#ellory writes
For a pairing: Draco/Harry?
"You can't possibly be serious, Draco," Heir Theodore Nott says, his voice full of censure as he stares at the pendant necklace swinging from Heir Draco Malfoy's fingers.
"I couldn't possibly be more serious," Draco replies smugly as he twirls the necklace, waiting for his quarry to descend the stairs so that he can offer it; the traditional first courtship gift offered by a Malfoy is a pendant necklace.
"He's going to throw it back in your face and refuse," Conte Blaise Zabini states.
Heir Harry Potter steps off the staircase and into the Entrance Hall, sandwiched between Miss Hermione Granger and Mister Ron Weasley, and immediately raises a hand to catch the necklace when Draco throws it at him with a, "Potter, catch!"
The smirk that spreads across Draco's face is unholy when he turns it on his best friends, purring, "Told you," with wicked relish as Harry howls with laughter and dons the necklace, the pendant of which states: Property of Heir Draco Malfoy.
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calamity-unlocked · 11 months
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Nick Foster is living the high-octane life of a rockstar, touring the country with his band, slowly cracking under the pressure that fame brings. Lark Oak couldn’t give less of a shit about what his former friend is doing. He’s got his own goals, his own problems, his own demons to deal with. He just wants to move forward, without looking back. He isn't that lucky.
Third chapter of Nark rockstar/bodyguard AU no one asked for <3
Part 3/8 - Dungeons and Daddies - Nark - Rated M - 9.6k words
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Evil Author Day!
February 15th is an opportunity for authors to be a little bit (or a lotta bit) evil by sharing snippets from WIPs, idea files, etc., with the understanding that there is NO GUARANTEE WHATSOEVER that these stories will ever be completed.
Read at your own risk!
WIP Title: Mikoto the Dragon
On the first of June, Uchiha Shiho carefully lowered herself to the ground and winced at the tenseness of her back muscles. 
It was a balmy day, without a wisp of cloud but tempered a little by the stirring of the breeze coming off the nearby coast. They were close to the sea now, only a few days out from Uzushio territory, and Shiho was confident that they'd get there before it was too late for dinner. Not that time had ever stopped her stomach.
"Are you alright?" Kagami, her lovely - but sensitive - husband asked for the tenth time in as many minutes. "You're looking a little flushed, and-"
"Shunsuke-kun is wandering off," Shiho interrupted with all her patience. Which, honestly, wasn't too much with her due-date looming in three weeks' time. 
Kagami hissed a breath, chakra fluttering as a shadow clone scampered off in the direction of their wayward son - who had taken to walking with a bit too much enthusiasm and a strange talent for escaping his harness - before crouching down to dig the sealed waterskins from Shiho’s abandoned bag. Which she had carried herself, because she was a Jounin even when pregnant (and Kagami had put absolutely everything in a seal anyway so the weight was barely anything).
They were taking a risk with travelling this close to her due date but Shiho had been adamant that they arrived in Uzushio in time for the birth of Arashi’s fourth child; his three sons were extremely excited, since the age gap was over ten years and they were hoping for a girl, and the due dates had lined up so nicely with Shiho’s own pregnancy. Shunsuke had been born in Uzushio, after all, when Shiho’s first time had all but crippled her with nausea so bad that she’d demanded that Kagami stay with her in Uzushio for the final two months. As it was, they were pushing it a little closer than Kagami was comfortable with, this time around.
"I'm fine," Shiho belatedly replied, realising that Kagami was absolutely waiting for an answer and holding the water bottle hostage until she responded. "It's just a lot of weight on the front, you know?" Shiho paused before the rim could touch her mouth, mood souring at the reminder. "Of course, you don't actually know what I'm talking about… I’m expected to carry your child for nine months and the Clan thinks that gives you the right to name them? Where is the appreciation, Kagami?"
Kagami had a lot of practice defending himself on this particular front. "Honey, you named Shunsuke-kun and we both picked the options this time around. You know I'd take my turn to carry the bump if I could-"
"They kick all the time," Shiho shot out. She leaned back on her hands, bringing her knees up to brace the weight better. The grit bit into her hands, face wrinkled in disgruntlement, and her loose, comfortable travel clothes dampened with sweat. Still, under the yellow and green leaves of the grove surrounding them, she made a lovely picture.
Kagami sighed a little, lovesick fondness warring with resignation. "In the middle of the night," he supplied.
"In the middle of the night! I can't lie back any more, my spine is killing me…"
"We bought the lounging chair for this reason."
From between the lines of trees, Kagami’s clone returned with a disgruntled, fussy captive. Shunsuke’s hat was knocked asque and, every time the clone tried to fix it, the one-and-a-half year old batted at it again.
"I feel sick and aching, I genuinely forgot how intense everything feels from the first time," Shiho continued to lament. Kagami took pity and plucked a nearby piece of fruit for her, which she graciously accepted and immediately bit into. "They press so heavily down on me and my legs are really aching."
Kagami felt his own brows furrow at that. "Have we been going too fast, honey? We should be travelling however is best for you, if you want to rest for the final stretch then-"
"I’m fine," Shiho laughed abruptly, expression clearing like smoke in a swift wind. "You fussy, dear man! It's just a little intense, I must've not been keeping as active before this as I thought. My pain tolerance is high, you know," she wagged a finger teasingly and Kagami's mouth curved upwards despite himself. "This body is a machine… and it's currently working on a baby!"
Kagami leaned up and accepted his son from the clone, which then set off to secure the perimeter. They'd been out of war for over nine years now - nine years since… well, since Tobirama-sensei had died - and the roads were as peaceful as they'd ever been.
But caution was instilled in their bones and Kagami would always choose safety over not being able to be sorry (and being the one to survive an attack was the cruellest fate).
"But you've just said you're in pain," Kagami sighed. "I wish you'd told me sooner."
"I'm telling you now…"
Shiho played politicians, civilians and fellow Shinobi alike like fiddles  but, around Kagami, she’d never been one to hold her tongue. It was the annoying lining between her brutal honesty and her determination to never show weakness that meant that she complained about trivial things that didn't bother her too much but would never breathe a word if something affected her more deeply. 
"Let's have a break for a bit," Kagami suggested. Now wasn't the time to pick a fight and it wouldn't have been worth it anyway. He turned his face down to catch Shunsuke’s swinted eyes. "You want to see the trees, hm? Hide and seek?"
The toddler understood that well enough - it was nothing more complicated than saying ‘no’ or ‘wait’ but those were mysteriously beyond Shunsuke’s comprehension - and starting squirming excitedly until Kagami relented and let his feet touch the ground.
Shunsuke was off like a rabbit. A very slow and possibly drunk rabbit. 
Kagami’s own knees ached a bit as he straightened and trotted off after his son. Surely they weren't supposed to start feeling old in their twenties, right?
Shiho waved him off with a huff of amusement, something in her face expressing ‘better you than me in this heat’, and she propped herself against the nearest trunk instead. The fruit was delicious, sweet and sticky and just on the cusp of overripeness. She ate two more, polishing off her waterskin and using the last few drops in an attempt to wash the syrup from her fingers with limited success. 
Kagami - loudly wondering where the imp had escaped to - and Shunsuke - squealing delightedly - remained in range but just hidden amongst the rows of trees surrounding Shiho's spot. She closed her eyes, lids flushed red and pink against the bright sunlight, and tried to unwind as she listened.
"Where is he?" Kagami called, a playful edge to his voice that his enemies would never think him capable of. His teammates and friends would definitely know better. "Where is the little monster?"
Shunsuke’s responding giggle was addictive, infectious. Shiho’s flattened mouth relaxed into a smile.
Lulling herself into restfulness didn't really work. Every time Shunsuke screamed, even when clearly with joy, Shiho’s pulse jack-rabbited in response. Eventually, she realised her shoulders were drawn up tight and her jaw had been clenching itself. Her sandals had carved grooves in the dried earth and, with a kind of distant recognition, Shiho realised she’d been bracing down on her legs for quite a while. In fact, her thighs had begun to ache even more as time crawled by, until it was worse than training or a bad period, and the next thing she knew she was exhaling noisily through her mouth. The dragging sensation worsened, extending up her hips and the mound of her belly, right before a wet sensation blossomed between her open legs.
"Oh Kami," Shiho breathed, the words sounding half way to hysterical laughter.
"Where… aha! There he is!"
