#eventual chase davenport x ahsoka tano
"Risks" Ahsoka Tano x Chase Davenport Oneshot, Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Lab Rats: Elite Force Crossover
Star Wars Masterlist 
Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist 
LR/MM/EF x Star Wars [Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport] Masterlist
Request Guidelines 
She didn't intend to fall in love with him. 
Well, maybe she did, but in her defense, she used to be Anakin's padawan. And his life experiences are not always the wisest to follow.
Ahsoka Tano. Jedi Padawan. Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic. 
Fulcrum. The superhero that isn’t really one of their kind. A vagabond who tried to keep her eyes ahead and not on her past, not on the family she left behind.
Ahsoka Tano. Member of Davenport Industries’ Elite Force. The only real loyalty bound to a desire to do some good, rather than the lofty ideals Skylar Storm aspires to, the superhero code of their order that’s shattering from within.
Ahsoka is tired of codes.  
Funny thing is, so is he.
She remembers the day they met. The day she had reluctantly agreed to aid Tecton in his mission to track down the Incapacitator.
She had sensed that Tecton’s assumptions were off. That the emotions of the teens interrogating Kaz and Oliver were just as defensive and confused as their own. Emotions not consistent with being henchmen of the Incapacitator, who had always been known to work alone anyways. 
But Tecton didn’t give her a chance to voice her concerns, singularly focused on his task, making the first move before she could get a word in edgewise. Launching himself at Adam, grappling strength against strength. Bree went after Gamma Girl. 
And Chase, whom she had already deduced to be their leader dove underneath Granite’s spear and brought the hero to the ground. He held out his arm, his laser bo manifesting in his hand. 
Ahsoka ignited her own lightsabers, and launched herself at him. 
He parried the blow, managing to keep up with her attacks. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Gamma Girl go down, Tecton following. She flipped backward, using a force push to send her opponent flying into the next room. 
She barely turned her back when her lightsabers are torn from her hands. She looked back in disbelief as Chase grabbed them out of the air. 
Before she could regroup, an alert blared, and a man appeared on the screen imbedded into the wall, crying for help. 
And the truth was finally established, their opponents not the foes Tecton had assumed. 
She walked back over to him then, holding out her hand. “My lightsabers.”
He hesitated before his gloved hand placed them in her palm. She clipped them back onto her belt, vaguely aware of the other bionic teens chattering excitedly to the superheroes. 
“You’re a formidable opponent,” he complimented.
“So are you,” she replied. 
And she knew then, even if only mildly, she was intrigued. 
That interest was simmering in the back of her mind when Mr. Davenport introduced the team to each other. And while Chase seemed weirded out to be getting involved with superheroes and aliens, he also had no trouble adapting to the hazards it presented. 
After Skylar’s rescue, she decides to tease him about it, challenge his stance a little. See if maybe she had misread him during their brief conversations at Mighty Med. 
“C’mon, Genius. Are you really disappointed to be working with me?”
And she had meant that to refer to her combat skills that he’d dueled against, to the mutual respect that had been established in that moment. But now that she’s heard it come out of her mouth it sounds more flirtatious. Too forward. 
With the way he’s looking at her, it seems he’s trying to decipher her intentions too. He eventually answers, “No. I’d be an idiot to.” 
“Good” she smirks. “Because otherwise, I’d have to remind you.”
If she’s honest with herself, she wouldn’t be able to answer whether spending so much time with him was intentional or accidental. She does know that she enjoys it: the meditating, sparring, designing the mission suit prototypes and building things. It’s nostalgic, working with mechanics, she learned everything from Anakin. It’s nostalgic for him too, remembering his father, remembering Leo. And it feels so fragile, sharing all these memories. 
And fragile and relatively new as their kinship might be, she knows she wants him. She wants his hazel eyes, to run her fingers through his short, spiky hair. She wants his goofy smile and strategic mind. 
She wants him to be hers, because he already feels like her best friend, and they have the potential to be more, to be lovers. 
And the potential to be powerful as well. 
She gets an inkling of how dangerous he is, of how really dangerous he could be, the day he accomplishes what the superhero world spent millennia trying to understand. 
She doesn’t even think he understands the gravity of what he’s done, getting Skylar Storm’s powers back. What this means to the culture that’s crumbling, to their enemies, should this become known. 
She knows that not being a true superhero had been her own advantage when thriving in this chaos before, what caused the name of Fulcrum to be respected and feared.
And resented. 
His advantage is clear, and she can’t ever be more glad than now, in this moment, that she had convinced Kaz and Oliver to seek help from Mr. Davenport after Mighty Med’s destruction. Despite Skylar’s severe reluctance. 
And yet what seems so plain to her military-trained mind, is ultimately lost on the rest of the team. They steadily push him to the side, diminished. And she’s concerned, for him yes, but also for the team. Have they forgotten who they’re up against? Have they forgotten the infrastructure of the superhero world has collapsed? The Elite Force needs its structure, the strength of all its members, or they’ll never survive. 
But ever since Skylar regained her powers, Ahsoka’s own voice has lost the weight it once carried. And slowly, whether she’s spending time with them or him, she finds herself becoming invisible, forgotten. 
It’s a different kind of pain, not one she’s used to. Not like her identity’s fading; she lost that long ago. Rather it’s a kind of fear, that no matter where she roamed, the Jedi Order would be only place where she could feel loved. 
And returning after Caldera, that nearly solidifies the fear into a belief. An unwanted conviction climbing around her throat and blinding her eyes. 
Blind, yes, that’s what crying feels like. Pain blurring what precious little sight one has left. 
