goth-girlfriend · 4 years
love your latest endeavor story!!! please do a part 2 omg
Of course!💙 I’m excited for it myself!
Well, now we have to name it,
Endeavor’s Intern
“So much for waiting just for a schedule.” I mumbled and finally relaxed again Endeavor’s chest.
He ignored me, his arms still stretched out working away at papers on his desk. My thights started to hurt form being pressed together between his own, so I didn’t what any rational person would do. I grabbed a hold of his massive biceps and ignoring his protests I pushed myself up and pushed my legs over his thighs and knees. In this new position I leaned back completely against his chest, his chin now resting ontop of my head. I took deep breath and looked around his office, the sky has moved from mid morning to mid afternoon. The clouds were not longer just bright white, they had tints of orange and pink.
‘Hey, hows it going?’ -❄️🔥
‘Oh, you know, it’s going’ -☀️🖤
‘Did you cry? He goes easier when you cry.’ -❄️🔥
‘No..., i didn’t get a smack on the hand though, kinda hurt honestly. 😭 -☀️🖤
‘You’ll Live then, it could’ve gone worse.’ -❄️🔥
‘Yeah, okay. So....how’s it going on your part?’-☀️🖤
“Tell Shoto to get back to work.” Endeavors voice vibrates against my back.
“Tell him what?” I asked wanting feel him speak again.
“To get back to work.” He grumbled and pushed his hips back against his chair to lean foreward slightly.
I followed his actions not really wanting to, but because he was quite literally my chair at the moment.
‘Shoto, you dad says get back to work’ -☀️🖤
‘Tell him get back to work.’- ❄️🔥
“Shoto says for you to get back to work,” I tried to looked over my shoulder.
Endeavor mumbled something and I started to scroll through my phone. I landed on Snapchat, ever since the sports festival and leaking my snapchat my views have gone threw the roof. Apparently people like to see what it’s like to be a hero in training.
I opened the filters and started to play around with some, my favorite being the basic heart crown. I took a few pictures with different filters not posting them due to endeavors chest being visible in the background. I might be a little crazy but I’m not stupid. I wonder if I can get a picture with Endeavor.
“Endeavor Senpai,” I felt him tense behind me.
No response, “Will you take a picture with me?”
He didn’t answer, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
I angled my phone upwards, at the top of the screen his face, at the bottom was from my nose up. We both had heart crown filters. He seemed annoyed, but I took the picture anyway.
“I don’t like this let me try a different one.” I moved and sat across his lap, my butt on one thigh and my legs over the other.
I turned my phone to its side and then got us both in the picture.
“Smile, it’s not like anyone else is going to see this.” I mumbled and smiled.
The edges of his lips tugged up barely, I took it as the best I could and took the picture.
“That’s definitely getting saved.” I saved it twice.
I scrolled through the filters and found a fan made filter, Endeavor or All Might poll. I looked over at Endeavor, he was staring at me hard as I clicked on my answer. Of course it was going to be him, he been my crush for about two years, and I’m literally sitting on him right now.
The filter changed to red heart and fire emoji crown, I smiled at Endeavor and leaned my side against his chest. I wrapped my right arm about his neck and held up a piece sign.
“Come on, now you really have to smile for this one.” The filter picked up on the both of us and I stretched out my left arm to get more of us.
I was gonna cherish these because this might never happen again. He had a faint smile, I smiled wider and tilted my head to the right slightly, he loved his left arm around my hips and his right arm resting on the arm rest. I felt all happy considering I was literally quitting three or four hours ago.
I took the picture and saved it, I showed it to him. He simply made a “hm” noise.
I let out a heavy sigh, “I’m bored.”
“You go on Patrol soon, go get ready.” With that he pushed me off his lap.
Standing up I nodded and grabbed my coffee smelling and slightly now stiff cloak.
“He totally likes me.” I mumbled once I was outside his office.
I walked to the elevator, the secretary of the floor looking at me smirking.
“Did her get rid of you already?” She was smirking.
“Pfft, If i weren’t here for just a week I could replace you faster then you can order his Coffee.” I sassed at her and did the most cliche finger snap.
She rolled her eyes, I smield and turned to walk into the elevator, Todoroki was there.
“So don’t tell anyone but guess what.” I said once the elevator doors were closed.
“What?” Shoto asked crossing his arms across his chest.
“I-“ I stopped and pulled out my phone to show him the picture I took with his dad, the last picture showed I was sitting in lap with his hand on my hip.
“Look.” I showed him the screen grinning like an idiot.
“What.” He looked at the photo eyes wide, “how?” He asked.
“He smacked my hand and then told me to wait for the schedule change, so I went to sit down but pulled me down and basically said he said he told me to wait not to move.”
“I see.” He leaned back against the wall of the elevator, “So should I refer to you as step mom, mom or just by your name like I do now?”
I blushed and looked down, “Shut it Shoto, your dad is still married to your mom so I actually feel bad now.”
I sulked looking down, Shoto sighed and rolled his eyes.
“(Y/n), they were actually divorced not to long after she was admitted to the hospital. It just never made it to the public.” He sighed and looked down.
I felt bad, I moved and hugged him from the side. My arms wrapped around his chest and my chin bent upwards to rest on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry Todo,” I whispered.
He turned slightly and hugged me back, “Together we make a whole mess.”
I laughed at him, a smile made its way to his lips.
“Yeah but now it’ll be you and my dad,” he exaggerated a sigh, “So I’ll be all alooonnee,” he exaggerated another sigh, “No friend, no money, nothing. Just alone.”
“You’re such a baby,” I pulled away and so did he.
“Besides I’d totally be a sugar baby and we’d definitely hang out and I’d finally go to universal!” I put my hands on my hips smiling up at Shoto.
“Oh, so your in it for the money.” His left brow quirked.
“No, not really.” I sighed and looked down, “It’s probably not real, people will think I’m crazy and don’t know what love it. I mean after all we’re only 15 , but I think I really like your dad...” I smiled down at my shoes.
The elevator doors finally opened.
“Well,” he sighed, “Good luck.” We stepped out and he walked off with another hero.
“I’ll see you after Patrols.” He called out over his shoulder.
“See you then.” I mumbled.
I sat on a sofa in the waiting room, I wonder who I’m patrolling with today. I hope it’s someone cool, I don’t really know anyone, so I don’t know who’s cool yet. I kicked my feet slightly just waiting for someone to pick me up and take me with them on patrol. About three other pairs left, not one person taking me, or stopping to ask me.
I deflated a bit with every passing person, did Endeavor lie to? Did he just tell me that to get me out of his way?
“Well, day two is coming to an end, no patrols so far.” I logged down on a mini log I had made in my calendar. “Wonder if I’ll get to go home, or will I wait all night for a patrol.”
Just as I closed the app I leaned back in my chair.
“We’re leaving lets go.” I jumped up quickly at the sound of Endeavor’s voice.
“Yes sir.” I follows quickly as he made his way out the door.
“There are four teams out already, one in the north, east, south and west. Well cover the central area. When a call comes in the group closest will respond first. If they’re busy the second closest will respond.” I followed and took mental notes as he spoke.
“Just a question.” I asked when he took a break from explaining.
He looked down at me arms crossed, “What?”
“Do you ever work with any heroes outside of your agency or is it like a strict agency hero teamwork system for you?” I asked curious why he was talking with Hawks.
“There is an occasional hero that is nuisance, but can complete tasks efficiently.” He didn’t sound to happy about it.
“Hawks?” I asked tilting my head.
“Precisely.” He looked ahead on the semi empty streets, avoiding eye contact as to no have to interact with anyone.
“He’d be useless with out his wings, even if they don’t do much I wouldn’t expect much from them.” He stopped at a side walk lights nd peared around the corner into a dark alleyway.
“What’s wrong with wings?” I asked looking around where he did.
“They get in the way, they get dirty easy, if you’re anything like Hawks the slightly dust will awns you into a cleaning frenzy. Overall I think they are more trouble then they’re worth at times.” He said as he finally began to cross.