"Kagami!" Shiho shouted, too surprised to register the irony of her timing. "The baby's coming!"
Uchiha Mikoto was born at sunset, three weeks early on the road to Uzushio, and in the middle of a plum tree orchard.
"I feel like she did this on purpose," Shiho laughed with the healer, brought from Uzushio by one of Kagami's larger crows and having arrived just in time to help with the actual birth.
Behind them, the shining golden sun slowly sank into the water, waves washed as crimson as the sky and glittering as the sea churned against the rocks. 
"I think you might be right," Kagami agreed, and neither were any the wiser.
When Mikoto was ten, Uzushio was besieged and, within mere hours, swallowed by the sea.
It took her mother with it. Her father, Ambassador Uchiha Kagami, was slaughtered by enemy nin as he tried to reach Konoha for emergency aid. His body was found, unrecognisable, and Mikoto and Shunsuke had very little of either of their parents to burn on the ceremonial pyre.
Kushina lost her home, her people and culture. Konoha was shocked to its core, the reality that Uzushio - brilliant, ancient Uzushio that had sealwork so old than none alive could read it anymore and fuinjutsu masters who could rewrite reality, Uzushio that was their sister-Village and Uzushio that had been torn to pieces in a single night - was gone. It was their shame, the spiral that appeared on the arm of all Konohan uniforms, and the coldest of comforts.
Nothing could fix what had been done.
Konoha had failed, Uzushio had fallen, and Konoha wasn't strong enough to retaliate.
Mikoto didn't think Kushina would ever forgive the Sandaime for not being able to protect Uzushio… or to avenge it.
(She knew she never would.)
And the world was a totally different place afterwards.
Happy Evil Day!
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shaddowsong · 1 year
Blood of the Father (Balm to my Soul)
My new story is now up on AO3. You can find it here.
I was inspired by @ellorypurebloodculture 's stories Bone of the Father (Blood of the Enemy) and all by all and deep by deep (little by little reaped their grief)
Here's a small preview:
Tom Marvolo Riddle, High Heir of the Just and Most Olde House of Slytherin, walked through the bustling village of Godric’s Hollow with the hood of his cloak pulled low over his face. No one noticed him. The wind was bone rattling and Tom wondered if there was some magic to it as it seemed to cut straight through not only his cloak but his warming charms as well. It was Samhain after all, who knew which ancestors were dancing through the night in a place older than Avalon itself. 
Mrs. Cole had been the first person to call him unnaturally cold and unfeeling, but certainly not the last. Her solution was extra prayers and extra discipline. Dumbledore, the fool, had shown fear and acted much the same way–taking away his things, treating him harshly and with more suspicion, denying him opportunities and encouraging others to do so in an attempt to smother whatever was dark and dangerous in him. 
Everyone seemed to forget which House he was Heir to. He was descended from the second son of Chaos himself. One of his ancestors long, long ago was a Dark Naga. He had the weight of an entire Oligarchy’s Family Magicks and Responsibilities on his shoulders. Above and beyond that, his Family Attribute was Just. Justice could not be swayed by emotion. At times, it was cold and brisk, and other times it was a seering inferno.  
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throughouttheyear · 2 years
Prompts for Adventure
Do you still need help brainstorming? I got you covered. It's not a long list, but you're welcome to use it if it sparks something!
Traveling to a new place
Going on a date for a new experience
The end of a long journey
Fantasy AUs tend to lead to good adventure scenarios
I really do hope this helps those who needed inspiration. As I promised last time, we as a community will pick a theme for Fall. Thank you so much for the support and you're welcome to contribute ideas.
~Mod Ellory
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
Always Darling | 5 | J.Seresin
Summary: 5 years after the Uranium Mission, Jake and Willow think they’re at a calm in their life. But not everything is as it seems.
Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC!Willow "Vixen" Seresin, brief mentions of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x OC Daughter!Willow "Vixen" Seresin and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x OC God Sister!Willow "Vixen" Seresin
Warnings: lots of crying, mentions of divorce, Seresin kids are sad, Cute Seresin family moments… lemme know if I should add more!
Note: let’s not talk about the 4 months it took me to write this 😁🙃
Apr 2024 note: I did end up updating this into an OC as I dont write my series as a reader insert anymore.
Word count: 5k
Masterlist | Always Darling Masterlist
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“Beckett Walker give me back my book!” 12 year old Ellorie shouts chasing her 4 year old little brother.
“Woah slow your roll little man!” Willow laughs as Beckett runs between her and the kitchen cabinet. Beckett laughs running past Elle as she runs into the kitchen.
“Ugh! Mom! Beck stole my book!”
“Okay okay, I’ll get him.” Willow sets down the bread in her hand and walks out to the living room. “Beck, honey, where’s your sister’s book?”
“I wanna read too, mama!” Beck jumps onto the couch, the book clutched tight in his hands.
“I know buddy but this is Elle’s book, if you ask nicely maybe she’ll read you one of your books.”
“Please Ellie!” He pleads, pulling the puppy dog eyes.
“Come on Beck. Let's go pick one out.” Elle sighs, guiding her brother to his room.
“You’re such a good big sister.” Willow laughs, going back to the kitchen.
“Only because I have too!” Willow chuckles at the comment, knowing Elle loves being a big sister. Willow returned to the kitchen, making the kids lunches for school when Jake walked out of the bedroom.
“Good morning Commander Seresin.” Jake smiles, kissing his wife.
“What's up with you?” Willow questions, putting the various items into the lunch pails.
“Can’t be excited to see my beautiful wife in the morning?”
“You can when you say ‘my beautiful wife’ but my rank? Somethings up Jake.” Willow turns around in Jake’s hold, his hands resting on the counter on either side of her.
“Okay okay. I got a call today.”
“12 month deployment. We leave next week.” Jake sighs.
“Shit.” Willow drops her head to Jake’s shoulder. “A whole year?”
“I’ll find an excuse to not go? Maybe baby number 3?” Jake smirks, raising his brows at her.
“One, no more kids. Beck is the last one. Two, there’s no getting out of deployments, even with a pregnancy. Remember the mission a week before Beck was born?” Willow sighs, rubbing Jake’s shoulders.
The day Jake had to leave was almost as hard as when Willow found out Jake went missing. The pregnancy had been so much worse than Elle’s. Morning sickness lasted the whole nine months and Willow had at least 5 scares in the last 3 months and to top it all off, Jake was still overseas until Beck was 6 months old. He barely made it to a serviced area to be there over FaceTime.
“You gonna be okay?” Jake questions, holding her close.
“We’re always okay.” Willow smiles. “But ask me again when you call, I may be crying cause I miss you so much.”
“Hey, we’ll get through it. We always do.” Jake presses a kiss to her lips before stepping away. “But we have a whole week together. Beck! Elle! Let's go! We're gonna be late!”
“Coming!” Elle shouts.
“You wanna be on drop off duty today?” Willow asks, handing Jake the kids lunches.
“Of course darlin. See you at work.”
“Bye mama!” Elle runs by hugging her mom as she passes.
“Bye bye mama.” Willow squats to Becks level and he kisses her cheek.
“Such a gentleman.” She leads him outside, Beck insisting Willow walk outside first. “Be good for Daddy, little man.”
“Love you mama!” Both Elle and Beck shout as they climb into Jake’s truck, Beck with Jake’s assistance.
“See you on base darlin.” Jake kisses his wife again before climbing in and pulling out of the driveway.
Willow smiled, waving as the truck drove by, disappearing from her sight. She quickly heads back inside grabbing her things before climbing into her own car and heading to base.
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“Hey Vixen.”
“Hey Bradley. Leaving with the team next week for the deployment?” Willow unlocks her office and Bradley follows her in.
“No, I had some leave pre-approved. I’ll be in Virginia for about a month and a half.” Bradley tells her.
“Oh? Visiting old friends?” Willow questions.
“Actually wrapping up mom’s estate, I think I’ve put it off long enough.” Bradley tells her. “Which is why I’m here. I was wondering if you had enough vacation days to come with. With Jake gone, figured you could use the distraction.”
“I guess it would be nice to show the kids a bit of my childhood.” Willow laughs. “They literally live in Jake’s every Christmas.”
“Yes! Come on Vix! For old times sake!” Bradley pleads.
“Fine! But I’m not flying the kids out there.”
