#echoes in the deep
outoutdamnspark · 2 years
Welcome to the Shatterdome
Part of my Echos in the Deep Submas/Pacific Rim crossover - written for @antidotesprout​ because they drew THIS AMAZING SKETCH of the twins in jaeger pilot suits~
{I originally posted this as a reply on the sketch post itself, but uhhhhhh tumblr mobile kept eating it. Or not letting me take it out of my drafts. So if you managed to see it before, no you didn’t. 😭}
Reader Insert Character momentarily introduced near the end; this au will be polyamorous Emmet x Reader x Ingo  - no blankshipping!
CW: none.
(There is a moment of platonic brotherly hand-holding. Shippers DNI.)
“Raleigh, this is Hercules Hansen, an old friend from the Mark-1 glory days.”
Herc reaches out to shake Raleigh’s hand, grip firm and voice warm as he says, “I know you, mate, we rode together before.”
“We did, sir,” Raleigh agrees. He returns the handshake with quiet respect, a faint, nostalgic smile creeping up his face. “Six years ago, my brother and I. It was a three-jaeger-team drop.”
“That’s right; Manila.” The older ranger’s face falls. “I’m sorry about your brother…”
Raleigh looks down and away; the smile fades, eyes no longer focusing, and he can almost feel the echoes of electric pain sizzling along the circuitry scars covering his shoulder and side. “…Thank you, sir,” he murmurs, and unlike so many other times he’s had to say it, this one, he means.
Herc nods, mercifully knowing when to let a conversation thread die.
It’s as if the universe knows they all need a shift in mood, somehow, because the silence only rings for a moment before there comes a distraction in the form of a flash of white in the corner of Raleigh’s eye.
Herc must see it, too, because he turns to look and the smile returns - this time, in amusement.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he chuckles. “Small fucking world.”
From the side there approaches a towheaded man in a pale grey shirt under a short white jacket; he strides towards them unnervingly fast, taking too-long strides and swinging his arms beside himself as if to further quicken his pace. His face is split into a wide, nearly uncanny grin.
He stops abruptly just a bit too close to the trio, and looks from Pentecost, to Herc, and then finally to Raleigh with a gaze so pale a blue that his eyes look almost white.
“Ah, Mr. Trewyn,” Pentecost says with a nod. “Good to see you made it.”
“Marshal Pentecost,” he says by way of greeting, his voice oddly monotone. His grin stretches further, crinkling at his eyes.
Pentecost, not surprisingly, seems utterly unfazed by the man’s strange mannerisms. He simply makes a half gesture with one hand, tilting his head in acknowledgement.
“Gentlemen, this is Emmet Trewyn, San Diego. He and his brother Ingo held the California coastline six consecutive times. 0% civilian casualty rate.” He glances over at Raleigh. “Other than you, Mr. Becket, they make up the last of the Mark-3 pilots.”
Emmet brings his hands up to hover in front of his chest, pressing his fingertips together and splaying them out wide. “I am Emmet,” he intones. “You are Hercules Hansen and Raleigh Becket. I remember you from Manila. Verrrrry fun battle, yep.”
“Fun’s a word for it, sure,” Herc says, laughter in his voice. “Good to see you again.”
Raleigh lets out a quiet, amused huff of his own. “Spectre Arachne, right?” He holds out a hand for Emmet to shake. “I didn’t actually get to meet you face-to-face. Better late than never, huh?”
Emmet eyes Raleigh’s hand warily, leaning back a bit. “Spectre Arachne, yep. That was us.”
He does not move to return the gesture, so Raleigh lets his hand fall limply to his side.
“Holy shit, you’re Herc Hansen!”
The group is spared any further awkwardness from Emmet’s touch-aversion as yet another person comes bounding up to them - this time a girl, probably somewhere in her early teens, with blue-black hair beneath a black newsboy cap that’s just a little bit too large for her head. She slides to a stop next to Emmet, bright red scarf trailing behind her, and grins up at Herc with stars in her eyes as she bounces on her heels in excitement. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!“
Herc grins right back, holding out his hand, which the girl takes with gusto. “Always a pleasure to meet a fan, little lady.”
The girl absolutely beams. “I saw the news coverage of Sydney the other day! Striker Eureka was so cool!” She pulls back as the handshake ends and brings both her hands up near her chest, happily flapping out the excess energy.
Emmet, on the other hand, stands pouting behind her. He tilts his head at the girl and bends slightly at the waist to try and catch her eye as he gives her what is unquestionably a kicked puppy look. “I am Emmet. I am also a ranger. Why do you not think I am cool?”
