woodstocknavy5-blog · 2 years
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ALPHAのMA-1 JAPAN FITを取り入れたそれぞれのMA-1スタイル 最後はオフカットを掲載しています☺️ #flightjacket#militaryjacket#ma1#alpha#waiper #knitcap#doublerl#rrl #hoodie#levisvintageclothing#champion#halfzip#wax #pants#ecwcs#usmilitary#almw#almwbywaiper #boots#whitesboots#ホワイツブーツ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #アメカジ#ミリタリーコーデ#フライトジャケット#ミリタリースタイル#liveinlevis#militarystyle#militaryfashion#mensstyle#mensfashion https://www.instagram.com/p/CkuSvBGrgYu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bambirock · 1 year
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❄︎ 雪! 毎日寒い! 大人気のECWCS パーカー、さらり羽織りやすくデザイン製も高いのでタウンユースにもぴったり!! ナイロンをゴアテックス風に近づけたハリのある素材感、裏地はやわらかく滑らか、ゴアテックス素材ではありませんが、ECWCSパーカーの雰囲気が出てる面持ちがGOOD!! アメカジ好きにはもちろん幅広い着こなしに合わせやすいアイテムです。 ECWCS パーカー【レプリカ】 @bambirock #ECWCS #レプリカ #ゴアテックス #ナイロンジャケット #アウター #アウターコーデ #ミリタリージャケット #迷彩 #カモフラ #ブラック #アメカジ #アメカジコーデ #カジュアル #冬服 #冬コーデ #メンズコーデ #ファッション #Tシャツ屋さんバンビ #セレクトショップ #通販サイト #お買い物 #12月20日 #冬 #寒い #r_fashion https://www.instagram.com/p/CmW7DhnPr0J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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爆発的人気を博したアウターが残りわずかのため知らない方へもご案内!w isefornia LEVEL7 Jacket Black 🐻 , ⛰🌴 プリント2種類 Mのみ ¥19,800 1980年代より導入されたアメリカ軍の寒冷地用被服システムは、2000年代には第3世代となり、LEVEL 1からLEVEL 7まで7段階(種類)の被服を組合せます。 GEN 3 LEVEL 7 ジャケット(このジャケットの事)は,陸軍では"マシュマロスーツ"、海兵隊では"パッピースーツ"とも呼称されます。 LEVEL 7はECWCSの最終レイヤーで、インナーの組み合わせによりマイナス46度の環境に対応できます。 戦闘時に着用するのではなく、前線基地などで待機時の使用を目的としており、ポケットはハンドウオーマーを兼ねた2カ所のみになっています。 ライニングの中綿にアメリカ、デュポン社製の高性能ポリエステル"ソロナ®"を使用。 ソロナポリマーは羽毛のような軽さと温かさで保湿性に優れ湿気が多いところでも衣類内が蒸れにくく心地の良い圧縮性と回復性の高さが特徴です。 同じ厚みのポリエステルの中綿は勿論、ダウンすらも凌駕する抜群の保湿性、耐久性を兼ね備えています。 軽くて、お値段以上に最高ですよ👌 #item #isefornia #outer #ecwcs #isehara #oyama #イセフォルニア #伊勢原 #大山 #寒冷地仕様 #アウター #ミリタリー #アーミー #ミリタリージャケット #雑貨 #学生服 #セレクトショップ #洋品百貨yamatoya #平塚 #秦野 #厚木 #伊勢原ブランド #伊勢原土産 #伊勢原名物 #伊勢原名所 #ミリタリーアウター #軍物 #米軍 #millitary #army (洋品百貨 YAMATOYA) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClN8ZQ1O_Sv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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andraff-honda · 2 years
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【NEW ARRIVAL】 . #audience Sorona 中綿M-90コールドウェザージャケット ¥16,800+tax . シェルジャケットの名作、USミリタリーGEN-2 ECWCS LEVEL 5 PARKAがイメージソース。 . ECWCS(エコワックス)とは、極寒冷気衣料システム=極寒冷地用。 . オーバージャケットでゆとりあるフィット感です。 . 脇のジップを開いてAラインで着ることも、アジャスターを絞ることでバルーンシルエットにも、スタイル変化を楽しめます。 . フロントの大きなポケットはWポケットで収納力抜群です。 . マウンテンパーカーとハンティングジャケットを足したようなデザインです。 . 中綿にはアメリカ・デュポン社製の高性能ポリエステル「Sorona」を使用。 . ソロナポリマーは羽毛のような軽さと温かさで保温性に優れ、湿気が多いところでも衣服内が蒸れにくく、心地の良い圧縮性と回復性の高さが特徴です。 . 同じ厚みのポリエステルの中綿はもちろん、ダウンすらも凌駕する抜群の保温性、耐久性を兼ね備えています。 . 表素材は「Teflon 60/40 クロス」を使用しています。 . 撥水性と防風性を備えた機能素材です。 . 昨年も大好評いただきました! . 今年もお早めにチェック よろしくお願いします。 . #andraff #セレクトショップ #服屋 #アンドラフ #福知山 #いがいと福知山 #fashion #mensfashion #unisexfashion #ecwcs #綾部 #舞鶴 #宮津 #京丹後 #丹波 #豊岡 #朝来 #北近畿 #奥京都 . 【取り扱いブランド】 #amne#harriss#bettaku#pg#liss#fobfactory#audience#hunit and more...! (ANDRAFF) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkXSVctycJ8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dojoe-tokyo · 6 months
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ECWCS GEN3 level 7 primaloft jkt
size M-R
身幅 72cm
着丈 78.5cm
袖丈 61.5cm (脇下~袖先)
¥35200(tax in)
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words814 · 1 year
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. US MILITARY "ECWCS Gen2 UCP Gore-Tex" #words https://www.instagram.com/p/CnI5bLTyBoG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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romancandlemagazine · 2 years
In Praise of Army Surplus Shops
