around the circle of F1 drivers sitting cross-legged on the floor of Charles’ palatial hotel suite. It’s a rare night off for everyone during the season, and Charles had suggested a casual get-together for some bonding time. That, of course, led to drinking games, and now here you all are, a few rounds into Never Have I Ever.
“Hmm...” you say slowly, tapping your chin as you think. Your brother, sitting to your left, playfully shoves your shoulder.
“Come on, hermanita! Don’t go easy on us,” he says with a laugh. You roll your eyes but can’t help smiling.
“Okay, okay! Never have I ever … raced in Formula 1,” you declare. A chorus of groans goes up around the circle as everyone except you drinks.
“That was just mean, Y/N!” Lance protests, though his eyes are twinkling with amusement. You grin and give a nonchalant shrug.
“All’s fair in Never Have I Ever!”
The game continues, the questions getting more and more outrageous and personal. Though you’re the only non-driver here, you feel completely comfortable around these guys. You’ve known most of them for years now through your brother, and they welcomed you into the F1 family immediately. It’s fun to sit back and observe their antics and camaraderie.
“Alright, I’ve got one,” Daniel says, leaning forward with an devilish smirk. “Never have I ever … slept with someone on the grid.”
You feel your eyes widen slightly at the implication, but force yourself not to react. Still, you can’t help but notice Fernando slyly taking a sip of his drink out of the corner of your eye. The rest of the drivers turn to look at him in surprise.
“What?” Fernando says with an innocent look. “Have you seen Mark Webber?”
The others burst into laughter at this excuse, the tension effectively diffused. As all eyes stay focused on Fernando, you slowly lift your own glass to your lips and take a subtle sip.
Just as you’re lowering it though, you feel Carlos stiffen next to you. Uh oh. You chance a glance at your brother and immediately regret it at the sight of the shock and anger flashing in his eyes. Before you can say anything, Carlos is on his feet.
“Alright, which one of you was stupid enough to touch my sister?” He demands heatedly.
Instantly, almost comically, Charles, Max, Lando, Pierre, Alex, Oscar, and Logan scramble to their feet and take off running in different directions.
Carlos’ eyes nearly bug out of his head before he takes off after them, yelling Spanish profanities. You sit there stunned for a second before dissolving into laughter. Only Fernando and Daniel remain seated beside you, chuckling and shaking their heads.
“Carlos! Hermano, calm down!” You call after your brother fruitlessly. Still giggling, you turn to Fernando. “I should probably go deal with him before he actually hurts someone, huh?”
“Probably wise,” Fernando says with an amused smile. “Good luck, chica.”
You give him a grateful smile before jumping to your feet and hurrying after Carlos. You find him in the next room, gripping a cowering Lando by the front of his shirt.
“Please don’t kill me!” Lando squeaks out. “It was one time!”
“Carlos, stop!” You cry, rushing over and grabbing your brother’s arm. “Let him go!”
Carlos drops Lando immediately, who scurries away like a frightened mouse. Your brother whirls on you, face still red with anger.
“Y/N, what the hell? You never told me you’ve been with these pendejos!”
You hold up your hands in a calming gesture. “I know, I’m sorry! It just sort of … happened. With everything going on in the paddock, it’s hard to avoid getting close to people. A girl has needs!”
Carlos drags a hand down his face, looking positively murderous. You place a gentle hand on his arm.
“Carlos, listen to me. I’m a grown woman, I can make my own choices. I know you want to protect me, but I’m okay, I promise.”
Your brother’s expression softens slightly as he looks down at you. He pulls you into a tight hug.
“Lo siento, hermanita. I just worry about you, that’s all. The grid is like a family, but still ...”
You hug him back reassuringly. “I know. But you don’t need to go all Spanish Inquisition on them, okay? I can handle myself.”
Carlos sighs but finally relents with a small smile. “Okay, okay. I’ll try to restrain myself from beating them all senseless.”
You laugh. “Much appreciated. Now come on, let’s get back out there and pretend this never happened, yeah?”
Carlos winces slightly but agrees, allowing you to lead him back out to the others. Most have returned to the circle now, shooting your brother wary glances. You give them a reassuring smile as you sit back down, Carlos settling tensely beside you.
“Right!” You say brightly. “Whose turn was it?”
There’s a beat of uncertain silence before Logan clears his throat.
“Uh, I believe it was mine,” he says. “Never have I ever … had a podium finish.”
There’s a communal exhale of relief as the game gets back underway. You catch Carlos’ eye and give him a pointed look, reminding him of his promise. He sighs but gives you a subtle nod and an apologetic smile.
The questions continue on, ranging from silly to risqué, though nothing quite as explosive as before. You’re relieved to see your brother laughing and back to his normal self.
As the night winds down, you’re struck by a feeling of gratitude and affection for this group. Despite the drama and tensions of the season, at the end of the day, you’re all a family.
These guys welcomed you with open arms, and you know Carlos is just looking out for you. You lean against your brother with a contented sigh, smiling around at the drivers joking and chatting happily. No matter what happens on and off the track, you know you’ll always have each other.
“Alright everyone, glasses up! We’re doing this again!”
You grin around at the drivers gathered once more, this time to celebrate the one year anniversary of your first Never Have I Ever night together.
“Who’s starting us off this time?” Lando asks, bouncing excitedly in his seat.
“Ooh me, me!” Alex volunteers, raising his hand eagerly. Everyone chuckles.
“Alright Albon, give us a good one,” Lewis encourages.
Alex strokes his chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, never have I ever … raced in F1 before 2019.”
A majority of the group drinks at that one. “Trying to knock out us old farts, eh?” Fernando jokes, elbowing Alex.
The questions continue on, each one prompting laughs and cheers among the group. You’re filled with the same warm contentment as last year, smiling around at your dear friends.
About halfway through, you clear your throat. “I’ve got one! Never have I ever … been an uncle.”
Most of the drivers take a drink between smiles and coos about nieces and nephews. You notice Carlos doesn’t drink and turn to him with a playful grin.
“Uh, hermano, I think you forgot to drink for that one,” you say pointedly.
Carlos looks at you in confusion. “What? None of my sisters have kids.”
You simply keep staring at him meaningfully until realization dawns on his face. His eyes go wide, flicking down to your still-full glass of untouched alcohol.
“Y/N … are you ...” he breathes in disbelief.
You nod again. “I’m pregnant.”
For a moment Carlos just stares at you in shock. Then his face starts turning red, hands clenching into fists at his sides.
“You’re pregnant?” He repeats through gritted teeth. The other drivers fall silent, exchanging uneasy glances.
“Who did this to you? Who’s the cabrón who touched my sister again?” Carlos demands, voice rising.
You shrink back slightly, smile fading. Maybe you should have told him privately.
“I … Carlos, please, just calm down,” you say weakly.
But your brother is beyond calming down now. He whips his head around the circle, glaring daggers at each driver.
“Who was it? Who permanently defiled my innocent baby sister?”
You open your mouth uncertainly, not quite sure how to answer. Before you can though, Charles abruptly jumps to his feet.
“WellwouldyalookatthetimeIgottagonowbye!” He blurts out hurriedly before turning and sprinting from the room.
“LECLERC!” Carlos bellows, tearing off after him. You can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of you at the sight. Some things never change.
The other drivers are cracking up too. “Think we should go make sure Carlos doesn’t actually kill him?” Lando asks with a grin.
You wave a hand dismissively. “Nah, let them work it out. Charles will tire him out eventually.”
Still chuckling, you lean back against the couch next to Fernando, who has an arm draped casually around your shoulders.
“Those two, I swear. Will Carlos ever stop seeing me as his baby sister?” You muse with a smile.
Fernando grins and shakes his head. “Doubtful, chica. But that’s how brothers are. He’s just watching out for you.”
From the other room, you hear a crash followed by yelling in multiple languages. You and Fernando share an amused look.
“At least he didn’t try to fight the whole grid again,” you point out. Fernando barks out a laugh at the memory.
“Give him time. The night is still young,” he says with a playful wink.
You laugh again, cuddling into Fernando’s side. Even with your brother’s antics, you truly feel so lucky to have this group in your life. Friends turned family.
As you hear Carlos’ angry shouts getting closer, followed by Charles’ panicked apologizing, you think to yourself that there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
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toji-girl · 3 months
all ours | alphas! k. bakugo & e. kirishima
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synopsis: Coming into heat a few days earlier was not something you planned on, and for sure it not happening when you're walking home in the woods.
wc: 3.7k
tags: 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + not beta read + all characters are over the age of 21 + repost + monsterfucking + mfm threesome + you're in heat + they're in ruts + double dp + anal/fingering + they pick you up + it's mating season + breeding + talks about pups/liters + hints at a poly relationship + they manhandle you + knotting + they fight over you kinda + pussy eating + unprotected sex + creampies + they have monster cocks + mostly smut
an: again, I don't know much about Omgeaverse and all that, I just know I want them both djkgnrekgerand it was supposed to be less than 2k
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You regretted this more than when you listened to your friend and jumped off the swing which ended in a fractured ankle that still aches at times even years later. Cold nipped at your exposed skin and became covered with goosebumps the more you walked slower. 
It was after a party Mina was able to pester you into going to for a while, after all, it was the Halloween season, and she needed an excuse to show off her new costume and you needed to get out. 
After you reassured your best friend multiple times that you would be fine getting home and knew a shortcut home that led you to the mouth of the dark woods, the branches creaked as they reached out to you what felt like when the wind swayed the heavy wood. Your ears twitched when you heard the animals in the woods scurrying away from whatever it was. 
Your eyes darted around for anyone around but it was well after ten in the evening on a Thursday night and when Mina kept the reminder that you didn’t have work tomorrow and you needed this it was fruitless to argue with her and ended up going wishing you brought a coat. 
The night was still and silent minus the leaves that got swept up in the wind that breezed around you and pooled around your high heels that would only sink into the damp dirt making it impossible to walk, however, you were grateful that you wore thick thighs to keep your feet warm as you stepped over a fallen branch stepping into the woods with trepidation and a sigh. 
There was a path that you’d taken a million times already knowing it would take ten minutes tops to get home and using muscle memory you held your shoes from the tips of your fingers making your way over the soft earth as the moon high above you bathed the naked trees in a creamy white color, tonight it was bright and full that it made you put an extra pep in your step. 
With a full moon nearing Halloween you knew that sometimes werewolves would roam these woods looking for something to sink their teeth into, and the scariest part was that you knew if you were to run into any of them they would be ones you know. Your pace picked up as you gripped the jacket Denki placed on your shoulders before he and his friends left the party. 
Maybe you should’ve asked them for a ride home, they went back before you and Mina did anyway, and instead of walking through the woods you could be in the bath then be cuddled under the blankets with a horror movie marathon playing in the background as you finish up work you brought home with you unfortunately. 
Off in the distance, you could hear two owls hooting back and forth having some sort of conversation making you feel a little less lonely, this was a dangerous game you were playing even with the fast steps you managed to take until a cramp from between your legs halted you dead in the mess of fallen leaves, dirt, and a few sticks. “No. No.” You whimpered softly. 
This cannot be happening right now, your heat was a few days early and your heat suppressant pills weren’t able to come in on time and for the first time in months, you’ll be experiencing it. Rapid warmth filled your entire being suddenly, your knees knocked together as you dropped your high heels and let out a whine that was caught in the air with a white cloudy puff. 
You had hoped with the weekend coming up and half of the week taken off from work you would be in bed when it came or at least in the comfort of your own home where you had plenty of snacks and things to help get you through this. Another pitiful whine parted your glossy lips, the product made them stick together as you dropped to your knees now gripping the dirt. 
The way it hit you, your body produced the sickly sweet smell of your pussy that gushed around nothing, it slowly ramped up until your leg was shaking and you were curled into yourself unable to call for anyone, and you knew all you had to do was wait it for fifteen minutes then you’d be able to make it home and into your mattress where everything was waiting for you. 
With the way your body craved to be bred, your bunny brain could only think about one thing. Cock. How you hated it sometimes when this happened, all you could do was hump things, your pillow, clothes, the edge of the couch, or the showerhead. Anything you could get your greedy hands on it was either going inside you or at least rubbed against your clit for friction. 
It truly melted you down into a puddle of need, and with the way, Denki asked if he could take you home after the party you should’ve agreed but at the time you weren’t even in the mood to be kissed and groped on after the long day at work, home was the only thing you wanted. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes from the intense waves that crashed over your body. 
“Please just let up.” You mumbled your breath and shed the jacket you wore to create a makeshift pillow that would keep out of the dirt as you assumed the usual position of face down and ass up to rub at your pussy from behind so fucking needy and unashamed about touching yourself like this in such an open space for anyone to come by too and see you in such a state. 
When you were comfortable enough your hands made quick work and pushed your dress to meet your bra almost thankful that it wasn’t too tight or you’d just rip it off or go naked, your panties were next that were shoved down to your knees putting your cute cunt on display. 
Your fingers parted your slicked-up pussylips with a soft whine when the cold air caressed your inner heated flesh and your other hand took care of massaging your clit exposing your hole to the air, it should be so embarrassing and downright degrading to be doing this without a care in the world, the only thing you wanted or chased was at least one orgasm to get up and go home. 
Drool has already begun to leak out from your parted lips with fast and hot breaths that huffed from them as your middle and index finger rubbed messily rubbed at your clit missing it from the copious amount of slick that stuck to your cunt, it was sticky and thick making it easier for your mate to fuck you. Tears poured down your cheeks as you sobbed from the pressure of it all. 
Your pussy ached to be fucked and played with, your fingers were not enough and you cursed whoever it was that you had to go through this. It’s not fair. Maybe you could call someone to come and help but then you mentally ran through the list of men you knew and couldn’t bare facing them this way, face pushed into the dirt as you finger fuck yourself like a bitch in heat. 
Technically you were, and you were glad you got the bunny gene knowing that in your teenage years when the alphas start to fill out and come into their natural beings, they would constantly tease you about it and call you just that whenever you had to stay at home from school away from everyone and holed up in your bedroom whimpering as the heat suppressant worked. 