“I’d appreciate the company and the help.” Bradley smiles.
“I’ll put the request in. Wanna road trip with us?” Willow questions pulling the paperwork up on her computer. “Be kind of nice to stop by the ranch, let the kids see everyone.”
“Of course. I’ll get everything set up for the drive.” Bradley smiles. “I’ll meet you at your house after they ship out.”
“See you Bradley.” Willow calls as he heads out of her office. She pulls up the leave request, filing everything as needed. Hours had passed when suddenly there was a knock on her door.
“Commander Seresin?”
“Yes?” Willow looks up to see one of her students standing at her door. “Lieutenant Jones, what can I do for you?”
“With graduation on Saturday, I just wanted to thank you, Commander. I didn’t think I could do this when I got here. You made me see otherwise.”
“I’m glad you figured it out, Lieutenant. You wouldn’t have been brought here if you didn’t belong.” The pilot nods before turning to exit but is stopped by Willow. “Oh Lieutenant, if you see Lieutenant Commander Seresin on your way out, would you let him know I need to see him?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Willow smiles at the young man as he leaves the room. She finalizes her paperwork, printing off a copy of everything before emailing it to the necessary people. She receives an immediate response from Admiral Simpson approving the leave. The man was sending her husband overseas for a year, the least he could do was give her a decent vacation time.
“Hey Darlin, was walking over with lunch when a very nervous pilot said you needed to see me.” Jake chuckles, setting the sandwiches he brought onto her desk. “Pretty sure he thinks you sent him for me so we can have sexy time in your office.” Jake winks as he drags a chair around to the side of her desk.
“Never happening again. You got us caught by Mav, Rooster, and Warlock that day.” Willow raises a brow at him as she slides the leave papers across the desk to him before reaching for her sandwich.
“Leave? Darlin I’m gonna be on deployment I can’t vacation.” Jake sighs, sliding the papers away. Willow sighs, she takes a bite of her sandwich and slides the papers back towards him. She points at the name before picking up her sandwich again. “Why are you going on vacation?”
“Bradley has decided to finally pack up his mom’s house so I'm going to help him.” Willow answers.
“And the kids?”
“They’re coming with us.” Willow turns to her husband. “We're gonna drive through and stop in Texas. See your parents and sisters.”
“That’ll be good. Good distraction from it all.” Jake smiles at her. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m glad you and Rooster are close.”
“Well we needed a godfather for our son.” Willow laughs.
“Don't remind me.” Willow could see Jake facepalming in his mind. “I'd rather have it be Coyote.”
“Regret demanding that he be Elle’s, don't ya?” Willow teases.
“I regret it everyday because you threatened to kick me out of the room. I was scared I was gonna miss it.” Jake retorts.
“Don’t piss off a pregnant woman. Definitely don't piss off one who had to give up a year of her career because you can’t pull out.” She glares.
“You win, I was an ass. I’m sorry darlin.” He leans close to her, his signature smile plastered on his face, puppy eyes in full effect or as Willow calls them the Seresin Pity Eyes since Jake, the kids, and Jake’s entire family could do it but her.
“Apology,” she kisses his waiting lips. “Not accepted.” She smirks, turning back to her food and ignoring the shocked look on his face.
“Puppy dog eyes always work on you!” He wines.
“No. They work when Beckett does them.”
“But Beck is literally just a mini version of me.” Jake drags the eyes back out. Willow looks at her husband. Every inch of Beck screamed Jake. Bright green eyes, shaggy blond hair, even the little southern twain he picked up from his father and sister.
“With my attitude. That's why he’s a mama’s boy.” Willow laughs. “Same way Elle looks like me but has your attitude. Plus she’s had you wrapped around her finger since the day you found out we were expecting. Daddy’s girl.”
“Bullshit they’re both daddy’s little angels and you know it.” Jake smiles. The kids love their dad, they really do. Whenever Willow had said no to anything they immediately went to Jake and all they had to do was whip out the puppy eyes and he was a goner.
“They love you. They're gonna miss you this year.”
“I hate leaving them.” Jake sighs. “I think we should bring them to the docs like we did when Elle was little. Let them say bye to everyone.”
“I think that's a great idea. Beck will definitely love it.” Willow smiles. “You leave Sunday right?” Her smile drops on the topic, bringing it up was honestly not how she planned to spend their lunch hour but she knew it was better to bring it up sooner rather than later.
“Yea, I was thinking we could get everyone together for a beach day on Saturday. One last hoo-rah with the kids?”
“Sounds like a great plan, I know they’ll love to get some time with you all before you leave.”
“I’ll let the team know.” Jake smiles at her. When she doesn’t return the smile, Jake knows she’s in her head. “Hey, you know I love you right?” Willow simply nods, focusing on the sandwich before her. “Darlin.” Jake reaches over to grab her hand. “I’m going to come home to you like always if that's what you’re worried about.”
“Its not that.” She glances up at him. “And you can’t say like always. You almost didn’t a few times.”
“I’m here aren't I?”
Willow gave him the look, the ‘don’t be a smartass with me’ look. “You’re just going to miss so much. First day of school, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, all of it. I don’t know if I can do that on my own.”
“Hey. You are the most badass person in the Navy by far. You are going to be able to handle this next year with grace and beauty as you do everything else.” Jake kisses her temple as he stands. “I gotta get back to my meetings. I love you. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Bye. Love you.” Willow replies softly. Jake sighs as he turns to leave.
His detachments were always rough. Willow and Jake have been leaving each other behind on and off their entire careers, it has always been difficult leaving. And it only got worse when Elle was born. Willow was called away less after Elle’s birth, part of that being Ice’s doing, but the more Jake got called away the more strained their relationship got. Willow felt so alone in the early years of their marriage that when she made a comment about divorce to Ice, Jake was on a plane home the next day. After months of counseling, leave time, and minimal communication, Jake and Willow had worked through their rough patch.
But then Jake got called out a week before Beck was born, and it almost set them back to where they were all those years ago. Jake knew this one would strain them again. He just hoped that this trip with Bradley would make it less so since she wouldn’t be alone.
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“Please don’t go daddy.” Beck cries as his small arms are wrapped tightly around Jake’s neck.
“I’ll be back before you know it, little man.” Jake holds his son, trying to soothe his little cries. “You’re gonna have so much fun with mama and sissy, even Uncle Rooster is gonna be there.” Jake internally groaned after he made the comment, still hating that his kids took to their “Uncle Rooster” too easily for his liking.
“Am I gonna see gramma and grampa too?” Beck sniffles, still not releasing his dad.
Jake chuckles softly. “Yea and Aunties and your cousins.” Jake pries his son’s arms away from his neck to look him in the eyes. “You’re gonna have so much fun, you won’t even know I’m gone.” Jake smiles at the little boy.
“I’ll know you’re gone.” He pouts. Jake stands from his crunched position, pulling Beck up into his arms.
“Yea, but all you gotta do is talk to mama and she’ll make you feel better. Isn’t that right, mama?” Jake asks as Willow comes over from saying her farewells to Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote.
“Absolutely.” She smiles while kissing her husband’s cheek. “Now give daddy a big hug.” Beck quickly relatches to his father.
“I’ll miss you, daddy.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, little man.” Jake holds Beck tightly. “Can you go to mama so I can hug your sister?”
Beck only nods softly, still crying as he’s passed into Willow’s arms. She whispers to him as she walks over to the rest of the pilots so he can say bye to them too.
Jake smiles at his wife and son before turning to his oldest who stands off to the side, alone. “Come here, pumpkin.” Elle's eyes fill with tears as she moves into her dad’s arms.
“I don’t like it when you leave.” She softly cries into her father’s chest.
“I know pumpkin. I don’t like leaving either.” He holds his daughter close.
“But you have to go.” Jake only nods at her words, wanting to hold his little girl just a little longer. He wouldn’t be able to say she’s his little girl come next year. She’s turning 13 next May, a teenager. Jake lets a few tears slip when he realizes what he’s missing. Beckett starts Kindergarten in 2 months. Elle graduates from 8th grade next year. And he’s going to miss Willow’s captain promotion come September that Cyclone had privately informed Jake about a month ago.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Jake kisses her head softly before pulling back to look into her green eyes, identical to his own. “Look after your mama and brother okay?”
“I always do.” Elle smiles softly.
