#extra funny when it's not a ship happening in this fic LOL
dandybambiandy · 7 months
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This little sequence near the end of chapter 26 of ywdmp lives in my head rent free lmao
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
previously on mylittleredgirl: [four seasons of m*a*s*h] [six weeks of screaming about margaret houlihan]
i have now finished season five disc one and a bullet point recap is due! [yeah there's more screaming in it]
bug out was a fucking DELIGHT
god i was so worried though when klinger had to trade all his dresses i was wailing internally. what if he just wears fatigues forever!?!??? but it's all okay!!!! that tassel mod dress he has on in "the abduction of margaret houlihan" healed me ten times over. his outfits have been 🔥 this season.
such a mix of really dumb slapstick comedy and "oh god the war is Right Here" drama and little character sweetness... love it.
and the family reunion happiness at the end!!!! god bless. i left my body for like thirty-six hours.
i really really love the tone they're striking with frank this season. they've walked back the cartoon villainy of late season four, so he's once again a relatively harmless clown. i breathed a huge sigh of relief. he's soooo much more fun this way.
margaret's engagement: bonkers. delightful. she's unbearable. there is so much wrong with her. i want to study her in a jar. i will never shut up again.
with this put together with some bits later in the disc (including that cut scene crayon joke lmao), did she somehow manage to trade DOWN from frank? is that even possible??? it's either that or this new dude is actually just The Exact Same Guy, but now she'll be the fool wife at home instead of the beloved mistress.
i mean personally if i were louise burns i'd be very happy for my dumbass husband to fuck around on the other side of the world for as long as possible while i enjoy the $35,000 house and two cars without him, but for someone like margaret who is far more interested in being wined and dined than running a household, this... may not be the field promotion she thinks it is.
hawkeye rising to frank's defense and him and b.j. enabling frank's little takedown of margaret at the end felt very real. sure, in the grand scheme of things, margaret is Annoying and frank tried to have hawkeye executed last season, but bros before hos.
okay how FUNNY would it be though if the "little redheaded nurse" frank planned to seduce was baker-from-the-nurses, because she would have scratched frank's eyes out for trying and not felt bad about it
and actually, that's a plausible backstory for the extra bad blood between her and margaret, too??? oh yeah. that definitely happened.
i actively missed frank/margaret as the disc went along though. maybe the show had stretched the tension of that relationship as tight as it could go, and it's nice that they get to do new things... but they're so funny and awful together and i miss them sharing scenes!!!
i really assumed - like frank did lol - that they would continue to rabbit around together, only now she would also get to string him along with the jealousy game, but...... well, i'm glad it's still hanging out in the background of the narrative, anyway. i live in hope that they will slip and fuck and it will be soooo messy.
FUCK is it possible i shipped that for real???? god. i don't know if my family name can bear this dishonor.
out of sight, out of mind...
...has taught us the very important lesson that hawkeye is 9000x more annoying without something to do (annoying to everyone else i mean!! not to me. i will happily watch him annoy everyone.)
him asking b.j. to visit him a million times a day 🥺
i'm almost satisfied now by the "doctor-experiences-the-role-of-patient" theme that i didn't get in "hawkeye." i suppose hurt/comfort fic can take it from here.
however i'm totally satisfied by how sweet it was to see everyone taking care of him!! and how much they love him!!
lt. radar o'reilly... devastating. i mean funny and delightful but it's mean!! so glad that boy is back in stripes. however they could have at least promoted him a little for his trouble. sergeant o'reilly???
i have already said more about the nurses (post here) than ever needed to be said. and yet. i'm quite sure i could say more if pressed
the abduction of margaret houlihan
........ will i never be free of colonel flagg episodes 😞
i love the continuing evidence that she has invested time in learning korean, and i really really really love the slow expansion of our perspective to include like oh yeah. there's a village where people live full time and it's literally right here.
imagine if after the war she becomes an ob nurse...
on the one hand, how do they not make frank do gun handling training. on the other hand they probably don't because it always ends with stitches and an accident report.
i sometimes wonder if mash was like jury duty for asian actors in the 70s. you probably won't get to say anything but they call you up and you just have to go.
dear sigmund!!!!!! this is another episode where people were staring at me through the window so i'll comment a little more:
the fandom's favorite guy sidney freedman deserves that crown. what a weirdo. talk about a busman's holiday for a psychiatrist to come to the 4077 for a vacation and psychoanalyze everyone. but for fun!
i really don't have a proper sense of the geography at play here because he really does like. just come by to play cards once a week. and drives through a war zone i guess to do it? he has probably sacked out in the swamp before when the air raid situation changes but this time he just... doesn't leave.
and aaaa!! margaret took her very special episode about How To Make Friends to heart!!!! she joined the poker game!!!
she had plenty of time to work on that lesson though because the jeremy bearimy time shenanigans are in full swing here at the 4077. we went from midsummer in 'the nurses' to a bitter cold march two episodes later.
i always kind of assumed the mash weather was loosely inspired by real human weather, but no, in fact the actors just have to randomly suffer in parkas or getting sprayed in the face to look sweaty in alternating weeks regardless of the surrounding conditions.
also jfc b.j.!!!! dunking frank in cold water in freezing temperatures is a serious health and safety concern my dude!!!!
i'm afraid b.j. is still not beating the little brother allegations, he has just aged up from innocent baby to fucking gremlin
(i should confess that my little brother diagnosis is guided by the fact that in my complex family and housing history i only ever lived with "brothers" younger than me, and never older ones. but the innocent baby and prank gremlin stages are real.)
i made a note here of "margaret randomly drinking gin in the swamp now!!?!??" like the poker game was one thing, people could strong-arm her into that while she feigns protest, but ma'am WHO are you and what have you done with— and then the next note is "oh good she's still insane"
potter named his horse sophie <3 also he's collecting granddaughters, i think the count is up to 3 now. or baby sherry is experiencing a temporal anomaly of her own!
the letter radar wrote to the dead guy's parents and potter reading it... fucking ended me. please let harry morgan do serious bits more often, it's outstanding and far too rare.
it's not surprising that frank's wife changing (wearing pants! doing activities!) would stress him out, and not just because he's a dick. any of them would struggle with their families growing without them, because that means they can Never Go Home to the life they left!! (e.g. trapper losing it because his girls were getting older.) but it is kind of fascinating that he loves both his wife and margaret, and even said mid-fever that he wanted them to be friends, but he also wants them to be NOTHING alike.
all in all it's understandable that sidney would check in to the no boundaries motel to have his poker buddies shake it out of him, but he could also have taken his leave somewhere with indoor heat. so he's as crazy as the rest of them. <3
also they're not his patients he's just observing them like zoo animals so forget confidentiality he's absolutely gonna write a book about them someday.
mulcahy's war: i don't know why i have been misspelling his name with an 'e' the whole time because it was literally in the end credits of almost every episode for four seasons.
oh god he's so precious i don't talk about it enough. playing poker for orphans. feeling like he doesn't do enough while potter thinks he has the hardest job. that unrelenting positive regard for everyone. always with that little grin.
that little grin in FULL PLAY as he sneaks out of the house to go off to war when dad's not looking
radar should never be sent on a mission where people are bleeding when will they LEARN
corporal cupcake deserves every medal he gets!!!!
frank's foot fetish becoming his one true medical specialty is just. i don't know what to do with this. good for him??? do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life???
speaking of unrelenting positive regard, margaret's policy of nurses never talking back to the doctors in the operating room sure has taken a hit. i realize this is about frank being an intolerable ex, but i choose to believe that the detente between margaret and her nurses has turned the O.R. into a pvp zone. the next time hawkeye tries to seduce a nurse over an open body, he's gonna get wrecked and margaret's just going to shrug pretty and look the other way.
in conclusion: season five is soooo gooooooood!!!!! can't wait for disc two!
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ltleflrt · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for tagging me @prosopopeya 😊
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
112 (also 112 unanswered asks in my inbox, oops lol)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age, Mass Effect, SPN/Destiel, Baldur's Gate 3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Kiss the Baker (9,346)
Satin and Sawdust (8,306)
Cursed Or Not (7,797)
No Words (7,754)
Addicted To You (6,079)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! In order to conserve spoons for it, I only answer comments on my long/chaptered fics, and don't answer them on my short one-shots. Which makes me feel guilty sometimes, but setting up an exception is the only way I can manage my social anxiety about it.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No Such Thing As Ghosts
This is a one-shot that I always answer comments on because if someone takes the time to read a MCD fic, they deserve extra gratitude, and probably milk and cookies and a box of tissues.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write romances or smutfics, they all have happy endings lol
Probably the sweetest thing I've ever written is Where The Heart Lives which was for an October writing challenge a few years ago.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
It's happened, though it's rare. There was a troll that targeted me on FFnet like 10 years ago who was so over the top with their hatred that it was actually funny. Every once in a while I'll get a comment that irritates me, but it's not really hateful stuff, just something I disagree with.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, original sci-fi alien smut was a thing for me when I was a teenager. For fanfic, I loooove writing smut. Some of my short fics are just smut. My favorite kind of smut involves being in a shower or a bathtub. It might just be masturbation, or full on sexual escapades, but there's water involved.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't like crossovers, so no. I have a lot of ideas for fusions, but I haven't written any. I tried to do a Pacific Rim/Mass Effect fusion, but I only ever got 1 chapter, and it's the only fic I've deleted from AO3.
For reference, I consider a crossover something that includes characters from both universes in a story together, and a fusion is a story where characters from one universe live in the other universe, but there's no meeting of characters from both. Like, Dean is a Templar who knows Knight Captain Cullen in Dragon Age, vs what if Dean is the Knight Captain instead of Cullen.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of *knocks on wood*
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few. One of them isn't on AO3 and I lost the link, which I'm sad about. But now I only give permission if it's going to be posted on AO3, so they show up under my name.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly, but @jupiterjames and I have worked so closely together that it's almost co-writing. @bendingsignpost wrote a prequel to a shortfic I wrote tho... does that count? That probably counts. Here's the series:
Bookshelf Boys by bendingsignpost, Ltleflrt
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
They all feel equal in my heart, but I've written the most for Destiel, so they're probably a tiiiiny bit more important to me lol
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm starting to think I'm never going to finish anything ever again lol
My current posted WIPs are
Reaching Out (Dragon Age)
Shameless (SPN/Destiel)
I desperately want to finish them, but my brain is very NOPE about it. There's also the Untitled Haunted House AU I've been talking about for years now, but I've never posted any of it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Capturing character voice in dialogue. Also shower/bathtub smut 😁
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Of anything. People, places, emotions. I feel like I suck at all descriptions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like to do it, but I definitely have to get help since I'm hopelessly monolingual. And I like when other authors do it too.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age, specifically DA2. It's what got me into reading fanfic in the first place, and eventually sparked the urge to write.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This answer changes every time someone asks me the question lol... today's favorite is Peace because it's the most recent thing I've worked on and there are 2 people commenting on it, and I'm having a good time with it.
Tagging: @jupiterjames @mittensmorgul @slytherkins @valleydean
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cha-melodius · 2 years
I was tagged by @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, and thank you, this was so much fun!
Rules: list the first line of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Another Sunny Day Illya isn't really paying attention where he lands when he collapses onto the grass.
White Knuckles Something about him draws the eye.
A Good Man Is Hard To Find “You got a visitor,” the guard announces, his set of keys jangling loudly in the door to the cell.
Streets Paved With Diamonds “You’ve got to be kidding me!”
Good To Me It starts with a Rothko exhibit.
The Makings of a Perfect Christmastime …Decorating couldn’t be easier: simply cut the white parts out of the stencils printed on the next page and lay over your baked cookies, then use a sifter to dust confectioner’s sugar over the top.
Follow You Into The Dark It might be cliché to say that the day started out like any other, but that doesn’t make it any less true.
You, or Your Memory It’s a simple plan, really.
Where Doesn't It Hurt? None of them had been in the greatest shape when they’d stumbled onto the ship that Waverly had booked them passage on, but Illya had certainly taken the brunt of it.