“Well I think they’re cool.” I looked down, our shadows fell behind us. “I mean they’re are so many things you can do.”
I activated my quirk, surprise, I can grow wings. I stretched my left wing behind Endeavor’s back to tap his left shoulder he’d turned and I pulled it away quickly.
“Also it’s just something about the sound of flying that just gives me a sense of peace and nostalgia. When I was younger, I used to love birds flying, crows and ravens specially. They would get closer not exactly afraid, I loved to listen to them flap their wings, it sounded powerful for such small birds, considering the size of birds of prey.” I shrugged and started to think about.
“Did you see someone back there?” Endeavor asked as I stopped.
“No why?” I asked looking back.
He didn’t say a thing but looked foreward. I moved to tap his shoulder, looking for a distraction.
“Ooo, look it’s you.” I pointed to a hero Mech store, Endeavor plushies and posters were on display by the window.
He turned to look I too the opportunity and tucked it away. I watched him look over his shoulder then back.
“Have you ever bought any of your own merchandise?” I asked him.
“No, I’m always gifted my own merchandise.” He didn’t seem impressed.
“Well then.” I mumbled and then saw a new collection.
“Look! They have a new thing.” I pointed to a small white box with question marks.
“Text your luck, see what UA student you can collect. class 1-A first collection, sixteen different figures, collect them all.” I read it out loud, “Im gonna buy some, I wonder if I can find myself, this is amazing.”
I got excited and deactivated my quirk, I could foil my own plan. I started to walk in before Endeavor cleared throat. It hit me, this is an internship, I slowly pushed the door.
“Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee.” I stretched it out not opening the door.
“Hurry.” He said and turned away.
I rushed in and bought the whole box. There’s three in each there has to be at least one of me. I saw a different bag and bought three of those, they were pro hero’s.
I walked out bag in head, “Alright I can compromise, if I get more then one Shoto I’ll let you have one, I think they’re keychains.” I said looking at the bag I was holding in my right hand.
Endeavor just looked at me and sighed, I smiled sheepishly and nodded. “Well let’s get back to work...”
As we walked I pulled my belt around my waist, it had a large pouch on the back, I pulled out all the small bags and squished them in there and made sure to-zip if tight. I threw the paper bag and box away and caught up with Endeavor.
We spent the next few hours doing nothing, just walking around. Every now and then I would tap his shoulder while I talked about something nonchalant, he look for whatever it was and turn back around.
“Well, I’m hungry, and you said patrols ended at 2, it’s 2:20.” I was looking at my phone.
“Alright.” He said stopping in the light of some 24 hour shop, “Well take a break.”
I got excited, I’d finally be able to open my toys.
“Great, What is this place I’m starving.” I leaned around and looked past Endeavors broad shoulders and chest.
“Boba tea and cafe.” I read the sign, “24/7 for your convenience. Pro hero discount after 9:40 pm.”
I looked up at Endeavor, “You even get a discount.”
I was about to pass him until someone cut me off. Red wings blocked my view. It was Hawks, I looked around and saw him, Tokoyami. I smiled at him, he nodded.
“Ew.” I said in fake disgust at Hawks with a smile on my face.
“Hm?” He turned to me.
“Oh didn’t see you there shorty.” He was snarky, he used the tip of his wing to ‘take’ my height to show how is a shorter then him.
“Don’t get to cocky, the size of your wings have nothing to do with the type of man you are.” I huffed and swatted his wing away.
It was very soft surprisingly.
He laughed, “Feisty.”
“Yeah, now, move please? I haven’t eaten since last night.” I said trying to get last.
“Endeavor!” He pushed past me forgetting about me and his intern.
I watched Endeavor’s face contort.
“Well let’s eat.” I shrugged at Tokoyami, he sighed and nodded.
Tokoyami and I walked in and made our way to the register.
“Alright, what do you that is good and affordable for high school students?” I asked when the guy asked how he could help us.
“We have a mystery meal,” he started, “You gettour choice boba tea, a side of rice, and depending on the day you get a cutlet, grilled fish, tempura shrimp, steamed vegetables, omelet or dumplings. We give you care and every time you order a mystery meal we lunch a hole, after six visits for the seventh by redeeming your card you can chose a pro hero inspired meal for free.” He explains and showed me a silver paper card with little squares.
“Alright, I’ll take one. Do you want one Tokoyami?” I asked. He was looking at the menu above us.
“Yes but you order fir-”
“Two mystery meals, his apple flavored if you have it and I’ll take strawberries, both with mango pearls please.” I gave the guy my bank card he scanned it and punched two holes in my card.
“Thank you.” I smield and took it from him.
“Aren’t you guys from UA?” He asked and eyes us.
“Yup, is you watched the festival you should at least recognize our own number three right here.” I patted Tokoyami’s shoulder.
We went to sit in a large booth, we kept small talk. Tokoyami telling me how Hawks likes to stand behind him and spread out his wings or carry him so then people see them they look like one whole bird.
After he finished I told him a bout the small figures and pulled out a bag, I asked him if he wanted to open one. He denied and I opened it. Out came three Tokoyami.
“Well then.” I said and picked one up, a small version of Dark shadow was coming from him in the figure.
“Look how cute dark shadow looks.” I pointed him out.
“Here you can have one.” I laid him the miniature version of himself.
He picks did up by the chain looking at it. “Not a lot of variety.”
I let out a few laughs, and shook my head, “Nah, it’s just beginners bad luck.”
I stood the two Tokoyami up and reached for another bag as I moved my pouch to the front to look like a Fanny pack.
“Well, I have our whole class now,” I tried to make a seating arrangement on the table. All the extras piled on the side.
“I’m even here.” I pointed to my smaller self.
“Sixty figures and I only get to keep sixteen.” I said and looked at the rest.
“Oh! Also look at these.” I pulled out a bag of pro hero’s.
“How much can you fit in that bag?” Hawks asked from his spot beside Tokoyami.
“A lot, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” I said pulling out the bags of pro hero’s.
“These have four.” I read on fo three bags.
I opened the first bag, three all nights and an Aizawa.
“That’s depressing.” Hawks said as he picked up a Might.
“Next.” I said throwing the bag to the side.
A midnight, present mic and two ectoplasm.
“The bags says your chances of getting top five hero’s are better then the rest, but you literally just got a rare and not a single common.” Hawks said taking the empty bag from me.
I sighed. “Last one.”
I opened it and put came four Hawks.
I looked at him, he was smirking, “Ill end you, I’ll do it.”
I dropped the bag but it made a clicking noise.
I picked it up, “Look.” I showed stood the fifth figure up, “They packed an extra.”
“It’s a little Endeavor.” Hawks said reaching for it, “I didn’t spend 20 dollars for someone else to take it. I swatted his hand.
“But you can have a Tokoyami, All Might and Hawks.” I pushed the three to him.
He pouted and looked at the figure between my two fingers.
“But I want that one.” He pointed to Endeavor.
“No he’s mine.” I argued back.
“Excuse me, can we have a picture of you four for our hero wall?” The cashier boy was back with trays of food and a girl beside him with a camera.
Nobody had time to reply before Hawks was standing and ageeeing. “Everybody show your quirks, they have to know we’re legit.”
I looked at Endeavor who never stopped burning, “I don’t think it’s that hard to believe.”
We lined up, Hawks, Tokoyami, Myself and Endeavor.
I propped my left arm on Tokoyami’s shoulder, Hawks raised his wings and did a peace sign, Tokoyuhad darkshadow infront front of him, I stretched my wings up and out, and Endeavor has his arms crossed against his chest. The girl stuck the Polaroid to a paper and held a sharpie out, “would you like to si-“
Hawks snatched the paper away and looked at me then the paper then me.
“What?!” He asked and looked at me, twats at the corner of his eyes.
“I thought I was special,” he was deflating slowly.
I laughed and looked at the picture, “Ooo, I look good.” I said pointing to my wing, it stretched out further than Hawks.