“That’s my girl.” He kisses her temple before tickling her sides softly. “Why don’t you help you brother say bye to everyone so I can talk to Mama.” Elle nods, giving her dad one more hug before she runs over to the large group of aviators surrounding the 4 year old.
“Hey handsome.” Willow smiles as she makes her way back to her husband.
“Darlin.” Jake smiles, pulling his wife in for a kiss.
“They’re gonna miss you.” She pulls back from the kiss to rest her head on his chest, she watches the majority of the dagger squad hugging her kids.
“I’ll miss them more.” Jake smiles softly. “But mostly you.” He holds her tightly until their superiors are giving the signal to leave. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Willow looks up, kissing him one final time. “Come home safely.”
“Always darling.” Jake follows his friends towards the carrier as Elle and Beck come up beside their mom. Willow lifts Beck from the ground to hold her still crying son.
“It’s okay, little man. Look, daddy’s waving from the boat.” Beck looks up and waves back at Jake one final time before he disappears from their sight.
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“Grandma! Grandpa!”
“Oh there’s my precious grandbabies!” Jake’s mom pulls Elle and Beck into a massive hug before they pull away to hug their grandpa. “Hi sweetheart.” She turns to hug Willow.
“Hey Mama.” Willow smiles, hugging her mother in law. “This is Bradley, also called Rooster, my god-brother.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”
“Please, just Mama. Everyone calls me that, no point in changing it now.” She chuckles. “Come on in! Nancy should be here any minute with the kids for dinner so the kids can see each other.”
“I see why the kids use Mama instead of mom or mommy.” Bradley laughs, following Mama, Willow falling instep with him.
“Good ol southern boy. That's Jake.” She laughs. “He actually started it, said he couldn’t imagine our kids calling me anything different.”
“How are you holding up?” Bradley questions.
“The same as I was when you asked me yesterday at my house. I miss him but I’m fine.” Willow groans.
“Auntie Willow!”
Willow turns at the call of her name, 18 year old twins Maddelyn and Gracelyn come barreling down the hallway. “My favorite nieces!” Willow tugs them both into a hug. “What are you two doing here? I thought you’d be off enjoying your last summer of freedom. Excited to start at UT?”
“Actually…” Grace starts and Maddie continues, finishing each other's thoughts.
“We start at the Naval Academy in August.”
“No way! That's so exciting!” Willow smiles at the girls. “Do you know what you wanna do when you graduate?”
“Aviation.” Maddie answers.
“Just like you and Uncle Jake.” Grace continues.
“Well I look forward to seeing Lieutenants Seresin in my Top Gun class in a few years.” Willow smiles. “I think Elle and Beck are in the backyard.”
“Race ya!” Grace shouts, sprinting to the backdoor. Willow laughs watching the girls run up to each other. Despite the seven year age gap, Elle saw Maddie and Grace as her older sisters and loved every opportunity to see them.
“I see the girls already beat me here.”
“Hey Nancy.” Willow turns to face her sister in law. “Yea twins are already outside with Elle. Hey Tommy Boy.” Willow ruffles the hair of her 6 year old nephew.
“Hi Auntie Willow. Where’s Uncle Jake?”
“He’s on a big boat for work.”
“But he promised more plane facts.” The boy pouts.
“You know, I brought someone with me.” Willow kneels down before the boy. “Tommy, this is Rooster. He’s a pilot like me and Uncle Jake.”
“Do you know about cool planes too?”
“Yea, in fact I know more than your Uncle Jake does.” Rooster answers, squatting down to Tommy’s level.
“But Uncle Jake knows everything!” Tommy defends, always quick to defend his favorite uncle.
“You’re right. Uncle Jake knows everything but I know beyond everything.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Why don’t you show Rooster where the living room is and ask him a million questions?” Willow suggests. Tom immediately grabs Bradley by the hand and drags him away from his mother and aunt.
“Hey Willow.”
“Hey Nance.” Willow wraps her sister-in-law in a tight hug. Of all of Jake’s sisters, Nancy was the closest to Willow. “Before you ask. I’m okay.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Nancy laughs, leading towards the kitchen.
“Bullshit.” Willow laughs.
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They had only spent one night on the ranch much to the kids' dismay before embarking on another two days' drive to Virginia Beach. Elle and Beck slept most of the way there, giving Willow and Rooster time to catch up as they switched off driving, talking, and sleeping. When they finally arrived at Bradley and Willow’s childhood home, both kids were fast asleep in the backseat.
“I’ll grab Beck and take the keys, can you grab Elle?” Willow asks, putting the truck into park. Bradley nods passing the house keys into her awaiting hand before moving to pull his niece from her seat.
Willow gently unbuckles Beck and pulls him into her arms. He stirs in her arms, and mutters something not even Willow understands. “Shhh, go back to sleep. It’s okay buddy.” The boy nods off as Willow unlocks the front door, Bradly just behind her with Elle in his arms.
“I’ll put Elle in Mav’s old room, Beck can have mine since it's across from your’s.” 
Willow nods, “Where are you gonna sleep?”
“I’ll take the couch.”
“Nonsense, Bradley. At least sleep in your mom’s room.” Willow protests, stopping outside of Bradley’s bedroom. As Bradley sets Elle down on the bed in the room next door.
“I’d rather not go in there, Vix. Not yet at least.” Bradley answers, closing the door.
“Then take your room, Beck can just sleep in my room.”
“I probably won't sleep much, Vix.” Bradley pulls Beck from her. “Get some rest, I’ll keep an eye on the kids if they wake up.” Willow nods, opening her own bedroom door that sits identical to how it looked 27 years ago. “You guys never messed with my room?” She asks when she feels Bradley’s presence behind her.
“I was the only one here for a couple of years before I left for the academy.” Bradley smiles. “Get some rest, Vix.”
“Night Rooster.” Willow barely closes her door, leaving it open to where she can see across the hall to where Beck slept. Laying in her bed she can clearly note the lack of Jake’s scent, something she never spent more than a few days without.
Usually, one of Jake’s hoodies would be wrapped around her but the two she had brought were currently attached to her children, both of which had gravitated to sleeping in their father’s childhood bedroom when they were in Texas. She sighed as she wrapped herself in the blankets, pulling one of the pillows for her to hug in her sleep, soon drifting off.
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“Mama?” It wasn’t the question that woke her but the soft sniffles that pulled Willow from her sleep, immediately wanting to check on the child before her. Opening her eyes, she could see Beck standing to the side of the bed, tear streaks visible on his cheeks, proving along his sniffles that he had been crying.
“What’s wrong little man?” She can see his small frame drowning in Jake’s sweatshirt.
“I want daddy.” He lets out, barely over a whisper. “He didn’t come get me when I started crying.” That broke Willow’s heart. Anytime one of the kids cried in the middle of the night, Jake was quick to pull them from their beds and bring them in to sleep between him and Willow.
“You wanna sleep with me tonight?” Willow offers, pulling the blankets back. “I know its not the same without daddy.”
“Please mama?”
“Come here.” Beck scrambles up onto the bed tucking himself against Willow pleading for her to sing to him. She chuckles softly, blaming Jake’s habit of singing to Beck every night when she was pregnant. She sings softly, whatever song first came to mind, holding her son tightly to her as he falls back asleep. Jake’s scent radiates off the hoodie, pulling her to sleep as well.
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“Mama! Mama!” Willow is shaken from her sleep. “Uncle Rooster made pancakes!”
“Did he?” Willow yawns, tugging Beck back into the bed.
“Mama! Come on!” Beck giggles as she wraps her arms around him.
“Mama! Beck!” Elle walks into the room. “Uncle Rooster is threatening to eat all the pancakes.”
“Come here.” Willow calls over her daughter.
“He won’t let me eat without yo—!” Willow tugs Elle down next to her, holding both of the kids.
“No, we're having morning cuddles.” Willow laughs, tickling the kids' sides. “How’d you sleep, baby girl?”
“I’m not a baby anymore.”
“Mmm you’re still my baby.” Willow tugs Elle closer. “Always gonna be my baby girl even when you have your own.”
“Hey I thought I sent the munchkins to get you. Not go back to bed.” Bradley asks, stopping in the doorway.
“Mama holding us hostage Uncle Rooster!” Beck squeals as Willow tickles him again.
“Oh no! Uncle Rooster will save you!”
“Mama, no!” Beck squeals again when suddenly Elle joins in. “Ellie!”
