#elriel’s daughter
thisblogisaboutabook · 2 months
Bad Idea, Right? - Part 8
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
If things go according to plan, Eris and Y/N’s first official date could end in hot, steamy sex. Or, it could end in complete and utter chaos - because when do things ever go according to plan? Azriel almost has a good time, until he doesn’t. We also FINALLY meet Tamlin’s daughter.
Part 7 Part 7.5 Headcanon
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Warnings: Alcohol, language, smutty content, assault with non-consensual kissing, breeding kink (kind of)
An evening breeze blew through Velaris sending a slight chill through the champagne golden silk dress I’d chosen for the evening. A caress of warmth rose up from the fingers I’d threaded through Eris’, heat continuing up my arm and throughout my body, counteracting the mild chill.
When he’d shown up to my door right on time, dressed in a deep forest green tailored suit with the top unbuttoned and a turtleneck that was - For one, so perfectly molded to his torso that I practically salivated as fantasies of licking his abs flashed through my mind. And two, conveniently matched my dress perfectly - I almost said “Fuck the date.” and jumped on him then and there.
He’d arrived carrying three things. A bouquet of hydrangeas for my mother, symbolizing gratitude for her grace with the current situation. Freesia bulbs for my little sister to add to her Sprite garden if she wished, a symbol of friendship. I realized the double meaning of it, to draw in sprites with wishes for friendship but also to symbolize their new budding friendship. My mother smiled softly as she realized it too.
For me, he’d brought a “Fire Poppy”, apparently native to his court. His hesitance to express the meaning of the flowers, told me enough. Fire. Passion. But the incredibly faint dust of pink on his freckled cheeks left me wondering if perhaps there was something more.
Father only appeared at the last moment to kiss my forehead and likely give a seething look toward Eris while doing so that warned, Just because I haven’t killed you yet doesn’t mean I won’t. Eris paid no mind.
And now here we were, walking through the streets of Velaris hand in hand. Eris’ focus remained intently upon me as I pointed out various shops that I would frequent. I pointed out one that I loved as a child and Azalea still adored. The window was decorated with paint splatters of primary colors that blended together into a rainbow mirroring the Sidra and inside floated hundreds of miniature fae lights imitating the skies of Night Court.
Eris paused as we stood before the shop. “Can we take a look inside?”
“Why?” I asked, genuinely perplexed by his interest in this shop of all the ones we’d wandered past.
“It’s a surprise.” He stated.
Because why would anything with Eris be anything but secretive?
Eris read my responding roll of the eyes for exactly what it was. “Surely you realize there is a difference between a surprise and a secret?”
I couldn’t help myself. “Many of your secrets have left me feeling quite surprised, Eris. Certainly you would realize that?”
He huffed a silent laugh leaving me on the street to go into the store. Set in my stubborn ways, I refused to let him win and stood outside waiting.
Eris was back by my side eight minutes later with a small canvas bag. I raised an eyebrow. “What’d you get?”
“Ah, if you wanted to know, you could have come in with me. Guess it’s my secret to keep.”
“Mother spare me. You are insufferable.” I muttered stepping ahead of him down the street. His long strides caught up with mine within a few steps.
He once again wound his fingers through mine. “You love it.”
And I hated that it was true.
“You’re not going to tell me what you got?”
“Just a gift for a friend.”
Eris had reserved a table at Sevenda’s where Sevenda herself eagerly greeted us. She ushered us to a private section of the restaurant, lit with candles and within earshot of a performing pianist. She’d kissed me on the cheek and given Eris a respectful bow of the head before bringing out a mouthwatering appetizer of some delectable cheese sauce she’d recently added to her menu.
The secluded setting of our table, incandescent glow flickering off the candles, and soft melody floating in from the piano, all flowed together into a very intimate setting. Strange that I had bared myself to this male so many times, and performed every sexual act imaginable with him, yet I’d never felt so exposed to him as I did in this very moment.
Eris checked his blazer, and gods… I only ever wanted to see him in fitted turtle necks or absolutely fucking nothing again. The male was delicious and his gaze…. He was greedily drinking me in as if he’d splay me out on the table itself and feast. There was no way he couldn’t smell the arousal pouring off of me. I sure as hell could smell his, and it was far more mouthwatering than any of the glorious spices wafting through the restaurant.
Before I could give in to my instincts, Eris’ low tone interrupted. “If you keep looking at me like that, Y/N, I’m not going to make it through this dinner.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to.”
He audibly groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
Just as our mutual eye fucking grew so intense that I genuinely wondered if Eris really was about take me then and there, our waiter approached with a bottle of the Inner Circle’s favorite wine. “Compliments of the High Lord.” Making eye contact with Eris, the male suddenly seemed to remember who he was in the presence of as he uncomfortably cleared his throat, “of the Night Court.”
Eris paid no mind and thanked the waiter. Surprise crossed the males face as Eris took the bottle from him and poured our glasses himself.
When the waiter took our orders and returned to the kitchen, Eris’ gaze returned to me. His eyes again roving over my body but lingering on my face. He smirked when he realized I was flushing under his intense eyes. “Are you nervous, little Shadowsinger?” He asked. His tone predatory.
I took the opportunity to send a shadow to caress the shell of his ear, effectively shutting him up.
“Now that we’re alone,” I ran my foot up the length of his leg, stopping the journey just short of where I so desperately wanted to feel him. “How long have you had an an apartment here and why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Ahh yes, excellent talk for a first date.” Eris mused, raising the wine glass to his plush lips and taking a long, slow sip before continuing. “Perhaps, I wanted a place to see you without you having to travel through multiple courts to find me.”
“Do you not wish for me to come to the Autumn Keep any longer?”
Eris’ change in tone took me by surprise as it became stern, the voice of a High Lord and not the bedroom voice of my lover. “Don’t you dare think that for a second. There’s nothing mo-“
He stopped himself mid-sentence shifting uncomfortably. “I enjoy your presence in my keep, in my bed, Y/N. But I also like to have the opportunity to visit you in your home court.”
My heartbeat quickened at the power flowing off of him, the desire in his amber eyes.
“So, Rhys was totally fine with you having a place here, just to hook up with his niece?”
“Diplomacy, darling. It is far easier to have a place here for times that negotiations and other meetings run over. It also benefits him to be able to have eyes on a fellow High Lord, no? It was not a difficult matter to convince him.
And I was going to tell you, you just happened to pick up the hobby of drunkenly wandering the streets before I had the opportunity.”
“I was fine.”
I was not fine. He knew it. I knew it. I was borderline feral that night.
“It wasn’t you I was concerned about. It was the poor citizens running the other way, screaming of a rabid, shadow-creature roaming Velaris in search of its next meal.”
I smiled. “For the second time this evening, Eris Vanserra, you are insufferable.”
“And again, little one, you love it.”
I rolled my eyes and took a swig of wine.
She was fucking captivating. Eris drunk in every detail of Y/N like she was the wine flowing from her glass.
She had to know she looked like a goddess. Had he told her? She could read him like a well-adored book at this point. She read every look he gave her without him needing to speak a word. I want you. You’re perfect. I need you. You’re more perfect than I ever dared dream. I would kiss the earth you walked on if you only asked.
Shit, could she read that all on his face? Should he tell her how damned gorgeous she was or would she give him that all-too-enticing look of “Spare me the compliments, High Lord, you can strip and ravish me once we’re alone.”
And gods, he was going to. He had plans for his little Shadowsinger tonight, plans involving carefully undressing her and pressing kisses to her silken skin, replacing each bit of fabric slipping off of her body with a press of his lips. Instead of burning that lovely little number that was hugging her mouth-watering curves, he would proudly display it in the Autumn Court’s archives. He was a romantic, after all.
Of course, before putting it behind glass for safe keeping, he’d be binding those pretty little wrists behind her back with said dress. He was also a deviant.
As for his plans after that? They were far too filthy to fantasize about at the table.
“Your aroma is rather fragrant.” Her teasing voice broke him from his thoughts.
“And you’re rather intoxicating. We make quite the pair, love.”
And there it was - the little blush she always tried so hard to hide from him.
If just the term “love” brought that to her face, what lovely shades of pink would her cheeks light up with if he laid it all out right now? If he told her how she’d fucking ruined him for anyone else? That to taste her was to taste the nectar of the gods? That he was so hopelessly in love with her that there was no crawling out of this pit of desire, and he’d sooner drown in his need for her than ever swim up for air.
The urge to do just that frightened him. Why did he think this date was a good idea? As far as his self control went, it was a terrible idea. And as far as he cared at this point, it was the best idea. He was here, in front of her, and nothing else mattered.
Eris had always thought himself better than the primitive beasts fae turned into when it came to their mates. But he truly realized how wrong he was when after dinner, Y/N had requested to walk very slowly along the river until her stomach wasn’t, as she so elegantly stated it, “bursting at the seams.”
Given that after the wonderful meal they’d devoured, he too was struggling, he obliged her, draping his suit’s jacket as well as his arm over her shoulders. She pressed a hand to her very, very, slightly bloated abdomen, in an effort of easing the discomfort. Such a simple gesture that should have meant absolutely nothing but….
An inferno blazed within him at the thought of her glowing with a round belly, the mating bond’s most primal instinct roaring at him to winnow her away immediately and fill her so utterly full of him that there would be no questioning of whose she was. His.
He prayed to the mother or whomever would listen that the breeze would blow the sickeningly strong scent of his arousal far away.
The gallery was packed. Unsurprisingly, anyone and everyone wanted to come out to brush elbows with the Inner Circle and who could blame them? Unlike the other courts of Prythian, Uncle Rhys and Aunt Feyre actually interacted with their people. Well, the people of Velaris at least. Feyre was respected as High Lady but she was revered as an artist. Proceeds from her own work went directly back into the arts district.
“Beautiful.” Eris mused approaching a work of art toward the back wall but keeping his eyes on me. I sipped the champagne an attendant handed me upon arrival, needing it to get through the rest of this evening.
Especially needing it to get through the work of art he was approaching.
“This.” Eris motioned toward the piece, “is stunning.”
“It’s not for sale. Just a work from one of Feyre’s students.”
The art, featuring darkness floating upward from the bottom and a blaze falling from the top, intertwining with licks and whirls of flame and shadow in the middle.
“Cost is of no concern to me, little one. I need it.”
A sing-song voice came from behind us. “It’s magnificent isn’t it?” Feyre asked.
“What can I do to acquire such a fine piece of art?”
“You’ll have to ask the artist.” She nodded toward me.
“Aww, come on my lovely niece. Think of all the supplies it could fund.”
“You’re a busybody.”
She only gave an airy laugh before disconnecting the mental bond and returning to the attendees.
“Wouldn’t it look lovely displayed for all of my court to see?”
My gut lurched and I wasn’t sure if it was from imposter syndrome or excitement.
“Fine.” I’ll make a deal with you, Eris Vanserra. He raised an eyebrow. “This art is very personal to me. And despite the fact that it is hanging in the gallery, I want it to be for your eyes only. Do you agree to hang it in your chambers?”
Eris gave a faux pout. “And not show my lovely lady’s art for all the world to admire?”
My heart raced as I quipped too quickly, not allowing the time to change my mind. “Perhaps I only want to be yours to admire.”
Eris visibly gaped at the statement and my heart sank. Had I read all of his adoration wrong? Was I going to humiliate myself just as I had two years ago when he’d left me on the dance floor and I swore I’d never let him have that power over me again?
He swallowed a lump in his throat. His voice breaking slightly. “And your payment terms?”
“Oh you’ll be paying out the ass for it.”
He grinned. “As one does for the finest things in life. I’ll take it.”
A beat of silence.
“And I’ll take you too, if you’ll have me.”
And with that he leaned in to kiss me, soft and hard, fervently and slowly, wanting more yet only needing this.
A throat cleared behind us as father interrupted. He looked to me and to the art behind me.
“I never realized….” He spoke softly as he took in the work.
I flushed, the work now feeling far too intimate under his gaze.
My father turned to Eris. “You’re purchasing this?”
Eris nodded. “A worthy investment, yes?”
My father remained tense but something in his eyes softened. “A very worthy investment.”
Father leaned in to kiss my forehead. “Enjoy your night sweetheart.”
It was at that moment Adish appeared, his Day Court friends Hem and Apollo in tow along with Nyx and a female I’d never seen before. Nyx looked in my direction with a wink as he saw the piece Eris and I stood before, before heading with the group for glasses of champagne.
Eris spoke, “I’m going to speak with Feyre regarding reservation of the piece before anyone else tries to snag it out from under me.”
“It’s not for sale, Eris. Nobody else would be able to purchase it.”
He pressed his warm lips into mine. “I won’t risk a good thing.”
I blushed, dismissing him.
Nursing my champagne, I perused the various pieces decorating the gallery walls when a female voice came from behind me. “If you wanted your father’s attention, there are better ways than whoring yourself to Autumn Court trash.”
I turned around to see the female Nyx had entered with. Her dark hair and blue eyes fooling nobody. Clever little shapeshifter.
“And I didn’t realize your father was in the habit of allowing females to leave his manor.”
She grinned. “Oh come on, he locked her in ONE time...or at least that’s what he tells me. He really can be an overbearing asshole sometimes.”
I laughed. “I missed you so much, you bitch. Nyx needs to stop hoarding you.”
“Please” she scoffed. “I don’t need Tamlin and Rhys’ melodrama to complicate things.”
“Ha, I’m sure Nyx filled you in on all of the drama in my world recently.”
She lifted an eyebrow. “Oh yes, I’ve been living vicariously through your escapades.”
She leaned in to hug me. “So” I took in the brown hair she’d chosen for the evening. “Does the carpet match the drapes?”
“Why don’t you find out?”
“Mmm, as enticing as that would be. I prefer your blonde hair and green eyes. It does something for me.”
“It does something for Nyx too.”
I pretended to vomit before Nyx stepped in. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to spend time with my lady before she decides to leave with you instead and I get stuck with the fireling.”
“He’s quite fun, Nyx. I’m sure you’d enjoy the ride.”
Nyx choked on his drink and whisked Layla away with him, leaving me to take in the art in peace.
A few more minutes passed and my shadows grew restless as if contemplating the same thing as me: Eris should be back by now.
Feyre had returned to the gallery with no Eris in sight. I searched, passing Adish and Apollo, my parents and Azalea, Rhys and Feyre, Cassian and Nesta, even Amren, but no Eris.
Had he left? Did I scare him away?
No, his response was sincere. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t, right?
I walked down a quiet hallway, stepping away from the crowd. “Eris?” I whispered into the quiet of the hall.
Two shadows returned with no information but another returned frantic. “Bad.” “Go.”
I hurried in the direction my shadows shot out, winding further and further down the hall.
My heart stopped. In front of me was the radiant, gorgeous Hemera, pressed up against my man. Lips crashing into his.
“Bad.” My shadow repeated. Whirling to show me something.
Eris saw me and his eyes blew wide, shaking his head.
Hemera turned, wicked grin contorting her gorgeous features into something cruel.
“Sorry, hon. He’s just so needy and so pretty. Can you blame me?”
Did this bitch really think I’d simper and turn away? Oh no. My shadows continued their whispers.
A sliver of silver caught the dim lights shining down upon them, a blade held to Eris’ neck.
Eris stared at me wide eyed as my shadows erupted into a frenzy around me in effort to distract the Day Court female.
She jolted and her blade knicked his neck and I felt a sudden spike of fear in my gut but the fear, it didn’t come from me. It was coming from…. Eris.
Holy shit.
Willing all of my power to the surface, my tone turned cold, dangerous. “I suggest you step away from my mate.”
The High Lord of the Autumn Court. Eris fucking Vanserra. My mate.
I gave a tug in return to his emotions. A gentle reminder that I had this under control and he instantly tugged back.
He knew. Holy shit, he had known.
I could be angry later, now I needed to save his ass.
A commotion came from behind me. Adish and Apollo rushing in. “What the-“ Adish started. “Sorry, friend.” Apollo spoke before the fucker cast a sedation spell on him.
Apollo towered over me. “You weren’t supposed to find them. For what it’s worth, you would have been a great friend.”
He moved, but I moved faster. Sending a blast of power knocking the male on his ass. My shadows binding him.
“You talk too much.” I spat.
Turning back to Hem and Eris she held him in front of her. “Don’t make me kill him.” She spoke. Now using him as a shield. With his front exposed, I could see the shackles around his wrists. “This could go much more easily if you let me leave here with him. Why do you want a cheating male? You deserve better than that.”
I needed time to assess. My shadows busy with Apollo. Fuck. This was bad.
I laughed. “I hardly call you forcing yourself upon him ‘cheating’, in fact most would call that ‘assault’. And I have no patience for those who force themselves upon others.”
Just then a flurry of shadows shot into the room, ripping Hem’s wrist and dagger from Eris’ throat. My father winnowed into the room. No, this wasn’t my father. This was the feared Shadowsinger, the infamous Spymaster of the Night Court. His tone promised death as he commanded Hem to step away from Eris. She fought his demand, shaking with fear as she remained in place. “Please, you don’t understand. My father is wrongfully imprisoned in HIS court.”
