#emjae fics
cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
not enough | jinyoung
Sometimes love isn’t enough.
x. park jinyoung, you o. 2333 words. angst. 
this was supposed to be a one shot, but my mind suddenly changed its.. mind. thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated. i... put a lot of personal emotions into this, in a way. ha.
“Hey,” he drawls, voice tired and dull—like yourself.
And yet, you put up a front as your lips painfully curl into a hopeful smile. He can’t see you, of course, but pretending to be excited for a call that should have happened five hours ago was more for your sake than his at this point.
You close in on the mic of your phone, you heave a deep breath before placing the device back against your ear. “You called,” you reply. Damn it. You said you weren’t going to be bitter about this. Lips twitching in regret, you clear your throat and huff, “I hope I’m not interrupting something?”
“No we just—“ Jinyoung answers back in a rush, and you can imagine him running his hand through sweaty black locks. “What do you mean interrupting? Didn’t you want to call today?” His tone changes, irritation rising in his throat.
You sigh, contemplating whether to argue or just leave it be.
Although it’s not like either of your choices would make any difference.
“Five hours ago,” you decide to correct him even though  the majority of your senses are telling you to just stop and let him win this time; stop and instead, hear him rant about the exhaustion from working all day; stop and find yourself fading away from Jinyoung—which is probably for the better nowadays.
And yet, you continue pointing out his accusation as false. “I asked you yesterday if you would be available at a reasonable hour that is not two AM and you promi—,” you bite down on your lip. The word has been a taboo in your vocabulary, and his. “—you reassured me you were, so I waited. You’re lucky I kept myself up by watching some random movie playing on TV.
“So you’re saying it’s my fault I had to finish a lot of work today?” Jinyoung finally snaps—you were honestly just waiting for his voice to reach a certain pitch—“If you knew I wasn’t going to call you when I said I did, you could have just slept.”
“So why did you call me at this goddamned hour, Jinyoung?” You shoot back, realizing that there is no way in hell you were going to let yourself feel small around him. Not anymore.
There is a pause, and this time Jinyoung doesn’t hide an exasperated sigh. You frown, eyes closing in as an attempt to calm the hotness of your cheeks, and the bubbling frustration in your stomach.
“Because you didn’t text me that you were going to sleep,” he simply says, understanding void in his tone. You hear nothing but blame towards you, for keeping him worried—and probably guilty—that he, himself, didn’t bother sending you a quick text informing he couldn’t make the call today.
But it’s not like he’s ever done it in a while.
You don’t warn him when you press the blaringly red end button; don’t warn him that you’re tired yourself and he isn’t the only one working full-time jobs in the relationship; don’t warn him that just because his career demanded more in terms of giving all of him to the industry, it doesn’t mean he can’t ever share even just a tiny piece of himself to you—that he can’t ever reserve one miniscule part of him to the person he promi—reassured would always have it.
You’ve done a lot of things in the two decades you have lived in which you initially told yourself not to.
Stealing not one, but four chocolate chip cookies during bed time just to suffer the stomachache in the morning, deliberately coming home three hours later without telling your mom just to be grounded for three weeks straight, drinking not one, but three 8 oz cups of black coffee before finals just to endure the throbbing pains of a heavy migraine the whole duration of your exams—you were logical enough not to pursue any of these acts of disobedience in the first place.
But life isn’t going to be the same without rebelling against the status quo in some way—better yet, that’s how you have shaped yourself to come to rational, beneficial decisions. That’s not to say you still don’t defy the logic of your mind through the persuasion of your heart.
And that is what loving Jinyoung is like—at least, right now.
You wake up with dry cheeks and stinging eyes. There is no natural light that hits your face, fortunately so—you have long since reminded yourself to never draw out the dark blue curtains from your windows during the night. From recent experiences, the growing headache you feel in the morning after a night of either: a) no sleep or b) “sleep sobbing” (as you had named them) only increased in intensity when the morning sun welcomes your face with a glare, almost mockingly.
Nowadays, you let the darkness of your apartment consume you—as if someone was willing to get you out of it, which isn’t the case.
It was another day of work, and you will yourself to keep up the standard routine you have devised ever since you had started feeling distant with not just your boyfriend, but your own being. You didn’t want to lose your source of income—anything but that at this point in time—so as sluggish as you are moving, at least you were getting things done.
The short phone call last night only came back in your conscience when you successfully find your phone hidden underneath the couch of your living room. You don’t exactly remember how it got there, but recollections of anger and longing return to your mind, and you conclude that the person you had called didn’t exactly resolve these emotions of yours thus the act of  shoving your phone somewhere you couldn’t see it for the rest of the night ensued.
Your lock screen was a default wallpaper that came with the device, but as your thumb rests on the home pad you are greeted with a picture of yourself and a man you doubt you still know of by now.
You can never get yourself to change it, however, as you believe seeing Jinyoung with his head lazily snuggled up against the crook of your neck, dark brown orbs absent with his eyelids on full view and yet the whiskers around them available for you to see and marvel over, full pink lips showing teeth without any of his hands hiding the beauty that is his smile—you still have him.
Seeing Jinyoung so vulnerable with you in the picture that was taken almost eight months ago makes you have that sliver of hope that he still cares about you the same way he did before.
And this is what keeps you going every day.
Finally ready to spend the rest of your Wednesday at the office, you make your way to the door and open it fully only to see the man in question standing right before you.
“Jinyoung?” Is your first reaction, eyes widening while your hand trembles in the air, not knowing whether to reach out to the skin protruding from the collar of his shirt to feel—oh god just feel if he’s real, or retract them to your figure and demand yourself to wake up from such a cruel nightmare.
“I’m sorry,” is his first response, eyes confirming the lack of enthusiasm on his voice last night before things got messy. “I deserve to being hung up on and I apologize—for everything,” Jinyoung adds, his tone now more determined and sincere.
Your expression softens, but the crack in your heart can’t be replaced that easily.
“Jinyoung, what are you doing here?” You ask him abruptly, head spinning from the recent turn of events. “I thought you had a showcase to practice for?”
“I—“ Jinyoung starts, and you wait for it. You haven’t seen him face to face in a long time, so witnessing the apologetic features adorning his visage, which quickly turned into furrowed eyebrows, a narrowed stare, flaring nostrils and parted lips made you nervous—it made you fearful of him.
“Aren’t you grateful I came all the way here knowing I can get in real fucking trouble with my manager?”
There it is: the blaming, the guilt tripping after you make him feel guilty. It was always the same sequence of emotions—on call or, as you can tell right now, in person.
“I don’t need this, Jinyoung. Go back to the studio if you’re that worried,” you say, refusing to meet his eyes flashing daggers towards you.
You didn’t want him to see you break down after everything, everything you have fought over for the past couple of months in text messages and voice calls. The last thing you want is for him to see you so weak—even if you are, even if you truly just want to make peace, you know Jinyoung wouldn’t. His pride is written all over his face, and it takes a good scrubbing for it to come off.
But you’re just so, so tired.
“Excuse me?” He shouts, stopping your exit with his arm outstretched at the door frame. You take a step back, wincing at the loudness of his tone. You have heard it countless of times from the speaker of your phone, but absorbing every anger it held right in person was a different terrifying sensation all over.
“You shouldn’t have made all the fucking effort of coming here just to blame me for the fact that you had to, Park Jinyoung,” you spat, forcing yourself to reciprocate his stare as you hold back the tears dangerously forming around your eyes.
You didn’t want to do this right now, so early and just… so raw. You haven’t seen him in months, you haven’t had a decent conversation in weeks, and you’re going to be late for the interview your boss had set up in regards to your promotion in the business. Jinyoung didn’t have any consideration towards you, and you doubt he’d try to understand right now.
“Can’t you just—can’t you just accept my apology so we can get this over with, then?” Jinyoung sighs heavily, using his other hand to rake through unkempt hair—he probably snuck out of the salon to make a quick visit as you see the perfect coverage of his face, no blemishes no scars—except for his eyes, his orbs that dug right through you. His stylists can never do anything to make them shimmer anymore, you think—and suddenly, you frown.
Jinyoung’s changed.
“You want me to forgive you so that you won’t be feeling all that guilt eating up your insides and you can finally breathe normally, Jinyoung? I don’t think so,” you seethe, letting one tear cascade down your cheek. His eyes notice and discreetly follow its trail to your chin, and you see him gulp with the tension building up between you. His face wasn’t that close, but any more movement from him inching forward, you would lose it right there and then.
“I’m not giving you that power over me, Jinyoung. Not last night, not today, so please. Get out of my way,” finally, your voice quiets down, protecting your façade from slowly breaking you apart. “You’re not the only one working hard to be successful. I have an interview for a higher position today, so if you’ll excuse—”
“What? You’re getting promoted? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jinyoung asks, curiosity overpowering the annoyed tone in his voice. His eyebrows relax for a moment, and you contemplate whether or not to admit your fault in not relaying such relevant information to him—at least, it’s relevant to you.
But you remember you’re just as angry and just as frustrated.
“I was supposed to tell you during our call last night,” you, instead, confess. “But shit happens, right?” Jinyoung’s thick black eyebrows return in a knot, and his eyes darken like the isolation you feel in the night, but this time—you’re just over it.
“Hurry back to your damn studio, Jinyoung. They need you back,” you mumble in your wake, shoving past his tense shoulders and outside the apartment complex, not even locking the door behind you. You remind yourself to call up your best friend to do so in a few minutes as she has a spare key, but right now, that’s the least of your concerns.
They need you, yeah right, like you weren’t projecting.
Shutting the car door with a slam, your head drops on top of the steering wheel, forcing a yelp from your mouth to escape. The tears you held back threaten to let go even more, but you sniffle them away. Your throat hurts from keeping it in, and so does your head, but you push yourself to continue on with your day as needed.
Jinyoung had probably left your apartment by now—what else was he going to do there? Wait for you to come back? You scoff, as if. But as you drive to the usual road you take to work, you are suddenly reminded that traffic is really heavy at this time of the day, so you turn to a corner.
The light turns green, and your car whizzes through the pavement as your feet aches to take you to the office as fast as you can. You side eye the rearview mirror as your heart sinks to your stomach almost immediately, a prominent banner plastered on a particular building for everyone to see. Quickly turning your head forward, you feel yourself hyperventilating. You just saw him this morning, told him to vanish, and here he is haunting you from behind.
“Fuck,” you say under your breath, hot and heavy, and hoping—hoping you’d be able to go through the interview with a higher salary promised—reassured in hand, and not a certain Park Jinyoung invading your mind.
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woojungkook · 7 years
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he had beautiful eyes the kind you could get lost in and i guess i did
© ♡ | ☆ | ✧ | ☼ | ✾ | ☽​
moodboard inspired by guest room, written by the lovely @blushtones​~
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miaoujones · 6 years
miaou is miaou everywhere. mew mew!
well. i’m not planning on leavng tumblr. is it a perfect site/platform? no. are the imperfections something i can live with? maybe. let’s see how they handle fanworks and fandom going forward. 
having said that, i’m around elsewhere too!
ao3: miaoujones
discord: miaoujones#0574
dragoncave: idk if anyone i know from here plays, but i’m in the dc discord (see above) and on the forums (miaou) a fair amount
dreamwidth: miaoujones
pillowfort: emjae (so i’m not miaou everywhere...)
twitter: ugh. twitter keeps suspending my account but won’t tell me why, so that’s pretty frustrating. also, i find it a stressful site. everything moves so fast and it’s not at all friendly to fic or long rambles, so i have no idea how to fandom there... i just feel very uncomfortable and even more disconnected than usual on twitter. but yeah, i’m miaoujones there as well. 
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moonbelt · 7 years
4 10 13 14 15 19 20 💓💓
wazzappp emjae love 💛💛
4: What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
exo and bts [mainly bc those are the 2 fandoms with a lot of content???] thats why i write more for got7 bc i couldnt find that many writers on them lol 
10: Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?
ahhh this is so hard wtf, uhh i think mutual pining?? enemies to lovers [depending on the author] can rub me the wrong way so mutual pining is def better for me haha
13: Exes or established relationship?
jfc this is hard. exes are cool but i usually lean towards established relationships bc sometimes Exes do really horrible things but expect to be forgiven bc of “love” lmao
14: (For authors) Post a line of dialogue from one of your WIPs without context.
“Something funny?” Jaebum pulls away from your lips, smiling. “For a minute there, I thought I got you in the mood.”
15: Post the last line you wrote without context.
A few looks here and there, sexual tension that seemed to light your whole body on fire, snarky remarks in class to get his attention focused on you, although you hadn’t expected it to actually take fruit.
19: What’s your favorite character headcanon?
hm im not sure, i’d say cave me in jinyoung. idk he’s very expressive with his eyes and most people take him to be rude or aloof but the way i imagine him is to be very emotional but he doesnt like to show it physically,, [i really dont know how to answer this question, my god]
20: Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
woo!!! i have so many authors i like and fics i love, most of them are under the tag ‘recs’ under my blog but i’ll list a few here >.
@knockknocksoosthere @kpopfanfictrash @fxvkjeon @yeolology @vonseok @vankoya @peachykaix @jongintaeminscenarios @bread-jinie @clickbangx2 @floralseokjin @blushtones [these are all i can remember rn lmao]
[send fan fic asks! … please! ]
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jbssi · 7 years
Can you recommend any good fanfic writers? Or fanfiction in general?