She doesn’t even bother looking back at him, just rolls her eyes skyward in the way only a teenager can do. “You’re too much of a dork to be cool, Uncle Em,“ she scoffs.
(Raleigh very nearly doesn’t suppress his sniggering in time.)
Emmet lets out a scandalized gasp, pale eyes shooting wide. “Rude!” he accuses, throwing his hands up incredulously. “Rude niece! Disowned!”
Pentecost ignores Emmet almost entirely, sparing him only an unamused glance before turning away to leave the man to his dramatics. 
“Miss Akari here,” Pentecost says with a subtle kind of pride, “is the final part of our research division; youngest kaiju expert in the field.” He gives the girl - Akari - a quick, pleased nod.
Herc lets out a low whistle. “Expert, huh? That’s impressive,” he says, tone nothing but encouraging.
Akari flushes and ducks her face into her scarf, bashful despite the elation in her eyes - like she’s reminding herself it’s okay to accept the praise. “A-ah, well, you know, it’s ah…” she starts, laughing nervously. “See, every new kaiju that comes through has been different, right? New attacks, new defenses; it’s almost like they’ve been evolving, or-or maybe learning from the ones that we’ve successfully killed. Adapting. But that doesn’t make any sense? Cuz, like, evolution takes aaaaages, and the kaiju just… take a single generation!”
She tugs her scarf down, stimming excitedly with the soft fabric, bunching it up in her hands and twisting it around her fingers.
(Behind her, out of her line of sight, Emmet contradicts his own earlier actions and watches his niece with a proud, proud smile.)
“Newt thinks they’re all clones, but I feel like that can’t be right, either - at least, not like, natural clones, because then we wouldn’t have such drastic physical differences, and especially not so soon,” Akari continues. She looks between the three men that aren’t her uncle with eyes that shine with all the passion of a hyperfixation. “So it’s gotta be something else, maybe - or if it’s not then maybe there’s a pattern of some kind! - so I’ve been working with Dr. Gotltlieb to try and make a predictive model on what traits we might see in upcoming specimens. That way, we might be able to keep from getting blindsided anymore and find a way adjust our own battle strategies and out-evolve them!”
She pauses for breath - and then stills. Akari seems to realize that she’s just been babbling, because she quickly tenses, hands fidgeting with her scarf, and ducks her head to hide beneath the shadow of her too-big cap. “I, uh, yeah.” She clears her throat. “And-and then, you know… stop them for good.”
(Emmet silently reaches out and pats her shoulder comfortingly.)
Unwilling to let Akari feel ashamed for something so genuinely impressive, Raleigh looks over to Pentecost with a crooked smile. “Oh I like her.”
Pentecost simply hums in agreement; Akari flushes even redder under her hat.
Doing as Herc had done before him, Raleigh reaches out his hand, careful to keep it in her line of sight since she’s still looking down. “Nice to meet you, Akari; I’m Raleigh.”
Akari’s head snaps up so fast Raleigh’s sure he hears a click. She stares at him, mouth dropping open in first confusion, then realization, and then glee. “Raleigh, like… Raleigh Becket?” she gasps, awestruck. “Like, the Raleigh Becket?”
Raleigh chuckles. “Only one I know of,” he jokes.
She squeals. With more strength than her slim frame should be able to contain, she grips his hand with both of her own and vigorously shakes it, all the while looking up at him with open delight. “Ohmygosh, you’re actually Raleigh Becket!”
Hand still clutched in hers, he leans down slightly so that he’s a bit more at her much-shorter level; the girl is tiny compared to the four grown men around her.
He tilts his head in Emmet’s direction, seeing the other man tilt his own in curiosity at the gesture. “Take it easy on your uncle, yeah?” Raleigh stage-whispers to Akari in faux conspiracy, smile creeping just a little wider. “Arachne had our backs like a badass when we all dropped together in Manila.”
Akari’s eyes somehow get bigger.
Emmet, close enough to hear Raleigh’s poor excuse for a secret, lets out a triumphant - though monotone - “SEE?!” which Akari completely ignores.
“You guys fought together!?”
Delighted, disbelieving, she whirls around to the side, opposite the group, back in the direction she and Emmet had come from, and calls, “Dad! Dad, why didn’t you tell me you rode with Gipsy fucking Danger?!”
For a third time, everyone looks up to see yet another person making their way over.
