#eric delko fanfiction
rubyarrows · 9 months
Never Going Back
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Eric Delko stood in front of the old, weathered house, his fingers tracing the edges of the cracked paint on the doorframe. Memories, both good and bad, flooded his mind as he gazed at the place he had once called home. Beside him, YN, his sister, placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with a mix of nostalgia and sadness.
"We are never going back there again," Eric muttered, his voice a mixture of determination and relief. YN nodded in agreement, a wistful smile playing on her lips.
The Delko siblings had grown up in this house, amidst laughter, arguments, and shared dreams. It was a place where they had forged an unbreakable bond, a family in the truest sense of the word. But it was also a place that held the scars of their past, reminders of their parents' struggles and sacrifices.
As Eric and YN stood there, memories of their father's late-night repair jobs in the garage, fixing cars and teaching them the value of hard work, danced through their minds. They remembered their mother's warm embrace after a long day at school, her soothing words chasing away their worries. The walls of the house seemed to echo with their childhood laughter, the kind that only siblings could share.
But the Delko family had also weathered their fair share of storms within these walls. The loss of their parents at a young age had left them with wounds that time could never fully heal. It was a place where they had learned to be strong for each other, to lean on one another when the world seemed too heavy to bear.
"We've come a long way, haven't we?" YN mused, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. Eric turned to her, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Yeah, we have," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of pride and gratitude. "And we owe it to each other and to them."
YN nodded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the landscape, the siblings exchanged a knowing look. It was time to let go of the past and embrace the future that they had fought so hard to build.
"We are never going back there again," Eric said once more, this time with a sense of finality. YN squeezed his shoulder, a silent affirmation of their shared decision.
Hand in hand, they turned away from the old house and walked towards the future, leaving behind the echoes of their past. They were Delkos, a family forged in the fires of adversity, stronger and closer than ever before. And as they moved forward, their steps were filled with hope, love, and the promise of a new beginning.
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Recent fic masterlist pt 5!
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snarkwrites · 3 years
all we’re finding out from this nsfw alphabet, is that eric delko is one kinky fucker and i’m here for that🥵 could we go with letters b, i and v for him this time around? please and thank you, angel! - ❤️
Omg, thank you so much for sending me more letters! This is truly the highlight of my days, logging on and finding that you sent me a message or letters or just stopped by to have a lil chat, I hope you know that, dear!
After this posts, the letters B I and V are off the table for Eric Delko, loves.
[ send me letters and characters and get back filth ]
This content is strictly made for only those 18+ and up. If you’re a minor, or you don’t enjoy sexually themed content, you’re not going to enjoy this at all. If you’re a minor, you shouldn’t even be here, fyi. If you do continue to read beyond the warnings, this is your problem because I tried to warn you up here, up front, what you were in for.
If you’re sticking around, these are some things you need to look out for. TBH, there really isn’t anything risque here, but it’s still not meant for kids.
                                           [ faq | tag list doc ]
b, body part, their favorite part of their SO body and their own body.
Eric is a simple man. Give him a cute little smile and legs for days and he’s happy. As far as his body, I lowkey high key feel like his hair is his favorite part. it just always looks so well kept that I feel like he spends at least an hour on it. He also happens to think that his smile’s pretty rad too.
i, intimacy, how intimate are they in the heat of the moment
Oh my gosh, he is so so so so so intimate. His hands are all over you and like... sometimes he treats you like you’re fragile as fine china, fyi.., he’s staring into your eyes, he’s calling you stuff like princess and sweetheart or doll, occasionally baby girl.. He’s saying sweet and dirty things to you in Cuban or Russian, depending on the mood or what he’s trying to say... He’s kissing literally every inch of you and if you think you’re not going to have marks, well.. You are totally wrong.
v, volume, how loud are they in bed? how much noise do they make.
Loud. Baby is hella hella loud. Groaning and moaning, saying sweet and dirty things in english / cuban and russian. he’s almost feral sometimes -or one would think so, given the loudness...
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cvteeds · 6 years
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Moodboard Prompt, Autumn
We fall (in love) like leaves do ; hiphuggers
eric delko x calleigh duquesne (csi:miami)
“And every season I fall in love with you again” he whispered softly into her coffee scented skin. He was crying.
“Then let me go like october lets fall off its reddish-brown leaves”
oc: vsco, pics art
dt: to my bestie, @dexque
(click for better quality)
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
Just A Peek?
This is just a cute little CSI: Miami drabble with Delko, Calleigh and a tattoo.
Just A Peek? - Delko and Calleigh arrange a date, just so Delko can see her tattoo...or so he says.
