#episode 1075
cipher-zoo · 9 months
So! After picking me up from the hospital @deliberately-aimless and I decided to finish watching OPLA together. And since we both hadn't watched 1075 yet, we decided to watch that right afterwards.
THE SHIFT IN MOOD was like a slap to the face (and heart) I tell you.
Don't get me wrong, OPLA had us in tears at times, because that's just what one piece does, but 1075 - despite already knowing the history of Wano land and having read the Manga - had us speechless!
Apparently there have been complaints because so much of the episode is Flashbacks, but honestly? They are so well made! Like damn! That animation fucked me up, I need to rewatch it today!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 9 months
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This is one of the most clever, innocuous additions to a chapter in the anime adaptation and one I absolutely love. Episode 1075, like the chapter it adapts, gives us a full reminder of the tragedy of Wano as Hiyori's story concludes. It correctly gives us a little update on Usopp, Kin, & Kiku then lets Kawamatsu play us in to an absolutely brutal recap. And this pulls no punches in adaptation. Holy shit.
Then it adds the stinger, bookends wrapping that up with a hopeful other shoe dropping for Usopp. Like the manga we subtly highlight Kiku right after Oden is shot because she's about to bow out. So the bookend makes sense, but thematically we know now that means something else. Something that ties perfectly with the intent of her story at this point. The bookend in manga Wano with Ryokugyu is about the darkness Wano always had. Kiku's someone who was always on the wrong end of the stick. So she got to be the one who ducked the long, harsh winter. The anime here is simply reinforcing that notion.
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This shot got me. You get the idea, right? Wano needed a long winter like this because it was already a cruel place. All the way back in Bakura Town, Mouseman the gifter was just using Wano cultural norms to convince the Yokozuna Kiku's life was worthless. That makes all the sense in the world to pair with this little bookend trick.
I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to feel about the anime hammering this stuff more and more. I half expect we'll get something huge for the Ryo absence. It's like that "It's a pity to linger" line in the title. Kiku was the one who got lucky one all this because she of all people deserved it the most. But that's why you have a bigger story going on around the spectacle of this Kabuki epic you have to play a small part in. These silly pirates care about you too much to let you be a noble sacrifice.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
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#LETSGOOO MOMOOOOOOOOOOOOO#luffy grabbing lightning bolts... nami youve got competition....#kaido saying roger and oden didnt have devil fruits and how you cant conquer the world with one... well they are also dead. rip bozos#NOOOO HIYORIIIIIII SOMEONE KILL THIS MAN!!!!#JESUS CHRIST THAT PUNCH!!! onigashima is on the way. move it. he is too used to zoro....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1074#the new opening is cute... wish the different scenes could be longer bc i have been sotpping to see them well akdhaks#can someone PLEASE help hiyori..... there are too many people just chilling DENJIRO!!!!!! FUCK YES!!!! but now pleaseeee finish him off...#omg the ballon ajdksjjs wish fullfilled!!!! YEAAHHH MOMOOOOOO#the samurais praying to luffy.... do i even need to make a post about luffy as a god now.... it's just like plain obvious and not bc of nik#episode 1075#kaido lore??? did he betray rocks pirates??? the fucking witch again??? how tf did she orchestrate all this.#she started how the value of someone is determined by war. which considering this is a shonen and strength is everything... i appreciate it#which might be why kaido is such a good antagonist to luffy. he wants people to live as slaves to make weapons and create wars#the strong ones get to be soldiers and act out that war. and kaido enjoys fighting also.... luffy on the other hand sees people for what#they are and the freedom they should have and he will beat kaido by not engaging in his style of fighting to be the strongest but by being#the silliest. literally. its just too good.#<- official analysis for now i guess#oh jesus..... LETSGOOO MOMOOOOOO omg luffy can see the wishes..... FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH#luffy wishing for a world where his friends get to eat whatever they want.... oof..... tama.....#i have realised before the timeskip i cried bc situations were sad but ever since fishman island i have teared up bc of happiness....#like at the end of fishman island and now... wait except wci but that was a drama so one exception#episode 1076
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So I know episode 1075 got backlash for the long drawn out flashback. And it’s not entirely unwarranted either, I’ll admit, after all it really was long, and unnecessarily so. But I do also think it was important to showcase the people of Wano’s suffering, all of the suffering Orochi (and Kaido) caused, in a summed up form once more before Orochi met his end so it really hits home why this is happening.