All Your Little Words The first time it happens, Illya is barely paying attention.
I also looked back a bit further, and I definitely see a trend: I tend to write short, snappy opening lines (with a few exceptions), which is funny because in the rest of the work I write fairly long sentences. I think I try to capture a mood, something simple that sets the stage and maybe hints at a theme of the fic. I also very frequently leave them all by themselves, in their own paragraph, for extra ~drama~ I guess lol.
Tagging @heytheredeann, @mirilyawrites, @runnyeggsnham, @afewbulbsshortofatanningbed, @dreamycloud, @therogueheart
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dreamycloud · 2 years
Also extra super No Pressure to do this one, but I would very much like to know your opinions about Mr. Ninety 😔
Thanks, @mothmandalore!!!
First Impression:
Ironically, when I first saw Lieutenant Ninety, I wasn’t too keen on him. His sculpt was a bit jarring to me after coming from Stingray, Thunderbirds, and Captain Scarlet. I was like, “what a funny little man, with that funny face.” But he also sounded exactly like Brains and Gordon as well, which took some getting used to. David Graham didn’t try to change the voices much between characters so something, if I wasn’t looking, I thought I heard Gordon speak but no—it was Ninety. Wrong show.
Impression Now:
OKAY SO, complete turnaround. After I was about maybe six episodes in, suddenly I saw The Light and Ninety became my favorite character in Fireball XL5. I got used to the style of the puppets and thought he was actually absurdly cute. I love his earnestness and drive to do the best he can in any situation, especially when dealing with Commander Zero who blows his top at the slightest irritation. The episode where he passes his astronaut wings (“Flight to Danger”) was just such an emotional watch for me. He almost died, but thankfully had remembered to take his oxygen pills—keeping him alive long enough for Steve to find him drifting around in space:
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MY GOSH. Yeah, I was a mess after watching that episode and became just overall invested in him ever after. He also has an incredibly deep backstory that is never once touched on in the actual series. It’s worth a look.
Favorite Moment:
So I don’t really know if I have a significant moment that I call my favorite. I just get so excited whenever I see him show up. But One of the tiny moments I love is when the team is trying to raise money for charity by performing the show’s theme song, and Ninety auditions and he can’t sing AT ALL. His voice cracks and he’s totally off tune and it’s just stinking adorable. I would have chosen him anyway.
Idea for a Story:
Because I’m a shipper at heart, and there’s literally no one to ship Ninety with in the show, I’d love to write a short fic one day with Ninety/OC. I want to explore Space City a bit more because I loved what I saw of it whenever we got the rare moment to leave the command center. I’d love to have an OC working at one of the shops we’ve seen in the show and encourage Ninety’s attempts to grow into his own and secure his space in Space City.
Unpopular Opinion:
So I don’t actually find the friction between Ninety and Zero. I know Commander Zero can and does fly off the handle sometimes. He really does have a short fuse. And sure, it’s not fair that he takes it out on Ninety. But uh, have you ever met Zero’s son? That boy would be a constant source of stress to me LOL. I love Zero’s wife, though. She’s great. Tough as nails but supportive. Anyway, I do kind of love that dynamic with Ninety and Zero because it’s just so realistic and reflective of real working relationships. You can have a pretty good boss but you still need to learn how to weather their tempers when something goes wrong. I admire how well Ninety faces those moments, and I’ve definitely taken a page out of his book when things like that happen at my job.
Favorite Relationship:
Zero and Ninety. Yeah, I’m a broken record here, but I do love how they work together on a daily basis. Zero trusts Ninety to support him in the command center. He’s working an important job as a controller. But there’s also a father/son dynamic there that I love seeing. Knowing Ninety’s backstory and that he’s basically on his own in Space City, it’s so so nice to see that he has a built in support system with his boss. He seems to have great relationships with the Fireball XL5 crew, but they’re so rarely grounded that Ninety can only really build close relationships with whoever actually stays behind—and that’s definitely Zero.
Favorite headcanon:
I believe that Ninety is a kid at heart, and in his spare time, indulges in building model kits and reading comics and maybe even filling up coloring books—anything to lower his stress and connect with the pure little soul within him.
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platypus-quacks-too · 3 years
Jesus Christ on a bike (quot.)
* The three hours earlier were to give extra time to recover, it’s obvious. * It wasn’t just those very emotional scenes. It was.. the whole package? We often joke about ‘a comedy? are you sure?’ and while you indeed aren’t supposed to cry like a disgraced televangelist during one, I realized that there were actually more funny, light-hearted, cute moments and bits wrt to other dense episodes? In the end, these are some very good, excellent, exquisite 46 minutes of television. * Ted and Rebecca may not have had that cathartic joint scene we hoped, but the more I think about this week’s events the more I think it all makes sense? They are on parallel trajectories on their own journeys. It’s obvious in the joint confession about their fathers, of course. The anger of both, the regrets, the confession of a long kept secret. The relief of letting go such a burden. * ( the fact those traumatic events happened on the same day is lowkey sick tho ) * These parallel trajectories touches, however. They still not fully intertwine, but they touch. Y’all read Hannah's interview when she says that Ted HAD to be the one picking up when she starts singing in the church and honestly I can only agree with this. Later, the way she asks him if everything is okay and clearly he is not and I felt her pain she couldn't help out again. * The whole sequence of the eulogy really. Rebecca’s pain and broken voice. Ted’s arrival and his greeting. Rebecca singing Never gonna give up on you for Deborah. The strength coming from Ted and then Keeley and Sam and Flo and the team and everyone else singing along. Her fear of being alone is none, because she has all those people supporting her. * We all discussed and thought about Rebecca and Ted elaborating their daddy issues but what about the bridges they built? Especially Rebecca with her mother, by the end of the episode they finally truly reconnected. That final scene was so good for the soul. * Just a brief note about Jamie and Keeley. It sincerely surprised me his confession, but it doesn’t bother or worry me that much? It seemed to me a way for him to close with the worst self. I don’t think it is a serious threat to Keeley and Roy. Also, I’m gonna set myself on fire if the writers come up with a triangle. * Sam. My sweet, sweet Sam. It ended before it really begun, so? And while I always thought it was a bad, terrible, not very good idea.. those sweet, happy moments at the beginning were so lovely? I ship Rebecca x happiness and Sam x happiness, fight me. It just made sense the moment it happened? They might not have the deep connection I see with her and Ted, but they sure have both physical and personality chemistry and for that little while, they made sense. I am glad she managed to end things gracefully and without traumas. * He waited the whole day for giving her a hug!!! Sam you are too pure for this world. * A few were worried about Nora’s reaction of finding out of Rebecca and Sam and her reaction was honestly gold??? * Also Deborah walking in her daughter’s lover is becoming a recurring gag LOL Sam’s reaction was priceless. (Someone good at writing fics should write the third installment when Ted is one caught in boxers in her kitchen...) * I cannot say anything straight (pun intended) about Rebecca attire and lack of such during the first sequence. Thank you, God. * Keeley & Rebecca & Sassy were back and it was glorious. Keeley running to Sassy a moment after telling ily to Rebecca and the whole chaos in the sacristy. YES. * And Roy’s lil kiss with his condolences. * The whole team wanting to support and dressing up! It was both moving and hilarious. It is especially moving when you think of how the whole premise of the show is Rebecca trying to destroy them as revenge and things are changed enough that they care for her and she cares for them and their support is actually meaningful to her. * The whole Dani vs shoes saga lmaoooo * Too bad Rupert wasn’t the one dying. Yes, his final moment with Nate scared me very, very much. * Please someone says something about Leslie picturing heaven as being a pet to his beloved cat. I love (1) man. * I have one hundred other things to say but this has become way too long already. This episode, I swear.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
G, N, S, T; sorry just very curious
haha no problem ! i don't mind you asking multiple questions.
G. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
i usually write in order from the first chapter to the last. for each chapter, before i do any actual writing, i write out everything that's gonna happen in the chapter, like a synopsis. and then once i have every chapter sorted out, then i physically write them out one by one.
if it's a one off fic, i might write out some dialogue randomly if i think of it and want it to occur but don't know where yet. i've learned to do this just bc i have the memory of a spoon lol
i see every fic i write as movie or show, so it's easy to go "scene" by "scene" rather than sporadically.
N. Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
yes. the sequel to "give your heart a break". it's up for grabs yall lol jk
S. Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
honestly, idk if this is a trope, but i love when ppl write colby as sarcastic and dry and a bit broody. especially the sarcastic part.
i write colby as a lot more sarcastic than i actually think he is. i usually write colby kinda like how my humor is irl, but i don't think that's really realistic. i feel like my humor (or how i write colby) is probs closer to sam rather than colby lol
T. Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
um... not a trope, but solby. i don't read or interact with fics that have solby in them. and i think the reason why i dislike solby in fics so much is bc some fans read those stories and then believe it. like, if you enjoy reading solby fics, that's fine. but don't ship them irl. they clearly love each other dearly but only in a PLATONIC way.
i mean i have a problem in general with fans taking two guys who are just friends, and that are real ppl, and trying to find some weird way to see if they're gay or secretly dating. i've seen it in so many fandoms, it's ridiculous.
so... yeah. solby. no bueno lol
also, (and this isn't really a trope or something i hate, but i find it funny), that anytime a story is set in hs with snc, they somehow make them so scary and thuggish lol like... snc at 18 years old looked like this:
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in WHAT universe are they scary??? they played in marching band. they wore cargo shorts every day. they were the weird kids that would go to haunted/abandoned houses. they probably naruto ran everywhere lol
and i get it, it's a fanfic. you can change how they were. but EVEN THEN, they still looked like this ^^^
THEY LOOK LIKE BABIES ! no amount of all black clothes are gonna make them intimidating lmao
again i don't hate it, i think it adds an extra layer of hilarity without the author meaning it to.
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toonqueen · 3 years
I’m doing Duckvember uh- very lazy this year. EXTRA LAZY OKAY. I’m always busy, leave me aloneeeee! Weh.  So I’m gonna do like writing headcanons of mostly canon chars that the prompts remind me of. Ahhhh. I’ll also be doing uummm old Duckvembers I never finished lulz. OOPS. But that's for my days off of work. HALP.
Hot Shot Duck
My first thought was Nosedive from Mighty Ducks the Animated Series. Ahhh haha. Jfc. Most of the chars I made mary sues to ship with were more serious chars and then I had this goober as my main ship with my OC in Mighty Ducks.  Oh god this idiot why do I love him.
I think the most funny thing about him like - following the cartoon action hero formula he should be the fun character that would be the kid’s best friend vibe but instead they made him an asshole and not a sweeter like Bumblebee or whiny like oh god Snarf in Thundercats jfc. Nosedive had jerkiness in a kids show when weren’t we supposed to be teaching lessons of not being little shits to the kids maybe? Lol. and that ep where they had Nosedive not like humans looooool. 
I loved the TINY bit of character development we got from him going from idiot (In ‘Take me to your Leader’ when he tried to be leader and sucked) and to actually being more skilled/useful (Like in Puck Fiction where he (tho with Grin) was getting shit done.) I JUST REALIZED that in “Take me to your Leader” he was with Grin too. So maybe the growth is not only maybe getting better skilled but also maybe LISTENING TO GRIN MAYBE. Lol. Or maybe Grin maybe just got better at reeling in Nosedive’s chaotic energy. Jfc. 
Anyways, at the time a lot of my other cartoon show chars in my harem were like - angsty types or temper types (Oh sweet Raph the best Mutant Turtle,) so Nosedive was a nice change from that. Yay.  Anyways.
Also dude with long hair we need that more in cartoons okay. >_>;;;;
My friends and I that wrote fic back in highschool were doing AU stories with each of the Duck’s team members being the villain. For Nosedive I totally forgot his from back in the day but 5ish years ago brainstormed if I ever wrote it, how I would do it now. The AU started with if Nosedive had been left behind when Canard told Wildwing to leave him behind. WHICH IS A VERY CONTROVERSIAL SCENE FOR ME, CANARD YOU ASSHOLE. 