It felt like your skin was stretched over your muscles and bones in a taut way that harder you fell into your heat like it was some cosmical punishment for something you did, the pain and pleasure beat against each other like a drum, pain from not having someone stuffing you full and how your body arched then pleasure from your fingers drilling your dripping cunt fast. 
You whined louder when the tip of your finger brushed against your G-spot over and over until your toes curled hard but it wasn’t enough. Your cotton tail twitched as you humped your own hand when the snap of a twig had you fumbling to sit up with your fingers now painfully removed from your cunt that kept drooling making a mess under you, there was so much slick it pooled. 
More branches snapped in either direction of you, and your head whipped side to side as fear trickled into your bones making your teeth chatter with it, you know calling out would only give away your location. Your body fought hard against you to get up and pull your panties on the right way when you heard a deep and almost guttural snort from the left of you. “Bunny.” 
Your ears twitched as did your nose at the growl. Immediately you knew it was Katsuki, he and his friends had been at the party earlier and you spoke to them, even danced a little between him and his red-headed best friend. “B-Bakugo?” You whined, your fingers curled around damp leaves as he stepped closer, your scent was sickeningly sweet and it made him mad with the feral need to mount you, slipping into his own heat. He wanted nothing more than you on him. 
“We can smell you a mile away.” It was Eijiro who spoke up this time, his usual soft voice was replaced with something else, the animal in him was fighting to come to the surface and it became unbearable for both men approaching your smaller form. “Kirishima.” You gasped. 
They flanked you on both sides, large and looming over you. They were so big they blocked most of the moonlight making you focus on their outlines, their heavy breathing was in sync as they curled their fingers into fists feeling their cocks leak. What kind of timing is this? You in your heat and them in their rut? It felt like a present was being handed to each other and it was all you ever wanted or needed. 
And it wasn’t like you didn’t know them, ever since high school you had known both men. Katsuki was the first one to inhale gruffly, a large hand that only grew bigger came down to rub at the very obvious bulge in his pants, and poor you looking up at them with big wet shiny eyes, your hand going back down between your legs to slip back inside your panties knowing you could trust them and the three of you were past caring, too deeply infused with the need to cum like mindless creatures only made to feel release and breed. 
A pair of red eyes watched as your own rolled to the back of your head as you maneuvered yourself to your back and caressed your puffy clit splaying yourself open for them both. Like this, you were a completely different person. “Want you two ‘s bad please fuck me, I want your knots.” You begged and whimpered looking like a complete mess fingering yourself like that. 
In the middle of a forest floor with not just one intimidating alpha, but two of them who both dropped to their knees in front of you. Katsuki was the first one to shoulder pump Eijiro out of the way to be the first one to kiss the wet slit of your pussy once you removed your fingers, his rough tongue lolled out of his mouth filled with sharp canines. “Poor little bunny came into heat.” 
His tone was a bit mean as he licked a wide stripe up your cunt to your clit he sucked into his awaiting mouth that felt like it completely covered you as he thumbed you open to his liking to keep licking into you like a madman that’s eating the best meal of his life, the red-headed man who was fueled by his own lost crawled over to you on his knees. “So pretty for us though.” 
Propped up on your elbows you were in a position to kiss him when he bent at the waist, his tongue was large and wet as he swirled it around your open mouth and then down your throat making you gag and the kiss messy and wet when he pulled away you coughed and hacked then broke off into a loud moan when you fluttered around Katsuki and arched your back. 
He was stroking all the right spots until your thighs were clamped against his head keeping it still between your legs all the while you pawed at Eijiro’s pants thankful there weren’t any buttons as you freed his fat heavy cock that dripped with pearly thick pre-cum, it reminded you of your slick earlier that leaked from your needy pussy that Katsuki ate up without a care. 
The rational part of your brain wanted to fight at first, the idea of them knotting you was not a good one knowing you could actually end up with a liter of pups or even a single one and while you were pretty good friends with them you knew after this the relationship would be a little strange after engaging in a threesome in the open woods dressed in Halloween costumes. 
None of that mattered when you felt like your body was going to burst open at the seams, your jaw went slack as you used Eijiro’s thick arousal to coat the impressive length of his cock, it wasn’t quite normal, the end tapered off and it was thicker and longer than what a humans
should be with a deflated knot at the base meant to fill you to the brim and keep it plugged in. 
The idea made you whimper as you tugged on Katsuki’s hair with your free hand grinding his face and tongue deeper into your pussy as your first orgasm rose higher and higher, the blonde man wanted to push you over the edge to hear you cry out his name while his best friend watched from above fucking your fist, when your head turned the sticky tip kissed your lips. 
It was a mess, the three of you chasing a high and wanting to fuck each other dumb was the only thought in your lust-riddled brain not caring about anything even if you get caught. It was almost scary how you got like this. “C-” You couldn’t even force the rest of the word out as you tumbled head first in your climax panting and moaning Katsuki’s name like a daily prayer. 
Your hand fell from Eijiro’s cock which felt neglected, and so did the other man between your legs. They wanted to release and while usually, they’d love to see your pretty lips wrapped around their cocks it wasn’t going to happen this time, and the last thing they wanted to do was to knot in your mouth so they’d have to take turns which came down to who won the fight first. 
Eijiro panted and brushed back his red hair from his forehead to muscle his friend out of his way as he did to him earlier earning a deep growl and grunt. “You got to taste her before anything and this was your idea-” Katsuki glared over and shoved him in his chest at the slip-up. Your ears perked up at the words and gazed at them both, your eyes glassy and blown out. 
“Idea?” You slurred. Did they plan this? Katsuki ignored Eijiro and towered above you, one large palm cupping your cheek as he stared at you intently, his chest heaving with fast breaths that smelled so much of you. “We could…smell you at the party so we followed you to make sure you got home safely then we were going to head home but then you got caught fingering that cute little pussy wanting and needing to be bred. We’ll take care of you, do you trust us bunny?” 
Your heart melted at their protectiveness of you, your brain pumped information into you that they would make good mates and you were suddenly looking at them in a new light. “I do yes.” It was all they needed before Eijiro was the first one to manhandle you into his arms picking you up and raising to his full height, his hands cupped your ass as your legs wrapped around him. 
Katsuki stood behind you to keep you propped up between them, their cocks drooling with pre-cum that produced enough slick that you didn’t even need your own. They both nuzzled their noses into you, their bodies half-stuck between changing. Their ruts prevent it from happening otherwise they’d both be taller and much more imposing, and there would be no way you could take them without feeling like you’d be getting split in two. 
Parts of their flesh sprouted fur making them look more monstrous as their red eyes glowed under the inky sky, their tongues tasted your flesh memorizing the taste as you held onto Eijiro’s shoulders grinding your bare and throbbing pussy against his cock. “Stop teasing!” You whined and tossed your head back to look at the other man with a small pout and furrowed eyebrows. 
“She’s right s’not right to tease a bunny who just wants to be stuffed full to the brim, mhm?” Eijiro murmured as he nuzzled his face into your neck kissing the fevered skin, the position they had you in was directed right under the moon that pushed more of their body to contort and gain full control of the animal inside them raging and sizzling wanting to be released to ravage you. 
You shook your head and tried to bounce a little feeling the sticky swollen head of his cock catch between your thighs, he was so warm that it almost burned when he angled his knees letting you drop down a little while Katsuki spread you open from behind to make sure his friend could catch the narrowed tip of his fat cock against your hole that opened for him greedily before he pulled away rubbing it against the opening again slowly before Eijiro pushed inside halfway. 
Katsuki kissed the back of your neck, his fingers rubbed at where you and his friend met gathering the slick to lube your asshole before he did the same with teasing movements, his teeth flirted with your flesh. “Still good for us?” He husked before he pushed his finger inside. 
All you could do was nod and sob from it all, the way they handled you all while wrapped up in their own lust. They kissed away your tears being soft in their treatment even with raging desire throttled them to ravage you, and they would too but at first they wanted you nice and pilant. “Got to get you nice and dumb on your cocks, can you handle two knots bunny?” Eijiro asked. 
Your cunt gushed around him when he mentioned that. Red eyes clashed together again. “Should feel her clenching around me so tight at that, she wants it so bad, double bred. Want to be our little mate?” The first part of his sentence was tossed at Katsuki then the rest was for you. It all made sense to agree in the moment and that didn’t sound bad, being taken care of. 
You could feel Katsuki’s chest rumble against your back as he slipped his finger inside stretching you out before he worked in tandem with Eijiro until the blonde man could fit at least three thick fingers then his cockhead was pressed against your slicked-gaped hole; hot and wet. 
He pushed in when Eijiro pulled out and they both held you up using their incredible strength as growls gurgled from their throats, your name came out in white puffs as their hands kept groping your body tearing away the rest of your clothes with claws until you were naked, ribbons of your costume were pooled at their feet in shreds. With the way they had you pressed between them, it was easy for them to tug and pinch at your nipples causing the ball to get tighter in your belly. 
Katsuki’s hand found your tail and grabbed it in his big hand pulling it very slightly making you croon and gasp out loud, your pussy clenched around them when they both bottomed out inside and ground against you lazily feeling their orgasms not far behind.
Eijiro’s fingers found your swollen clit and rubbed against it. “Cum for us bunny, gonna give you our knots.” He growled, his teeth sharper when he spoke, white teeth glittered under the moon making him look feral. 
That’s how he felt when you leaned in and held his shoulders to find his lips in a hot and needy kiss, his tongue found the back of your throat again almost too large for your mouth. You sucked on it moaning around the appendage hearing the wet sounds of it and them fucking you, your slick gushed around their cocks coating their pants in the sticky mess that would serve as a reminder for later. 
The last stroke was when Katsuki let his teeth sink into one shoulder and Eijiro did the same to the other, together they marked you. Your pussy creamed around the red-headed man and Katsuki almost felt fear when you orgasmed, your walls pusled around him so tight he thought they were going to rip his dick off. 
They both fucked into you fast and frenzied bullying their cocks into you despite you coming around them anyway until their own climaxes had them roaring into the night air, a primal display of mating that was a warning to everyone around that you are now theirs. You could feel them push the last few inches inside making you feel so snug and full as they painted you white. 
You weren’t sure of how long passed as they petted and kissed you until their knots deflated and they could slip out and carry you home to finally get you into the bath and into bed, snuggled between them warm and sated, their cum still buried deep in your womb. 
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ddejavvu · 9 months
you’re probably sick of animagus reader fics but if you’re up for it i was wondering whether you were in the mood for some remus x fem reader?
maybe r is a dormouse or smth and just practically stays tucked inside rem’s sweaters or the inside pockets of his robes/blazer. r possibly falls out his sweater is a really crowded corridor (can’t change back) and rem panics cause he doesn’t fancy his girl being flattened <3
You make a mental note, while fleeing the shadows of impending doom that cascade onto the chilled stone floor around you, that you need to make sure Remus never buys another pair of pants with such shallow pockets. You typically cling to the inside of his sweater, but he's bundled up a little too warm for your taste today, and you'd tucked yourself into the linty confines of his corduroys instead.
It had all been going well, until someone had bumped rather aggressively into his thigh, the one that you were pressed worriedly against, and you'd darted to your left to escape the pain. Unfortunately, left was the direction of the pocket's opening, and the fall to the stone tile beneath you had been a monumental one for your small size.
Thankfully, you hadn't splattered against the tile, but you're running for your life now, and you seem to be swimming upstream no matter which direction you turn. There's always feet working against you, feet close to trampling your tail, feet threatening to squash your lungs, and you yearn for the solace of Remus's plush pocket once more.
Remus only gets a few steps away from the spot where you'd tumbled unceremoniously to the ground before he reaches his hand into his pocket, intent on scooping you out and discreetly moving you to his sweater. But there's nothing in his pockets save for a button that had fallen off of the inside of his book bag, and panic seizes his chest in its heavy, unforgiving claws.
"Uh-" He flounders, steps hesitantly stuttering over the floor as the ebb and flow of students around him becomes suffocating. Now, all of a sudden, he's not a part of the crowd, he's what they're fighting against, and he pats down his other pockets in case you'd just moved addresses.
You haven't.
Dropping to his knees is rather difficult amidst a stampede, and it's not only his weary joints that ache, but his hands as disgruntled students hoof over them. He ignores the way his pinky smarts, twinging pink with a pained flush beneath the toe of a third-year, and ducks his head to the ground to see if he can spot you scampering amongst the students.
There's movement all around him, but none if it is your size. Black and red and green and blue and yellow blur through his vision as students of all houses flood the halls, and each second that he doesn't find you alive and well worries at his heart with panic's mangled claws. He thinks he sees you to his left, but- oh, that's a cat, and that's worse, so he ducks even further to the ground, and redoubles his effots.
Thankfully, you've noticed the deviated path the students are now taking, annoyed grumbles about the idiot stooped in the hallway. That's your idiot, you think, and you scamper as fast as your tiny legs allow to meet Remus where he knees.
He sees you coming, his pretty eyes flood with a relief so palpable you can feel it in your own chest, and just before you can scurry into his outstretched hand, you feel something heavy land on your tail and trap you in your place. You feel a puff of breath against your back, and the snare of cat's claws against the meat of your tail, but before the beast can lean down and devour you, Remus lunges for your body, cupping his hand over your trembling form and swatting the animal away.
"Absolutely not, thank you." Remus snaps at the cat, and a second-year gives him a rather apprehensive stare as she hurries around him, "Darling, are you okay?"
You're not very articulate in mouse form, but you manage a thankful squeak, one that Remus smiles fondly at while straightening up.
The cat doesn't look very happy with him, but Remus isn't afraid of a few more scratches on his arm, and you nestle securely into his palm when he straightens, limbs limp with confident exhaustion, that he'd let the cat claw open each one of his scars ten times before he ever let it get a shot at you.
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dilfsfordinner · 1 year
Escarmiento: Part Two- Miguel O’hara x fem!spider reader
a/n- i have no clue how his fangs or venom work, but just pretend like how i wrote it makes sense. also, this is very long but i didn’t want to write three parts :^
warnings- smut, predator/prey dynamics, spanking, edging, degradation, explicit language, size kink, biting, paralytic venom, mean/rough sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, creampie, aftercare, soft miggy after he realizes he was an ass
translations at the bottom!