“And this is how you feel it best to approach?” Father stepped closer, a thick, violent air emanating from him. “I will ask you one final time to step away from the High Lord.”
Hemera knew she was no match as she dropped the knife stepping back away from Eris.
Eris ran to me, in an attempt to shield me from any fallout but there was no more danger as father’s shadows apprehended the female.
Rhys and Feyre raced into the room, Nesta and Cassian on their tail.
Rhys whispered to Feyre. “Let Elain know it’s handled.”
Feyre’s gaze went distant as she communicated to my mother.
Rhys commanded Apollo to remove the sedation spell from Adish as Cassian jerked the apprehended male off the ground.
Nesta’s eyes flared with silver as she stared down Hemera before apprehending her as well. My mother and sister rushed in as we followed Rhys down to the gallery basement toward an empty office where the two would be held until Helion arrived. Since they were denizens of his court, it was only right to determine the next steps with him.
As the group strode toward the office, Azalea began tugging at my sleeve. “Sissy.”
“Not now, Azzie.”
She gasped, her little legs trying to keep up. “Sissy, please.”
“Just a minute, Azzie”
I felt guilty for ignoring her but my mind was coming out of the adrenaline state it had been in and my heart racing with rage and shock as I processed the revelation that Eris was my mate. That he knew and didn’t tell me.
Ironic considering that I always found Aunt Feyre and Aunt Nesta to be overly dramatic for their reactions to finding out about their own mates.
They were good, loving males who had enough money to live in lavish comfort for all of their days, and were highly regarded among the people of Velaris. How terrible.
Yet here I was. Fuming. Humiliated. That this male, a gorgeous High Lord and a damn good one at that, with a far softer heart than he’d ever let the world see, courted me because I was his mate.
I thought he wanted me for me.
“Sissy-“ Azalea drew me from my thoughts once again. “What?” I finally asked, raising my voice. But it was too late as the door to the empty office was opened, only to unveil a half naked Nyx, trousers unlaced, his body pinning a no longer shifted Layla with the bottom of her dress hiked up, and breasts fully exposed.
Nyx gaped. Eyes wide and frantic. I sent my shadows out to shield them, my father’s following suit, my hand instantly covering Azalea’s eyes.
Layla only pulled her dress up over her tits as she let out a laugh. “Whoops, we thought this room was unused.”
“I tried to tell you.” Azalea’s little voice whispered.
Darkness erupted through the room as Rhys clenched his fists. “What the fuck?” He growled out to Nyx.
My father only grinned, not caring who saw the smug satisfaction on his face. Fully conveying the look of that’s how it feels, you pompous asshole. Get it now? How’s it feel to be humiliated in front of an audience by the unconventional partner your child has chosen to fuck.
Feyre only covered her mouth, stifling a giggle at the situation. Nesta and mother quietly giggling with her.
I used the distraction to remove the enchanted shackles that were still stifling Eris’ power and apparently his ability to speak.
Fury blazed within me, my restraint failing as I spat out my next words much louder than intended.
“How long, Eris?”
Guilt flooded his features, his head hanging low.
“How. Long? How long have you known that I’m your mate?”
My father choked. The shit-eating grin instantly fading from his face, jaw and fists clenching.
A pitiful sound escaped Eris. “Since the first night… in the alley.”
“Wow.” was all I could manage as the walls began closing in around me.
I stepped away but Eris grabbed my wrist. “Please, Y/N. Just hear me out.” his broken voice pleaded. I couldn’t think. I needed space. Needed to breathe.
“Mom.” I looked to my mother. “Can we go home?”
She gave an empathetic look to Eris. “Come on, Azalea.” She reached out a hand. “Sissy needs us.”
Azalea looked to Eris, letting out a “hmph” as she scrunched her nose and crossed her arms. “That was bad.” She scolded, little wings ruffling with each word.
His face crumpled further as his little friend glared at him with disdain, words failing as she stuck her tongue out and winnowed away with mother.
“I love you.” was the last thing I heard as I spirited away.
A/N: I have had so much fun writing this series! Part 9 will be the final chapter but I may eventually give our main character a name and add a few spin off chapters as well. If that would be of interested to you, let me know!
ACOTAR list: @lilah-asteria
Eris list: @angiedsv
Series list: @b0xerdancer-writes @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams @yourmumsdumptruck @nebarious @glitterypirateduck @mybestfriendmademe
202 notes · View notes
rosenecklaces · 1 month
People will do anything but let Azriel even like Elain as a person in this fanbase
33 notes · View notes
glasscupsss · 2 years
how can you so viscerally hate on nesta and elain for the starvation era when papa archeron is right there?
101 notes · View notes
deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
Should I keep my mental health intact or should I read this next-generation Elorcan fic where their great grandkids visit Aelin and she tells the story of Elide & Lorcan, while contemplating how much she misses the both of them?
10 notes · View notes
starswhogaze · 2 years
Trying and failing to not think of Elriel while watching Spy x Family...
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thelov3lybookworm · 6 months
To Love and Cakes
Summary: Y/n is the daughter of a flower and gardening tools shop's owner in Velaris. When he gets sick, y/n makes her father take some rest and looks after the small shop herself. But she is new to all this as her father never let her work a day in her life.
One day, as she's looking after the shop, a red haired high fae comes looking for gardening gloves as a gift to someone. Y/n helps him, and learns that he is a frequent customer.
Due to his frequent visits, they soon develop a bond. More than friends, but not lovers.
Tw: i dont think there are any but still, here we go. elain being a sour and jealous mate even though she's been sailing on the elriel ship, a few curse words and all. Can't think of anything else, so let me know if i need to add anything.
A/n: this thing has been in my draft for faxing months. This is, to me, the best work of mine. This is my baby. I LOVED writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it.
(ps. even if youre not a lucien girlie, try reading it. i have a secret agenda to make every one of you creatures a lucien simp, just like im trying to make @artists-ally a lucien simp)
(also, the scene towards the end where reader is dancing was inspired by one of the fbaa books, if it seemed familiar or you were wondering)
t'is a long one children, Enjoy!
As Y/n finished walking around the store, cleaning, she thought back to the morning two days ago.
She had just woken up and was walking towards her father's kitchen for breakfast when she heard it. A cough. She quickened her pace, entering the kitchen to find her father bent over, his body heaving from the coughs.
She rushed to him, helping him to the nearest chair. When she bought him some water, he smiled up at her gratefully.
"How many times do I have to tell you to take some rest, father? Why won't you let me help you?"
"I might be getting old, but not that old that I need to rely on my daughter to help me earn. Unless you are trying to steal my shop?"
"Father!" She said, exasperated, even though she knew he was just saying that to irritate her. "You are staying home till you get better. I'll take care of the shop."
"But you don't know anything about it." At the glare she gave him, he finally conceded. "Let me help for today atleast. Show you how to handle it. I promise I'll rest."
She had come to visit and stay with her father for some days, having just quit her previous job, searching for a new one. They were well off, the house that Y/n lived in owned by her. She had wanted to see if her father needed any help around. Which he didn't. He wasn't very old and ill by any means, he just didn't know when to stop. That's why she had already made her father agree to closing the store earlier and taking the weekends off.
As Y/n put away the cleaning equipment in the back of the store, the bell above the door rang, announcing the arrival of a customer. As she hurried to the front desk, she caught a glimpse of the beautiful male that was waiting from behind a shelf.
He had dark crimson hair cascading over his shoulder that looked like fire, with one russet eye and one that was a golden metal one, which was whirring. A scar marred the skin surrounding that eye and trailed to his jaw.
Y/n quickly averted her gaze when she realised she was staring. He hadn't yet noticed her though, looking around the shop. She stepped out from behind the shelf and cleared her throat.
He turned to her at once, giving her a warm smile.
"Hello. How can I help you today?" She asked with a small smile.
"I'm looking for enchanted gardening gloves."
She wracked her brain for the location of said gloves before perking up. "Right this way." As she led the way, he followed a respectful distance away. To fill the silence, she spoke up. "Are you from Night Court? You don't seem like you're from here."
"Yes. I'm from... Autumn Court." His hesitation was evident, and Y/n didn't push.
"Here we are." She said, stopping in front of the gloves stacked neatly on a shelf. She left him alone when he nodded.
She began sorting out her desk, her father's, really, which was near the entrance to the shop.
By the time she finished, the male was done with his browsing and bought out the gloves to the desk to pay for them. The whole ordeal went silently and quickly. With a word of thanks and a 'good day', he was on his way.
Lucien's pov.
He stared at her. His mate.
He wondered if, under other circumstances, she would have not despised him. Could she have ever loved him the way others loved their mates? Would the two of them be together if there was no cruelty in this world?
He answered those himself.
The first one? Probably.
The second one? Maybe.
The third one? No.
Because, if there was no cruelty in this world, his love, one his father had killed, would not be dead. Jesminda would be alive still. And if she was alive, he wouldn't care for anything, even his own mate.
And maybe that made him an asshole, but he couldn't bring himself to care as he stared at Elain smiling at the Shadowsinger from the corner of the room, nursing a glass of whiskey.
He looked around the room, his eyes landing on the gift he'd bought for her. It was enchanted gardening gloves so her hands wouldn't get cut. Of course, the present had been discarded in a corner, unopened. It wasn't as if she didn't notice the gift. No, he had seen her look at it before placing it aside from her other gifts.
He'd seen her do that, and his heart had been pierced by an arrow. At least it felt like it.
As he stared at the gift, his mind drifted to the shop where he had bought it from. The shop run by the female. He didn't know why, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. She hadn't even said much, but she had simply caught his attention.
He blinked when a loud laugh interrupted his thoughts, looking at the inner circle sitting in the center of the room and having the time of their lives, while he sat in the darkest corner he could find. He knew he didn't fit in here, and that most of them didnt trust or like him.
He didn't know why he had accepted Feyre's invitation to stay for the night when he knew he'd be miserable.
He had thought that maybe, just maybe, they would include him in their fun. At least for one night.
He felt so dumb now.
After a little bit of contemplation, he decided it best if he left. No one was going to miss him anyways.
Quietly, he downed the whiskey in his glass, then rolled onto his feet. He set the glass on a nearby table, then turned towards the door. He walked towards it, his boots making no noise.
As he exited the room, there was no sign of the festivities slowing down. None. He removed his coat from the nearby hook, donning it as he stepped out, the door clicking shut behind him.
It wasn't until Lucien was out of the house that the sounds faltered for a brief moment, but then the laughter started back again, and Lucien sighed, his breath misting in front of him. He stared at the little cloud of fog in front of his face.
He didn't want to go home– if it could even be called that– not yet. The night was still young. Maybe he would go on a little walk around Velaris before he returned to the mortal lands.
He started the trek across the city, walking slowly, letting his mind wander, his eyes seeing everything but taking nothing in. It was like a waste of time, looking at the beauty but not caring enough to appreciate it.
He sighed, making his way through the vibrant market place. The children running around the place, candies in their hand, adults lingering around the place with their lovers and families truly added to the beauty of the festival.
But Lucien's eyes were unseeing, his heart unfeeling as he avoided the running and giggling children.
Someone slammed into Lucien from somewhere near him, and that finally broke him out of the haze that he'd been in.
He glanced at the fae leaning against him, trying to gain her footing in the crowded area.
"I am so sorry. I got pushed–" The female looked up at him, finally stable on her feet. She cocked her head, a smile spreading on her lips. "Oh. It's you."
He returned the smile, somehow easier than it should have been considering the foul mood he'd been. "It's me. I don't think I caught your name this morning."
The lady from the gardening shop grinned, her cheeks rosy, glowing with happiness. "Y/n."
"Lucien." He mumbled, studying her. She nodded, holding out her hand. He took it.
Then they stood there, awkwardly trying to figure out what to say. "Um... enjoying solstice?"
"Yeah." She returned, a relieved expression on her face. "Just left the house after dinner. My father said he's going out with some friends, so I decided to head out for some desserts. You?"
"Not really..." That was not the right answer, but Lucien was struggling to put on his mask of indifference.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Are you alone?"
He smiled ruefully as he looked away. "Very."
After a moment of silence, the lady spoke up again. "What are your thoughts on some cake? Pie? Or maybe cookies?"
Lucien blinked, then glanced at her. "What?"
She grinned, turning away and gesturing with her hand to follow her. Seeing that he had no other reason to haunt the streets of Velaris, he followed her.
She weaved in and out of the crowd, walking with purpose towards her destination. She stumbled sometimes, due to being pushed around by the crowd, but mostly by herself. She seemed to have a problem walking without tripping.
She tripped again, so bad that Lucien had to catch her elbow to stop her from faceplanting. She grinned up at him sheepishly.
"Are you alright?"
"Are you... drunk?"
She shrugged and shook her head. "I don't drink. It's taste is disgusting."
A small smirk made is way into Lucien's face, but he simply nodded at her to keep going. She continued on.
Soon, she was walking into a brightly lit shop, cakes and various baked goods displayed through the glass.
"This is my favourite place for sweets and baked items. It's really good."
She went to open the door, but Lucien stretched out his hand and held it for her. She blinked at him before smiling and stepping in to the warm interior.
"Hello." She greeted the kind looking old lady behing the counter, who smiled widely.
"How are you today?"
"I'm good. How about yourself?" Y/n replied.
"I'm good, I'm good. Just these joints creaking a little extra nowadays."
Y/n grinned fondly. "Maybe you should just get some rest, you old hag."
"Oh shut it. I will rest once I know I have succeded in convincing you to get a partner. Mother knows how lonely you must be."
"I'm not lonely, you old hag. As long as I have you and father, I will never be alone."
"Yeah yeah whatever." Then the old female seemed to notice Lucien, and her eyes lit up. "Are you finally seeing someone?"
Y/n blinked, then glanced at Lucien. Her lips parted, then a flush climbed up her neck. She furiously shook her head, and the old lady sighed.
"Well, hope I'm not dead when you finally decide to interact with others." The female bustled away as other people walked upto the counter to place their order.
Y/n turned to Lucien, her face red, and she gestured to the display of sweets. He grinned when she turned away again. "Choose what you would like to try. I always go for pineapple, but chocolate is also good."
Lucien dipped his head in a nod when she glanced at him to make sure he understood her, and then the two of them went on to get their cakes.
As they were about to leave the shop, the owner of the shop called to him. "Psst. Hey! You!"
When Lucien glanced up questioningly, the lady Y/n had been talking to motioned at him to come closer. He inched towards the counter behind which the lady stood as Y/n talked to another one of the workers.
"What are your intentions for her?" The lady hissed at Lucien as soon as she was sure no one could hear her.
Lucien blinked, taken aback. "What?"
"Don't you dare even think of hurting her. Males have hurt her enough. She is a pure soul, and if you hurt her, then I will carve your eyes out with a spoon. You hear me young man?"
Lucien nodded, dumbfounded. Thank the cauldron though, Y/n decided that moment to walk up to the two of them.
The old lady smiled at her, and then shooed Y/n and Lucien away. Y/n rolled her eyes and led Lucien out of the shop.
She crossed the road and settled onto one of the many benches overlooking the Sidra. She patted the place next to her and he obliged, studying her.
"What were you and the old hag talking about?"
Y/n raised a brow but stayed silent as she dug into the treat in her hands.
The two of them sat in silence as they ate, staring at the waters of the Sidra.
Unfortunately, soon enough the two of them were done eating, and Y/n turned to Lucien. She smiled. "Did you like the cake?"
Lucien gave her a smile. A genuine one, one that felt like he hadn't smiled in centuries. He probably hadn't.
"I did. Thank you for making my solstice better."
"I enjoyed the time too, no need to thank me."
And then the two of them parted ways, Lucien thanking her again and her telling him not to worry about it.
Lucien watched her until she had vanished between the crowd, then he turned and decided to walk to secluded place before he winnowed back to human lands.
A soft breeze caressed his face, and he closed his eyes, savoring the cool touch. His mind drifted back to Y/n.
He smiled softly, opening his eyes and leaning his head back, staring at the stars twinkling down at him, as if they were winking.
Maybe... just maybe, not all fae were miserable and hateful.
Maybe there was someone out there, like Y/n, who would not hate him for simply existing.
Y/n's pov.
Y/n only had one thought in her mind, and that was to hurry up.
She had been out in the market, getting the things she needed according to the cooking book she had recently bought.
She had decided to surprise her best friend since childhood with a home baked cake, and hence the rush to get home and start the preparations.
The catch?
Y/n was shit at baking.
The few times she had tried to bake, she had either ended with something that was too hard to even be called a rock, or with something that vaguely resembled... puke.
Even thinking about it sent shivers up Y/n's spine.
But back then she hadn't used a cookbook's instruction, she tried to reason with the sane part of her brain, the one that knew this was a bad idea.
Hurry up-
And she smacked into a wall. A very warm wall.
All her bags slipped from her hands and onto the ground as she stumbled back, barely keeping herself from falling onto her ass.
