bang-bang-gang · 1 month
putting good vibes into the world. yuta could be blonde now.
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summoning circle for blonde yuta
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fangedtracks · 4 days
5 and 15!!
questions I think would be fun to be asked
5. what made you start your blog?
so honestly, i started my blog over a decade ago so i cannot for the life of me remember :thumbsup:
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
izzie! a cold lake. miles of walking trails. mashed potatoes :^)
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
I opened my folder if fav wrestlers and-- what are your hook thoughts? I don't remember if you've ever had/said any
honestly i havent been really vocal about him cause most of my thoughts are through osmosis and friends liking him lol, but i do think hes really neat. hes so talented for his age and i really love his character a lot, its such a good take and a really nice fit for him. tho im still shook every single time i hear him talk cause no way that voice is coming out of that face lmao
i am also super envious of his hair i wish that was me so badly
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blacktofade · 1 year
what if chuck had a womb tattoo
I think that would be real fucking sexy of him!!!!
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adulthooliganism · 1 year
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Weekly Wrapup 3/3/24 (late!)
This Week's Rankings:
Hangman Adam Page (Mustache) - 70.7% smash
Drilla Moloney - 70.7%
Kagetsu - 66.7%
Randy Orton - 62.3%
Alex Coughlin - 61.3%
Amir Jordan - 60.2%
Shane Haste - 59.0%
Rocky Romero - 58.4%
Tetsuya Naito - 54.1%
Tony Nese - 51.4%
Al Snow - 47.3%
Eve Torres - 47.1%
Julius Creed - 27.9%
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1%
Average smash rating this week: 53.6%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Hangman Adam Page - 529 votes
Alex Coughlin - 279
Drilla Moloney - 246
Rocky Romero - 245
Randy Orton - 236
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Kevin Sullivan - 153 votes
Amir Jordan - 166
Eve Torres - 174
Julius Creed - 201
Tony Nese - 218
The closest poll was Tony Nese, who won 112-106
Top Ten Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Ric Flair - 4.6% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Spike Trivet - 12.% smash
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Eric Bischoff (NWO) - 20.0% smash
Charlie Dempsey - 22.1% smash
Top Women Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Eve Torres - 47.1% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
Kelly Kelly - 50.3% smash
Top Men Overall
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Top Tag Teams
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Roppongi Vice - 62.7% smash
Young Bucks - 43.8% smash
Mustachioed Hangman took the No. 2 spot for most total votes, with 529 votes cast. However, there was a 13.6 point drop in his smashability when the mustache is taken into account. He scored 86.4% smash for his previous poll, with 386 smash votes. With the mustache, he scored 70.7% smash, with 374 smash votes. I thought he'd do better, given how popular mustaches seem to be overall, but maybe the mustache fans are just a small, vocal minority.
Eve Torres had the misfortune of being the least smashable woman overall. She was the fourth woman to score less than 50%.
We can now add Rocky Romero to the rankings for Best Friends and Friends:
Kris Statlander - 91.0% smash
Orange Cassidy - 77.1% smash
Danhausen - 68.8% smash
Chuck Taylor - 66.2% smash
Trent Beretta - 61.3% smash
Rocky Romero - 58.4% smash
And for their tag teams, we have
Best Friends (Chuck and Trent): 66.7% smash
Roppongi Vice (Trent and Rocky): 62.7% smash
In other news, I'm starting to add Cagematch rankings to the results spreadsheet (reminder, that exists here: Google Docs). I plan to eventually make some silly charts involving those ratings, like smashability vs. Cagematch rating.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comment
@tetsuya-taito on Julius Creed: #he looks like he rubs the inner thigh and asks if you like that
@mancewarner on Julius Creed: #he does unfortunately look like hed call me a slur though so id hit it and ghost
@mancewarner on Shane Haste: #just watched an insiderz stream where he was chugging coke and burping extremely loudly into the microphone. that being said yes id smash
@sanguinaryrot on Kagetsu: #uhhhhh yeah I stand for the troops (transgender professional wrestlers)
@dykecassidy on Hangman with a Mustache: #everyone stop clicking smash i wanna be the only one please let me be alone with this hangman
@theunprettier on Drilla Moloney: #i wanna get tangled up in his body hair and die like a fish caught in ocean debris
Honorable mention to the MANY people who tagged the Hangman poll with some variation on "save a horse ride a cowboy"
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dbry · 2 years
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@wrestlebang art for @dykecassidy’s fic 😌
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pinnithin · 8 months
tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
tagged by: @scorndotexe!