Yes, of course! I suppose you mean Got7 fanfics because it’s mainly what I post on this blog. Here are a few of my favorite writers whose masterlists I most likely have completely read through so I assure you won’t go wrong with any of their fanfics/scenarios!Here are some writers I’ve spoken to and absolutely CHERISH:@cloudygyeom (my absolute favorite!!! LOVE HER WRITING AND HER ) @flyera (emjae’s fics are THE BOMB YOU WILL LOVE THEM) @mumbleybummie (Jackie will slam you with feels so you better be ready) 
More writers whose work I really love:@imeightout @idolimagines @markiepoostudies @dotbammie @parkjinyoungology @kpopfanfictrash @the-porcelain-doll-xo @park9495 @xhixtape @onlylovekpop @imsarabum @darlingjbum @jj-nyoung @ars-ahgase @redgyeomie
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
no. 12 | youngjae
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thank you for requesting my lovelies! @2jaekisses​ and my kitty anon! ngl, i found it so cute that you both suggested the same prompt and the same member... ily both so much omg fjf also sorry this took like forever ToT
prompt: 12. “Why are you laughing? I’m being so sexy right now.” group: GOT7 pairing: choi youngjae, you genre: very fluff, bad puns words: 1606
“So, why did this turn into that?”
“That’s what I’m trying to find out, Jae.”
“Okay, but this looks wrong.”
“How do you know? When did you take Calculus?”
Scratching the back of his neck, Youngjae shows you a sheepish smile as you groan in your place.
“What?” Aren’t you trying to check if your answer is correct? I’m giving you my opinion on it if it helps,” he offers to your dying figure.
You shake your head in amusement for your boyfriend and annoyance for the subject destroying your sanity at the moment. “It doesn’t work that way, Jae. I appreciate the help but I think my calculator can do the trick this time,” you reassure him, kissing his cheek to which he pouts at.
“But you’ve had your head buried in math stuff since I got home! I haven’t been home in days, baby,” he whines instead, gently nuzzling the top of his head against your neck, thick full black hair tickling your skin. You shy away instinctively, giggling at the affectionate gesture. Your eyes meet Youngjae’s, shimmering in the light of your desk lamp.
He has been crouching down on your level, peering over your college work like a little kid, asking questions here and there as you try and answer in the simplest way you can. Youngjae had to put off going to university because of his idol life, but you understood his plan as he has much more opportunities to grow and skills to hone in the music industry, anyway.
You, on the other hand, was not gifted with such talents, so here you are, cramming yet again another Calculus homework due in class tomorrow.
“I know, and I’m glad you’re here,” you say, bringing a hand to his cheek as Youngjae closes his eyes in content. “And I’m sorry I’m drowned in school work but I promise I’ll finish in a bit, Jae.” His pout only continues to puffer up even more, and you resisted squeezing his cheeks. He did look more tired than you—understandably so as he has been going nonstop with preparations for his and his group’s newest comeback. You’re grateful he took the time out of his busy schedule to come home to you and spend the day off by your side, and you suddenly feel guilty for taking that away from him.
All because of a damned Math homework.
“Why don’t you start changing and climb into bed, yeah? I’ll join you soon enough,” you suggest, patting his cheek at the same time. Youngjae opens his eyes, and you feel extra worse as you look at them watering ever so slightly.
“No, I’m good here. I want to wait for you so we can be in bed together,” Youngjae says, wrapping his arms around your waist in an undoubtedly uncomfortable position for him.
You sigh, defeated. Once Youngjae makes up his mind, there is no turning back.
“Okay, well. Don’t you think that’s a bit uncomfortable for you, babe? Want to grab a chair and sit next to me instead?” You ask as he tightens his grip onto you even more. A few seconds pass as he releases you and soon shows you a toothy grin. Tilting your head in confusion, he grabs your arm as you stand up and Youngjae slides onto the chair instead. You plop down onto his lap, and his arms are back enclosing your waist.
Blushing hard at the immediate change of atmosphere, you bite your lip as your free hand holds onto his secured grip on you. “What’s this?” You ask teasingly. He tucks your hair around the side as his nose rubs against the back of your neck gently. “I like it better if you sat on me instead of next to me,” Youngjae whispers to your ear. It sends chills down your spine to which you believe he felt as well as you shudder physically.
You giggle as you try and continue on with your work, totally in pleasant surprise at the situation at hand. You weren’t complaining, it’s just that since it had been a long time since you and your boyfriend stayed in, you had forgotten how… suggestive he becomes whenever he misses you a lot.
It takes you a while, but you finally finish the second to the last problem. As you sigh in relief, you feel Youngjae’s hands run up and down your bare arms. Goosebumps penetrate your skin together with his touch, and you close your eyes while biting down on your lips, afraid of a nose you might make in response to his actions.
Youngjae’s chin props itself on one side of your shoulder. He hums mindlessly, eyes scanning your solutions. You’re still very sensitive to his skin touching skin, so you don’t notice his quiet observation. He huffs a breath before whispering, “Hey, baby?”
You come back to your senses as you answer abruptly, “Y-yeah, Jae?”
“If you were a triangle, you’d be acute one.”
Choking on your breath, you ask again, “W-what?” Youngjae doesn’t answer, instead, brings your closer to his chest with a soft thud as he kisses your neck lightly. Even still, your senses heighten with the soft touch of his lips on you. Leaning back a bit, he chuckles at your discreet way of asking for more but he eventually complies.
A kiss to your jaw, a bite to your ear, a suck on your collarbone.
Your breaths are heaving, and your body jelly under Youngjae’s gentle yet fiery touches. You drop your pencil in the middle of his kisses, and you hear it roll off the desk but you didn’t care. This was much more important.
You’re about to turn your head to connect your lips with his as he bops your nose to catch your conscious attention. As you open your eyes, you find his glinting ones staring back at you with his smile evident on his visage. The heat grows on your face, but he directs your sight towards something scribbled on your scratch paper, and you follow his gaze.
Youngjae points to a messily drawn square root of two in the midst of many different numbers and letters. You try and figure out what he’s trying to tell you, but he beats you to it as he declares, “You must be the square root of two because I feel irrational around you.”
Blinking in surprise, it takes you a moment to understand his bad pun and you let loose the fit of giggles. Your body vibrates in his embrace, and he groans playfully at your reaction. Turning to him, you fix yourself up so you begin straddling him in place. Youngjae realizes the new position, but continues to show hurt on his features, ears reddening in embarrassment. You continue giggling, hands now lazily resting on either of his shoulders.
“Why are you laughing? I’m being so sexy right now. That was sexy!” Youngjae protests, crossing his hands in the process. You snicker, rolling your eyes at his attempt of seducing you. “Yes, you made math homework sexy for me—nay, traumatic. I can never look at my professor the same way again when I think of square roots,” you counter.
Youngjae’s shoulders drop at your answer but you quickly peck his lips for reassurance. Your mood did brighten up tremendously as you had been feeling extremely off with all the math you were churning out of your brain. Having Youngjae by your side did make everything less tedious, and having him cheer you up with his corny ways gave you the much needed positivity your being was beginning to lose.
“I’m kidding, baby. That was good. I was rightfully seduced,” you admit, nodding your head for emphasis. Youngjae doesn’t seem to believe you as he shift his head towards the side, looking at anything but you at the moment. You sigh in amusement as your hands cradle his face as yours get closer to his.
“Baby…” you start, hoping he’d give in with your cutesy tone. You see Youngjae close his eyes for a second, probably resisting his weakness so you think for a second.
“Baby, I have a question,” you say instead. Patiently waiting, Youngjae finally answers with a soft hum.
“Are you the square root of negative one?” You ask sincerely, smiling through your words. He slowly turns his head towards you, nose bumping nose. You retreat back a few inches just so you can see his face as you continue, “Because you can’t be real.”
And finally, you watch the thin line of his lips convert to a wide smile, teeth fully showing in genuine happiness. He laughs in the funny way you always adored about him, breaths in short intervals with his chest bopping up and down with every puff of breath. It was contagious, so you laugh with him, feeling secure in his arms.
The both of you finally relax as Youngjae tucks a strand of your hair away from your face. “That was so bad, babe,” he comments, shaking his head in amusement. You nod slowly and quip back, “I know. Just learned from the best—or worst?”
“Yah!” He shot back at you, eyebrows furrowing. You kiss the skin between, trailing down to his nose then his parted lips. It takes him a second to kiss back, pushing gently to deepen the connection. Hands snaking around your waist, Youngjae brings you closer to him—much much closer.
You stay kissing for a good while, and you remind yourself at the back of your head to finish that one last problem first thing in the morning.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
Hiii can I have 6 and 50 with Jinyoung? thanks (^.^)
prompt: 6. “Aren’t you cold?” / 50. “Why are you laying on the floor?”group: GOT7pairing: park jinyoung, yougenre: fluff, girl idol!readerwords: 2537note: ehhh i did not like this as much >_
It wasonly four thirty in the morning and yet you feel as if you’ve lived through anentire day already. Judging from the fact that you only got three hours ofsleep last night, it was evident on your tired facial features that you neededsome serious covering up to do.
Theindustry won’t ever allow you looking like what you are right now in front ofthousands of fans, so you suck it up and let your face get caked with makeup.It’s not always that bad, usually the makeup artists you’ve worked with put onthe lightest of coverages on your face, but today was a different story.
“Didyou not sleep at all last night?” You hear your leader ask you from behind.Your group was walking to your assigned dressing room for today’s music showperformance.
It wasyour fourth comeback, and fortunately you have gained a lot of supportthroughout your first year of becoming a K-pop girl group. The feedback forthis one, in particular, has been more than amazing, so you and your membersmade sure you gave it your best at every stage.
“I didhear a lot of squealing and crying in the middle of the night,” another membersnickers, nudging your elbow teasingly.
Youwere too dazed to protest of your reputation, and you almost tripped forwardcolliding with the maknae of your group. She holds onto your arm, steadyingyour figure.
“Whoa—whoa.I told you to watch that kdrama of yours after our performances,” shereprimands, shaking her head in disapproval. Your eyes are closed, wanting toget as much rest as you can before you start recording your song.
Yougive a thumbs up to no one in specific, hoping it answered whatever they wereasking you.
“Yah,c’mon. We don’t want our manager seeing her like this,” someone whispersharshly as soon as you feel yourself almost being carried into a brightly litroom. Squinting, you feel a headache quickly forming in your head with theintensity of the light.
Theyrelease their grip and your balance falls yet again, but this time you catchyourself from making an absolute fool of your person as you stand up straight.
Yourub your eyes vigorously, opening them slowly to adjust to your newsurroundings. The room was chaotic, staff of different roles walking in and outof the place, trying to complete their tasks as quick and efficient aspossible. Spotting your other members seated on different swivel chairs, younotice that there was none available anymore.
“Did I—DidI arrive late or something?” You ask groggily, yawning in the process. Youstill haven’t collected your conscious as your members laugh.
“Yourbrain did,” one of them shoots back and you groan in response. One of the staffapproaches you with a bottled water, and you accept it gingerly as the thirstbegins scratching on your throat.
“You’rean MC, remember? Follow me, you will be assisted in another room,” she tellsyou, signaling with her hand. Suddenly, you remember the real reason why youdecided to stay up later than usual last night, and distract your anxious mindby watching a kdrama you knew was going to mess up your emotions.
Theyhad asked you to be an MC for a few weeks and you happily agreed, knowing itwould create even just a tiny bit of exposure on you and your group as well.This wakes you up ever so slightly as you trail behind the staff’s footsteps,avoiding your members’ teasing gazes. You’ll deal with them later.
Itwasn’t as crowded in the room you entered since there are only three MCs towork on, but you notice that you are the first one to be taken care of. Yousigh in relief knowing you may have some time to snooze while waiting for theothers.
Themakeup artist starts beating your face with some kind of pink sponge with arather cold yet light fluid like substance you assume was concealer. You’vedone this too many times not to keep still and do whatever the staff tells youto as you know they woke up hours before you did—and they’re the ones in chargeof making you look presentable so might as well not make them mad.
Faceand hair kept neat and stylish, you’re finally done as they let you change intoyour assigned outfit as an MC. Taking your measurements didn’t take that long,but you did meet the other MC of the show, Jisoo.
Shehad been an MC together with another guy idol—you can’t for the life of youremember right now—for a while now, and when you heard of the invitation givento you to stand on stage next to these two already well-known artists in theindustry, your heart skipped a beat.
Jisoointroduced herself cheerily and you wonder how she had the energy to even showa smile this early in the morning. Either way, you did your best to reciprocateher vibes but her bubbly personality cannot be matched.
Shebids you good luck as you go on your way to dress up while she gets her ownmakeup done. You wonder out loud where the other MC was at, but you faintlyremember Jisoo telling you he was getting makeup done in another room, and willbe arriving shortly for his hairdo afterwards.
Thankfully,your clothes weren’t too fancy nor difficult to be in; just an oversized longsleeved button up, one side a dark blue color and the other completely white.As soon as the designer sees you, she instructs that you tuck a small portionof the hem in your ripped high waisted jeans which you complied. Satisfied withyour look, she shoos you away, ready for her next target.
Finally,you’re done with the preparations, and you feel that you have enough time tocatch some Zs
Italmost seemed as if the population in the room doubled in size, but you wereable to find a secluded spot to sit on. The floor looked clean enough, and yourshorts didn’t seem to attract that much dirt anyway so, why not?
Yourgrogginess was still taking over your system so any and all rational decisionsin your mind had left once your butt hits the floor and your head rests againstthe wall, slumber quickly approaching you. Someone was bound to wake you upwhen you’re finally needed on stage, so you gratefully accept sleep to embraceyou.