She lifted her head to apologise to whoever she had crashed onto when her eyes met russet and gold. Lucien.
She paused as she watched him cock his head, a little smile spreading on his features.
"I seem to notice a pattern, Y/n."
She lifted an eyebrow as she bent to gather her stuff. He followed. "What pattern?"
She tried to shoo him off by waving her hands, but he either didn't notice or didn't care. "You are always crashing into me. That sounds like a pattern to me."
She scowled, knowing that if her father or any of her friends saw her, they would yell at her for being disrespectful to someone who was helping her.
He grinned, glancing at her as he stood, most of her bags in his hands.
"Do you need any help carrying these?" He questioned when she climbed to her feet too, and she blinked.
"Oh no, it's alright. I'll carry them myself. I don't want to bother you."
"I insist. And it's really not a bother. I have nothing else to do. These are really heavy, let me help."
"You really don't have anything else to do?"
He smiled triumphantly, as if he knew he had won. "I don't."
She sighed. "Fine then. My house is nearby. Thank you vey much."
He shook his head, that smile still on his face. "No worries."
She led him to her house, a peaceful silence between the two.
It wasn't long before they reached her house, and she turned to him, keys in her hand.
"Please come in. Let me make you some tea." That was the least she could do for him.
"Oh no, that is unnecessary, I don't want to bother you. It was my pleasure to help."
"I insist. And it really is not a bother." She smirked, throwing his words back at him.
He shook his head, grinning. "Fine."
She let the two of them in, setting about to get some tea ready. "So, may I ask what you are going to with these?"
When Y/n turned to look at him, he gestured at the bags he set on the counter.
"Because from what I saw outside, these things are usually used for baking."
Y/n smiled. "Yeah. It's my friends birthday today. I was thinking of making her a cake."
"That's great. Do you bake often?"
Her smile now turned sheepish. "No. I tried a couple of times, back when I was younger," -six months ago- "and I damn near brought down the whole kitchen once."
Lucien chuckled. "So now you think you can do it properly?"
She picked up the cookbook nearby and waved it at him. "I will follow instructions this time."
Judging by the amusement in his eyes, she thought he would laugh, but he didn't. He simply extended his hand towards her and asked, "Can I have a look?"
She handed it to him, turning to check on the tea she was brewing.
The sound of the pages being flipped were the only sounds other than her pouring the liquid into cups for the two of them.
When she turned back around, she found him staring intensely at the book, his brows furrowed, a downward tilt to his mouth. She tried to make no noise as she set down the cup in front of him, hoping to not disturb his concentration.
But he glanced up at her, frowning. "This won't work. This is too complicated."
Y/n blinked, taken aback by the seriousness in his eyes and words. "What do you mean?"
He closed the book, setting it aside as he pulled the cup of tea towards him. "Baking is simpler than whatever bullshit is given in there."
"You know how to bake?"
"I helped my mother when I was younger."
"And exactly how many years ago was that?"
His eyes narrowed. "How many years since you baked anything?"
That made Y/n shut up.
She sighed ruefully. "Maybe I'm just not supposed to bake."
Lucien shook his head. "I can help."
She glanced at him. "What?"
He shrugged. "I don't have anything else to do anyways. I can help you bake the cake."
"I don't want to bother-"
"Its not a bother. I would love to help."
Y/n smiled behind her cup as she took a sip of her tea, a warmth spreading through her chest.
"Thank you. I appreciate the gesture." Then, she looked at the redhead for a moment longer before turning away. "And you know what? I am noticing a pattern too."
After a day filled with trying to decide on the flavour for the cake, the decorations, making the cake and laughter, it was finally time to sleep.
The party had been perfect, so many memories made, and so many things she could think about.
But no matter what, Y/n couldn't stop thinking about him.
She didn't remember the last time she had enjoyed herself so thoroughly around a male, let alone one she knew nothing about.
And as she went to sleep that night, trying not to think of how his eyes twinkled in amusement when she had dropped an egg on the ground- huffing and puffing- she failed to keep that smile off of her face.
Lucien's pov.
After the day filled with helping her bake, correcting anything she had been doing wrong and watching as happiness spread across her face when the cake came out almost nearly perfect, it was finally time to sleep.
The day had been perfect, a reprieve from the constant ugly thoughts Lucien had about himself. Memories had been made, though unexpected.
But no matter what, Lucien could not stop thinking about her.
He couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed himself so thoroughly around someone, let alone someone he barely knew anything about.
And as he went to sleep that night, trying not to think of how she had jumped around and squealed in excitement- so much so that she had nearly burnt herself by the hot pan- Lucien failed to keep that smile off of his face.
Y/n's pov.
Soon enough, Y/n learned that the handsome male with the metal eye, Lucien, was the Lucien Vanserra. The youngest son of the High Lord of Autumn Court.
He frequented the shop after that day they spent baking, him and Y/n becoming fast friends. He'd told her that he lived in the human lands with his friends, Jurian and Vassa.
Recently, she had learned that this Jurian he was friends with was the Jurian from the war centuries ago, the powerful human commander, remade by the Cauldron.
Expect Lucien to surprise a four hundred year old fae who thought she could not be surprised about anything anymore.
Y/n shook her head with an exasperated grin, finishing braiding her hair. She had spent the whole afternoon wondering what hairstyle would look good with her dress for her meeting with Lucien, eventually settling for a simple braid. Few strands framed her face, and she thought it looked better than any elaborate hairstyle she could have done.
Even after six months of being friends with him, he never failed to shock her by telling her things about himself.
He had sent a letter in advance that he would be visiting today, and he wanted to meet with her in their favourite cafe before reporting to the High Lord.
She had, of course, agreed. He was the only friend she had other than the female she had baked for, what with her being cooped up in her home with a book in hand when she wasn't working in the nearby jewellery store.
A knock sounded on the door, and Y/n practically flew down the stairs, taking a deep breath to calm her heart before opening the door.
There he stood in all his glory, smiling at her. The fading sunshine made his hair look on fire, his skin glowing.
"My lady. You look quite...dishevelled." He murmured, his eye twinkling. Y/n frowned, lifting her hand to her hair. It had looked good when she checked it in the mirror. Maybe the braid didn't look as good as she thought it did. In which case, she wanted to go and jump off a cliff.
Before her hand could touch her hair though, Lucien caught it, grinning and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, all the while maintaining eye contact. Y/n blushed.
"When I said dishevelled, I meant you look like you've run a mile. That looks exquisite." He said, straightening and flicking her forehead. "You look exquisite."
"Shut up." She mumbled, shoving his shoulder and stepping out, turning to lock the door. When she had finished, she turned to find him leaning against a pillar of the front porch. He smiled and inclined his head towards the road.
They walked towards the cafe, talking about his past days in the human lands and her job at the jewellery store. How she didn't really care for it and was thinking of taking up something else.
They soon reached the cafe which stood right on the banks of the Sidra and had outdoor seating as well in the backyard, right next to the river. As they settled down in their usual seat in a corner right next to the river, her eyes sharpened on the paper stuck on a nearby wall.
"Hey Lucien? Do you see that?" Y/n questioned, making Lucien glance back at it.
"Yeah. Looks like they're hiring." Lucien's eye lit up as he turned back to her. "You should try." She nodded enthusiastically.
Soon, they finished their food and Lucien was waiting to pay, having insisted on paying while Y/n talked to the hotel's owner. She was quite happy Y/n said she wanted to work there. They finally settled on her starting in two days.
After that, as they were walking home, the delicious smell of freshly baked cakes reached them. Y/n grinned at Lucien who took her arm and walked towards the stand where an old lady was selling small round cakes that were the size of Y/n's palm. They made idle conversation with her while she handed them their treats.
"You two make a good couple. Are you mates?" She asked as soon Y/n took a bite. Which was very unfortunate as she immediately choked on it. Lucien patted her back, grinning as he turned to the lady.
"No, we aren't mates. We're just friends."
"What a shame. But maybe the bond hasn't made itself known yet?"
Lucien shook his head with a sad smile. "That would've been wonderful, really." Y/n's had whipped to him, her eyes wide. Did he just say what she thought he did? Could it be that he... no. That was stupid. He had a mate that he would die for, regardless of whether she liked him back. He would never...
"But I already have a mate." He continued.
"Oh I'm so sorry then for assuming things."
"Don't be. It's not like it matters anyway. She doesn't want the bond."
"Oh mother, that's truly unfortunate. Maybe you could be with someone else? I loved someone in my youth, but he never paid me any attention. Then one day my friend advised me to forget the male. Now I'm married to my friend and I think I couldn't be any more happy."
Lucien looked thoughtful. "That's a good advice, I must say. And I'll definitely think about it." He winked at Y/n, making her blush furiously.
They continued on after that, though there was silence now compared to their earlier mindless chatter. And it was filled with tension. Y/n wrapped her arms around herself, staring into the waters of the Sidra nearby.
As they walked, her mind wandered to what Lucien had said to the woman. Could he really mean what he had said? He wasn't one to joke about such serious matters... but then again, maybe he was jesting.
Soon, they had reached her house, and she stepped up to open the door.
"You want to come in? We can have some tea..."
Lucien smiled. "I would love to if it's not a problem."
As she set about making the tea, he sat watching her every move. Which made her work extremely carefully, wondering if he was judging her. Which was absurd. Because, not only would Lucien never judge her, but also because she never would have cared for something so trivial as someone judging her. So why did she care now?
Because you lov–
She shut the thought down before it even finished.
Lucien's pov.
It had been over a month since he had seen his Y/n, and he was already craving her presence. Initially, he been able to go longer periods without meeting his friend. But as time went on, he became more and more enraptured with her and shorter and shorter became the time period between his visits.
The way she laughed on anything he said. The way her eyes would light up when she looked at him. The way he could make her blush by just looking at her. How she would get excited when taking about the newest book she was reading or when she learned something that made her happy.
He just couldn't get enough of her sometimes. All he wanted to do was stay and bask in her presence.
Of course, it wasn't possible, what with his work of going back and forth between human lands and the Night Court, as well as Day Court, where he had been spending some time getting to know his father.
It was a shock when he found out that Beron wasn't his real father, but he was adjusting. She had a big part in his acceptance. And he was grateful for it.
Now, he was going to leave his emissary duties for the Night Court, going to live in his father's court permanently. Which was why Feyre had decided to have the whole of the inner circle and him go out to eat for dinner. Lucien had suggested the cafe by the Sidra for the ordeal.
The place where Y/n currently worked.
He was smiling at his thoughts of her when he knocked on the door of the River House. Nuala opened it, greeting him with a smile before letting him enter. There was already sounds of chatter coming from the living room as he walked towards it. Everyone was here then. Great.
The quicker this was over, the faster he could spend time with Y/n.
He would leave soon, but that didn't mean he wouldn't come back to Velaris. He had important people here.
He had informed Rhys about his departure a few months ago, and had agreed to stay till they found someone who would be willing to take up the duties of Lucien. They were still searching for someone, so Lucien was still the emissary.
Lucien tapped his leg on the floor impatiently, his eyes constantly flitting between the tables and booths in search of his friend.
It had only been a few moments since he had arrived with the inner circle, but he simply couldn't wait to catch a glimpse of her.
While he was searching for Y/n, he failed to notice the High lord and lady's, as well as the entire inner circle's eyes on him.
He craned his head, and he finally heard that beautiful voice he'd been dying to hear from behind him.
"Good evening. May I take your order?"
He turned his head so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash, but Lucien didn't care as his eyes met those of Y/n's.
Her mouth lifted at the edges, a knowing look in her eyes as she turned away to converse with Rhysand.
His brain didn't process the words being exchanged between the two, he was so busy admiring her.
And wondering when the damn dinner will be over so he could finally talk to her and catch up.
When she left the table after taking their orders, she distcreetly brushed her hand against his bicep, pulling a smile on his face.
Just an hour or so. He reminded himself as he focused on the table in front of him, ignoring the looks of the inner circle, including Elain.
Which wasn't all that hard.
The time seemed to pass slower, just to torture Lucien that night.
Right when Lucien was about to loose his patience, everyone had finished dessert, and were on the verge of leaving.
Lucien stood, nodding at Cassian and Azriel in goodbye, hugging Feyre and shaking Rhys's hand. Making some excuse- unconvincing, he was sure- about having to go meet up with Vassa and Jurian, he walked away, eyeing the place Y/n had disappeared into.
He knew that she was about to leave, had probably already left, and he couldn't wait to tell her all the juicy stories he'd acquired over his recent travels, as well as the budding tensions between Vassa and Jurian.
The moment he stepped out onto the road, he heard her voice.
"So desperate to meet me fox boy?"
Lucien smirked, turning to find the owner of the voice leaning against a wall. "You wish."
Her eyebrows lifted as she pushed herself off the wall. "Sure. Didn't seem like it was just my fantasy when you were searching around like an eager puppy."
He grinned, though a flush climbed up his neck at being caught red handed. "Just wanted to see you so I could tell you about Vassa and Jurian."
Y/n grinned, throwing her arms around his neck as she buried her face in his neck. He returned the hug in kind, warming up his body a little through his magic so he could ward off the chill in the air surrounding them.
They stayed in the hug for longer than seemed appropriate, but no one was watching anyways. And neither of them cared if anyone was.
Y/n was the first to pull away, smiling shyly up at Lucien.
"You want to get some cake before we go home?" Y/n questioned, beginning towards the general direction of her home.
"I feel like we should make it ourselves." Lucien wiggled his eyebrows, throwing his arm around her shoulders as they began the trek to her home.
She shook her head slightly, becoming redder by the moment as she grinned softly at her feet.
It was solstice tonight.
It had been one not-long-enough year since he'd met Y/n.
Lucien's chest felt lighter than it had been in ages.
They had already found a new emissary who they trusted, and so today was Lucien's last day as a member of the Inner Circle.
He was here today to deliver some reports to Rhys.
The sound of utensils and laughter greeted him as soon as he entered the River house, the inner circle being as loud as ever. But as soon as he stepped foot in the dining room, everything went silent, all eyes turning to him.
He smiled at Feyre, nodding to Rhys and pointing to the papers in his hands. He placed the stack on a table nearby, before nodding again to the rulers of Night and turning away.
"Wait! Where are you going? Come have dinner with us." Lucien looked at Feyre, shaking his head.
He didn't want to stay. Not when all that was going through his head was how he would go up to Y/n's door and knock, and how she would open the door suspiciously, those eyes narrowed. But then she would realise that it was him, and she would fling the door open with squeal, tackling him into a hug, laughing. How when she pulled back, she'd realise she was in her pajamas and would self consciously brush herself down, touching her hair. How–
"Lucien?" Lucien winced, coming back to the present.
"I can't stay. I have to go meet a friend."
"Oh. Did you plan a meeting beforehand?"
"Oh no. She doesn't know I'm here. I'm going to go surprise her."
"She?" A gentle and soft voice intoned. Lucien stiffened. The voice he had wanted to hear acknowledge him ever since the bond snapped for him.
He turned to look at Elain, his brows rising as he took her in. She was standing from her seat next to the shadowsinger, her knuckles white from clenching her fork so tightly. Her brows were furrowed in anger, and she looked murderous.
"Yes..." He didn't really know how to answer the question, so he simply watched her.
Rage entered her eyes. "Is this the female you went with that night when we were out?"
Lucien blinked, wondering what was making Elain so angry. "Yes. Exactly that one."
Elain huffed out a bitter laugh. "So is she trying to steal my mate now? She did look like someone who steals males."
For a moment, no one moved. There was so much silence it was deafening.
Almost everyone was staring between Elain and Lucien, their eyes wide. Except from Amren, of course. Nothing could faze the little devil. And Nyx, who waved around a piece of carrot like a sword.
Lucien smiled slowly. "Glad to know your thoughts on my life, mate. I will let her know of your amazing thoughts about her."
Lucien turned away, walking towards the foyer, but just before he turned out of sight, he glanced back, his eyes meeting Elain's.
"She and I were only ever friends, but now that you've said it, I realise that we never were meant to be friends." Lucien smiled slightly, bowing his head. "Thank you."
And with that, he left, ready to meet with his friend.
Y/n's pov.
Her solstice had been normal. Nothing great to do. Her father had gone out drinking with his friends, her friends having been busy with their own families. Even the old hag was busy tending to and celebrating with her brother.
She was sure Lucien would also be busy with something, since he hadn't written to her to let her know of his arrival if he was coming.
That left Y/n alone.
But then suddenly, a knock had sounded on the door, and Y/n's heart had fluttered before even knowing who stood on the other side of the door.
After Lucien told her what was going on with Vassa and Jurian, he began telling her of the events that went down in the High lord's home as she got ready to take a stroll around Velaris with Lucien.
Her blood boiled when she heard of the things Elain said to Lucien, but a smile of reassurance from him was all it took for her to calm down.
They were in the main square of Velaris right now, watching the people dance around the huge fire in the centre.
It had become a tradition in the recent years for the people of the city to come together and dance the night away, laughing and drinking and mingling. It was a wholesome event, where younger people would gather around the old towards the end of the night and simply listen to their tales.