It’s another man, dressed in a charcoal grey turtleneck under a long black duster jacket. He looks almost identical to Emmet, save for a few minute differences, and Raleigh can only assume this must be Spectre Arachne’s second pilot; he feels the pang of long-worn sorrow as he remembers that they’re a pair of brothers.
The man - presumably Ingo - has the same tow-colored hair, with the same angular sideburns framing his face. His hair is slightly longer, though, and looks to be pulled low and back. His gait is also much slower than Emmet’s had been, steeped in weariness, and his shoulders hunch where Emmet’s do not.
Most notably, in contrast to his brother’s openly-cheery expressions, Ingo’s face is pulled into a stern, heavy frown - almost to the point of scowling.
As he gets closer, Raleigh can see that the man’s right eye is tightly closed, and for a moment he wonders if it’s blind, or possibly missing - especially once he’s near enough for Raleigh to see the telltale lines crossing his skin.
Two angry red circuitry scars - the same as the ones that decorate Raleigh’s left side - crackle lengthwise from the man’s hairline and down his right temple to just past the cheekbone. A third deviates from the others to cut a path down through his eyebrow, though thankfully only clips the outer corner of his eye on its way to join the rest, and not directly through the center.
Ingo steps up next to Akari with a quiet, affectionate, “language, little one,” and plucks the hat from her head, fitting it over his own. He tugs the brim down until his right eye is bathed in shadow before slowly blinking the eye open. It’s intact save for the faint pink line down the outer corner where the scars line up, missing the pale iris by far too small a margin. His pupil takes an unnaturally long time to adjust, and Raleigh realizes that, while Ingo likely still has sight, there is definitely some nerve damage left behind.
Ingo looks up from where he’s ruffling Akari’s hair and gives them all a polite nod. “Good evening, Marshal!” he says brightly. “And to you as well, gentlemen!” It’s strange to hear such a warm greeting coupled with such a dire looking expression, but with the way his eyes crinkle happily and the corners of his lips curl haltingly upward in a faint smile, Raleigh guesses there’s probably some sort of partial facial paralysis there, as well.
Pentecost acknowledges Ingo with a cordial, “Good to see you still in one piece, Ingo.”
The man, now indeed confirmed to be Ingo, appears to take amusement in that, because the creases of his eyes grow deeper as he replies, “Such as it is.”
Before Herc and Raleigh can get out a greeting of their own, Akari grabs her father by the hem of his coat and tugs on it excitedly. “Daaaaaad!” she play-whines. “You know famous people and you kept it to yourself?”
Emmet mutters a huffy, “We’re famous, too…” but once again, is mostly ignored.
Ingo blinks down at his daughter in silent confusion, brows creasing together so tightly that the thin slivers of his near-white irises seem to glow in the shadow of his hat.
He looks back up at the people around him. The faint, cat-like smile he’d apparently struggled to create a moment ago disappears, replaced instead by what looks to be a true frown. It pulls the rest of his face down with it, leaving him looking uncomfortably distressed as he shifts his gaze from Raleigh to Herc and then back again, not a hint of recognition in his eyes. “I… do?” he says, quiet and lost.
Ingo turns to face his brother, who, in perfect sync also turns to look at him. They stay that way for a moment, locking eyes, not saying a word as some sort of silent communication passes between them.
Raleigh recognizes it, is sure Herc and Pentecost do, as well. It’s something all pilots with a soul-deep drift compatibility are wont to do: a mental sifting back and forth of the shared memories they’ve left inside one another’s heads. He used to do it sometimes with Yancy without even realizing it.
(It still hurts sometimes, even with years behind him, to feel that emptiness where his brother once was when Raleigh unconsciously tries to reach for him during his lowest points.)
In unison, the Trewyn brothers blink.
“…Manilla,” Emmet finally murmurs in a perfect, robotic monotone.
Ingo blinks a second time. “Ma-? OH!” 
It’s like the light finally reignites behind Ingo’s eyes, because he whirls back around to face the group again with another feline smile - this one actually tugging enough at his lips to expose the tiniest glint of teeth. “Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka, yes!”
Ingo straightens up a bit more, his spine audibly cracking as he rolls his shoulders back. He reaches up with the hand not resting on his daughter’s shoulder to grip the bill of his cap, tipping it in proper greeting. “Forgive me,” he says, face as apologetic as he can make it. “Please do not take my lapse in memory as a slight against you,” he says, tone expressing what his face cannot. “I sustained a head injury during my and Emmet’s final mission together.” He appears to wince. “My memory has been… hm. Unreliable, these past few years as a result.”
