#dustin henderson x sister reader
skyfallslayer · 3 months
Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Masterlist
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
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Main Masterlist || OC Fan Art || Spotify Playlist
🎲Summary: On the night of November 6th, 1983, Stephanie Henderson decided to take her little brother’s friend, Will, back home. However… they never arrive. Now, Dustin, Mike and Lucas, and soon the exception of the girl’s ex-best friend, Steve, must band together to find out what happened. Meanwhile, Steph and Will must fight for their survival in this nightmarish version of Hawkins, Indiana.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Warnings: At the beginning of each chapter.
🎲Word Count: 36,635 (So far)
🎲Start Date: 3/6/24
🎲 End Date: N/A
🎲 A/N: No Idea what possessed me to write this, but i saw everyone else doing something similar and I said to myself... "Hey, why not?". This can be read as reader-insert if like since OC's hair/eye color will only be mention here and there.
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|| INDEX ||
Season One:
Prologue: The Pinky Promise
Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers & Stephanie Henderson
Chapter 2: The Weirdo On Maple Street
Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly Shotgun
Chapter 4: The Bodies
Chapter 5: The Flea & The Acrobat
Chapter 6: The Monster
Chapter 7: The Bathtub & The Sacrifice
Chapter 8: The Upside Down
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-Taglist is Open-
@ladygrey03 @poppet05 @tooearlyforthis @lovesfics @lordzzz
@mirkwoodshewolf @sadbitchfangirl @olivewisp
@emsownuniverse @unspecifiedvisitor @smaryamsstuff @kitty49646 @jinxeee @bookkeeperlove @prozacgooble @goth-baby98
@aainr @luca-random-stuff
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writing-imagines · 2 years
Surprise, Surprise // Eddie Munson
Summary: You meet your half-brother’s strange friend and find out he’s not so bad
Request: How about a eddie munson x reader where the reader is Dustin's older sister/sibling them meeting for the first time?? Like maybe Eddie didnt know he had an older sister and he is like surprised and in awe ?? Lol just an suggestion lmao 😭
Pairing: Eddie Munson x half-sister Henderson reader (I wrote half-sister for more inclusivity for any poc readers)
Possible warnings: Dustin not really liking the reader and maybe reader and Eddie being mean-ish to Dustin??
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Before Spring Break even started, you figured it would be uneventful. Since you lived across the country with your father, you didn’t have any friends to hang out with. But your lack of friends in Hawkins didn’t bother you, because you came back solely to spend time with your mother and half brother.
You were lying on the couch, trying to catch up on some sleep, when your mother frantically stormed in.
“Honey, I have to run to the Wheeler’s house real quick. Will you be okay here by yourself for a little bit?” She asked while already grabbing her purse.
“Of course, I will, Mom. I’m eighteen, not two.”
“I know. It’s just so hard seeing you grow up. I remember bringing you home from the hospital like it was yesterday.” Your mother tousled your hair.
“Mom…” You tried to sound annoyed and playfully swatted her hand away.
“Your brother should be getting home soon. He said he had to stay after school for some project.” She ran back into the kitchen and frantically searched the countertops. She quickly picked up a book and slid it in her purse.
“Okay, I’ll probably let him in.”
“Be nice, you two don’t get to spend enough time together. I’ll be back soon, love you!” Your mother ran out of the house before you could respond.
“Love you too.” You muttered under your breath before closing your eyes. You were just on the verge of falling asleep when the doorbell rang. With a sigh, you forced yourself to get off the couch and answer the door. When you swung the door open, you were greeted by a guy wearing a band t-shirt with hair straight out of a music video. He looked at you with a confused expression before looking at the house number.
“You’re not Dustin.”
“No, I’m not. I’m his half-sister.” You said matter of factly, wondering why this stranger was looking for your little brother. The man’s eyebrows raised as if he was surprised.
“Really?! Dustin never mentioned he had a sister.”
“Probably because I live in New York most of the year.” His face lit up at the mention of New York. You couldn’t deny the stranger had a cute smile.
“New York? Like you live in New York City? Have you been to Madison Square Garden?” You we’re about to answer his question before you remembered this was a complete stranger.
“Who are you and do you always ask this many questions?” You asked with a raised brow. Your suspicious look must have been amusing, because he smiled at you.
“My bad! Eddie Munson, I’m Dustin’s friend and no, I don’t usually ask this many questions. But, I have to ask, what’s your name?” Eddie’s smile turned into a smirk as he extended his hand to you. You looked down at this hand, noticing his arm tattoo, and shook it.
“It’s y/n and it’s nice to meet you. I’m glad to know my brother has at least one friend who isn’t a total D&D nerd.” Eddie’s expression quickly hardened and he placed his hand over his chest, looking hurt.
“D&D isn’t for nerds. It is an epic journey that anyone can take part in.” You couldn’t fight the smile that tugged at your lips. Eddie was just another D&D weirdo, albeit a cute one.
“Sure it is…So, are you supposed to hang out with Dustin or?”
“Yeah, we’re supposed to talk about passing down the responsibility of dungeon master to him.”
“Okay, well…I guess you can come in and wait. My mom said he should be home soon.” You stepped aside and opened the door more.
Eddie strutted into the living room like he owned the place. He dramatically flopped down where you had been attempting to nap.
“Do you want anything to drink while you wait?” You asked while walking towards the kitchen. You stopped short to look at Eddie. You couldn’t get over how curly his hair was. He tapped his chin like he was thinking hard while you waited patiently.
“You have any beer?”
“I wish, but all we have is Coke.”
“Bummer. I’ll take a Coke.” He grinned at you, but you playfully rolled your eyes as you walked away. You quickly grabbed a cold can of Coke and brought it back to Eddie.
“Here you go.” You handed Eddie the can. When he reached for it, your fingers brushed against one another’s.
“Thank you, y/n.”
“No problem, Eddie.” His eyes stayed locked on you as you took a seat across from him.
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to stare?” You asked only half seriously. Eddie’s face dropped for a moment before he smiled and shook his head.
“Sorry, I just can’t believe you’re Dustin’s sister. You guys don’t look alike.”
“Well, we do have different dads.” You shrugged. Having different fathers was a touchy subject between you and Dustin. He didn’t like the idea of having a half-sibling and he made it known to you. After a few moments of silence, Eddie spoke up.
“Hey, how long are you here for?”
“Until next Saturday, then I have to catch my flight back to New York.”
“We should hang out before you leave.” He said, sounding a little less confident. You weren’t entirely sure you wanted to hang out with Eddie since you two just met and he was different than most guys you knew. But, you didn’t have any friends in Hawkins and Eddie was cute, so you decided to accept his invite.
“Sure. When do-” Before you could say another word, the front door burst open, causing Eddie to literally jump out of his seat. Dustin held the door open as he tried to catch his breath.
“Eddie, I’m so sorry I’m late! I got stuck talking to Mr. Carter about my science project.”
“It’s alright. Your sister is good company.” He smiled at you with a wink, causing your lips to tug into a smile.
“Half-sister. I’m sorry if she said anything weird.”
“I don’t think she’s weird at all. In fact, we’re going to hang out tomorrow.”
“What?!” Dustin looked horrified between you and Eddie.
“Yeah, we’re going to get pizza and maybe see a movie.” You stepped closer to Eddie and gently nudged his arm. Dustin’s face managed to look even more terrified while you and Eddie grinned.
“You can’t hang out with my friend!”
“Why not?” You asked, tilting your head towards Eddie.
“Yeah, why not?” Eddie echoed.
“Because you’re my sister and you’re my friend. It just can’t happen!”
“Well, it’s happening.” You retorted with a smirk.
“I can’t wait for you to go back to New York. Eddie, let’s go to my room and talk D&D.” Your brother stomped past the two of you, looking livid. Dustin stopped halfway down the hall when he realized Eddie wasn’t behind him.
“I’ll be right there, Dustin.” Your brother let out a frustrated sigh and slammed the bedroom door behind him.
“I’m pretty sure he’s mad.” Eddie whispered with a knowing smile.
“He’ll get over it.” You shrugged.
“You know, we don’t have to hang out tomorrow if you don’t want to. I was just trying to mess with Dustin.” Eddie said, nervously rocking on his heels.
“I want to. You seem cool.” Your response made Eddie’s face light up.
“Let me guess, you thought I was going to be mean and scary?” Eddie stuck his tongue out and put his fingers by his head to look like horns. You playfully rolled your eyes, not wanting to admit how stupid and cute he looked.
“More like weird and annoying.” You said playfully, making Eddie’s smile soften.
“I’m glad you don’t think I’m weird and annoying.” Eddie took a small step towards you and took your hand into his.
“There’s still time to change my mind.” You both smiled at one another. For a moment, you thought about kissing Eddie, but you held off. You were going to make him work for it.
“Eddie!” Dustin yelled loud enough to echo through the whole house. Eddie let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.
“I’m going to go talk to Dustin before he has a total meltdown.”
“Too late for that. I’ll be out here if you get tired of him.” You gave Eddie’s hand a squeeze before dropping it.
“Me, tired of Dustin Henderson? Never.” He scoffed.
Eddie gave you one more smile before walking down the hall to Dustin’s room. You waited until you heard the bedroom door close before allowing yourself to smile from ear to ear. Maybe Spring Break wouldn’t be so boring with Eddie Munson around.
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spacedaddydinn · 2 years
Is there any Vecna x reader smut? Not peter/Henry/001. Just Vecna…..Asking for a friend…
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Being Dustin's Sister Headcanons | ft Steve & Eddie
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Reader: female | Dustin x sister reader (Platonic) | ft steve and Eddie arguing over you (romantic? Platonic? Read and find out)
Type: headcannons + drabbles
Note: I love sister/ brother readers, idk there just wholesome also this is part one so yeee
Warnings: none
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Finally going back to a true place of happiness.
Hawkins Indiana.
You had been living with your father out of state due to divorce from your mother
Which bummed you out because the state split up the kids: You, unfortunately, had to go with a remarkably absent father, while your brother got the best mom in the world. In your opinion at least
So getting on that Plane was exciting.
And getting on the bus into Hawkins? Man, that was even better.
It was like a sigh of relief: things would finally be okay.
So you rushed off that bus, you had to wait in the back of the line?
Hell Nah you went through the window you were so excited.
There's your mom waiting for you all happily
It's nice to see you didn't change too much. after all, she did just watch you fall out the back of the bus window
You were so happy to see her again
You were also so excited to see how you're little brothers doing, you guys always sent letters back and forth
But unfortunately, Dustin was at school.
and that's when you're given the idea to go pick up Dustin actually
That was in a few hours, but for now: you're mother's taking you him, setting you up in your new room.
And you two catch up, she made your favorite sweets and everything the day before, so everything fresh
You'd never think Hawkins had become so busy in your presence, with everything happening after all.
But when Dustin's almost out of school she recommends you take the car drive around a bit and pick up your brother
You took the offer and thanked her before leaving
Hawkins was small, as small as your young mind remembered it.
You made it to the high school without a problem, getting out of the car as you stood by the bike racks
School let out and you waited patiently.
People seemed to notice you, stare even,
"What's up?" Robin asked sitting next to Steve in the car.
Steve was quiet, "Uh? Hello?" Robin asked.
"Yeah! yeah, hey..." Steve spoke looking at the young woman who waited at the bike rack, "Who is that?"
It was you, waiting for Dustin.
But with no Dustin in sight well you vanished into the school.
"I'm looking for Dustin Henderson," Y/n asked the lady at the front desk.
She looked up at Y/n annoyingly, and pressed a button, "Henderson, Dustin Henderson to the office please."
You waited patiently in a chair.
He walked in annoyed, but then saw you.
you're both squealing like little girls seeing each other and he's picked up in your arms immediately.
"Come on! You have to follow me!"
"You need to sign in."
Whatever, signing in, but you did it anyway and took a pass
He dragged you away so quickly to his club.
"Welcome! To Hellfire!"
Y/n watched as someone older than her brother jumped up on a table.
"HOW DARE YOU!" He started, walking toward, "Bring, an outsider to our realm."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, "She's my sister. She's a nerd like us."
That turned heads, quickly.
Eddie jumped down scanning her over, getting in her face, "Let me guess Girls just wanna have fun un, oh girls just wanna have fun."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, "Uh if you're gauging me by my music taste try Journey please."
He hummed and nodded walking around her, "and what does thy pretty princess want with the nerdy freaks."
"I wanted to pick up my brother, now I'm interested in what the freak is doin'," Y/n played back stepping closer, Eddie stopping in his place as they glared at each other.
"On occasion."
"How often is Occasion?"
"I introduced Dustin to it after all."
Eddie looked at Dustin, "Oh I like her."
"Dude ew." Dustin protested.
"Dustin said ew, let's go make out then."
"After club?"
"After club."
"Uh could you not make out with my sister?" Dustin argued.
It was easy to say that you and Eddie had become friends fairly quickly with your shit disturbingness.
It was of course all fun and games and you enjoyed watching over the campaign they were finishing.
After the long session, you took Dustin and his friends home, bikes in the back.
You happily talked all the way back with your brother, he was glad that you were home after all
Maybe he shouldn't of told you everything
No like he told you, EVERYTHING
Eleven, the upside down, it all
You believe your brother you always had
But uh
This was pushing it, but You really were trying to believe him.
"And you believe me?"
"I. Well im trying too."
"You don't believe me!" Dustin protested.
"I really am tryin! Belive me! A whole nother relam? That sounds badass. Just. Doesnt...it's a good theroy!"
"Good Theroy!?" Dustin argued, "This happened!"
You're tryin so hard to believe him and told him that you'll just have to sit in it for a mintue
He said fine.
Luckiky he ask you about New York.
You told him it just wasnt for you
But you'd think he'd like all the tech and stuff
Luckily the arguements forgotten about and you two maintain a good brother sister relationship
That's until he calls you on a walkie talkie he gave you while you're cleaning your room
"Listen. I need you to get your stuff and come outside."
"What?" Y/n asked, "Why?"
"Just. DO IT."
"Jesus okay."
It was quick you grabbed your bag and walked through the house saying you were gonna go meet up with Dustin and his friends.
"You told your sister!?" Steve protested.
"What!? Oh come on she's a total bad ass! She could easily help us defeat Vecna!"
"She's a total badass?! Or is she a total-"
"She there she is!"
Steve rolled his eyes watching the girl walk there way.
"See. She even walks like a total badass. Easily Vecna's worst enemy." Dustin protested.
"Holy Shit thats her..." Robin spoke.
"What do you mean that's her?" Max asked.
"Shes rhe chick that dropped Steve's jaw- She did it again! See! Look at him!"
"Dude!" Dustin spoke, "Ew!"
You were happy to meet all Dustins other friends, and were really starting to root in that this "Upside down" might actually be routed in reality.
"I'm Y/n. Dustin's older sister."
"I'm uh..."
Y/n raised a brow, "Oh. You're Steve right? Yeah Dustin sent me a picture of you all together. Labeled and all."
"Again! Ew!" Dustin protested slapping Steve in the back of the head.
"Hey!" Steve argued.
"Just drive!" Max argued.
Okay then. Werid.
So Dustin filled you in on more stuff; new stuff the stuff about Eddie being framed and Vecna
You're actually dropping supplies off to Eddie as he explains everything
He's grateful seeing everyone returning with food as Dustin fills him in.
You actually gladly take the yahoo he's drinking out his hand to take a chug
You're volunteered to stay with Eddie against the arguing.
But you're leasr expirenced so here you are looking around a junkies work place
"So you got ropped in too?"
Y/n looked at Eddie, "Yep."
She leaned against the work table playing with a screw driver.
"You. You know." He started, "scared?"
Y/n shook her head no, "Seems you've all handled it generally fine. I think you can handle it again."
"Optimistic." Eddie spoke.
Y/n looked up from her gaze at the screw driver, "I guess. Yeah. Been back to Hawkins for one day and here I am. With a framed murdered."
He looked down at the box or Honeycombs, "Sorry." She apologized.
"Nah." Eddie spoke, "It had to happen one day..."
Y/n raised a brow, "The town freak is the murder."
Eddie raised his brows in agreement as he fell back in the boat, "Who could of seen that plot twist comin." He spoke unethusastically.
Y/n smiled smally and walked his way, "move over munson."
He did as told, Y/n hoping in and laying besides him they looking up at the ceiling together.
"To tell you the truth." She started, "I think you're a good guy. You've looked out for my brother and Im thankful for that. But."
"Oh here we go."
"Im still upset we never made out."
That caused him to laugh.
"You know could of made out to: Girls just wanna have fun un or girls just wanna have!" She sang crappily, "Oh Eddie! Smooch smooch smooch! You're my poster boyfriend! Smooch smooch!"
His laughter grew.
"Not bad Princess Henderson. Not bad at all." He smiled.
Yeah you connected with Eddie real well
And Steve's all jittery about it
"Bro. Just admit it!" Robin argued, they taking needed supplies to Eddie.
"What!? Admit what!?"
"That you like Y/n!" Robin argued.
"What!?" Steve and Dustin shouted.
"No! No no no!" Steve argued, "No! I dont even know her! I don't like her!-"
"You too!? Are you serious?!" Dustin argued.
"What do you mean you too?" Steve defended looking at Dustin.
"You left my sister, with Eddie Munson." Dustin spoke, "They had made plans to make out within meeting in the first MINTUE!"
Steve was quiet for a mintue, "Nancy Drive faster-"
Luckily you were able to fend off the boys, saying you were watchin the house while Reefer rick your uncle was out for a while.
Not to mention you had a bat in your hand too.
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yovrnewromantic · 4 months
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pairings: steve harrington x henderson!reader
1 — part 2 coming soon…
words: 3.6k
Summary: You realize the line between love and hate is very thin as you babysit and monster hunt alongside Steve Harrington.
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Leaning pathetically against your locker, you banged your head against the metal, tugging on the end of your cheerleading skirt that got caught in the door when you slammed it shut. It’s your fault really, you were so happy to get it open for once. Of course, it had to be too good to be true.
“Need some help with that?”
Your lips swerved into a smile at the familiar voice, leaning away from your locker to look at one of your favorite girls.
“Yes, Nancy. Please!” you pleaded, laughing as the girl stepped forward, easily opening your locker door, not even needing to ask the combination from the amount of times she’s had to open it.