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Army surplus shops are really something. Not only are they rammed full of dope military garb, but they’ve got a certain raw ’n’ raggedy flavour to ‘em which is missing from most places these days. Like the humble car boot sale or the British seaside town, they seemingly operate on their own axis, relatively untouched by the sanitised hand of modern life.
War-time wares are piled up all over the place… old sheepdogs snooze behind the counter… mysterious scents waft throughout… and amongst all this, the clothes look sick and will actually last for longer than five minutes.
Admittedly they can sometimes be a bit of a gamble, but it’s in that roll of the dice that lies the appeal. This isn’t lazily clicking the ‘add to basket’ button on some slick-looking website and then getting the garb delivered into your lap via drone the same afternoon. It’s an effort, and whether or not you even buy anything is besides the point… it’s an experience that you’ve got to earn. The ‘buying things’ aspect is just a small part of it.
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From what I can gather, the blueprint for these fine establishments was first drawn up over the Atlantic after the Civil War. Up until then, most war gear was made in fairly short runs by each separate regiment… but with mass production added to the equation, military schmutter was churned out by the shedload. When the war was over, both sides had plenty of wares to spare, so they set about flogging it as a way to make back a bit of wedge. One of the big bidders was a 14 year old scrap-metal merchant called Francis Bannerman.
Francis sunk his sizeable scrap fortune into buying heavily-discounted surplus gear (guns included), and after a bit of shuffling up the ladder, bought a seven-story super-store in Manhattan to house it all. Aptly-titled ‘Bannerman’s Army & Navy Outfitters’, this shop attracted the attention of everyone from twiddle-tashed gentleman-explorer types to mercenary soldiers fighting in the Spanish Civil War, and at it’s height, needed a full island on the Hudson River, complete with custom-built castle, to store all its stock.
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Bannerman’s eventually dwindled for various reasons (including constant explosions on its ‘surplus island’ caused by rusting artillery), and whilst it slowly faded away throughout the mid-20th century, it set the stage for countless other surplus shops to pop up in seemingly every small town around the globe.
From WW2 up until the Gulf War the constant stream of battle meant there was no short supply of hard-wearing clobber, and the growth of arduous leisure activities like camping, fishing and hiking meant that more people were after tough clothes that didn’t cost a fortune. And perhaps most importantly, unhinged small-town madheads who didn’t make it into the forces could now walk their Alsatian whilst draped in the clothing they dreamed about.
These days there are still a fair few of these wondrous establishments around, and whilst a few of them have been infiltrated by snide ‘military-esque’ gear seemingly designed for moody bouncers and paintball moshers, gems may still by found in the shape of old M-65s, ripstop BDU jackets or those US Army ECWCS Gore-Tex parkas (which cost a fraction of the price of usual GORE-approved garb).
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As well as the yank stuff, also look out for Swedish military work pants, German cold-weather parkas, that wild Swiss Aplenflage gear and another other Euro anomalies (like the seldom-seen Irish ‘Paddyflage’).
