#yearly update
lost-kiwi-dev · 2 years
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12 june 2022
i should change these to yearly updates because i think this is the first one of 2022, lol.
i've been focusing most of my attention on a "traditional" story that i hope i will be able to publish one day - you can follow my progress on my other blog @bury-the-butterflies.
however i've finally added like a third of chapter four to twine, and now i just need to sort out pronoun coding and we're away laughing
depending on how much brain power i have to code, i think the next demo update won't be too far away!! sorry for making you wait for so long :(
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It feels like trying to squeeze blood from a stone sometimes, but life goes on.
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pine-niidles · 1 year
December Project Update + 2022 in Review
It’s still January so it’s not too late to write out some of my thoughts about last year 📅 Some quick project updates first:
Rose Garden
script writing continues! I didn’t manage to finish it for nanowrimo but I made good progress <3
Was in the right mood so I wrote up a bit more worldbuilding & wrote some more of a couple profiles but nothing finished enough to share.
One more of the pirates has a ref now - Yon commissioned me to make one for Laish I had a lot of fun doing it:
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Don’t Wake the Sleeping Dragon
I wrote a short tabletop! It’s not ready to share yet but I got some friends to playtest it - I need to do a few edits, a second playtest, and then I’ll put together a pdf to publish
My girlfriend and I also wrote out some ideas for a board game version of the game. We have mechanics planned out, now just need to put some spreadsheets together & write out specifics in more detail
Goals for this month: I’m not putting down any goals for January since I don’t think I’ll have much time to work on my stories this month.
Looking back on 2022
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2022 felt like a slow year for me - and it was! there was a lot more I wanted to get done than I managed and a lot of the pieces I did manage to finish, even though I like how they turned out, I felt that I could have done better on if I had the energy or time to not rush through them as much. 
A lot of my art this year has centered around zine work and commissions. Towards the begining of the year I took a lot of comms and had fun with them but ended up spending longer than I intended on each one - a big reason I ended up raising my prices in the second half of the year. As I get better at art each piece simple takes longer to do since there’s more planning, more care in execution, and more details to work out. With the new prices my flow of orders slowed down a lot but the pieces I did get I could spend time perfecting without guilt. The extra time I had I could dedicate to doing other things I had wanted to get around to. Specificaly here I started more regularly making adopt designs!
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Celestial adopts, a few are still open!
Doing them on a chibi base using the symetry tool made it so I could easily get designs out without stressing too much about the details - posing, anatomy, ect. And I had a lot of fun with that! I love designing characters and I love seeing what people do with my designs. There was also the extra benifit of not having to worry about if my client would like my work - people see the finished result with these first and if they like it they get it ✨
Zine work I did enjoy a lot - working with other people is always fun and seeing the finished zines put together with everyone’s hard work side by side is amazing. But - they sure don’t pay well. Zine are a passion project and that’s totally fair but the fact that fandom zines have come to be such high-quality projects with an expectation for full illustrations from artists that take hours to make without artists getting a penny in compensation... Isn’t great. Sure, the money is going to charity rather than someone profiting off it and for a lot of zines this makes sense but a lot of them only donate to charity bc that’s the community standard and figuring out how to pay contributers is a hassle - especially when some contributers might be underage. Anyway, this is a whole discussion but the main point is I’m not going to be doing as many zines next years - I want to focus on orginal work and I need to focus on stuff that earns me $$ to survive because, unfortuantly, we live in a society. 
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My piece for a sky game bg focused zine
It’s impossible to decouple creative energy from general life stress - and the rising costs of everything have not been condutive to trying to carve out a career as an artist. I just paid our gas bill for decemeber today and it’s risen to be more than half my share of the monthly rent?? It’s insane. When you’re struggling to stay afloat taking the time to pursue your passion isn’t easy and when you need to do stuff to earn money now it’s hard to take the time set up more long term plans that will earn money later but not now. 
Despite all that I do love how a lot of the pieces this year turned out and I did draw plenty. I experimented with a bunch of new techniques this year that I enjoyed and am looking forward to incorperating into my work more as I’m able to spend more time on it. I have a few things planned for this year, some of which I didn’t managed to get done last year (making physical & digital merch) and some new stuff as well (to be revealed!). One big thing I will make sure to carve out the time for is some orginal narrative work - while I enjoyed the zine pieces and commission work I did last year a lot I do miss doing standalone narrative drawings. We’ll see how much of my goals I’ll be able to get done but I feeling good this month and I’m optimistic about where 2023 will go (a dangerous feeling I know)
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Click the keep reading to see my life drawing summary for the year! Warning for boobs.
