#everyone is lucky that adrien doesnt know what he is
bigfatbreak · 1 month
In the changeling au, what does “keeping” mean? I know there’s the whole thing about faeries tricking people into “giving” them their names, but what actually happens in this au? Like what would the actual consequences be in a practical sense?
(And I assume nothing happens if Adrien just learns the names through other means bc they have to “give” it to him?)
it means that people who's names he has are susceptible to his illusions and persuasions, even if neither party knows it
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they can't perceive what he doesn't want them to, and they're more likely to agree with what he asks, even if its wildly out of character for them. he doesn't know he has this power, he just thinks his friends are really nice to him
and yeah, if he learns someone's name secondhand, it doesn't count. it has to be a direct interaction, and it has to be comprehensible
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
What is your opinion on the comments from the writers about the season 5 finale and the finale itself?
So I should say that the only comments I’ve seen (from the translation ) and this ( post )
My opinion on the writers and their commentary regarding the finale.
I do understand why they did the things they did.
Limited resources and wanting to utilize what they had.
I totally agree with their use of Piano Lucky Charm.
I think the fight the physical fight with Monarch and Bug Noire is phenomenal.
I can tell a Lot of effort went into planning this season out.
And as a Writer I can respect the references, nods, foreshadowing and jokes that were put in.
Fang using Kung fu is a hilarious image and it’s my favorite shot outside of monarch having a piano dropped on him.
People can say they like the ending, and if they do, awesome. I’m glad that you can enjoy this ending that I don’t.
So let’s have that put at the forefront
That is everything positive I have to say regarding the commentary and I will be going into detail on my ‘Problems’ below. And yes I will be getting angry.
(You have been warned)
I absolutely LOATHE their explanation on how they justify their ending.
Everything about it makes them sound pretentious and arrogant. They sound like they think they are being so clever with an ending when the ending is actually a fucking punch to the face of ANYONE that cared about having a resolution to this arc.
If the writers were so keen on having us CARE for Gabriel’s little arc. Why not take that Kwami’s choice special and replace it with a two episode arc of Gabriel, Emilie and co getting the miraculous? They can’t say budget because they could use flashbacks or the re-enactment from Representation.
And my goodness, the mental gymnastics it takes to say “Gabriel put down his other rings which means he lost” NO IT DOESNT. He is making his wish, he won. Why the heck would he need them after?!
“His wish is vague, so we don’t know what he wished for.” I DONT CARE IF HE WISHED FOR FREE ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE ON EARTH! HE WON BY EVERY METRIC! It’s unsatisfying, it’s gross, and it feels all kinds of wrong to the point that my soul as a writer feels personally insulted.
The arrogant pretentious Pricks don’t even realize they left Ladybug in the losing position once again! She’s going to have to suffer the consequences of the wish. Not the person who died VINDICATED.
In the words of Brooke from one piece
“Death is never an apology.”
But she got the miraculous back? Yea, AFTER the villain got what he wanted. Adrien never finds out about any of this, Marinette is left gaslighting and hiding things from him, just like usual but now MORE people are keeping things from him.
All of this writing just end up with a cool final battle scene and then take a metaphorical dump all over it because their peak in character development is outfit changes.
The ending isn’t unsatisfying because it’s meant to be. It’s unsatisfying because it made 5 seasons of watching ML pointless.
And I didn’t think I could hate the finale more than I do. BUT THE COMMENTARY somehow made it Worse!? I don’t know how the f*** they did it.
But knowing their intent and knowing this ending was always intended makes VOLTRON’s ending SEEM serviceable. And yes I know how bad that sounds and I FUCKING MEAN IT.
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domxmarvel · 3 years
Requested by:Anon
Pairing:Chat noir x Female!Reader 
Request:mlb chat x female reader she also has a cat miraculous but her power is that she can copy other people's powers her miraculous is from another universe&she got sent to the mlb universe 1 day chat&lb get into trouble fighting a akuma&reader helps them&many times after that but 1 day lb gets mad at reader&says that she doesnt need her help reader gets hurt&akumatized lb&chat barely manage to deakumatize her lb apologizes chat confesses they date if its too complicated u can just ignore it
A/N:I won't lie,writing this I completely imagined the reader as Black cat from spider-man
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“Y/N,are you ready?” Your stylist asked,this was probably the most important show of your life since Audrey bourgeois was there. Everything seemed to be going well,until you walked out of your dressing room and immediately saw an akuma. Quickly running back in to transform. The show had started and Adrien was walking down the runway,he looked up for a second meeting your eyes. You jumped down onto the runway.
“There’s an akuma,I need you all to evacuate immediately” They all got up and started leaving. Suddenly there was an explosion of glitter.
“Where’s Gabriel Agreste!?” She yelled.
“My father’s not here,”Adrien told her.
“In that case I’ll settle for you” She fired at him,but you quickly pulled him out of the way.
“Get out of here,I’ll hold her off” He nodded and ran off. She fired a few shots,the ones that hit turned people into gold statues. You managed to stall her long enough for Ladybug and Chat noir to show up. 
“Hey Mimicat” Chat noir,jumped next to you.
“Hey guys,nice of you to drop by”
“Do you know anything about her?”
“Don’t let her hit you,she turns everyone she hits into a statue” You warned her.
“Can you mimic her?”Ladybug asked. You could copy anyone's powers,even theirs. 
“Replication!” You activated your power,copying her. Shooting the same gold glitter from your hands,barely hitting her. When you finally did,she was turned into a statue. Ladybug and Chat noir walked up to her looking for the akumatized object. She quickly found it and purified the akuma.
The three of you fought together until one time,hearthunter. Things didn’t go as planned,hearthunter destroyed a lot of Paris before being de akumatized by Hawk Moth. Ladybug hadn’t summoned her Lucky charm,so she couldn’t fix anything. 
“I knew I should've listened to you. All this destruction is your fault,all because you told me to wait,so you could be the hero. You’re just like Chloe,you don’t deserve your powers” You had never seen her like that,even Chat noir seemed to be shocked. You stood up,your legs shaking slightly. Quickly leaving before you started crying,you knew there was a risk you could get akumatized,so you tried to calm down but it didn’t work. And the next thing you heard was. 
“Hello Mimicat '' Hawk moth, “From now on you’re Double trouble,you used your power to help them but they didn’t appreciate you. You were they're ally but now you’ll be their biggest enemy. Your powers will be enhanced from now on,you’ll be able to copy multiple powers at once.” He explained “All you have to do is bring me their Miraculous,do we have an agreement?”   
“Yes we do”
The chaos quickly spread all over Paris,especially since you could copy Chat noir’s power. It wasn’t long before they showed up.
“Mimicat” Chat noir called out.
“No,I’m double trouble. Cataclysm”You yelled out,reducing the building you were standing on to dust.
“You can’t trust Hawk moth,we’ll help you”
“Can you catch me?”
“Of course we can,”They replied,confidently.
“Think again,Mirage!” Suddenly there were over fifty of you. Allowing you to run,but you were quickly tackled and de akumatized. 
“What happened?” You asked. Chat noir leand down in front of you.
“You were akumatized,but you’re fine now”He put his hand on your shoulder and you put your hand on top of his.
“I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No,you didn’t” He kissed your cheek,leaving Ladybug standing there with her mouth open.
“Wait what’s going on? Are you two?”
“I’m sorry m’lady but it’s true,I love her”
“And I love him too”
“I’m happy for you two and I’m sorry about what I said. I didn’t really mean it”
“I know”Her earrings started beeping. “You should get going before you detransform”
“Thanks kitty”You moved closer to Chat noir,giving him another kiss.
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creator-freak · 3 years
Ok everyone here me out!
What if.... it was Adrien's bad luck all along??
Everytime Marinette tries to confess, it goes wrong, and we all assume it was her clumsiness her bad luck.
But what if it's actually Adrien's bad luck?
After all, nothing would make him happier than Ladybug loving him, right? And he hold the Kwami of bad luck, right?
Like Marinette is a very lucky person.... when it doesnt involve Adrien. She has a good reputation and his an excellent designer, all from her hard work. While Adrien reputation comes from his dad and family's fortune.
She has a lot of friends and seems to make friends very easily. She has an excellent family life, boys fall in love with her because of her good nature and personality, she knows a lot of famous people...
What does Adrien have that doesnt comes from his father?
So, all those time where Marinette confessions were unsuccessful.... It was because of Adrien bad luck acting out, making it impossible for him to date the love of his life....
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jennrypan · 3 years
Watching the new episode!! Heres some live blogging thoughts;; long post
Gabriel is still ugly as fuck. Im once again thankful Adrien doesnt look like his father cuz god damn. Hes mad ugly, Natalie girl wheres the flavor 😭 youre a 10 and hes barely a 2, oml
....Is this grown ass man fr crying over a fuckin coin??? Id understand if it was like 20 + dollars cuz same but like..you aint even poor?? Fucks wrong with you. And to no ones surprise hes leaving his son to try and steal jewelry again. Ya know as he does.
O H oh no i dont like that- i dont like the twisting of the ring and commanding him to do things and him listening I dont like that- no- no no---
Also. Why is he famous...if he doest even show up to his own shit and like it doesnt even look like hes putting out fashion?? Like Audrey makes sense cuz at least she goes place but all he does is stay inside and make ugly designs. Someone should rob him. I hate him so much--
Also. Natalie ?? Where you at? Why is this CHILD at a press conference ?!
Also this bitch ass reporter straight up askin about his mom. Why is no one questioning why a whole ass child is here and not his father??? Why does no adult in paris ask why Gabriel has his child doing his tv shows for him???
And there he goes. Bob roth..bob ross?- fuck him ad his name. Hes insane. One of the several dumbest reasons to be akumatized on this show
Awe no magical girl transformation?-
And damn she called the whole squad for this i-- and they have ear pieces now?-
And..Im still very indifferent to Vesperia being on the team now CUZ NO ONE KNOWS HER AND THEYVE ONLY KNOWM HER FOR TWO DAYS. But whatever. Sure fine.
Also Kagami <3
Bro her lucky charms are dead tryna kill her at this point lmao-- is the next one gonna be a damn plane??