“Oh Miss Elle getting in the middle.” Willow laughs, going after her daughter.
“Ahh Mama!”
Bradley takes the opportunity to pull Beck from the bed and over his shoulders. “Quick! Escape!” Bradley takes off running through the house.
“I don’t think so!” Willow jumps up to follow the boys before her phone starts ringing. “Elle can you hand me my phone?” Willow calms her breathing as Elle passes the phone.
“I’ll go get Beck settled for breakfast.”
“Thanks, sweetie.” Willow ruffles her hair as she answers the restricted number. “Commander Seresin.”
“Hey darlin.”
“How was Texas?” Jake asks.
“It was good. Tommy was really sad that you weren’t there.”
“I’m gonna have to make that up when I get back.” Jake chuckles.
“How’s carrier life?”
“Missing you guys. How are the kids holding up?”
“Missing you. Beck was pretty upset that you didn’t come pick him up when he started crying.” Willow sighs. “He even had me sing him to sleep.”
“God I hate this.” Jake sighs. “Can I talk to them?”
“Yea. They’ll probably take the rest of your call so I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin.” Willow switches the phone to speaker phone and walks out to the dining room.
“Beck, Elle. I got a surprise. Say hi.” Willow says as she sets her phone on the table between the two.
“Hello?” Elle questions.
“Hey pumpkin.”
“Daddy!” Beck shouts, mouth full of pancakes. “Are you coming back?” Willow’s eyes water as she listens to their exchange. Bradley looks up from the stove to see her longing stare and quickly wraps up the pancake he’s working on.
“Vix.” He whispers. “Come here.” He leads her to her bedroom where he finally lets his volume rise. “You okay?” As if that question was finally the key, Willow lets out a sob and Bradley wraps her in a hug, “It’s okay, let it out.” He whispers over and over, waiting for her to slowly calm down.
“I miss him so much.” She sobs.
“I know, Vix.” Bradley sighs. “He’ll be home before you know it.”
“I want him home now.” She cries. “I can’t do this on my own.” She sobs.
“Maybe you should talk to Hang—“
“No!” Willow stops him. “He worries enough as it is when he’s gone. Especially after the amount of times we almost divorced over this. I tell Jake how I’m feeling he’ll retire. And we both know how much he wants to make admiral.”
“Vixen you have roughly 360 days until he comes home.” Bradley reasons. “You’re just going to sit in silence and pretend everything is okay?”
“No. I’m just not gonna tell Jake. Or the kids.” Willow replies. “If he finds out, he’ll come home. He’ll even steal a jet if he had to.”
“Do you at least have someone you can talk to?”
“I have you.” She shrugs, already acting like she didn’t just lose it over a single phone call.
“A professional Vix. You need someone who can help you work through this.”
“I’m fine, Rooster. This isn’t my first rodeo.” Willow turns around, takes a deep breath and then moves back into the main part of the house. “Hey. Dad have to go?” She asks, seeing her children silently eating.
“Yea.” Elle responds.
“But Daddy said he’d call next week!” Beck smiles.
“Remember Beck, he may not get to talk next week. We just gotta wait.” Elle reminds her younger brother. Willow offers a small smile to her daughter, knowing the amount of times Elle got let down cause Jake couldn’t keep a phone call date or would call after bedtime, just barely missing her. “Oh mama, you got a missed call here.” Elle hands her mom her phone.
Willow eyes the voicemail, recognizing the local number before hitting play.
“Good morning, this is Admiral Parker Smith. I’m trying to reach Commander Willow Seresin. If you can give me a call back at…” Willow was barely listening as the Admiral rattled off the contact info.
She dials in the callback number, reading it from the voicemail transcript.
“Admiral Smith.”
“Good morning Admiral Smith. This is Commander Seresin returning your call.”
“Commander, perfect timing. I heard you were in Virginia Beach.”
“I am. Was there something you needed me for?” Willow replies.
“We're sending out a team on an urgent mission next week from Oceana and we need a team leader.” Admiral Smith reports. “Now I read the Uranium Mission file, you headed that squadron did you not?”
“I did.”
“Wonderful! I have papers here for you Commander. You’ll be leading this mission.”
“Sir, I’m here on vacation with my children. Their father just left for a year-long deployment.” Willow protests.
“I’m sorry Commander but you’re exactly what we need for this task. If we had another option we’d take it.” Willow sighs, she glances over at Bradley who’s playing with Elle and Beck as they clean up breakfast.
“How soon do you need me to report?” She asks.
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remiratboi · 2 months
Hello Friends :)
So apparently I’m a monsterfucking blog now 🤷🏼
I’ve been super absent, and this post doesn’t change that. Im still not here actually.
Im writing this fluffy smutty lil monsterfucking piece to try to work on sharing my writing as my dream is to be a novelist but im terrified of being published. Or… you know… writing. Anyway 😅 so I’m practicing by sharing this here. I’ll be posting in chapters, but again, I’m not present on here rn other than these chapters.
The TW covers the entire thing but all things are not necessarily in every chapter. This is a fantasy, consent is required, read at your own risk.
Oh also (sorry we are almost there) I’m making up my own rules about creatures/nonhumanraces and shit here ok? Anything’s possible.
Cernis Sulxan - He/Him - AMAB
Ellory Broadmoore - He/They - AFAB (post top surgery and testosterone)
TW - Anxiety, OCD, OCPD, Autism, Minor Hoarding (like hoarding but it’s all paper no dangerous hoarding), some body image issues more related to gender dysphoria but also very vaguely ED related. Lots of dark sex stuff. Borderline noncon, but kinda cnc. Forced heats kinda, monster fucking, anal, masturbation, choking, incubus, dragon dick, size kink, bdsm, overstim, denial, edging, toys, public sex, impact play, probably more, I dno yet. But lots of dark sex so
Chapter One - Cernis
Cernis Sulxan was a simple man, who lead a simple life. He had founded his law firm in his late 20s, and now at 36, it was thriving. He handled non criminal cases. Menial things about property, and debt. Boring cases with hours and hours of research and paperwork. He loved it.
Some Dragonborn love treasure. Ok most Dragonborn love treasure. And he guessed, in a way, he did too. Only his “treasure” didn’t look the same as other Dragonborn hoards. His treasure was information. He collected records and documents like others collected jewels and coins. His office, and his home although he’d never admit it, were both piled high with boxes full of meaningless papers. He knew they were meaningless. But he loved every, single, one.
His problem was, though, that after almost 10 years, he had collected quite the hoard. The other two lawyers in his firm, as well as their paralegals, interns, and even the receptionist had all complained to him that the space had become suffocating.
He sat in his office and stewed while watching the pretty, heart faced man directing a number of their employees around the office. Sulxan Legal Offices had a stylish modern look, with walls made of glass and furniture of a pale, tan wood. Little pops of color accented the space wherever they could, crammed between stacks of papers, and bankers boxes with even more.
Cernis hadn’t wanted to hire the peppy, frustratingly positive man and his team, but the other partners had threatened to leave the practice if he didn’t do something about the papers. So, there Cernis was, hunched over his desk, hulking like a gargoyle, giving the evil eye to a practical stranger just doing their job. He growled at himself and tried to focus on his work.
About one minute passed before Cernis was staring at the man again. Ellory Broadmoore, of Broadmoore Designs, a local organization and workplace efficiency firm, was directing his staff to move boxes to and from various locations. Cernis thought it looked like a whole lot of nothing for a job that didn’t even, really, need doing. He tapped his long fingers on his desk, the sharp claws making tiny scratches on top of hundreds of other tiny scratches that already covered the desktop.
Cernis flushed and quickly dropped his gaze as Ellory turned to look at him through the glass. The man walked up and, politely, knocked on the door to Cernis’ office.
Cernis panicked for a moment and stared at the man through the glass. Finally he managed to nod slightly, Ellory thankfully understanding this was a sign to enter.
“Sorry to bother you Sir,” Ellory started. Cernis’ nose twitched slightly at the use of “Sir” from such a pretty, innocent looking man. He tried to focus on what they were saying. “I’ve had a chance to really look into your situation here,” they continued. Ellory entered the room while speaking, and gently shut the door behind himself. “I think it’s really a lot more manageable than what was portrayed to me in my consultation with your partners.” The man walked forward and sunk gracefully into one of the two chairs opposite Cernis at his desk.