Read @ AO3 | Help Me Survive? | Commission Me?
"Oh, come on, Cal. I just want a peek."
"No, Eric. No peeks."
"So you got the tat in one of those 'lovers' eyes only' places?"
Calleigh rolled her eyes. "No, it's not on my inner thigh or something. It's on my back."
"Lower back?"
"Shoulder blade area."
"Then I'll just wait until you're in a tank top to see it."
"I got it so a tank top covers it up unless it's one of those strappy ones, and I never wear those to work."
"Then I'll have to see it after work."
"You and I never hang out after work."
"Then I guess I'll just have to take you out on a date."
Her jaw dropped. "A date? You and me?"
"Why not?" He shrugged. "I mean, we're close."
"And I've seen you checking me out--"
"I have not!"
"--and I've checked you out before."
He shrugged again. "When you're not looking."
She shook her head. "A date, just to get a peek at my tattoo?"
"And maybe a kiss."
She shook her head again, only this time she was grinning. "Oh, I can give you the kiss right now."
"Here? At work?"
She came up and stood in front of him. "Yes. Here. At work."
He swallowed. "So..."
She leaned in and then kissed him on the cheek. "We have a good time Friday night and I'll see about giving you a better one."
"What time?"
"Eight. Meet me here."
"In the locker room or here at the labs?"
"Locker room." She walked past him towards the locker room exit, leaving him grinning like an idiot. He finally, after all these years, was getting his date with Calleigh Duquesne.
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tyrannysaurusfloof · 5 years
Masterlist (Non Youtube/Star Wars Works)
Since I’ve only recently decided to post my fanfiction here as well, I figured posting one long masterlist of them was better than an individual post for each one /o/
Links and summaries under the cut due to length |D
Tolkien Verse
- TOLKIEN SENTENCE PROMPTS: A series of multi-chapter, oneshot based sentence prompts covering a variety of Tolkien characters and pairings. Ongoing.
- HIS FATHER’S SON: Post BOFA Everyone Lives AU. After surviving and recovering from his wounds at the Battle of Five Armies Thorin is crowned rightful King under the Mountain with Fili and Kili at his side. Dis arrives from Ered Luin and the family are finally reunited in their true home again. However, a family secret kept hidden for over 80 years is soon revealed and the lives of the heirs of Durin are changed forever. Complete
- TO HEAL A SICKNESS: Fili is sick and nothing seems to be curing him. At only 50 no one is convinced he will survive. Kili makes the decision to leave Ered Luin, despite Fili’s condition, to find a cure for him in the wide world of Middle Earth. He is determined to do this because if there is one thing he cannot afford to lose from his life, it’s his best friend and brother. Complete.
- DANCES WITH ELVES: Glorfindel is extremely excited about the arrival of the dwarves and yet also seems to be excited about the prospect of dancing with Erestor a midnight gathering he has organised for some reason. Kili is bored because Thorin is gone and he wants to explore so Fili makes up a reason for him to. They stumble over the little midnight dancing session of the elves and decide to join in, but only if it could be done dwarven style. Cue some fun between the heirs of Durin and Glorfindel. Complete.
- BATTLES FOUGHT BEFORE: AU where Legolas fought the Battle of Five Armies alongside Thranduil and did not go off to Gundabad. Legolas reflects on the death and destruction during the Battle of Five Armies on the eve of the Battle of Helms Deep and wonders how he had ended up in the same position again. Complete.
- BONDING: Aragorn worries about the lives of the people of Rohan but Legolas can see that his worry goes down deeper than that and he challenges him about it. The two friends discuss Aragorn’s choices and what they might mean. Eowyn’s stew features. Complete.
- ELROND’S SUSPICIONS: Elrond suddenly realises that since the elves of Greenwood (Mirkwood) have such strong magic that when he has had dealings with Thranduil in the past, after Legolas had passed his majority, it could have actually been his young son in disguise of an illusion. Thranduil and Legolas are approaching Rivendell so Elrond decides to investigate and see if he can find out if his suspicions are true. Complete.
Dragon Age
- Advice From a Ghost: Fergus and Gilmore don't exactly see eye to eye over marriage, but they don't have to worry because they both have someone looking out for them that gives the best advice. AKA Fergus and Gilmore hallucinate about their dead brother/friend after an argument. Complete
- To Be By Your Side I Would Willing Storm the Gates of the Black City: a collection for zevwarden week on tumblr /o/
- A Teryn and His Knight:  Fergus Cousland has a problem. And that problem has a name - Ser Gilmore. There's only one resolution.
- Milk Adventures:  Fenris wants milk. Hawke has no idea where to buy it. Shenanigans ensue.