Don’t hang about though—in the age of artificial intelligence and cyber warfare, less humanoid cannon-fodder is needed, and because swanky computers and high-flying drones don’t wear ripstop cotton, not as much gear is made in the first place. Obviously it goes without saying that the less people involved in combat the better… but still, this genuine surplus won’t last forever—snaffle it whilst you can and leave the real combat to the robots.
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barriojapan · 2 years
2022aw Barrio Recomend Item
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①Tilak Military Gear / SIBERIA Jacket - Multicam Alpine (White)
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Tilak のミリタリーカテゴリから、22aw 新作のSIBERIA (シベリア)Jacket。 米軍 ECWCS 様々な気候やシチュエーションに対応するレイヤリングシステム内の極寒地のアウターに位置づけられる「LEVEL 7」に相当するレイヤリング最終インシュレーションジャケット。 
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ヒップを覆う長めのシルエットや素早くフィットするフードを装備。中綿には、Climashield® APEX 165g/m2(SvalbardJKTの約1.6倍の綿量)を採用。「LEVEL 7」だけあって中綿はTilak史上最大ボリュームを誇る。
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頭部にフィットする立体的なフードはワンタッチでフィットするよう102g/m2のスペックでボリュームを抑えている。アウターファブリックには薄手・軽量のPERTEX® QuantumAirで防風性と撥水・防雨性能を、最小限の重量で実現している。 
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その他、Black、Khaki、Multicam Blackがあります。
 素材: 表地ナイロン100%、中綿ポリエステル100%
XS:着丈77.5 身幅61.0 肩幅51.0 袖丈65.0 裾幅55.0 袖口幅10.0
S:着丈80.5 身幅62.5 肩幅53.0 袖丈66.5 裾幅57.0 袖口幅10.5
M : 着丈82.0 身幅64.5 肩幅55.0 袖丈68.0 裾幅61.0 袖口幅11.0
L:着丈84.0 身幅66.5 肩幅57.0 袖丈69.5 裾幅65.0 袖口幅11.5 (cm)
 モデル:168cm, 67kg 着用サイズ:M
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<POLARTEC® THERMAL PRO®>のボア素材を採用したジャケット。THERMAL PRO®シリーズは多数のラインナップがありますが、こちらのボアタイプは圧倒的な保温力が特徴。
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素材: POLARTEC® THERMAL PRO® ポリエステル100% 
S : 着丈70.0、肩幅55.6、バスト121.0、裾回り121.0、袖丈56.3
M :着丈73.0、肩幅57.4、バスト126.0、裾回り126.0、袖丈59.8
L : 着丈76.0、肩幅59.2、バスト131.0、裾回り131.0、袖丈63.3
XL : 着丈79.0、着丈61.0、バスト136.0、裾回り136.0、袖丈66.8 (cm)
モデル:182cm, 92kg
③SPATZ / Wigwam 5
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85年以上の歴史を持つスイスのキャンプブランド<スパッツ>。「ウィグワム 5 BTC」はアウターテント内に大きめの前室「リビングルーム」を備えた、3シーズン対応のティピー型テント。 
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 「ウィグワム 5 BTC」は、ポールがエントランス側に立てる形となりますので、室内も広々と使う事が可能です。エントランスの高さは205cmと高く、男性でも十分な高さがあります。 
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 生地は、ポリエステルとコットンで作られた、通称<BTC>と呼ばれる生地。BTCとは、Breathable Technical Cottonの略。
●ファブリック フライシート: ポリエステル/コットン 65/35(撥水加工) インナーテント: ポリエステル/コットン 65/35 インナーフロア: PVC防水加工 センターポール: 調整可能なTRX 軽量 ecoジェラルミン製(アルミ) アルマイト加工/防汚処理 TRX Eco­Duralumin Power 7 Φ­22mm:191-221cm 
●テントサイズ 添付画像をご参照ください
●梱包サイズ、重量 72×26×26cm、7.5kg
●カラー ブラウンサンド
●付属品 ジュラルミン製アジャスタブルセンターポールΦ22mm191~221cm-1本、アルミ製ツイストYペグ16cm-22本(ベグ収納袋付)、ガイライン4.5m-8本アジャスター付、収納バッグ、フライシート補修用シール
●価格(税込) 83,600円
④ BACH / Undercover 26
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そして一番の特徴は、特製レインカバー「OMNICOVER」。 レインカバーでありながら、大きめのメッシュポケットが2つ配備されており、ドリンクからワイヤーキーなどを収納する事ができる。また、カバー全体を外す事無く、本体ポケットへアクセスする事が可能。また、スプラッシュ柄のリフレクタープリントが効いている。 