Yo she has EVERYONE but Rena and Chat??? Hello?- hello im scared??
Is..is he gonna..keep typing numbers until he gets it?- i-- please no-theres no way-
HE DID. LMAO. It took him 100 time bro wtf--
I hate Gabriels ugly as face and if I saw him in public Id kick his ass and win.
Yo where did this bald mf come from i-- and yeah. That was excessive tbh, I dont think she needed all of them lmao??- she literally just needed Nino, Zoe and Luka?-
And..him yelling at her in front of Luka??- how is he ..okay with doin that in front of a civilian?- does she know he knows? Does he know luka knows?- what-
Su han is a BITCH. But he is right they should know each others identities and I love Adrien-- "Im in trouble arent I?" Baby boy--
.Luka still has no eyelashes...save this boy and give him some falsies. Please
And u hm...doesnt Luka already know?- or is he just good at lying-
..this seems..kinda underhanded??- like..u h- i get why shed do this but its kinda..messed up to do that?- idk- im not salting her or anythin obviously, the plan just kinda seems messed up-
Like she said together and like..she was deada tricking him i-- nooo--
..she just- lmaooo- she laughed in his face- and he just "are you ready to have your mind blown?"
And her surprise tho-
Hes just so in love oh my god- hes so adorable and hes SO NICE. HES NOT RUSHING HER AND JUST UGH
Gabriel Im taking your son from you you douche. You dont deserve him.
Oh! I thought she forgot to let her yoyo out and she was gonna fall-
And ok!! Shes still talking to Alya nothing bad happened! Also.
Hes so in love 😭 and lmao. I love Plaggs expression, hes so tired
And I really like the flashing from Adrien to Chat, its really cool. Kinda wish theyd do somethin kinda like this but with Chat and Blanc- itd be cool-
..Kitty section needs better music..and a better name. There I said it
And.. How does she not suspect Luka knows her indenity.identity-- and bro..i wanna like luka but lookin at him..makes me so uncomfy-
AndAHHHHH SHE LOVES HIM SHE LOVES HIM. Hes blushing. I love them. Hes so happy and hes hugging- AND THEYRE PASSING NOTES!!
Also Adrien who sleeps like that charge your phone boy- and LMAO? THATS ALL IT TOOK?? 'M'lady?' A NAME THAT COULD BE USED ANYWHERE???
I know you arent that smart what tf-- i mean..it is a what if episode so. What if Gabriel wasnt a dumb bitch. Gotchu
Gabriels thought process: "MY SON IS CHAT NOIR?! OH MY GOD :(" .... "Time to traumatize him with his mothers body :)" "he'll appreciate all my hard work after this"
...I wasnt far off apparently. I hate this man.
Also yes Plagg cataclysm his ass I love you. Ill never understand why literally beings of pure power have to listen to human commands but whatever >>
also..did Marinette deadass transform in front of her #1 enemy??-
Also she just did not hesitate to bring out her lucky charm-
And damn he just..tossed her and aw..I thought she was texting alya but it makes sense ig she contacted Luka?- eh-
Adrien :(
Also..explaining this shit is wasting time--
I love chat noirs space suit sm. Also..pink hair--purple eyes-
Theyre transformations are so pretty-
I love Adrien--
And ha! Suck it Su-Han. Youve been told!! Leave them alone--
Okay!!! Overall good episode!! Super fast paced like Chat Blanc but I liked this a lot more, it was cuter-
And ok it seened Felix didnt appear in this episode so hes safe ..for now 🔫 👀
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Mini Theory to injured Hawkmoth after Mayura used an Amok on him in “Mayura” + How Chat Noirs Cataclysm works
I finally had a little time off again and managed to get this mini theory done. I wanted to do this for a while now and I'm happy to finally post something again. ^^
Now with Season 3 over and a couple of Mayuras “featherruptions” (as I like to call them) on screen I wanted to pick up this occurrence from the second season finale once more. In s3, after accepting the featherruption, every victim always stayed healthy whereas Hawkmoth in s2 became increasingly weak and hurt. I want to elaborate on this again and state my Mini theory and my reasons.
Some people might already know this theory because I already posted it on this post a while ago. I’m kinda reposting it again because I updated it and I think it’s a bit wasted at the end of another theory.
So here it is again and lets go!
Before “Miraculer” came out I thought people getting hurt by the featherruption would be the normal effect because of the peacocks brokenness. So the victims would get hurt alongside Mayura for at least s3 (cuz before his featherruption Gabriel was completely fine and fighting) but no, every other victim is perfectly fine. Only HAWKMOTH got seriously hurt!
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This means that there is a distinct difference between Hawkmoths featherruption and everyone elses. A difference that normally wouldnt be the case. And I think I got it.
The one detail that DEFINITELY is different with Hawkmoth and big enough to be relevant is that Hawkmoths control-object was CATACLYSMED!
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To understand why I think the control-object being cataclysmed beforehand would have such an effect I need to clearify that even though I’m often saying that Hawkmoth and Mayura “corrupt” their butterflies, feathers and the victims, its frankly nowhere true at all. I just like saying it like that. What they do is basically just filling the butterflies/feathers with power and let them find a fitting person so they can 1. build the connection between them and the chosen and 2. then manipulate the chosen people so they join them. There is no corruption going on here. Neither do they break or control either the butterflies/feathers nor the people themselves. They power up and manipulate, thats what they do.
The cats power of destruction on the other hand is a whole different story here.
To explain my point in an easier fashion I’ll start with Ladybugs power as a direct contrast to Chat Noirs.
The Ladybug is capable of purifying the akumas and the feathers. “Purifying” IS the right word to use here because something doesnt have to be explicitly “corrupted” to be purified. As I said, Hawkmoth and Mayura power up, that means even if they dont corrupt them they still change the nature of the feather/butterfly and victims and that is what the Ladybug reverses.
So Ladybugs purifying (and the Miraculous Ladybug for that matter) is basically her taking back all the changes other people did to something. Thats whats happening every episode up to “Miracle Queen” and thats why shes once more the one dealing with the feathers. She reverses what has been changed, no other power does that.
The Cat and the Ladybug are equals and since they are also Yin and Yang for each other it also means that not only do they as individuals and the nature of their miraculouses complete each other, their powers too complete the circle.
So if Ladybug can purify (again, meaning that she reverses every damage and everything that other people do to something) the Cat should be able to corrupt everything with his destruction as her direct opposite.
To keep this paragraph shorter lets just explain this with the example from the Heros day.
The Cats destruction and “corruption” is showing itself here with something Chat Noir is doing all the time but on a grander scale: He isnt completely pulverizing the cane to dust, hes damaging and weakening it to the point were it cant be used for neither its original purposes nor properly for anything else anymore and is easily breakable.
In my theory when Chat Noir uses Cataclysm on the cane he not only does the above, he also inflicts the still existing object with some kind of…lets call it a virus.
Now you may ask yourself “Why? Why should Chat Noirs cataclysm destroy something so hard that it loses basically every usage it had + infecting it with an destructive virus but NOT actually destroying it out of existence?”
And frankly, Thomas Astruc already gave an explanation for this after “Reflectdoll” because people were confused by the effect Ladynoires cataclysm had but instead of believing the CREATOR people rather just shrugged off the explanation as nonsense. Again.
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If I remember correctly (and please correct me if I’m wrong) it only happened one other time that the cataclysmed object didn’t turn discolored and destroyed after being hit. That being the bus in “Animan”.
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But even this can easily be explained with Thomas’ answer.
Because also another answer for the episode “Reflectdoll” was this reply to the question why the lucky charm gave Mr Bug what he wanted when this never happens with Marinette.
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Meaning the power of creation adapts to its wearers mindset and when this is the case for Creation I see no reason why Destruction should be any different.
MEANING the bus didn’t turn discolored and destroyed (only lost its original usages) because Adrien was very much aware that it still had to function as a cage (normally the cataclysmed objects serve no further purpose), so the destruction/corruption only spread so far as its wearer pictured it.
With Hawkmoths cane on the other hand you can bet good money that Adrien INTENDED on fucking that cane up. I mean LOOK at him
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Yeah no, that cane just became victim of Adriens hatred for Hawkmoth. RIP Cane.
So the default of Cataclysm isnt “destroying it out of existence” because that is not what “Destruction” is. That is “Annihilation”. Destruction and annihilation are two very different concepts that shouldnt be mixed up but everybody is doing it because of how we use the word “destruction/destroy” in our daily vocabulary. That is why probably almost every one of us at least once asked themselves why Chats cataclysm is portrayed so “oddly” in the show. “He’s not really destroying it, hes just fucking it up!” And thats exactly what hes doing because thats exactly what his power is. He’s destroying it so fucking hard that the cataclysmed object could lose every usage it could possibly have (the usages verify with different objects of course)
He’s not messing with it like Roi Singe either, the object could turn completely fucking worthless. 100%. Even the very MATERIAL its made of! But what hes NOT doing is taking it out of existence because THAT is Annihiliation. Not the concept of his power.
Now working with the actual “destruction” concept the destructive “virus” in the destroyed object seems alot more plausible. Because when Chat Noir uses the power of pure destruction on something, really every usage it could possibly have should be able to be affected by it depending on how much Chat Noir wants to screw the object over (and we already covered that Adrien wanted to see that cane dead which I completely understand, Gabriel beat him up with it in “Chat Blanc” so yeah, screw that cane) and THAT also includes the possibility of it being used as a long distance object for Akumatizations or featherruptions for example.
Without the “Virus” Hawkmoths cane would still have had a consequence free use but WITH the “virus” spreading through it the featherruption got corrupted by Chats destruction and hurt and weakened Hawkmoth so much that a limping Gabriel collapsed still nearby and had to detransform out of exhaustion.
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And frankly, Mayura only powered up the cane for a really short amount of time. Imagine how Gabriel would have ended up if this had gone longer. He probably wouldnt have been able to recover so quickly afterwards.
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miraculouslycool · 4 years
Rae Rewatches Miraculous Ladybug
Season 1: Lady Wifi
Alya, there's no way you cut out Ladybug's face that perfectly.