 So Nosedive ends up getting thrown in the Saurian prison camps. Of course he gets roughed up but is still mouthy and ends up getting a hatred for being left behind. While Dragaunus still had a working dimensional gateway generator, before the Lucretia DeCoy incident maybe, he found out Wildwing had a brother in one of his camps. The original plan was to use Nosedive in trade I guess for a power source for Dragaunus’s ship or whatever, lawd that show. 
Since Nosedive wasn’t with the team on Puckworld then they weren’t over weight on the ship when going through the gateway so Canard didn’t have to YEET himself. Which means Canard is still leader and didn’t OVER DRAMATICALLY hand the mast to Wildwing instead of having Grin rip out the bolted down chairs and throw those out instead. It's what he deserves. 
((LOL I just remembered one of my songs for my original evil Nosedive Plot was “Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me” by U2. STILL DON’T REMEMBER THE ORIGINAL PLOT BUT THAT WAS ONE OF THE SONGS LOL. Just added it to my Evil Dive playlist. >_> SWEATS))
ANYWAYS long story short- Ducks meet Saurian’s in your usual abandoned warehouse to do a trade of power source for idiot little brother. I’m sure Canard did not want to do it but Wildwing was like bitch you had me leave my little brother behind now we’re gonna get him. But said politely. Yay. Though, before the trade while both sides are arguing terms, Nosedive gets out of whatever cuffs/ropes were restraining him. And what you expect to happen is to run over to the ducks side so he can leave with them and no fuel exchange. Well, much to Saurian and Duck surprise, Nosedive grabbed the nearest weapon off of anyone, and shot at the fuel source that was being traded. And who was standing next to it? Canard. Of course. That asshole. <_<;;  
So everybody gets out of the warehouse except Nosedive and Canard. They aren’t seen anywhere. SWEATS. While the rest of the Ducks after that are having something of a ‘Take me to your Leader’ ep but with no mask (that was on Canard- ha) The Saurian’s track down and find Nosedive. Pretty sure they had a tracker on him. While Dragaunus is pissed at another loss of a fuel source, he see’s potential in getting Nosedive to work for him. He seems rather pissed at fellow ducks. It doesn’t take much manipulation to convince him that like HEY your brother Wildwing abandoned you too. Maybe you should get revenge on him and the other ducks you don’t know. Haa. And it FUKKIN works. Anyways they’d be all that trope drama of ‘oh no Wildwing doesn’t really want to hurt him because that's his brother but he attacks maybe once every week or so as the villain of the day.’ While Grin and Tanya would respect Wildwing on being careful fighting Nosedive and try to talk to him not hurt him… on the other hand with Duke and Mallory if Wildwing isn’t there and Nosedive is a threat well- they’re gonna beat his ass. LULZ. 
Anyways Nosedive in an all black outfit and being a badass with weapons why not lets go. Making crazy faces like Dilandau from Escaflowne would make cuz I was a little weeboo in high school.  Not bias at all. 
But its a little bit hot.
ANYWAYS redemption arch for Nosedive happens eventually, though ya-know… kinda killed Canard but who knows maybe he’s alive and has a partial Mask of Drake Ducaine and is gonna be the next villain coming up because he’s a big jerk too. Fuck that guy. 
I’m gonna reblog this with playlists because if I put a link in the main post then it won’t show up in the tags cuz TUMBLR IS A WONDERFUL valuable website.
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daz4i · 2 years
top 10 favorite fanfic tropes!!!!!
mwah thank you!!!!! <3
tbh some of these obviously exist in like, official media, but i’m gonna treat it as like. what i enjoy to read the most in fics. or like they’re not exactly tropes as is but can be used as such?? i think you get me. also other than the top 5 the order doesn’t matter much tbh. ok now that we’re all on the same page there we go 
10. ok i have to include it even tho it’s fandom specific. palace fics lol. at this point they’re one of the only plot things i even try to read. i just think that the structure of it is a really good way to open people’s creativity and that it’s nice to explore characters in various ways with them it’s so cool
9. ppl are gonna laugh at me for that but i fucking love fics that take characters from extreme universes or situations and puts them through the most mundane shit ever. ig it’s just modern aus in a way?? but yeah i love them they’re always so funny BUT ALSO WHEN THEY’RE NOT THEY SOMEHOW HIT SO MUCH HARDER
8. demon/angel aus. together (tho i’m also a big fan of demon x human stuff). bc it’s me how can i not include it. i think it’s very sexy when angels and demons fall in love and having to question both their place in the universe and their morals for love i think it’s very sexy. also special interest go brrrr. unfortunately i haven’t read that many good fics with that au but i do tend to write at least one for each fandom i’m in bc it’s very dear to me and i love everything you can do with it 
7. any au of like. workers in the stores across the street from each other. like the classic is flower shop/tattoo parlor which is SO good but honestly any sort of shop works. they’re just so fun and chill and i love them idk. ig this is an extent of modern aus but shhhhh
6. whump. what can i say. i love suffering
5. canon divergence but like, in a butterfly effect way. like a character makes a very small decision different from canon and it changes the whole story completely (have to rec it’s just a light rain (but a storm's still comin') as an excellent example for that if you like p5)
4. soulmate aus 🥰 idk why but i’m really really attached to those even if irl it sounds awful and painful. i like to joke that my brain is a soulmate au machine bc it really is. give me any word i’ll turn it into a soulmate au guaranteed
3. chatfics and other online based stuff!!!!!! they’re so fun and i love when people go the extra mile to make their fic look like the app(s) it’s happening on it’s literally so cool. chatfics are so fun as is and are mostly used for crack stuff, yes, but i also genuinely think it’s a very unique way to tell a story when done correctly and i’ve read some fics that were mostly texting based in a way that really stuck with me (one example off the top of my head is all the king’s men that i really rec if you like fe3h)
2. it’d be first but unfortunately the main problem is it can’t work with every ship. like ig you can technically apply it to every ship but it doesn’t hit as hard as ships that fit it. anyway i love murder couples so so much. couples who kill together. couples where one kills and the other gets them their victims or helps them clear the evidence and give them an alibi. couples who torture people together and these are date nights. you can’t go wrong there tbh (but again it usually works with ships where like, one person already kills people in canon for example)
1. fake dating. no doubt no doubt. it’s so versatile and it’s always just GOOD no matter what. it leads to actually valid forms of miscommunication or misunderstandings and i think that’s very cool. why is it the first you may ask? well let me tell you about a special little ship that’s been haunting me since like 2014-2015 called kurotsuki. i’m not actually gonna get into it i’ll just say some of the most popular fics abt it are fake dating and this made me very much fall in love with that trope big time. it’s also just good ol human relationships-based conflict that can work in literally any setting for a variety of different reasons. like i said it’s just GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can’t top it. very hard to mess it up bc the more convoluted and messy your story is the better it gets. it’s the perfect trope
send some top 5/top 10 asks?
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nerdywriter36 · 3 years
Fanfic Writer's 20 Questions!
Thank you for the tag, @pagesofangels! This is a really cool tag and gives me something to do while I'm bored in class haha. I just threw it into its own post so the reblog wasn't ridiculously long.
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 7!
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
332,353. Sheesh lol.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just the one, and that would be Phantom of the Opera.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Starting Fresh
Our Little Home
Like Father, Like Son
Say You'll Share With Me
To Help the Helpless
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love getting to interact with the people reading my fics and acknowledge the fact that they're expressing their love for the story/characters/etc, and I always enjoy when my comments are responded to, so I want to make sure that goes both ways.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
The Day My World Crumbled. Killing characters that you love and that other characters love is never fun.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
No, crossovers have never really been my cup of tea.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I mean...I guess, technically, I have? I got a couple of comments from a guest account on AO3 just criticizing really trivial things in Like Father, Like Son, like how much my characters were in their houses and practically requesting that I change the setting. Safe to say that those were swiftly deleted haha.
I've also been given some "constructive criticism" about the actual structure of my one full fic that was just presented in a not-so-great way and really made a negative impression on me. I've never really completely second-guessed my characters and how I wrote before, but after those sorts of comments, I went back and forth on completely changing the format of my story because I didn't think what I had done was good enough and that no one liked what I wrote anymore. So long story short, just be kind and careful with what you say to fic writers; we're people too, so you just have to think about how you're phrasing it. If your criticism is kind, coming from a good place, and truly is constructive, you're definitely helping a writer grow and I'm open to that :)
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't write or read any kind of smut.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have not and I hope that that never happens.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be amazing!
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! Like Father, Like Son, my first completed full-length POTO fic, was co-written with my lovely IRL friend,@buddy-2002. That was our brain baby for the better part of two years.
13) What's your all-time favourite ship?
I know I'm cheesy and sound like a typical phan here, but I love E/C. I just enjoy reading that one the most.
14) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Probably Starting Fresh? Not for any particular reason and I like the way I started it (I loved the first chapter of it), but I just haven't had the inspiration to keep it going.
15) What are your writing strengths?
Uhh. Probably dialogue is a big one? I've always considered myself as someone who's good at using that and being able to create solid lines and interactions between characters. That probably draws from the fact that I plan almost all of my dialogue in advance for works that aren't oneshots, so I have a lot of work with dialogue alone and fill the rest of the story in around it.
Other than that, I think building characters and their relationships is something I'm good at. That is one of the things that makes me the proudest of Like Father, Like Son - the fact that people consistently comment about how much they like Erik and Gustave, pre-existing characters, but even more so, how much they love the OCs involved. That means a lot to me.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
Hahaha being concise, for sure. Writing short chapters or oneshots or anything like that is NOT my strength, and that is part of what contributed to LFLS being almost 300,000 words. To be fair, I was writing with a co-author, so it makes it a little bit harder to be short and sweet, but it's never been my thing to manage short pieces. Thankfully, most people don't seem to be too bothered about that and continue to support my work anyways, which means a lot.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I think it definitely adds a nice extra detail to a story, but because I'm only fluent in one language, I try not to do it consistently? The beauty of writing Phantom fics, however, is that I can write in French fairly confidently because, being Canadian, I took French in school for upwards of 6 years, and my co-author happened to be in French Immersion and took French for 12 years of school, so she's fluent, which makes it easier. When it comes to other languages, if I choose to include them, I always try to keep it minimal so I'm not writing conversations that don't make total sense. Google Translate is only good for so much.
18) What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Marvel, as funny as that is to say. I was young lol.
19) What's your favourite fic you've written?
Definitely Like Father, Like Son.
20) Who do you tag?
I'll take @jennyfair7 @ofserien @sloanedestler @pianomanblaine @wheel-of-fics @keepcalmandbrewtea and any other author who wants to share their writing experience! <3
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diyeoracha · 3 years
fanfic recommendations
for @kittensocute bc i heard “atsukita” and “iwaoi” in reference to fanfiction and i am There
i took your “i love slow burn or slow build fics... so i like relatively shorter burn fics (20-30k). If its a 10k oneshot slow burn hELL SIGN ME UP” and absolutely ran with it.
i listed my fav iwaoi fics (17) with a longer word count (longest is 80k) that are all mostly either canon compliant or divergent with only two straight up AUs. none of them feature heavy nsfw content and most if not all are tagged as friends to lovers lmao. feel free to read the my thoughts or just go into them blind!! and they’re all in order of how much I absolutely adore them :^)
now atsukita is not a big ship *sobs* but here are some of my favorite fics (7) of them! a lot of them are shorter bc i guess that’s just. what happens when it’s a small ship LOL. 
the formatting in this is fucked if you open it from ur dash but if it’s on my actual blog it should be fine!