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Not much more to say about my life drawing than what I’ve already said about my art. I’ve been doing weekly (or so) sessions though I had more time near the start of the year to do longer poses compared to more recently. But I did what I could! I started a little life drawing discord group this year (dm me to join! 18+ only) and it’s been a lot of fun chatting with the folks in there about life drawing and art in general. I care deeply about the artistic process and it’s always nice to talk about it with other people who feel the same.
Sometime this month I intend to put together a zine showcasing some of my life drawing this year along with annotations with tips & thoughts about my own process. Keep an eye out!
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attuproject · 10 months
End of 18 TT Attu News Update
International Events
3 Akarian Kadar-class warships, ANS Bark, ANS Saymok and ANS Nimbak are transferred to Okrit.
3 Akarian Kadar-class warships, ANS Bartan, ANS Shinkor and ANS Matart are transferred to Utlia.
A document is released in Akaria containing evidence that the late Johnakar Oken ordered the deaths of several notable figures across the Attu Archipelago, including Vidar Astridson, Sitting Calif of Clan Erak. The document alleges that Vidar was assassinated by an Akarian strike team, rather than an Akarian-backed rival clan as was previously believed.
The Royal Palace of Niueyjar denounces Akaria and urges CODCNN to cut formal diplomatic relations with Akaria.
The CNN Federal Court puts a temporary hold on corruption investigations and trials to allow CODCNN to hold an emergency meeting
The Akarian Navy is ordered back to Akaria and the Living Army is fully mobilised
Psaha Yol, without backing of the congress, releases a statement of condemnation regarding Akarian assassination of Vidar Astridson
The Utlian National Army along with the special units of the Utlian Mountain Infantry and UT-Defence Force are mobilised
The ships of the Utlian National Amphibious Force are recalled to port
The Ritual of Andean concludes with Vidar Astridson being brought back to lead the CNN
The CNNN announces the end of their blockade on Nongba and that the "...ships are to be prepared to be put to better use"
Psaha states that Nongba is "in debt" to the CNN for removal of the blockade
The TLP expresses severe disappointment in the lifting of Nongba's blockade
Akarian ambassador to the YDF, Anarka Oken is recalled to Akaria
Richard Mobyson of Clan Kustur, Head of the ECWC claims that he had been forced to flee the island of Amogusolia after an attack by a joint Akarian-Utilian force.
Vidar Astridson of Clan Erak orders the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th fleets to join the 1st in patrolling the waters around the CNN.
Vidar Astridson calls an emergency session of the CODCNN with the publicly stated intention of "finally ridding the archipelago of those dragon forsaken fleas"
The CODCNN declares war on the Eastern Bloc due to previous acts of aggression during the Niueyjara Civil War and the recent attack on Amogusolia Island
The CNN implements martial law and announces the commencement of a draft
Harakar Oken deploys the Akarian Scouting Force to monitor CNN fleet locations
The CODCNN puts bounty on any Eastern Bloc ships sunk or captured
Hia El announces the deployment of the Mountange Mountain Special Unit (MMSU), commanded by Areen Leshen
Neerakta Base reports several skirmishes between Eastern Bloc and CNN forces across Keral and orders the majority of Eastern Bloc forces on Keral Island to return to Neerakta Base or Neerwaltia
The CNNN sinks the ASFS Ukot
Ahabakar Oken, High Director of the East Oken Company releases his report on the "Amogusolia Incident". The report claims that he only destroyed the base on the island after said base had opened fire on his vessels. The report also confirms that the EOC is now occupying Amogusolia Island
The CNN describes the Ahabakar's report as "churgshit" and "the desperate lies of a vile man"
The CNN denies any and all allegations of arresting Akarians that were within the CNN when war broke out
The Living Press releases a report claiming that several CNN spies have been arrested in Perisken
Eastern Bloc forces land in the Faltiran provinces of Res Striltir and Ard Striltir in an attempt to deny the CNN the ability to garrison forces near eee
CODCNN sends 5th CNNTDF to reinforce Faltir in wake of the Eastern Bloc invasion
Utlian troops take the Faltiran city of Khosi, former capital of Ard Striltir
The Akarian Navy sends the ANS Osar on a mission to sink a CNN vessel
CNNN command sends half of the 3rd fleet on a mission to sink the ANS Osar
The Eastern Bloc claims that the ANS Osar sunk the CNS Baldur, the CNN denies this claim
The high director of the Arkara Army is killed in a drive-by shooting.
The Deram Army kill approx. one third of the Arkara Army via mountain collapse.
A Sarkist protest occurs in Oksken with its leader, Baneel Agokra demanding an election for seats in the Oksken Governing Council.