Colors flashed in your peripheral as you darted alongside Miles, your arms burning from the amount of swings you had to pull off, just to get some distance between the hundreds of people around you.
Sure, running may not have been the smartest thing to do, but, you did have a plan. It wasn’t the easiest to pull off, and you’d probably end up being berated by Miguel, but Miles was your priority, and your husband was usually a sane man when it came to you. Usually.
As if he wanted to prove your logic wrong, Miguel’s yells rang from behind you, his voice laced with pure anger as you slipped from his grasp a multitude of times. You were both very fast, but he was a monster. It was like trying to escape death, his claws almost catching your suit, the image of his fangs gleaming in your memories.
“Miles!” you yelled to the boy swinging a few feet ahead of you, his body stalling for you to sync with his movements. “We’ll draw them out-” you panted, your surroundings becoming familiar, recognizable to the entrance of headquarters, “-and when they’re gone, get to the machine, and go home.”
Web after web shot at you, red and blue of all kinds clouding your vision as you maneuvered around gloved hands and swinging limbs. “Y/n,” that familiar voice shouted again, trying to pull your attention away from the obstacles in front of you. “Stop running-” you heard Miguel growl under his breath, the ear splitting sound of shredding steel hitting your senses as he literally tore through walls to get to you.
He had never ever scared you before, but with his feral strength directed at you instead of a casual villain, true fear coaxed its way through your veins. You were his prey. That’s the thought that repeatedly flashed in your mind. He was hunting you and there was inevitably, no escape.
Flicking your wrist, your webbing shot to the upper beams above the training area, pulling you through the air, a panicking Miles right at your side. That particular choice was probably not the best decision, a horde of waiting spider people coming into sight as soon as you appeared through the floor.
Interrupting the frozen crowd, two glowing webs broke through the air to pull a very rage filled Miguel up after you, your feet stepping back to scurry in the opposite direction towards the glistening wall of windows. You could feel him right at your heels, his breathing ragged, a whoosh of air hitting your back, the only explanation being his claws trying to swipe at you.
Dropping into a perch-like position, you ducked a particularly harsh swing, Miguel’s body already moving too fast to stop, his large form smashing through a lower window. Miles went right along with him, leaving you to a room of people just itching to please their boss. That was until your foot was pulled from under you, a familiar web wrapped around your ankle pulling your body to the floor and out the shattered window.
You’d never gotten used to free falling, your stomach wound in knots as the air whipped past you, your wrist helplessly flailing to find some kind of structure to attach to. The web stuck to your ankle was tugged, harshly, pulling you down towards none other than your husband.
Miles was lone gone, his own fleet of spiders chasing him down, leaving you to fend for yourself. Shooting your web to a passing car, your body was caught between two forces, Miguel watching as you cried out in pain, a frustrated groan leaving his lips as he cut his web loose, letting you go. You knew that’d make him buckle, see, he didn’t want to hurt you, no, he just wanted to catch you.
Slinging to the flying car, you were glued to the roof, eyes peeled to search for Miles, your sense lighting up at the sound of Miguel hurling himself from car to car to get to you. A yelp left your lips as two sets of web-patterned arms wrapped around you, one set grabbing your legs to pin you, the other holding your midriff, squeezing all the air from your lungs. Your legs helplessly kicked against them, body bucking in their hold to get away until a rough yell resounded. “Leave her,” Miguel shouted, his fangs extending, eyes tracking their hold on you. “Ella es mía.”
Squirming out of their grasp, you swung to the train-like contraption holding the roadway, Miguel’s suit in your peripheral, his form hurtling towards you, leaving no room to escape. You landed first, crawling along the top of the silver train, Miguel’s claws scratching behind, tearing the metal in their wake.
“Miguel, please-” you panted, your eyes wide as they looked down at him, his mask dissolving to reveal crimson eyes and furrowed eyebrows set on you. “He’s just a kid,” you pleaded, your muscles aching with exhaustion as you climbed away from him. A growl left the lips of your lover, his unbeaten endurance still strong, claws pulling him right towards you and your struggling form.
His hand closed around your ankle, pulling you down until his arms caged you, your back was pressed to his broad chest, hands pinned down by his own, preventing you from using your webs. “All you had to do was listen,” he muttered in your ear, a pained gasp leaving your lips as four sharp prongs sank into your neck, his fangs burying themselves into your skin. Warm liquid flowed from them, eliciting a burning sensation throughout your limbs that slowly turned into numbness.
You could still talk and move, albeit barely, most likely because your husband didn’t want you completely paralyzed, but you couldn’t escape his grasp, his strong arms lifting you until you were slung over his shoulder, lax limbs completely subject to his movements.
“Lyla, send everyone after Miles,” his voice was gruff as he swung off the train, you in one arm, his weight carried by a web in the other, “I’ll handle her.”
By the time the paralytic venom wore off, you found yourself at the door of your shared bedroom, Miguel grabbing you from his shoulder and pushing you inside, your legs wobbling slightly from the strange sensation. Shutting it suspiciously lightly, Miguel rested his forehead against the cold panels of the door, your weak legs already positioning you at the other end of the room.
“Miguel, I- I was just trying to help..”
His body went taut at your words, his back rigid, muscles shifting as he turned to look at you. You almost cowered at the sight of him, his eyes a deeper red than you’ve ever seen, his lips pulling back to reply, revealing four-sharp teeth still extended.
“What the hell were you thinking?” he snapped, his pupils dilating into a deep black, almost consuming his whole iris. “All you needed to do was listen to me, and you went and disobeyed a direct order.”
“You’re my husband, not my master..” you muttered under your breath, his breath catching at your little retort, anger lacing his features. “He’s just a kid, Miguel, you’re being too harsh.”
“Harsh..?” He went still at your words, an exasperated laugh leaving his lips as his eyebrows rose. “I’ll show you harsh,” he said under his breath, shoulders squaring to show his full height, long legs making their way to you in easy strides. Your mouth went dry at his words, feet stepping carefully to back away from him, his approaching steps pushing you further and further until your back hit the wall.
“Miguel wait-” your words were cut off as his large hand closed around your wrist, wrenching you towards the bed, your heels digging into the ground. With a battle of limbs, you found yourself atop his knees, your stomach pressing against his strong legs, his fingers gently caressing your bottom. Your hips wiggled, legs struggling to get away at the implication of his hand. “You can’t run now, cariño,” he growled, sharp claws cutting through the fabric of your suit exposing your ass and legs to his preying eyes.
Long fingers hooked under the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down to reveal your soft skin, fingers tracing every inch, his touch disappearing for a second before returning in the form of a harsh slap, a yelp leaving your lips at the scorching sensation blooming along your bottom.
His hand continued its assault, your legs shaking in his hold. “Poca pucha, just couldn’t listen could you,” he gritted out, palm smacking and smacking relentlessly until your ass was flaming red, choked cries spewing from your lips as you pleaded for him to stop.
He didn’t listen though, every spank leaving a new mark on your skin, red handprints painting your bottom half as your hands clawed at his ankles. “M-Miguel please! I’m s-sorry,” you squirmed, hips bucking until he landed a particularly rough slap against your skin. “Stay still,” he grunted, hands pushing your hips down as he repeatedly spanked you, tears rolling down your cheeks and onto his lap.
You were hiccuping now, so distressed your cries caught in your throat, your bottom raw and red, so sore it stung, the feeling of fire consuming you with even the smallest touch. His hand relented when he heard you muttering ‘i’m sorry’ like a mantra, the rough pads of his fingers gently massaging your inflamed bottom.
Miguel tutted at your soft cries, rubbing your skin as his other hand spread your legs. “Mírate-” he whispered, fingers dipping to scoop up your liquids, spreading your folds, “puta chorrea.” Without any preparation, he stuffed two fingers into your cunt, a choked gasp leaving your lips as he immediately started to curl his fingers into you, throwing you straight into the grasps of pleasure it was almost painful.
His thick fingers nudged at every pleasurable spot inside of you, your walls sucking him in greedily despite your current distaste of your husband. Every curl and poke elicited a whine from you, your body shivering as it neared climax, cunt pulsing around his fingers as a tell tale sign. Before you could release, Miguel pulled his fingers from you, large hands grabbing your waist to throw you on the bed.
You couldn’t even process the loss of pleasure before he was tearing the rest of your suit off and pushing your back into an impossible arch, your inflamed ass stuck in the air as his hands grabbed onto your hips. “Wait Mig-” all air was pushed out of your lungs as he sheathed himself in you with one thrust, the stretch causing a burn to ignite in your cunt.
His palm never left your back as he thrusted in and out at a brutal pace, soft groans leaving his lips, his strong legs slamming into the back of your thighs. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room, your mewls and pleas muffled by the pillow Miguel shoved your face into, his fingers cradling the crown of your head to keep you still.
His cock was so thick and long, you felt it hit an unknown area every time he pushed into you, and without normal foreplay, the stretch was insane. Your walls pulsed with the struggle to take him, the ring of muscles at the entrance of your cunt visible as it wrapped around his shaft to suck him in.
Caught up in pleasure himself, Miguel leaned down to cage you in his arms, chest pressed to your back in a primal, animal-like position, his muscled arms placed on both sides of your head, hips never relenting with their intense thrusts.
“Too harsh, arañita?” he whispered into your ear, his teeth pulling at your earlobe, lips sucking at your neck as you trembled beneath him, your voice too hoarse from crying to respond. Heavy balls slapped against your cunt, Miguel’s thrusts becoming harder as you recognized his own tells of an orgasm. His ab muscles rippled against your back, his claws started to emerge, his breathing turned ragged, and he always kissed somewhere on your body, this time being your shoulder.
Groaning into the nook of your shoulder and neck, Miguel released inside of you, thick, hot ropes of cum painting every inch of your cunt, his hips stuttering to push every last drop into you while you tipped over the edge, your climax small and sudden, cunt sucking his juices in as you released your own, clenching around his spent cock.
Catching his breath, Miguel pulled out of you slowly, ears catching the pained whimper you let out, eyes looking down to watch as his white liquid poured from your hole. Your hips slumped and rested against the bed, your face still hidden by the pillow as you caught your breath, exhausted and extremely sore.
It was like he’d been clouded with lust and anger the whole time, because as he looked at your trembling form, the clear feeling of guilt consumed him. As careful as possible, he collected as many soothing ingredients he could find from the bathroom; a cold washcloth, calming lotion, and water all included.
Kneeling on the bed, his hands gently moved to prop your hips up, a choked out ‘no’ leaving your lips, your fear quickly extinguished by his soft, cooed words. “Shh, it’s okay,” he whispered, wiping the washcloth along your irritated folds and your inner thighs, cleaning up any excess liquids. Taking your reddened bottom into his hands, he smoothed and rubbed lotion onto you, the tender skin of your ass slowly becoming soothed by the cool substance.
Kissing up your spine, Miguel stroked your hair, his hand tilting your head to be able to see your face, his heart dropping at the sight of your red eyes, tear stained cheeks, and lack of speaking. “Oh- mi amor..” he murmured, strong arms pulling you onto his chest (careful not to nudge your bottom) as he rubbed your back, a quiet sigh leaving your lips at the feeling.
“I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you,” his voice was filled with regret, leaving a kiss to your head as you hummed your agreement. “I-” he pursed his lips, releasing a sigh as he struggled to say a certain admission, “I may have been a little too harsh on him.”
A breathy laugh resounded against his chest, your hoarse voice a relief to his ears as your tired eyes looked up to meet his own, “you think?”
ella es mía- she’s mine
cariño- sweetheart
poca pucha- little cunt
mírate- look at you
puta chorrea- fucking dripping
arañita- little spider
mi amor- my love
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eddiesbigolepp · 2 years
perv!eddie who cant help but stare at your chest when the necklace you’re wearing slots between your breasts.
perv!eddie who tries his hardest to not let his eyes fall to your ass when you walk away from him.
perv!eddie who has rented almost every porn vhs in hopes of finding one that looks like you.
perv!eddie who cant wait for summer, just to see you in the tiniest skirts and shorts imaginable.
perv!eddie who hangs up a pair of your used panties above his bed as his own reminder of your sickly sweet smell
perv!eddie who keeps a picture of you sleeping naked in his wallet, to get him off in a pinch
perv!eddie who always fake bangs you when you bend over, no matter the kind of relationship you have.
perv!eddie who makes sure theres no seats at lunch so your always sat in his lap, feeling his member grow the more you move.
perv!eddie who always checks you to see if you have matching undergarments because he believes that clashing is a big no no
perv!eddie whos number one house rule is no pants, just so he can see that cute butt scurry around his trailer
perv!eddie who cant help but pinch your nipples when he sees that theyre hard under your shirt.
perv!eddie who only drives so recklessly to watch your tits bounce as he hits every pothole imaginable
perv!eddie who loves to tie your shoes, especially when he gets the up skirt view from the ground.
perv!eddie who can never quite focus when you whine his name and yell at him for not being nice to you.
perv!eddie who goes out of his way to get new porno mags, looking for girls who look like you, and eventually making his own book.
perv!eddie who stole your cheer uniform once when you showered at his place, just so you you run around searching for it in the tiny towel he gave you.
perv!eddie who only gives you the loosest tank tops he owns when you ask for a shirt, just to see some side boob, maybe even get a nip slip
perv!eddie who loves to cuddle, only because when he falls asleep, he can rut against you and hear your whiny sounds
perv!eddie who loves to lay between your legs, face first, and smell your after practice sweat for hours.
perv!eddie who always lays your feet in his lap, imagining lifting your foot to his face and kissing your toes.
perv!eddie who makes you bend over in your skirts and dresses to see if you’ll flash anyone.
perv!eddie who always goes shopping with you, to get the shortest and skimpiest thing possible
perv!eddie who intentionally takes you to lovers lake without bathing suits so you have to go in naked
perv!eddie who loves to make you go outside when it rains so he can see through your shirt
perv!eddie who never fails to kiss you goodnight when he drops you off at home, the heads to his van to pump out a quick one in the back seat
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vampcubus · 1 year
inosuke would absolutelyyy be the type of bf to just gift u rocks randomly. like run over to u, place the rock in ur hand, fold ur fingers over it, then scurry away 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ he’d be even more flattered if u keep every one 🤧
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:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : sfw, gn!reader, established relationship, gift-giving, warm fuzzies. :ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 : 0.8k+
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Inosuke almost misses the small thing whilst crossing over a sizable stream. He has to balance his feet on two large boulders and crouch down to reach for it without getting wet. He plunges his hand into the stream and minnows scatter in all directions beneath the rippling water. His fingers close around the small thing and retrieves his treasure with a triumphant grunt.