He lowers his hand from his cap to his temple, brushing his fingers gently over the scars; the moment his hand is at his side again, Emmet wordlessly snatches it up in one of his own and grips it so hard his knuckles turn white. Akari presses herself into her father’s other side.
“No offense taken, mate,” Herc - ever tactful - says kindly, pointedly not acknowledging the rest of the Trewyn family’s sudden anxiety. “Better a little banged up than the alternative, ey?”
Raleigh nods in agreement.
He’s about to tell Ingo that, to be fair, this is their first in-person meeting and not just through voices over a comm, but before he can, Pentecost speaks up and any further discussion is quickly laid flat.
“Sorry to cut this short, everyone, but we still have a schedule to keep.”
He leans to the side a bit, ducking his head to gently catch Akari’s attention. It works, as the girl lifts her face from her scarf and looks up at him.
“Miss Akari,” he says. “Shall we?”
She pauses, then nods. Leaning more heavily against her father and giving a final, soft nuzzle into his coat, she straightens up and steps away.
Ingo, in turn, gives her shoulder a brief squeeze before letting her go.
She maneuvers her way around Herc to join Pentecost at his side, while the marshal turns to look at where Mako stands a short distance away, Herc’s dog Max at her feet, speaking with another person Raleigh doesn’t yet know.
“Miss Mori,” the marshal calls, and both she and her companion, who is dressed in what looks to be a set of black mechanic’s garb, immediately look up.
Mako steps quickly over to the group; the second person follows more slowly, keeping several paces behind.
Raleigh watches their approach, absently waving farewell to Herc as the older man says his goodbyes and takes his leave, Max trotting happily beside him. He hears Ingo begin to do the same, wishing his daughter luck with her presentation, but Pentecost actually stops him before Ingo can finish.
“Just a moment if you would, Ingo, Emmet.”
Mako stops in front of Raleigh, and from over her shoulder, Raleigh spots the second person make their way to Pentecost’s other side, facing the Trewyn bothers.
“I’ll show you to your jaeger now,” Mako says quietly.
Raleigh holds up a hand, asks her to excuse him for a moment. He pivots to catch up to Pentecost before he can get too far away, hearing the tail end of the marshal introducing the new person to Emmet and Ingo but unfortunately not in time to hear the person’s name.
“… is Miss Mori’s right hand in the Mark-3 restoration program. You have them to thank for your presence here.”
“Marshal!” Raleigh calls, catching Pentecost’s attention, as well as a raised brow.
Just as Raleigh catches up, Pentecost looks back over at the person beside him - Mako’s ‘right hand,’ evidently - and dismisses them with a quick, “If you’d be so kind.”
(Akari seems to take this as her cue to leave as well, speeding off in a separate direction to parts unknown.)
The person whose name Raleigh doesn’t know eyes him warily for a moment, but gives the marshal a sharp nod of acquiescence and steps away, closer to the brothers. “Follow me, please,” they say quietly, motioning for Ingo and Emmet to do so. “Your jaeger is this way…”
Raleigh waits for the three of them to depart before giving Pentecost his undivided focus.
“You still haven’t told me what I’m doing here…”
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spocks-kaathyra · 3 months
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experimenting w making little trek dolls for the STLV craft swap :))
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saltlog · 9 months
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▶ 15 years ago
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thejasontoddarchives · 8 months
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Batman: Demon (1996)
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alitherandom · 2 months
Just having thoughts about Echo seeing all his brother's faces on that computer terminal knowing what's being done to them resonating with the way Rex and Tech found him I can't do this rn
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raycatzdraws · 8 months
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I'm back at it with my Outer Wilds inspired LU fic/comic/idea/thing!
The following comic contains MAJOR spoilers for Outer Wilds: Echoes Of The Eye.
Progression in Outer Wilds is directly tied to the player's knowledge. There are no key items or skill progression, just what you learn through playing. For this reason, anything you encounter about the game can potentially ruin reveals and puzzles. Outer Wilds is the best game I've ever played. I highly recommend playing it for yourself (or watching a stream) and then you can come back and enjoy this with me. :)
Warning over! (If you've played OW:EOTE we are sharing music around a campfire and roasting marshmallows ::) )
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Fish jump scare for Legend.
OW:EOTC Spoilers! I've put my thoughts explaining the comic a ways down. PLEASE if you haven't played the game I'd rather you skip the comic and my thoughts entirely than be spoiled!!! It's so important!!!