Nancy Wheeler smiled smugly when your locker opened, releasing you and your skirt.
Nancy had been one of your best friends since you moved to Hawkins along with Chrissy Cunningham and Heather Holloway. At twelve years old, you were anxious, but to your surprise, extremely charismatic. You found friends like wildflowers, something you loved, but Nancy was one of the best. She was like a rose, beautiful and smart, something that drew you to her in the first place.
“My savior! How could I ever repay you?” you joked, mocking a princess before laughing at your own joke, tugging your books tighter to your hip.
Nancy grimaced. “Well,” she started, and your brows furrowed, making you feel uneasy, “Firstly, by not being too mad…”
Nancy shoved a note in your face. You squinted reading the words that alert you that King fucking Steve was waiting for your best friend in the bathroom, wanting to make out. Gross.
“Ew,” you stated, playful smile turning into a pout. Your shoulders slumped, concern kicking in rather than disgust. “Harrington? Really, Nance? You could do so, so much better.”
To you, Steve Harrington was the worst person at Hawkins high. A real player who had absolutely no consideration for anyone’s feeling but his own and his stupid little posse. Generally a piece of shit.
“You owe me,” she mutters, shrugging her shoulder to try to rid her mind of what you were implying, what she had already been anxious about.
“I just think it’s a bad idea,” you say softly, trying not to hurt the poor girls feelings, but really you were just trying to help.
“And why’s that?” she asks, on the defensive.
You shake your head, holding yourself back from rolling your eyes. “He’s a bad idea,” you state simply. “He treats girls like shit and you know better to accept that.”
“You don’t know him.”
“I know that he dumped Charlotte after he had sex with her,” you offered, looking at her with a raised brow. Nancy rolls her eyes.
“Well, that’s Charlotte. And I’m going to see him,” she announces, a little like she’s singing.
Sighing disappointedly, the bell rings in your ears. Great, you’re late.
You give Nancy a look already walking backwards towards your first period. “Make good decisions. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“You wouldn’t go out with him the first place!” she calls back, looking at you with a playful expression.
“Exactly.” You smile, finally turning around and heading to your class. When you fully turn, your smile disappears.
Something about Steve makes you anxious, fills your body with unease whenever you two make eye contact when your both at your lockers. You hate the way he smiles smugly at you. And you hate that he’s going after another one of your friends, the fear of her getting hurt makes your stomach ache.
This time, if he hurts her, you hurt him.
And that’s exactly what happened.
You were on your evening walk, frowning at the missing poster you see of Will Byers, your little brother’s best friend and Johnathan Byers, one of your best friends, brother. It’s a saddening sight, especially since the young boy’s funeral. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Frustration is throbbing through your body. You feel helpless, unable to find the boy despite having helped put up posters and searched through the woods countlessly.
You were also angry with yourself for allowing your brother out of the house when you heard the news, letting him and his friends set out in search for him themselves because your heart ached looking into your brother’s teary eyes as he begged you not to tell mom that you caught him sneaking out.
It was stupid, that you told him to keep his walking on him, stay with his friends, and to stay safe or you’d fucking kill him. You’re a shitty sister.
You were an idiot. An idiot people pleaser who never knew when to say no to her friends and family. It was stupid that when your empathetic heart feels their pain you resort to the worse stress reliever, and contradictory to your guilty conscience, violence.
“Harrington, you better get your ass down from that ladder right now!”
You saw him from a mile away, the words spray painted on the movie theatre that you would always take your brother and his friends. The only thing you could make out of it was that Steve fucking Harrington was caught defaminating one of your best friend’s names while vandalizing the cinema.
Steve’s eyes went wide at the sight of you, the beautiful girl who ignored and criticized his every move. His ex-girlfriends best friend. His heart raced at your angry expression. His cheeks probably got a little red too.
“Henderson, what the hell are you doing here?” he asked, sponge pausing its movement to look down at you. Steve had completely forgotten what it looked like had happened, oblivious to everything else around him, his entire focus on you. His fake innocence only made you angrier.
Ignoring his question, you fumed, “Get your ass down or I’m pushing you off this damn ladder!”
Steve’s eyes widened as he muttered curses under his breath, quickly climbing down from the ladder. You pretended that seeing his face bloody and bruised didn’t make your stomach ache.
“Jesus, what your pro—,” You shoved him, and he stumbled back, arms stretched out as his back hits the ladder, “blem!”
“You wrote this? You called Nancy a slut?!”
You pushed him again, and he stumbled again, still looking at you like you’re crazy. He caught your wrists when you went to push him again.
Your hands were held at his chest, pulling you into his chest despite how you try to plant your feet, to stay away from him. Steve still has an bizzare look on his face as he looks down at you, cheeks pink and he’s slightly out of breathe from how he scrambled to grab your wrists.  Steve rapidly shakes his head, blurting, “What? No! No, I didn’t!”
You let out a scoff, nodding sarcastically as if you believed him. “So… you just cleaning it up? Bullshit,” you spit, and Steve looks almost hurt by your insinuation.
“Yes! “ He announced, running a hand through his hair when you tugged your wrists free. “I didn’t write this!”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked at him accusingly, like he was stupid. “Then who did, Harrington?”
“Oh, you’re best friend!” you exclaimed, “That totally makes so much of a difference.”
“No, Henderson, — I.” He groaned. He glanced around, breathing out of his mouth before he pinched his nose. “I should’ve stopped him, I know, but I’m cleaning this up now. I’m trying to fix it.”
“Because you got caught?”
“No! I just—,” he shook his head. “I’m not… friends with those assholes anymore. I just wanna help.”
Really? you thought to yourself. Your nose scrunched as you scanned him up and down for a second with repulsion. He’s not friends with Tommy and Carol anymore? That’s hard to believe.
Your interrogation seemed never ended, and you still had the urge to punch him in the face despite the cuts and bruises that stand prominent on his handsome face. You wet your lips, ignoring your natural concern and continuing. “Help? Help what?”
“I wanna apologize,” he said. “To Nance.”
“Really?” you deadpanned.  Steve arms waved wildly before he poked to fingers into his forehead, closing his eyes.
“Yes, I’m sorry. Is it that hard to believe?”
“Yeah, it is, King Steve,” you scoffed, before you let your thoughts slip into your words. You switch your footing, voice quieting ever so slightly when you ask, “What happened to your face?”
He paused.
“Byers,” Steve replied embarrassed, not even looking at you as your eyes widen.
“Really?” You sound surprised, and you are. The boy who’s been the nicest to you, one of your best friends ever since you’d gotten to town. Your babysitting buddy. The boy who’s brother was missing.
“Johnathan did that?” You ask. When he nods, you hum. “You deserved it.”
“I know.”
Humming, you look at Steve for a second, checking out his bloodied face and red knuckles. Next to his foot is the sponge he was using, it’s turning red and it looks like it’s decomposing from overuse. It makes you clear your throat when you catch his eyes again.
Quietly, almost whispering, you ask, “Do you love her?” You gulp, specifying, “Nancy?”
He sighed, and he looked at you for a good minute, clearly contemplating. Truth be told, he didn’t know. She was… different from his other girlfriend.
Steve would be lying to himself if he said that he didn’t like you. He knew he did, since last year and you walked in wearing a pretty little sundress and gave him attitude when he offered to be your prince charming and open your locker. Maybe he liked Nancy a lot, but he didn’t know if you could love someone and stare at their best friend when their back was turned.
He swallowed, shrugging. “I don’t know.”
You don’t like him. You don’t like him. You don’t like him.
Steve’s word make you nod to yourself, ignoring the relief you feel that he’s not in love with her for Nancy’s sake. Clearly, Steve was a shitty teenage boy, and even worse boyfriend, but you believed in change.
“You really want to make things right?” you question, still trying to keep your guard up despite how you feel them crashing down around you. Goddammit, you hate Steve Harrington.
“Yes,” he groaned, meaningfully.
In your head, you were screaming. Blood curdling, a homicide victim type of screaming, and it’s so loud, so so freaking loud that you couldn’t hear your own thoughts. Maybe, that’s why you make a dumb decision.
You shrug, already turning around to start walking. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”
“Wait, what? Where?”
“To go see Nancy,” you scoffed, as if it was common knowledge. Impatiently, you said, “Come on, I don’t want to be seen with you.”
You trudged forward, once white sneakers thumping against the sidewalk. Behind you, you can hear Steve jog forward, eager to catch up with you.
It doesn’t take long, but the moment he’s beside you, words spill from his lips, quickly. “I— I have my car.”
Pausing in your step, you begrudgingly looked at Steve, quite relieved that you don’t have to walk all the way to Jonathan’s house. “Okay. Where?”
“Over here,” Steve says, almost out of breath as he points to his car. You head towards it without a second thought, harshly pulling on his passenger car door and glaring at him when it doesn’t open.
Steve looks at you strangely, kinda of afraid of you, and he puts his key in before opening the door for you. You don’t look at him, not even when he gets inside the driver seat and starts the car, too busy staring out the window.
“Do you, um, want any music?” Steve stutters, looking at you hesitantly. You roll your eyes.
“You not talking is enough for me,” you smile, sarcastically.
“Oh,” Steve deadpans, biting his lips at he turns away from you, ready to drive.
Great, now you feel bad. You offer, “What do you have?”
“Yeah— yeah, I have Beat It, some AC/DC, Uptown Girl—
“Uptown Girl, please,” you cut him off.  Your casual manners make Steve blush. You don’t even notice that you said it, and it reminds Steve how good you are. You were solid good.
A good girl.
A nice girl.
And one who wants nothing to do with him.
Go figure.
Steve realizes how fucked up his mind is as his knuckles turn white on the stirring wheel. He starts to drive, listening to you hum while starring out the window, sometimes cutting yourself off to tell him directions to Jonathan’s house.
When he asked why there, you said that he had to apologize to Jonathan first. He listens to you for reasons he could not comprehend, because he found himself trusting you despite how much you must hate because he knows you.
In the hallways, he’d watched you tell freshmen directions, laugh on your way to class, help kids who would drop things. You’d barely notice the boys that trailed after you that you thought were only friends, and he’d watch you scold them whenever they were mean to some freak, or nerd, or geek, in the halls.
You were nice. The nicest girl at that damn school, and unbeknownst to you, The Queen Of Hawkins High.
He can’t keep his eyes off you, and he’s never felt guiltier. He let his friend call his girlfriend a slut while he was yearning to kiss her best friend on the way to apologize to her. There was something wrong with him. Steve shook his head, letting his eyes part from you and focus on the road.
The drive was slow, but the moment the car parked in the Byers’ driveway, you were quick to usher Steve out.
“Go,” you wave.
“What?” Steve’s heart races. “Right— right now?”
“When else?” you blink.
“Shouldn’t we rehearse something?”
You sigh, holding back a much needed eye roll. A fake smile props on your lips. “‘Jonathan, I’m sorry for fighting you in the middle of the street. That one’s on me,’” you say. “‘Oh, and I feel bad for smashing your camera to little bits. How about I buy you a new one with my daddy’s money?’” You drop your smile. “That good?”
“The camera wasn’t my fault,” he justified.
 “I know, I was there. Still, that doesn’t make what you did right, so get out of the car and apologize,” you punctuated.
Steve mouth gaped. Then, he begrudgingly unbuckles his seat belt and grumbles under his breath, stepping out the vehicle. He slams the car door shut.
You snorted a laugh, sinking into Steve’s comfy car seats.
From where your sat, you have a clear viewing of the show. You’re not sure whether or not Jonathan will forgive him. Apart of you hopes he doesn’t. You wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
What did surprise you was watching Steve, under the warm yellow glow from the Byers house lights, pound on the door and then eventually force his way in.
Hastily, you trailed after him, leaves crunching under your quick feet.
“Steve!” you called once in the door way. “This wasn’t what we talked about…”
The words died in your throat as your eyes scattered across the room, the sight of Jonathan, a shit ton of weapons his living room table and Nancy with a gun pointed at Steve’s face had you had you bewildered.
“You two need to leave now!” Jonathan said, but you were more focused on Nancy’s count down, gun still pointed at Steve.
Before you could think, you were shoving yourself in between Steve, Jonathan, and the gun, hand raised in defense. The mass of Christmas lights around you flickered briskly with your final shout, “What is going on?”
Few words between Nancy and Jonathan end with Steve Harrington, grabbing your wrist and dragging you down the hall into a bedroom as a venus-flytrap looking bear rips apart the ceiling.
“What the hell was that,” Steve yelled along with a variety of curses.
“Shut up!” Nancy and Jonathan shouted, synchronized.
You and Steve shared a feared look.
Pounds and gurgles erupt from the other side of the door until they suddenly stopped. In the silence, Nancy and Jonathan exit the room, Steve and you right behind them.
“Are you going to tell us what that was?” you rasped desperately.
Nancy’s reply was short. “A demogorgon.”
You recognized that name. “Like—,” you brows pinched together. “From DnD?”
“That’s what the boys said.”
“The boys,” you repeated. “Like Dustin, Lucas, and Mike? They know about this?”
“Look, Y/N, I’m sorry but we don’t have time for the questions. It’s going to come back, and you two,” she gestures to you and Steve, “need to leave. Right now.”
Breathing heavy, and with the shake of your head, you said, “No.”
“Yes, go,” Nancy said, stepping closer. You were the same height, she couldn’t intimidate you, not even with a gun in her hand. You weren’t going to leave, especially because of the newfound fear of that thing going after your brother.
“Y/N,” Steve tried, eager for the door.
“No, you go,” you said to Steve then turned to Nancy, “I’m staying so either let me help kill it or I’ll stand here and be bait.”
“Fine,” Nancy said.
Jonathan threw you a lighter. “Throw this into the carpet when it’s here.”
Steve felt pathetic watching the three of you. He didn’t want to leave and be a coward, but he didn’t want to die either. One thought over powered the other and he sprinted to his car, but seeing rapid flickering lights, he forced himself back inside.
After swinging a crowbar at the demogorgon and watching it swallow it whole, you were sure you were going to die. You fell back, squeaking in despair as you did so. The demogorgon’s mouth widen, and you may have gotten a little teary eyed at the sight of Jonathan and Nancy on the floor, looking helpless as well.
But to your shock, Steve Harrington jumped in front of you, swinging a bat like he hadn’t quit baseball in seventh grade.
What happened next was blur, but you remember Steve Harrington forcing you to your feet and the sight of a demogorgon enveloped in flames.
With shallow breaths, you sat on the wooden porch in front of the Byers’ house, illuminated by a singular warm lantern, recollecting the previous events. Mind racing, you hardly notice the body next to yours.
Well, until, and hand landed on your shoulder. It’s large, much bigger than your own. Your eyes traced the arm up to its owner, seeing a bloody, concerned face staring back at you.
“You okay?” Steve asked, and your heart swelled the slightest bit at his worry. He had just almost killed himself and he was worried about you.
Your eyebrows twitched, the undying desire to hate him still present. “Yeah,” you choked, “I’m fine.”
Steve nodded. He retracted the hand off your shoulder slowly, which you were grateful for. Nancy and Johnathan’s dull chatter filled the void, the four of you too nerved to fully close the front door.
Clearing your throat, you said, not looking at him. “Thank you for — um — saving my life.”
When Steve spoke, you turned to him. “Anybody would’ve done the same.”
“No they wouldn’t have,” you said, entire body angling towards him. You kept your hands in your lap, tediously explaining, “They would’ve ran for the hills, like you should’ve, but you didn’t. So thanks. I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it,” he griped, but you shook your head with a scoff, readjusting yourself to look straight forward. You went silent again. Not far from you, you can hear the engine of a car, smell the toxic carbon monoxide polluting the air.
Steve Harrington saved your life. King Steve Harrington saved your life.
Laughing to yourself, you eyed Steve carefully. “I never would’ve taken you for a hero, Harrington.”
“Guess you were wrong,” Steve chuckled. His eyes shone particularly bright in the moonlight.
“Mhm,” you hummed, looking to your lap, “maybe about a lot of things too.”
You hadn’t known why you said that. Steve’s lips parted at your words, a dumbfounded look forming on his face.
Immediately, your head whipped to the noise. Your eyes widened with recognition to the voice. “Dustin!” you shouted, voice echoing off the trees in question.
A car pulled up, and in the back windows you could see three smiling faces in the window.
Smiling. They’re okay, you told yourself. And free to yell.
“You boys are so lucky.” The words came out forced, a quiver in your voice at the pure relief you feel, rushing to the boys off the porch and watching the three of them exit the car safely. “You could’ve gotten yourselves killed,” you snapped. “Why didn’t you told me?”
Only after you spoke did you notice their red rimmed eyes.
Your lips twitched into a frown. Swallowing back your own tears, you pulled Dustin, Lucas, and Mike into a hug. “I’m so glad you all are okay.”
Vaguely, blue and red flashing lights pull up onto the driveway of the Byers’ house. Police step out their car with questioning looks. It’s not long before one offers to take you and your brother home.
Glancing behind you, Steve Harrington’s eyes found yours swiftly, as if they had been trained to you this entire time. Hesitantly, you raised your hand, not very high, but just visibly for him to see. You gave Steve a small wave.
He smiled at you, and you were sure that it hurt.
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been meaning to write a steve fic for a while. he’s so boyfriend and i’m a huge hopelessly pining/enemies to lovers girly
not my best, probably will rewrite in the future
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munsonsprincess11111 · 3 months
The visit
Eddie munson x Henderson!reader
Summary: Suzie comes to visit Dustin which some how wraps you and eddie into the mix.
Laying peacefully in bed. Your head on eddies chest. Naked under the sheets. Skin touching. His arm around you as you lay at his side. Your arms wrapped around his slender waist. The clock reading 1:43 pm. What more could you want? Nothing could ruin the moment. Until...
On your bedroom door
"We're back with Suzie come say hi don't be rude." Dustin shouts from the other side of the door waking eddie. Then his running footsteps could be heard. Eddie groans rubbing his eyes. You sit up in bed kissing Eddie sweetly. As you pull away he attempts to chase your lips. But gives up throwing himself into the pillows.
"Morning baby." You say stretching before getting up looking for you pyjamas.
"Afternoon more like." Eddie says glancing at the clock. You both slip your pyjamas back on. Eddie hugs you for a moment and sways holding you. "Common let's go meet Dustins not so imaginary girlfriend." Eddie says kissing your head.