Sure, focus on everyone in class and not the one who is currently NOT right next to you.
Since we know Chat Noir was there during the battle too, I suppose it's implied that Adrien got back faster than she did
"It's Marinette, leave a message! BEEP!"
She.... thought....Chloe was Ladybug because of a costume.
Completely disregarding the fact that Ladybug actually saved Chloe on live television
Early DJwifi!!!!
"But I guess you gotta be sly when Mr. Control Freak is your daddy-o" Someone give Nino a medal.
Awwww that split second shot of Chat Noir talking to the victim!!
"You are cray-cray lady." Atleast Nino still has some common sense
"I missed a half day of seeing Adrien!" Girl are you sure about that lmao
How is no one noticing Marinette talking loudly to herself
Marinette and Adrien are lucky everyone in Paris got whacked with the blind stick
Thank goodness Marinette knows her best friend well
My poor girl, she looks so tired!
Is it morning or midday? What's wrong with the sky?
Mundane black shirt and jeans is fab but sundresses aren't? Tf, Chloe?
DJWifi shenanigans at its prime
Do you all have....I don't know, HAIRSTYLE BLINDNESS?
How did Nino not get a concussion from hitting his head that hard on the locker my god
Well looks like Kim has changed a lot for the better from Season 1
Actually looking back, his crush on Chloe in Dark Cupid isn't really that surprising now
"There's no school policy on invasion of privacy!" How is he able to say this with so much confidence?
And honestly that explains a lot of things. *Cries in Ladybug*
Chloe you drama queen
Honestly? An hour of detention actually sounds reasonable. Alya didn't break in and enter, she didn't steal anything, but she did take that photo of Chloe with ulterior motivations.
And Alya doesnt actually fight back until Chloe escalated things, so there you go.
"My daddy, The Mayor" card = The "Draw 25000" card
Fire Damocles 2020
*skips Hawkmoth monologue*
I like the implication that Alya needs Marinette just as much the other way around. She's the first person Alya calls when she's in trouble.
Damn Hawky uses big words in this episode. Well atleast he found out a thesaurus exists.
Marinette sneaks into the class and no one notices. Now only if she and Adrien could do that while transforming....
Marinette "WHAT" Dupain Cheng
Adrien's expression when he thought Chloe was Ladybug is akin to him reacting to someone suggesting they boil a thousand cats alive
So much for "I'll love the girl underneath the mask, no matter what!"
So it's gone from transforming behind benches, transforming in parks, to transforming in front of her school principal.
"Everyone for your own safety go directly home, right now! Don't forget to read chapters 4 & 5"
Their priorities are wack.
"And it also means you must have a crush on Chloe!" Yeah!!! Totally not like she and Ladybug have been seen on camera next to each other at the same time!
Bad yo yo tricks give it away but not news footage. Oh yeah, and HAIR COLOR.
Ladybug just predicted Copycat
Chat just casually flexing lmao
Chloe fell over and no one cares
"So what do you do when you're not Ladybug?" 'I talk to my kwami out loud and transform in front of my middle school principal, how about you?'
"You realise we might actually know each other in real life!" Oh you have no idea...
"How now, brown cow?"
Ladybug destroying phones is the most badass thing I've seen all day.
I like how he doesn't waste his Cataclysm immediately and goes for a much better and sneakier plam
okay now you know the masks don't come off by themselves
"Tomcat's come to save his lovebug." Akuma or not, Alya is always a Ladynoir shipper.
Damnit, Chat!
"Get her to use her lucky charm!!"
"Your crush will soon be slush"
Great going, idiots, you had her and you let her walk free.
I'd make a much better Hawkmoth than Gabriel
"Ladybug's about to drop the bomb on her real identity!"
*screams in frustration*
This is the only Lucky Charm this entire season that is used to help Chat Noir rather than defeat the akuma
I....kind of don't understand the logic behind that lucky charm. There was nothing in that box, and putting the empty, working microwave against the locked door would have had the same effect....idk maybe I'm missing something. If anyone could clarify this for me I'd really appreciate it.
Still pretty clever though. Not many would have come to that conclusion from a box.
Ladybug: I am not his lovebug!
Also Ladybug: *cradles him to her chest lovingly and asks him in the softest voice ever if he's alright*
Love his face before he hides the feed
"Don't let my miraculous get away!" Bitch shut up
Oh that was one cool move! Chat uses two of his batons to distract Lady Wifi while he destroys the cell tower!! That's a different kind of smart.
Ladybug made it in time, phew. I would have thought she would have detransformed by now.
Their fist bumps are so casual now lol
"Gotta go! You've only got a minute!" He's about to detransform too, but he puts her first.
And she isn't too nervous that he would walk in either! She trusts him just as much!
Adrien followed his heart. The heart usually goes with the more impulsive decisions but Adrien's prime instincts told him that Ladybug's boundaries came first
*skips Hawkmoth monologue*
"Is that true, are you gonna tell him?" I never realised Tikki was talking about Chat!
"Your heart tells you one thing, but a great superhero always listens to her head." and THAT is what makes Marinette such an amazing Ladybug
Although...it does make me wonder.
If her head says that secret identities are important and her heart says otherwise......
Man, she never actually wanted the secrets. Her duty just comes first, that's all.
Oh NOW you notice the hair.
"I happen to think that Chat Noir is pretty slick!" See? Alya is a Ladybug fan but she respects and appreciates Chat Noir just as much.
I completely forgot endcards used to be so simple. Now we have all these hidden meanings behind the new ones.
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leviathan · 5 years
You could do parswoops where they are both pining and then swoops finds out that Kent is gay, but he doesnt make a move. then he gets jealous at a gay club while Kent is dancing, So they end up dancing together and making out
i love this ship a whole lot, y’all
(my hockey ocs/omgcp rosters for reference) / (shameless hockey blog self-promo)
Kent is beautiful when he plays.
Who is Jeff kidding—Kent is beautiful always—but watching him play is like watching poetry in motion, like watching a hawk in flight. Graceful, flawless, sleek; like he isn’t meant to exist anywhere else.
“You see something you like, Troy?”
Jeff almost jumps out of his skin. “Christ, Mercer; you want me to have a heart attack before we go against the Flames?”
Mercy hums and gives Jeff a significant look that makes him more than a bit nervous before leaning next to him against the glass and watching Kent practice trick shot after trick shot. Spence stands tall, all things considered, and Jeff is once again reminded of how lucky they are to have both Kent and Spencer on their team.
“Nah. You’re a way better winger than Hallsy. Don’t tell him I told you that, though.”
“Well there’s a reason he’s not on the first line,” Jeff sniffs and Mercy snorts out a laugh.
“Come on, you dork; let’s gear up before Parser drills a hole in Spence.”
Jeff watches as Kent shoots once more—a bullet that snipes top shelf, right past Spence’s glove hand, and makes Jeff’s stomach flip pleasantly—before following Mercy back towards the locker room.
Really Kent shouldn’t find Swoops cooking for him such a turn on.
Kent’s entire apartment smells like a Mexican restaurant, which is, arguably, the best thing his apartment has ever smelled like. He’d been shooed away from helping (“your hands alone are worth like two million a piece, Parser”) so he’s perched at the breakfast bar, chin in hand as he watches Swoops work.
Kent literally moans around his first bite of enchilada, which doesn’t even phase Swoops.
“Tell me again why you went into hockey and not chef school?” Kent says. “Because, like, no joke; this is the best thing I have ever put in my mouth.”
Swoops rolls his eyes, but Kent can see the grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Shut up and eat your enchilada.”
The thing is, Jeff really should have seen this coming. It’s not like Kent had been keeping it a secret—apparently fucking Mercy knew, that bastard—but actually hearing Kent say it hits him like a ton of bricks.
“Fairbanks’ Flowers, down on Second? Yeah, my ex got his mom mother’s day flowers from there once so it’s probably decent.”
Jeff feels his stomach drop.
Kent is watching him with a calm look but a defiant set to his jaw and the only thing Jeff can do is smile. He nudges Kent’s shoulder with his own and Jeff watches some of the tension drain from Kent’s frame.
“I’ll definitely check it out, then.”
It’s not like Kent keeps it a secret, the whole being gay thing. It’s just…it’s hockey, so it’s not exactly something he advertises. Mercy knows because they were road roommates their rookie year and he’d caught Kent making out with a guy on more than one occasion, but he’s the only one on the Aces who knows knows. Kent’s sure there are a few that suspect it, but he’s more than happy to let sleeping dogs lie.
So when he lets it slip to Swoops it’s half accident and half…well.
It’s not the first time Kent has had a crush on a teammate and in terms of teammate romances he’s batting a solid zero, but it’s not like crushes are logical because goddamn he’s have given anything to have a crush on a person who might actually like him back.
Swoops, though, he takes it in stride and Kent…well, Kent doesn’t know what to do with that. He doesn’t know what he’d expected, really. Swoops is a genuinely good guy and Kent thinks he remembers him saying something about his niece being gay, but it would have been so much easier if Swoops just turned out to be low key homophobic instead of so readily accepting.
But Swoops moves on like nothing ever happened, and for some reason, Kent’s stomach feels a little bit heavier.
“C’mon, it’ll be a good time. Everyone has to go to a gay club at least once in their life. I can show you how to dance,” Kent wheedles. “And besides, it’s, like, a Las Vegas law, basically.”
Jeff rolls his eyes but he feels his resolve crumbling. “Fine,” he says with what he hopes is a long-suffering sigh. “But you’re buying.”
“Hell yeah.”
The club is, well, a club.
Kent had managed to rope Mercy along too and Jeff imagines this isn’t the first gay club escapade he’s been dragged along on.
They all do a few brightly colored shots and Kent immediately makes his way to the dance floor, while Jeff hangs with Mercy at the bar.
Even that doesn’t last, and after Mercy finishes his beer, he follows Kent’s footsteps onto the dance floor.
“Hey. Can I buy you a drink?”
Jeff startles then blinks owlishly at the man who has approached him. He’s taller than him but shorter than Mercy (most people are shorter than Mercy), with tousled auburn hair and dark eyes that glint in the flashing neon light.