"What did you find, Inosuke?" Tanjiro inquires softly from the bank, watching curiously as his masked companion fishes something from the stream. The other slayer stiffens like a cat, and claps his hands over the small object, hiding it from view.
"None of your business, Gonpachiro!"
"That's not my name," Tanjiro sighs, but doesn't pry the matter any further.
"Of course it is!" Inosuke huffs, as if it were obvious.
Inosuke hops back onto land, hands cupped and dripping with water. He makes a beeline for the campsite and Tanjiro is quick to protest his departure.
"Inosuke, wait! We're supposed to be looking for... fish." But the other slayer has already disappeared into the trees, and the wine-red-haired boy only smiles, turning his attention back to untangling his net.
You're in the middle of getting a fire going when Inosuke bursts from the trees into the clearing, spooking both you and Zenitsu out of your skin.
"Inosuke! You scared us," you laugh, hand over your heart. Zenitsu glares, but holds his tongue in front of you, returning his attention back to trying to spark a flame. "Did you catch some fish already?"
He and Tanjiro had set off not even ten minutes ago in the direction of the sound of running water. Inosuke was particularly accustomed to gathering resources out here in the forest, but you had to say you'd be impressed if he'd found dinner so quickly!
"Even better than fish!" The boar-headed boy slows to a stop just shy of you and plops down in front of you, hands cupped around something. You have to admit that you're intrigued enough to ignore the growling of your tummy.
"Careful. Could be anything," the other slayer warns, remembering the last time Inosuke chased him around with a salamander. He shivers at the memory.
"Inosuke wouldn't give me anything dangerous, Zenitsu," you assure the blond, holding your hands out to receive whatever he'd found.
"Close your eyes, and no peeking!" He demands.
"Okay," you chuckle, raising a brow but complying. "Not looking."
Inosuke drops something wet and cold into your open palms, and your brows knit. His rough fingers fold your own over the object, and when he removes his own hands you're met with the sight of...
"A... rock?" You're perplexed, but you observe the offering closely, careful not to appear disappointed. You brush a thumb over the stone and are pleasantly surprised by how smooth it is, no doubt polished by years and years of water flowing overtop of it. It's a bit speckled too, like a robin's egg. It's pretty, you concede. "What a nice one too, are you sure you want to give it to me?"
"Mhm!" he grunts, nodding once.
"You ran all the way back here to give them a stupid rock?" Zenitsu grumbles, blowing lightly at the tiny flame he'd managed to spring to life onto a rather moist log. "We have to eat you know!"
"Zenitsu!" you scold, and the blond ducks his head submissively. "Well, I like it. Thank you, Inosuke."
Inosuke lifts his mask just enough to stick his tongue out at the thunder breather, who bristles at the provocation but decides against piping up again. Especially when he realizes you genuinely look pleased with the gesture.
"Of course you like it. I made sure to pick the best one for my beloved underling!" He boasts with his arms crossed over his chest, oozing with pride from your acceptance of his superior gift.
You can't help but grin at his confidence, unbothered by being called an underling. You knew what you truly meant to your unruly lover.
"Here let me put it with the rest."
"The rest of what?" Inosuke scratches his neck, head cocked.
You reach for your bag and dig around in it, retrieving a smaller pouch from inside it. Inosuke scoots closer, until he’s flush against your side, leaning forward to get a better look at the contents as you loosen the drawstrings. His heart jumps at the sight of various trinkets and acorns he'd given to you on previous occasions.
"I keep everything you give me, silly," you snort, adding the impossibly smooth stone to your growing collection of gifts. You swear you hear a muffled sniffle sneak out from under his mask. “They’re important to me.”
Suddenly, he's jumping to his feet again, dashing back into the forest to escape the warm fuzzies collecting in his chest.
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2K notes · View notes
Safe Keeping | 6
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
What say you, lady? Don't you think the Hound would make a fine husband? He would protect you, yes, and you would bear him many babes." I curtsy again but this time, my voice falters when I speak, "I- I think he would," I turn to my left, "Lord Sandor would make a fine husband... a fine father."
Sandor Clegane x Reader | 6k+ | cw: fem!reader, forced marriage, smut (piv, emotional sex, praise kink), enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, emotional unavailability, emotional vulnerability, The Hound being abrasive, miscommunication, baby fever, fluff!, typos, etc.
A/N: i said i'd end this on p5 but i think i'll be ending at p7 HAHHAH lol. originally posted on ao3 but felt like posting it on here
Tagging: @otteropera @poisonsage808 @glitterandgoldfinds @the-queen-of-sorrows @minttea07 @fluffpudel @j3nn-1 @jelsasnowflakes1
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"My lady," followed by high pitched barking made me turn around from where I sat in the garden.
Maester Yannick was walking over to me, with three puppies on his trail. He lifts his robe when he feels one of the critters nip at it. He hisses at them and tells them not to bite. Rose barks and takes it as a challenge.
I chuckle and shush her, raising a finger as I bend down to reinforce the discipline.
Rose looks at me then scurries off.
I straighten up on the bench as Yannick sits beside me. We both then turn to the soldiers in the making, training across the grounds of Brown Wood.
The Hound barks at them when they get their positions wrong.
"He is lovely today," Yannick tells me.
I turn to him and chuckle, but nod nonetheless.
He continues observing my husband, "he's been training long, hasn't he?"
"Mmm. Perhaps a couple hours," I look back at Sandor, "why? Do you think it is bad for his wounds?"
"I think it is bad for you," he looks at me.
I pull my head back, "me?"
The maester stands, "you are wasting precious time. Both of you are in good conditions," he links his hands together, "for the good of your house, it would be wise for you to be more... vigilant about producing heirs."
I feel my face drop and burn.
"As you know, my lady, the herbs I make for you are not cheap. It would be a shame to put them to waste due to a lack of effort."
I clear my throat and turn away from him.
Maester Yannick nods, "which reminds me, I will go and fetch you some tea right now."
I watch him walk away.
Once he was gone, my attention is averted back to Sandor. In truth, now more than ever has his hound persona been more apparent to me. Besides his fierceness, his snarling, his grit, the way he bared his teeth and howled at everyone, I could see his loyalty, his need to do good by the people in his life, his protectiveness, especially when it came to fighting, and his warmth.
I begin to think about Daisy. I turn to my side and watch as the pups begin to wreck the garden with their paws.
I find myself thinking about that night... that night when he said he loved me.
I rub my belly, not liking the way my stomach churned at my string of thoughts.
I watch as Sandor straightens up a boy, who was about to fall flat on his face, with one hand. He shakes his head at the child and says he can't fight if he's fighting himself too.
I imagine him speaking the same way to our son.
It was a horrible mistake. As quickly as I thought of it, I then remember telling him to give me a child by another woman.
I've set him free. He does not belong to me; in truth, he never did.
I quickly stand and wipe my face.
This was no longer leisure, this was torture.
I quickly run inside, retreating to my bedroom. Once I am there, I takes my shoes off, plop on my bed, and stare up at my ceiling. I look at the cobwebs in the distant corners and I wonder why I felt like crying but had no tears to shed. I lie there in silence, wishing nothing but to waste away.
I lift my head up from the sheets and turn to the door when I hear it open. I immediately stand and brush my skirts, "Sandor."
The feel of the cold floor on my bare feet send a shiver down my spine.
Sandor cautiously looks at me, "is everything alright?"
"Mmm?" I raise my brows, "what- why do you ask?"
"You ran inside and left your babes in the garden"
My lips part at his words. My hand instinctively comes to my belly.
"Pups," he raises a hand, "I meant pups. I didn't mean--"
Sandor is cut off by the voice of maester Yannick calling my name as he knocked on my door. Sandor opens the door for him and the old man enters, smiling when he sees the two of us. He is about to hand me the tea but then decides otherwise and puts it on my vanity.
He turns to Sandor, "I am pleased you decided to attend to your wife. Her fertility herbs are slowly being depleted. I was beginning to fear it would be for naught."
I grow frigid.
With that, the maester nods and exits, "please do enjoy each other's company."
The sound of the door closing leaves me red in the face. I lock eyes with Sandor then look away, clearing my throat. I flinch when he calls out my name.
I turn back and rub my arms, "yes... husband?"
"I didn't come here for that," he mutters, raising a hand cautiously.
My chest tightens. Of course not. I open my mouth, but he cuts me off before I could make a sound.
"I came to check if you're alright," he slowly steps forward.
I tense and nod, "I am well."
I feel my heart race when he takes another step towards me.
"Y-you needn't worry about me."
"I always worry about you," he mutters as he walks closer.
My words catch in my throat, "what?"
"Let me help you," he speaks, now only a few steps away from me.
My heart is pounding. I step back slowly, "h-help?"
"In the way only a man can," he lets out a heavy breath.
My calves hit the bed. I stop in my tracks and stand frozen. The Hound is now looking down at me. I am too overwhelmed by his presence to do anything else but stare.
The next thing I know, my gaze is drawn downward as he sits on the bed and peers up at my form.
"If you want a child from me," he whispers, "I'll give you one by no other woman but you." 
I look at him, heart in my mouth, body burning. I scratch my fingers and nod at his words.
Sandor sighs, "I need to hear you say it."
"I-" I shakily speak, "I want a child," I face him, "a child by you... my lord."
His brows knit.
My breath hitches when he touches my waist.
I can hear his heavy breathing as he whispers, "Sandor. Please."
I gulp as his palm rubs slowly across my belly. The action makes my skin prickle with goosebumps. My hand comes atop his. I oblige, "Sandor."
He gently tugs me in between his legs and my breath nearly escapes me. He rests his hands on my hips then pulls me in, sinking his face into my side. My ribs rattle with how quick my pulse was.
Sandor inhales deeply, "gods, you smell good."
I feel my body burn, "i-it's lavender oil."
I squeak when he pulls me down onto his lap. He cages me against him, my back flush against his chest. He sinks his face into my neck and slowly draws in a breath. His arms snake around me as he hotly speaks, "it's you, my pretty squirrel."
I feel his hands slowly lift my skirts up. My hands latch onto his arm that was still around my belly.
"Be calm, my wife, I cleaned up before coming here, in case I had to wipe your tears."
I make a sound as he knocks his nose into my jaw and exposes one of my legs to him. 
"I don't like it when you're upset."
My breath hitches, "I-I'm not upset."
Sandor feels the goosebumps on my skin when his hand makes contact with my bare thigh. He shushes me as he rubs and kneads my flesh. I whimper and begin to squirm when his hand hikes up my inner thigh.
His fingers touch my clothed center. He breathes hotly against the pulse of my neck, "I'm going to take this off, mmm?"
I gulp and nod slowly at his words.
I maneuver with him when his hands come under my skirts to rid me of my smallclothes. He doesn't like the space that is created between us and rips me back into him. He ruts his hips into mine to add to his point.
I whine when Sandor's right hand rubs into my heat.
"Fuck," he hisses, "you've worked yourself up over nothing."
I make a louder noise when he prods his fingers into my pulsing entrance. I can feel his fingers slide with ease against my warm folds. I instinctively grip his arm when he sinks into me.
Sandor's other arm, in turn, tightens around me, "you can take it. You've taken more than my fingers, beautiful."
I whimper when he sinks another finger into me and begins to pump in and out. My breathing grows heavier and I throw my head back on his shoulder as he moves into me.
I feel his beard scratch into my neck. I feel his teeth graze lightly into my skin. His fingers languidly move in and out of me, even as I clench my thighs together. He makes no move to part them, and in truth, it doesn't hinder his movements at all.
I feel his tongue dart out on my neck, "I want to taste you."
I slowly lift my head from his shoulder just as he pulls his hand away from my thighs and brings his fingers into his mouth. I feel sobered by his action, taken aback by how filthy it was yet how eagerly he did it.
The next thing I know, he pulls back and lets my body fall in a space between his thighs. He quickly undoes his trousers. After, he pushes me onto my feet, and grips my hips. He rather impatiently rips up my skirts and I feel my thighs shake when he grips my bare flesh.
He pulls me back down on him, and I mewl when I feel his hardened length slip clumsily between my thighs, not yet entering me. I settle on him; the sensation of his clothes on my skin makes my belly roll.
"Fuck," he growls, as my thighs instinctively clamp around him. Sandor is unable to withhold the bucking of his hips.
When he does this, pleasure, crackling like embers, tingle up my body.
"Open up," he hisses, one hand coming between my legs, "I have to be inside you. I have to come inside, have to come inside your weeping cunny."
"Sandor," I whine as I slowly part my legs.
"I know, pretty squirrel. You're so worked up, for me," he breathes against my ear then nips at my lobe, "so fucking eager."
A drawn out whine escapes my lips when he sheathes himself into me.
He wastes no time in moving. I end up squeaking as he braces me against him and firmly thrusts upward into me.
My cries grow louder as his arms tighten beneath my breasts. I feel his hand knead one breast, but it doesn't last very long.
I am throttled onto my chest and pressed down on the sheets. Sandor lifted me up like I was nothing and adjusted me on the edge of the bed.
I'm barely on my tiptoes, as most of my weight was shifted on my spine from of how my husband was hoisting me up to cater to himself.
His movements quickly pick up the pace, and our position becomes reminiscent of the time he had me like this once before, only this time, his one hand was rubbing my scarred hip and he was much more vocal.
"Look at you, all bent over and mine," he groans.
I nails dig into the sheets.