But no matter what you think of this flashback’s existence and its necessity, it’s there now so can we please admit that for a flashback this drawn out and without much new content this was executed really well? Can we please please appreciate the amazing use of colour and lack thereof?
Because there was clearly put so much thought into that.
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We have green for the poison that has contaminated the soil, the water, the air, the world of these people.
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We have yellow for death. (Now yellow is often associated with more positive things but here we have two different yellows. More to that later.)
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We have red for rage. The rage simmering in the hearts of the people.
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And we have purple for “the night”. (This is a shot immediately after the guy says “the night”.)
Everything else is in shades of grey.
This is because it represents the suffering of the people. They are living in a world where it’s always “night”. You can’t see colours at night. They can’t see colours through their suffering.
Then come the SMILEs.
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They’re in colour and they bring back colour for a short moment because for this short moment the people thought something good was happening. They thought after all this darkness of the night there was a ray of light that made them able to see colours again. But they were disappointed, because of course they were. And now the people started being infected by the poison that was in the land.
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All this is of course happening because of Orochi’s scheming and cruelty.
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Orochi is “the night”.
And we have Hiyori.
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She gets blue for fear and sorrow. But also pink which I believe represents hope here because it’s also the colour Toki and her speech which is the sole hope the people of Wano are holding onto.
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Now Orochi is of course the symbol for “the night” but he also has a lot of rage which is the fuel for his cruelty.
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This is still the case in the scene with Hiyori in the present. But while rage is all he shows outwardly, we see that in his mind there is nothing but poison.
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And to him the Akazaya are death.
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He’s incredibly scared of them. He’s scared. And he’s always been scared. He accumulated so much fear…
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…and the fear birthed the poison…
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…and the poison birthed the rage which made him want to be death to all others.
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Then Denjiro cuts his head off and right through all the rage and death. And it causes something else to be revealed.
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The other yellow. And this time it’s the light.
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It’s the light rising into the sky amidst all the fear and sorrow and flickers of hope. And it marks the beginning of the end of the people’s suffering, the beginning of the end of the “night”. The dawn is coming.
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joy-girl · 9 months
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One Piece ep 1075 // Shimotsuki Ushimaru
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taxreturnslut · 9 months
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When you nut but she keeps suckin
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oharas-demon · 9 months
Catching up on some episodes and episode 1075 is so beautiful I’m in tears
The prayers of all of Wano… I can’t 🥹 The animation blew me away
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fionnalovesanimeboys · 9 months
This episode was so emotional it really got me 🥺😭. The people from Wano suffered so much since they had to eat Smile fruit just so they could survive that's so cruel and heartbreaking 💔
Seeying it from another view just hurt even more...
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animenga2023 · 9 months
One Piece Episode 1075 Preview
ONE PIECE episode 1075 will be released next Sunday on September 10, and the preview video shows more of Luffy’s fight against Kaido. The fight should be getting close to the conclusion, and you can check out the preview video for episode 1075 with English subtitles below (the video is also available on Crunchyroll at the end of episode 1074): to know more...
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healthiffy9 · 10 months
one piece episode 1075: Release date & Time, Best Streaming guide?
Here is the needed information about the One Piece episode 1075 release date and time. This is when viewers in the United States can catch the new One Piece episode in ET, CT, and PT time zones. One Piece Episode 1075 Release Date & Time?Where to Watch One Piece Episode 1075?About One Piece?FAQSWhat happens in chapter 1075 One Piece?Which episode does Luffy use Gear 5? One Piece Episode 1075…
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theropegoat · 1 year
My partner showed me a screenshot of a post that I can’t find now about how “something something critical roles fans are passionate because you have to be to watch that much content.”
