#embers' asks
emberswrites · 1 month
I reread From This Earth and other fics a lot. Those are amazing. Especially FTE, i adore how flawed and loved and humanised Kakashi and Sasuke are. It often disappoint me when i read fics of Sasuke pairings bc how disheartening the ways the author portray Sasuke. I love when the characters have flaws but the way Sasuke is no other than an asshole mostly and how his bonds with people is so sad. Your Sasuke is so so endearing and lovely but he's also a mature straightforward man who know what he want. And Your Kakashi is so so caring and gentle and patient but so so guilt driven, dark and feral (esp when it come to Sasuke). They care so much for eo but also have a lot of important people they rely on. They make me feel insane ahhhhh. I hope everything you deal irl will be better. Take care Ember (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
This makes my day ;;; Always lovely to hear when people enjoy the fic, especially FTE, my baby. I have the same feelings often when I read fic, Sasuke really does get a lot of misinterpretation and often comes off one-dimensional and something that I at least don't think he is. I think Sasuke's love is so underestimated, so I like to try and make sure it's there - but in a very Sasuke way.
Kakashiiiiiii my love. It means a lot when people like my Kakashi because I think he is so hard to write (love him for it though). And yes I definitely didn't want the fic to be them on an island to the exclusion of all else, because I think them coming together and their relationship becoming something distinct to all those other bonds is very important.
I have been working on the next chapter in bits and pieces for months, it is a but slow going right now because I do need to really get some plot points down in it. While I cannot promise an update timeline, I can say it will be a meaty chapter when it does drop eventually :)
Thanks again, anon!
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longing-for-rain · 2 months
Hey! So, I just need some help understanding something... I heard that people think that Zuko took Katara straight to Ember Island after TSR. I missed it on my rewatch, and I don't get where this interpretation comes from, and whether it is just a headcanon. Do you happen, by chance, to know more about that? I LOVE this tidbit by the way; I just don't know where it's coming from. Sorry if this is random.
Oh I’ve heard that before! From what I’ve seen, it’s based primarily on the visuals we see of the settings. Before leaving to find Yon Rha, everyone is camped out on this island:
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It appears to be a small, uninhabited island (which makes sense if they’re in hiding) so clearly not Ember Island.
Then at the end, the final scene begins with Katara here:
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This is definitely Zuko’s family home on Ember Island, with Katara sitting alone on the pier. In the second screenshot you can see Appa flying in.
Now here is the interesting part:
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Zuko and Aang get off of Appa, and if you squint, it kind of looks like the others are in the saddle too. Based on the conversation that follows, it’s clear that this is the first time Aang has seen Katara since she left to confront Yon Rha.
So the implication here is that Zuko and Katara first went to Ember Island alone, then Zuko flew with Appa by himself to pick up everyone else from the other island. This actually makes a lot of sense logistically, because without Appa, everyone else had no way of getting to Ember Island from wherever they were before.
I really like this theory (and I think based on the evidence it’s pretty much canon) because it shows there are a lot of missing scenes between Zuko and Katara. It makes sense. He was the only one there to comfort her after something so traumatic. I love the idea that he thought to bring her to a place that was special to him, hoping to find her comfort. Then I’m guessing she wanted some alone time and he left her to go get the others.
I think it’s very sweet, to think about that time they spent together and what they talked about ❤️
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gabelew · 7 months
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I'm weak for the elemental armors... what were you thinking nintendo.
I'm firmly team ember set supremacy, but I like the way i drew charged best... (¬з¬) I wonder what you guys think
oooh why not make a poll about it? I'll make a doodle of the winning set when the poll is done!
(psst btw you can get them as stickers/miniprints here)
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catsharky · 5 months
May I ask for some details about your Tav? What do you mean by hasnt really lived as a tiefling before? Like literally has never seen another tiefling? Seems like being abducted by the mindflayers introduced major life changes to your Tav
I'm sorry this took so long to answer, but I ended up doing a whole bunch of art to answer this!
Ember has a really extensive backstory that's kind of long, but the short version of it is: she was caught in the crossfire of a deal her parents made with a devil. They couldn't have a child of their own because her mother was too severely ill, so they made the deal in the hopes of returning her health and along with it the ability to bear children. Unfortunately devil deals being what they are, they ended up with Ember who the devil stole from her birth parents.
Her mom was a high elf and her dad a half-elf, and her mom's side of the family were quite vocally anti-Tiefling. Because of her mother's health problems, however, they couldn't just sever contact with her parents because they relied on their money to cover the cost of healers, expensive potion ingredients and the like. They couldn't be trusted not to be a threat to Ember though, so the decision was made to disguise her as their biological daughter throughout her childhood.
Here's an age chart!