- Ferelden Flowers:  Carver wants to give flowers. He has no idea what he's doing really.
Fire Emblem Kakusei/Fire Emblem Awakening Verse
- THE THIEF AND THE PRIEST: Libra is a priest of Naga and keeps to himself as well as he can. He looks after everyone that he can, but he doesn’t get too close to people. That doesn’t stop people trying to get close to him. He looks feminine and people assume he’s a woman and try to come onto him. This starts to change when he meets Gaius. Gaius is a thief from all over the place and he just happens to be in the right place at the right time to save Libra from his not so welcome admirers. That is the start of a strange relationship between them, something neither of them really regret. Complete.
- MATERIALISTIC POSSESSIONS: Four times Virion presented Libra with elaborate presents. Four times Libra couldn’t refuse. Complete.
CSI: Miami Verse
- FALLEN FROM HEAVEN: AU where Ryan Wolfe is not all he seems. Eric Delko finds many strange things start happening involving Ryan after he meets the strange man Ryan calls dad and he becomes determined to find out exactly what the reason behind all this is. Ryan however tries his best to keep Eric in the dark but when their emotions get mixed up in Eric’s search it makes it a lot more complicated. Horatio seems to know more than he’s letting on. Complete.
- PARENTAL ADVISORY: Alternate Universe. When Horatio and the team are called out to a homicide they find Ryan Wolfe, an eighteen year old boy who has been locked up for his entire life by his paranoid - and now dead - parents. As Horatio unravels the story surrounding Ryan and the death of his parents he faces a revelation unique and disturbing. Complete.
[K] Project Verse
- [K] PROJECT MURDER SERIES: A three part series revolving around Sarumi and Mikorei. The main story is a multi-chapter fic focusing on “Munakata Reisi is sure Suoh Mikoto is living on inside his head and he doesn’t quite know what to do.”
Yu-Gi-Oh Verse
- I SHALL RECOUNT TO YOU (RE-WRITE): It’s been twelve years since the fateful duel that sent Atem to the afterlife and led Yuugi to a life alone. Life carried on as normal, until a dream leads Malik to the discovery that Atem wants to return to the modern world. Cracking the mystery and bringing the Pharaoh back, Malik, Yuugi and friends, end up with a bit of a mess on their hands caused by the ancient ritual that was used. Features a lot of ships. Ongoing.
Dramatical Murder (Dmmd) Verse
- INTERESTING EXPERIMENT: (A look at what Aoba’s Dmmd Virus/Trip bad end and Re:Connect Virus/Trip route would have been like had it been Mizuki and not Aoba.) Virus and Trip have never heard of anyone recovering from having their mind completely broken by Scrap before, especially someone who was controlled by Morphine. And yet right before their eyes it was happening and they knew in that moment they would get more excitement from Mizuki than they could from Aoba. Complete.
Tales of Vesperia Verse
- WHIRRING HEART: Yuri notices that something is bothering Raven the night before Brave Vesperia are due to go to the Tower of Tarqaron. Concerned with the timing Yuri goes to talk to Raven and finds out the old man is not as confident as it seems. Yuri offers some comfort almost without realising it. Complete.
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rubyarrows · 8 months
Pretend Dates
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The sun hung low in the Miami sky as YN and Ryan Wolfe arrived at their family's gathering. It had been a while since they'd all come together like this, and the warmth of familiarity mixed with a tinge of nervousness as they walked hand in hand.
As they approached the entrance, YN gave Ryan a quick, reassuring smile. They stepped into the event, greeted by a sea of relatives, all eager to catch up and ask questions.
"YN! Ryan!" their cousin Melissa exclaimed, swooping in for a hug. "It's been forever!"
Ryan grinned and hugged her back. "Yeah, it has. Good to see you, Mel."
YN exchanged pleasantries with various family members, the conversation swirling around recent events, jobs, and life in general. But as the night wore on, YN could feel the curious eyes of their family members on her. She knew the question was coming.
"So, YNN, still flying solo?" her aunt Maria asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
YN's cheeks tinged with a blush, and she glanced at Ryan for moral support. "Um, well..."
Just then, Eric Delko, her close friend and colleague, appeared at her side, his smile easygoing. "Hey, YNN. Sorry I'm late."
YN's eyes met Ryan's, and they shared an unspoken understanding. She turned to face her aunt. "Actually, Aunt Maria, I'd like you to meet Eric. He's my date for the night."
Aunt Maria's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh! Well, isn't that lovely."
YN's hand found Eric's arm, and she gave him a grateful look. He played along seamlessly, offering his hand to Aunt Maria.