"I'm gonna fill you up. You're going to be so fucking full of me."
I squeal into the sheets. The idea drives me wild. I plead into the bed but I don't think he hears it.
Just as I felt something begin to build in me, he slows.
I open my eyes, not realizing I had closed them as Sandor drops one of my hips. I squeak when I feel him grab my shoulder and slowly turn me on my back.
My jaw drops; I breathe heavily through my mouth. Sandor looks down on me as his hands grip my sides. He pushes me upward and presses my legs by my ribs
He slowly thrusts into me, hands working their way across my body. He rubs my thighs, my belly, my breasts. His brows furrow, "fuck. So fucking soft and warm."
He massages my breasts then works his way up to my shoulders. His one hand rubs my neck before clutching my jaw. His other hand slides back down my hips. I whine when his thumb rubs circles around my sensitive nub. It makes my toes curl.
He sighs, "so fucking beautiful."
I whimper when his other thumb swipes my lips. I find myself licking at it. It makes him groan and buck into me faster.
I push my head back and arch my spine, "fuck- Sandor."
Both his hands land on my hips. He digs his nails into my flesh and begins to move deeper. Eventually, he sinks one hand down by the side of my head for support. My hands latch onto his hips.
"Come for me, pretty girl," he groans, "I'm not gonna last much longer."
I tug at his clothes.
"Be a good girl and come all over my cock, mmm. I want to feel you tighten around me-- get all messy and wet and loud and," he gives deliberate thrusts, "so fucking beautiful."
I whine, "Sandor, I want- I want to-"
I begin to tighten and shake against him. My legs wrap around him and my hands cling onto him for dear life. I find it futile to conceal my sounds, as I cannot find the strength to shut my mouth as I ride the feeling of bliss.
With a loud cuss, Sandor rams into me as deeply as he can. His movements are rough and slow. Both of his hands secured on my waist as he spills his seed into me.
I can feel him throb and can feel myself dripping with warmth.
Sandor takes his time, really drawing out the feeling before slowly coming to a halt. He lets out a final moan when he does stop then takes a deep breath.
I look at him as he closes his eyes and straightens up. My body burns when he looks down at me through hooded eyes and rubs my body again. He enjoys rubbing my breasts the most.
My hands come to his arms, and that seems to stop him.
I am about to tell him not to stop, but he speaks before I can, "wrap your legs round me."
In truth, I didn't have to do anything as he wraps my legs around himself and picks me up in his arms. I hook my feet around each other and am careful not to touch his blistered back as my hands go to his shoulders.
Sandor crawls up the bed with me clinging onto him; I feel the strength in his muscles as he moves. He sets me down on the pillows. He arranges one under my head and brings one beside me.
He looks at me for a moment then whispers, "I'm going to pull away now."
He waits for me to respond before doing anything.
In truth, the thought of him pulling away from me makes my body ache with sadness, but I slowly nod anyway.
I close my eyes as Sandor gently draws away from me. My emotions immediately overcome me in my vulnerable state. I rub my eyes when I feel tears build behind my lids. Sandor fixes my skirt and gathers my legs together. I feel him take the pillow beside me and stuff if bellow my bum.
"This will help keep my spend from dripping out."
His explanation makes my body burn.
I feel Sandor shuffle beside the bed and I hear him fixing his clothing.
I clench my jaw, dreading what I knew exactly was to come next.
I open my eyes when he calls my name. I look at him pathetically, noticing how his skin glowed with sweat, the last evidence that he was ever in me beyond his untucked shirt.
He reaches out to me and I really don't want to take his hand knowing he'll leave me after, so I don't.
I have no idea why he still grabs my hand. The action feels like a betrayal. He rubs my knuckles before kissing them. I chew my lip, feeling wronged over the fact he has never kissed my lips and probably never will.
"I will be leaving now," he mutters.
His words gut me, as always. 
I rip my hand out of his and turn away from him, "very well."
Sandor knits his brows at the sharp withdrawal. He was gentle was he not? Still, he's being turned away.
His mouth goes dry. He slowly steps back, "I..."
I turn my body away from him. I draw in a deep breath and try to make my voice as even as possible, "thank you, Sandor."
Sandor flinches. He steps back some more, "I-I'll bring your dogs here for company."
I chuckle dryly. Company. My voice breaks, "I'm tired."
Sandor's mouth twitches. He backs all the way up to the door, "I'll let you rest then."
I cover my face with my arm and hum in agreement, not trusting myself to speak anymore.
The moment I hear the click of the door, I begin to sob. I whine as his words replay in my head. How could he tell me such things, call me beautiful and say he wants me, then leave me right after? How could he touch me like that then want nothing to do with me?
I pull the pillow from underneath my head and wail into it.
Sandor, who couldn't find it in himself to step away from the door, decides not to walk back in when he hears the crying. His belly curdles with self-loathing. He feels like he's going to choke because of how hurt the noise sounded, nevermind how lovely it was seconds ago; it meant for nothing.
He walks away trying to figure out where he went wrong. He relives every touch, every sound in his memory. His eyes water when he comes to the dreadful realization it must have been horrible being with him. He forced his wretched looks onto an unwilling witness.
He gulps as he sniffles and wipes his face in frustration. He feels like walking into the forest, never to be seen again, but then he steps out to the garden and hears small barking sounds. He looks at the three pups, playing with the boys, who should have been training, and feels his heart twist.
He finds himself imagining what the scene would've been like if Daisy was here... if his pretty squirrel-- he shuts the thought away.
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I knock on Sandor's office door and enter when he tells me to come in.
He looks up, does a double take, then immediately stops doing whatever it was he was doing. He clears his throat, "Lady Clegane."
His words pierce through me. He's never called me that before. I close the door and walk towards him, "Lord husband. Good morrow to you. Where is Andrew?"
His shoulders tense, "he... should be here any minute."
I nod as I halt in front of his desk, "he has gotten good enough at reading and balancing coin, I hope?"
Sandor sighs, "yes."
I notice the crumbs on his beard, then I notice a plate on his desk. He must have broken fast here. I fidget with my fingers and wipe my chin, hoping he would get the message. He doesn't. I decide not to note on it and simply get to the point, "maester Yannick said your wounds have dried up, and that if you liked, you could go on your rounds again."
Sandor nods and straightens in his chair, "I think I'll start once I'm confident in the bloke balancing our coin."
I nod slowly and link my hands together, "alright," I shift in my spot and turn to the door.
I look back at him and feel my body burn under his scrutiny. I offer a smile, "that is all I wanted to say," I rub my hands together, "-wanted to check on you."
I gasp when he jumps out of his chair.
I clutch my chest and stare at him. He had an arm raised and reached out to me. It dawns on me he said something but it was too quick for me to catch.
I release a breath, "pardon?"
Sandor lowers his hand, rolls his shoulders back, and clears his throat, "I... I asked how you're doing."
It takes me a few moments to realize the meaning of his words. I shift and my spot and rub my chest. I feel my neck burn when he further clarifies his question.
"Yesterday, when we... bedded, I didn't hurt you, did I?"
I draw out a deep breath and smile softly, "you were... gentle with your touches."
Sandor is unsatisfied.
I aimlessly look around, "and, anyway, I am not as fragile as you think."
He purses his lips and tilts his head. He takes a moment before speaking, and when he does, he does so hesitantly, "I was afraid I made my pretty wife weep again."
I instinctively let out a laugh, but it was clearly unamused and pained. I feel like I was being scorched alive when I look at him looking at me. I shake my hands, suddenly in denial, "no, I was quite satisfied!"
Sandor's eyes widen a fraction.
Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. What am I saying?
He blinks twice and wipes his mouth. Finally his crumbs fall off. He mutters, "that's... good."
I release my final chuckle. He turns to his desk, fixes some things, then looks back to me. He looks like he means to smile but he doesn't, "I'm glad."
He slowly sits down afterwards.
I feel like I'm being weighed down by anchor.
That was it. That was the conversation.
Sandor is no longer looking at me. He shuffles the paper into a file and I slowly begin to feel the air around us thicken.
He sets the parchment down and darts his eyes to me. He purses his lips again and I catch the way his face twitches. He opens his mouth and slowly points to the door, "if that's all... I would not keep you."
I don't know why I laugh again, but I do. It's not even funny. I feel like being stabbed would have been better, more amusing at this point. I curtsy at him and shuffle backwards, "of course. I do not mean to keep you either."
Sandor feels sick. He clenches his fists and turns to his desk. He breathes in deeply, trying not to rile himself up any more than he already was. Gods knew he would use all his strength to keep this room locked.
I walk towards the door and turn the knob. I feel a wave of tears threatening to spill, and I slap my mouth when a squeak leaves me.
Sandor is immediately alerted. He looks up and pushes himself on the edge of the seat, "what?"
I turn to the ground and wipe my face. I take two seconds for myself then turn to him. I cover up with a chuckle, "I said... y-your beard."
Sandor immediately rubs his beard.
I chuckle louder, trying to convince myself that I actually found it funny, "you have crumbs on your beard."
Sandor looks at me like I grew another head.
I laugh enough that I actually start laughing at myself.
When I stop, the silence is loud.
Sandor clears his throat and cautiously asks, "you find that funny?"
My stomach drops when I see the red tinge of his ears. I walk up to his side and shake my head, "wait, no- I- I didn't mean it like that."
Sandor shakes his head and offers me a quick and small smile, "it's fine. I just wasn't expecting that from you," he looks back to his desk, "anyway, I'm used to it."
I feel like my entrails were being grinded.
A line forms in his brows, "I don't think I've ever heard you laugh before."
"I wasn't laughing at you!" I whimper under my breath. The air in my lungs begin to catch in my throat as I exhale, "I was just- I ju-"
Sandor turns to me, face slipping when he catches my teary eyes.
He stands and takes my shoulders.
I blink my tears away and smile in an attempt to calm myself. I am glad I do not shed a tear. I speak through a loud breath, "I'm just nervous when I'm around you!"
Sandor immediately releases me. He sighs through his nostrils, "scared, you mean."
I shake my head and take his shoulders, "nervous."
The Hound seizes up like there was a knife to his neck. I take a moment to look at him and pull back.
I cannot deny it hurt when he immediately steps away from me.
I really should have left at this point, but my mouth had a mind of its own. I furrow my brows and give him an earnest look, "I can trim your beard for you."
He steps back one last time, then looks at me as if I now had three heads.
I realize my mistake, "if-if you want me to. I'm not saying you should, I'm just offering to-"
"You want to do that for me?"
I turn to stone. I look around nervously, "mmm... o-only if you'd have it... ... my lord."
Sandor's face twitches. He sighs and slumps forward. He furrows his brows, "you'd be staring at my face the whole time."
I watch him as he rummages through his things.
My stomach rolls again and I step back, "ah... I see."
Sandor stops to look at me.
"If you do not feel comfortable, I will not..."
My words run dry when he pulls out shears. I watch him as he straightens up. He grips the tool in his hand, "it's you I'm worried about."
I look up at him, not knowing what to say.
"I don't mean to scare yo-"
"I'm not scared of you," I mutter.
Sandor stares at me. After a moment, he slowly takes my hand and hands me the shears, "maybe you should be."
My chest pounds at fleeting touch.
I cut his beard in the garden, as I didn't want to make a mess in his office.
He sits on the bench there.
The breeze blows at both our hair.
"You needn't touch me so gently, girl," he says, "it will take a lot of you to hurt me."
I do not change the manner in which I touch his cheek. I can feel Sandor looking at me, but I do not avert my attention away from his beard, "just because you do not hurt easily doesn't mean I cannot be gentle with you, Hound."
The Hound reaches out to my thighs when my foot rolls on a rock. I barely even fidget, but, still, he holds me in place to keep me from a potential fall. He does not release me. I gulp when I feel his thumb rub my skirt.
"You can hurt me if you like," he says.
I pull back and furrow my brows, "would you like that?"
He grinds his lower lip in his teeth. He debates for a moment and I decide to snip his mustache. I shush him when he tries to speak. He purses his lips tightly.
A moment passes with just the sound of cutting.
"I wouldn't want to cut your lips off," I shift in front of him, still ever so aware of his touch of my thighs, "you still need them to kiss."
I pull away to check if his mustache was straight. I notice his expression, dumbfounded, and continue snipping. I sigh, "that was a jest."
I pull away and again and move to the other side. Sandor still keeps his hands on me. He looks at me as I gently move his head.
I add, "I'm quite funny actually."
He chuckles lowly.
It makes my heart flutter.
He smiles, "oh, I don't doubt it, little girl."
I flatten my lips into a line, unsure if he was serious or not. I trim the hair by his jaw.
"You must like kissing then."
I freeze in my spot. I stop what I was doing, then continue, "what do you mean?"
He pulls his hands away. I watch him link them together and rest them on his lap. He shrugs, "you thought of kissing."
"Do you like kissing?"
I place a hand on my hip. He turns to me and shrugs again, "s'fine."
I furrow my brows and mimic his shrug, "well, you've never kissed me, so I wouldn't really know, would I?"
"You've never kissed a man before?"
"No," I impatiently respond, "I've kissed you, but you did not kiss me back," I take a few last cuts off his beard, "on our wedding day, remember?"
I see Sandor's look of disbelief when I finish and brush him off. Specks of hair fly off with the wind.
"You never kissed a little lord in secret as a little girl?"
"Only a big lord," I make a face, "as according to you I still am a little girl."
He stands from where he sat and peers down at me.
I purse my lips and cross my arms. I shrug, "point taken."
His brown eyes glimmer with confusion. I find myself raising my brows. Just as he is about to speak-
We turn to the three young men walking over to us. I recognize them as Sandor's training apprentices. They push each other as I turn and smile at them.
"Good morn', lady!" Harry says, bowing exaggeratedly at me, "your dress is very rambunctious."
I furrow my brows at his words and find myself chuckling, "uhhh, thank you?"
Sandor raises his brows and curls his lips.
Daniel slaps Harry behind the head, "YOU MUG, D'YA KNOW WHAT YOU SAID, EVEN?"
Harry hisses and shoves Daniel, "DON'T HIT ME!"