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As a result, Ember didn't even know she was a Tiefling until she was around 4 or 5, when she began to present as a sorcerer and accidentally undid the disguise spell (she ends up a bard thanks to her mom, but her control of magic comes from sorcery).
Before the events of the game, the most time she ever spent as a Tiefling was when she was 13- when her mom died and her dad disappeared, the disguise spell having relied on her mum's magic. She went through hell for a while after that and as soon as she could learn how to cast the spell herself, she jumped at the chance and went back to living as her old half-elf self. So when she gets taken by the Nautiloid, it's her being forced to actually live as her real self and as a Tiefling for the first time. As a result she doesn't have great control over her tail, because she's just straight up not used to having one.
She also spends a lot of Act 1 jumpscaring herself whenever she walks by a mirror lmao.
I do plan to do some comics that are set earlier in the game at some point, and those ones will explore more of her backstory. What I've done so far has just happened to be set in Act 3, after she's already sorted a lot of her shit out. I just have no idea when that'll actually be!
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blueskittlesart · 3 months
Okay but which of the modern Link outfits are ones you’d like to wear in reality? If you had the chance, which like three of them would you want for yourself?
oh awesome a chance to brag about my fashion sense. see the thing is the reason the link outfits all look like that is because they're literally heavily based off things i would wear or have worn. i dress like this every day:
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so. basically. the answer is all of them LMFAO
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Put him in Danny Phantom
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he’d definitely be an ember fan
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midlstrit · 22 days
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Part 2 of This
Finally finished this one lol. Been working on it for a while, but only recently got the motivation. It's a bit messier than the last one, but eh, it's probably fine. More importantly, Link and Sora! They finally somewhat meet face-to-face! Also, for context, Link has already beaten Vah Ruta, so he's not fresh off the plateau :3
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butchgambit · 2 months
Love your romy talking about how Rogue and Gambit aren’t officially together and Rogues anxiety’s etc
but I noticed you mention Gambitys self esteem issues and though I agree with you I’m curious what brought you to that conclusion. What makes it seem like Gambit has them cause I think the cartoons and comics or even fandom don’t go out of their way to point it out often
Gambit has been shown to have an incredibly low sense of self for himself for his past actions & how he struggles with it, ultimately believing that he's not good enough especially for Rogue since he sees her as a true good soul who always strikes for what's right. He knows his past isn't a smooth road & he's done things he regrets, some he may not as much as the others. All of that combined with what happened with Belladonna, with his upbringing as the son of the thieves guild leader, growing up on the street being labeled a white devil, makes him believe he's not worth redemption.
All of that said, he wants to believe he can be and is good. Rogue as of right now in the show isn't aware of everything Gambit has done or been through so seeing how she believes that Magneto should be given the chance at redemption with everything he's done, it bothers him and cuts him deep. The scene in episode 3 where he saw Rogue with Magneto showcases his insecurities that he isn't worthy enough for redemption, that Rogue won't give him the same compassion she's given to Magneto and ultimately he's exactly how he thinks of himself.
I'll add a few panels i think highlight his self deprecation below as examples for you! I really love the complexities Gambit has towards himself and how that represents him as a character because he's so much more than what many people choose to show him as.
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mylittlefusions · 3 months
Hi! How’s about a Pinkie Pie/Ember fusion? :D
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Last Collab for Collab month between Mod Mushroom (sketch/lines) and Mod Moth (colors)!!
Are you guys ready for March's event? I'm (moth) really excited for it!!
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emberswrites · 1 year
I misread!!! Ignore my last ask.
Arranged Marriage + Uchiha (whichever you want)
Prompt Game - Ok the 3rd character is Madara bc I say he's alive here but he's not the only one.
Kakashi sits at the table in seiza, hands folded neatly as he is presented to the Uchiha clan head to finalize the engagement. Madara is over 70 years old by now, but he looks no more than 50. Good genes, of course, and not a small dose of spite he's sure. His brother Izuna sits to Madara's right and to his left Fugaku, his soon-to-be betrothed's father, next in line to lead the clan.
Lesser men would have pissed themselves by now.
Kakashi isn't nervous. He looks to his left, where Sasuke is seated diagonally from him and the rest. He's never seen Sasuke quite so formally done up, and the kimono he wears is not the usual Uchiha blue he favours, but a rich burgundy reminiscent of the grape wine the Uchiha sell by the barrel during festival season. From here, he can see how his intended fidgets, glance flickering between them all, his legs folded neatly under him but feet crossed cutely under his bottom, toes curling nervously. Kakashi tries and fails not to let his mind wander at the sight.