"Nice to meet you, ma'am. I've heard a lot about your wonderful family."
Aunt Maria beamed, her curiosity seemingly satisfied. "Well, we're a lively bunch, that's for sure."
As the night continued, YN and Eric played their roles well, sharing stories, laughter, and even a few casual touches that added authenticity to their charade. YN's family seemed pleased with the situation, their questioning looks replaced with knowing smiles.
"You're a lifesaver, Eric," YN whispered to him as they found a quiet moment by the bar.
Eric grinned, his blue eyes twinkling. "Anything for my favorite co-worker's sibling. Besides, you owe me a coffee for this."
YN chuckled, her heart warmed by his willingness to step in and help. "Deal."
As the night drew to a close, YN felt a sense of contentment wash over her. Her family was happy, and the evening had been a success, thanks in no small part to Eric's support.
Ryan joined her side, his own date having excused herself earlier. He nudged her playfully. "You know, this whole fake dating thing might become a tradition."
YN rolled her eyes, but her smile was genuine. "Don't push your luck, big brother."
As the evening winded down and the crowd began to disperse, YN found herself sitting on a quiet corner of the patio with Eric. The gentle hum of conversation and the twinkling lights created a serene atmosphere, giving them a moment of respite from the lively family gathering.
"Thanks again, Eric," YN said, her voice soft as she looked at him. "You really saved me back there."
Eric leaned back in his chair, a playful grin on his face. "Well, I'm glad I could help, even if it means I'm now forever known as your 'fake date'."
YN chuckled, her gaze warm. "Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without you."
Eric's expression softened, his gaze holding hers. "YNN, you know you can count on me, right? No matter what."
Her heart skipped a beat at his sincerity. She had always admired Eric's loyalty and caring nature, but tonight had shown her a new depth to their friendship. "I do, Eric. And I hope you know the same goes for you."
As they sat there, their conversation shifted from light banter to more personal topics. They talked about their aspirations, their pasts, and the shared experiences that had brought them closer as friends and colleagues. YN found herself opening up in ways she hadn't expected, a sense of ease settling between them.
"I've always been impressed by your dedication and strength, YNN," Eric admitted, his eyes locked onto hers. "You've been through a lot, yet you still keep pushing forward."
YN looked down at her hands, a soft smile on her lips. "I guess I've learned that life's challenges can shape you into someone stronger, even if it doesn't always feel that way."
Eric reached across the table, his fingers gently lifting her chin so she met his gaze. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for."
Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the connection between them felt deeper than friendship. It was a bond that had grown through shared experiences, trust, and a genuine understanding of each other's strengths and vulnerabilities.
The night grew quieter around them, the air filled with a sense of serenity and possibility. As they continued talking, YN realized that sometimes the people who entered your life as friends could become something more, something unexpected and beautiful.
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rubyarrows · 5 months
Times Like This
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The sun had dipped low in the beautiful Miami sky, casting vibrant shades of pink and orange as it did so. It was a sight that told me that another day had come to pass, and it was finally time to get out of the lab. I gathered my things and tried to mask the exhaustion that had become a constant companion of mine over the last few weeks. As I walked out of my office, I noticed that my close friend and colleague, Eric Delko, was sitting on the bench right outside of it. 
“I thought you would be gone by now, Delko.” I started as I readjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder.  
Eric stood up from his seat at the sound of my voice and shrugged. “Figured you would like a ride home, so I waited.” he admitted as the two of us headed towards the exit of the depot. 
I gave him the most genuine smile I could muster and said, “I wouldn't have minded the ten-minute walk back to my apartment but thank you. I appreciate it.” 
“It’s no problem.” he said with a smile of his own. 
The ride was sort of a quiet one and I could feel the weight of Eric’s unspoken words lingering in the air. But it wasn’t until he parked outside of my apartment that Delko finally turned and looked at me with mostly concern in his eyes. “You been doing okay?” he asked after a moment or two. “Just noticed you’ve been kind of distant since that Swearinger case.” 
I raised my eyebrows momentarily, averting my gaze to anywhere else but on him then said, “Just rolling through the motions, you know? I’ll be fine.” I knew everything that had just come out of my mouth was a bold face lie. I was targeted by Swearinger, the man basically hunted me down in my own home and those memories still haunt me. 
“I know you’re lying, Chey.” Eric said and took my hand in his. “How bad are the nightmares?” I went to say there wasn’t any, but he was too quick to cut me off. “Nuh uh. How bad?” 