It mayhave been minutes since you started dozing off, but you suddenly feel somethingwarm poking your leg rather insistently. You stir in your sleep, the coldnessseeping through your cheeks as you hiss softly, turning to your side.
Youhum instinctively, wanting the poking to disappear but to no avail.
“Nnn…what?” You murmur, smacking your lips in content of your slumber.
“Aren’tyou cold?”
Youhear a hearty laugh next to your ear, and you try to nuzzle up at the sounduntil you hear the voice ask you again, “Why are you laying on the floor?”
“Hmm…You have to… deal with… the cars you’re dealt with,” you mumble, breathingsoftly in between phrases.
Jinyoungraises his eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips at the incorrect term you used,but he figured it was just because you were too sleepy.
Hecontemplated whether to keep asking you questions as you answer misheardphilosophical quotes, but Jisoo specifically asked him to go look for you asyour recordings were about to start in less than ten minutes.
However,Jinyoung couldn’t help but look at your peaceful figure for a few more moments.Was he a creep for doing so? He hopes not; he has seen you in different musicshows before, impressed by your group’s exceptional coordination not only invocals but in dance moves considering you are still a rookie in the industry.
He hadtaken a liking towards you as you both shared similar positions in yourrespective groups, and his members had caught him listening to songs you hadmost vocals in more than once already—so that’s saying something.
Hisgroup and yours haven’t had the chance of meeting each other officially,though, since there really isn’t a reason to. But when he had heard from Jisoothat you were guesting as an MC for a show, overjoyed is an understatement ofhis initial reaction.
He hadto make such an ugly face right in front of Jisoo in order to conceal the grintrying to pop out of his lips. Jinyoung remembers Jisoo quirking an eyebrow,mouth puckered up slightly.
Oh,she knows.
“Asmuch as I’d let you have your sleep, we’re on in five,” Jinyoung says ratherloudly. He reaches for your arm tentatively, wondering if it were okay to touchyou that way, but he looks around for any suspicious eyes—that were not there—beforegently grabbing your arm and shaking it. He bunches up the thin fabric of yoursleeve as his fingers graze on your soft skin, tingling his own senses.
Jinyounggulps, slapping himself mentally for crossing boundaries in his mind.
Youfinally stir, eyelids moving erratically but Jinyoung did not have the time toretract his hand as you wake up and, with your fast reflexes, punch the man’schest with your other hand. You sit up straight, suddenly heaving from thesudden rush of adrenaline pulsing through you. Who in their right minds wouldjust grab you like that—in your most vulnerable state?
Butalso… where are you?
Hearinggroaning noises next to you, your head spins sideways and you part your lipsalmost to the floor. Scrambling to your knees, you offer your assistance to thewhimpering man in front of you—none other than Park Jinyoung of GOT7.
“I’m—Ididn’t—holy shi—Are you okay?” You exclaim frantically as your hands hoverabove him, not knowing where to actually assist him with. Jinyoung coughs outloud, pounds his chest and signals with one hand for him to take a moment. Younod, blinking rapidly at the turn of events.
Youfell asleep—of course, but on the floor for goodness sake! And Jinyoung triedwaking you up, but your anxious ass failed to analyze the situation rationallyand instead opted to punch the nearest breathing figure to your body.
Youfeel like passing out.
“Hey,I was the one who got hurt here,” Jinyoung chokes out jokingly, preparing tostand up. Looking up, you see the wrinkles forming around his eyes as he grinsat you. Your chest tightens at the gesture, feeling your hand rest against it.Jinyoung notices your flushed form and he couldn’t help but chuckle even more.
Hedidn’t know you were this cute.
“Inall seriousness, we do have to get going,” Jinyoung coughs before clarifyinghis previous actions. You shake your head, realizing you were still lookinglike the damsel in distress that you are not before Jinyoung. You fail to seehis outstretched hand waiting for you to accept as you stand up albeit wobblyby yourself.
Brushingoff some dust on your bottom, you finally catch a glimpse of his palm openedup, and with your conscious still recovering from its hazy hibernation, yougive him a hi-five.
“Thanksfor waking me up!” You beam at him, nervous sweat trickling down the back ofyour neck at his confused expression. Was that not the right response? Did youassume that he was waiting for your hand to touch his? Did you prove yourselfweirder than you already appeared sleeping on the floor?
Thisday could not get any worse.
Youbrisk walk your way out of the scene, never looking back at the dumbfoundedJinyoung. You had already forgotten he was the other MC you were going to workwith, and he was one of the male idols you had always admired from afar. Heseemed like a true gentleman—which he showed just mere seconds ago—but at thesame time, you had seen his playfulness towards his group members in videoswhich you certainly did not binge watch one time.
Comingout of the dressing room, you find your way to the stage as you vaguelyremember Jinyoung saying you only had a few minutes until recording. You werestill going to stand next to the guy, but dealing with the embarrassment was somethingyou cannot do at the moment; so you take a deep breath, pick a path to walk onand hope to the gods above it’s the right one.
“Otherside,” Jinyoung tells you and you freeze.
“Ourstage is on the other side,” he repeats as you turn your heel slowly to facehim. His smile does not falter from his face, those damn cute whiskers stillevident crinkling around his shiny orbs. “I’m sorry if I did anything to makeyou uncomfortable back there,” he apologizes.
“No,oh my god,” you quickly say, shaking your head you feel the headache comingback. “I was the one who acted weird. And I shouldn’t have slept on the floorin the first place. I’m sorry for punching you,” you add in a small voice, yourgaze dropping to his shoes.
Jinyounglaughs, pitch soft and light your ears perk up at the melody. “I understand howtired you must be. I have done it before, we all have. I’ll just provide youwith a blanket so your experience wouldn’t be as…bad,” he suggests.
“Oh,”you mutter to yourself, your heart fluttering with his subtle remarks. “That’dbe great, actually.”
Hissmile couldn’t get bigger than this. “I’m Jinyoung, by the way,” he greets witha teasing bow of the head. You let out a giggle and introduce yourself as well,giving him a light curtsy in playful retaliation.
“Iknow,” Jinyoung blurts out, and you raise an eyebrow as your cheeks heat up atthe assumption that Jinyoung knew of your existence way before today. “I mean—Ihave heard of you and your group. I’ve heard to your songs as well—your group—andI really enjoy listening to you—your voices,” he corrects himself, but youcatch those tiny slip ups you don’t know who’s blushing even harder between thetwo of you.
Yousuddenly feel relieved—comfortable even. Your shoulders relax as you say, “Iknow of you too. And your group. I like listening to your voice too, Jinyoung.And the other members’ voice too.”
Jinyounggrins, covering his mouth and you wish he didn’t. You liked seeing him smilewith vulnerability. It suits him.
“Lovebirds,we’re waiting!” Jisoo calls out at the end of the hall, waving her hands tocall your attention.
“C-coming!”You and Jinyoung reply in unison. You look at each other for a moment, burstinto giggles and walk side by side.
Beforethe day ends, you have Jinyoung’s number and he begins texting you beforefalling asleep and after waking up in the morning. You do the same.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
grab my hand | eunwoo/dongmin
monthly prompt event: summer / vacation  group: ASTRO pairing: cha eunwoo/ lee dongmin, you genre: fluff, soulmate!au warnings: mentions of drowning, but not too serious.  words: 4782
note: heavily inspired by dongmin’s CF for lotte waterpark. you can watch the video here. i’m not familiar with the other girl he was with, but they had really great chemistry and the CF was just full of good summery vibes, so why not turn it into a fic. :) ^^ also, i don’t see a lot of astro fics on tumblr, so let’s change that right now, shall we?~ (another thing, /your/ best friend is gender neutral hence the they/them pronouns)
enjoy x
You didn’t quite mind it--it’s been etched on your skin for almost a month now, and seeing that your peers have been getting their own recently, you didn’t feel uncomfortable having it yourself. 
Nevertheless, you can’t say that you’re genuinely excited for what’s to come with having the tattoo. You’re young, you’re reckless, and you’re most certainly unsure of various aspects in your life at the moment--including the search for your soulmate.
Grazing the exposed skin on the inner part of your wrist, you marvel over the words inked on top of your protruding veins, each letter still sending electric signals through your body. 
The first time you saw the soulmate link attached to you was the morning you woke up one day as you felt a sort of stinging on your hand. You quickly inspect the source of pain, and nervous panic ensues in your stomach as the surface glows in the morning light, slowly did the letters inscribe themselves and you squint at the unfamiliar sensation. 
Fortunately, you lived on your own, so your mom--who had been the most excited for you to receive your own link already--didn’t have to know yet. However, you were not so much discreet with hiding it from your friends, so the ones that did have them--and have been acquainted, possible more, with their soulmates--began cheering you on with your own quest. 
Sighing at the thought, you give your tattoo one last glance then quickly grabbed your phone placed on top of your drawer. 
Ever since getting the link, you hadn’t really been that enthused into excessively looking for your supposed soulmate. Heck, you’re not even sure if this whole phenomenon is 100% fool proof as you had your doubts on the universe creating this universal scheme of definitively settling someone’s destiny with another.
You punch in familiar digits on your phone and hold it against one ear, impatiently waiting for the person on the other end to pick up. On the fourth ring, they finally do, and before you can start reprimanding your best friend for their tardiness, they speak up. 
“I’m almost there! Stop sending me so many texts!”
“You invited me in the first place yet you’re the one picking me up ten minutes late,” you scoff, rolling your eyes in slight annoyance. You rarely complain about such trivial matters, but the fact that your best friend had managed to persuade you to spend a whole day at a water park still bewildered you in this moment. 
The reason being: you hated the water, you never bothered learning to swim, and most importantly, groups of people crowding one location gave you unnecessary anxiety and so you never bothered being in any of those positions. 
“Okay, I can see your apartment, come out now.”
“Finally,” you mutter sarcastically, ending the call. Grabbing your duffel bag, you make your way out of your apartment complex and immediately spot your best friend’s car. You open the door and settle in the passenger’s seat, feeling the cool wind breeze onto your face. Sneaking a glance to your right, your best friend gives you an all too excited grin and you groan in response. 
“Aww, c’mon. The least you can do is fake a smile,” they whine. 
“Then you don’t know me well enough,” you counter, crossing your arms and bringing your eyes onto the view in front of you. Your best friend sighing in defeat, they begin to drive again and you suddenly feel your heart dropping to your stomach. 
You had done a great job of setting aside the nerves you’ve been accumulating ever since you both planned on this water park adventure, but now that the actual day has come you can’t seem to disguise a nonchalant facade anymore. 
What felt like an hour to you was only a mere twenty minute ride as you spot the grandiose banner informing you’ve arrived. You hitch a breath as you try to calm yourself down. What if you fake having a stomachache? Your period? Rising anxiety that might possibly make you pass out once you enter the premises of this death trap—water park, you mean.
“I can almost feel you shaking the whole drive here, babe. You’re going to be fine! And it’ll be fun,” your best friend snaps you out of your internal crisis. The engine turns off and they begin gathering their own stuff while you stay still in your seat, gulping down a scream of terror occupying your throat.
“You want to toast yourself inside the car or are you coming with? Like you promised?” Your best friend asks, one eyebrow raised challengingly. Their door was open as their body slouches down to your level. Looking at them with a sneer, you reply, “First of all, don’t call me babe. Secondly, I’d rather toast myself in this heat than drown in muddy water and third, you forced me to go.”
Eventually, you get out of the car—you honestly didn’t want to burn your skin, you just wanted to sound tough—and trudge beside your best friend to the entrance with a frown plastered on your face.
“Why? Are you saving that pet name exclusively for your soulmate?” Your best friend teases, nudging your arm playfully. “Hey, you never know, you might finally meet them here. I mean, your tattoo says, ‘grab my hand.’ Wouldn’t that be romantic to find them here?”
You don’t reply knowing that whatever you defend yourself with, they won’t listen and continue pestering you about that damn soulmate. But, whatever, you have other matters to worry about—and that’s making sure you don’t drown in any of the rides you’d go on today.
If anything, you’re the most adrenaline junkie among your group of friends, that is—if it was on land. Anything water related, you bet your ass you’re sprinting out of that place.
You go through the entrance, security, and the part where they fasten a kind of indestructible bracelet around your wrist which covered your tattoo. You feel momentarily pleased for having it disappear from your sight even if it’s just for today. It hasn’t really helped being that it was summer and you couldn’t—for the life of you—sacrifice sweating buckets wearing long sleeved shirts in order to mask the tattoo away.
“Alright, we’re in! Let’s put our stuff in the lockers and start finding a ride to go on first,” you best friend enthusiastically says next to you and you find yourself just following her orders like a lost puppy. You’ve already bumped into three different people on your way here and your patience is already in its thinnest state. But you see your dear friend already having the time of their life, and you sigh in resignation as you decide to just try and at least enjoy your time with them.
Changing into your simple swimwear and lathering as much sunscreen as possible on you, you and your best friend search for a ride that didn’t have as much people in line. They drag you to one with a long flight of stairs and as you look up, you gasp.
The ride looked like a huge cornucopia with water flowing around it. Just as you start climbing up the stairs, you see a red raft filled with six people diving into the vast space, and like a metronome they splash their way around the circular ride of hell. The raft sweeps side to side as your stomach churns in rhythm, and eventually it reaches the end with a pool of water as their landing. You squirm in your place.
“What do you think?” They ask you, noticing your eyes fixated on the ride.
“You don’t want to know what I think.”
They shake their head in amusement, and grab your hand as you keep climbing up. You’re thankful you have them as support as your knees start wobbling each step you take forward. The sun had started reaching your eyes, and you almost miss a step as you squint at its brightness.