“I think it’s likely they felt overwhelmed by the current circumstances, but I’m confident in my ability to make this workspace more accessible, while keeping it true to the lived in feel you seem to be drawn to.” The man spoke smoothly, but in a confident knowledgeable way, not in the prim, self-righteous way Cernis had expected. He still didn’t like them though.
“I think” Cernis replied, a hint of mockery slipping out, “that the office is fine the way it is.” He folded his arms on his wide chest and leaned back. “And I also think, all this about ‘energies’ and ‘feelings’ is complete bullshit. If I hadn’t been threatened, you wouldn’t be here.” Cernis smiled inwardly, self satisfied with his little outburst.
Until, that is, Ellory burst out laughing. A beautiful, peeling bell sound, rolling over and around itself. Like a bubbling brook made of chimes. Cernis’ heart thudded hard in his chest. He was shocked. Both by his immediate reaction to the man’s laughter, but also that he felt anything at all.
Cernis was well past his prime. The years when an Incubus is mature and fertile. The time when their innate drive to breed becomes overwhelming, and all encompassing. He was many years past that foolishness, and he was content with his solitary life. He had no desire for romance, or partnership. He wasn’t sure if that was normal for an Incubus, but it had always been how he was.
Then again, he was only a half Incubus. Half sex demon, half Dragonborn. Luckily his Dragonborn genetics from his mother had been much stronger than the Incubus genetics from his long absent, deadbeat father. He had never known his father, and his mother had never known another Incubus. In fact, they were relatively rare in this realm. So Cernis had always struggled to find any literature or information on them. He had the basics, but as his heart thudded in his chest now, he wondered if maybe he had it wrong.
He thought firmly to himself.
I’m just over stressed, and this stupid man surprised me. That’s all it is.
Ellory recovered himself while Cernis had his private crisis. Wiping a tear from their eye, or at least pretending to, Ellory replied “Ah, Mr. Sulxan, I’m sorry for laughing. You just looked so precious with your big crossed arms and angry glare.” Cernis growled lowly, but the man seemed to either not notice, or not care.
Ellory clasped their hands in front of them. A wide smile was on their face. “If you’d like to end our contract early, by all means, I can just charge a consulting fee and the few hours of labour from today. I really think I can help you, but if you’re not ready to take this step, I understand. No hard feelings.” Ellory shrugged and looked expectantly at Cernis.
The large Dragonborn man narrowed his eyes at Ellory in a very reptilian way. “That’s it? I can just end this?” Cernis queried.
“Of course!” Ellory exclaimed. They turned to motion to their workers in the rest of the office still moving boxes around. “You say the word and they stop what they are doing.” He turns back to Cernis, a sly smile on their face. “I’m not the one who threatened you. I don’t think you’re the kind of man I’d want on my bad side.” The pretty man winked at Cernis and his heart thudded hard once again.
“Stop flirting with me.” Cernis sputtered out, eyes still narrowed and squinting. The other man smiled widely in response, a knowing twinkle in his eye.
“No,” Cernis responded after a long pause, and finally relaxed his face back to normal, “don’t stop.” He sighed. “Yet, at least.” Cernis couldn’t believe he was hearing his own words as he spoke. Two parts of him warred within. His desire to keep his hoard the way it was, and the desire to keep this man around. Ellory’s grin widened and Cernis glared at them. “Go away, and do” Cernis waggled his long fingers at the other workers “whatever it is you’re doing.”
Ellory nodded respectfully and stood up. He walked to the door of the little office and went to open it. “W-wait.” Cernis said, standing up behind his desk. Ellory turned to look back at the large Dragonborn, their eyes wide and curious. This time Cernis felt something other than his nose, or heart pulse. His head swam slightly. He didn’t know what was happening. He felt, almost intoxicated.
“Uh…” he ran a hand over his head and down the back of his neck, trying to think of something to say. “Sorry, uh, for being rude earlier. I just…” he trailed off.
“Don’t believe in feelings.” Ellory finished, matter of factually. “That’s ok, we will be working with eachother a lot over the next while. Hopefully I can convince you to believe.” Ellory winked again, a smirk on their lips as they opened the door and stepped out. They shut the door softly behind them, not looking at Cernis again.
Chapter 2! vvv
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flamemittens · 20 days
Thanks for tagging me @littleplasticrat <3 These questions are fun!
Last book I read: 'The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley' by Sean Lusk - a really inventive, immersive tale set in mid-18th century London & Constantinople where a young, gifted lad tries to solve the mystery of his clockmaker father's disappearance.
Greatest literary inspiration: I too haven't written enough to make an interesting analysis on this, but my favourite authors over the years have included - Christopher Brookmyre, Haruki Murakami, RJ Ellory, Stephen King, Adam LG Nevill, HP Lovecraft and James Herbert.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: This may be a bit of a non-answer, but: nothing really. There is so much out there now, you will find what you want.
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: Durgetash banter/pure intellectual back-and-forth.
You can recognise my writing by: Uh, I guess, good banter? And character dynamics development. I'm fond of using italics for emphasis, too.
My most controversial take (current fandom): I have one or two, but I'm too much of a wet blanket to say them publically lol.
Top three favourite tropes: I enjoy a large variety of tropes to be honest, but let's go for - 'Enemies to lovers', 'doomed romance', and the 'twist ending'.
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): Probably around a 4-5.
Share a random frustration: This is indeed very random, but my Prismacolors keep breaking today - the curse of soft-core pencils I guess :)
No pressure tags for: @timesthatneverwere, @unreadpoppy, @sassyandsodone, @sky-kiss and @inaconstantstateofchange. And of course anyone who reads this who wants to give these a go!
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limetimo · 3 months
RAB fics I read (Jan 2024)
Secrets of Stone and Sound the war horn by FiresFromOurHearts 'Draco is reincarnated Regulus' AU)
Of His Bones by MesserMoon for rabidlittlestrawberry Sirius and Regulus are princes; Orion dies, Sirius fucks off to the sea with pirates (privateers?), and Regulus is left with a crown he wasn't trained for and didn't want, trying to manage war-thirsty lords and usurpers, and dealing with the pirate captain locked up in his dungeons who is, confusingly enough, becoming his closest advisor. Also there's some weird shit going on between Riddle, Remus and James. wolfstar and jegulus to be
So Ready To Return by KrisKikstorky HEE HEE HOO HOO Omega Regulus & his baby are running away from their dangerous Alpha-daddy, Tom Riddle!
i see how this ends (poorly) by Quillium seer regulus we love to see it
PS. I Hate You by LucyAndreas writer James accidentally texts a wrong number, falls in love with the prickly hedgehog, and it's the best friend's brother trope, and Regulus gets stabbed
Faded with you by jaspoo Jegulus have a detention together and are yeeted into an alternate no-magic universe where they... never existed? Maybe???
A Muggle Tradition by amour_anguis, itsgivingcamp sexy times all around with Lily's Sirius-ly improved advent calendar!
The Ice Feels Colder Without You by FlowerLikeLotus ice skater Regulus has Issues, faceplants on the ice, gets kicked out by Wally and taken in by Sirius and the Potters and ect ect
Harry Potter and the Year That Should Have Been Normal by 3andaHalfGayWizardsinaTrenchcoat in his fifth year Harry defeated Voldy with the help of a mysterious figure but not without cost; Regulus pulls Sirius out of the veil and a different kind of shit hits the fan.
Loyal to a Fault by coincidences Regulus didn't want to return as a ghost!
The Age of Lies by TheDivineComedian The Order is being torn apart by distrust, Regulus comes to the Potters with the Horcruxes, and Peter fucks up.
Born Sick by Blackbrother2508 Regulus survives cave and gets by with a little help from his friends.
The Potions Master by Quecksilver_Eyes Regulus is the potions master
Call out to Your Brother, He's Calling out Your Name by pale_morning_sings_of_forgotten_things driven by Sirius' accusations and guilt, Regulus steps into the fight between Sirius and Wally. (He did not think that one through.)