I sighed and looked down at our now intertwined hands. “Eight out of ten. I barely sleep at all right now. Every creak of the floorboards when I walk, every honk of a car passing the building at night, it all just throws me back. H set me up with therapy twice a week before work but it's not helping as much as he, or I, would have hoped to be honest.” 
“So, Horatio knows?” he questioned, and I just gave him a small nod without looking at him. “Would it help if I stayed with you for a few nights? Maybe you’ll be able to get some actual sleep instead of looking like a zombie.” 
His words made me laugh slightly. “You don’t have to, Eric. I’ll be fine.” 
“That was more of a rhetorical question, Chey.” he stated and put the car in park. “I’m staying and you’re not getting another choice in the matter.” 
I sighed. “Fine.” I said giving in, knowing damn well that he always keeps an overnight bag in his vehicle in case of moments like this. “Just so you know, you’re getting the couch.” I said putting my bag on my shoulder and got out of the vehicle, heading towards the front door of my apartment building. Eric followed shortly thereafter. 
When we walked into my apartment, I was quick to set everything down on the dining table and head towards my room to wash off the extremely long day. “You know the drill. Make yourself at home. I’m taking a shower.” 
“Got it.” I heard him say from behind me as I walked into the mess I was calling my room.  
I haven't had the energy or mindset to clean it here lately. There were clothes scattered all over the floor, leaving enough of a walkway to my bed and bathroom. Books and paperwork were thrown on every available surface. And if it wasn’t for my actual alarm clock, I would totally be late to work every morning because God only knows where my phone charger was. Though I have the sneaking suspension that since it was the weekend, when I left for the gym in the morning, Eric will sneak in here and clean it. He’s done it before in my depression filled states and I have no doubt he would do it again. 
Oh well. More power to him. 
As soon as I stepped into the falling water, I stood there for a moment doing nothing more than letting the feeling of the water on my back shroud my mind, just as I did every night. I faded into a place in my head of nothing but peace even if it was for a short while. I don’t know how long I just stood there letting the water just flow down my skin, but I soon felt it begin to get cold and quickly finished up my shower before I walked out shivering from the freezing cold liquid that had made its way out of my shower head. 
When I walked back out of my room, I noticed Delko was in the kitchen cooking. “What are you doing?” 
He looked up from the stove and over to me. “Did you plan on not eating tonight?” He questioned. “Yeah, not on my watch.” 
“No. I was just going to order in.” I said as I continued to dry my hair with the towel I had in my hand. “Eric, you don’t have to do all of this.” 
“I know.” He said and went back to his cooking. “I wanted to, though. You’ve been through a lot, and you deserve to be taken care of every once in a while. Even if you don’t want it.” 
I smiled slightly and placed the towel down on the back of one of the bar stools at my island. “Want some help?”  
“Nope.” Eric said quickly with a smile of his own. “The only thing you need to do is sit your butt on the couch over there and relax. I got this.” 
“If you say so.” After placing my towel back into the bathroom, I did what I was told and sat down on the couch, instantly turning the tv on to let the noise fill the otherwise quiet room. I turned slightly to watch for a moment as Eric continued making whatever it was he could find to make for dinner. Sometimes I forget that I don't have to suffer alone in silence, and it was times like this, when I felt alone and beyond scared to be by myself, that I was more than appreciative to have friends like him.
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Micheleamidalajedi's fanfiction and moodboard masterlist! 💫
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Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Kate bishop
Bucky Barnes
Luke Cage
Carol Danvers
Peter Parker
Jessica Jones
Sam Wilson
Pepper Potts
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
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Emily Prentiss
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jareau
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Matthew Simmons
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Kate Callahan
Aaron Hotchner
Ashley Seaver
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Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Katie Bell
Neville Longbottom
Minerva Mcgonagall
Blaise Zabini
Nymphodora Tonks
Rubeus Hagrid
Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy
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Jill Valentine
Leon Kennedy
Helena Harper
Carlos Oliveira
Claire Redfield
Jake Muller
Sherry Birkin
Chris Redfield
Piers Nivan