Once landing on the step safely, your best friend stops in front of you seeing the line had paused as well. You take a deep sigh as you continue relaxing your muscles when another figure bumps into your back, causing you to collide against your best friend in front as well.
With your quick reflexes, you hold onto the railing to avoid slipping and falling to your death—and the ride hasn’t even started yet—and glance backward to see the cause of your almost demise.
“Rude,” you utter out loud, not thinking twice. Your eyes are on the boy’s shorts, so they slowly scan their way upward to his face and you blink in shock. The guy in question was staring at you the same, with his dark brown eyes widening and pink lips parting in shock.
“Dude, what’s the hold up?” Assuming it’s his friend, he asks obnoxiously and only notices that the line had stopped moving. You wait for him to look at you and when he does, you momentarily shift your gaze from the handsome boy to his annoying friend and send an expression that made him outwardly quiver in his place. Their other friend smacks his head from behind, muttering something along the lines of respecting women and not embarrassing them in front of pretty ones at that.
“You okay?” Your best friend taps your shoulder, and you close your eyes for a moment before bringing them back to the boy with disheveled—and slightly damp—black hair. “Yeah,” you mumble, turning a 180 from your position to hide the blush forming on your cheeks. He didn’t even say a word to you and yet he’s already got you flustered under his gaze.
The next five minutes had started to feel excruciatingly longer as you keep getting closer to your turn, the more you wanted to sneak another glance right behind you to see if the boy you had shared eye contact with was actually real. You were making it a big deal because getting all whipped for someone you just met—and haven’t even talked to yet—was a rare occasion for you, and only someone that strikingly beautiful can capture your attention as much as he did right now.
You hear his friends conversing to themselves, but he seems to only be an observer as you haven’t heard him speak ever since your encounter. Before you can day dream about it any further, you’re the first in line and the life guard starts directing you to the unoccupied raft dangerously close to the opening of the cornucopia.
Cue your anxiety here.
Shaking legs rest themselves on the wet surface of the raft, and your head is strictly shifted to your best friend’s side, sending them looks of disapproval, worry, and just overall intense fear. You didn’t calculate the height of the ride because if you did, you’d just pass out right there and then. So finally reaching the top made you feel even more nauseous, but your best friend chuckles and pats your exposed thigh for reassurance. Suddenly, their eyes dart to the side and their lips curl into a knowing smile. You try and analyze the cause of their abrupt change in expression, and quickly conclude that you’re only 1/3 of the people needed for the ride to start, and knowing the next three people behind you…
“Alright, let’s get it on!” The annoying one beams, plopping down across from your position. His friend follows suit, laughing at something said prior between him and the….handsome one who gingerly takes his seat next to you.
You move your hand away from the handle in retaliation, but it was too late as his fingers lightly graze your own, and you suddenly couldn’t take control of your muscles anymore.
Sharing another glance, you feel yourself smiling shyly at the interaction, heart thumping in your chest so loud you were sure he could hear it. He returns the smile, albeit even more sheepish than yours, and you quickly shy away your gaze with your eyes finding a certain spot on his outstretched arm.
His wrist had ink.
He has the soulmate link.
Unfortunately, the same bracelet yours shielded the tattoo was wrapped around his own, so it took you one second from feeling giddy to accepting disappointment. A guy like him had probably already met his soulmate—not like you wished you were his, just knowing the possibility of him being taken made you feel small and conscious of your own relationship status.
Caught up in your own dilemma, you didn’t hear the life guard’s safety reminders and therefore didn’t realize your raft being pushed forward and immediately sliding down the pit of darkness. Thus, your scream escapes the confines of your lungs first as your best friend laughs at your initial reaction and joins in. You didn’t even care if the boy found you annoying at this point already, your anxiety had to get out of your system some way or another.
Surprisingly, once your raft got out of the pitch black tunnel, the fast breeze accompanying the momentum of the ride made you feel euphoric as water hits you with every glide of the raft against the ride. You find yourself screaming in delight rather than fear, and your best friend’s I told you it’ll be fun is lost in their own shouts of joy.
You glance to your other side and see his visage fully drenched in water, his mouth spurting some of them away and you can’t help but giggle at the sight. He hears you teasing him, shaking his head like a wet dog to get you just as drenched. You laugh together, enjoying the last few seconds of the whirlwind of a ride before losing its acceleration and slowly moving its way downward until coming to a stop.
You didn’t have a chance to catch your breath and conduct a telepathic conversation with him as his friends start dragging him elsewhere the moment you stepped out of the raft. You frown, knowing you’ll probably never see him again in the sea of people at the water park.
“So, did you like it?” Your best friend says curiously, fixing whatever’s left to fix of their dampened hair. You sigh as you nod absentmindedly, your mind imprint the boy’s features for as long as you can; the waviness of his shiny hair, the sharp curve of his nose, his twinkling eyes, the slight curl of his pink lips and the leanness of his jaw.
Damn are you whipped.
“If it weren’t for that cute boy, would you still have liked it?” Your best friend changes their question, linking their arm with yours as they guide you to a new ride nearby. Finally coming back to your senses, you shake your head. “I mean, him being there was just a bonus. I have to admit I actually had fun up there.”
“See! You just needed to get your ass out of that cramped apartment and actually try new things,” they tell you proudly. “And what did I tell you? The chances of finding your soulmate here was bigger than I thought!”
“He has the ink,” you inform them. Their eyes light up in response but you interrupt their excitement, “but he probably already found his soulmate.”
“What are you talking about? Did you see what his tattoo was?”
“So you’re just bluffing,” they conclude, gripping your arm tighter. “Did he say anything to you?”
“Also no,” you answer with a sigh. “It’s whatever. I might not even see him for the rest of my life anymore, so let’s just get on with another ride.”
They shrug at your bitter response. “Unless he’s your soulmate,” they interject in a sing song voice. Narrowing your eyes at them, they retaliate with an innocent grin and completely change the subject at hand, knowing you’re going way past your limit. You try to forget about the lucky encounter you had by indulging yourself in a newfound adrenaline rush within you. You didn’t want to admit it to your best friend that their mission of getting you to enjoy a day at the water park is going exceedingly well, so you just show them your gratitude by laughing and screaming in delight together during the succeeding rides you’d gone to.
The two of you were able to finish off five rides before succumbing to hunger. After buying overpriced burgers, fries, and drinks, you spotted an unused cabana which you and your best friend immediately took territory in. You munch on your feast while retelling your recent experiences on the rides you’d just went on, slowly admitting defeat to your best friend.
Once you had finished eating, you decided to stroll the park to digest the food down. Even if you’re finally enjoying yourself at a place you once believed was Satan’s lair, you still didn’t hesitate criticizing any and every minute detail you found; from the saltiness of the fries, to the greasiness of the patty; from the extremely colorful t shirts employees had to wear to the overly enthusiastic smiles they glued onto their faces. Everything was put under your radar, and as your best audience, your best friend laughed at all of them.
It’s been a good while since you had eaten, and the two of you finally reach the one attraction your best friend had been saving for last: the wave pool. Now, this wasn’t exactly a ride on its own as it was literally just a pool where people of all ages can hang out to their heart’s content. The catch is, there is a fixed interval where the mechanical waves start appearing.
And that’s actually what you feared the most.
“Uhh, do we really need to go on this one? Isn’t this the most boring of them all?” You try to reason out to them as they make their way to the pool. They dip one foot onto the “shore,” and proceed to give you a thumbs up, seemingly avoiding your statement.
“Water’s not too bad, you should get in before the others do,” they suggest.
“You don’t know what’s been in that water since this morning,” you say, slightly disgusted. Your best friend shoots a deadpan expression, and grabs your hand forcing you to stand where your ankles meet the lukewarm water.
They keep pushing you farther away and the more your body submerges itself in the water, the more jelly like your legs began to feel. You stutter, “Hey—hey—wait—what are you doing? This is too deep!”
“It’s just five feet, you’re fine. People are going to swarm the pool once the waves start crashing, so make sure you stay put because that’s a good spot.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” You demand frantically as you see them effortlessly swim away and back to shore. You try and imitate their previous actions, but you soon regret the years you were offered to take free swimming classes in school but you deliberately refused.
“I have to pee! Don’t worry, I’ll be back once the waves come in,” they yell from a few feet away—which seemed to be countries away from where you stood, or floated. Your voice gets caught in your throat as you watch them skip to the nearest bathroom available with the line as long as the rides you went on earlier.
You can almost hear the water threatening you as they meet your neck. Your feet still feels the hard surface of the pool, which you’re grateful for, but as more people splash their way in the pool, the more you feel yourself drifting farther from your initial position.
“As long as my feet touches the floor, I’m good,” you keep repeating to yourself. Everyone around you seems to be having fun and you envy their ability to stay calm and collected in a place that could literally kill you. Gulping your nervousness down, you try to think of positive things that would stray your thoughts away from death as much as possible.
Until you hear a rumbling sound coming from the end of the pool.
People begin hollering, raising their arms and just getting ready for something to happen. Eyes widening, your whole body begins shutting down as well as your toes can merely even feel the surface of the ground. You start to panic, your vision blurry thus making it difficult for you to spot your best friend. You call out their name in a desperate attempt of safety, but your voice is absorbed in the first crash of waves coming towards you, bringing you with its intensity.
You hold onto your breath as your ears ring with muffled voices and screaming thoughts in your head. You raise your arm to signal the danger you’re in, but it felt like your whole body was being pushed in any which way by the waves making its grand entrance.
Is this it—is this what your life has come to—surrendering to the one fear you almost overcame throughout the day but quickly came back to haunt you, that is, drown you?
In the millisecond your mouth meets open air, you try to suck in a huge breath of oxygen to keep you alive until a life guard notices your call for help, but at the same time, your body is being grabbed by something that didn’t feel like water, and you hear a faint, yet desperate voice calling out to you.
“Grab my hand!”
Stupid, you can’t even feel your hands anymore, but they do meet another pair of strong ones, and before you could say your last prayer, your head comes up to the surface yet again and your waist is now enclosed inside what seems like an inflatable floatie.
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god,” you spurt repeatedly, not caring whether you’re letting out water from the pool or spit from your mouth. Your hands are still gripping on someone else’s fingers, but your eyes sting from too much collision with the waves it took you a while to recognize your life saver.
“It’s okay—you’re okay. You’re safe. Just, grab my hand. Like that,” the voice calms you down, but you definitely know it isn’t your best friend.
“M—my eyes, they sting,” you sputter, shrieking with every wave still crashing against your figure.
“Don’t worry about it, just calm down, okay? Open them when you’re ready,” he reassures you, and not knowing what else to do you follow his instructions.
After a while, the waves begin to die down and so does your racing heartbeat. You can finally regain consciousness of your body and surroundings and the first thing your eyes see are your hands entwined with another’s, resting in front of the floatie you’re currently in.
Lifting your head, you see a familiar face gazing back at you, a concerned look present on his features. His eyebrows are scrunched in worry, and his eyes produce a certain softness that makes you melt into them. You recognize the same parted lips, and you almost jump back in shock, but seeing as you’re in the middle of a pool, you can only reciprocate his surprised emotions.
“It’s… you,” you mumble in a flurry of different emotions. You’re both drenched in pool water, and you can’t even imagine how unappealing your hair must have looked with it sticking to the sides of your face.
“It’s you,” he says back, taking in your flustered figure with a growing smile. “I’m Dongmin, and I’m glad you’re okay.”
“I…” you trail off, only realizing that he’s the one you owe your life to. “T-thank you, Dongmin,” you add abruptly, mumbling your name in the process. He chuckles lightly, glancing down to your fingers wrapped around one another. No one seems to want to let go; and you’re mind is going in circles at how things are turning out right now.
“May I?” Dongmin asks suddenly, pursing his lips towards your hands and you couldn’t help but to show slight confusion. You nod your head reluctantly, unaware of his intentions. He gracefully lifts your entangled fingers closer to his upper stomach, and as it bumps against his white shirt you feel his toned muscles underneath which causes you to squirm involuntarily.
Dongmin smiles at your reaction but continues to examine your hand—your wrist specifically. He detaches one hand from yours which causes a frown your way, but your lips quickly form an ‘O’ shape realizing what he’s doing.
Pushing the bracelet out of the way, he unveils the inked writing on your wrist. You almost forgot about that thing engraved on your skin, but you join him in reading the words out loud.
“Grab my hand,” you say in unison, and a light bulb pops out of your head. Dongmin present his own wrist to you, and your free hand is trembling as it reciprocates his previous actions, revealing his own tattooed words.
“Well, aren’t these a unique combination of phrases,” Dongmin comments out loud and you can’t help but giggle at his observation. Your feelings are almost like the waves that threatened your life just mere minutes ago, crashing and interrupting the peaceful flow of your mind. You can’t believe it.
You actually found your soulmate.
“Speaking of, I’m sorry about my friend earlier. For pushing me therefore pushing you,” he quips in the silence you emitted. You shake your head and look at him. “I should actually thank him. If it weren’t for his annoying ass, you wouldn’t have heard me say your tattoo,” you defend.
“Touché. I may have to wait for you some more,” Dongmin ponders, nodding his head in thought. You laugh at his dramatics and ask, “What, so you’ve been actively waiting for me?”
He feigns hurt, gasping ever so loudly at your smirking lips. “You’re telling me you weren’t?”
Shrugging innocently, you admit, “I just thought you would come in my life naturally, you know.”