She doesn’t expect him to leave them and come looking for her. To find her, but she tries hard to dry her eyes once she senses him, though she knows that won’t hide everything. 
“Are you okay?” he asks.
She frowns, shrugs, uncertain if she should just keep her feelings to herself. Skylar is his friend after all, and she doesn’t want to ruin that. But the gentle way he’s looking at her…she needs someone she can be honest with. She hasn’t had that in so long. 
“It’s just…hard. Watching Skylar be welcomed as a member of a family after her home’s been destroyed. When I lost the Jedi Order and came back to Mighty Med…I didn’t get that welcome. Skylar especially made it very clear that I didn’t belong.” She shrugs. “But I didn’t have anywhere else to go, so I stayed anyways.” She sighs. 
He’s silent for a moment. “Do you not think of this as home?”
“Do you?” she counters. 
He holds her gaze, then huffs a humorless laugh. “I get what you mean.” And leans back against the wall, shakes his head almost imperceptibly. “No, I can’t think of this as a home.” He takes a breath, “And that may not be something either of us can change. But,” and his eyes have found hers again, “until they wake up and realize how much they need you, I’ll be here. I’ll do my best to be whatever you need me to be.”
She smiles. “Thank you,” she says softly. “If you ever need someone to talk to…”
“I’ll know where to look,” he finishes. 
She knows what he thinks about two members dating, that it would ruin the whole dynamic. And she knows the risk it poses to any friendship, that taking it to something more may mean the former could never be reclaimed. 
Only she’s never been good at following the rules. Call it consequences of Anakin’s example or simply willful ignorance, it’s been a part of her character for a considerable while. 
It shouldn’t matter anyways when Oliver and Skylar are upstairs, on the balcony, enjoying a date. The boundaries have already been bent, so why shouldn’t she break them? 
“You know, when I agreed to help you with your shape-shifting serum, I didn’t expect that to entail digging in the dirt for…” she holds up one of the squirmy creatures in question, “what is it you called them, earthworms?”
Chase drops another into the jar. “I didn’t expect it’d bother you.”
“It doesn’t.” She shrugs. “I’ve watched Anakin eat worse.”
He makes a face. “You know, I think your mentor might’ve been even weirder than mine.”
“Compared to your father or Douglas?”
He considers. “Possibly both.” 
She chuckles at that, placing two more earthworms in with the others. “You think that’s enough? You only made like five vials of that serum.” 
“Seven,” he corrects. “And yeah, that’s enough.” 
They stand up, Ahsoka dusting the dirt off her hands. “You know if this serum works, we’ll be able to end this genocide before it really begin.” 
“I know. The next time they shape-shift into any non-human form, they’ll be unable to transform back. We’ll just need to figure out a way to inject them with the serum.” 
“I don’t think it’ll be too difficult to deceive them,” she muses. “They’ll expect us to fight them the way superheroes always do, power clashing against power…Just let me handle that part of the equation and I’ll make sure Roman and Riker are too busy to even see the needle.” 
“I take it you’re used to rushing into things,” he teases. 
“Not always,” she responds. “I value a good strategic plan…but one also has to be adaptable.”
“I see your point,” he acquiesces. 
And she studies him, tilting her head. “I’m not sure you do.”
His brow furrows. “I’m pretty sure I understood…”
“Really?” She smirks, stepping closer. 
“Well, are you going to explain it to me then?”
And she takes that moment, that risk, in closing the distance and kissing his lips. She pulls away to find his face flushed crimson. “That…was not what I was expecting,” he stammers out, “But I can say that I absolutely agree with your point now.” 
She smiles, and takes a hold of his hand as they walk back down the tunnels to Mission Command. 
She knows the road ahead of them is dark, and will likely lead to unexpected places. 
But she realizes that it’s done that already. 
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"And I Pray that Our Stars Aren't Crossed" Ch. 8 (Chase Davenport x Ahsoka Tano)
Star Wars Masterlist 
Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist 
LR/MM/EF x Star Wars [Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport] Masterlist
Chapter 7 
A Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force x Star Wars: The Clone Wars crossover.
Synopsis: The first time they met was a complete accident. The second time might have been the will of the Force.But there’s no use in pretending the third time was anything less than on purpose. And there’s no reason to ever be so far apart again that they have to plan a fourth.
Story Warnings: violence, character deaths
They talk about the trandoshan moon, but only when there’s no one else around to listen. He’s not sure how or when they agreed to keep their past between themselves, but they do. 
Maybe it would be too much of a hassle to have to explain everything. Maybe it’s the trauma that went along with it. Maybe he’s not willing to let everyone know that he’d already taken a number of lives before Krane. Maybe he’s still afraid his family would see him as…
It’s their quiet secret, though he knows eventually they’ll have to at least admit that they had known each other before. 
They never talk about Mandalore. 
He knows the grief was far worse for her than him, so he gives her the space to mourn alone when she needs to. It’s easier, he supposes, in a way too. Not ever talking about it makes it easier to block out Maul’s words echoing in his head. Ones only he heard; she doesn’t even know that he encountered the Dathomirian alone during the battle. 
They talk about other things, the Elite Force, of superpowers and how they work. They talk about normal things, about Oliver’s crush on Skylar, about that awful picture of Davenport that Kaz set fire to and tossed over the balcony. 
And it’s easy for the next few days, with no sign of Roman and Riker, with the blue summer skies and breathtaking view. Six teenagers that have just entered adulthood getting a moment to breathe. 
“What is it?” she asks curiously, looking at the small square in Chase’s hands. 