Oksken is split into 4 administrative segments: Moss Vale, Port Naikar, Haratum and Oksken. Oksken features a democratically elected governing council. Moss Vale will serve as the capital of both the Oken Kadrike and Okenate
Six Garikoph-class warships replace the obsolete Kadar-class. Three of the Kadar-class warships are given to Okrit and three to Utlia.
An Arkaran document is released, containing evidence that Johnakar Oken ordered the deaths of several notable figures, including Tamik Bondeer, Ossbosche of the Okenate, Kamakta Arkara, leader of the Arkara and Mokopt Arka, high director of the Karinian Star
Harakar Oken orders the Akarian Navy back to Akaria and orders the full mobilisation of the Living Army
The Weer Chronicle report that Harakar Oken is neither at his palace in Moss Vale nor at the Tumak Ordok in Ablesken
A wave of Arkara-affiliated protestors take to the streets of Ablesken demanding an explanation for the killing of Kamakta Arkara
The EOCS Harakar is sighted docking at Kadar's Rock
The Sartak Army enters the Oken Kadrike prompting the mobilisation of the Oken Army
The Oken Army and the Sartak army engage in a battle just outside Oksken
Fighting is reported between the Arkara Army and the Deram Army outside of Arkara occupied Mida
Harakar's 14th Dictate is issued dissolving the Akarian Coast Guard and transferring its assets to the Akarian Scouting Force
The Sartak Army breaks up whilst fighting the Oken Army, the Oken Army begins moving into the Sartak Kadrike
The Skrake Army enters the Bojin Kadrike with the intent of aiding the Oken in their conflict with the Sartak. Meok Skrake, Leader of the Skrake urges the Bojin not to interfere with the passing Skrake Army
Sarkay Obat announces the creation of the Sarkist State, to be ruled by the Sarkist Assembly. He claims for his new nation the unnamed island where Ratok Omiph is currently stranded. Sarkay names the island "Paradise"
Harakar's 15th Dictate is issued deeming Sarkism to be an afront to Kadarism and illegal throughout the Kingdom of Akaria
Several dozen Sarkists, including four members of the Sarkist Assembly are arrested in Okenate
Sarkists storm the courthouse in Haratum where the four arrested Sarkist Assembly members were being tried
A gunfight breaks out between Okenate authorities and the Sarkists held up in the Haratum Court
The Oken Army enters Sarstai, capital of the Sartak Kadrike
Hochor Sartak, Leader of the Sartak is captured by the Oken Army
The Deram Army re-captures Mida for the Mikare
The Perat Army enters the Deram Kadrike to assist the Arkara in their war against the Deram
Following several violent encounters between Sarkists and Okenate authorities, Havking Oken, Ossbosche of Okenate agrees to have all Sarkists in Okenate transported to Paradise Island
Kost Mitlason is ordered by court to return to CNN and appear before Federal Court for a second time.
56 members of the CODCNN are brought before Federal Court. 32 are found guilty, of which 12 are sentenced to death.
CNN Federal Court puts temporary hold on CODCNN corruption investigation to allow the council to hold an emergency meeting.
CODCNN appeals to the Federal Court to call forth a temporary leader until the Akaria situation is resolved
The Supreme Court with the support of the CODCNN order the commencement of the Ritural of Andean due to Kost Mitlason refusing to respond to any messages
With Council Head Kost Mitlason's continued absence an An emergency vote is called to remove Kost Mitlason from his position, his temporary replacement will be decided at the completion of the Ritual of Andean.
The Ritual of Andean concludes with Vidar Astridson being brought back to lead the CNN
23 dead and 56 injured in a street fight between supporters and opponents of the Central Democrats of Hangmeng.
2 senators affiliated with the Federal Association found dead in the Southern River. People's Preservation leader Mana Hap suggests this was a result of "[getting] carried away with fun at the Tolha Beach", sparking numerous protests.
Multiple YDF congress members scold Psaha for releasing a statement without clearing it with the congress
The YDF military gets involved in a Nongban political protest turned riot
At least 12 civilians found dead in Nongban Riot, 5 from YDF guns and 7 from trampling
Political Riots on Nongba grow exponentially upon news of the CNN-Eastern bloc War
79 Dead in riots, 32% of which are confirmed to have died to YDF gunfire
Nongban Riots continue to grow. At the current rate, about 2 deaths and 12 injuries are recorded per hour
A protest in relation to the Nongban protests begins on the largest Ronatana settlement
15 YDF provinces have declared major states of emergency due to escalating riots
121 people have been found dead in riots, 312 are missing
The YDF army reports being given conflicting orders
A YDF general and two colonels have been permanently relieved after deciding to follow orders given by Psaha rather than conflicting orders from an unknown senator. An investigation is underway
A paramilitary organization attacks YDF armed forces at a riot. They are using foreign weapons sourced from a variety of nations. Details of their affiliation and size are unknown
The Tietero Royal Family welcomes the return of Reĝido Balailo from his boarding school for the holiday weekend
Tietera radio operators announce that they are wearing all black in response to expected news from Malhela
The death of Reĝido Balailo is announced. The Prince was bludgeoned to death by an out-of-control kite while on a run outside the castle grounds. Mental health services and kite-flying lessons will be provided to the child who lost his kite.