“If naturally meant in the form of saving you in distress, then I guess it was worth it,” Dongmin answers back with a grin, and you slap his arm playfully, laughing along. His eyes crinkle amidst his cheerful chuckles, and your heart swells at the view.
You can get used to this.
“Where’s your friend, by the way?” Dongmin inquires once the two of you start making your way to the shore, hands still intertwined together as if they were made to connect that way all along. Dongmin had the floatie around his other shoulder as you look for a spot to sit on.
“Still stuck in the line for the bathroom, probably,” you utter, scanning the vicinity to find a particular mess of hair that belongs to your best friend. Your initial grudge towards them had long dissipated, but their disappearing act still irked your senses.
“Wait. I think I see them.” Halting his pace, Dongmin looks away and you inspect his initial line of vision. Your eyes fixate on the figure of your best friend clearly having a good time with none other than Dongmin’s non annoying friend with the annoying friend in tow. They don’t seem to notice you, so you drag Dongmin towards another direction with the clear intention of avoiding them for now.
“Does your friend have the tattoo link too?” You ask Dongmin to which he shook his head no. “He did try writing random phrases on them before which didn’t end well,” he adds nervously and you laugh at this revelation.
“Maybe it started forming today, you never know. He looked particularly red in the face talking to my friend,” you comment.
“Or he’s probably just sunburnt,” Dongmin retaliates. You laugh at his savage reply, but nod your head as you can’t believe someone shares the same twisted humor as you did.
“So, what do you want to do now?” You ask him once you find a bench under the shade to sit on. Your thighs bump into one another as soon as you relax yourselves onto the seat, and you instinctively back away but Dongmin’s hands find themselves encircling on your own.
“Talk, perhaps? Until our friends go looking for us,” Dongmin suggests, squeezing your fingers softly.
“I’m down for that,” you agree, easing into the comfortable feeling he provided.
This day wasn’t so bad after all. In fact, it was even better than what you hoped for it to be.
Your best friend was right, you should go out more. 
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
early morning | 2jae
group: GOT7 pairing: im jaebum, choi youngjae genre: fluff my dudes words: 2704
ah! what’s this?? a 2jae with no angst???? you betcha! ;) heheheh this was written for aubry’s / @x2jae / birthday yesterday!! ilu n i hope u rly enjoy it!!
this is a vry quick written fluff so sorry for some errors and uhh mayb the cheesiness?? idk sdhsdk i’m usually angst!2jae all the way but also?? i thought this was cute ehe
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
no. 21 | mark
prompt: 21. “There is no way in hell we are playing that at our wedding.” group: GOT7 pairing: mark tuan, you genre: fluff, non idol!au, the office (us) spoiler, ig sjkdsh idk hhhh words: 1328
requested by @sapphirebluemt !! omg i’m so deeply sorry for only doing this now ;;;; i didn’t have the inspiration at the time, but i kinda had smth in mind today so here u go!!! i’m sorry again ToT
“Oh my god, I didn’t know writing these invitations with my bare hands was going to be so torturous,” you wheeze out, dropping the third brush pen you have started using after the second one gave up from its purpose.
Mark chuckles beside you, ruffling your hair as your head drops on top of piles and piles of cards. Some were failed attempts of a new font you were trying to create and others just random scribbles of frustration for getting one letter wrong; the up stroke was either too light or the down stroke too heavy for your liking.
Of course, Mark didn’t understand the internal struggle you were having writing down the invitation cards perfectly. You knew it was going to be a challenge—obviously—but it was for something special; something you’d cherish for the rest of your life; and as soon as the event becomes a memory you’d be reminded of the fact that you,, one half of the most important people in the occasion, did something crucial for the whole gathering to be a success; that is to manually hand write the names for your wedding invitations.
Your soon-to-be husband, Mark, thought it was crazy for you to stress over this detail of the wedding weeks before, but you shrugged him off, slightly offended that he didn’t believe in your capacity to calmly finish your self-given task. You’re trying hard now not to tell him he’s right, though, but the small smirk on his visage seemed to make him aware of this undisclosed defeat you are currently experiencing.
“Babe, I think you need to take a break,” you hear him say, his hand now massaging circles around your back. You relax to his touch, letting out a long sigh. “I told myself I’ll have these all done by tonight,” you protest weakly.
“And I’m telling you that it’s an impossible feat and you deserve to relax. It’s your wedding after all,” Mark counters, lightly grabbing your arm so your back returns resting against the chair. You look at him tiredly, lips turning into a pout and your fingers entwining with his.
Capturing your face in his hands, Mark leans in and kisses you softly, lightly, everything you needed to calm your senses down and be reminded of the fact that you may be overdoing yourself instead of enjoying the process of tying the knot with the handsome man before you.
“Our wedding,” you correct him teasingly, placing another kiss on his smiling lips. Nodding his head, Mark continues to gaze at your expression with adoration in his eyes. You shyly squirm at his stare; you remember the first time he’s given you such a mesmerized look, and it hasn’t changed ever since.
“Still can’t believe I’m marrying the girl of my dreams, right here. Right in front of me,” he whispers, gently caressing the side of your face. He tucks a strand of your hair against your ear and feels the skin as you giggle. He knows it’s your weak spot as he’s discovered it during romantic getaways in the peaceful embrace of your bed.
“It’s not time for our vows yet, Mark,” you remind him, shaking your head playfully.
“I’ll still be telling you how blessed I am to have you for the rest of my life after we say our vows, baby,” he says back, and your cheeks burn redder in glee.
“Six years in counting and you never fail to make your girl swoon for you,” you tell him, holding his hand close to you as he grins in response.
You decide that you do really need to lie down and set aside the invitations for now. You still have a lot to consider, though, like the desserts, the color palette of the reception, and even your shoes. But for right now, you follow Mark’s advice and plop your body down the couch in the living room, turning on the TV to watch any shows that could pique your interest at the moment.
Mark had gone to take a quick shower, and as you scroll through your list you find a particular show that you haven’t watched in so long. You click on the title card, and you remember trying to finish a re-run of this a few months back as it continued playing half way of an episode already.
‘The Office’ is one of your all-time favorite TV shows; the dry and awkward humor it elicited every episode was definitely your cup of tea. You squeal to yourself as you recognize the scene playing out before you; it was Pam and Jim’s wedding, and you feel giddy with the timing knowing that you’re having your own wedding soon enough.
You watch with ease, snickering to yourself when Michael was being an idiotic bum, and shaking your head in disapproval when Pam was experiencing the worst pre-wedding day of her life. You hope to the gods above that doesn’t happen to you.
Soon, the wedding actually begins and you’re already giddy in your seat as you had surmised the two have eloped in a cruise hours prior the real wedding. The two lovebirds finally arrive, and the ceremony begins. Mark finally enters the living room, hair still slightly damp from his shower. From the corner of you eye, you see he was only dressed with some shorts on and so you bite your lip—six years and counting and you’re still flustered at the sight of your fiancé only half dressed around you.
“The Office? Again?” He asks, making himself comfortable next to you as he snakes an arm around your waist. Instinctively, you place your head           on his shoulder and nod. “Yeah, it’s a classic.”
“You’ve watched the whole thing, like, four times. Not tired of it yet?”
“I’ve seen you half naked—and more—so many times too, and I’m far from tired,” you tease, poking the middle of his chest for emphasis. You feel the vibration of his laugh as he kisses the top of your head. “I can’t believe you just compared seeing me naked to you watching ‘The Office.’”
“Hey, shh—my favorite part is on!” You shush him, focusing your attention on the screen. It never fails to make you cringe at the sudden change of music they make in the scene, but that’s what you love about it nonetheless. Soon enough, the whole church sounds like a bar in the early 2000s as Chris Brown’s ‘Forever’ blasts on the walls and the guests continue marching in the aisle with their quirky dance moves.
Chuckling in your place, you peek at Mark to see his own reaction and as expected, his eyes are closed and squinting and thus makes you laugh even harder. “Live through the cringe, Mark!” You challenge him, hugging his waist.
He groans outwardly, having watched this too many times due to your incessant nagging but never exactly getting himself used to it. “There is no way in hell we are playing that song at our wedding,” says Mark, firmly, opening his eyes to look at you with desperation.
“What? I already included it in the official playlist, though—“
“You what?”
“I’m kidding, babe!” You chide, kissing his cheek while you hear him grunting at a joke he probably didn’t find as funny as you did. “It’s fun to watch it be played at someone else’s wedding, but I don’t think I can take it when it’s my own,” you explain.
“You can say that again,” Mark agrees, plopping his back against the couch so you can finally lie on his lap instead. He plays with your hair as the two of you continue laughing at the show’s awkwardness. He leans in to kiss you here and there, and all you can see when you look at his eyes are genuine love. And you’re happy, you’re content, because you know it’s all for you. For the rest of your lives.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
Hi! I'm loving the idea of your got7 prompt game, and since you said you wanted more requests for Jinyoung I'd like to request 9 and 40 for him please? I was thinking about a scenario where the reader is close friends with the boys and her and Jinyoung are lowkey crushing on each other, and he accidentally walks in on her changing or something? You can make it however you want to. I'd love for it to be a bit fluffy and suggestive, if you're comfortable with that. Thank you!
prompt: 9. “I’ll never be able to erase that image from my mind.” / 40. “Is that a new tattoo?”group: GOT7pairing: park jinyoung, yougenre: semi angst, fluff, suggestive !! words: 2903
heheh so this took an unexpected angsty turn;;;; buuuut i hope u still like it? i tried following your request as accurately as i can ^^, well, except for the added angst heheheh
Laughing at theboisterous welcome you are currently receiving, Bambam rushes towards you withan alarming tackle. You stumbled backward but Yugyeom is there to the rescue,immediately catching your small frame—compared to his—against his chest. Thetwo boys chuckled at your clumsiness as you groan playfully, feeling ratherbullied in the situation.
“Maknaes, getoff! You don’t want me dying after not seeing me for so long!” You protested,nudging your elbows onto what seemed to be Yugyeom’s shoulder and Bambam’sstomach. Accepting defeat, they let you go and take a good look at your figure.You can’t believe you’re seeing them after six months, here in Japannonetheless. This time, the two boys enveloped you in a safe and heartfelt hugand you eased yourself into them, nostalgic memories passing by your head.
Your eyes caughta pair of dark brown orbs from a close distance, and you waved your hand tosignal your presence. Yugyeom and Bambam understood the cue and released you,calling after their hyungs to announce your arrival as well. You waited untilMark was standing right in front of you, grinning at your sweaty form. He wasn’tany different either, seeing as they had just finished their last concert inJapan roughly twenty minutes ago.
“Are you going tohug me or not?” You asked, feigning impatience. Mark chuckled as he snakes hisarm around your shoulders, rubbing his knuckle against your cheek. “Nah, I’mtoo cool for that,” he commented, grabbing the hand you’re trying to swat himaway with.
“Sure you are,”you scoffed, but enjoyed his embrace either way. Mark led you to the dressingroom, asking how your vacation in Japan had been like and, of course, how theconcert was to your liking. You answered him cheerfully, retelling some choicemoments the minute you arrived in the country a week ago, saving your lastdestination for your friends’ concert before returning back to Seoul.
As he opened thedoor, you are immediately greeted by a loud and excited Jackson whose hug waseven tighter than the two youngest members combined. You choked a breath outand that’s when Jaebum slides in, patting the top of your head as his own formof saying “I missed you.” Pinching his cheeks, you told him how much you’vebeen wanting to do that and he only replied with a tight lipped smile. Youheard someone snicker behind you, and you see Youngjae holding some snacks inhis hands as he beams at your presence.
Kissing his cheeksweetly, the other boys—specifically the maknaes and Jackson—whined at yourspecial treatment towards the Choi boy, but you shrugged them off. You askedYoungjae how the concert was for them, and he begins his excited chatter, theother members joining in. It took you a while to realize someone missing fromthe gang, and you open your mouth to speak until he appears inside the room,eyes abruptly locking with one another.
You can’t believeyou’re still harboring feelings for Jinyoung—it’s been so long since you’veseen him in person and yet the taste of his lips and the electrifyingsensations of his touches continue to haunt you in your dreams.
Shaking your head, you lift your hand upwardand give him a slight wave, smiling politely. He returned the shy smile,walking to the concessions table to grab a bottled water. You frowned, he didn’tseem to be enthused about you being here unlike the others. A feeling of dreadstarted creeping up to your stomach, and the more you saw Jinyoung minding hisown business, the more uncomfortable you felt having to listen to your friendsconverse about the night.
You tried to rackyour brain for any excuse to leave the room for a bit—you needed to feel thebreeze of natural air hitting your senses again. The suffocation from the crowdin the concert might have impaired your ability to rationalize a certainsomeone’s apathetic actions towards you, so you decide on asking for someone’sunused shirt, knowing how sticky you have been feeling anyway.
Jaebum called oneof the assistants and a few moments later, you were handed a pink oversizedshirt with GOT7’s logo on it—it was the shirt they were all wearing, and yousurmised this was a backup one judging from the size. You asked for an emptyroom to change into, and the woman shared the directions to the bathroom locatedjust a few steps away.
Standing up, youdidn’t even realize Jinyoung had left—somewhere, you don’t know. You sighed asyou leave the room, watching your footsteps take you to a cream colored door.
Placing the shirtneatly to the side, you sprinkle water onto your face to freshen up,immediately feeling the cooling sensation emerging into your skin. You tucked afew loose strands around your ear as you wait for your face to dry beforeremoving the shirt you’re currently wearing, confident in the fact that no onewas going to enter the restroom. Everyone seemed to be inside dressing rooms—orany room in general—and besides, you were going to be quick with it.