This was the first time Y/n was attending with someone else, as usually she would come here alone and sit next to the elderly, watching as younger couple her age danced around and bonded.
The glow from the fire danced in Lucien's eyes, making it look like there was fire inside those mismatched eyes. There was a relaxed grin on his face, one like she'd never seen before. He seemed so careless now, so free, it made Y/n smile too.
"You're staring." He pointed out, his voice barely audible over the cheers and the faeries singing along.
Y/n blushed, but in a sudden burst of boldness, she spoke, looking away. "It would be a crime not to."
From the periphery of her eyes, she found him gaping at her and had to suppress a triumphant smile.
"You know, I feel like the Mother took extra time making you."
He let out a surprised laugh, the sound lighting fires across Y/n's body.
"All that extra time to make me ruined by a fucking scar."
His tone was light, though Y/n could sense a hint of insecurity and sadness under the joy.
She turned to him, watching as the smile slowly vanished from his face at the look in her eyes.
"You are beautiful, Lucien, scars and all. And if I had the chance, I would show you how beautiful they are to me." She let her hand reach up toward his face, ignoring the heat entering his eyes or the way his pupils dilated as she traced the scar that ended at his jaw.
"Beautiful. So fucking beautiful."
HIs eyes fell shut as the music came to an end, and the people dancing around the fire dispersed for a moment.
"Y/n..." He whispered, his hand reaching up to hold hers against his face.
The music started up again, a soft and slower sound than before, more sensual.
This one was for people who were a couple or in a relationship, just a slow waltz to cool down before everyone again joined in a faster, more traditional dance.
"Dance with me."
The words were a shock to her system, and she nodded without even thinking.
It wasn't until the two of them had begun dancing, her arms wrapped around his broad and strong shoulders, their faces barely inches away, that she remembered that this was a waltz for couples, and she and Lucien were definitely not a couple.
She glanced up at him, his eyes already fixed on her. She opened her mouth to tell him, trying to ignore the warmth against her skin from the fire behind her, his body pressed so close to hers in the front.
"Lucien, this dance is for-"
"I know." He mumbled, his eyes smoldering. "I know." He repeated, making sure she understood.
Suddenly, his arms around her waist became more apparent, the way they rested over her lower back. The way the stray hairs that had escaped his low bun tickled her neck, the way his breath washed over her skin when he exhaled.
Y/n's mind was about to either stop working, or remind her of Lucien's touch every two minutes, and honestly, she didn't know which one she prefered.
He never broke eye contact once during the whole dance.
Soon, but not soon enough, the slow music came to an end. And the people that sat along the outer edge cheered, clapping and demanding the couples kiss. And as all the couples shared that intimate moment, Y/n's heart rate picked up, panic clawing up her throat, feeling so many eyes on her and him, wondering what Lucien would do.
She didn't have to wonder long, though.
Lucien began leaning in, making Y/n's eyes flutter closed. She swallowed, licking her lips.
Then she felt his hot breath closer to her face, his lashes brushing gently against her skin as she felt those plump, beautiful lips on the corner of hers.
She felt him smile against her skin. All the while, it was hard to breathe.
But then he pulled away, a flush on his cheeks. If it was because of the heat of the enormous fire behind her, or because he was genuinely flustered, she couldn't tell.
As the faster music started, Lucien grinned wickedly at her.
"Let's dance, my lady."
Y/n's feet were sore, but it was all so worth it.
At some point during the night, she had discarded her shoes next to a kind old male who she had known since she was a child.
All the dances after Y/n and Lucien's initial waltz had been fast paced, where everyone changed partners every few moments. It was one of the best things that had happened that night, getting to know new people and dancing and singing along to the top of their lungs.
It was all so beautiful.
She had always thought so, watching from the sidelines. But now, being one of the people she would have watched, it was a whole different experience.
The dancing was supposed to go on for atleast one more hour before the elders gathered and began telling stories. That would go on for the rest of the night.
And so, Y/n decided to get some rest, maybe somewhere on he benches near the Sidra where it would be quiet before returning to listen to the elder's tales.
Listening to loud music for hours was one way to invite a headache.
Y/n began making her way up to Lucien, who stood on the opposite side of the huge fire, but then she paused, simply admiring him.
He had discarded his embroidered overcoat next to where Y/n had placed her shoes, now only in a simple, thin white shirt that clung to his sweaty frame, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
He laughed as he held the hands of a little girl, giving her instructions on how to move. The little girl's tongue poked out of her lips as she concentrated, and Lucien was just as concentrated as her.
Once the current music came to an end, the girl grinned up at Lucien, and he ruffled her hair in return before she ran away, maybe to her friends.
Y/n finally walked up to Lucien, smiling tiredly at him.
"Hello, you."
He smiled back. "Good evening, my lady."
Y/n rolled her eyes at the title. "Shut up."
"Can I not even greet you now?"
"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm going to go sit at a bench, rest a little then return. You coming?"
He nodded, walking over to where his coat lay on the ground. He picked it up along with her shoes then returned.
When she tried to take her shoes from him, he waved her away.
The two of them walked in silence, heading towards the quiet river. Once there, they walked onto the bank and settled down where the place was relatively drier than all other places. Y/n dipped her feet in the cold water, releasing a relieved sigh at the soothing sensation.
Lucien pulled out two packets from the pocket of his coat, tearing open the wrapper and handing one to Y/n. She looked at him, confused.
He simply opened his pack, and then bit into the cake.
"Why do you have these with you?" She questioned, though she began nibbling on the little treat.
He shrugged. "Jurian found these at a bakery in mortal lands a few days ago. I thought you might like it."
She smiled, staring into the water as she slowly chewed.
"The inner circle were in the crowd tonight."
Y/n whipped her head to look at Lucien, but he didn't even seem bothered or interested in talking about the inner circle. He said it so casually, like he was telling her it was night and not day.
After a moment, Y/n spoke. "Was Elain there?"
He nodded, taking a bite of the cake. He took his time chewing before he gave her a response.
"I saw them after the fourth or fifth song. Apparently, they'd been watching since the first song."
Y/n gaped at him.
He glanced at her. "What?"
"Why are you so nonchalant about this?! Your mate saw you dancing with me on a song meant for people involved romantically!"
He blinked, then raised a brow. "And?"
"That might ruin any chances you had with her!"
He shrugged again. "There was never any chance anyway."
"Lucien! You-"
"Look Y/n. It's been long since the bond made itself known. It's been long enough that if she wanted to accept the bond, she would have. And long enough that if she didn't want the bond, she would have rejected it."
"Yes I know but you love her-"
"Let me speak, love. Let me get this off my chest. I never loved her. She didn't give me the chance to. The pull I felt towards her was simply the bond clouding my judgement. The desperation with which I seeked to gain her attention was me simply yearning for happiness. If I had not been so lonely and upset all the time, maybe I wouldn't even have acknowledged the bond if she ignored it too.
"And maybe I am a bastard for that, but I don't know what had gotten over me for the past year or so. I had lost almost all of myself, until you came along.
"You-" Lucien looked at Y/n, his eyes bright "-you made me realise that I did not need another person to make me happy, and that I didn't have to stop being myself for someone to love me. And i will be eternally grateful to you for it."
Y/n shook her head, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall. "Lucien, you deserve to find love. You deserve to have a happy life."
"And I know that now. All because of you."
"But I did nothing." She sniffed, her cake forgotten in her hand.
"You didn't have to. Just simply being my friend and showing me kindness made a significant difference in how I saw myself."
"But what about Elain? What about the bond?"
He smiled. "She can be with anyone she wants now. She wanted to have control over some aspects of her life after having been forced to turn, and honestly, I don't blame her. I would have wanted to do the same if my life had been anything like her."
"And what about you?"
Y/n felt like she knew the answer, but she still wanted to know.
"I do not need a bond to be with someone I love, you know."
"And who is it that you love?"
His smile turned knowing. "You know the answer, don't you?"
"Tell me still. After all, you do love hearing yourself speak."
This was a serious moment, but Y/n felt like if she didn't try to lighten the air by joking, this would become real. And she didn't know if she could handle that.
"I love you, Y/n."
She closed her eyes, telling herself this was not real, that she would wake up soon, and realise this had been a dream. Just like all the times before she had had the dream of being with Lucien and then waking up, all alone in her bed and staring at the ceiling.
But when silence settled around her, him staring at her expectantly, she realised this was no dream.
That someone like Lucien really was in love with someone like her.
She closed her eyes, a tear slipping out of the corner of her eyes. "You don't mean that."
She felt his thumb brushing away the tear a moment before she felt his lips on her cheek. "I do. I am in love with you, my lady. I would do anything to show you how much I love you. To prove to you that I really do."
Her eyes fluttered open, staring into his eyes as he rested his forehead against hers. "Why?"
He chuckled. "What do you mean why? There is not need of a reason for me to love you. I simply love you because you exist."
After a moment, she whispered what she had been dying to scream. "I love you, Lucien. I love you so much."
His smile widened, and he began closing the distance between them. "Then let me be yours."
Just before their lips met, she mumbled. "Be mine."
And her body ignited.
Her joints were creaking, but the old hag watched, and waited.
She had this primal need to have the little girl she'd watched grow up in front of her eyes find happiness, and she would threaten even the mother if the need arose to make Y/n happy.
But she didn't have to do that, because as she watched, the fire head male leaned in and pressed a kiss to Y/n's lips, and the old hag smiled, giddy with happiness and excitement.
And then she turned away, meaning to hobble back to the solstice celebration in the main square and leave the two younglings to enjoy the night together.
But then she paused, staring at the young female that stared at Y/n and the fire boy she'd fallen in love with.
Slowly, the old hag's brain remembered that this female with soft features and silky hair was the high lady's sister. And in turn, Lucien's mate.
Damn the mother. The old hag cursed, shaking her head.
"Leave them be." The hag ordered the girl in front of her, who turned to her with wide eyes. "They both deserve happiness. Don't you dare think about getting in the way."
The girl in the lilac dress nodded, her eyes becoming watery, but the hag had already begun walking away.
And after a final glance at the giggling couple on the riverbank, the girl turned away, jealousy and relief warring in her chest.
When Lucien pulled away, his hand still resting on her cheek, she couldn't stop a giggle from escaping. His lips quirked, a little swollen.
"Something funny?"
She shook her head, her cheeks warm as she turned back to the water. "Should we do a toast, my lord?"
He laughed at that, shifting closer to her as he put an arm around her shoulders. "And what will we toast with? We don't have wine or anything."
"We have these cakes." She pointed out.
He lifted his cake into the air. "Alright then. To love!"
Y/n wrinkled her nose. "And cakes!" She said as she raised her hand, and Lucien laughed.
He laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
Carefree and happy.
And Y/n simply watched, admiring.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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works-of-heart · 8 days
A little chat about my art
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-wip of a fox Lucien Vanserra (I plan to do a fawn elain too)
Over the course of a week or so, I have been getting harassed by anons who accused me of using AI in my work, and not being a legitimate artist. Most have been very, VERY accusatory and nasty and I was tempted to make an angry post about it then, but instead I just ignored them, deleted their comments and went on with life.
Yesterday morning I woke up to the ask about AI, and while I was fed up with all these sudden asks, the person who asked me was at least kind.
I don't know where the accusations started, I thought it might have been antis, but if I'm real about it, I don't think too many are looking at my stuff, say for the few strays I had in the past. Only one negative, and one quite positive.
I do not know if people understand what kind of accusations like that makes of an artist, but it IS hurtful! If people start spreading lies, people will believe them and with enough people believing them, it starts to look like it's true.
I have NEVER used AI in ANY of my works. EVER.
All of my work has all been done digitally on my tablets, using CSP. I have been drawing digitally for over 20 years. It is fine if you do not like my work, it's totally ok if you think my anime style is ugly or childish, it's alright if you think I'm not a great artist. All of that is fine, I respect everyone's opinion.
What is NOT ok, is saying that I am stealing art. That I am a fake who uses AI and I'm stealing from legitimate artists who put work into it. I've worked for my art all my life, since I was a child, with the only aspiration to share the wonders of my mind with the world. These accusations, these hurtful things cut very deep.
I've been a fan of Acotar since 2020, and in love with Elucien ever since then. When I looked online, I found that most Elucien/Lucien art was buried under mountains of Elriel. There are some amazing artists for Elriel, truly beautiful, but they were eclipsing any that I saw for my ship. The ones I found of Elucien were beautiful! Stunning diamonds that would often get lost under the mountains of fan art for the other ships.
So when I made a blog that would be more focused on my love of Acotar and Elucien, I made a vow to fill the space with Elucien art!
That is all I ever wanted to do. Was to be in a space I can geek out with others who love the ship as much as I do, to make pieces that make everyone feel. I spent hours working on my elucien comics, just because I wanted to share these with you all, to give the feels. I am a comic creator myself, I've been working as one for almost 10 years now, it is my job. So pushing these out are works of love.
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This was my mother's day picture. I had 3 separate folders for Elain, Lucien, and their daughter. I worked very, very hard on this picture to get it out by the day, in celebration for mother's day. My work is always a bit rough in the beginning stages, but I promise, I put all the work into it. I've studied from other artists I admire, to put it into my own style, something unique to me. A style that I've drawn since HS and was constantly mocked for, because it's too 'anime' too 'asian' and not western enough. Still, that doesn't matter as long as people enjoy it, and I love what I do.
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An elucien wip of a picture that I never finished.
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A picture of a Non-Acotar work I did
Some of my work never sees the light of day... because I'm so self conscious about my work, about my art in general. I never think it's good enough, and I struggle with trying to finish them because I want to only put out what I think is worthy of being shown. Sharing my art is so incredibly nerve-wracking for me, the fear of judgment, of never feeling it's good enough. I put my all into my work, my whole heart and soul into them, and though I know I need more practice, but I am trying.
Suffice to say, I've never used any form of AI in my art, I've never stolen anyone's work and claimed it as my own. I have referenced poses every now and then, and painting styles that I've studied, but never have I EVER cheated through any of these pictures.
Had someone had a real concern, coming to me and asking politely would be fine. Thank you to the anon yesterday who was truly kind and showing concern, but I don't know where this started from. If you are concerned a work may be illegitimate, you can always DM the artists and ask them kindly, I am sure they will no doubt be willing to prove their work if only to confirm they're real. Witch hunts where you just deem someone of using AI and spreading rumors and lies does MORE harm to the art community than you think. Artists are already hesitant about uploading their work for fear it will be stolen or used, but claiming they use AI with NO PROOF, and spreading misinformation is not only doing damage and making sure they'll never want to post again, but it impacts the community as a whole.
That being said, I am still going to draw and paint and post my artwork. I have no intention of backing down. I just hope as a community we can do better and be kinder to people who are spending their free time making things and sharing with us all. It's incredibly vulnerable to put yourself out there, and just remember, we are people behind these screens.
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missabigailtaylor · 1 month
Our New Beginning
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My first contribution to Elriel month. I haven't posted my own writing in so long, I may be very rusty so be gentle. Slight warnings: slight AU, some characters may be OOC, Mother Archeron is not nice, slightly NSFW.
Elain will marry for love, at least that’s what Elain believed when she was younger. She read every fairytale that was placed in front of her and imagined her life within the pages. She would dance with a handsome prince with a crowd of partygoers watching in awe. During their waltz Elain’s eyes would lock with the prince and she would feel herself fall deeply in love with him.
Her older sister, Nesta, would roll her eyes at Elain’s daydreams but wouldn’t discourage her. “You will marry for love, Elain.” She would tell her with a small smile.
As children Elain along with her sisters grew up comfortably. Her father was a merchant while her mother kept house. Their home was large and beautiful with the finest furniture and decorations meticulously picked out by the lady of the house. Every weekend their home was filled with music and guests enjoying their evening while the daughters watched the parties from the stairs. The youngest, Feyre, would be in bed, deeming the party ‘too boring’ while Nesta and Elain allowed their curiosity to keep them awake. They were in awe of the ladies’ long gowns and elegant jewelry, it all appeared so glamorous to the young girls. It was as if there was a fairytale going on right under her very roof. 
Ever since she was a young girl she had grown close to the manor staff much to her mother’s dismay. Her favorite was a kind woman who worked in the kitchen. Mabel primarily was the family’s baker, she made every birthday cake for the girls and always had the best treats during the holidays. One day Elain went to the kitchen to see if Mabel needed any help when she was met with a boy who she had never seen before. His dark hair was overgrown, almost covering his eyes. His mouth seemed fixed in a permanent frown and he refused to meet her eyes. Then she saw his hands, his poor hands covered in bandages. 
When she almost ran into him she made a surprised sound which made him also jump. “Oh, hello, I’m sorry.” She said, covering her chest with her hand.
The boy didn’t say anything, just stared at her. “Elain,” Looking up she saw Mabel enter the kitchen. “I see you met Azriel.”
Azriel, Elain immediately liked his name. “Nice to meet you Azriel, my name is Elain.” She smiled, she wanted to hold her hand out for him to shake but she feared she would hurt him. 