“Well, don’t hold out on me what kind.” He squinted, “Eagle, when I was a younger everyone thought vulture or raven or crow but surprise! Bird of prey.” I shrugged.
“You know what this means?” He asked.
“No.” I answered honestly.
“Wing buddies!” He lifted his left wing and I looked at it, I tired to resist but sighed and gave in, I hit his wing with my own and sighed, “wind buddies!” I cheered back with a smile.
We all signed the paper and the lady hung it on a wall.
After eating we all headed out, I reached into my pouch and pulled out two figures. I slid back around to my back and held my hand out to Endeavor.
“Here, it’s you and Shoto.” I said offering the two figures.
“Thank you.” His voice was low and smooth, his larger hand covered mine as he took them. Heat leaving his hand and engulfing my own.
I felt my wings ruffle up a bit as J smiled, “You’re welcome Senpai.” I winked at him and grinned.
He looked over at me, my heart fluttered. His eyes looked so pretty in the dark, being lit up but every other white light we passd.
I was really hoping I wouldn’t call it love, but man, if this wasn’t love what was it?
We walked down the same side walk, I wanted to reach for his larger hand, in my mind I could here Shoto “do it.”
So I did, he tended and I whistled a tune like nothing happened. He just looked ahead, I smiled and tightened my grip slightly on his hand.
“This is definitely the best.”
I hope you don’t mind I tagged you!
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Endeavor’s Intern
Pairing: Endeavor/Enji Todoroki x Student Reader
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: none?
Notes: Spelling errors? I was going to finish it with this part but decided I’d like to add a bit more before I finish.
“SHOTO!” I jumped onto his back and clung to him. His hands grabbed my thighs to keep me from falling off his back.
Deku looking shocked, his eyes wide.
“ARE YOU TWO DATING?!” Denki stepped into ask.
I laughed as Shoto seemed unamused, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder.
“What do you think?” I asked and tilted my head.
“Yes?” Denki asked instead of answering.
“...........ok.” I shrugged and moved upwards and tried to get higher.
“So, let’s get to class.” I said still cling to Shoto.
He sighed and started to walk, Deku fell into step on our left, Denki to our right. He was curious that’s for sure.
“Also no, it’s not Shoto I’m dating. He’s just the bestest friend in the whole world!” I squeezed him.
He sighed and bounced to get me higher. Denki didn’t seem impressed or like he believe it.
“So winter break comes up next week. What are you going to be doing?” I asked.
“Spending it with my step mom.” He said keeping a straight face.
“Awe, that’s sweet. I like her, she’s sweet and pretty.” I smiled at him.
“Yeah, Dad never stops talking about her.” He looked back at me.
“Anyways, what about you guys?” I asked the other two.
“I’ll be him with my mom.” Deku answered.
“I’ll be with the fam, you know how it is.” Denki said and sighed with a smile.
“That’s sweet.” I said, we finally stopped at the class door.
“Oof, such a short walk.” I mumbled.
“Because you weren’t walking.” Shoto said rolled his eyes.
“Hehe,” I smield and opened the door, “What are we waiting for?”
We entered the class only three of four people were here. I made my wya to my seat and took a deep breath and sighed. Deku and Denki went to their seats and I was lucky to be beside Shoto.
“So where are we going?” I asked and tilted my head.
“I don’t know, he said it was a surprise. My brother and sister don’t know. I think they would freak out if they figure out his second girlfriend is the same age as his last child.” Shoto whispered back.
“Yeah, So it’s just you me and the big guy?” I asked, I paused and thought, “and Deku?” I I nodded in his direction.
“I was going to ask him until Kaminari showed up. I was just lucky you showed up to break the silence.” He was so serious.
“Oh, well, tomorrow is Friday. Do it then or you never will.” I sighed and pat his shoulder.
“Now I’m cold soooooo,” I slid closer to Shoto and hugged his left arm.
“You’re so warm.” I pressed my cheek into his shoulder, “So warm.”
A lot of people rushed in started to take seats just as the bell rang.
“Everyone shut up and sit down.” I smield At Aizawa as I moved to my desk.
It’s gotta be a struggle being a pro hero and a teacher. Especially with this class.
“Alright, as a reward for how good most of you have been doing and have grown. We’re going to be having a party.” Cheers erupted.
“SHUT UP BEFORE I CANCEL IT.” Everyone stopped.
“It’s nothing fancy, just our class. Today is our last day before break starts. We’re going to run a quick test like on the first day of school to see how much your control over your quirk and skills have improved. So get out of here and go get dressed.” He sighed and pulled out a juice pouch.
“Atleast it’s not a test.” I mumbled and stood up lingering at the back of class avoiding the big group. The day went by, just like the first day, long and sweaty. Luckily it wasn’t as hot as the beginning of the school year.
Bakugo still reminded number one, followed by Midoriya who tied with Todoroki then Shoji, Tokoyami, Kirishima, me, the rest followed, and the most important part, Mineta was last. I smiled, he’d progressed but not enough to move up. He was lucky the first time Midoriya didn’t have a quirk exactly but this time he lucked out.
Every sat down taking deep breaths and trying to relax on the drying field. Todorki sat his legs ages did him and leaning back on his open palms. I dropped beside him a threw my myself back over his lap.
“It’s hot.” I whined taking his right hand putting it on my forehead, “You’re such a good friend.”
The rest of the Deku squad came around and started to chatter, I was staring up at the sky as it started to turn from its pale blue to a darker blue. The sun was moving over making room for the moon. I sighed and sat up.
“Deku, I need to talk to you and Todoroki.” They both looked at me. “Privately.”
After they followed me to a more secluded part of the field I turned to Shoto and gave him a look. “So, this isn’t my business so I’m leaving.”
I turned and walked not waiting. I made it back and plopped down beside Tokoyami who was sitting in the shade of a tree. Just a calm and nice person to sit silently with while the time passed. He opened his right eye and looked at me. I gave a small smile and he nodded before closing it again. This is what a friendship is made of, no words, just a peace full silence.
Time passed and I found myself staring at the sun through the leaves thinking about times I’ve spent in secret at the Todoroki Estate. My parents didn’t know, they lived in a different city, I had been staying in a student apartment until the school opened dorms. Whenever unexpected breaks came up I’d just tell them I was staying with Deku and his mom and they approved. In reality I’d go and stay with Shoto and stay in his house in the guest room. I might be infatuated with his dad but I’m not a loose woman. I arched my chest popped my back and stretched my legs out. My mind drifting to memories, of shopping with Shoto using his dads card, spending time with Endeavor, stuck under his heavy arm pressed against his side as we watched movies. Lingering in his office when he was busy with hero stuff. Hanging out with Shoto more and getting to know more about Endeavor then I would’ve expected. Soft touches and forehead kisses. Helping mend his and Shoto’s relationship, they might not be lovey dovey but now they can hold a simple conversation without cold stares and loud Soba slurping. I thought of every picture in my camera roll and Snapchat, picture with Enji, pictures with my future step son Shoto, pictures with both of them. Pictures of just them together. The day came to an end, and everyone finally started to head back in. I walked beside Tokoyami, just casually. When everyone was hot and back in the classroom Aizawa told us to dress nice for tomorrow for a photo. Everyone mumbled an okay and then left.
“So, Shoto....” I started as I dropped onto his bed, “How’d it go?”
“He said yes.” His simple answer as he looked through his closet.
“Great.” I chirped and stretched across his bed.
“He now also knows you’re going to be my step mother.” I chocked.
“what....” I faced him.
“A family vacation and you would be there, I can’t lie and say I invited you. It would make no sense for you to just show up. So I told him you were dating my dad.” He found a white button up shirt and grabbed closet hanger.
“Oh, so I can call him son in law now....” I grinned up at him as he tensed.
“Sure.” He mumbled and didn’t face me.
“NOW TELL ME.” I shoved myself up, “Where are we going?”
“Ask Endeavor when you see him today, now get up we have to get to class. I won’t be late for this photo because you’re interested in my dad and vacation.”