“It’s kind of a cross between the cyber mask Mr. Davenport designed and the cyber cloak I created. This one will only camouflage your skin, montrals, and lekku to disguise you as a human.” 
“So I can go out in public without dodging in and out of alleys and using a Jedi mind trick on anyone who accidentally sees me.”
“How does it work?”
“You attach it to the side of your neck and tap the upper left hand corner to activate.” 
She does so, watching in the mirror as her appearance transforms. Her skin mutes into a medium tan, markings disappearing. Her head tails camaflouge into her clothes, waist-length box braids an ombre of silvery white to grey blue taking their place. 
“I can always program the hair differently if don’t like it…”
“Maybe in the future, to have other options, but I like this, I think it looks good.” She gives him a smile as she continues to appraise her reflection. “Your sister will be pleased she no longer has to drag Skylar by tooth and nail to have someone to shop at the mall with,” she jokes. 
Ahsoka raises an eyebrow marking as Bree bolts panting into the room. 
“Please don’t tell me sisters on your planet use each other as punching bags to show their affection.”
The togruta shrugs. “Well, there’s nothing that I love more than a good sparring session…but if you’re talking about the deranged gundark Skylar’s turned into, then no.”
Bree leans over, trying to catch her breath. “I knew being roommates with an alien was going to be a little odd, but damn.” 
“From the perspective of another alien, most of the species that interacted with the League of Heroes and Mighty Med tend to be a bit…unhinged.” 
“Well, I see Oliver’s training has turned out to be a disaster,” Ahsoka remarks.
“Why would you say that?” Kaz asks, grabbing another handful of popcorn.
“Because he’s nowhere to be seen, and Chase looks like he’s about to have a panic attack.” She crosses her arms. “So what did happen?”
“Oliver’s water vortex accidentally sent Mr. Davenport over the edge of the balcony, leaving him clinging onto the Davenhead. Oliver flew down to rescue him, and also got stuck on the Davenhead.” Chase explains.
“And now we’re waiting for them to Daven-splat,” Kaz finishes. 
“So there’s no back-up plan if Oliver fails.” 
“At the moment, no.” is Chase’s response. 
“Well, Mandalore proved your molecular kinesis is strong enough to carry a person…”
“So if they fall, you take Oliver, and I take Mr. Davenport.”
“Seems pretty straightforward to me, Genius.” She smirks. 
“Wait, who’s Mandalore?” Kaz interjects. 
“Just another girl that’s out of your league,” she responds smoothly. “By the way, fire boy, I’ve just finished organizing you and Oliver’s fitness programs. If he falls, you’re doing double.”
Chase finishes off his smoothie. “So, at the end of day, I think things worked out well. Oliver’s got his confidence back and is getting better control of his powers.”
“I’m still making Kaz do double.”
Chase shrugs. “I won’t argue the point.”
Ahsoka slurps the last remnants of her strawberry shake. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to try and expand our skills as well. Obviously, it’s priority to get Oliver and Kaz caught up as best we can training wise, but with your laser bo and all, sparring together could be helpful for us to improve our respective fighting techniques.” 
“Yeah, that’d be great,” he responds, and he thinks he might have done so too energetically. 
“Great,” she smiles, “It’ll be just like those weeks on Coruscant,” and it’s a nostalgic thing to say, but she doesn’t quite mean it all the way. They were only fifteen then, awkward but sincere friends. And they’re still a little awkward now, but this time she’s holding onto that spark that could make them into something more. 
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Chapter 1 - Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
A Lab Rats/Star Wars: The Clone Wars Crossover
Synopsis, Chapter Masterlist, Warnings 
Previous:  Prologue 
Next:  Chapter 2 
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Two drops of yellow paint drip off the end of the paintbrush onto the thin tarp layed out on the floor of the Coruscant apartment. Chase watches them stain the surface, resisting the urge to grab a rag and wipe up the mess. They fell on the tarp, which is the purpose of the tarp, it’s supposed to get dirty. 
His free hand twitches at his side.
A series of four bleeps distracts him from his moment of obsessive compulsion. He refocuses on the astromech, now painted in yellow and cobalt, shifting excitedly on the tarp.
“Yes, I’m done, but don’t move too much until it dries.”
R2-V5 whirrs impatiently. Chase shakes his head, sealing the lids back on the paint cans and straightening up to rinse the brushes in the sink. For a droid, that one sure has more than its share of a personality. At least it is a friendly one, unlike Eddy. 
The astromech had been a more challenging project than he intially expected when he bought the nearly scrapped machine off his employer. Ended up taking him nearly four days to completely repair it, or “him” technically, since the droid had what the original manufacturer deemed as “male programming”. The added time was mostly due to his limited familiarity with this galaxy’s technology and having to severely modify components from old, recycled inventions to compensate for R2’s numerous missing parts. 
Even with these frustrations, Uhoto, the owner of a middle-class repair shop and Chase’s employer, has been more than pleased with his work. The togrutan man has even gone so far as to boast about him to some clients. Not that Chase minds someone else sounding his horn for him; he is one of the smartest people in the world. 
He tries to ignore the way his stomach knots at that thought.
It doesn’t matter. He’s come here to start over, a new life. One not as failed hero, a superhuman whose existence most people regret. Nope, he’s just going to be an inventor. A person who can be transparentally proud of their life.
Well, as transparent as he can be without revealing that he’s bionic. 
He reaches a hand almost subconciously, touching the back of his neck, and withdraws it quickly. 
None of that matters anymore.
Ahsoka picks at the shredded nerf roast on her plate, eyes wandering aimlessly outside the window of Dex’s diner. There is a thin, but steady flow of traffic along the walk, less than she would have expected, but Obi-Wan said Tuesday mornings were the restaurant’s slow hours, which is why they’re here now in the first place.