For people who have played it though,
What if the Prisoner sustained the simulation? I think Legend would have his suspicions about the dream world. Like, 'sure Sky maybe this is a Silent Realm but I think there's something more to this we're missing...' And to then have those suspicions confirmed and have to go through a Koholint situation again this time knowing that there are real people in the dream. It's all going to collapse anyways. The Wind Fish needs to be saved. But still, how would he respond to that?
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sygneth · 1 year
allright i have few thoughts about Jules Pidieu and yall need to listen
He is old. Probably good 10-15 years older than most of his colleagues. Maybe more. From guys like Jean, Chester, Torson, definitely more. He has to deal with a bunch of guys with unsophisticated sense of humor all the time. The talks with Harry makes absolutely no impression on him, he is used to that kind of shit. It may seem that he is tired of it, dealing with drunk officers on duty, with their stupid jokes and using him to banter with one another via official channels. He tries to stay professional. And yet still plays the game and passes all the messages, even not the relevant ones. And even though he seems reluctant, it doesn't take much to convince him to pass even the extreme ones. In his own manner, but he will.
Heck, if Harry will refer to himself as "Firewalker" in the first conversation, Jules will go along with that too, if you call the precinct more than once (well, right after he told Jean that Harry refers to himself as *firewater* and I refuse to belive he didn't do that on purpose as he literally said that right a statement before)
But there is another thing. There is constantly someone in the comms besides him. The rest of the precinct, or at least the C-wing seem to hang out in there all the time. He is a man that others like to have around. What is more, if Harry will ask him for the details of his personal life, what Jules says, suggests he and Harry have been talking quite a lot too. "You're not really keen on mentioning your home life, so I've always assumed things weren't that good on that front" - is what he says.
Yeah, we may assume that Harry is rather keen on talking to people and also talking about himself, though one still needs to talk to another person quite a time to notice which topics they'd rather avoid.
Another thing is, that Jules seems to have heard about Harry's life before the RCM, it's just that the question takes him off guard and then Jean appears and cuts it short.
Even if he looks like he's done TM with the shit he has to deal with, I think he finds some satisfaction in it. He will never admit it, because what he does is sigh and probably roll his eyes while lighting another cigarette, but he actually likes the fact that people come gossip to him, that he is in possession of most of the precinct's secrets, that there won't be a drama he will miss. He wouldn't go into all this if there wasn't a part of him that liked it. He is just very subtle showing this.
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echosian · 10 months
once again aggie dot io
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
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My thoughts on how the Milgram mv machine works based on the evidence we have:
(I know there’s been discussion about where exactly the interrogations take place, but wherever they are,) the prisoners are made to sit in a specific chair near the wall that houses the machine.
It’s ordinarily hidden, but the wall panels shift aside to reveal it when the mechanical sounds play in the dramas. As well as the walls moving, the chair transforms to restrain the prisoner and attach whatever it takes to access their brain. The fact that none of the more frightened prisoners try to run or break it makes it seem like they physically cannot. This is why Fuuta sounds so panicked, and why Amane is suddenly helpless in front of Es in their T1 vds.
(My mind conjures very classic sci-fi mad scientist machines with wires, pipes, lights, nodes, needles, etc, but I’d love to hear how other people visualize it.)
In some vds (maybe all? I’d need to check,) you can hear Es take some steps right before their iconic line -- it would make sense that for safety reasons, the power mechanism is placed across the room. Once again it could be anything, but the sound effect makes me think of one of those giant wall-mounted levers you have to pull down.
The voice dramas don’t really provide the type of crime details that an actual interrogation would reveal, and it’s odd that they’re placed before the extraction rather than after Es gets to see the new details. This leads me to believe the machine functions with priming. All Es needs to do is get them talking about their murder, so it’s on their mind.
The video produced is much like a (non-lucid) dream. Even if the prisoners figure out that this is how it works, they can’t control it just by thinking really hard about something else. The murders produce the strongest emotional affect, and that’s what it picks up on. If someone else used the machine, it would default to whatever gave them the strongest emotional reaction in the ~15 minutes beforehand, hence why Es’ video focuses on their daunting task ahead. (The Undercover theory is still a bit loose, though, given the private shots that Es wouldn't have known about). It’s why the videos are usually closely linked to the vd topics/beats. I also like to think that the reason their prisoner colors appear so much is because they’re looking at those colors on their uniform 24/7.
The bell rings to inform Es that it’s the optimal time to use the machine -- the prisoner has been thinking about things for long enough that the video will be about their crime, and if the conversation lasts much longer they’ll start thinking of other things. It’s at a different time for each prisoner because it’s based on the specific conversation. I guess Jackalope is listening in to the interrogation, timing it perfectly. (The only one that kind of messes with this theory is Yonah, because they just keep talking afterwards lol, but it could just show that the interrogation is still in Es’ control.)