Noticing theredness underneath your bra, your fingers graze over it as you feel the letterstattooed on your delicate skin. You looked at the mirror, focusing on the words‘more than this’ in neat handwritingpermanently etched on your person. You got it not long ago, maybe over twoweeks, after breaking up with what you think is the third guy you triedseriously dating within the span of half a year.
Yes, you hadadmitted to yourself that missing Jinyoung made you reckless, lonely, and inneed of another man’s touch again. He had left you wanting and craving forsomeone to hold you in their arms, kiss you in all the right places and justmake you theirs.
This was, ofcourse, a toxic way of staying in relationships—and the worst part is, it isn’tJinyoung’s fault. The times you two became intimate with each other, it wasalways to your initiative. You don’t even know if he ever liked you that way,your drunken state every time deluded your mind into thinking he did, and thathe still does.
The moment youlast saw them in their dorm, celebrating another successful comeback and thepreparation for their tour, you tried straightening your relationship out withhim.
First say you’resorry, then ask if any of your touches meant something more than confusedlonging. You weren’t able to, though, as you chickened out, the impendingreality of not seeing them again—not seeing Jinyoung again—for more than amonth struck you hard and deep. You thought that if you never bring up thoseheated instances between the two of you, you’d forget; he’d forget and move onfrom it, focus on his blooming career—which you believe he has.
You, on the otherhand, clearly never moved on. And you cursed yourself for bringing this uponyour existence, wasting the friendship you had formed with the man before yourfeelings got in the way. He had always been your closest friend out of themall, having known each other since you were an intern for the company, and himdebuting as a duo. At first you thought your heart would soar for Jaebum, butJinyoung was a whole other story which you decided to read even further.
And this is whatyou get for rushing the ending.
A tear threatenedto escape your eyes, and you swipe it away almost too roughly. Sniffling toyourself, you start unfolding the shirt in your hands, ready to shimmy your wayinto it as soon as you hear the door slam open.
Jinyoung stoppedwhen the door closes behind him, mouth wide open and lips slightly parted. Youquickly mask your chest are with the now crumpled shirt, turning your heel toface the intruder, cheeks burning red. The both of you stood there for a goodfew minutes, staring at each other with the same intensity yet with differentintentions. You wanted to cry, wanted to scream and tell him to get out, butagain: it isn’t Jinyoung’s fault. It has never been his fault, and you had tostop blaming him for your unrequited feelings towards him.
“I—I’m sorry, Ishould—I should go,” he started stammering, ready to open the door for him touse as an exit. “No, please. Stay,” you choked out, the tears brimming yourstinging eyes. “I’m sorry,” you retort, forgetting to hide your upper body withthe shirt as it drops on the floor, your hands now finding themselves buryingyour face.
You heardfootsteps approaching you swiftly, and see Jinyoung through the cracks of yourfingers picking up the shirt from the ground and setting it on the counter. You’rebacked up against the sink, elbows shielding your form the best it can, butJinyoung’s hands gently pry them away. “Is this okay?” He asked, and it makesyou want to cry even more hearing his voice directed at you; unlike at theconcert where he addressed so many other girls surrounding you. Right now, itwas just you, and him and the embarrassment filling your stomach.
Nodding your headsheepishly, you allowed your arms to drop to your sides, head dipping down toavoid his gaze. Jinyoung’s hand lifted your chin up, making you unable toescape his pleading eyes. He wiped salty droplets cascading down your flushedcheeks, even kissing some of them away. To this, you turned your headaggressively, shaking in your place. “Jinyoung,” you whispered sternly, voicebeginning to break. You knew you were going against your desires for refusinghis touch on you, but it was too late to be asking for it now.
“I want this,” hetold you, voice as soft as the moment you realized you liked him more than whathe offered. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he added, making you look at himwith the desperation in his voice.
“You don’t knowwhat you want, Jinyoung,” you objected, fighting the urge to kiss him already,tell him you’re relieved he’s been waiting for you, tell him he’s never leftyour mind ever since.
“I do,” saidJinyoung, firmly. “I want you and I need to know if you feel the same. It’s beena while, I know, but don’t tell me I’m not the only one thinking about us everynight.”
Suddenly, you don’tmind being half naked anymore; don’t mind exposing yourself to the man youthought you had hurt for the past six months for using him like you did,blaming him for the inconsistencies of your relationships, begging him in yourmind to wait for you to get better. Until you deserved him, until you’veforgiven yourself and asked for his own forgiveness towards you.
“You’re not hurt?About me hooking up with other guys after you left?” You asked him shyly as hishand cradles the side of your face. Automatically, you leaned into his touch,eyes fluttering shut by his gentle caress.
“I was moreworried than hurt. You never told me about any of the people you dated, and Igot scared thinking you didn’t want me involved in your life anymore. That I’vedone something so terribly wrong for you not to trust me anymore,” Jinyoungexplained, and he was wrong—he is wrong. For thinking that way, you wanted tosay, you assuming he made things worse for the two of you. But you let himspeak, let him retell his side of the story so that you know, you finally knowwhat he really feels.
“That day we lastsaw each other… I’ll never be able to erase that image in my mind—your image.Lips smiling, but never reaching your eyes. Hand waving to us, but never in theexcited way you always did before. We barely talked throughout the night, andthat’s when I had a feeling I lost you,” Jinyoung was now clearing his throatto prevent the tears choking up his voice, and you have your arms wrappedaround his neck and your lips crashing down on his. You’re happy, you haven’tbeen this inexplicably happy since the moment you last kissed him. This time,the taste of whiskey on your tongue is not present; this time, it’s just you,and Jinyoung, and the passion escaping your heart.
Jinyoung tookthis as an invitation to grab onto your waist and sit you on the counter, yourlegs hugging his own torso for a steadier support. His tongue easily slipped inyour mouth and you accept him with no hesitation, hands exploring their waythrough his wavy black locks, gripping, releasing every time his lips delveddeeper into yours. A feverish moan escapes your mouth the second you part onlyto intake oxygen, but Jinyoung made sure you were heard as his tongue travelsdown your neck, sucking on a spot he had felt you whimpering for the most.
While his swollenlips roam on your exposed skin, his fingers trace the surface of your stomach.You sucked in a breath, pleasure engulfing your senses with the slightestconnection from his touch. Your lips kept whispering his name in erraticintervals, breaths unable to sync with his from the intense need to have skinjust touching skin.
Widening yourlegs, he pushes his body forward, the heat of your center feeling his hardenedone and you squirm breathlessly, hands loosening their grip from the mess ofhis hair due to the sudden increase of pleasure. His tongue stopped at the dipof your breasts, the bra the only fabric preventing him from going downfurther. He continued to lick upward, biting on each curve of your bosom whichsends currents pulsating through your veins. His movements came to a stop ashis fingers find the ink on your skin and you join his curiosity, opening youreyes to look at his wandering eyes, lips forming in a small smile.
“Is that a newtattoo?” He whispered gently, thumb feeling each up and down stroke of thecursive letters tainting the smooth canvas of your chest. You nodded,mesmerized at his marveling. He mouthed the words, “more than this,” looking atyou as if asking for your approval on the phrase.
You let out asoft giggle, muttering a small yes to him. “I started making bad decisions whenyou left, Jinyoung, letting anybody just use me for their pleasure,” youadmitted, taking his free hand to intertwine with yours. “I don’t know whatforced me to get out of the toxicity I built around myself, but I did, and Idecided to commemorate the decision by having the words I kept repeating tomyself during those times tattooed on me.”
Jinyoung didn’trespond, but you didn’t need him to. His eyes showed his genuine worry and carefor you, as his lips come down on the ink and kiss each word with delicately,making you swoon at his actions. He didn’t ask you to take the fabric ofclothing off, instead, he told you you’re enough the way you are, and youdeserved so much better than the things you have received over the past coupleof months. You told me you don’t deserve him and Jinyoung shakes his head.
“I’m going tomake myself worthy of you,” he promised, taking both of your hands in his as hekissed your knuckles one by one. “For every guy that made you feel like youweren’t enough, I’ll be there. You don’t have to accept me because I know you’restrong enough, but if it hasn’t been obvious that my feelings never changed—“
“Idiot, you’remaking me all emotional,” you cut him off, punching his chest with your handsstill trapped in his playfully. Jinyoung chuckled, “The mood was set and youruined it.”
“I’m just tryingnot to get us caught in here any time soon,” you quipped, raising your eyebrowsas your head chucks at the direction of the shirt on the counter. “They’veprobably wondered what happened to us.”
“You’re right.They did say they wanted to eat outside tonight too, so we better get going,”Jinyoung agreed, finally letting you go as you hop off the counter. You swiftlyput on the shirt which stopped to your thighs. You felt Jinyoung looking atyou, so you whip your head towards him only to receive another longing kiss.You didn’t deny him as you returned the kiss with much fervor, his handsecuring itself around your waist.
You stayedkissing for what seemed like five minutes, breaths heaving by the time you partlips. Jinyoung was smiling at you with the crinkles on his eyes showing, andyour heart couldn’t believe it was all dedicated for you.
“Want to skipdinner and go straight to our hotel?” Jinyoung asked, giving you feather lightkisses on each side of your lips. Smiling, you answered, “I have to check outof mine tomorrow at 10.”
“Then I’ll wakeyou up before 10.”
“Are you implyingI stay over at your hotel room?”
“I don’t thinkyou’ll want to leave tonight, anyway.”
He was right.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
5 and 37 + Jaebum pleaseee 😊
prompt: 5. “Who cares if it’s 4 am? Live a little.” / 37. “I didn’t know you could blush. It’s nice.”group: GOT7pairing: im jaebum, yougenre: college party!au, flirty hehwarnings: drinking, ig? lmaowords: 1621 (still too long for a drabble HNGG but i hope you enjoy!)
He might look the part of the kind of guys your motherwarned you about, but when Jaebum thinks it’s time to leave a party—he leavesthe party.
He wasn’t your usual party goer either, he preferred aneasy going type of social gathering, like in a bar for example. He was neverthe most sociable person in his group of friends, but that’s what made himstand out to the girls.
Jaebum usually just tags along whenever Jackson invites himto one of his frat parties, and since Jinyoung, his roommate, had a test tostudy for that night, he’d much rather mingle mindlessly among groups of peoplethan get blatantly ignored by one of his best friends.
So he went. He drank. He danced a little. But it wasnearing the start of a new day and Jaebum needed some sleep. What most peoplethought of him as the guy who never gets the grades but always has the girlsbaffled Jaebum’s friends—he was, in actuality, a top student in his major.Unlike Jinyoung, he just knew how to party sometimes.
But the fun had to end some time, and Jaebum told Jacksonhe was done for the night. He didn’t think Jackson quite understood as his eyeswere droopy and his breath was not pleasant to the nose, but Jaebum pats him onthe back and requests Mark, the most sober one, to take care of their friend.
Jaebum didn’t feel as drunk as he was a few hours ago, buthe knew not to risk it. One of the people living in their dorms was offering aride home, but he was still waiting on some others to finish whatever businessthey had. Jaebum decides to take a quick bathroom break before heading outknowing he still had a bit of time to kill.
The upstairs bathroom was locked, and Jaebum can hearinappropriate sounds coming out of the door, so he opts to just wait until hegets home. He makes his way down the stairs again, until he sees you comingtowards him.
You look up, not entirely confused Jaebum was there butmore so surprised that you ran into him.
Sharing the same look of confusion, Jaebum slowly scratchesthe back of his neck, trying to hide the flustered feeling in his cheeks. Hehasn’t seen you in so long, and he was almost thankful for your disappearingact because he can never quite understand the effect you gave on him.
“Cat got your tongue?” You snap him back into reality,smirking at the tiny hint of pink in his cheekbones. Offering the ice cold beeryou had enclosed in your grip, you say, “Here. I was going to take it up to therooftop to drink but I think you need it more than I do.”
Jaebum raises one eyebrow in question. You weren’tnecessarily a friend of his—acquaintances are even debatable—but he knew youwere good friends with Jackson which was probably the reason why you’re here inthe first place.
“What are you going to do in the rooftop?” Jaebum avoidsthe beer, but his eyes never leave your own. Shrugging nonchalantly, you moveone step closer as Jaebum steps one foot back in surprise. You grin toyourself, amused at the opposing magnetic force you sent him.  
“To hang out a bit. It’s getting real stuffy in there and Iwant some fresh air,” you quip back. Guessing that he was about to scurry outof the party scene, you pushed your luck into seeing how far you can get Jaebumall flustered with you in the picture.
“Want to come with?”
“What?” Jaebum asks abruptly. Why couldn’t he have seen youthe first time he entered the frat house so he knew you were there andtherefore found ways to avoid you throughout the party? “It’s four am and Ihave classes tomorrow,” he defends, suddenly feeling embarrassed at how lousyhis excuse sounded.
“Who cares that it’s four am? Skip your class, it’sprobably not that important, anyway. Live a little, Lim Jaebeom,” you challengehim and finally returning to your pace up the stairs. Looking back, you givehim an expectant look and add, “So, are you coming or what?”
Jaebum knows he has the choice to say no, but two minuteslater he finds himself sitting on a green beanbag next to you, sharing the onebottle of beer you provided.
You haven’t said a word ever since you settled yourself inthe comfort of your own beanbag—which you have no idea if it was sanitary ornot, but you just reminded yourself to throw away the clothes you’re wearingwhen you get home—as you ultimately just wanted to bask in the presence of thenight sky. It was only a bonus that you met up with Jaebum whom you haven’treally seen in a while and thus your feelings for the dude had begun todissipate—much to your satisfaction. You were more than glad not to bedistracted with the thought of boys during a crucial time of your collegecareer—let alone the man himself.