“I, uh—“ Jeff’s cheeks heat up. “I’m good, actually. Thanks though.”
The man shrugs but his smile doesn’t dim. “I’m Adrien. I’ll be over there if you change your mind,” he says, motioning with his chin to a spot at the far side of the bar before sliding away.
Jeff drains the rest of his vodka soda. Where the hell had Mercy and Kent gone anyway?
He scans the crowd, and— Oh.
Kent is…well, he’s dancing in the loosest sense of the word, grinding against someone Jeff can tell even from this distance is just as pretty as Kent is.
Jeff doesn’t know what comes over him, but one second he’s sitting at the bar and the next he’s pushing through the sweltering throng of bodies towards Kent.
Kent spots him and his eyes brighten. He says something to the man he’s dancing with and breaks away.
“Weren’t you gonna teach me how to dance?” Jeff shouts over the din.
Kent laughs and it’s a beautiful thing, even if Jeff can’t hear it.
“Show me what you’ve got.”
Jeff does, bouncing rhythmically along to the music.
Kent’s hands reach up to run down his shoulders. “Loosen up, old man. Try to look like you’re having a good time.”
Before Kent’s hands can drop, Jeff’s hands to go Kent’s waist to tug him closer.
Kent’s mouth goes slack and his grip on Jeff’s shoulders tightens instead of pulling away. The look in his pale eyes goes from light to something darker.
Jeff’s heart is in his throat as he dances to Kent’s rhythm. He’s acutely aware of every minuscule action, so when his thumbs slip under Kent’s shirt to brush his hipbones and Kent’s mouth parts slightly, Jeff acts on impulse, leaning down and catching Kent’s mouth with his.
It’s like something snaps and Kent’s fingers tangle in Jeff’s hair, tugging him down further.
It’s all teeth for a heartbeat; then Kent tilts his head and Jeff’s entire world shifts.
Jeff’s hands curl more firmly around Kent’s waist as Kent licks into his mouth and Jeff, well, all Jeff can do is kiss back with everything he has.
If watching Kent skate is something beautiful, being the sole focus of that fierce attention is something divine.
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miraculous-ladybec · 5 years
Strong Girl Bong-Soon AU
In which Marinette, as Ladybug, is hired to protect Adrien with her superpowers.
Being the son of a world famous fashion designer was tough enough, but becomes dangerous when cryptic letters arrive at the Agreste mansion threatening Adrien’s life if his father doesn’t comply with their wishes.
Even though he hates to, Gabe figures hiring the local superheroine was his best bet at keeping his only family left alive. Plus maybe an opportunity to learn her identity for Hawkmoth purposes.
Adrien already has a huge crush on Ladybug so he’s more than okay with having a personal bodyguard for once
Marinette agrees, of course, because she “must protect all parisians”, at least that’s what she tells Tikki. We all know she wants more time with Adrien, and keeping him safe is top priority.
Adrien is allowed to be at school without protection because he’s in public and under the surveillance of his teachers and school security, so he has time to talk to Nino about how excited he is to see Ladybug all the time now (at least, more than he sees her as Chat)
Marinette figures this is a good way to learn more about her crush, even though she’ll have to be careful not to reveal too much about herself
She tells her parents she’s gotten an after-school job babysitting for one of her teachers for the next few weeks, in hopes that the authorities will find the people who are threatening Adrien by then
She goes after school to the Agreste Manor where the place is practically on lockdown mode. Adrien isn’t allowed to do photo shoots for the time being, and he’s definitely not allowed out of his father, Nathalie, or Ladybug’s sight.
She and Adrien are left alone in his room since Gabriel is always working, and he doesn’t handle stress very well (clearly)
At first, both parties are super awkward and giggly with each other. Mari is a little more confident behind her mask, but still blushes fervently if Adrien even looks at her for too long.
They find they can pass the time by playing through all of the games Adrien has in his arcade of a bedroom. Some of them multiplayer, some of them not. When they play single player games, they make a combination of their names for the playable character to be called. They trade off control while munching on snacks and making strategies in game.
Once Marinette calms down around him, she learns that Adrien has a lot of dorky interests that she finds rather endearing. She browses his collection of Shojo Manga and they even watch some anime together.
Of course, Adrien has to be careful not to make too many jokes or be flirty with his Bug. He can’t have her figuring out that he’s Chat Noir, and she’d be furious if she learned she was hired to protect someone who truly could protect himself.
The days go by and no more suspicious notes are left by the manor, so Adrien is cleared to go back to photoshoots, so long as Ladybug goes with him to keep watch. Luckily during this time, there haven’t been many Akuma attacks
Marinette doesnt complain about being toted along on photoshoots because she could watch Adrien all day, and she’s also super interested in seeing all of the designs being modeled.
The photographer instantly notices how “Senior Adrien is looking exceptionally happy these days” to which Adrien blushes, knowing full well that he shouldn’t be enjoying having a full time private bodyguard so much, given the circumstances
But honestly, he’s just happy that for the first time since his mother passed, he can come home and know he’ll have someone to talk to and spend time with who will smile genuinely around him and listen to his problems
Marinette notices Adrien looking happier in class and can’t help but hope she’s the reason why
That day after school, Marinette rushes to the manor to find Adrien asleep on his bed when she gets there. She sits on the edge of his bed with a manga to read, while she watches over him, but he reaches out in his slumber and pulls her over to him.
Mari let’s him spoon her while he naps and she finds herself drifting off being smothered by the smell of his sheets and cologne around her
There’s a break in at the manor, the power has been shut down internally.
Both teens wake up at once, not having enough time to process the position they had both been in, before Mari is in protect mode.
She curses under her breath about not having night vision like Chat, but Adrien supplies his cell phone flashlight
Full emergency shutdown goes into effect and all of the manor doors lock automatically with the backup generator, locking Ladybug and Adrien in his room, and hopefully anyone else out.
Ladybug decides it’d be safer for Adrien, and everyone else, to try to evacuate the manor and let the authorities swarm in to catch the intruders.
She uses her lucky charm to bust open Adrien’s bathroom window, and carries him bridal style to the safest place she can think of on the spot, her family’s bakery where he can hide in the back.
(Mari quickly detransforms and recharges Tikki)
She goes back to get Gabriel and Nathalie to find the perpetrator tearing apart Adrien’s room
“Looking for something?” Sassinette
She apprehends the intruder rather easily, since she’s used to fighting superpowered Akuma victims, and goes into full interrogation mode
She manages to learn that it’s an underground mafia trying to scam Gabriel out of money, by threatening at first, but that this mission was to actually capture and try to ransom Adrien off.
And she’d played right into their hands
In the case that she left with him, several men were waiting outside to follow her to wherever she hid Adrien, and they found him right where she left him
Of course her parents tried to protect the boy, but backed down when faced with real weapons
She hands the scumbag over to the authorities, now in full rage mode. If there’s anything Marinette hates more than liars, it’s people who put her friends and family in danger.
She steals the guys phone and manages to track it back to the headquarters of the mob, finding that they’d prepared for her to possibly come, but not expecting the level of ferocity to come out of such a usually peaceful heroine
Ladybug hands their asses to them for touching Adrien and even THINKING about harming her parents, and leaves them all bloodied on the floor when she calls the cops to come get them
Adrien is beaten up slightly from fighting back against them to the best of his abilities. He’s strong for a young teen, especially with his fencing training, but he’s no match for multiple full grown men with guns.
Ladybug takes him to the hospital to be checked over, he took a knife to the gut at one point in his struggle and she can’t help but feel like it’s all her fault, letting maybe a little too much Marinette show through while she kneels next to his hospital bed crying. Assuming he’s asleep, she detransforms to let Tikki rest after all the fighting.
He’s not asleep
She quickly passes out in the chair next to his bed
Of course Adrien is really injured, but it’s not nearly as bad as she perceived it to be. It’s not a deep cut, and it didn’t puncture any organs. He bled out a little and needed stitches, but it’s definitely not life threatening.
He suddenly finds it so easy to connect the dots between his lady and his princess now that he knows the two are the same.
Plagg makes an appearance finally to say “I told you so” as Adrien realizes he’s had feelings for his classmate and friend all along, pushing them down to maintain his love for Ladybug. But now that he knows they’re the same, he’s never letting her go again, so long as she wants him too.
He eventually doses off and has sweet dreams where Ladybug and Marinette are interchangeable in the most romantic of settings
Mari wakes up around 4 am and transforms back, heading home, unaware that Adrien discovered her secret.
The news the next morning show that Ladybug uncovered a major terrorist group that was behind all of the mob violence and the threatening of local celebrities and politicians
Mari feels awful and decides to fake sick to stay in bed, she manages to turn into ladybug around 3 pm to go to the hospital to see Adrien.
He’d actually been sent home that morning, so she swings by the manor where Mr. Agreste thanks her for her help and let’s her know she can go since it’s all been taken care of. She sees Adrien and that he’s doing fine and feels much better learning he’ll be able to return to school the next day provided that he doesn’t develop any symptoms around his injury.
Mari goes home, unable to sleep, she stays up making a new shirt for Adrien since “his old one must have a hole in it now”
This new shirt is a very soft sky blue material with a chest pocket with his initials embroidered on the inside. She stitches her signature on the internal hemline of the shirt after adding some final tweaks to make sure the striping across the chest is the same as his old shirt was.
She finally passes out with three hours left before class
Marinette wakes up late again and runs to school with her present for Adrien in hand
Just as predicted, he’s in his seat when she gets there. His eyes are glued to her from the moment she trips through the door.
He even tries to bolt from his chair to catch her, but the pain in his abdomen keeps him from getting up completely.
Mari waits until everyone has asked Adrien how he’s doing at lunch before approaching him with her gift.
She stutters way less than usual given that she’s spent the better part of two weeks getting to know him more
He opens the gift and starts tearing up at how thoughtful this girl is and “when did she have the time to do this?”
Unable to control himself, Adrien pulls a very stunned Marinette into a hug and whispers “How did I get so lucky as to have an angel like you in my life?”