last song: I Miss The Misery by Halestorm (it's on my workout playlist)
last film: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (watched it with @justshannanigans and @reneethecyborg)
current/last read: Still working my way through I Am My Country by Kenan Orhan. Really good collection of short stories telling a collective narrative about resistance against authoritarianism in Turkey.
currently watching: idly watching Breaking Bad when the mood takes me but not actively engaged with any shows rn
current obsessions: I have the Baldur's Gate 3 tadpole and its winning. Also rapidly becoming obsessed with Starfinder in general, which includes my own homebrew campaign Astrum Profectus and the actual play podcast Live and Let Fly.
tagging: @mad-phlegmatic @angelofthemornings @famishedst @whats-ursine @justshannanigans @reneethecyborg @foxskip @greenwitching @evilswampchicken @midcarder @dykecassidy @thebadwolfdemon and anyone else i may have forgotten
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girlboydotjpg · 1 month
i’m gonna try my best not to jinx this as i still have almost 4 hours left of work but
last night i received a christmas gift from my very best friend @dykecassidy that had a crochet black and red pentagon (have taken to calling him my little guy), some twizzler gummies (which i may share with the parents!), and an extremely heartfelt card (i cried reading it)
anyways, all this to say i greatly appreciated it, called lee to tell xem so, and put the little crochet pentagon in my purse before heading off to work today. and i did say i would have a good day at work today, but lee probably put some good luck charm or caring spell in that lil guy because me and my manager have gotten basically EVERYTHING done ahead of schedule. my day started at 10. i completed day dots and sub backups at around 10:30, got pre-top done by 11:15, and it’s currently 12:44 and we are both chilling on our phones.
i will probably fold a couple more boxes and cut up some hot chicken, definitely have a few more orders before 5 (when i leave) but we’re so ahead of schedule! just very nice to have an easy day and yes, i’m contributing it to lee’s very nice, very kindhearted crochet gift.
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tea-and-finalfantasy · 6 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better
i keep forgetting to answer this!! thank u for sending this to me ilu. i don't wanna send it to ppl bc nervous but ilu @camp-bruins @agentduckorico @dykecassidy @borderlinemediocre @naptimes-bestfriend why cant i tag u @porcelainbluejay
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thentherewasfury · 10 months
Ok ok squid tagged me in the URL song game and it’s almost 80 degrees at 9 am and I don’t want to work, SO.
Rules: spell your url with song titles and tag as many people as the letters! Tagged by @sacrificethemtothesquid—please enjoy this sampler of my… very unique music taste. This comes with the caveat that I am a metal/punk/alt person in the morning and late at night, but a rock/pop/country person in the afternoon, so if I redid this list in eight hours you would see a lot more rednecks on it.
Trust Me - Sincere Engineer
Haunted - Spanish Love Songs
Eyes in the Dark - The Garages
Nonbeliever - Restorations
Turn Soonest to the Sea - Protest the Hero
Holiday Review - Magnolia Sons
Every Town Has an Elm Street - Iron Chic
Roots - In This Moment
Expat - Banner Pilot
What’s Up Danger - Blackway/Black Caviar
Ain’t a Bad Day - Hardy
Sleight of Hand - Parkway Drive
Fists Buried in Pockets - The Riot Before
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Re-Done - Modern Baseball
Youth is Wasted on the Young - Architects
The usual line of “if you want to play, consider yourself tagged!” but also I’m directly nominating @smallhorizons, @dykecassidy, and @vivathewilddog as victims
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fangedtracks · 10 days
hi milo when one of my cats is fussy and wants to eat his meals on the window sill i call it patio dining
you chould call it catio dining
anyways hi lee once again im telling u ur edits rock my dick off nd its so cool seeing u have fun w them!