Anakin, who has polished off his nerf-burger, glances at his padawan. “Something bothering you, Snips?”
Ahsoka gives a slight shake of her head. “No, Master.” The lie hangs in the air, but she hopes Skywalker will just take the hint and leave her alone. 
He raises an eyebrow, but uncharacteristically does not press the matter. 
Maybe Padmé has finally succeeded in teaching him some tact. 
The togruta shifts in the booth, mind drifting away. She shouldn’t be upset, after all it has been weeks since her and Padmé’s visit to Raxus, and aside from his intial reprimand, Anakin had let the matter drop. 
But that was the point, wasn’t it? He never did explain how her actions crossed the line, what made what she did out of bounds after watching him disregard almost every rule in the Jedi Council’s book. She has tolerated Anakin’s “do as I say, not as I do” teaching model for almost two years and this was just…the last straw?
She’s not sure, but she knows the more she thinks it over, the angrier she gets. 
The creak of the kitchen doors swinging open jerks her from her thoughts, and for a moment a glimmer of shame races across her mind for allowing herself to become so distracted by her emotions. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Dexter Jettster step out into the dining room. The Jedi shakes the besalisk’s hand and thanks him for his help. Anakin gets up from his side of the booth, depositing the credits for their meal on the table. Ahsoka follows the two older Jedi as they exit the diner, running a few steps to catch up. 
“So, what did your buddy say?” Anakin asks. 
Obi-Wan takes a breath before answering. “That the detonating capsule is umbaran.”
“Umbaran? That doesn’t make any sense. Umbara has been one of the most devoted loyalist systems since the start of the war.”
Ahsoka frowns. “Padmé mentioned that the Umbaran government has been really upset since the assassination of Senator Deechi.”
“Upset enough to turn to the Separatists?” Skywalker objects. 
Kenobi sighs. “I don’t know what it means.”
“We could take it to Uhoto. He’s dealt with a lot of exotic technology; he might be able to retrieve any data stored in its memory banks.”
“It was a droid designed for a suicide mission; it probably doesn’t have any memory banks.”
“You’re just trying to rationalize why you weren’t able to access its programming.”
“Me and three teams of specialized hackers and code-breakers, the best in the GAR. The fact that we couldn’t access any programming, means there wasn’t any left to access. Most of the droid did blow up.”
“We’ve got nothing to lose by letting someone take another look.”
“Snips, I know you’re…”
“She’s right,” Obi-Wan interjects. “We have nothing else from the attack to go on, and Uhoto has been a good asset to the Jedi in the past.”
Unlike those just one level below, Uhoto’s repair shop is long, taking up a good portion of the block, the front a clean grey free of vandalism and two spacious windows showcase the reasonably organized assortment of technology inside. They enter through the front doors, setting off a jingling of chimes. 
A tall male togruta enters from the back, wrinkles and gaunt cheekbones betraying his advanced age. His skin is a bold red, changing to a muted yellow on his impressive montrals, which twist almost like towering horns on his skull. He smiles, revealing two abnormally long fangs framing his front teeth. “Master Jedi!” he greets, “It’s been a long time.”
“Too long, Uhoto,” Kenobi replies.
“So what brings you here?”
“We were hoping you could take a look at this.” Obi-wan pulls an object from his robes. Uhoto takes the long droid head from him. It’s a deep indigo in color, striped with transclucent bands that were likely once lighted. Just below the neck rests an empty capsule, the rest of the body missing, ends charred in ash. 
“What do you want me to do with it?”
“Look it over, access any possible data that could be stored in its remaining limbs.”
“Limb, “ the togruta corrects. “What exactly happened to rest of it?”
“It and some of its friends blew up a transport carrying refugees from Separatist invaded worlds. The explosives on this little guy didn’t go off. They were removed and the GAR  has been trying unsuccessfully to retrieve any information from it,” Anakin explains. 
Uhoto nods. “Well, that’s what you can expect from Umbaran technology. Guarded more heavily than a gundark nest.”
“So, can you help us?” Ahsoka inquires.
The man tilts his head. “I’ve never been able to hack into anything Umbaran myself, but there’s someone who could take a crack at it. New assisstant, absolute kriffing prodigy…Chase!” he shouts the last part towards the back of the shop.
A human boy in his late teens emerges from a curtained off hallway. “What’s up?” he asks his boss as he strides over to the group. He’s not incredibly tall, maybe 1.8 meters, built more like an athlete than a rookie repairmen. His dark brown hair is spiked up on the top of his head, and his hazel eyes stand out against his light skin. 
Uhoto hands him the droid. “I need you to hack into whatever’s left of its mainframe and download the data.”
“Sure,” Chase responds, taking it and grabbing a tablet to set up on the work counter.
Anakin watches the boy with obvious skeptism. He turns to Obi-Wan, “This is a waste of our time…”
“I’m in,” Chase announces, intensely focused as he types on the tablet, the droid head now lit in turqouise blue stripes. “But it’s going to take me a while to break down the rest of these firewalls.”
Skywalker’s jaw hangs open. Ahsoka raises one eyebrow marking in surprise. 
Uhoto is grinning like a loth cat. “Told you. Prodigy.”
Ahsoka turns to her master, smirking. “I guess I was right, Skyguy.”
Anakin scowls playfully. “Only because I’m such a great teacher.”
“Whatever gets you through the day.”
Obi-Wan ignores their banter, one hand stroking his bread. “What did you say your assistants’ name was?” he turns to togrutan shopkeeper.