Drowning and New Normal by orphan_account Jegulus are married with Lily as their third partner, James deals with his father's sudden death
The Prophets and the Kings by orphan_account Regulus survived the cave, warned the Potters, got into a bad spot for a bit, and got home-arrested with the Potters. endgame Jegulily
Hope & Legacy: Black Brothers Edition by epithalamium, nerakrose Wally and Orion kicked the bucket; therefore Sirisu
Hope & Legacy: Black Brothers Edition by epithalamium, nerakrose prongsfoot, moonseeker
Tulips Over Lilies by wynnebat for Ellory girl regulus, jegulus
An Open Door by tonberrys accidental baby aquisition featuring librarian Regulus and 8yo Harry
Does it almost feel like nothings changed at all? by orphan_account femme aro Regulus calls for help and Sirius answers
Read For Me by amour_anguis, regularis_vas sexy moonseeker times in a library
doors by Used_Tissue seer regulus, jegulus
Black Moon by ouzell survives tha cave, becomes spy, fucks a werewolf, good writing
The Second Story of Regulus Arcturus Black by IsabellaThordenson he dies comes back in '95, is a littlel shit, the ususal
When the Love Runs Out the potters die, regulus discovers he has been dosed by love potion since hogwarts, sirius doesn't go to azkaban but also doesn't win custody of harry
you'd ruin me with a smile by Valeriesgirl wrong number au jegulus
james potter's black cat by Valeriesgirl Regulus is black cat animagus
this is me trying by witchhunts reggie dies and gets yot back in time, with mysterious scars and no desire to repeat his fate
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd the cave squibs regulus and he fights for his right and for harry's custody ect very nice very neat i love it
Padfoot by RandomReader13 a lovely series in which Regulus figures out that the big black dog that visits him is his brother, and the Black family decides to use this to draw Sirius back to them. gently
Mark of the Beast by disillusionist9 hhee hee hoo hoo cyborg ginny and assassin Reggie huhuehehe im so normal about this
A thousand bells ring in my heart (how hard it is to ask for forgiveness) by Alfonsiny soon after regulus dies in 1979, sirius and remus get yeeted to their childhood selves. Sirius in not going to let the past future repeat, that's for sure. wolfstar, ravenclaw regulus
i'll battle Future, we can make our own by auacademia barty is a seer, Sees the cave and says 'fuck that, not my boyfriend you bitch'
Back To The Old House by Gigix 260k of jegulus slowburn
are you sick of me? (would you like to be?) by residentrookie for PretentiousWreckingBall regulus has 0 care taking instincts but he WILL PAMPER POTTER BACK TO HEALTH OR HE SWEARS TO GOD--
Starfell Lodge by residentrookie it's christmas hols and potters and black are vacationing at their favourite resort. sirius' plan: to finally ask out the cute barista. Regulus' plan: to avoid his idiot brother and his idiot crush by working at remus' cafe.
the golden king by maladaptivewriting reg dies, wakes up in 1991 as an 11 yo, goes to Gryffindor to protect his ex bf's kid, ect ect
Just Different, Apparently by risetherivermoon (moonriverrise) neurodivergent on neurodivergent jegulus, very cute
Searching For A Heart by moonysmidnightlibrary regulus raising little luna, ft semi-single dad James
early morning, coffee cups by alarainai for industrations regulus and sirius are trying to save their failing bakery when BAM le wild james and remus appear. some angst but also comfort
Touch Like A Thorn by UnfortunatelyDisastrous sirius unknowingly helps his brother flirt with his best friend. Miracle of miracles, it works out
Cats don't smile by trafficlight19 ohohohoho. while in hiding, the Potters as well as Sirius are often visited by a peculiar black cat that strongly reminds him of dear deceased Regulus. HMM I WONDER WHY THAT IS
practise your passion on me (hope you'll be here when it's done) by xslytherclawx regulus/evan
one last party (before we meet our end) by maladaptivewriting, something_about_mothman barty nad peter accidentaly reverse-age voldemort into a baby, find a regulus, and become parents
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thelocalmuffin · 11 months
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Hello everyone! My part for the @blossominglovezine is ready. @angomay and I did a collaboration for nikosusa. Due to the font, I also have an ID below if you have trouble reading it. Thank you again for doing this for me, May. Also thank you to @sunnysidemage for making the lovely graphic! Here’s May’s Piece!
If you’d like more sapphic content, please check out the incredible zine here.
[ID: Two letters written in dainty, purple lettering. Large text next to them reads, “Two Letters Through Time by Ellory.” The letters appear to be aged and have been placed beside one another. The first is dated June 1902 and reads, “Miss Mikotoba, It has taken me a long time to write this letter. I want to start with an apology. Even after I was told the truth of what happened and was relieved to hear I didn’t take Mr. Asougi’s life, the guilt still lingered. I lied to get out of trouble. It was wrong of me. Yet, I find myself thinking of you often. Your passion and drive have not left my mind once. I have never met anyone so confident of themselves… It’s something I aspire to be one day. Now that I have been told you know the truth of what happened that day, I wonder if it would be too much to ask if I could somehow make it up to you. Perhaps it may be too early to ask now, but maybe one day. If you can at least response to let me know this got to you, that would be appreciated. Sincerely, Nikolina.” The second one is dated January 1903 and reads, “Miss Pavlova, I apologize for my late reply. I was stunned to receive a letter from you. I thought we would never cross paths again. Though, to hear from you is a blessing. I was always curious about how you fared after that fateful day. I hope that America is treating you well. I heard it is a wonderful yet difficult place to adapt to. I have come to understand your reasoning. I have grown as a person and met many people just like you: backed into a corner and having to lie for their own safety. Fearing the consequences of telling the truth will lead them into something worse… As for your offer, I am open to it. For now, I am afraid I am not in a position to travel right now. I am very busy with going to university and pursuing my own path in life. Perhaps, one day you can show me around America. I have always wondered what it was like. Best Wishes, Susato Mikotoba.” End ID]
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strayarrowfezine · 7 months
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🏹 Contributor Spotlight 🏹
Meet Ellory, one of our Writers! They're so excited to host and write for this zine; thank you so much for starting this wonderful project!
Find them on social media as: 🐦 Twitter: muffin_writes 📚 Ao3: yourlocalmuffin
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Summary: Senju Tobirama allows little Uchiha Kagami to “capture” him solely to taunt Uchiha Izuna with the knowledge that a literal child succeeded in an endeavor he never managed. Only, it seems the red silk rope that radiates Uchiha Madara’s chakra has cultural significance to the Uchiha of which Tobirama is unaware.
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calamity-unlocked · 10 months
I’ve been spiraling a bit over Yeet and Killa, and the slightest encouragement from the incredible @taaalia has given me the motivation to get back to the writing table. Thank you dear, this one’s for you <3
This drabble is part of my fic ‘you’d bleed just to know (you’re alive)’, which is a nark rockstar AU. I might put it into one of the later chapters, but for now I wanted to share it here!
The sound check had just wrapped, leaving the band with an hour to kill before the real action began. They were hanging out in the green room, trading stories. Nick was talking about how last time they’d been in Boston, Grant had given Yeet, Killa and him a half-assed tour of the city, which ended in them getting thoroughly lost in the streets of the North End. Yeet took over the conversation with a snort, describing how Grant had refused to admit defeat until after a full hour of aimless wandering.
Lark chuckled along, seemingly happy to hear how their mutual friend was doing. Once the story had reached its conclusion, he directed his attention to the siblings. “So, how exactly do you two know Grant? Did Nick introduce you?”
Killa gasped loudly at that question. Even from where he was sitting, Nick could see her eyes widen and light up like fireworks, and he instantly knew what was coming.
So did Yeet, horror dawning on him. “No,” he said quickly, holding out one hand as though he still stood any chance of stopping her. Too late; a big grin had broken out across Killa’s face.
“Have I got the ballad for you!” she said. With a bolt of energy that had been nowhere to be found while she had lazily lounged on Ellory’s lap, she catapulted herself off the couch. She grabbed Nick’s customized red fender from where it was resting against the wall and practically flung it towards him. Nick’s reflexes kicked in just in time, barely managing to prevent the instrument from a headlong collision with the floor.
“NO,” Yeet repeated sternly, but there was a crack of panic in his voice now, to which Killa merely responded with a delighted cackle.
“Nicky-boy, you know what to do,” Killa winked at him as she snatched an empty water bottle and leaped onto the couch. With theatrical flair, she held the plastic vessel in front of her mouth, using it as an imaginary microphone.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Yeet groaned, burying his face in his hands and sinking deeper into the cushions of his armchair. He seemed to have resigned himself to his fate. “Not this again.”