Their “Sing your sins” is the final priming nudge to get them to think of their actions as a sin, revealing their guilt.
Once activated, the prisoner enters a sort of trance/sleeping state. It’s very much like REM sleep, with the machine forcibly activating neurons and recording the output. The prisoners have asked Es what they saw, meaning they don’t remember the mvs. I like to think the prisoners do experience the mv in real time, acting as the major version of themself that appears, but can’t remember it afterwards. It’s when you experience a dream, but as soon as you wake up you’re just left with fleeting emotions and memories right on the tip of your tongue.
The video plays immediately upon extraction -- whether on a huge projection or little screen depends on which room it’s in. It simultaneously saves the memory so that Es can rewatch it later (on those old TVs in the jailbreak mix). The machine downloads the song and video together, but requires special parts to retrieve them. The technology is pretty new and fragile, so if one is broken, there might be a delay between when Es can hear the extracted song and see it with the video. (That’s my justification for Kotoko’s delays -- after 9 prisoners the parts wear out, or maybe Mikoto himself overheats it with his complex situation.)
Based on the lack of conversation we get afterwards, I picture Es leaving before the prisoner wakes from the trance. The machine adjusts their brain back to normal before they awaken, restraints freed and able to return to the rest of the prison.
It’s very much like a dream, so it’s not harmful despite the amnesia/head injuries the prisoners have. It does, however, exhaust them. Brain activity alone takes a lot of energy, so forced brain activity with added emotional strain would cause them to feel pretty drained the rest of the day.
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bonefall · 4 months
How close was Bramblestar to accepting Hawkfrost's deal in this? Since isn't it Mothwing who intervenes and it's only then when Bramblestar makes his choice to fight Hawkfrost.
He was considering it. But not much differently from canon. If left to his own devices, he would have hesitated for about the same amount of time before deciding killing his leader was too far.
See like... BB!Bramblestar means a lot to me in that he didn't have to become what he did. He will lie and let others take the fall for him, blame everyone else for his own faults, but he MINDS being a bad person. He's capable of love and kindness, occasionally says something very wise, and can display compassion...
But he doesn't. He might not cross a threshold into killing someone for power, but he'll still abuse and control his mate. He'll disown his kids on learning he was lied to, and is too proud to apologize and the bridge becomes too burnt to even try. He CAN be better, GOD he's SO close to it.
But he never does. And... you can't do anything about that.
But in THAT moment, it matters. He hesitates, but still jumps to Firestar's defense. Mothwing moved quicker, and he's ashamed of that.
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andi-o-geyser · 11 months
i love my boys in blue (the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic)
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
Over here chewing on my phone because I keep thinking about the submas Pacific Rim au.
• Officially calling this au Echoes in the Deep
• I think it'd likely be set in the PR world, (so... the "real" world,) because it just seems easier to do it that way. At least for me. Which means no pokemon, probably. The Becket boys were stationed in Alaska, so I'm going to say the train twins (Trewyn? I like that surname for them a lot) are stationed somewhere in California, despite how much I wish I could set them in New York. But alas. Pacific Rim.
• (Do I need to stick to "logical" things in an au set in a post-kaiju-apocalypse world protected by giant mechs? No. Will I attempt to do so anyway? Yes.)
• Emmet and Ingo are the pilots of the Mark-3 Jaeger Spectre Arachne.
• They're still super famous in this - as Raleigh says, "jaeger pilots became rock stars." They're on par with the Becket brothers and, (because I adore them) the team from Cherno Alpha; just as drift compatable as the Beckets (though maybe not as showboat cocky) and just as brutally efficient as Cherno. Rather than taking delight in how tough a battle is, they take great pride in their ability to take a kaiju down swiftly and cleanly, with as little collateral damage as possible. They have a 0 Human Casualties streak, taking down breached kaiju long before they can ever make it to shore.
• Used a name generator for this, but the kaiju that finally manages to take them down is gonna be called 'Encroacher,' a Category III, same as Knifehead, the kaiju that took down Gipsy Danger. Neither of the boys die, and they manage to just baaaaarely defeat Encroacher, but their jaeger, Spectre Arachne, is fucked.
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spocks-kaathyra · 9 months
how did you make those holy shit!!!
jfjskdk okay I'll take any excuse I get to talk abt this more
How I made my Cardassian prosthetics
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Disclaimer: I'm no expert, it's my first time doing this!! All the resources I used can be found online. In fact, here's a playlist of all the youtube videos I followed, in case you don't want to read the whole post. You can pretty much make any facial prosthetics following these steps, not just Cardassian ones.