“Chase, Chase Davenport.”
A/N: I know it’s not the most exciting first chapter, but I would appreciate any feedback you have!
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Chapter 5 - Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
A Lab Rats/Star Wars: The Clone Wars Crossover
Chase Davenport x Ahsoka Tano
Synopsis, Chapter Masterlist, Warnings 
Previous:  Chapter 4 
Next:  Chapter 6 
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The Coruscant night is awash in color. Neon signs flash and glare in pulsing rythym, lighting up the alleyways cracked with faded paint and graffiti. The lower levels here are still teeming with people, rather unseemly sorts, but the buzz of raucous life sparks through the air. The steady roar of speeder traffic melds into the din of music and crude laughter, the cries of a brawl rising up intermittently, and for the few who listen carefully, the hushed whispers of black market deals and payoffs. Blending in such a cacaphony is hardly difficult.
Well, it shouldn’t be difficult.
“You call that subtle?” 
“Maybe not, but that sleemo would have bought it if you weren’t staring at me like I’d just sprouted horns!”
“Well, I mean, “ Chase gestures to her montrals, “But that’s not the point! You’ve worked in the lower levels before! Anakin said you were good at undercover work!”
Ahsoka rolls her eyes. “You’re the one always about to lose your mind over Anakin’s lack of common sense! Maybe you, Genius, should have guessed he’s about as good as being inconspicuous as a gungdark in a china shop. And that as his student, there might be a few gaps in my training?”
Chase huffs. “In my defense, despite being an adrenaline junkie, you aren’t someone I thought could be capable of doing something stupid.”
The troguta raises an eyebrow marking. “I don’t know whether that was an insult or a compliment, but if it was Anakin instead of me, he would have already ignited his lightsaber.”
“Because that solves everything.”
Ahsoka rolls her eyes again as they continue to push through the crowd, each of them keeping their gaze strictly ahead. She senses his presence next to her as they continue on, their pace rushed by the anger and frustration palpable in their force signatures. After a long block, they reach their speeder parked along one of the main walks. Chase wordlessly gets in the driver’s seat. Ahsoka slides in next to him. She crosses her arms. 
They take off in silence, changing to one of the upper lanes. The silence permeates, though the tensness in softening. Ahsoka sighs, uncrossing her arms and letting them drop to her sides. She slightly inlines her head towards his, their faces being illuminated in a rainbow of colors as they fly past the bustling cantinas and shops. 
“I’m sorry,” she begins, “I should have warned you I’m no good at being subtle. I didn’t mean to ruin everything.”
Chase shakes his head. “No, I’m the one who should apologize. I shouldn’t have lost my temper, and you were right anyways. If I had just played along, instead of gaping at your, well, terrible acting, he would have probably bought it, and we wouldn’t be here,” he sighs, “back at square one.”
Ahsoka smiles, cringing. “I was that terrible, wasn’t I?”
Chase laughs, “You definitely were.”
She punches him lightly in the shoulder.
Chase smiles, but it quickly recedes. He slumps slightly back in the speeder. “We were so close to getting direct contact with the person who arranged the attack.” His jaw clenches. “So damn close.”
She studies him. She has sensed his rage and frustration for the past month, constant, consuming. Even though those emotions are always kept in visual check, impressively so, she can sense the toll it’s taking.
“You know things might go more smoothly if you were a little more calm, focused. I know you cared about Uhoto, but your anger won’t help you find find his killer.” She looks to him, only after the words come tumbling from her mouth does she begin to worry if she’s crossed a line.
Chase looks at her, sighs. “I know. I…I’m just not sure how to deal with it. I used to meditate when I was younger to stay…” he swallows, “in control, but it never really worked all that well.”
“Well,” Ahsoka offers a friendly smile, “No one’s ever perfected the art like the Jedi. So, how about a deal? You teach me how to act, and I’ll help you meditate.”
Chase nods. “It’s a deal.”
They work late into the night in the Jedi Archives. Though the room is lighted the same as it is during the day, the quiet, still atmosphere betrays the hour of the outside world. Even Master Jocasta has retired for the evening, leaving the two teenagers alone in the grand library.
They sift through piles of information, retracing their steps, looking for new clues. As Ahsoka leans back to have a long, catlike stretch, she glances over at the holorecords on Chase’s side of the desk. She groans. She has no idea how he manages to blaze through them ten times faster than her, and yet remember every word of the entries. She may have never been a top of the class student in regards to formal education subjects, but that was never due to her intelligence. Her mind had always been wandering over lightsaber combat postitions, dueling advantages, and much Master Mirakar was going to lecture her about accidentally destroying another training remote. 
“Found anything?” she asks.
“No.” He holds his head in his hands, rubs his tired eyes and leans back in chair. “It’s like the person who hired the assassins had never had any previous contact with the underworld.”
“Maybe they didn’t. If they were Umbaran, this could be politcally motivated.”
“But we checked there first. We’ve been over all the politcal profiles, inside and out. If there was anything to go on I would have seen it.”
“Sometimes the information you need can’t be found in hard evidence.”
Chase leans forward on the desk. “What are you proposing?”
“We need to talk to a senator, and I know just the one.”
Senator Padmé Amidala’s suite is a grand sweep of elegant luxury. Chase stands next to Ahsoka as the young woman greets them. She pulls the togruta into a light hug as they step out into the living area.
A spectacular view of the Coruscant skyline frames the grandiose space, the sky still painted with washes of pink from the dawn only half an hour prior. 
Padmé gestures for them to take a seat on her long, curved couch. She sits beside, turned to face them. “So what brings you here,” she inquires, her voice light. 