He opens the door for you and you both exit. Walking to the living room eddies arm over your shoulders keeping you close to his side. Dustin hears you before he sees you.
"Finally. Suzie this is y/n. Y/n this is... Why is Eddie here?" Dustin completly trails off starring at Eddie.
"Cause he's my boyfriend n it was late. Hi Suzie I'm Dustins sister nice to meet you." You say stretching nearly accidentally hitting Eddie from how close he was stood next to you. You rub his arm in apology.
"Nice to meet you y/n." Suzie smiles giving you a small wave.
"And this is Eddie you know my D&D club leader I told you about." Dustin gestures to Eddie.
"Oh yes Dustin has told me lots about you." She smiles at eddie.
"Nice to uh meet you." Eddie says still half asleep.
Dustin shows Suzie around the small house and you and Eddie head to the kitchen. You sit in the side as he puts the kettle on making you, your mum and himself a coffee as he refuses to let you do it when he's over due to you burning yourself once. "Your so good to me." You say as Eddie steps between yours legs. He burries his face in your neck arms going to your waist.
Dustin and Suzie walk into the kitchen and Eddie untangles himself from you going back to the coffee task. "Did you seriously only just wake up?" Dustin asked sitting at the small table with Suzie next to him.
"Yes n if it was up to me n not your loud mouth we would still be asleep." Eddie complains half for getting Suzie there. But not enough to not make her and Dustin hot coco. "Here." He slides them a cross the table to the too
"Why won't you let y/n do it?" Dustin askes
"Cause I burnt myself once n he won't get over it." You mumble sipping your coffee as Eddie takes your mum hers rolling his eyes. "He can't say I don't try he's just a drama queen."
"First I'm dungeon master it's my thing. Second I'm not being responsible for if u burn yourself again you was a baby last Time." Eddie says kissing your cheek.
"Hey Eddie..." Dustin askes. Eddie turns so he's stood between your legs with his back to you looking at Dustin arms crossed over his chest. Your arm that isn't holding coffee goes around him. "What?" He answers simply.
"Do you wanna I dunno would you mind taking me and Suzie to the arcade I wanna introduce her to Mike will and Lucas... And then back here..." Dustin askes hastily.
"Only if y/n comes so I'm not a total taxi driver." He answers leaning fully back into you. "I'll come." You say sipping your coffee.
"Well there's your answer." Eddie says. You lean a cross and put your mug in the sink. Both your arms going around his neck. His hands to your legs and and slide to his back. "To my bedroom. I gotta get dressed." You say as Eddie walks out the kitchen with you in his back.
"I hope were like them two one day. They seem so happy, and in love and they act like it's just them two in the world." Suzie says smiling at Dustin sipping her drink.
"Once you get to know them more you'll realise were more like them then you think trust me." Dustin says finally holding her hand. Which she blushes and smiles at.
In your room Eddie throws you on to the bed. Jumping in you as you giggle. "Where the black Lacey top and the black leather mini skirt. I'll give you my leather jacket to go with it." Eddie says kissing you.
"Why?" You giggle.
"Cause you look hot in that outfit and I'm going to willingly give you my jacket." He says rolling off of you to find some of the clothes you'd stolen.
You both get dressed and enter the living room.
"Let's go kiddos." Eddie says signalling for the door. Suzie and Dustin walk out hand in hand smiling. Eddie glanced you up and down. "God I love you in that jacket." Eddie says playfully throwing his head back.
"Mmm and I love you in just the demim over vest really shows yours tattoos." You say walking over to him.
"I love you."
"I love you most."
"Come in Romeo's gonna start shouting at Me if I don't hurry." Eddie says gesturing the door for you. As you close the door and look around you see Dustin and Suzie kissing and then pulling away. Eddie takes your hand and walks down to the van.
"Hey babe?" He says opening the sliding door for the two. "Yeah? " you answer as he slams the side door and them opens yours. Which you happily jump into.
"Remember when we was that awkward?" Eddie whispers and giggles.
"Yeah I remember when you first kissed me and you went as red as a tomato and started stuttering." You laugh putting a hand on his cheek.
"Shhh don't tell them." Eddie says kissing you then closing the door.
He gets in the drivers side and starts the van.
"Red as a tomato huh?" Dustin says to Eddie from the back of the van.
"Shut it Henderson or I'll tell the whole club how awkward that kiss you two just shared there was." Eddie half threatens to which Dustin takes his hands.
"Rights let's go." Eddie pulls out of your driveway and rests a hand on your thigh as he drives to the arcade. Dustin and Suzie are talking and blushing. You can't help but remember when it was you and Eddie sat in the back of the van talking, blushing and giggling and you smile, happy that Dustins found what he never thought he would find.
You look over to Eddie to see him with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. One hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh. He glances over at you and smiles. "Love you." He says as he blows the smoke out the window.
"Love you more." You say taking his hand in yours.
"Love you most." He smirks kissing your hand with a loud 'mwah' sound.
"Huh you bitch." You say smirking kissing his stubbly cheek.
"You love it." He smirks
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knottyk · 2 years
Caught in the Act
Pairings: Eddie x Henderson!Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Eddie cancels the campaign and Dustin, along with Mike and Lucas, wants to know what is so important to tear the strict Dungeon Master away from his beloved club. 
Warnings: implied sexual themes, profanity, um idk let me know if i missed anything lol
edit: crying over how sweet everyone is! And my first post to reach 1k notes accckkkkk!!
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The campaign that was originally set for tonight had been pushed for whatever reason and the gang had nowhere else to go. They had already let their parents know that they’ll be out late so why waste the chance for some late night exploring? 
“What if we go to The Hideout. It’s a popular hang out spot now, right?” Lucas kicked a pebble from under his sneakers.
“I bet Eddie’s there. Think of it.” Dustin nodded as he tried to convince the other two. “He never moves the meetings for anything or anyone. Gives us shit for not attending and suddenly he’s not free tonight? I call bull.” 
“We’ll catch him in the act. Then he won’t have anything on us next time.” Lucas agreed as his palm met Dustin’s and they chuckled in excitement.
“And what if he’s not there?” They both turned to Mike who had his hands stuffed in his pockets, shrugging.
“Then he’s not there! We’ll just come back to your place and, I don’t know, do something. Besides, I’ll need a ride home from Y/N. She’s doing some project with Nancy.”
With a half-assed back up plan, the trio set off towards the infamous pub in their Hellfire shirts. The place was littered with people both young and old.
They walked into the place with heads held high as people they recognised from school watched them tread like they owned the place. In addition to being a school night, they were also freshmen. What better way to earn the cool points by being seen at a place as intimidating as The Hideout.
“Let’s just see if he’s here and get outta here.” Mike slightly yelled over the loud music playing in the background, lungs already clouded by the nearby smoke by several lit cigarettes. 
They quickly scanned the place but it didn’t take long to spot the messy mop of hair that stood out in all of Hawkins. 
“Eddie! You lying son of a bitch!” Dustin yelled as they jogged toward the bar, laughing. “We got you!”
At first, Eddie was confused as to why he’s hearing the freshman’s voice at a place he never expected to but his emotion was quickly replaced with an obvious panic as he turned to address the boys without fully turning his body away from the bar.
With a tight lipped smile, he spoke. “Henderson, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed in like, what? Twenty minutes?”
He looked at his wristwatch as he fixed a few strands of hair stuck to his face and mouth, his bangs slightly stuck to his forehead with sweat.
“Aren’t we supposed to be doing the campaign?” They crossed their arms as they examine him with shit eating grins etched on their faces. They caught him. 
“Well, things happen and you know… things happened.” 
As Eddie somewhat explained, Dustin’s eyes linger on the pair of legs dangling over Eddie’s hips. He couldn’t see anything else as the person ducked behind Eddie’s broad back. He tried peering over but Eddie was quick to block him.
Though Dustin quickly realised that he didn’t need to see who it was to know. It was those pristine white sneakers he loathed seeing resting in the shoe racks by the front door. He’d always wanted to smear the underside of his shoes on your white ones just so it wasn’t so clean. 
Though he knew you’d kill him because they were your favorite pair. The one you always wore with the stupidly coordinated outfits to school as his friends snickered at him about you being neat and presentable while he was the other way around. 
The type to be recognised from a crowd of people. The type to be lined up with the likes of Nancy Wheeler and Chrissy Cunningham. The good, perfect girls of Hawkins High.
“Y/N?” He blurted out and despite the loud music, you heard him clearly. Mike and Lucas shifted their gaze between Dustin, Eddie and eventually, you. 
Over Eddie’s shoulder, you waved. “Dustin! Funny seeing you here.” 
Eddie finally parted with the bar and stepped to the side with his hand on his nape while you jump off from the counter, smoothing over your skirt that rode up your leg. 
“What the hell, Y/N? Aren’t you supposed to be with Nancy?” Dustin was frantic. 
Tonight was all about catching their strict dungeon master knee deep in his hypocritical bullshit but what he found was like stepping on a lego or cow shit. Either way, he was disgusted by the idea of whatever you and eddie were doing when they arrived or even before they arrived.
“Look, I think we’re all somewhere we’re not supposed be tonight.” You put a hand on his shoulder as you looked Mike and Lucas in the eye.
Their eyes darted everywhere else except yours. Maybe it was the fact that they know they’re not supposed to be in an adult-only place or the fact that your bra was peeking from your unbuttoned shirt that was now all scrunched up. Who knows?
“You’re not telling on me are you, Dusty?” You ask your brother who had is mouth agape. 
“I mean, The Hideout is not really the place mom would be thrilled to see you in either. You and I would be in great trouble and you can kiss that free trip to Utah goodbye.” You nod slowly as you laid out the facts. “Think about it.” 
You promised to be Dustin’s ride to Utah during the spring break in exchange for him covering for your ass from the many times he caught your bedroom empty and windows opened during unholy hours of the night. He didn’t question it then.
Dustin peered behind you and saw Eddie leaning on the bar where you sat earlier. His lips curved in what looked to be an apologetic smile. Upon seeing Dustin’s  face, he let out a two finger salute. 
Eddie had thought of the many ways he’d let the secret loose on your little brother but this was not one of the ideal scenarios. Somehow, he felt bad for the way it turned out but glad that the cat’s out of the bag. 
Dustin sighs and nods. 
“Good.” You take off his cap and shuffle his curly hair, earning a groan. “Be home by 10.”
“Eleven.” He bargained, sizing up to you.
Considering tonight’s events, you thought of letting him off easy. 
“And lunch is on you for a month.” 
“Two months.” 
“A week.”
With that, they hurried out of the bar, pushing one another to get out as fast as they could. You could hear them talk amongst themselves as they ran out. 
“Holy shit, Eddie’s dating your sister.”
“Holy shit, Eddie’s dating my sister.”
“Wait, does that mean she’s the hot girlfriend Eddie was talking about.”
The gushing drowned out and you face Eddie who was sipping at his canned beer. 
“We scarred him.” He chuckled. “I’m never gonna hear the end of this.”
“You talk about me?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, is that bad?”
You nodded as you caged him with your arms at either side of the counter. 
“Looks like you got it bad, Munson.” 
You catch his lips with yours, slick with a tinge of bitterness from the beer but it drowns in the sweet taste of Eddie’s soft lips. His bottom lip caught in between your teeth as he let out a groan, hands smoothing over the arch of your back. 
Like no one was watching, you guide Eddie’s hands further past what is considered appropriate in a public setting.
He jerks his hand away while looking around, checking for any watchful eyes as the scene unfolded. You cup his cheek and put his hand back on the curve of your ass, skirt starting to ride up your leg once more as you spread them slightly to make way for Eddie in between.
“I have to go back on stage in five.” He whispers, hot breath fanning your face. 
“Then, I guess we’d have to be quick.”
You don’t know how you’ll face your brother over breakfast tomorrow like nothing happened the night before. But you let the thoughts of tomorrow fly over your head as you were already pulling Eddie to one of the empty bathroom stalls. 
a/n: haha omg i was washing the dishes when i thought of this. when i tell you i stopped my chores to write this asap. i'd forget in a second if i didn't <3
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years
Hey can you do more Steve dating a Henderson sister lmao i really enjoy them
Dating Steve Harrington and Being Dustin’s Sister - 3
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summary: more about what it’s like to date steve while being dustin’s sibling !!
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (henderson!reader)
warnings: swearing,
note: more steve x henderson!reader !! i love writing these so much
Dustin absolutely will not tolerate any PDA. He will literally throw a tantrum !! He does not want to see Steve Harrington all over his sister.
He secretly thinks you guys are really cute and he’s really glad you’re both happy. He would never admit it though, he has a reputation to uphold.
Steve and Dustin are so close that it sometimes feels like you’re the third wheel. They’ll even make you sit in the backseat sometimes.
You don’t mind, though. It’s really great to see them get along so well.
Dustin secretly wants Steve to marry you so bad. He can’t imagine anyone else marrying his big sister.
If the two of you ever break up, Dustin would be absolutely devastated. He’d probably concoct some kind of plan to get you back together, going as far as asking the other party members for help.
Movie nights are the absolute greatest with these two !! They’ll pick out some lame action movie, buy a shit ton of snacks, and probably make a pillow fort. They’ll then beg you to join in, offering you pizza and your favorite candy as a reprieve.
Even though Dustin loves Steve and trusts him wholeheartedly, he still has to have the talk with him. He threatens Steve’s life if he ever were to hurt you.
Steve is always invited over for holidays. At Christmas time, his parents are always away so he spends a lot of time at your house. The three of you have a tradition of baking cookies on Christmas Eve.
Dustin secretly keeps a whole photo album full of pictures of his friends and family. Tons of pictures of the three of you grace the pages.
He keeps it tucked away neatly in his closet, knowing how much shit he’d get for it if someone were to find it.
Hanging out with Dustin and Steve is the best experience. They’re both ridiculously funny and their energy is unmatched.
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zaynmirrors · 1 month
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A/N: Back again with another chapter, I have a playlist if you guys are interested! If you wanna be tagged in the next chapter let me know! Also unsure if if this will have the upside down cause I feel like it's hard with Jovie. Taglist is open!
Eddie Munson x Mom! Reader.
TW: Children
Chapter 2
When Eddie awoke, he noted the missing weight on his chest but wasn’t concerned figuring her mother had taken her from him sometime in the night, or at this point: morning.
He didn’t hear the quiet padding on the carpet as Jovie made her way back to him. Eddie had easily become her next favorite person. He was something new, she liked new.
She stared at him as Eddie lay with his eyes still closed. “Leave him be Jovie,” y/n said softly, careful to not wake Eddie who unbeknownst to her was already awake.
“Mama, make breakfast?” The tiny being asked, not at all quiet. Eddie heard y/n snort and found it to be the most adorable sound. She answered the child too quietly for Eddie’s ears to pick up but heard them or at least y/n retreat into the kitchen.
“Dude get up,” Mike said nudging Eddie’s feet. Eddie quickly flipped off the wheeler boy and opened his eyes, wincing when the light hit them. Mike was flipping Eddie off as he sat up. “Very nice Wheeler,” Eddie says rolling eyes.
Jovie gasped as she heard his voice, and padded her way over to him leaving her mother in the kitchen. “Like breakfast?” She asked him, grabbing his attention with her broken speech.
He smiled at her. Taking in her pigtails and almost too-long tee. “Oh man I love breakfast” Eddie wasn’t sure where this came from: The sudden knowledge of how to say things to the tiny being.
Jovie held out her hand, and Eddie offered his much larger one. Her small hand wrapped around just two of his fingers and pulled on him. This action only barely jerked his arm instead of pulling him up like she had planned.
Eddie stood, letting her lead the way. Y/n stood at the counter whisking what looked to be eggs with a fork in a large porcelain blue bowl. "Help yourselves" she spoke not looking up from her task of whisking.
Eddie grabbed a plate and made one for Jovie seeing as the other teens were piling food on their own plates, not bothering to leave enough for the child. Once he piled food onto her plate he then stared at the plastic baby blue highchair. "How the f-" he stopped himself short, "How does she get in this thing" he asked, terrified to break the foreign technology.
y/n came and slipped the child in as if it were nothing then just resumed making breakfast for the ravenous teen boys. "Thank you for feeding her" She offered Eddie a smile that sent a fuzzy feeling into his stomach.
"She probably wouldn't get to eat otherwise" Eddie joked, y/n laughed. He prayed to any god that she wouldn’t see the blush that spread across his face.
“You’re probably right” she smiled. Her smile quickly faltered as she concentrated, mind mulling over her next words. Her lips pursed as she spoke, “I have an extra ticket to go see this band, would you consider going?” He blinks, taken aback but she just continues before he can speak “My friend flaked and you look like you would enjoy Crusader”
“Wait, you have tickets to see Crusader?” He asks, more in awe that she even knew who Crusader was, she definitely wasn’t that type of girl, at least he thought she wasn’t.
“Yes, I just asked you to go with me” she shot back. Even her sarcasm was attractive to him, “can you hear under all that hair?” This was a tease, one that got him to smile.
“When is it?” He asked. He then learned it was Saturday at seven. He felt like this was an easy decision. Eddie had been dying to see this band. "Works for me"
They talked details, deciding y/n was going to drive. She’d also pick him up being as she would already be out dropping Jovie off with the babysitter. Eddie was very excited for this Saturday.
“Hey, are you ready to have some fun?” Steve asked the tiny girl who stood in front of him unamused at his overly excited tone. He glances up at y/n and says, “tough crowd”
The joke caused a snort to sound from y/n. “I don't know how fun she’ll be, she didn’t sleep well.” Steve offers a sympathetic smile and holds out hands to pick up the tiny human.
Jovie waddles her way into his arms, he squeezes her to him and lifts her into the air. Steve’s careful to sling her on his hip. Once she was settled he held his free arm out for the diaper bag. Which y/n placed on his shoulder.
“Have fun, y/n, you deserve it” he says, offering her a small smile while bouncing the child on his hip.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” she said to both Steve and her child but going to give her child a kiss on the cheek. “Bye Steve!” She called as she walked out the door and to her car.
She sat a moment in the car contemplating this excursion. Y/n did not want to be away from her baby, in fact this was the first time she’d be leaving her. It was not sitting well.
Y/n turned the key, igniting the ignition and back out of the parking spot. If only she hadn’t promised Eddie a ticket. She’d turn right back around.