What you'll need:
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Plaster bandages, plaster of Paris (a lot more than is pictured here), modeling clay, and liquid latex. You'll also need some things you probably already have around the house, like vaseline (or cooking oil), plastic wrap, wood glue, rubbing alcohol, q-tips, cotton balls, and setting powder (or baby powder).
Step 1: Face cast
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The goal here is to make a plaster copy of your face that you can sculpt your prosthetics on, by covering your face with plaster bandages and then casting that in plaster of Paris. This is the video tutorial I followed for this step. There are many methods, and you'll find tutorials for all of them on youtube, but this is the easiest way if you're doing it by yourself, and it results in a perfectly useable face cast for our purposes. And, if you're cosplaying Garak like me, it's a great way to get into character by experiencing claustrophobia for the first time in your life!! (Jk it's not actually that bad. I lived.)
The video explains the process better than I could, but here's some tips I learned from doing it! Wear a shirt that you don't mind ruining. Go a bit closer to your eyes than I did here. When you're propping up your mask in a bowl, make sure you're not squishing any parts of it or tilting it! I ended up with a dent in the chin of my face cast because I accidentally dented the mask while I was casting it. And make sure you have enough plaster of Paris! I probably used 2-3 pounds for this part. Here's what I ended up with, before sanding or sealing it with wood glue:
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Step 2: Sculpting
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This is pretty self explanatory, but also probably the hardest part. Just use lots and lots of reference photos. I've got a pretty good stash for Garak, if anyone's interested hdjkfhk. I found that gifs made better references than still photos, since they give you a better sense of the 3D shape. You want to make sure you're using modeling clay that doesn't dry. You don't need any fancy sculpting tools! I used my trusty palette knife to get the small details, but you could probably accomplish the same thing with, like, a spoon and a toothpick. It depends on what kind of clay you're using, but you can dip your finger in a solvent to smooth out the surface of the clay and blend the edges into the face cast. I used rubbing alcohol, but I also heard people recommend acetone. Once you're happy with your sculpt, you can move onto the next step!
Step 3: Casting negatives
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This step is technically optional. The video I followed also outlines an easier way that skips this step, by simply building your prosthetics directly on the sculpt. But casting negatives allows you to get a lot more fine detail, and a smoother finish on the final prosthetics, so that's what I chose to do. Basically, you pour plaster of Paris over your sculpt, and it hardens into a mold you can use to build your prosthetics on.
Again, the video explains it better, but some tips! If it's possible with your sculpt, do it in small pieces instead of the whole face at once. I did the chin, nose, and forehead separately. If you try to do the whole face, there's a greater chance of it getting stuck or breaking. Of course, if you were doing, say, Odo, then it might not be possible to do it in multiple pieces. Another thing to watch out for:
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If your underlying face cast has any "undercuts," or places where it's, like, concave, then if plaster gets into those areas and hardens, your face cast and your negatives will lock together, and you won't be able to use either of them. For me I was worried about the sides of my nose and under my bottom lip. As long as those parts are filled in with clay, then you should be fine. It's okay if your clay sculpt has undercuts! You can see in the (shamelessly stolen) diagram that their sculpt has a lot of undercuts, but that's okay because the clay is soft and won't lock with the plaster, it'll just come off. The video I got the diagram from was also pretty helpful, even if it's meant for casting with different materials than I used. Here are the completed negatives:
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Step 4: Making the prosthetics!
Now you have negatives! Your sculpt may or may not be intact, but if your negatives turned out okay then that's fine. This step is also covered in the video for step 3. Using a stippling sponge, foam brush, or q-tip, stipple thin layers of liquid latex onto your negatives. I found that a q-tip worked best, even if it took longer to cover larger areas. Make sure the edges are very thin, so you can blend them into your skin when you apply the prosthetics. Wait for a layer to dry before adding more latex on top of it, or you'll end up with fucked up results like I had:
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(Left: first draft, where I didn't let it dry enough before layering more. Right: second draft. Much better!)
Build up bulky areas with pieces of cotton balls, then cover the cotton with a thin layer of latex. Emphasis on thin! It'll take forever to dry if you saturate your cotton with too much latex. This step mostly involves a LOT of waiting. When the latex is fully dry, brush everything with a liberal amount of setting powder or baby powder to prevent the latex from sticking to itself as you peel it out of the mold.