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material: CORDURA® 500dn col: Black , Yellow Curry , Blue Dawn volume: 26L weight: 1,240g
size: 54×33×15cm(外寸)
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colors-store · 2 months
Newlyn Smocks Round Neck Smocks Fleece(ラウンドネックスモックフリース)BLACK
Newlyn Smocks(ニューリンスモック)のRound Neck Smocks(ラウンドネックスモック)のフリース素材です。
元々は、イギリス海軍が着用していたスモックを漁業の町では漁師の作業着として昔ながらの形はそのままに現在も作り続けられているFisherman’s Smock(フィッシャーマンズスモック)です。
定番のワークウエアとして広く知られる様になったFisherman’s Smock(フィッシャーマンズスモック)には、最適な素材です。
両サイドに配された四角い大きめのポケットは、Made In The UKのイギリス国旗のタグ付きで
#newlynsmocks #newlyn #smocks #roundnecksmocks #roundneck #fishermanssmock #fleece #ニューリンスモック #ニューリン #スモック #ラウンドネックスモック#ラウンドネック #フィッシャーマンスモック #フリース#madeintheuk #madeintheuk🇬🇧 #イギリス製 #イギリス製🇬🇧 #colors #カラーズ #colorsinstag
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inkandguns · 4 months
This was an underrated piece. If you got issued the correct sizes you could wear it under your gore-tex
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ECWCS Gen III Layer 7 Extreme Cold Weather Parka RFI Issue Sm Reg 8415015386278.
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andraff-honda · 2 years
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【NEW ARRIVAL】 . #audience Sorona 中綿M-90コールドウェザージャケット ¥16,800+tax . シェルジャケットの名作、USミリタリーGEN-2 ECWCS LEVEL 5 PARKAがイメージソース。 . ECWCS(エコワックス)とは、極寒冷気衣料システム=極寒冷地用。 . オーバージャケットでゆとりあるフィット感です。 . 脇のジップを開いてAラインで着ることも、アジャスターを絞ることでバルーンシルエットにも、スタイル変化を楽しめます。 . フロントの大きなポケットはWポケットで収納力抜群です。 . マウンテンパーカーとハンティングジャケットを足したようなデザインです。 . 中綿にはアメリカ・デュポン社製の高性能ポリエステル「Sorona」を使用。 . ソロナポリマーは羽毛のような軽さと温かさで保温性に優れ、湿気が多いところでも衣服内が蒸れにくく、心地の良い圧縮性と回復性の高さが特徴です。 . 同じ厚みのポリエステルの中綿はもちろん、ダウンすらも凌駕する抜群の保温性、耐久性を兼ね備えています。 . 表素材は「Teflon 60/40 クロス」を使用しています。 . 撥水性と防風性を備えた機能素材です。 . 昨年も大好評いた���きました! . 今年もお早めにチェック よろしくお願いします。 . #andraff #セレクトショップ #服屋 #アンドラフ #福知山 #いがいと福知山 #fashion #mensfashion #unisexfashion #ecwcs #綾部 #舞鶴 #宮津 #京丹後 #丹波 #豊岡 #朝来 #北近畿 #奥京都 . 【取り扱いブランド】 #amne#harriss#bettaku#pg#liss#fobfactory#audience#hunit and more...! (ANDRAFF) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkXRvbfSzj9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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attuproject · 9 months
End of 18 TT Attu News Update
International Events
3 Akarian Kadar-class warships, ANS Bark, ANS Saymok and ANS Nimbak are transferred to Okrit.
3 Akarian Kadar-class warships, ANS Bartan, ANS Shinkor and ANS Matart are transferred to Utlia.
A document is released in Akaria containing evidence that the late Johnakar Oken ordered the deaths of several notable figures across the Attu Archipelago, including Vidar Astridson, Sitting Calif of Clan Erak. The document alleges that Vidar was assassinated by an Akarian strike team, rather than an Akarian-backed rival clan as was previously believed.
The Royal Palace of Niueyjar denounces Akaria and urges CODCNN to cut formal diplomatic relations with Akaria.