He didn’t speak, just continued to stare at her as if he was afraid to make any sudden movements. She could tell he was uncomfortable which only made her want to make him feel at ease.
Glancing up at Mabel Elain asked in her sweet voice. “Mabel, could we please have some of your homemade waffles?” Elain knew Mabel’s homemade waffles were always the best comfort to her and her sisters whenever they needed a pick me up.
Mabel smiled at the young girl, knowing exactly what she was up to. “Of course, my lady, but only if you go pick some fresh berries to go on top. How about you take Azriel to the gardens?”
Elain nodded. “Would you like to come with me?”
Azriel didn’t answer, he just followed the girl only pausing for her to pick up a small basket she kept by the back door. Outside was one of Elain’s favorite areas in the whole manor. The garden was one of the few places her mother didn’t badger her even though she had tried to forbid her from getting her hands dirty. It was only because her father stepped in and said Elain was allowed to spend time in the garden did her mother finally back off. “She is doing no harm, leave her be.”
Elain had always been closer to her father, but him taking her side over her mother only proved it. After rows and rows of flowers the back of the garden was saved for fruit and vegetables. Elain tried to help but the staff usually took care of the food portion of the garden, since she was far too young just yet to understand how to take care of the crops. “The berries grow here,” Elain explained to Azriel even though she wasn’t sure if he was listening. 
She didn’t want to risk hurting his hands further so she took the lead with picking the berries. She continued to speak and tell him about the garden and the manor. “You will probably meet my sisters. Nesta can be difficult but she has a good heart, you just have to get to know her. Feyre is still young and carefree and spends most of her time outside, avoiding anything to do with finishing school.”
Azriel still didn’t speak but she could tell he was listening. While she picked the berries she continued to talk, mostly out of nervousness and wanting to fill the silence. “What of your family?” She finally asked, hoping to get some sort of answer from him.
She noticed him tense before he whispered.“I have no family.” She could practically see the pain written all over his face. It broke her heart, he was so young and she could tell how much suffering he had been through.
Stepping forward she gently gripped his wrist, mindful of his injuries. “I’m so sorry, you don’t deserve this.”
Azriel didn’t speak again but she could see warmth in his hazel eyes. “Shall we return?” She asked.
Instead of replying he held out his arm for her to take. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she gently grasped his elbow and allowed him to lead her back to the manor to their waiting breakfast.
As the years passed Azriel continued to work for the Archeron family. He had taken his time to train the horses and mostly work outside. He had grown taller and his muscles had significantly grown with all the work he does day in and day out. His hands were scarred from his childhood and just the sight of his damaged skin haunted him; he didn't let his trauma define him anymore. He was still quiet but he always found time to seek Elain out. She had truly grown into a beautiful woman and remained just as kind as the first day he met her. In their quiet meetings she had shown him some of her favorite books while also telling him about her garden which had bloomed just as beautifully as her. Azriel may not have been a chatterbox but she held onto every word he told her. He would occasionally tell her stories, but never about his childhood which she never pushed him. The only thing he ever said was, “My mother used to tell me these stories when I was a child. It’s what I remember most about her.”
“Did she pass away?” She asked gently, he had never mentioned his mother before.
“I don’t know…she just left one day and left me with my father and brothers.” He explained, his eyes falling down to his ruined hands.
She could tell his mood dampened at the mention of his other family members and how tortured he still appeared. “Shall we sneak a piece of pie while Mabel isn’t looking?” She questioned with a small smile on her face.
She heard him chuckle softly. “I will stay out as a lookout as you retrieve two slices.”
As she grew closer to Azriel, Elain grew less and less interested in the balls and galas her mother forced her to attend. Nesta had been sent off to school, Feyre was still too young leaving Elain to be the focus of their mother’s attention. She had also become the fixture of her mother’s criticism. Elain’s hair was never fixed correctly, her makeup was too heavy, she had put on weight.
“You will never find a husband looking like that.” Her mother snapped one day.
Normally Elain was able to shake off those comments but after one particularly grueling afternoon of being torn apart Elain retreated to her garden, avoiding the eyes of everyone around her. In the privacy amongst her flowers Elain allowed herself to cry, her tears falling onto her lilac gown. Bringing her knees to her chest she tried her best to silence her sobs, not wanting her mother to come for her and berate her further.
“Elain?” She almost cringed when she heard his deep voice.
Looking up she quickly wiped her eyes before he could see her wet cheeks. “Azriel, hi, what are you doing here?”
“I was coming to see if you would like to go for a ride. The leaves are beginning to change and I know you love the beginning of autumn.”
Shaking her head she whispered. “Maybe later.”
She wasn’t sure what she expected from the handsome man but approaching her and sitting down right next to her on the wet grass. “What’s wrong?” He questioned.
Hugging her knees she sighed. “It’s nothing, I was just having a moment.”
She refused to meet his eyes, if she did she knew he would pull the truth out of her. Azriel had a gentle but stern way of getting information from others. He knew when to push but also when to back off. This time though he felt like Elain needed to let out some emotion. “Is it your mother?”
A fresh wave of tears washed over her. “She was just…exceptionally cruel today.”
Azriel cringed. He didn’t have many experiences with Mrs. Archeron but the few times he had been around her, they weren’t pleasant. She looked down on the staff, firing anyone on the spot if they upset her. Throughout his years at the manor he had found ways of avoiding the older woman. Even though he tried his best to stay away from her, he heard rumblings from the staff about the way she treated her daughters.
“Nesta is a brain so she’s practically trained her to be an academic. If she ever brought home a bad grade Nesta was forced to write essays until her hands went numb and couldn't go to sleep until she got everything right.” A farmhand Bernard had told him before. “And if the essay wasn’t up to par she had to start all over. She’s deemed Feyre a lost cause, she gets the hand me downs. She never pays the young girl any attention and when she does she makes it known she isn’t fond of her own daughter.”
Azriel didn’t want to know the answer but he found himself asking. “What about Elain?”
Bernard sighed heavily. “She’s putting everything on Elain. Elain is kind and gentle, she doesn’t fight her mother on her treatment, she just puts up with it. She has picked that girl apart since she was a toddler. I think her end goal is for Elain to marry rich, doesn’t matter if it’s a good man or not. She would rather her daughter marry for status, because it would make her look better.”
Ever since Azriel had met Elain he had noticed she was always prim and proper. Her dresses were always beautiful, her long hair was curled and styled to perfection. At first he was just convinced that was Elain and the way she was. Now he was seeing it differently, she was always so put together because that was what was expected of her. “What did she say?”
Elain waved a hand dismissively. “It doesn’t matter, I think she’s just stressed about the upcoming gala.”
The gala which happened to be her eighteenth birthday. Her birthday was being used as an excuse to invite the lords and ladies and find a potential husband. Elain should have expected it but she wished her mother wouldn’t push it. She still wanted to marry for love but not right now. Nesta had been writing her letters and telling her about her new experiences away from their manor and it made Elain long for the same. She wanted to get out from under her mother’s thumb and live for herself for once. “It does matter.” Azriel said, making her look at him. “She shouldn’t be treating you this way.”
“I’m used to it,” She whispered, her voice breaking, making him frown.
“Elain!” They heard breaking them up. It was her mother, probably looking for a second round of lashing.
“I must go.” She told Azriel, rising to her feet.
Before she could walk away he stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. “Whatever she tells you…she’s wrong.” He murmured, brushing his thumb over her cheek. “Do not let it get to you.”
The sides of her mouth perked up in a small smile. “Thank you, Az.”
“Of course, Elain.”
Days later it was time for Elain’s birthday gala. She had been locked away in her bedroom getting ready, her hair being curled and pinned painfully to her head. Her dress was stunning but her corset was so tight she feared she may pass out by the end of the evening. It wasn’t the gown her mother had picked for her but Elain had put her foot down when choosing her dress. The blue material stood out against her pale skin and sparkled when she walked. What she loved the most was the soft flowers placed along the thin straps of the dress and along down the sides of the gown. 
What made the evening for Elain was Nesta coming back just to surprise her. “You look beautiful.” Nesta beamed as she helped finish Elain’s hair.
“Thank you, I’m so glad you’re here.” Nesta had always been a good buffer between the daughters and their mother. Nesta no longer feared her mother, she knew she could leave if she had to but Elain and Feyre weren’t so lucky.
“I wouldn’t miss it. Now come on, everyone is waiting for the birthday girl to make her grand arrival.���
Following her sister down the long hallway Elain felt the butterflies in her stomach as they got closer to the stairway. Nesta led the way taking charge of the room until it was Elain’s turn to greet her guests. At the top of the stairs Elain looked out amongst the crowd, recognizing a few faces from other galas. These crowds were always the same, the same conversations were going to happen boring her until she moved to another group. The women stood in their gowns, silently criticizing others' hair and dresses but smiling in their faces. God forbid the wrong food was served and the champagne wasn’t expensive enough, Elain would never hear the end of it. 
As she carefully made her way down the steps she saw him. In the back of the crowd Azriel stood, as handsome as ever. His normal white shirt and brown trousers were replaced with a suit and tie. His hair was pushed back making him appear rich and noble like every other man but he was so much more to her. Seeing him made her smile brightly but when she reached the bottom she was pulled away by her mother to greet guests of honor making her lose Azriel in the crowd, she almost wondered if she wanted him to be there so bad she imagined him. 
The hours passed by slowly, she was forced to smile and greet men of all ages with her mother holding her close preventing Elain from leaving. Her only reprieve from her mother was when she was being forced to dance with potential suitors. Most of them stepped on her feet making her cringe, one in particular had the worst breath that reminded her of the strongest garlic. The last one was an older man who let his hand trail far too low for her liking. As ladylike as she could she excused herself to head outside to the garden. The sun was long gone with the bright, full moon replacing it overhead lighting up her garden as if it was still daytime. The cool air was a welcome relief from the stuffy gala. Taking a deep breath she wished the ball would end so she could retreat to her bedroom. 
“The guest of honor is missing.” Turning her head she saw Azriel step out from the shadows. 
She finally allowed herself to genuinely smile. “The guest of honor needed a break.”
Coming up to her side she was able to see his suit more clearly. “You look very handsome tonight.”
Azriel unbuttoned his jacket to place around her shoulders. “Mabel may have helped me. It’s one of her son’s jackets. I had to get the shirt and pants myself.”
“You did very well. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dressed so smart.”
“And it probably won’t happen again.” He teased. 
Giggling to herself she replied. “Good, I prefer your other clothes.”
Azriel had been trying to talk himself up all evening to approach her. Finding her by herself out in her garden was the best case scenario for him. With the hawkeye stares from her mother she would never allow him to get within arm’s reach of Elain all evening. “Would you like to dance?” He asked, holding out his hand to her.
Smiling up at him she nodded her head, placing her smaller hand in his. “I would love to.”
There in the privacy of her garden she allowed him to lead her in her favorite dance of the night. He held her close, his hand warm in hers and he moved gracefully, nothing like her other suitors. It was the first time all night she felt happy and at ease. Leaning into his embrace Elain inhaled his cedar and misty scent, everything about him was comforting. His arms held her tight but gentle, and most importantly, they felt right. Her body fit perfectly against his like they were made for each other. “Azriel…” She murmured looking up into his hazel eyes.
“Elain.” He whispered, his grip tightening against her blue dress.
They were so close, if she just raised up slightly their lips would touch. She wanted him to lean down to connect his lips to hers but before the moment could come they heard her name being called. “Nesta.” She said, silently taking off his jacket and handing it back to him. “Thank you for the dance, it was the best one of the evening.”
“The pleasure was mine.” He told her honestly, allowing her to step away from him to follow the sound of her sister calling for her.
“There you are, where did you go?” Nesta demanded.
“I needed a break.” Elain admitted. 
“Well mother is looking for you, she wants you to meet her and father in his office.”
The gala was still going on but Elain couldn’t deny her mother’s order. Leaving her guests behind downstairs she headed back upstairs to her father’s large office at the end of the hallway.
“Mother? Father?” She questioned, opening the heavy wooden door.
Her mother appeared pleased while Mr. Archeron just seemed defeated, sitting behind his desk with his tie undone and a glass of whiskey in front of him. “Elain, terrific news.” Her mother beamed. “Grayson Nolan has asked for your hand in marriage.”
Elain’s world stopped. “What?”
“He pulled your father and I aside and wants to marry you. His family is one of the wealthiest in the county, he would be such a good match for you.”
Elain’s heart pounded. She knew about Grayson Nolan, every woman in the court was after him. He was older than Elain by a few years. She had danced with him once or twice at previous galas but she felt nothing for him. He never asked her any questions about herself, he only prided himself in his money and gloated about his hunts and how many animals he killed. “But mother…I don’t know much about him.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Her mother snapped. “He has proposed, that’s all we need. The wedding can be planned within a month.”
“But I don’t want to marry him.” Elain replied, the words tumbling from her mouth before she could stop them.
She saw her mother’s smile fade. “What did you just say?”
“I want to marry for love. I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love.”
Mrs. Archeron squared her shoulders. “You do not have that luxury.”
Now Elain was confused. “What do you mean?”
Mrs. Archeron glanced at her husband with disdain in her eyes. “Your father has driven this family into the poor house. A string of bad debts and ruined contracts had drained all of our accounts. Your marriage to Grayson can save us. He has already offered to pay for the wedding and whatever costs come his way.”
The news had left Elain stunned. She sat back onto the plush leather couch her father had in front of his desk. “But…”
“No buts,” Her mother said harshly. “You marrying him is the key to our survival. If you don’t, Feyre will have to.”
That ran a chill down Elain’s spine. “Mother…she is only sixteen.”
“And others her age are already engaged or married. Nesta will refuse if we ask her. It is up to you two to keep up the family name. If you refuse, Feyre is the next daughter in line.”
 The thought of Elain’s younger sister being pushed into a marriage made her sick to her stomach. It would more than likely be a marriage between an older man and there was no way Feyre was ready for something like that. Elain herself wasn’t even ready for it. 
Numb to her surroundings, Elain nodded her head. “Good, I will write to Lord Nolan informing him of your decision.” Her mother beamed.
Later on that night Elain was taking her hair down still thinking about the news of her upcoming engagement. Her mother had kept saying how good of a match this would be and how Grayson would treat her just fine. The thought of being engaged to a man she didn’t truly know was making her panic. She couldn’t breathe. Reaching behind her back she tried to find the strings of her dress and her corset, searching for some sort of relief. Her breath came in short spurts and she tried to free her body. Her fingers couldn’t find the strings, couldn’t grasp them only making her panic more. Her vision blurred and tears filled her eyes.
“Elain?” She faintly heard.
Then the relief finally came when her corset was undone allowing her to breathe. She was panting, her hands holding her chest. “Elain, talk to me.” Nesta urged, covering her sister’s shoulders with her hands.
“They’re making me get married.” Elain finally confessed. “Our family has gone broke and me marrying Grayson Nolan is the only way out of debt.”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “They cannot put that kind of pressure on you.”
“It’s already been done.” Elain sighed. “He proposed and mother accepted on my behalf. And even if I don’t…mother said she would push Feyre into marriage.”
Nesta crouched down to meet Elain’s eyes.
“Elain, I will find a way out of this. You will not be forced to marry that man. And I will make sure Feyre will be safe as well.”
Elain wanted to believe her sister but she couldn’t see a way out of this predicament. “I saw you with Azriel.”
That caught her attention. “Nesta…” Elain muttered. “Please don’t tell mother, she’ll fire him and I don’t know what I would do without him.”
Nesta’s normally stern expression softened. “I would never, I saw the way you looked at him. I could always tell you cared for him.” She said, “I’m only telling you because you need to be careful. If anyone else saw you they will go straight to mother or father.”
Nodding, Elain threw her arms around Nesta. “Thank you.”
“Please be patient, I will find a way out of this.”
As the days passed Elain remained in the house. Word of her new engagement passed quickly through the halls, excitement filled the staff but Mabel could tell how unhappy the middle Archeron appeared. She feared what Azriel thought. All of this came after their dance in the garden. She prayed he didn’t think less of her or that she was trying to lead him on with their dance. He was who she truly wanted, she hated it took too long to realize who she loved and now she would never have that kind of love in her life. 
She couldn’t even enjoy wedding planning. Her mother took charge over everything from her dress, to the colors, down to the table settings and menu. Elain went through the motions, frozen to everything around her. Her mother paraded her around through the court, gushing over her daughter marrying a Lord like Grayson Nolan. If only these people knew this marriage was a sham, a ploy to pay off her family’s debts. 
One evening, after tossing and turning Elain gave up on sleep to tread downstairs to her garden. Even during the night her garden brought her a sense of peace and comfort. The night was cold against her bare arms, her nightgown providing her barely any barrier from the wind. Falling onto the stone bench in the middle of the garden she shakily sighed, trying to keep her tears at bay. Just how long was she going to be allowed to enjoy her home? Her garden? Her entire life was going to change and she was powerless to stop it. 