The party passed quickly, Momo tried to make a move on Todoroki which was stopped by Deku accidentally bumping into Iida who bumped into Uraraka who bumped Momo out of the way and away from Shoto. It was a calm first period, we took photo’s with Aizawa Separately and then together as a large group. He seemed happy as he looked at his phone until Kaminari screamed.
“IM GOING TO MISS YOU DADZAWA.” and then hugged his shoulders which led to a group hug.
The rest of the day was spent watching movies, when the day finally ended class 1-A spent all night singing Karaoke and playing games. Everyone heard Bakugo genuinely laugh after Kirishima tackles him and started to tickle his sides. He’s the only one brave enough and the only one who would’ve survived. Bakugo was nice the rest of the night, small ‘heh’s coming out of him every now thin. Leaning on each other and smiling talking about things that happened until Mina brought up the game of secret Santa we had all decided to play. So everyone traded gifts and decided to not open them until Christmas the only thing being you have to send a video to the person who sent it to you. I thanked Todoroki as he gave me a box. I gave one to Kirishima, who gave one to Bakugo, who gave one to Deku, who gave one to Tokoyami, then Mina, then Shoji, then Ochako, then Mineta, then Sero, then Ojiro, then Jirou, the rest followed until everyone had one gift.
“Group chat! Everyone has to send a picture of what they get!” Kirishima said and made a chat before anyone could deny.
I smield down at my phone as people sent messages with names and pictures. The night ended and we all went our separate way in the morning with goodbyes, take care, hugs and platonic cheek kisses.
I was the last one, everyone had left. I head back up and grabbed my bag, and a bag with the things I needed. I walked home, looking up at the sky. It was starting to pepper itself with stars. I made my way up an apartment building to the third level. Room 300, I opened it. It looked exactly how I last remembered it. Navy walls, white counter tops. Black glass Kotatsu, navy cushions with stars and constellations. I sighed the cold air filled my lungs. I stepped in, and turned on the bright white lights. I locked the door behind me. The kitchen was still small, white walls, black stove and sink, black refrigerator, wood knife block with gold knives I bought for the esthetic. I saw a bowl of mangos and picked a note that was laying on it.
Were sorry we couldn’t bring you home. We sent a grocery order, If you’re reading this note it means the order made it to your apartment. Your dad and I sent you gifts we bought for Christmas. We love you, and stay safe.
Also, I sent a few extra hundred to your bank account buy yourself something nice while your off for break.
We love you, Merry Christmas. Well call you soon.’
I nodded at the note and just sighed. I made my way to my room, the walls here mimicked the living room with gold trim. I had placed metallic vinyl stars along the crown and down wards. I stepped over to my desk and it’s chair. I looked at my bed, king size leaving almost no room for anything else. Two standing lamps on either side of the head of the bed. The windows beside it were letting the moons light shine in through.
I sighed and laid in my bed and took in the feeling of the cold heavy blankets. I felt my eyes stinging, Why was I crying? I’d get to spend a week with Enji and Shoto and Deku. But I guess after that I’ll be alone for four weeks. Being alone that’s why, I sighed and rolled onto my stomach burying my face into a pillow. I pulled the blanket over myself and fell asleep in the moonlight.
I woke up heart racing to tapping on my window. I looked at the window ready to face whatever it could be. All I came to face were large slow raindrops pelting themselves against the window. I watched the skies, bright blue and purple lightening bolts lights up the dark. I wish it could rain forever sometimes, but I guess that’s just not the case. I sighed and pushed the blankets back feeling the heat build up. The rumbling of my ac started up, I yawned and stretched. At some point last night I ditched my pants and bra. I pushed myself up and took a shower and got ready to do nothing. It’ll be this week and next week before I get to see Shoto and Enji. What should I do?
I looked around my living room and huffed, “I probably should’ve stocked up on entertainment. I guess I can go to that large art store down the street. Or binge watch some Netflix.” I grabbed my phone to check my bank account. I’d been saving up and rarely spending to be able to splurge on myself on Christmas. I’d saved up $800, and let me see what my mom sent. “600?!”
“I have $1,400.00 to spend on myself! I could do so much... but I should probably save it for vacation in case I want to buy something.” I closed my phone and just decided to binge watch Avatar The Last Airbender. I got antsy and started to practice baking. I wasn’t bad but I wasn’t a pro.
I sighed leaning on the counter staring at the screen, Zuko’s back story played and I spoke to myself. “He’s definitely the reason I’ve had so many explosive crushes.”
The rest of the day went by slow, I recited the deliveries of present, I made cupcakes and a cake, an egg pudding, and I tried my hand in mochi. I sighed and started to make the icing to actually finish the cupcakes. I looked up smiling at a funny scene from Avatar. I started to pipe on the icing, and smiled at the black and white swirls.
The first week passed slowly, I used every tube of paint I had and still cut them open, I wore down every crayon, used every pot and pan at least five times. I started watching naruto with fillers, and took up sculpting with ten pounds of air dry clay I got on sale for four dollars. I smiled at the little frog I had finally finished, I put it in the sun to let it dry with the other frogs and turtles.
‘Hey you wanna come over?’ ❄️🔥
‘Yes please😢’ ☀️🖤
‘Alright, you should know what to bring by now. We’ll be there to pick you up in 30.’ ❄️🔥
‘Your such a life saver 😭 do you like sweets by the way?’ ☀️🖤
‘Sure, what’s your address? Natsuo will eat it if I dont so what do you have?’ ❄️🔥
‘A bakery, I just sent you my location’ ☀️🖤
‘You live in a bakery? 🤔’ ❄️🔥
‘Nope, just been bored. I’ll pack so see you when you get here.💙💙💙’ ☀️🖤
‘Food?’ ❄️🔥
‘🍩🍩🍩??? 👀 👀’ ❄️🔥
I finished packing and grabbed my favorite pillow and went to the kitchen and packed two cakes and about two dozen different muffins, and a tin of all my cookies.
‘I’m ready.’☀️🖤
‘You live here? 🤭🤭’ ❄️🔥
‘Yeah why?’ ☀️🖤
‘Your husband doesn’t seemed to pleased....👀’ ❄️🔥
‘Sorry 😅 just come out.’ ❄️🔥
‘I need help to bring boxes down. 😐’ ☀️🖤
‘He’s going.’ ❄️🔥
I opened the door and came face to face with Enjis chest before he knocked.
‘Enji!’ I cheered.
“Shoto said you needed help.” He said and stood there looking down at me.
“Yeah, I uh....work for a baked and I have a lot of sweets that I’m not going to eat so I asked Todoroki and he said I could take them so he and Natsuo could eat.” I smiled up at him.
“I see.” He looked past me at boxes.
“Well let’s get these down then.” He picked up the boxes with ease and took my bag still after I denied.
I followed him, my phone and wallet in hand, I looked at the building one last time before getting into the car. I sat in the back Shoto passenger and Enji driving. I smiled and scooted to the middle and watched the scenery from the middle of the windshield.
We made it to the estate and I learned Natsuo and Fuyumi wouldn’t be home till Wednesday, considering it’s Saturday I can love on my boo. I settled in the lavish guest room and then made a bee live for Enji’s office. I burst in not knocking and found him standing over his desk. I moved behind him and hugged his waist pushing my right cheek into his back.
“I missed you.” I smield and squeezed him, it had no physical effect considering the man was rock hard.
He pulled my off and turned around, I hugged him again and he took me into his chest. He was so warm, and broad. I smiled into his warmth and enjoyed the physical affection. I felt tears pricking at my eyes, I’m not alone anymore.
The next two hours I spent talking to Enji and kissing his cheeks at random times and hugging his neck and shoulders and arms. I left once he got a phone call and it sounded important. I found Todorki staring at one of the boxes I brought.
“Let’s eat!” I said and popped the box of cake open.
His aurora darkened and he held up a knife, ‘I’ve been waiting for this.’