The drive to pick up Eddie was short, he had waited on her at the edge of the road. Not wanting the embarrassment of her seeing where he lived, though he guessed everyone knew.
“Hey!” She beamed as he got into the passenger side of the car. “You excited?”
“Hell yeah!” He was beyond excited. This band was a local legend. He aspired to follow in their footsteps. “Let’s go” Pulling off the side of the road, they began their journey.
Chapter 3
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swiftieblyth · 2 months
Y/N Hopper: Prologue
warnings- Stranger Things, Papa, Hawkins Lap, King!Steve, Hopper, dead sister, divorced parents, grieving, loss, powers
Let me know if I'm missing anything, I'm drawing a blank:(
Word count- 682
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“Hey!” A six year old girl called, walking into her friend's backyard.
“Y/N/N-bear? What are you doing?” A six year old boy asked, sitting with his feet in the pool.
“Are your parents home?” The girl asked, sitting down next to him.
“No. You wanna hang out?”
“Steve, I gotta tell you something.”
“What is it?” Steve asked.
“I’m moving.”
“What? To where?”
“New York City.”
“I don’t know. My dad says it will be good for us. But he said he would help me write to you.”
“So we can still be best friends?”
“Always.” The girl smiled, splashing him with water.
“It’s troll’s favorite food!” A big man yelled, running after a seven year old girl with two small pigtails, as a lady and the now twelve year old girl. “Princess!”
“No, Daddy!” The girl yelled, laughing. “No, Daddy!”
“Roasted princess,” the man called, as he lifted her up into the air. “With paprika and gravy!”
“No! No, Daddy. No, Daddy.”
The little girl stopped laughing and started breathing heavily. The family crowded around, worried. “Whoa, hey!” The man let out. “Hey. You alright?”
“Mom, what’s going on?” The twelve year old asked, grabbing her mothers hand.
“I don’t know Y/N.”
“Jim, what’s going on?” The lady asked. “What happening? What happened?”
“I don’t know.” The man responded. “I don’t know.” The man put her down as she started looking around. “Hey, you alright? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Relax, relax. Honey, honey. Honey, just breath. Breathe, breathe, breathe. In and out. Slow, slow, slow. In and out with me. In…and out.”
“I asked Mrs. Spencer what made the red and she said she didn’t know.” The man read, reading a book to his family, laying next to his youngest daughter in a hospital bed. “And for pity’s sake not to ask her any more questions. She said I must have asked her a thousand already. I suppose I had, too, but how are you gonna find things out if you don’t ask questions? And what does make roads red? ‘Well, I don’t know,’ said Matthew. It just makes me feel glad to be alive…it’s such an interesting world.”
“No!” A girl cried, grabbing a big man’s hand. “I wanna go with you!”
“Y/N/N, what about your mom?” The man asked, getting on his knees to be eye level with the twelve year old girl. “She can’t lose another kid.”
“No! I wanna go with you! She doesn’t care, she only cares about her new boyfriend that doesn’t remind her of Sara!”
“Hey, don’t say that.” The man said, wiping a tear from the girl's face.
“Daddy please? I wanna go with you! I wanna go back to Hawkins! I wanna see Steve again!”
“I know. I know.” 
“Please, don’t make me stay with her! Don’t make me stay with him!”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
The girl pounded on the door to a house as a twelve year old boy opened the door.
“Steve?” The girl asked, tears in her eyes.
“Steve,” the girl let out, hugging him tight. “I missed you so much!”
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Steve asked, pulling away to see tears in her eyes and on her face.
“Steve, my dad and I moved back. Sara died, and uh… my parents got a divorce. I was able to come back with him. He’s at work now, but I just didn’t want to be alone.”
“Y/N/N, I’m home!” The man in his police chief uniform called walking into his house one night. “Y/N? Y/N, where are you?” He asked, looking around, looking for his daughter.
“And she’s not with you?” The man asked on the phone the next day.
“No. Why would she be with me? Are you sure she didn’t just spend the night at a friends?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I went home last and she wasn’t there. There was no sign of her, no note, no nothing! It’s not like her to just run away like that.”
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caxde · 2 years
thunder step | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary you are Dustin’s older sister, you and Eddie used to be friends but haven’t seen eachoter in a while, Dustin needs a sub for Hellfire tonight and you agree to go. (2,3k)
warnings fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, eddie as a DM, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn friends to lovers, idiots in love!!!, multi post fic?, english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read!
“For Fuck sake’s, please?” you ignore him once again. “I’ll do the washing up for you.” still, nothing comes out of your lips. “I’ll wash your car for a month” now that does sound more interesting. 
“Car wash, and the new Black Sabbath cassette” You demand. 
“Jesus what do you think that I’m made of money?” Your eyebrow raises, you know for a fact that he has way more money than anyone else in your house. 
The silence that you provide to him makes him reconsider the offer. 
“ Car wash, and I’ll make mum buy you the cassette” You nod, slightly biting your inner cheek. You look down at your little brother. 
“Okey Dusty buns, you’ve got yourself a deal.” He giggles in respond, grabbing your hand and running eagerly to your car demanding to leave your house right at this second. “Jeez kid, your little meeting is hours away, and I need to get my old stuff, so you’ll wait.” You inform him, arms crossed in your chest, back reclaimed to the threshold. 
“M’kay. Let me call Mike then, tell him I found our sub, so he can tell Eddie.” You frown at the mention of his name. 
“Edd still runs Hellfire?” You ask, curious to learn that the boy that sat behind you last year in Maths, is still in that shithole. 
“Oh, yeah. Kinnda forgot you knew him.” You feel heat coming to your cheeks all of a sudden. You nod fast and head to your room to try and find your old Hellfire stuff. 
Yes, you used to be in Hellfire. Yes, of course you knew Eddie. It’s not like you weren’t friends anymore, you just stopped hanging around where he usually was. And since your last PC was killed in last year’s campaign, you didn’t really have an interest in starting one this year. 
You had enough, working with Steve and Robin at Family Video, getting over everything that happened at Starcourt, helping your little brother Dustin when he needed and wanted your help, taking care of your house, now that your mom spent more and more time at work. Leaving for entire weeks, even if they sometimes felt like months. 
With everything going through your head, absentmindedly, you got on your floor. Looking directly to your last drawer, pulling it open and finding your little figurines. There was a character that you never got to use, and you are positive that Eddie would lose his mind, if you roll well enough and are lucky enough. 
“You ready, kid?” You ask Dustin once your car’s parked. He smiles, teeth finally showing. 
“Didn’t know you even had a shirt like ours' ' He giggles as he walks out the car and closes the door. You grab your backpack, and his as you’re heading out. 
“And who the fuck do you think drew it?” You smile quite proudly, as his mouth opens in shock. Eyebrows raised, you nod. “Um kid, does… Does Eddie smoke inside?” You ask tentatively, you know he’s not fondly of you smoking, but he also knows how anxious you can get. 
“Yeah, well, sometimes, though, he does step back, and it’s usually when we are trying to figure out what our next move should be.” You nod, and touch his shoulder, as saying, thanks, go on, I’ll start in a second. 
He understands, no words needed. 
You grab your packet of cigarettes, Zippo in your other hand, you lit one up, and as you’re letting your body hit the wall, you look at the sky. So much more quiet that you remember. 
You can hear a familiar van, music blasting, parking badly. And there he is. He looks just as shocked as you do when he sees you, though you only see his shock for a millisecond. He gets his Stuff out of the van, backpack hanging on his shoulder. He smirks as he walks towards you. 
You didn’t remember that he looked like that. Hair slightly longer than the last time you saw him. Muscles that seem to have gotten more defined under his jacket, his lips curving up in a smile, pinkish and with a familiarity that shocks you. As you get another drag of your cigarette he stands in front of you. 
“You know, I didn’t believe them when they told me you were coming” He says almost too calmly for the way he entered the scene. 
“Good to see you too Munson” You smile as smoke escapes your mouth. You really do mean it. 
His eyes get lost in you for a second. You might not realize it, but have changed too. The slightly ripped thighs that elongate your legs, the ripped shorts, the Hellfire shirt, though old and with holes, sits perfectly into your body, hugging every part of you that he might find attractive. You feel him checking you out, but you think it’s more because of the shock of seeing you here than anything else. 
“It really is.” He laughs, arms to his chest. As you drag the fag to your lips, his hand rises up, a question in his eyes, can I?.You nod, and he takes it, to smoke it in utter silence as you light up another one. Fingers brushing for a second.
“So” He starts to say, looking directly into your eyes. “Come so I can kill another one of your PC’s?” You laugh, even if you try not to. 
“Too soon Munson.” You chuckle looking at the ground for a second. “No, I’m here to kick your ass, you’ll see.” 
“Can’t wait” 
Character sheet, spell cards, the multiple die, it all lies in front of you. But you’re enchanted by Eddie and his storytelling. He leans closer to the table, hair brushing his face, a smile creeping into his face, you think that whatever is coming up next can’t be good. And if you are being sincere with yourself, you aren’t really paying attention to what he’s saying, more so than the way he’s moving as he does. Hand on the table, strong grip, enough so to make his veins show in his arm, as he propels his body up and announces that Vecna is, once again, alive. 
The entire table bursts into various screams. Your face, pure shock. He smiles, and gives you a little wink. What the fuck was that  you think. 
Your party starts to attack, and as your roll for initiative was low, -enough to make Eddie chuckle, and for you to glare at him with daggers in your eyes- you wait patiently for your turn. A lot of your party members have died - all be it, only dropped to 0 Hit Points, not permanently dead like you did-, and they just Captured Dustin’s PC. You nod as you know what you must do. 
“I got you kid, don’t worry.” He looks at you, puzzled. 
“You sure?” He asks, panic in his voice. 
“Yeah, am sure. Scout's honour.” You say as you take your tongue out, making a silly face so his shoulders relax a bit. You see Eddie standing up and taking a step back, as he loses his hand in his front pocket, and you stare, maybe a little bit too hard, and he grabs a cig, and looks down on you. 
“And as so happens m’lady, it’s going to be your turn next, so, if you delight us with what it is that you intend to do.” He teases. Smirk in his face, eyes lost in yours. And your heart is beating faster and faster. 
“Okay so” You stand up. Hands on the table, chest pushing forwards pointing at him. Your hair moving everywhere as you look at him, smoke disappearing out of his mouth. “So I was with Mike, so I’m probably right around here.” You ask as you point to the board, your mini hasn’t entered the board since the fight started so you needed to make sure you were right. Eddie nods, looking right at where you’re pointing. “Rad, okey.” Your left hand goes to your chin, and as you stroke it, a smile forming in your face you say “So with Tempestuous Magic, before I cast a first level or higher, I can fly 10 feet?” 
He begins to smile, you can tell he’s excited to see you play again. His eyes seem to glow brighter than before.
“That sounds right” He reassures you. You’ve cracked it. And hope you’ll blow his mind away. 
“So I can, like, run through here and then fly 10 feet over these, whatever they are, ‘cause I don’t take opportunity attacks.” You smile as you begin to explain your move. 
Starstruck as he seems he nods and says in shock, mouth open and beaming with excitement.
 “You absolutely can, yes.” 
“Okay, awesome.” You look at the board once again. “ So I get here and, before I cast anything, who all is within 10 feet of me?” You need to be absolutely sure that the higher command to Vecna is close, if he is it’s going to be awesome. 
“Um, that would be Dustin, who is down underneath the gallows and other than that, the second in command to Vecna’s army.” He says with a pride so high at his well played round. 
Your smile grows bigger. 
“Perfect” You purr out. He sits back to his throne, cigarette finished and in the ashtray. “ Okay, so what I’m gonna do is,um… I’m Gonna do a fourth level Thunder Step. I'm grabbing Dustin to come with me.” You declare triumphantly. You are basically teleporting next to him and saving your little brother's ass, if this works out. 
As he realizes what you’ve just told him. his mouth opens and glares at you, Shock and glee evident on his face. “You can pick one person to come with you.” He almost  whispers. Your skin tingling as you hear his voice so low yet deep. Your face, with a bright smile, still higher than he is, looks down at him. Your smile grows wider, and cheeks turning ever so slightly pink. 
“Indeed I do, dear Edds. So, I’m doing a fourth level Thunder Step, and I’m also using my Channel Divinity, um, Destructive Wrath.” His face turns slightly white. Yours beams with joy. Your party is finally catching up to what you’re doing. “Basically, this allows me to do max damage in an attack of my choosing once a day.” You inform everyone at that table, as you read over your card spell once again. “So basically they’re all taking 40 points of damage, and then since I cast lightning spell, they’re also all gonna take another 3. And then.” As you stop to gather some air, you see Eddie’s face. Both parts are equal, shocked, pissed and proud of you. You can feel your cheeks burning, seeing him like that. Under your spell. “I’m gonna use Quicken Spell to do Spare the Dying on Dustin as I teleport them back in here.” Your eyebrows rise up as you start giggling. 
Your party is looking at you, they start to go wild. 
Eddie's face is frozen in complete shock. 
In a single round of combat you’ve managed, not only to save your little brother, but also to fuck his army up considerably. He smiles up at you, finger to his temple, moving forwards from his throne. Biting his lower lip as he looks you up and down.
“Yo…” Mike says in complete shock “Holy shit, Oh my god” He keeps repeating. 
“We’re gonna fuck you up Munson, she read the rule book!” You catch Garret hyping you up and your smugness grows as you step back like he did only a second ago, so you can smoke in peace. Basking in your glory. 
“Hell yeah.” Dustin finally says as he looks at you. You can tell he’s proud of you. 
Eddie gets all flustered and finally meets your eyes. Though mad, he can’t stop smiling at you. 
“You did, ah, what, you did” He mumbles contemplating you, up and down. You get lost in his eyes for a second. 
“43 damage to everyone within 10 feet of me.” You tell him. Smoke pushing to him. 
“But not to…” He can even finish his sentence. Too shocked to process. 
“But not to him, because he’s coming with me. And since I spared them, they’re no longer dying.” You grab your spell card, and flicker it at him. He grabs it in his hand, it shows through his rings as he reads it once over. 
“Fuck me Henderson.” He lets out, hands in his hair, satisfied with a grin in his face. 
“Just did.” For a moment it truly seems to only be you two. Until you remember where you are. “And it's called payback.” 
He laughs, god you missed his laugh. He looks at you once more, and as he nods, he winks at you. “Well played, Henderson.” He stands up once again. “How did you know that he had such low HP?” He asks, forgetting that you two are not alone in this room. 
The table loses their shit, this implies that potentially, you just killed a big bad villain. 
“You forget.” Your chin up, as you walk slowly to him. “I DM’d for you last year, and you’ve got the same guidebook as I do.” You fist bump him playfully into his chest. His mouth opens in shock, as he covers it, you can hear the entire table going crazy. and your touch growing warmer where your hand connected to his chest.
“THIS IS AMAZING” Your little brother proclaims. You bow theatrically, as they cheer for you, calling your name and your PC’s name. 
You return to your seat, this time it's Eddie who can’t stop looking at you. Your cheeks become even pinker. You’re really happy with how this played out. 
if you enjoyed (i I really hope you did), please reblog! i promise it makes a difference
this fic is multi-chapter <3 part two part three part four part five
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skyfallslayer · 3 months
Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Chapter One
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🎲Summary: On the night of November 6th, 1983, Stephanie Henderson decided to walk her little brother’s friend, Will, back home. However… they never arrive. Now, Dustin, Mike and Lucas, and soon the exception of the girl’s ex-best friend, Steve, must band together to find out what happened. Meanwhile, Steph and Will must fight for their survival in this nightmarish version of Hawkins, Indiana.
🎲Chapter Summary: On his way home from a friend’s house, young Will and his best friend’s sister, Stephanie, sees something terrifying. Nearby, their loved ones start worrying hysterically, all while Steve hears some unsettling news.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Word Count: 9,471
🎲Date: 3/12
🎲Warnings: Angst; Swearing; Implied Broken Friendship; Racist Comment; Talks of Kidnapping; Car Crash; Mental Strain/Breaking Down; Implying to Sex; Lying; Suicide Comment; Homophobic Comment/Calling A Person A Derogatory Word; Implied Death; Steve's 'Asshole Era. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
(And let me know if I missed anything)
🎲A/N: Here we go folks. The official rewrite of episode one. Can't say it's perfect, might be a little messy, but think of it as it setting the whole plot up. Anyway, stay safe, and enjoy!
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“It was a seven.” The words fell from his lips that would predestine this night. On the chilly night of November 6th, 1983, the small group of friends had gotten together to play their weekly game of DnD that was cut long short for being on a school night. Two of the boys had rode off on their bikes, away from the host’s house as the young brunette told his friend the truth.
The boy of the house, Mike Wheeler, turned his head, confusion on his face. “Huh?”
“The roll, it was a seven.” The brunette, Will Byers, replies, a frown on his face. “The Demogorgon, it got me.” He kicks the stand off and starts riding. “See you tomorrow.”
As his words lingered in the air, the garage lights flickered on and off that was forgotten with a shrug. 
Young Will catches up quickly with the other boys, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson. The wind in their eyes and smiles on their faces, they continued to ride for many blocks, slowly coming unwind.
“Good night, ladies.” Lucas teased as he broke from the group for his driveway.
“Kiss your mom ‘night for me.” Dustin quips back, before facing the other boy. “Race you back to my place? Winner gets whatever my sister brings home this time.”
Will’s eyes light up from that. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Dustin says, not expecting for his opponent to take off immediately. 
“Hey! Hey! I didn’t say ‘go’! Get back here!” But as he says that, he knows there was no stopping his friend. “I’m gonna kill you!”
Will chuckled and shouted, “Bring it to school tomorrow!”
Dustin hits the breaks, out of breath and frustrated as he replies, “Son of a bitch…” Meanwhile, his friend pretended he didn’t hear that as he rode down the street they dubbed ‘Mirkwood’.
Yes, he lived the farthest away from… anything really; His friends’ houses, his school, the nearby strip mall, pretty much everything that was ‘useful’, But he didn’t mind it. As long as his family was happy with their place he could go along with it.
So Will continued to ride, in his own head that was causing him to ignore when his headlight flickered off and on until his bike chain magically came apart. 