Daniel gets shoved again when he incidentally elbows Richard, "OI, WATCH IT!"
The boys begin to quarrel. 
I step back before they can accidentally hit me, in turn, knocking my back into Sandor's.
"Enough!" the Hound barks, making the three brothers, or at least they acted like that, stop and turn to him.
My eyes widen at the sound of the Hound telling the boys off. I watch each of them tense as their Lord Clegane goes on a whole speech about biting off more than they can chew, and that, "if you lot want to act all tough around me, know I'll knock all three of your egg-heads with my hands tied."
I turn to the Hound, "Sandor."
He lets out a deep breath then eyes the three before him, "fuck off."
The boys immediately scram.
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I bend over and grip my hips as I catch my breath. Lucy laughs at me as she beckons the puppies over with a stick. They come running over then she throws the stick for them to chase.
I huff, "these pups will be the death of me."
Lucy snorts, "and here I thought you wanted children."
I glare at her as the three small dark furred creatures begin to chase her around the garden as she runs. I call out in offence, "I do!"
Lucy runs over to me, "well, don't you know babes are far worse that this!" 
She giggles when she grabs my shoulders and uses me as a shield for the dogs. Though I was still winded, I laugh with her as the puppies prance around me. I grab Lucy's arm and begin to wrangle with her, "at least my babes will learn to speak. These pups know no sense!"
Lucy pushes me forward, encouraging me, "no, no, go on, s'your time to run, milady!"
I whine, "I really can't, Lucy."
"Oh, come on, lovie, you used to be full of energy! You're actin' as old as maester Yannick."
I hold back a laugh and shoot Lucy a look.
She shoots one back, "what? Did I lie?"
Lucy and I stop and turn to whom spoke. Sandor looks at us the way he always did, scrutinizing and serious.
I straighten up and nod in regard, "my lord."
Sandor sighs and looks away with annoyance. Wind blows his hair, adding effect to his expression. He looks down when the puppies begin to run towards him. They stand on their hind legs, pant, and bark. I swear I saw his exterior break into fondness.
But then he looks at me and it's all gone, "this came for you." He holds out a letter to me between his fingers, "I don't recognize the house sigil."
I walk up to him, smoothening my skirt out, then take the letter. I look at the wax seal for only a second then open the letter.
Sandor watches me raise my brows. He chuckles.
Lucy watches Sandor smile softly before purposefully frowning.
I look up at my husband, "it's from house Alistair."
Sandor's face scrunches up, "never heard of it."
I huff and delay my response to stop the puppies from chewing at the Hound's trousers. Sandor watches as I do this and gently shakes the puppies away. He takes my arm, preventing me from bending down, "I don't mind. They're just pups."
I give him a look, "if I don't stop them now when they're tiny, nothing will stop them when they're big."
Sandor watches as I sternly tell off the puppies and shoo them away. He chuckles at it, but then freezes when Lucy chuckles as well. The two make eye contact. Sandor doesn't have time to react.
He turns to me, face contorting, "what?"
The puppies run off and Lucy runs along with them. I continue to explain, "Cedric is from House Alistair. You know, the lord that gave us a place to stay. You called him pretty bo-"
"I remember the fucker," he snaps.
I tense.
The Hound's nostrils flare, "what does he want?"
Suddenly, the letter in my hand feels heavy. I shrug, "he's invited us to his nameday celebration."
Sandor scoffs, "you mean he's invited you."
I release a frustrated huff when he begins to walk away. I follow after him and open the letter. I clear my throat and read aloud, "Fair greetings to Brown Wood, the home of House Clegane. May this letter find you in good spirits and health."
Sandor rolls his eyes as he walks back inside. He makes no haste, but I do, in order to keep up with him. I continue, "Seven days from now, I, Cedric Alistair, will be celebrating my--"
"I don't fucking care, little girl," he stops in his tracks and turns to me.
I nearly collide with him, but I gladly don't. I purse my lips and continue anyway, skipping to the part that holds my point, "if the Lord and Lady Clegane be so courteous in taking time out of their day to attend my feast, I would gladly-"
"Do you want to go, squirrel?"
I look up at him, blinking at the sight of his stern expression. I have to say, the omission of the word pretty for his petname made it feel... wrong. I clutch the letter by my belly, "he hosted us, me, Lucy... Daisy, even you, when we had nowhere to go. I think it only proper to attend his nameday to show appreciation and respect."
Sandor's eye twitches. He looks away and sighs.
I chew my lower lip, "he was kind to us, Sandor. I only mean to-"
"Fine," he cuts me off, "but if he touches you," he walks off, "I'm going to kill him."
His statement make my stomach churn. I cannot for the life of me understand what the intent of his words are. I chase after him again, "what if he asks me to dance with him?"
Sandor chuckles dryly, "a fine reason to chop him up."
He stops when I grab his arm. He looks at my hand on his bicep then gives me a look as I say, "you cannot kill him."
Sandor places his hand atop mine, "then don't fucking dance with him."
He squeezes my hand but it is not rough at all. It's gentle and extremely warm. He doesn't even try to pry my grip off, in fact, it's like he was tightening it on hm. My lips part and my body begins to burn.
I then realize when he was close enough for me to feel his breathing that he had been leaning in. I catch the way his eyes dart down to my mouth. I find myself slowly pressing my lips together.
I close my eyes when Sandor comes close to my cheek. I swear I felt my heart leap into my mouth when he pressed his face against mine.
He draws in a deep breath then sighs, "have you ever seen a hound share?"
The silence between us is deafening.
"Hmm?" he hums.
I open my mouth but nothing but mindless sounds leave me.
"I don't even think your pups do that."
My breath catches in my throat when he I feel his beard and his lips press gently against the crook of my neck.
Then the next moment, he releases me and pulls away like nothing happened.
We stare at each other for the longest second of my life. I feel like I'm on fire. What's worse is that I don't think he realizes just how affected I am, or actually... maybe it was good he couldn't tell I was dying inside.
"Still," he nods, "a dog is a dog and I will do as my master commands."
I feel light headed when he walks away.
I clutch my belly and walk to the nearest surface for support. I rub my neck, wondering if that really just happened.
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cal-flakes · 11 months
dealer!rafe bringing barry and other important ppl in the business home, and then they all find reader in her underwear dancing around the kitchen w a joint (the music was so loud she didn’t hear them come in)
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╰┈➤ prying eyes (blurb)
warnings: drug use, mentions of a gun, swearing.
summary: y/n gets caught in an awkward situation.
“california..knows how to party!” she sang, shimmying around the kitchen island with nothing but a pair of pink panties and a white t-shirt covering her. her feet danced around next to their dog, milo, who tilted his head at her.
blowing out a cloud of smoke, she quickly tapped the ash from her joint into the ashtray, swaying her hips to the music to the 90’s beat as she did.
she chuckled at the concerned look on milo’s face before kneeling in front of him, grabbing one of his paws to mimick her dancing. “let me welcome everybody to the wild-wild west..” she rapped, giggling as the bulldogs tail wagged.
this went on for a while as she let her playlist play through, dancing and smoking around the kitchen. she was pretty high, but she gained a much higher tolerance for it having been around rafe for so long, he was a terrible influence.
y/n jumped up in excitement as miami started playing through the built in sound system, specially fitted for her and her love of music. “party in the city where the heat is on, all night on the beach till the break of dawn” she sang, waving her arms to the beat.
she didn’t even notice milo running out of the room, tail wagging furiously. sparking the freshly rolled joint, she inhaled deeply, bopping her head to the music as her hips swung.
the volume in the kitchen was so loud, she failed to hear the multiple voices nearing her.
rafe continued explaining to barry and some others what he had done with the cross, walking them through the process of melting it down. fully immersed in the conversation, his reaction to the other boys’ jaw’s dropping was slightly delayed.
“so now we’re gonna- what?” he spoke, his head turning in the same direction, he too was utterly surprised to find his girlfriend jumping around the kitchen, completely oblivious to the four boys stood in the doorway.
he quickly noticed her lack of pants as she scanned her small frame, suddenly pulling his gun from his waistband, pointing it in their direction. “close your fucking eyes and turn around!” he snapped, watching as the two unfamiliar boys cowered, yet barry chuckled, simply turning away from the kitchen.
lowering the weapon, he pulled his phone out to override the sound system, cutting the music off.
“what the- oh fuck!” she shrieked, moving behind the island, covering her lower half from any prying eyes. her cheeks flushed as rafe’s furious stare caught her eyes. “hey, you didn’t tell me! this isn’t my fault!” she pled, pointing accusingly in his direction.
“upstairs y/n. take milo too” he said, venom lingering on his tongue. nodding frantically, she began ushering milo through the house while rafe quickly diverted the trio of men in the opposite direction, ensuring they wouldn’t catch a glimpse of anything.
she scurried up the stairs, phone in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. sighing, she pushes open their shared bedroom door, launching herself onto the bed.
she chuckled as milo whined beside her, laying his heavy head on her stomach. “we’re in trouble miles..” she groaned, stroking the soft fur between his eyebrows.
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brainddeadd · 1 month
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fluff - jk has some thoughts towards the end, but it's not too explicit
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Jungkook feels absolutely ridiculous. Because his heart is beating so hard and fast in his chest he think it might burst out like a cartoon. And he's pretty sure you can hear it from the other-side of the room.
And he feels stupid, watching you laugh with Taehyung and Jimin, your head falling back and your mouth falling open, your eyes crinkling, and he swears he can hear it over the thumping music.
He feels like a fool for wanting to rip Jimin's hand off you, where he's steadying himself from the force of his full body laugh.
Jungkook jumps when someone touches his shoulder, and swings around to see who it is, some of his drink - water because he's driving you home and he'll be damned if something happens to you on his watch - spills over his hand.
"Woah, chill man." Namjoon raises his hands in defence and Yoongi quirks an eyebrow at Jungkook.
"What's wrong man?" Namjoon is clueless, but Yoongi just shakes his head.
"Nothing, was just thinking." Jungkook's eyes wander back to you and Yoongi sighs like he's in pain.
Namjoon shrugs and scurries over to Hobi, who's holding out a drink for the man to take.
"When are you going to tell her?" Jungkook has to strain his ears to hear Yoongi over the music, but when he does, his eyes widen and he stares at his Hyung in shock.
"Don’t insult me," Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I see the way you look at her, and I hear the way your breathing changes when she walks into the room."
After that, Yoongi walks away, leaving Jungkook standing there in shock.
Jungkook turns back to you and is surprised to find you in front of him, eyes glazed over and a smile on your face.
"Take me home Cookie." You're slurring your words and you absolutely don’t mean it like that - you do, but he doesn't know that - and he covers his blush by pulling you to him and ruffling your hair.
You don't bother saying 'bye' to anyone on your way out, just a quick wave at anyone you happen to see as you rush out the door.
Jungkook keeps his arm around your shoulder to keep you steady as you babble on about a story Taehyung told you, one Jungkook was present for, but he lets you, because you're laughing and he loves your laugh.
Jungkook eventually gets you to the entrance of your apartment building, grateful that you live on the same floor as him.
He lets you fall into him as he presses the number for your floor on the elevator. Your cheek presses against his chest, and you wrap your arms around his torso, shifting your face slightly to get comfortable.
"Warm." You hum into his chest and he pulls you closer by the shoulders, accepting that you're going to feel his heart beating crazily in his chest.
"Cookie-" Whatever you were going to say is cut off by the elevator door opening, and Jungkook ushers you out of the small space.
He walks you over to your apartment door, number 7 on the floor, and pulls your keys out of your bag hanging from his shoulder. He pushes your door open and guides you inside, dropping down to pull your heels off your feet.
"Go get changed." Jungkook points to your room, before heading to the kitchen to get you some water and pain-meds for in the morning. He slowly makes his way to your room and knocks on the door, only entering when he hears and affirmative hum.
"Cookieeeee," you're wearing his shirt, God help him.
"Get into bed, Y/n." He says and places the water and meds down on the night-stand. "I'll see you in the morning."
He goes to leave, but you grab his hand and peer up at him in through the darkness.
"I love you, Cookie."
His face flushes red and he stutters out a weak 'I love you, too' before he all but runs out of the room.
So yes, Jungkook feels ridiculous. Because it's just you. But his heart is still beating harshly when he gets to his apartment and he slides down the inside of his front door.
He wishes he could just kiss your cheek and hide his face in your neck and he wants to hear the way your breath changes- No. Nope. Nopitty nope. Not going there.
Because if Jungkook starts thinking about that, he'll never stop. And he'd never be able to look you in the eyes again. Not after fucking his fist to the thought of your tits bouncing as you-
No, thank you.
He's good.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
if got an idea for a blurb/fic from those new training pics and it’s for boyfriend lessi. reader keeps getting distracted by lessis arms during the training session and alessia catches on and every now and tenses them and after training less teases reader about it 🤭🫣
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big flexer II a.russo
"-so then she makes you think that betty is just about these three random teenagers caught up in a love triangle. but really there is this entire theory that-" you completely zoned out of what viv was saying to you, eyes locked in on your girlfriend who'd finally arrived for training.
having gone for a bike ride with lotte beforehand you'd spent the morning away from one another, alessia having left not long before you even awoke for the day. so you of course hadn't seen her get ready and had no clue she'd chose to wear that.
that being the training vest, a tank top something alessia seldom chose to wear when she trained. in fact you could generally count on one hand how little she'd not opted for a tee or a long sleeve.
you knew she'd had insecurities about her arms in the past but you also knew she'd put an emphasis on building up her strength this year, determined to overcome her previous worries.
and jesus christ could you see the results.
"hey! are you even listening to me?" viv snapped her fingers as you ripped your eyes away from oggling at the taller blonde who caught your pining stare just moments beforehand, turning back to her conversation with katie with a small smirk.
last night you may or may not have wound her up by cutting her off right as your make out started to lead toward something more. abandoning the blonde high, dry, hot and bothered as you scurried off to your own room, leaving her with an ache in between her legs and the bitter taste of her longing for you in her mouth.
so when alessia noticed your obvious wandering eyes of surprise and knowing exactly what you were so clearly fixed on, she was more than ready to use them to her advantage.