Sheva Alomar
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Nick Stokes
Sara Sidle
Greg Sanders
Catherine Willows
Warrick Brown
Mia Dickerson
Gil Grissom
Riley Adams
Raymond Langston
Julie Finlay
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Tifa Lockhart
Hope Esthiem
Oerba Dia Vanille
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Snow Villers
Lighting Farron
Vincent Valentine
Oerba Yun Fang
Zack Fair
Yuffie Kirasagi
Prompto Argentum
Serah Farron
Squall Leonhart
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Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Ororo Munroe
Charles Xavier
Raven Darkholme
Warren Worthington
Kitty Pryde
Kurt Wagner
Logan Howlett
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Alexx Woods
Ryan Wolfe
Natalia Boa Vista
Horatio Caine
Marisol Delko
Jesse Cardoza
Calleigh Duquesne
Walter Simmons
Eric Delko
Kyle Harmon
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Mordin Solus
Liara T'soni
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Tali'zorah nar rayya
Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar
Liam Kostas
Kasumi Goto
Jaal ama darav
Pelessaria B'sayle
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Leia Organa
Padme Amidala
Din Djarin
Ashoka Tano
Poe Dameron
Rey Skywalker
Galen Marek
Jyn Erso
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Luke Skywalker
Cara Dune
Cere Junda
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Mission Vao
Cal Kestis
Barriss Offee
Qui gon jin
Don Billingsley
Celine Naville
Santiago Garcia
Kimberly Corman
Bam Margera
Alex Law
Monica Long Dutton
Wally West
Kara AX400
Robert Lewis
Wendy Christensen
Frank Mccullen
Beverly Marsh
Connor RK900
Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan
Christopher Robin
Mike Hanlon
Haruhi Fujioka
Ben Miller
Peter Pevensie
Mason "Mace" Brown
Susan Pevensie
Will Miller
Judy Alvarez
Gavin "Spinner" Mason
Callie Adams Foster
Tori Spring
Jane Vaughn
Murphy Macmanus
Panam Palmer
Ryan Dunn
Harland Mckenna
Artemis Crock
Adam Banks
Emma Nelson
Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Lucy Pevensie
Connor Kent
Peyton Sawyer
Edmund Pevensie
Connie Monreau
Kung Jin
Carol Peletier
Guy Germaine
Brooke Davis
Johnny Knoxville
Emily Fields
Ben Hanscom
Jacqui Briggs
Charlie Conway
Beth Greene
Luis Mendoza
Amelia Sheperd
Elliott Alderson
Heather Mason
John Wick
Takashi Takeda
Beth Dutton
Cassie Cage
Kazuma Kiryu
Megan Morse
Chris Pontius
Ellie Nash
Legolas Greenleaf
Mariana Foster
Dick Grayson
Lara Croft
Frankie Morales
Mark Renton
Julia Salinger
Rip Wheeler
Pixie O'brien
Foxy Cleopatra
Austin Powers
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snarkwrites · 3 years
did i actually make myself send you an ask when i remembered so i didn’t forget and then a week go by? yes😂 hi angel, this time around i’d like to ask for letters a, r and y for eric delko please and thank you! - ❤️ *who’s still a mess after that tim smut thank you*
Ahhhh! Yes, yes thank you, this is my time to shine now, hehe. I’m so happy you sent in letters! Thank you so so so much dear! Ahhhh, i could hug you! It means the world to me that you enjoyed my Tim filth. 
After this posts, A R and Y are off the table with Eric Delko from CSI:Miami, loves.
[ send me letters / characters and get back filth ]
This content is made solely for those of us over 18+. Absolutely no minors. If you’re not into sexual content, you’re not going to like this. If you continue to read after the warnings, understand that this is on you. I warned you clearly, right up here.
If you are sticking around, these are some things that will be present in this piece. Aftercare, ( mostly teeth rotting fluff ) risky sex and sex drive. Not very sexual but this is still not meant for minors.
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a, aftercare, what are they like after having sex / making love?
Eric is like suuuuper cuddly. Super cuddly. And he’s similar to DiNozzo from NCIS in that he equates food / feeding you / making food for you with showing you just how much he cares... The difference here is goddamn, this man can fucking cook. And he will bring you a whole ass meal in bed. And you two will sit there, cuddling and eating / feeding each other. He’s always kissing and touching on you and muttering things to you in that husky and sleepy voice, those arms wrapped around you and your body melted into his. And you can’t move, because Eric goes full on koala man and he’s got his body wrapped around you completely.
r, risk, are they into risky sexual encounters? what are some risks they’d be willing to take, if any?
Hell yes, he’s into risky sexual encounters.. He lowkey gets turned on if there’s a chance that you can get caught doing the deed or you have to try staying quiet.. As far as physical risks though, he’s not willing to do anything that might hurt or injure you, so that’s off the table... But let him even think people might walk in or hear ya’ll going at it and he’s pulling out all.the.stops. to make you scream and cry out and whimper and moan.
y, yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Eric’s got the sex drive of a horny teenage boy, to be honest? Like.. If he’s not thinking about it, the slightest thing will trigger it and turn him on. That being said, he’s a grown ass man enough to know exactly how to muzzle his sex drive, but sometimes, when he doesn’t have to, he doesn’t bother. Kind of how he got the reputation he got in earlier seasons that he had for being a bit of a ladies man, imo.. If he’s committed to someone, whew.. He is... hella handsy. Needy on occasion. Constantly kissing on / loving on you, grabbing you for random hugs. And his sex drive almost feels insatiable at times too, so there’s that.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
okay, so after some *careful* consideration, i have decided send you some nsfw alphabet letters for eric delko. won’t be the same as good ole tim speedle but eric will do for now😂 so let’s start off with m, e and f for eric delko. please and thank you sweet angel - ❤️
Omg, yay! You’re back! I’m so happy! Confession here... Eric is my second favorite character (Ryan is third for Miami, I mean... all the men on there could get it tbh).. so I am so so so so happy you asked me for this!
After this posts, M E and F are off the table for Eric, loves.
[ send me letters / characters and get back filth sweet filth ] 
18+ only. If you continue to read after this warning, this is your own problem, let’s be real. If you’re sticking around / want to read, these are some things you should be aware of for this particular post : turn ons of varying degrees, sex in general and that’s about it.
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e - experience, how experienced are they 
I mean.. I’m not saying he’s a manwhore or anything but he definitely gets around. So, he’s got plenty of experience. And he’s not afraid to keep learning / trying things either, so he’s constantly adding to it.
f - favorite position, this goes without saying
Honestly, I’m going to go there. Pretty sure his favorite position is either standing / against a wall or in the shower, or just sweeping all the stuff off the top of a kitchen counter / table or your bedroom dresser and stepping between your legs and going for it.
m - motivation, what turns them on and gets them going
heated discussions, especially when he can tell that you’re really worked up about whatever you’re talking about. Flirting. Dirty dancing / grinding yourself against him. Playing with the hair at the nape of his neck or dragging your fingers through his hair. Kissing, anything to do with his neck, the way tits bounce in sports bras when you’re going on an early morning jog, certain swimwear (brazilian cut bikinis, ftw ) tan lines, sweet and pastel flowery thin strapped sundresses, the scent of vanilla perfume / body wash, watching you play with your own hair... A person with a dirty sense of humor and dry wit to match his own because the banter alone would have him wanting to lock the door to the lab and have a go at you right then and there...
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snarkwrites · 3 years
i hope this doesn’t interrupt your planning for those wonderful pieces you have coming up, if it does i’m so sorry angel🥺
if it doesn’t, could i ask for... *goes back to look at the note i made to keep track of the letters i’ve already sent in* letters l, p and q for eric delko? please and thank you my love! - ❤️
It wasn’t an interruption at all! I got part 3 up and done yesterday for Greg I think and now I have to work at the second part of part 3 because like... I had to stop and figure out wtf was going on bc a LOT of big stuff came out and I didn’t wanna throw too much at everybody reading at one time. Annnyway... I already know exactly what I’m gonna do for the next part to Tim’s (and the smut I promised my bae @chasingeverybreakingwave was incoming too, so go meee) so of course you’re not interrupting. You are NEVER interrupting when you send me letters or messages or stop by to chat. I love it so much! I love you for doing it so much!
After this posts, L P and Q are off the table for Eric Delko from CSI Miami, loves.
[ send me letters and characters and get back filth, yeah? ] 
This content is not made for those under the age of 18+. So if you’re a minor or you just aren’t fond of sexual themed content, you are not going to want to keep reading. If you do keep reading and you find something you didn’t want to find.. This is now a you thing because I warned everyone right up here.
If you’re sticking around, (first of all yay, me so happy rn) these are some things you need to be aware of. Sexual locations / acts and that’s pretty much it!!
[ faq | tag list ] 
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l, location, their favorite places to do the deed,
Eric doesn’t really have a favorite location, per se. Wherever he happens to be when the mood hits and the heat of the moment takes over, granted, it has to be at least semi private. Not that he minds people possibly catching him but he’s also not out here trying to make it way too easy for them to do it, either. He’ll do it anywhere.
p, pace, are they rough and fast or slow and sensual when they’re doing it
Honestly, I’m going to say that this is a situational thing. But he’s typically a little rough and handsy but also very slow and very very sensual as it’s happening. So technically, he’s a mix between the two. 
q, quickie, their opinions on quickies. would they have them at all and if so how often
Yes please. He doesn’t mind quickies at all. More than once he’s woken up his SO early in the morning before he’s going in to work for the day for a little morning wake up sexy time. And we just won’t talk about the fact that he’s definitely the type of guy to get wound up, pull you into an empty room at the station, lock the doors and close the blinds and take you on top of a desk... I can see him having them pretty often. Not all the time, but often.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
babes that first eric one was 🥵🥵 i’m well motivated for this list😂 could i please get letters c, k and t for eric delko please? thank you angel - ❤️
Ahhhh omg, I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed them! Like I said. Eric is my second favorite guy from Miami. I will happily take on his alphabet, let’s do these letters. Thank you for sending me letters, dear! You’re such a sweetheart!