The Tietero Royal Family announces the disappearance of Riĝo Henriko II. Widespread search efforts are underway
The Tietero Royal Family announces the death of Henriko II. A period of mourning will be in effect until further notice. All non-essential businesses are to remain closed during this time
Officials release information on the death of Henriko II, who died in an apparent suicide by gunshot wound to the head. A note lift with the body blamed the grief due to the death of his son Balailo as the reason to end his life.
Alekso IV commits to continuing the period of peace in first address to his country after his father’s death
Former Utlian Lieutenant President Votan found dead in South Utlia, no cause of death has been released
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occultopossum · 10 months
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🍂 🌿 Artfight's over so it's time for am updated COMM sheet for 2023, additional examples can be found in my art tag (here) 🌿 🍂
🍂 🌿 Likes/reblogs super appreciated!  🌿 🍂
🍂 🌿  Commissions are open/feel free to dm or reach out to me!   🌿 🍂
🍂 🌿 Commission form: Here 🌿 🍂
🍂 🌿 Trello: Here 
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cuppajj · 6 months
Wdym clip studio paint is dropping a version 3.0… they just dropped version 2.0… wait what do you mean version 1.0 owners would have to double pay if they want to upgrade??? they wanna neglect 1.0 so bad to get us on their stupid sub service huh 💀💀
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naina-da-kya-kasoor · 5 months
I honestly do not remember the first half of my 2023. January started with me celebrating with my cousins.
All i know is till April, 2023 was rather filled with loneliness, broken self expectations, broken friendship, anxiety and academic failure.
Some of the good moments of 2023:
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I think from May, 2023 got better. I travelled, i got closer to my cousins, i made memories with them, i picked myself up from failure, i found my genuine friends, i filtered people out, i realised more, i got more mature yadda yadda yadda.
I think some of the key highlights of my 2023 would be
I got into Anime that i never thought i would.
i stopped thinking bout unaliving myself.
I started appreciating life more and just living more.
I made a lot of doggo friends.
Having my people who matched my clown-liness and just dumbness.
Connecting more with my roots and pahadi culture.
Being more at peace and slightly choosing peace over chaos.
I got out of unhealthy eating habits and rut and actually consistently got into fitness and working out.
Actually not caring about the outside stuff.
Connecting more with my religion and being more spiritual.
Working on myself with positive mindset for the first time in my life as far as i remember.
2023 was not bad or good it was just 2023 yk. Like bad stuff happened but good stuff happened and i just got more mature so yes.
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the-knife-consumer · 6 months
Whats a bit weird is people in the yt commemt section going on about "oohhh its been SOOO long since the last ena episode" like. No.
Idk i could go on a whole rant abt consumerism brought on by capitalism and how its destroying people's patience for an INDE project but ugghh whatever. You get it. It hasn't been a long time its been like two years. WITH TRAILER AND TEASER RELEASES. Which also take time to make. So like. Chill.
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papyskellington · 1 year
Pure was scream laughing over what I thought the only Davenport panel in the whole of Eleventh Hour was when I was flicking through it,
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capricioussun · 2 months
✶ Welcome ✶
Ace ✶ 27 ✶ they/them
Please read my Carrd before following
Tags ✶ UT+ ✶ reblogs @capricioussuns
Commissions: Open ✶ Art Trades: Open
Kofi ✶ Discord: @ CapriciousSuns ✶ Other socials linked in Carrd
Mostly undertale stuff here but other things show up from time to time ✶ Prosh/p dni ✶ "Boundaries"
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Hand Status: the surgery haunts me still but it's better now than it was before
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cluescorner · 1 year
3.5 is gonna be wild
Every Other Mondstadt Character: Yay!! It’s Windblume Festival Time! Collei is back and Timaeus might have a girlfriend! Amber has never been this excited and even the usually closed off characters are opening up! We have all these fun games to play and we’re going to do goofy and sweet and nice things! There’s sales on everything, the entire city looks beautiful, and new friends from Sumeru are here. I wonder where Kaeya is? 