He cut into the cake and we started to feat, we finished the cake laughing on a sugar high at the sound of Shoto’s chair making a funny sound.
I smield at Shoto and he smield back.
“I’m glad it’s you and not just some random lady who doesn’t care about anyone else but herself.” His words were weird.
“I don’t know what you mean but okay.”
“You make us happy, my dad, you spend time with me and see me as a person and friend when no one else did.”
“Stop Sho, I’ll cry.” I said now understanding.
“He’s lucky, and if he messes up he’ll lose the both of us.” He threatened before stuffing himself with more cake.
His belly now round as he slouched.
“I love you both, really, as much as I can. I really honestly do.” I smield down at the empty messy box.
“I’ll clean up, go clena your face.” I handed him a napkin and patted his head.
I cleaned up thinking about what the future could hold and wondering what it does hold for the future.
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
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Endeavor’s Intern
Request: Quotev
Pairing: Enji Todoroki/Endeavor x Reader
Type: fluff,
Warnings: Reader is a student, even though that was clarified in the beginning.
(If there is any misspelling or improper grammar I apologize in advance.)
“Nani!?” A mans voice screamed.
I tilted my head watching whatever drama Todoroki played on the secretaries computer.
She called in sick so we’ve both been manning the desk. So on my third day, I’m doing exactly what I threw a tantrum about not wanting to do.
“Wait wait wait,” I paused the show, “So, his wife is pregnant?”
“Yes?” Todoroki answered.
“But He had a vasectomy four months ago.” I pointed out.
He looked at me, a blank expression, I looked back and his eyes widened slightly. “What a scandalous woman you are Sakura Tsukino.” He looked at the screen and went to push play.
I smiled and shook my head, I leaned my head into his shoulder and went back to watching.
“Who do you think she cheated with?” He asked as her husband sat down and hurried his face in his hands.
“Hinata, that guy from her work space.” I mumbled staring as she broke into tears after her husband told her about what he had done.
“That’s messed up, he was all, not good looking.” Shoto mumbled and sighed.
‘HOW COUKD YOU DO THIS TOME?!’ She screamed.
Her husband was standing and screaming back at her. I bit my lip becoming more interested.
“Divorce.” I said, as he pulled his ring off placing in on the table.
‘I should’ve never given you my heart, everyone told me you’d only turn out like, like this. I denied it I trusted you and believed you changed.’
He backed up to the door, ‘I was wrong.’
He left, the camera moved to her sitting on the sofa. Her elbows on her knees, she looked down, eyes dripping tears, body shaking.
The screen went black and asked to start the next episode.
“Oof.” Was all I said as Todoroki clicked next.
“W-” i was cut off by the phone ringing.
“Hello, Endeavor Hero Agencies how may I help you?” I asked.
Todoroki just eyed me and paused the show.
“Hello yes? This is I’m calling to talk to Enji Todoroki. I was given this number to get into contact with him.” It was a WOMAN.
“Oh, of course. Please hold, I’ll see if his line is busy.” I lied.
“Of course, thank you.” I put her on hold then mute and sighed sitting back.
“Being a Secretary is so hard.” I stretched in my chair.
“Yeah.” Todoroki said stretched.
“Let’s get something to drink, also someone has to tell your dad he has a call.” I yawned and stretched up.
“You do it.” Was all Todoroki argues back.
“Alright.” I didn’t even argue back.
I knew his office was free, the only people who showed up for a meeting had left already. So I walked into his office, he quirked his brow at me and then looked back down at his paper work. I walked over to his desk and looked at his phone. A red light was blinking, the lady was still on hold. Okay, this is great I walked around his desk and squeezed my way onto his lap. I smield up at him and he looked down at me. He hand little Endeavor and Todoroki sitting infront of his monitor blocked form public sight by a stapler.
“You have a lady on hold. She didn’t tell me what she’s calling for just that she’s trying to get in contact with you.” I sighed and leaned against his right shoulder.
“Did you get her name?” He asked.
“No, she just asked for ‘Enji Todoroki’ because she told she could get into contact with him.”
“Then Get her name and figure out what she wants. I can’t waste time on useless things.” He argues and rolled his chair closer to his seat.
My stomach and hips pressed against the edge of his desk as he got back to work. This man made a great booster seat not going to lie. I sighed and picked up his phone, taking it off of hold.
“Hello, are you still there ma’am?” I asked and leaned onto the desk.
Fingertips ghosted my right hip.
“Yes, I’m still here.
“Alright, I’m calling to ask for your name and purpose of call. Endeavor is a bit busy but is able to call you back in thirty to fourth minutes if you can leave a name, number and purrpose of call.” I lied to her easy.
“Oh well, I’m Inosu Nara, I’m calling because we met almost a month ago. He gave me this number to get into contact with him.” She answered.
“Alright, well thank you Ms.Nara, I’ll tell him what you’ve told me and you should get a call back from this number in about thirty minutes. Can I get your number?”
“Yes it’s xxx-xxx-xxxx”
Alright that should be everything I need.”
“Thank you.”
“No thank you for being patient and calling Endeavor Hero agencies.”
I ended the called and wrote down the number, Inosu Nara
“Inosu Nara.” I picked up the sticky note, “She says you meet a month ago and you gave her this number to call you.”
He tended a bit and his face turned into a scowl. Wait half an hour and then Call her back, tell her the position I was offering has already been filled.” His left has copied his right and grabbed my other hip.
“So....Why does Shoto watch romantic Dramas?” I asked and started to click away on Endeavors computers.
“What?” He asked.
“Watch this, it’s just three minutes it’ll summarize what he’s watching.” I said and pushed play.
He sat and watched, and cringed, he paused it halfway. “That’s Enough.”
“Yeah.” was all I said and moved to sit on his right thigh, my left side and shoulder to his chest.
“Have you ever been to Universal?” I asked and tilted my head.
“Once, I took all of my children for two days to film a commercial.” His answer was boring.
“Did you go on any of the rides?” I asked wanting to know if he liked it.
“No, I didn’t have time to do anything. I was being filmed and meeting fans.” He didn’t seem amused.
“Oh, well that’s boring.” I slouched and sighed.
We sat in silence, I was looking on my
Phone and just casually chilling. Endeavor was watching me, I could feel his stare. It was very intense but not in a scary way, more of a concentrated way.
I opened snap chat and smiled, “Take more puctures with me.”
His brows dropped, he didn’t seem interested at all. I ignored it and leaned into his chest and opens the filters. He didn’t smile exactly but he wasn’t wearing a serious expression either.
He looked cute with a flower crown. After about five minutes of me smiling and taking pictures and Endeavor slid his hand around my waist and pulled me against him. I didn’t know what to do, I just moved the side slightly and looked up at him.
His chin wa son my shoulder, the stubble of his beard rubbing on my neck. It hurt a bit, but it felt nice.
“No more.” He tried to push my phone down.
“Just one more.” I raised, “But you have to smile.”
I got the filter onto both of our faces, he had a forced looking smile, I’d take it, I had a plan anyways. I held down the button and moved to kiss right on and under his jaw bone. I felt his hands grip my hips harsh and he tended.
I smield agaisnt the skin I had just violated as he cleared his throat.
“What are you doing?” He asked and moved back to look at me.
“Spreading love.” I moved my phone and got us both into frame again, “Now really smile this time.”
I took his left hand in mine and a very faint smile came to his lips.
After that I saved the video once to snap and twice to my camera roll. Then I recorded another video, it was of mini Endeavor and Todoroki, and then I panned to him and he seemed unamused during me recording random moments. I even recorded him letting out a short chuckle as I told him a story of the first time a cat meowed at Todoroki and he panicked. It was such a beguiling sound.
I even caught the small smile he had and the joy in his eyes when I told him Todoroki actually remembered his birthday, and sent a message from a random number so he wouldn’t be caught. He smiled at the thought, a look of regret in his eyes, there was a sincerity.
“Well, I’m pretty sure it’s lunch time.” I said standing up.