“We were hoping you could tell us more about the Umbaran politicians. There have been some recent attacks that may be connected to them, “ Ahsoka explains. Chase looks faintly surprised that she would be so open about this with a politician.
Padmé notices the boy’s expression. “I’m afraid there’s not much I can tell you. Senator Deechi was the only one of their consul I ever spoke with. His aides kept to themselves, never interacting with other species, at least as far as I ever heard. I never even learned their names.”
“You haven’t heard any rumors, anything strange that could potentially be related to some kind of attack,” Chase inquires.
“The only rumor circulating at the moment is that Umbara is planning to join the Confedaracy, but as far as I can tell that story is being generated by senators who object to Umbara’s call for heightened security in the Senate Building. Their government was enraged by the assassination of their representative, though considering their culture that is most likely due to the fact that Deechi was not murdered by one of his own species.”
Ahsoka sighs. “That’s nothing new from what we already knew, but thanks for speaking with us. “ They rise from the couch and head towards the door. 
“I wish I could be of more help,” Padmé says sincerely. 
“If you think of anything else, contact us,” Chase suggests.
“It was good to see you, Ahsoka,” the woman imparts.
“The same to you, Senator,” the padawan returns, inclining her head in a respectful bow as they exit into the hall. 
They walk down the hallway and out the front of the incredibly expesive apartment building. 
“How do you know her?” Chase asks.
“Senator Amidala is a close friend of my Master. She’s worked a lot with the Jedi Order in the past. She can be trusted.”
“No one is completely trustworthy,” Chase counters.
“That’s hardly true. There are many people I know who I trust with my life. They’ll never let me down.”
“You only think that way until one of those people betrays you. And that’s only a matter of time.”
Ahsoka rolls her eyes. “You’re cynical.”
Chase looks at her sharply. “I know what I’m talking about.”
“Have you ever been betrayed?” 
He looks down at the ground. She can sense his distress in the force. He breathes in and out, seeming to steel himself.
“Let’s just get back to the temple.”
A/N: Feedback and comments are always appreciated! I’m also curious to know if there’s anyone from both fandoms actually reading this. 
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Prologue - Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
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A word that took so long for Chase to truly understand its meaning. He remembers, as he leans his head against the glass, gazing out the Coruscant window at the raging, endless movement of life, he remembers every tear, every smile, and the fear that skulked around it all. They’ve held knives at each other’s throats, lifted each other from the abyss, and if he closes his eyes  he can still smell the burnt wires admist the wreckage.
Davenport. A family name with far too much weight. 
They are family, and he remembers somewhere along the line concluding they all are at least partially unhinged, even wholly insane. They must be, having forgiven so deeply, so painfully, and yet still expected some pretense of sainthood. 
Yes, he remembers at some point they’ve all considered each others’ demise. Revenge, resentment, desperate claws for freedom, independence. 
Every haunted thing is haunted itself, and his home is one luxurious graveyard.
It’s not that the line between enemy and ally was fluid; there were too many sharp edges, too many precipes on which they lived, one step away from falling. The truth had long been shattered into jigsaw shards that cut deeply trying to piece back together. 
Every time they meet as family they bleed.
Chase remembers the anguish in Mr. Davenport’s eyes. His father watched him grow up seeing too many mirrors, with Douglas’ face in the reflection, one Chase himself began to see after the avalanche. Yet despite proving his loyalty, the fear remained, so Mr. Davenport built walls trying to suppress the demons he imagined there, but only made them patient. When the world started to burn, and the walls came down with it, he panicked. Their family had already been scattered, and the tenacious chains of loyalty broke under the strain. He was afraid Chase would triumph as a devil worse than those who’d set it all on fire. Chase couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t, but he had been left without choices, so he had to carve his own. 
Chase promised them war, and he made good on his word. 
Now all the fire is reduced to ash and rubble, and he’s long since left behind the crown of heroes, wandering as rogues do when every fragile loyalty has ultimately withered, and the only roads lead into the unknown, to be traversed warily and wondrously.
And ignore all the phantoms of home.
A Lab Rats/Star Wars: The Clone Wars Crossover
Previous: Synopsis
Next:  Chapter 1
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Chapter 3 - Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
A Lab Rats/Star Wars the Clone Wars Crossover
Chase Davenport x Ahsoka Tano
Synopsis, Chapter Masterlist, Warnings 
Previous:  Chapter 2 
Next:  Chapter 4 
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It is not uncommon for beings used to darker or colder climates to wear a veil or other headcovering when visiting Coruscant during the daylight hours. 
The figure walking softly down the walk, face shrouded in a light silk hood and a drape of translucent mesh tinted indigo, does not seem out of place. They meander with the strides of a pedestrian, alone, but unhurried, brisk but casual. 
The few civilians who walk past never give them a second glance. In turn, the figure never slows to give greeting, or even to pause in interest at a shore window’s merchandise. Their footsteps, almost silent, never break rhythm until they come in front of the doors to Uhoto’s Repair Shop. The figure stops momentarily, glancing at the backs of two jedi and the torgrutan shop owner.
They continue on, gliding like shadows which dance in one’s peripheral vision. A presence one can never be sure if it was truly there.
Chase takes a sip from his glass. The cordial tastes like a sharp blend of lilikoi, blood orange, strawberry and a hint of creole spice. A bit bold for his preferences, but he is unsurprised Uhoto would hold the drink in high regards. 