Suddenly she felt like she wasn’t alone. Looking over her shoulder she saw Azriel appear in the night, his eyes tired and his fists clench. Quickly she wiped under her eyes, just in case any tears escaped her eyes. “Azriel…” She whispered.
“Elain, what are you doing out here? You’ll freeze to death.”
She frowned. “I couldn’t bear to be inside any longer.”
Stepping closer to her he sat down beside her on the bench. He ran his scarred hands over his pants, trying to think of something to say. “I can imagine.”
“So you’ve heard?”
He nodded. “Word travels fast on this property.”
Closing her eyes, she felt her shoulders slump. “I can’t stop it…even if I could…”
“I understand, this is what is supposed to happen. You’re supposed to marry someone like him. You don’t belong…” He paused, choosing his words carefully. “You don’t belong with someone like me.”
Elain turned to face him. She couldn’t believe he was diminishing himself like this. Surely he knew how she felt about him. She thought the world of him and had so since they were kids. “Azriel…you’re exactly who I want to belong to.”
Azriel’s hazel eyes met her brown orbs. “Elain, I’m beneath you. I’m a no one, the only reason I’m here is because your family felt sorry for me. If our paths hadn’t crossed you wouldn’t have met me.”
Now she felt tears burn her eyes. “That’s where you’re wrong.” She murmured. “Fate brought you to me. We were meant to meet. And I was meant to fall in love with you.”
Hearing those words made the weight of the world lift off his shoulders. “Elain…”
“You don’t have to say it back, I just want you to know.” She told him, grasping his hand in hers, bringing his fingers up to press a small kiss onto his scarred skin.
In one fluid movement Azriel released her hand to grasp the side of her neck. Tilting her head up he stared into her eyes, part of him wanted to see if she was lying. If she truly didn’t love him then he would be able to tell. But all he saw was pure, unrelenting love. With a shaky breath he leaned forward pressing his lips to hers. Elain was stunned at first but soon gave into the kiss, sighing into his mouth. Her arms reached up to wrap around his neck, her fingers entangling themselves in his dark hair. 
Azriel needed her closer. His strong hands reached down to grab her to lift her from the bench to straddle his lap. Elain jumped at first, feeling his hard body under her but soon relaxed into his embrace. Breaking apart for a brief second Azriel looked for any sense of hesitancy but all he saw was her warm embrace. Breathing her in he pressed his lips back to hers only this kiss was more passionate. Her mouth instantly opened allowing his tongue to find hers. Even though this was a first for her, Elain found herself rocking her hips against his. She did what felt natural, leaning into his body while his hands ran down her body. When she felt how hard he was under his trousers she paused. “Az…”
“Don’t worry about it.” He told her, his voice even deeper than normal. “I just want you right now.”
Suddenly she felt shy. “I’ve never…”
“It’s ok, when I finally take you we are going to be somewhere safe. Somewhere I can have my way with you the way I want.” He whispered, pressing his lips to her neck. “I want to be able to fuck you like you deserve, where you will feel me for days afterwards.”
“Azriel…” She whimpered, clutching onto his shirt.
“I know, my love.��� He told her. “We will figure this out.”
“You sound like Nesta.”
“Your sister is brilliant, if anyone can get you out of this engagement, she will.” He said, pressing his forehead to hers. “You better go back inside though. If you stay I really will have to control myself.”
She frowned. “What if I don’t want you to?”
He kissed her one more time. “Don’t worry, love, I’m not going anywhere.”
The last thing she wanted to do was leave him. She stole one more kiss from him, holding onto him longer than she intended before retreating back into the manor. The home felt colder than usual. It suddenly didn’t feel like home, the place she had grown up in had shifted and she felt like she didn’t belong. Holding herself she treaded up the stairs to her bedroom. As she closed her eyes she could still feel Azriel’s hands all over her body, embracing her and feeling so comfortable and safe. She didn’t regret telling him she loved him. If Nesta didn’t figure out a way out of this engagement and she was forced to marry Grayson then at least Azriel would know how she truly felt about him. 
The days went by even slower leading up to the rehearsal dinner. Unfortunately Lord Grayson was around more and so far Elain wasn’t a fan. All he talked about was money as if he was trying to impress her. Her mother suggested they take a walk in her garden and when Elain did she could tell Grayson wanted their time together to be over as quickly as possible. “We have our own gardeners at the manor. You won’t have to worry about these weeds anymore.”
She nodded, his words making her shoulders slump. On paper Lord Grayson would be a fine husband but in person he was anything but. He was getting married as an obligation to his family just like she was. Clearly they weren’t well matched but they had to go through this for the better of both of their families. 
The rehearsal dinner was just as painful. Her mother carried on the conversation along with the Nolans. They raved about the upcoming wedding and just who all was going to attend. With each passing minute closer to the nuptials Elain felt her heart crack. She barely ate her meal that night and when it was time to retire to her room her mother hugged her tight. “You’ll see this is for the best.”
She cringed as her mother hugged her. Lady Archeron was never one to show physical affection like this and Elain knew this wasn’t meant to comfort her daughter. When she was released Elain whispered. “Yes mother.” Before heading straight to her bedroom.
Within the privacy of her bedroom Elain allowed herself to break down. Collapsing on the floor she crumbled. This was really happening. She was going to be chained to a man she will never love and who would never love her. No amount of time with Grayson had given her the same feelings as her time with Azriel. She felt like she was a burden when she was around Grayson, he wanted to be away from her as if he had better things to do. With Azriel she was always at ease, they could talk for hours or just sit within the silence and it would still be her favorite moments. He was her favorite person and the only one who truly understood her and listened to her. And now he wasn’t going to be in her life anymore.
Hours passed, Elain somehow made it to her bed still in her dress from dinner. A soft knock at her door made her stir but not move. Then she heard a louder knock making her open her tired eyes. Her body felt heavy as she stumbled towards her door. Opening it she saw an out of breath Nesta. “You need to pack a bag.” Was all she said.
“You need to pack what you need. Come on, Azriel is waiting.”
That woke Elain up. “Nesta, what are you talking about?”
“You’re getting out of here. I’ve been working with Azriel and I think I have it figured out. I’ll explain as we pack, come, we must hurry.”
Elain found an old carpet bag within her closet and opened it while Nesta grabbed what she thought Elain would need. “We found Azriel’s brothers.”
That made Elain pause. “But he told me he didn’t have any family.”
“That’s what I thought too. They’re not really his brothers but they were close friends when Azriel was younger. I didn’t get all the information but at one point Azriel went to live with his father and his real brothers, separating him from his mother. They’ve been searching for him for years. The oldest one, Rhysand, is a Lord himself. He’s even wealthier than the Nolans. And then there’s Cassian, he’s a general in the royal Army, he’s moved all over the country and everywhere he went he would search for Az.”
“And they found him?”
“Azriel accidentally found them. Turns out he’s been trying to find a way to get you out of this marriage himself.” Nesta playfully glared at her sister who just blushed. “Anyway Azriel ran into Cassian in a pub of all places.”
“How is this helping me though?”
“Well what is going to happen is you are going to go away with Azriel to Rhys’ property. He has a house ready for you. Once you’re safe and away from here he is going to send a check to mother and father, paying off their debts essentially freeing you from the marriage agreement.”
“He’s willing to do that?”
Nesta smiled. “He said he would do anything for his brother and the woman his brother loves.”
Elain felt like she could cry all over again but then she remembered. “But what about Feyre?”
“That’s a bridge we will have to cross once we get there.”
Elain frowned but both sisters froze when Elain’s door opened. “What’s going on?” Their youngest sister, Feyre asked.
Elain breathed a sigh of relief seeing her sister’s tired blue eyes staring at her. “Feyre, close the door. Come in here.”
Feyre noticed the bag on the bed along with Elain’s belongings scattered around the room. “You’re leaving?”
“I am…I’m so sorry.”
Feyre threw her arms around her older sister. “I know you were going to marry him to protect me. I heard mother and father talking one night.”
Elain pulled away. “Nesta took care of it. There will be no wedding.”
“No, but we have to get out of here now if we want to be sure of that.” Nesta snapped. “Come on, we’ll save our goodbyes for later.”
Elain held onto Feyre’s hand while Nesta carried her bag. The three sisters hurried down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as they could. They were almost home free when they abruptly ran into their father. “Shit.” Nesta gasped.
“Father…” Elain whispered.
His eyes were tired but he appeared as if he expected this from his daughters. “I never figured you would be a runaway bride.”
Elain frowned. “I can’t marry him.”
He nodded, glancing at all of his daughter’s faces. Stepping aside he opened the back door. “Go, I’ll take care of this mess and the inevitable uproar.”
Elain let go of Feyre to hug her father tight before they ran outside. Her heart was pounding as they ran through the gardens. It made her sad this may be the last time she saw this garden but staying meant being trapped, being a prisoner in a political game she didn’t wish to be a pawn in. As they left the manor behind Elain was starting to feel better then like a beacon in the night she saw him. Azriel stood in the middle of the path waiting for them to arrive. When he spotted them his expression softened. When she was right in front of him she embraced him. “Is this really happening?” She asked.
He chuckled against her. “It is, but we have to hurry. Rhys is sending a carriage for us but we have to walk a few miles to meet it.”
“I don’t care just as long as it’s with you.”
Elain released him to look back at her sisters. Feyre was already crying while Nesta was trying to keep her tears at bay. Azriel reached out to take her bag from Nesta’s hands while Elain embraced her sisters. “This won’t be goodbye for forever.” She promised them. 
“It better not be.” Nesta warned her.
“I will write to you once we’ve arrived.” She said pulling back.
Feyre bit her bottom lip, clutching onto Elain’s hand. “Thank you for trying to protect me.”
Elain brushed away her own tears. “I may not be the perfect sister but I would do anything to protect you. If mother says anything about forcing you into a marriage you can come live with me. I will come back for you in a heartbeat.”
Feyre nodded. “I’ll tell you.”
“I’m sorry, but we have to go now if we want to meet at the rendezvous point.” Azriel announced from behind them.  
She gave her sisters one last squeeze before returning to Azriel. He gently took her hand and led her down the path. It was all so exhilarating but terrifying at the same time. She had never been away from her family before and now she really was living for herself and doing what she wanted. She was still scared but somehow with Azriel beside her she felt better about her future. This was a new beginning for the both of them, together. 
Tags: @elriel-month
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bookishly-ariel · 4 months
As someone who read the Acotar series once, I dove into the sailboat my brain branded Elriel and by the end of Acomaf I realized it wasn't a small sail boat anymore.
By the time Azriel flew her to the house of wind the boat was decorated with Cobalt sails, flowers, and shadows. At end of Acomaf it was built for the deep seas of a shipping war I knew I'd eventually have to sail through if I wanted to enjoy online content of them.
By the end of Acosf I was looking out across that ocean from a Destroyer.
And through it all my love for the story and the characters was not overshadowed by the ship I had built from the small moments given between two characters who were briefly shown through the eyes of Feyre, Rhysand, Nesta, and Cassian but mostly through Sjm's words.
I loved Feyre's story, but I did not hate her sisters, I did hate her father, tamlin, and more of a dislike for his decision to let Tamlin bring Feyre beyond her breaking point and still support him, Lucien.
(Yes, I loved that papa archeron showed up and saved the day, still mad it took Fae intervention and healing to get him there but Feyre still loved him anyways. Tamlin's help at Hyberns camp was the only thing I let slide cause he owed it to them. Lucien . . . Well, I don't forgive him turning his eye on all the bullshit, but I do hope we get to see him grow and I do have a small ship in my head for him and vassa and a small enjoyment on how him and Gwyn would be as friends if not partners.)
I loved Nesta's story, but I supported them having an intervention because she was killing herself and through her healing, the friends she made and she found herself along the way. Actions taken by Nesta did upset me but so to did the actions and choices of others in the book.
(This book was therapeutic to the eldest daughter in me who was a shit sister to her own baby sister till something happened and we patched our relationship.)
I know I will love Elain's story, but I am content in my knowledge that Feyre shipped Azriel and Elain, humored it aloud to Rhys even.
Nesta wasn't blind either, she too realized her friend was distant and when finding out why she did not chase him off or shut down his feelings and neither did she blast him to the whole Inner circle. She understood and offered a small comfort.
I don't know how anyone who has read the books over and over cannot see beyond the sails of their sail boats.
These characters are more than their ships, and to claim your thoughts and opinions as those of the characters is baffling.
All this to say, You don't decide that someone can't be a Nesta Stan and support Elriel because "Nesta would never"
It's right there in A Court of Silver Flames, did you not read the book? I'm just saying, Nesta is many things but she isn't the type of woman to bite her tongue when she disapproves of something.
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It's right there in the books, just saying.
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emmitaaa4 · 4 months
I want to preface this little rant by saying that I am all for ship and let ship—at the end of the day none of this has any significance, and we should all get to enjoy our silly little ships to our heart’s content. Me personally I just want Elain to do whatever the hell she wants and be happy in the end. That being said, rn I just felt like getting something off my chest.
From what I have seen and understood, most of The Other Side believes that Azriel feels entitled to Elain. That he sees her as a sexual object, or at the very most as a rebound he doesn’t truly care for, nor respect; he does not think of her beyond what he can get from her sexually. They say his attitude towards her is toxic in its ‘possessiveness’; he doesn’t consider her an equal, for he sees her as a perpetual damsel in distress he must save; his attraction to her / feelings for her are a symptom of some twisted trauma response.
We know that they believe that. We’ve heard it. Over and over and over. Since 2021. Hell, everybody’s momma probably knows it, too, with the way that rhetoric is spread. But Elriels have made it plenty clear that we have a very different interpretation of the text and do NOT agree with those assessments of Azriel (nor half the things the poor man is diagnosed with, bless his fictional soul), considering what we do know of Azriel’s character and his relationship with Elain, based on the books--and yes, the bonus (see this, this, and this post). Otherwise—i.e. if we believed him an incel x fuckboy hybrid (probs the first of his kind!) who is only interested in getting her in is bed—we would obviously not be shipping them together: most of us (99% I’d say lol) care about Elain more than we do Az, or care about them both just as much.
So it is getting pretty tiring to see us shippers—the actual humans behind the screen—labelled as having a toxic/immature view of what love is, of being “too young/naive” to see the supposed red flags, of mistaking lust for love because we have not experienced a healthy relationship (?), of actually promoting toxic relationships & advocating for toxic masculinity (which someone told me on tiktok just now)(stay away from tiktok, folks). Those generalizations are wild to me, not only because they are wildly untrue and condescending, but because Elriels are a colorful bunch, you know—when you’re speaking of the fandom Villain™, you’re speaking of people of every demographic, speaking of daughters mothers grandmothers, depressed uni students (pardon the self-insert), etc... I need to get thicker skin, but those statements can get pretty hurtful in the long run. And I’m tired of feeling the need to justify myself as if we’re wrong for shipping two people who MUTUALLY want one another and lets be serious, no its not “just lust”.
I know I know, I am probably being dramatic. But it’s just weird to see a ship being so demonized and its shippers along with it, all because louder portions of the fandom disagree with our opinions and insist on toxifying ours. Just to be clear, I know that many have had unpleasant experiences/interactions with Elriels, just like many Elriels have had the same with Gwynriels and/or Eluciens. I condone none of the disgusting behaviour I’ve seen from some shippers, and in fact I abhor it. As everyone should.
To end this on a good note.
Elriels, I say we run with it. Az wants Elain for himself. He is jealous and his mind is plagued by thoughts of her. Her presence is too much to bear, for he can’t stand to be in the same room as her and pretend like he feels nothing. He is ready to beg on his knees for a chance to worship her, and it took Nesta one look to see it.
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greenleaf777 · 18 days
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Something quick i posted for elriel month. Not really following along to the theme lol but it cpuld work for choice cause their choice to be together could very well result in kids.
Future elriel with daughter
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Bad Idea Right? - Part 9
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
What are friends for if not for meddling? A certain daughter of spring and her heir apparent lover scheme to bring a stubborn Shadowsinger and her Autumn High Lord mate back together.
A/n: remember when I said this would be the final part? I was wrong. Sorry! Don’t hate me. There will be at least one more chapter and an epilogue.
Part 8 Series Masterlist Part 10
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Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, alcohol
In hindsight, perhaps I was a bit dramatic. But in my defense, what the fuck??
The High Lord of the Autumn Court is my mate?
And he’s known since the moment he met me?
I am a fool, truly. There’s no other explanation. Perhaps I may not be as perceptive as my father or nosey little sister but I’m pretty damned adept in reading a room.
Yet I’d been fucking my mate for two years with zero clue. No wonder my damned shadows enjoy playing with him so much. But to be fair, who wouldn’t? I mean look at him. The muscles, graceful stature, those auburn locks of hair, that arrogant smirk that I want nothing more than to kiss right off his stupid, gorgeous face.
And in the face of the truth, I fled. Like a coward.
“Sissy?” Azalea’s concerned voice interrupts my spiral of self-loathing.
Her little hand squeezes mine. “Ice cream makes me feel better when I’m sad.”