“Can we go eat?” I asked looking at my phone for the time.
“Take the lunch orders for the floor, than you and Shoto can go.” I admired the way he leaned back into his chair, legs spread, arms resting on the arms rest and head falling to the side slightly.
“Yes sir.” I smiled and went to get a notepad and Shoto.
Lunch passed, time passed, Shoto and I watched more drama as we waiting for our patrol shift, we’d be on different sides of the city but that’s fine I guess. I mean we’re literally spending all day together just watching tv and eating.
I cut my noodles with my chopstick and swallowed quickly.
“I forgot to call that lady back!” I panicked, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
Finally our turn for Paroels came, Shoto left, then a few others, familiar faces poured into the building taking a brief break from patrolling all day. I was waiting for Endeavor for my patrol to start. Finally he came down, I smiled at him and we took off. I had my cloak on and wings out. Everything was normal, it felt like just a walk. I mean, we stopped a break in at the most. Poor guy didn’t see it coming, he ribs definitely felt it before he knew what was coming. We carried on and ran into Hawks and Tokoyami. He didn’t leave, so our duo turned into a squad. We kept patrolling, nothing really happening, Hawks said something about it being to quiet lately around the city. Endeavor agreed, that was until we sat on a roof top, well, I stood on the edge, Endeavor was siting at a bench table, Hawks was walking on the edge and Tokoyami was leaning against the stair exit wall.
“We should become a squad.” Hawks said as he stopped to my right.
I looked at him, “what?”
“Imagine how cool we’d be, we could call ourselves the fire birds.” He took my hands and spun us both, to get read Incase I fell i spread my wings out quickly, the sound of fluttering and wind being pushed out from behind me was all I heard as I looked at Hawks.
“Get it? Because Endeavor is fire, I’m Hawks” he spread his wings, “Tokoyami has a bird in his belly, and you also have bird wings, I feel like your hiding more from what we know but I won’t push it yet.” He was still holding my hands in his.
“Well, it’s an interesting name. But I don’t think it’d work out.” I shrugged.
He pouted, “Why not?”
I shrugged, “Well, I don’t know actually l, we don’t always have the same patrol hours.” I shrugged.
“I see,” he spun us again and I kept my wings spread. He lifted his own.
I could definitely feel Stares, I sound of my rubbers soles scrapping again the concrete was the only thing I could hear. Hawks walked us back and forth, “let’s see who’s faster.”
He threw us off the Edge of the building I panicked and started flapping, after the third flap I caught wind and balanced myself. There I was flying above Hawks, he looked up at me. Hs was on his back his wings holding him in the air.
“Alright then.” I said and straightened out, “I could beat you anyday.
I move higher to bring myself to the edge of the building.
“Name a spot, and I can be there and back before you can.” I looked down at him.
“Great! I was hoping you’d agree I set it up today.” He came to my side, I heard Endeavor sigh.
“In the park by the koi pond, I stabbed a feather into a the ground,” he said plucking a long feather out of his wing.
I cringed and imagined the feeling, it’s all to painful.
“First one back with it wins.” He said and got ready, I squatted oh the edge and got ready.
“Toko! Give us a count off.” He screamed over his shoulder.
Another sigh from the party behind us, I smiled.
“Three,” a paused, “Two,” another, “One.”
We took off, I didn’t see Hawks ahead of and I wasn’t making the mistake of looking back. I pushed harder and gained more speed. I was focused on a short route I normally took until I felt something grab my wing.
I looked over to see Hawks, he was grinning and knocked into me, I knocked back into him and he only smiled wider.
“Oh, so you wanna play dirty.” I laughed.
I went up into a cloud and tried to time it, I saw Hawks in break, he looked around I dropped down on him and pushed his wing down he flipped onto his back and kept flying.
“Nice try but I’m all to use to it.” I scoffed.
“Sure.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed his boot to flip him around to face the other direction.
He did exactly that, flew in the other direction. He came back and landed on my back, his back to my back he just layer there.
“I don’t see why they don’t make this a way to travel it’s comfortable.
I did a quick roll over and he spread his own wings.
“WHAT?!” I asked as he didn’t leave my side.
“How do you get these so shiny and black?” He asked as he moved back to my side.
“If I told you I’d have to kill you.” I regretfully pulled a father of my own it hardened and caught a nice shine.
“I can do that too!” He cheered and pulled his own out. “WING BUDDIES!”
I rolled my eyes with a smield and dived down, I saw the feather and swooped in, hows swooped down. We’ll crash if one of us doesn’t pull back, or at least I’ll have to to use my whole quirk.
We pushed in before smoke filled the space I grabbed the wing and pulled back, I heard coughing and looked back to see a panicked Hawks. He didn’t notice me.
“(L/n)?” He looked around panicked.
“I let out a bird cry.” He looked up, there I was full form.
“YOU CHEATER.” He screamed and took out after me.
I flapped harder and tried to move faster and into places he wouldn’t be able to reach.
I saw Endeavor’s flames, I was so close, until Hawks pulled up infront of me. He grinned like a mad man, I changed back and stepped on his shoulder and made the jump. Feathe rin mouth I spit to get the taste of bird off my tongue.
“You should use dog shampoo, you’ll dull the color.” I said and waved the feather around.
He sighed, “I guess you win this round.”
We sat a whole longer, until the ground started to shake. There was the sound of rumbling and screams. We all rushed to the opposite side of the building. A big guy was trying to take down a building.
“Tokoyami, Go low with Endeavor, (L/n) and I will go ahead and try to save who we can from the top floors.” Hawks said taking off.
I looked back at Endeavor, “Go, it’s your job as a hero.”
I nodded and took off after Hawks. I caught up and we moved as fast as we could to get everyone out of the top floors. It was harder considering it was almost midnight and everyone one was home sleeping. I pulled out kids and men while woman tried to cling to Hawks at the chance they had. I laughed as one woman wouldn’t let him go. I heard a cry and dived in, the building was about to crumble, I can do this.
I found it, it was a little boy, he had red hair and white eyes. He was screaming for his dad. I picked him up a don looked for his dad. His dad was bleeding slightly.
“Hold onto my back and I’ll save you and your dad. Just don’t let go.” I calmly told the kid he nodded and crawled onto my back.
He held tighter then I expected. I grabbed the dad by his shoulders, “Come on.” I said and used all the arength I couldn’t o carry him at least bridal style.
With struggle I managed I ran to the holw in the wall and dived down flapping so we didn’t die from Just jumping.once on the ground I handed the guy over to Hawks and told the kid to sit with them. Hawks said ambulances were coming.
I looked back, this guy was kinda huge, what were we supposed to do? Endeavor and Tokoyami showed up. Endeavor rushed in and Hawks followed, Tokoyami knew what to do. I was still calculating and trying to figure out the best approach for myself. I found an opening, All three we’re taking him from the front, I found an opening form the back, I went for it. I flew up and spread my wings as far as they could go. At twenty four feet stretched out completely I did my best to blind him, Hawks was beside me in a flash.
“If you blind him long enough, I can get Tokoyami and Endeavor to help me.” He was gone.
I plucked out my longest, feather and used it to fight against his hands as he tried to grab at me. I stayed stretched out and tried to blind him. That was until I felt myself falling. I watched the sky swirl as I was pulled down. A sharp pain and a loud snap, my back arched. There was a loud crash, I was diving head first, the problem was, I could see where I was going, all I saw was a starry sky swirling as I started to spin while falling. The last thing I saw was Hawks Wide eyed reaching out to me and a deep scream. I was out, was I going to die?
I woke up from my dream as I started to hit water, everything was bright and white. I looked around rubbing my eyes. I tried to bring my hand up, it was held down, I looked at it and smield. I brought my left hand to my right. I brushed my fingers over the knuckles and skin that held my own.
“Endeavor.” I whispered.
I tried to sit up feeling pain in my back.
I brought my left hand to his jaw and held it, his eyes opened, he looked at me through his lashes.
