#exisnt's rambles
exisntidonot · 2 years
Accurate description of Soundblaster, courtesy of tfwiki:
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exisntidonot · 2 years
Reading the hunger games for class, and while I do know how serious it is with the ideas of capitalism, reality tv shows, and more, I'm saving that for my essay.
Can you imagine the emotional rollercoaster Peeta's been yeeted on throughout the first book? Like first oh no my crush is in the hunger games oh SHIT I'M in the hunger games and then ooh I can get closer to my crush although I don't think they like me back. But then uh oh I nearly die trying to save them during the games, but then they save me and I think they're in love with me :)
Yay, we can both survive- oh. nvm. I guess one of us has to die but I want crush to live but wait! Crush realises how to outsmart the gamemakers! We both live! So not only did I survive the hunger games but I also scored with the girl of my dreams!
Then katniss just kinda went whoops sorry but that was a sham and I think you're just a neat friend. Anyway, platonic hand holding for the crowd?
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exisntidonot · 1 year
So I was googling old tv shows I used to watch, procrastinating on my homework, and guess what show popped into my head, after not seeing it for a very, very, very long time?
The haunting hour.
I only remember that show because it used to be on YTV, at like, 10-11 o'clock at night, and I would watch it. I was really obsessed with the show, even though I barely understood what was going on.
And the nightmares. I used to get really, really bad nightmares after I watched the show, and after like 3 months of me watching it, and getting nightmares of it, my mom enforced a screen-time limit, mainly for shows after 9:00.
And I remember that show so damn much, mainly because of the body horror stuff, and how freaked out I was over it.
Anyways, one of my most vivid memories of the show was this one about this kid who was obsessed with ancient egypt stuff gets frickin. sucked back into time to be essentially another person's body or something??
And I googled it I googled rl stine show ancient egypt and I finally found the name of it. I'm gonna watch that episode, and get me a bit of nostogia
#exisnt's rambles#also something funny imo is that out of curiosity I googled where tfp was being streamed because my thought-pipeline went from:#scary show that I didn't understand -> shows i didn't really understand -> shows I definietly did not remember or understand properly as a-#-kid -> hey look when the haunting hour was made that roughly around the time when tfp was made -> ytv took american shows and showed them-#-to canadian audiences -> hey WHAT THE HAUNTING HOUR USED TO BE ON THE HUB (where tfp used to be released)-#-hmmm i wonder if they ripped shows from the hub to show on ytv -> googles where was tfp streamed -> results include ytv.#Conclusion? I might have been the target demographic for tfp when it first aired (although a little too young - animated would fit better)#but i probably changed the channel because I wasn't interested in the show#just a nagging feeling but i bet they probably showed it after tmnt and spongebob when everything looks boring and then boom. tfp.#there is the possiblitity they might have not shown it during its original runtime at all ofc and we didn't have cable after 2014-2015 ish#i think it probably streamed when we got rid of cable and such and probably at like. 1 am or some other ungodly hour#this is very interesting to me and i cannot explain why.#also yeah now i just want to watch the show and compare some old memories of episodes to how they actually went bc i know i did not-#-remember things properly.#not gonna tag this as the haunting hour yet cause i haven't watched the show yet lol#too bad i can't find really old tumblr post on this idk but i feel like this show would have been milked for all its worth on tumblr#and aggressively hated for all its worth as well.
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exisntidonot · 2 years
Something that's been stewing in my crusty little brain lately is the fact that aligned continuity shockwave made clones of himself.
I am not joking.
Basically in rage of the dinobots, the dinobots (and ultra magnus) killed shockwave, but then a hologram of shockwave appears and he's kinda like lol nice try but actually I have a bunch of avatars that help me with my job. Also they're all around cybertron. Byeeee.