"you're looking good out there babe." you looked up as your girlfriend now stood before you with her water bottle, your jaw almost hitting the floor as she raised it to her mouth, flexing her bicep as she did so.
"god i'm tired." alessia groaned, stretching her arms above her head and again tensing, the obvious muscles in her upper arms rippling. "you alright?" she smiled innocently, dropping them to her sides and looking down where you were sat on the ground.
"uh huh." you stammered out, wrenching your eyes away and glancing off in the other direction as the blondes smile widened. you were saved by the training staff and jonas calling for you all to return now your water break was over.
that was until alessia offered you a hand up, veins popping out of her sun kissed skin as she hauled you to your feet, an effortless task for the taller girl but she made sure to try harder than needed knowing exactly where your eyes would wander to.
"sure you're alright love?" the blonde smirked, tugging your body into hers as you nodded wordlessly, hurrying away from her, the thoughts of what you'd rather she be doing to you with those arms banished from your mind as you tried to zone in on training again.
though it seemed fate had it in for you as you and alessia were assigned to mark one another in the 7 on 7 game you were doing for your wind down. taking your position in front of her you tensed as her large hands grabbed at your hips.
"if i knew you liked the vest so much princess i'd have worn it sooner." the blonde whispered in your ear, pressing her body into yours as you pushed her away and play resumed.
"now be a good girl and let me score baby." she'd riled you up further just a few minutes later once again pressed in and marking you, hands slipping under your top before you'd shoved her harshly away, your face glowing bright red and not from the running.
"if you're lucky i might even throw you around later after we win." the blondes lips kissed sneakily behind your ear as she pressed into you for a corner, you elbowing her off with a grunt as her hands continued to shamelessly roam your body.
and unfortunately as hard as you tried to keep the thoughts and fixations on your girlfriends insanely toned arms banished, the combination of them plus her abs as she routinely hiked up her vest to wipe the sweat off her face, made you a goner.
you missed three easy goals, tripped over your own feet twice and accidentally slide tackled stina who was on your own team, the mistakes not going unnoticed by the coaching staff and your girlfriend as your team lost 4-2.
mistakes which earned you a concerned talking to as training was called to a finish, pulled aside and nodding in embarrassment at your performance review, assuring you were just having an off day and promising you'd do better.
"not your best performance today babe." an arm fell across your shoulders as alessia pulled you into her side, walking the two of you back toward the training centre for lunch as you shoved her off.
"now come on, don't be a sore loser." alessia tutted, appearing suddenly in front of you, your body barreling into hers as she puffed out her chest with a cocky grin. "it's so hot today." alessia sighed, her hands gripping the back of her neck as she stretched, veins once again throbbing out of her jacked biceps.
"i know what you're doing." you swallowed your want for her, remembering the embarrassment of the talking to you'd gotten that was her fault and pushing past her with scowl and a huff.
"who, me?" alessia smiled innocently with a small gasp as she caught up to you. "don't alessia, it's not cute." you warned seriously, only making her chuckle. "i love you." the striker sung out, placing a sloppy kiss to your cheek which you wiped off with a grimace.
her hand coming to rest on the small of your back she guided you into the cafeteria, the small action of dominance making your stomach flutter.
lunch passed without much more drama, alessia busied in tactical conversations with katie and lia, too pre-occupied to keep up her teasing as viv cornered you to continue on her taylor swift tangent from earlier today.
"oh fuck me." you mumbled to yourself as you all entered the gym after lunch and the staff announced today you'd all be focusing on weights, not missing the smirk sent your way by the tall cocky blonde across the room.
your girlfriend partnered with jen as her spotter while you were partnered with steph, you prayed that it meant your paths wouldn't cross much and you could get out of this afternoon unscathed.
though folding her arms over her chest when not hitting the weights herself alessia made sure to flex her muscles every time she noticed your eyes glance her way, jen eventually catching onto what was happening with a chuckle and a small shake of her head, noting it as something to rib you about at another time.
and look as hard as you possibly tried to ignore her, you were only human, and a needy one at that.
your gaze continued to drift alessia's way all afternoon, almost drooling at the way the ridges forming along her muscles somehow became even more tantalizing to look at as she upped the weight she was benching, jen cheering her on for a pb as your eyes widened.
"oh to be young and in loove." you were grounded back to reality as steph teased you, sat on the bench and grinning up at you. "shut up steffy, i've seen your heart eyes around dean for long enough." you quipped back, the defender shoving your head playfully to the side as the two of you swapped.
your arms aching with the strain of what was a rather grueling weights session, training was called to a finish and everyone began to group up and make their way out of the gym, viv calling out she was making everyone watch miss americana for movie night and attendance was mandatory.
grabbing your water bottle and finishing up your conversation with steph you waved her off and wandered over to your girlfriend who was straddling the bench, finishing up her own conversation with one of the training staff who patted her shoulder clearly affirming she'd done well before he left to chase after jen.
"enjoy the show baby?" the blonde noticed you nearing and smirked, widening her manspread legs as she leant backwards on her hands. flexing her arms with a small wiggle of her eyebrows, blonde hair tied back into a low bun as a few loose strands clung to her flushed face, upper brow beaded with sweat.
"new pb on the bench press, no big deal." the taller girl shrugged cockily, her own eyes dropping to trace your toned thighs that were on display where you'd rolled your shorts up.
"mm so i heard. but hey you know love...you look a little hot." alessia's fantasizing over your quads was rudely interrupted as you dumped your water bottle over her head, grinning as the blonde shot to her feet, spluttering and wiping the water from her face.
"oh you are so dead."
you took off running as alessia sprinted after you, your laugh echoing around as you burst through the gym doors and onto the pitch, startling viv and lotte who were doing a some extra shooting while the staff packed everything up.
"i was just trying to cool you off!" you yelled out teasingly, alessia huffing in frustration as she struggled to catch up to you, though as you glanced at her over your shoulder you missed a small stack of cones and stumbled.
the small missed step was all it took for your girlfriend to clear the widening gap between the two of you, hands grabbing you and tossing your smaller form effortlessly over her shoulder as you squealed.
"lessi put me down!" you demanded with a giggle as the italian marched the two of you back across the pitch, ignoring the teasing whistles sent your way from her best friend. "ow!" you laughed as her hand came up to smack at your behind.
with much whinging the blonde eventually dropped you to your feet as you both crossed the threshhold of the gym which was now empty. the running around in the summer heat had all but dried your girlfriends once damp hair, though you gasped a little as her arms wrapped around your waist, tugging you around a corner.
"hi." you smiled softly as the blondes biceps appeared either side of your head effectively trapping you, hands pressed flush against the wall as she lent in, lips teasingly ghosting yours.
though you pouted as you tried to connect them and she ducked away slightly. "you're welcome." the blonde stated simply and you frowned a little in confusion at her words. "for what, exactly?"
"free admission to the gun show." alessia smirked, pushing herself off the wall as she flexed her biceps in an array of positions, going so far as to kiss either one as you scoffed in disbelief.
"your turn baby." your girlfriend demanded cockily, flexing her arm and offering it toward you as you laughed sarcastically and shoved her away.
"go on and give em a little kiss tesoro, you know you want tooo!" the blonde teased pressing her hips into yours, pinning your body to the wall behind you as she continued to shove her toned and muscled arms in your face.
"oh would you grow up!" you rolled your eyes and bit back a smile, pushing at her chest. "you love it." alessia smirked, catching you off guard as she pressed her mouth to yours. tongue swiping at your bottom lip before her teeth nipped at it, the sight hitch in your breath all she needed to quickly take control of the kiss.
her hands grabbed at your hips as yours gripped her forearms, squeezing her biceps tightly and causing the blonde to let out a small moan in your mouth as you did so.
alessia suddenly pulled away, hand interlocking with yours as she pulled you off the wall almost dragging you out of the gym and away toward her room room in the other building, not uttering a word until she'd all but kicked the door shut, wasting no time slamming you against it.
"you just bought yourself a ticket to the private show, pretty girl."
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circe69 · 1 year
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taking a break from requests for a moment… need to make sure my brain still works 😵‍💫 you guys have been the sweetest to me lately and i do not deserve it!💕
tw/tags: very fluffy, strong tension, touching, sweet!ghost, you help put black paint around ghosts eyes.
꧁ ꧂ part 2 here!
you scurried your way down the dark hallway, trying to professionally remain calm but also escape from the ghosts and/or monsters that could potentially be chasing you. ghosts door was right as the end of the hall, all you had to do was make it there.
the door swung open before you even step within 10 feet of it, and you felt yourself take a few steps backwards as a result of how fast you halted.
your lieutenants masked face was the only thing you could see peeking out the door. “a pack of deaf dogs could hear ya coming from miles away,” he remarked, trying not to pay attention to your chest rising and falling as you placed a hand on it to quiet your heartbeat.
“it’s just” you took a minute to catch your breath, “so dark in here. it’s terrifying.”
his blank stare wasn’t as scary as it was attractive for you, but you could see the sarcasm just brewing. “you chose this job, and you’re afraid of hallways?” ghost stepped out of his door slightly, leaning against it with one shoulder and crossing his arms across his chest.
you rolled your eyes and placed two fingers on the bridge of your nose; not only at his comment, but at his stance. always asserting dominance, as if he needs to. the man could breath and people would run away in fear. he unfortunately loves it, lives for scaring people. but something about your presence made his exterior more calm, and somehow hilarious as he tries his best to flirt.
“yeah well, i was just coming to wish you good luck on your next mission. your heading back home, aren’t you? the ol’ manchester?” you tried to joke around, imitating a poorly constructed british accent, but it only made ghosts eyes close shut out of embarrassment.
once his eyes opened a few seconds later, they met yours. like truly met yours. his were deep brown, almost black crashing against the perfect white surrounding them. after a few seconds more of strange tension that only seemed to be building by the minute, he nodded his head towards inside your room.
“since you’re here,there’s something you could help me with, i suppose.” without another thought, you followed him inside his living quarters. as gruff and disorganized as the man seemed, his room was pristine; kept in almost perfect condition. a few pictures and souvenirs that i’m sure he’d argue “everyone else was getting one, so i had to” but the truth was, he loved collecting things. from seashells to postcards, he wanted them all. you wanted to ask about all his trinkets, but before you could, you were distracted by ghosts loud footsteps and the shedding of his outer layer.
he took off his vest and jacket, leaving only a black tee and his camouflage pants, and the sight made you almost anxious. seeing your lieutenant get comfortable? it was as unsettling as it was exciting for you, and the sight of his bare and inked forearms was enough to make you insane.
ghost walked over to his sink and mirror, and pulled the first drawer open. after digging through it and incidentally dropping a few things on his carpet, he grabbed a tube of black face paint and held it out to you.
“i need to put it around my eyes,” he said while pointing at his face, “for y’know, the mission.”
you smiled at his awkward but genuine words. it meant you were finally getting through to him, and that maybe all those times you tried to start conversations only for him to seem uninterested, maybe they were working.
“sure. sit down somewhere, you’re too tall.” you said, taking the tube of paint and following him to where he sat on a small couch.
it wasn’t until now that you realized what was about to happen. in order for you to put face-paint on ghost, he would have to take his mask off. therefore, you’d get to see what he looked like! therefore, he’d probably kill you if you ever told anyone or brought this up ever again.
you paused to look at him for a moment, "are you really gonna let me see you?"
he looked back up at you, eyebrows shooting up at your question. it conveyed that he didn't realize what he had to do either. no one had seen his face in years, he barely ever saw it himself. but regardless, ghost nodded and slowly slid off his mask after taking a long deep breath, showing his face in its entirety.
you shuddered out a breath before swallowing it, you hadn't thought you'd ever have the chance to see his face, but all of it made perfect sense. his features aligned with another as if he was painted, or sculpted from clay. you had to control yourself not to run along the lines of his thick cheekbones and strong jaw.
squeezing out a bit of blank paint, you took it between your fingers and hesitantly started going over his eyes. they closed once your fingers made contact with his face, and an involuntary sigh of pleasure escaped his mouth. after years, you were all he could think about. he almost hated himself for it; there hadn't been a single person or thing that distracted him from his work as much as you did. but as time passed, all he wanted was for you to touch him and not be afraid like everyone else was.
you carefully smeared the staining liquid along his upper face, being sure not to get it too close to his eyes. he couldn't remember the last time someone was this gentle with him, but he wouldn't have expected anything else coming from you.
once you finished, you took a minute to just gaze at him. eyes closed peacefully, as if he had never known fear or danger, as if you were the safest person he could think of. he'd never admit it, but he would run to you from danger in a heartbeat out of pure selfishness and admiration, and you'd do the same for him.
you tapped him on his thigh to signal you were done, with the paint as well as the staring. you tried to memorize every part of him, every inch that was covered in freckles or scars that he probably hated but that you loved.
his eyes slowly opened, finding yours immediately. "thanks," he said in a quiet tone, trying to break eye contact but just not being able to. there's no where he'd rather be right now, and the fact is, that he planned the whole thing. you running down the hallway, you wishing him farewell, he knew you'd do it so he prepared, knowing very well this could be the last time he ever got to see you.
"y/n, i need to tell you something." ghost said as you stood from your spot on the coffee table across from him, wiping the paint off on your jeans. the question caused you to pause and slowly sit back down, "yeah, what's up?"
he cleared his throat a few times before carrying on, “i think-”
all the sudden, his door was banged on before captain price entered.
“ghost. get your things, we’re leaving early.”
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candycandy00 · 7 months
hello! i just came by one of your post, and checked your profile for more. could you do a rape scenario for sukuna? it can be short, or long, anyway you prefer, no pressure <3
Smut. 18+. Rape/Noncon! This is a very brutal little fanfic! Do not read if things like this bother you! Contains blood/torture/humiliation/double penetration. All the bad things! This turned out way longer than I planned but I got kinda into it lol. Goes harder than I intended too but let’s face it: being raped by Sukuna would be a very hard experience.