"Beautiful, is he not?" Madara says then, knowingly, and Kakashi slowly draws his gaze back to the three in front of him. He doesn't bother looking ashamed at being caught taking his fill, they are all men here and Sasuke's striking looks are no secret. "Just like Izuna was, a spitting image."
Madara ignores his brother's exclamation, hand settling on a thigh soothingly as he continues talking.
"You know in the old days, you would have been expected to put up a respectable challenge against me to win the hand of a member of my clan."
"Indeed, I shall count myself fortunate, Madara-sama."
"Hm," Madara grunts, blowing smoke out of his pipe, "You might have done well, Hatake. No one is expected to win against me, of course."
"Of course."
"I have great respect for your father, you kin in general. I admire your loyalty and discretion in political matters. I will say, you may find us rather more...rambunctious."
"Passionate, Madara-sama. Lively. My father says I could use some of that in my life."
Kakashi is a shinobi through and through, but the Hatake hadn't sent him just because he is their strongest. There were others, Sasuke's age, but none so deft as to maneuver the halls of the Uchiha compound with the surprising ease he'd found himself to. This was after all a union beyond two people, fraught with all the diplomacy that would come with any member of the Uchiha becoming wed to an outsider, a rare enough occasion as it was.
Madara inclines his head at Kakashi, then turning to Sasuke who'd been looking at the interaction with barely concealed amusement.
"You find him acceptable then, Sasuke? There are plenty of others, of course. Our Sasuke has his pick of the village, and a few others."
Sasuke looks to Kakashi then, dark eyes alight. Kakashi admits when he'd first been asked to present as the Hatake's candidate for the youngest eligible Uchiha's hand, he hadn't been particularly invested. Then he'd sat for tea with him, then dinner, and then several long walks and festivals in a courtship that had easily knocked away all competitors. Not that he'd played fair, when he decided he rather liked Sasuke, didn't wish to see him end up with any of the others. They'd ended many a date sneaking kisses and much more than that on a few occasions, if they happened to be in the secluded Uchiha gardens or deep enough into the forest. He's rather sure Sasuke's mother could spot the hints of unkemptness he would come back with as Kakashi delivered him home, but she hadn't said a word about it.
"I do."
This meeting is a mere formality after all, the Uchiha had sanctioned his courting and their clans had just finished reviewing their soon-to-be shared assets and living arrangements. Sasuke's parents had given their blessings, too, and there was really only one thing left...
"Well then," Madara says, "We have quite the wedding to plan."
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spookberry · 10 months
Ooh! Could you do ember in a5 please? I adore your art btw!
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this one was fun lol, love the contrast of her boots with the dress
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onceupona-crossover · 3 months
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hatsune miku (vocaloid) x jenny wakeman (my life as a teenage robot) x ember mclain (danny phantom) romantic moodboard with teal, music, transgender, and punk themes
requested by: anon
- mod merida
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cherbearsz · 5 months
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catsharky · 3 months
Does Ember actually love Astarion or is he just a best friend? I was just curious! Haha
Oh, the answer is a big both! They're best friends, partners, soul mates, each other's Person. If they were shelter cats they'd be pair bonded and have to be adopted together. Whether they are or aren't romantically involved doesn't matter, they're each other's ride or die regardless.
But to be more specific, Astarion is Ember's 'canon' relationship, with Rolan being something of an AU that I just happened to end up doing a comic about first.
I'm not someone who likes to make multiple OCs to pair up with different characters, cause not only do I get too attached to one, I just overall find it a lot more fun to take a single character like Ember and play around with what would happen if she were to end up with someone different. See what changes or stays the same depending on the partner she ends up with.
But no matter what, she and Astarion end up a duo to at least some degree, even if it's just as partners in crime.
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princessofmerchants · 2 months
Which scenes from acotar- acosf with Nesta are your favorites? 👀
Thank you for this ask, anon! This will be super fun to list out all of my favorite Nesta scenes from the ACOTAR books.
"Tell me everything that happened." - When Feyre returns to her family halfway through the book, and we learn Tamlin's glamour didn't work on Nesta, and Feyre starts to understand Nesta's inner fire in a way she hadn't before. This set of scenes launched Nesta right on to my list of favorite characters - they are pure fire.
Feyre teaches Nesta to paint - This is a brief but, to me, utterly beautiful moment amid the set of scenes I listed above. It's when Nesta asks Feyre to teach her to paint, and in particular it's the moment when they emerge from where they had been painting together and both are covered in paint and charcoal, even as it's clear Nesta isn't very good at it but she wanted to try anyway, with her sister. Some day I want to commission an artist to draw Feyre and Nesta in this moment of ACOTAR. It fills my familial heart right up every time I read it.
"Wings and Embers" bonus chapter - When I first read this bonus chapter, the way Nesta's pov in this extended scene made me feel seen by words on the page, in a way I never had felt seen before, is something I cherish.