The boy gasped and swerved in a jagged line, worriedness on his features as he used his feet to forcefully come to a complete halt. Stopping along the side of the road, he looked down, trying to figure out what the problem was. While doing so, he didn’t even notice a car had slowed and rolled its window down.
“Will?” The person in the vehicle said, catching him by surprise. 
He was met with a familiar face, the fair skin, freckled nose, and dark curls tied back in a small pony was a girl he practically grew up with. Ironically, she was the older sister of the boy he raced, Stephanie Henderson.
“Steph?” He said, still shocked as he watched her get out. Those bright blue eyes of hers trailed to his only transportation and frowned.
“What happened to your bike?” 
“Uh, chain broke. I think.” Will says, looking at it again, and then back at her. “You’re coming home late.”
“You’ll understand when you have a job and a crappy boss.” She smiles, softly. “Come on. Put your bike in the car and I’ll drive you.”
“What?” He looks at her in disbelief. “Are you sure? You came that direction.”
“You know I don’t mind. Besides, it’s quicker and safer than walking. Plus I’m sure your brother and mother would appreciate it.” She says, opening the back door.
“But what about your mom?”
“I called her already and told her that I’ll be a little late.” She gestures to the car. “Come on.” He smiles and puts the bike in before hopping in the passenger seat. She even spoils him by handing him a paper brown bag. “Cinnamon bun?”
His eyes light up. “Actually, Dustin betted me that if I beat him in a race back to his house I can have whatever you bring.”
“Then I guess they’re all yours.” She turns the car around. “So how was your campaign?”
“It was good until the end.” He takes a bite of the pastry. “I ended up getting beaten by the Demogorgon.”
“Remind me what that is again?”
“He’s a two headed demon prince. Very evil.”
“I see.”
Another bite and a small hum. “You should try playing it.”
She raises an eyebrow. “You think?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun!” Now he was like a kid in a candy store. “You can be… our mage! A druid, or maybe even a ranger.”
She chuckles quietly. “I… have no idea what any of that even means. But uh… I’ll give it a shot. What’s the worst that can happen? I hate it?”
“Or you get eaten by a Demogorgon.”
“That’s true.” Steph agreed, and continued their light conversation until something strange started to happen. She watches as her headlights suddenly start to flicker. “What the?”
“Look out!” Will yelled, and her eyes snapped back up just in time to spot the bizarre looking figure in the road. 
She gasps and veers off the road, foot slamming into the brakes as it rolled down and down into the woods, crashing into a tree. Now, it wasn’t that bad of a hit, more like a little thump, but still. A crash is a crash.
Stephanie lets out a pant, tiling her baseball cap back up to look worriedly towards her passenger. “Shit! You okay?”
“Uh…” He nods, a little shaken up, but looking unharmed. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Another pant and she looks around. “Who that fuck was that?!” She snaps, upset. “Who the fuck stands in the middle of the road at nine o’clock at night?!”
But as she was having her meltdown, Will was staring at the side mirror and paled. “Steph?” He says, terrified.
“I think he’s coming.”
“What?” She followed his eyes to the mirror before turning around. Standing behind them a few feet away was the figure who made her heart sink at its unnaturally long arms, and fingers coming at a point. Now she starts pales. “That’s not a person.”
She starts fiddling with the door. “Get out of– Get out of the car, now!”
Once they were both out, she snags him by the wrist and pulls him along, running as fast as they could, a few miles down, all the way back to what their destination was. As soon as they stepped a foot inside the Byers home, the family’s dog, Chester, started barking defensively as she told the boy to lock the door.
“Mom? Jonathan? Mom?!” He replies after finishing the task, but alas it seems like they were the only ones home.
“Ms. Byers?!” Steph yells out, biting her lip. “Shit.” She runs for the phone as he looks out a window and sees the figure approaching the house. She tries dialing 911, but all she receives on the other end is static. “What the fuck?!”
“It’s unlocking the chain!” Will yells, backing away as she takes a look. Sure enough, they watched the chain on the door slide itself across the track as the other locks started to turn (What in the fresh hell is going on?!).
“Come on!” She pulls him away, thinking the only thing they can do is protect themselves now. 
They both run into the shed in the back, Will remembering what his mother had told him if something to this degree started happening, and begins loading the shotgun on the wall. 
“Is that all you got?” She asked, searching around for anything else she could use.
“Y-Yeah.” He mutters, and frantically points the weapon at the door, trembling as the girl stood behind him, hands over his and shielding his body protectively.
“If that thing comes in, shoot it. I’ll hold you steady so you don’t fall back.” She says, and he nods (His body subconsciously pressing into hers out of fear and comfort).
But the next few moments were tedtious, hearing that thing growling, which got louder and louder, until it sounded like it was right next to them. Steph, who felt the wind get knocked out of her, was the first to turn around, eyes widened as she kept the boy behind her, feeling him clench her jacket. 
“What the fuck are you?!” She screamed, the growling turning into screeching. 
Then the light in the shed gets brighter and brighter– Until everything suddenly stops.
There was no one left.
As soon as the sun touched his face, the boy reached over and shut his alarm clock off before it could even ring. Groaning and stretching, he was feeling extremely exhausted after being up so late (But last night was so fun, it was totally worth it!). Grinning a toothless grin, Dustin rolled out of bed, his clothes in hand as he strolls to the end of the hall for the bathroom. However–
He lets out a sigh and throws his head back at the door being closed. “Oh, my god. Phanie! I told you I needed to use the bathroom first on school days.” Seriously, how many times has he told his sister this? He doesn’t get a reply, and bangs on the door. “Phanie!! Are you listening?”
And on the last knock, to his surprise, the door creaked open. Being cautious, he poked his head inside finding the light was off and the room was unoccupied. 
“Huh.” He said, looking around again. “Okay…” He quickly gets ready for the day, fixing his curls so his hat stays on, before adventuring back out. “Goodbye, sleepyhead!”
And once again, Dustin was shocked to find that now his sister’s room was unoccupied as well. The only thing present was their cat, Mews, who was curled up in a ball on the still perfectly made bed… with everything on it still looking the same in place.
What the? He thought, before heading for the kitchen where his mother was listening to the news.
// -And that’s it for News Center this morning. Thanks for joining us. Let’s hand off now to Liz at the news desk //
// All right, thank you, Donna. Turning now to local news, we’re getting reports of surges and power outages all across the county. Last night, hundreds of homes in East Hawkins were affected, leaving many residents in the dark. The cause of the outage is still unknown. We reached out to Roane County Water and Electric, and a spokesperson says that they are confident power will be restored to all remaining homes within the next– //
“Hey, mom, have you seen Stephanie?” He asked, ignoring the fact his mother was making him his favorite breakfast meal.
“Stephanie?” His mother, Claudia, asked as she slid him a plate. “No, I haven’t.”
“She’s not in her room.” He replies, taking a seat, thinking. “Did you see her come home last night?”
“Well, she did call me saying that she was going to be late, but I’ll admit, I dozed off before I heard her come in.” She notices her son’s worried expression, and smiles. “Oh, don’t worry, Dusty-buns. I’m sure she had to just pick up a friend for school. I can drive you.”
“No, I can bike, I just…” He trails off, not really hungry anymore. We always eat together.
Meanwhile, in another household. Joyce Byers was rummaging around her living room for her keys, cursing under her breath after every failed attempt.
“Where the hell are they?” She sighs. “Jonathan?”
“Check the couch!” Her oldest child said from the kitchen.
“Ugh, I did.” She moves the cushions around again, finally spotting them. “Oh, got them.” She smiles and comes over to give him a pat on the shoulder. “Okay, sweetie, I will see you tonight.”
“Yeah, see you later.” He says, finishing up the eggs.
“Where’s Will?”
“Oh, I didn’t get him up yet. He’s probably still sleeping.”
Joyce sighs, already leaving the room. “Jonathan, you have to make sure he’s up!”
“Mom, I’m making breakfast.”
“I told you this a thousand times. Will!” She claps her hands. “Come on, honey. It’s time to get up.” She pushes open his door only to find that his bed was empty. “He came home last night, right?”
Jonathan’s heart sank as he faced his mother. “He’s not in his room?
“Did he come home or not?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“No. I-I got home late. I was working.”
She gives her son ‘the look’. “You were working?”
“Eric asked if I could cover. I said yeah. I just thought we could use the extra cash.”
“Jonathan, we’ve talked about this.”
He frowns, looking away. “I know…”
“You can’t take shifts when I’m working.” She says, wheels turning in her head at where he could be.
“Mom, it’s not a big deal.” He makes eye contact again. “Look, he was at the Wheelers’ all day. I’m sure he just stayed over.”
“I can’t believe you.” She says, already grabbing the phone. “I can’t believe you sometimes.” She starts dialing the phone number she knows by heart and waits.
[ ‘Hello?’ ]
“Hi, Karen. It’s Joyce.”
[ ‘Oh, Joyce, hi.’ ]
Before Joyce could ask, she hears a ruckus in the background.
[ ‘Quiet!’ ]
“Was that Will I heard back there?” She asked, hopefully.
[ ‘Will? No, no, no, it’s just Mike.’ ]
“Will didn’t spend the night?”
[ ‘No, he left here a little bit after 8:00. Why? He’s not home?’] 
Joyce tries to keep the panic off her face as she replies, “Um, you know what? I think he just left early for... for school. Thank you so much.”
[ ‘Okay.’ ]
[ ‘Bye.’ ]
Joyce hangs up the phone, exchanging concerned glances with her eldest child.
Three out of the four boys rode to school that morning, chattering away about a certain person that’ll only end in sadness. Frowning as they slowed down to their usual bike rack that laid empty before them.
“That’s weird. I don’t see him.” Mike said, noticing the absent bike. Did he park somewhere else this time?
“I’m telling you, his mom’s right.” Lucas said, trying to be the reasonable one. “He probably just went to class early again. You know he’s always paranoid that Gursky’s gonna give him another pop quiz.”
“That’s true.”
“Yeah… pop quiz...” Dustin mumbled, being completely distant from the group. 
Lucas sighs, rolling his eyes. “Dude, you still worried about your sister?” 
“Well, yeah! I mean, why was she not home? We always eat breakfast with each other, how could she just skip out on it?”
“She’s sixteen, you know? You’re just overreacting. I’m sure Steph is fine.”
“I don’t man, this ain’t like her.”
“Step right up, ladies and gentlemen!” A bully, named Troy, announced as he came over with another boy. “Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show.” He smirks. “Who do you think would make more money in a freak show?” He pushes Lucas first. “Midnight–” Then Mike. “Frogface–” Then Dustin. “Or Toothless?”
The other bully, James, looks pensive for a moment before making his decision with a point. “I’d go with Toothless.”
Dustin’s cheeks flush out of embarrassment. “I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It’s called cleidocranial dysplasia.”
“‘I told you a million times’.” James mocks, and laughs. 
“Do the arm thing.” Troy pressures, as Dustin takes a small step back.
“Do it, freak!” Deciding to just comply, Dustin cracks his arms with his collar bone, making him and Troy groan and recoil. “God, it gets me every time.”
Then the two of them push through the boys as they leave for class; The trio sending them a death glare.
“Assholes.” Luca scoffed.
“I think it’s kinda cool.” Mike said, trying to cheer Dustin up. “It’s like you have superpowers or something. Like Mr. Fantastic.”
Dustin chuckles. “Yeah, except I can’t fight evil with it.”
Meanwhile, in the high school next door, Mike’s older sister was hustling inside, books in hand, acting all flustered. It especially didn’t help when her friend came over, grinning like the Chester Cat.
“So, did he call? The ginger girl, Barb, asked all giggly.
The sister, Nancy, shushes her looking around. “Keep your voice down.”
She nudges her with her elbow. “Did he?”
“I told you, it’s not like that.” Nancy blushes harder when Barb gave her a look. “Okay, I mean, yes, he likes me, but not like that. We just made out a couple times.
Barb raises an eyebrow. “‘We just made out a couple times’. Nance, seriously, you’re gonna be so cool now, it’s ridiculous.”
“No, I’m not.” She shakes her head while unlocking her locker.
“You better still hang out with me, that’s all I’m saying. If you become friends with Tommy H. or Carol–”
“Oh, that’s gross!”
“I’m just saying, you better still be friends with me. I heard that the King pushed a close friend out of his circle when he took the throne and–”
“Okay, I’m telling you, it was a one-time... two-time thing.”
She opens her locker, finding a note that read: MEET ME IN BATHROOM -STEVE.
Barb’s expression grew. “You were saying?”
Before you know it, Nancy is having a make out session with the highschool’s King, Steve “The Hair” Harrington. The cocky bad boy that every girl fawns over, and the physic that every guy envies. If you wanted any kind of popularity while running around this place, you had to make a guarantee that he would be in your corner.
“Steve.” Nancy croaked in between kisses, making him hum. “I have to go.”
“In a minute.” He mumbled, nibbling at her neck as the school bell rings.
“Steve–” She nudged her way out from him. “I really, like seriously, I have to go.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Let’s…” He snags her bag, keeping her in place for a second. “Come on, let’s do something tonight, yeah?”
“No, I can’t. I have to study for Kaminsky’s test.”
“Oh, come on. What’s your GPA again? 3.999–”
“Kaminsky’s tests are impossible.”
“Well, then, just let me help.” He said, smirking.
She rolls her eyes with a smile. “You failed chem.”
“Well, in that case–”
“So I’ll be over around, say, like, 8:00?”
“Are you crazy?” Nancy shakes her head. “My mom would not–”
“I’ll climb through your window.” He insisted, all pumped up at the idea. “She won’t even know I’m there. I’m stealthy, like a ninja.”
“You are crazy.” She says, taking her bag back and starts leaving. 
“Wait, wait, wait. Just…” He steps in front of her. “Okay, forget about that. We can just– We can just, like, chill in my car. We can find a nice quiet place to park, and–”
“Steve, I have to study. I’m not kidding.”
“Well, why do you think I want it to be nice and quiet?”
That got her to crack another smile. “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.” She replies, stepping around him. “Meet me at Dearborn and Maple at 8:00. To study.”
The school bell rings again, leaving behind a very satisfied teen.
“Alright, class, I’ll be your sub for today.” The man explains, writing his name on the board. “I’m Mr. Dunwoody. If you have any questions, please refrain before I take attendance.” He ignores as some of the ‘cool kids’ snickered under their breaths and chuck paper balls around. “Uh, Barkley?”
“Byers?” No reply. “Jonathan Byers?” He scopes the room, the seat in the back corner was absent. “No Byers. M’kay, uh, Davidson?”
“Henderson.” No reply, he looks around – Yet another seat in the back unattended (And certain eyes following). “Henderson? Is a… Stephanie Henderson in?” His gaze shifts with the class’ and frowns. “No, okay. Uh, Harrington?” Silence. “Harrington?”
Steve blinks and faces forward, snapping out of his trace. “Uh, present.”
“‘Kay, uh–” He started shooting off more names, but the teenager wasn’t honestly listening. Something about that empty space (the space that seemed so far away now) didn’t sit right with him. And the gossiping in the background wasn’t helping his troubled mind either.
“Maybe grunge girl finally got the hint.” 
“Oh, yeah. For sure.” 
“Do you think the pressure made her drop out?”
“Drop out?” A laugh. “Maybe she took a dive off the overpass.”
“Guess we’ll have to check the news later for that!”
They laughed under their breaths and Steve’s hands started subconsciously squeezing his crossed arms. This shouldn’t bother him. It’s not like they’re–
He didn’t even realize he was turning around to say something if it was for Tommy’s hand snagging his shoulder. It, and he’s not sure if he can admit, hurt in a way he can’t describe. They both locked eyes, and Tommy shook his head ‘no’ just as the substitute finished calling out names, starting the soulless class.
As usual the town’s head sheriff was strolling into his job late and looking like he’d been hit by truck after truck. His five o’clock shadow was strong and so were the bags under his eyes; Jim Hopper walks in with a lit cigarette in his hand, the receptionist amazed by his appearance.
“Good of you to show.” She said, as he passed by and gave a small nod to the other officers present.
“Oh, hey, morning, Flo. Morning, everybody.” He says, heading for the small kitchenette to pour himself some coffee.
“Hey, Chief.” Powell greeted with a grin.
“Damn! You look like hell, Chief.” Callahan replies, looking up from his game of cards.
“Oh, yeah?” Hopper spares him a look.
“Well, I looked better than your wife when I left her this morning.” His response made his brothers bust a gut as the elderly woman came over, trying to get his attention.
“While you were drinking or sleeping, or whatever it is you deemed so necessary on Monday morning, Phil Larson called. Said some kids are stealing the gnomes out of his garden again.” Flo explains, as he tries not to roll his eyes (or maybe he did?).
“Oh, those garden gnomes again.” He sighs, and picks up a donut too. “Well, I’ll tell you what, I’m gonna get right on that.”
Flo keeps a straight face, used to his antics by now. “On a more pressing matter, Joyce Byers can’t find her son this morning.”
He hums after taking a bite of the pastry. “Okay, I’m gonna get on that.” He starts walking away. “Just give me a minute.”
“Joyce is very upset.” She pushes, as he shakes his head.
“Well, Flo– Flo, we’ve discussed this. Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.”
“Chief, she’s already in your–”
“Coffee and contemplation, Flo!” He shouts as he leaves the room, and, due to not paying attention, is surprised to see Ms. Byers already waiting in his office. His jaw clenched. “Okay… Missing? I’ve been told.”
“Yes, missing!” Joyce says, watching him sit down and start typewriting a file out for her boy. Worriedly she waits for him to finish, even smoking bud after bud to calm the jitters. “I have been waiting here over an hour, Hopper.”
“And I apologize.” He says, trying to calm her.
“I’m going out of my mind!”
“Look, boy his age, he’s probably just playing hooky, okay?”
She shakes her head. “No, not my Will. He’s not like that– He wouldn’t do that.”
“Well, you never know.” He suggests, a little smirk growing on his lips. “I mean, my mom thought I was on the debate team, when really I was just screwing Chrissy Carpenter in the back of my dad’s Oldsmobile, so–”
“Look, he’s not like you, Hopper. He’s not like me. He’s not like most.” She explains, her face saddening. “He has a couple of friends, but, you know, the kids, they’re mean. They make fun of him. They call him names. They laugh at him, his clothes–”
“His clothes?” Hopper’s eyebrows shoot up. “What’s wrong with his clothes?”