And you are right. You absolutely have to be passionate to sit through all of critical role. Critical Role is an immensely long piece of media. It’s absolutely stupidly long. You can’t be a casual viewer of critical role. Not really. You’ll just fall behind.
How long exactly are we talking, surely not that long? Like there’s some pretty long shoes out there.
Greys anatomy is often cited as a very long show and it is at 272.5 ish hours of total run time it takes a lot to get through! Not even close.
The Simpsons? To this day the longest running cartoon out there? Actually even shorter at about 247 hours.
Ok well let’s talk Anime. There’s shows like Naruto that are long and then become “new” shows that are also long. Well to watch Naruto, Naruto: Shippuden and Boruto in total you come to about 342 hours. Thats 14.5 days over two weeks of straight content.
Then there’s the known giant. One Piece. The show every me rips on for just how fucking massive it is. The one that has been pumping out season after season for nearing a quarter of a century. 420 hours and 48 minutes. seventeen and a half days of pure content. Hour after hour. We have to be getting close right?
Let’s break this down.
Critical Role is long, it’s been running a long time, and there’s tons of bonus content.
Let’s talk the most conservative version of “All of Critical Role” every episode of the three seasons of critical role thus far. Gameplay only. Skipping the intro, announcements, ad reads and the middle break of every single episode.
You’re looking at a run time of 1075 hours and 22 minutes just game time. (44 Days or 6.4 Weeks)
With all those announcements, skits, fan art and ads? 1244 hours and 56 minutes (51.8 days or 7.4 weeks)
If you’re including their excellent mini series? Exandria unlimited itself adds about 58 hours. Plus there’s oneshots revisiting characters, spin offs, sponsored and non sponsored play of other TTRPG games like Undeadwood. Total of 1517 hours 56 minutes (63.2 Days, 9 weeks)
You could watch One Piece twice before finishing the most charitable version of “all” of critical role and three times in the most extensive option.
Even looking up podcasts the longest I could find of the ones I know about My Brother My Brother and Me clocks in somewhere in the vicinity of 637 hours.
Conclusion: It’s long. And there is no casual critical role fan.
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eiichiro · 9 months
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ONE PIECE (1999-?) episode 1075 ✴ 20 years worth of prayers! take back the land of wano created by oda eiichirou
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apparently-artless · 9 months
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20 Years' Worth of Prayers! Take Back the Land of Wano
One Piece Episode 1075
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summary: After being separated for a very long time, two lovers reunite under challenging circumstances on Teth.
pairing: Commander Wolffe x Reader
warnings: !SPOILERS!, fluff, angst, no happy ending
words: 1075
a/n: the return of the king (and my writing :)
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One second the laughter of Echo and Gregor fills the ship, then there is a desperate call for help coming through the comm. It‘s Rex, surrounded by imperial forces. He is with clone force 99 as well as other surviving clones. Right away, Echo turns the ship around and heads back to Teth as quickly as possible. Neither Gregor nor (Y/n) need a direct order to reach for their weapons and prepare for a risky exfiltration.
For a few seconds, (Y/n)s fingers linger on her vibro knife with a significant wolf engraved into it‘s hilt. Her heart burns at bittersweet memories of a certain Commander. Closing her eyes, she can still see him smiling after he gave her the knife. Other people, maybe even some of his brothers, considered him strict and bitter, but (Y/N) could always look behind his cold behaviour. But now, he is out of her reach, and she can‘t admire the glint in his eyes anymore.
“Are you alright?“, Gregor places a hand on (Y/n)s shoulder, tearing her out of her daydreams. There is a single tear running over her cheek and she quickly wipes it away, but the clone saw it. He tries to smile at her reassuringly. The smile on her lips doesn‘t reach her eyes, though.
“Yeah, thanks, Gregor“, (Y/n) tells him with a shaky voice and turns back towards her numerous weapons. The knife slides into the holster on her thigh, and it feels heavier than ever.
As she places her rifle over her shoulder, Echo announces that they are almost at the extraction point. Gregor and (Y/n) walk towards the ramp and get into position. Standing behind Gregor, (Y/n) aims her rifle towards the opening ramp. At first, she can‘t see much because Echo is still landing the ship, but then she catches a glimpse of Rex and other clones surrounded by imperial forces.