Later at patrol, Chat decides he’s going to reveal himself to LB
They’re sitting on a roof together when he tells her how much he admired what she did to take down that mob group by herself and that he wishes he could have helped
She jokes about how he really should have been there to help, but she managed on her own
He gets serious, then tells her how much he appreciates what she does
LB brushes it off since it’s “Chat flattery”
But he looks her dead in the eyes, holds her hands and finally
“Do you get it now? Everything you did for me is more than I could have asked. You risked so much for me and singlehandedly saved my life.”
She’s stunned
“I love you, Marinette.”
She’s MORE stunned
“I-I love you too, Adrien.”
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 Episode 2 Multiplication
Spoilers below
-Wow they continuing from the previous episode like almost exactly, that is impressive Continuity. I feel like I wrote it XD
-So recap, and They are addressing Felix. Smart move!
-So Gabriel is being a salty b**** but evil monologue as usual
-And su han is pointing out their mistakes and Chat noir tells him that he needs to shut up
-Su Han got distracted by modern stuff! Thats actually kind of funny. I enjoy this bit. Su han is still an idiot tho. HE GOT DISTRACTED FOR 4 months on Cat videos! Okay I don’t hate him as much as before.
-Ladybug and Chat noir dealt with that well.
-Su han going to get back up. Well that will take a while. But at least he is doing something.
-So they are heading to Felix!
-FELIX FATHOM! OH DAMN. He got a wiki page.
-Damn Felix, and here I thought he was just a typical rich kid. He graduated highschool already. Well we knew he was smart.
-They are talking to amelie. I am amazed.
-Amelie seems concerned and doesnt know where he is and promise to look for him.
-Felix is on the run, of course he would!
-Marinette blames herself, and it seems its a dead end.
-I’m sus of Amelie
-Holy crap the finale, the Evolution and the first part of this episode take place in the SAME DAY! Ladybug ain’t kidding. It’s been a long day
-Marinette asks for company, baby girl is sad.
-Adrien returns home and is thinking about what felix did.
-Adrien realizing that if he just stood up for himself that would have saved everything.
-Adrien told his dad?! That was way too easy. He was WAY too okay with it
-meanwhile at the sleep over
-Alya trying to assure her that it wasnt her fault (cute sleep over)
-STATUE REFERENCE @gentil-minou now grows more powerful! Also Alya loves cringe
-Marinette vowing she is done with adrien until monarch is down JUST AS HE CALLS! Because Life ain’t that simple
-Alya answers for her like a bro.
-Adrien just wanted to let her know he quit modelling.
-Marinette was so happy for him! So cute. She forgot she was pretending to not be there
-Adrien is clearly simping
-Marinette is trying not to look into it. Alya is me rightnow
-Plagg calling his fake ass out!!!! drag him! he knows
-Oh, Nathalie is back. She is gonna call out Gabriel.
-Nathalie seeing adrien and smiling. She cares for her psuedo son.
-The class is worried about Alix but are staying motivated.
-Nino is right, stats are cool, but max, Shut up.
Also his stats are wrong
-And Chloé is being a salty b****
-Oh Lila, you have a role in two episodes, amazing. Also I saw that Back hand compliment you bitch!
-Sabrina looks a bit different. Also sweetie, Roger is a dumbass.
-A MONTAGE!? Of them being vigilent but no akumas.
-Tomoe is there! I see drama in the rise.
-Oh, this is awkward.
-Anaisi training DJWIFI! I love it!
-Gabriel hasnt been active for weeks so everyone is relaxed with no akuma.
-Felix hasnt shown up. His mom has to be covering for him
-Adrien you awkward boy.
-Oh damn Ikari Gozan is agile for being so big
-so many milfs
-I mean so many monsters
-Ladybug and chat noir are asking her how she got a miraculous.
-Chat noir still got his cataclysm active
-oH!!! I think I got it.
-Chat noir got the rod
-I am living for this teamwork!
-Wow they handled this a lot easier than I thought.
-Tomoe seems to not know what happened. Just something about a park being in the way of her development plans.
-They ask if she has a miraculous. But she says she doesnt have one.
-I am sus. She has something.
-They give her a lucky charm.
-Tomoe you lying bitch! THE PROTOTYPE! The rings! That’s what it was! That why he got those rings!
-Its a communication tool
-Its an alliance of two companies.
-so thats why he did the scan thing!
-Amelie straight up lied to keep her son safe, shady, also Felix what you gonna do boy.
-Felix sounding OMINOUS!
Okay so I am LOVING this continuity. The flow is nice. It seems like they are actually USING the characters! Season 5 seems to really seems to be an improvement. The writing is much more crisp. The pacing is a lot better, the drama is more apparent. It’s like they took the best aspects of season 3 and 4 and fixed it.
I enjoy the ladynoir and adrinette. Solid stuff
Felix’s mom is awesome. (And she is single)
Gabriel seems to have a new plan that involve those rings and Tomoe seems in on it.
I’m hoping it’s the rich cult from season 4.
Adrien finally waking up and realizing Marinette is special is about DAMN TIME!
And just in time for Marinette to try and keep her distance. A little late, but a reverse lovesquare would be lovely.
Overall I will say that this is a solid 8.5 out of 10.
It is a bit dialogue heavy but I think it’s crucial in setting up the next episodes. Now some might call that boring, I call it world building.
If season 5 can keep this level of good writing and execution it will be a great season.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML idea: Paved with Good intentions
Luka has seen it.
Ladybug and Chat noir constantly battling Shadowmoth.
He knows who they are underneath those masks.
Chat noir was actually Adrien agreste, the young model and son of famous fashion designer gabriel agreste
And Ladybug was actually Marinette Dupain Cheng, a young aspiring designer, and the one he fell for.
He had known better than anyone how much those two tried to maintain a normal life and fight evil. It wasnt fair, the more he saw it happen, the more he could see it tearing her apart.
It started as an innocent question to sass.
"Why does Shadow moth want the miraculous so badly?"
"He could use Tikki and Plagg to make any wish he wants?"
"A wish? So like world domination?"
"Its much more complicated than that."
Sass would explain like his self in Ephermeral did, about how a wish re-writes the universe.
"So basically one wish can do that much?"
Luka didnt ask anymore questions after that. Deciding it was best to focus on the akuma fight.
But this knowledge had him thinking.
More time past, Ladybug and Chat noir kept fighting. Marinette was paying the price for it.
Luka tried to be comforting to Marinette, but he couldnt be what she needed without revealing what he knew... and that would break her.
Weeks went by, Luka racking his brain on how he could help them deal with this... when a revelation came to mind.
"A new universe... one where Marinette doesnt need to fight evil. One where she could be happy."
It wouldnt be easy. but he figured he would have a chance the next time he was called to battle. But he would need to ensure as little risk as possible. He would wait until he was the only one called. He would need to take them both down... for their own good.
Sure enough it happened, thankfully Ladybug only recruited him this time.
He waited until Ladybug used her lucky charm, and Chat noir used his cataclysm. He had activated his power afterward. They beat the akuma on the first try. But He reset a few times so he had more time to spare.
They fistbumped and they each went their seperate ways (Ladybug said she would meet back with him after she recharged)
Viperion went to where he knew Adrien would detransform.
Viperion attacked just as Adrien was vulnerable. Even without chat noir, Adrien did put up a little bit of a struggle. But Adrien couldnt escape and Plagg was taken by the snake.
Ladybug was wondering what was taking Luka so long.
But she heard him say
"Second chance"
Viper noir appeared before her.
"Hand over the miraculous marinette."
Marinette was shocked, and in rage. Luka knew who she was, and had attacked chat noir. She was not happy.
Ladybug wasnt detransformed, so there was more of a struggle. Viper noir may have needed a few dozen attempts. If Ladybug had a partner, things would have been much more difficult. But he snagged the earrings
"Trust me Marinette, This is the best for everyone." He said with sadness in his voice.
He put on the earings and activated the Ladybug miraculous.
His body glowing with power.
Marinette screamed out in horror as he made his wish
The world around them started Rippling.
Marinette looked at him with tears of betrayal.
Luka frowned but looked away.
"You can hate me all you want in this universe. But the next one I swear you will be happy." He said as a tear left his eye.
And sure enough, His wish came true
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 3: Gang of Secret
(Spoilers below)
-So they just beat a villain, and Ladybug is acting SUS. Like she doesn't Want to leave yet. Hmm
-Chat noir YOU SLICK MOFO. (I dare not ruin it, because I am laughing at it)
-She is still not over her break up. So I guess Lukanette stans, get whatever remains of your juice while its there.
-Ladybug ... sweetie. Do you need a hug? Cause you look like you need a hug.
-Chat noir realizing his idea was NOT very smart after that.
-Ladybug ruining experiences for a LOT of couples today
-Chat noir trying to help, but Ladybug aint telling him
-They are going swimming now. Chat noir for once, is not thrilled about hanging out with Ladybug... thats a YIKES.
-She has goggles and a towel, so she did go swimming.
-The Kwami see her in pain, QUICK, TEAR DOWN THE PHOTOS.
-She said no tho, but clearly sad about it.
-So Alya is giving the girl posse the rundown on Marinette. Claiming she is lovesick.
-Rose thought they were cute, and Juleka says nothing. Is it wrong that I want Juleka to have an opinion? Whether positive OR negative
-Juleka is like "Yea, he is sad." shows picture of sad Luka. Though to be fair, that is a decent pic of him.
- So Alya is LAST to know. Double ouch.
-Marinette was crying in the bathroom, baby girl no!
-Alya out here trying to be a good friend. By showing Marinette she has support. (She aint even mad that she was last to find out. She is more concerned about her friend)
-They calling her now
-She didn't answer. She is too sad
-So she won't detransform and talk with tikki. Can I PLEASE give her a hug. She needs it.
-Yo... Marinette has zero concern for herself and only detransformed when she thought it was causing strain on Tikki.
-Mylene offering friendship bracelets. Never change dear.
-Okay so are they witches now?