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle
Word count: 66k
thoughts: my absolute absolute absolute favorite iwaoi fic. the characterization, the fact that oikawa’s a bastard but because he and iwaizumi are older (late 20s i believe), it feels more realistic and sad rather than oikawa being a bitch for the sake of it. spoiler alert it’s slow burn and pining and mostly oikawa not realizing his feelings. this world building is pretty cool bc iwaizumi is the professional player while oikawa is an entomology professor! also i love non-linear narratives bc of This fic. there’s mutual pining in this fic but it’s really really really subtle to the point where you dont even know if oikawa likes iwa. this made me cry like twice.
sunset towns
Word count: 33k
Summary: In the summer of 2020, Oikawa Tooru returns home from his first successful stint as captain of Japan’s national volleyball team. In one hand, he holds the undisputed weight of an Olympic medal, and in the other, his unresolved feelings for a childhood best friend.
thoughts: the tone in this is So similar to the courtship ritual that I liken this as an alternate story even though it’s still oikawa’s pov. professional player oikawa and regular guy iwaizumi and oikawa is just. bumming around at iwaizumi’s place and naturally he messes up but things happen.
told before and told again
word count: 4k
thoughts: i looked through literally all the tags i could’ve thought of for this and nearly cried when i found it agian. outsider POV!!
In damp earth my body
Word count: 15k
Summary: Onscreen, the nation’s favorite setter has arranged himself so that he’s bowing, forehead pressed to the court, like he’s thanking everyone for their kindness thus far, like he’s asking for forgiveness. Hajime thinks: shit, it’s really happening
thoughts: oikawa retires and moves in with iwaizumi and they blur the line between roommates/best friends and being fwb. this is an iwaizumi pov and the pining is obvious on his end. as a iwa stan the tone made me feel weird bc it makes it seem like iwa cares more abt oikawa than he cares abt himself but. its a good fic
i grew up, you grew down
word count: 19k
thoughts: this is also SO funny bc basically oikawa retires and moves in with iwaizumi and becomes his stay at home wife and a bunch of shit happens like people think that oikawa is dating ushijima and oikawa basically loses it every time. here’s one of my favorite quotes:
“Oikawa also bought a new ultra-strength vacuum cleaner he’d decided to name Ushiwaka out of sheer spite, because it sucked all the air right out of the room. Iwa-chan didn’t think the joke was that funny when Tooru told him, which was frankly very hurtful and insensitive.”
Word count: 19k
thoughts: iwaizumi is moving and oikawa planned a perfect last hangout and it goes to shit featuring matsuhana. oikawa pov where he pines more than iwa which is something i can get behind!! and this was written in 2015 and iwa’s moving bc of a sports medicine program so iwaizumi stans know and love him sm ;;
Almost a Stranger
Word count: 16k
thoughts: same premise as mint LOL except they’re on a trip together and there’s more non-linear narrative!! this one is a little more mature in tone than mint i would say (funny how people just like splitting them up and throwing them in different countries huh)
with every second that you could give
Word count: 9k
Summary: The journey of Iwaizumi and Oikawa going for gold.
Quote: He knows they’re too close. Iwaizumi knows it too, and they both decided to move in together anyway.
thoughts: iwaoi roommates and they’re both obviously and really pine-y for each other and everyone sees it but them. srsly. they’re sleeping in the same bed. like my god
Lost in Translation
Word count: 9k
Summary: Because misfortune come in threes, Iwaizumi Hajime starts his Thursday having a screaming fight with Shittykawa, spends his lunch break listening to the UCI women’s volleyball team gossiping about how Ushijima Wakatoshi had gone public about his longtime love affair with Oikawa Tooru, and closes out the day by drunkenly dropping his phone into a sewer grate.
thoughts: so funny. so sososoosso genuinely funny. the tone is so snappy and iwaizumi honestly just sounds like a confused teenager (which he is in this) and it gets extra points for including a lot of american culture that a lot of the other iwaoi college au ones don’t include for like. obvious reasons lol.
Something Borrowed
Word count: 16k
Summary: In which Oikawa and Iwaizumi have always been a foregone conclusion to everyone else, but a massive, unanswered question to one another.
thoughts: iwaoi roommates thats abo but it’s like. mentioned twice. whiny and possessive oikawa makes an appearance in this but it’s done really well
things that change, things that stay the same
Word count: 8k
Summary: Oikawa realizes he’s in love with his best friend; it sucks for a while. (But only for a little while.)
thoughts: high school getting together!! my second iwaoi fic ever and this one is just. so sweet. just an unsure oikawa realizing iwaizumi might be more than someone he wants as a best friend. this fic is honestly really really lovely.
galaxies, within you
Word count: 21k
Summary: Hajime and Tooru move in together at the start of university. Too bad they’re stuck with the two gremlins that haunt their apartment.
thoughts: ok this fic was so funny. theyre uni roommates and matsuhana just come fuck shit up and they all act like idiots together even though they go to different schools. and this really throws me back to university days.
Thirty Years and Change (the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad)
Word count: 19k
thoughts: pro! oikawa and iwaizumi haven’t been close for a while until oikawa invites iwaizumi to go to the games with him. there’s a lot of frustration and pining and actually talking about feelings (aka iwaizumi losing his mind and getting advice from people like akaashi)
when it starts to rain, they go inside
Word count: 33k
Summary: “Where?” starts Iwaizumi.“ My parent’s old lakehouse, silly, didn’t you hear me the first time?” OR: Oikawa takes Iwaizumi to his lakehouse for two weeks, post-graduation.
thoughts: this was actually my first iwaoi fic which is funny bc the author doesn’t even like oikawa much and i didnt even ship anything in haikyuu before i read this fic and now im in iwaoi hell. oikawa is really frustrating in this in that it’s basically a really good character analysis on how oikawa comes off as a Mean person all the time bc he’s manipulative and there’s some explicit content
Word count: 16k
Summary: Oikawa was always the brave one. Hajime just followed two paces behind.
thoughts: iwaoi roommates with oikawa admitting his feelings first back when they were in middle school and iwaizumi putting that thought on the backburner until. obviously. things happen.
word count: 80k
thoughts: one of my favorite aus. it’s all from kyoutani’s perspective and it’s almost so au that they’re original characters (if that makes sense). basically iwaoi matsuhana are ex-grifters except iwaoi are estranged and daishou somehow brings everyone back together. excellent world building and reading the pov from someone not involved with the iwaoi drama was refreshing
sing with me a song of conquest and fate
word count: 26k
thoughts: a mythical kings au that’s just. so pretty. iwaizumi ends up becoming oikawa’s servant for some reason and the world building is a+ because you can feel the trust and frustration from both of them build
dreams of me and you
word count: 10k (incomplete)
my second atsukita fic that rly sent me down atskt hell ;; what is essentially post-break up when atsumu gets signed to msby and he’s just Pining and sad for the most part. but the established relationship pre-break up was written really nicely because it just fits my hc of them just being domestic and atsumu being blatantly head over heels
take me home
word count: 4k
i read this this morning and it wrecked me. domestic relationship atsukita?? sign me up
No time like the rest of my life
word count: 19k
mythology au with kita as a regular person and rest of inarizaki as fox spirits! it’s cute and the world building is absolutely lovely but it is an au so they might seem ooc but their core character values are still there
wild blue yonder
word count: 6k
literally full of similes and metaphors and it’s more of an abstract read i guess? but it’s so beautiful and soft and this is exactly how i imagine their relationship
reap and sow
word count: 8k
atsumu confesses and kita ignores him and it’s a couple years after the fact and it’s mostly just weirdly domestic almost roommate like except for the fact that atsumu makes it clear he likes kita LOL. they’re really in character for this!
weightless souls
word count: 2k
pillow talk before atsumu’s first game! the atsumu pov and voice is amazing
if we were both alone
word count: 7k
now this was actually my first atskt fic that sent me down this rare pair hell. it’s an explicit chat fic (both tropes i usually try to avoid) but atsumu types like me (except for the nsfw parts alksfjd) so i guess i like. feel appreciation LMAO.
if you do read like any of these fics pls let me know so we can discuss
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
I started reading fanfic when I was 11-13 years old. falls into Rabbit's Lair after innocent research into the canon just because I wanted to read more about it. it's funny because I read for a long time couples and plots keeping the canon, until I got to know the wonders of alternate universes. do you remember how it was for you?
I do! I started primarily in the Twilight fandom, but I read some HP fic too at the time. I liked Harmony (HarryxHermione) because I've always disliked Ron in canon and that was around the time I was gifted and read the 7th book. Like shortly after it came out, I think. So I was extra pissed off at Ron because of him ditching them in the forest.
I was also deeply over Edward and Jacob in every capacity in the Twilight series because they were problematic af, even if they were hot as hell in the movies. So I was tip toeing into the world of AU ships. I nose-dived hard into JasperxBella and CarlislexBella, but to this day like 90% of those begin with the premise of EITHER: A.) Alice/Edward cheats or B.) Esme and Carlisle aren't true mates. Literally all of them. Maybe one or two all human AUs didn't start that way but there was almost NO decent stories that weren't written by the same few titans in the pairing.
I wrote several fics with decent premises and absolutely god awful meme-tier writing (because I was fucking TWELVE) that have since been deleted. Sometimes people still message me asking about a few of them??? I don't understand??? The concepts were fine but I did them no justice??? I digress.
And mind you this was back when Twilight had like...maybe 70k fics total, I think? On FFN. I didn't even learn about AO3 until 2016. On FFN HP had like 550k fics back then? Its way more now for both.
HP was more intimidating because I didn't think anyone would even see my stories in that saturated of a fandom. I think I wrote one Twilight HP Crossover fic where Bella basically replaced Hermione, the Cullens showed up, got verbally shit on, Alice wanted to be a Hufflepuff, Bella-mione told them all to go fuck themselves, nobody trusted Dumbledore, and she was dating Harry. This fic was a travesty. And crossovers don't usually perform well anyway so like...that fic is gonna stay dead.
At some point between....2012 and 2013, I think, I purged all but one or two of my fics. I left my beauty and the beast fic that I need to finish. And my Hunger Games fic that is literal garbage because I wrote it in HIGH SCHOOL, but it was my most popular fic and my only completed fic.
I had gotten tired of reading Hunger Games fics, I didn't want to write Twilight fics bc original concepts didn't seem to get a lot of attention, just trope recycling. So I finally said fuck it and started writing HP fics. I'd been toying with The Fourth Blood Princess' plot for years, so I started playing with that.
Somewhere between 2013 and 2014, was into Tomione (not for the first time) and was inhaling all the fics where Hermione met Tom when they were both school aged. I was quickly burnt out on all the (delightful but) common time turner fics and I desperately wanted to know what would happen if the Diary was connected to 5th year Tom Riddle (sans horcrux) and if that Diary was given to Hermione.
I wrote most of the now archived version of Diary without posting a single word. I made a friend on this very website who I still talk to sometimes though she's no longer on Tumblr and let her read what I had. She encouraged me to post it.
And we know what Diary has turned into lmao. I still don't know why it has taken off the way it has, but I'm here for it. Still wish Fourth Blood Princess had gotten that attention sometimes, because I firmly stand by the fact that there are not enough fics where Severus get's a true chance to atone AND the love he deserves, but it's fine. Slowburns always out perform family-centric fics.
;) Thanks, lovely. I hope this didn't bore you lol.
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ourmondobongo · 3 years
Hi hi hi mondoo,
It really took a long time for me to decide what questions I will send to you. Since my first planned questions had already been answered in your amazingly incredible long essay about Hans death, so I think I kinda want to ask you this question. It's more a personal experience i guess 🤔
Some people maybe take hobbies or, in this case, watching anime for merely as casual activity and don't take it seriously, some people do the other way around.
So, does attack on titan, in general, introduces you to a new thing/perspective or maybe influences you some way? And How is it with Levi/Hanji/Levihan in particular?
<sorry for my not-so-fun question>
Hey there, zoeeee!!
Tysm for the ask!!!! It's always a blast talking to you <3!!
Oh yeah - Hans’s death is always a hard topic 🤧 I'm still waiting to see what/if Yams is ever gonna talk about it cause I'm like Armin - I can't throw away my naive hopes just yet LMAO . (Yeah, I know I'm still acting like a mad dog fighting for a full fleshless bone over this topic, but probably next year with the animation I will get over it \O )
As for my experience with AOT, I have both the "funny" one and the more serious/reflective one. Now that I've talked the serious, let's talk about the more fun!!!