You were a powerful sorceress. That’s what everyone had told you since you were a young girl. Your power dwarfed that of every other person in your large village, and so you were treated as special, almost like a deity. You had your own group of guards, whom you cherished as dear friends, and you adored the villagers who showered you with gifts. 
So when the monster Ryomen Sukuna attacked your village, you didn’t even hesitate to step in and try your best to protect it. You were a bit naive, having been sheltered by the villagers, but you were not stupid. You had heard rumors about Sukuna, and so you were aware that you probably didn’t stand a chance against him. Still, if you could only keep him distracted long enough for some of the villagers to flee into the mountains, it would be worth trying to fight him. 
He was most likely after the cache of cursed weapons and items stored there, and would probably have little interest in chasing down the people scurrying like rats. You would offer the treasures to him, but he was already in the village, already slaughtering everyone who stepped into his path. He would listen to no offers, no negotiations. So you dismissed your guards, who only left when you commanded them to guard the children as they were evacuated, and then hurried to the village square to confront Sukuna.
When you saw him, your heart nearly stopped. He was far more terrifying than you had ever imagined. It wasn’t just the four arms and four eyes, the massive height, the muscular figure. It was the aura he emitted, the crushing pressure of his very presence. Every inch of your body was screaming for you to run, or to immediately drop into a bow and beg for your life. This man was a cruel and brutal beast. He would tear you apart if you displeased him in the slightest of ways. That’s what you felt when you looked at him. 
Even so, there was something awe-inspiring about him. You understood instantly how he had brought so many villages to heel and why people were drawn to him. There was a savage beauty to him that made your heart pound furiously. 
But despite all of this, you still had to fight him. Every second you could buy was another second for the villagers to escape. 
“If it’s the cursed tools you want, you can have them,” you shouted to him from several feet away.  “Spare the rest of the villagers, and you can take them all with no resistance!”
He looked at you then, his red eyes all four sweeping over you. “What resistance?” he asked with a laugh, sending invisible blades slicing through a woman who was running by you. Her blood splattered across your robe. 
As you suspected, trying to talk to him was pointless. Battle was the only language he understood at that moment. 
So you attacked him. The fight was brief, lasting less than half an hour and consisting mainly of you evading his slashes while failing to get a solid hit on him. You got the impression he could have ended the fight instantly but had chosen to toy with you first. In the end, his slashes ripped through you, shredding your robes as well as your flesh, leaving you a bloody mess on the ground. 
As your life faded, you saw him walking toward you, and to your great surprise, he used his Reverse Cursed Technique to heal you! Not enough to restore you completely, but enough to pull you out of the dying state. You were still covered in slash wounds, but they were closing up and no longer pouring blood. You struggled to get to your feet, realizing with embarrassment that your clothing had been completely destroyed, leaving you naked and totally vulnerable before this monster. You wrapped your wounded arms around yourself and looked at him questioningly, wondering why he spared you.  
You got your answer soon enough. 
He’d dragged you into the shrine, sat down on the raised dais, and pulled your bare, cut up body into his lap. You were too terrified, and too weak, to struggle. You’d used up all your cursed energy in your vain attempt to stall him, and you’d lost a lot of blood. It was still dripping down your body in small, slow trickles.  
When he reached down with one of his four hands and pulled his own robe open, you nearly screamed. Revealed to you were two gigantic cocks, one above the other. Both were standing tall and hard. Apparently the battle, brief and one-sided as it was, had aroused him. Or maybe it had been the sight of your naked, bloody flesh. Regardless, you understood what was happening, and your only comfort was that more of the villagers would have a chance to escape while Sukuna was violating you. 
Just then you heard a commotion at the shrine’s entrance, and the worst possible sight greeted you when you looked up. Your guards, the handsome and kind hearted young men who were charged with protecting you, had rushed in. The look of horror on their faces probably mirrored your own. You could only imagine what they were thinking, finding you in this state. 
They ran forward, intending to help you, but the first one was sliced to ribbons before he got even a foot closer. The rest of them paused, but clearly were prepared to run at Sukuna again, but Sukuna’s smooth voice stopped them. 
“Take another step, and I’ll slice her up the same way.”
They all froze, their infuriated eyes watching Sukuna’s hands jerk your arms behind your back while the other two moved over your body. 
“Kneel,” he told them, and they quickly dropped to their knees. Sukuna grinned. “All of you watch.”
You turned your face to look at him. “Please, no! Just let them go! I won’t struggle!”
His haunting red eyes met yours as a wicked smile spread over his face. “I want you to struggle,” he said, and his two free hands yanked your legs apart, exposing you to your guards. 
To a man, they all looked away, but then you felt a painful slash across your shoulder. Blood spurted as you cried out, and the guards looked back up. Sukuna didn’t even have to speak the threat for your guards to understand. 
Sukuna shifted his hands so that only one of them was holding your wrists behind your back. Only one was needed. Two of them were still holding your thighs wide apart, and the last one moved down between your legs, his fingers gliding across your slit. One finger slipped between the delicate flesh and found your most sensitive spot, stroking it with agonizing gentleness. You didn’t want to feel pleasure in this situation, from an evil, sadistic man who’d murdered many of your friends, and right in front of your poor guards who were forced to watch. But Sukuna’s fingers moved masterfully, rubbing in exactly the right way to send jolts of pleasure through your entire body. 
You quivered in his lap, trying to pull your hands free, trying to close your shaking legs, but it was no use. Your struggling and fighting only seemed to excite him. 
He pressed his mouth against your ear, and said in a low, sultry voice, “For a nobody in a backwater village like this, you’re pretty strong. But that’s alright. I enjoy breaking the strong ones.”
Suddenly you felt something wet and soft moving over your clit. You looked down in alarm to find a mouth in his palm, the lips open and a long tongue protruding from it, lapping at your spread open pussy. You cried out in surprise, and then in horror when you realized the pleasure was becoming too much for you. Sukuna was going to make you cum right here in front of your guards. 
You struggled again, jerking against his grip, but it only made him laugh loudly. 
“You should be thanking me,” he said. “If I don’t get you properly slicked up, my cocks are going to rip you apart.”
You whimpered in response, tears filling your eyes. You knew what was coming, but having him verbally confirm it broke your spirit. 
You’d been avoiding the eyes of your guards. You couldn’t bear to meet their gazes. But there was one you’d been particularly close to, and you couldn’t help seeking his face for some small bit of comfort. But when you looked at him, you found his face flushed pink as he watched you writhe about in Sukuna’s grasp. 
Sukuna chuckled in your ear. “Your guards are starting to enjoy the show.” The words cut you deeper than any of Sukuna’s slashes had. These men were your friends! Some were like brothers to you! 
Suddenly Sukuna’s hand-tongue plunged inside you while his fingers pinched your clit. You moaned despite yourself, your back arching against your will. You’d never felt anything like this, and with tears of shame and pain running down your face, you came on Sukuna’s hand. 
When it was finally over, and you were a trembling mess in Sukuna’s lap, you hung your head low and sobbed. You were so ashamed of yourself for feeling pleasure, for having an orgasm from the touch of this brutal conqueror. But your torment was only beginning. 
You felt Sukuna lift your whole body up, then position the tip of his absurdly huge upper cock at your entrance. Then without hesitation, he pulled you down, roughly and quickly, impaling you. 
A scream erupted from your mouth as you felt yourself stretching past your limits, your skin slightly tearing, warm blood trickling down your thighs. Sukuna was merciless, immediately beginning to move you up and down his length with two of his powerful hands, as if you were a toy to him. You cried, you struggled, but it only made his movements faster, harsher. He was enjoying your pain, laughing at your humiliation. 
Eventually, after an unknown amount of time passed during which you almost blacked out twice, you heard his voice again. “My lower cock is feeling neglected.”
You were half conscious, but you snapped to awareness when you felt his other tip pressing into you. His fingers had slid in beside his upper cock, and were stretching you even further open, to make room. You looked back at him in disbelief. “Y-you can’t! That would kill me!”
Again he put his warm mouth close to your ear as he said, “From the moment you attacked me, you’ve been living on borrowed time. At least use your pitiful death to please me.”
You glanced out at your guards, your addled mind somehow hoping they could save you. But they were all frozen, the ones that had looked slightly aroused earlier now looked horrified as they realized what Sukuna was doing. A few of them had tears in their eyes. 
“Please send them away,” you begged. “Don’t make them watch me die.”
“But that’s the best part!” he said, the grin on his face looking slightly unhinged. 
And then, the second cock shoved its way in. You gasped first, then screamed as he sheathed it completely inside you, ripping you open in the process. As he began moving you up and down, drilling into you, the pain was blinding, maddening. You wondered if this was what giving birth felt like. 
Two of his hands were on your waist, lifting you up and down, one was still holding your wrists behind you. The fourth hand touched your face, turning it to the side so that he could look at you, so he could watch the agony in your eyes. For a moment, he wore no expression at all. And then he dipped his head closer to yours and kissed your mouth. It was a bizarrely sensual kiss, a kiss for lovers. Gentle, slow, intimate. It confused you more than anything. 
He released your wrists, but you were too weak to do anything useful with them, so they dropped limply to your sides. The hand he’d been using to restrain you slid down, and again a mouth appeared in his palm, the tongue softly circling your clit. 
You wanted to scream again, to beg him to stop. Don’t make me feel pleasure while you’re killing me! you thought. But your tortured body sought out any relief it could find, any sensation that didn’t hurt. And Sukuna’s tongues, one in your mouth and one gliding wetly over your clit, did not hurt. In fact they were the only things that didn’t. 
So your body responded. Even as his twin cocks tore through you, even as you could hear blood dripping onto the floor, you moaned into Sukuna’s mouth. Reflexively, without your permission, one of your hands moved up to touch his face as he kissed you, sliding back and into his hair. You felt him smile against your mouth, his eyes shimmering with delight. 
You didn’t want this. You could think of very few things you could want less than being violently raped by Sukuna in front of your helpless guards. But the human body does all sorts of strange things to cope, to survive. So you came, moaning and crying at the same time, your body twitching in his hands, your guards looking on in horror. 
Eventually, Sukuna’s cocks shot out massive loads of cum, first the upper one and then the lower one, completely filling you. Afterwards, he pushed you off his lap, and you landed unceremoniously in a heap on the floor, blood and cum pouring out of you. 
You were certain you were dying, and within seconds you passed out right there on the floor of the shrine. 
When you awoke, Sukuna had taken all the cursed tools your village had been guarding and left. You heard from one of your guards, who refused to look you in the eye, that Sukuna had healed you almost completely before leaving. You had no idea why. 
You also found out the majority of the villagers had made it safely into the mountains, and were now being escorted back by the guards. So even though you had gone through hell and back, you would still do it again. Your suffering saved a lot of lives, and you could live with that. 
Sometimes you wondered why Sukuna spared you, and even went so far as to heal you. Maybe it was just a whim. Or maybe he thought he might return someday to terrorize you again. Either way, you had survived. Your village had survived. 
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dilfsfordinner · 1 year
Levi never had a problem with being alone with his baby, he actually enjoyed it. Sure, some sticky situations made him frustrated, but he really did love watching over the toddler, even if that meant multi-tasking.
You’d gone to the nearest market to pick up some much needed supplies (diaper cloth, soap, any baby item you could think of, etc. etc.), leaving your husband to a very rowdy child. “Don’t run in the house,” he voiced over his shoulder, the sound of your daughter’s feet stamping the ground behind him filling his ears, his hands too occupied chopping up vegetables for dinner to grab the little demon.
Although she was only a month over two, she was the most energetic being in the household. Learning to walk was one thing, but once she learned that her little legs were capable of going even faster, she found it her duty to do it everywhere. The nursery before bedtime; the dining room during lunch; the bathroom before a bath; and now, in the kitchen, before dinner.
A blow was dealt to the back of his leg, right to his calf, a slew of giggles flowing from her mouth as he turned to look down, a very joyous monster flushed from the face down smiling up at him. “You’re it, daddy!” she squealed, feet scurrying off to run in circles around the kitchen island, toes elaborately avoiding every forgotten toy strewn across the floor.
“Y/d/n-,” Levi warned, voice stern and eyebrows raising, “You’re going to get hurt.” As if she was just plain ignoring him, the words didn’t affect her, little feet continuing their journey around the kitchen, Levi sighing as he returned to his chopping, the water on the stove soon coming to a boil.
Just as he was about to pour the veggies into the rolling broth, a thump resounded throughout the room, silence following. Whipping around, Levi found his daughter face-first on the hard ground, face lifting up to look at him, mouth parting in a cry that rivaled that of a banshee.
Striding toward her sobbing form, his fingers hitched under her armpits, scooping her into his arms as her legs straddled his torso. Setting her down on the counter, Levi bent to take in her injuries, his fingers delicately tracing her now very red nose, a drop of blood trickling from her nostril. Tutting, he quickly wet a towel, dabbing the soft cloth at her face, little sniffles muffled by his movements.
“What did I say?” Levi questioned, his voice stern as she looked away out of guilt, silent tears now collecting at the base of her jaw. She didn’t want to admit to being wrong apparently, her face turned defiantly away from his own, lip quivering and cheeks red. “Hey-” his hand gently grasped her chin, pulling her attention back, “-you need to listen to me, okay.? If you had, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Do you understand me?”
Nodding her head gently, more tears slipped down her face, her mouth opening back up to release more cries, little arms reaching out to your husband. Tsking, Levi pulled her into his chest, her hands wrapped around his neck as tears stained his shirt. “I- I’m s-sorry,” she hiccuped, Levi’s mouth turning up into a soft smile at her words, hands gently rubbing soothing circles into her back.
“My girl..” he murmured into her hair, kissing the top of her head, “..always so stubborn.” Holding her in one arm, Levi made his way to the freezer box, grabbing an ice pack and gently holding it to her nose, her little fingers grasping onto it to hold it for herself.
You were to be home any minute now, your daughter’s duty being to watch the door for you, hold the ice pack, and no running, and then dinner. Sure, Levi loved watching her alone, but as soon as your voice filled the entryway, he felt instantly relieved, your ability to tame your daughter much better than his own, especially when it came to her zoomies.
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