The Traveler, violently switching between two emotions: Yay! Oh no. Yay! Oh no. Yay! Oh no. 
Dainsleif: Hi, here’s some lore. I am going to make you regret ever hurting a specific type of enemy that you will need to kill in a commission tomorrow. Anyways, here’s the most messed up thing I could come up with. My life is suffering. Something, something, your sibling is the bad guy. See you in a year. Bye.
Shenhe wanters: Well that was a pleasant surprise! 
Ayaka wanters: Yep...hey, what’s up with them? 
Dehya lovers: War...war never changes...
Cyno wanters: They realized that their fave’s kit was badly designed to the point that even hoyoverse recognizes it and thus put her on standard. My question is, what’s up with them? 
Eula lovers: War....war has changed....
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permanentreverie · 9 months
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joining the new septembers readathon, hosted by @goodwitchs and @withasmiles! *will be stretching the reading time into october/november
a book with a red cover: crying in h mart by michelle zauner (sep 9 - 10)
a creepy or horror book: little thieves by margaret owen (sep 11 - 16) / painted devils by margaret owen (sep 20 - 27)
a classic or a retelling: les misérables by victor hugo (apr 3 - sep 18) (reread)
a short story collection: out there by kate folk (sep 23 - 24)
an autumnal classic: wuthering heights by emily brontë (sep 18 - 24)
a book with an orange cover: the foxhole court by nora sakavic (sep 24 - 27)
an autumnal romance: the dead romantics by ashley poston (oct 4 - 5)
a book about witches: a discovery of witches by deborah harkness (oct 6 - 12) / shadow of night by deborah harkness (nov 1 - dec 30)
a book about a haunted house: mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia (oct 13 - 14) / the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson (oct 15 - 18)
a book with a yellow cover: anxious people by fredrik backman yellowface by r.f. kuang (oct 29 - 31)
a graphic novel: the girl from the other side (vol 1 - 11) by nagabe (oct 19)
a book that takes place at a private or boarding school: a study in charlotte by brittany cavallaro (oct 5 - 7)
a gothic novel: dracula by bram stoker (may 5 - nov 8)
a murder mystery: the murder of roger ackroyd by agatha christie (nov 9 - 10)
a book that takes place in september: kamila knows best by farah heron (nov 12 - 13)
a cozy fantasy: howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones (nov 17 - 18) (reread)
a dark academia book: if we were villains by m. l. rio (nov 18 - 19) (reread)
a book about vampires: masters of death by olivie blake (nov 20 - 22)
reread an autumnal favourite: jane eyre by charlotte brontë (nov 22 - 29) (reread)
a sept. 23 release: a study in drowning by ava reid (dec 23 - 29)
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Pages 23 and 24
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Read from the start
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lucky-numberme · 10 months
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new icon, same fat boy dyke✌🏻💛🍀
[ID: an icon drawing of OP's face and shoulders in front of a disability pride background. End ID]
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diningwiththeasquiths · 5 months
6 selfies of 2023 📸✨️
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Some really good stuff happened this year. I went on two absolutely wonderful holidays (to Ireland and Southern Germany) with cherished friends. Achieved my dream of seeing basking sharks in the wild. Embraced my inner Barbie. And am now a permanent employee at the job I started at last year, which is a great position to be in.
Of course life isn't all pink and dinosaurs. My Crohn's disease started acting up again, increasing my fatigue and decreasing my appetite (don't worry, I love food so I'm still getting enough calories). Which meant another MRI and maybe a change in medication (will know more next week). Also lost some more muscle mass, and experienced hair loss due to my meds, doing wonders for my self-esteem (not). At prolonged times throughout the year I found it difficult to engage in fandom and family/friendships, feeling pretty apathetic and low, unmotivated, negative, lonely, self-hating and a lot less joyful than I used to be.
Luckily my neighbourhood coach took my mental state seriously and applied me for the Social Support Act, so I can get coaching from an organisation that specialises in coaching people with autism. (A lot of my self-loathing stems from feeling different/abnormal/socially challenged, also I struggle with finding balance between alone time and socialising, especially with the added Crohn exhaustion.) I'll be starting this January, and have been trying really hard not to fall back into another downward spiral because I'm sick of feeling that low. It's a daily struggle, but better mental health is definitely worth fighting for!
(Every second counts, after all. 😉)
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vanillaverses · 2 years
oh god oh no they put the old man in a jar
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still can’t get over the fact that this happened it’s so funny to me,,
also if enough people like this I might?? make a cleaner version of this. no promises though
mostly just to play around with lighting.. but I think it turned out cool enough!! not completely happy with it but,, whatever
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