To tell the truth, I used to watch (many) cartoons and (the very few available) animes because of the thrilling, action, or fluffy plots. It's a hobby, a leisure way to spend time, just like watching TV series. However, AOT definitely impacted me!!!
Like, I've never been so invested in a piece of fiction for so many years straight like AOT. Like, I used to be dangerously addicted to books. I was a Potterhead when the last book was about to be published, so my suffering wasn't so long; then I became a Twilight and Percabeth fan when they had only the first books selling in my country, and with this, I suffered for a lot of years lmao. And then my downfall came with Shatter-Me series (which ultimately prompted me into striving to learn English so I could read the books on the Internet because it wouldn't sell in my country T-T).
However, they had years of nothing new published between one book and the others. So the suffering and investment were considerably less demanding (and addicting) than waiting for AOT. And when I started it, I was not imagining things would go so deep, and that I would ever become so damn desperate to keep following what would happen in monthly suffering LOL
So after AOT, I started reading more manga, and really went down the hill of animes too!!! A lot, really! My studies suffered a bit with it, but I've little regrets about this since they also relieved a lot of personal pressure LOL And the amazing AOT OST also became another addiction - I delved more into epic music, and in moments when I'm fighting/struggling with life or work or studies I played some to boost my disposition haha
Then one day - OH GOD - a friend showed me the path to AOT fanfiction, and I.was.in.another.kind.of.Heaven. I started this reader life with Eremika (because she recommended me lol), but soon I found out Levihan AMAZING stories, and I went full downhill in this ship!!!
And AAAH, Levihan introduced me to another type of world, love, and addiction!! Aside from waiting for the manga, or anime, now I was waiting for fanfictions and extra content, and those were golden, precious days for me <3!! Back then, I still wasn't involved in the fandom (I didn't even have any idea what "fandom" or "ship" in fact was lmao), and I didn't feel confident to speak with my poor, horrible English (even if it was with google's help). My friend also warned me to keep away since AOT fandom and shipper were kind of aggressive and wild. So I just stayed all by myself shipping Levihan while reading fics midnight on my cellphone for all these years lmao
This year, I finally gathered a bit more confidence in my English (and myself) to join Tumblr because of the Levihan community!!! It has been a lovely (and sometimes bumpy and wild) ride to be in the AOT fandom, but the Levihans here are SO GREAT, and fantastic people, and there is so much Levihan love, and so many talented artists and writers and metas, and I just love this all <3
I'm still learning a lot of things here - rethinking a few things about AOT in general, understanding my limits as a vocal fan (I've made some already deleted ranting posts while I was utterly mad to AOT fandom, and I was unfair to some characters, or also too impatient and aggressive to people badmouthing Mikasa so bad for having a family). But AOT and Levihan definitely have introduced me to so many life-changing experiences that I'm sure I would be a totally different person if I've never read/watched/seen things related to them.
This makes me so glad Yams made AOT, Levi, and Hanji <3 I've learned A WHOLE LOT of things not only through the manga but with all side materials, anime, OST's, interviews, fanfics, fanartists, and real-life community, with old and new friends from all places from my country, and from all over the world now that I'm also improving my English!!
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moccahobi · 4 years
Dear Diary [Jimin x Reader]
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff
Rating: E for everyone
Summery: You’re moving! Finally. Getting into a masters program in South Korea meant soooo much to you and it also offered the perfect opportunity to move in with your favorite pen pal and high school friend from an exchange: Park Jimin. A sweet and caring squirrel hybrid.
Word Count: 6.3k words
Genre: Fluff, Hybrid AU, Roommates AU, Friends to Lovers
A/N: OMGGGG. Formatting this was soooo annoying. Never again am I going to do so many dividers. It was not it chief. Lolol. I love this fic though! It is part of a collab for hybrids (check out the masterlist here) you should totally check them out! All the authors here are soooo amazing and their works are amazing in this too! Also! Thank you to @jung-hoseok-s-airplane​ and @spicykoreantatertots​ the two amazing people who betaed this fic for me! They helped soooo much!
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Unlocking the door to your shabby apartment, you were struck by how empty it looked. It was really more of a ghost of your apartment at this point. You’d been slowly shipping your stuff over to South Korea for almost a month (really, as soon as you were accepted to Seoul University’s master program and Jimin agreed to be your roommate) and by now, all you had to take with you on your flight tomorrow was a small day bag with your necessities and a suitcase full of the clothes you’d worn this week. Your empty apartment really made the move feel real (something your job’s kind send off party hadn’t done). This move was real.
You had gotten accepted into your dream program across the world.
Tomorrow afternoon you’ll be leaving this area and moving in with Jimin.
You giggled and sat on your couch with a dazed smile stuck on your face. It wasn’t really your couch anymore was it? Your landlord was keeping all the furniture. Not that you really cared. How would you have possibly carted your large furniture across the world anyways? 
After almost four years of living here though… you’d be leaving behind many memories stored in this apartment. Like when one of your friends spent the night here after an evening of clubbing and ended up vomiting all over the rug you’d placed in the living space. He promised to pay for a deep cleaning the next day, which you took him up on… but then he just rented a steam cleaner. He was a funny person like that. Although… it was much less expensive than a cleaning service probably was. Looking back, you laughed at how worried you were of him finding one of your many journals stored on your bookshelf, so worried that you hid them under your bed. Not that it really mattered. He was a sweet friend and your journals just looked like notebooks.
Had you packed them? After shoving them under your bed all that time ago, you didn’t even think about looking back on them. Maybe if you hadn’t been reminiscing, you would’ve forgotten them here and lost them forever. Surely your landlord would just throw them away without a second thought. 
You���d been sleeping on an empty mattress and a small pillow for three days now, your comforter and sheets already in Korea with Jimin. You shuddered against your cold floor as you knelt down on the cold hard floor to grab your almost forgotten journals. With them in hand, you settled onto your pillow-less couch and carefully opened up the last journal you’d written. It was from the study abroad you did in South Korea in your last year of high school. Without that study abroad, you’d never have met Jimin and you most definitely wouldn’t be moving across the world for your masters program.
You wouldn’t want to do anything else though. Jimin was probably your best friend and this program was the opportunity of a lifetime. With a nostalgic smile on your face, you started to read.
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Dear diary, 
Something crazy happened today! Ahhh! I was so shocked when Jimin, THE social butterfly of my school, came up and started talking to me. He’s a hybrid of some sort, not that it matters to me. He’s got a black bowl cut too… it looks funny with his furry pointed ears sticking out of it. Anyways, the conversation was a little stunted at first… I barely knew Korean and Jimin barely knew English but somehow we had a really good conversation. I am honestly so shocked. Here I thought that as an exchange student in South Korea, I’d just talk to other exchange students and mumble a few words to other students. I mean… I know Korean some but not much. It was… AHHH! I had so fun talking to Jimin. He’s so sweet and kind. I even added him on Kakao. He’s my first non-exchange family member on my Kakao. I can’t wait to get to know him more.
Dear diary, 
Jimin and I talk almost daily! Mostly through text because we don’t see each other much during school but that’s ok! He is in a lot more advanced classes than I but I think we are planning on meeting up for lunch this Wednesday. He even asked if I wanted to join him at the dance club but I said no… I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of my only friend. Given, Jimin is so friendly and sweet that I bet he’d just laugh and try to teach me but still. Besides, he apparently competes. That’s what I’d heard from others at school at least. I don’t want to distract him from preparing for competitions. 
Dear diary,
I went to a karaoke booth with Jimin and some of his friends. It was so fun! Jimin’s friends were a little shy to talk to me but they opened up as we started to sing more. I didn’t expect them to be such weebs like me! Lol. They all joined in to sing the current theme song of One Piece. It was soo funny. The mic didn’t know who to focus on and we got such a baddddd score. Jisoo was sooo funny while singing (Jisoo is a sweet cat hybrid). Jimin is surprisingly a great singer though! I was surprised. Is there anything he is possibly bad at? I don’t know. 
After karaoke, he and I went to a park and just chilled. Instead of sitting at a bench, Jimin dragged me off to a small clearing and sat on a low tree branch. It was the first time I really thought of him as a hybrid because… like… sitting on that tree with his tail swaying slowly as he ate ice cream… I don’t know. It was nice to just be with him there but still. It didn’t help that he kept batting at me with his tail until I joined him on the branch. I could have sworn the branch shook as I joined! We probably both almost died because of that branch broke, we would have fallen! I am exaggerating… but still. 
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You were such an extra kid at times. A laugh left you as you thought back on that afternoon spent talking while chilling on the tree branch. Now you knew there was no way you would have died even if the branch fell. The worst thing that would have happened would have been a broken bone (although with Jimin’s quick reflexes and hearing, he might have noticed the branch start to splinter before it even became an emergency for both of you). 
Looking over at the clock, you noted that it was almost nine at night. Jimin would wake up soon and start his last day roommate-less. You chuckled thinking about what he might be doing right now. Maybe he’d be meticulously rolling over his couch so that his hair wasn’t all over it when you first sat down, or he was washing all the blankets to make sure they were extra soft (in reality, he was probably hitting snooze for the 100th time that morning).  Either way, he was probably just as excited to see you again as you were. Sure you’d texted each other almost daily but it wasn’t the same. You both became super busy and the time zone difference made it hard to video chat often. 
Life happened and no amount of texting or video chatting seemed to make up for that.
For all you knew, Jimin looked so different from what you remember that when you arrive at the airport and look for him holding the “Welcome Y/n” sign he made, you will only be able to recognize him by the sign (and his tail… unless he dyed the dark brown tail to be some other color). 
Maybe you’d changed too. Your hair and style have undoubtedly changed… but would Jimin notice changes other than that? Maybe your scent had changed. You knew that hybrids had more sensitive noses and often identified people by scent (you learned that the hard way by trying to play hide and seek in the dark with Jimin and some of his friends at a party… never again). During your exchange, Jimin claimed you smelled like blossoms (from how you’d read about smells in the past, you knew there was more to one’s smell than just one thing but you didn’t push Jimin for more). Maybe you’d ask Jimin again sometime.
A vibration from your phone took you out of your thoughts and when you checked the notification, you chuckled. It was as if Jimin knew that you were thinking about him. 
Jimi: I built your bedframe~
Jimi: When your sheets arrive today I will make your bed. That way you don’t have to worry about all that after such a long flight. 
Jimi: Can’t wait to see u again!
You: Thank you
You: I am excited to see you soon too!
Looking down at your worn journals and gently rubbing their spines, you decided you wanted to have a journal for this journey too. Given your track record of starting and dropping journals, you’d probably only keep at it for a month or so but could still be very nice. There was one simple issue with your plan though, you didn’t have a notebook to write in… or a pen. Those things were in Korea by now. 
You’d have to leave the house to get that stuff… or you could just buy it at the airport tomorrow. The airport only sold overpriced stuff though… plus it would be cool to start writing now.
With that thought, you got up, put your shoes on, grabbed your wallet and keys, and walked to the closest general store. After little deliberation, you bought a slender black dotted notebook and gel pens. Excitement bubbled up inside you as you sat on your couch again, pen poised to write. This would be fun. 
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Dear diary,
I am moving tomorrow. 
I am moving halfway across the world to live with Jimin, a squirrel hybrid and my best friend. I was accepted into my dream masters program and will be living in South Korea on a student visa. I am so excited to see Jimin again. Has he changed much or is he still the same old sweet guy who hid in trees to think and talks to strangers? I’ll know soon. 
Well… it won’t be that soon. I have to fly to South Korea first. 
It’ll be a long flight. I’ll arrive in Seoul tomorrow at 5pm and Jimin will take me out to dinner with some of his friends before we just relax at our shared apartment. Almost all of my stuff is already in the apartment. I’ve been shipping them across for a little over a month or so now. 
I am so excited. 
I should probably eat something and go to bed though. Tomorrow will be long and full of tedious airport procedures… yay! Note the sarcasm. 
