skepticalarrie · 1 year
Allie, I saw a tweet on an elonour account. Do you remember the holding hands pic El posted last year (on Louis' birthday) in the pic we can clearly see it's the room from Jamaica resort. Louis had posted a picture in that room on his insta with 'always' as caption. My question is - Was louis with el in Jamaica and not with Harry as we have believed it to be?
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Hi, anon. I don’t remember what pictures you’re referring to, so if next time you can attach pictures I appreciate it 😂 sometimes it’s very hard to remember every small little details. But I believe there were several occasions where HL were both in Jamaica between 2016 and 2017, so the timelines and receipts and whatever assumptions are based on that. Harry first went to Jamaica in mid/late 2016 to write HS1 and I personally think it’s pretty safe to say Louis was there as well a few times during that period, he was still with Danielle when that happened.
But since you’re talking about Eleanor I’m assuming you’re talking about early 2017. IIRC there is in fact a narrative where Louis and Eleanor actually got back together in Jamaica. I don’t remember much about it but I’m pretty sure they were there together, there are some pap pictures of them there and even with fans at the airport or something. So it makes sense that she has pictures from that period when they went stunting there. I don’t particularly remember where Harry was at that time but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was there and Louis just brought the beard with him in the same way did in Italy LOL I mean- I don’t know what else to tell you, love. You can believe any theories you want. I think I have some stuff under my LARRY IN JAMAICA and you may also find something if you look for timelines of that period and the narratives about Elounor 2.0. I hope that helps!
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I really really hope Harry at least now leave louis and others alone. He is so big that he doesn't have to worry about any of them outshining him ever. He has become a household name and doesn't need larries anymore. he should show at least a bit of decency and stop with the baiting.
I saw all three of his mvs. Every single one of them has louis reference. in his tik tok song, he literally shows someone hiding behind another person in a hall named lady elonour hall. Gullible people will certainly fall for this shit.
I can’t attest to what you said; I only see what shows up on my timeline or what other people send to me.
When HSHQ/ Sony take aim at Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis, mostly it’s aimed against competition for Harry (Irving Azoff ex-CEO of Ticketmaster knows all about anti-competition).
However, what’s been done to Louis (Eroda, Louis the Fish, bluegreen socks, Euphoria, Liam Gallagher’s fish gift, drawing H and L on Harry’s shoes) definitely feels personal. It’s not just a matter of economics or competition.
Also this
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Remember this shit?
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
I think Elonour and Louis both outgrew each other emotionally. He is very critical of his younger sisters not taking advantage of the opportunities they have. He said that he is worried about them aspiring for a Kardashianisque lifestyle. But that is what Elonour is. Of course, his sisters are very young and dropped out of high school and Elonour is a grown woman, but still. They probably stayed with each other because of the comfort of familiarity or something like that and the separation during his tour gave them both the push they needed.
It makes me sad when a long term relationship ends, but this must be what is best for both of them.
he said that about his younger sisters? i didn't know that. i also didn't know they'd dropped out of school. that's really sad. i think they're also looking at how lottie made money from using social media and did a kylie jenner over inflated lip filler thing. it's definitely sad to watch young women in particular seem to aspire to be like that.
i feel like this alycia girl looks a lot like eleanor, which is why i think it's very possible he's dating her.
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twopoppies · 2 years
Zarries, oof. I prefer elonour shippers over them. They are really exhausting. Like what even is that.
I know. It’s ridiculous. Shipping zarry is one thing. But believing it’s real to the point of attacking those who disagree, is a level of crazy I’m not interested in.
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narrie · 1 year
Who the fuck is releasing elonour unseens now?? And why?? Like 💔💔💔
her at the studio.........
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releaseholiday · 1 year
The sun announcing elonour bua and I do not cheer 😂 I don’t really know what to expect I’m scared
Same alsksjdh idk what to expect next
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killmygoldenn · 5 years
After everything I see happening, I feel like it is high time some people need to hear this. If you call yourself a Louis fan and you are more interested in his love life than his career, music and personality...you aren't a louie. Just nope.
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Do you sometimes read someone's post, who is calling someone out and then thinking they're calling you out? Like, you know there's no way they're talking about you, because you even haven't commented on that topic. They also don't know you, but you somewhere feel like they're talking about you. Just me? Okay, thanks.
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larry-home28 · 5 years
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this is so accurate
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1000-directions · 7 years
when you see this, post an excerpt from your wip
They go into the kitchen and fix their food, hips bumping as they fight for space at the counter. Louis seems to be in a good mood again, and it’s dizzying how quickly he can ricochet from one extreme to the next these days. Everything is fine, then everything is awful, then everything is wonderful, then everything is horrid. Eleanor hopes he’s gotten it out of his system for a little while, and maybe he can just relax and enjoy the day for once.
They eat side by side at the table, one of his ankles hooked around one of hers, and it’s like no time has passed. It could be 2014 right now, just the two of them tucked away from the rest of the world, all folded up into the same space. Just the warmth and shape of his body are reassuring to her, a presence that tells her she’s not alone, she has a partner looking out for her. Team Tommo, then and now and always, if she has any say in the matter.
When he’s done eating, Louis ostentatiously drops his napkin on the floor, says, “Oops,” and then gets on his knees beneath the table and situates himself between her legs. He rests his cheek on her thigh and his palms on her knees, and he’s just still for a little bit, just getting himself centered. And then his hands slowly creep up her legs until his fingers hook into her waistband, and she tilts her hips up so that he can pull her joggers down. He’s so close that she can feel his breath through her knickers, and she shudders from the anticipation. He loves this part, he loves just looking at her and smelling her and driving her crazy with the wanting. He loves the build up. He loves it when she begs, and she won’t always, but she will today.