“How are you?” I asked him even though it should’ve been the opposite.
“Are you alright?” He took his right hand to grab my right hand.
His left hand rested on my back, he rubbed it up slowly to help me sit up. His warm hand eased the pain that filled my muscles.
“Y-yeah, what happened?” I asked.
He sighed and tried to pull away.
I stretched with regret and grabbed his arm with my free hand.
“Please don’t,” I was basically begging for his heat.
He placed his hand back against my tender flesh.
“The criminal grabbed you by your wings when he started to fell back. I rushed in to catch you, and Hawks tried his best to grab you but his grip on yours wings was strong. He ripped out the feathers and fractured them.” He looked down.
I smiled at him, “Don’t worry about it, they’ll be fine by tomorrow morning...”
He looked up at me, he was soft, his eyes were glossed over. Tears filled the corners of his eyes. I moved my hand form his arm to hold his right cheek and get him to face me, his eyes held regret.
“You were my intern, I was supposed to protect you. I let you get hurt.” His voice was low.
“I’m your intern, I’m supposed to learn what it’s like to be a hero, and that’s exactly what happened. So you don’t have to worry. I’m happy that if I was going to experience this, that at least it was with you.” I smield at him, and looked down.
“I-” I cut him off with a look.
“Don’t worry about it.” I stopped him.
“I can make this up to you.” Her stated.
“You wanna make it up to me?” I asked and tilted my head with a slight smile.
“Yes, what’s something you’ve wanted?” He asked and fumbled around his costume and pulled out a wallet.
“Something? I’ve always wanted?” I asked and thought about it while staring at my hand with his.
“Well.” I looked up at him again with a grin.
“There’s this.” I pulled my hand free form his and grabbed his other cheek and pulled him closer.
His lips were soft, heat radiated form his face, quite literally because of his body temperature. His large hand landed on my cheek. He moved his hand so his forefinger and thumb took my chin and angled my head upwards. He kissed back eyes closed, I closed my own and brought my right hand down to his nape and ran it back up to feel the hairs at the base of his head. His hand still hot and comforting my back, I smield agsint his lips and pulled away.
“Okay, so I wanna go to Univeral with you and Shoto.” I smiled and he only looked down at me.
His eyes were so soft, they were clear, the bright color still outshine the bright white colors of the hospital I’m guessing I’m in.
“I don’t see why not.” He sighed and moved closer.
Kissing him a little longer the door opened and we pulled back, it was Shoto.
“SHOTO!” Enji screamed and pulled away.
His beard and mustache bursted into flames as he backed away and reached out for his son.
“Stop it dad, I already know what happening.” He sighed and looked down.
Enji sulked slightly and moved away from the bed side. I sat up straighter and smield at Shoto.
“So?” He asked.
“What?” I asked playing it off.
“Did your wings get better?” He crossed his arms over his chest the same way his dad does.
I forced them out and open, they were new and glossy.
“Of course they did!” They ruffled slightly, “I’m not an (l/n) for nothing!”
“Also, were going to universal!” I cheered and they spread out a bit.
“What for?” He asked.
“To Celebrate me becoming your step mom.” I winked at him, his eyes widened as his cheeks reddened.
“What?” He asked in disbelief.
“Why don’t you ask your daddy?” I joked.
He whipped around, Endeavor just looked at him.
“Told you.” I whispered to Shoto and smiled at Enji who was very slightly, smiling.
“HEY GUYS SORRY IM LATE!” And just like that, Hawks ruined the moment.
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Endeavor’s Intern
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: Student age reader
The rest of the week passed, of indulging in sweets and cold Soba with Shoto, and then loving on Enji when he wasn’t busy. He was gone during most of the day but here for most of the morning and late night. So lucky for me meant cuddling the big explosive man from late hours of the night into late hours of the morning filled with breakfast
“Sit down.” I turned to watch Shoto scolding a cat black cat that was on the verge of knocking over a glass cup off the counter.
His hands stretched out standing, he looked at Shoto contemplating if he should listen.
“Don’t.” He told the cats.
He moved his paw closer to the cup.
“NO.” He squinted at the cat who’s toe beans were now on the glass cup staining it.
“Sho, he’s not going to listen.” I said turning around and facing the duo.
“Yes he will. watch.” He faced the cat once more, “SIT.”
The cats sat, surprisingly, just as Shoto smiled and crossed his arms the cat moved and swatted at the cup. Sending a feather diving for the cup it stopped mid fall. I gave Shoto a look.
“He sat.” He shrugged.
“Fair enough.” I mumbled and placed the cup to be washed, my feather just floating in the air.
I plucked it out of the air and tucked it behind my ear.
“Okay,” I turned back to the paper I was looking at, “What’s all this?” I asked and tried to read the directions infront of me.
“I thought they were yours.” Shoto shrugged again and picked up his cat holding it to his chest
“They’re....tickets?” I asked.
“Maybe.” He hummed.
“That’s helpfull, now help me out here. We’re supposed to be in the car and pick up Midoriya in like thirty minutes!” I rolled up my sleeves and took Shoto’s cat.
“Fine, also, turns out we might pick up Natsuo. So, you might end up riding front seat like you wanted.”
“Great, I look foreward to it. To bad I can’t show any love.” I sulked quickly and then walked away placing the cat down.
“Now, everything is packed, Enji is packing everything and there is room for Midoriya if he pack a big suitcase.” I went back grabbing the papers folding them and sliding them into my pocket.
“Great.” Shoto had a faint smile.
“It is, me and your dad, you and your.....boyfriend.” I eyed him waiting for a reaction.
“I didn’t ask.” He mumbled and picked up a bag.
“Welllll, If where were going is fancy than you can ask.” I payed his shoulder and grabbed my bag and wallet.
“Now, do you have your jacket?”
“Extra jac- “OKAY MOM.”
I laughed, “Thats weird.”
“You’re not the one who said it.” He mumbled.
“I mean, no offense I know one girl who would’ve call you d-” I coughed cutting my self off.
“Let’s get to the car, I’m excited.” I smiled.
“If you don’t like where we’re going we’re leaving you on the side of the road.” Shoto smirked at me.
“I’ll fake it if I have to.” I smield as we left the house and got into the car.
There, looking good as always was the man I wanted to call my husband...but due to laws, press, and hero things. I couldn’t....publicly.
“We need to get Midoriya.” Shoto said as we started to back out.
“Alright.” Enji answered we started our trip.
Picking up Midoriya, and Enji getting a call from his second son learning he’d caught a ride with his sister we head straight on to where we’re headed. Midoriya was very flustered to learn the real truth behind Shoto and I’s relationship. I cracked a joke saying one day I’d be his mother in law, everyone chocked but Shoto who smiled. Shoto expresses his love for Disney songs which shocked EVERYONE. We talked about progress in school and the Internships and we asked questions to Enji about how he was in school. And I’ll say I’ll probably never see the mans ego inflant as much as it did in these moments.
After what felt like hours, and sunrise turning into mid day we stopped for lunch. We got drive through and parked in a secluded part of a park. I sat by Enji at the table but not close incase press. Shoto by Midoriya. We ate and enjoyed some silence and stretched.
As we went to get back into the car I was stopped by a quack. I turned to see a duck walking up to me. He was so small and plush looking. He wiggles his tail and tilted his head.
I awed and squatted quickly falling in love with the duck, I looked up and over my shoulder, Shoto and his dad shared a confused look Deku came to my side staring at the duck. I held out a small piece of bread I was about to throw away and he quickly ate it.
“It’s so cute.” I brought my hands to my face.
I picked him up and placed him on his back on my arm. I cradled himC he looked up at me and his feet tucked into his body.
“Look at him.” I held him out to Shoto and Enji. They looked at the duck who held that pose even as he was held mid air.
I handed him to Deku and he held him for a while scratching his head and neck. I took a selfie of Midoriya, the duck and myself to save the memory. The duck was basically smiling, he waddled away after we put him down. His tail wiggling as he waddled off.