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And now you have your prosthetics! You can tear away some of the excess latex at the edges to make it fit your face better. I ended up tearing away almost all of the edges around the eye ridges, so it would blend better and I wouldn't have to get adhesive so close to my eyes. Tear, don't cut! It'll result in a more natural edge that's easier to blend. This video shows how to apply prosthetics. Use whatever prosthetic adhesive you want! I used spirit gum because it's what I had on hand.
Now you can go forth and live out your lizard alien dreams!!
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maestro030403 · 3 months
*After the end of Season 2*
Wrecker *cheerful and rested*: How'd you sleep, Hunter?
Hunter *half asleep*: Like a baby
Wrecker: Good, then?
Echo *drinking straight from the coffee pot*: No, he woke up every two hours screaming
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esmes · 6 months
don't mind me - just some rainy day musings bc sweeney todd 2023 has rotted my brain
someone's tags on a gifset got me thinking about 2023 revival lovett and todd and the special something their dynamic has. there's something about this particular iteration of these characters and their relationship, especially as we see it evolve throughout the show (even as we've seen it evolve throughout the show's run), that just makes mrs lovett's betrayal and her death at his hands hit hard. i know, i know - she deserves it. she lies! she's a lying liar. her deceit is no small thing. any one of us would be incensed to have been misled the way she misleads sweeney. even if a small part of her may have done it, as she says, to spare him having to see what became of his lucy, the larger part was certainly to serve her own interests.
but there's something about how close mrs lovett gets to bringing sweeney around to her this time that just gets me carried away. they're not just business partners - they're lovers, they're co-conspirators, and they're sort of each other's only friend in the world. at this point, he indulges her flights of fancy. they know each other intimately. they joke with each other! he's likely had to listen to countless hours of her prattling on about her thoughts, hopes, and wishes. this is a man who, at this point in the show, is slitting people's throats without remorse. and yet he spends the evening on the sofa cleaning his pipe while he patiently listens to his girlfriend rave about a seaside wedding. when she takes his hand, he doesn't wrench himself from her grasp like he used to. he doesn't get up and walk out, which he could do. he accepts her - her presence, her company, her warmth. he may struggle to admit it to himself, but he does. he can concede that he loves her - just a little bit, though he can't quite bring himself to say the words. sweeney is fiercely loyal to lucy's memory, so much so that he clearly couldn't ever wholly give his heart to someone else, but, in that moment after "by the sea", you can see that he's softened toward lovett. they were both alone a long time before this, after all.
it's not the stuff of great love songs, but it's something. it's almost enough.
this is what ultimately makes the final living moments between them all the more heartbreaking. mrs lovett has always been a sympathetic character to me - a villain, sure, but not without her reasons. she's a woman alone in a brutal world. whether the character is an older or a younger iteration, she's been alone for a desperately long time. when sweeney returns to her after all this time, she sees her moment and she takes it. she's not letting her second chance at life get away from her without a few claw marks.
when sweeney kills her, he sheds no tears over it - but the grudging fondness we'd seen him beginning to feel toward her only serves to emphasize how monstrous of a deception it is. his "you LIED to me" comes out in an anguished roar. when he throws her in that oven, all the light goes out from the world. it takes my breath away every time. though it should, it doesn’t quite feel like justice.
i know not everyone loves annaleigh's interpretation, but i have maintained from the first time i saw this revival that the warmth she brings, the honeyed, deluded, comical sweetness that lures sweeney into believing life with her could be tolerable, if not ideal, was a brilliant choice.
that's why the leap into hell together works for me. some productions have had sweeneys that barely tolerate their lovetts, so a cold diverging of paths makes sense. these two definitely fall into a different category. it makes sense to me for this sweeney and lovett's ultimate fate to be each other. who else would it be? lucy did nothing wrong - she's not going where he's going. having made lovett pay for her lies, they can head on down (hand in unlovable hand!!!!!!!) to live out the almost-enough life they created with each other. and sure, her chirping his ear off for eternity would certainly make an appropriate punishment for his crimes.
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literally all i can think about, is when crosshair see's omega.
he doesn't get mad, he just breaks down. because he will think he failed to save her, that the transmission he'd sent didn't go through. he'll think all his brothers are dead, because why else would she be the only one here?
all the emotions he's repressed finally being let go.
then omega assuring him, that hunter, wrecker and echo are fine. he doesn't ask about tech. omega not saying anything was enough. he cries until he can't and all omega can do is sit there. she know the others. and as much as omega hates it. she doesn't know him.
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