“That sounds wonderful, Azzie.”
With that, my mother gave a soft smile and strode to the kitchen to retrieve my favorite strawberry flavor from the ice box.
I looked down to my sister to find her brows drawn together and lips pursed, wings sagging just a bit. “What’s going on, Azalea?”
“I told Eris that what he did was bad but sissy, I don’t think he’s bad. But you were so sad.”
“Oh Azalea, I’m sorry. I appreciate you and your loyalty. I’m lucky to have such a kind little sister and you know what? I bet Eris would prefer for you to stick up for me instead of ignoring my feelings. Because you’re right, he is not bad. He’s not a bad male at all.”
“Then why are you so sad?” question shone in her eyes as she waited for a response.
“I’m upset because I believed that he liked me for me - but now that I know he knew I was his mate from the moment we met, it makes me feel like he only likes me because of a bond that neither of us have control over.”
The winged little girl pondered before replying, “He can still love you for who you are even with a bond. I didn’t have control over being your sister, but I like you a lot. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my sister.”
Her words stopped me in my tracks. Since when was my little sister so wise beyond her years? Yet still - it stings. It stings for there to have been so many secrets and perhaps he had good reason to hide it. Hell, maybe he didn’t even want me beyond the most base level of a mating bond. The sex was incredible. Yet, he was the one who took me on a date tonight. Still came around despite my father’s ominous presence. An ugly voice inside of me whispered that it was all to gain a political foothold, yet the more rational side of me could feel that it wasn’t truth.
A bang on the door interrupted my thoughts.
Azzie’s wings rustle, little legs bounding across the room in search of the unexpected intrusion, her hazel eyes peering out the foyer window. My heart fluttered briefly - could it be him? What would I say?
The racing sensation in my chest faltered as my shadows briefed me of the visitor’s identity.
“Azzie, can you go ask mom to scoop an extra bowl of ice cream?”
She didn’t miss a beat as her little feet took off into the kitchen where she animatedly informed our mother of the visitor at our doorstep.
Another knock and a shout of “Open up the door, bitch! I know you’re in there.” had me letting out a flustered breath and scurrying to allow the nuisance entry into my home, greeting her with “How do you even know where I live?”
“Well,” Layla let out an exasperated sigh, taking a step into the fae-light illuminated foyer. “For one, it’s nice to see you again too. Second, Daemati boyfriend, remember?” Pointing a finger to her head with an incredulous expression, she continued. “Third, you didn’t see me fleeing when my tits were out in front of your entire family. THANKS for that.”
Shame flooded my features but she cut off any attempt at an apology for leaving her in the uncomfortable predicament with Nyx. “Eh, I like to think of myself as a bit of an exhibitionist. I just never imagined my first foray into such endeavors would involve the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. ANYWAY-“ the blonde gave me a pointed look, summoning two bottles of wine from a pocket realm. “I brought vino for our troubles.”
Twenty minutes later and we’d all soothed our wounds with ice cream and Azalea peppering Layla with questions about anything and everything she could think of.
I could have fallen through the floor when she gleefully informed Layla that she did indeed try to stop us before barging in upon her and Nyx’s more private affairs. Layla only laughed and flashed me a vulgar gesture when Azalea wasn’t looking.
Azalea eventually dozed off somewhere between Layla and I’s second and third bottle of wine when she jumped up with a shriek. “Oh my gods! What’s the name of that bar you lot love so much? Rose’s?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Rita’s?”
“Yes! That’s the one. Let’s go! Girls night out.”
“Layla, why don’t we go somewhere the Inner Circle doesn’t frequent? Somewhere a bit more youthful?”
With a dismissive wave she shush’d me. “No way. Let’s be tourists. Wouldn’t anyone visiting want to go to THE spot that the Court’s upper echelon frequent? Let’s go dazzle the citizens of Velaris with our sexy moves. I’ll let you grind against me if you’re good.”
I laughed at my friend’s peculiar method of cheering me up but honestly, a night out to let loose before facing the rocky road ahead sounded like just what I needed.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Rita’s was more packed than usual as an attendant led Layla and I back to the Inner Circle’s standard table, we snaked through the crowded floor, brushing shoulders with the ocasional dancing patron when I overheard a voice muttering about the “sexy High Lord” she’d bumped into at the bar.
I reached to grab Layla’s attention but it was too late as I looked up to find her cozied up to Nyx with my uncles, my father, and my- “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Looking past my friend with her shit-eating grin, I see the gorgeous face of my mate.
He stood dejected in the basement of the gallery, trying to process what had just gone down.
Never did he imagine this was how the night would turn out. Under normal circumstances, he would be traveling back to his court to look into the father of the Day Court female who’d tried holding him hostage but Helion would look further into it and send word. He was not in a place to fairly handle such a situation given that the thought of them laying a hand on his mate made him burn with rage.
So he stood there, taking steadying breaths about to leave when a low whistle rang out behind him and a large hand clapped his back. “Ouch. Not the ideal way to reveal a mating bond.”
Eris scoffed, readying an unbecoming retort when Cassian continued, “Been there. It’s not easy but you two will work it out. Beer helps. Care to grab a drink at Rita’s while Nyx and Rhys work their shit out? Probably not the best for you and Azriel to be alone together at the moment anyway.”
To his credit- Azriel only let out a semi-annoyed huff and rolled his eyes.
What the fuck was this evening becoming? Mating bond unveiled and now getting drinks with a male who had every right to loathe him.
But Eris didn’t have it in him to deny the offer. So with that, he found himself at Rita’s with the Night Court general.
“I’m just saying that these Archerons, they’re lovely and great but… they’re headstrong.” He put two palms up in the air. “Now before you jump to conclusions, it’s not a BAD thing. The gods know Nesta has handed my ass to me when I’ve needed it many times over the years but sometimes…. Sometimes you’ve just got to give them time to come around.”
Eris could have reminded Cassian that most females would need time to come around to such a reveal but… the male was making an effort and Eris had nobody else to talk to about such a situation.
He supposed he could have tracked down Lucien but the matter felt a bit too sensitive to address at the moment given the rejected bond between he and Elain and the very obvious fact that Eris’ mate was the result of that rejected bond.
“Hey- I’m here making an effort. At least try to appear like you’re not tuning me out.” Cassian waved a hand before him.
“Apologies.” Eris smirked, refusing to let the male see him too down and out. “Just processing everything.”
“Well, finish the rest of this beer and we can order some of that autumnal shit you all prefer in your court for the next round. Unless you’re too prissy and have some fancy shit you High Lord’s prefer.”
Eris recognized the bait for what it was, given that he knew Cassian would be the first to indulge in Rhysand’s top shelf liquors.
Eris lifted the foaming mug to his mouth and downed the entire beer before placing it back down on the counter. “Another Illyrian draft is just fine.”
The large male beside him let out a hum that almost seemed like approval. “Maybe you’re not such a cunt after all, High Lord.”
“Yeah, well keep that between us.”
Cassian held up two fingers as the bar keep gave him a nod and Cassian pointed to a table in the corner.
No sooner than they’d seated themselves did Rhysand and Nyx enter the establishment, a hesitant Azriel behind them.
“Sorry.” Cassian shrugged. “Rhys sent word a couple minutes ago. Figured we could all use a round after this evening.”
Rhys looking a bit disheveled in comparison to that usual air of arrogance he exuded, giving a cocky grin as eyes within the establishment fell upon him. His son on the other hand still appeared a bit out of sorts given the inconvenient revelation of he and the daughter of Spring to his entire family.
The Shadowsinger only gave a curt nod in greeting, expression remaining stony.
Through a boisterous laugh the general teased, “Welcome to the shit show.”
The tension at the table was palpable, Azriel glaring daggers through Eris, Nyx very clearly communicating mind to mind with someone, Rhys slowly losing his resolve in maintaining his collected facade. Cassian, ever the instigator, broke the silence. “So, mates, huh?”
Azriel’s cold gaze averted from the Autumn High Lord to the General, promising violence. “Hey-“ Cassian raised his palms again. “It’s not so bad. She could have been mated to Tamlin.”
Had it not been for the mating bond chafing his ass, Eris could have laughed but he only bristled at the thought of his mate with any other male.
“Ouch!” Cassian yelped as the violet-eyed High Lord kicked him under the table.
“Oh come on! None of us handled our mating bonds perfectly, and I know damn well that any of you would be enjoying this mess if roles were reversed. You’re just pissy, I remember very clearly the shit you gave me when this fucker,”pointing a calloused finger to Eris with a cheeky grin, “proposed to Nesta!”
Eris really wanted to fall through the floor at this point. “But she was my mate, and look at us now? Remember those days at the dining table, Az?”
Shadows whirled violently around the Spymaster. “You’re not obligated to speak every little thought that pops into your mind.”
Though it was clear the Shadowsinger was deathly serious, Cassian only waived him off and Nyx burst out laughing, egging his Uncle on.
“Mating bonds aren’t everything.” Azriel growled out, “You’re not entitled to her. She’s her own person and can choose what her heart wants.”
Eris raised an eyebrow at the implication. He was well aware that he played the bastard role well but he would never-
“Are you implying, Shadowsinger, that I would not let your precious daughter choose? And believe me, I’m well aware of the atrocities and the merits that can come from a rejected mating bind. I remember the physical and emotional pain inflicted upon my brother when his own bond was rejected, the uncontrollable waves of grief that still sometimes roll through him.” Azriel sat, stone faced at the reminder that his wife was not his mate. Eris didn’t give him time to react, continuing.
“But I’m also well aware that if not for that pain and that rejected bond, I would be without my beloved nephew, or my curious new friend who thinks of even the smallest of denizens of your court matter - who treats me like I’m just a person and not the arrogant prick the rest of the world views me as.”
Eris placed a broad palm to his own chest, clutching as if in physical pain as the next words left his lips. “And do you not think, Shadowsinger, that I don’t recognize the fucking treasure that came from that rejected bond? The irony that my brother’s rejected bond resulted in the greatest gift of my life? And while I’d love to covet that treasure, care for her, let her shine for all of those to see - to know that she’s mine - it’s not my choice. It’s hers. If she wants to shine with someone else? Gods, it will hurt like hel, but I’ll remember her with nothing but love in my heart. She wants to stay on her own, making her own way in the world? I’ll stand back and cheer for her. I think you’re well aware that NOBODY chooses for your daughter but her.”
Azriel remained stone faced, a hand resting to the handle of the foaming mug of mead before him. Cassian let out a huff. Nyx smirked and Rhysand only looked at Eris with something that almost appeared to be respect.
Azriel finally shook his head, raising the mug in Eris’ direction. “Then that’s all I can ask for.”
All eyes at the table darted to him in shock. The famed, merciless spymaster standing down.
Eris only lifted his own mug in return and that was that.
The next hour went by as smoothly as possible, the table ordering several rounds of drinks. Eris nearly pissed himself when the shock of a caress against his mental shields caught his attention, Nyxs’ amused voice only stating, “You can thank me later.”
Eris’ brows drew together, puzzled by what on earth he’d have to thank the heir for, as a blonde female fell into the seat beside the male. A familiar scent wafting into his nostrils.
His mate.
Gods, she looked fucking fantastic and Eris knew right away he’d have to glamour the involuntary scent of arousal wafting from him at the sight of her ethereal face, those fucking hips that he wanted to hug as tightly as that little dress did - his inhibited state not helping the situation whatsoever. She only glared at him, as she stood beside the table, sweet voice dripping with irritation,
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
She crossed her arms across her chest. Gods, she was trying to kill him. Her arms pushing up her immaculate breasts. Was he salivating? This had to be a dream. Or a nightmare if her father caught wind of just how the sight of her was affecting him.
But most of all, he only felt love and adoration as he stared at the prickly female glaring daggers through him. Truth-Teller would certainly feel less violent against his skin than the sharp gaze piercing into his heart.
“I didn’t know, I swear.” Eris pleaded.
“Right. I’m leaving.” She huffed.
“Oh no you fucking don’t” the blonde female interjected. “You’re not just going to ice him out. It’ll hurt you worse than any words ever could. You two need to TALK.”
Nyx looked to the female with pride.
“I’m not finished with YOU.” Y/N hissed with rage to her friend.
“Oh I have no doubt.” The female - Layla - fired back. “But first you’re going to work things out with your mate.”
With an irritated look to her friend, she grabbed Eris by the wrist with a reluctant “Come on, we’re LEAVING.”
Eris threw a grateful look to Nyx and Layla, standing with no resistance to the grasp his mate had on his wrist. Azriel grunted and began to stand, but Rhys threw an arm out, keeping him seated. And to Eris’ surprise, the Shadowsinger remained.
Cool air and the aroma of spices from the surrounding establishments greeted the pair, an otherwise perfect evening to drape his arm over her shoulder and whisper sweet nothings into her pointed ear as they passed the shops, but she only tapped her foot with impatience. “Well?? Winnow me to your apartment and let’s get this over with.”
Eris stepped forward, caressing her wrist in a lovers grasp, sensuous smirk forming on his lips. Fire in his blood or no, chill bumps rose up her olive skin, nipples pebbling beneath her dress.
“As you wish.” And winnowed her straight to the foot of his bed. He’d let her lead from there but if there was one thing he knew about his mate, she firmly believed all was fair in fucking and fighting. It was all in her hands how the night would go.
A/n: Thank you everyone for your patience with this chapter! Life has been hectic (seasonal illnesses, end of the fiscal quarter, traveling sports, mental health struggles, etc) and my brain was just not cooperating with this chapter. After writing a few one shots I was able to get back into the proper headspace but found I was still struggling to transfer this chapter from my brain into print. I eventually realized I wasn’t ready for the story to end quite yet so with that being said this is NOT the final chapter. I hope you all don’t hate me for saying it was before changing my mind but it’s important to give the story the satisfying ending that it deserves. 🥰
ACOTAR general: @lilah-asteria
Eris general: @angiedsv
Series tags: @b0xerdancer @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams @yourmumsdumptruck @nebarious @glitterypirateduck @mybestfriendmademe @acourtof-wingspan @paleidiot @anae-naea-zacheria @fandomarchiveilyd @bloodicka @12358
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achaotichuman · 3 months
It's that time again people.
Acotar Rant Time
This started because I was reblogging someone elses post, and making a point about something, then I got sidetracked. And it turned into something else entirely, so here I am ranting about it.
CW Discussions of domestic violence, physical abuse and child-grooming.
I don't think we should throw the whole idea of rejected mating bonds out altogether.
I know the theory mostly stems around Elriels who want to find a way to make their ship become canon. That is not the point of this post. I do not like elriel in the slightest.
I DO THINK that someone rejecting a mating bond to get into another relationship, would mentally harm the persons beyond any ability to cope with the broken bond.
However, we have examples of women who may have very well been better off rejecting their mating bonds then remaining in them. The example I'll be focusing on is Tamlin's mother.
She was taken as the bride of the Spring Lord, because of the mating bond she had with him. We have no idea who she was before, but unlike say Rhysand's mother where her mating bond quite literally saved her from her wings being mutilated. Tamlin's mother isn't said to have been in any bad situation, at least not one I can remember.
For the sake of simplicity, we will say she was born and raised in Spring. Living a, we'll say middle class life. Maybe the daughter of a Lord or Courtier. Maybe she was a peasant but doing well. Just generally, the lack of information when it comes to SJM's writing at least, usually means there wasn't much to be said. So, I will assume she was in a fine situation.
I believe if she was in a horrible situation before the mating bond snapped, that would have been explicitly detailed, like how Rhysand's mother's situation was said to have been.
Then boom, she finds out she is mated to the High lord of Spring, which brings about several changes in her life.
She is taken from whatever living situation she was in before, put into the Spring Lord's manor, and lives amongst his Court. She becomes the Lady of Spring, is put into a high-ranking position as the High lord's consort. She is his mate, so their bond is even stronger.
From the outside, it looks like she has gone from, not much to be told, to something far greater. From outside, everything looks perfect for her.
But as it turns out the High lord of the Spring Court, is worse than Beron himself.
Beron lays hands on his wife, she comes into the High lord's meeting looking malnourished and pale. She can't even make eye-contact with Helion, who is her lost lover. But at the very least, we get a moment of tenderness from Beron, when he puts his hand on hers when speaking of her dead sisters.
(Going off topic real quick here. I think Beron wasn't always as abusive towards his wife as he is now. Not defending him at all, I think it adds nuance to his character. Beron clearly knew the LOA's family, and wanted to have her as his bride for the power in her bloodline. It is quite likely he knew the LOA personally, and marriage with her was purely a political choice.
Plus after the LOA had heirs for him. Beron sent her to live away from the Autumn House. Which is said to be to spread his Court over Autumn. At that same time, if it was that vital to spread out his Court. Then once the War was over, he would have sent the LOA back out away from the Forest House, so clearly it wasn't that important. I believe it was more sending her off, so he didn't have to be around her, and she could live with her sisters.
There is some form of tenderness between them, at least from Beron's actions. I think this may stem from some form of lovingness that was strangled when the LOA had an affair with Helion. I don't think it was her fault. I don't think Beron was a good man to start off with.