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
I'm sure you enjoy seen but HAVE YOU SEEN
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i would lie if i said i havent seen but i always enjoy perceiving how those arms just keep getting bigger OUGH
lee i have so many thoughts holy shit
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blacktofade · 1 year
2, 13, and 24!!
2. Will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc? 
I LOVE exchanges and challenges, but the older I get, the more scared I've become of deadlines and the thought of letting someone down if I fail paralyzes me ;__; Maybe that should be my challenge for this year? To actually be brave and participate in one? IDK if there are any dustjim ones planned, but I'll keep my eyes peeled.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
GOD if I knew how to make fanvids it would be over for you bitches. Luckily, I only know how to write (sort of), so I have to just stick with that.
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
That author who won't stfu about her stupid blorbos!!!
I think I've already got that nailed down though, so second place can go to that author who veers wildly from one trope to the next. I like to spice things up and keep people on their toes! If I can continue to do that, I'll be happy.
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adulthooliganism · 1 year
the readmore ones are so scary
but were you wrong
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Weekly Wrap Up - 11/26/23
Hey everyone, the first full week of polls is done!
Top five smashable wrestlers this week: 1. Kris Statlander. 91.0% voted smash out of 288 votes 2. Rhea Ripley. 84.2% voted smash out of 266 votes 3. Eddie Kingston. 82.8% voted smash out of 441 votes 4. Penelope Ford. 72.9% voted smash out of 251 votes 5. Samoa Joe. 72.1% voted smash out of 340 votes
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Bottom five smashable wrestlers this week: 1. The Boogeyman. 22.6% voted smash out of 230 votes 2. Brock Lesnar. 23.2% voted smash out of 237 votes 3. Doink the Clown. 28.3% voted smash out of 258 votes 4. Gunther. 29.6% voted smash out of 196 votes 5. Pretty Peter Avalon. 30.8% voted smash out of 224 votes
Most total votes, which I am taking as a measure of enthusiasm (both love and hate) 1. Eddie Kingston - 441 votes 2. Bryan Danielson - 406 votes 3. Samoa Joe - 340 votes 4. Filthy Tom Lawlor - 310 votes 5. Kris Statlander - 288 votes
And least total votes, which I am taking as a measure of apathy 1. Gunther - 196 votes 2. Pretty Peter Avalon - 224 votes 3. The Boogeyman - 230 votes 4. Brock Lesnar - 237 votes 5. Penelope Ford - 251 votes
The closest match was Bryan Danielson, whose final result was 46.8% smash, 53.2% pass
Average smash rating for... Women - 82.7% Men - 45.8% AEW - 61.4% WWE - 41.6%
I'm gonna be real with you guys, it is HILARIOUS to me, that Brock Lesnar was beaten by Pretty Peter Avalon and Doink the Clown (who got a mention on Hey (EW) this morning, by the way!). The only person Brock Lesnar could actually beat was the Boogeyman. A guy who has worms hanging out of his mouth.
Speaking of the Boogeyman, this request was probably the funniest one I've gotten so far. Because like...my only phobia, the only thing in the whole world I have an irrational fear of...is worms. It's not something I usually bother telling anyone, because when does that come up? And in wrestling? Surely no worms here! And mere DAYS after starting this blog, there I was, sifting through images of a guy with worms hanging out of his mouth, trying not to freak out!
To the person who requested him, I promise I'm not mad about it! You didn't know! And I was Very Brave about it long enough to make the post and now that it's over I can laugh about it.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comments
@moon-crater on Randy Savage: #i chose smash but i could never come between him and miss elizabeth
@danielgaycia on Bryan Danielson: #how is this so close he's literally the weird vegan sex guy. flaccid penis danielson. SMASH
@dykecassidy on Pretty Peter Avalon: #im fucking him just to see what his problem is
@kevinsteen on the Young Bucks: #they'd botch a quadruple backflip onto your cock
@sava-smth on Doink the Clown: #one piece has a whole fandom and you cowards passing on a sex icon?!
@alternativeproject on Doink the Clown: #we’re really in it now scoob
Okay, that is enough for now! Next week I'll start including overall standings in addition to weekly results. If you want to have a look at the raw data, you can find it here:
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