He stands off to the side of the circle the jedi and Uhoto have formed, reminiscing old adventures. Ahsoka listens with rapt interest, eyes wide, one hand resting on her hip. He doesn’t blame her; Uhoto has held an interesting life. Even in the few weeks he had known the eccentric old man, Chase considered him to be one of the most intriguing people to have ever met. Reminiscent of an old pirate recounting his glory days, but without the moral atrocities of actual piracy. 
The troguta had encouraged him to advance his skills with the electrostaff, a weapon Chase had been drawn to to use instead of his laser bo whenever possible, though Uhoto never knew that was the reason for his interest. They had spent hours sparring together, the togruta introducing him to new fighting techniques, and offering advice when the boy decided to build his own from scratch. Those memories, though so new, are ones he views with fondness. Having a uncomplicated, non narcissistic mentor is a new, and pleasant experience. 
For the first time in a long time Chase is actually content with his life.
His enhanced hearing picks up the sound of approaching footsteps. He looks up, spotting an individual through the window walking in the direction of the front door.
“Uhoto,” he says sharply, “customer,” as he picks up the umbaran droid head and connected tablet, relocating it behind the counter.
The togrutan man notices the stranger. “Take it, and the jedi, and go into the back. Better to be on the safe side.”
Chase follows his instructions with the three jedi in tow. They have quickly disappeared down the back hallway before the door chimes ring out. They listen as Uhoto greets the customer warmly. The customer never answers. 
A single blaster shot echoes in the building, followed by the thud of a body falling to the floor. 
A/N: I know it’s another short chapter, but I decided I’d rather make shorter posts and update more frequently than take longer and do longer chapter updates. 
Feedback is always appreciated, and extremely encouraged. Especially since I know that some people who were interested in this story, like @incorrectseaweedbrain​ , were coming into this being only knowledgeable about one of the fandoms. I want to be able to adjust the expositional part of the storytelling to suit peoples’ needs, so please leave a comment if you have any questions.
Again, while I do have a direction for the plot of this story, it is flexible and I would love suggestions for what any potential readers would like to see from this fic. 
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Chapter 6 - Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
A Lab Rats/Star Wars the Clone Wars Crossover
Synopsis, Chapter Masterlist, Warnings 
Chase Davenport x Ahsoka Tano
Previous:  Chapter 5 
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The first step Chase takes into his apartment his legs turn to lead. The door slides shut behind him. He leans against it, one hand rubbing his tired face.
Seventy-two hours. He’d stayed awake that long a couple of times before, one ended in a heated lecutre from Mr. Davenport, the other was after he’d gone rogue and the only consequences were the wailing protests of his weakened body. Even genetically and bionically advanced as he is, sleep deprivation is a limitation not wise to ignore. 
In his defense, even as he stumbles to his room, that had not been his intention. They had just been so close and that knowledge was a more powerful stimulant than any amount of caffiene.
Though he had plenty of that too. 
He doesn’t bother even taking off his shoes before he crashes onto his bed. His left hand works open the nightstand drawer and he pulls out a neck brace, one that functions as a replacement to his capsule, before curling on his side and letting his eyes drop closed.
Even as tired as he is, Chase does not fall asleep instantly. Several months do not appear to be enough time to adjust from sleeping standing up for seventeen years to laying down. He still finds the position somewhat uncomfortable, but he’s growing steadily more accustomed. 
As his mind fades, he muses that only a year ago, he would have never believed he would end up so far from home.
All the same, he shouldn’t be surprised. For years already, the risk was always at the back of his mind, as was the potential for greater.
Ahsoka dreams.
They are full of the dead. The corpses of hundreds of troopers cycle in and out, strewn across the hangars of republic cruisers, falling off the red blades of Ventress, being blown apart as ships desintegrate into debris.
Helmets, faces, eyes frozen open in immortal terror, names she knew and those to whom she was never introduced.
Those images, sharp as a holograph, fade to more blurred ones. The distant shape of the Jedi Temple, footsteps lightly echoing in the halls, the distant laughter of younglings intermingling with the soothing gurgle of the fountains. 
She turns, rubbing her eyes, trying to see past the haze to the things she knows so well, her home, her family, but the more she looks the more indistinct everything becomes. She begins to panic, turning once more to see the sillouette of Master Plo Koon down the hall. Relieved and confused, she walks towards him, but every step she takes forwards he appears further away. She runs, calling his name, until his figure can no longer be seen.
She looks down, realizing she is no longer running in the Jedi temple, but on the streets of Coruscant. Her lungs burn, and she pushes herself faster, if she’s caught she will die, no matter what her master promises. She glances over her shoulder at her pursuers, clones painted in red armor…
Sirens blare, red and blue lights illuminating the walks. Three police speeders circle above the boarding area for the trains. A crowd of people presses in, their miniscule distance only kept in check by four of the droid officers. A fifth speaks into its comm, deep monotone voice drowned by the sea of murmurs from the multitude of spectators. 
The sixth kneels over the corpse. The woman’s body is sprawled on the duracrete, back and neck twisted at odd angles. Dark stains seep through her grey and cerulean dress. Her indigo shawl and hood are torn free from her pearly white skin, pale eyes open in shock and blood dribbling fron the corner of her lips. 
Another woman passes the crowd, barely passing a glance towards the commotion surrounding the unknown Umbaran. She catches the closing doors of the readily departing train. She clutches the data files under her arm, edges marked with the symbol of a local library, tighter as it lurches to start. Leaving the station behind, the young woman looks out the window at the dead Umbaran, seemingly bothered though unable to place exactly why. She turns back around, shaking her head is dissmissing gesture, soothing her paranoia by gently rubbing the handle of the nine-inch dagger concealed in her short tunic. 