“I don’t know. Does that matter?”
Joyce inhales deeply. “Look, he’s... He’s a sensitive kid. Lonnie…” God she could punch that man right now. “Lonnie used to say he was queer. Called him a fag.”
Another eyebrow raise. “Is he?”
“He’s missing! Is what he is.” 
“When was the last time you heard from Lonnie?”
“Uh, last I heard, he was in Indianapolis. That was about a year ago. But he has nothing to do with this.”
“Why don’t you give me his number?”
“You know, Hopper, he has nothing to do with this. Trust me.”
Hopper’s body straightens, hands coming to rest on his desk to make sure she was listening. “Joyce, 99 out of 100 times, kid goes missing, the kid is with a parent or relative.”
Her eyes widened. “What about the other time?”
He blinks. “What?”
“You said, ‘99 out of 100’. What about the other time, the one?”
“The one!”
Hopper tries to deescalate again. “Joyce, this is Hawkins, okay? You wanna know the worst thing that’s ever happened here in the four years I’ve been working here?” He could hold back a small smile. “Do you wanna know the worst thing? It was when an owl attacked Eleanor Gillespie’s head because it thought that her hair was a nest.”
Joyce sighs. “Okay, fine. I will call Lonnie. He will talk to me before he talks to–”
“What, a pig?”
“A cop! Just find my son, Hop. Find him!”
And then came a knock on the doorframe, which happened to be Flo who looked apologetic this time.
“Chief, I’m sorry, I have another hectic parent. A Ms. Claudia Henderson is here to see you.”
“What?” Hopper said, and just before he could blink, a blonde woman came stumbling in, all nervous just like someone else in present.
“Hopper, I’m sorry if you’re busy, but–”
“Claudia?” Joyce said, standing up with surprise. 
“Joyce?” Claudia’s face washes over with relief upon seeing her. “What brings you here?”
“It’s Will, I can’t find him.” She says, missing the way the other woman’s face lost all color. “And apparently he didn’t go to school either.”
“Well, what a coincidence. I can’t find my daughter, either.”
And then all eyes are now on the police Chief who was dumbfounded this was all happening at once. After a moment, he sighed and pulled Will’s form out of the typewriter before sliding in a new piece of paper.
“Alright.” He gestures to the chair. “Let’s hear your story.”
And then that’s how the police chief found himself at a middle school. His first “suspects” in this case was Will’s inner circle of friends. But what he wasn’t expecting while sitting in the principal’s office was the trio to be talking over one another frantically.
“Okay, okay, okay.” Hopper says, waving for them to stop which they did. “One at a time, all right?” He points to Mike. “You. You said he takes what?”
“Mirkwood.” Mike said, confusing him.
Hopper sighs, looking at his partner. “Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?”
“I have not.” Callahan shakes his head. “That sounds made up to me.”
“No, it’s from Lord of the Rings.” Lucas says, offended.
“Well, The Hobbit.” Dustin pushes as his friend rolls his eyes.
“Who cares?”
“He asked!”
“‘He asked’!” Lucas mocked which started their bickering again.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Hopper yells, getting to stop once more. “What’d I just say? One at a damn time.” He points to Mike again. “You.”
“Mirkwood, it’s a real road. It’s just the name that’s made up. It’s where Cornwallis and Kerley meet.” Mike explains, giving the Chief a picture now.
“Yeah, all right, I think I know that.”
“We can show you, if you want.” The boy replies, his friends agreeing with him immediately. 
Hopper shakes his head. “I said that I know it!”
“We can help look.” Mike pleads.
“Yeah.” Dustin encouraged.
“No.” The boys try to protest, but he shuts it down again. “No. After school, you are all to go home. Immediately. That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense. This isn’t some Lord of the Rings book.”
“The Hobbit.” Dustin mumbles, quietly.
“Shut up!” Lucas said, elbowing him.
“Stop it!” Hopper snaps, while standing up. “Do I make myself clear?” He gets no answer. “Do I make myself clear?”
Mike nods. “Yes, sir.”
“Good.” He faces the principal. “Sir, thank you for your time.”
“Wait!” Dustin cuts in, and makes the man groan.
“What about my sister? You mentioned her earlier. What about her?”
“Kid, listen, your sister’s sixteen, and to be honest, I believe a teenager playing hooky more than your friend Will. Okay?” Hopper tried to leave again, but the kid wasn’t letting up.
“But Stephanie’s not like that! I mean, yeah, she doesn’t necessarily like school, but she always studies hard to get good grades. She’s a good noodle.” Dustin frowns worriedly. “Trust me, she would never skip school. I mean… did you even check the parking lot to see if her car was there? Or the mall that she works at?”
I guess… the kid did have a point, Hopper will admit that one. He locks eyes with his partner who shrugs.
“I mean, we might as well kill two birds with one stone while we’re here.” Callahan says, truthfully.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Hopper sighs. “Okay. So Dustin, did your sister have any… friends we could talk to?” Then they got quiet, looking amongst themselves. “What? No? She didn’t? Or–?”
“Well, not really.” Dustin admits, bittersweet. “I mean, she probably hangs out with us more than anything at this point.”
“I mean, she’s friends with that douchebag Steve.” Lucas said, upset.
“Was friends. Not anymore.” Mike clarifies.
“Was a friend?” Hopper asked, skeptical. “What happened?”
“Not sure. They were inseparable until one day they just… weren’t.” Dustin replies, which was the truth. He remembers seeing Steve around a few times as he grew up, but then one day his sister stopped going out and didn’t even mention him anymore. Then before he knew it, he witnessed first hand the boy’s ‘asshole’ attitude (Makes him glad that she wasn’t around him anymore).
“Okay, then. What’s his name?”
“Steve Harrington.” 
Steve stopped himself from getting into his BMW to look who was calling him out. To his shock he found two police officers in his presence, and immediately felt sick.
“Um, can I help you, officers?” He asked, paying no heed to the passing stares from other students.
“I’m officer Hopper, this is my partner Callahan. We just want to ask you a few questions.” Hopper explains, as the teenager nods.
“Am I in trouble?”
“No, son. As long as you comply.”
“Alright then, do you know a girl by the name of Stephanie Henderson?”
His heart sank again like earlier. “Stephanie?” Steve asked, his throat feeling tight (Why was his throat closing up?).
“Yeah. We were told by her brother that you guys used to be friends. Is that true?”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“Have you spoken to her recently? Seen her?” Hopper asked, getting a shake of his head.
“Seen her? Yeah, I mean I see her everyday, we’re in the same classes, but I didn’t see her today.” Steve shifts his weight around on his feet. “As for talking, I haven’t spoken to her in years.”
“So you haven’t had any real contact with her?”
“No, sir.” Steve watches the two adults exchange glances which pique his interest. “May I ask what’s going on with her? Is she in trouble?”
“Not necessarily trouble, I would say. Her mom came down by the station earlier and reported her missing, saying she didn’t see her in the morning and when they called the school she wasn’t there.”
“If I’m being honest, son, she’s a teenager, she probably just wanted some time alone.” Callahan replies, with a half shrug. “Besides, everyone knows her mother’s a bit… out there. She tends to overreact.”
“There’s nothing for you to worry about, Mr. Harrington. We appreciate your time.” Hopper replies, bidding him a farewell as he begins to leave (but this wasn’t sitting right with the boy’s stomach).
“She never misses her classes though.” Steve blurts out, getting their attention. “Even now, even if we aren’t friends, I notice she never misses school. It’s completely out of her character.”
It really is though. Steve waited until the officers processed his comment, before nodding.
“Noted.” Was all Hopper said and they left, leaving him high and dry, wondering what was truly going on. He was so stuck in his head he didn’t even notice Tommy and Carol making their way towards him.
“Oooh, looks like someone’s in trouble.” Tommy coos, with a grin.
“What did you do, Harrington? Slash Tammy Thompson’s tires finally?” Carol asked, making herself laugh.
But Steve didn’t find this funny, instead his attention was turned back to climbing in the passenger seat. “I gotta go home.”
“What?” Tommy said, caught off guard.
“I gotta go home.”
“What? But you said we were going to the movies?”
“Maybe tomorrow I–” He couldn’t even think straight. “I’m sorry. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He shuts his car door as his name is being called, and quickly pulls away.
Along the Mirkwood road, the three officers were paneling out, surveying the area. Everyone was shouting Will’s name, except Hopper who nerves were shooting through the roof; So much so, he had to stop and pop a pill. These kinds of situations, especially evolving children, were hard for him to deal with. It reminded him too much of his own–
Wait a minute. Were his eyes deceiving him? Does actually see this or was this another one of his episodes? 
But after triple checking, he finally calls the others forward. “Hey! I think I got something.”
He steps off the room, jogging a few feet into the woods. If it wasn’t for the daylight, he surely would have missed a huge clue that was being covered by a few shrubs and ankle deep piles of autumn leaves. Smashed into one of the sweet gum trees was a car, windshield cracked and lightly powdered in stray branches.
“I don’t remember hearing anything about crashes this morning.” Powell said, confused as he examined it. 
Hopper’s keen eyes also caught something lying in the backseat and pulled it out. He frowns, his nerves spiking again. “This is Will’s bike.”
“His bike?” Powell asked, suspicious now. “You don’t think this was uh… a kidnapping?”
“It’s possible. But it doesn’t explain why the kidnapper would crash and abandon the car. Then leave evidence of the child behind.”
“Now, what a second.” Callahan said, perking up. “This is a 1975 Tan Ford Granada, the same car that Ms. Henderson said her daughter drives.”
Hopper’s eyes widen as he sets the bike down. “She also said that her daughter had a Journey keychain.” He opens the driver door, and sure enough, still in the dead ignition, there was a little band keychain dangling off her car key. “Shit.” He locks eyes with his partners. “Which way is the mall?”
Powell pointed in the direction that he feared the most. It was in the same direction the Byers’ house was. Now it was starting to make sense. 
“What are you thinking, Chief?” 
Hopper frowns. “Well, if you look at the bike, the chain’s broken. My guess, Stephanie was driving by and saw him on the side of the road, and offered him a ride home.”
“Then how do you explain the car being off road?”
He sighs, dreading for the answer (both in a good and a bad way). “I’m not sure.”
Saying Joyce Byers was livid was probably not a strong enough word after being hung up on so many times. Why, out of the times she actually needed to talk to her ex-husband, he doesn’t answer the phone?! She could pull all her hair out from that man. No wonder they were divorced since he frustrates her so–
“Mom?” Jonathan said, standing up from the couch (He was currently making missing child signs for his brother).
“Cops.” Sure enough, they saw many cop cars pull up, including a tow truck with a car none of them recognize. 
“Is that his bike?” Joyce said, worriedly once she was outside. “And who’s car is that?”
“We found this in Stephanie Henderson’s car.” Hopper replies, sitting the bike down. 
“Stephanie’s car?” Jonathan said, surprised. Well, I guess he shouldn’t be that surprise, ‘cause although they’re not exactly friends as one thinks they might be, given the situation, he knows her enough that she’s the type of girl to give you the shirt off her back if you need it.
“Our best guess right now is that she saw him on the side of the road and offered to drive him back. It makes sense since her mother told us Stephanie called to let her know she’ll be running late from work. And given the time stamp Will’s friends provided us, them crossing paths match up.”
“But that still doesn’t explain everything!” Joyce says, trying to piece this together. “Where did you find her car?”
He sighs quietly. “Down off the road, into the forest.” He starts walking away, motioning for his men to follow him. “Split up, fellas.” He said, once they were inside.
“Did it have any blood on it? Or– or what was the condition of the car? Did it slide off the road?” Joyce asked as she followed him around. “And why are you here instead of looking?”
“Well, he had a key to the house, right?”
“So maybe he came home. Maybe they both came home.”
Joyce scoffs, stepping in front of him. “You think I didn’t check my own house?”
“I’m not saying that.” He says, eyes trailing away upon catching something else. “Has this always been here?” He walked over and pointed to an indent in the wall.
“What? I don’t know. Probably. I mean, I have two boys. Look at this place.”
He suddenly opens the door to the backyard, the doorknob trailing directly to the spot of the mini hole. “You’re not sure?” He’s about to question it some more when the dog suddenly starts barking. He heads outside, finding Chester angrily staring down the shed. “Hey, what’s up with this guy, huh?”
“Nothing, he’s probably just hungry.” Joyce said, after following him out. She sighs and drags the dog by the collar. “Come on.”
But as they left, Hopper’s gaze was focused on the shed. Why was the dog so wound up from that place? Treading carefully, he goes inside, flipping the lightswitch on that buzzed lightly above. His eyes scaled the room, immediately noticing something. His fingers wrapped around the box full of shotgun shells, realizing it was half empty.
Empty? He thought, setting it down and heading for where the weapon would be stored. But the two hooks screwed into the wall were bare, and to a shock, when his fingers brushed where it should be, the light suddenly shut itself off.
Out of instinct his hand latched around a flashlight nearby, turning it on. He turned the light towards the door, wondering if someone was just screwing with him but… no one. 
Okay… not creepy at all. He trailed it around, looking closely, nothing making him want to stand on his toes until he decided to turn around. That’s when he saw the back half of the shed was a mess, shelves torn off, boxes and objects thrown everywhere, some even being crushed under some kind of weight. Even the hair on the back of his neck stood up when he swears he could hear someone growling.
His heart was beating in his ears as he crouched down, looking around for anything. (Un)Luckily enough, there was no kid laying emotionless in the pile. He frowns, wondering what scared the boy so much that he went to grab a gun. And then–
Something shiny caught his eye.
He reached out and picked it up, a gold chain unraveled, showing off a heart shaped pendant with two initials carved into it. 
“Shit.” Hopper whispered, horrified.
He shot to his feet, turning around to face his brother in blue. “Jesus!”
“What are you, deaf? I’ve been calling you.” Callahan said, before noticing how ill his boss looked. “What’s going on?”
“Fuck…” Hopper mumbled and started racing back outside.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Chief?”
“Listen, I want you to call Flo. I want to get a search party together, all right? All the volunteers she can muster. Bring flashlights, too.”
“Chief?” Callahan stops him before he goes back into the house. “Hey, you think we got a problem here?”
“I don’t think, I know.” Hopper shows off the necklace. “We’re going to the Henderson’s house.”
Dustin watches with fear as the officers explain the situation on hand about his older sister. His mom of course was hysterical, giving the professionals a challenge to get answers out of her. 
“Oh, who could have hurt my baby? And poor Will too.” Claudia sobbed into her handkerchief. “She’s always so kind to others, of course she would have offered him a ride.”
“Ma’am, I know you’re upset, and we’re sending a search party out as soon as possible. But I just need you to confirm that this is your daughter’s, then we can make this one big old case.” Hoppy explains, trying not to be snappy with his words. “Now–” He shows off the necklace. “Is this your daughter’s?”
Dustin’s eyebrows shot up through the roof. “She still wears that?!” He said, shocking both himself and the officer.
“Y-Yes.” Claudia said, nodding. “That’s hers.”
“Thank you.” Hopper says, placing it in her palm. He spins his heels around to Powell. “Let’s go. We got two missing people we’re looking for.” 
“Please find her.” She begged, getting his attention once more. “I can’t lose my only daughter.” But all she gets is a sad nod from him as he leaves, watching as all the cars pull off her driveway in a hurry. She sighs and then gasps when felt her son take the necklace away from her, studying it intensely. “Dusty, why were you so surprised she still wears it?”
“Don’t you remember who gave this to her?” He asked, slightly sour.
“Well, no.”
He sighs, and starts leaving the room. “It’s nothing.” 
And it should stay that way.
Meanwhile, later in the day, a heated discussion was going on at the Wheeler’s house over a nice homemade dinner.
“We should be out there right now. We should be helping look for him.” Mike said for the millionth time tonight, extremely close to igniting the fuse in his own mother.
“We’ve been over this, Mike.” Karen said, drawing her attention away from her toddler. “The chief says–”
“I don’t care what the chief said.”
“We have to do something! Will can be in danger.”
“More reason to stay put.”
“End of discussion.” She snapped, silencing her son. But when one bird stops chirping, another one decides to start a tune.
“So me and Barbara are gonna study at her house tonight. That’s cool, right?” Nancy says, not an ask, but that of course gets shot down too.
“No, not cool.”
“What? Why not?”
“Why do you think? Am I speaking Chinese in this house? Until we know Will is okay, no one leaves.”
“This is such bullshit.” Nancy replies, dropping her fork.
“Language.” Ted chimes in, still munching on his food.
“So we’re under house arrest? Just because Mike’s friend got lost on the way home from–”
“Wait, this is Will’s fault?” Mike spat, sending daggers at his sister.
“Nancy, take that back.” Karen warned, as Holly started to get teary eyed.
“No!” Nancy scoffed.
“You’re just pissed off ‘cause you wanna hang out with Steve.” Mike quips, sending the whole room into silence. He swallows when he realizes he messed up (and how his sister looked like she was going to kill him).
“Steve?” Her father asked, finally tuning back in.
“Who is Steve?” Her mother asked, as her son decided to just roll with it anyway.
“Her new boyfriend.”
“You are such a douchebag, Mike!” Nancy yells, throwing the chair back and marching out of the room.
“Language!” Ted says, as Karen sighs.
“Nancy, come back. Come back!” She shakes her head, and cups her youngest cheek. “It’s okay. It’s okay, Holly.” She holds up her sippy cup. “Here, have some juice, okay?”
“You see, Michael? You see what happens?”
“What happens when what?” Mike snaps again, still in disbelief. “I’m the only one acting normal here! I’m the only one that cares about Will!”
“That is really unfair, son. We care.” And now his words drove his son away from the dinner table.
“Mike!” Karen yells after him too.
“Let him go.” Ted encourages, as his wife picks up their child.
“I hope you’re enjoying your chicken, Ted.” She says, then leaves herself.
“What did I do?” He notices he is truly alone now. “What’d I do?”
Dustin was sitting on his bed, holding his sister’s necklace in his palm. It was a gold color chain with a dark red heart shaped guitar pick. It even had her initials scratched into it. Such a beautiful and expensive gift. However, he still wonders why she even still wears it. Especially since it was gifted by none of other then–
[ ‘Dustin, do you copy? It’s Lucas.’ ]
He perked up from the voice of his friend coming through on his walkie, and scrambled off the bed to his desk. “Lucas. What’s up?”