After this posts, the letters c,k and t are off the table for Eric Delko from CSI Miami, loves
[ send me letters and characters and get back filth,sweet filth ]
18+ only. If you continue to read after this warning, this is your own problem, let’s be real. If you’re sticking around / want to read, these are some things you should be aware of for this particular post : body fluids (c*m) and kinks of varying degrees, not limited to d*ddy kink, choking (light), sensory play + orgasm denial..
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c, cum - basically anything to do with cum
Eric is the type that if he’s not getting off inside you (which he prefers), he’ll cum on your boobs or your stomach. Then he’ll sometimes trail his fingers through it and slip his fingers into your mouth so you can taste him if you’re into that. Absolutely groans / gets off / goes crazy at the sight of you dripping and will spend hours licking you clean, acting as if you’re the best thing he’s ever tasted in his life.
k, kinks - do they have any kinks?
definitely has a daddy kink and a dominance kink. Possibly into spanking and light choking. I can see him as being lightly into certain roleplaying situations. Using clothing, a suit tie or his cuffs to bind your hands so that he’s in total control. Engages in orgasm denial quite often. Likes to use blindfolds too. Hot and cold play, food play...
t, toys - do they own any toys? would they use them on themselves or their partners?
He’d totally get one of those penis molds and make you a dildo exactly shaped like his cock for a gift. Enjoys using vibrators and cock rings, especially the vibrating cock rings. The KY His and Hers oil. Flavored / lickable massage oils too. He’s also got a pair of fuzzy cuffs that he likes to use on occasion... He primarily uses toys on his partners, he prefers his hand to handle his situations when they arise.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
omg angel! eric keeps getting kinkier and kinkier...ugh i love it!😍❤️🥵🥰 could we do letters d, o and x for eric delko my love? please and thank you! - ❤️
I love you for sending me these!!! Writing them is super fun for me! Sorry this one is going up so late, it has been quite a few days. Thank you so much for sending me letters, you don’t know how much I truly enjoy this. :)
PS. You’re the angel.
After this, D O and X are off the table for Eric Delko from CSI Miami, loves!
{ send me letters and get back filth, sweet filth }
18+ content. No minors. People who don’t enjoy smut, you won’t enjoy this content because it is... A little dirty, if I dare say so. That being said, if you’re sticking around, here are the things you need to look out for:
TLDR; if you choose to read beyond the warnings, that’s on you. It is now your problem if you don’t like what you’ve read. I tried to warn you, lol!
                                                [ faq | tag list ]
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d - dirty secret, what is one of their dirty secrets?
He’s into blindfolds, true enough.. But that’s not all he’s into. See, what he likes to do after he’s blindfolded you is this.. Loves to trail his fingers over your body.. His mouth too... Then either a rose or a feather or an ice cube. He loves that last one the most.. Between the warmth of his lips against your skin and the coolness of the melting ice cube and the way he’s muttering dirty and sweet things against every single inch of your skin...
His secret is basically that he’s an actual softie in bed. Beneath all that cocky machismo he’s been known to show on the outside, he’s a true romantic... Who occasionally enjoys it a little rough. A little hair pulling here and there. Against a mirror...
Side note... He definitely has a d*ddy kink. Definitely. Call him daddy or papi or sir and see what happens.
o - oral, their preference in giving/getting, skills, etc?
Eric prefers to give. Loves to get, but he really loves to give. There’s just something about looking up mid lick and watching the way a shiver races through your whole body at the teasing and the way he rolls his tongue with each swipe up your center... The loud moans when you’re coming apart and he can taste you on his tongue and the way you tug at his hair and try to push him away when he becomes convinced that he can and will keep going until you’re literally dying to feel him inside you and tears of frustration sting at your eyes... That all really does it for him. Knowing that he’s the man doing these things to you gives him this sort of smug sense of satisfaction, which believe me... He has every single right to feel bc he really is that good.
x - x ray, let’s see what’s going on under those clothes.
Slightly longer than average and decently thick. Veiny, but not as veiny as some. The fact that he knows that he’s blessed and he definitely knows what he’s doing with it is... Ahhhh fuck. *fanning self* When you first meet the guy, you get the sense that he’s definitely cocky. When you’ve been with him, you quickly realize that he has every single right to be, even if it can seem a little much sometimes.
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