-Alix is like 'Can I not be in a ritual, Id rather give her some juice'
-Marinette sad cause Ladybug can't have a boyfriend. Cause even if she dated Adrien, it would be the same as it was with Luka.... Tikki knows that aint true but can't say why. UGH! This is pain
-Did Tikki just confirm Kwami can't fall in love? NO! MY CHEESECAKE!
-OH S***! So now she gonna be Perma ladybug?!
-So the girls showed up as soon as ladybug left. This isn't good.
-And of course Marinette is TOO GOOD at making s***, so they curious about the new dollhouse
-And things going to s*** in 10, 9, 8
-Oh no... this... this is not good. Marinette sweetie no. No please.
-Look can we take a second and APPRECIATE HOW HARD ALYA AND THE GIRLS ARE GOING FOR MARINETTE! Did the writers see all of the alya salt and say 'Yea f*** that noise'? Cause I feel like they did.
-Okay so I know Marinette just didn't want to expose her secret... but damn girl... THAT was harsh.
-Marinette literally going scorched earth for being Ladybug... Okay, this episode PHYSICALLY hurts me. SHE DOESNT MEAN IT GIRLS. PLEASE DONT HATE HER.
-Shadowmoth could you not. Like seriously?! COULD YOU F***ING NOT! MY BABY GIRL IS IN PAIN AND I WILL GO THROUGH MY SCREEN AND [Redacted]
-And then you'll have to f*** sideways.
-So first 5 way akumatization
-So can we talk about how the last 3 akuma were after the secrets of Marinette. well 2, but the other one was Adrien. But still. A Lot of Hawkmoth saying 'F*** this individual in particular'
-I wish I could understand Juleka. Can someone please just translate with what she is saying. It was funny in truth, but I want to know
-OH Timebreaker and Horrificator are BACK. Yay, I missed them
-Just realized how AMAZING their Gang of akuma are. Like damn, thats like a super team of evil. Yea sure
-Not to nitpick, but Marinette, you should have led with that box.
-Damn that was a really boss illusion trixx. But question, how was that out of control? Like if anything, that was BETTER then when the user used it.
-Trixx makes a really good point. WHY DOES HE NEED A HOLDER AGAIN?!
-Trixx is now my second favorite Kwami.
-PLAGG! MY SON! HE IS IN THE EPISODE! I MISSED HIM. Also, surprisingly knows.
-Plagg cares about other Kwami.
-Adrien just chilling, watching tv. XD
-Timebreaker casually committing murder
-Hold it, Okay so why are so many people in school right now? Ivan is there, chloé and Sabrina? Oh my tomato son too. Can someone tell me wtf is up with this school schedule?
-Fragrance/Reflekta Power combo is amazing.
-Wow, this gang is MEGA DANGEROUS
-So yea Ladybug. Maybe... idk... TALK WITH CHAT NOIR ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS!?
-So they really gotta plan this time.
-Ladybug smart to disarm Ladywifi.
-Ladybug trying to get lady wifi to fight the akuma. This is touching
-No, shadow moth, you's a b***
-Loving this Alya- Ladybug friendship
-Chat noir looking boss by fighting 3 akuma at once while on the phone. Chat noir Leveled up.
-So Ladybug can now pull the miraculous out of anywhere because she has guardian status. Thats a cool trick. Makes it much easier.
-Thats a secret tho, Alya got trusted with a big secret.
-And Chat noir is captured... but in his defense. He did have to fight 4 at once this time. So that took longer than usual. So no shame kitty. You did well.
-Lucky charm is an inner tube
-Clever illusion. POINTS! Using the goal of the akuma to distract. Alya gets gull points!
-Ladybug suave catch of rose tho.
-So that was probably the best Group akuma attack since Heroes day (and honestly it probably tops it)
-Marinette patches things up with her friends. That is a relief. She was able to somewhat explain her issues up to the point. Without spilling the details.
-Marinette has some really good friends.
-Alya knows that not everything has been told... Hold on DONT TELL ME.
-Oh wow, Marinette is breaking down.... My poor baby girl is hurting real bad.
wow this episode... This one hurt. This one hurt a LOT. But also, it was really good.
Okay so, 10/10.
I haven't been this enthralled with an episode in a long time.
Are there one or two nitpicks? Absolutely.
Do I wish somethings were not mentioned? A little bit.
Am I glad Alya knows? Out of everyone, she is the second person I wanted Marinette to tell.
(The first one being chat noir, but lets face it, we kind of knew that won't be happening for a while.)
So can Alya salt stop now? Cause Alya CLEARLY showed how much of a motherf***ing boss she is.
But damn I didn't feel this emotional since Chat blanc.
That was OBJECTIVELY, one of the best episodes in the entire series.
This made me rethink my favorite episode. THATS HOW GOOD IT WAS.
Season 4, You keep doing what you are doing. Your writing (minus some very minor nitpicks) has been pretty damn good.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: In Another Life: Ladybug
Original post
-Flashbacks to Befana are the same. But then there are a few additional frames of Lila seeing Marinette and adrien act more couple like and it really grinds her gears.
-Like in the original episode. Lila is talking with Gabriel, acting as his spy.
-Lila uses this chance to try and bad mouth Marinette like in canon but insists she is not a good match for adrien, but Gabriel dismisses it.
-Lila decides to put her plan into action just like in canon. Her motive though was to give a reason for Gabriel to make his son end his relationship with Marinette.
-Gabriel tells her the ‘Deal’ is in place for now. But if he can revoke it if she doesnt live up to his expectations.
-The events that led up to Marinette’s bag getting examined are the same. And Miss bustier points out that she didnt miss a question.
-Alya calls out first that it wasnt her.
-Adrien also stands up saying that he studied for the mock examine with Marinette. (He is faster to defend his gf)
-Adrien also had a perfect score on the examine, because Marinette helped him with studying.
-Lila makes her comments and Marinette claims Lila set her up.
-The events that lead to Lila faking her fall down the steps are the same, including getting to the locker.
- The main difference here is that Adrien speaks up.
-”Hold on! I know marinette wouldnt do any of this! Lila, when did you last have your necklace?”
-Lila was not expecting the bold accusation, She makes a quick lie that she had it the other day.
-Adrien smiles.
-”Then there is no way Marinette could have taken the necklace! Marinette was with me at a photoshoot helping me study between breaks. She wouldnt have had the time to take the necklace.”
-Mr.Damocles was about to speak up saying there is still a lot to against Marinette, and the class chimes up to agree that Marinette wouldnt steal it or cheat.
-Chloé even points out that Marinette is too goody goody for shoving people.
-Alix commenting that “Its true, and if she would shove anyone, it would have been Chloé”
-Miss bustier actually does the teacher thing and comments that Marinette is her class rep and this is out of the ordinary for her.
-Lila failed to take into account how well liked Marinette is, and didnt anticipate Adrien would be so adamant about defending her.
-Mr.Damocles decides that this needs further investigation. He says that Marinette should go home for the day while he and the teachers discuss the situation. He apologizes to the Dupain family and will call them when they have worked through everything.
-Its not ideal, but no one is super angry, not enough for hawkmoth to try and pull off Scarlet moth 2.0. Which really disappoints him. Nathalie wasnt akumatized, but still faints from exhaustion.
- Causing Hawkmoth to focus on Nathalie and take her out of the lair.
-Marinette is at home, fuming over this whole thing. She knows Lila set her up. Alya is on the case to investigate it. Though she isnt blaming Lila directly yet, because she wants to find the facts, but she knows Marinette is innocent.
-Mayura still creates Sentibug like in canon.
-Adrien texted Marinette to make sure she was okay, and he tells her he is not letting Lila get away with this.
- He gets an alert just before he confronts lila like in canon about Ladybug fighting Mayura.
-He leaves and finds ‘Ladybug’ hurt.
-Ladybug says the words like she does in canon.
-”But... youre in love with someone else.” Chat noir knew this because its HIM.
-Mayura has sentibug spout a lie but Chat noir backs away. He doesnt buy it like he did in canon.
-Ladybug sees Chat noir backing away. Relieved her partner wasnt tricked
-”Glad to see that you can tell the difference between me and a copy.”
-”It wasnt easy, she didnt seem at all like the sentimonsters we faced before. She’s different.”
- The fight goes about the same as in canon, with the same lucky charm joke.
-They free sentibug. and tragedy occurs just like before.
-The events occur pretty much the same but the dialogue is a bit different.  when she says that “Ladybug doesnt sound the same without chat noir” He comments that they are a great pair.
-”Easy there kitty, you know i am in love with someone else.”
-”I know, and he’s a lucky guy.”
-Lila was getting ready to go do the modelling deal, but Gabriel called her. Telling her, he was disappointed with her plan. He says that she can forget about modelling today. She needs to prove her worth.
-Lila is pissed, and she decides that she was going to add some grease to the wheels and get Marinette expelled. At least then she could get something out of the ordeal.
-A car shows up, Its Adrien. He tells her to get in.
-”You didnt listen to my warning. You went after someone I loved.”
-Lila attempts to insist that she didn’t do anything, but Adrien tells Lila that she’s going to tell another lie to prove Marinette’s innocence. That she would completely clear her of any wrongdoing
-Lila comments why she would do that.
-”Because you know that if it does go the other way, everyone will know who is responsible for Marinette getting kicked out of the school.”
- And Adrien then brings it all home “Because we are friends, arent we?”
-Lila felt a chill go down her spine. Adrien made it clear that he would do everything in his power to bring her down.
-Lila then lies her way to clear marinette of all wrong doing, and the investigation on Marinette is over. She isnt expelled and no permanent record damage.
-Marinette asks Lila why she fixed everything. Lila doesnt have a smug response, she just leaves without a word, swearing to herself that this wasnt over. Not by a long shot.
-Marinette goes to see Adrien who is happy to see her.
-”So I am guessing this was your doing.”
-Adrien smiles, he claims he has no idea what she is talking about.
-She kisses his cheek, and the episode ends.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: In Another Life: Loveater
-Well this goes off very different in an emotional aspect.
-Ladybug and Chat noir dont have the talk at the beginning because it wasnt necessary.
-Adrien and Kagami are stuck at the Mayor Bourgeois’ wedding anniversary as in canon.