Good night. 
Let’s see if I use you.
Dear diary,
It is almost time to board. I am so excited. When I was packing, I thought that I would be more anxious about the move and make a little sad about leaving my friends and family behind, but I don’t feel anxious or sad. Ok… I am a little sad. But my excitement outweighs my sadness. I’ll be leaving some friends behind but I will be making so many more! And I’ll finally get to see Jimin again as well. 
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My flight is about to board. I guess I will talk to you later then!
You were exhausted by the time you finally sat down in your seat, ready to see Jimin again and sleep in a made bed. The flight would be a long slog full of you getting up to use the bathroom, walking down the isles just to move, reading a book because it was one of the few forms of entertainment you had, and drinking lots of water. It was exhausting (somehow), yet time moved and eventually you found yourself staring out at Korea’s landscape. 
The city was alive and so pretty. For a moment you forgot that you were tired. Given the second you got up, you remembered it all again. Your legs felt sore and tired from sitting in one spot for so long and your eyelids were almost sheets of lead by now. As you waited for the people in front of you to leave the plane, you turned your phone back on (you’d bought a cellular plan last week for when you would be in Korea). As soon as it connected to your new plan, you were bombarded with excited messages from Jimin that he’d sent all through his day. From photos of food he’d cooked for your first dinner together to the ‘Welcome to Korea Y/n’ poster he made for you. It made you smile and  as you neared where he said he would be waiting for you, you grew even more excited once again. 
Would you get along with his friends?
Would your schedules match? 
Jimin came into view before you could keep thinking, his “Welcome to Korea Y/n” sign much bigger and grander than you imagined. There were two hybrids flanking either side of him, one you recognized as Jisoo from high school and the other you’d never met before. Even from the six or so meter distance you were at right now, you could see Jimin’s tail quiver excitedly. You sped up. Six meters couldn’t end soon enough. Jimin handed the poster to one of his friends and engulfed you in a suffocating hug, his warmth flooding you. Almost immediately, you felt a sense of home in Jimin’s arms, your bodies melding together nicely and a sense of calm settling over you. You didn’t want to let go. It wasn’t until one of his friends coughed awkwardly that Jimin released you and held you at arms length while giving you a once over. 
He looked good. 
Not that you expected much else from the dancer. Numberless days spent in the studio sculpted his body better than any artist you knew or studied could have done. Miraculously enough he’d somehow developed a sense of style. You especially loved his colorblocked button up shirt that seemed to shine in the dingy airport. 
“Nice to smell you again, Y/n-ah.” Jimin said, a shit-eating grin splitting his sweet smile as he winked at you.
A loud snort left one of Jimin’s friends, who appeared to be a pig hybrid. A cute pig hybrid at that. A shy blush bloomed across his handsome and plump face before he asked to take your suitcase (something you happily let him take). Jimin chittered quietly next to you as you quickly introduced yourself to his friends (the pig hybrid’s name Minju and the other, a mutual high school friend, Jisoo). The four of you started to leave the airport. 
“I wouldn’t have invited Jisoo and Minju to come and pick you up but I don’t have a car… I figured that you’d rather not lug all your stuff around the subway.”
“Out of all three of us – four of us I guess– I am the only one with a car.” Jisoo injected happily, twirling his keys around one of his slender fingers.
You laughed and nodded. Content to just listen to the three of them banter and talk as you were led to Jisoo’s car. They seemed content to embarrass each other by telling you about things they’ve done in the past that varied in severity from mistakes while dancing to drunken nights spent together. At one point, you even added in a story of Jimin and Jisoo fighting with sparklers, getting burned, and then burning all the sparklers as “revenge”. The banter didn’t stop until the car stopped and by then you’d felt as if you had spent more than just one year and a car ride with them.
“Now, Y/n-ssi, I know that you and Jimin talked about going back to his place and having a relaxing night–”
“We did and I’m excited to eat the food Jimin made. If it’s edible.” You added, smiling as Jisoo laughed and Jimin shouted.
“Yes. Well, Jimin had to make a deal with me to get me as a chauffeur.”
“It was a damn rotten deal.”
Minju laughed, “Whatever you say Chim. He’s still gotta honor it. So we are getting some food.”
A large and towering building faced you from outside the car and if the sign was anything to go by, it was more than just a restaurant. It was a karaoke place. A smile grew on your face as you looked up at it. Tonight would be fun… even if you were tired.
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Dear diary,
Tonight was amazing. Sure I’d hoped to just settle into Jimin’s and my apartment and go to bed early after eating… but instead Jimin treated Minju, Jisoo, and I to dinner at a karaoke place. I’d have to look but it might have been the same place Jimin, Jisoo, some of Jimin’s friends, and I went to in high school. Not that it matters too much. We had so much fun! By the end of the night I even had Jisoo’s and Minju’s phone number too. Hopefully we can all be friends. 
Jimin has changed in ways I hadn’t noticed when we talked online. He seems to have picked up this habit of chittering. I want to try to figure out if there is something that causes him to chitter or if it just happens. Near the end of the night I tried paying attention to that but it was hard. Almost always when he started chittering, I was doing something. It’s good to be around him again. I missed him more than I realized.
Dear Diary, 
I start classes tomorrow! Yay!!! I also have a job interview tomorrow… which is less exciting. I knew that I would need a job and that I would have to wait until I had officially signed the lease (which happened literally the day after I moved in), but it was still so much work! Jimin has been helping me through which has been suuuuper helpful. After he comes home from the studio and eats– I have been cooking for him since he’s been busier than me– he’s been helping me modify and send in my resumes to places. It’s nice. We sit next to each other on the couch and just… put our heads together to get it done. 
After finishing that, he and I watched a movie after (this has happened two times!). We’ll cuddle together and watch some movie Jimin’s decided I need to watch. He’s a good cuddle buddy. I’ve enjoyed it. Well… wish me luck on my job!
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“You’re back? That was fast! I barely had time to finish making dinner!” Jimin called out as you entered, tired from a long week (more like a long month or two by now) of classes and work but nonetheless happy to be home with Jimin. 
Throwing your bag on the closest chair, you went to him and gave him a tight side hug. Almost immediately, you felt some of your built up stress leave you. He was magical like that. You could be having a horrible day and just the sight of your best friend would make it all so much better. The nights where you would sit on the couch together and read or watch tv or just talk were your favorites. Jimin’s head would slowly drift into your lap and you would start to play with his soft hair and ears, your eyes trailing his beautiful face. Tonight would probably be one of those nights if you had any say in his evening plans. 
Jimin’s tail quivered and tickled your nose.
“I am sorry you had such a rough day, Y/n-ah.” Jimin said with a whine and you felt him move to set whatever he was holding down.
“It’s life, I guess.”
“That doesn’t make it any better, ”Jimin turned around and started hugging you tightly as well, gently rubbing his cheek against your neck, “I don’t like it when you’re this stressed, Y/n-ah. Let me take care of you tonight. I don’t want you stressing anymore tonight.” 
You laughed but gave in as Jimin started leading you to the couch before he started to bring the food he made into the living space as well. Soon enough, you were being coddled by Jimin who was making sure you ate and cuddling you as the two of you watched some random show. Sleep didn’t find you that night though. For some unknown reason, butterflies were hatching in your stomach and all you could do is feel them flutter around while wondering why you were possibly feeling such flutters. 
Less than a month later, as snow started falling down rapidly, you found yourself in a similar situation. It was your turn to make dinner, which wasn’t a problem because it also happened to be one of the rare days you had off. It was almost 8 at night by the time you finished dinner, the sun long set and Jimin would be home soon. You’d just finished setting the table and were scared by how harshly Jimin slammed the door shut. Normally he was so careful with closing the door, respectful of your neighbors and not wanting to damage anything. 
“Jimin-ah? Is that you?”
“Who else would it be? Have you been giving spare keys to your friends?”
You laughed and grabbed his backpack from him, “Aish. Why would I do that? We agreed not to. How was your day?”
Jimin walked into his room, his door open as he started changing. All the while he was venting. The students didn’t catch on to his newest dance as fast as he’d hoped and during break he heard them complaining. Then he ended up needing to take on an extra class because one of his coworkers bailed and he didn’t have time to practice for his showcase next week. Which was also a complete mess because everyone was being complete idiots, not that Jimin would ever tell them that.
“I’ve been looking forward to dinner all day though.” Jimin said with a large smile on his face as he sat down at the table, you joined him.
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After dinner, you and Jimin sat on the couch and as Shrek was playing, he curled up next to you and rested his head on your lap, demanded pets. You wanted to laugh and make fun of him for being so clingy but refrained. He was so stressed. Now wasn’t the right time to make fun of him and his vulnerability. Plus, part of you relished in him wanting cuddles from you. 
Dear Diary,
I am sorry that I’ve been neglecting you. Lol. I’ve been so busy! Being a student full time with a part time job is stressful. Who would have thought? Jimin’s been stressing sooo much over his latest dance performance. It is honestly stressing me out. 
It probably isn’t healthy for him either. He literally spent the whole weekend practicing at the studio… I dropped off lunch for him both days. AND yesterday was one of his days to make dinner and instead of telling me that he couldn’t, he simply didn’t return to the apartment until, like, 10pm. I was so worried. THEN! He got upset at me for assuming he’d be cooking when his show is this Friday. Like, sorry I wasn’t informed that you wouldn’t be. 
More importantly though, I am worried about Jimin. He used to come to me before his performances and we would talk. I was a person he could turn to for stress relief, but all he’s done leading up to this performance is snap at me and hide away in his studio in preparation. I don’t want him to be this stressed out… 
What should I do?
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By the next day, you’d figured out what must be done. You were going to forcefully bring Jimin home and the two of you would relax. All of Jimin’s favorite foods were laid out on the living space’s coffee table and you’d even gotten some extra skin care stuff because you knew Jimin loved that. This night would be all about relaxing. Hell, you were even prepared to massage Jimin’s gross feet and back. You’d do anything to make sure that Jimin could relax some. 
You just had to… go to his studio and interrupt him in the middle of his practice… and forcefully bring him home. 
No big deal. You could do it.
With a deep sigh, you gave your relaxation set-up a final once over and left the house. It was already 5pm and if you were going to make Jimin relax, you were going to need to start it soon. All throughout driving to Jimin’s studio, you were thinking over the many ways you could try to convince Jimin to relax and when you finally made it to the studio, you realized another issue: 
You had no idea which room he had rented out today.
With an awkward smile and a nod at the receptionist, you made your way into the building. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too hard to find Jimin… 
Of course it was hard. He just so happened to be in the third floor studio furthest from the stairs. When you found his room, you noticed he wasn’t alone. Minju was also visiting him. Neither of them noticed you approaching the door. Both were sitting and talking and when you reached the door you started to be able to hear tidbits of what they were saying.
“You’re going to… Seriously?”
“Yeah. I figured it’d be a super sweet way to confess. It’s why I am stressing so much about this performance. It has to be perfect.”
You didn’t open the door.
Jimin liked someone? 
Why didn’t you know?
You were best friends right?
Best friends were supposed to tell this stuff. 
Sadness and disappointment filled your stomach and you contemplated turning around and just letting Jimin practice. Clearly this was important to him. You didn’t want to get in the way of him and another person.
“I don’t know man. Y/n… like this.”
“Like you would know? You’ve known her for the equivalence of a year and then some! I have been… five years now. I was… and as she celebrated!”
“Woah, Jimin-ah… I’m going to go now. Good luck.”
Your brain was short circuiting. He liked you? You must have misheard that. That wasn’t possible. Jimin was… he was a catch and you were just you.
Did you even think of him that way? 
“Oh! Hi, Y/n-ah. Crazy seeing you here!” Minju practically shouted, a smirk on his face as he looked back at Jimin. 
Fuck! Somehow you managed to mumble a hello to Minju before shuffling into the dance studio and looking at Jimin. He looked tired. He also looked shocked and afraid. 
You weren’t supposed to hear what you just heard.
