#echoes berkut
justrandomgrill · 2 years
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I am so crying over these two... Berkut x Rinea is just the kind of ship that fits all of my boxes of tropes I love.
Commission status is in my pinned post!
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milky-rot · 1 month
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In a silver garden with you
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valentinemesis · 5 months
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please give me the life of my dreams
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naoreco · 7 months
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redrew funny raid meme with berkut. Hi guys.
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rescuedrop · 8 months
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Daily drawing practice day 560 (10/11/23)
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darsarts · 2 years
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I need to draw these two more often
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fefuckability · 27 days
ROUND 1: How crispy do you want your wife to be?
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasons!
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katofvalentia · 7 months
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Decided to redraw this Berkut ink piece I did back in 2019 cuz I still very much enjoy this lil douchebag :)
A more direct comparison is under the cut:
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idk why they won't have Ian Sinclair voice another villain (no, Bunet doesn't count), Berkut's voice acting was PHENOMENAL
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fayesdiary · 5 months
🔥 smthn about fe echoes?? :)
.....I really don't like Berkut/Rinea.
Meta-wise Rinea is a satellite character if I've ever seen one whose only reason to exist is to not make Berkut look like a total dick and also fridge her for 🎵the tragedy🎵. Well, as much as you can fridge someone by burning them alive. Freezeburn?
And in-universe it's not that much better. They seem sweet at first, between their dancing introduction and their Memory Prism together, but then you dig a little bit deeper and a few concerning things start popping up.
Like when he takes her to watch the battle against the Deliverance in Act 1 despite her open distaste for violence, Berkut never really listening to her partner and her seeming to be too passive to make herself heard. Also, between her despising violence and him basing most if not all of his ego on how good he is at stabbing people, it makes me wonder what they actually saw in each other.
Like even without Berkut going off the rails, that is not a relationship I would see going well. Not without some substantial growth from both of them, at least.
Ship whatever you want of course, but I can't help but feel portraying them as this wholesome couple that they are not is a bit of a... Waste? Incorrect? Whatever the name is.
Also this is not a hot take, but FUCK their final scene.
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rosecelebi · 7 months
Posting my favorite FEH Meet the Heroes art every day
Berkut and Rinea in their dancer alts
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rexcaliburechoes · 8 months
i'm having so many feelings about alm + berkut // literally no one asked
i'm having to many feelings about alm and berkut. they are my sons, baby boy baby, sweet children of mine. i want to wrap them up in blankets and give them hot chocolate and a place to scream their troubles and be heard.
thoughts under the cut because this got long.
one of the things that stick out to me the most about alm is how responsibility is thrust upon the poor kid. he knows he's getting into a war, he knows what a war with rigel will bring. he knows how the people suffer, and how something must be done, and the only way to do that is by a war. in order for any change to happen, sometimes force is the only path. he needs to throw off the yoke of the old gods and let the people live by their own hands, he needs to stop the suffering, and if it is war that will do that, then so be it.
alm has responsibility thrust upon him, when all he's really stated before is how he wants to help the people, and that's practically it. he doesn't necessarily want to wage war. i've read a really good fic outlining to celica (through lukas) how, "if there were another peaceful solution, alm's sword would be first on the pile", and i genuinely think this is true. the boy has been only taught the practical skills (combat, strategy, weather and terrain, etc) and not the finer points of leading. he acknowledges how much he has to learn when he prepares to right back against rigel, sure, and he does learn to lead, but as the quote in hamilton goes, "dying is easy, young man, but leading is harder."
when clive comes to him and just makes him leader, he practically says "hey wait are you sure this is a good idea??" and even later, everyone assumes he's gonna be king at the end of the war
and it hurts, because if you think about it, he's never been taught how to handle the court, how to handle nobility, any of this high aristocracy bullshit. and celica's right. he has no idea how the hell any of this works. he says he's not a farmboy, but he is. he's a country bumpkin from the southern most tip of zofia, hailing from a truly backwater village.
and sure, he has celica to rely on, and clive to rely on, and mycen to rely on. he's forgiven celica already since their fight, and loves her. but she's right. and clive just thrust the title of "leader of the deliverance" and later "king of valentia" onto him. and mycen, mycen isn't truly his grandfather, and all the man does is chide alm for every single decision he makes since leaving the village.
and it's not fair!! it's wholly unfair and sad and painful to think of how alm must step up to the mantle that was pushed upon him. mycen was right. "once you march on Rigel, you place yourself in the hands of destiny. You won’t be able to stop the events that unfold. No one will wish you well. Many will even try to stop you; unexpected tragedy is sure to follow. That is the price of what you are about to undertake." and he's right, and alm said he was ready for it, but even so!!
"and what of my peace?!" he screams to the uncaring world. "what of my personhood?!"
and the world keeps turning on its axis, cold and unchanging as the rigel winter.
"this is not the time for mourning or self-pity, boy." the world tells him. "you cannot be a person, for you are the leader, and leaders must make sacrifices."
and this theme, this arc of alm's fits incredibly well with berkut's. it fits so well and i'm so incredibly sad.
because berkut... berkut was a gentle child. according to the valentia accordion, he was so timid that even riding a horse could make him cry. berkut, being the nephew to the emperor, being in line to the throne only because his father's brother is the emperor, who has no children... he has never was supposed to become emperor in the first place, either. his worldview is deeply shaped by rigel's culture, by how "a prince of rigel cannot possibly be weak". i've discussed this before, about how berkut is an unfortunate product of his upbringing.
but it hurts. it hurts how, no matter what he does, he can't ever be recognised for his accomplishments, that he fails so horribly to a farmboy- a zofian country bumpkin, a weak soldier compared to him- that the only person he has to look up to (much like alm, as mycen keeps ripping him apart, and clive only wants him to lead and also tells him off throughout the story, and celica, who's an entire ocean mass away) finds him a disgrace and leaves him out to dry, because he's simply not good enough, not even when he's been forced to walk this path.
"uncle!!" he screams to the retreating figure of the red-clad emperor. "please tell me i am good enough for you!! please tell me my own pain wasn't for nothing!"
and the silence is deafening, just like crackle of flames that drown out even the cries of the one thing he truly cared for most.
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valentinemesis · 1 year
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you can’t even give me an apology anymore
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naoreco · 2 months
Localizers' Dance in Purgatory
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Happy anniversary. We're doing this again.
FE15's localization has been a hot button topic on twitter for the past couple of days, which made me want to examine some more localization changes - and what better for me to use for this experiment than my other favorite scenes in the game? Having noticed that the anniversary of when I posted about that scene with Alm and Mycen was coming up, I figured the timing was just too good to pass up.
We'll be going over Alm and Berkut's encounter up until the battle officially starts, Berkut's battle dialogue, and the scene after with Rinea's spirit. So rather than having one big moment that changes the tone of the scene like last time, this one has a few of these changes along with MANY smaller expansions on dialogue that just make it too much of a pain to go through one by one. Some of these are more contentious than others!
Luckily I have a solution for this: Pour everything into a spreadsheet and throw in commentary as I see fit.
I had to write out a lot of things by hand even if I was able to copy the scripts from elsewhere so I'm so sorry for any typos 🙏 Enjoy!
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bubblegum-snowdrop · 1 year
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Bweep borp I’m in hell again
【Free to use with credit!】
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tiabwwtws-art · 1 year
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Hey bro don't worry about it
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