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Chapter 4 - Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
A Lab Rats/Star Wars Crossover
Chase Davenport x Ahsoka Tano
Synopsis, Chapter Masterlist, Warnings 
Previous:  Chapter 3 
Next:  Chapter 5 
Warning: Violence, death
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The Jedi ignite their lightsabers as Chase grabs his electrstaff hanging on the wall. 
“Stay here,” Anakin sharply commands him and Ahsoka. Chase bristles. It’s been a long time since he’s taken orders from someone else in a comabt situation. He gives a burning gaze before focusing himself. It is logical that two should remain to guard their recently acquired information.
Skywalker looks surprised at the intensity of Chase’s expression and at the newly lit weapon in his hands. If he had another moment he would be asking if the kid actually knew how to use it, but he and Obi-Wan are already running down the hallway. 
The two Jedi enter the front part of the shop. A lithe humanoid male stands by the counter facing them. A smoking blaster is already reattached to his belt. Uhoto is crumpled on the floor.
The man’s expressionless face makes eye contact with the Jedi as he clicks a red button on the wrist of his gauntlet.
The ceiling caves in. A dozen beings drop down, covered from head to toe, masked, and armed with long vibroblades. 
As they attack it becomes clear they are not ordinary assassins, but trained well to fight against force-weilders. They parry Kenobi’s and Skywalker’s lightsabers with ease, and the fight begins to wear before the Jedi have managed to take any of them out. 
Another crash sounds through the building, more assassins coming through, only headed into the back of the shop. A third cave-in brings one agent almost directly on top of Chase and Ahsoka’s position.
The togruta launches herself at the intruder as Chase finds himself quickly occupied with two others. He holds his own well enough, managing to stab one on the end of his staff, and electrocute a few others with enough force to render them immobile. Ahsoka cuts down several herself, her unusual fighting style giving her a better advantage than the two older masters. 
The fight drags on, and though the overwhelming numbers, the tide seems to turn slowly in their favor, the intruders becoming more desperate. Their steadily frenzied attacks become harder to predict. An intense burning pain sears the right side of Chase’s face as he fends off the last few assassins. 
Silence falls as the footsteps of those fleeing the scene fade into the buzzing din of life outside the ruined shop. Anakin practically flies in pursuit. Ahsoka turns to follow her master, but Obi-Wan lays a hand on her shoulder. 
“We need to ensure we get that information safely to the Jedi Temple.”
She nods, and they turn to look for Chase. 
They find him, head bowed, kneeling over Uhoto. “He’s dead,” he says, voice calm, laced with an undertone of anger. Ahsoka’s face turns crestfallen and sorrow creases Kenobi’s expression. Chase slowly rises, jaw clenched, and as he turns his head they can see the deep wound carving his face from his temple to below his cheekbone. He walks wordlessly past them, retrieving the umbaran droid scrap and memory drive. He hands them to Kenobi.
“I hope this was worth it.”
The Jedi inclines his head. “So do I.”
The funeral for Uhoto had been simply arranged. Shili tradition dictated such. Stolen life was to be mourned, but due to their roaming history, little time had ever been set to bury the body. A few remaining members of Uhoto’s blood family had come, along with several of the man’s old friends, Chase Davenport, and four Jedi.
Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano had naturally made their presence there. The fourth is another togruta Jedi, somewhere in her late twenties or early thirties. Her features seemed unnaturally passive, like Chase had heard of in stories told around the streets of Coruscant. That Jedi purge themselves of emotion, believing that such leads to “the dark side”. 
The whole concept sounds a bit mystic for him. 
After the short service, he sees Ahsoka approaching him.
“I’m sorry for what happened,” she says smoothly, though her expression is one of sincerity. 
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“What’s going to happen?”
“Uhoto’s family is selling what’s left of the shop. Closing the business.”
“And you?”
Chase shrugs. He clenches his jaw. “I don’t know. I sure as hell would like to find the person behind the…attack, but that’s not exactly a paid job.”
Ahsoka’s lips twitch upwards at his humorless joke. “You know, I’m sure Kenobi would still be interested in you working for the GAR. Especially after the way you fought with that electrostaff.”
Chase weighs her words in his mind. He shouldn’t. He didn’t come here to be a soldier, after everything that happened back home, the idea is repulsive.
But the anger that twists in his gut is much harder to ignore.
From left to right (top to bottom): Coruscant skyline, Obi-Wan Kenobi holding a blue lightsaber, Ahsoka Tano holding a green lightsaber, Shaak Ti (the unnamed togruta jedi in the funeral scene)
(For those new to the Star Wars fandom)
GAR: the Grand Army of the Republic
The Republic: a governmental alliance that precedes over thousands of star systems. The Senate is the governing body, headed by an elected chancellor. 
Coruscant: the capital planet of the Republic. The entire planet is one insanely large city with hundreds of levels. 
Jedi: An individual that serves as apart of the Jedi Order, a religious group that trains individuals gifted with unnatural abilities (caused by an unusually high count of microorganisms called midi-chlorians). They serve the Republic as peacekeepers, but since the start of the Clone Wars have taken on the role of generals. 
Lightsaber: the weapon of the Jedi (and Sith).
Separatists: a group of planetary systems wishing to cede from the Republic. After building an army in secret, which was discovered by the Jedi, the resulting conflict launched the Clone Wars.
Umbara: a planetary system loyal to the Republic. Known as the “shadow world”, their resources and incredibly unique technology are critical to the Republic. 
If you want the Star Wars universe background for this story, I would recommend watching Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (movie), Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones (movie), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated film), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated TV series)
This story starts halfway through Season 3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
A/N: Thank you for reading! As always, I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestion you have to give!
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