Do you realize how confusing this is? I'm pretty sure he doesn't control his clones or anything, but do the clones know they are clones? Did any of them die during the war and when the autobots return they just find a couple of dead shockwaves scattered? If the clones didn't know they were clones, is it possible that one of the clones ended up on the nemesis and the shockwave on tfp was actually a clone? Even if they knew were clones, was it a shockwave clone in tfp? what are the clones working on? Where the hell is the actual shockwave? Did any of them survive the war and, y'know, the fact that dark energon was yeeted on the cybertron? Did literally anyone know about this other than dinobots and ultra magnus? Can you imagine just being like damn shockwave sure gets around cybertron quickly and someone else goes "yup having clones sure makes it a lot easier to manage a planet"
I have plenty of more "what ifs" but I'm just gonna end this here. I think (realistically) a lot of the clones are probably dead, or maybe all, and that was the original shockwave on tfp.
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exisntidonot · 1 year
Nice URL. Is it a double negative? ‘Exisn’t, I do not’?
Thank you! Yup, it's a double negative, exactly what you typed out!
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exisntidonot · 2 years
alright, so apparently tesla made a robot and called it optimus, and i am holding back the urge to make a shitty joke about how it's optimus prime's protoform.
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exisntidonot · 2 years
Something I still think about once in a while is how a couple of weeks ago there was this kid who was on the portable wooden deck thing and yelled "Why have pussy when you can have DICK" and the teacher was walking by the entrance, clearly heard it, and just did not care.
English class is something, I tell you.
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exisntidonot · 2 years
Some captions from the the tfwiki page on optimus that i found funny:
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exisntidonot · 2 years
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Source: Transformers Retribution
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exisntidonot · 2 years
"You wanna know why I hate it here in Tennessee so much? It's because of you. You ruin everything, and you take away whatever joy people have! For the last ten years I've hated living in Tennessee!"
"I haven't lived in Tennessee for ten years?"
i have been reading too many hero x villain prompts lately.
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exisntidonot · 2 years
Pats (derogatory)
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Pats (affectionate)
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(looking up shit bout shockwave for fic and i noticed these)
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exisntidonot · 2 years
I am up
i am awake
here, have a pic of OP get hit in the face
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exisntidonot · 2 years
Optimus:If I had a nickel every time I went down the well of allsparks, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
(for context optimus (as Thirteen) jumped down the well to be reborn as a regular cybertronian in The covenant of Primus. In the season finale of tfp, he went down because he had the allspark with him or smth. Idk i never got around to watch the finale whoops)
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exisntidonot · 2 years
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You don't know how badly I need to make this my new pfp
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exisntidonot · 2 years
trying to work up the enthusiasm to read the idw comics, more notably, more than meets the eye and the lost light. (I stopped because i really hated the idea of having to jump around from series to series to read the dark cybertron thing. It's a cool concept, I love the idea, don't get me wrong! I love how they tie all the comics together! But i'm lazy so.)
I read the christmas special and I think my enthusiasm has returned now.
here, have some screenshots I took:
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ok but for the image below, I love the way minimus is just kinda. carried by megatron in one hand. He looks like a rag doll and it makes me chuckle every time i see it.
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Also, apparently minimus's moustache is detachable. whirl saying "you knocked off his tiny moustache" makes me laugh too. Don't ask. My sense of humour is broken
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Also everything about the thundercracker story, and the "choose me" starscream story makes me happy.
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exisntidonot · 3 years
I like the Pendragon series, and transformers. I have seen cyberverse and tfp so far. I'm reading idw2 right now. I may have fallen into the dune fandom, despite only reading the prequel books. I don't really understand much but I like the artwork!
I have a bad habit of consuming media a good while after the hype is over. Whoops.
More will be added.
You can find my own posts with the tag #exisnt's rambles
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Uh I have stuff labeled with the tag #save. Has a bunch of random stuff i find useful or whatever. Idk maybe you might want to see it.
Feel free to ask me questions! I might take a while to respond, but fire away!
I'd like to think my blog is pretty general, although I might reblog slightly suggestive joke here or there.
Oh and ever since I found that thread of transformers reaction photos, I tagged them as #reaction photo except the thread sort of splitted apart so I reblogged quite a few of them. Like, a lot of them. Like colour of the sky long chain. Might want to block it if you're pawing through the #save tag.
Maybe fanfic ideas will be under #fanfic
I don't really know what else to say.
Have a nice day!
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