The CNN Federal Court puts a temporary hold on corruption investigations and trials to allow CODCNN to hold an emergency meeting
The Akarian Navy is ordered back to Akaria and the Living Army is fully mobilised
Psaha Yol, without backing of the congress, releases a statement of condemnation regarding Akarian assassination of Vidar Astridson
The Utlian National Army along with the special units of the Utlian Mountain Infantry and UT-Defence Force are mobilised
The ships of the Utlian National Amphibious Force are recalled to port
The Ritual of Andean concludes with Vidar Astridson being brought back to lead the CNN
The CNNN announces the end of their blockade on Nongba and that the "...ships are to be prepared to be put to better use"
Psaha states that Nongba is "in debt" to the CNN for removal of the blockade
The TLP expresses severe disappointment in the lifting of Nongba's blockade
Akarian ambassador to the YDF, Anarka Oken is recalled to Akaria
Richard Mobyson of Clan Kustur, Head of the ECWC claims that he had been forced to flee the island of Amogusolia after an attack by a joint Akarian-Utilian force.
Vidar Astridson of Clan Erak orders the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th fleets to join the 1st in patrolling the waters around the CNN.
Vidar Astridson calls an emergency session of the CODCNN with the publicly stated intention of "finally ridding the archipelago of those dragon forsaken fleas"
The CODCNN declares war on the Eastern Bloc due to previous acts of aggression during the Niueyjara Civil War and the recent attack on Amogusolia Island
The CNN implements martial law and announces the commencement of a draft
Harakar Oken deploys the Akarian Scouting Force to monitor CNN fleet locations
The CODCNN puts bounty on any Eastern Bloc ships sunk or captured
Hia El announces the deployment of the Mountange Mountain Special Unit (MMSU), commanded by Areen Leshen
Neerakta Base reports several skirmishes between Eastern Bloc and CNN forces across Keral and orders the majority of Eastern Bloc forces on Keral Island to return to Neerakta Base or Neerwaltia
The CNNN sinks the ASFS Ukot
Ahabakar Oken, High Director of the East Oken Company releases his report on the "Amogusolia Incident". The report claims that he only destroyed the base on the island after said base had opened fire on his vessels. The report also confirms that the EOC is now occupying Amogusolia Island
The CNN describes the Ahabakar's report as "churgshit" and "the desperate lies of a vile man"
The CNN denies any and all allegations of arresting Akarians that were within the CNN when war broke out
The Living Press releases a report claiming that several CNN spies have been arrested in Perisken
Eastern Bloc forces land in the Faltiran provinces of Res Striltir and Ard Striltir in an attempt to deny the CNN the ability to garrison forces near eee
CODCNN sends 5th CNNTDF to reinforce Faltir in wake of the Eastern Bloc invasion
Utlian troops take the Faltiran city of Khosi, former capital of Ard Striltir
The Akarian Navy sends the ANS Osar on a mission to sink a CNN vessel
CNNN command sends half of the 3rd fleet on a mission to sink the ANS Osar
The Eastern Bloc claims that the ANS Osar sunk the CNS Baldur, the CNN denies this claim
The high director of the Arkara Army is killed in a drive-by shooting.
The Deram Army kill approx. one third of the Arkara Army via mountain collapse.
A Sarkist protest occurs in Oksken with its leader, Baneel Agokra demanding an election for seats in the Oksken Governing Council.
Oksken is split into 4 administrative segments: Moss Vale, Port Naikar, Haratum and Oksken. Oksken features a democratically elected governing council. Moss Vale will serve as the capital of both the Oken Kadrike and Okenate
Six Garikoph-class warships replace the obsolete Kadar-class. Three of the Kadar-class warships are given to Okrit and three to Utlia.