[ ‘Mike just called me. Says he wants to go out looking for Will.’ ]
“Looking for Will?” He gasps at how perfect this was. “We can look for Phanie too!”
[ ‘Steph? You mean she hasn’t come home yet?’ ]
“No! That’s what I’ve been saying!” Why don’t his friends listen to him sometimes? “So she’s out there, we have to go find her as well!”
[ ‘I mean, we can. But we’re biking over where Will was last–’ ]
“Oh, no. I got that! But…” Dustin frowns. “Wait. You didn’t hear?”
[ ‘Hear what?’ ]
“Oh, my god– Okay! Well, long story short, my sister wasn’t playing hooky like everyone thought.”
[ ‘What do you mean?’ ]
“According to the police, Phanie apparently gave Will a ride home before somewhere along the way, her car ended up in the woods. They found his bike in her car, and even found her necklace at his home. So, Lucas, my sister was with Will! It’s not just Will who’s missing! My sister is too! Together!”
He thought might have exploded his friend’s brain after the long silence he was given.
[ ‘Oh shit…’ ]
[ ‘We have to tell Mike this when we meet up. Don’t worry, man, we’ll find her too.’ ]
“And I have faith in us.” Dustin peeks outside his door. “My mom’s watching her shows right now to keep herself distracted. So we have a few hours.”
[ ‘Perfect. See you in ten.’ ]
“See you in ten.” He puts down the antenna, clenching the necklace in his palm. “Don’t worry, sis, we’re going to find you too.”
[ ‘I’m sorry.’ ]
He heard her apologize for the millionth time while over the phone. He can imagine her cute little face full of irritation (was that reason to be in love with a person?). 
[ ‘My… dumb mother has me under house arrest until morning.’ ]
“Don’t sweat it, Nance.” He said, leaning against the wall while they talked. “You know… I could always be sneaky like a ninja and–”
[ ‘No, Steve. You know what my parents would do if they caught you?’ ]
He hums. “Um, congratulate me?”
[ ‘Steve.’ ]
Steve laughs. “Alright, alright. I’m joking. Uh–” He runs a hand through his locks. “We could… study over the phone?”
That was a good idea.
Her silence was making him worry. “Um, Nancy?”
[ ‘Sorry. I was thinking. It’s a tempting offer but… risky. I don’t want my parents eavesdropping.’ ]
“Do they tend to eavesdrop?”
[ ‘Steve!’ ]
“Alright, I’ll stop.”
[ ‘We’ll just see each other tomorrow.’ ]
“Of course we will.” He smiles. “As long as uh… the search for that Byers boy isn’t still going on. Heard they’re grabbing everyone in town.”
[ ‘Yeah. Well, it’s not just for him, l mean they’re looking for the Henderson girl too.’ ]
And there it is again.
The horrible, aching feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“S-Stephanie?” The air got trapped in his lungs (Why was it so hard to breathe?). “I thought Will just went missing?” It was just him, right? There’s no way she went missing too. And at the same time no less. “Right, Nancy?”
[ ‘No. From what it sounds like on the news I just overheard, she gave him a ride home, but her car was found abandoned with his bike in it. So… as of now, we have two people missing.’ ]
Stephanie’s really missing? Once again he’s asking himself that it shouldn’t hurt this much, right? It’s not like they’ve been acquitted in years, so–
[ ‘Steve? You there?’ ]
“Uh, um, N-Nancy I… I think I hear my parents. I… I-I got to go.” He said, slurring his words and could practically feel the strange look she was probably giving him right now.
[ ‘You okay?’ ]
“Y-Yeah. I’m… I’m good, I– I think it’s time for dinner.”
[ ‘Isn’t it kind of late for dinner now?’ ]
“Oh, you know, we Harringtons like to have it late. So, uh, pfff– I’ll see you at school tomorrow. Have fun studying.”
[ ‘Steve–’ ]
He hangs up the phone before she questions him anymore.
It just doesn’t make sense. They’re not friends any more so…
Why does it hurt so much?
The rain was coming down like a monsoon. Thunder was starting to rumble, lightning was lingering around waiting to strike. Speaking of waiting… The Byers were on their couch, rummaging through photos that touched their emotions.
“Jonathan, wow. You took these?” Joyce asked, amazed by them. “These are great.” She got her son to crack a smile. “Wow, they really are.” Then came the sniffles again. “I-I know I haven’t been there for you. I’ve been working so hard and… I-I just feel bad. I don’t even barely know what’s going on with you. All right? I am so sorry about that.” And then the sobs started coming from her child. “Hey, what is it? What is it, honey?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing.”
“Tell me. Tell me.” Joyce urges, rubbing his forearm. “Come on. You can–”
“No. It’s just…” Jonathan’s blank expression broke. “I s-should’ve been there for him.”
“No. Oh, no. You can’t do that to yourself.” She shakes her own head and gives him a gentle squeeze. “This was not your fault. Do you hear me? He is… close. I know it. I-I feel it in my heart.” She clenches the left side of her chest. “You just have to… You have to trust me on this, okay?”
He nods while leaning into his mother’s touch. “Yeah.”
“Oh, look at this.” She says, picking one where it was just Will and his cute smile. “Look at this one.” It makes them both quietly laugh. “I mean, that’s it, right?”
“Yeah. That’s it.” He smiles sadly. “W-We should… see if Ms. Henderson had any photos of Stephanie. Maybe we can make a poster together.”
Then her whole world gets thrown around when she hears breathing. “Will?” She chokes, eyes widening. “Will? It’s Will!”
“That’s a good idea.” And the phone rings and she shoots off the couch. She prays and prays it’s good news as she yanks the phone off the receiver. “Hello?” She answers, which happened to be nothing but static.
“Hello? Lonnie? Hopper? Who is this?”
Jonathan was by her side in a split second. “Mom, it’s Will?”
“Who is this?!” Joyce screamed when growling came on the other side. “What have you done to my boy? Give me back my son!” And whoever was truly on the other side, replied by shocking her with electricity. She shrieked and threw the phone away, her son picking it up right after.
“Hello? Hello, who is this?” Jonathan asked, the silence making him furiously hit the phone box. “Hello? Who is this?” He finally hangs up, turning towards his hysterical mother. “Mom, who was it? Who was it, Mom?”
“It was him.” She sobbed, as she was taken in his arms.
“Look at me, was it Will?”
“What did he say?” Jonathan choked, as his mother reached for the phone, hoping they were still connected.
“He just breathed. He just breathed.”
“And was someone else there?”
“Mom, who was there? Who was it?”
“It was him…” She wraps her arms around him, knees almost buckling at the emotional exhaustion. “I know it was his breathing. I know it was his breathing.”
Meanwhile, in the deep depths of the forest, drenched head to toe, the trio was shouting until their lungs hurt, hoping to find any one of their loved ones. 
“Byers! Henderson!”
Lucas sighs. “Guys, I’m starting to feel like this is hopeless.” 
“Don’t be a big sissy.” Dustin says, getting ‘the look’.
“I’m just being realistic, man.”
“Well, stop being realistic! My sister and Will are missing, and they’re fine.” They have to be. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if they’re–
“Lucas!” Mike scolded, getting a shrug.
“What?” Lucas snapped. “I’m just saying. I mean, did any of you ever think Will and Steph went missing because they ran into something bad? And we happened to be going to the exact same spot where they were last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?”
“So?!” Dustin scoffed. “If it was any of us in their place, my sister and Will would be busting their asses trying to find us!”
“Really? How would you know that?”
“I just do!”
“Shut up!” Mike yells, facing them. Their jaws closed and he shushed them quietly. “Shut up and listen.” And then there was a faint sound of rustling. “Do you guys hear that?”
And then the rustling got louder and louder, the boys spinning on their heels and waving their flashlights around for any signs of life. Just as thunder roared and the spotlights moved to another side, that’s when they were practically blinding a person.
Although it was not Will or Stephanie.
It was another child, barefoot and in a shirt that was practically a dress.
Staring in amazed and confusion, the boys weren’t sure what to say except,
“What the hell?”
The lights flickered back on with an audible gasp. 
She heaved the strange tasting air into her lungs, eyes adjusting to the bright world before it completely went dim, like an eclipse was happening just overhead. Before she could question where she was, she felt someone tug on her jacket and gasp themself.
Stephanie whipped her body around, catching the sight of the young boy who was now having a bit of coughing fit. “Will?” She says, taking the boy by his shoulders, relieved to see him.
“S-Steph?” He choked, taking a moment to look around with his big cocoa eyes. “What just happened?”
Well that was the million dollar question. What actually happened?
She takes a moment to finally look around herself, realizing they were in the… same spot? Yeah… the same spot. They were still inside the shed, still holding the shotgun, but the only difference was no… what can you even call that thing they encountered?
“We’re still in the shed. But it’s…” Will crinkled his button nose at the sight. “Gross.”
Steph swallows, blue orbs landing on the door. “Stay behind me.” She lets herself push open the shed door slowly, heart beating like crazy as she luckily met with no scary creature. She shivered at the sudden drop in temperature. “Jesus, It’s freezing.”
The outside world seemed to be encased in a blue hue, the places around seemed to be tangled with vines and covered in something sticky. There was also a white powder that looked like snow, raining down from the dark skies above. A sky that didn’t even have moonlight like it did a few minutes ago.
Holy shit… She thought, before feeling around her head, worriedly. She then locked eyes with him and asked, “Did you hit your head when we crashed?” He shakes his head, fueling her emotions. So they weren’t dreaming or having a concussion. So what even is this place? 
Where the hell are we? And in the distance…
A creature snarled…
While waiting for his orders from his master beyond.
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A/N: 😬🤭🫣
-Taglist is Open-
@ladygrey03 @poppet05 @tooearlyforthis @lovesfics @lordzzz
@mirkwoodshewolf @sadbitchfangirl
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witch-of-sadness · 3 months
It's a day can't stand
Summery: You are dragged to the Hellfire club by your little brother, and you meet the one who will change your life (although you don't know it yet).
Contains: Dustin trying to help his sister, Eddie in DM mode, overthinking reader.
Warnings: references to "The Flight of Icarus"
Note: i kinda had a writer block, so I don't know how this turned out.
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Your brother had been insisting for several days that you accompany him to his weekly DnD meeting, saying that you couldn't keep being locked in your room and feeling sorry for yourself. He was really worried about you, you could hear it in his voice. And this is why you find yourself now walking through the halls of Hawkins High after two years on your way to the drama room, just as awful as you remember. And as you neared the drama room you could already hear him inside, putting on that theatrical DM voice of his while clearly lecturing the other kids.
Dustin haven't stopped talking about him since you came back, telling you how amazing he was. Edward Munson, his DM, and his new role-model (and you just knew Harrington wouldn't be fond of this). You were in the same generation as him during high school, Higgins tried to get him to drop out several times, everyone believed him and his friends were satanic cause they had "weird" tastes and for being obnoxious. And he didn't graduated with the rest of your class.
Dustin slid open the door and Eddie's gaze lifted and caught yours, brows raising in brief surprise, but continued his dramatics as if to not lose his crowd. Well, as long as he left you out of it you'd survive this one meeting, for Dustin's sake.
For now, you steeled yourself and slipped into the room, keeping your guard up as the game began anew.
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During the campaign Eddie didn't pay much attention to your presence, a small welcome and a "don't interrupt the flow of the session" was all he said to you, taking his Master role a-little-too serious, not that you cared.
The session went on for a couple of hours, with Dustin and the others fully immersed in Eddie's storytelling. You had to admit, he was good at what he did. Though you kept to yourself in the corner, observing more than participating, you found yourself getting pulled into the fantasy world despite your initial reluctance.
Finally the sesion came to an end, and taking the opportunity, Dustin bounded over to you excitedly. "So what do you think so far, sis? Eddie's campaign is super cool, right?"
You gave a noncommittal shrug. "It's not bad, I guess. Your DM certainly knows how to weave a tale."
Suddenly Eddie was by your side, believing it was the reasonable thing to do to finally go talk to you. "Henderson The First, Thought you were gonna out of this shit-hole forever."
He has this smile in his face that's so warm, like his teasing wasn't in a rude way. And it made your tummy turn a little bit.
"Munson. Long-time no-see." You smiled back.
"Indeed. What brings you here this fine evening?"
"I'm staying here for a while, and Dustin wanted me to check out Hellfire. Didn't knew you still run the club."
"Yeah, I just couldn't abandon my sheep, y'know?"
You gave him an awkward laugh.
"and... How's Veronica?"
You ask, just to continue the smalltalk. She was Eddie's best friend since they were 8, attached to the hip, and they basically looked like twins, too.
You and Veronica Ecker shared a few classes in your senior year, and although you weren't friends at all, you were both said to be "Hawkins' success story"; The 'They will leave this nothing town in the middle of nowhere to go to the big city and have a successful life, because they made the effort, because they deserve it.'
At least she could keep that title.
Stop overthinking.
"Ronnie," he said almost as a correction - 's still in New York, haven't talk to her in a while" the change in his tone was so obvious in made you feel like and idiot. Of course he hadn't talk to her. Idiot.
"Oh..." Was all that left your lips, and thank God your brother got your anxious vibe, cause he said the good-byes for the both of you and led you outside.
Well, shit.
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
Big Sister Program // Max Mayfield Headcanon
masterlist | oneshots
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Max has been depressed more and more recently
after all she’s been through in life, she still can’t seem to catch a break from the pain and suffering, not to mention what friends she has left
so when she found out her mom signed her up for a ‘Big Sister Program’, she wasn’t thrilled
you lived in the trailer park across the street from hers, almost next to Eddie’s actually, so being close by for any reason was the best outcome for the both of you
“Hey Max, I’m Y/N” you introduced yourself
you were different. little more outgoing and bubbly, never taking any for granted and always seeing the other side of the storm clouds
“Yeah, I’ve seen you around school” she nodded
you understood that she was forced to do this, but reassured her that it wouldn’t be like a constant babysitter looking out
for a couple weeks after meeting, Max didn’t really say much. she didn’t really want to hang out or talk really
you didn’t mind though, she’d come around on her own terms, which she did
Max came to realize that you were a friend and not a guardian, parent, or counselor to “talk” to
she relied on you more, which to be totally honest, you loved
the relationship that the two of you had built over the past 6 months benefited both of you in more ways than one
“Hey M, a couple friends of mine are going to a concert this weekend and I got you a ticket.” You smiled
“Really? What concert? Who’s playing?” She looked up from her book.
“Kate Bush.” You said calmly.
she literally flipped when you told her and already clearing it with her mom, you two had the best time
it was a time where Max could let loose and breath, she didn’t have to worry or overthink about the troubles in her life
you more you two hung out and spent time together, the more it felt like a good friend and not like a program she was signed up for to make her life less lonely. she’d never admit it to her mom, but this was the best decision anyone’s made for her
“Hey Y/N... I may not say it much, but I really do appreciate you and all you do. You are the big sister and sibling that I always wanted. Thank you.” Max hugged you around your waist.
“I love you, Max. I’d do anything for you. Plus you’re the little sister I always wanted to.” You hugged her close.
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yovrnewromantic · 27 days
THE LINE | Memories of An Old Friend
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pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Henderson!Reader
words: 2.0k
summary: your final homecoming football game in Steve’s POV.
Mac DeMarco — Another one , Joy Ciara (cover) — The One That Got Away
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Hawkins Highschool. October 12th, 85’.
Like usual, the Hawkins’ football team was losing. Despite how hard the seniors at Hawkins would pray, their beloved football team would still lose the homecoming football game. But Steve wasn’t there for the football game, he was there for you.
From the bleachers, along with the rest of the student body, Steve watched you from across the field, dressed up in white. All pretty like a princess, or, soon to be, a queen. Even from afar he could see he could see your giddy smile that you were desperately trying to hide.
Steve’s stomach did a back flip when you started walking down the field, mother and brother at your side, the announcer beginning.
“Y/N Henderson, accompanied by her mother, Claudia, and her younger brother, Dustin. After high school, Y/N plans to attend,” Steve couldn’t pronounce the name of your future school if he tried, “college and become an author.”
The announcement of your future was euphoric for you to hear, he could see it on your face, but that didn’t prevent Steve’s stomach from dropping.
He knew you were going to leave eventually, you had too much potential to stay in a silly town like this. Yet, hearing it out loud from someone else’s voice, not your usual sweet voice as you daydreamed with head in your hands on the counter of Family Video as Steve pretended he wasn’t listening, made it feel real.
He wanted to be happy for you, but the thought of you leaving him Hawkins behind made him feel sick.
“Y/N gives special dedication to Heather Hathaway, a friend who recently passed in the Hawkins Mall fire along with town Sheriff, Jim Hopper. May they rest in peace.”
Beside him, Robin shifted, and he’s sure that your little monster hunting group was looking at each other, but Steve couldn’t seem to take his eyes off you.
His eyes never strayed from you, even when you stood between Nancy, his ex girlfriend and your best friend, and Chrissy Cunningham, another one of your friends. You stood in the center of four girls on the homecoming court. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, but he couldn’t so much as spare another girl a glance. They just seemed so insignificant compared to you.
Steve swore he had never seen anything that could compare to the sight of your jaw dropping when the crown was placed on top of your head. Your hand went to grab your tiara, pulling it into your head tightly as you barked an incredulous laugh full of joy.
Applauds followed, but Steve swore he was the loudest, regardless of Lucas and Mike screaming a few bleachers below him.
After quick side hugs to your friends, Steve watched intently as you ran to your Dustin and your mom as swiftly in possible with your heels.
Pictures followed, and after a picture with the court and homecoming king, you were swarmed with a crowd of people. Steve barely made his way through to you, but when he did, he stopped moving, letting the crowd shift around him despite him feeling the world had stopped spinning for a moment.
Billy Hargrove looked at you like you hung the moon, and Steve wanted to rip his arm off your shoulder and replace it with his, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t yours, and you were certainly not his, the mass of teenage boys eager for a picture with you proved that. Steve wasn’t special, and he was delusional if he ever thought he had a chance with you.
Steve didn’t stay long enough to watch your eyes scan the crowd, looking for a familiar face. He hadn’t seen your shoulders sag in disappointment when you couldn’t find him, or the way your eyes brightened at the sight of him walking into the school, hands dipped in his pockets.