“O-Oh… Y/n-ah! What are you doing here?” 
“Well… I, uhhh, I came because I was worried about you. You’re coming home whether you like it or not and you’re going to relax with me.” You tried to be assertive but all the gusto you’d worked up seemed to have disappeared with Minju. 
“How much of that c-conversation did you hear, Y/n-ah?”
You sighed, “I…,” Were you about to be honest about this? 
Did you want him confessing in front of a crowd of people?
“I think I heard you say that you were planning on confessing to me after your performance?” You didn’t sound sure of yourself, not in the slightest. Not that you knew how anyone could possibly be sure of themselves in such a situation. Jimin himself seemed to deflate, his eyes wide.   
“Fuck. This isn’t how you were supposed to find out. I had–”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach at his confirmation of wanting to ask you out.
Did you have a crush on him?
“So you were planning on confessing?”
“Yeah? I am so sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. Fuck. I didn’t think this through. We’re roommates. This–”
“I’d be down for a date…” 
“What?” Jimin jumped up, his tail quivering and ears twitching.
“I’d be down for a date. I… I don’t know if I like you back, romantically at least… but I might and I won’t know unless we try.” Jimin looked at you with shock and you started to feel much, much smaller than Jimin.
“What? Really?”
You nodded.
“Omo! Omo! You won’t regret this one bit!” Jimin was bouncing around the room, excitement clearly evident on his face as he celebrated. 
Next thing you knew, you were being pulled into a tight hug, Jimin gently rubbing your neck and repeatedly saying “thank you”. Those damn butterflies never left and as you looked at him, you started to really enjoy the idea of dating him. 
He was your little squirrel… but he wasn’t that little.
“When do you want our first date to be? Oh! I need time to plan! Can we have it after my performance? I really need to keep practicing for it… even if I’m not confessing to you after it anymore. Is that ok with you?” Jimin pulled away from the hug, holding you at arms length and looking worried once again. His brows were furrowed and his teeth worried away at his plump lips.
Huh… You’d never noticed just how cute his plump lips were.
“Hmmm… no.” Jimin paled once again, “Our first date… will be… right now.” You said with a smile and a laugh as his brows furrowed deeper. 
You reached up and soothed the space between his brows with a soft coo, “You’re super stressed, Jimin-ah. I don’t enjoy seeing you stressed. I planned to take you away from the studio tonight. I have skin care and food back home… and if we want we can also go to your favorite bibimbap restaurant before going back to the apartment. How does that sound?” 
Jimin looked conflicted, his cute beady eyes searching your face and moving around the room as he thought. Unless he spoke, you wouldn’t know what he was thinking over and you had half a mind to ask him to speak but instead, you simply waited for Jimin to come to a decision.
“I mean… I was hoping to have some really extravagant first date,” He started but he had already moved to his bag at the side of the room, “This does sound like a great date though… maybe more of a second date or a third date in my opinion–”
“Let’s count it as our second date then. No need to split hairs, Jimin-ah. I’ll wait for you outside the locker room.”
Without giving Jimin time to say anything else, you left and made your way down the stairs to where the locker rooms were. Jimin ran quickly down the stairs and bolted into the locker room, his soft brown ears pinned to his head from how fast he was going. You laughed before settling onto the floor outside the locker room and playing one of the games on your phone. It would be a flip of the coin to see how long Jimin would take. You were personally betting that he is so excited to go on the date that he rushes and is out in fifteen, but he could also want to look good for the date and in turn take an hour. 
Not that he didn’t always look good. 
Even when you just thought of him as a friend, you knew he looked good. Did you think of him as more than a friend? Possibly, yeah. The idea of going on dates with him and being romantic with him sounds amazing. You were really excited to see how this date will go. Distractedly, you tapped away at your game, your mind in la-la-land as it started to think up a future with Jimin. 
“Ready, Y/n-ah?” Jimin asked when he finally finished in the changing room. 
In the end, he took a whole hour and a half to get ready and you were almost positive that you saw Jisoo sneak into the changing room with a bag from your apartment, his sleek tail almost hit you in the face as he exited the locker room. As you looked up at Jimin, you were once again struck by just how handsome he was. He styled his hair away from his face somehow and he looked unfairly good in his black skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. 
You clambered up onto your feet, your legs numb from sitting in one spot for so long, and nodded at him with a shy smile. Gingerly, as if he was scared of breaking you, he grabbed your hand and the two of you left the dance studio. 
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Dear Diary,
Jimin asked me out! I was so shocked! Like… it isn’t bad at all… It is actually nice. Really nice. I like it a ton… and even though we’ve only gone on one date so far, I am really starting to like the idea of dating Jimin. He is so… so cute and kind and attentive. We got bibimbap and then just did skincare and stuff. 
Something I am really glad about though is that I found out tonight. Apparently, Jimin was hoping to ask me out Friday after his performance… which would have been so embarrassing… (Imagine the pressure and… PDA is roughhh)… but I overheard him talking to Minju. Gosh. I wonder how Minju thinks of this. Did Jimin text him that we started dating? Is he just waiting until we see each other next? I don’t know what I’d prefer. 
But uhhh… Jimin and I talked about having a “real” first date after his performance. I’m a little apprehensive though… I don’t want him to be exhausted during our first date. I trust Jimin though. He knows himself better than anyone else and if he thinks that he can handle a date after his recital… then so be it. 
AHHH! I am so excited! Wish me luck. I really hope this works out. 
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You adjusted anxiously in the theater seat, your dress feeling all too tight in all the wrong places as you looked over the recital directory. Jisoo and Minju were next to you, glancing at you and smirking every once in a while. Jimin most definitely told them that you’re dating… and it doesn’t help that you showed up to the recital over-dressed in preparation for your date with Jimin afterwards. Which was at some super fancy place… how he roped you into that? You don’t know. You were just glad that he’d agreed to go dutch. There wasn’t any way in the world that you’d let him pay for both of your meals at such an expensive restaurant. 
The recital hall was packed, people murmuring and talking excitedly. All of it stopped though when the lights dimmed and the host (a stout looking woman with some sort of large ears on her head) came on to introduce people. Soon enough the recital started and you became entranced by the many dancers who flounced around on stage. They all seemed so… natural up on the stage. Your breath was completely taken away when Jimin performed though. He was practically flying on stage and the way he moved was so… graceful and fluid. All too soon he was done. He’d taken the show. All throughout the rest of the recital you were transfixed. Jimin’s dance was playing on repeat in your mind, your breath stolen and thoughts completely empty. Soon enough, the show finished up and everyone around you was cheering. Almost half-heartedly, you joined along and followed Minju and Jisoo to where the meet-up was. 
Why were you so anxious about seeing Jimin now? You were about to go on a date with him and yet all you could think about was his dance. In no time, Jimin was bouncing over in a nice suit of his own. 
How were you supposed to function? 
Not only was he the best dancer in… in the world but he was also undoubtedly the most handsome man you’d ever met. The three were talking around you but you were still transfixed. A hand gently touched your back and you jumped. 
“Are you ok, Y/n-ah?" 
It was Jimin. He was looking at you with concerned eyes and a soft smile. Minju and Jisoo were gone. You two were alone. 
"I… Yeah. You were amazing out there. I am just… speechless.”
Jimin laughed quietly, a smug smile on his face as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“You’re ready for our date?" 
You nodded excitedly, walking out of the theater with Jimin in tow. This was going to be an amazing night. 
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Dear Diary,
Tonight was AMAZING. I know I was apprehensive before about dating Jimin but OMG IT WAS SOOOO GOOD. He was such a gentleman and when we held hands I felt butterflies erupt and it just.. It felt so nice. Tonight literally couldn’t have go-
Dear Y/n’s Diary,
I promise to take good care of her. We had a great night and I plan on making her my girlfriend soon. Now if you excuse us, I need cuddles from her.
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spookysmujer · 4 years
His Girl pt.2 // Sad Eyes
Summary: Your relationship with Sad Eyes is now known but Spooky loves to mess with his little sister. A sweet and sultry end 🍒
warnings: mild swearing, s m u t 🥵 18+
word count: 2.4k
A/N: twice in one day, who is she? LOL a follow-up to His Girl. Spooky finding out about his little sister and right hand man being a thing! Who else has protective siblings? I hope to see more people write for Sad Eyes, such a stud muffin and we need more gifs. My next fic includes 🧊+ 🎰 with Spooky. Let’s just say what happens there? Stays there.
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When you were in 8th grade and Spooky a freshmen, it gave you a little freedom, finally. It meant that you didn’t have to sneak around the hallways to wave to that boy you liked. But Spooky being Spooky had figured it out soon enough. Just as he had figured out now about you and Sad Eyes.
“Snitches get stitches!”
Is what you said that night you found your brother and lover standing outside of your window before shutting it. You all but hoped that he would be a little understanding and give you shit for brief moment but that wasn’t the case. He gave you shit, shit like you were a teenager again.
“What made you think I wouldn’t find out?” Oscar asks you as you sit in silence during breakfast. Cesar has kept his head down the whole time.
You play with the food on your plate, ignoring the comments your big brother has been making since you woke up. This must be hell I’m in? You ponder.
“Didn’t seem to have a clue for the last 3 months..” You say under your breath, Oscar stares at you with a scowl.
When one of his homies mentioned that the summer had been going hard with all these rucas outta high school, someone commented how Sad Eyes was going soft and claimed a ruca before getting a real taste of summer vibes. When asked who, someone slipped ‘your sister’. Sad Eyes never felt holes burned so deep into his skull. When Spooky asked, he had no words. There was rage of course, but if anyone were to date his little sister, who better than is right hand.
But of course, being Spooky, he couldn’t resist giving you shit. Especially for hiding it from him.
“Hm.. well I hope you enjoyed it. No más.” He lights a cigarette, you look to him finally. Your mouth agape, “You heard me.”
“What... I-I’m not a kid!” You slam your hand on the table and he furrows your brows, telling you to calm down,” No, I won’t calm down! I get that you think me dating a Santo isn’t safe but you are my brother for fucksake. Everyone knows it!”
He laughs to himself at your outrage. Oscar continues to eat, you want to flip the table. The Diaz temper present in all 3 of you.
You push yourself away from the table and stomp out of the kitchen and into the your room, slamming the door.
You scroll through your contacts and call him, desperately hoping your brother hadn’t murdered him himself or send the other Santos on him. Despite a few attempts to get in contact, to no avail. Oscar is going to get it, he wants to give you hell? You were gonna give him hell.
It didn’t take long for Oscar to bring home a hyna. You sat in the living room one night when he enters with her.
“Hm, jumping back in the game quick?” You comment, sipping on a coffee. He glances at you briefly, as he pulls the girl through the house. He stops and sees Jasmine in the kitchen, she waves and the hyna gags. Egg salad.
“Um, maybe I’ll call you.” She pulls her hand back and exits the house. You are dying of laughter, the silent kind of laughter. Head tipped back and tears falling.
Oscar gives Jasmine a look and then turns to stand in front of me, “You serious?”
“Oscar, 1. Y/N, 1, bitch. You gonna learn real quick who ran this shit while you were gone. You fuck with my dick intake and I fuck with you hyna intake. Goodnight, mano.” You push past him to join Jas in the kitchen.
Your brother seethes in anger. If you two were in high school, he’d do as he use to and pull your ponytail to fight you on the ground. You have the scars to prove all the physical fights you got in.
You and Oscar were petty with each other like old times. He couldn’t help it but he has bigger fish to fry now so he green light to Sad Eyes.
“Com’n, we’re going to pool.” Oscar tells you as you lay in your room, you roll your eyes but agree to because of the heat wave that rolled in.
You get changed and head to the pool with your two brothers.
It’s a nice day at the pool, perfect for tanning. You lay on your back, sunnies on.
“Hola mami.”
You hear a familiar voice, peer over your glasses and rest on your elbows, you see a shirtless Sad Eyes standing in front of you. He set his things down beside you nodding to your brother. Your brows furrow.