But you were at a party. You were drunk. You danced withsloppy guys and endured their intoxicated flirting which you refused toreciprocate. You needed a break from all the hard work you’ve been putting intoschool—and Jaebum, he was the perfect companion.
Jaebum hated the silence. He escaped his room tonightbecause of it, so he badly wanted to start conversation with you. As he glancesat your direction, though, his heart beat accelerates in its place and thebottle almost slips in his hand.
Your eyes had been hypnotized by the illumination of thestars scattered above your heads. Jaebum wanted to blurt out how they twinklebrighter than the stars you’re so mesmerized by, and that your sereneexpression radiated more beauty than the midnight blue surrounding your figure.
Little did Jaebum knew you had caught him staring at youwith such wonder through your peripheral vision, and it takes every ounce ofwill power in you not to cave in and confess your resurging feelings towardsthe confusing man beside you. It has been a while since you had snatched Jaebumalone like this, and even the last experience you remember on the top of yourhead, he was immediately taken by the girl whom he had been seeing that time.
Your ears fume at the thought as you scold yourself forreturning to your bitter ways. But at the same time, it’s the reason why younever got a chance to really talk to Jaebum normally. You finally turn yourhead to his direction, lips parted in an attempt to blurt out the first thingthat comes out of your mouth, but you stop at the view in front of you.
He hasn’t left his gaze on your face, and you watch hiseyes scan the strands of your hair shielding your forehead, to the tip of yournose, and the trembling pout of your lips. He didn’t seem to be too drunk whenyou saw him, so you’re confused whether this intimate exchange of glances wasdue to the remaining drops of alcohol in his system—or he’s just genuinelyinterested in you.
“I didn’t even knowyou could blush. It’s nice,” he whispers with a cool breeze. Your handinstinctively touches the side of your cheek as you feel yourself warm up athis voice. A drink of beer doesn’t usually get you this tipsy, but the sight ofJaebum taking in your figure so delicately threw off the balance within yoursystem.
“It’s the beer, and the breeze,” you quickly interject,snatching the bottle from his grasp. Instead, he grabs your hand with his freeone and pulls you closer, foreheads pitted against each other with your lipsdangerously touching.
“Are you sure it’s not me?” Jaebum whispers hoarsely, hisbreath fanning your cheeks. There is a faint hint of liquor in the air, but youdidn’t care. You probably smelled just as bad.
“Don’t get so cocky now,” you manage to blurt out in asmall voice, and Jaebum laughs at your teasing. You’re overwhelmed at theamount of confidence you surprisingly had gathered in a short amount of time,but you weren’t complaining.
Jaebum engraves his stare into your own eyes, and it doesn’ttake long until your hand turns into jelly in his grasp. With your stomachchurning, you close your eyes to keep you steady, but as soon as you do softplump lips meet yours.
His other hand most likely settling the bottle down, heuses it to wrap around your waist and maneuver your figure to lay on top ofyou. You’re fully aware of your current position, and you assess your state ofdrunkenness, and his.
He breaks the kiss just to ask the same thing, “Is this—“
“Yes. I like you, dumbass. Keep kissing me,” you retort,leaning forward to only receive a chaste kiss from the other. Eyebrowsfurrowing, you’re about to ask about the interruption when he interjects, “Wait.You need to know that I like you too. I just couldn’t get myself to admit it.”
You bite your lower lip in amusement to prevent a gigglecoming out of your mouth. “Yeah, it’s not surprising.”
Jaebum shoots you a deadpan expression, but you flick hisnose teasingly before enclosing your arms around his neck for proper balance.
“Now that that’sbeen established, can we continue? Please?” You ask impatiently, pouting at thegrinning man before you.
Of course he complies.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
Hi! May I request prompt #15 with mark please? Thanks. ^^
prompt: 15. “That’s salt, not sugar.”group: GOT7pairing: mark tuan, yougenre: fluff, non idol!auwords: 1546 (wow i can’t stop writing ;; but i hope this is ok aggh)
You just couldn’t do it.
You couldn’t sleep for the life of you. You’re tired,yes—sleep deprived, even—so you have no idea why your system won’t shut downlike it should, but you are reminded of the three cups of coffee you downedthroughout the day to keep you awake since you weren’t able to sleep properlythe night prior either.
You didn’t want it to become a habit, but you were for suregoing to drive yourself insane if you continue lying on your bed with nothingto do but keep staring at the most interesting ceiling in the world.
As soon as you sit up, you hear a slight grumble in yourstomach and you think, “Well, might as well make myself a snack at 3:25 in themorning.”
And so you get up, enter the kitchen and decide on bakingcookies. A sweet tooth always has time for cookies.
Turning on the television in the living room for minimalbackground noise, you begin assembling your ingredients—with your stockknowledge of ingredients as you’ve made many late night desserts in yourcollege career. You made sure the volume of the TV and your footsteps were atits lowest as your roommate is probably sleeping soundly in his bed at thishour. Sighing in jealousy, you continue grabbing a bowl and a whisk from thekitchen drawers and start your mini baking show on your own.
It’s not to say you’re not sleepy as you’ve counted fiveyawns in the middle of pouring and whisking certain ingredients into the bowlalready, it’s just that your body couldn’t fully get into sleep mode at all.You look at the door where your roommate resides in and wonder how he coulddoze off so easily. He had been a quiet one, Mark Tuan, but whenever you docatch each other in the apartment you both exchange polite greetings anyway.
It’s disappointing, really, as he’s actually your type—butthat’s all there is to it. He probably even dislikes you as a roommate seeingas he rarely comes out of his shell. Although you see him on campus from timeto time, your twitchy nerves act up and fail to greet him casually. Instead, ashe passes by you shrivel in place and the friends you’re with at the momentbegin to pretend you’re nothing but a stranger to them.
What supportive friends you have.
However, the times you do spot him outside, no girl insight is with him as he’s always squeezed in between his friends. It’s actuallyamusing to you how he’s the tiniest of them all—in terms of figure, as one ofthem, you believe, is the most athletic one—and so he looks too adorable to bea part of the group that girls your age swoon over.
At the same time, though, it’s what made you slowly fallfor the guy. His charm is in his smile whenever you see him a few secondsbefore he leaves the apartment; it’s in his laugh, a laugh so bubbly wheneverhis athletic friend cracks up one of his corny jokes; it’s in the way he movesso elegantly whenever you catch him lounging on the fields at your university’spark. These moments you so luckily glimpse at with your own eyes—and stillhaven’t seen a girl by his side.
You may still have a chance.
Yawning, you place the box of flour to the side afterpouring a good amount of it into the mixing bowl, and you’re about to grabanother cup of whatever it might be until you hear a door creak open. Youfreeze in your place, not knowing what to do as you see Mark come out of hisroom, sporting no shirt on and just his boxers.
He catches your stare, eyes widening in apparent surpriseof your presence. “Hey,” he mumbles first, sleep evident in his tone.
“Uh, hey—hi—good evening!” You stutter out loud, smackingyourself mentally. If you weren’t sleepy before, you’re sure wide awake now.
Mark approaches your station warily, peering his eyes atthe batter you’re creating. He looks at the TV playing some late night talkshow on screen and returns his gaze on your bowl. “It’s almost four. What’sthis?”
Blinking rapidly, you follow his gaze and think of a properresponse that wouldn’t make you sound like an odd individual snacking onhomemade treats in the middle of the night. Scratching the back of your neck,you utter softly, “I couldn’t sleep.”
“So you thought of baking cookies?” Mark responds, ateasing tone in his voice. You nod sheepishly as your eyes try to wander to hisshirtless chest, but you cough instead to disguise the growing pink tone onyour cheeks.
“You willing to share some?” He asks, unfazed by yourawkward movements. Your cheeks burn in thought, and you want to pinch yourselfold fashioned way to confirm you’re actually not dreaming right now.
You have never, in the six months you’ve lived under thesame roof, talked to this guy for more than ten minutes and now here he is,half naked and handsome, asking to have some of your cookies.
You’d give him more if he permitted.
“Oh, yeah. No problem. Will you still be awake when they’redone?” You answer nonchalantly—sort of, you think you squirmed a bit—and returnto adding the last few needed items for your batter. Mark nods and sits infront of you on the island counter, resting his head on his palms.
You can feel yourself sweating, and you’re nervous that itmight blend into your mix if you keep thinking about the man in front of you.But finally, your mix is done and you’re ready to scoop them into a bakingsheet.
“Hold on one second,” Mark abruptly says making you turn tohim with a curious expression, your eyes trying their hardest not to go downfurther. “What is it?”
“That’s salt, not sugar.”
“What you just put into your mix,” Mark implies, pointingat the now empty cup to the side of the bowl. “Look at the container you tookit out from. That’s the salt.”
Approaching the object of interest, you inspect the boxwhose packaging label had been torn off. You dip a finger ever so slightly andtaste it on your tongue.
Shit. He’s right. And now you feel like an absolute fool.
Not only did you waste so much stuff—which you bought withyour hard earned cash, and it isn’t a lot considering your broke collegestudent aesthetic—but you did so right in front of the guy you’d been meaningto impress.
There goes your first and last attempt of trying to makeyourself look good in front of anyone attractive—let alone Mark freaking Tuan.
Mark laughs, and you swear you feel yourself shrinking tothe size of a pea, but he dismisses a hand and stands up. “You know what, it’sfine. I could just order pizza if you’re that hungry.”
You give him an incredulous look as your eyes shot open andyour mouth like a fish out of water. Was he really offering you free food?
“I’m still getting pizza even if you don’t want any,” headds and you shake your head to regain consciousness of the situation. “Sure, I’llhave some!”
Mark smiles at your response, motioning for you to followhim. “Sweet. Wanna hang in my room while we wait for it?” He gives the TVanother glance and shrugs. “Unless you want to watch shitty shows on the TV.”
Scoffing, you grab the remote from the counter and turn theTV off. “No, I think your company is much better,” you blurt out. Immediatelyregretting the bold move, you make it a mission to clean up the mess you’vemade in the kitchen, quickly excusing yourself, “But uh, I don’t want to invadeyour privacy or something.”
“We live in the same apartment. It’s time we actually getto know each other,” Mark simply explains, and you feel another wave of blushpassing through you. You sense his figure hovering behind you and your bodyfreezes in place as you see his hand grabbing the whisk from your side, hismouth dangerously close to your ear.
“Let me help you with that,” he whispers, and you swear he knows what he’s doing to you. Gulping,you nod your head and continue with cleaning up the place. When everything’s inplace, Mark shows a hand towards his room and you execute a little curtsy for adramatic effect. You hear his laugh, the laugh you’ve only witnessed him makeamong his friends, and you smile shyly to yourself.
“Are you going to put on any clothes, perhaps?” You findyourself asking, and Mark becomes suddenly aware of his half nakedness but hegives you a look you can’t resist. “Why? Would you want me to?”
You couldn’t believe your ears, but you play along and shakeyour head no. Mark smirks at your sly response, and begins conversing aboutanything and everything he could think of—and you, you wouldn’t want to beanywhere else.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
19 + jackson !!
prompt: 19. “I don’t think that means what you think it means, baby.”group: GOT7pairing: jackson wang, yougenre: fluff, humor, suggestive !!, non idol!auwords: 1754 (sorry if this is a bit late, but i hope you like it still~)
Your feetdangling on the carpeted floor of your boyfriend’s room, you patiently wait forhim to get fully dressed so you can officially mark your 100 days of beingtogether. Being a foreigner, Jackson was really curious about the tradition,but you had seen it in his eyes that he wanted to please you, and he genuinelyfelt excited about experiencing an intimate yet quirky celebration of yourbudding relationship.
Cheeks radiatinga soft pink blush, you’re reminded of the months you had gotten to knowJackson, and how everything just seemed to fall into place with you admiringhis hard working efforts in making a good name for himself in your university,seeing as he’s not from the country. At the same time, you hadn’t reallynoticed him doing the same to you; how your elegance in expressing yourselfultimately became the death of him, and the passion you have for things you’rereally set into achieving paralleled his own which actually gave him thestrength you had always liked about him to persevere.
It was just amatter of time when the two of you finally crossed paths, and merged into a newone together, hand in hand.
“Babe, are youalmost done?” You call out to him, looking at the digital clock situated on topof his dresser. You had arrived a little over twenty minutes ago, and Jacksonwas far from ready. Admittedly, you arrived earlier than expected just becauseyou couldn’t quite contain the excitement pulsing through your veins.
Of course,Jackson suddenly felt the pressure of messing up the entire date he hadplanned, but as you kiss him on the lips that lingered on longer than needed,you dismissed his silly thought. Knowing Jackson, he thanked you for thereassurance but you knew he still harbored frustration somewhere in his system.
Sighing, youought to just leave it alone and make up for this slightly altered scheduleduring your actual dinner date.
“I just need myhair to dry and we’ll be good to go!” Jackson hollers back, the noise from hisblow dryer on reverberating from the bathroom door. Nodding to yourself, youcontinue scanning his room. You’ve been here too many times not to memorizewhere everything was—from the files on his desk to even the assortment ofclothes he owned in his closet.
You even secretlyredid his clothing organization—which didn’t really have any categories in thefirst place. And so Jackson was more than pleased to have his own fashionstylist for him, and all he needed to pay her were Xs and Os.