Steve’s knuckles rasped against where your desk had been last year, the seat next to his in the AP statistic class you had convinced him to take.
He shook his head at the memories of you tutoring him on the car rides to and from school, in the library, each other’s houses. He remembered the days your patience wore thin, the days when he stayed for dinner at your house so he could continue studying with you past six, the days you forced Dustin out of your room so you could get some work done, the days you baked him cookies when passed his tests. He’d survived the class with a C+, thanks to you.
Too focused on reminiscing, Steve hardly heard your heels clacking until you were in the doorway.
“Guess King Steve has been dethroned,” you said, sounding pleased with your own wit. The nickname he only let you call him flowed off your lips with ease.
“Finally,” Steve joked, turning to look at you. “That guy was an asshole.”
Steve watched as you place your bouquet of flowers onto the closest desk to the door before coming towards him, your cheeks looking flushed. He realized you must’ve rushed out to find him.
“Right?” you agreed, teasing. Uncontrollable giggles spilled from your throat.
It felt like a breathe of fresh air to have you this close to him, the closest you had been all day. Steve hadn’t really how much he had missed you. He took the moment to admire you.
Your hair was curled in a bun, strings of frizz framing your face, but not as nicely as the golden tiara on your head did. The tiara was like the final piece of a puzzle, completing your faultless look. You looked perfect, but something about your dress— the way it hugged your curves, how it showed the right amount of cleavage. Your dress made you look divine.
Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Steve was sure that he’d get to see you in white dress again.
“I thought you left,” you admitted, an arm going to hug yourself. Your fingers brushed against your forearms for comfort, a nervous tick Steve had picked up when you two had gotten close in your junior year of Highschool.
Steve felt ashamed hearing your worried tone. He had thought about it, leaving and going home, prepared to call you later that night, ready to lie and say he had caught food poisoning and didn’t want to spoil your night. He was glad he stayed. If he hadn’t, he would’ve never seen how gorgeous you looked that night.
“Without wishing you congratulations? You think that low of me, Sunshine?” Steve whistled. He tilted his head, lips curved into a smile.
You dipped your head, but Steve could still spot your blissful expression, cheeks full from your smile. Steve swore he saw you blush at the nickname. Then, you looked up at him like he was something worth looking at.
With an ounce of hesitance, you shrugged, “What’d you think?”
“About what?” Steve asked, oblivious as ever.
Playfully, you rolled your eyes. “About me?” you huffed, gesturing your hands to yourself in emphasis.
Steve’s heart raced. The way you looked was setting off a fire deep inside him that he wasn’t sure he could ever put out. You looked godly, and if Aphrodite was real, Steve was sure that you were her favorite child. Steve would fight hundreds of millions of demogorgons, demo-dogs, any monster from the upside down to see you like this. Hell, he’d sacrifice himself to them if this was the sight that would welcome him to heaven.
But before he could say anything, you laughed, your normal snort that reminded him you were the same girl from yesterday; the same girl that almost crashed his car when he tried teaching you how to drive, the same that made him buy her books and milkshakes. The same girl who insulted his taste in movies and music. The same girl who saved his life more times than he could count.
You were the same girl he thought was absolutely perfect despite your, at least he thought they were, breathtaking imperfections.
Smiling, you said, “In all seriousness, Steve, my mom wants a picture of us. Dustin wants to be in it too, says it’s foreshadowing something. I didn’t bother asking what.”
Steve hummed, drawling closer. It’s now or never, he told himself.
“I think they’re going to have to wait.”
You cocked your head in confusion. For once in your entire life, you were the oblivious one. “Why’s that?”
“I want you to myself for a little bit,” Steve shrugged nonchalantly. “Is that too much to ask?”
Steve watched your lips part. You blinked, stunned, before brushing back a strand of frizz behind your hair. “N-no,” you stammered.
“No?” Steve repeated, your bashfulness giving him confidence. He looked down at you, eyes hazy.
“No, it isn’t,” you shook your head lightly. “It isn’t too much to ask. Not at all.”
Smiling down at you, Steve bathed in the way you watched him. He adjusted the crown on your head. “You look like a queen tonight, giggles.”
Mischievously, you rolled your eyes. “Really,” your voice was laced with sultry, “King Steve?”
Steve sucked in a breath. He ignored that nagging voice in his head that told him you were too good for him (you were but that was beside the point). He reached to caress your face, the thumb of his hand brushed your cheek. You leaned into his touch, and Steve watched as your eyes fluttered shut when he slowly started to lean in.
Flash interrupted the two of you.
You bounced away from him, but Steve stayed in his place. He didn’t bother to look away from you, his lips still parted as he watched your chest heave wildly as you looked at Steve’s cockblocker the culprit.
“Mom!” you scolded, rushing toward where your mother stood in the doorway, where you had stood minuted ago.
“Sorry! You two just looked to cute,” your mom apologized, unapologetically, waving the new picture dry. “Dusty had me come looking for you. He really wants that picture.”
You lowered your voice, glancing back at Steve like you didn’t want him to hear you say, “He couldn’t have waited five more minutes?”
Your mother pouted, Steve could see where you got it from, and her voice dipped lower in a whisper so he couldn’t hear. Slightly, your eyes widened and you glanced at the photo, flustered.
Hesitantly, you turned him, cheeks red. “C’mon Steve,” you said gently. “Dusty buns needs a picture.”
Steve chuckled, dropping his head before walking towards you, walking you back to the football field with a hand on your lower back, your bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Dustin gave him a copy of the pictures several weeks later.
There were two photos of you, him, and Dustin; one where you all smiled politely, Dustin on Steve’s right, you on his left, and another where you held an eye roll, arms crossed over your chest and Dustin and Steve argued beside you over something minuscule.
There was one of you two, both of you looking at the camera charismatically, a purple-pink sunset behind you. (He put the picture in his wallet).
The last photo, was slightly blurry, but that didn’t stop Steve from turning to red at the sight of his hand on your cheek, your eyes closed, him leaning in.
Steve hid that photo in a shoebox under his bed. Y'know, for safe keeping. And looking at it now, months later. Without you. He knows one thing.
He should’ve kissed you.
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This has been in my drafts for a while and i was meaning to post this after i finished the line series or whatever but i think it it’s good and can’t make myself write sooooo… here! 🩷
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munsonsprincess11111 · 3 months
Awkward situation
Eddie munson x Henderson!reader
Summary: your dating Eddie munson your brothers best friend. Even though it annoys the he'll out of Dustin he can't exactly stop you both. Eddie stays at your place after a d&d campaign that went on to long with the rest of hellfire.
D&D was a success last night for thr group. Though it rolled to early hours of the morning. So with permission of mother Henderson the boys stayed in the basement. Everyone left early the next morning besides Eddie. Mother Henderson didn't mind him staying longer though as she liked the positivity he brought to Dustin.
Eddie was leaning on the kitchen counter talking to Dustin as he finished the dishes from the night before. Eddie had taken out the trash bag they filled up and the one that was in the kitchen.
"I'm thinking the next campaign I'll work in a few less monsters keep it short and sweet after the one last night." Eddie says to Dustin
"Yeah give us a small recovery break" Dustin laughs and Eddie laughs along. The boys continue to talk Eddie helping Dustin dry the dishes and put them away. As they finish up you finally wake up and come walking into the living room to say good morning to your mom. Then to the kitchen.
Dustin and Eddie turn when they hear someone enter. Dustin scoffs and Eddie can't help but smirk. Your wearing one of the band tees Eddie gave you that was way to big and a pair of your more slutty panties. It isn't lacey at the front and covers some of your ass with the help of Eddie's tee shirt but Dustin still scoffs.
"Jesus y/n put your ass away for once we have company." Dustin says. He doesn't tend to care how you walk around the house infact he walks around in his underwear when no guests are there. But he does care when his friend is stood there.
You gasp and look up to see who it is and see a very smug looking Eddie. You let out a breath and step to Eddie. "I think your forgetting your company is my boyfriend." You say as you step forward into Eddie. His arms go around you as he smiles. You hug him around his middle putting your face in his chest.
Dustin makes fake gagging noises and Eddie frowns at him. You bring your face out of his chest and look up at Eddie. "Morning beautiful." Eddie laughs slightly looking at you with your messy hair and goofy smile.
"Morning eds. How comes your here?" You ask genuinely curious.
"I stayed the night. Campaign wrapped up late so everyone crashed here but the others left I stayed to help Dustin tidy and see you." HE smiles kissing you. You melt into him finally getting a hello kiss.
"Why didn't you come get in bed with me if you was here?" You ask frowning.
"Cause it wouldn't be fair that I came here to see my friends and then ditched at 2 am cause I want to sleep in your bed." Eddie chuckles. You nod kissing him again.
"OK I'm here to and eddies here to see me right now y/n so shoo." Dustin says pointing to the door at the kitchen. You groan and pull away from Eddie's warm embrace. "Here" Eddie says giving you his hoodie he had on the kitchen side. You smile and kiss his cheek and take it happily before exiting the kitchen.
"And stay out!" Dustin calls behind you. Eddie looks over at him "what?" HE askes Eddie noticing his disapproving look.
"She's still my girlfriend even when I hang out with you." Eddie says raising his brows.
Dustin scoffs again "Common let's go to my room I wanna show you my new comics." Dustin says guiding Eddie out of the kitchen. Eddie nods and follows Dustin. Walking to Dustins room Eddie sees your bedroom door open and peaks in. Your sat at your desk drawing something.
"Whatcha drawing?" Eddie askes curiously making you jump.
"Jesus Eddie you scared me." You says calming yourself " 'm drawing a window but it's open ans the curtains are flying outside n the windows like smashed n stuff." You answer his question. Eddie nods and smiles at you.
"You my boyfriend again yet or still one of dustins sad little friends?" You ask smirking. Before he can answer Dustin calls his name.
"That should answer your question." HE chuckles walking away from your room to dustins.
"Yes well I have to see my girlfriend now." Eddie says approaching your room.
"But why she's so boring." Dustin protests.
"Alright dude I was here from 6 pm yesterday playing d&d n I didn't speak to her once. I stayed still didn't. At 12 pm she woke up and I spoke to her. Then you got her to go. Then when I was talking to her 5 minutes later you summond me again. Its now 5:30 pm and I wanna see my girlfriend. I'll hang with you inna bit or tomorrow OK?" Eddie answers as calmly as he can
He loves Dustin but he just couldn't talk to you. You walked to dustins room to see if he or Eddie wanted a drink as you was making yourself a coffee and dustin told you to get out.
"OK fine but you have to watch scream with me." Dustin says. Eddie nods knocking on your bedroom door. You open it and smile at the sight of Eddie.
"You finally been set free?" You ask giggling.
"God I'm still stood here." Dustin says stomping off. You roll your eyes and let Eddie Into your room. He flops onto your bed and you crawl up him kissing him sweetly when you Reach his lips then laying next to him.
"I don't see why Dustin hates me. All I do is try." You say putting your head on Eddie's chest. Eddie knows it upsets you when Dustin treats you like crap. You're his older sister and do a lot for him, but Eddie will admit he does treat you like shit sometimes.
You and Eddie have spoke about it before when it's been bothering you so you know you can talk to him now. Eddie kisses your head. "Honestly babe I think it's purely because we're dating. He will get over it eventually. Like I said just give him time." Eddie says closing his eyes relaxing.
"Yeah your right." You mumble back. You lay like that for a while as you both drift off into sleep. Eddie's arm around you. Your head on the side of his chest his heart is and your arm across his chest. Your legs entangled at the bottom of the bed.
Dustin bursts into your room without knocking making Eddie jump out of his peaceful sleep. Only to throw his head back when he sees Dustin stood in the doorway.
"Yes Dustin?" Eddie askes whipping his hand over his eyes.
"What are you doing?" Dustin askes Eddie frowning
"Well I was cuddled up with your sister asleep but now I'm awake talking to you. What's up?" Eddie askes again wanting to know what Dustin needed to urgently.
"Wanted to put the movie on common I've got our snacks out and stuff." Dustin says bouncing on his feet. Eddie lays on your bed in slight defeat. He either goes with Dustin leaving you and when you wake up you'll be upset or he can tell Dustin he can't resulting in an annoyed Dustin.
"What if I wake y/n up and see if she wants to watch it with us?" HE askes dustin
"What no you said YOU would watch it with my all you two will do is make out and its bro time not hoe time." Dustin says crossing his arms.
"Don't call your sister a hoe." Eddie says running his hand up your back. Eddie slips himself away from your sleeping body not wanting to wake you and goes into the living room with Dustin. Dustins buzzing he puts the movie on and sits next to Eddie opening the popcorn.
30 minutes later you wake up and notice Eddie isn't by your side. You frown and rub your eyes walking out of your bedroom. You walk to the bathroom and the doors wide open. You use the bathroom and wash your hands then you hear the TV. You walk into the living room seeing scream on the TV and both the boys on the couch.
"Eds?" You say quietly behind them. Both there heads turn to you. Eddie smiles and dustin rolls his eyes. "Whyd you leave?" You ask stretching your arms up.
"Cause he wanted to watch the movie with me." Dustin answers for Eddie. "You should've woken me up I would've came and watched it with you guys." You say crossing your arms looking at the boys with a soft expression.
"We wanted to watch the movie not you sit there making out with Eddie. It's bro time." Dustin says shoving his mouth full of popcorn. Eddie's head turns to you. He sees the look of hurt in your face. Your bottom lip wobbles and you nod. "Kay ill um ill go." You say hugging yourself as you walk off.
"Good." Dustin says through his mouthful of food. Eddie's pissed he was annoyed before but now he's pissed.
"To far." Eddie says looking at dustin
"What?" Dustin says confused
"To fucking far. I get she's your sister and I'm your friend but she's still my girlfriend. I've been dating her longer then I've properly known you Henderson. You've been in hellfire 7 months I've been dating your sister nearly 2 years. I get its annoying but if you don't like it you shouldn't have become as close with me as you have. We wouldn't of made out the hole time. She could've come and sat with us. She could've stayed in the kitchen with us. She could've come to see your comics to. I'm sure she would love that. But you treat her like shit. I've been nice you know cause I Dont want you to hate me cause you are my friend. And I don't want your mum to think bad of me. But she's my girlfriend n I don't let my other friends talk about her like that so you don't either. I'm gonna go make sure she's OK cause I'm gonna go with you didn't see her upset when she walked off." Eddie snapped at Dustin before he got up and walked to your bedroom.
Dustin was slightly shocked by eddies outburst. But Eddie didn't care he walked to your room. He said hello to your mun who was in the kitchen on his walk room.
"I'm sorry for snapping at Dustin aswell I'm justa little annoyed at how much he snaps at y/n." Eddie says not wanting your mum to suddenly hate him.
"Your fine Eddie just go make sure she's OK ill talk to dusty." She says smiling Eddie nods and goes to your room. He knocks and doesn't get an answer so he knocks again. "Go away." You mumble from the otherside of the door.
"Babe let me in. Don't make me climb through your window. I'll do it no hesitation." Eddie half jokes just wanting you to open the door. Which you do so he succeeded. You smile smally at him. "Want a hug?" HE askes hugging you. You nod and cling to him. He holds you just as tight as you cry slightly.
"Baby why are you crying?" Eddie askes kissing your head. You pull your face away from him slightly smiling at him. "Cause I heard what you said to Dustin. N i loved that you defended me even though you didn't need to. N then you apologised to my mum. N i was like. Holy shit I love him so much." You cried smiling as Eddie pulled you back in.
"Don't care. No one speaks to my girl infront of me like that don't care who they are." Eddie says. You stay holding eachother for a few before Eddie takes you to the living room.
"Let's clear this up. You don't be mean to her no more. Sure have your sibling banter or whatever but don't talk to her like you was or imma disown you. And you, you need to stop just walking off when he upsets you and tell him. OK right. New plan. Dustin if I'm here for D&D I'm here for you if I stay over after I stay with you I help you tidy up and whatever you wanna do with me we do then cause once I'm with y/n I'm not gonna stop hanging out with my girlfriend ok? Unless its like a movie or something we can all watch it even your mum can join. You need to stop being weird about the whole us dating thing it didn't effect you until you joined hellfire. Now let's all sit down and finish the movie." Eddie says as he pulls you to sit next to him.
"I didn't know I was upsetting you y/n I'm really sorry" Dustin says with sincerity in his voice.
"It's OK Dustin. I get its weird that me and Eddie are dating cause he's your friend but we've Been together a while you know so you just gotta deal with it really." You giggle sitting up. You hug Dustin for a second so he knows everything is OK.
Then you lay into Eddie's side as he wraps and arms around you kissing your head. "I love you." HE mumbles into your head. "I love you too." You smile up at him.
Once movie finished you and Eddie went to dustins room so he could show YOU all his new comics and stuff. Eventually he let you and Eddie go free. Your mom said Eddie could stay over again as he was respectful (to her atleast) so you both headed to your room and crawled and your duvets cuddling eachother.
"Missed my girl." HE mumbles.
"Missed you too babe." You hum back.
"Hopefully its all better now." Eddie says kissing your neck.
"Trust me I think its better all ready." You smile at his kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"Edward you actual bitch."
"Is someone to sleepy for the I love you battle."
"Yes now cuddle me and show me how you love me more."
And he does just that until your both out cold.
Safe to say Eddie's little speech worked cause you woke the next day to Eddie and dustin in the kitchen and as you enter Dustin smiled at you and said nothing about you being immediately clingy with Eddie. You'd woken up just in need of his skin contact so you hugged him for a while even while he made your coffee.
That day you all went to the arcade and actually had fun with Dustin for the first time in a while. You held Eddie's hand with no gagging noises and you were happy.
"I love you." You kiss Eddie as Dustin plays whatever game he's playing. It breaks Eddie's focus on the game and it goes straight to you. He then kisses you back. "I love you too." HE says, snaking a hand around your waist eyes, going back on the game Dustins playing.
"I love you more." You smirk.
"OH you getting revenge for last night huh?" HE turns back to you smiling and you nod smirking. "Mk let's stay at the trailer tonight n ill show you how much more I love you." HE whispers in your ear. Your haw drops as Eddie smirks looking back at dustins game telling him to do something.
You stood shocked as Eddie's hand squeezed your hip he was still smirking....
Boy were you excited for tonight.
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