Sad Eyes grabs his shoulder that you hit and laughs. He knew that meant that you understood exactly what that head nod meant. No phone call or texts, Oscar reminding you for the past couple days who runs the ship now, all the shit you’ve been given!
“You think you two are soooo funny, hm?” You can hear Oscar laughing in the pool. “Puto I fucking swear.”
Sad Eyes laughs a little more before kissing yourcheek, “Lo siento, mi amor. I had a couple runs I needed to do and he thought it would funny to just mess around with you. He gave me some hard shit for keeping us on the DL. But all in all he thinks it’s better than dating some pendejo.”
You roll your eyes, flipping over onto your stomach. His eyes go to your ass, sharply inhaling air. He missed his mujer.
“Too bad because it seems I am dating one.” You turn your head away. “You realize because you think this is so funny that you get it twice as bad, right? So your 3 days times 2... 6. 6 days you’ll spend being ignored by me. And my kitty and my mouth.”
He laughs at you pettiness. You hear the sunscreen bottle cap and turn to see him rubbing the lotion on his tan skin. The devil in you is forcing you to watch. You can’t look away.
“Need more?” He asks you. You shrug and move your hair over your shoulder. Sad Eyes takes some in hand and rubs them together. His hands smear the lotion on your backside, massaging it into you skin. Oh man, you haven’t felt his hands on you in days.
No! Don’t fall for this!
It’s when his hands move over your ass that you jump. He lets out a breathy laugh and massages for a second before removing his hands.
“Brave.” You comment.
“Yearning.” He slaps your ass and you squeal, looking towards the pool to see Oscar distracted.
After needing to ask God to control your body before jumping his bones right there, you and your brothers head home and get things going for the weekly Santo gathering.
“So he really doesn’t care?” You ask Sad Eyes as he sits against the headboard of your bed, smoking a blunt. He nods as he watches you get dressed.
“The black one.” He says as you look between two blouses. You hold it against your chest and licks his lips. “Hm.”
You set it down and untie your robe, letting it fall from your shoulders. You can hear the moment Sad Eyes loses his breath. Your black lace thong and matching bra clinging to you body so perfectly. He feel himself strain against his shorts.
“New set, like it?” You turn and let him see your ass. His eyes does all the speaking. “Too bad we got this party tonight.”
He stalks over to you as you stand in front of your body mirror. Towering behind you, he steps extra close to you, “I don’t know, mami. Heard that shit is going to be lame.”
You restrain your grin as he pulls your back against his chest, hands on your hip. Your push your ass into groin area and he groans into your ear. His breath hitting your neck as you watch him loosen him.
“Hmm, I don’t know. My mans pissed me off and I wanna show him what he missing.”
“Fuck him.” He pushes his hands down your thighs, using his knee to hit your legs apart. You feel a tingle hit your core immediately.
Sad Eyes steps back and pulls his shirt off and sits on your bed. You give up, once that damn shirt is off there is no resistance. You walk over to him and straddle his lap, feeling his broad shoulders and pushing him down. He watches you with complete lust in his eyes. Those 3 days away from his bebe has been torture.
“You really pissed me off you know, not giving me a heads up about your run. I thought my brother literally killed you.” You push his hands up from where they were resting and hold them above his head. He bites his bottom lip as your boobs hover over his face.
“Forgive me, mami. Lemme make it up to you.”
He lifts his head to plant kisses on your chest, licking your cleavage and earning an involuntary moan from you. He smirks at this and takes the opportunity to overpower you and flip you two over. He sits on his knees and kisses your torso, slowly. Inching down closer and closer to where you want him most. You watch as he does so, his eyes locked on yours.
Your hips can’t help but squirm, yearning for friction. The man is a complete tease and loves to see you whine for his touch. His breath hits against your inner thighs followed by longing kisses.
“Stop teasing,” You close your legs to trap his head which makes you smirk. He pulls your panties down and tosses them over his shoulder. He listens to you and dives right in. His tongue hot in pursuit on your clit.
The moment he makes contact, your back arches off the bed. You grab a pillow and hold it over your face to suppress the moan that you have no control over coming out. Sad Eyes pushes your legs up at the base of your ass to have nice view and space to put in work. His tongue is lathering your sensitive bud as well as teasing your entrance.
You moan and move, feeling the sensation build. God, how could you have stayed mad at him? He makes you come undone with his mouth, his touch, his body and even a just look most of the time. He set off new things you never felt, physically and emotionally. Though you two never formally spoke of being together nor did he openly claim you, you didn’t see end to being with him.
“Mhmmm,” He hums, sending vibrations through your core and nearly having you cross eyed.
You push yourself on your elbows to watch him. Eyes locked and nothing but sin staring back at you, “Fuck me already.” He licks one last swipe and comes up to kiss you, tasting yourself on his tongue. His hand finds your hips to tell you move up. He taps your ass for you to move on your knees. Face down, ass up his favorite way to have you.
He pulls your ass to press against him. You can feel his erection and how bad he is about to give it to you, “Please, papi.” A hiss escapes you as he lands a smack on your ass. Then another. You finally feel his fingers spreading your arousal to prepare you for him. He soon replaces his fingers with his cock. For a minute, he pushes himself through your folds to get him slicked up too. This alone is enough to send you into oblivion.
You are growing impatient but before you can speak up he slides himself deep into you to the hilt. His impressive size stretching you, a burn starts but pleasure continues. You both groan as he stays in place to get you comfortable. Sad Eyes has you in his control and you are not complaining.
“So warm, all mine. Hm? Tell me.”
You gasp when he pulls your hair back as your skins slap together, “I-I’m yours, only yours, Papi.” He pulls your hair harder to get you to sit up. Your back is pressed against his chest, still getting pounded. He still has his grip on your hair, your cheek pressed against his. Sad Eyes grabs your face to turn you to look at him, his mouth covers yours and you kiss roughly. Tongues fighting for dominance.
The sensation that has been building up is nearing a release. Your moans sound in the room without your control as if he has a control on how your body reacts. Thankful for the music blasting outside and inside your room to muffle the sounds of you both slowly coming undone.
“Oh shiiiit, fuck.” He releases the grip on your hair and lets you fall forward, gripping your hips now and he is pounding into you relentlessly. He pulls out and strokes himself before pushing back into. He does so a few times before he started to pound you again. The pace picked up meant that he is close to release too. You’d be lying to say you were both about to cum together but you ride out your orgasm for him to reach his.
He reaches under you to rub your clit to help intensify your orgasm. And nearly instantly, your body convulses. The pleasure exploding inside you. You are gasping and releasing inhumane sounds from the bliss your body is feeling.
“Fuck.” He says as he pulls out just in time for his seed to spurt on your ass.
Fuck a workout, all you need is this. You’re trying to catch your breath as he gets off the bed and reaches for towel hanging to wipe the mess from you as you still lay with your ass in the air.
“I can’t move, help.” You laugh and he helps you. He pulls you flush against him, your orgasm has your legs weak. Kissing you while feeling your heated body.
“I’ll never get use to this, you know. Not just the fucking you senseless. Just being with you.” He holds your face in his hands. His eyes glint with adoration.
You blush and look away before puckering your lips for another kiss. He complies, “Mmm, good. I don’t wanna get use to it. I wanna have long days and nights with you. For a while.”
He smiles and nods in agreement, “Mi mujer.”
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littlesparklight · 3 years
What is it about Zeus/Ganymede that you like so much?
I like them because I enjoy the dynamic (problematic I know 😬) and the fact that Ganymede was the only one who was given immortality, he must’ve been adored 🥰 instead of simply being a toy (which is my most dislike interpretation because it’s disrespectful to both parties imo)
Do you read fic of them (besides your own)? I remember reading a fic on live journal that I loved everything about but it’s gone R.I.P 😔
Ahh, anon. (guess who lost the original version because of clumsy fingers and now has to rewrite this...) First of all, yes, I do read fic other than my own! I’ve searched high and low for more to read, but I’m picky since a lot of it is with a negative/”realistic” take and I’m not here for that, so I never get to read as much of it as I’d like. And fic disappearing always sucks. :c
Second! Yeah, I plain enjoy the dynamic when spun in a positive way. Zeus must be completely besotted, because Ganymede is the only one that was taken to Olympus, and the only one who was given immortality! Any other relationship aside from Hera (and previous wives) last maybe a year or so at most? Clearly not so for Ganymede. How can I not like that? Not that I don’t understand why people would go with a negative/more “realistic” take, but honestly I am shamelessly going to go with the positive one, both because that pleases me and because that’s clearly what was intended from the ancients’ POV.
I also like both a bit of drama and kidnapping as a plot point, so the fact that things start with kidnapping is a feature not a bug for me. On top of that I like power differences, especially magical ones (extremely powerful beings having a squishy lover is catnip for me ok), and the other ones that comes with Zeus/Ganymede are great too.
Which, as a side point, leads into that any deity/human pairing is going to be incomprehensibly unequal. Any age differences is honestly the smallest issue when it comes to Z/G in specific or deity/mortal in general (considering that say, any Apollo ship for example is going to have them as well, even if he looks eternally nineteen). Ganymede could have been a 40 year old king and still would have been as powerless against and compared to Zeus as he was when he was taken as a teenager. A couple decades extra life experience isn’t going to change that (and, anyway, at some point Ganymede is going to be hundreds to thousands of years old, even if he’s still technically a youth.) If you’re into deity/human ships, this is just how it is. The options (in Greek myth) for mortals are to go “I’m into this, let’s go!!” or reject the god, and with rejection comes 1. it happens anyway, 2. turning/being turned into something else, 3. death. 2 or 3 are as bad as 1 when the mortal is unwilling, but there’s no really functional difference between rejection and consent when we’re talking about a being that is so massively powerful compared to a human. There’s not really any “ethical” way for a fictional relationship like this, and so, whatever. I’m into it, lol.
And with Zeus’ tendency of playing favourites, and the possibility of Ganymede basically having Zeus wrapped around his little finger? Yeah, all that power in service of spoiling his lover. ;)
Also, like. This is basically a bride kidnapping without the father’s permission. Zeus even pays a bride price!
In the end, like I’ve said before, Ganymede is going to be on Olympus either way. The Iliad’s version has not a whiff of the kidnapping being done for sexual reasons (the sexual element is old, but not as old as the oldest sources we have); the gods, all of them, decided “yeah that one is way too pretty to waste on a human life, get him up here” and took Ganymede for themselves. Why not add some HEA with love too?
Have some quotes below:
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 2. 414 ff (trans. Mozley) (Roman epic C1st A.D.) : "[Depicted on a tapestry of Hypsipyle queen of Lemnos :] This part showed the rape on leafy Ida and the famed flight of the boy [Ganymede]; presently he was standing joyfully at the table in heaven, nay, even Jove's [Zeus'] armour-bearer himself [Ares] quaffs the beguiling draught from the Phrygian's ministering hand."
Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 8. 427 ff (trans. Way) (Greek epic C4th A.D.) :
‘O Father Zeus, if of thy seed I am, if at thine best I left far-famous Troy for immortality with deathless Gods, O hear me now, whose soul is anguish-thrilled! I cannot bear to see my fathers' town in flames, my kindred in disastrous strife perishing: bitterer sorrow is there none! Oh, if thine heart is fixed to do this thing, let me be far hence! Less shall be my grief if I behold it not with these mine eyes. That is the depth of horror and of shame to see one's country wrecked by hands of foes.’ With groans and tears so pleaded Ganymede. Then Zeus himself with one vast pall of cloud veiled all the city of Priamos (Priam) world-renowned; and all the murderous fight was drowned in mist, and like a vanished phantom was the wall in vapours heavy-hung no eye could pierce; and all around crashed thunders, lightnings flamed from heaven . . . Then left they [the Greeks] that far-famous town, and turned from war, in awe of Zeus' threatenings." 
Also, like, check out the opening scene of Christopher Marlowe’s Dido play, because it’s got some really funny exchanges between Zeus and Ganymede and Zeus basically promising Ganymede anything he might want for, uh... “hugs” /cough.
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