Her crosshair moves from the regular troops to a commando and finally to the Commander of this squad. The grey paint on his armor seems familiar and takes away (Y/n)s breath. It looks too familiar, she must be hallucinating. It can‘t be him. But the moment the Commander takes off his helmet, (Y/n) recognises him. It‘s Wolffe.
The rifle falls to the ground with a loud thump, attracting everyone’s attention. (Y/n) has to take a few steps forward to stand next to Gregor and be in view to everyone. To her in this very moment only one person matters. It‘s like everyone else disappears and leaves her reunited with her lost lover.
Wolffe is as baffled as never before. His cybernetic eye must be malfunctioning because how could his cyar‘ika be right here on Teth? She might look a bit different, but so does he. War changes people. In the past year, whenever her imagined her in his mind, he would always remember her carefree in the summer sun of Coruscant. Now she is wearing a heavy protective vest and many weapons, looking almost drained. But it‘s (Y/n), for sure.
“Wolffe“, she whispers his name before approaching him with fleet steps. Running past Rex, who understands the situation unlike the clones around him, (Y/n) reaches Wolffe quickly. Without a second thought, she wraps her arms around his neck and crashes against him, making him stumble a few steps backwards. His helmet falls to the ground, and he engulfs her in a tight hug.
There are smiles and tears as they part a few inches to take a better look at each other. (Y/n) places her hands just under Wolffes scrubby jaw, caressing his cheeks with her thumbs. “You‘re home“, she whispers and leans forward to connect their foreheads in a sweet keldabe kiss without helmets.
“Yes, I‘m home, cyar‘ika“, Wolffe returns and closes his eyes for some time. Then he remembers the situation they are in as his second in command shifts. Softly, he moves (Y/n) to his side but never actually parts from him. He still has to follow orders, right? But with his beloved girl and multiple of his brothers right here, he gets some doubts.
Most of the clones are already inside of the ship, only Rex and Gregor are still outside, waiting for (Y/n). The soldiers under Wolffe’s command are getting unsettled, not knowing what to do and what their orders are.
“Let them go“, their Commander orders and the troopers lower their blasters. A nod from Wolffe tells them to return to their ship. Turning his attention back on (Y/n), Wolffe can feel his heart ache. He pulls her into a tight hug once again, feeling one of her hands buried in his hair. Only when they part does (Y/n) realise this was a way of saying goodbye.
“No, I only just got you back, you can‘t leave me again. Please“, she whines and starts crying at the realisation. Wolffe takes her face in his rough hands and stops her from hiding her face in her own.
“Shh, don‘t cry. This is not a goodbye, we will see each other again. I promise. But I have to take care of a few things before we can see each other again. I have to take care of my squad. I‘m so sorry, cyar‘ika“, Wolffe tries to reassure his girl. He leans his forehead against hers, not caring what the remaining clones around them think. “We found each other once, we can do that a second time, I‘m sure of that.“
The moment Wolffe tries to take a step backwards and part from (Y/n), she presses herself as close to him as possible. Their lips meet in a teary and passionate kiss, showing their raw emotions. “I love you so much, please come back to me“, (Y/n) breathes against her lover’s lips and finally parts from him. He places one last kiss between her brows, strokes a hair strand behind her ear and whispers a declaration of love in Mando’a : Ni kar‘tayli gar darasuum.
Wiping away the tears from her face, (Y/n) approaches Rex and Gregor who look as downcast as her. They enter the ship after her, but only (Y/n) takes a look back and watches Wolffe enter the imperial ship. They get separated by the closing ramp.
But just like Wolffe said: They found each other once, they can do that a second time.
taglist: @gwenebear @skippyhopperwisdom @littlemisscare-all
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onepiecesource · 9 months
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ONE PIECE (1999-?) episode 1075 ✴ 20 years worth of prayers! take back the land of wano created by oda eiichirou
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amphibia-a-day · 1 month
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Day 1075 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Thai Feud
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