yb-cringe · 4 months
perrin: god this sucks. i wish rand were here he’d know what to do
rand: god this sucks. i wish perrin were here he’s know what to do
mat: kinfe… .,…,..,,
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markantonys · 8 months
i already made a joke post about it but genuinely, the whole "wot s1 sucked, which was 100% the show's fault and not the source material's, but now s2 is so much better! shocking! who could've seen that coming!" narrative is SO annoying
like, the eye of the world is boring as shit! it's generic as shit! of COURSE an entire season based on it is not going to be the most groundbreaking or thrilling fantasy television you've ever seen in your life! how on EARTH can the readers who've been saying for decades that the books don't start to hit their stride until book 2 or 3 or 4 fail to grasp the correlation with season 2 being better than season 1? but even so, s1 alone IS more groundbreaking and thrilling than book 1 alone, because the showrunners knew that book 1 is boring and generic as shit and did their absolute damnedest to pull in as many unique elements from later books as they could conceivably fit in this early on.
second, s1 had to do a HUGE amount of heavy lifting in terms of setting up characters, relationships, lore, and worldbuilding. s1 did all this groundwork so that s2 could have the payoff you're enjoying so much, s1 constructed the basic building blocks so that s2 could explore the more advanced concepts you're gushing over. s1 ran so that s2 could soar! put some respect on its name!
third, stakes tend to get higher, characters to get deeper, and plotlines to get more exciting as you go along in a story. this is how stories work. why are you shocked that s1 only built the basic foundation of the story and s2 has the space to grow and deepen that story? that's how stories work, that's how TV works, and that's most certainly how the WOT books work.
fourth, practical constraints s1 had that s2 had less of
budget: s1 was starting from scratch, whereas s2 had more budget to spare since some things could be reused from s1 AND it got a bigger budget than s1 in the first place.
experience: second seasons almost universally tend to be better than pilot seasons, simply because everyone involved in making the show has gotten into the groove and solidified how they want to do this thing. this is how television works.
covid: it should go without saying that s1 would have been One Million Times more difficult and expensive to make than s2 due to covid stuff. whatever effect we may think covid had on s1, the true effect was probably astronomically higher than what we imagine. the majority of "looks too cheap" "looks too empty" complaints likely come down to this (notice that most of those complaints are about episodes 6-8 and not the early episodes; 6 was filmed pre-covid, yes, but i wouldn't be surprised if some covid-related restrictions were starting to rear their heads before production was officially shut down).
the worst part is the people who end their above-mentioned take with "they must have listened to audience criticism of s1 and made changes accordingly." [moiraine voice] the arrogance. s2 had already been written and filming was WELL underway (if not finished or close to finished?) by the time s1 even started airing. if you're impressed by what a great season they've delivered, the credit for that lies entirely with the people who made the show, not your stupid ass.
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asha-mage · 4 months
Galad channeling AU
[Send me a potential AU and I'll answer with five things from that story!]
Ohhhhh boy! This is one I've actually given thought to writing before. I don't know if I'll ever do it, but if I did-
Galad is a sparker, and his first act with the power (that thing he wants more then he wants anything else) is to save Gawyn's life when Gawyn is drowning. He doesn't realize he's channeled at first- or for some time afterwards, repressing and shielding himself in order to protect his conscious mind from the reality of what he is doing. His block is that he is unable to channel except when someone else's life is in danger- that's the only time the innate fear is overcome by his need to do the right thing, to protect an innocent life.
When he finally realizes what is happening, it's after the royal party is waylaid on it's path back to Camelyn from one of the Trakand's estates by brigands. He channels in order to protect Elayne and Gawyn in some way that is impossible to hide, even from himself.
From there his Simple Code of Morality takes over- he intends to turn himself over to Elaida and the Tower for the gentleing, willingly and of his own accord. He makes the mistake of informing Gawyn and Elayne of this plan though, which leads to Gawyn knocking him over the head with a stick.
Elayne's complicated feelings about Galad aside, she and Gawyn do not want to see him gentled. It's one thing to understand it is something that must be done in order to protect the world from another Breaking. It's another for it to be your half brother, staring down the barrel of a slow tortuous death by despair. Elayne hates him sometimes- often really- but because she understands that unyielding stubborn moral code of his is going is so destructive, to him as much as everyone else. And she wont let him make a himself another victim of it.
The plan is to head West, to the mountains, out to the edge of Andor, where the affairs of nobles and Aes Sedai and nations rarely coincide. Stash him there until Elayne can reason out how to avoid him turning himself in, or going mad, or dying. Of course, the last thing anyone expects is to find an Aes Sedai already there, in that far flung corner of Andor, much less to see Trollocs invade onto Andoran soil. But that is of course, when it hits Elayne how to get Galad to live- all she and Gawyn must do, is giving him a duty so important that it will supersede his duty to surrender, a duty like....aiding the Dragon in saving the world for example. (And if Galad goes along with it under the logic that Moiraine Sedai will see him properly disposed of....well that's just the first step of the journey).
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pillowfriends · 1 month
Daniel Henney saying when he first met Rosamund he felt a pull to talk to her and that it felt like destiny when they were both cast in WoT I'm not crying you're crying
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hawfstuff · 1 month
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More Uthuran girls
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amemoryofwot · 10 months
… Mat said excitedly. “I wonder if we might get to see this false Dragon?”
Perrin shook his shaggy head. “I don’t want to see him. Somewhere else, maybe, but not in the Two Rivers.”
Rand standing right there: 🧍‍♂️
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ofthebrownajah · 1 year
I know people have gotten better on how they talk about Rand re: his mental health in recent years in this fandom but it baffles me that I had a conversation with someone on Twitter last year who said "I never really thought of Rand as a mentally ill character." when he canonically has PTSD
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toskarin · 1 year
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got reminded of the japanese wheel of time covers by katou toshiaki and how hard they go
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 2 years
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Egwene in the Ravens prologue
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tiredmoonslut · 2 years
I am reading Eye of the World for the first time (yes I am a treasonous show-only fan), and while I warrant that yes, the pacing in the book is much preferable to the Prime series, the endless stupidity of Rand and Mat is fucking getting to me 😭 please tell me the books are told from someone other than Rand's POV at some point I can't stand 14 books of this
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
when i think about the the fact that s4 is full of foreshadowing for the PLANNED and GREENLIT tentoorose spin off
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yb-cringe · 5 months
newest arc in eye of the world; thom and his two dumbass nephews try not to get thrown overboard
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markantonys · 10 months
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"It was easier to be brave, he discovered, when someone needed your protection." – the Eye of the World
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wheeloftimedevourer · 10 months
y’all remember the “light! if i see moiraine again, i’ll kiss her” line of rand in eotw?
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tomsmusictaste · 1 year
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Four Year Strong // Enemy Of The World
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hawfstuff · 5 months
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Happy winter solstice! No more sunsets at 4:30 please it's so dark.
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