When the human queens visit the Archeron estate - Nesta makes a passionate and uncharacteristically vulnerable plea to the queens to protect the human lands south of Prythian, which leads to Cassian promising to protect the humans even if the queens will not. It's another beautiful example of Nesta being vulnerable in a public way, and it moves me every time I read it.
"The hellcat now, if you'll be so kind." - When the King of Hybern orders Nesta to be pushed into the Cauldron and forcibly Made Fae. This entire scene is devastating and traumatic. But watching Nesta fight back with the rage we first glimpse in "Wings and Embers" makes this an absolute standout Nesta scene for me. The finger point at Hybern and his unnerved reaction are everything to me.
Scenes when Nesta is training with Amren - I always loved these and even though my present canonical feelings about Amren are mixed to poor, the way these scenes brought out a side of Nesta we hadn't seen yet make them special to me.
The meeting of the High Lords - Both during it, when Nesta as the Night Court's new Emissary to the Human Lands makes a public and, again, incredibly vulnerable case to those assembled that the humans are worth protecting, and also the scene just after the meeting when Nesta senses the Cauldron and Cassian believes her without question, which is just one of many of the embarrassment of riches we get in this book when it comes to Nessian.
When Nesta scries for the Cauldron with stones and bones - Everything about this scene is chef's kiss, but especially the Nessian dynamic in it.
Nesta screaming for Cassian during the battle against Hybern - This doesn't need an explanation, does it? As we learn later, it's the moment Cassian realizes they are mates. It is everything.
Cassian lifting Nesta to greet Drakon and the legions he brought with him, and the arrival of Papa Archeron - This scene, also during the battle, means so much to me that it's depicted in the first ever artwork I commissioned.
Nessian's stand against the King of Hybern - the way they fight together and are willing to die together sets me alight whenever I read it, and it's always fascinating to me that SJM manages to show us this scene from within Feyre's pov, who isn't even present for it.
Nesta and her father - His last words to her.....ACOSF shows just how important and complicated this moment is for Nesta, and it's for those same reasons this scene is so important to me.
Nesta kills the king - I love that Elain is the one who appears and makes the first blow on this kill, and that when Nesta finishes the job she lifts the king's head like the badass that she is. There is such trauma and rage in this moment and, again, seeing that baldly on the page is transformative for me every time I read it. Related to this moment is a little while later when the Archeron sisters walk past the King of Hybern's corpse, and Nesta spits on it. So raw, so perfect.
Nesta's pov - After her fight with Cassian, the small snippet we get in Nesta's pov when she returns to her apartment, locks her doors, and completely dissociates in despair. It is so painful and raw, but again there is something about this scene that also makes me feel seen, especially heading into ACOSF.
(I need to do these rapid fire because, if I give an explanation for each one, this post will take forever to write; they also may be listed out of order, my apologies for that)
The Prologue - Nesta in the Cauldron from her pov
Opening scenes in Nesta's pov where we finally learn what she's been going through
Nesta's nightmare after her first try at scrying
Nesta successfully scrying for the Mask (when the room turns cold and Cassian kisses her back to herself after using her power)
Nesta fighting the kelpie in the Bog of Oorid and then reuniting with Cass and Az
The first time Nesta wields a sword
Ch. 50 - Nesta and Cassian by the lake after their hike through the Sleeping Mountains
Nesta's fight against Lanthys in the Prison
Nesta bringing Cassian to her family's cottage (this scene is absolutely standout for me)
Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie making friendship bracelets together
When Gwyn gives Nesta and Emerie her Solstice gift to them ("We're in a book." "Our stories are worth telling." *sobs*)
Nesta working through her PTSD response to the sound of fire and then the House of Wind's Solstice gift to her in the heart of the House
Nesta dancing at the Solstice ball (when this leaked ahead of the book's release, I sobbed at seeing a glimpse of Nesta healed and joyful)
Ch. 58 - Cassian giving Nesta the Symphonia, her response, and Nessian finally yielding to each other and their mating bond solidifying
Nesta mastering herself during her fight with Cassian about their mating bond and choosing not to hurt him with her words
Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn fighting off a group of random Illyrians during the Blood Rite like a single Valkyrie unit
Nesta sending Emerie and Gwyn to the summit of Ramiel and holding the Pass of Enalius
Nesta erupting with the power of the Cauldron
Nesta's conversation with the Mother while wearing the Mask during the birth of Nyx
Nesta visiting her father's grave at the very end of the book
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I had to google to confirm, but Ford missed the whole season 1 of the Hermitcraft SMP and a little bit of season 2 as well.
hiiii jasper :3
Thing Ford Missed #223: The Beginning of Hermitcraft
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