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louisandthedagger · 6 years
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Why so many ex-larries believe that if larry isn't real then elonour must be real? Why no larry equals automatically louis is straight and with eleanor and is a dad? Especially lgtb ex-larries saying this is hurtful. Louis is all the time doing what he can to tell his story but it just goes unheard because they decided larry isn't real.
That awful blog portraylarry is a new addition to to this kind of thinking. Of course they also believe they are only ones who have ever suffered and they know everything but its still disheartening to see them hating on louis and dismissing everything that has happened.
At the end of the day (“you love who you love”), whatever anyone believes, they can’t change someone’s sexuality, and they can’t unwrite history.
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mindthebulletso · 3 years
Does every mention of the festival have to be paid in stunt work?
so it seems.
and some Larries in recent weeks have been speculating Louis is the one who wants this.
think how little self-esteem they think he has.
if Id be mischievous I can also think that they do not respect him but this is another mess….
I currently can't help thinking how humiliating this is in any parallel universe.
Elonours don't need this to follow him. they, (IF) follow regardless! And we all know that they will follow anyway to see her bored with her phone in one hand and the glass in the other … staggering because he doesn't have a third hand to fix her hair
Eleanor is literally nobody so this like is not like Lily Rose Deep, Barbara Palvin etc etc.. nobody but us will check that 🖤
again, imagine thinking Louis wants this and being mad at him because meanwhile Harry Styles is also promoting his career with his world famous actress director girlfriend.
the important thing for many in this fandom is to project themselves into the future. In every silhouette HIDDEN in some VIP box at Styles' gig. Is what they want.
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wasalwaysharry · 4 years
songs that are DEFINITELY louis/harry related
warning: larry post. leave if you don’t like it lmao, not tryna deal w u if u aren’t respectful <3
1. they don’t know about us
2. magic
3. irresistible
4. little things
5. you and i
6. strong
7. happily
8. right now (both lou & liams experiences)
9. through the dark
10. something great
11. why don’t we go there
12. ready to run
13. 18
14. no control
15. fireproof
16. stockholm syndrome
17. perfect
18. if i could fly
19. olivia
20. love you goodbye
21. history (certain lyrics ;D)
22. home
23. two ghosts
24. sweet creature
25. from the dining table
26. adore you
27. falling (i have a whole ass theory if you don’t believe me)
28. sunflower
29. miss you
30. we made it (uni is a stunt lyric. everything else in the song has absolutely nothing to do with lou and el. it doesn’t add up. past elounors are actually on my side with this one. there are elonours who stopped believing they were together when walls came out bc nothing added up. anyways.)
31. too young
32. walls
33. habit
34. always you
35. defenceless
36. oh!!!! just a little bit of your heart.
37. i love you
i definitely think there are more. SO many more. i literally have a google doc that has more than 100 tracks (about 40 are maybe’s) but... those may be controversial. so.
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justascrollingghost · 3 years
Being a larrie is tough sometimes, maybe I took this love to my heart on a whole different level. So I wanted an out, I was checking these elounor blogs on insta(I know I won't get any hetero shit from harry...a-hole), I saw few interesting pics n videos of elonour. One video shows, Louis dancing with Eleanor, being very cute. Trust me that was cute and there were no paps just friends, I thought wow now I can finally believe that larry is not real n free from this heartache...but then my stupid stupid brain brought
1. Princess park
2. Missing bump
3. Eleanor is still just girlfriend even after this long.
4. Tattoos
5. Harry.
I came back to square one😭. There's no exist, now is there?.
Hey hun!
I’m dying that you said “hetero shit… a-hole” to the resident straight girl😂😂
I just tend to vibe with it tbh and I’ve found it’s the best way to be like “oh he’s got another girlfriend? sound.” and “oh Louis took Eleanor to a wedding? that’s nice” like it’s not my life I’m just here as a support yknow? I only tend to get really annoyed when they actually do a dick move like I got ridiculously pissed off with Harry and Olivia’s shite when it was in the middle of a damn hotspot but I mostly just find everything else funny.
Do I think having a wedding ring on your finger shows love? Absolutely not! My cousin and her boyfriend have been together 10 years and have a gorgeous baby girl and a house together and they have no intentions of getting married because to them it proves nothing.
Do I think Eleanor and Louis are together though? Nah… the difference is that my cousin has her boyfriend all over her social media as does he with my cousin. They’re clearly in love, they’re clearly together constantly and if anybody even questioned them I know for a fact my cousin would throw an absolute fit and do everything in her power to prove them otherwise (like literally every single girl on the planet would). To my cousin a wedding means nothing but Louis has said so many times that he’s romantic and wants to get married and you’re just like?? crack on then lad the love of your life who you forgot was in Amsterdam with you is right there???
I will say though I don’t think she deserves the shit she gets. Attacking her the way people do is so vile to me like if you’re so convinced they’re not together and she’s there for show then why do you follow her every move? Same with his kiddo like if you’re so convinced he ain’t a dad why’s it all over my dash 24/7? I tend to ignore the lot of them to be honest I’m here for the crack not to sit there ripping apart random gals lives the way the damn detectives do🥴
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killmygoldenn · 5 years
Remember how on Eleanor's birthday a few years back, Louis was all like,
"Giiirrlll, I want to take you to a gay bar!!"
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