And I do not even slightly believe the LOA wanted her marriage. It was forced. I just believe in the theory that Beron once upon a time, may have been quite similar to Eris. Where he keeps emotion away from the game and plays the long run.
However he has succumb to rage and hatred. For reasons that may have had outside influence again. Another layer of nuance to his character. He easily gave into hatred and anger, but I kind of want to know what steered him to that course.)
That was a little off topic, back to what I was saying.
Beron at the very least has some form of empathy. The High lord of Spring is worse.
Meaning I believe he generally has no empathy for his family. Is extremely explosive and angry. And most likely has little to no care for his wife.
It's quite easy to put together that the Spring Lord would have abused Tamlin's mother quite ferociously. But she didn't care, and didn't care for the abuse her sons went through, because she was blinded by her love for him which was made from the bond.
It was not real love.
The point I make here, is that what would have happened if Tamlin's mother rejected the bond?
The rose-tinted glasses would have been forcefully torn off. Of course it would influence her, but the mating bond is said to just linger. It is there and will follow her for the rest of her life, but it would not be nearly as strong. More of a reminder of what she went through.
I think if she rejected the bond, the love she had for Tamlin's father would have been torn away as well. And the abuse he put her and her sons through would be far plainer to see.
Especially when we look at how Tamlin's father dragged him to Hybern, where Amarantha was preying on him as a child. Another note, we have no clue on just how much reign Amarantha had with Tamlin in Hybern. If he wasn't full on touched, it's likely he was mentally and emotionally groomed.
I think the mating bond would influence anger within the Lady of Spring. Not just for the life she was torn away from, but the sons she was forced to bear and how they were being treated.
Give me a fic with the Lady of Spring battling with withdrawal like symptoms from a broken bond.
Give me a real Hades and Persephone story, with Amarantha as Hades, Tamlin as Persephone and Tamlin's mother as Demeter.
Tamlin's father being racked with the grief of the bond and going ballistic, yet Tamlin's mother no longer blinded by fake love, fights back against him.
All this to say, I think there are instances where the rejected mating bond theory would be fucking awesome.
Then the bitter-sweet ending of Tamlin's mother never being completely rid of Tamlin's father, but being able to take a breath that is finally not overshadowed by abuse and a fake love.
All of this was inspired by this post by @the-darkestminds
Yeah the broken bond trope, I don't see happening for Elriel at all. But I think the idea of a broken bond would be awesome. Kind of self-love instead of outside love.
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Can I beseech the SJM internet space for a moment of consideration?
The mean girl energy in this fandom is WILD.
Reading should never be gate-kept. I think it is INCREDIBLE that a hard working, talented author in fantasy, a genre long held down by men, has changed the reading landscape. I'm so happy people who haven't picked up a book in years are getting back into it because of SJM. She deserves all her success, and everyone deserves the joy of reading an incredible book.
But damn. Some of you never sat in the back of the classroom with cheap box dye purple hair, ripped thumb holes in your black hoodie wardrobe, aggressively hiding your shitty poetry and god awful doodles of dragons and elves and of Daughters of the Moon characters when it was not cool and it shows 🤣
I'm tired of artists, writers, and content creators getting bullied out of this fandom. It's getting worse than white men in the Star Wars fandom when they went *GASP* "woke," by casting women and BIPOC actors. And that's embarrassing. We should all feel embarrassed. Does it not embarrass you to be mean to other women on the internet or harass artists because they want different faeries to fuck each other than you? Does that not unsettle you deep in your bones?
Is it even possible to steer this ship back to a place of kindness, respect, fun and fantasy? I feel like it isn't much to ask to have some basic etiquette for how we speak to artists. Personally, I'm sick of AI. After a while it all starts to look the same. I have so much respect for the time and energy artists continue to contribute to this fandom FOR FREE only to see them get run out by rabid fans who only want to see a character portrayed the way they expect them to be portrayed, or who will literally send death threats for pairings of characters that they do not want to see together. The entitlement is so far behind unhinged I don't even know if there is a word for it.
It's disheartening. I don't know if there is anything to be done. And I know all sides do it. So I am just imploring those who I know will see this in my safe little Elriel bubble, be kind. Stay out of anti spaces. Leave artists who don't portray the art you are hoping to see alone, because someone else might love their work. If the art space is welcoming, we are more likely to find those who have an aesthetic and style we vibe with. If it is unwelcoming, everyone loses.
For a book series written by women for women, with an actual meaningful focus on female friendship, sometimes I wonder what exactly it is people are taking away from these books. This fandom does not behave in a way that is in alignment with the message of the author's books.
Fantasy fandoms should not be a safe space for bullying artists and creators.
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roselensedeyes · 19 days
The Prophecy - Chapter Two
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Hello everyone!
Here's chapter two of my elriel x spyxfamily fic!
You can find it on AO3. Here's the link to chapter one and the fic masterpost.
I hope you enjoy!! Let me know what you think ;)
It was scorching hot. Beads of sweat were crowning her forehead. Small strands of her curled.
Elain lowered her hat, trying to block the sun’s unrelenting attack on her eyes. She angled her body toward Azriel. “Do you need any help?”
“No,” he gritted out. Elain simply raised an eyebrow and kept walking.
Letting out a low breath—he didn’t want Elain to hear him struggling—Azriel followed her, the weight of what felt like hundreds of luggages and suitcases. He was convinced that if he checked inside one of them, he’d find Elain’s entire house in it. That’s how heavy these bags were.
He almost cried with relief when they reached the docks. The ship that would take them to the Continent was already here. People were already gathered, waving their fans as they waited for the gangway to be lowered.
Leaving their bags in the loading bay, Elain and Azriel joined the group of eagerly awaiting people. Elain looked at them. She wondered if they were embarking for a vacation, or if they were journeying to visit a family member, like a newly-married daughter who settled in her husband’s home. She wondered if among them were people looking to start a new life in the Continent.
Her gaze landed on a couple a few feet away from them. The female—for they were Fae, if the pointed ears were of any indication—was hugging a small, light blue bundle against her ample chest. A few strands of pale hair stuck out. The male, tall and imposing, had his arm curled against the fair female Fae. Just then, he pressed a kiss to the top of the bundle, earning a happy wiggle from the baby. The light-haired female smiled softly, bliss painted on her features.
A pang of melancholy hit Elain straight into her chest. This could have been her, if only—
“Come, it’s time to board,” Azriel’s deep voice startled her. She blinked, surprised to see the family she had been studying just a few minutes before was gone. Adjusting her straw hat, Elain began making the walk up the gangway.
A rough, scarred hand landed on hers. “Here,” Azriel murmured. Elain looked down at their joined hands. There, on her ring finger, was a round diamond ring. It was big, but not so that it’d look out of place on her lithe finger. 
The brown-eyed female peered up at the Illyrian male. “What,” she asked, though it came out more like a breath than a question.
Azriel cleared his throat. “We’ll pick up our wedding rings once we’ve docked. I didn’t like the ones at the Jewelry shop in Velaris.” He withdrew his hand from hers.
She could have sworn a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. She dismissed the notion pretty quickly. It was an unrelenting hot day, afterall, and they had stayed under the sun for several minutes. Not to add, he had been carrying both their bags by himself.
With a nod, they boarded the ship.
Elain took a deep, calming breath. She closed her eyes, seeing her house garden behind her lowered lids. How colorful and beautiful her flowers would look, now that they were given leave to blossom. How tenacious they’d been, surviving the winter’s harsh and implacable weather. They’d seen their two paths of life when they were but seedlings, and had stubbornly latched on the one that would most bring them joy. How sweet, how fresh their fragrance would be. How calming it would be, to be among them. 
These thoughts brought her great comfort and confidence, although a little sadness permeated through—she wouldn’t be able to see them anytime soon, perhaps not until next year. She only hoped her sisters would remember to water them daily.
A profound sense of calmness she might feel. The male at her side certainly didn’t.
Azriel looked on the verge of exploding with several profanities at the sight before him. Elain sighed. She couldn’t blame him. Just a few minutes earlier, she had shared his thoughts. Rhysand and Feyre had played a massive trick on them. 
“It looks big enough for the both of us to not touch,” she attempted to soothe him.
His eyes darted toward her sharply. “It does not.”
She didn’t let his refusal deject her. “I’m sure we can fit without even noticing the other. I shall sleep on my side and feel like I’m by myself!”
When Azriel simply glared at her, his hazel eyes burning bright, she sighed and said, “I can go check if they have another room available.”
He nodded, his gaze once again fixed on the single, queen-sized bed placed under the porthole. 
When Elain came back, Azriel needed only to throw a quick glance in her direction to know she wasn’t bearing the good news he was eagerly awaiting.
“All the rooms are taken,” she announced, and sealed their fate.
They were to share this room, this bed, until they reached the port.
Elain left Azriel in their room and went to explore the ship. Azriel’s reaction had left her puzzled. Sharing a bed with him was not ideal, she had to admit, but his seemed to her an over exaggeration. Was there another explanation to be found behind his behavior? Did he find their arrangement too constrictive? His unhappiness with their situation was certainly enough of a motive, but he had agreed to it. They both had their reasons for entering this facade.
Elain cried out as she tripped over something on the ground. She lurched forward, her arms flailing to keep her balance. Her palms laid flat against the nearest wall.
Bringing a hand close to her chest, Elain looked down, trying to find the source of her almost falling. She could feel her rapid heartbeat beneath her fingers. She was in a long and narrow corridor, no person in sight. Only a rolling tray stood near her. She narrowed her eyes. She could make something out from under the white fabric. She froze as an unwarranted thought flashed in her mind. What if the Mortal Queen knew she was coming? What if the older woman, too, had a seer with her, tracking down Elain? What if she had sent someone after her, to stop her from reaching Rask?
Steeling her nerves and recalling all the self-defense lessons she’d had with Feyre and Nesta, Elain reached down and lifted the cloth.
A wide-eyed, pale-with-fear child was sitting on the lower tray, her arms hugging her legs tightly to her upper body. 
Elain’s light-brown brow furrowed. The Mortal Queen wouldn’t have sent a child after her, would she? She kept studying the child. Her blue eyes, still wide as saucers, were fixed on her, though they didn’t appear threatening. Her brown hair was done in two sloppy ponytails, like the person who made them took no effort. Two small, pointed ears stuck out from her hair, fluttering—she was Fae. Her skin, pale as—
The child was turning blue. “What are you doing? Breathe!” Elain urged her.
It was like she had been waiting for her permission. She let go of the breath she knowingly was holding, followed by several quick breaths to allow her oxygen flux to regulate.
“What are you doing there? Where are your parents?” Elain asked once the girl assumed her natural color.
“My parents are dead,” the child, who couldn’t have been older than five, replied with such pragmatic coolness to make the hair on Elain’s arms rise. With a furtive glance around herself, the little girl whispered, “I’m hiding.”
Elain nodded. “Why are you hiding?”
“I don’t want the bad people to find me.”
She stilled. What if this little girl was not sent to hunt down Elain, but noticed people who were? She moved almost imperceptibly, until her back was flushed to the wall. 
“They want me to put me in my room, but I don’t like it. It’s too big,” the child went on. The words were almost enough to relax her nerves, but she didn’t let her guard down. She wasn’t a novice to this job.
“Are you not staying with your…guardians?”
The small girl shook her head. “I’m here by myself.”
Elain cocked her head to the side. “Where are you going?”
“To an orphanage.” 
Her heart cracked at her words, spoken in a tiny voice yet with no small resoluteness. Right then, her stomach grumbled. She checked the hour on her pocket watch. It had been a gift from her late father. “I’m hungry. Do you want to come with me to the dining area? I can protect you from the bad people.”
The child scanned her from head to toe. Never would she have thought that being a child’s object of attention would be unnerving. She attempted a smile.
The girl threw herself at her. Elain barely had time to catch her.
The girl—whose name she found out was Tesni—was scarfing down her food like a starved man. It troubled her, to a certain degree. When was the last time she’d eaten? Why had no one bothered to make sure the poor child was being properly taken care of? Her parents were gone, but someone had arranged for passage to the Continent. 
The thought gave her pause. There were several orphanages in Prythian, thanks to the war a few years before. Why would they send her so far away, when other options were nearer?
Elain’s eyes widened. “This was your second serving.”
This time, the girl waited to swallow before arguing, “But I’m hungry!”
Elain shook her head. “No. You’ll get sick if you eat any more food. Then, you won’t want to eat for days.”
Tesni’s eyes widened with horror. 
A heavy weight plopped down next to her. “Hello, Azriel. Feeling any better?”
Silence followed her question. Then, Azriel froze. “Who is that?” He pointed to Tesni with his chin.
“That,” Elain answered, “is Tesni, my new friend. She’s traveling alone, so I’m keeping her company.”
“She’s three,” Azriel deadpanned.
“I’m not,” Tesni replied indignantly. “I’m five.” She attempted a glare. “Who are you, anyway?”
“I’m Azriel—”
“He’s my husband,” Elain interrupted him.
His head swiveled toward her. Elain stared into his eyes pointedly. This is a perfect opportunity to practice. Children can snuff out lies better than adults, at times. If we can convince her, we’ll have no trouble convincing everyone else, she seemed to say with her eyes.
The Illyrian male nodded slightly. He curled an arm around her shoulders. “Yes, this is my lovely wife.”
Elain grimaced. Tesni narrowed her blue eyes. “You don’t have a ring on,” she pointed out. 
“We just got married,” the Fae female cut in. “We’re moving to Rask, and we decided to honor our new beginning by acquiring our wedding rings in our new home.”
Azriel held his breath. If they couldn’t even convince a baby, his mission was over before it even started. He couldn’t allow that. Prythian depended on it, on him.
Tesni nodded. The table shook from the weight of Azriel’s relieved sigh.
Not a muscle in Azriel’s body moved.
He wasn’t even sure he was breathing. Sleep would not be within reach tonight.
The room’s ceiling was plain, simple wooden frames nailed together. He couldn’t see them now, but the two portholes were the only items in this room made of iron. The room was cast in moonlight, allowing several dark shadows.
Elain Archeron was lying next to him, in a deep slumber. Every now and then, she let out soft puffs of air. Azriel wondered what she looked like. Would her golden-brown hair hug her profile? Would they curl softly at her nape? Would her eyelashes lightly stroke her cheekbones?
These were dangerous thoughts. Ones he couldn’t allow himself to think about further. She was not his real wife. She’d never be. This was just a mission. He’d do good to remember that.
Gathering all his strength, Azriel slowly turned on his side. And found Elain staring at him.
He yelped, scrambling backward. His limbs tangled in the bedsheets, and he fell off the bed.
“Azriel!” She cried out.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He bit out harshly.
Elain blinked. Bit her lip. Then, a soft giggle escaped her. “I’m sorry,” she said between giggles. “The way you fell—Your squeal—It was comical.”
Azriel glared at her. “I do not squeal,” he said firmly.
She nodded, not believing him.
He opened his mouth to reiterate, when someone knocked on the door. They both froze, any trace of amusement vanished in the blink of an eye. Assessing iciness fell on the room. Azriel walked to the door on silent feet. The only sound came from the crashing waves against the ship. Neither one of them dared to draw breath.
He looked through the peephole and saw—nothing. No one was there. His brows furrowed, his hazel eyes narrowed. Just then, there was another knock. And then a young voice called, “Are you alright, Miss Elain and Mr. Azriel?”
It was Tesni, the child Elain had befriended earlier today. After supper, they’d brought her back to her room, and found out it was directly in front of theirs. He looked down and, sure enough, the little girl was there.
Azriel opened the door slightly. “Hello, Tesni.”
“Hello Mr. Azriel,” she greeted back, a little sleepily. She rubbed her eyes. “I heard screaming.”
“Ah—I—I had a bad dream,” he informed her.
Tesni nodded. “I get them, too. That’s why you need to have your best friend with you, always. He’ll always protect you.” She thrust forward her teddy bear and waved it in the air.
“You’re right. As soon as I can, I’ll get one.”
The little girl looked between him and her teddy bear. After a while, she said, “You can have him for tonight. But tomorrow you must give him back to me.”
Azriel’s eyes widened. “You’re so kind, but I can’t accept it.” When her face fell, he quickly added, “I have Elain with me. If I have another nightmare, she’ll help me through it. But if you have a nightmare, who will be there with you?”
Tesni thought long and hard about his words. “You’re right.” She yawned, and rubbed her eyes again.
“Go to sleep now, child,” Elain said from the bed. “If you need us, just knock again, alright?”
The child nodded and left. Azriel didn’t close the door until Tesni closed hers.
Elain was wearing a soft and almost melancholic smile when he turned to face her again. Questions burst in his head, but he shoved them away.
He laid back in the bed, and prepared for a sleepless night.
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bright-side20 · 29 days
Ares and Aphrodite had a daughter called Harmonia who was the goddess of Harmony and symbolized the balance of the opposites (War and Love) , I think it would be a very beautiful name if Elriel would have a daughter 😍
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