Nick flashed Yeet a sorry-not-sorry type of smirk, fished his lucky pick out of his pocket, and started strumming an intro he had played a thousand times before, the familiar melody filling the room. Ellory let out an amused cheer as the crisp notes rolled out while Lark raised both of his eyebrows in recognition of the song.
Undeterred by the dirt her Doc Martens had tracked onto the couch, Killa danced on the spot, her energy infecting every movement. Once the intro was over, she began to sing. Her voice was a little rough around the edges and her vocal range wasn’t the perfect match for this particular parody, but the confidence and utter joy with which she sang more than made up for it.
Yeet was a boy
Grant was a guy
Can I make it any more obvious?
Yeet was a punk
Grant did Fortnite
All so black-and-white
“This song sucks ass without a drum beat!” Yeet jeered while she was singing, having gotten over the initial stage of mortification. Nick knew from repeated experience that the upcoming stage was murderous vengeance. Killa cheerfully flipped him off while she continued the rest of the verse.
Grant wanted Yeet
Yeet’s straight as hell
Secretly Grant wished he was bi as well
His handsome friends
Thought it was whack
The guy just never cut himself some slack
Nick deftly changed the key for the chorus while Killa’s performance was slightly hindered by the fact that her brother had gotten to his feet and was now actively chasing her through the greenroom. Nevertheless, she persisted, if a little out of breath and too high-pitched from having to hold back a burst of manic giggles.
He was a straighter boy
He said see you later boy
I just do not swing that way
He had a pretty face
But Yeet had a female taste
He needed to come back down to— ahhh!!
She let out a loud cry as her brother had finally caught up to her. Yeet had pounced on her, the force of his momentum sending them sprawling to the ground. He covered her mouth with his hand and then let out a disgusted groan. Nick had been witness to enough of the siblings’ antics to understand that she’d immediately licked his hand in retaliation.
After a short scuffle, Killa managed to push her brother off her and stood up. Dusting off her tartan skirt with swift sweeps of her hands, she turned back to face the rest of the group, her expression radiant with pride while her curls hung wildly in front of her face. “My lyrical masterpiece ‘Str8er Boi’,” she proclaimed, taking a deep bow. She was met with a resounding applause from Nick, Ellory, and Lark.
“Remind me again why she isn’t our main songwriter?” Nick chuckled, setting his guitar aside.
“Because I’d quit,” Yeet grumbled, scrambling up as well. “And just for the record, Lark. That song is absolute slander.”
Killa rolled her eyes. “He came out as bi like a month after I wrote that song, just because he hoped I’d stop singing it.”
“I came out as bi because I got a boyfriend!”
“It’s alright, bro, you don’t have to pretend with me. You know I’d accept and support you exactly the way you are,” Killa said dramatically, draping her arms over her brother’s shoulders and putting all her weight on him. She took a deep breath, kept her face miraculously straight, and with extreme, exaggerated gravitas, she said: “Love is love.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Yeet replied and playfully pushed her away.
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jjm-blogspot · 2 years
Writing Tips: Advice on writing dream sequences.
Here are a few tips I came up with to help anyone who’s working on a dream sequence in their story. Hope it helps.
1. Make sure the readers are instantly aware it’s a dream
Let’s be honest, most readers already have trust issues. If they’re not engaged by the first paragraph or sometimes even the first line, then they won’t bother reading any further. The trust you build with your reader has to be earned. Imagine you’re reading a novel you just picked up. You’re super into the premise of the story, and the scene is engaging, but then you find out it was just a dream. Personally, I would throw the book in the air in a fit of rage.
Have you ever dreamed you were eating your favorite food, only to wake up in bed starving and disappointed? Yeah, that’s how it would feel like (minus the starving part).
2. Don’t overthink it
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This advice can be used for a lot of questions writers bring up. Most of the time their second guessing leads to overthinking which, in turn, inhibits their productivity. But when you’re writing you should just focus on getting your words on the page so you can tell your story. If you want to move in a certain direction but you’re worried about how someone else will perceive it, don’t. It’s your story so do whatever feels right. Just let the characters tell you what they’d do and go from there.
That being said, dream sequences don’t have to be overly complex or fit a certain criteria. Just use the same principles that apply when you’re outlining one of your scenes. Focus on what you want the readers to get out of the dream, and make sure there’s a purpose for it. It doesn’t matter if it’s for foreshadowing, or to highlight trauma a character went through, as long as it impacts the plot/characters then you’re good to go.
Here’s a short example from the wip I’m working on:
Sunny dreamed of being in the forest surrounded by smoke. The remnants of the fire she created spread across the tall grass. The flames engulfed her mom until her body turned to ash. Then it went after Thomas and Ellory. Ashes. Then Harmony. Ashes. It continued until nothing remained in the field, except for her.
Sunny woke up with a sharp cry. Her heartbeat pounded into her palm. It was just a dream, she thought.
This time.
In this scene I wanted two things to be touched upon: Sunny’s having a terrible dream, and it’s about a past trauma that continues to haunt her. I also made sure to inform the readers right away that a dream had taken place to prevent any confusion.
3. Use dream sequences sparingly
Everything gets tiring if you use it too many times, and the same goes for dream sequences. But if it’s important for your character to be having these recurring dreams, then just make subtle mentions about it so the readers know the dreams are still an issue. An example could be something this:
Jacob walked into the kitchen and plopped down at the dining table. Heavy bags weighed under his eyes, but what had Martha the most concerned were his skewed pajamas. On a normal day he’d have a fit about the creases, but today he sat quietly as if nothing were amiss.
Martha offered him a cup of coffee, which he declined. “No thanks, just makes them worse.”
“Same dream?”
“Yeah.” he sighed.
“That’s the third time this week...”
4. Use them to show your character’s inner turmoil
Dream sequences can also be a cool way to showcase your character’s inner conflict: the things they keep to themselves so other’s don’t catch wind of it. An example of inner conflict could be writing a dream scene that reveals any subconscious desires or fears your character might be having.
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shaddowsong · 1 year
A Snake in the Path, Chapter 4
Read it on FFN or AO3
Interlude: Love, loss, and the mistakes in between
A look in on several important people as the Knight Bus whisks Severus and Lily away.
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throughouttheyear · 2 years
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Hello everyone, we are excited to announce our WLW Gift Exchange event! We do have some rules for this exchange that is a bit different than the usual type of gift exchange, so please make sure to read everything before applying.
If you read our last post, we could not get into the email when setting this up. This has all been fixed.
Apply here!
Since this is a WLW exchange for the Ace Attorney franchise, you must ask for something that is in that theme. We will not be accepting any OCs, any characters from any other franchise, or any MLM or MxF ships for this event. If they need to be background characters, that’s fine, but they cannot be the central focus. As a quick disclaimer, there is absolutely no hate with these dynamics or these ships, this is just not the right event for it.
Note: nblw and he/him lesbians are fine. Just let us know if that is the case with your request for your gift. Poly ships such as ginasusahao are fine, too. If you have questions, please let Mod Ellory or Mod Rowan know.
As with our Throughout The Year events, we are not going to be accepting massive age gap ships, minor/adult ships and uncomfortable dynamics.  If this is your thing, great. Please just apply with another ship for this event if you want to participate. If you're not sure if your ship will be accepted or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. 
For writers: please write a minimum of 3k. The story must be complete and fully edited. If you need a beta reader, please let Mod Ellory know before the second deadline.   
For artists: please have a minimum of a fully rendered drawing with a basic background. If you are a traditional artist, fully coloured and clean artwork with a basic background. We want everyone in this exchange to have something nice for the holidays.  
 We will need your email to give your assignment, so we are asking that everyone that applies is fifteen and older.  
 Please make sure you can keep the schedule. If something happens after you apply and you need an extension or you need to drop out, please let us know before the deadline.
If you cannot make these requirements for one reason or another, that is perfectly fine, but please do not apply for this exchange. Though we would love to have you, we don't want to overwhelm people with any undue stress due to the holiday season.
Here is the schedule:
Applications close on September 30th.
Assignments go out on October 3rd.
First check in is October 30th.
Second check in and the last time to drop out is November 15th.
Posting is on December 10th.
That is all for the requirements. Please fill out the form here, and if you think your followers/friends/mutuals would like to join, feel free to reblog the post. We hope you have a lovely holiday and we’d love to have you on board.
If you have any other questions, we also have an email at [email protected] if you’d rather reach us there.
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