-Marinette happened to be helping her parents with the catering. So She was hanging out with the two before Kagami suggests the three of them sneak out.
- Kagami is the one that feels like the third wheel, but Marinette and Adrien make sure she feels included by both secretly agreeing to not act couple like in front of her.
-They end up playing in the ball pit. (Marinette doesnt lose her hair ties, since she had her hair down since Adrien’s confession) They have a blast.
-Adrien holding back he need to flirt and hug his girlfriend. (its very hard on him)
-Adrien playing music on the piano and Marinette and Kagami listening.
-Kagami seeing her two friends in love, she figured she would be angry or jealous. But she is actually really happy for both of them. She loves her friends dearly. But she gets this vibe that they are hiding something.
-They escape like in Canon, and everything regarding that poor excuse for a getalong cape causes the birth of loveater.
-Chloé’s signal was also destroyed
-Marinette, Kagami, and Adrien are with André getting the ice cream. André offers Kagami her own special ice cream, He could sense she would like her own unique experience. She comments that it seems a bit weird since she wanted to order her own flavors, but Marinette tells her to give it a try first (she remembers how protective André is over his choices)
-Adrien and Marinette get the Mint and blackberry flavors that represent them and share their ice cream (though they did try to insist not to since Kagami is there.) Kagami gets what they are doing now.
-Kagami tells she is happy for them. She cant however she cant stand them pitying her.
-Marinette runs after her explaining that wasnt what they were doing.
-Cue Marinette telling Kagami that she didnt want her relationship with Adrien to make things awkward between them. It wasnt out of pity she just wanted to be a good friend.
-Kagami and Marinette talk it out, and both girls make up. When Loveater shows up. (Since Marinette didnt double back to the party she didnt see Loveater early.)
-Kagami gets zapped because the blossoming platonic love of her friendship with Marinette was tasty. Kagami managed to get Marinette out of there before that happened. Allowing her to transform.
-Adrien seeing the akuma from afar goes to transform as well. He and Ladybug briefly meet and fight the akuma only to get a clear understanding that this was a real powerful threat.
-Ladybug summons a lucky charm and knows she needs back up. Chat noir tells her to go and that he will distract the akuma.
- Ladybug had passed a distressed Chloé trying to get her attention. She avoided Mayura. who was tailing her.
-Since Ladybug wasnt as emotionally distressed as she was in canon, she was able to go detransform somewhere and Hawkmoth lost her. Resulting in his plan to locate the guardian is off roading.
-Fu is chill with things, since he sees civilian marinette and not hero form mari
-Marinette greets Fu and he gives her the choice of miraculous. With, Kagami out. The only person coming to mind is Chloé. She takes the Bee miraculous and goes to Chloé.
-Chloé gets her chance to be a hero. And she gloats about it
-Hawkmoth is pissed that his plan to find the guardian failed. But Chloé having the bee, he might still work out his plan.
-He tells Mayura to be on standby and rest, its best she doesnt over exs She complies.
-Queen bee helps Ladybug and Chat noir fight the akuma.
-There is some funny chat Noir and queen bee banter.
-But during the fight, Hawkmoth swoops in and takes Queen bee.
-Loveater keeps Ladybug and Chat noir pinned down so that they couldnt go to Queen bee.
-Queen bee ends up fighting Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth starts praying upon her weakness. Her need to be queen bee.
-”If it wasnt for me, you would not have received the bee once again”
-”Of course I would have. Ladybug knows I am worthy.”
-”Then why does she take it away from you after the fight?”
-”Duh, because she it’s dangerous.”
-”She doesnt do that with the other heroes.”
-”She... doesnt?”
-”Ladybug doesnt respect you, she treats you like a last resort. I know emotions, and I can feel her disdain.”
-Chloé tries to dismiss his claim.
-But he pushes her more, and more. Telling her how everyone else is keeping her from being special. From being loved.
-”Dont you want to be Queen bee forever?”
-”Then work with me. And you will always be Queen.”
- Queen bee managed to resist. Telling him he is a villain and she is “Above working for a creepy butterfly man”
-Hawkmoth leaves, he can feel her doubts.
- Queen bee would show she is worthy of keeping the miraculous.
-So Queen bee gets back Just in time to help ladybug with her plan.
-They defeat Loveater and the damage is fixed.
-Afterward, Ladybug asks for the miraculous back.
-Queen bee hesitates.
-”Chloé, I need it back. Remember what I said.”
-”But you gave it back, I earned it. I should keep it.”
-There is an arguement. And Hawkmoth arrives again. But with a fresh akuma. Having it hit chloé's weapon.
-Ladybug and Chat noir try to get to chloé to help her resist, but Hawkmoth got to her.
-Miracle queen is born.
(Miracle queen will happen, but in a different way)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: In Another Life: Miracle Queen
-Queen bee transforms into miracle queen because of the akuma.
-Hawkmoth smiled as he watched the heroes look in horror.
-”Miracle Queen, use your power and get Paris under your power.”
-Miracle queen nodded as she summoned her swarm.
-Ladybug and Chat noir fled and avoided the bees by jumping into the water with the Aqua powerful. The two made their way into the sewers and escaped the swarm.
-Fu was relaxing in the hiding spot at the park when he heard the sound of insects. His instincts kicked in and asked Wayzz to transform him. He created a barrier around himself and the miraculous.
-The bee swarm overtook Paris.
-Hawkmoth told Miracle Queen to call forth everyone who has ever used a miraculous. (believing that the guardian would have done so at one point.)
-This gets Nino, alya, kagami, Luka, Kim, and Max like in canon. Miracle Queen makes her commentary, but Hawkmoth notices that the guardian is not among them. Knowing that the guardian is an old man, and couldnt be a teenager.
-”The guardian must be out there!”
-”Ill have all of Paris searching for him”
-Hawkmoth calls back Mayura to come and assist
-Ladybug and Chat noir realized they were both on borrowed time since they only had a few minutes until their transformations wore off, But going to the surface was a risk because of the bees.
- Ladybug didnt have any of the other miraculous on her and felt trapped. But Fu contacted her while in his bubble.
-”Ladybug, are you and Chat noir alright?”
-”Yes master, but we are sort of trapped underwater.”
-”Ill meet you both in the sewer.”
-Sure enough, Fu made his way to them and created a bubble so the two could safely emerge from the water without worry.
-”Chat noir turn around, we cant know eachother’s identities.”
-Chat noir said nothing, but complied. A bit of guilt about knowing butting its ugly head.
-They feed their kwami while looking away from the other. Fu is a bit sus of chat noir but says nothing. He is also under stress.
-Fu reveals that he snagged the miracle box and that Ladybug can prepare with the stuff inside.
-Ladybug hands Chat noir the snake miraculous and she takes the dragon.
-”In case I get stung, you will need to have a back up.”
-Chat noir ignores the brief bit of snake pain in a flashback. He can do it this time.
-”Ill go a different way. You focus on the akuma.”
- They thank Fu and rush back down to go fight Miracle Queen and Hawkmoth.
-Dragonbug and Snake Noir arrive and find that Mayura has summoned a unique sentimonster called Miracumaker. Which turned the teens that had touched the miraculous into the hero versions of themselves. So Rena Rouge, Carapace, Viperion, Ryuuko, King Monkey, and Pegasus. But they have strings on their backs that when its cut, will turn them back to how they were before.
-Mayura, Hawkmoth and Miracle Queen are waiting outside the big bubble arena Dragonbug created. Mayura was clearly looking worse for wear by creating the sentimonster.
-Hawkmoth is prepared to enter the fray, when Fu calls his attention.
-”You’re looking for me?” Fu calls out. Knowing that the villain was indeed looking for him
- Hawkmoth turns his attention to Fu. His eyes narrow.
-”You have made a grave mistake showing yourself.”
-”My mistake was not showing up to fight you sooner.”
-Cue the two charging at eachother.
-The team work of Ladybug and Chat noir allowed them to fight the six controlled heroes, taking out Viperion and Ryuuko first. Exploiting the lack of coordination on the enemies part.
-Mayura tries to move to help Hawkmoth but coughs loudly. Fu notices.
-”Wait, that miraculous she is using... its damaged. The amount of strain that is being placed on her is...”
-”Worry about yourself old man! Hand over the miraculous and reveal to me your secrets!”
-Fu avoiding Hawkmoth’s strikes, through his barrier, frustrating the Villain.
-Snake noir got King monkey’s toy to hit Miracle queen, allowing them to break the hold of the bees and de-akumatize her
-Hawkmoth was furious, and stopped attacking Fu and charged at Ladybug  (who had de-unified from Dragon bug). He had caught the heroine off guard and was about to snag her earrings,
-”You think you won. But I WILL take your miraculous!”
-but a shield came and Captain america’d the villain causing him to let go. Jade turtle had Found his moment to strike. He then proceeded to trip up the villain.
-Ladybug calls her lucky charm, It was the same as in the canon episode.
- Mayura noticed that the control over the heroes was gone due to miracle queen’s de-akumatization. She insisted that they leave. They were outnumbered and the plan had gone south. Her health clearly failing.
-Hawkmoth growled and roared that this wasnt over. He knows her allies faces, and He will get the miraculous.
-He and Mayura managed to escape and the sentimonster vanishes. The day is saved.
-Ladybug and Chat noir approach Queen bee. Queen bee apologizes for not listening to them, she hands over the bee miraculous willingly (since this time she wasnt willingly accepting of the akuma)
-Ladybug tells her that she understands and that she doesnt need the bee miraculous to be a hero. But the statement she said before still holds merit. That it is dangerous for her, along with anyone else today to hold a miraculous.
-Chloé is still depressed about it. But she at least knows she isnt being put down for personal reasons. She walks away still sad, but not hating ladybug, she gets it.
-The other teens were confused on what happened, but then head back to where they were. Thanking Ladybug and Chat noir.
-Ladybug wonders what the key is.
-Fu explains that he knows what it means, and she can use it to fix things
-Ladybug uses her lucky charm to fix all the damage.