An Arkaran document is released, containing evidence that Johnakar Oken ordered the deaths of several notable figures, including Tamik Bondeer, Ossbosche of the Okenate, Kamakta Arkara, leader of the Arkara and Mokopt Arka, high director of the Karinian Star
Harakar Oken orders the Akarian Navy back to Akaria and orders the full mobilisation of the Living Army
The Weer Chronicle report that Harakar Oken is neither at his palace in Moss Vale nor at the Tumak Ordok in Ablesken
A wave of Arkara-affiliated protestors take to the streets of Ablesken demanding an explanation for the killing of Kamakta Arkara
The EOCS Harakar is sighted docking at Kadar's Rock
The Sartak Army enters the Oken Kadrike prompting the mobilisation of the Oken Army
The Oken Army and the Sartak army engage in a battle just outside Oksken
Fighting is reported between the Arkara Army and the Deram Army outside of Arkara occupied Mida
Harakar's 14th Dictate is issued dissolving the Akarian Coast Guard and transferring its assets to the Akarian Scouting Force
The Sartak Army breaks up whilst fighting the Oken Army, the Oken Army begins moving into the Sartak Kadrike
The Skrake Army enters the Bojin Kadrike with the intent of aiding the Oken in their conflict with the Sartak. Meok Skrake, Leader of the Skrake urges the Bojin not to interfere with the passing Skrake Army
Sarkay Obat announces the creation of the Sarkist State, to be ruled by the Sarkist Assembly. He claims for his new nation the unnamed island where Ratok Omiph is currently stranded. Sarkay names the island "Paradise"
Harakar's 15th Dictate is issued deeming Sarkism to be an afront to Kadarism and illegal throughout the Kingdom of Akaria
Several dozen Sarkists, including four members of the Sarkist Assembly are arrested in Okenate
Sarkists storm the courthouse in Haratum where the four arrested Sarkist Assembly members were being tried
A gunfight breaks out between Okenate authorities and the Sarkists held up in the Haratum Court
The Oken Army enters Sarstai, capital of the Sartak Kadrike
Hochor Sartak, Leader of the Sartak is captured by the Oken Army
The Deram Army re-captures Mida for the Mikare
The Perat Army enters the Deram Kadrike to assist the Arkara in their war against the Deram
Following several violent encounters between Sarkists and Okenate authorities, Havking Oken, Ossbosche of Okenate agrees to have all Sarkists in Okenate transported to Paradise Island
Kost Mitlason is ordered by court to return to CNN and appear before Federal Court for a second time.
56 members of the CODCNN are brought before Federal Court. 32 are found guilty, of which 12 are sentenced to death.
CNN Federal Court puts temporary hold on CODCNN corruption investigation to allow the council to hold an emergency meeting.
CODCNN appeals to the Federal Court to call forth a temporary leader until the Akaria situation is resolved
The Supreme Court with the support of the CODCNN order the commencement of the Ritural of Andean due to Kost Mitlason refusing to respond to any messages
With Council Head Kost Mitlason's continued absence an An emergency vote is called to remove Kost Mitlason from his position, his temporary replacement will be decided at the completion of the Ritual of Andean.
The Ritual of Andean concludes with Vidar Astridson being brought back to lead the CNN
23 dead and 56 injured in a street fight between supporters and opponents of the Central Democrats of Hangmeng.
2 senators affiliated with the Federal Association found dead in the Southern River. People's Preservation leader Mana Hap suggests this was a result of "[getting] carried away with fun at the Tolha Beach", sparking numerous protests.
Multiple YDF congress members scold Psaha for releasing a statement without clearing it with the congress
The YDF military gets involved in a Nongban political protest turned riot
At least 12 civilians found dead in Nongban Riot, 5 from YDF guns and 7 from trampling
Political Riots on Nongba grow exponentially upon news of the CNN-Eastern bloc War
79 Dead in riots, 32% of which are confirmed to have died to YDF gunfire
Nongban Riots continue to grow. At the current rate, about 2 deaths and 12 injuries are recorded per hour
A protest in relation to the Nongban protests begins on the largest Ronatana settlement
15 YDF provinces have declared major states of emergency due to escalating riots
121 people have been found dead in riots, 312 are missing
The YDF army reports being given conflicting orders
A YDF general and two colonels have been permanently relieved after deciding to follow orders given by Psaha rather than conflicting orders from an unknown senator. An investigation is underway
A paramilitary organization attacks YDF armed forces at a riot. They are using foreign weapons sourced from a variety of nations. Details of their affiliation and size are unknown
The Tietero Royal Family welcomes the return of Reĝido Balailo from his boarding school for the holiday weekend
Tietera radio operators announce that they are wearing all black in response to expected news from Malhela
The death of Reĝido Balailo is announced. The Prince was bludgeoned to death by an out-of-control kite while on a run outside the castle grounds. Mental health services and kite-flying lessons will be provided to the child who lost his kite.
The Tietero Royal Family announces the disappearance of Riĝo Henriko II. Widespread search efforts are underway
The Tietero Royal Family announces the death of Henriko II. A period of mourning will be in effect until further notice. All non-essential businesses are to remain closed during this time
Officials release information on the death of Henriko II, who died in an apparent suicide by gunshot wound to the head. A note lift with the body blamed the grief due to the death of his son Balailo as the reason to end his life.
Alekso IV commits to continuing the period of peace in first address to his country after his father’s death
Former Utlian Lieutenant President Votan found dead in South Utlia, no cause of death has been released
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