In the middle ofyour quiet inspection, you hear Jackson’s phone placed on one of his pillowsring and light up to a new message. Quirking an eyebrow, you think of lookingat the sender but quickly will yourself not to… before asking him first.
“Jacks, someonejust texted you!” You tell him loudly, hoping he’d heard it. A few secondspass, and you’re about to let it go until his voice says in the same volume,“Can you read it for me, baby? It’s probably one of the guys.”
Withouthesitation this time, you grab his phone and unlock the code with yourfingerprint that Jackson had insisted you encode on it as well. True to hiswords, it was his friend Mark asking him if he’s down to hang out in his ownapartment with the others.
Before you caninform Jackson of the contents of the message, he tells you, “Would you mindreplying too? They might’ve forgotten I’m going out with you tonight.”
“Okay!” You pipedcutely, preparing your thumbs in sending a text back. Mark was also aforeigner, and at one point you had been extremely intimidated by him andJackson talking in English before you even realized your feelings for thelatter. But as time passed, Jackson had invited you to most of their hang outsand Mark proved to be one of the most laidback people you know.
However, youstill had that tiny sliver of envy for him and Jackson’s fluency in English.Sure, you can probably converse with someone in the language if you pretend tobe a three-year-old, but you’ve been trying hard to improve your proficiencyever since meeting Jackson.
Your boyfriendhad been the most supportive about this goal of yours, always sneaking inEnglish sentences here and there whenever you’re in casual conversation withhim. Sometimes, you proceeded along quite impressively, with only a few verbaldisagreements here and there but there are times when you just turn into a fishout of water—and Jackson has to kiss your embarrassment away to continuecheering you on with your learning.
You forgot totell Jackson that Mark’s text was in English, so you just mentally pat yourselfon the back for understanding it straight on. Deciding to challenge yourself,you begin typing a response in the same language, telling Mark you’re holdinghis phone.
“Oh. I forgot it’s your 100 days!Congrats guys!!”You silently read his reply and acheerful smile spreads across your face. You think of what to say next otherthan a measly “thank you.” This is one way to practice your skills, right?
“I can say wherewe’re going!” You quietly suggest to yourself and carefully rack your brain inan attempt to find the right words to use. Hearing Jackson finishing up withhis hair, you fingers tap away in a flurry, excited for your boyfriend to seeyour progress in English comprehension.
“How do I look?”Jackson asks with a smirk, fixing his collar as he stands in front of thedoorway. You give him a thumbs up as you giggle, “Dashing as ever.”
“All for mybaby,” he says, approaching your figure and kissing the top of your head. Youthen show him the screen of his phone to which he raises an eyebrow inconfusion at. “Did you reply back or—“
“Yeah! I eventexted him back in English. Look.” Your enthusiasm was evident in your giddytone, and Jackson couldn’t help but chuckle along as he takes the phone fromyour hands. You watch his eyes go over the written text you’re openly proud of,and you witness his curious expression turn into a slight frown.
Biting your lipin concern, you stand up next to him to peer over the phone. “What’s wrong?”
“Uhh, nothing,babe. Just uhh—“ Jackson stutters, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Was my grammarincorrect? Did I spell something wrong?” You continue to pry, palms starting tosweat from Jackson’s suspense. He chortles at your questions awkwardly,bringing a hand on the back of his neck. He shows you the phone and you absorbthe words over and over, trying to figure out something about them that Jacksonfound particularly odd.
“He’s going toeat me out tonight,” you enunciate out loud, your voice becoming smaller andsmaller as you see Jackson squirming beside you. Your patience was thinning,and you needed to know what was so wrong about a statement you were sure said want you meant.
But Jackson toldyou otherwise.
“I don’t thinkthat means what you think it means, baby,” Jackson says, slowly and carefullyto your now pouting expression. “Phrased like that it’s actually—well, it has asexual reference to it.”
You blink hardand fast. Well, that escalated quickly. Shaking your head, not believingJackson, you say, “How? I just told him you’re taking me to eat dinner.Outside. You’re eating me out!”
“Yes, baby,”Jackson tries not to break out into a full grin as he sees your ears gettingread in frustration at the situation in hand. “Usually, you say ‘he’s going totake me out to eat tonight’ because the one you just sent him means an entirelydifferent, sexual thing.”
“What’s—what’ssexual about that?” You find yourself not wanting to ask him, but if Jacksonwas ever going to take you to dinner another time and you had to state that in English, you would want to know.
And so he toldyou.
And you couldn’tbelieve you just told Mark something so uncharacteristically like you—in textform.
“Oh God, I can’tlook him in the eye anymore,” you groan, burying your face in the fabric ofJackson’s dress shirt. Your boyfriend finally releases a resounding highpitched chuckle, and you bump your head harder on his chest. “It’s not funny,Jacks!” You reprimand your boyfriend, completely and utterly vulnerable.
“You have toadmit, it kinda is babe,” he retorts with an amused tone. He sets the phoneaside and rests both his hands on your waist, squeezing lightly. “Hey, babe. Ifyou just wanted to stay in bed instead of going to a fancy dinner, youshould’ve just told me instead, don’t you think?”
“Shut up,Jackson!” You squeal, looking up at your grinning boyfriend and sending himdeath threats through your stare. He places a chaste kiss on your nose, and youfeel yourself easing into him but you stop. No, he’s still making fun of youand you can’t give in tonight.
“It’s okay, baby.I’ll explain to him the misunderstanding,” Jackson says, calmly, stroking theside of your face with a light caress. You still weren’t having it—it’s as ifthe little confidence you’ve garnered from learning English with Jackson justvanished in one mistaken text.
“Don’t beatyourself up to it. I’m glad you tried texting him in English,” Jackson offers,resting his forehead against yours as you sigh. “Well, then. Never again,” youmutter under your breath.
“I guess, next timejust proofread it to me?” You feel your lips curling into a smile withJackson’s suggestion, and you begin feeling comfortable in his arms again.“Fine,” you say in defeat.
“So, should weget going or do you want to raincheck and do something more… frisky?” Jacksonasks you slyly as you slap him on the arm. “You’re never going to let this die, aren’t you?”
“You know me,babe.”
“We’ll eatoutside,” you finalize, giving him a look which he salutes you for playfully.Rolling your eyes, you give him a sweet lingering kiss on the lips beforewhispering right to his ear, “Then you can have dessert when we get back,babe.”
You had neverseen Jackson so whipped and flustered for you until that moment. Ha—who’s gotthe upper hand now?
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
Yugyeom + 17 pleaseeeee
prompt: 17. “Sometimes you talk in your sleep.”group: GOT7pairing: kim yugyeom, yougenre: fluff fluff fluff, university!auwords: 1299 (agh i got carried away wow i love gyeom and besties!yugbam sm. i hope you enjoy, still!)
You spot a particular red head seated on the left side ofthe coffee shop, his extraordinary hair color standing out amidst regularlooking young adults enjoying a relaxing cup of their preferred beverage.Gulping down your nervousness, you glance at your boyfriend who seems to absorball the energy from you before you even made your way to your destination.
“I see him. Let’s go!” Yugyeom beams at you, linking yourarms together as he starts walking towards the door of the shop. Your feetwouldn’t move, and you bite your lower lip down to keep yourself from shakingbecause of your bubbling anxiety. Unfortunately, Yugyeom is quick with hissenses and shoots you a worried glance. “Something the matter, babe?”
“I—uh…” you stutter, not knowing how to explain theirrational thoughts swirling your head. Dating Yugyeom had been nothing butgenuine happiness brought into your life—you had met him last semester in yourdance class.
What was supposed to be a general education requirement youdecided to pass with a breeze became your catalyst in getting to know one ofthe most passionate and cheerful guy in your two years in university. You werenever really into dancing–it was the only class left available—but beingrandomly paired with the Kim Yugyeom made it the best and most memorable courseyou have taken so far.
You started dating just about the start of the semester ashe had finally gathered the courage to actually ask you on a real date. Thistime you weren’t graced with the opportunity to have him in similar lectures,but you were surprised as he still made the effort of finding the time to meetup with you to study together. As days passed by, your feelings couldn’t helpbut develop with them and you were beyond ecstatic with him confessing he feltthe same.
Since you only see him during your study dates, you haven’texactly had the opportunity of meeting his friends and vice versa—but Yugyeomthought it was time for that to change.
This is why you’re currently sweating in your armpits asyou only had a lucky shot with befriending Yugyeom, and eventually forming a romanticrelationship with him. When it comes to strangers, that’s a different story.
“Bambam’s nice,” Yugyeom reassures you, massaging circleson your back. You only give him a tight lipped smile, and so he kisses the topof your head lightly. “I’ll be here the whole time. You’ll be okay, yeah?”
Since you didn’t want to disappoint him for the first fewmonths of your relationship, you muster a deep breath before nodding your head,signaling you’re ready.
“Is this finally her?” Bambam stands up from his occupiedseat, taking off his circular shades that hid his cerulean blue orbs—whichYugyeom reminded you they were contacts. Quickly, you squirm under his gaze andinstinctively grab a hold onto Yugyeom’s arms. Bambam looks surprised, butYugyeom just dismisses a hand and guide you to sit across from his friend.
Yugyeom sits between the two of you, and your headcontinues to dip further down almost blending onto the table. Sighing inamusement, Yugyeom takes your hand into his and squeezes it tight. Through yourperipheral vision, you notice him looking at Bambam and the latter respondswith a curious expression.
“I’m Bambam! Don’t worry, I’m not as intimidating as myhair looks,” Bambam introduces himself, a bashful grin spreading across his face.Lifting your head up, you notice his friendly features and your hand is gentlysqueezed by your boyfriend beside you. You suddenly feel yourself coming to anease, and you return his smile by introducing yourself as well.
“Oh, no need. I know everything about you,” Bambam chides,nudging Yugyeom’s shoulder playfully.
“Ah, Bam, don’t say that!” Yugyeom interjects, cheeksgetting flustered. Cocking your head to the side, you ask curiously, “What todo you mean?”
Yugyeom’s best friend gives you a suggestive wink as hiseyes twinkle in excitement. Hearing Yugyeom groan outwardly, your nerves beginto rile up within you once again.
“Just how wonderful and beautiful and amazing you are,”Bambam starts off, nodding his head in thought. “He’d always come to me forhelp in asking you out on your dates, and when he gets back I’m the onereceiving all the mushy gushy feelings he’d felt while he was with you.”
Your nerves soon turn into a warm embrace, and you look atYugyeom with his ears going red along with his cheeks to his neck. Yourintertwined hands never leave one another, but you feel his grip gettingloosening by the second.
“He’s never shown me your face though, thinking I’d comestealing you away from him,” Bambam ponders on. “But I’m pretty sure you won’tlet anyone take you away anymore, right?”
Your cheeks begin radiating a pink glow as Bambam directlyasked you a question. But without skipping a beat any further, you nodsolemnly, quipping back in a soft tone, “Of course not. Yugyeom’s been really,really amazing.”
The embarrassed boy beside you slowly turns towards yourfigure, and you grip his hand while placing it against your cheek.
“I didn’t know you gossiped about me, Gyeom,” you mutterteasingly, and your boyfriend pouts outwardly to you. Whining cutely, hecounters, “What can I say? You’re one of a kind, baby.”
“Alright, hold up. Not here, kids,” Bambam interrupts, hishands waving frantically between the two of you. Laughing simultaneously, youlean back to your seats and ease into casual conversations with one another,finally leaving the nervous phase of this meet up.
“By the way,” Bambam suddenly chirps in the middle ofconversation, and your ears perk up as Yugyeom sighs yet again. “What is itthis time, Bam?” He asks, slightly annoyed. Peering his eyes at his bestfriend, Bambam continues, “I’m all for you staying the night in our dorm andall. I’ll just find somewhere else to crash—“
“But after you guys do the deed and all that—“
“I should just tell you now that sometimes he talks when hesleeps,” Bambam wins over his and Yugyeom’s clashing voices while you, on theother hand, sits still in your place amused at the bickering but at the sametime flushed with the thought of you sleeping in the same bed with Yugyeomeventually—and that Bambam approves of this.
“What? Am I wrong, you do sometimes talk when you sleep,”Bambam repeats a matter-of-factly, and you couldn’t help but a release a shortgiggle. Yugyeom shoots you a look of defeat, disappointed that you sided withhis best friend.
“I don’t mind, babe. I might even record you when I docatch you talking,” you muse out loud as Yugyeom’s eyes widen in fear. “Youwouldn’t,” he pleads.
“You should!” Bambam says supportively. Raising youreyebrows, you shrug innocently as it seems you have won. Yugyeom drops his headon the table with a thump, his straight jet black hair following suit. Thesight endeared your heart, and you managed to pat the silky surface whilesaying, “It’s okay, Gyeom. I accept you together with your flaws. I don’t eventhink it’s something to be shy about. It’s cute!”
“You think so?” Yugyeom whispers beneath the mahoganytable. Nodding your head, you place a chaste kiss on his head. “Yes, baby,” youconfirm with a chirp.
“Ah, you guys aremeant for each other,” Bambam observes with a joking groan. You just laughalong, knowing deep inside that you do still have a lot to learn about Yugyeom,but as you start to be introduced to these quirky habits of his, you’re excitedfor what’s to come next.
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
sober in love | jinson
group: GOT7 pairing: park jinyoung, jackson wang genre: semi-angst??? maybe??? takes a nice turn tho dw words: 6118
ohmygosh, i finally finished ;o; after?? a week?? this is my first ever one shot that exceeded 3-4k words n i was nervous at first but um ;~; i think i didn’t do that bad, i think.... pls go easy on me. ToT
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