-Fu seems happy, since the feeling of foreboding and worry he had seemed to pass. He had the impression that he would lose himself because of the events of today. He tells Ladybug that she made the right choice and that she is pretty much ready to be a full fledged guardian...
-Ladybug pleads that she doesn’t want the role yet.
-Fu Laughs. “Dont worry, I still have a lot to teach you and I dont plan on going anywhere.”
-Fu compliments chat noir and says that he is the perfect partner for Ladybug.
-Chat noir thanks Fu. He still feels a twinge of guilt.
-”Perhaps one day, you both can fully know who the other is.”
-Chat noir prays its soon.
-Ladybug offers to help Fu get home. He did expend a lot of energy today.
-”Thank you ladybug.”
-Ladybug wishes Chat noir well and that she needs to go. He smiles and lets her go. He knows he will see his girlfriend later.
-Now safe and detransformed.
-Fu does explains that one day, he will pass on the guardian status to Ladybug and he will forget everything because of it.
-Ladybug comments that it sounds awful.
-”Would be terrible if you had to do that earlier and we just find out about it after you did it.”
-”That it would, that it would. Thank goodness it wasnt and probably will never be necessary. Besides, I have other things to teach you, like how to fix a miraculous. Hawkmoth’s Partner is on borrowed time if she continues using that miraculous.”
-”You can share with me all of that another time, how about you rest.”
-Fu smiles at her.
-”I will, thank you Marinette.”
-Marinette leaves and gets a text from Adrien. He had called all of their friends for some ice cream, since their plans got derailed.
-Marinette is happy about it and eagerly goes to meet up with everyone.
-Marinette his sharing ice cream with her boyfriend.
-The sitting order is different. Luka is sitting with Kagami.
-Luka can tell that Kagami is feeling the same way he is. Sad yet happy for them.
-”You know i had written this song about... but it might never be for her now.”
-”I wouldnt mind hearing it. Whats the point of holding it in.”
-Luka chuckles, kind of amused at the comment.
-Luka plays the song that he wrote for the girl who was happy with another guy. It was a not sad or dreary, but something warm and kind, something hopeful. At least thats what Kagami believed.
-Adrien and Marinette enjoyed their ice cream, after the day they had. It was well overdue.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World: New York
(The following review contains spoilers, and if you would like to not be spoiled, I would recommend watching the episode before reading)
(I had to pause a LOT to get through this special)
-Oh s*** Cosmo bug and Astro Noir. That is so cool.
-Okay maybe its my audio, but their voices seem a bit deeper. No big, just something I noticed.
-Okay the yellow flower was cute. Good on you kitty.
- Also, side note. This is very nice animation. Very crisp.
- Marinette is moving on... kinda. Well, she is trying. Its not easy getting over someone you have a thing for. I guess that means Miracle Queen did happen and I will need to suck it up. But.... I am not moving on yet either.
- The puppet show was perfection. And honestly on par with what you would expect from middle school projects. (I almost thought it was the adults showing them and was like WTF)
-BACK THE F***. Madame Bustier is PREGNANT! PREGNANT?! I am so lost? What is the story!? Who is the father! Is she married? Is it artificial insemination! Is it the principal?
-Adrien so moved by Marinette’s outburst of Friendship. Marinette ‘Just a friend’ Dupain-Cheng is going the Tia Gardner method of friendship. Lol
-Marinette ready to fight and Gabriel just like ‘Yea sure whatever’ (Gabriel’s smile murders puppies)
- Kagami trying to cheer adrien up. If you love adrigami, get that juice. (That looked like a kiss kiss, but the angle seemed off, so I am not counting it that way.)
- Kitty Clicker is wonderful. This entire scene is gold.
-  Gorrilla doesnt like planes, poor baby
- Plagg, you are a devious little s***. I love you so much. As a writer, his dialogue on how to convince adrien is so devilish its amazing. Using technicalities to tempt adrien.
-Lukanette shippers get your juice... even if it was still tainted a bit by Adrien inclusion. You still get a kiss.
- Okay, can we appreciate that Adrien is also having the same amount of trouble as Marinette moving on, but also include Guilt into the equation? I love this because you KNOW Chat noir is going to get an ear full later.
-Marinette has totally moved on from Adrien.... Oh my poor sweet little girl. You havent. You havent even a little. This ride is litterally the reverse of Startrain and its amazing. Alya is NOT helping. Also, give the person that drew Marinette’s Daydreams a f***ing raise. They earned it
-Marinette pulling herself OUT of the situation. Now adrien is slightly bummed out. Well i am sure that this is the last awkward experience with Adrien she will have. It isnt like the two of them will get lost in NY together... thats whats gonna happen isnt it?
-Marinette walking past all the couples sleeping together. JULROSE GET YOUR JUICE!!!
-Ah yes, nothing like watching the sunset with your good friend. Yes, you good pal, Adrien. Who is Just a friend. Wow, the realization that Marinette used the word friend in this movie more times then Adrien did in the entire series so far. (Or at the very least close)
- Adrien, STOP! Marinette is trying to move on from you! Stop making it so damn difficult for her. (I am not serious, i am eating this s*** up like Sushi)
-Nino confirms he loves Adrien. ADRINO COME GET YOUR JUICE! But yea, I feel alya and Nino’s pain. So they are going to help them both.
-Adrienette hugs. Yes, good.
-And thank goodness for Techno Pirate! Saving everyone from awkwardness by trying to bring down a plane... thats heading for NY...
-OH SWEET! BATMAN RIP OFF AND Captain Marvel rip off! And their sidekicks, Robin rip off and... Medusa girl? Okay Neat.
-Jokes aside, Majestia and Night Owl are boss as hell.
-Wow, I know that Ladybug and Chat noir got powerups now. But these United Heroes make their powers look so bland in comparison.
Tumblr media
-Get rekt France!
-ADRIEN! DONT USE YOUR PHONE ON AN AIRPLANE! Well, unless he is using the in flight wifi, then he good.
-How come New York has a f*** ton of superheroes in this universe? America really gets all the cool stuff regardless of what fictional universe your in.
- Why are the superheroes so keen on watching over Marinette’s class? Do they know? Do they know Marinette and Adrien are there? Or is it like they just want to prevent an international incident. PLEASE LET IT BE THE LATER.
- I have only had Aeon for 15 seconds and I would violently murder anyone who harms her.
-Oh my Sabrina! GET YOURSELF AN AMERICAN BOY! ... And Chloé is going to ruin the fun. Oof tough break roomies.
-The entire class! I cant even! Not even a second after the door closes they out to party on the roof!
-Aeon, “See? They are made for eachother!”
- Damn, now that’s some guitar playing! Plus Her design is boss as heck. America really just has better versions of EVERYTHING.
-American boy basically snuck in to see Sabrina! GET IT GIRL!
-Nino and Alya be tag teaming this!
-Wow Zag, you stuffing me full of Adrinette goodness. Gorilla is a beautiful sunflower.
- Marinette and Adrien havent been in the US 24 hours and they already have two shippers of them. Also, what do doors have against them?
-Jess is Shipping it too hard. “Lets put them in danger!”
-Jess is having way too much fun with this.
-Hawkmoth akumatizing an actual Super villain. FINALLY!
- “Wouldn’t you rather have an Atomic Bomb?” I love Techno pirate.
-”Super Heroes should never use their powers for personal gain.”  Hmmm I wonder how this will back fire on everyone involved.
-Okay, I take back what I said, these heroes need some Miraculous asap.
- Ladybug is 100% justified in being angry with Chat Noir. It is his fault.
-AEON!!!! NO!!!!!!! Okay, guess i have to kill that techno pirate, and Chat noir
- Seems they really hammering it in that Chat noir f***ed up. They right though, but at least Ladybug isnt angry enough to agree that Chat noir should give up his miraculous to some rando. FLEEING FROM THE LAW!
-So lucky charm can only fix damage due to specific villains. It cant fix things when the villain is gone or they are out of range. I always knew it had limitations, but damn. Chat noir REALLY screwed the pooch on this one.
-Adrien no! Oh s***! He cant just... I mean.... He can but...
-Gabriel stole the Eagle! The Kwami of Freedom. The irony is so delicious here.
- So night Owl and Sparrow are both chick with Masculine superhero appearances. Thats actually pretty damn smart, great way to keep people off their identity.
-Welp, i am depressed. Adrien doesnt have Plagg.
- So an akumatized person can USE A MIRACULOUS WHILE AKUMATIZED! WHAT THE F*** THATS AWESOME. Also why didnt catalyst do that?
-Gabriel actually getting adrien out of there while before s*** hits the fan. That is actually kind of a decent parenting move. Granted he is going to cause it, but appreciate it.
-Marinette the bike thief is back! And she is an international criminal!
- She tried so hard. Welp I am glad that Marinette is clearly over... actually no. This trip made that clear.
-Liberation, Wow. That is the most American power I have ever seen. I LOVE IT.
- Okay, so I never thought i would say this. maybe there is such a thing as too much freedom? Or at least Freedom that lets you impede on Other people’s freedoms.
- I know what Zag is up to, and it is working. I want a tv series Of Jess and Aeon. They are wonderful.
-So Majestia can casually move the moon. Yea, thats amazing and terrifying! I love her.
-Quantum masking! So there is a glamor effect! I knew it! So Aeon knows who ladybug and Chat noir are.
-aeon will never see Tikki or plagg. Thats so sad.
-At least Adrien learned an important lesson.
-The was clever, using the keychain
- Eagle jess is epic.
-and Majestia can catch missles. Considering she can move the moon. Not surprising.
-OH DAMN, Night owl and Sparrow are LEGACY HEROES! Thats like the Phantom, Or like Jojo.
-That was sweet of Marinette and the class.
-Oh so the guardian of those miraculous came back to claim it.
-But now sounds like the set up for a new series.
Overall, I did greatly enjoy this movie. Though there were times i wanted to know more, and times I wanted to know less. I know this takes place sometime during season 4, but the exact time is vague. It did tell a really cool story. It felt like a three episode saga combined into one. It was kind of interesting. And damn the drama was higher.
I give it a 7.5/10.
I would rate it up there with my favorite ML episodes.
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