“Okay, we can go now.” I said and used hand sanitizer the park offered.
Back in the car we drove for a while longer finally stopping at a large Hotel, “I KNOW THIS PLACE!” I said pressing my forefingers pad against the window.
“This si literally the best hotel in Japan! It’s amazing! I’ve only be here once, but it was just because my dad had a meeting so I was only waiting in the Lobby.” I explained stating at the hotel.
“It’s where we’re staying.” Enji said as we pulled up tot eh front doors.
A Valet came and talked of him. I was admiring the building from the window I could head Midoriya doing the same. Shoto was looking out the Window but not making a fuss like us poor people do when we see something nice.
We walked into the lobby, I felt under dressed. I was standing by Deku, and Shoto, we were all in Casual Clothing. We looked bad compared to the other people we’d seen dressed nicely.
“I didn’t know we were supposed to dress so nice.” Midoriya mumbled and fidgeted.
I nodded my head at Midoriya and made eye contact with Shoto.
He got the idea and placed a hand on his back, “Midoriya, you don’t need to be dressed as nice as these people. You’re always beautiful to me.”
I choked and walked off a bit, that was smooth. I looked back to see a red Midoriya and Shoto smiling softly down at him.
They walked over when Enji Approached, he had four key cards.
“You each get a card, lose it that’s it. Its twenty five dollars a replacement.” He said and we each took one.
“Now, were top floor, they’ll bring the bags up. Today we’ll just be in the hotel and go eat dinner.” He said and lead the way.
I watched him walk, I get the the term cake but this man was a bakery. I laughed lowly to myself stopping when I noticed another woman staring at Enji’s figure. Spreading my wings out and ripping the shirt I was wearing I shielding my boys body from immediate sight and let my wings close as we got into the elevator. Shoto smirked at me.
“I saw that.” He whispered.
“Saw what? How awesome my wings are?” I stretched them out slightly and rested one on top of his head.
“I saw how you had to just show that lady how amazing they are.” He mumbled
I stayed silent the rest of the elevator ride, just watching out the glass as the floor
Got smaller, it was only then I realized I wasn’t to fond of heights, scared? No. Just shivering at the thought of falling. I reached For Enji’s Hans and looked straight ahead. He sighed and squeezed my hand. I smiled and squeezed back a little. Getting to floor there were four sets of doors, one on each wall of the building, and then the room he opened the door, it was massive. I was wowed, it was like a one story mansion. My first thing was to record to save to my Snapchat memories. There were five rooms, the master, and four smaller rooms, three rooms have queen size beds, they’d be Natsuo, Shoto and Fuyumi. Midoriya and I would share the fourth room with two twin size beds. It was between the master bedroom and Shoto’s room. We walked into our shared room and I looked at Midoriya.
“I’m just saying, if you leave in the middle of the night to go cuddle with icy hot I understand.” I shrugged and dropped my suitcase on my bed.
“I-uh- no it’s not like that.” He got flustered.
“I’m just saying I may or might not do the same.” I smield at him patting his shoulder with my hand.
He calmed down and smiled down at the floor.
“No one would’ve guessed it huh.” I said and sat on the plush luxurious bed that I didn’t really wanna use.
“Guessed what?” He asked.
“That you the biggest fan of All Might would be on vacation with Endeavor.” I grinned as he got flustered again.
“Calm down.” I put both hands on his shoulders, “I was joking.”
He smield and rubbed the back fo his neck, “right.”
We left our room Shoto was sitting on the leather sofa and relaxing. I made my way to the door of Endeavor’s room, I walked in admiring the spacious room.
“Must be nice.” I mumbled and looked around.
“Hm.” He hummed turning to face me.
I wasn’t prepared to see shredded chest, the shirt he was wearing was half open. I looked down at my socked feet, we left our shoes at the door.
“You get a nice bed, with lots of space you won’t even use, and I’m stuck with a small twinsize single bed, that I’ll probably fall off of.” I exaggerated throwing myself back on his bed.
“Mhm.” He hummed and was staring at me as he changed shirts for a loose pull over.
“So,” I turned it my side propping my head up.
“what.” He asked as he walked to hang his shirt.
“Are you going to invite me to your bed instead?” I rolled onto my belly facing him my hands holding my head up as I kicked my feet in the air. “I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
“Last time you said that you ended up on me with your elbows propped on my ribs.” He mumbled and walked into his bathroom.
“Please?” I called out louder, “How do we get dressed for dinner?!” I called louder eBaying to know if I should prep.
“Classy.” I got the muffled reply.
“So Yes bed?” I whispered.
“Convince me.” I heard him just barely.
“Bet.” Was all I answered
I left to my room and ripped open my suit case, and looked through it, I opened the other suit case and found what I was looking for. Can never leave the house unprepared.
I brushed my hair over and over and then used a hair straightener to get it smooth. I sighed as I got it flat and then moved onto lipstick testing it to make sure it was transfer proof. After that I pulled out my dress and hung it so it wouldn’t be so wrinkled. I nodded and went to Enji’s room. He was laying on his back arms behind his head, looking at the ceiling lost in thought.
I took the opportunity and jumped on him propping my elbows on his ribs. His hands went to my waist as I smiled at him and ducked to kiss his jaw making sure no lipstick stained his skin.
“Did you need something.” He didn’t really ask.
“Your attention.” I moved and kneeled on the bed beside him. Taking his merge hand between mine holding it in my lap.
“What is it you really want?” He asked my looked at me.
His left arm fell in my direction across the pillows. Holding his right hand I shimmer down onto my right side and used his left bicep like a pillow.
“Cuddles there are four hours until dinner time.” I said and let go of his hand placing my left arm over his chest and my left leg over his left leg.
“Mmhm.” He didn’t seem amused, but let it be.
In the mean time I cuddled into his side loving him and kissing his jaw or cheek every now and then. I scrolled through Instagram and took our picture, I was smiling he seemed unamused at the camera.
“Wear gym clothes tomorrow, we’ll be active. And a sweater so you won’t get cold.
Finally he took my phone and slid it into my picked and got onto his left side facing me. I smiled and pressed my face into his chest hugging his torso and throwing my leg over his hips. His right hand came to press itself against my lower back and pull em closer to him. I moved my arms to hug his neck and I kissed his cheek and pressed my head into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and mumbled something about rest. I nodded and squeezed him a bit.
I looked at him, his eyes half kissed as he slowly fell asleep. All was calm and peace full, I feel asleep when my own eyelids grew heavy.
I fell asleep to the sound of his heart pumping blood in his chest.
I fell asleep, falling into a dream of one day wanting to marry Enji.
I was at peace, calm, happy, until I was being shook vigorously.
I was quick to jump up and onto the floor, wings flaring out I grabbed two long feathers ready to defend or attack. Until I noticed it was Shoto. He didn’t seem impressed. I sighed and let go of the feathers and let my wings rest against my back as they slowly disappeared.
“Natsuo and Fuyumi are coming up, so I decided to be a good step son and wake you up.” He nodded to the living room.
I looked at Enji, he was sleeping peacefully, a small smile tugging his lips.
“Alright I’m going.” I answered and Shoto left.
I turned an quickly kissed his cheek and took a photo before rushing and heading off to follow Shoto.
I sat to his right, Midoriya in his left, his arms on the back of the sofa we both leaned our heads on his shoulders. He sighed and smiled.
Midoriya was smiling, and I was smiling.
We all smiled for different reasons, but my reason was the dream is just woken up from, i dream of a perfect wedding and marrying my best friends dad. I felt heat raise to my cheeks as I smiled staring at the screen.
I turned to Shoto, “You’re one of the best things to happen to my life.”
I hugged him real quick and then pulled a Midoriya into the hug, “You’ll he the best son in law ever.”
Midoriya laughed and smiled, Shoto had a small smile and I didn’t fight the big smile on my face. We pulled apart when a knock was heard. I smiled faintly thinking back to Enji’s cute sleepy smile.
Tags: @daedaep69 @sabrinakishi
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